Shining Force Save State Hacking Guide Usable with the Genecyst emulator (.gs0 style save states) Written by Thundergod ( Version 1.0: First draft, all character information, plus magic and item modifier digits. Version 1.1: Changed the layout slightly, for easier reading, and added a special note. Version 1.2: Added an explanation of offsets. Version 1.3: Added the offsets for money. Version 1.4: Minor corrections made. Version 1.5: Changed the info on an item. Version 1.6: More minor changes. Unpublished work Copyright 2000 Thundergod This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as long as this disclaimer and the above copyright notice appears in full. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotional purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Thundergod . All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. Please give credit where it is due. Thanks go to: Ragnarosen ( for the form of the following paragraph, and for the section on hexadecimal. Kao Megura ( for the copyright statement. Brian Bruening ( for information on a supposedly useless item. To download ROMs and emulators for all systems, go to To alter the statistics of your characters through hacking into your save state (or .gs0 file), you'll need to go to Break Point Software ( and download a program called "Hex Workshop." Once you're finished downloading and the program is finished running SETUP.EXE automatically, open Hex Workshop and use it to open any Shining Force .gs0 files you may have. NOTE: This Hacking Guide was designed for use with the Genecyst emulator, and was hacked with Break Point Software's Hex Workshop. This guide will not work with any other programs, as each one works with the save states differently. ----------------------------------------------------------- OFFSETS: Most of the questions I get anymore have to do with offsets – what are they, how do I tell what I'm editing, I don't understand hacking in general, etc. As far as I am concerned, the help Section is as thorough is it is going to get. The only way I could explain it any better would be to point at the screen and say, "See that there? That's what you need to change!" Since I can't do that, you'll just have to be on your own if you need any help more detailed than what I have included below. If you REALLY cannot figure out offsets and hacking on your own, read the Hex Workshop help file. For the best explanation (with pictures), open the help file and click on the Find tab. Search for offset, click on the first option (there should be four), and click on "How to Hex Edit" in the box below. Read over that very carefully, and you should have no trouble with hacking and finding offsets after that. If you STILL do not understand, then odds are hacking is, quite seriously, not for you. If you have reached this stage and do not understand, do not e-mail me, for I will not be able to help you. Do not ask me to hack files for you; I will ignore any request to do so. ----------------------------------------------------------- Help! Answers for commonly asked questions: You don't use a cartridge in the Genesis for this process. Have you heard of emulation? An emulator is a program on your PC (or Mac) that you can use to play the games you have. First, you need to download an emulator (Genecyst is the best, in my opinion) and Shining Force ROM. Once you have both, load up the ROM in your emulator. If you are using Genecyst, press F5 to save the game's state. This will make a copy of that EXACT moment in the game, so when you load the