The Adventures of Batman & Robin Sega Genesis FAQ/Walkthrough Copyright 2007 Kessinger (J. Jook) (kessinger at nym.hush dot com) Version 1.0 (November 17, 2007) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Table of Contents -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.0 Introduction 2.0 General Info 2.1 Controls 2.2 Items 3.0 Walkthrough 3.1 Stage 1-1: Happy Birthday to Me 3.11 Stage 1-2 3.12 Stage 1-3 3.13 Stage 1-4 3.2 Stage 2-1: Two-Sided Story 3.21 Stage 2-2 3.3 Stage 3-1: Tea Time 3.31 Stage 3-2 3.32 Stage 3-3 3.33 Stage 3-4 3.34 Stage 3-5 3.35 Stage 3-6 3.4 Stage 4: Snow in July? 3.41 Stage 4-2 3.42 Stage 4-3 4.0 FAQ 5.0 Credits (of the game) 6.0 Thanks =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Introduction -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As soon as I layed my eyes on this game and witnessed the love the programmers had for their job and the beauty of the coding that is the result of this, the amazing ideas, not to mention the awesome music and one of the best introductions in a Mega Drive (Genesis) game (although so simple) I vowed to finish it. It is clear from the programming, graphics and music that these people came straight from the demo scene (PC or Amiga) as no school educated programmer can pull of things like that (or can dream about it even). It is one of the best showcases of proper coding on the Mega Drive together with Alien Soldier, Contra: Hard Corps and Red Zone, to name a few. It didn't take me long to find a copy as the game doesn't seem to be in high demand. After my purchase I would play it every now and then in a casual manner and it would best me over and over. In the beginning I didn't even know what the first mid-boss looked like. Yet, at some point the idea of finishing the game matured into the idea of 1cc (credit clear(ing)) the game as I consider this the only real way; the only real proof of mastery. At this point I started to work seriously to reach this goal and then it became clear that it was not so much the difficulty of the game as my lack of perception as to how to play it properly. The only gripe one can have with this game is the length of the levels. This is a thing apparent and aggravated right in the beginning due to the repetitiveness of the game. This becomes so bad after level 2-2, that one might put down the game and leave it at that. For me this too was very apparent in the beginning, yet for some reason or another this has grown on me and I don't notice anymore, at all. Nay, I relish it even. Should the great music and coding be absent I am sure I would have sold it long ago and never would have looked back. Another point which some people seem to take fault with is that it has nothing to do with the Adventures of Batman & Robin cartoon and yet uses the characters. This is merely a problem of perception. See, this is not a game made from scratch to fit an already known fictional world. In this case a great game (or the already existent idea) was simply clothed in the imagery of an already known cartoon; most likely to boost sales. Don't think I denigrate the use of the Batman characters too much by this as it is clear to anyone who plays the game, without prejudice, that the game has turned out so much more "cool" than it ever could have been if unknown characters would have been used. If you are interested in "Run And Gun" games and are not taken aback by high learning curves, admire great coding and like electronic music of this time period this is a game not to be missed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2. General Info -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. The bar in the top left of the screen shows the charge status of your weapon. When fully charged you can fire a much more powerful projectile than usual. 2. You have 17 hitpoints, 16 of which are shown as "petals" of the heart and the last one as the heart itself. 3. Enemies can only hit you when they are attacking you. This means that with good timing one can walk through an enemy indefinitely. 4. Even when you are fully powered up you may still want to pick up a powerup when it has the appropriate colour due to the cyclic nature of these items. When you don't you may be pushed or forced into it when it is the wrong colour; leaving you perhaps with a worse chance of passing the level. 7. Having the wrong weapon or wrong level of power can be a nuisance at the very least and certain death at worst. 8. At more than one point in the game the game forces you to keep your eyes on two different attacks occurring at the same time. It comes highly recommended to not focus on the playing character; keeping it instead in your peripheral vision. Keep the least threating of the attacks (i.e. the most predictable one) also in your peripheral vision. 9. Many enemies release small hearts upon destruction. These bring about a balance in the game, but it will not allow you to play carelessly (although it may seem so at first glance). 10. Batman's hitbox is at places a big bigger than the actual sprite (his lower neck area). This is barely noticeable however. 11. Before you start the game you have the possibility to choose between Batman or Robin. The only difference between the two is that his melee attacks are different, but only in looks. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2.1 Controls -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Start - Start the game - Skip intro screens - Pause/resume D-Pad - Move Batman or Robin right or left. - Aim weapons, punches and kicks. - Look up. - Crouch down. Button A and C - Throw weapon - Punch/kick/head butt. Button B - Jump - Perform jump kicks. High jump kick - Jump (Button B), then press Button B again any time while airborne. Jumping angle kick - Jump (Button B), then press D-Pad down + button B any time while airborne. Hand-over-hand Swing - Press D-Pad up + Button B to grab onto an overhead ledge, railing or pipe. - Use D-Pad to swing right or left. - Throw weapons, punch and kick by pressing Button A or C while hanging from one hand. - Jump again (Button B) to reach a higher platform - Press D-Pad down + Button B to let go of the platform. -=- Crouching and firing forward can not be achieved by pressing down and A or C due to the nature of the controls. One has to press down and left or right on the d-pad. -=- One cannot walk and fire at the same time. Compare it to "shot II" mode in Contra: Hard Corps. -=- If one takes a certain position, say crouching to the left, and keeps the fire button pressed down, releasing the d-pad will keep Batman in the same position. Releasing fire will cancel the position. -=- The flying jump kick can be used (and must be used) to cover a larger distance than a simple jump would cover as Batman seems to have power over the laws of physics. In other words the flying kick will give you a boost while already in the air. It is essential for certain jumps in level 3. