Snow Bros - FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.02 Written by MagiKid Last Updated: 10/4/05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ____ ____ /\ _`\ /\ _`\ \ \,\L\_\ ___ ___ __ __ __ \ \ \L\ \ _ __ ___ ____ \/_\__ \ /' _ `\ / __`\/\ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ _ <'/\`'__\/ __`\ /',__\ /\ \L\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \L\ \ \ \_/ \_/ \ \ \ \L\ \ \ \//\ \L\ \/\__, `\ \ `\____\ \_\ \_\ \____/\ \___x___/' \ \____/\ \_\\ \____/\/\____/ \/_____/\/_/\/_/\/___/ \/__//__/ \/___/ \/_/ \/___/ \/___/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Update History 3. Game Basics 4. Power-ups 5. Enemies 6. Tips and Strategies 7. Walkthrough 8. Passwords 9. Closing/Legal Info ------------------------------ 1. Introduction ------------------------------ Welcome to my Snow Bros FAQ. This is a Genesis port of an overlooked yet fun arcade game that I imagine most have never even heard of.Interestingly enough, this game was designed by Toaplan, the now-dead company that was behind Zero Wing, infamous for its horrible translation. Though there is less text in this game, it is clear their English skills have not improved. Apparently this game was cancelled during production but released regardless, and still managed to generate enough income to warrant two console ports and an arcade sequel. No one ever would have guessed. Let's go Update History! ------------------------------ 2. Update History ------------------------------ Version 1.02 - 10/4/05 General rewording and a corrected mistake. Completion of the word SNOW will provide an extra life as opposed to a continue. This was a misinterpretation on my part; apologies for any confusion. Version 1.01 - 8/30/04 Updated to reflect a change of e-mail address. Nothing more. Version 1.01 - 6/23/04 Thanks to an informant, I now know what happens if you spell out the word SNOW after receiving the Snowman Head. The Power-ups section has been updated to reflect this. Version 1.0 - 6/10/04 Finished up this FAQ and proceeded to upload. It only took me four days to complete, and as a result, it is small. However, I have included everything I can think of that is worth including, so I guess the game itself is short. ------------------------------ 3. Game Basics ------------------------------ In Snow Bros, you play as a snowman who runs through levels of what seems to be a very tall building turning enemies into snowballs. You can then knock them into other enemies, or simply into the wall to dispatch them. Attacking ========= Press A or C to fire a small, short range crescent beam. If the beam comes in contact with an enemy, it will cover them in snow. Continue shooting beams at an enemy until they are entirely covered in snow. When the enemy is no more than a snowball, walk right up next to it and press A or C once more to send the snowball flying off, bouncing off walls until it eventually disappears, disposing of the enemy it once was. Combo Attacks ============= When you launch a snowball, it will destroy any enemy it comes in contact with. When an enemy is hit, it will be knocked into the air for a few seconds, and then come down and leave an item worth varying amounts of points behind. It can also randomly leave a power-up behind as well. Combo attacks are the key to your success; a well-placed snowball can knock out several enemies at once. The Enemy Threat ================ One hit from any enemy will kill you, no matter what enemy or what type of attack it uses. Avoid contact with enemies at all costs. You Are Timed ============= After a certain amount of time on any level (except boss levels), a floating pumpkin will appear. The pumpkin will come after you as soon as it appears. The problem is not the pumpkin itself; you can attack it to make it appear elsewhere. The problem is the ghosts it breathes at you. Not only are these completely immune to your beam, they can pass through walls and will follow until you succumb to their power. The pumpkin will disappear if you die or finish the level. The time limit is ridiculously short and so you should expect to encounter the pumpkin quite often. Don't panic; focus on finishing the level and it'll leave you alone. Winning Conditions ================== To finish any given level, you must clear out all the enemies onscreen. When you fulfill this requirement, you will automatically advance to the next floor. If there are any items present, you will be given a chance to collect them before you are taken to the next level. ------------------------------ 4. Power-ups ------------------------------ Power-ups come in the form of jars with colored liquid inside. The color of the liquid will determine