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INTRO 1.1 Why a Sonic 2 FAQ? 1.2 Sonic 2 Introduction 1.3 Update History 2. SONIC 2 BASICS 2.1 The Controls 2.2 Characters 2.3 Items 3. WALKTHROUGH 3.1 Walkthrough Intro 3.2 Sonic 2 Walkthrough 4. SECRETS/CODES/HINTS 4.1 Codes and Hints 4.2 Game Genie 4.3 Glitches 5. OTHER SONIC 2 STUFF 5.1 Enemy List 5.2 Chaos Emeralds 5.3 FAQ 5.4 Robotnik Ratings 6. THE END 6.1 Author's Note 6.2 Credits 6.2 Legal Information =========================================================================== 1. INTRODUCTION =========================================================================== This is the opening to this FAQ as well as the game. It should help get you started. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Why a Sonic 2 FAQ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The story goes a little like this: I have Nintendo 64 as well as Gameboy Color. The only game I don't have a FAQ for combining those two systems is Pokemon..... The last thing GameFAQs needs is another Pokemon FAQ. So I pulled out My 16-bit Sega Genesis that has been sitting in the closet for a few years, I dusted it off, and hooked it up. Then I found a bunch of the games I used to have, as I put together my Sonic collection (all 3 original Sonic games as well as Sonic Spinball and Sonic & Knuckles). There's all this hype about how great Sonic Adventure is going to be in the American Dreamcast version, so I decided to play the Sonic games that I own. I decided that Sonic 2 was the best one, and little did I know that it included no FAQs on the internet. So there you have it, the first Sonic 2 FAQ. Please note that the walkthrough and FAQ are both incomplete by a long shot. I went out and bought Mario Golf and hooked my Nintendo 64 back up. Maybe when I've played that game out, I'll hook the Genesis back up and finish the walkthrough. I'll stick a note in front of all the sections that are not complete. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 Sonic 2 Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately, I misplaced the instruction manual for Sonic 2 a long, long time ago. So I had to assemble this story myself, but having something is better than having nothing, right? The evil Dr. Robotnik is back, and guess what he's doing this time? Well, he's going around capturing animals and torturing them again! Being a Hedgehog, and your best buddy being a fox, it is your job to release all of the animals after defeating Robotnik in each level, and then take care of Dr. Robotnik at the end of the game! Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is not that challenging of a game, I will admit that, but a boss after every two or three levels..... It's genius! Plus there are so many levels that you will be playing awhile before you do beat the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3 Update History --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.3 (11/7/00) Just added my new alias and e-mail address. Outkast Version 1.2 (12/28/99) I updated one of the enemy descriptions because I made an error and I updated the credits section with a new name as well. Version 1.1 (11/15/99) Wow, what a booming update! The walkthrough is completely, 100% finished, the enemies list is updated with 26 enemies including their location, description and the strategy to beat them. The minor sections, controls, items and characters are updated as well. There are new credits, a new author's note, and new legal info. Be sure to check it out. I pretty much added all the stuff that built into my mailbox the past three and a half months and threw it into the FAQ. Please be sure to send me any mail you have regarding questions or comments about the new information that has been added into this FAQ. Version 1.0 (7/04/99) The 4th of August marks the release of this FAQ. The walkthrough and FAQ are both incomplete (see FAQ intro) but more stuff will be added in the future. =========================================================================== 2. SONIC 2 BASICS =========================================================================== This is just a few general tips / pieces of information that you will need in order to succeed in the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 The Controls --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Direction Pad Naturally, your way to move. Being a side scroller, the right button will move you forward, the left button will move you backward, the up button will let you look up, and the down button will allow you to curl up into a little ball. A, B, C All three of these buttons allow you to jump. When you jump in the air, you automatically do a flip. I recommend using the C button because it is the most comfortable on the hands. Start Pauses the game..... No fancy pause screen, it just freezes until you press start again. Down + A, B, C When you hit the down button, you'll curl into a ball. Then you can either hold or continually press A, B, or C and when you let go, you will be rolling super fast until you decide to stop, or you hit something. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2 The Characters --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sonic The Hedgehog Sonic is the guy that you will be controlling. Surprisingly, he is a hedgehog! Yes, he is a little blue guy and he has quite an attitude. He is known for being able to run extremely fast and do flips in the air. Super Sonic You'll need to know the cheat code (see section 4) to access this guy, but you'll be impressed with what you see; Sonic on steroids! He is bigger, stronger, and faster, and kind of looks like a troll. Miles aka "Tails" Tails is the little light brown fox shows in most pictures where you see Sonic. He is Sonic's best friend and you will often find him with or near Sonic. Dr. Robotnik He is the humongous fat guy that is causing all of this havoc! I guess you could consider him a poacher because he captures and traps little helpless animals! He is Sonic's #1 enemy. Animals They range from rabbits to bears to