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2.2 Items -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= All weapons start at level 1 firepower. Pick up more disks of the same colour to increase your firepower; up to 6 times. Picking up a disk of a different colour changes your weapon. Next to your hitpoints you will find a charge bar. When filled it will blink and you will be able to shoot an extra powerful shot. If such a charge shot destroys a target it will pass through it and will do damage to, or destroy, sequential targets. Should a target be able to take a charge shot without being destroyed then the charge shot disappears. Weapon selection in a game such as this is highly personal and depending on your own difficulty preference. One weapon may require a wholly different method of play than the other as well as a different degree of skill. The weapon system can be compared very well to character selection in for example Contra: Hard Corps. Browie is for beginners and Fang being for experts. My method of play does not exclude any other method and should be taken as such. (The item names were taken from the manual, except for the hearts. Those where not mentioned in the manual (!)) -=- Batarang power-up (Red disk) -=- Level 1: One small batarang. Level 2: Two small batarang. Level 3: Three small batarang. Level 4: One batarang. Level 5: One batarang and two small batarang. Level 6: Two batarang. Level 7: Three batarang. Strength: Medium. Recharge time: Medium. Speed: Fast. Spread: At some levels only. (It is important to take note of this as in some levels (e.g. level 3) it is better to have a lower level and a spreadshot than a high level and just one projectile stream. At level 1 the projectiles are thrown on slight alternating courses at random. This weapon has a tendency to fan out vertically on some levels as would be expected from a batarang/boomerang. Obviously this requires special attention to compensate for and/or exploit.) Comment: Weapon of choice from level 2-2 till the end. It combines strength, which is much needed from level 2-2 onward, with a spread covering lots of ground. When using this weapon it may be profitable not to pick up a powerup to keep a spread and avoid upgrading to a non spread even though it is more powerful. -=- Shuriken power-up (Blue disk) -=- Level 1: One shuriken. Level 2: One shuriken. Level 3: Two shuriken. Level 4: Two shuriken. Level 5: Three shuriken. Level 6: Three shuriken. Level 7: Three shuriken. Strength: Weakest. Recharge time: Fastest. Spread: Yes (see list). Speed: Fast. Comment: The weapon itself may be weak, but when charged (which takes very little time) it will take out regular enemies in the first few levels in one shot. This makes for extremely fast clean (i.e. not getting hit) and aesthetic play. Because of this it is my personal favorite until level 2-2. After this point its use diminishes severely. -=- Bolo power-up (Green disk) -=- Strength: Strongest. Recharge time: Slowest. Spread: No. Speed: Slowest. Comment: Since this weapon has no spread and simply grows in size no list is deemed necessary. When fully powered up the projectile is very big compared to the other weapons. Personally I do not use this weapon, even though it is the strongest, as I find it detracts from the beauty of the game using such a sledgehammer as is this weapon. Moreover the long recharge time coupled with the fact that it doesn't take out enemies in one normal shot deters me from using it in the first few levels. Later on (with exceptions) a spread shot becomes more desirable than brute strength; making it again a lesser choice. On the other hand the strength of this weapon is so great that bosses go down very fast (too fast in my eyes). Also if you are the kind of person who prefers the powerful non spreadshot ship over the less powerful ship with a spread shot in a shoot 'em up then you'll want to pick this weapon in level 2-2. -=- Destruction (Black globe with skull emblem) -=- Smart bomb that destroys all enemies on screen with one explosive blast. -=- Life-up (Red ovoid bearing the face of Batman) -=- Extra life -=- Super Charger (Globe with red lines moving around it) -=- Charges the charge bar for a brief time in a much quicker interval. -=- Small heart -=- Replenish one hit point. Small hearts will always float up and out of the screen taking up speed as they go; making them useful only when you are close enough to collect them in time. -=- Big heart -=- Replenish x hit points. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3. Walkthrough -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I find it difficult to find a balance between what I experienced and how I play and what you will experience, what I have not seen and other methods of play. In other words I will suggest things and methods which may not be the best way for you or which you may not need at all and use certain words (i.e. do, use, &c) which should be taken loosely. If you want to share your methods please get into contact with me, so this FAQ can be improved. I've divided all levels into scenes as the game itself uses this method. A new scene starts at the appearance of "Go!". All information (i.e. mode(s) of attack, behaviour and points given for destruction) on the enemies (as well as destructible objects) you encounter can be found in the enemy list. The levels I've divided into "scenes" as the game seems to follow this method. At the end of a scene "Go!" appears. The enemy patterns the game throws at you are always the same. Clearing such a pattern and waiting, however, will cause the game to throw more enemies at you. When the pattern cleared was the end of a scene no more enemies will appear. Only enemy formations of interest are noted. Much like in a beat 'em up noting these would be possible, but of use to no one. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.1 Stage 1-1: Happy Birthday to Me -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Enemy list: Clown: This enemy will first look for you with his flashlight. Even when he is vertically on a different level simply looking in your direction will make him find you. After seeing you he will run towards you, wait and then hit you with what appears to be a crowbar. If you are standing on a ledge he will attempt to hit you while jumping. 100 points. Thief: Attacks by pushing you (he is not dropping that loot for anyone). Takes four melee attacks to dispatch. 150 points. 3-Shot Clown: Will shoot three bullets in a distinct pattern. The material of these bullets has a very short half time as they disappear after traveling about a quarter of the screen. bullets travel half the screen. 250 points. Slide clown: Tougher than the other enemies in the first level. Attacks by sliding; most likely under your attack. Take him out by crouching and shooting forward. 100 points Trashcan (item container of this level): 20 points. Scene 1: In this level the trashcans are the item carriers. The following list shows their content. They are grouped together in the list as they are in the game. 01: Nothing. 02: Power-up. 03: Nothing. 04: Nothing. 05: Nothing. 06: Nothing. 07: Nothing. 