GENESIS - USA PLATFORM - 1 PLAYER __________ / / / _______/ / / / /______ ______ / / ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _________ / __ / ___ _____ /______ / / / / / / / / | / / / ___ / / /_/ / / / /__ / / / / /___/ / / / / | / / / / / / /_____/ / / ___/ / ______/ / / ____ / / / / /| | SHINOBI 3 / / / __ \ / / /__ / / / / / / / / / / / | |/ / / /__/ / / /_/ / / / ___/ / /________/ /__/ /__/ /__/ /__/ |____/ /________/ /_____/ /__/ /____/ Return of the Ninja Master Shinobi 3 move list by KageKaze Release 1 (4/6/99) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Words from the Author 2. Ninjitsu Skills 3. Shinobi's Moves 4. Copyright Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORDS FROM THE AUTHOR: What can I say... except, I love this game. One of the few platform action games that I can pick up and play over and over again. Sometimes I just turn it on long enough to blaze though the first level(s) simply because I love the versatility of Ninja Master Shinobi. One of my favorite parts of this game is that Shinobi is basicly a walking weapon. There have been days that I wanted to record my progress in Shinobi and show it to people simply because it looked very cool. I could basicly blaze through the first few levels very fast and make it look very cool. I take every oppertunity to do any cool moves that I can, trying to play Shinobi like the Ninja Master he is. And for those of you who might be thinking I'm probably one of the better gaming guru's, DONT! I'm pretty good, allright, but minor leauge compared to other people I've seen, and I'll be the first to tell you that, hehe. Okay, this game probably didn't need a move list, but I simply enjoy the game so much I couldn't resist. Becides, not everyone knows exactly what Shinobi can do in this version of the game, right? So basicly, just think of this as a quick referance to the skills your Ninja Master has available. Might as well tell you exactly why I like this game... if you actually read this, I thank you very much and hope that I might actually hear from you. Anyway, here it goes... Shinobi has a limited number of Shurikens that allow him to kill at a distance, but if you play it right it won't be the way you kill most of your opponents. Moves like the Jump Kick and the Dashing Sword (which lets you go through projectiles while you're jumping into the swing) let you take out your opponents in more creative ways and it doesn't cost you any ammo at all. You can basicly dash through entire levels with just these two attacks and all you'll really need is timing. Not only that, but you've also got Ninjitsu wich really helps out alot. I suppose I just can't explaine it, but being able to jump up off a rope, bounce off a wall, then dash sword open a box containing a 1up just makes me feel good. It looks so seemless, none of Shinobi's moves look "forced" on him. I suppose the only other way I can put it is that Shinobi has special moves that aren't overly "Special" (i.e. Shinobi has yet to fire energy bolts from his hands, mind you, I have NOTHING against Ryu and Ken ^_^) Becides, how many Ninjas do you know who ride horseback and on Jet Powered Surf boards? hehe. Well I won't bother you anymore with my endless ranting and bothersome explinations. On now to the FAQ and thank you very very much if you did bother to read this. PS> The above 'needless explination' is an HTML coding joke. So I'm not very funny. =Þ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NINJITSU SKILLS: Jitsu of Ikazuchi -- Invulnerability (Jitsu of Thunder) Jitsu of Kariu -- Fire Dragon Attack Jitsu of Fushin -- Increases jump height Jitsu of Mijin -- Sacrifice (spare) life for ultimate damage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHINOBI'S MOVES: (Standard Moves) Dash -- Forward, Forward Throw Shuriken -- Attack at distance Katana -- Attack near opponent Dashing Sword -- Dash then attack Jump Kick -- Jump then press Down and Attack Wall Jump -- Jump at wall, press towards the wall, then push jump Grab rope/rail -- Hold Up while jumping Double Jump -- Push jump again when at peak of jump Shuriken Sweep -- Double Jump then press attack (uses 8 shurikens) Block -- Hold attack button When on Horseback or on the Surfboard, the only move available is the Jump Kick, which will be modified depending on which you are on. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT INFORMATION-- This FAQ is Copyright KageKaze (Troy Ludwig), this document may be reproduced as long as no information is changed or edited in any way. The only thing I ask from any webmasters or publishers is to please notify me if this FAQ is used on their forum. (web page, article, etc..)