Spider Man & X-Men In Arcade's Revenge FAQ V. 1.3 For SNES Copyright 2001-2008, Maxx MaxNardi@gmail.com =============================================================================== CONTENTS =============================================================================== I. Version History II. Controls III. Walkthrough IV. Credits =============================================================================== I. VERSION HISTORY =============================================================================== -Version 0.1: Finished both of Spider-Man's levels -Version 0.2: Finished both of Wolverine's levels -Version 0.4: Finished both of Cyclops' levels -Version 0.6: Finished both of Storm's levels -Version 0.8: Finished both of Gambit's levels -Version 1.0: Finished the Transitions and the Final Boss -Version 1.3: Format update =============================================================================== II. CONTROLS =============================================================================== -Control Pad: Move Character -Spider-Man Controls B: Jump Y: Fire X: Web -Wolverine Controls B: Jump A: Retract Claws Y: Stab/Punch X: Uppercut -Cyclops' Controls B: Jump A: Kick Y: Use Visor X: Punch -Storm's Controls B: Use Tornado Y: Use Lighting X: Use 8-Way Lighting -Gambit's Controls B: Jump A: Special Y: Throw Card X: Special (5 second fireball surrounds you) =============================================================================== III. WALKTHROUGH =============================================================================== The first level automatically starts you off as Spider-Man, so if you wanted to play as somebody else, too bad. You have to run around this building collecting these metal capsule things in a predetermined order. They'll flash red when you have to pick them up. The Spider-Sense tells you were the next one is, so it's really not that hard. Right in front of you when you start will be this robot then so shot it and then jump up onto the windowsills. Up there will be the 1st capsule and the 2nd one is on the ground where that robot used to be. Jump to the third windowsill and stand right on the edge. From here shot the web and hold right so you go across the gap and grab the 3rd capsule. Now fall into the gap, run forward, and climb up the wall for the 4th one. Now climb back down for the 5th one and to get the 6th one you'll need to climb all the way to the top of the shaft. For the 7th capsule, you'll need to leave, go left, and then jump up and grab it. Now go to the roof and kill the robot, swing across to the right and grab the 8th one. Now fall down the shaft until you grab capsules 9-11. Now grab the wall and go to the left. Find capsules 12 and 13 and then fall to the bottom of the shaft. Here, you'll find numbers 14 and 15. Climb up to the next cave part above you and go left. Either kill or run past the robot on the ceiling [it's easier to run under it]. Go left, down, and then right to collect capsule 16. Now go back they way you came to find numbers 17-19. Climb down to the bottom floor and grab the 20th and go through the door that opens. See, I told you it was easy. Spider-Man: Level 1 ------------------- Start off by running forward and climbing the wall. Shoot the robot and swing across, and follow the path of the brown spider things. Now fall down and kill the robot. Jump to the platform to the right, and then swing across to the next platform. If you climb up you'll find two red spiders. Now go back and grab the heart under you and keep going forward. After awhile you'll reach a wall, so climb up it. When you're at the top, start swinging across to the left until you can exit the room. Now go up and all the way right. For this part you'll need to stay up high or else you'll have to go back and start again. When you reach a wall on the right, you can climb up it to earn an extra life. Now go all the way down and then right. This time you have to climb up and use a zigzag pattern to go up. When you get to a narrow path to the left, this guy is going to jump out at you. He hops around and shoots lasers, so you going to have to kill him unless you don't value your life. If you kill him, you get five hearts. Now go left and down until you reach the left edge. Now start climbing up. When you reach the top, run right and continue to the end. In here you'll have to fight this red bat thing with a blue stone in its claws. Just keep shooting it and it'll drop these red stones that give you points and raise you health. After awhile, he'll die. Spider-Man: Level 2 ------------------- Swing up on the platforms and watch out for the bottomless pit on the right. When you get to the top, run right but you'll have some problem with the wind. The rain shows you which way the wind is blowing so pay attention to it. Now there isn't a floor to this place so you'll have to be careful and keep in the air. When you leave this area, keep going right. You'll see a spider path leading to the next building so shoot a web from the building you're on to get across. There will be two steel pillars and a castle. Near the bottom of the castle is another extra life. Now to the right is the boss, who I'm pretty sure is Carnage. Trap him in the corner and keep shooting him until he's dead. After you kill him you have to fight Rhino at the bottom. He charges around, like a Rhino would (and we all know there's nothing more serious than a rhino charging you), so just swing into him with you web to harm him. After you swing into him enough times, he's dead and the level is over. Wolverine: Level 1 ------------------ Wolverine can actually regenerate health so that's pretty good, even though he regenerates slowly. When you're using your claws, you can tear apart some walls and have a longer range so it's a good idea to keep them out while playing. I don't know why Wolverine got stuck with the toy level. When you start the level, run right and kill the clown. He'll regenerate, so don't bother killing them all. The jack-in-the-box with the machine gun isn't too tough, just keep stabbing him. Follow a zigzag pattern until you get to about the fifth floor and you'll see a flashing extra life. Grab it and continue going up until you come to a wall with a crack in it. Just uppercut it a few times and you'll destroy the wall. This level is pretty damn easy; just keep zigzagging up the floors until you reach this blue robot guy, who might be a Sentinel. It's been awhile since I've played, you see. He has long arms and jumps around a lot. Stab him and run away or uppercut him when he lands. Keep doing this until he blows up. Wolverine: Level 2 ------------------ I hate this level. It's just a straight path, but you've got Juggernaut chasing you the whole time. Just run away and cut down the anvils and weights so he runs into him, which hurts him. If you go too fast, he'll speed up and it'll be harder. It helps