08: Skull. At this point the screen stops scrolling and clowns start dropping on the ledge from the left to the right. You can take out three in one shot if you use a charge shot when the first three lump together. The next wave drops in the same way, but from the right to the left. If you take out this wave quickly (you can only allow them to move a bit) a 1-up will appear. Scene 2: First 3-shot clown appears. 01 (09): Power-up. 02 (10): Super charger. 03 (11): Skull. The screen stops in front of a bank. When one group of enemies enters the screen the game will wait with introducing the next group (or part of the next group) until you destroy one enemy of the current group. One thief One thief (wait) Four clowns. Two on the ledge, two below. (wait) Two 3-shot clowns top left, bottom left. thief two 3-shot clowns top right, bottom right thief (not wait) thief 3-shot clowns drop in clockwise from top left to bottom left. Scene 3: 01 (12): Big heart. 02 (13): Nothing. 03 (14): Nothing. 04 (15): Power-up. Scene 4: 01 (16): Nothing. 02 (17): Skull. The screen stops scrolling. Four clowns. Two on ledge, two below. Two slide clowns on ledge. Four 3-shot clowns. First two on ledge, two more come in below after a delay. Two slide clowns on ledge (spaced out quite a bit) and thief comes in with a delay. Scene 5: 01 (18): Nothing 02 (19): Power-up 03 (20): Nothing. 04 (21): Small hearts. 05 (22): Nothing. 06 (23): Super charger. 07 (24): Nothing. 08 (25): Small hearts. Scene 6: Boss time. Mid-Boss description: Harley Quinn controlling a big red/blue striped robot. -=-Before she fires there will always be a sputter from the turret. Take note of the interval between this and her firing. -=-I hope it is clear that during boss fights one shoots whenever one has the opportunity. I make no mention of when to shoot at all, as it would be tedious and useless. -=-Even though the dome sticks out through the ledge you do not take damage walking through it. Phase one. Hit area: The lower part. When the battle starts she will slowly roll towards you, after she reaches the left side she will start her attacks. Attack 1: She will fire short aimed bursts in groups of three while rolling towards you. -The first one can be dodged by jumping upwards. As you do this hang on to the ledge, jump upwards immediately and walk forward. Doing this you will avoid the second burst and the (by now) gaining robot. Attack 2: She will position the robot at the right or left side and aim the cannon upwards or downwards. Then she will sweep it in a 90 degree angle in your direction and back again. After this she will do the same, but starting from the opposite direction. -When she starts from the top it can be dodged by simply crouching at the right distance. Don't crouch too close to her as you won't have enough room to dodge her next attack. Also don't crouch too much to the edge of the screen as the sweep will hit you (the sweep of the bullets is more than 90 degrees even though the sweep of the cannon is not). A good indicator is to crouch at the first line in the pavement from the right or left of the screen. When she starts from the bottom simply hang unto the ledge, jump upwards and walk towards her. Afterwards jump down again and you can get in a few shots before her next attack. Attack 3: She will charge at you after a short delay. -Jump up quickly to avoid it. If you already had calculated in a good distance you can take your time and live. She may also repeat attack 1 instead. Phase two. Hit area: Lower part. She will roll to the middle of the screen at which point the lower part of the robot explodes. Attack 1: She will fire the turret in bursts of 90 degrees. -Stay at the right side of the screen to pass through unscathed. You'll only have to jump up when the turret is pointing in your direction and is about to fire. Attack 2: She will start rotating the turret freely without firing, stop it pointing right or left, point the turret downward and start a firing sweep in a 180 degree arc. -Stay crouched at the opposite side the turret points in at the last moment. Phase three. Hit area: Harley Quinn. The top of the robot blows open and Harley Quinn sitting in a mechanical chair pops out. Attack 1. She will throw bombs at you from the left, middle or right. -The timing is 1, 11, 1. Meaning there is a gap between the first and second, and the third and fourth. The gap between the second and third is very small. Dodge it by being as far away from her as possible (be cautious as to not fall of the ledge). Start firing and walking keeping mind of the bomb timing. Doing it right you will walk underneath the first bomb, as well under the second and third. The last has to be dodged differently depending on the location of Quinn. When she is in the middle you may have to walk a bit back (taking the opportunity to land some punches), for walking forward there simply is no more space. When she is at the right or left of the screen you can simply keep walking forward. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.11 Stage 1-2: Happy Birthday to Me -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Scene 1: Power-up containers are vases in this level. 01: Small hearts. 02: Power-up. 03: Nothing. 04: Nothing. 05: Small hearts released in an arc. Clever jumping will allow you to collect them all. 06: Skull. First dynamite clown. Screen stops scrolling. At his point robot smiles will enter the screen in vertical formations either from the right, left or both. Destroying these in one go (much like the clowns in level 1-1) releases items. To do this position Batman in such a way his leg touches the damage in the display on the right. Using a weapon with a quick charging time will allow you to destroy every wave. Robot smile waves: One: ? Two: ? Three: Power-up. Four: Nothing. Five: ? Six: Life-up. Seven: Big heart. Eight: Powerup. Nine: Super charge. Scene 2: 01 (06): Nothing. 02 (07): Nothing. 03 (08): Super charger. 04 (09): Nothing. 05 (10): Nothing. 06 (11): Power-up. Screen stops scrolling Robot smiles in groups of three releasing three small hearts each. Four clowns. Two on the right, two on the left. One thief together with a slide clown will appear twice. Scene 3: 07 (12): Nothing. 08 (13): Nothing. 09 (14): Nothing. 10 (15): Skull. 11 (16): Life-up. 12 (17): Power-up. Screen stops scrolling. The tougher robot smile appears. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.12 Stage 1-3: Happy Birthday to Me -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Scene 1: The only enemies here are robot smiles. The normal ones will fly over in a formation. The tougher ones will break from the formation to attack you. They will release small hearts upon destruction. After some waves Harley Quinn appears again. Not much a mid-boss as just a tough enemy. Quinn sitting in her chair will throw bombs at you while hovering around. She will only throw bombs at your current location. So a timed walking/jumping forward and backward will leave you unharmed. Scene 2: The same formations as scene 1. Boss time. First phase. This is the same Harley Quinn you fought a minute ago. Second phase. The wrecking apparatus in the distance, used by the Joker's people to cause some heavy damage, is being lifted and upon coming through the roof the boss fight begins. Hit area: None. Just stick it out. Attack 1. Because of the machine pieces of the ceiling are falling down. -Keep your eyes on the part of the ceiling right above you and move when necessary. Third phase. Hit area: Harley Quinn. Attack 1. Harley Quinn will appear in her flying chair and again throw bombs at you. Combined with this the wrecking machine will move in and out of the screen. -Combine the strategy used just a minute ago for Harley Quinn. For the wrecking machine keep in mind that someone is controlling it and it is aiming for you. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.13 Stage 1-4: Happy Birthday to Me -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-Falling on the road will reduce your health by 2 hitpoints. Batman will jump back up and will have his usual invincibility interval. If you fall on the road again during this interval you'll still lose hit points. -=-Take notice of the gaps between some parts of the vehicles in which you can hide. -=-It is possible to knock more powerful enemies off the vehicles by using a melee attack. Scene 1: Item carries are "presents" here. 01 (on the left): Power-up. 02: Power-up. Screen stops scrolling. At this point balloons carrying bombs will emerge from the right side of the truck. A charge shot will take good care of the balloons. The robot smiles entering the screen during this fight will give items when destroyed. First: Super charge. Second: Five small hearts. Third: Skull. Fourth: Five small hearts. Sixth: Power-up. Scene 2: 01 (03): Super charge. Robot smiles in small vertical formations will come towards you. Some above you and others on collision course. Use well timed charge shots (the quick charge icon was placed there accordingly) to take them out. 02 (04): Four small hears. At the end some robot smiles come at you in the same formation as in level 1-3. The ones breaking formation give also hearts when destroyed. 03 (05): Big heart. Screen stops scrolling. You'll have to fight off balloons again as before. Again the robot smiles will help you. First: Super charge. Second: Five small hearts. Third: Skull. Fourth: Five small hearts. Fifth: Powerup. Scene 3: 01 (06): A lot of small hearts. Boss time. The Joker enters the screen sitting in a basket hanging underneath a balloon. Hit area: Basket. -=-Touching the Joker takes off three hitpoints. -=-Look closely at the Joker himself. He will indicate the direction of his attacks. -=-These different attacks may be (and are) followed closely by one other. Attack 1: He will slide from one side of the screen to the other. -If you stand at the side he is sliding towards to there will be enough room between him and you. Attack 2: He will charge down back up. He may do this straight down or in an angle. -This one is fast and can be unpredictable. Watch him closely; he points out the direction of the attack and observe the way he divides the screen in two by his balloon. If he is going to the right and thereby creating more room at the left he's probably going to dive to the left side, so stay at his right. Attack 3: He will cross the screen by the use of small jumps. -He really doesn't leave much room to walk underneath (ah, don't you just love those difficult touches in this game?), so stand very close to him. This way the distance he crosses by the jump itself will help you as you are walking in the opposite direction. When he is done with this attack he will follow it immediately with attack number one, so be prepared. Attack 4: The same as attack number three, but this time he also launches small bombs hanging from parachutes in groups of four. -The bombs can be destroyed. Observe the timing between the groups and pass underneath. Attack 5: Like attack number four, but this time he will launch the bombs while in the air. -Simply destroy said bombs and avoid them hitting you. Attack 6: He will hover at the top and in the middle of the screen beckoning with outstretched hands. From the right and left will appear two robot smiles. -The smiles don't enter the screen at exactly the same time, but one is always faster than the other. Stay near the middle of the screen to increase your chances. Dodging this one really depends on reflexes. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.2 Stage 2-1: Two-Sided Story -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stay at the far left or far right side of the screen. This way the bullets fired will have disappeared by the time they reach you if the person firing is standing completely at the other end. Learn the distance they can cross and you'll know when to jump over them. Bullets of mafia men travel about 4/5 of the screen. The green henchmen may release one or two hearts upon destruction or none at all. The barrels they will drop in the latter part of the level always release small hearts. The item carriers are the lights in the middle of the screen 01: Power-up. 02: Nothing. 03: Nothing. 04: Big heart. 05: Nothing. 06: Power-up. 07: Skull. Screen stops scrolling. Two Face will enter the screen hanging from a rope ladder. He will throw dynamite in anyone of the following patterns: 1. Three on the left and three on the right. The ones on the left hit before the ones on the right. Stand at the right as long as possible and then move to the left. 2. The bars will fall down one after another from the left to right. There will be only room to stand at the far right. 3. The same only vice versa. Stand at the left. 4. Same as 2, but with much less time to dodge as they are thrown not so high. 5. Like 4, but vice versa. 6. Four bars will land at the same time. Two at the right and two at the left. In the gap left in the middle two bars fall shortly after the other four explode. Stand in the middle and move as soon as the explosions are not damaging anymore. Illustration for clarity: -- - - - - 7. Six bars are thrown, a space being left in the middle. First the outer two hit, then the two more inward and then the final two. Simply stay in the middle. When dynamite explodes it is only damaging for a certain amount of time. Experiment to learn when you can walk through it safely. Two Face will attack for a total of three times interspersed with enemy attacks. 01 (08): Nothing. 02 (09): Big heart. 03 (10): Skull. 04 (11): Nothing. 05 (12): Power-up. Screen stops scrolling. 01 (13): Skull. 02 (14): Big heart. 03 (15): Nothing. 04 (16): Super charge. 05 (17): Power-up. Scrolling stops and Two Face will attack twice with a dynamite pattern. 01 (18): Skull. 02 (19): Big heart. 