------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Syd of Valis AKA SD Valis Table of Contents ------------------------------------- I. The Introduction/Game Information II. Controls III. Beams/Armor IV. Walkthrough V. Legal Disclaimer and Credits ------------------------------------- I. The Introduction/Game Information You ever wanted a walkthrough for the overlooked and unknown video game for SEGA Genesis called Syd of Valis? Well, congratulations! Today is your lucky day! You get to read MY walkthrough on this short, easy, and JUST PLAIN ADORABLE game. Syd of Valis was made in 1992, a year after the more serious Valis III was released on the Genesis. The Valis series always had you playing as this super hot japanese schoolgirl named Yuko Asho, who is the Warrior of Valis. Obviously, this game was meant for the younger crowd, seeing as how it screams "OMGKAWAII!! ^.^!!" Still, I doubt it appealed to the spoiled American kids who want nothing but graphics and violence. But SD Valis is a good waste of a thirty minutes. ------------------------------------- II. Controls Start - Start Game, Equipment Screen (also can be used as a pause screen.) A - Use bomb. B - Shoot beams out of the Sword of Valis. C - Jump. Press C again at the top of a jump to perform a double jump. Control Pad - Move left and right, crouch down, shoot upwards. ------------------------------------- III. Beams/Armor Beams - Your main source of attack Level 1 Fireball - A simple blue fireball. You start with this weapon. Level 2 Fireball - A bigger blue fireball. Level 3 Fireball - The strongest projectile. Level 1 Wide Beam - About as strong as a L1 Fireball, but more range. Level 2 Wide Beam - Stronger than L1 Wide Beam Level 3 Wide Beam - Stronger than L2 Wide Beam Level 1 Homing Beam - Not very strong, but does seek enemies. Useful when you don't want to be in the range of enemy attacks. Level 2 Homing Beam - Little stronger Level 3 Homing Beam - Still a little stronger Level 1 3-Way Beam - The most useful beam. Level 2 3-Way Beam - Stronger! Level 3 3-Way Beam - Bigger and stronger!! But the Level 3 Fireball still has the most strength Armor - Play dress-up to see if you'll get stronger, have more power or defense, and change of speed. Although, sometimes, you might not feel stronger... Schoolgirl Uniform - Default armor. 10 A-Power, 10 D-Power, 10 Speed. China Dress - Classy. 08 A-Power, 15 D-Power, 10 Speed. Yellow Armor - You feel stronger when you wear this. 10 A-Power, 20 D-Power, 15 Speed. Guard Suit - Good defense! 20 A-Power, 10 D-Power, 10 Speed. Speed Suit - Whoosh! Sonic you ain't, but pretty fast you are. 10 A-Power, 20 D-Power, 20 Speed. Final Armor - Last armor! The best one! Makes your attacks stronger! 20 A-Power, 25 D-Power, 15 Speed. ------------------------------------- IV. Walkthrough One day, kawaii-as-hell Yuko (Although they call her Syd in this game... don't know why. They call her Yuko on the box and the manual. You'd think they'd know better) was walking down the street, slurping on an ice cream cone, when all of a sudden... "Enemy!!" cried Yuko as a strange being appears out of nowhere. She questions if she is Rogles, the enemy of the first Valis game, and it turns out he is the emperor of darkness, Megas. He wants Yuko to come to Vecanti... but why? Perhaps it's something Yuko will have to see for herself. She takes her ice cream, and it becomes the Sword of Valis... freaky, isn't it? Now, onward. Stage 1, Act 1 You start out in your hometown of Tokyo. Megas' Army is swarming around, complete with Metroid look-alikes. Shoot the enemies with your sword until you reach a ledge that you can't reach with a single jump. By now, all you modern-gamers know what this means... DOUBLE JUMP!! Yes, you can double jump in this game. Press C at the top of a jump to perform your second jump to reach over the ledge. Uh oh, looks like there's a miniboss ahead. There's a miniboss in every first and second act. Miniboss - This yellow and blue winged creature demands that you hand over the Sword of Valis. Yuko refuses, and commences to kicking his ass. If you were careful while entering the