THE INCREDIBLE HULK(GENESIS/MEGADRIVE) By lethal_shrapnel v 1.0 email ------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------ 0.0 INTRODUCTION 1.0 VERSION HISTORY 2.0 BASIC STUFF 3.0 ENEMIES 4.0 BRUCE BANNER 5.0 MISCELLANOUS ITEMS/TIPS 6.0 GAME GENIE CODES 7.0 PRO ACTION REPLAY CODES 8.0 CREDITS 9.0 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION ----------------- 0.0 INTRODUCTION ----------------- Hi, This is one of my favourite games. However, I don't have a Genesis or a Megadrive. I played it using an emulator(Gens). I think it is an awesome game. The problem with all genesis games is that no proper explanation of the controls and gameplay is given. I found that out while trying Hulk. There was'nt a single darn faq that actually helped. So, after a lot of trial and error(mostly error!) I have put together this faq. Now I know that a game loses its charm if you know the details of each and every level/enemy. I will just brief you in this faq. One of the major problems of Hulk is the moves. Noone seemed to be able to give a proper explanation of how to play. The Guide is now complete thanks to several people and my winter holidays! I have no more plans to edit it. If any extra information is sent in then I will add it. Till then.. no more updates. This is the final version. -------------------- 1.0 VERSION HISTORY -------------------- v 0.1 - Started the FAQ, wrote up till Basic Stuff. (18/09/02) v 0.2 - Completed Basic Stuff and started Enemies Section (19/09/02) v 0.3 - Completed Stage 1 enemies (23/09/02) v 0.4 - Wrote the Bruce Banner Section, added the code, credits and copyright info. (26/04/03) v 0.5 - Removed some formatting glitches and added another level. (27/04/03) v 0.6 - Added the Switches and Breakable Objects Section, along with Unknowns Section (28/04/03) v 0.7 - Modified the Fish Face section, and the Copyright section. Added a bit more formatting (28/04/03) v 0.8 - Modified the Credits and Unknowns section and added the Sonic Clap, thanks to Nuno!! (18/05/03) v 0.9 - Modified the Credits and Unknowns section and added The Stomp thanks to Olufemi, Steven and Deathschild!! (09/12/03) V 1.0 - Added the remaining levels, Game Genie Codes and completely removed the 'Unknowns' section! Made some formatting changes. Yippee! The Guide is now complete. (17/12/03) ---------------- 2.0 BASIC STUFF ---------------- 2.1 CONTROLS ------------- A = Punch B = Jump (Hold to jump higher) C = Pick up 2.2 POWER BAR -------------- When you start off, you have three colours on the POWER bar that you can see. The colours are detailed below. Break stuff like Crates(1st Level), Vases(2nd level), Toxic Crates (3rd level), Valves(4th level) etc. to find green capsules that you PICK UP to gain power. DARK GREEN : When you reach this level of Power, you will be transformed into Bruce Banner. LIGHT GREEN : When you reach this level of Power, you will be a little stronger than Bruce. But in this level you cannot do any REALLY good moves. BRIGHT GREEN : This is the standard level of Power throughout the game and the capsules you find(see Basic stuff section) boost your power only upto this level maximum. WHITE : At this level you are said to be HULKED OUT. You are extremely powerful and can do all moves possible. 2.3 MOVES ---------- These are the moves that I know. The ones marked with '*' require you to be "Hulked Out". 1. Basic punch: A 2. Uppercut: Down + A 3. Swipe: Up + A 4. * Sonic Clap: Press A + B + C. Nuno recommends holding A + B and then tapping C. 5. * Shoulder Charge: Forward, Forward, C, Hold forward 6. * Standing Stomp: Stand over a downed enemy and press Down, Up, Down, A 2.4 GRAB MOVES --------------- Hulk will grab onto an enemy if he runs into them without attacking, or lands (after jumping) near them. He will hold them in a choke hold. The following moves apply then. The ones marked with '*' require you to be "Hulked Out". 