state (F7) it will reappear right at that point. Now that you have a save state file (.gs0 for Genecyst), load up the Hex Workshop program, load the save state, and hack away! This can only be done on the computer, when you are using an emulator (like Genecyst) and ROMs (in this case, Shining Force.) Go to for ROMs, emulators, and how to use them. If you already know, and/or are already using an emulator, then move on to the next paragraph. Otherwise, get them so that you can follow the rest of this. Once you are using an emulator, you may have found out how to use save states. Basically, save states save all the details of your game at that exact moment. Thus, you can use it more often, and faster, than regular saving. For example, if you want to save your state right before making a choice (like a fork in the road,) if you choose the wrong path, you can just load up your save state and choose again. At any rate, to begin hacking, go to the Breakpoint software homepage ( and download a copy of Hex Workshop. Load up your favorite emulator (whatever that may be) and make a save state. A Genecyst save state will have the same name as the ROM, and will have the file extension .gs0. For Genecyst (the best emulator , in my opinion) press F5 to save a state, and F7 to load a state. Next, load up Hex Workshop and load the save state (ex: sf1.gs0) Use the "go to" command, which should be under Edit, to got to the offset you are looking for. For example, if the offset is 90B4, type 90B4 and press enter, and it will take you right to it. Keep in mind that this all uses the hexadecimal system, which means that not only is there 0 - 9, but also A - F. A = 10, B = 11, and so on. This is called hexadecimal because there are 16 numbers instead of ten. So, let's say that offset 24041 is the offset for speed, and you want speed to be at max (255, FF in hexadecimal). Use "go to" to go to offset 24041, and then type in FF. Next, save the data, and open the emulator again. Load the state, and voila! the character's speed will be at 255. Note that you can make as many changes as you want before reloading the state (not just one, as in the example), and that you should close Hex Workshop before reloading the state. To find a particular offset easily, use the "go to" command in the edit menu (I think). Remember, because of the hexadecimal system you can also enter letters from A to F. For example, if the offset is 2041A, use "go to" and type in 2041A. The program will take you right to it! Also, somewhere on the screen (bottom right corner I think) a small box will say what offset you are currently on (ex. Offset: 2041A). Now for the entering of values. Let's say you want to change the Hero's attack to 99 (which is the max). To do that, go to the offset that changes attack (I forget the number) and type in two number (or letters from A to F) The hexadecimal system is hard to grasp at first. In the 99 example, 99 become 63 in hexadecimal form. In decimal (or standard) form, the base is ten. This means that for a number (say 1429) each digit is multiplied by an increasing power of ten. For 1429, it looks like this: (9*1)+(2*10)+(4*100)+(1*1000) or (9*10^0)+(2*10^1)+(4*10^2)+(1*10^3) with the carat (^) referring to the power of the number. If you already know how to work with powers, I apologize for repeating this basic information. As you can see, the powers of the digits increase at we go along. In hexadecimal, the base is 16, not 10, so there are a few changes. Here's what 1429 would look like in hexadecimal: (9*1)+(2*16)+(4*256)+(1*4096) or (9*16^0)+(2*16^1)+(4*16^2)+(1*16^3) Thus, 63 in hexadecimal equals 99 in decimal because (3*1)+(6*16) equals 99. The highest number you can get with one offset is 255 (FF in hexadecimal). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Those new to hex and hex editors can read the following: - Typical hex editors display a file with "offsets" on the left of the screen, "hex values" in the middle, and the "printed garbage" on the right of the screen. - Offsets are the addresses. It may appear like this: 00000000 - Hex values are the values. They may appear like this: E6 03 20 20 FF - The printed garbage is there only so humans can look at it. It's not very pretty; it won't help you in most cases; don't worry about it. - This guide will represent the offsets in this format: #B9 - The last number (0-9, A-F) in an offset is the COLUMN you need to go to. So for the offset of #B9, go to the line "000000B0" and the 9th column to the right. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- - For the different offsets, here's a Quick List of the most commonly used values: HEX VALUE DECIMAL VALUE USES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "63" for "99" used for levels, item quantities "FF" for "255" used for statistics "03 E7" for "999" used for HP, Max HP, statistics "0F 27" for "9999" used for HP, Max HP "98 96 7F" for "9,999,999" used for money or experience ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Money: C107, C108, C109 CHARACTER OFFSETS: Hero: Name: C10A – C111 Level: C115 Attack: C116 Defense: C117 Agility: C118 Move: C119 Experience: C11B Present HP: C11D, C11C Maximum HP: C11F, C11E Present MP: C120 Maximum MP: C121 Items: C124 – C127 Magic: C128 – C12B Mae: Name: C132 – C139 Level: C13D Attack: C13E Defense: C13F Agility: C140 Move: C141 Experience: C143 Present HP: C145, C144 Maximum HP: C147, C146 Present MP: C148 Maximum MP: C149 Items: C14C – C14F Magic: C150 – C153 Pelle: Name: C15A – C161 Level: C165 Attack: C166 Defense: C167 Agility: C168 Move: C169 Experience: C16B Present HP: C16D, C16C Maximum HP: C16F, C16E Present MP: C170 Maximum MP: C171 Items: C174 – C177 Magic: C178 – C17B Ken: Name: C182 - C189 Level: C18D Attack: C18E Defense: C18F Agility: C190 Move: C191 Experience: C193 Present HP: C195, C194 Maximum HP: C197, C196 Present MP: C198 Maximum MP: C199 Items: C19C – C19F Magic: C1A0 – C1A3 Vankar: Name: C1AA – C1B1 Level: C1B5 Attack: C1B6 Defense: C1B7 Agility: C1B8 Move: C1B9 Experience: C1BB Present HP: C1BD, C1BC Maximum HP: C1BF, C1BE Present MP: C1C0 Maximum MP: C1C1 Items: C1C4 – C1C7 Magic: C1C8 – C1CB Earnest: Name: C1D2 – C1D9 Level: C1DD Attack: C1DE Defense: C1DF Agility: C1E0 Move: C1E1 Experience: C1E3 Present HP: C1E5, C1E4 Maximum HP: C1E7, C1E6 Present MP: C1E8 Maximum MP: C1E9 Items: C1EC – C1EF Magic: C1F0 – C1F3 Arthur: Name: C1FA – C201 Level: C205 Attack: C206 Defense: C207 Agility: C208 Move: C209 Experience: C20B Present HP: C20D, C20C Maximum HP: C20F, C20E Present MP: C210 Maximum MP: C211 Items: C214 – C217 Magic: C218 – C21B Gort: Name: C222 – C229 Level: C22D Attack: C22E Defense: C22F Agility: C230 Move: C231 Experience: C233 Present HP: C235, C234 Maximum HP: C237, C236 Present MP: C238 Maximum MP: C239 Items: C23C – C23F Magic: C240 – C243 Luke: Name: C24A – C251 Level: C255 Attack: C256 Defense: C257 Agility: C258 Move: C259 Experience: C25B Present HP: C25D, C25C Maximum HP: C25F, C25E Present MP: C260 Maximum MP: C261 Items: C264 – C267 Magic: C268 – C26B Guntz: Name: C272 – C279 Level: C27D Attack: C27E