birds. These animals are friends of Sonic or Tails and have been captured by Dr. Robotnik and it is your job as Sonic to release them. Enemies Wow, there are a whole bunch of these in the game. Check the enemies list (section 5.1) for who they are, where they are, and the strategy on how to defeat them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3 The Items --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGULAR ITEMS (The normal stuff). Rings - You need these to continue; if you are touched by an enemy with no rings, you die. If you are touched by an enemy with rings, some of them will spill out and you'll have to re-collect as many as possible which most of the time, won't be more than 15. BOX ITEMS (You jump on the boxes and the item is yours). Sonic - When you see Sonic in the box, it's a 1-up. Boot - The boot makes you run super fast and lasts for a short amount of time. Ring - Gives you 10 rings. Stars - Makes you invincible for a short amount of time. Shield - Puts a glowing blue shield around you until you are hit or you complete the level. Arrows - Used in the multiplayer only, it switches the location of the two players. It could hurt you or help you depending where you and your opponent are. Tails - A 1-up for Tails, but only available in multiplayer. =========================================================================== 3. WALKTHROUGH =========================================================================== This is what will help you complete the game step by step. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Walkthrough Intro --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The great thing about Sega and these first Sonic games particularly is that they are 2D side scrollers so if I say to go back, it means go left, and if I say go forward, it means go right and vice versa. In addition to this, I often mention in the walkthrough to pick up the coins (ex: Jump up and grab the coins). What I mean by coins is the same thing as rings (coins=rings) so you know to help you out. I hope this clears up any problems that people had with reading the walkthrough. The walkthrough, has now been completed. Please submit any mistakes or new strategies to me. Thanks. The Crippler --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 Sonic 2 Walkthrough --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =================== Emerald Hill Zone 1 =================== Go forward and grab the first 6 rings. Kill the coconut throwers on the palm trees by jumping up and hitting them in the head. Hop up to the higher level, grab the shield, and drop back down. Run over the bridge being aware of the pirahnas, and run into the red spring on the wall. Zoom across at full speed and you'll fly right up to the second story of the level. Use your roll attack to go up and over the hill, through the loops, and then through the corkscrew. Continue on, kill the pirahnas, and drop down the waterfall. Use your roll attack to get up the hill. Cross the bridge, and again use the red spring to go through the loops. Go at full speed without stopping and you will run into the secret area of the wall. Grab your extra life, keep moving forward, and drop down. Run forward until you complete the level. =================== Emerald Hill Zone 2 =================== Move forward and get the first couple of sets of rings. Jump to the upper level and get the boot. Run as fast as possible going forward with the boot. You will soon hit a secret wall and get another 1-up. Go through the next wall and hop onto the moving platform and head up. Stay on the lower level and run forward until a hidden yellow spring bounces you in the air. Run forward to face Dr. Robotnik. DR. ROBOTNIK: Jump over the spike on his vehicle and jump right onto his head. After hitting him 7 times, beware because he will shoot the spike at you. Hit him for an 8th time and he will get out and escape. Go forward and free the trapped animals. ===================== Chemical Plant Zone 1 ===================== Grab some rings and move forward past the enemies. Go grab your box of 10 rings and run forward past the enemies, and through the loop. Don't stop until you reach the blue bubbles. Pass by them carefully and hit the red spring. Grab the rings up there while jumping over enemies. Run forward through the 4 bouncers and around the 4 loops. Break the blocks and enter the tube while being cautious of the enemy on the wall. Grab the rings you see, and stand on the blocks until they drop completely. Run forward past the blue bubbles and finish up the level. ===================== Chemical Plant Zone 2 ===================== Run forward for some rings and avoid the enemy in the beginning there. Run down the steep hill at full speed and bounce off the red spring until you reach the platform. Roll up the hill onto the platforms, then break the blocks you see and enter the tube. Go down this steep hill through 2 loops, and go down on the platforms. Beware of how the platforms fall, break the next set of blocks you see and enter that tube while being cautious of the enemy on the wall. Use the red spring to get to the box for 10 rings, then use the speed generator to go through the 2 loops at full speed. You'll wind up on one of the highest platforms. Go past the 4 blocks, drop down, and gain full speed to go through the next 3 loops and onto the main track. Walk forward and jump up to the highest sets of blocks until you get out of the water. Use the platforms to go over the water and watch again for the turning ones. Use the next set of platforms to get onto the track, but walk it slowly, rather than running it. Go through the 2 loops being extremely cautious. Use the next two platforms to get across the water. Move forward while avoiding the turning platforms and head to Dr. Robotnik. DR. ROBOTNIK: In the beginning, Robotnik will prepare for the battle by filling up a bottle of blue liquid. When he starts filling the bottle up, immediately jump on him. Hit him 8 times and he'll blow up and fly away. Go release the animals, still being cautious of