Urban Strike Script By Paul Pike (KawaiiNeko333@aol.com) Created 03/25/05 Version 1.00 Urban Strike and all characters copyright of EA Games 1. Introduction 2. Choosing your copilot 3. Hawaii 4. Baja Oil Rigs 5. Inside Oil Rig 6. Mexico 7. San Francisco 8. Alcatraz 9. New York 10. Las Vegas 11. Casino 12. Underground Version history 1.00--First and hopefully last update. This includes everything in the game. INTRODUCTION [USA: 2001] [A handheld TV has a man talking to an audience] Man: Friends...it is time to take back America! Man: With our volunteer angel patrols, we'll rid the streets of criminal scum! Man: Together, we will channel our energies into showing our so-called leaders how America ought to be run! [The audience is pumping their fists] Audience: Malone... Malone... Malone...! [The next scene takes place in Malone's room with him looking evil as an elevator rises up. the doors open, revealing a black man in a knee-long trenchcoat] Man: Great show tonight, Mr. Malone. You sent for me? Malone: We're running into some static at our Hawaii station and I want you to check it out. Man: What seems to be the problem? Malone: The United Special Forces Team has discovered our plan. Malone: I suspect someone in our organization is broadcasting information to the Strike C.O.R.E. Man: What do you need me to do? Malone: I want you to fly to Hawaii and oversee the operation. Malone: We must deal with this Strike Force or our plans for the Super Weapon may fail. Man: I'll handle it. I know how these guys operate. Malone: So I've learned... My son will drive you to the airport in my private limousine. [The elevator doors close] Malone: Enjoy your flight... [Inside the tower, the man talking on the phone is Agent Ego] Ego: Ivory Tower... Come in Ivory Tower... This is agent Ego... Voice: We read you, Ego... Ego: I've infiltrated Malone's lair... But I think he's on to me. Ego: He's building a deadly Super Weapon, and the first component is in Hawaii. Ego: I've seen blueprints, and this thing could take out a skyscraper in a single blast! Ego: It's powered by a huge... I've got to go... I'll tell you the rest from the limo... Ego out... [A birds-eye view is shown of the car outside the building] [The ignition goes on...] [And the car explodes!] [Malone is shown in his room once again] Malone: There's our lead story on tonight's news: 'Crime bosses assassinate son of crusading media leader'... Malone: Real story is: Switch channels on Malone and you'll get cancelled. [On the beach, you're shown watching the handheld TV as you pick up your cell phone] You: Hello? Voice: Commander, it looks like your vacation is going to be cut short. You: I knew I shouldn't have brought this phone. Voice: Our friend H.R. Malone is up to his old tricks again. You: So what's the plan? Voice: Lucky for you the disturbance is right there in Hawaii. Voice: Meet us at our mobile command post on Oahu in 30 minutes. You: Aloha. Fruit drinks away! CHOOSING YOUR COPILOT Willy Agguillar: Bravo Origin: Nicaragua A freedom fighter, he can put a clip of bullets into the air & sign his name with them. Jill Fishbein: Legal Origin: Israel Aircraft weapons are her life. Makes good pilots look great & leaves bad guys full of holes. Peter Demitri: Cossack Origin: Russia Too many action films for him. Fast on the draw & strong as an ox, but lacks concentration. Mark Douglas: Long-Haul Origin: United States When the going gets tough, the smart look up Mark. Jack of all trades, he's great. Erich Newhauser: Newguy Origin: Germany New to the team & untested. Partnered with an experienced pilot, I think he'll do fine. Jim Flaherty: Outback Origin: Australia Gambles on horses, never with his pal's lives. I know who I would want at the winch. Simon Freeman: Freeperson Origin: United Kingdom An eagle-eyed sharpshooter & loves his craft. Everything else takes 2nd place to him. Atsuko Matsumoto: Stinger Origin: Japan An ex-smuggler with a 6th sense. She can winch and shoot bad guys at the same time. HAWAII [You're shown in the briefing room with the General. On your wrist is a computer where you get all your info from] General: Welcome back, Commander. Our target this time is H.R. Malone. General: Not only is Malone one of the richest men in the world, but he's recruited... General: Millions of fanatical followers ever since he lost that Presidential election a few years ago. You: Yeah, the dude could sell invisible ink to a counterfeiter. General: He's been buying up choice real estate