Defense: C27F Agility: C280 Move: C281 Experience: C283 Present HP: C285, C284 Maximum HP: C287, C286 Present MP: C288 Maximum MP: C289 Items: C28C – C28F Magic: C290 – C293 Anri: Name: C29A – C2A1 Level: C2A5 Attack: C2A6 Defense: C2A7 Agility: C2A8 Move: C2A9 Experience: C2AB Present HP: C2AD, C2AC Maximum HP: C2AF, C2AE Present MP: C2B0 Maximum MP: C2B1 Items: C2B4 – C2B7 Magic: C2B8 – C2BB Alef: Name: C2C2 – C2C9 Level: C2CD Attack: C2CE Defense: C2CF Agility: C2D0 Move: C2D1 Experience: C2D3 Present HP: C2D5, C2D4 Maximum HP: C2D7, C2D6 Present MP: C2D8 Maximum MP: C2D9 Items: C2DC – C2DF Magic: C2E0 – C2E3 Tao: Name: C2EA – C2F1 Level: C2F5 Attack: C2F6 Defense: C2F7 Agility: C2F8 Move: C2F9 Experience: C2FB Present HP: C2FD, C2FC Maximum HP: C2FF C2FE Present MP: C300 Maximum MP: C301 Items: C304 – C307 Magic: C308 – C30B Domingo: Name: C312 – C319 Level: C31D Attack: C31E Defense: C31F Agility: C320 Move: C321 Experience: C323 Present HP: C325, C324 Maximum HP: C327, C326 Present MP: C328 Maximum MP: C329 Items: C32C – C32F Magic: C330 – C333 Lowe: Name: C33A – C341 Level: C345 Attack: C346 Defense: C347 Agility: C348 Move: C349 Experience: C34B Present HP: C34D, C34C Maximum HP: C34F, C34E Present MP: C350 Maximum MP: C351 Items: C354 – C357 Magic: C358 – C35B Khris: Name: C362 – C369 Level: C36D Attack: C36E Defense: C36F Agility: C370 Move: C371 Experience: C373 Present HP: C375, C374 Maximum HP: C377, C376 Present MP: C378 Maximum MP: C379 Items: C37C – C37F Magic: C380 – C383 Torasu: Name: C38A – C391 Level: C395 Attack: C396 Defense: C397 Agility: C398 Move: C399 Experience: C39B Present HP: C39D, C39C Maximum HP: C39F, C39E Present MP: C3A0 Maximum MP: C3A1 Items: C3A4 – C3A7 Magic: C3A8 – C3AB Gong: Name: C3B2 – C3B9 Level: C3BD Attack: C3BE Defense: C3BF Agility: C3C0 Move: C3C1 Experience: C3C3 Present HP: C3C5, C3C4 Maximum HP: C3C7, C3C6 Present MP: C3C8 Maximum MP: C3C9 Items: C3CC – C3CF Magic: C3D0 – C3D3 Diane: Name: C3DA – C3E1 Level: C3E5 Attack: C3E6 Defense: C3E7 Agility: C3E8 Move: C3E9 Experience: C3EB Present HP: C3ED, C3EC Maximum HP: C3EF, C3EE Present MP: C3F0 Maximum MP: C3F1 Items: C3F4 – C3F7 Magic: C3F8 – C3FB Hans: Name: C402 – C409 Level: C40D Attack: C40E Defense: C40F Agility: C410 Move: C411 Experience: C413 Present HP: C415, C414 Maximum HP: C417, C416 Present MP: C418 Maximum MP: C419 Items: C41C – C41F Magic: C420 – C423 Lyle: Name: C42A – C431 Level: C435 Attack: C436 Defense: C437 Agility: C438 Move: C439 Experience: C43B Present HP: C43D, C43C Maximum HP: C43F, C43E Present MP: C440 Maximum MP: C441 Items: C444 – C447 Magic: C448 – C44B Amon: Name: C452 – C459 Level: C45D Attack: C45E Defense: C45F Agility: C460 Move: C461 Experience: C463 Present HP: C465, C464 Maximum HP: C467, C466 Present MP: C468 Maximum MP: C469 Items: C46C – C46F Magic: C470 – C473 Balbaroy: Name: C47A – C481 Level: C485 Attack: C486 Defense: C487 Agility: C488 Move: C489 Experience: C48B Present HP: C48D, C48C Maximum HP: C48F, C48E Present MP: C490 Maximum MP: C491 Items: C494 – C497 Magic: C498 – C49B Kokichi: Name: C4A2 – C4A9 Level: C4AD Attack: C4AE Defense: C4AF Agility: C4B0 Move: C4B1 Experience: C4B3 Present HP: C4B5, C4B4 Maximum HP: C4B7, C4B6 Present MP: C4B8 Maximum MP: C4B9 Items: C4BC – C4BF Magic: C4C0 – C4C3 Bleu: Name: C4CA – C4D1 Level: C4D5 Attack: C4D6 Defense: C4D7 Agility: C4D8 Move: C4D9 Experience: C4DB Present HP: C4DD, C4DC Maximum HP: C4DF, C4DE Present MP: C4E0 Maximum MP: C4E1 Items: C4E4 – C4E7 Magic: C4E8 – C4EB Adam: Name: C4F2 – C4F9 Level: C4FD Attack: C4FE Defense: C4FF Agility: C500 Move: C501 Experience: C503 Present HP: C505, C504 Maximum HP: C507, C506 Present MP: C508 Maximum MP: C509 Items: C50C – C50F Magic: C510 – C513 Zylo: Name: C51A – C521 Level: C525 Attack: C526 Defense: C527 Agility: C528 Move: C529 Experience: C52B Present HP: C52D, C52C Maximum HP: C52F, C52E Present MP: C530 Maximum MP: C531 Items: C534 – C537 Magic: C538 – C53B Musashi: Name: C542 – C549 Level: C54D Attack: C54E Defense: C54F Agility: C550 Move: C551 Experience: C553 Present HP: C555, C554 Maximum HP: C557, C556 Present MP: C558 Maximum MP: C559 Items: C55C – C55F Magic: C560 – C563 Hanzou: Name: C56A – C571 Level: C575 Attack: C576 Defense: C577 Agility: C578 Move: C579 Experience: C57B Present HP: C57D, C57C Maximum HP: C57F, C57E Present MP: C580 Maximum MP: C581 Items: C584 – C587 Magic: C588 – C58B Jogurt: Name: C592 – C599 Level: C59D Attack: C59E Defense: C59F Agility: C5A0 Move: C5A1 Experience: C5A3 Present HP: C5A5, C5A4 Maximum HP: C5A7, C5A6 Present MP: C5A8 Maximum MP: C5A9 Items: C5AC – C5AF Magic: C5B0 – C5B3 Items: * = Dummied out, useless item 00: Medical Herb 01: Healing Seed 02: Antidote 03: Shower of Cure 04: Angel Wing 05: Power Potion 06: Defense Potion 07: Legs of Haste 08: Turbo Pepper 09: Bread of Life 0A: Power Ring 0B: Shield Ring 0C: Speed Ring 0D: Mobility Ring 0E: White Ring 0F: Black Ring 10: Evil Ring 11: Sugoi Mizugi 12: Orb of Light 13: Moon Stone 14: Lunar Dew 15: Kutui Huku 16: Domingo Egg 17: Kenji* 18: Teppou* 19: Kaku-Chan* 1A: Yougi* 1B: Great Axe 1C: Kinden No Hako (See notes below) 1D: Short Sword 1E: Middle Sword 1F: Long Sword 20: Steel Sword 21: Broad Sword 22: Doom Blade 23: Katana 24: Elven Arrow 25: Sword of Darkness 26: Sword of Light 27: Chaos Breaker 28: Bronze Lance 29: Steel Lance 2A: Chrome Lance 2B: Devil Lance 2C: Halberd 2D: Spear 2E: Power Spear 2F: Valkyrie 30: Hand Axe 31: Middle Axe 32: Battle Axe 33: Heat Axe 34: Atlas 35: Wooden Staff 36: Guardian Staff 37: Holy Staff 38: Power Staff 39: Demon Rod 3A: Yogurt Ring 3B: Wooden Arrow 3C: Steel Arrow 3D: Assault Shell 3E: Buster Shot 3F: Dummy* 40: Medical Herb 41: Healing Seed 42: Antidote 43: Shower of Cure 44: Angel Wing 45: Power Potion 46: Defense Potion 47: Legs of Haste 48: Turbo Pepper 49: Bread of Life 4A: Power Ring 4B: Shield Ring 4C: Speed Ring 4D: Mobility Ring 4E: White Ring 4F: Black Ring 50: Evil Ring 51: Sugoi Muzugi 52: Orb of Light 53: Moon Stone 54: Lunar Dew 55: Kitui Huku 56: Domingo Egg 57: Kenji* 58: Teppou* 59: Kaku-Chan* 5A: Yougi* 5B: Great Axe 5C: Kindan No Hako* 5D: Short Sword 5E: Middle Sword 5F: Long Sword 60: Steel Sword 61: Broad Sword 62: Doom Blade 63: Katana 64: Elven Arrow 65: Sword of Darkness 66: Sword of Light 67: Chaos Breaker 68: Bronze Lance 69: Steel Lance 6A: Chrome Lance 6B: Devil Lance 6C: Halberd 6D: Spear 6E: Power Spear 6F: Valkyrie 70: Hand Axe 71: Middle Axe 72: Battle Axe 73: Heat Axe 74: Atlas 75: Wooden Staff 76: Guardian Staff 77: Holy Staff 78: Power Staff 79: Demon Rod 7A: Yogurt Ring 7B: Wooden Arrow 7C: Steel Arrow 7D: Assult Shell 7E: Buster Shot 7F: Dummy* Equipped Items: 80: Medical Herb 81: Healing Seed 82: Antidote 83: Shower of Cure 84: Angel Wing 85: Power Potion 86: Defense Potion 87: Legs of Haste 88: Turbo Pepper 89: Bread of Life 8A: Power Ring 8B: Shield Ring 8C: Speed Ring 8D: Mobility Ring 8E: White Ring 8F: Black Ring 90: Evil Ring 91: Sugoi Mizugi 92: Orb of Light 93: Moon Stone 94: Lunar Dew 95: Kutui Huku 96: Domingo Egg 97: Kenji* 98: Teppou* 99: Kaku-Chan* 9A: Yougi* 9B: Great Axe 