the tipping platforms, and finish the level. =================== Aquatic Ruin Zone 1 =================== Go forward grabbing the first 3 rings while being careful of the arrow shooting skull on the pole. Jump right over the large statue and through the waterfall. Hop on top of the log and kill the robot, the continue on moving forward. Go to the top of the hill, through the one loop, and right into the next log. Jump over the next statue and kill the robot on the lower path. Continue moving forward through the next waterfall, and avoid the red spring. Watch the two robots that comes out of the wall, go over the loop, continue forward, and get the shield. Hit the yellow spring for a speed burst and kill the two robots on the high platform. Go through the loop, through the log, and forward until this level is complete. =================== Aquatic Ruin Zone 2 =================== Get the first six rings while avoiding arrows. Take the platforms to the other side and kill the robot. Bounce off the next three red springs taking you to the highest platforms while being cautious of the blocks that fall down. Jump off the platform you are currently on as far as you possibly can and go through the waterfall. Continue to move forward while watching the hidden robot that pops out of the wall at you then roll on through the loop. Spring to the other side and then quickly hop across the statues. Use the next spring which is in the shallow water to bounce you up to the yellow spring which takes you to the highest platform. Hop over the next two statues and use the moving platform to take you across the gap. Once again, be careful of the falling blocks that come down. Hit the next statue, drop down, and run forward to Robotnik. DR. ROBOTNIK: You'll see two big statues come out of the ground and Robotnik will be flying above with a gigantic hammer. When he hits the statues with the hammer, arrows will come flying out. Dodge the arrow and let it go into the statue. Hop onto it and go from there up to the top of the statue, then onto Robotnik. Repeat this process for a total of 8 hits. Robotnik will fly away. Go free the animals and complete this level. =================== Casino Night Zone 1 =================== Grab the first six rings that are in this level, then run yourself into the orange flipper to fly across the level a bit. When you land, you'll be near three balls with stars on them. When the first blue block goes up, go to the next platform. Hop onto the next blue block to take you to the next platform. Use the next two moving blocks to get you across the gap, then hop onto the third consecutive moving block. Ride it on up, grab the boot, and allow the elevator to take you down. Grab the next bunch of rings and fling yourself through the loop by holding A when you are on the spring, then letting go when it's all the way down. Use the next two blue blocks to reach the platform. Go over the next blue block and drop down. You'll be in, what seems, a pit that you can't get out of, but if you roll to the right and hold down right on the D-Pad, you'll reach a secret wall and obtain an extra life. Use this next orange slipper to hit yourself up to a green flipper, then use the green flipper to hit yourself on up to the platform. Take the elevator up, and head to the right. Hop onto the chili burgers to cross the gap, but don't hit them more than three times or they'll break. Shoot yourself upward and to the right to land on yet another platform. Grab the box of stars there, and continue moving forward. Fall all the way down; no harm will occur, then use the spring and move forward to complete this level. =================== Casino Night Zone 2 =================== Go forward and immediately use the red spring to bounce youself to a high hidden platform. Drop down after grabbing the coins up there. Grab the boot and simply run super fast moving forward. You should have noticed a huge point-giving slot machine type thing before. If you want to know how to get in there for some mahor points, read the next paragraph. If you just want to know how to complete the level, skip the next paragraph and the walkthrough continues. For the major points: Come to the first arcade type game where you use the flippers to try to get into the machine for coins. Use the first flipper to get to the second flipper, then the second flipper to reach the platform. You'll see one of those armed metal men roaming the platform; DON'T KILL HIM! Instead, bounce square off his head so that he raises his metal shield and use that bounce to reach the treadmill type belt to the right. Be sure not to fall off! Go as much to the right as you can without falling off, hit down on the d-pad, and charge up for a roll attack. Let go when the treadmill belt has almost dropped you off, and you will land on what seems to be a lonely platform. But, if you walk to the left and drop off it, you'll land in the point machine for something around 2500 points. You can repeat this process as many times as you like for good points and possibly a 1-up at the end, but be sure to watch your time! Continued walkthrough: You will soon get another boot and you'll be able to sprint forward some more until the boot power runs out and you'll be on a spring. Shoot up and to the right, break through the burgers, and use the next spring you wind up on. Drop down again and break some more burgers then roll attack twice to take the elevator up. Spring to the right, and drop down once more. Continue forward to reach Robotnik. DR. ROBOTNIK: This boss looks really tough but he's really not all that bad. Watch out for the bricks he drops. Use the flippers to either land on top of him or on the bottom side of his vehicle. Do it 8 times, then roll attack to the right and free the animals to finish up this level. =============== Hill Top Zone 1 =============== Jump up and grab the first three coins, then hop into the basket and let it take you down. Be careful; it falls off when it gets to the platform. Go forward past the snail, killing it if you want, then hop over the lava pit. See