what the power-up does. All power-ups will only appear when an enemy is defeated by an incoming snowball. - Red - This will improve your walking speed. You will move and jump twice as fast as you did before. I consider this the most useful of the three basic power-ups. - Blue - Blue power-ups will increase the size of your shots. As a result, it will take less shots to completely cover an enemy in snow. This is useful to quickly dispatch an enemy so you can focus on the others closing in on you. - Yellow - Yellow power-ups will increase the range of your shots. The ability to attack from farther away will make you that much harder to kill. You will still need to approach the enemy to finally defeat them. - Green - This one is interesting. When you get this power-up, your character's size will increase dramatically, and you will be able to float anywhere on the screen and pass through walls. When you touch an enemy in this state, you will instantly defeat them, resulting in an item each time. After a few seconds of pure chaos, you will revert back to normal. - Snowman Head - This does not come in a jar. When you get one of these, the screen will darken and four strange blue creatures will appear. When you defeat one, you will get one letter of the word SNOW. There is typically only enough time to collect one or two letters before the creatures disappear. Spelling out the entire word SNOW will give you one extra life. ------------------------------ 5. Enemies ------------------------------ All enemy names are unofficial. - Goblin - This is a squat red creature with a large nose. They are slow and predictable, making them the easiest enemies to defeat. Do not underestimate them, however, as they can still kill you with the slightest touch. - Yellow Monkey - Yellow monkeys look and act like monkeys, only they are bright yellow with strange blue faces. They are faster than goblins, and can climb walls and drop down to lower levels through the floor. They are still predictable, though, and pose little threat. - Fire Spitter - This is a short green enemy who will frequently open its mouth and let loose a harmful burst of fire. At first they are mostly harmless, as they only fire at a short range, but as they learn new techniques in later levels they will become extremely dangerous. - Tornado Man - This creature is almost ninja-like in appearance. At random times, it will begin to spin around, turning itself into a tornado. In this form, it can pass through walls and is immune to attacks. It will remain a tornado for only a few seconds, and then will turn back and become no different from any other enemy. In later levels, they will throw shurikens in addition to tornado attacks. - Firemonkey - Firemonkeys look like the yellow monkeys, only they are red and have a thick mane. They can do anything the yellow monkeys can do, but they can also throw a ball of fire into the air, which will land a short distance in front of them and leave a small fire burning for a few seconds. The firemonkeys aren't a huge threat, but take care not to go near the explosives they throw. - Ogre - Found only on the final floors, these are like goblins in appearance. That's where the similarities end. Ogres make a habit of charging forward at high speed through the air, making them dangerous in groups. - Bat - Bats can fly, which is something you have not experienced in standard enemies before. They fly slowly in a diagonal pattern, though their direction appears to be random. Depending on the layout, they can be either be a simple obstacle or a major problem. - Sumo - This is not a normal enemy as you cannot defeat him. He will stand at a high, unreachable platform and rain down four bursts of fire in predictable locations. He serves only to make defeating all the other enemies more difficult for you. - Death Pumpkin - The death pumpkin will only appear if you have been in a level too long. It materializes in the center of the level and tracks you down from there. One shot will send it to another location, although it will still come for you. The death pumpkin will disappear if you clear the level or die. - Ghost - These are products of the death pumpkin. They are relentless, and will go through walls in order to get to you. It is impossible to fight against them, so your only option is to finish the level quickly if you wish to survive. ------------------------------ 6. Tips and Strategies ------------------------------ - Snowbound enemies will gradually break out if you leave them alone long enough. If you want an enemy to remain a snowball for an extended amount of time, be sure to hit them with a beam every second or two. - If a launched snowball comes your way, you