1. Head-Butt: A 2. Chuck Behind: B 3. Drop: C 4. * Piledriver: A + B 5. * Bear hug: A 6. * Bowl Enemy: Press forward, down, back up, forward and then A. 7. * Grab 'N Lift: Up(give atleast 1/2 second gap) and B NOTE: When Hulked Out, after jumping press down, to do a Mega-Foot Stomp ------------ 3.0 ENEMIES ------------ In this section, I will detail all the enemies that can be found in the game, including bosses. Note that these strategies are not fixed, but can vary. ------------ 3.1 STAGE 1 ------------ 3.1.1 ARMORED MAN ------------------- This guy is the easiest enemy in the game, and the simplest. His toughness increases with every level within the stage as well as between stages. Weapons: Machine gun Strategy: Jump high in the air, float around bit and guide Hulk to land near this guy. Grab him by the neck and either throw him outta your way and proceed or repeatedly Head-butt him. A useful tip here is to headbutt him and then walk towards him. You will grab him by the neck again and can repeat the move. 3.1.2 BAZOOKA MAN ------------------- He is a stationary guard. Never moves from his place and will just fire if he sees you. Weapons: Bazooka Strategy: Once you get up, close and personal with him, you can uppercut or swipe repeatedly to kill him. 3.1.3 CANNONEER ----------------- Another stationary guard, he is invincible for the simple reason that you cant reach him. Behind his cannon he will continue to fire shots at you. Weapons: Cannon Strategy: He can be quietened down for a *very* short period by doing either a Mega-Foot Stomp near him, or by throwing any nearby thing at him. 3.1.4 SUB BOSS - ABOMINATION ----------------------------- A green fish-faced creature, he will appear often in the game in later stages. He attacks you by clawing at you, or by leaping at you. He may also crouch and keep swiping at you. Weapons: None Strategy: Just keep swiping at him, while avoiding the jump attacks. Remember that your *GRAB MOVES DONOT WORK*, so be careful. When he crouches and swipes, jump close to him and just punch him once. When he kneels down, he is finished. 3.1.5 BOSS - RHINO -------------------- Another doozie. This guys only attack is a rhino charge (figures!). He doesn't attack any other way. Weapon: Rhino Horn (??) Strategy: Yaaaawn! Swipe at him when he comes close, and then jump just when he prepares to charge again. Too easy!!! 3.1.6 INTERACTIVE STUFF ------------------------- SWITCHES - None BREAKABLE OBJECTS - Telephone Booths USABLE OBJECTS - Cars ------------ 3.2 STAGE 2 ------------ 3.2.1 EGYPTIAN GUARD ---------------------- This is the equivalent of an Armoured Man of Level 1. Strategy doesn't vary much. Weapons: Fire Staff Strategy: Same as for Armoured Man. In areas where you cannot jump, just walk upto him, ducking when he fires. Grab him and throw him out of your way. Beware though, these guys often appear as groups, so throwing one onto many takes them out quickly. 3.2.2 EGYPTIAN TRIDENT MAN ---------------------------- He is a stationary enemy. Most often found against walls and other strategic areas. Most of the time, he can be ignored as his rate of fire makes him easy to avoid. Weapons: Trident Strategy: Ignore him for the most part, or else you can jump near him and then uppercut or swipe him to death. 3.2.3 FACE ON THE WALL ------------------------ They shoot by opening their mouths. They are of two varieties. One that shoots a fire ball, and another that shoots silvery arrows. Both of them cause almost equal amounts of damage. Weapon: None Strategy: It is invincible. You can only duck and avoid it. 3.2.4 SUB BOSS - ABOMINATION ----------------------------- A green fish-faced creature, he will appear often in the game in later stages. He attacks you by clawing at you, or by leaping at you. He may also crouch and keep swiping at you. Weapons: None Strategy: Just keep swiping at him, while avoiding the jump attacks. Remember that your *GRAB MOVES DONOT WORK*, so be careful. When he crouches and swipes, jump close to him and just punch him once. When he kneels down, he is finished. 3.2.5 BOSS - TYRANNUS ----------------------- A floating man in a cape. He flies around attacking you with bolts of fire. Occasionally, his attacks cause the ceiling to fall down and you may get a sore head if you are not careful. He teleports at a random location on the screen everytime he is hit. Weapon: Godly Fire Bolt Strategy: His fire bolts are fairly easy to evade and the falling blocks can be avoided by stepping to the right or left. You can also use the shoulder charge to get out of the way of the falling blocks. There are two ways to kill him. You can either jump at him and punch him outta the air till he turns to stone and dies. Another way is to pick up the blocks of ceiling that occasionally fall down and jump and throw them at him. A combination of the two is extremely effective. 