in all 50 states and Mexico to use as training camps... General: For his paramilitary organization. And he's hired renegade weapons experts and foreign generals... General: Who became mercenaries in the wake of military cutbacks. You: Did we send someone to get his plans? General: Yes. Agent Ego. But he won't be coming back... You: That makes it personal. Ego was my buddy. We flew together in the Jungle campaigns. You: What happened? General: Malone penetrated his cover and shut him up with a car bomb... General: But not before Ego uncovered Malone's plan to build some sort of Super Weapon. General: Malone has an attack squad right here in Hawaii implementing Phase One. General: That's where you come in. You: I was wondering why you pay me the big bucks. General: We need to investigate his attacks on four observatories. General: He's stealing their 30-foot mirrors, but we don't have a clue what he wants them for. You: Sounds like he's got a personal hygiene problem... General: We also think he's not the real H.R. Malone. We got a tip from a plastic surgeon who says... General: He can tell us the true identity of our madman. General: The surgeon fears for his life and is hiding on the islands. General: Locate the surgeon and we'll know who this evil genius is. You: Great, another evil genius. You: Why can't I ever fight an evil idiot? General: We've got the new Mohican Attack Chopper waiting for you outside. General: Download the missions to your wrist communicator and prepare for flight. Good luck, Commander. Mission/enemy/item info: 1. Visitors Center Two radar sites mounted on visitors center buildings 1. Malone's men have taken over 2 of the visitors center buildings and are covering the north side of the island with an alert zone. Knock out the radar sites. 2. Telescope Mirrors Recover four telescope mirrors. Take to barge in north-east corner. Don't drop 'em 2. Track down the enemy armored trucks stealing the mirrors and blast them. Airlift the cargo to the barge and hover over the landing pad to auto-unload. 3. Stealth Ships Stealth ships codename: Shadow 3. Eliminate the enemy stealth ships. Stop them before they escape with the stolen mirrors. 4. Plastic Surgeon Rescue the plastic surgeon 4. Rescue the plastic surgeon in the jungle. He can tell us the true identity of Malone. Get him out alive! 5. Enemy Bridge Blow up enemy bridge 5. Transfer into the Blackhawke chopper & destroy the bridge & vehicles protecting the small island. This will secure the island from further attacks. 6. Green Berets Green Berets hiding in the jungle: Look for purple smoke signal. Bomb on south island. 6. Hover & auto-unload an eradication bomb onto the smoke flare in the SW jungle to blast a clearing. Then get our troops out. Snipers may fire on the clearing. Barge Strike C.O.R.E. barge Ready for drop-off of mirrors Our barge is in the north-east corner of the area. Landing personnel will assist you in unloading the cargo. Gator ZX4 Gator Gunboat Armor: 150 Power: 5 Computer designed for optimum aquatic camouflage. They seem to form from the surface scum & vanish back into it. XP3 XP3 Bulldog HUMV Armor: 100 Power: 5 This tracked, highly maneuverable ground vehicle takes perimeter patrol duties in difficult terrain situations. AAA Bunker Anti-aircraft bunker Armor: 75 Power: 2 Just a noisemaker. Might hurt your ears but not your fuselage. The last thin to take out in a firefight. Fuel Drums Fuel drum contains: 100 units of fuel Pick up fuel drums when you are low on fuel. Your vehicle cannot hold more than a full tank of fuel. Ammo Crates Ammo crate contains a full reload of firearms Pick up ammo crates to reload your weapons. You cannot carry more than a full load. Armor Repair Armor repair toolbox When you pick up an armor repair box your armor is restored to full strength. Landing Zone Landing zone These pads are safe drop off points for MIA's and POW's. Your vehicle's armor is increased for each person you drop off here. Mission completions: Mission 1: Nothing Mission 2: Nothing Mission 3: Nothing Mission 4: Nothing Mission 5: Nothing Mission 6: Nothing Legal: [You're shown talking to someone] You: Hey, 'Legal!' Beach party get a little out of hand? Wanna give them something to remember you by? Mission failures: Landing Zone-- General: Smart thinking! Without a landing zone you can have a full load of passengers and no place to go! Mirrors-- General: You broke the mirrors! That's some seriosu bad luck! This will reflect badly on your