saw with the dot without touching it then move forward when you reach the top. Stay on the bottom of the two levels, then see saw again with the next dot. Bounce off the yellow spring that's located on the wall. See saw two more times, grab the coin box and go down this next basket. Go forward past the fire and roll attack through the loops without standing on the blocks. Head left and use the see saws to get across the lava. Take the next two baskets down, watch out for the spikes, spring right, and then spring one more time upward. Grab the hidden star box and then run forward until you complete the level. =============== Hill Top Zone 2 =============== Get the first few coins and move on past the lava pit while remaining on the lowest level. Kill the dinosaur that is in the lava and use his back as a platform. Continue forward and roll attack through the loop without going on the blocks. Avoid the fire dot and the snail that is on the ceiling, grab the shield, and then head down the basket. Hit the marker and stay on the upper level. At the fire rush, keep moving up from platform to platform and move right when it seems you have reached the top. Use the spring to pop up, then take the next three baskets down. Go forward and avoid all of the snails that are up above. Spring up and to the right two times, then hit the marker and run forward to the boss. DR. ROBOTNIK: This is one of the easier bosses if you are aggressive and immediately go after him. The second he pops out of the fire, jump on him and don't give up no matter what happens until he blows up. If you have one or more coins you should have no problem. Release the animals to complete the level. ================== Mystic Cave Zone 1 ================== Move forward for the first six coins, then quickly move up the bridges before they collapse. Avoid the fist that smashes you and move up and forward two times then left onto the breaking bridges. Hit the marker and grab the coin box up there, then spring up, go down twice, hit the marker and grab the vine to open up the gate. Grab the next bunch of coins, hit the spring, and use both platforms up and avoid the spikey bricks three times. Avoid the lightning bug, jump up and to the left and avoid the spikey bricks five times. Grab the vine for the bridge, then continually go from platform to platform while avoiding enemies until done. ================== Mystic Cave Zone 2 ================== Go forward and grab the vine for a bridge, then take the two platforms across the gap. Take the next two swinging platforms across, then spring up and grab the vine in order to access the bridge. Roll attack upward, then use the next five springs to pop yourself up. Take the next two vines down, grab the boot and run forward as fast as you can until you reach the second yellow spring. From here on, take the bottom path avoiding lightning bugs and run to the boss. DR. ROBOTNIK: He'll come down from the top; hit him two or three times while avoiding the spiked he drops. Wait until his drill goes away from him, and hit him. Hit him more when he goes up, and once again avoid the spikes that drop. Repeat this process until his ship blows, then go save the animals to complete the level. ================ Oil Ocean Zone 1 ================ Go forward while avoiding the collapsing bridges, get the first seven rings, and kill the octopus. Continue on to the green glowing object, then past the next three collapsing bridges. Kill the next two octopuses and use the glowy green object to take you up and down the path. Use the fan to float across the gap, then use the next green glowy thing to get you to the platform and walk down the path and up the platform while avoiding the sea horses. Move left across the gap using the fans that are provided, then head up the next platform and down the path to the right. You'll come to another raising platform; use it and slide down the oil hill, hit the marker and use the thirs glowing object to get you to the platform you need to be on. Continue to the right, roll attack up to the platforms, and then take the final platform up. Avoid the sea horses, head down and enter the transporter. Work your way to the right and take the two oil hills down, then go down this platform and head to the right. Go into this transporter, then go to the right, down the platform, and head down the left path, then enter the next transporter. Head right, take the platform down, go down the path to the right, use the green glowing object to the top platform, then run to the right to complete this level. ================ Oil Ocean Zone 2 ================ Continually move right while grabbing all of the rings on you way and either avoiding or killing the enemies in your path. When you reach the end, hop onto the moving platform and allow for it to take you up. Use the second green glower to throw you into the transporter, avoid the sharks while moving to the left, then roll attack into the spring to move up. Keep moving to the right past the enemies until you reach the platform which takes you up. Go right, move down the path, get past or kill the enemies and enter the transporter. Take the next two platforms down, hit the marker, and enter this next transporter which takes you to an oil hill. Jump up to the top, the roll down it and onto the high platform. Move up the platform, grab the rings and the stars, then roll attack into the spring to reach the next platform. Go into the transporter, head down the next couple of oil hills, and hit the marker. Head right to reach the boss. DR. ROBOTNIK: This boss is much like the one in the Hill Top Zone only much easier. As soon as he pops out of the oil, jump on him and hit him eight times to destroy his vehicle. Landing in the oil does nothing unless you sink beneath it, so be careful. When Robotnik gets away, release the animals to complete the level. ================= Metropolis Zone 1 ================= Go forward for coins and move on past the steamers, then grab the blue shield and watch the starfish haning out that shoot at you. Hit the button and then