03 (20): 1-Up. 04 (21): Power-up. 05 (22): Big heart. Boss time. Description: Part of the zeppelin covers the top of the screen. It has four individual turrets. Two face joins in by throwing dynamite at the platform you are on. -=-These turrets keep aiming while firing even. This means that moving around will make the sweep bigger and thus harder to avoid. -=-One hitpoint for one bullet. -=-Dynamite hit 4 hitpoints. -=-You can make this fight as difficult as you want by taking out the turrets in a troublesome order. For example taking out turret two and three will cause you lots of trouble taking out the remaining ones as they are so far apart. Phase one. Hit area: The turrets. From the very start you can stand below either turret one and two or three and four. I would not suggest standing below two and three as this will cause problems destroying one and four effectively due to the distance. If you get underneath them as much as possible while dodging the fire they will be gone before Two Face appears. Attack 1: The turrets will start out by firing sequentially from the left to the right (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4). -Dodge. Attack 2: Next 1 and 3 (short delay for 3) fire in a short sweeping motion from left to right. This is not aimed. Then 2 and 4 (short delay again) in the same way. Followed by 1 and 3 again in a sweeping motion, but this time they shoot at the same time and they start where they left off. Then 2 and 4 also fire in the same way. -Be careful not to be pushed in a corner. Always try to keep near the middle of the screen. To do this you'll have to stand in between the two streams of bullets. Attack 3: The turrets will fire in the following order 4, 2, 3, 1. -Dodge. Attack 4: Like attack 2, but from right to left. Starting with 4 and 2 (2 has the delay now). Then 3 and 1. And again 4 and 2 this time at the same time. And 3 and 1. -Same method as attack 2. Attack 5: At this point Two Face enters the screen and throws a bundle of dynamite at the right side of the screen. -Do not be near the explosion and jump over the traveling fire. From now on the blimp and Two Face will alternate in attacking you. Attack 6: The remaining turrets will fire at you one after the other. -Giving a method for this part is really difficult as it really depends on which turrets you left over. If only 1 and 2 are left (I can recommend this) then stand below them and fire even when they are still outside the screen to ensure lots of hits. When they fire (2, 1, 2) use the delay between them and any gaps that appear to dodge effectively. Attack 7: Two Face either throws a bundle of dynamite in the middle, right or left side of the screen or he attacks with any of the dynamite patterns mentioned earlier. -Before he throws anything be sure you are standing in the middle of the screen. This way you can go to the right or left of the screen in minimal time. The dynamite patterns can be found above in the level walkthrough. For the bundle beware that when he throws it in the middle there will be two fire plumes; one going to the left and one to the right. Use the flying jump kick if you need more air time. Attack 8: After destruction of all the turrets Two Face will keep throwing dynamite patterns till destruction. -Dodge using the same method as before. Even if the hit points reach 00, if he is in the process of throwing dynamite you will still take damage if you get hit! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.21 Stage 2-2: Two-Sided Story -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-Since this is a shoot 'em up level the level descriptions are not so detailed as for the other levels. -=-This is the first and only level in which Batman will make use of a glider to get around. The makers of the game went to special trouble to make it feel you are actually controlling a glider. This means the controls need some time getting used to as they are not the same as in most shoot 'em ups. You may think that this type of control will not allow for the same amount of precision as other games and you will be right. However, this degree of control is not necessary in this game. -=-Due to the nature of the way the glider moves it is faster to move (i.e. dodge) diagonally than horizontally and vertically. When moving to and fro there is a small delay between said movements. -=-As always in a shoot 'em up move only when necessary. Not doing so will increase the chance of flying into bullets. -=-In this level non cyclic power-ups appear for the first time. Biplanes when destroyed give off powerups, chargers. Some red planes also leave chargers, skulls, powerups. Blue planes shoot bullets. Red planes only small non heat rockets. After a while the first wave of rockets. Some shoot bullets in an arc. Some leave hearts, other powerups, skulls, chargers. Again blue plane waves. After a while a green plane shooting two short parallel streams of three bullets each. It leaves small hearts. Red and blue planes mixed this time. Next up rockets (some leave items, hearts) that split up into small heat seeking rockets. The heat seeking of these rockets only takes place for a short amount of time. After that period they behave mindlessly. It goes without saying that you'll have to maneuver intelligently to take them out easily, especially when there are a lot of them. If you are careless they will swarm you and they will kill you notwithstanding the hearts. small rockets 50 points. Again a green plane enters the screen, but this time from the left. He fires a big spread (maybe call it arc shot?) shooting in groups of two. When he reaches the right side of the screen he will start releasing intelligent flying mines. Mid boss. Elongated red craft bearing two cannons and one rocket launcher. Phase one. Hit area: The two turrets and the rocket launcher. Attack 1: Both the top and bottom cannons will fire two bullets connected to each other in groups of three. -Be careful not to get caught between a stream and the screen edge as it moves vertically; it will not leave you any space. Attack 2: The rocket launcher fires small rockets. -Nothing to write home about. If you hover in front you'll most likely destroy the rockets before they get anywhere. Attack 3: Again he reverts to attack 1, but this time the stream consists of groups of four. -Same strategy as attack 1. Phase two. Attack 1: When all three weapons are destroyed it will try to crush you. -Be careful as it moves deceptively. You may think you have enough room, but it only seems so. Keep moving around even when it is far away. Clouds enter the screen. Vertically moving red planes enter. Small heat rockets. Blue planes. Big rockets. Some shooting in an arc. More mixed planes. First Area 51 plane. Shoots non heat small rockets. Leaves hearts. Keeping as much in front of him as possible when using a spread shot will take out most rockets before they can travel much. 200 points. Big splitting rockets. Followed by the non splitting kind. These do not shoot arcs. Leave hearts and items. Mixed plane waves. Area 51 plane. Leaves hearts. Splitting rockets. Big rockets leaving hearts, items. Splitting rockets again. And big rockets leaving hearts, items. Again the green plane kind from the beginning of the level, but this time it shoots much longer streams (six bullets). 