Warsong (c) Treco 1991 Walkthrough v1.0 by: TheStarbird e-mail: thestarbird@yahoo.com website: http://www.rpgclassics.com/~hideout Copyright 2004 Eric Starbird This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To easily use this walkthrough, use the find option on your internet explorer and type in the exact title of the place you want to go to from the index. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index: I. Story II. Gameplay III. Characters IV. Enemy Characters V. Troops VI. Walkthrough VII. Commander Classes VIII. Enemy Troops IX. Items X. Spells XI. Tips XII. Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baltia was a peaceful kingdom ruled by King Alfador and his son Prince Garett. One day, the Dalsis empire attacked Baltia to retrieve one thing; the legendary sword Warsong. Being overwhelmed, Alfador sent Garett to leave the castle and find help. Baltia is taken over by Dalsis and Warsong is stolen. Evil is reborn and monsters start to appear in great numbers in order to get back Warsong. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Gameplay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warsong is a tactical RPG, much like the later Shining Force series. You are given commanders who have their own special abilities to lead their troops into battle. If the commander dies, all the troops will die as well. Also note that when a commander dies, s/he DIES, which mean you can no longer use them. Characters start at a certain class and end at a certain class. Each class has a specific AT (attack power), DF (defense power) MV (movement range), MP (Magic Points), A (attack bonus for troops) and D (defense bonus for troops). These stats (especially A and D) should be taken into consideration when choosing what troops to take and how to fight. Before you start a battle, you can hire troops if you have enough points (which are made by defeating monsters) and equip items if you have them. You can hire up to 8 troops of the same type, you can't mix two types of troops per commander. Once you start the battle, you will have the first go. Select what you want to move then move it. If you are adjacent to the enemy, you can attack it, though it is not always wise to attack. Keep an eye at the bar on the bottom. At the left side of the bar, it shows your terrain. The % beside it is how much of a defensive bonus you have. The higher the %, the better you'll be able to defend from attacks (but your movement will be less on these parts, depending on the class and troop). If your commander can use magic, select the Magic option from the menu. You cannot move and use magic, you have to stay where you are. If your commander is running low on HP, have them use the Treat command, which will use their turn to restore 3 HP. Also note that if your troops are weak, you can place them adjacent to your commander and when your turn comes up, they will regain 2-3 HP. Keep that in mind instead of wasting your troops on the enemy. The Command option can save your life. This will determine what you want your troops to do. Move means they will just move with the Commander and attack anything near. Attack means they will move to strike and attack as long as they are within the Commander's range (usually 3-4 squares away). Defense means that they will get close to the commander, and Manual means that they will not move unless you move them yourself. Use Defense when your troops start running low on HP. When you engage in battle with the enemy, you will be shown on one side and the enemy on the other. The big numbers show how much HP you have. The green bar at the top shows your experience points, and when it fills, you gain a level. Get to level 10 and you get a class change. For every point of damage you give, it will show with one sword under the experience bar, and the same for the enemy. When HP reaches 0, the troops or commander will die off the map. Once your turn is over, press Start and select "End of Phase". Any available troops or NPCs will make their move. After everyone is done, the enemy will have their Phase and make their moves. After they are done, you get your turn again. That is basically how you play this game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A list of each character in order of appearance with a little description and a recommendation of what to make them. The tree below each character is their growth tree as far as what class they can become. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Garett: Garett is the Prince of Baltia and heir to Alfador's Throne. During the first battle, he is sent to escape and to find help. Garett is the main character, and if he dies, it's game over. Magic Knight and Knight Master are two lame classes to end up with, so that leaves Grand Knight and King. Both have the same defense, but the Grand Knight has +2 AT points than the King. However, the King can use Magic Arrows and Healing 1. I personally go with the Grand Knight, as both of those spells are weaker than other spells. Grand Knight Knight Knight Master Fighter King Lord Magic Knight ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baldarov: Baldarov has long since been the bodyguard of Garett. His trustworthiness and power help Garett out for quite a while. Baldarov is a Swordmaster and will not change no matter how much you make him kill. Do NOT let him kill any enemies, as he cannot gain XP from the kills, and can go much better to Garett. Swordmaster ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alfador: Alfador is the King of Baltia and the father of Prince Garett. Wise and always thinking of his people, standing by his throne until he dies. You only get Alfador for the 1st Scenario, and even then, he is still a king. Not much you can do with him. King ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sabra: Sabra is one of King Alfador's finest fighters for Baltia. Though Sabra is female, she is one very tough cookie and a force to be reckoned with. I always recommend taking the Dragon Knight route with Sabra. As long as you keep her away from Dark Elves, she will be nearly unstoppable. Her DF in this class lacks a bit compared to a Grand Knight, but she has a higher AT and can use Magic. A risky plan is that if you're playing the game without troops, then an alternate path is to become a Ranger. Rangers cannot command troops, but they have a super AT and DF and some decent Magic to back it up. But, it takes a LOT of time to get her to that high a level. Grand Knight Knight Knight Master Fighter Dragon Knight Lord Magic Knight Ranger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calais: Calais is King Alfador's head magician in the kingdom of Baltia. Her magic powers are without compare in all the world over. Well, there are two ways to side here. Either a Saint or an Arch Mage (or Ranger if you are going troop-less). If Calais can get to a high level by the end of the 1st Scenario, then you might think of going to a Saint, but be warned, you're more likely to finish the game with her as Priestess than a Saint. It is possible though. If you don't want to wait, she can quickly level up to an Arch Mage, but Arch Mages have a VERY low defense, so if you want one, give her the Magic Shield. If you think you can make it, make Calais a Magic Knight and then try to make her a Ranger. Arch Mage Wizard Magic Knight Ranger Warlock Warlock (repeat) Cleric Saint Priestess High Priestess ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mina: Mina is traveling with a bunch of civilians when Garett and her first meet. They eventually catch each other's eyes and fall in love... in a way. Mina is better off as a Saint, no questions asked. Whether you are using troops or not, a Saint is the way to go. Their AT is the same as a King, and her Magic is very strong. Some people go High Priestess due to its massive defense power, but a Saint won't need defense if you know how to use her. Arch Mage Wizard Magic Knight Ranger Warlock Bishop Cleric Saint Priestess High Priestess ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tiberon: Tiberon at one point was a pirate, but he eventually decided to work for King Alfador and become a Crocodile Knight. Making Tiberon a Serpent Knight is basically the same as making him walk the plank. It is NOT worth it. For most of the game, there isn't even water for Tiberon to be effective. Just make him a Knight Master, even though it isn't a great class, at least it's better than a Serpent Knight. Knight Knight Master Crocodile Knight Serpent Knight ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thorne: Thorne is one of the men under the orders of Duke Carleon. Thorne is your basic fighter and there really isn't anything special about him. Well, you don't have much of a choice, do you? Either a Knight Master or a Magic Knight. Knight Masters have the 2nd highest AT power of every obtainable class (tied with Dragon Knight and behind Ranger), but their DF is terrible. Make Throne a Magic Knight, as Magic is good, as is defense. Knight Knight Master Fighter Lord Magic Knight ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bayard: Bayard is the man garrisoned in the Fortress Anzel which is one of the last strongholds of Baltia. Bayard is a lot like Thorne, and as so should be treated like Thorne. Again, stick with the Magic Knight. Knight Knight Master Fighter Lord Magic Knight ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carleon: Duke Carleon is an ally to Baltia and friend of Alfador's. He commands many troops below him, but is in reality more like Thorne or Bayard. OK, a 3rd person with the same growth tree. Just make him a Magic Knight and forget about the rest. Knight Knight Master Fighter Lord Magic Knight ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lance: Once served under Lord Pythion, after Pythion's defeat, Lance will be turned to stone, only to be rescued by Garett. You will fight Lance a couple of times in the early stages, but he will eventually join as a Dragon Knight. By this point, you'll have 8 characters who will be more valuable to you. Lance will never gain experience, so needless to say, NEVER work with him unless you need his Dragon Knight abilities (of course, you should have made Sabra into one). Dragon Knight ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Enemy Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of enemy characters in order of appearance. Geryon - Lord Geryon leads the charge against Baltia in Scenario 1 and ends up taking control over the Castle. You will meet up with him again in Scenario 6 to reclaim Baltia. Malvese - Shaman Malvese is the head thief that attacks the village of Sulras during Scenario 3. Momus - Fighter Momus is ordered to attack Anzal Fortress during Scenario 7. Pythion - Kaiser Phythion is the emperor of the Dalsis Empire and the one who ordered the attacks on Baltia and Anzal. You fight him during Scenario 12. Great Dragon A powerful being that was created by the darkness to retrieve Warsong. You see this beast during Scenarios 15 and 16. Naxos - Conjurer Naxos guards Saneferia with his army of nearly indestructible Golems. You will see him during Scenario 18. Mortimus - Conjurer Once Naxos is defeated, Mortimus runs the show in Saneferia Castle. Very much the same, but Mortimus controls the Undead. Meet him in Scenario 19. Ganelon - Wight Ganelon can be considered the Prince of Darkness, as he is revived by the Darkness to spread it around. He at one point was a Magic Knight who turned into a Wight. You will face off against him in Scenario 20. Chaos The being created in order to keep the balance between order and chaos. He's very powerful and will be revived after Ganelon is defeated in Scenario 20. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Troops ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of troops who you can control and which classes can control them. Troop Cost AT DF MV Classes Archer 70 19 14 7 Arch Mage, Bishop, Grand Knight, King, Lord, Knight Master, Magic Knight, Sword Master Gryphon 100 27 13 9 Dragon Knight Guardsman 30 16 10 6 Arch Mage, Cleric, High Priestess, Priestess, Saint, Warlock, Wizard Horseman 60 21 15 8 Grand Knight, King, Knight, Knight Master Magic Knight, Sword Master Merman 80 24 6 7 Crocodile Knight, Serpent Knight Monk 60 20 13 6 Bishop, High Priestess, Priestess, Saint Soldier 40 20 14 6 Arch Mage, Bishop, Crocodile Knight, Fighter, Grand Knight, High Priestess, King, Knight, Knight Master, Lord, Magic Knight, Saint, Serpent Knight, Sword Master, Wizard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To easily access this walkthrough, just use Ctrl+F and type in "Scenario #" where # is the number which you need help on. Note: The walkthrough in no way will give much information on the storyline. If you want to know what happens and why, you'll just have to play it. Note: If you're going with troops, it is sometimes always useful to have full control over them. When you use troops, set your Command to Manual. Note: Each Scenario will have a troop and troop-less walkthrough in it to give a guide to those who needed an extra challenge. Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 1: Escape from the Castle "The legendary sword, Warsong, was said to give its possessor magical power. But now, regarded as sacred, it was hidden deep within Castle Baltia." Win: Garett's Escape. Lose: Death of Garett. Control: Garett, Baldarov Friends: Alfador, Sabra, Calais, Tiberon Enemies: Lord/Dark Elf x8, Bishop/Elemental x4, Serpent Knight/Lizardman x8 Geryon/Soldiers x8 -With Troops- Give Garett Soldiers for this first battle. Your main concern is to get Garett to the upper left side of the map. This will be his escape to safety. But, why let good experience go to waste? There is a couple of enemies you can kill right now. Before you act, wait a turn. Let the enemy attack, not worrying if your friends get killed (most likely Tiberon and Sabra will be defeated in a round or two). After the first turn is up, now you can make your move. Get Baldarov away from any of the action so that he won't wind up getting any experience. The Dark Elves on your left should be close enough for Garett to get to attack, and Tiberon's men might have weakened them. Attack them with your troops. Though all your men may eventually fall, you're still getting the experience from them. When only the Lord is left, send in Baldarov to weaken him down to 1 or 2 HP, then have Garett or his Soldiers finish him off. Once you have the Lord defeated, you are free to follow the road north to freedom. But, why don't you wait a bit? Get close to the end and just wait. Why you ask? Well, to see exactly how many enemies are going to be killed and for your other characters to gain experience. Chances are, they will all die except for Alfador (unless he steps off his throne). If he does step off his throne, you might as well call it good and end the Scenario by escaping. -Without Troops- Whenever you go without troops in this game, you have to make sure to use the terrain to your advantage. Whatever gives you the highest defensive %, stay there and let the enemy come to you. In this case, head left from the start, then start climbing to the walls. Tiberon's Mermen should die quickly. Don't worry about anyone else, just keep an eye on this group of enemies. Hang on the wall and attack anyone who is near. Have Baldarov weaken the enemies if you can. When the Dark Elves are all gone, send Baldarov after the Lord and keep fighting it until it has around 1 or 2 HP left. When that's all said and done, send Garett to finish the job. Once that is set, wait for most of the enemies to die. The Elementals will probably not die unless Alfador can defeat them. When it looks like there is nothing to be gained here, follow the road north to the exit to end the scenario. Scenario 2: To Sulras "Garett escaped from Baltia and now makes his way to Sulras. On the way, he meets a group of travelers." Win: Mina's Escape Lose: Death of Mina and Garett Control: Garett, Baldarov Friends: Mina Enemies: 4 Shaman/Barbarian x6, Shaman/Barbarian x4, Shaman/Barbarian x8 -With Troops- Give Garett 8 Soldiers and set him at the bottom. Have Baldarov stay close to Mina and if necessary, take a Magic Arrow from a Shaman. Have Garett go down and fight the group down there. Do NOT fight on a road. Stay on trees or grass if you're gonna fight, and if your troops get weak, the next turn, set them adjacent to Garett and send in the fresh troops. Never fight with more than 1/2 your sets of troops at a time. Once the group at the bottom is defeated, head back with the rest of the group. Have a weakened Baldarov weaken some of the monsters as long as his HP is below the enemy's HP. Don't have Baldarov attack the Shamans, as chances are they will destroy him. Take your time and make your way up to the top. After about 13 rounds another group of enemies will appear to attack. Use this to your advantage and you most likely will be able to promote Garett to his 2nd class. Just keep up the fighting and within due time, they will all