record! Blackhawke-- General: Well, that threw a wrench in it! You destroyed your own chopper! Plastic surgeon-- General: You took out the doctor! Your career is going to need some reconstructive surgery! Eradication bomb-- General: Bad delivery! Maybe you should be working for the postal service! BAJA OIL RIGS [Debriefing] [The wall monitor shows two pictures. On the left is a bearded man. The one on the right is Malone] Surgeon: When I met Malone, he wasn't Malone. I met a man who had no recognizable features. Surgeon: Fire had destroyed him and I needed to rebuild his face. Surgeon: I asked him for a photo and he gave me the photo on the left. Later... Surgeon: Right before surgery, he showed up with the photo of Malone on the right and insisted I use it. Surgeon: It was not until years later that I realized this guy was actually Drug Lord Carlos Ortega! You: So that's what happened to the other half of the Ugly Club! You: I wondered why Ortega's body was never found in the bus after the Jungle campaign. You: Then again, there wasn't much bus left either... Surgeon: Ortega fully assumed Malone's identity and sent assassins to eliminate me! Surgeon: I have been hiding on the islands ever since. [Briefing] General: The Green Berets you rescued have learned that Malone's plans include launching the stolen mirrors... General: Into space on a satellite reflecting device to use with his laser weapon. General: We are still searching for the location of the laser. General: Our own satellites have spotted a Destroyer visiting 3 retrofitted oil rigs off the Baja Coast. General: We believe Malone is stockpiling jets. Your mission is to clear the rigs of enemy weapons and personnel. General: Be prepared for enemy contacts and for possible rescue missions at sea. General: We have not cleared the area of civillians yet to avoid alerting them to our presence. General: If needed for rescues, recapture our stolen transport chopper. General: Finally, deny enemy fighters air space and destroy them before they launch a strike on the coast. General: Prepare the largest rig for a ground attack. Your new MR9 assault rifle will aid you once inside. General: The MR9 is a combination weapon, accepting both 200 rounds of caseless ammo and 9 rockets. Mission/enemy/item info: 1. Radar Station Radar at pumping station and oil fields 1. Destroy the pumping station and emergency oil fields on the coastal cliffs. Blasting these monitoring stations will keep them from tracking your location. 2. Small Oilrigs Secure smaller oil rigs Protected by phalanx weapons 2. Destroy the two smaller oil drilling platforms. Take out the enemy weapons guarding the rigs to reclaim the transport chopper and landing zone 3. Passengers Sinking cruise ship attacked by enemy warships 3. Save the 20 known survivors of a cruise ship blasted by the enemy. Fly them to safety at the small rig nearby before their ship sinks or explodes. 4. Destroyer Intercept enemy Destroyer Covers large oil rig with alert zone 4. Intercept Malone's Destroyer. It has already disabled one of our friendly Russian Boomers & could attack the coast if not stopped. 5. Russian Sub Russian nuclear submarine disabled by Malone's Destroyer 5. Airlift the crew of the Russian Boomer to safety. Then skyhook a repair cargo from the awaiting tugboat to their engineers before the reactor melts down. 6. Jet Fighters Blast enemy fighters before take-off 6. Destroy enemy planes on the large oil rig. Blast the jets before they take off. Watch for jets on the aircraft elevators. 7. Main Oilrig Eliminate all enemy weapons then blast ops building to secure large oil rig 7. Secure the large rig then land your chopper nearby and go inside. We believe that copilot 'Stinger' is being held captive in one of the outside rig buildings. Scorpion Scorpion Attack Chopper Armor: 300 Power: 50 Your evil 'twin'. An anti-helicopter chopper with a dual cockpit and 2 chin turrets. Phalanx MX Phalanx MX Armor: 150 Power: 30 Gyroscopic tracking & auto motion-targeting systems. Capable of creating a literal wall of projectiles. Deadly. X9 Sea Snake X9 Sea Snake Gunboat Armor: 150 Power: 30 Highly maneuverable gunboat with speed & ultra-quiet engines. Silent as a serpent, with a deadly bite. AAAMXL Flack Cannon AAA MXL Flak Cannon Armor: 150 Power: 20 Large, firestanding rapid-fire weapon. Big bark, big bite, big funeral if you aren't careful. Armored AA Bunker Armored Antiaircraft Bunker Armor: 150 Power: 25 Steel walls make this snug little boom