use the steamer to move up. Kill the lobster and avoid the starfish, then hit the buttons to get out. Use the wall bouncers to move up, avoid the praying mantis, and use the arrow boxes to make your way up (the arrows go clockwise so beware). Kill the lobster and get the coins, then go through the basket and up using the wall bouncers. Go up two nails (run right to go up and left to go down) and avoid the starfish, then continue on upward. Use the buttons to activate the bridges, take the first nail up, then the second nail down. Go down and to the left and into the transporter. Use the first two arrow boxes over the gap, jump right onto the platform, go down the bouncers this time, and then onto the platform to the right to finish up. ================= Metropolis Zone 2 ================= Go forward and get the rings and move on up the platform and across the lava. Kill the lobster and enter the transporter. You'll end up killing a mantis after you come out. Use the wheels to get to the platform on the right and then go in the transporter and let yourself run through. Jump onto the stompers when they go down then continue quickly onto the platform before they go back up. Duck under the spikes and avoid the starfish, then enter the next transporter. Go down the next two baskets and down the platform. Run up the nail, grab the star box, and simply run quickly while you are invincible until you reach a button and a marker. Use the arrow boxes to work your way left, then enter the final trasnporter of this zone. Continue to the right, move up the three sets of wall bouncers, and then go forward to finisht this level. ================= Metropolis Zone 3 ================= Grab the rings, kill the mantis who is in the beginning of this level, then use the moving platforms to take you across the gap. Kill the lobster and enter the transporter. Jump past the wheels and roll attack through the stomping crushers and onto the nail to take you up. Avoid the starfish and run left and jump onto the moving platform. Use the next two springs for a whole lot of coins and to take you up to another platform. Jump across the nails and kill the lobster. Use the steamer to bounce you up. Kill the mantis here and use the side wall bouncers up which should be very familiar to you by this point. Get the blue glowing shield, kill the mantis, and hop onto the wheels. Run past the starfish and quickly head down the nail, then run past the next group of starfish and let the descending platform take you down and across. Go past the wheels, take care of the lobster here, and enter the next transporter. Go up the two nails without letting the starfish see you (which is possible on this set of nails) then enter the transporter. Hop onto the moving platform and run to the boss. DR. ROBOTNIK: Having someone play as Tails for this boss will make the job much easier... Robotnik will have a bunch of ghosts around him. Without hitting one of the ghosts, hit Robotnik (which should be Tails' easy job if you have a second player) then hit the ghost that comes off. When all the ghosts are gone, avoid Robotnik's laser shooting and hit him once for the kill. He'll blow up and fly away like usual.... Go released the animals to complete this long level. ======== Sky Zone ======== There is no way to describe or walk you through this level; you're on the edge of a plane which Tails is flying. Falling off is impossible and is not an issue because Tails will always catch you. Half way through, you'll pass by the Wing Fortress; get a good look at it for it is the next level. All I can recommend is to read the enemies listed for the Sky Zone in this FAQ (section 5.1) to know how to fight off each enemy. This is one of the easiest levels in the game; don't be intimidated! ============= Wing Fortress ============= In the beginning of this level, lasers will be shot at you; don't worry, they cannot hit you! The plane will start to go down, jump off and let Tails go. Run down this platform while avoiding the metal sending piece which would limit how many rings you get. Drop down twice while picking up the rings, then continue to move forward. Rather than jumping from bar to bar, simply jump up into the air and the fan will raise you to the next level revealing a major shortcut. Kill the two chickens and hop onto the sticks when they turn the correct way, then onto the top level. Hit the marker while moving forward until you reach the two box rings and stars. Move backward now and onto the conveyor belt. Continuously move right until you can't anymore, then go through the hidden door on the left. Go from box to box while grabbing the coins on the way, then onto the next two conveyor belts. Now you'll have to rely on your timing; as soon as the first platform goes up, jump on it then quickly move from platform to platform until you reach the main one that doesn't move. Let the metal sending piece fling you across the gap, but then quickly jump so you don't hit the next one. Run up the treadmill-like object, hit the marker, and jump on the metal thing to go inside the ship for this battle. You'll be locked inside a small space with Robotnik on the outside laughing at you. This boss is tough; you'll probably lose a lot of rings. Hop on to one of the three moving platforms without touching its spikes. Then jump from the platform to the object that shoots the laser when the laser isn't being sent off. Do this eight times, and Robotnik will run away and the yellow bars will disappear. Hop over the gap to the right until you can't move anymore and jump for a hidden extra life. Then drop down onto the platform and run to the edge of it. ============== Death Egg Zone ============== At the edge of the platform of the Wing Fortress level, you'll see Robotnik escape in a huge space ship.... Then Tails comes to the rescue with a repaired plane for you to hop on. He lets you hook on to Robotnik's ship, but then he'll fade away. You'll see a cool cinema of Sonic attached to the ship as it flies out of earth and into Dr. Robotnik's base in the space called the Death