fall. Most likely though, all of Mina's Civilians will perish, but Mina should easily be able to hold her own. -Without Troops- This will be a little more time consuming without troops, but it still can easily be done. The best strategy here is to keep Baldarov and Garett close by. Let Baldarov weaken anything that comes near and have Garett finish off the work. Go up from where you start and work with the small group and let the group below you make their way up. Remember not to let Baldarov kill any of the enemies. Keep making your way up and if you do things right and Garett gets like 99% of the kills, Garett will be able to get to his 2nd class very easily. Just keep attacking and the scenario should easily end. Scenario 3: Surprise Attack "While Garett rests in the city of Sulras, thieves invade taking advantage of him being off guard." Win: Defeat the enemy leader - Malvese Lose: Death of Mina and Garett Control: Garett, Baldarov Friends: Mina, Thorne Enemies: 3 Shaman/Barbarian x2, 2 Shaman/Barbarian x4, Shaman/Barbarian x6, Shaman/Barbarian x8 -With Troops- If Garett is a Knight by now, load Garett up with Horsemen. If not, just stick with Soldiers. This is another excellent opportunity to level up Garett. Send Baldarov to guard Mina's crew. By now you really shouldn't need Baldarov's help at all. Send Garett and his men up to tackle the group just above them. Again, Horsemen would really help you out a lot, but even so, the enemy should not pose much of a problem. Don't worry about Thorne. Whether he dies or not, it doesn't matter one bit. It might be better for Garett if he does die so that he can take care of the rest of them. After you finish off the first group, head up again and work on the group coming from the east. Finish them off then go help Thorne out if he is still alive. If not, go to where the Shamans are gathering and finish them off. Remember NOT to kill Malvese until the very end, as his death will end the round. After the fight, Sabra will rejoin and give you the Great Sword. -Without Troops- This is just a bit trickier as Magic Arrow will most likely prevent Garett from killing any of the enemies. But, whether Garett is a Knight, Lord, or still a fighter, have Baldarov stay close to Garett to weaken the enemies. Don't worry about Thorne, just let him handle himself. Take care of the group just to the north of where Garett starts, then go north again and finish off that group. After that's said and done, go down and help out Thorne. Don't kill Malvese yet else you'll end the scenario. After the fight, Sabra will join up and give you the Great Sword. Scenario 4: The Wood of Dead Souls "When Garett hears of the fall of the Castle of Baltia, he immediately decides to go back to the castle with troops under his command." Win: 10 Turns, Survival Lose: Death of Garett Control: Garett, Baldarov, Sabra Friends: Mina, Thorne Items: Sabra - Great Sword Enemies: Great Slime/Slime x4, 2 Great Slime/Slime x6, 2 Great Slime/Slime x8 -With Troops- I highly recommend that you don't use troops in this fight, as the Slimes will most likely destroy any troop you do have. It is possible to still defeat these monsters, but it will require a lot of patience and luck. If you are gonna go with troops, just give Garett some Horsemen. Soldiers and Archers will just be sitting ducks for the Slimes. There are two ways to do this, either just try to get to safety, or go ahead and fight. I recommend fighting, as the Slimes won't hurt your Commanders much if the Commanders are on the mountains. Send Baldarov with Sabra to weaken the Slimes down to 1 then have Sabra finish the job. Garett if he is at his 2nd class can handle things on his own (if he is NOT at his 2nd class yet, for shame). If you planned things out right, Garett should be at his 3rd and final class by now. If this is the case, don't have Garett do any more killing of his own for a while. Let him take and be like Baldarov and help Sabra gain some levels. After 5 rounds, Thorne and Mina will come out with troops of their own. Mina will have Guardsmen, which can totally destroy Slimes. Throne's troops will be destroyed by the slimes though. Keep up the defensive for another 5 rounds and the monsters will retreat. Mina and Thorne will now join the party, and Thorne gives Garett the Cross. -Without Troop- This is where I recommend going for this scenario. But, if you go this route, Garett will most likely not be promoted unless you are lucky enough that the Slimes all get killed in one shot by Garett. If you do manage to be that lucky, Garett should then be used to help other Commanders gain levels. Anyway, move Baldarov and Sabra to the mountains and wait for the Slimes to come. Have Baldarov weaken the Slimes, but don't worry if he kills a few, as chances are you won't kill all the slimes in the time given anyway. After 5 rounds, Mina and Thorne will come with backup and start to attack the Slimes. If there are some slimes near where Mina is, let them take care of it and put Garett over by Sabra. Keep up the defenses for 10 rounds total and the sun will come out and scare the Slimes away. Mina and Thorne will then join and you will receive the Cross. Scenario 5: Army of the Empire "Joining the reinforcements from Sulras, Garett finally beings his march into Baltia." Win: Defeating the Enemy's Leader - Lance Lose: Death of Garett Control: Garett, Baldarov, Sabra, Mina, Thorne Items: Sabra - Great Sword, Mina - Cross Enemies: 2 Knight/Horseman x8, Fighter/Dark Elf x8, Fighter/Soldier x8 Lance/Horseman x8 -With Troops- If Garett is at his 3rd class already, don't give him any troops. If he isn't, give him Horsemen or Archers, depending on which way he went. Give Sabra and Thorne a bunch of Soldiers. Mina shouldn't have any troops because the Guardsmen will be crushed. Keep her near Baldarov and Garett at all times. Make your way to the lower right-hand corner of the map and stay on the mountains. Wait for the enemy to come. Have Garett and Baldarov weaken the Horsemen for Mina, Sabra, and Thorne. If HP gets too low, Treat and have Mina use Healing 1. Keep up the attacking, letting Baldarov and Garett weaken the enemy commanders. Don't worry if Baldarov dies in this Scenario. You'll lose him at the end of this one anyway. You want to focus mainly on Sabra right now. Once Lance makes his way down, have Garett fight him, making sure to leave Mina open to heal Garett in case of a stalemate. Don't let Garett kill Lance until all the enemies are gone. Once they are gone, have Sabra or Mina kill Lance. If Garett is at his 3rd class, then don't have him kill anything. By this time I've already got Sabra to her 2nd class. -Without Troops- This is a little more cost-effective because your Soldiers are more likely to be killed by the Horsemen anyway. Make your way to the lower right-hand corner of the map, staying on the mountains once you get there. Form a diagonal chain on the edge of the mountains, putting Baldarov and Garett at the corners. This will give you a clear terrain advantage over any of the troops coming near. Let them come to you and your commanders should take them out easily. Once Lance makes his way down, keep him busy with Garett so that he doesn't try to attack your weaker members. Baldarov could fight him as well, but whatever you do, don't kill Lance yet. If Baldarov dies, don't worry about it. Once the enemies are dead, weaken Lance with Garett or Baldarov, then finish him with Sabra or Mina. Sabra should be at the 2nd class by now. Scenario 6: Battle for the Castle of Baltia "After defeating Lance and his army, Garett arrives back to the Castle of Baltia." Win: Defeating the Enemy's leader - Geryon Lose: Death of Garett Control: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Thorne Items: Thorne - Great Sword, Mina - Cross Enemies: Fighter/Dark Elf x6, 2 Fighter/Soldier x8, 2 Knight/Horsemen x8 Geryon/Royal Soldier x2 -With Troops- Give Sabra either Horsemen or Archers, depending on which way she went. Thorne should still have Soldiers for now. Leave Mina and Garett without troops. This can be tricky, but set up Sabra, Mina, and Thorne on the right side of the map, with Garett on the upper-left side. Believe it or not, this Scenario is truly easy providing you have the right troops. Archers are real good here. The first thing you want to do is get Garett over to the right side. Have Sabra take out the Horsemen with her Archers and weaken the Knight for Mina or Thorne. Thorne's Soldiers should take out the Dark Elves while Mina handles the enemy soldiers. Keep Garett