box hard to damage. Rapid fire gun can swiss cheese you if you're a step too slow. GUI Pitbull Pitbull Antiaircraft Cannons Armor: 200 Power: 25 Sharpshooting ship- mounted antiaircraft gun. Short range but accurate & aggressive. Lives up to its name. Transfer Zone Transfer Zone This pad is used to transfer to an alternate vehicle. Landing Zone Landing zone These pads are safe drop off points for MIA's and POW's. Your vehicle's armor is increased for each person you drop off here. Fuel Drums Fuel drum contains: 100 units of fuel Pick up fuel drums when you are low on fuel. Your vehicle cannot hold more than a full tank of fuel. Ammo Crates Ammo crate contains a full reload of firearms Pick up ammo crates to reload your weapons. You cannot carry more than a full load. Armor Repair Armor repair toolbox When you pick up an armor repair box your armor is restored to full strength. Mission completions: Mission 1: Nothing Mission 2: [You're briefed about the latest mission] Copilot: A cruise ship was just attacked and is sinking! You have less than 3 minutes to save the passengers! Mission 3: Nothing Mission 4: Nothing Mission 5: Nothing Mission 6: Nothing Mission 7: Nothing Stinger: [You're talking once again] You: Hey, 'Stinger!' I'll bet when you used to smuggle cargo, you never thought you'd never thought you'd get to 'be' cargo. Glad to have you aboard! Mission failures: Blackhawke-- General: Well, that threw a wrench in it! You destroyed your own chopper! Cruise ship-- General: That mission is a wash! There goes your guest appearance on Love Boat! Repair crate-- General: Bad delivery! Maybe you should be working for the postal service! INSIDE OIL RIG [No briefing this time] Mission/enemy/item info: 1. Gun Cams Surveillance gun-cams 1. Knock out the 4 machine gun surveillance camera installations. These cameras not only alert the area of your presence, but they are also deadly! 2. Enemy F29 Destroy enemy jet fighters 2. Destroy the planes getting ready for take- off. They must be stopped before they can begin an off-shore attack run. 3. Agent Keith Michaels Codename: Maverick 3. Find Agent Maverick. He was wounded setting the air strike beacon & is lost somewhere in the rig. Locate him to get the code to arm the beacon. 4. Beacon Set air strike beacon 4. Reach the far corner of the rig & activate the air strike beacon. Enter the correct activation code to begin broadcasting the signal. Then escape! Ammo Crates Ammo crate contains a full reload of firearms Pick up ammo crates to reload your weapons. You cannot carry more than a full load. Armor Repair Armor repair toolbox When you pick up an armor repair box your armor is restored to full strength. Mission completions: Mission 1: Nothing Mission 2: Nothing Mission 3: [The agent begins talking to you] Agent: I'm sure glad you showed up!Set the A-button on the airstrike beacon and then get out! Don't worry about me. I know my way out. Mission 4: Nothing Mission failure: Setting the wrong button on the beacon-- General: You didn't finish all of the missions! Try again. MEXICO [Your chopper is seen taking off from the oil rig as planes come to bomb the hell out of it!] [Briefing] General: Malone has been manufacturing powerful ground assault vehicles in an old auto plant in Mexico. General: He has hired out-of-work weapons & game designers & they have been designing prototype G.A.V.s. General: We believe the blueprints for these are housed in the modern business buildings. They're easy to spot. General: He is also holding Strike C.O.R.E. pilots prisoner in a P.O.W. camp nearby. General: Get our people out of there! You know what to do. Good luck! Mission/enemy/item info: 1. Scout Team Rescue our scout team Knock out towers first 1. Shut down early warning towers protecting the area around the POW camp. Then bust our Strike scout team out of their prisons. 2. Enemy Camp Destroy enemy battle camp 2. Destroy the enemy's battle camp. This will keep reinforcements from attacking our landing zone. 3. Contractors Rescue defense contractors 3. Rescue the imprisoned defense contractors. Paratroopers are dropping in to execute them at any moment. 4. GAV Plans Steal GAV plans 4. The plans for Malone's ground assault vehicle are being held in his design & drafting buildings. Steal the Super Weapon plans from these buildings. 