Egg. Move forward and you'll have to fight metal Sonic with Robotnik looking on. He's very easy; immediately hit him three times while avoiding his spikes. Jump up to avoid him and hit him three more times, then jump up to avoid his roll attack back to the other side. Hit him two more times for him to blow up. If you don't kill him after his first four moves, the fight will become tough, so get rid of him quick. Chase Robotnik; he'll hop into a huge robot. Hit him quickly one time when his hands are back. when he targets you, roll attack away right when his target is locked. Avoid his hands than hit him right in the stomach when his hands are back. Always stay in front of him; repeat this process until he dies. ======= The End ======= The Death Egg will blow, Robotnik will be destroyed, and all the animals will be released. You'll see a cool cinema with Tails flying you with all the saved animals with some heroic music playing in the background. Congratulations, you have beaten the game! =========================================================================== 4. SECRETS/CODES/HINTS =========================================================================== This is the stuff that will help you cheat along the way. Special thanks to Game Sages ( for most of these. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Codes and Hints --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Points For extra points, pass any zone in a certain amount of time. For the best bonus, enter the Debug Mode code. The clock will freeze and you'll always score a 50,000 bonus! Time Points 0:30 50,000 0:45 10,000 1:00 5,000 1:30 4,000 2:00 3,000 3:00 2,000 4:00 1,000 5:00 500 Debug Mode To enter Debug Mode, play these sounds from the level select screen: 1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4. Press Start and hold A. To start debugging, press B, then you can select any sprite in that level and put it on the screen. To select a different sprite, press A, and to place it on the screen, press C. Note that sprite selection is different from Zone to Zone. Also, instead of displaying the time elapsed, it displays the number of sprites currently on the screen. Easy Chaos Emeralds Start the game as you normally would. Get a Chaos Emerald, reset the game, and start the game from the options menu. You will keep the emeralds you have gained so far each time you start from the options menu. Emerald Hill Shortcut To breeze through Emerald Hill 1 and 2, connect Sonic & Knuckles with Sonic 2 and play as Knuckles. Climb as high as you can and glide to the right. You'll reach the end of the level in seconds! Extra Lives in the Chemical Plant If you have Sonic & Knuckles, hook it onto Sonic 2. Play until Chemical Plant Act 1. When you get to the wall with the Spiny badnik and the warp tube on the floor. Break open the tube and go through it. When you come out you will see a Ring Box next to a tower. Climb up the tower and on the top you will find one 1-up. Glide left and you will find another 1-up. Glide to the left one more time and you will find yet one more 1-up. Since you won't want to go through the level again just glide to the right until you get to the tower you started from. Get on that first tower and glide to the right. The Act will be over and you will have 3 lives more that how much you started the act with. Level Select >From the main screen, select Options. Select Sound Select and play sounds 19, 65, 9, 17, then push C. Press Start to return to the main screen, and when Sonic and Tails appear, hold A and press Start. More Continues First enable the level select. Then, at the options screen, play these sounds in this order: 1, 1, 2, 4. Now move the highlight to the "Player Select" field of the options screen and press Start. Play at Night To play at night, enter the Debug code, then hold C and press Start to begin a level. Shielded Tails To give tails a sheild, enter debug mode and hit a shield. Then place a teleport box down and hit that. Now tails has a permenant sheild. Slow Motion First enable Level Select. While playing, you can pause the game and use A to restart, B for slow motion, and C for frame advance. Super Sonic To become Super Sonic without getting all the Chaos Emeralds, first enable the level select. At the level select menu, go to the sound test item, and play sounds in this order: 4, 1, 2, 6. You should hear the music you get when you win a chaos emerald. Now select any level, get 50 rings, and jump. Super Tails While in Debug Mode, create and position a "Transfer Box" monitor. When you hit it and you are Super Sonic, you lose all your powers but stay yellow. Tails looks the same but has invincibility (little stars flashing around him.) To regain Super Sonic, let yourself get hit, then turn into a ring (press B) and place at least 50 rings on Tails. Exit debug mode (press B) and jump to become Super Sonic with Super Tails as a follower. Tails/Miles Mode At the title screen press Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Up or Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up, Up. A chime will sound and Tails will be called Miles or vice versa. Two Tails Enter the level select and debug codes, then go to the Sky Chase level. Using debug mode, create a transfer box and break it open. When you hear Sonic die press B to enter debug mode again. Move the cursor up until you see Tails and exit debug mode. To finish, jump and you'll have two Tails. Wing Fortress Shortcut In Wing Fortress, go as far as you can to the right without climbing. Make sure you have some rings. When you see blades blocking your way, go ahead and hit them. As soon as you are invincible, walk through them. Jump on the platforms to the right and half the level will be finished. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 Game Genie --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAST-DJ1A / SATA-DJTJ Rings worth 2--player 1 SAST-DN1A / SATA-DNTJ Rings worth 3--player 1 SAST-DT1A / SATA-DTTJ Rings worth 4--player 1 SAST-DY1A / SATA-DYTJ Rings worth 5--player 1 SAST-D21A / SATA-D2TJ Rings worth 6--player 1 SAST-D61A / SATA-D6TJ Rings worth 7--player 1 SAST-DA1A / SATA-DATJ Rings worth 8--player 1 AE8A-AAD2 / AE8A-AADN Start with 1 life instead of 3--player 1 AY8A-AAD2 / AY8A-AADN Start with 5 lives--player 1 A68A-AAD2 / A68A-AADN Start with 7 lives--player 1 BE8A-AAD2 / BE8A-AADN Start with 9 lives--player 1 DE8A-AAD2 / DE8A-AADN Start with 25 lives--player 1 GJ8A-AAD2 / GJ8A-AADN Start with 50 lives--player 1 KN8A-AAD2 / KN8A-AADN Start with 75 lives--player 1 NN8A-AAD2 / NN8A-AADN Start with 99 lives--player 1 JW3A-CA4J / JW3A-CA4Y Infinite lives--player 1 SATA-DJVW / SATA-DJW8 Rings worth 2--player 2 SATA-DNVW / SATA-DNW8 Rings worth 3--player 2 SATA-DTVW / SATA-DTW8 Rings worth 4--player 2 SATA-DYVW / SATA-DYW8 Rings worth 5--player 2 SATA-D2VW / SATA-D2W8 Rings worth 6--player 2 SATA-D6VW / SATA-D6W8 Rings worth 7--player 2 SATA-DAVW / SATA-DAW8 Rings worth 8--player 2 AE8A-AAD8 / AE8A-AADW Start with 1 life instead of 3--player 2 AY8A-AAD8 / AY8A-AADW Start with 5 lives--player 2 A68A-AAD8 / A68A-AADW Start with 7 lives--player 2 BE8A-AAD8 / BE8A-AADW Start with 9 lives--player 2 DE8A-AAD8 / DE8A-AADW Start with 25 lives--player 2 GJ8A-AAD8 / GJ8A-AADW Start with 50 lives--player 2 KN8A-AAD8 / KN8A-AADW Start with 75 lives--player 2 NN8A-AAD8 / NN8A-AADW Start with 99 lives--player 2 JXGA-CA7G / JXGA-CA7W Infinite lives--player 2 KBVT-CAE2 / KBVT-CAE2 Jump lower FVVT-CAE2 / FVVT-CAE2 Jump a little higher --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3 Glitches --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Green Sonic Glitch To get green sonic you must enter the level select and debug code. Then you must choose one of the emerald hill zone levels because the code only works in emerald hill zone (1 or 2.) When you start the level press B, you will be a ring,then press a four times,you will be four rings in a row going up or down,you then hold c and right for about 5 seconds,then you go back to the begining, keep pressing a until your the top of a waterfall. You may not see yourself but you're there. Now do the same thing as before, hold c and right for about five seconds. Then press b and you'll be green. No Boss Music Glitch Enter the level select code and go to a boss. Next push start then push and hold B. You should be playing in slow motion. When the boss enters the screen get a hit on the boss then let go of B and the screen should be paused. Then press start and there should be no boss music. =========================================================================== 5. OTHER SONIC 2 STUFF =========================================================================== Some other miscellaneous crap that was not mentioned/added already in this FAQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Enemy List --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= Emerald Hill Zone ================= #1 Coconut Throwers Description: They hang out in the top of those little palm trees and chuck coconuts at you. Strategy: Run under them and jump up to take them out. >> Hi! In your Sonic the Hedgehog 2 FAQ, I realized that you made an error. The Coconut Throwers can be killed, actually. you wrote: #1 Coconut Throwers Description: They hang out in the top of those little palm trees and chuck coconuts at you. Strategy: You can't kill these annoying guys; all you can do is dodge their ammo. But you can kill them by going under them and jumping. Try it, It works! << #2 Pirahnas Description: Usually found at bridges and waterfalls, these fish jump up and bite you. Strategy: Jump on them when they are in the air. #3 Hornet Description: Like a real hornet, it flies above you, but then shoots fire at you if you stay still. Strategy: Jump on top of them and beware their fire! =================== Chemical Plant Zone =================== #4 Ball Shooting Robot Description: It moves around the floor shooting little yellow balls out of its mouth. Strategy: The roll attack is the only thing to do, but you'll still have to avoid the yellow balls they shoot if they're in the air while you're there. #5 Side Shooting Robot Description: Same as above only it hangs out on the wall. Strategy: Nothing to do here except dodge what it shoots. #6 Spider Description: Hanging on ceilings on its webs, it will drop down, pick you up, and squeeze you. Strategy: Lure them down by running under them, and jump on them when they're down. #7 Bubbles Description: Little blue jiggly bubbles, they transport from side to side in their tubes and try to hit you. Strategy: Nothing to do except avoid their attack. ================= Aquatic Ruin Zone ================= #8 Skeleton Arrow Shooters Description: They are on poles and when they light up, they'll try to peg you with an arrow. Strategy: They can't be killed, but watch the arrow if you get in its path of sight! #9 Robots (Hidden/Unhidden) Description: Little robots that roam around and come after you. Sometimes they are hidden and pop out at you. Strategy: Jump on top of them. If they're hidden, avoid them and do the same thing. #10 Flies Description: Little annoying flies that come around in packs of three. Strategy: Jump on them. #11 Sharks Description: Blue sharks with giant teeth that come after you if you get in their line of vision. They hang out only in the water of the Aquatic Ruin stage. Strategy: Jump on them but be careful because you float in the water for a few seconds if they jump. ================= Casino Night Zone ================= #12 Metal Guards Description: Big slow guards made out of metal that you'll bounce off of if you try to kill them by jumping on them. ============= Hill Top Zone ============= #13 Red Dots Description: They are found on see saws and land on you if you're careless. Strategy: Stay away from them! #14 Dinosaurs Description: They are purple dinosaurs that live in lava and shoot fire at you. Strategy: Jump on their back, then onto their head, and be careful; their back will sink in the lava quickly after you kill them. #15 Fire Red Dots Description: Same as red dots only they shoot fire. Strategy: Stay away from