3.2.6 INTERACTIVE STUFF ------------------------- SWITCHES - Faces On The Wall (non-firing ones) BREAKABLE OBJECTS - Vases (For Transformation Capsules) USABLE OBJECTS - Boulders ------------ 3.3 STAGE 3 ------------ 3.3.1 ARMORED MAN ------------------- Same as the level one armored man. Hes a little tougher to beat and packs a heavier punch. He also moves faster than before. Better than before, these guys can gang up on you and create trouble. At this time, you wont be able to move as they keep shooting alternately. Weapons: Machine gun Strategy: Jump high in the air, float around bit and guide Hulk to land near this guy. Grab him by the neck and either throw him outta your way and proceed or repeatedly Head-butt him. A useful tip here is to headbutt him and then walk towards him. You will grab him by the neck again and can repeat the move. This is the only strategy if they are gangin' up on you. 3.3.2 BAZOOKA MAN ------------------- He is a stationary guard. Never moves from his place and will just fire if he sees you. Tougher again and more aggressive. His rate of fire is increased. Weapons: Bazooka Strategy: Once you get up, close and personal with him, you can uppercut or swipe repeatedly to kill him. 3.3.3 JETFLIES --------------- The replacement for the cannoneer. This machine (cant see a guy anywhere) will fly around throwing star-shaped projectile at you. Very difficult to handle as these projectiles home in on you. Weapons: Star Shaped Projectiles Strategy: Jump and attack him repeatedly. If this is difficult, or you can't be bothered, RUN!! Run, like you a$$ is on fire! Better, do the Shoulder Charge and scram. 3.3.4 LASER GUNS ----------------- This is a Gun mounted on the ceiling. Weapons: Laser Pulse Strategy: If you watched the demo, you would know that the only way to deal with it is to throw an armored man up at it. If this is not possible, then avoid it or jump and attack. This thing is better left alone, as there are often other enemies to deal with, who are far more dangerous. 3.3.5 ELECTRIC TILES ---------------------- Sparkling Tiles on the Floor. They give you a nasty shock when stepped on. In later levels, they will be pulsating on and off. Weapons: Electric Shock Strategy: Jump over them. 3.3.6 SUB BOSS - ABOMINATION ----------------------------- I'm beginning to tire of this fellow. Weapons: None Strategy: Just keep swiping at him, while avoiding the jump attacks. Remember that your *GRAB MOVES DONOT WORK*, so be careful. When he crouches and swipes, jump close to him and just punch him once. When he kneels down, he is finished. Also try swiping as it seems a little bit more effective now. 3.3.7 BOSS - THE LEADER ------------------------ A very tough fighter. He seems to have little life in the beginning, but thats only the tip of the iceberg! His ability is to absorb steel and become stronger! Every time you defeat him, he runs to another pillar and re-absorbs steel, making him come back to life again. He does three times. Weapon: A Flail without spikes Strategy: Stay outta the reach of his flail. He swings it like a madman. Try doing foot-stomps if your hulked-out (not likely), or jus jump in, punch him twice then back out immediately. Follow, him when he runs to absorb steel. Remember, you can't stop him! You may die trying! He turns the following shades as he absorbs. Normal, Wood, Rust, Steel. 3.3.8 INTERACTIVE STUFF ------------------------- SWITCHES - Levers BREAKABLE OBJECTS - Radioactive Barrels (For Transformation Capsules) USABLE OBJECTS - None ------------ 3.4 STAGE 4 ------------ 3.4.1 Webbed Alien ------------------- This guy is quick. He can spring outta the ground at specific places. So dont go wandering around if u see deceptively flat land. His weapon is a projectile. He throws some sort of Goo like a bullet. Weapons: ALien Goo Strategy: If your hulked out, get this guy in a grab and then kill him immediately using the piledriver or the bear hug. He can cause a whole lot of trouble. If you are not hulked-out, then grab him, and throw him aside and escape. His throws are so fast, that you would get hit, even if you are trying to punch his lights out. 3.4.2 Alien Sentry ------------------- He is one tough Cahuna! This guy is as tall as Hulk and packs a mean punch. Meaning he has your trademark Swipe move. To make matters worse, if he sees you, he can spit out a bullet similar to the Webbed Alien but longer. Weapons: Swipe Alien Goo Strategy: Once you get up, close and personal with him, you can uppercut or swipe repeatedly to kill him. 3.4.3 Alien Worm ----------------- More of an annoyance than a real enemy. This white worm crawls around the floor looking for you. When you are in front of it, it will leap and bite you. Weapons: Teeth (??) Strategy: If you are quick enough, then Uppercut/Swipe him when it leaps. Till then it is invulnerable. If you are not quick enough, avoid him, by jumping in front of him from lower ground. Immediately after it leaps, cross it and go. 3.4.4 Teeth ------------ These are more like fangs! They arise from the ground and can make life miserable. Weapons: Teeth Strategy: Jump across 'em! NOTE: THE BOSS FOR THIS LEVEL IS ACTUALLY IN LEVEL 5!! 