===================================DISCLAIMER================================== I have decided not to allow websites other than Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com), IGN (faqs.ign.com), Gamerhelp (www.gamerhelp.com) & Gamespot (www.gamespot.com) to host my FAQs from now on. Please don't ask, because I will not grant permission. It's just that too many sites don't keep their version of my FAQ up to date which makes for a lot of hassle in my mailbox. So if anyone sees this FAQ on any site other than those mentioned above, please let me know and I will take care of the situation, thanks. Just to make things crystal clear for some people, this FAQ is not to appear anywhere at the following URLs: http://www.cheatcc.com http://www.cheatindex.com This document Copyright 2006 Daniel Engel =============================================================================== Valis III FAQ [Gen] July 13, 2006 Daniel (FecalLord) Engel fecalord [AT] gmail [DOT] com ############################################################################### (A) TABLE OF CONTENTS ############################################################################### Table of Contents (A) This Table of Contents (B) Controls (C) Items (D) Walkthrough - (D-01) Stage 01 - (D-02) Stage 02 - (D-03) Stage 03 - (D-04) Stage 04 - (D-05) Stage 05 - (D-06) Stage 06 - (D-07) Stage 07 (E) Thanks (F) Experimental ############################################################################### (B) CONTROLS ############################################################################### The controls for this game are as follows: A - Change character. B - Sword. C - Jump. Down - Duck. Up+A - Slide. Up+C - High jump. Up+B - Magic. Start - Pause, advance text. ############################################################################### (C) ITEMS ############################################################################### Heart - These hearts come in two sizes, the small ones restore 4 HP, and the large ones give back 16 HP. Magic - These crystals restore your MP, the small ones refill 2 units of your MP and the large give you 8MP back. Sword Extension - This increases the length of your sword gauge, allowing you to shoot your beam farther when the gauge is fully charged. Sword Speed - This upgrade looks like two crossed swords and makes your sword gauge fill faster. Attack Magic - This shows up as a wand with a coloured crystal in the top. The colour of the crystal decides what type of magic you can use. Red is fire magic, dark blue is ice magic, and light blue is lightning magic. ############################################################################### (E) WALKTHROUGH ############################################################################### Bricklayer J. Gastronomy You will find the walkthrough for the entire game in the sections below. ############################################################################### (E-01) STAGE 01 ############################################################################### Walk right until another cutscene starts, then use your sword on the jumping enemies on your right. Attack the stars for some small magic, then kill another as you jump the pit. Take a sword extension from the next star and jump the fireballs as you take out another enemy and some stars. From this point I'll assume that you're hitting as many stars as you can, and taking the items from inside. Jump the pits while fighting more jumpers and watch for fireballs just afterwards. Take the sword extension above and fire magic from a star up ahead. Now you can use magic if you want to, but I would save it for now. Kill the fire enemy and slide under the towers, then get ready for a boss fight. ---- Boss ---- This guy flies above and throws a mace horizontally at you from the ground. Duck under this attack and walk past or use your sword on the wave of orbs that he fires from above. After about 30 hits or so [you can use your magic now], the battle should be over. ############################################################################### (E-02) STAGE 02 ############################################################################### ------- Part 01 ------- You can switch to Cham in this stage if you wish, she uses a mace [that doesn't have a wave] to attack and does a lot of damage with it. I'd stick with Yuko and attack the flying mouths and stronger jumping enemies to your right. Grab the sword extension and kill the worm beyond the next ledge, then jump to the upper ledge by the water and get ice magic from the star. Slide to clear the gap and jump the next one, then use the high jump for the stars near the top of the screen. Fight your way right to the next part of the stage. ------- Part 02 ------- Choose who to take on the boat [I used Yuka] and ride the boat. Attack the jumping green enemies and duck or jump over their shots as needed. Take lightning magic from one of the stars as a brown tower appears in the background. Kill more enemies until the boat stops, then a boss fight begins. ------------ Boss: Dragon ------------ This boss flies around and fires slow-moving rings at you. Jump or duck if he gets too close and attack the rings if they do the same. After about 15-20 hits to the boss's face he should be no more. ############################################################################### (E-03) STAGE 03 ############################################################################### ------- Part 01 ------- Fight the flying enemies and a bull [stronger], then jump up the ledges and attack a knight. Fight left as a bull drops behind