will get caught up in it and will ride it until you either jump out or it dissipates. Whenever you emerge from riding a snowball, you will be impervious to enemies for a few seconds, so use this to your advantage. - Try to make combo shots whenever possible. It's the only way to get power-ups, and if nothing else, you'll get extra points. - You can push snowballs by walking into them and bump them up a level by jumping from below them. Keep this in mind when you're trying to line up the perfect combo attack. - Never engage an enemy coming at you on a downward slope. Enemies moving downward will move twice as fast, and you often won't have enough time to react before they plow into you. - Use the password feature to your advantage. Whenever you clear a boss floor, or run out of lives at the first or last floor of a stage, you will be given a password so that you can pick up where you left off. Because of this, you can always be assured the right to continue your game even if you run out of credits. - On Hard Mode, the enemies are little faster, take a bit longer to cover in snow, and the death pumpkin will appear sooner. Otherwise, there appear to be no noticeable differences between Easy and Hard. A Few Words About Death ======================= You will die. You will die a lot, often for the most idiotic reasons. This is something you have to accept, because it will happen whether you intend it or not. When you die, provided you have any lives left, you will reappear at the bottom of the level and the game will continue as usual. You will only have to restart the level if you run out of lives. With that in mind, the only real problem with death is that you lose all of your power-ups every time you're hit. Because of this, you will often spend long periods of time completely unpowered. Just remember that death is nothing to fear, as you can continue where you left off at any time with passwords. ------------------------------ 7. Walkthrough ------------------------------ Are you ready? Did you set your lives to 4? No? Your funeral. S T A G E 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLOOR 1 ======= 5 Goblins Since this is the first level, take a moment to get used to the game controls. The goblins will pose no threat, and will practically line themselves up for a combo attack. Don't worry if the death pumpkin appears -- he's only a threat if you take an excessively long time to finish the level. FLOOR 2 ======= 4 Yellow Monkeys, 1 Fire Spitter The yellow monkeys are a bit faster than the goblins from the previous level, but are still nothing to worry about. Watch out for the fire spitter. It moves slowly, but can shoot a burst of fire at you in a moments notice. Your best bet is to attack them from behind. Also, if you take advantage of the layout, it is possible to defeat every enemy in the level with one shot. FLOOR 3 ======= 4 Goblins, 2 Fire Spitters Deal with the goblins as you see fit, but wait for the fire spitters to drop down to a lower level before attacking them. This will make it easier to avoid their flaming projectiles. FLOOR 4 ======= 3 Yellow Monkeys, 2 Fire Spitters The fire spitters will be tucked away in small corners, making it difficult to attack them without getting burned. Wait for one of them to move forward, then jump up behind it and start shooting. Then you can take out the other one by launching your newly-made snowball at it when it gets close. FLOOR 5 ======= 4 Goblins, 2 Fire Spitters, 1 Yellow Monkey To quickly clear this level, jump past the two goblins on the left and cover the fire spitter, then launch it at the goblins you just passed. Then jump up to the top where the yellow monkey waits, and launch that at all the enemies on the right. You'll be the only one standing in no time. FLOOR 6 ======= 4 Fire Spitters, 2 Goblins, 1 Yellow Monkey Wait for the two lowest fire spitters to drop to the level of the yellow monkey, then combo all three of them, taking out the goblins as well. Then it's just a matter of tracking down the remaining fire spitters and blowing them away. FLOOR 7 ======= 6 Goblins Nothing you haven't dealt with already. You can jump to the top and try to take them all out with a combo shot, or you can defeat them one by one. Your choice. FLOOR 8 ======= 4 Goblins, 2 Yellow Monkeys, 2 Fire Spitters Eventually the two fire spitters will drop down to your level, allowing you to combo and dispose of them, as well as anything else nearby. Everything else is standard fare. FLOOR 9 ======= 2 Goblins, 2 Yellow Monkeys, 2 Fire Spitters Use the yellow monkey to your left to take out the two goblins that will drop down to the lowest level. Then dispatch the fire spitters one at a time. By the