3.4.5 INTERACTIVE STUFF ------------------------- SWITCHES - Bulb Shaped Arteries BREAKABLE OBJECTS - Bouncing Kidneys (Ughh!) (For Transformation Capsules) USABLE OBJECTS - Hearts ------------ 3.5 STAGE 5 ------------ 3.5.1 BOSS - THE BRAIN ------------------------- A HUGE Brain!! It floats around on the other side of a large blood pit. I still dont know how to beat it. I cheated and won! WEAPONS --------- Star Projectiles Chunks of Flesh STRATEGY ---------- I Cheated!! Somebody tell me how to defeat it! ------------ 3.6 STAGE 6 ------------ 3.6.1 ARMORED MAN ------------------- Same as the level one armored man. Hes a little tougher to beat and packs a heavier punch. He also moves faster than before. Better than before, these guys can gang up on you and create trouble. At this time, you wont be able to move as they keep shooting alternately. Weapons: Machine gun Strategy: Jump high in the air, float around bit and guide Hulk to land near this guy. Grab him by the neck and either throw him outta your way and proceed or repeatedly Head-butt him. A useful tip here is to headbutt him and then walk towards him. You will grab him by the neck again and can repeat the move. This is the only strategy if they are gangin' up on you. 3.6.2 BAZOOKA MAN ------------------- He is a stationary guard. Never moves from his place and will just fire if he sees you. Tougher again and more aggressive. His rate of fire is increased. Weapons: Bazooka Strategy: Once you get up, close and personal with him, you can uppercut or swipe repeatedly to kill him. 3.6.3 JETFLIES --------------- The replacement for the cannoneer. This machine (cant see a guy anywhere) will fly around throwing star-shaped projectile at you. Very difficult to handle as these projectiles home in on you. Weapons: Star Shaped Projectiles Strategy: Jump and attack him repeatedly. If this is difficult, or you can't be bothered, RUN!! Run, like your a$$ is on fire! Better, do the Shoulder Charge and scram. 3.6.4 LASER GUNS ----------------- This is a Gun mounted on the ceiling. Weapons: Laser Pulse Strategy: If you watched the demo, you would know that the only way to deal with it is to throw an armored man up at it. If this is not possible, then avoid it or jump and attack. This thing is better left alone, as there are often other enemies to deal with, who are far more dangerous. 3.6.5 BOSS - THE LEADER ------------------------- The Leader is now dressed in some sort of dress and is green in colour. I dont know exactly what he does, because every time I enter, he just laughs maniacally. There is a Transformation Capsule on the ground in front of him. WEAPONS --------- ---NONE--- STRATEGY ---------- This is what I do. Just go upto him and uppercut him once. He falls into the void. Game Over! 3.6.6 INTERACTIVE STUFF ------------------------- SWITCHES - Levers BREAKABLE OBJECTS - Radioactive Barrels (For Transformation Capsules) USABLE OBJECTS - None --------------------- 4.0 BRUCE BANNER(BB) --------------------- Bruce Banner is the real Incredible Hulk. He transforms into the Hulk after consuming a particular capsule, and then being provoked (in the game, being shot). Since Bruce dies if shot even once, your only hope to live long enough to find a crate with the capsules in it, is to crawl on all fours, since the enemy cannot crouch, or shoot downwards. Picking up guns gives Bruce two shots, incase he gets into some real trouble. Remember to reserve one shot for breaking the crate. These crates cannot be opened otherwise. Eat the capsules and then literally get yourself shot. The transformation does not bring The Hulk to *FULL POWER*, it only gives him a bit of strength, upto Green energy level. So, dont try any moves that require you to be Hulked Out. ---------------------------- 5.0 MISCELLANOUS ITEMS/TIPS ---------------------------- * The Hulk is REALLY strong. He can lift cars(level1) and other things. They don't break so try to re-use them. Just press C near them and press A to throw it. * When fighting Shooters and others of their type, jump high when they shoot and guide Hulk so he lands on or behind them. Then, grab them. * If there is water nearby, Head-butting, Chucking, Uppercutting a guy into it will kill him. * Check out the water in the sewer in level1. It is not as deep as it looks. You can get in and pick