you, then kill the blob on the ledge above while jumping up more ledges. Jump right across the gaps and up some more ledges, then smash the star above if you don't already have lightning magic. Fight left and get a sword speed upgrade from the star, then jump up the ledges and hold down while you jump to drop to the man in the cage. Talk to him and keep climbing, then grab the small heart from the star. Attack the knight and bull as before sliding under the wall, then jump up the ledges and attack a blob. Jump left across the gaps and fight another blob, then jump up to reach the next part of the stage. ------- Part 02 ------- Jump the gap and attack the bull, then jump the ledges and slide under the wall. Take the small heart above and the ice magic if you have none, otherwise keep the lightning magic. Slide under another wall and kill a blob, then jump up the ledges and kill another [ice magic above if you want it]. Go left and use your high jump before you talk to another person in the cage above. Slide left across the gaps and jump up before killing the blob on your right, then kill a knight and go right to the next part of the stage. ------- Part 03 ------- Kill the bull and attack the crystal until Valna is freed from it. Now you are controlling Valna who's attack involves shooting orbs. Use your high jump to get up the ledges and reach the boss. --------------- Boss: Kolilanba --------------- This boss moves quickly from left to right, but can only hurt you directly when floating in one spot. He releases slow moving fireballs or sends pillars of fire along the ground. You want to jump the pillars and avoid the fireballs by moving back, jumping, ducking or sliding. Other than that, you should use your magic early and often, then hit the boss about 20 times to finish the stage. ############################################################################### (E-04) STAGE 04 ############################################################################### ------- Part 01 ------- Fight your way right and use a high jump to reach the rising platform, then jump right to another and attack the bell until you get a message about it being the bell of justice. Repeat this until you get the messages about the bell of truth and the bell of bravery, then drop down through the open door. ------- Part 02 ------- Go right to talk to the woman and attack the floating coins and jumpers up ahead. Fight your way to a girl and talk to her, then get a pair of small hearts in the stars up ahead. Talk to another person as you climb to the flat section, then keep right until a message appears. Stand near the middle of the screen and attack the group of about 30 knights to finish the stage. ############################################################################### (E-05) STAGE 05 ############################################################################### ------- Part 01 ------- Jump right while attacking the flying bugs, then use the high jump to climb the shaft. Go right when you can't go any higher and attack the heads of the purple worms in the green slime. Slide over the gap and go down the hill while avoiding the vertical green beams from the flying bots. Here is where things can get much easier for you. Watch the beam robots careful and jump to the solid ledge above, then carefully slide across the gaps where needed. This upper route will allow you to avoid many enemies and some slime if you were to fall down the shaft. Use the stars no matter which route you take and you should come to three in a row on a flat section that hold fire magic, lightning magic and a large heart. Take fire? magic and keep right to face off against a boss. ------------ Boss: Zalude ------------ This boss constantly has small blades spawning no the ground that fly upwards. So you want to watch for these and move out of the way before they start rising. The boss sends a larger blade across the ground or a little higher every so often. Jump or duck these large blades and use a high jump to get over the boss when he charges at you. Use your fire magic and then your sword [about 50 hits] to finish the fight. ############################################################################### (E-06) STAGE 06 ############################################################################### ------- Part 01 ------- This stage is full of ice, so you need to watch as you slip around gaps. Slide over the first one and talk to the person, then do a high jump over the next gap. Attack the snowflakes and jumping beast [watch for it's 4 rocks each time it jumps] , then kill a knight and flying snail. Slide over the gap and fight more enemies, then use a high jump to clear the next one. Fight right and use a high jump to get past the bouncing ball, then fight a beast and slide over a gap. Take the small heart and use a high jump to clear the ball [when it's rising at about 3/4 height], then carefully use another from this small ledge to reach a moving platform. Jump right across another platform and over some spikes, then take a small heart and fight right. Use high jumps to clear the spikes then jump onto the left edge of the moving platform when it moves left. Crouch as you ride it past more spikes, then stay on until the platform moves left again. Slide so that you stop near the right edge [you don't slide as far right while the platform moves left], then wait for the platform to go far right once more. Slide right past the gap once the platform is about halfway out of the spikes to reach the next part of the stage. ------- Part 02 ------- Jump the gaps and use the high