time you've done this, the second yellow monkey should have jumped out of his box allowing you to defeat it. FLOOR 10 - BOSS =============== Behold the first boss of the game, a large green monster, somewhat lizard-like in appearance. It will jump up and down and throw smaller enemies at you, which you can then turn into snow and launch back at him. It is possible to damage the boss by simply shooting at him, but this will have very little effect. Positioning yourself at the bottom will give you more opportunities to hit the boss, but it is safer to stay at the top of the screen, where you will only have to deal with one enemy at a time. If an enemy is hurdling towards you and you don't have time to dodge it, you can knock it out of the air if you hit it with a beam. The boss will occasionally stop what he's doing and roar at you. This serves no purpose and only leaves him vulnerable. After taking about four or five snowballs, the monster will fall. Feel free to hit him while he's down for extra points. S T A G E 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLOOR 11 ======== 4 Goblins, 2 Fire Spitters Nothing new here. You should be used to these guys by now. FLOOR 12 ======== 4 Yellow Monkeys, 2 Goblins The enemies are familiar, but the terrain is not. Be very careful of the slope in the middle of the level. If an enemy is moving downward on it, it will speed up considerably, making it that much more dangerous. To remedy this, simply don't stay on the slope when an enemy is approaching it. FLOOR 13 ======== 6 Goblins Take care not to bump into a goblin when you're jumping and, as usual, be cautious of the slopes. Other than that, this is nothing out of the ordinary. Also remember that you can launch snowballs up and down slopes just as easily as you can on level ground. FLOOR 14 ======== 4 Goblins, 2 Tornado Men Enter the tornado man. When you see one start spinning, stay away from it as it will come after you as soon as it finishes transforming. Alternatively, as long as a tornado man hasn't completely transformed, you can still hit him with a beam. As for the level itself, it's possible to knock out five of the six enemies in one shot if you use the slopes to your advantage. FLOOR 15 ======== 2 Goblins, 2 Yellow Monkeys, 2 Fire Spitters Another floor with a large slope in the center. This time it proves to be more helpful than harmful, as you can defeat enemies from across the screen with it. FLOOR 16 ======== 4 Goblins, 2 Fire Spitters, 2 Tornado Men In a matter of seconds, most of the enemies will drop into the lower-middle, right where you are. Use this to your advantage to defeat several of them at once. FLOOR 17 ======== 4 Goblins, 2 Tornado Men Use the nearest goblin to defeat one of the tornado men before it can become a problem. Then use the slopes to defeat the rest of the enemies. If the second tornado man transforms, keep your distance and it will revert soon. FLOOR 18 ======== 4 Yellow Monkeys, 2 Fire Spitters Haven't we seen this level before? This is almost exactly the same as a previous level, only mirrored. You know what to do. FLOOR 19 ======== 4 Goblins, 2 Yellow Monkeys, 2 Fire Spitters Two goblins will drop to your level, which you should promptly defeat. As for the goblins in the enclosed spaces, it is best to defeat them with a launched snowball. Going in and facing them directly is a bad idea. FLOOR 20 - BOSS =============== Watch in amazement as a...thing...rises from the floor. This creature is loaded with cannons that will launch bombs in all directions. For best chances of survival, do NOT stand in front of any of the cannons. To defeat it, cover the bombs it shoots at you in snow and shoot them back. Try not to combo attack the bombs, because they will fly into the air and explode upon landing, which is not good at all for our snowy friend. If the boss rises above your level, it is best not to try and attack it, because you'll be positioned directly in front of one of the cannons. After about five well-aimed snowballs, it will begin to sink, at which point you can mercilessly hit it for points. S T A G E 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLOOR 21 ======== 4 Goblins, 4 Fire Spitters Hey, look, the fire spitters have learned a new technique! When you are standing directly below them, they can now fire down at you through platforms. This single move will change them from a minor annoyance to more evil than you can possibly imagine. To defeat them, quickly jump up to the top level while making sure never to stay below them for any period of time. Keep moving at all times. Don't stop for anything. FLOOR 22 ======== 4 Fire Spitters, 2 Goblins, 2 Tornado Men A few seconds in, every non-fire spitter