coming over to the right side, then have Sabra go up with her Archers and take out the Horsemen that are following Garett. Once Garett is back, take Mina with him and go back. Have him weaken the Horsemen and have her finish them. When everything is finished, there should only be Geryon left in the Throne Room. Leave the troops behind and take the 4 Commanders inside. Have Garett weaken the Royal Soldiers and whoever is still at their first class should kill the Royal Soldiers (as they give massive experience). Once they are gone, lure Geryon off the throne. Finish him off. By now, Garett should have his 3rd class, while Sabra, Mina, and Thorne all have their 2nd class. Tiberon and Calais will rejoin the party and you will be given the Magic Shield -Without Troops- There really isn't much difference here, except that instead of charging the enemy in the castle, wait in the mountains and let them come out to you. Have Garett still run around to the right side of the castle while your other Commanders work on the enemy. When Garett reaches the other side, have him take Mina back up and finish off the rest. By now, everyone should be at their 2nd class at least. Now all that's left is Geryon in the Throne Room. Head there and send Garett in to weaken the Royal Soldiers, then somebody else there to kill them. Do NOT attack Geryon while he is on the throne, as he will have a huge defense bonus. Finish Geryon off and Tiberon and Calais will join the party, and with them you will get the Magic Shield. Scenario 7: A Brave Man of the Fortress "Baltia's defense fortress, Anzel, was attacked by Pythion's army. Garett advances to save his men." Win: Bayard's Rescue - Defeating Momus Lose: Death of Bayard or Garett Control: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Thorne, Tiberon, Calais Friends: Bayard Items: Mina - Great Sword, Calais - Magic Shield, Tiberon - Cross Enemies: Fighter/Dark Elf x8, 2 Serpent Knight/Lizardman x8, Knight/Horsemen x6, Fighter/Soldiers x8, Momus/Dark Elf x8 Knight/Horsemen x5, Lance/Horsemen x8 -With Troops- With or without troops, you really have to rush through this scenario. Give Tiberon Mermen, Mina and Calais some Guardsmen, and Sabra with Archers (or Thorne if Sabra went Knight). Put Tiberon on the far right side and have him go towards the water to fight the Lizardmen coming. Have Sabra or Thorne right next to him heading up the bridge to pick off the Horsemen coming. Have them make room for Garett, as Garett should be rushing to help Bayard. If Garett is a Knight, then things will go smoother (though by now I have him at his 3rd class). Bayard's men will put up a good fight but will probably be wiped out eventually by those Dark Elves. Have Calais and Mina stick around to fend off the Lizardmen on the left side. The Guardsmen should do pretty well against the Lizardmen as LONG as you don't fight them in the water. Lure them to land and have Calais do the attacking with her troops until she levels up. Once that group is gone, have Mina and Calais join the rest. On Round 12, Lance will show up. Just keep Garett close to Bayard and weaken but not kill Momus and the other fighter. Don't let Garett's HP go over 8. Once Lance shows up, have Sabra and Thorne go up and get him with their Archers. Once it is just Momus, weaken him a bit then have Bayard finish him off. Once Momus is gone, the Scenario will end. -Without Troops- This can be very tough as you still have to hurry to rescue Bayard. Put Tiberon near Mina and Calais so that they have someone to weaken the enemies for them to kill. At this point, it isn't wise to promote Tiberon yet, so just let him do some weakening, but don't worry if he makes a kill or two. Sabra, Thorne, and Garett should run up the bridge. Have Thorne and Sabra stay away from the water and let the Lizardmen and Horsemen come down. Keep Garett going to the Fortress to rescue Bayard. After 12 rounds, Lance will show up. Get on some trees or mountains and have them attack you. Also by now Calais should be promoted (it really isn't that hard to do). Don't kill Momus until all the enemies are gone, then have Bayard or someone other than Garett finish him off. Scenario 8: The Follow-Up Attack "The enemy failing their attack of Anzel, withdraws. Garett immediately orders a follow-up attack to finish them." Win: Defeating the Enemy's leader - Chief Commander Lose: Escape of the enemy, Death of Garett Control: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Thorne, Tiberon, Calais, Bayard. Items: Bayard - Great Sword, Calais - Magic Shield, Tiberon - Cross Enemies: 2 Fighter/Dark Elf x8, 2 Fighter/Soldier x8, Lord/Royal Solider x2 Knight/Horsemen x6, Lance/Horsemen x6 -With Troops- Give Soldiers to Sabra, Thorne, Bayard, and Calais (if she is a Wizard). Let Tiberon, Mina, and Garett go without any troops. This battle is so easy that you could probably beat it blindfolded. Set Tiberon at the upper spot and Mina and Garett at the left spots. Set Bayard below Tiberon and divide the rest up. You are VERY close to the enemy, so take advantage and send in the troops to attack. Bayard should get to his 2nd class by now. After that, focus your experience on Sabra, and by the end of this fight, she should get to her 3rd class. As for Garett, Mina, and Tiberon, have them go around and flank the enemy. Your focus is the Lord. Once the enemies are easily defeated, totally surround the Lord with Commanders (Garett, Mina, Tiberon, and Sabra if she's at her 3rd class would be the best choices). On Round 6, Lance will show up again. The Lord will be helpless if surrounded, so now you can take your other 3 commanders and take care of Lance's group. Don't worry if you lose troops here, they will weaken the Horsemen enough for the Commanders to handle. Take care of Lance and the Horsemen, then have Mina or Calais finish off the Lord. -Without Troops- This is really just as easy, it will just take a little bit longer. Make sure you get a good spot to defend yourself in, else it could be hazardous. Bayard should be promoted during this fight, as should Sabra to her 3rd class. Take Tiberon at the upper pond and flank the enemy, while Garett and Mina do the same thing from below. After a few rounds, Lance will show up again. Keep the Lord occupied to make sure he doesn't escape, then show Lance who is boss. Defeat Lance and everyone else, then finish off the Lord. Scenario 9: The Torrents of Worth "Finally, Garett starts his advance on Dalsis. However, Pythion placed a defensive army along the river Worth, to arrive the arrival of Garett's men." Win: Garett's Escape Lose: Death of Garett Control: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Thorne, Tiberon, Calais, Bayard Items: Mina - Great Sword, Calais - Magic Shield, Tiberon - Cross Enemies: Serpent Knight/Lizardman x8, Grand Knight/Soldier x8, 2 Fighter/Soldier x8, Fighter/Dark Elf x8, 2 Kraken/Leviathan x8 Lance/Horsemen x8 -With Troops- This is gonna be one long and very hard fight. Hopefully you haven't promoted Tiberon yet, as this is the level to do so. Give Tiberon some Mermen, Calais and Mina some Guardsmen, and give Bayard and Thorne some archers. Sabra can have troops if she's still at her 2nd class, else just make her act like Garett and aid those who need it to gain experience. You have to act fast. Get everybody into the shallow water (it's the one of lighter color) and move them to the other side quickly. Lure the Lizardmen to shore and have Mina and Calais take care of them. Put Tiberon in the water with his Mermen to take care of any Soldiers and Archers coming down. Have Garett follow him. Tiberon should be promoted during this fight. Have Sabra follow Thorne and Bayard to the other side. Once Round 6 comes into play, Krakens and Leviathans will show up. Get to land quickly, but don't let the Krakens attack your enemy, as you will lose experience. Lure one side over with Sabra (get close, but just out of range), then get them onto land. Archers will be a BIG help against the Leviathans, but you're on your own with the Krakens. The next round, Lance will show up... yet again. Keep attempting to get to land. Let Garett weaken Lance's troops for Tiberon to finish off. By now the Kraken will head to land. To end the scenario, you can either make it to the top of the map, or kill everything. I recommend killing everything to get the added experience. -Without Troops- This will weigh you down less when you're trying to cross the water, but it will still be pretty tough. Get to the other side of the river as quickly as possible. Lure