200 points. Three Area 51 planes shooting small heat rockets enter the screen sequentially. These are the most dangerous enemies in the level if not taken out quickly. Either because of lack of skill or if your level of power is deficient or you have the wrong weapon. Because of the way the planes release the heat rockets you will not be able to take them out before they can cause mischief. If you do not take it out quickly it will move to the left (and drop mines) and another one will enter from the right. Should you allow this to happen it may create a serious problem (i.e. loss of one life and loss of your current weapon power) as the boss is up next. Boss. Description: Huge zeppelin two screens high and 13 (!) screens long bearing all kinds of cannons, rotating and sliding turrets, rocket launchers and futuristic weaponry. -Simply sweep vertically across the blimp taking about the turrets as you go. Some release items. Due to the nature of the boss (how to tell which turret is which easily?) only items of supreme interest are noted. Some of the smallest cannons on the ship release two small hearts when destroyed. First Sonic Disruptor. This is the first of three SD's. All three have different attack patterns. The first its attacks can be dodged by simply moving vertically; staying at the left side. When the rocket launchers open note the order in which they do and take the rockets out in that order. The SD will release small hearts after destruction. This is the first of three SD's. All three have different attack patterns. The first its attacks can be dodged by simply moving vertically; staying at the left side. When the rocket launchers open note the order in which they do and take the rockets out in that order. The SD will release small hearts after destruction. -=- One star turret releases a big heart after the two star turrets and the rocket launcher. Cannon at the bottom and the opposite one at the top before the sliding turret both give a powerup. Sliding turret gives charge shot. -=- Second Sonic Disruptor In addition there are two star turrets and two rocket launchers. Take out the turrets as soon as possible. -=-When you are forced the move in circles around the sd take turns as tight (i.e. straight) as possible. Due to the nature the glider moves moving in actual circles will not work. Starts out with a rotating sweep stopping at every 1/4. Then it seems to start on a second round, but it does so only deceptively. After one shot it turns around and aims straight for you. Dodge by moving vertically. Due to the decrease in distance between you and the SD the sweep becomes more dangerous compared to the first one. Repeating the rotating attack again. Next very short aimed bursts of four rings. After this it repeats the long stream again. Releases hearts when destroyed. -=- Two cannons opposite each other (one at the top another at the bottom) both give a charge shot. Sliding turret gives 1-up. This item can be obscured by the railing. -=- Third Sonic Disruptor. And four rocket launchers. Combines non aimed sweeps with aimed bursts long and short. Even though the distance between you and the sd is very small here. All aimed bursts can be dodged by remaining on the left side of the screen, directly in front of the sd. It is the pattern of the second sd that is more difficult really. It is the four rocket launchers that cause problems here. Look closely at the opening order. If all four open at the same time, good luck! Releases hearts upon destruction. If you need more hearts after this fight you may want to hover in front of the rocket launchers on the right. If the timing of the destruction of the SD was right one of them may open before they move off screen giving you chance to destroy it. It will release small hearts. End boss Description: Two face piloting a helicopter with a whole range of attacks. -=-Two face will move around the screen at will. Consider this as dangerous as his weaponry. -=-The colour of the searchlight indicates the kind of attack. Hit area: The whole helicopter. 1. He starts off with a white searchlight followed by two long streams of bullets. While moving vertically. Like with the mid-boss be careful not to get caught between a stream and the edge of the screen. 2. Now a red searchlight after which he will drop mines which are seen before in the level. 3. This time he will fire a spread shot consisting of big blue stars; not unlike the ones shot at you by on of the turrets on the zeppelin. The first spread is small and only three stars. The next one five stars and the last one seven (?). 4. A circle of round bullets which grows in size. 5. A long stream of small rockets. The rockets are exactly the same as the other small rockets in the level; meaning they can be destroyed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.3 Stage 3-1: Tea Time -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The levels which make up level 3 are chaotic and depend largely on reflexes (much like level 2-2). Enemy formation descriptions are therefore not that detailed. Scene 1: Item pouches can only be opened after they have dropped a bomb. This will happen as you walk passed. Item holder list: 1: Powerup 2: Heart 3: charge 4: skull 5: heart 6: powerup 7: powerup 8: nothing 9: powerup 10: nothing 11: heart 12: powerup 13: nothing 14: powerup 15: powerup 16: heart 17: charge If your weapon is under powered you will want to go for the powerups. The rest is not worth the trouble (i.e. you will get swarmed by the clowns). The current clowns will always jump in your direction (i.e. follow you). Their attack is the electricity making them quite harmless to walk through when this attack is not active. If you use a melee attack however you can even damage them when they are attacking. The round formations give two small hearts. If you use a melee attack while the clowns attack your attack will have precedence over theirs. Keep walking forward. The clowns will keep coming. Screen stops scrolling. The item pouch (nr. 5) on top contains a heart. Presents drop down. First right, left, left and right. Connected cc's come out as the present hops one or two will come loose and behave like loose cc's. Scene 2: Wheel formations (keep your health as high as possible) and presents. Only take notice of the ones in your way. Screen stops scrolling. Beautiful formations start hurling themselves in your way. A charge shot (batarang) will take them out in one shot. Scene 3: TNT bunnies. These are activated when you come close. Their belly starts blinking to indicate their timer has started. The explosion is big, take note of the size. Again keep walking and only take out the ones in your way. Screen stops scrolling. Presents drop down. Now the cc's are connected together horizontally and move around not unlike a slinky. First a little formation and then larger ones, as well as faster ones. Remember that enemies can not hit you if they are not attacking, so walk through them when possible. Scene 4: Two huge slinky formations one coming from each direction. Notice how they are so big you can actually crouch underneath them, even while they attack. One good way to tackle the clowns is to fire forward and upwards when you see some flying over you. This will work because their jump is not aimed at you, but only aimed in your direction. This will cause them to jump over you, in front of you and sometimes directly on you. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.31 Stage 3-2: Tea Time -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Description: Big grinning cat prop with claws causes studio equipment to fall down. -=-Due to the small hit area it takes extremely fine placing on the ground to land all three shots of a spreadshot weapon. It is not impossible however. -=-Never move to the far right or left. He will hit you with his claws. -=-Much like the dynamite in level 2-1 the studio equipment can only cause damage before it hits the ground. It is safe to walk through after you hear the sound of it hitting the ground. -=-Like the very first boss, this one also warns you by a sputter before he is about to fire. Hit area: Nose. 1. He will start of by alternately hitting the floor with his paws. This will cause heavy equipment to fall down. Walk to the right or left to avoid, but not too far as he will hit you. 2. The same as above, but the equipment will fall randomly. Simply move when necessary. 3. He will fire some kind of energy beam from both of his eyes. Keep where you are and you will be fine. 4. Same as above, but he will sweep from the right to left or vice versa. Keep in between and start moving back when all the energy residue is gone (as if some is left it will damage you). Also beware of his claws. 5. Hitting the floor again, but this time only four pieces of equipment fall and he'll repeat this attack successively much faster than attack number one. Since it is so fast you might get under a claw, so it is better to dodge toward the direction of the claw he just used for safety. When his hitpoints are gone the curtain will drop. Move to the right or left side of the screen to avoid getting hit by the prop. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.32 Stage 3-3: Tea Time -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Scene 1: First robot helper: powerup This one you may not want to release at all. Considering the bunnies (i.e. you may get pushed in the powerup by an explosion or pushed off a platform. Second: skull Screen stops scrolling. Presents drop down on the first and fourth mushroom. Next one drops on the third, then one on the fourth. Next first and fourth again. Third: small hearts. Scene 2: Fireflower. The bursts of these enemies will do lots of damage. Jump with care. Fourth: powerup Two fireflowers. This gap can only be crossed by a flying kick. Study the timing carefully. With some flowers the gap to jump between is very very tight. Screen stops scrolling. Four small mushrooms to stand on. Very long strips of cc's fall down. Robot help fifth at this point: charge CC's will break off and annoy you. Sixth: powerup Scene 3: Seventh: small hearts. Eight: small hearts. Screen stops scrolling. Two mushrooms in the middle. Robot helpers will enter the screen carrying lines of the cc's. Standing near the middle will give you time to act accordingly towards both sides. When one line is coming from each side it may be better to attack the one farthest first. This because the clowns close to you may just be done attacking, and will be harmless, when they pass through you. The ones far away, while not attacking when entering the screen, may just be attacking when they reach you and will do so if not taken out. Take note of the timing and decide accordingly. Scene 4: More Fireflowers. Some shoot only one stream. Others have a short pattern: short, short, short, long, delay, repeat. I am not listing the patterns here as even knowing them by heart before playing won't help a thing. You'll need to witness the timing first hand. Remember that the flying kick will give you an extra boost while already in the air. Even when it is not strictly needed using it will give you more flexibility. Nine: powerup Ten: hearts. Eleven: charge. Presents and bunnies to make things even more complicated. Screen stops scrolling. Helpers come in with huge lines of cc's. The fourth and last one carries two lines. Destroy the helper (can only be done after the cc) for a 1-up. At this point the background starts to fly at you. Your guess is as good as mine as to what is happening here. The whole story and "realism" is dropped from this point onward in exchange of free use of effects. Keep walking from the left to the right and back again and jump when necessary to dodge/trick them. Boss. Description: Dwarf jumping around. If you have any idea what this spring powered abomination is supposed to be sent me an email. You can walk even underneath the lowest jump. Just be very near to it. Watch out not to be pushed in a corner if you hesitate to walk under him for too long. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.33 Stage 3-4: Tea Time -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Batman uses some kind of jet pack to move around. You can compare it to level 2-2, but here you can still move Batman around in the same way as in other levels. In other words you can aim the direction of the attack and moving around while firing will only change your position; keeping the direction unchanged. The enemies of this level are only helps carrying cc's. Destroy the cc's first as the helpers invincible when they are carrying anything. Some helpers are very tough and do not disappear off the screen, but float back. The cc's in this level are always attacking. All kinds of items and small hearts are released. Using a spreadshot is much recommended. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.34 Stage 3-5: Tea Time -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Scene 1: Presents drop down. First right and left. Next in the middle. Scene 2: Helper one: charge Wheel formations Helper two: heart Screen stops scrolling. Some small wheel formations and a huge circle of cc's. Scene 3: Helper three: powerup. Slinkies. Next cup and saucer. Coming from left, right and right. Release three hearts when destroyed. Scene 4: More cup and saucers. One releases bunnies. Followed by sugar pot. The pot does not cause damage when hit, only the cubes. Consider the pot only a secondary enemy. Scene 5: Sugar pot releasing bunnies revealing big heart when destroyed. Second one has a powerup. Third charge. Presents, cup and saucers, cc wheel formations, sugar pots. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.35 Stage 3-6: Tea Time -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Description: Mad Hatter hovering in a black deep upside-down hat above a 3D obstacle track. This boss is definitely number 1 in the top 5 of "coolest bosses never to be seen by the average gamer" due to it being so far in a hard game. Too bad really. Hit area: The Mad Hatter himself. -=-Remember that using the flying jump will allow you to cross more distance than the regular jump. -=-Note how the distance traveled by Batman when you press left and right is deceptive due to the 3D nature of the road. 1. He will throw indestructible current clowns. Dodge them. 2. He will release a TNT bunny. Shoot it or cleverly dodge it by activating it and not being near when it explodes. During this first phase get in as many shots as you can. Especially when he stops with his attacks to throw the switch. 