ledge, not falling to the bottom, then this guy will be a cinch. Just hold B down, and be careful when he charges at you. You'll recieve a China Dress and a Wide Beam as your prize. Equip both as soon as you get them. Your life will also be restored everytime you beat a boss. Stage 1, Act 2 You're at the Subway Station. Avoid the enemies again and keep moving forward. Miniboss - It's some kind of baby dragon with yellow spiky hair. Shoot its face till it dies, and drop down to the underground. Stage 1, Act 3 Every Act 3 is a boss stage, where you'll face important monsters. Your first boss is the Red Fighter Dragon, Zaluga! Stay as far to the other side of the screen as possible. When he approaches you, crouch down so you don't get hurt. Keep jumping and shooting until he falls down. If you're good, you might make it without getting hurt. Yay! The first stage is done! Jump for victory and watch a cutscene. Stage 2, Act 1 Woah, Yuko! Your outfit is your trademark yellow armor now! Anyway, you're now in a cave. Jump over the pitfall and fight a miniboss. Miniboss - His name is Necrodepto, the Red Thunder Dragon! He can be hard if you don't know what to do. Stay down to the lowest floor and shoot upwards, as he will frequently jump. If he gets in your way down there, just go all out, since your life will refill after the fight anyway. When he's done for, you will reach many more pitfalls. Plus a spiked path, complete with a few horizontal moving platforms. Beware of the enemies that split when you shoot them. Get across the danger zone, and you'll find a heart. Grab it, and fight another miniboss Miniboss - This guy moves swiftly, like a ninja. Use the same strategy as you did with Necrodepto, get your Guard Suit and Homing Beam, and go onto Act 2. Stage 2, Act 2 Climb all the way to the top. On your way, grab a star, which will grant you invincibility. Try to get all the way up there in time, cuz those splitting enemies are annoying. Surprisingly, this act is short, and there's no miniboss. Stage 2, Act 3 Boss -The Black Panther Dragon will point his sword up in the air, and lasers willshoot down. Stay far to the side as possible, and shoot him as soon as he's done closing his eyes. Rinse, lather, and repeat, and he will die. Yay! Stage 2 is done! Go onto Stage 3, but I hope you don't mind not having a cutscene... Stage 3, Act 1 What a nice looking castle with nice sounding music. Oh my Goddess! Floating turtles! This stage has it all. Ride the platforms, ignoring the blue-greenish substance that can hurt you, and go all the way to the miniboss. Miniboss - By this point of the game, bosses now have defense, meaning it'd take more than one projectile attack to make a life bar go away. This boss is a snake-like creature that flies around the screen. Jump and shoot, and you'll win a BRAND NEW SPEED SUIT! A pretty damn fast experience with bad defense. You'll also get the most handy weapon in the game... THE THREE WAY BEAM!! Ride an elevator to the top of floor, moving onto Act 2. Stage 3, Act 2 Ride another elevator, ride platforms to other side, fight the miniboss Miniboss - This vehicle has two phases, and both pretty much act the same. They jump and shoot fireballs that fires in all directions. Destroy both of them, and you can jump down to fight the stage boss. Stage 3, Act 3 To save time, put on your Speed Suit and dash away to the boss. Boss - The Large Robot Guy (Who, oddly, didn't leave his name) might seem like a toughie, but he's actually a breeze! He shoots four missiles from his head, and although I've never been able to dodge all four of them, they take away two life bars (with Guard Suit.) The real pain comes from the snake he shoots out after he backs up, which takes away two life bars if you're equipped with the Guard Suit, but it'll hurt worse if you're equipped with anything else. Crouch when the snake comes, and have your 3 Way Beam attack the head. Dodge missles, avoid the snake, keep shooting, and you'll win! Yay! Stage 3 is finished! Time to watch a cutscene. Stage 4, Act 1 You got your final suit automatically equipped. You're now in a mountainous zone, which means alot of