5. GAVs Destroy GAVs Armor: 5000 5. Knock out the GAV guard then take command of an enemy GAV to destroy the other GAVs. The thick skin of a GAV is too heavily armored for the Mohican's guns. 6. Factory Blast TNT shack & expose smart bomb 6. Blast open the shack containing the smart bomb powerful enough to close Malone's factory for good! Carry it to the factory and drop it on his front doorstep! Wolverine X-Raid Wolverine tank Armor: 250 Power: 25 Incredibly accurate sonic triangulation sighting & targeting weapons system. It shoots faster than your rotor can beat. AAAM Flak Cannon AAA M flak cannon Armor: 100 Power: 25 Low powered popgun. Barks like a guard dog, bites like a flea. You have bigger worries. Landing Zone Landing zone These pads are safe drop off points for MIA's and POW's. Your vehicle's armor is increased for each person you drop off here. Fuel Drums Fuel drum contains: 100 units of fuel Pick up fuel drums when you are low on fuel. Your vehicle cannot hold more than a full tank of fuel. Ammo Crates Ammo crate contains a full reload of firearms Pick up ammo crates to reload your weapons. You cannot carry more than a full load. Mission completions: Mission 1: [You're talking to one of the people you rescued] Scout: My buddy's inside the armored barrack! He's been tortured! You'll have to land and get him out before it blows! Mission 2: Nothing Mission 3: Nothing Mission 4: [Your copilot is speaking to you] Copilot: We have the plans! At 5000 points of armor,it looks like the GAVs are best destroyed by another GAV! To hot wire it, blow fuse C. Mission 5: Nothing Mission 6: Nothing Mission failures: Blueprints-- General: We needed those blueprints! Without them we don't know how to hot wire the new GAVs! Contractors-- General: The contractors perished! That wasn't in their contract! Good thing that Legal wasn't flying with you! Copilot-- General: You sizzled your copilot! Without him, how are you going to bring your troops home? Scout team-- General: This isn't a game, Commander! You've been playing too much 'Shockwave' and it's cost us some very good men! Smart bomb-- General: Oops! You managed to destroy the only bomb big enough to destroy the factory! Landing zone-- General: Did you get your brains by mail? Where do you expect to place our wounded men? SAN FRANCISCO [Malone is in his penthouse looking evil again] Malone: Idiots! Malone: If one pilot could take those troops out, I didn't want them anyway! Malone: That well designed weaponry is the only thing I will miss. Of course, I still have more... [Briefing] General: Malone's purchase of Alcatraz and the Presidio Military in the late 90's... General: Put his army in a prime position to take out San Francisco. General: Strategy tells us he plans to cut off the city by destroying the Bay & Golden Gate Bridges. General: Check them for bombs and neutralize ASAP. General: Informants have told us he is completing work on a new laser weapon in his hi-tech labs. General: Blast these labs in Golden Gate Park and destroy the laser weapon prototypes inside. General: Then destroy Malone's communication center, west coast corporate offices and tank depot. General: Intelligence notes that one of Malone's generals is on site. Neutralize him before going on. General: Finally, secure a landing zone on Alcatraz, land and enter the prison. General: One of our top pilots, 'Long-Haul', has been captured and is being held prisoner in a maximum security cell. General: Get past Malone's prison guards and security system and break 'Long-Haul' out of there! You: Boy, with a laundry list like this... You: Am I glad you got me this Watchcom! Mission/enemy/item info: 1. GGate & Baybridge Destroy bombs on Bay & Golden Gate Bridges 1. Protect the Bay & Golden Gate bridges from time bombs. Shoot the bombs to dislodge them. 2. Radio Tower Destroy Malone's radio tower 2. Destroy Malone's radio tower to stop the transmission of your location. 3. Corp HQ West Destroy Malone's west coast corporate HQ 3. Destroy Malone's five corporate HQ buildings. This will affect his ability to command his armies in the city. 4. Army Base Wipe out Presidio tank depot 4. Destroy the Presidio tank depot. Blast all of the tanks and buildings. Be on the lookout for advanced smart bomb weapons you can use. 5. Micron Labs Micronics high-tech research center in Golden Gate Park 5. Destroy Malone's research center where he is completing work on his laser weapon. Blast the labs and destroy any weapon prototypes inside. 6. Homebase Home base being attacked 6. Your landing zone is under attack!! Secure the LZ building by clearing it of all enemy forces. 