3. The obstacle track. The obstacles you get depend on how much damage you to to him before he throws the switch. The following descriptions are of a few possibilities. The first group of obstacles are after each other and next to each other. This means you can jump over one if it is on your path and can keep up firing. - - - - - For the second group stay in the middle and use a flying kick to jump over the obstacles in your way. This is a generalization of what the third group looks like. The walls become longer (horizontally) as the track progresses. Keep as close to the edge of the wall as possible to minimize the time needed to move back and forth. You do not have the time to compensate for big distances. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- The fourth group consists of sequential walls of which some have a gap. Stay in such a position so you can move through the gap and jump (or flying jump when necessary) over the rest. When the Mad Hatter's hit point meter reaches 9 he reverses the track. During this time there are obstacles. He only drops TNT bunnies. When he is defeated his hat falls on the track. It can be attacked and this it not just a nice detail. Destroying it will reveal a 1-up. Now, isn't that just one of the coolest hidden 1-ups you've ever seen? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.4 Stage 4-1: Snow in July? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The last few levels of this game aren't particularly interesting or innovative. Rather bland actually. The moving cans in this first level can not hit you when moving as all other enemies. The explosion is their attack. The timer is fast. It is better to try walking back and forth instead of jumping at the last moment. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.41 Stage 4-2: Snow in July? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The tanks keep aiming while firing. Having the proper distance and doing a flying kick will evade it. Being close and doing the same will cause the tank to still be firing when you jump, hitting you. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.42 Stage 4-3: Snow in July? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The scientists here are very tough and it takes a while to destroy them even with a fully powerup green weapon. In response the only powerups the game gives you here are the green ones. The globes blowing the cold air, though tough, can be avoided mostly by following their pattern and moving with them. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.43 Stage 4-4: Snow in July? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Final boss. Description: Mr. Freeze inside a flying saucer like vehicle. First form. He is protected by the glass covering at this point. Destroy it to initiate his second form. Second form. While this form is active metal globes blowing a cold gas, the same as seen previously, will enter the screen. When these globes are destroyed he will shoot and the projectiles will break up into small bullets. As they move they spread out. He does this four times from each compass direction. This is the toughest boss form in this game as you'll need good control of the not so controllable flying machine Batman is in. Keep doing damage to Mr. Freeze while trying to avoid the globes. Destroying the globes will initiate his outlined shooting routine after which he will again hover in the top right of the screen and more globes will enter. If you (happen to) destroy the globes find the gaps in Mr. Freeze's pattern. It really comes down to controlling skill. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4.0 Story -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The freeze is on! A chilling development! Mr. Freeze, whose favorite hobby is icing his floes, er, foes, has a scheme to make Gotham City a cooler place ... 30 below cool! He's building a massive ice cannon, and he's not about to let anything go wrong ... like having Batman and Robin meddle where they're not wanted. So he's "arranged" the escape of three of Gotham City's evilest felons from Arkhum Asylum. Once on the loose, their diabolical duty is to keep Batman and Robin occupied ... while the Impresario of Ice completes the global glaciation! Stage 1: Happy Birthday to Me. The Gotham City Concention Center, site of the Gem Expo, is gripped in a power blackout. Widespread looting has been reported, and all morning The Joker has been calling the power company, singing "Happy Birthday to Me." It's time for Batman and Robin to deliver the punch line. Stage 2: Two-Sided Story. The Gotham City Blimp Tower has been commandeered for the refueling of the top-secret XR22 Battle Blimp. This airship is outfitted with a powerful experimental weapon, called the Sonic Disrupter. Two-Face and his gang of thugs are laying siege to the tower, aided by miniature remote-controlled helicopters that are armed to the teeth. Batman and Robin must double-time it to the site and save the blimp at all cost. Stage 3: Tea Time. Commissioner Gordon has been kidnapped by The Mad Hatter, who is holding him hostage at Wonderland Studios. The teatotalling kidnapper has demanded $1 million in ransom, to be delivered by Batman. Who knows what lurks on the other side of the looking glass? Stage 4: Snow in July? While Batman and Robin were attending to the rescue of Commissioner Gordon, someone broke into the University lab. Now AU13, the special alloy used to store super coolants, is missing. Super coolants? Sounds like the chilling work of ... Mr. Freeze! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 5.0 Credits -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Producer Bert Schroeder Product Manager Jaime Wojick Developer Tortoise Clockwork, Inc. Game designers John O'Brien James Maxwell Stephen Thomson Programmer John O'Brien Lead Artist Stephen Thomson Artwork by Stephen Thomson Chris George Additional artwork by Robert Hemphill Noel Hines clockwork Producer James Maxwell Level Layout & Triggering by James Maxwell Allen Fernandez Batman & Robin Line Art Animation by Tokyo Movie Shinsa Music & SFX Creator Scavenger Music & SFX Composer Jesper Kyd Sound Programmer Jens Albretsen Lead Tester Chrisi Albertson Assistant Leads Mark Subotnick Don Carmichael Noah Mackenzie Testers Rachael Bristol David Dodge Chris Lucich Phil Co Dana Green Aaron Loichinger Randy Norfleet Lloyd Kinoshita Aaron Bandur Steve Bourdet Maria Tuzzo Sam Saliba Joel Breton Special Thanks to Holly Stein Catherine Sollecito France Tantiado Clint Dyer Nemer Velasquez Sara Holihan Trish Dunne Christine Bertoglio Wayne Leonard Scott Compton Manual by Carol Ann & Neil Hanshaw