enemy will drop to your level so that you can defeat them all quickly. That leaves the fire spitters to deal with. Start jumping to the highest level while moving back and forth consistently is the best way to avoid the incoming flames. FLOOR 23 ======== 4 Fire Spitters, 2 Goblins, 2 Tornado Men Yes, that's right. It's the exact same thing. The terrain is slightly different, but not enough to make much of a difference. The longer platforms will make it a bit easier to climb to the top. FLOOR 24 ======== 5 Yellow Monkeys, 2 Fire Spitters, Sumo It's time to meet Mr. Sumo. He'll warp into the level about three seconds in, and proceed to hurl orbs of death all over the screen. The surest way to not be hit is to stand directly below the sumo when he's getting ready to attack. Since his platform is unreachable, he can't be defeated by normal means, but you'll advance to the next level as soon as you dispatch all the others. Deal with the rest of the enemies as you normally would; just be sure to keep a watchful eye on the sumo at all times so you can dodge his projectiles. FLOOR 25 ======== 4 Goblins, 4 Tornado Men Take down the tornado men as soon as you can, as they are the primary threat on this floor. If a tornado corners you, try to jump over it and run away. Also be on the look out for shurikens, as the tornado men will throw them quite often by this point. FLOOR 26 ======== 6 Yellow Monkeys, 1 Tornado Man, Sumo The platforms above you are too high to jump to, so you're stuck on the ground for this floor. To lure the yellow monkeys low enough to attack them, stand directly below them and they'll usually jump down. It might take a little while, so patience is the key. FLOOR 27 ======== 6 Goblins, 2 Fire Spitters The goblins will all drop to the ground like the fools they are, so disposing of them will prove an easy task. Afterwards, use the middle set of platforms to jump high enough to engage the fire spitters. FLOOR 28 ======== 4 Yellow Monkeys, 3 Tornado Men, Sumo Once again, you are stuck on ground level. The tornado men will come down to you automatically, and if you're lucky, the yellow monkeys will all jump down at once. If not, lure them down as you did before. Just watch out for the sumo. FLOOR 29 ======== 4 Tornado Men, 2 Goblins, 2 Yellow Monkeys Your primary objective is to get rid of the tornado men. Jump up on the left side, launching any tornado man you encounter. If you're successful, only one goblin will remain, whom you can remove as you see fit. FLOOR 30 - BOSS =============== The infamous boss cue plays once again. As soon as the battle begins, a bird will drop into the stage and start flying upwards, then a second bird will drop in and follow suit. They will lay eggs on each platform that immediately hatch to become smaller birds that run after you. These are the enemies you need to use against them. The thing to keep in mind is that each bird is very weak defensively. To demonstrate this, hit one of them with a beam and it will start bleeding. Each one can only take three snowballs before it loses it feathers and flies off. The idea is to remain on the ground and watch the birds' movements. When one flies up into the air, it will usually come down on the opposite side of the screen. By watching their flight patterns, you can avoid getting trapped in a corner. As soon as one bird is defeated, the other will be an easy target to destroy. S T A G E 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLOOR 31 ======== 4 Yellow Monkeys, 2 Goblins, 2 Firemonkeys The firemonkeys make their first appearance here. They're pretty much the same as yellow monkeys, except that they can throw a red orb a short distance that explodes into flame. It's really not that big of a deal. The terrain is great for a nice combo shot, so take advantage of it. FLOOR 32 ======== 4 Yellow Monkeys, 4 Firemonkeys See those enclosed areas on the left and right sides of the screen? Stay out of those. Once you're in one, you can't get out, because the sides are too high to jump over. Watch where you ride snowballs, too, because you might launch yourself into one. The best strategy is to lure the enemies to your level, and when there's only a few left, jump to a higher level and dispatch them. If there's only one enemy left and it's in an enclosed area, it's okay if you jump in there to defeat it. Just make sure it doesn't escape. FLOOR 33 ======== 4 Firemonkeys, 2 Yellow Monkeys, 2 Tornado Men Gradually work your way up, defeating enemies, and you should be fine. FLOOR 34 ======== 7 Firemonkeys The three firemonkeys at the top will all drop down one at a time if you stand underneath them, so cover one of them in snow and then knock it into the others