7. Henchman Stop Malone's right-hand man from escaping 7. Silence Malone's henchman: he will try to run for it. Take him out before he can escape to warn the other cult leaders. 8. Alcatraz Take over Alcatraz 8. Secure the landing zone & land at Alcatraz. Clear the guard towers then enter the prison. AF487 Hover Chopper AF 487 Hover Chopper Armor: 200 Power: 100 Uses a transom-mounted propeller & steers like a dream. An ideal sub-sonic urban air vehicle recently designed by a little old terrorist. Land Shark Arm V Land Shark Arm V tank Armor: 300 Power: 40 Street smart urban assault tank. Low- slung and well- armored. Hard to hit. Harder to hurt. HMF Armadillo HMF Armadillo tank Armor: 250 Power: 50 Armored like a manhole cover so bring your can opener. Carries surface-to-air missiles. AAAM Flack Cannon AAA M flak cannon Armor: 100 Power: 20 Low power popgun. Barks like a guard dog, bites like a flea. You have bigger worries. Smart Bomb Smart Bomb Power: 1000 Pick this up and then drop it off in the middle of a group of enemies. Then get out of the way. Fuel Drums Fuel drum contains: 100 units of fuel Pick up fuel drums when you are low on fuel. Your vehicle cannot hold more than a full tank of fuel. Ammo Crates Ammo crate contains a full reload of firearms Pick up ammo crates to reload your weapons. You cannot carry more than a full load. Mission completions: Mission 1: Nothing Mission 2: Nothing Mission 3: Nothing Mission 4: Nothing Mission 5: Nothing Mission 6: Nothing Mission 7: Nothing Mission 8: Nothing Mission failures: Bridges-- General: The good news is: the traffic on the bridge is all cleared up. The bad news: so is everything else! Henchman-- General: Hey slowpoke! You let the enemy commander escape to Alcatraz! ALCATRAZ [No briefing again] Mission/enemy/item info: 1. Sensors Blast motion sensors 1. These motion sensors alert the region ahead to your presence. They also unlock locked gates. Destroy them to proceed. 2. Blueprints Weapon blueprints 2. Take out the 6 commanders guarding the blueprints of Malone's secret weapon & grab the plans. 3. Weapons Destroy weapons stockpile 3. Locate & destroy the M-16X weapons that Malone is stockpiling for his army. Blast open the crates and grab the contents. 4. Long Haul Find Agent Long-Haul 4. Locate the jail cell holding Long-Haul and blast it open to free him. He'll show you the way to the exit. Ammo Crates Ammo crate contains a full reload of firearms Pick up ammo crates to reload your weapons. You cannot carry more than a full load. Armor Repair Armor repair toolbox When you pick up an armor repair box your armor is restored to full strength. Mission completions: Mission 1: Nothing Mission 2: Nothing Mission 3: Nothing Mission 4: [Long-Haul speaks to you] Long-Haul: Thanks for busting me out of there. If you can cover me, I'll lead you out! NEW YORK [The Super Weapon is shown powering up, then shooting a laser off a satellite and hitting the World Trade Center] (Ironic, isn't it?) [Briefing] General: Malone has changed his tactics. General: He is using a full force air strike and attacking civillian targets in New York City. General: This has caused widespread panic on the ground. Fleeing civilians have pinned down our ground troops. General: We need you to airlift in there and take out the Malone Building command center. General: Civilians are trapped in upper stories of burning skyscrapers. His troops are keeping rescue away. General: Take out as many of the enemy aircraft as you can find. This will slow the attack. General: Then figure out what you can do to rescue those civilians & move them to a secure area. Special info... General: Just arrived states that the NAFTA leaders are meeting in the World Trade Center which has been in... General: The center of this confusion. We believe they are being held hostage. General: Be on your toes. Good luck. Mission/enemy/item info: 1. Financial HQ Malone's financial headquarters Alerted by two radar buildings 1. Take out Malone's HQ to blind his monitoring of the attack on NYC. Take out the two buildings south of his HQ first to shut down the alert zone on the area. 2. Civilians Rescue civilians from burning buildings 2. Save the 27 civilians from the burning buildings. Get them to safety before the roofs begin to collapse. 3. Choppers Dispose of enemy choppers on rooftops protected by one radar building 3. Dispose of Malone's enemy choppers located in a rooftop depot on the east side of town. 4. NAFTA Members Rescue NAFTA leaders from damaged World Trade Center 4. Fly to the Trade Center and save the 20 NAFTA business leaders before the Trade Center suffers further damage. Hit the radar building east of the WTC first. 