them! ================ Mystic Cave Zone ================ #16 Lightning Bugs Description: They light up and cause damage if you touch them. Strategy: Jump on them when they're not lit up. ============== Oil Ocean Zone ============== #18 Sea Fish Description: They fly and shoot things at you through their mouth. Strategy: Jump on them, but beware their ammo stuff. #19 Pink Seals Description: They jump in the air and hang for awhile, and shoot things out of their mouth. Strategy: Jump on them bet be acreful for their ammo. =============== Metropolis Zone =============== #20 Lobster Description: Has a long claw that it reaches out at you. Strategy: Avoid his claw then jump on the right side of his body. #21 Praying Mantis Description: A little green thing that actually throws razor blade like things at you. Strategy: Wait until he throws his razors, jump over them, then go jump on him before the razors come back. #22 Starfish Description: Very dangerous little stars that explode when they see you. They shoot out 5 spikes that all go in different directions. Strategy: The only thing you can do is try to avoid their spikes. Run, jump, duck, do whatever you can! ======== Sky Zone ======== #23 Turtles Description: A big turtle that floats in the air that shoots fire with a smaller turtle on its back. Strategy: Jump on the little turtle then ride on the big turtles back. #24 Eagle Description: Big eagles that fly quickly through the air but only come at you one way. Strategy: Jump on top of them. #25 Floating Dummy Description: A dummy that floats in the air and blocks your way. Strategy: Jump on top of them. ================== Wing Fortress Zone ================== #26 Chickens Description: They pop out of their little forts and literally shoot eggs at you! Strategy: Dodge their eggs, then jump on them when their heads pop out from their forts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 Chaos Emeralds --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may be wondering what the point of those markers are when you have over 50 rings. I'll explain: When you have 50 or more rings, hit one of the markers and jump inside the circle of stars that appears. You and Tails will be challenged to get a certain amount of rings each lap. If you collect enough after each lap, you get a chaos emerald, and you start at that marker if you die and have more lifes. You also lose all the rings you have. If you collect all the chaos emeralds, you get to be Super Sonic when you collect 50 rings or more in levels. You can also access Super Sonic with a cheat code (see section #4), so doing this is kind of pointless. But if you're bored with the game and need something to be proud of, go ahead and do it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3 FAQ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===== Q: What happens at the end of the game? A: You get a nice little cinema of all the animals being released, with some heroic music as Sonic and Tails watch on. ===== Q: Can another person play as Tails? A: Yes, and no. Plug in the second controller and the person with the second controller can play along in the game (same buttons as Sonic). However, the camera will follow Sonic only, so you'll have to keep up if you are Tails. ===== Q: Do you get a different ending if you get all the Chaos Emeralds? I know the ending of Sonic 1 is a little different if you get all the emeralds. . A: No, the only thing the Chaos emeralds do in this game is allow you to be Super Sonic when you collect 50 rings without entering any cheats. ===== Q: Hi, found your Sonic 2 notes. Have just gotten to the giant metal Robotnik in the Death Egg and cannot figure out how to defeat him. Got any words of wisdom. Thanks for any help you can give me. TJG A: The walkthrough is now complete. ===== There's not a lot to put here...... Mail me any questions you may have ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4 Robotnik Ratings --------------------------------------------------------------------------- All difficulty ratings are on a scale from 1 to 5, 1 being the easiest, 5 being the hardest. Emerald Hill: * Chemical Plant: * Aquatic Ruin: * Casino Night: ** Hill Top: ** Mystic Cave: *** Oil Ocean: ** Metropolis: *** Wing Fortress: ***** The Final Boss: ***** As you can see, the consistency of the bosses getting harder as you progress in the game is fairly good. =========================================================================== 6. THE END =========================================================================== The conclusion of this FAQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Author's Note --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, this completes this FAQ and Walkthrough for the great 16-bit sega platform game that we call Sonic 2. Special thanks to all the contributors (see below) and any of those who mailed me questions for the FAQ. Please feel free to send me any questions, comments, etc. on the game or this FAQ. The Crippler --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.2 Credits --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jennie Wilkinson For pointing out an error in the enemies section. Game Sages For most of the codes/hints. GameFAQs For publishing this FAQ. Contributors Anyone who contributed a question for the FAQ. Sega Great game! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.3 Legal Information --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is for private use only. It may not be sold or used in anyway to earn a profit. It may not be reproduced electronically nor used on any sites unless (1) You are, (2) You are Game Sages, (3) You are Cheat Code Central, or (4) You had permission previously to use this on your page (I've made a limit and no more sites may use this FAQ, and if you have already e-mailed me asking to use it I know who you are and you may continue to use it). Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and all of the Sonic The Hedgehog games are copyright © 1993-1997 by Sega. This FAQ is copyright © 1999 by Outkast. Outkast