as they follow suit. For the rest of the enemies, simply be cautious of the small platform size. Less maneuverability means harder enemies. FLOOR 35 ======== 4 Firemonkeys, 3 Tornado Men It may be tempting to jump into the boxed in area and dispatch the three enemies while you're still impervious to damage, but I would recommend against it. You can't jump out of there. Stay on the ground level as long as you can, taking care not to enter places you can't jump out of. FLOOR 36 ======== 5 Firemonkeys, 1 Tornado Man The enclosed area on the left is another place you can't jump out of. You'll never need to go in there, though, as the tornado man will transform and bring himself to you. Watch out for firemonkeys that drop into your starting location. FLOOR 37 ======== 4 Firemonkeys, 2 Yellow Monkeys, 2 Tornado Men The enemies in the "cage" of sorts will drop down, so dispose of them quickly. Then jump up on the sides and take care of the survivors. FLOOR 38 ======== 6 Tornado Men This floor isn't as difficult as it might appear. Just watch out for incoming tornadoes. If you have a choice between attacking a normal tornado man or one that is transforming, go after the latter of the two. FLOOR 39 ======== 4 Yellow Monkeys, 4 Firemonkeys It is extremely critical that you do not enter the middle chambers. Not only can you not jump out of them, the enemies are usually too stupid to come after you, so your only option is to wait for the death pumpkin to get you. Otherwise, lure the enemies towards you as usual, being careful of the small space you have to fight in. FLOOR 40 - BOSS =============== In a moment's time, two large troll-like creatures will dive into the playing field. The one thing you must realize is that the fire they spit out is not what you have to shoot back at them. The goblins dropping in are your snow fodder. Shooting the flames will merely make it start a small fire where it stands, though you should not hesitate to do so if one comes towards you. Stay out of the corners at all times. The bosses can trap you in there easily. To effectively combat them, stay in the middle, using the sides of the level only when you need to. Take advantage of the snowballs' ricochet effect to hit the bosses from a distance. Don't forget to shoot the fire whenever it gets in your way. Each boss will fall to 5-6 snowballs, though don't let your guard down when one of them collapses. A lone creature can still be just as dangerous. S T A G E 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLOOR 41 ======== 7 Ogres It seems we have a new enemy. Watch out as they dash through the air towards you, and remember that you can still hit them when they are charging. Also keep in mind that if you fall through the bottom of the screen, you will reappear at the top. This is true for the ogres as well, so watch both ends carefully. FLOOR 42 ======== 4 Ogres, 4 Bats The only way to get onto the floating structure is to jump off the screen and land on it from the top. Just be careful not to land on a bat as you fall. FLOOR 43 ======== 6 Bats, 2 Ogres Once again, to get anywhere you must drop through the bottom. The bats will do their best to annoy you, but try not to let them. If you can successfully cover one, there's so many of them that you're certain to manage a decent combo shot. The ogres will not bother you. Go after them when you're done with the bats. FLOOR 44 ======== 6 Ogres, 2 Tornado Men This is a nice break from the chaos of the bats. Fall from the top to take out the tornado men first, then deal with the ogres as you approach you. If you can manage a combo shot, the level will practically hand itself over to you. FLOOR 45 ======== 8 Ogres Don't drop down right away or you'll land on an ogre. Taking down the ogres one at a time is a simple task due to the layout. Also, maybe I got lucky, but I managed to defeat every enemy on the floor with one snowball. FLOOR 46 ======== 6 Ogres, 2 Bats Rather than jumping into the small chambers to engage the ogres, wait for them to come to you. Trust me, they will. If a bat comes near you, dispose of it quickly before it becomes a problem. Don't bother getting to the top of the floor except to take care of any bats around. The ogres will all seek you out at the bottom, making them easy targets. FLOOR 47 ======== 8 Ogres To do this safely, stay on the small piece of land you start on and attack ogres that come near you, while watching for charging ogres on the other side. If one of your snowballs lands on the top of the level, drop down and launch it for a nice combo. FLOOR 48 ======== 5 Ogres, 3 Bats The ogres will come towards you as usual, so you can defeat each of them one at a time. Once you're done with the