up stuff. * If there is a narrow tunnel nearby, then grab any enemy, then move a distance away from the tunnel and Chuck him in! It will kill him because he cannot get up. Watch it happen. * Capsules are important and easily lost. If an enemy gets hold of a capsule (green) then it will turn red and be rendered useless. It infact will reduce your energy so beware! * Do what the Hulk in the comic strip and cartoon does and sometimes just throw a guy outta your way and proceed. * In the 1st level, when you come near the first guy with the cannon, then above him to the left there will be 2 ledges. Jump on the first one and then don't jump up to the second (almost overlapping) one with the second cannon. Just go straight and you will fall on a building top with a capsule that restores your health FULLY (Upto white, yes!!). * The letters scattered around the levels give you extra time during boss battles ("T") and extra continues ("C"). -- (Steven Summers and Deathschild) * The capsule down the first ladder is a transformation capsule. It lets the Hulk turn into Banner without having to lose any life. To use it, pause the game and press C. -- (Steven Summers and Deathschild) --------------------- 6.0 GAME GENIE CODES --------------------- These codes are for the Game Genie. I am not too familiar with them or their usage. This is what I do. I just downloaded the .pat file from the site . For those who can't here it is. You can copy this as it is to a text file and save it as a .pat file. My Emulator Gens then recognises the .pat file and loads the cheats. Or you could use the codes directly on your genesis. It's upto you. ALVT-8A82 [001] Level select screen appears after you start game DVPV-AA9Y [002] Don't take damage as Hulk/Super-Hulk DVRB-AA6W [003] Don't take damage when "Hulked-Out" A4YT-8A46 [004] Don't lose health with time when "Hulked-out" ABDV-AAA6 [005] No lives lost from running out of health ABNB-AAGT [006] No lives lost from falling in water ACYA-8AG2 [007] Infinite transformation capsules AC5A-8AB4 [008] Infinite time to defeat bosses ABRV-AAFN [009] Guns have infinite ammo BKJV-AAE6 [010] Can perform Super Hulk moves at 10% CVJV-AAE6 [011] Can perform Super Hulk moves at 20% D3JV-AAE6 [012] Can perform Super Hulk moves at 30% AJ2V-AA64 [013] Regular gamma capsules don't max out at 70% (can Hulk-Out) CT3B-AAAJ [014] Capsules add twice as much (Hulk only) D23B-AAAJ [015] Capsules add three time as much (Hulk only) KR4A-8AEN [016] Start 1st life with 75% health KRXA-8AE8 [017] Start all lives but 1st with 75% health PC4A-8AEN [018] Start 1st life with 100% health PCXA-8AE8 [019] Start all lives but 1st with 100% health AG4A-8AEY [020] Start with 1 life AL4A-8AEY [021] Start with 2 lives AW4A-8AEY [022] Start with 4 lives A04A-8AEY [023] Start with 5 lives A84A-8AEY [024] Start with 7 lives BG4A-8AEY [025] Start with 9 lives ---------------------------- 7.0 PRO ACTION REPLAY CODES ---------------------------- These codes work only on some versions of the game (like US/UK). If the first set doesn't work for you, the second probably win. 7E07F186 Infinite Energy 80960201 Start with 1 life 80960206 Start with 6 lives 80960209 Start with 9 lives 8A954420 Get 20 seconds from time icon 8A95AF04 Get 4 shots from gun 8A95AF09 Get 9 shots from gun 8A95AF14 Get 20 shots from gun 7E071863 Energy 7E00C003 Lives These were sourced from several sites combined. 8.0 CREDITS ------------- Me - for doing this FAQ. Sega/Nintendo - for bringing out a great game. Nuno Jeronimo ( - The Sonic Clap Move Steven Summers ( - The Standing Stomp, Unknowns (2) Olufemi S. Sowemimo ( - Fishface's true name, Stomp Deathschild ( - Standing Stomp, Unknowns (2) A lotta people also sent me the stomp, but it is not practically possible to name all of them. I am truly sorry. These are the people who sent it to me first. 9.0 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION --------------------------- This document has been submitted ONLY to Gamefaqs - . If this is found anywhere else, it is unauthorized and illegal. Please contact me at This document was made for personal use only. No part of this document may be copied or used in any form of media withthout the express written consent of lethal_shrapnel. Unauthorized use of any information herein is a direct violation of Copyright Law, and legal action will be taken. This document is Copyright © 2003 lethal_shrapnel. All Rights Reserved. No part of this FAQ may be used in any way, shape, or form without express written consent of lethal_shrapnel. ******************************* EOF