jump to get past the ball. Talk to the person and slide onto the moving platform, then jump a gap and kill some enemies. Crouch on the next moving platform and use a high jump on the other side, then wait for the next platform and do the same thing twice more. Now you need to attack enemies, while using your high jumps to clear the spikes and still land on the same platform that's moving right [tricky timing]. After two of these jumps you need to slide right. Kill more enemies and jump another gap, then take the large heart below. Jump up and head right to the next part of the stage. ------- Part 03 ------- Go right and carefully jump right out of the pits so you miss the spikes above. Slide across a pair of gaps and kill a knight, then talk to the person just ahead. Head right and high jump a gap, then move yourself midway between the column of blue ice in the background and the red spikes on your right. Slide right from this spot and you should be at the right edge, then slide once more to clear the gap. Slide or high jump your way past the balls and gaps, then go right to the boss. ----------- Boss: Asura ----------- This boss throws blue rocks at you from the ground that you can attack to get rid of. Simply keep attacking and moving close enough that your attacks hit him as well. His other attack is used when he floats into the air and has streams of red shots. Keep your distance and jump and attack these as best as you can. You can also do this from a closer range if you want to deal damage to the boss as well. About 35 hits should finish the fight and the stage. ############################################################################### (E-07) STAGE 07 ############################################################################### ------- Part 01 ------- Walk right and kill the eyes, then jump up the ledges to the next floor. Kill the knight as you go left and jump up some more ledges, then get pretty close and slide under the spikes on your right. Jump left above the spikes if you need MP, otherwise kill the eyes and flame demons on your right. Jump to the next floor and slide under the spikes, then kill the knight in your way and slide past more spikes. Go to the next floor and kill a flame demon, then slide over the gap and high jump to the ramp. Kill a knight and jump up to another ramp, then kill more flame demons on your right and jump up to the next part of the stage. ------- Part 02 ------- Watch for flying enemies and a flame demon as you jump the first gap and slide past the next few. Attack the yellow demons to make them rise, then grab the large heart from the nearby star. Carefully slide past more spikes until you reach a ramp, then go right to the next part of the stage. ------- Part 03 ------- Kill the knight on your right and start high jumping up the left side of the shaft, then jump left above the knight if you want some sword powerups. Go up the ramp on your right and high jump to the floor above. Kill a flame demon and knight on your left, then high jump up the ledges and go left up the ramps to the next branch. Take either route and kill/avoid a flame demon, then head right and up to the next part of the stage. ------- Part 04 ------- Simply avoid the drips and attack the enemies here, then talk to the man on your right [attack above him for a large heart] and continue on to the boss. ------------ Boss: Glames ------------ The boss walks towards you and swings his sword upwards, so don't get too close. If he raises his hand, then he fires 8 red shots towards you in a wave pattern. Attack the shots or slide past them before attacking the boss some more. When he rises into the air [a great spot to jump and attack a few times] he launches a slow blue shot that moves back and forth as it sinks. Hit the boss about 10 times to move onto the next part of the fight. This time the boss hovers the whole time and uses the same red shot attack as before. He also fires a horizontal beam from chest-height [sometimes a few at a time]. You should get 1-3 hits at a time and be looking for spots where you can slide under the boss without touching him. I found it worked well to attack the lower stream of the red shots, the one closest to the boss. It's probably about 40-60 hits to get rid of the boss and finish the game! ############################################################################### (E) THANKS ############################################################################### Huge thanks go out to the following contributor: Dimetric Houston. ############################################################################### (F) EXPERIMENTAL ############################################################################### For a little while now I've had a paypal link in all my FAQs at the very bottom here. Mainly as a small experiment since a few other FAQ authors have also had the same idea. I had a few people email me before I put this link in because they wanted to send money, so it's here for those people. For the record I've received about $87 (which works out to a bit more in Canadian lol) last I checked, so I've been getting cases of pop and making some excellent progress on a few FAQs. If you don't want to send money or can't then send me an email, it's nice to hear what people thought about my work and there's always room for improvement. My email address is fecalord (AT) gmail (DOT) com, and the paypal address is listed below. For those that want to contribute, you can use paypal at the following address: fecalord2002 (AT) yahoo (DOT) ca Many thanks, and I hope you continue to use my work! ~Dan