5. Trade Center Time bomb in WTC C4 plastique explosives 5. Disarm the time bomb in the World Trade Center. Land on the pad next to the buildings and send your copilot inside to cut the correct wire. Scorpion Scorpion Attack Chopper Armor: 300 Power: 50 Your evil 'twin'. An anti-helicopter chopper with a dual cockpit and 2 chin turrets. AAAMXL Flack Cannon AAA MXL Flak Cannon Armor: 150 Power: 20 Large, firestanding rapid-fire weapon. Big bark, big bite, big funeral if you aren't careful. Unload Civilians Landing zone These pads are safe drop off points for MIA's and POW's. Your vehicle's armor is increased for each person you drop off here. Ammo Crates Ammo crate contains a full reload of firearms Pick up ammo crates to reload your weapons. You cannot carry more than a full load. Fuel Drums Fuel drum contains: 100 units of fuel Pick up fuel drums when you are low on fuel. Your vehicle cannot hold more than a full tank of fuel. Mission completions: Mission 1: Nothing Mission 2: Nothing Mission 3: Nothing Mission 4: [You're talking to one of the people you rescued] Hostage: I heard those guys inside say that you should not cut the green wire on the bomb. Mission failures: Civilians-- General: You blew it! There were too many civilian casualties! WTC-- General: The idea was to save the World Trade Center! Don't get so wired next time. LAS VEGAS [Malone in his room looking evil again] Malone: My best plans lie in ruins! I can't believe he tore through my airforce! Malone: Who is this pilot anyway?! Malone: Blasting New York City was just a test of my laser's true powers. Malone: Let's see how well he operates when I take our their top military and political leaders! [Briefing] General: Las Vegas is under siege! General: Malone's forces have sealed off the city and are patrolling the main Vegas Strip. General: Malone's headquarters are heavily defended. General: You will need to take back the city before attempting an assault on his fortress. General: Further attacks of Malone's laser on Norad & Airforce One have allowed us to zero in on its location. You: Yes! Now I can hurt him where it counts... You: And pay him back for Ego! General: Triangulating the beams indicates that Malone has the Super Weapon in a hidden base near Las Vegas. General: In order to secure the city, neutralize all enemy radar and weaponry. General: Once the city is secured, clear a landing zone at Malone's casino and land for a ground assault. You: Tell Intelligence they outdid... You: Themselves on this one... You: Maybe I will finally get to... You: Meet this scumbag face to fist! Mission/enemy/item info: 1. Commander Capture radar Commander 1. Find the radar command vehicle & capture the Commander. He will tell you the locations of the hidden radar sites. 2. Radar Destroy hidden radar units 2. Find & destroy the early warning radar units hidden on civilian structures & landmarks around the city. Look for the rotating dishes. 3. Roadblocks Clear road blocks 3. Malone's henchmen have put up roadblocks & are attacking civilians fleeing the area. Open the roads with a few rockets before any vacationers are lost. 4. Strip Clear strip of enemy weapons 4. Destroy the enemy weapons that have the city under siege. Clear the famous strip of enemy SAMs & ground assault vehicles. 5. Powergrid Knock out power grid 5. Knock out the power relay station on the edge of town. When it is destroyed the enemy defenses will weaken & their targeting systems will fail. 6. Casino Capture Malone's casino 6. Clear Malone's casino HQ of hostiles. Blast the AAA guns protecting the landing zone on the lighted cement parking lot in front. 7. Casino Land and enter casino 7. Set your attack chopper down on the landing zone & enter Malone's casino on foot. Land Shark Arm V Land Shark Arm V tank Armor: 300 Power: 40 Street smart urban assault tank. Low- slung and well- armored. Hard to hit. Harder to hurt. XP3 Bulldog HUMV XP3 Bulldog HUMV Armor: 100 Power: 5 This tracked, highly maneuverable ground vehicle takes perimeter patrol duties in difficult terrain situations. Wolverine X-Raid Wolverine tank Armor: 250 Power: 25 Incredibly accurate sonic triangulation sighting & targeting weapons system. It shoots faster than your rotor can beat. Fuel Drums Fuel drum contains: 100 units of fuel Pick up fuel drums when you are low on fuel. Your