the Lizardmen onto land and kill them all off. After a few rounds, Krakens will show up. Lure them onto land to attack you. Do NOT let them attack the enemy, else you will lose experience. They are very weak on land, so just keep that in mind. Within another round, Lance will show up yet again (doesn't he ever quit?) Take care of him fast. By now, Tiberon should be at his 2nd class (which better NOT be a Serpent Knight). Scenario 10: Castle on the Water "One after another, Garett has defeated the relentless attacks by Pythion's armies. Finally, surrounds the castle of Valk, the last fortress of the enemy." Win: Defeating the Enemy's Leader - Chief Commander Lose: Death of Garett Control: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Thorne, Tiberon, Calais, Bayard Items: Mina - Great Sword, Calais - Magic Shield, Tiberon - Cross Enemies: 2 Serpent Knight/Lizardman x8, Arch Mage/Soldier x8, Fighter/Soldier x8, Bishop/Dark Elf x8, Lord/Royal Soldier x4 Grand Knight/Soldier x8, Grand Knight/Archer x6 -With Troops- Give Tiberon, Thorne, and Bayard Soldiers and give Mina and Calais some Guardsmen. Leave Sabra and Garett without troops. Have your Soldiers storm the castle while your Guardsmen stay way from the water and ambush the Lizardmen that come. Watch out for the Arch Mage and Bishop, as their magic will put a hurting on you. If they use magic, have one of your Lords use Healing 1 and keep attacking. After they are out, head for the inner part of the castle with Tiberon, Throne, and Bayard. After 10 rounds, reinforcements come. Bring Garett, Sabra, Mina, and Calais together. Garett and Sabra should weaken them while Mina and Calais finish them off. In the meantime, have Thorne and Bayard get rid of the Dark Elves there and then finish off the deadly Bishop. After he's gone, head for the Lord and wipe out the Royal Soldiers. Lure the Lord off the throne and then nail him. Once the battle is over, you'll get the Wand and Carleon will join. -Without Troops- This might be a bit less costly, but it will take more time. From the first round, head to the left side of the road. This will give you a good advantage over them already. Form a chain down the road and keep Sabra and Garett on the corners. This will eliminate being surrounded by the enemy, plus if the enemy attacks on the road, then they will go down very easily. After the first wave is over, send Thorne, Bayard, and Mina into the castle. Keep the 3 of them close together with Mina in the middle. If HP gets low, Mina should cast Healing 2. Once the reinforcements arrive after 10 rounds, have Garett and Sabra weaken them for Tiberon and Calais. This time though, get on the upper side of the road so that they will still be on the road when they attack. Form a chain again and nail them. Go for the Lord afterwards and the scenario will be over once he's dead. Carleon will then join and you'll get the Want. Scenario 11: The Castle of Dalsis "Garett and his army finally arrive at the castle of Dalsis. The final battle for the sacred sword, Warsong, was just about to begin." Win: Garett moves to castle center Lose: Death of Garett Control: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Thorne, Tiberon, Calais, Bayard, Carleon Items: Carleon - Great Sword, Tiberon - Cross, Calais - Magic Shield Mina - Wand Enemies: 4 Grand Knight/Soldier x8, Arch Mage/Dark Elf x8 Lance/Horseman x8 -With Troops- This could be a little bit tricky with troops, but it's even harder without them. Your group is divided by 4 and two commanders are set at each corner. Give Bayard and Throne some Archers, Calais and Carleon some Soldiers, and Tiberon some Horsemen. Garett, Mina, and Sabra left without. Place Sabra and Calais on the upper left side, Tiberon and Bayard on the upper right side, Garett and Mina on the lower left side, and Thorne and Carleon on the lower right side. Work your way inward. All the enemies at the corners are Soldiers and Grand Knights, so it shouldn't be much of a problem. Two commanders together should more than take care of a Grand Knight. Take care of the enemies at the corners, then lead Bayard to the upper wall of the castle and Thorne to the lower wall of the castle. Put the Archers at the wall and wait there. At Round 5, Lance will show up for the last time at the lower-left corner. Mina can gain some good levels here as long as she stays in a corner with Garett. Don't make any moves towards the center just yet. At Round 7, at the north and south ends of the map, Wyverns with 8 sets of Gargoyles each will attack the castle, but will attack anyone there. If you have your Archers lined up on the wall, they should easily take care of any Gargoyle that comes in the way. In order to save you time though, set Bayard's and Throne's command on Manual. After Lance and that Wyverns are taken care of, send Bayard, Thorne, Carleon, Calais, Mina, and Garett to the center. Kill off the Arch Mage (if you're lucky, Thorne, Bayard, or Calais will be promoted to their 3rd class by now) after you handle the Dark Elves. Do NOT let Garett enter the middle zone, as that will end the Scenario. Kill the enemies first, then have him go to the middle. -Without Troops- This is far more dangerous than without troops. It doesn't matter which order you set your troops in, but I still recommend Garett and Mina at the lower-left side. You still have to hustle a bit to get to the middle of the map. Once you defeat the Grand Knights, have your stronger commanders (Lords mostly) line up on top of the walls while your weaker ones stand back and cast magic as needed on your Commanders or the Wyverns that appear on the 7th Round. Have Garett and Mina handle Lance's party, which should be quite easy to do. Once everyone is defeated, all that's left is the Arch Mage. Don't have Garett go yet, but kill off the Arch Mage first, then have Garett enter the center to end the Scenario. Scenario 12: The Twin Castle "Garett and his army breach the walls of the Twin Castle. Once inside, they split into 2 groups - each group making their way to the top of the castle." Win: Defeating the enemy's leader - Pythion Lose: Death of Garett Control: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Thorne, Tiberon, Calais, Bayard, Carleon Items: Mina - Great Sword, Tiberon - Cross, Garett - Magic Shield Calais - Wand Enemies: 3 Grand Knight/Soldier x8, Wizard/Dark Elf x8, Bishop/Dark Elf x8, Arch Mage/Soldier x8, Lord/Royal Soldier x6, Pythion/Royal Soldier x8 -With Troops- Before you pick, note that the party has split into two teams for this fight. Garett, Mina, Tiberon, and Bayard are on the left side, while Sabra, Calais, Carleon, and Thorne are on the right side. This isn't a great level to gain levels up on because you are so outnumbered in such a tight spot. Give EVERYBODY some Soldiers who can use them and buy some Gryphons for Sabra if she's a Dragon Knight and some Monks for Mina. The first thing you wanna do with the right side is go up and take out the spell casters' troops. Have Sabra go left and work on those groups while Calais finishes them off with her troops. Thorne and Carleon should also work on the Magic uses very quickly. Then they should go down and finish the Grand Knights off. On the left side, keep any Knights away from the Dark Elves. Mina should be able to handle them easily by herself. Have Tiberon work on the Soldiers. Once both sides are cleared, have both sides of your party go down and take out the Lord and his Royal Guards. Only have those who need experience the most kill the Royal Guards and then the Lord. By this time, I have Garett, Calais, Sabra, Thorne, and Bayard in their 3rd classes (which for me meant 3 Magic Knights). Mina, Tiberon, and Carleon should be the focus of the next round. Treat your 2nd class people and have your 3rd class people lead the charge against Phythion. Go up and work on the Royal Guards, making sure to watch out for Pythion's Blizzard. Once the Royal Guards are gone, Heal and Treat until Pythion runs out of magic, then lure him off his throne. Weaken him with Garett and have someone else finish him off. Once he is dead, you will get the Warsong and the Evil Axe. -Without Troops- This is THE toughest battle to do without troops. It requires a LOT of luck and a LOT of patience. Have Calais and Sabra start off by hitting the spell casters above them with magic, then have Thorne and Carleon work on them. Watch out for the groups from below, as they will hurt you. Beware of the Dark Elves for Sabra, as it could spell her doom. Keep healing and eventually the right