ogres, jump to the top and take care of the bats. This should be a reasonably simple task due to the open space present. FLOOR 49 ======== 6 Ogres Stay low and so will they. Be especially careful of charging ogres, because it isn't always easy to stop them before they smash you. Otherwise, deal with the ogres as you have been so far. FLOOR 50 - BOSS =============== Here it is. The final battle for the princesses that you're apparently supposed to rescue. There is fire directly in front of each head, so don't get to close to them. The idea is to watch for the bubbles containing the blue enemies to pop, causing them to fall, at which point you can use them for ammo. If you are caught in a bubble yourself, mash attack and directions to escape. Beware of bubbles containing red orbs, as they will become fire when they fall. If you see a bubble with a power-up in it, jump in and escape before it reaches the top, or you'll never get it. You should know how these work by now. Your only real concern is to watch for falling objects and enemies. The bosses will never attack you directly, so once you have it figured out, the battle becomes pretty easy. Curiously, if you lose all your lives on this fight, you will start at Floor 49 when you continue. It's an easy floor, though, so it isn't a big deal. After several snowballs to the jaw, each head will burn and deteriorate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Congratulations! You've been reunited with your love interest, and all is well! Wait, what is this? It seems that YOU have been captured. You must now take the role of one of the princesses to save your snowman friend. This is where the game takes on a weird twist. Instead of playing as the snowman you're familiar with, you will now play as one of the princesses for the rest of the game. Despite the change in appearance, your character plays exactly the same as before. I, for one, kinda like this parody of the old "save the princess" routine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S T A G E 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLOOR 51 ======== 4 Ghosts, 4 Birds That's right, these enemies are not in the enemies list found above. I did not want to spoil the major twist so early in the document. The ghosts are just goblins in a different form, and the birds are like fire spitters, with little beam attacks. The beams are the only hint of challenge on this floor. Think of this as an initiation level for you to get used to fighting in your new dress. FLOOR 52 ======== 8 Ghosts The layout of this floor just screams, "COMBO ME!" So I advise you to do exactly that. Jump to the top, attacking enemies (but not completely covering them) as you go, then let loose on snowball at the top to knock them all down. FLOOR 53 ======== 4 Ghosts, 3 Birds Is it just me, or did this game get a lot easier? Deal with your enemies one at a time and they'll never threaten you. If the birds' beam attack scares you, attack them from behind. FLOOR 54 ======== 4 Birds, 3 Ghosts More of the same. The birds tend to stay in the same place and fire repeatedly, but their rate of fire is slow enough for you to jump in and snow them before they realize what hit them. If you can't take care of the ghosts, turn off the game and play something else. FLOOR 55 ======== 7 Ghosts You can take the platforms and track the ghosts down yourself, or you can wait for them to drop to your level. Both methods are quick and effective. FLOOR 56 ======== 6 Ghosts, 2 Birds Drop down when the top platform is clear and you'll have a great opportunity for a few combo shots. You can wait for them to come to you, but it will take longer and possibly provoke the death pumpkin. FLOOR 57 ======== 4 Ghosts, 3 Birds The layout may look strange, but you can reach anywhere on the level quickly enough to defeat anything in your way. FLOOR 58 ======== 6 Ghosts, 1 Bird This floor looks interesting. Get to the top as soon as you can and unleash your fury. Just be careful not to land on anything. FLOOR 59 ======== 4 Ghosts, 4 Birds Just finish them off already. FLOOR 60 - BOSS =============== Three-eyed jester of DOOM! He will rise into air, and then drop somewhere else, resulting in three mini-jesters appearing. The problem is, he will rise again before you have a chance to cover one in snow and shoot it. Your best bet is to save the snowballs you make for the next time he drops, at which point you can unleash your ice-filled fury onto him. The freak can take a lot of snowballs, but persistence and mobility will eventually bring him down. S T A G E 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLOOR 61 ======== 5 Robots, 3 Cannons Yay, new enemies! The robots act like goblins, but