vehicle cannot hold more than a full tank of fuel. Ammo Crates Ammo crate contains a full reload of firearms Pick up ammo crates to reload your weapons. You cannot carry more than a full load. Armor Repair Armor repair toolbox When you pick up an armor repair box your armor is restored to full strength. Mission completions: Mission 1: [Your copilot speaks to you] Copilot: With some 'urging' I think we can get him to tell us where the radar units are located. Mission 2: Nothing Mission 3: Nothing Mission 4: Nothing Mission 5: Nothing Mission 6: Nothing Mission 7: Nothing Mission failures: Commander-- General: Nice shooting Tex! Now the radar commander is dancing with Elvis! CASINO [No briefing] Mission/enemy/item info: 1. Pit Bosses Casino pit bosses: they alert casino guards to your location. 1. Take out Malone's pit bosses and roving spies stationed near the back of the casino. Eliminating them will make it safer to move around the area. 2. Cashier Booth Cashier booth: hostages trapped inside 2. Blast the casino booth and rescue the hostages held inside. Warning: the booth is invincible when it has a red light on top. Bust it open when the light is gone. 3. V.I.P. V.I.P. high roller: she knows location of Malone's hideout 3. Malone has a high- roller locked in a back room. Free her from captivity: it is believed that she knows the secret entrance to Malone's hideout. 4. Machine Guns Destroy change booth gun sites 4. Knock off the machine gun sites in the change booths around the casino. Warning: these booths are invincible when they have a red light on top. 5. Shuttle Ride the shuttle to Malone's underground hideout 5. Move to the transfer zone at the secret entrance & climb into the shuttle car. This will take you to Malone's secret underground hideout. Ammo Crates Ammo crate contains a full reload of firearms Pick up ammo crates to reload your weapons. You cannot carry more than a full load. Mission completions: Mission 1: Nothing Mission 2: Nothing Mission 3: [The VIP talks to you] VIP: Malone's hide out is a warroom built under a crater in the Nevada Desert. There's a shuttle car under one of these change booths. Mission 4: Nothing Mission 5: Nothing UNDERGROUND [The shuttle car is shown zooming down a tunnel] Mission/enemy/item info: 1. Enemy Weaponry Clear enemy weapons 1. Clear the area of enemy weaponry to make your assault easier. Look for fixed AAA weapons and mobile tank weapons currently on the move. 2. Enemy Barracks Blow up enemy barracks 2. Neutralize the enemy troops by blowing up their barracks. 3. Central Control Take out Central Control 3. Blow away the laser control center. Clear the area of enemy weapons & take out the banks of controls before another blast can be fired. 4. Laser Control Destroy laser control unit 4. Destroy the laser control box attached to the base of the laser weapon. Without it, the laser won't be able to target its blasts. 5. Expose Laser Destroy laser housing 5. Blast open the steel- reinforced room that houses the laser weapon. 6. Malone's Quarters Destroy Malone's quarters 6. Knock a hole in Malone's fortified private ready room. It is heavily defended outside & Malone may have armed bodyguards inside with him. 7. Capture Malone Capture Malone 7. Capture Malone as he tries to make a break from his command post. Pick him up with your skyhook: he must not be allowed to escape! 8. Destroy Laser Destroy laser weapon 8. Transport Malone to the laser weapon & drop him on the gun before his explosive vest detonates. Fuel Drums Fuel drum contains: 100 units of fuel Pick up fuel drums when you are low on fuel. Your vehicle cannot hold more than a full tank of fuel. Ammo Crates Ammo crate contains a full reload of firearms Pick up ammo crates to reload your weapons. You cannot carry more than a full load. Mission completions: Mission 1: Nothing Mission 2: Nothing Mission 3: Nothing Mission 4: Nothing Mission 5: Nothing Mission 6: Nothing Mission 7: [Malone is caught on your hook while hanging over the Super Weapon] Malone: You may have won the battle! But I intend to win the war! Explosively! Mission 8: [Malone meets his demise as he is blown up with the Super Weapon] Mission failures: Malone-- General: You dope on a rope! You should have dropped Malone on the laser to destroy them both! ENDING (if you can call it that) [The picture shows silhouettes of you and a few other people relaxing after saving the world on a tropical beach with a phone flashing red as the credits roll across the screen]