side will fall. On the left side, just nail the Wizard with magic if you have any. Else, have Garett and Mina weaken them while Tiberon and Bayard go towards the Soldiers. Once everything is set, go down and take care of the Royal Guards, making sure that only 2nd class characters kill them. When you're all set (you should have at least 5 characters by now in their 3rd class), head for Pythion. Again, have the 2nd class characters kill the Royal Guards. Wait for Pythion to use up his magic, then lure him away from the throne with Garett. If Garett has the Magic Shield on him, Pythion shouldn't even leave a scratch on him. Finish him off and you'll retrieve the Warsong and the Evil Axe. Scenario 13: The City of Stone Statues "Returning home from Dalsis to Baltia, Garett and his army discover a ruined city. They found no signs of life and found only scattered stone statues." Win: Total defeat of the enemy Lose: Death of Garett or turn into stone statue Control: Garett, Mina, Thorne, Tiberon, Calais, Bayard, Carleon Friends: Lance Items: Carleon - Great Sword, Thorne - Cross, Tiberon - Magic Shield Calais - Wand, Mina - Warsong Enemies: 2 Queen Ant/Ant x8, 2 Great Slime/Slime x8, 2 Basilisk/Styracosaur x4, Basilisk/Styracosaur x6 -With Troops- Leave Sabra out for this one. You're most likely gonna need all the magic you can get and Sabra's magic isn't exactly great. Give Mina some Guardsmen, Tiberon some Horsemen, and Carleon some Archers. Anyone else who hasn't been promoted to their 3rd class, give their best troops. Set Mina at the highest point. She will be very close to Slimes, which she can easily destroy to get real good experience. Carleon, Garett, and Thorne should be next highest. Set Tiberon in the middle of the lowest group with Calais and Bayard on either side. The thing you want to watch out for is the Basilisks, as one shot with their spell and they can turn you to stone. The way to avoid that is to bring down Thorne and have Calais use Earthquake or Thunder, depending on her class. Bayard should use Thunder as well, making sure to hit the whole group. Have Tiberon finish them off with his horsemen. Just keep doing that and do NOT let the Basilisk's HP reach above 8, else there is a chance they can use Stone. Watch out for the sides, as Ants will start coming. Carleon and his Archers should handle one set while Tiberon should handle the other. Mina should still focus on the slimes. If you need extra help, just go up and stand on the box. That will release the stone curse on Lance and his Gryphons. Though, I really never need his help anyway. After the battle is over, you'll be given the Amulet of Power. -Without Troops- Not too much different then with troops, but of course it will take more time. Use the same strategy as above and still have Tiberon finish them off. If Calais is a Magic Knight, go ahead and let her continue to beat up on the enemies. Have Mina work on the Slimes and Carleon take care of the Ants. If by some slim chance you need a hand, have Mina or somebody stand on the box in the middle of the map. This will remove the stone from Lance, and he will offer to help you out. After the fight is over, you will get the Amulet. Scenario 14: Wolf Pack "Garett had defeated the Emperor Pythion and reclaimed Warsong. But an extraordinary event was already set into motion." Win: Total defeat of the enemy Lose: Death of Garett Control: Garett, Mina, Calais, Thorne, Bayard, Carleon Friends: 2 Fighters Items: Carleon - Great Sword, Thorne - Magic Shield, Calais - Wand, Mina - Warsong, Bayard - Amulet Enemies: Werewolf, 6 Werewolf/Werewolf x8 -With Troops- Your main job is to protect the civilians. No matter really what troops you take, the Were Wolves are gonna crush them. Just give Mina some Monks and Carleon some Archers. Have Garett kill the Were Wolf in the middle, and in doing so, 6 packs of wolves will charge the village, 3 packs on each side. Send Calais, Mina, and Garett to the left and Thorne, Bayard, and Carleon to the right. Have Thorne and Bayard keep their distance if they are both Magic Knights and keep casting Thunder one at a time, as the Werewolves will group together. Do the same over on the left side, except Calais will only get one shot. Do not fight on the road. Put Carleon on the fence and let the wolves come to him. Carleon will probably a lot of leveling, just not enough to get to his 3rd class. Mina however should now be a Saint, which will help you in the long run. There is one pack of wolves that probably won't move until you get close enough. Let Carleon deal with that side once he finishes the other side. Back him up with a round or two of Thunder. This fight shouldn't last long. -Without Troops- This method is probably a LOT smarter because the wolves will go through any troops you have. Just follow the same strategy as above; have Garett kill the lone wolf, send Mina, Garett, and Calais to one side, Thorne, Bayard, and Carleon to the other, get on the fence, and fight them off with Thunder. Just keep doing that and heal when needed. Don't let the head Were Wolf's HP get too high. Nail them with Thunder then have Carleon finish them off. Same with the other side. By now, the only one who shouldn't be at their 3rd class is Carleon. Scenario 15: Roar of the Dragon "The Evil came up with a surprise. It created a fierce Dragon, with one purpose - to get Warsong." Win: Defeating the Dragon Lose: Death of Garett or Dragon invades city Control: Garett, Mina, Carleon, Sabra/Lance Friends: 3 Fighters, Efreet Items: Mina - Cross, Garett - Magic Shield, Carleon - Warsong, Sabra/Lance - Amulet Enemies: Great Dragon, 2 Gorgosaur/Styracosaur x6, Shaman/Barbarian x8 -With Troops- Give Soldiers to everybody here with Horsemen for Garett. If Sabra is NOT a Dragon Knight, use Lance for this battle. Give him Gryphons. Have him quickly fly up towards the Shaman. In the meantime, have Carleon, Garett, and Mina make their way towards the pond to await the monsters coming. Don't try attacking the Great Dragon as you won't stand a chance. Have Carleon take out a lot of the monsters for the time being. In doing this, he should finally be at his 3rd class. Once that happens, use anything to attack. Back at the Dragon Knight, have it go up and attack the Shaman and the Barbarians. Once they are defeated, Efreet will join for the battle. This is your only chance to defeat the Dragon. He will warp down and start casting Fire Ball on the Dragon. Keep Mina close by to heal him when he needs it, else you'll have to fight the dragon yourself. Once the dragon is defeated, the scenario ends. -Without Troops- This is a more logical way to go. Keep your Dragon Knight at the top and make your way up to the Shaman and destroy their group. Have Carleon, Garett, and Mina go right to the pond to head off the monsters. Give Carleon the majority of the kills as by now he'll be at his 3rd class. Once the Shamans are defeated, Efreet will pop out of a pot and start to attack the Dragon. Keep Mina close by to heal Efreet in case the battle gets close. Finish off what monsters you can and when the Dragon is dead, the Scenario will end. Scenario 16: In the Darkness "The wounded Dragon ran into the valley of Allenst. Garett and his army followed it for one more fatal attack." Win: Defeating the Dragon Lose: Death of Garett Control: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Thorne, Tiberon, Calais, Bayard, Carleon Items: Thorne - Great Sword, Mina - Cross, Sabra - Magic Shield, Calais - Wand, Bayard - Warsong, Tiberon - Amulet Enemies: Great Dragon/Styracosaur x8, 2 Gorgosaur/Carrion Crawler x8 3 Queen Ant/Ant x8, 2 Great Slime/Slime x8 -With Troops- Note that now EVERYBODY should be at their 3rd class. Now you can unleash everything on them. Give any of your Knights some Horsemen, and any spell caster some Guardsmen. If Sabra is a Dragon Knight, give her Gryphons. If Calais is a Magic Knight, give her Horsemen as well (in which case you should have her take the majority of the kills so she can become a Ranger). This battle is really quite easy. Send your Guardsmen to the left to take care of the slimes and then everyone else down. Again, if Calais is a Magic Knight, have her kill most of the enemies off. Once the enemies are gone from both sides, all that's left is the dragon. Have Garett stand on the box near the lower-center of the map. He will receive the Dragon Slayer for the battle. Now head for the center. Calais should still handle the Styracosaurs if she is a Magic Knight, else hold nothing back and let everything loose. When