jumping. Grab life at the top and go down to fight another damn miniboss. Miniboss - This knight guy swings around his flail. You'll want to stay up there and use your 3 Way Beam to hurt his head. His body will be destroyed and his head will become a snake-like enemy. He will now move around hastily, making it difficult to land a hit on him. If you're good, aim your 3 Way Beam at him. He'll go down eventually... you'll also have your beams and armor powered up!! Stage 4, Act 2 No Miniboss here. Grab a star at a mountaintop, put on your Speed Suit, and zoom through Act 2. Stage 4, Act 3 If you're still invicible from Act 2, zoom past the enemies to run into a miniboss, but be sure to put on your Final Suit. Miniboss - This guy might be a pain in the ass the first time you fight him, but with practice, he'll become easy. He has two phases. First, he'll ride some sort of flying platform, shooting a pair of lasers from his spear. Use the 3 Way Beam to attack his head. When the first phase is done, the floating platform will fly on its own. The guy will also move around even faster. Just keep shooting at him with, and he'll die. You'll recieve level 3 armor and beams! If you die on this stage, fighting this guy over will be easy. Go through a little more, and inexperienced gamers beware... you're in for a scare. Boss - Hizen!! This guy, in my opinion, is the hardest boss in the game. You will get hit, no matter what. He has three phases... the first phase, he will spin around from left to right. He'll dig underground and pop up to the other side. Double jump over him to avoid him. Use your Level 3 Fireball and hit his face. When his life's gone, he'll fly up in the air, similar to the miniboss you just fought, only much more annoying. Crouch down a little bit left from the center and use your 3 Way Beam to attack him. When he finally goes down, he will become what seems like some sort of caterpillar creature... he'll still fly. I think the Homing Beam will be useful. Time your jumps correctly so you can dodge the projectiles, and keep holding B down. There's another strategy you could use, but it's the cowards way out. You can go all the way to the side of the screen, keep crouching down, and hold B down with the Homing Beam. You will be guaranteed no hits. (Not guaranteed, but it does work) When his life's gone, jump for joy, because that part is over. Yay! Stage 4 is complete! Onto the final level! Stage 5, Act 1 This is an elevator stage. You stand on a platform that elevates up to Act 2. Be sure to destroy the enemies on the way, and be careful not to fall off. Watch out for enemies that split. Stage 5, Act 2 The same, except you're flying northwest... and there's a miniboss at the end. Miniboss - He'll shoot fireballs from his chest and fly around. It's the same strategies for the second phase of Hizen, just don't fall off the edge. Stage 5, Act 3 Boss - MEGAS!! This is it! Your final battle! Megas has two phases. First, he'll shoot lasers between his sides, which will flow out from both sides. The thing to do would be to stay in the middle of his position at all times. Plus, you'll need to shoot. His second phase is easy. He has two attacks. One is he'll make a swirly-attack. When he does that, you need to approach him and crouch. His second attack is shooting a blast that splits into five when hit on the ground. Watch out for these attacks, jump and shoot at him with Fireball Level 3, and you win!!! Yay! Game completed!! That's it! You've beaten Syd of Valis! Enjoy the surprising ending! Yuko-chan forever! ------------------------------------- V. Legal Disclaimer and Credits Disclaimer: This Walkthrough was written by me. Please do not distribute it anywhere without my permission. The consequences are dire. Credits Telenet Japan - For creating this game, and the other Valis games. GameFAQs - For distributing my walkthrough. Contact If you have anything you'd like to add to the FAQ, or I made a mistake and you want to correct me, my e-mail is Intercepter_14@hotmail.com. Remember: Be polite! Thank you for reading. Read again! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------