The Ruzz (Russell Unger) 12/20/99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Hyperstone Heist 1.Introductory 2.Updates 3.Story 4.Controls 5.Stages/Bosses 6.The Characters/Enemies 7.Codes/Secrets 8.Closing ************ Introductory ************ Hi. My name is Russell Unger and I'm 11 years old. This is my first FAQ I've ever did and I hope I could write more. If you want any of my information in your FAQ just let me know. And don't forget to give credit! Now let's go to my FAQ! ******* Updates ******* 11/16/1999 Fixed a minor mistake. I just want my FAQ to be perfect! 12/20/99 I forgot to add the profile for Raphael. Other than that, I'm have completed this FAQ. ***** Story ***** This story is straight out from the instruction booklet. Far below the morning rush hour in New York City, four youths are watching their favorite news reporter-April O'Neil-on television. Things are pretty comfortable for these boys in their well - furnished subterranean hideout. That is, well furnished if you're a turtle. A mutant turtle. Teenaged, no less. And a ninja. Okay, so you and I may not be comfortable, but these guys think the place is, like, mondo to the max. April is reporting a story from nearby Ellis Island. Suddenly, there is a bright flash behind her. She doesn't seem to notice, but the television viewers do. "Whoa dudes! Did you see that?" Michaelangelo asked the others. Leonardo and Raphael stop their ninja practice and look at the screen. "What? Did some jerk in the crowd moon the camera again?" Donatello asks from his workbench. "No way, man." Mike answers. "But there was a most spectacular flash. It looked like an expl..." Mikey stops talking. His mouth hangs open as he stares at the screen. His eyes growing wider. Leonardo rubs his eyes. "Am I seeing things, or is April growing?" "Your perception is growing, my son." Comments Splinter. The large humanoid rat-who also serves as a teacher and mentor to the boys-is standing in the doorway at the back of the room, watching the events unfold on TV. If you will observe, the city is actually shrinking." On the television, April has been alerted to the commotion. She turns and watches in amazement as Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty grow smaller and smaller and... with a flash the picture scrambles then resumes. Now, instead of April reporting from Ellis Island, the screen is filled with the face of Shredder, the Turtles' long time nemesis, master criminal and an all- around geek in general. "Listen to me now New York City!" Shredder's voice booms out from the speaker. "I have in my possession the treasure of Dimension X. It will allow me to take control of New York City today, and soon, the entire world. In my hand is the Hyperstone. I know you're watching, Turtles. You've gotten lucky in the past, but you won't stop me this time! Ha ha ha!" The screen fades to black. "Oh man, he really burns my shorts," Raphael exclaims. Mike taps Raph on the shoulder. "You're a turtle dude. You don't wear shorts." "We know what you mean, man," Don says. "Shredder has really gone too far this time. It's time we put a stop to this, turtle-style!" He raises his hand in the air, and the other three turtles rally around, giving him high-threes. "COWABUNGA!" ******** Controls ******** A: Use this to attack. If you repeatedly press A, (if you time it it'll be better), you will do a four hit combo ending with a power technique! B: This is the jump button. You can do air attacks with that move. To do a flying downwards kick, jump then press A. To do a mid-air attack, jump. At the peak of your jump press A. C: This is the run button. While walking press C. Then you'll start running! To do a front-flip run, then press B. To do a body charge run and press A. To do a sliding kick, run and do a front-flip. While you're flipping press A. Finally, to do a sliding toe smash run and press A+B. A+B: This is your Deadly Attack move. It is very powerful and each turtle has a unique one. To see them look in the Characters/Enemies section. Every time you do a deadly attack and hit something you lose two life bars. Body Slam: I like this move! You can only do it to foot soldiers. Hit your enemy so it holds it stomach. Then walk on the side of the enemy And press A. Your turtle will grab it's arm and start slamming him side to side! ************* Stages/Bosses ************* Here, I'm just going to tell you the three parts of the first three levels and how to beat the bosses. Stage1. New York City Part 1. You start out in a sewer. Enemies: Foot Soldiers, Road Kills Part 2. New York Streets. Enemies: Foot Soldiers Part 3. In a sewer, except the floor is filled with sewer water. Enemies: Foot Soldiers, Pizza Monsters Boss: Leather Head Description: He is a mutant crocodile How to defeat: L. Head is pretty easy. Walk up to him and hit him four times. After that jump away immediately because he will crawl and try to charge at you! Then he will throw knives at you. Don't get too close to him or he'll either punch you or spin you with his tail, which will cause severe damage. Repeat the process. Stage 2. The Mysterious Ghost Ship Part 1. You start out surfing on your good old electric surfboard leaving Manhattan. Enemies: Very easy foot soldiers, Mousers Part 2. You are aboard the Ghost Ship. Enemies: Foot Soldiers, Stone Warriors Part 3. The Ghost Ship stops, you jump off and land in some sort of cave. Enemies: Foot Soldiers, Stone Warriors Boss: Rocksteady Description: A mutant rhino How to defeat: Rocksteady is a little harder than L. Head. He'll keep attacking unpredictably. He'll shoot you with his machine gun and throw grenades. Hit him four times then he'll try to ram in to you. When he does this he is invulnerable so dodge him. After he stops quickly hit him again. Don't get to close or he'll kick you. Repeat the process. Stage 3. Shredder's Hideout Part 1. You exit the cave and end up out side of Shredder's hideout. Enemies: Foot Soldiers, Road Kills, Mousers Part 2. You are inside of Shredder's hideout Enemies: Foot Soldiers Part 3/Boss: Tutsu Description: He is a tall karate person How to beat: He'll send out three foot soldiers at a time. Every time you beat all three he'll send out three more. Forget them and run towards Tatsu dodging his missiles. Then hit him four times and he'll jump to the other side. Repeat the process. Stage 4. The Gauntlet Part 1. You are in another cave Enemies: Pizza Monsters, The first 3 bosses Boss: Stockman Description: He is a scientist that works for Shredder. He is in some sort of flying machine. How to beat: He'll keep dropping Mousers which is really annoying. Just keep jump kicking him and his scheming with Shredder is over. Stage 5. The Final Shellshock Part 1. You are in the Technodrome Enemies: All the enemies (except Roadkills) and little annoying robots Boss: Krang Description: He is a mutant brain from Dimension X. He sits in his robotic house. How to beat: Krang is one of the hardest and annoying bosses. He is hard to hit, too. Just try to hit him, and if you do just keep hitting him until you can't. Then he'll fly to the other side and shoot rockets at you. He will then start wailing. This is a good time to hit him again. When he is low on life he will shoot fireballs in the air and they will come falling down. Dodge them until there are no more. Krang will appear and quickly hit him. Don't get too close or he will Axe Handle Smash you. Part 2. You are in an elevator leading to Shredder Enemies: All the enemies Part 3/Final Boss: Super Shredder How to beat: Finally, the final boss. He uses the Hyperstone's power to turn to a huge, powerful version. He is very quick and he attacks you with a fire trail, an ice attack and a little orb that instantly kills you! When he throws a fire trail quickly go behind him and hit as many times you can. When he throws his ice attack don't worry. He throws it upwards, so just hit him. When he throws an just orb dodge it. Repeat the process and Shredder is history. ********************** The Characters/Enemies ********************** Leonardo Weapon: Katana Blades Power Technique: Bamboo Split-Leonardo jumps up and does a downward slice between his legs. Deadly Attack: Spinning Blade-It is quite obvious what this move is. Profile: The leader of the group and a perfectionist. With a strong sense of responsibility, he always leads the fight and has a fiery spirit. Michaelangelo Weapons: Nunchakus Power technique: Smile Finish-Mike steps forward and spins his nunchaku with a smile. Deadly Attack: Kamikaze Attack-Mike jumps forward and swipes his nunchakus. Profile: A glutton for pizza, Mike is a humorous dude with a cheerful personality, even if he is a little scatterbrained. He handles the nunchakus like a master and is a flashy attacker. Donatello Weapon: Bo Staff Power technique: Hurricane Attack-Don steps forward and spins his Bo. Deadly Attack: Toe Smash-Don uses his Bo to jump forward and kick his enemies. Profile: A born genius and a mechanical wizard. Don builds all of the vehicles that the Turtles use. His weapon is the Bo staff, which gives him a very long reach. Raphael Weapon: Sai Daggers Power technique: Vacuum Slice-Raph steps forward and spins his weapon backwards. Deadly Attack: Jumping Spin Kick-Another obvious move. Profile: Cool, levelheaded and resourceful. NOT! Raph has a quick temper and even quicker hands, which wield the sharp blades of his Sai daggers with staggering results. Enemies Foot Soldiers: Mass-produced robots built by Krang. There are two kinds. Normal Foot Soldier: This is the easiest enemy in the game. Just hit it until it dies. Some of them hold weapons. Blue ones hold swords, purple ones throw ninja stars at you, orange ones throw three daggers at you and gray ones hold nunchakus. Blocking Foot Soldiers: It holds nunchakus and uses them for protection. To defeat it, do a downwards-flying kick so you go behind it. Then hit it and try to body slam it. Another way is to charge it so it loses its guard. Then try to body slam it. Mouser: An annoying little robot mouse that Stockman built. They attack in groups. They try to bite your arm, which really hurts! Just hit it to destroy those pests. Stone Warrior: This enemy is kind of tough to beat. Again they attack in groups. Some hold weapons like a fire gun that hurt your toes and a bazooka. Roadkill Rodney: A little robot that travels on a single wheel. It shoots lasers and has an electrical lasso. Pizza Monsters: They are huge monsters pop out of the water and viciously swings its sharp claws at you. A single hit and they're out! ************* Codes/Secrets ************* Level Select: At the Konami screen press: C, B, B, A, A, A, B, C. Then at the title screen press: A, B, B, C, C, C, B, A. When you start the game press left or right to choose your level. Thanks a lot GameSages! ******* Closing ******* I hoped you like my FAQ. Remember, if you want any of my information in your FAQ just E-Mail me and I'll let you. See ya! Copyright 1999, November 11