the Dragon is alone, ditch the troops and have your commanders run at it. Surround it with Garett, Bayard, Sabra, and Tiberon. Keep everyone else around for backup. Magic won't work, so plug away at it with your best attacks you can get and have Mina and any Magic Knight heal when you are weakened. The Dragon should very easily fall. -Without Troops- This is the better idea to use. Send Mina to the left to handle the slimes and everyone else down. You should easily be able to take care of the Carrion Crawlers and the Ants. Have everyone meet in the lower center. Have Garett stand on the box to receive the Dragon Slayer. Now go up and take out the Styracosaurs. When the time is right, surround the Dragon with Garett, Bayard, Sabra, and Tiberon. Have them weaken it down for Garett to finish off. Scenario 17: The Fierce Attack "Seneferia... it had been the center of the dark battle which almost destroyed the world. Now, it had become the home of Evil in the forbidden land." Win: Total Defeat of the enemy Lose: Death of Garett Control: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Thorne, Tiberon, Calais, Bayard, Carleon Items: Thorne - Great Sword, Mina - Cross, Sabra - Magic Shield, Calais - Wand, Bayard - Warsong, Tiberon - Amulet Enemies: 2 Gorgosaur/Styracosaur x8, 6 Wyvern/Gargoyle x8 -With Troops- Archers, archers, ARCHERS! Give everybody that can use them some Archers. Leave Mina and Calais (if she's not a Magic Knight) without troops and Sabra with Gryphons. It doesn't matter where you set up, just set up the Archers in front. On the first round, fall back a bit and crowd together. Thunder works real well against the enemy here. If Calais is a Magic Knight, work with her to get her to a Ranger at the end of this round. Let the monsters come to you and your Archers will take care of them. After that is taken care of, all that's left are the Gorgosaurs. Send Sabra, Garett, Mina, and Calais up there to finish them off. Stay on the mountains and just plug away at them. Eventually they will fall. -Without Troops- If you're gonna go this way, stay close together on the mountains, else this will really hurt. Let the Gargoyles start to gang up on you then when they start to clump together, nail them with Thunder and Tornado. Just keep doing that until they end up dying. Once the Gargoyles and Wyverns are defeated, head north and kill what monsters are left up there. Stay on the mountains to attack. Scenario 18: Seneferia "Garett and his army arrived and Seneferia. The found nothing but enormous ruins, which were a result of a fierce battle that had taken place there." Win: Defeating the Enemy's leader - Naxos Lose: Death of Garett Control: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Thorne, Tiberon, Calais, Bayard, Carleon Items: Thorne - Great Sword, Mina - Cross/Wand, Sabra - Magic Shield, Calais - Evil Axe/Wand, Bayard - Warsong, Tiberon - Amulet, Carleon - Cross Enemies: 3 Queen Ant/Ant x8, 2 Great Slime/Slime x8, Living Armor/Skeleton x8 Naxos - Golem x8 -With Troops- By now you really won't need a lot of troops, but the Golems might be a bit of a pain to take care of. If Calais is a Ranger, give her the Evil Axe and she'll make very quick work of the Golems. Anyway, save a bit of money and only buy 4 Troops per commander, right now I recommend Horsemen. Give Mina some Monks. Now with everyone at their 3rd class, take some time to get your spell casters to Level 5 (basically Mina and Calais if she's an Arch Mage). After they get to Level 5, work on your Magic Knights. Garett's level shouldn't matter too much unless he is a King, then get him to Level 5. Don't worry at all about Tiberon's and Sabra's Level (unless she is a Magic Knight). If Calais has Earthquake, have her use it. This will create a shortcut to Naxos. The monsters should be easy to finish off (Slimes, Ants, Skeletons), so just kill them with everything you've got. Once Naxos is alone, head for him. You might have a hard time killing the Golems unless someone has the Evil Axe (a Ranger with this would really win out easily). If you find you can't kill them easily (don't worry a whole lot, as the Golems have a real bad attack power), just kill Naxos. He shouldn't be that tough to kill. Once you are done, the Mystic Orb will be yours, but Lance will leave the party (who used him anyway?) -Without Troops- The only challenge with using no troops is the Skeletons, but Mina should take care of them real quick. Stay together and kill anything in your path around to the front. Have Calais use Earthquake to knock down the walls to allow easy access to Naxos. Don't worry about the Golems too much, as you probably can't kill them anyway. Aim for Naxos and he will soon fall. After the fight, Lance will leave the party and you will get the Mystic Orb. Scenario 19: The Elusive Knight Garett and his army uncover an underground passage, which lead to a huge shrine. It almost looked like a labyrinth..." Win: Defeating the Enemy's leader - Mortimus Lose: Death of Garett Control: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Thorne, Tiberon, Calais, Bayard, Carleon Items: Thorne - Great Sword, Carleon - Cross, Sabra - Magic Shield, Bayard - Wand/Evil Axe, Garett - Warsong, Calais - Evil Axe/Wand, Tiberon - Amulet, Mina - Orb Enemies: 2 Fighter/Soldier x8, 2 Lord/Royal Soldier x8, 2 Wizard/Dark Elf x8, Bishop/Dark Elf x8, Mortimus/Skeleton x8 -With Troops- Horsemen will slow you down, so just take Soldiers for this battle. Besides, you need something against the Dark Elves. As for anyone else, give Mina some Monks and Sabra some Gryphons for this fight. Put your Knights at the lower part and your people with higher movement at the top. Make your way down and around to the first wave of attackers, which will be the fighters. By now they should be a pushover. Now head up and do the same thing with the Lords and Royal Soldiers. Make sure your Soldiers have as high an HP as they can, as you'll need it against the Dark Elves. Just plow your way through them and eventually you'll make your way to Mortimus. Have Mina use her Monks against his Skeletons then have someone finish him. It should be as easy as killing Naxos. There is a quick way to end this if you don't want to fight through. Have Sabra and her Gryphons go down and wipe out a few of the Skeletons, then have Sabra kill Mortimus. I'd do this only if you want to finish the game and you have everybody at their 3rd or 4th class (4th being for Calais if she's a Ranger). -Without Troops- This is a lot tougher as the Dark Elves will make quick work of your Magic Knights and Tiberon. Have your Knights lead the way until you get to the Lords, then have Garett, Sabra, and Mina work on the Dark Elves. Thunder can be used here for maximum effects, but don't let the Dark Elves near your Knights. Once Mortimus is alone with his Skeletons, go after him. Pick off the Skeletons and then kill Mortimus. The quicker way to do this if you don't care about experience is to just have your Magic Knights cast Thunder on the Skeletons that are close by, then have Sabra fly down and kill Mortimus. Scenario 20: The Confinement of Darkness "At the deepest point in the underground shrine, Garett and his army reached the Evil. Now Darkness and Light must face for the entire fate of the world." Win: Defeating Chaos Lose: Death of Garett Control: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Thorne, Tiberon, Calais, Bayard, Carleon Items: Tiberon - Great Sword, Carleon - Cross, Sabra - Magic Shield, Bayard - Wand/Evil Axe, Garett - Warsong, Calais - Evil Axe/Wand, Thorne - Amulet, Mina - Orb Enemies: 6 Living Armor/Skeletons x8, Ganelon/Styracosaur x8, Chaos/Elemental x8 -With Troops- You want to use your troops sparingly here. Mina should be given Monks, Sabra some Gryphons, and divide the rest into Horsemen and Archers. Do NOT split the group up. Have Mina lead the charge with the Monks to kill off the Skeletons. Take this Scenario nice and slow, as this is the last one and you want to keep your troops in tact. Keep your Archers in the back row and don't let them get attacked. Head right and face those monsters, then head left and finish off those ones. Just keep your party together. Once the Living Armor is defeated, carefully have your Horsemen lead the charge towards Ganelon. Beware of Ganelon's Thunder, as it can put a major hurting on you. Keep the commanders close and have Mina cast Healing 2 so that the Thunder spell won't do as much damage. Have the Horsemen take out the Styracosaurs then wait for Ganelon to move from his