9C: Kinden No Hako* 9D: Short Sword 9E: Middle Sword 9F: Long Sword A0: Steel Sword A1: Broad Sword A2: Doom Blade A3: Katana A4: Elven Arrow A5: Sword of Darkness A6: Sword of Light A7: Chaos Breaker A8: Bronze Lance A9: Steel Lance AA: Chrome Lance AB: Devil Lance AC: Halberd AD: Spear AE: Power Spear AF: Valkyrie B0: Hand Axe B1: Middle Axe B2: Battle Axe B3: Heat Axe B4: Atlas B5: Wooden Staff B6: Guardian Staff B7: Holy Staff B8: Power Staff B9: Demon Rod BA: Yogurt Ring BB: Wooden Arrow BC: Steel Arrow BD: Assult Shell BE: Buster Shot BF: Dummy* C0: Medical Herb C1: Healing Seed C2: Antidote C3: Shower of Cure C4: Angel Wing C5: Power Potion C6: Defense Potion C7: Legs of Haste C8: Turbo Pepper C9: Bread of Life CA: Power Ring CB: Shield Ring CC: Speed Ring CD: Mobility Ring CE: White Ring CF: Black Ring D0: Evil Ring D1: Sugoi Muzugi D2: Orb of Light D3: Moon Stone D4: Lunar Dew D5: Kitui Huku D6: Domingo Egg D7: Kenji* D8: Teppou* D9: Kaku-Chan* DA: Yougi* DB: Great Axe DC: Kindan No Hako* DD: Short Sword DE: Middle Sword DF: Long Sword E0: Steel Sword E1: Broad Sword E2: Doom Blade E3: Katana E4: Elven Arrow E5: Sword of Darkness E6: Sword of Light E7: Chaos Breaker E8: Bronze Lance E9: Steel Lance EA: Chrome Lance EB: Devil Lance EC: Halberd ED: Spear EE: Power Spear EF: Valkyrie F0: Hand Axe F1: Middle Axe F2: Battle Axe F3: Heat Axe F4: Atlas F5: Wooden Staff F6: Guardian Staff F7: Holy Staff F8: Power Staff F9: Demon Rod FA: Yogurt Ring FB: Wooden Arrow FC: Steel Arrow FD: Assult Shell FE: Buster Shot FF: Empty Space Magic: * = Dummy Spells, various effects and MP cost 00: Heal 1 01: Aura 1 02: Detox 1 03: Quick 1 04: Slow 1 05: Boost 1 06: Dispel 1 07: Shield 1 08: Muddle 1 09: Blaze 1 0A: Freeze 1 0B: Bolt 1 0C: Desoul 1 0D: Egress 1 0E: Dummy* 0F: Sleep 1 10 – 3F: Dummy* 40: Heal 2 41: Aura 2 42: Detox 2 43: Quick 2 44: Slow 2 45: Boost 2* 46: Dispel 2* 47: Shield 2* 48: Muddle 2* 49: Blaze 2 4A: Freeze 2 4B: Bolt 2 4C: Desoul 2 4D: Egress 2* 4E: Dummy 2* 4F: Sleep 2* 50 – 7F: Dummy* 80: Heal 3 81: Aura 3 82: Detox 3* 83: Quick 3* 84: Slow 3* 85: Boost 3* 86: Dispel 3* 87: Shield 3* 88: Muddle 3* 89: Blaze 3 8A: Freeze 3 8B: Bolt 3 8C: Desoul 3* 8D: Egress 3* 8E: Dummy 3* 8F: Sleep 3* 90 - BF: Dummy* C0: Heal 4 C1: Aura 4 C2: Detox 4* C3: Quick 4* C4: Slow 4* C5: Boost 4* C6: Dispel 4* C7: Shield 4* C8: Muddle 4* C9: Blaze 4 CA: Freeze 4 CB: Bolt 4 CC: Desoul 4* CD: Egress 4* CE: Dummy 4* CF: Sleep 4* D0 - FE: Dummy* FF: Empty Space Notes: When a character is promoted, their stats will go back to a certain point. Thus, if you have changed their stats before a promotion, you will have to change them again afterwards. An easy way to get promoted early on is to set the character's level to 9 (hex 09) and experience to 99 (hex 63). That way, any attack that gets you experience will boost you to level 10, enabling you to be promoted. In the magic modifier list, if a spell says it is a certain level, then the other levels below it come with it. For example, Heal 3 also contains Heal 1 and 2. The maximum value for all the stats is 99, except for HP, which can be as high as you want it (I think). The Kinden No Hako item (1C) has a great ability! When used in battle, it appears to do nothing, but check your characters after USING it. They will all be raised up to level 19 I believe (at least when promoted) and will gain all of their skills they can when doing so. When unpromoted I'm not positive, but I do know that everyone goes up levels either way. Thanks to Brian Bruening ( for this information!