are very quick. The cannons, named for their cannon-like appearance, are much slower and easier to deal with They will shoot cannonballs given the chance, so do take caution. As you begin, you will have limited space to work with, which will make life difficult due to the sheer speed of the robots. Attack them when they aren't coming towards you and you should be fine. Do take care not to leave a snowbound robot lying around for long, because they escape quickly. FLOOR 62 ======== 5 Robots, 2 Cannons If you get the chance, jump into the small space and take out the three enemies within. They will come down to you in time, though, so this is not necessary. Keep your guard up. You don't want a robot you didn't see to come screaming towards you. FLOOR 63 ======== 5 Robots, 2 Cannons Jump into the rectangular compartment if you'd like to speed things up. The cannonballs that the cannon shoots can ricochet off the walls inside, so it is best to attack when it is not in the process of doing so. FLOOR 64 ======== 4 Robots, 3 Cannons The stairway of sorts makes it easy to climb up and defeat the robots quickly. The remaining enemies will drop to the ground, allowing you to move in and get rid of all of them at once. FLOOR 65 ======== 3 Cannons, 2 Robots There are platforms leading up to the top, each with one enemy, and there is a hole in the right side of the level. You can either scale the platforms working your way up, or you can drop down the hole and work your way down. It is difficult to hit an enemy below you, so I would recommend the former. FLOOR 66 ======== 4 Robots, 2 Cannons This is more of the same, though the platforms are arranged differently. How you approach this level is your choice, though be on the lookout for falling robots. FLOOR 67 ======== 6 Robots, 2 Cannons Don't worry about the enemies in the box. They will jump out shortly. Pick one side of the stage and work your way up defeating any enemies you come across, then return to the bottom to deal with any that got away. FLOOR 68 ======== 5 Robots, 3 Cannons Drop down the middle hole as soon as possible, and launch the first enemy you see. The way this level is structured, one or two snowballs will likely clear the entire floor. FLOOR 69 ======== 8 Robots Make your way to the top of the structure, and most of the robots will join you. If there are a few that remain within the structure's walls, you will have to hunt them down. It may look impossible, but every chamber in the structure can be reached with some effort. FLOOR 70 - BOSS =============== This is the antagonist you've been looking for. She will "jump" around and attempt to sit on you. Be constantly on the move, because if you're underneath her when she's landing, you will not have time to escape. Enemies will spawn from the sides in sets of three. Lining up a shot will be difficult when the boss is constantly changing position, but she will often sit down in just the right place for an attack. It will take many, many attacks to bring the witch down. Try to predict where she will land whenever it gets up, and perhaps try to lure her into a position where you can attack her. Having the red speed power-up will help immensely. Ultimately, if you're persistent and keep at it, you will throw one too many snowballs into her and she will not be able to take any more. Note: There is NO password to this level. If you run out of credits, you must do the entirety of Stage 7 over again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally, you have cleared the game...for real, this time. Enjoy the cheesy ending and congratulations on beating a difficult, yet fun and addictive game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 8. Passwords ------------------------------ NOTE: Your passwords may vary. All listed passwords are confirmed to work. LEVEL PASSWORD Floor 10 ECFK Floor 11 PAZX Floor 20 XBAP Floor 21 IKJL Floor 30 IJXS Floor 31 IKAP Floor 40 CJYT Floor 41 EKYT Floor 49 EAFK Floor 51 FEXS Floor 60 PISX Floor 61 IZJL ------------------------------ 9. Closing/Legal Info ------------------------------ Should you need to contact me, my e-mail address is: - Thanks, of course, to CJayC and his website. - Thanks to Toaplan for not only developing this game, but for developing the great Zero Wing, which has provided gamers nationwide with Engrish amusement. - Thanks to Benjamin for telling me what happens if you spell SNOW. This guide may only appear at: Do not link directly to this FAQ. Instead, link to the main FAQ listing. This FAQ may not be used for any profitable purposes. Do not alter this FAQ in any way or claim it to be your own. © 2004-2005 Michael Brooks All rights reserved. ------------------------------ End