Throne. Once he does, have someone replace the throne then nail Ganelon with all you've got. Once Ganelon dies, Chaos will be revived. This is it. Heal everyone to full strength then get ready. Send your commanders with Archers up to take care of the Elementals. Then, once you are set, bring everything you have against Chaos. Chaos is extremely powerful and has a high enough attack to destroy anyone no matter how high their defense is. Just keep attacking him with anyone who has an AT higher than 35 (else the attacks will do nothing). Garett, Sabra, Tiberon, and Calais (as a Ranger) should surround Chaos and finish him off. -Without Troops- For the final battle, this is a bit risky, but still very possible. All you have to do is take things out one at a time. At this point of the game, you probably don't care about experience, so just take care of the Living Armor of each group. When the Living Armors are gone, head towards Ganelon. Watch out for his Thunder attack and keep everyone close together. Lure Ganelon off the throne before you attack him. Once he's off, hammer him with everything you have. Once Ganelon is dead, Chaos will be revived. Heal everybody then charge at Chaos. Don't worry about the Elementals and just focus on Chaos. Have your best attackers up front to attack and surround him. After a while, Chaos will fall. That ends the walkthrough on this game. I hope you enjoyed it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Commander Classes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of both enemy and ally commander classes in alphabetical order. The lower stats in a set of Commanders is the stats given to the enemy commanders. Note: Garett as a Fighter gets A +2 and a DF of 21. Name AT DF MV MP RN A D Spells Arch Mage 31 17 6 32 4 +9 +2 Magic Arrows, Fire Ball, Earthquake 31 17 6 16 4 +7 +0 Tornado, Fire Ball Basilisk 27 27 6 1 4 +3 +2 Stone Bishop 27 20 6 16 4 +6 +4 Fire Ball II, Healing 2, Confusion 27 20 6 16 4 +4 +6 Magic Arrows, Healing 2, FireBall 2 Chaos 35 35 7 40 4 +4 +4 Thunder, Earthquake, Healing 2 Cleric 23 17 5 8 4 +0 +4 Healing 2 Conjurer 19 20 6 16 4 +1 +2 Blizzard Crocodile Knight 28 20 7 0 4 +2 +2 Dragon Knight 34 24 9 4 4 +4 +2 Blizzard Fighter 23 20 6 0 3 +0 +2 23 21 6 0 3 +2 +2 Fire Element 41 34 8 16 4 +0 +0 Fire Ball Gorgosaur 31 28 6 12 4 +5 +0 Fire Ball Grand Knight 33 28 6 0 4 +8 +4 31 25 6 0 4 +6 +4 Great Dragon 35 35 3 16 4 +5 +4 Fire Ball Great Slime 19 28 6 0 4 +2 +2 High Priestess 27 32 6 32 4 +4 +8 Healing 2, Healing 3, Sleep Kaiser 32 32 6 12 4 +4 +4 Blizzard, Healing 1 King 31 28 6 12 4 +6 +4 Magic Arrows, Healing 1 Knight 31 20 8 0 4 +4 +2 31 19 8 0 4 +4 +2 Knight Master 34 24 8 8 4 +8 +2 Lightning Kraken 29 26 6 0 4 +0 +2 Living Armor 32 30 6 8 4 +5 +4 Blizzard Lord 27 24 6 8 4 +2 +4 Healing 1 Magic Knight 31 25 8 16 4 +6 +4 Thunder, Healing 1 Priestess 27 24 6 16 4 +2 +6 Healing 1, Healing 2 Queen Ant 31 20 8 0 4 +6 +5 Ranger 41 28 9 16 4 +0 +0 Earthquake, Confusion, Sleep Royal Guard 35 21 8 4 4 +6 +4 Lightning Saint 31 24 6 24 4 +9 +4 Fire Ball, Tornado, Healing 2 Serpent Knight 32 24 7 0 4 +6 +2 31 24 7 0 4 +4 +2 Shaman 25 15 4 4 4 +0 +0 Magic Arrows Sword Master 25 22 6 0 4 +0 +9 Warlock 27 13 6 10 4 +3 +2 Magic Arrows Werewolf 29 21 6 0 4 +6 +4 Wight 31 34 6 16 4 +7 +6 Thunder Wizard 27 15 6 16 4 +6 +2 Magic Arrows, Fire Ball 27 16 6 16 4 +4 +0 Magic Arrows, Fire Ball Wyvern 31 24 7 8 4 +3 +2 Fire Ball ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Enemy Troops ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of all the enemy troops in the game in alphabetical order. Note: I placed Civilians here because you can't control them anyway, but they deserved a place somewhere. Name AT DF MV Weakness Barbarian 19 14 6 Horsemen Carrion Crawler 20 24 6 Civilian 0 6 6 Everything Dark Elf 20 14 7 Soldiers Elemental 23 20 8 Evil Ant 19 16 6 Gargoyle 27 14 8 Archers Golem 19 40 6 Horseman 21 15 8 Archers Lizardman 23 6 8 Guardsmen Leviathan 23 17 8 Horsemen Royal Soldier 24 18 6 Skeleton 24 21 6 Monks Slime 19 20 6 Guardsmen Soldier 20 14 6 Horsemen Styracosaur 23 24 6 Were Wolf 25 17 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX. Items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of items in order of appearance that you can equip during the game. Great Sword AT +2 DF +0 Gained after Scenario 3. Cross AT +0 DF +2 Gained after Scenario 4. Magic Shield AT +0 DF +4 Gained after Scenario 6. Wand AT +2 DF +0 Gained after Scenario 10. Increases spell damage by 1. Warsong AT +4 DF +4 Gained after Scenario 12. Holy sword of legend. Evil Axe AT +8 DF -10 Gained after Scenario 12. Amulet of Power AT +0 DF +2 Gained after Scenario 13. Gives Commander a Range of 9. Dragon Slayer AT +5 DF +3 Accessible ONLY during Scenario 16. Replaces item already equipped. Mystic Orb AT +0 DF +0 Gained after Scenario 18. Cuts MP usage by 1/2, but you still need needed MP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X. Spells ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of spells that can be used during Warsong in alphabetical order. *The Range number is how many squares away from the caster can the spell go. *The Effect number is how many squares away from the target can the spell effect. Blizzard: 4 MP Range: 5 Effect: 3 Does up to 3 HP of ice damage. Confusion: 8 MP Range: 7 Effect: 1 Confuses enemy into attacking their own partners. Earthquake: 16 MP Range: 4 Effect: 11 Does up to 4 HP of earth damage. Can destroy walls easily. Fire Ball: 4 MP Range: 5 Effect: 2 Does up to 3 HP of fire damage. Fire Ball II: 8 MP Range: 5 Effect: 3 Does up to 4 HP of fire damage. Healing 1: 2 MP Range: 4 Effect: 2 Heals up to 2 HP. Healing 2: 4 MP Range: 4 Effect: 2 Heals up to 4 HP. Healing 3: 8 MP Range: 4 Effect: 2 Heals up to 8 HP. Lightning: 4 MP Range: 7 Effect: Line Does up to 3 HP of lightning damage in a straight line from the caster. Magic Arrows: 2 MP Range: 6 Effect: 1 Does up to 2 HP of damage. Sleep: 4 MP Range: 4 Effect: 2 Puts enemies to sleep. Thunder: 4 MP Range: 5 Effect: 3 Does up to 5 HP of thunder damage. Tornado: 8 MP Range: 5 Effect: 4 Does up to 6 HP of wind damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XI. Tips & Tricks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. NEVER give Baldarov troops. The reason being as they can steal experience from your other characters by killing off anything that attacks them. 2. Also, let Baldarov take some damage. Usually you should Treat when you have 7 HP, but I usually Treat Baldarov when his HP is 6 or less. The reason being is that if Baldarov has 10 HP, he can kill anything. With 9 or less, he will significantly weaken enemies for your other characters to kill. 3. If you plan things out right, you can get your promotions very quickly and easily. I had Garett as a Grand Knight before the end of Scenario 4, so it is highly possible to do so. If you want to focus on one person at a time to promote, here is the order I suggest: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Calais, Thorne, Bayard, Carleon, Tiberon 4. I always suggest having one magic user on board in case you run out of troops. If you use magic on an enemy commander just to drop its HP by 1, then your commanders can safely take the enemy out without worry about death, as long as their HP is full. 5. When a lot of your troops are running low on HP, use your command option and select Defend. This will move the troops closer to the commander so that they may be healed. 6. If you plan ond going troopless, I suggest having Calais and Sabra both go towards the Ranger class. It is the ultimate class for those who don't use troops, plus their AT and DF is sky high. 7. To access the Sound Test option, move the cursor to the upper left-corner, the move it down one and right one. Press and hold your B button and within a few seconds, you can access the Sound Test. 8. To access the Level Select option (to replay levels over again), move your cursor to the upper-left corner of the map, then move it down one and right one. Press A to go into smaller view mode, then press and hold B. After a few seconds, you can access any level you want to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XII. Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -To my fiancee Ashley for her support and love. -To Treco for creating this game. -To the people of the Hideout Forums at http://orakianhideout.proboards20.com/index.cgi -To me for spending so much time to create a complete walkthrough such as this. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------