if you turn around and stab him a whole bunch of times and then run before he tramples you. They'll be some big bags in the floor filled with toys so jump over them. At the end is a really big bag that you can't jump over. I originally thought that you had to wait there and jump over him when he comes so he runs behind you and into the bag, but no. If you jump, he jumps and head butts you in mid air. The trick is to kill him before you reach the bag, because if you don't, you're screwed. Cyclops: Level 1 ---------------- I'm guessing he's in a mine or something. Run forward and kill the soldier guy, but watch out, he's got a rifle. Wait for a cart to roll down the track, and then hop in it before it passes you. Jump out at the next station place and climb up to the top. Four soldiers are guarding this ruby so kill them all. Jump back down and get into the cart will now be going backwards. Ride it to the end and go down the path. Run right, and watch out for the electric rail. Jump onto a platform and they'll be some orb-like robots. Grab the big ruby that's hanging above you. Now above you will be this big piston thing that crushes you if you go under it. Run forward and then back quickly to trigger it. Jump on top of it and go right. Now go up and left to get an extra life. Jump down until you reach another cart, and ride it to the end. You'll want to shot at spikes falling from the ceiling and bombs at fly at you. When you reach the end, an enemy that has to be kicked and/or punched to death will attack you. Jump into the next cart and stay in until you reach a soldier in another cart, then jump off and onto the platform. Kill all the enemies around you. There's a protected ruby above you, but go through a small hole to get to the rest of the level. Go down the path and you'll see another cart path. Keep going down until you reach a cliff with no other platforms in sight. Now fall down and land on a platform under the cliff and from there jump down into another cart. Ride it to the end where you'll fight another blue boss guy, this time I think it was Apocalypse. Just avoid his shots and keep shooting him. Cyclops: Level 2 ---------------- Run forward and avoid the electrical tracks by jumping across the platforms. At the end is the Apocalypse again. Kill him the same way you did before and exit. Now you fight Apocalypse, I think that's him. He's really big and pretty tough. He shoots missiles and lasers so shoot the missiles and jump over the lasers. Whenever you can, shoot his arm. After awhile his arm will fall off and you'll need to step down to the lower platform and shot up at his shoulder. He'll start jumping so shoot at his head then. Keep doing this until he dies. Strange, because if I remember correctly, Apocalypse could never be beaten or die, he was immortal. So much for that... Storm: Level 1 -------------- Shoot the clam that's to the right to gain a whirlwind. Destroy the capsule thing to raise the water level. In this level you'll need to shoot every one of these capsules. Swims left, down, and shoot the wall off to the right. Go through the tunnel that opens up and then go up. Continue along the path and you'll reach a dead end in the upper left corner. There's a capsule here, but don't shoot it yet. Dive down and go up to the right. The water wasn't high enough before so shoot the capsule now. Go back to the upper left corner and go through the door. Now swim left, down, and shoot the wall to your right. Now resurface for air and dive back down to shoot the capsule you missed before. Swim left, up, and then follow the path until you see a yellow-green spinning ball on the right side of the screen. Get some air and then shoot at the orb until it blows up. Storm: Level 2 -------------- Before you shoot the first capsule, kill all the surrounding enemies. Leave at the right and go into the room with the glass structures. Resurface for air and dive near one of the glass machines. When the flame enters on of the glasses, shoot it with lighting to destroy it. Do this until all of the capsules are destroyed. Get all the capsules, like the one in the little cave to the right and finish off the glass structures to beat the level. Gambit: Level 1 --------------- The goal of Gambit's levels is pretty simple. Get to the end of the level at the right. Collect 100 stars to get an extra life. At the top of the screen is a red bar. After you kill an enemy, it'll turn into a card, which replenishes your meter. Behind is a huge spiked wheel that rolls after you. You can stop it temporarily by throwing cards at it, but I wouldn't waste them, just keep running. Shoot the yellow blocks in your way to destroy them. At the end of the first level is a giant playing card that's the boss of the level. Stand under him and shoot cards at him until he disappears. When he reappears, he'll shoot out these bolts that create enemies. Keep shooting him and the enemies until they're both dead. Gambit: Level 2 --------------- This level scrolls vertically instead of horizontally. Take the left path when it splits and then the second to the right. Then you'll see the boss. Shoot at her arms and grab the deck of cards if you run out. Then keep shooting her. Transitions ----------- I like these levels because a drunken circus monkey could beat them. Cyclops ------- Run forward and kill everything. Wow, that was hard. Wolverine --------- Run forward and kill everything with your claws. Hey, where have we seen this before? Gambit ------ This one is a little challenging. Try to jump past the knight at the first jump and then just hope you reach the other side when you make the other jump. Storm ----- This one has special controls A: Shoot Water B: Jump C: Use Whirlwind (like Gambit's special) Don't run into the enemies and this will be easy. Spider-Man ---------- Just make you way to the bottom. Boss ---- First is this clown robot thing that rolls around and throws bombs. Shoot his head. Then he'll bounce around on a spring and drop more bombs. Again, shoot his head. Now he'll start rolling around really fast and throw a whole bunch of bombs. Let's see...Oh yeah, shoot his head. After he's dead you get some hearts. Now for the most viscous attack of the game...some white guys with guns! OH MY GOD!!! For some reason, these guys are taller then they look so shoot above their heads to kill him. There are 8 of them so kill them all. I bet you're proud of yourself now that you've beaten the game, right? Well, not after you see the stupid ending. =============================================================================== IV. CREDITS =============================================================================== Well, for one, Marvel because they made all the characters and all that stuff. And this whole thing is copyrighted to me, me, and me. Ask me if you want to copy it or anything. And you can find this FAQ at: www.gamefaqs.com