Warsong Game Script by Renolan masomuni@hotmail.com (Sent in 11/21/01) Contents: -Introduction -Scenarios 1-20 -Ending scene -Last words -Character endings [Introduction] Langrisser is a strategy game with elements of role-playing made for the Sega Genesis by a Japanese company called Masaya. Warsong is a mediocre translation done by Treco. Langrisser is the only one of its series that was ever officially translated, though Hiryuu Honyaku has done a decent job translating Langrisser II... in fact, it's extremely good considering they're an unpaid third party and all. Anyways, like most other games, Warsong has its text messages and character lines. Because I used to be making a scenario based on Warsong using the Starcraft Campaign Editor, I had to copy them down anyways... might as well make something useful out of it. Besides, I'm bored. I only reason I see of why someone might want this is if they were trying to decide whether to buy the game and wanted to get an idea of how it flowed... but the storyline revealed through the game is nothing to gape at. In other words, don't expect this little text file to be terribly useful. By the way, I am not sure when (if ever) the Starcraft scenario will ever get done... for a variety of reasons, I haven't gotten much work done on it yet... but I will try to at least keep it in the back of my head while I'm working at school or playing old games ;). [Scenario 1] "Escape from the Castle" Prologue: "The legendary sword, Warsong, was said to give its possessor magical power. But now, regarded as sacred, it was hidden deep in Castle Baltia." >> Start of turn 1: Sabra "King Alfador! The castle is surrounded by the enemy." Alfador "Garett, you should try to escape to Sulras. Our friend Carleon is there." Garett "Father! I cannot leave you to fight alone!" Alfador "You must leave and gather more troops, we will be all right." Tiberon "Your highness, the enemy has started to move." Alfador "Baldarov, go with Garett and guard him!" Baldarov "I swear to protect him with my life!" Calais "We will protect the castle. Hurry! You must leave soon!" Alfador "There is no time to waste! Go, now!" >> Sabra attacked: "This is our last chance, don't let them through!" >> Tiberon attacked: "I am Tiberon! You must defeat me to go any further!" >> Calais attacked: "I can't let you go any further." >> Alfador attacked "Garett, I pray that you survive!" >> Start of turn 2 Alfador "See that each commander oversees the treatment of their injured troops." Sabra "Yes, your highness." Alfador "Also, if any commander is injured, see that they receive treatment." Calais "Yes, I understand." Alfador "Don't get yourself killed." Tiberon "Not a chance!" Baldarov "Prince, we should be going now." Garett "Yes, I'm coming." >> Calais' guardsmen attack: Soldier "I pledge my life to defend the Baltia Empire!" >> All enemies defeated Garett "We've managed to turn them away this time, but be prepared for a second attack!" >> Garett escapes or defeat of all enemies, scenario clear Garett "Father, I will return with the reinforcements from Sulras. You can count on me!" [Scenario 2] "To Sulras" Prologue: "Garett escaped from Baltia and now makes his way to Sulras. On the way, he meets a group of travelers." >> Turn 1: Mina "I feel ashamed for making you come all this way with me." Garett "It's all right, Mina. We were on the way to Sulras anyway." Soldier "I sense something wrong here." Garett "Thieves! Mina, we've almost reached the city. Let's try to get through all at once!" Mina "I'm right behind you!" Soldier "Watch out! They are coming from the back!" Garett "Head for the city!" Spell User (Barbarian Shaman) "Let's get them all!" >> Mina attacked "Garett, Garett!" Garett "Mina!" >> Turn 13 or cross certain point on map, another group of barbarians arrives. Spell user (Barbarian Shamam) "Don't allow them to escape! Get them!" >> Mina dies in battle, game over Garett "I am sorry I am not strong enough..." >> Defeat of all enemies, scenario clear Garett "Mina, are you all right?" Mina "I'm fine." Carleon "Prince Garett? You are Prince Garett, aren't you?" Mina "Prince?!" Garett "Duke Carleon!" Carleon "I haven't seen you in a long time! What brings you here?" Garett "The castle of Baltia has been attacked by Dalsis." Carleon "What?! And what of your father, King Alfador?" Garett "I have no news. I was sent to gather more troops. I haven't much time to waste!" Carleon "All right, I will get the troops ready. You should get some rest now." Garett "I appreciate your help, Duke Carleon!" [Scenario 3] "Surprise Attack" Prologue: "While Garett rests in the city of Sulras, thieves invade taking advantage of him being off guard." >> Turn 1 Mina "Garett, we are in big trouble!" Garett "Mina, what happened? It's so late!" Mina "The thieves returned and are attacking the city. The citizens are fighting against them now!" Garett "Oh no! They've got us! Mina, you should shelter yourself in the church with the rest of the citizens!" Mina "I'm going now." Baldarov "Keep the thieves from taking over the city!" >> Turn 2 Thorne "Get rid of all the thieves from the city!" Malvese "Take all their valuables!" >> Garett attacked "Don't let them come any further! Try to run them completely out of the city!" >> Malvese defeated, scenario clear Malvese "Aarghh!" Garett "Finally we made it!" Soldier "Your Highness, someone is here to see you." Sabra "Prince..." Garett "Sabra? Do you have news from Baltia?" Sabra "The castle has fallen into the hands of the enemy!" Garett "And what has happened to my father? Don't tell me..." Sabra "He made me leave, and then went of to fight all by himself..." Garett "Oh, Father... Duke Carleon, I must leave at once!" Carleon "I will catch up as soon as I have my troops ready! Take care until I get there." Garett "Yes, I will." Sabra "I'll go with you." Garett "Have you treated your wound?" Sabra "It's only a scratch, not very deep. I cannot sit still here without offering my aid." Garett "Very well. But don't overdo it." Mina "Garett, so you are leaving..." Garett "Mina..." Mina "I wish you success in battle." Sabra "King Alfador asked that I give this sword to you." Garett "Father! He has given me the Great Sword." [Scenario 4] "The Wood of Dead Souls" Prologue "When Garett hears of the fall of the Castle of Baltia, he immediately decides to go back to the castle with troops under his command." >> Turn 1 Garett "These woods are very thick." Soldier "Your Highness, this is a very dangerous place, let's try to get out of here quickly." Garett "Wait! I sense something strange here." Soldier "We are completely surrounded by monsters!"' Soldier "No! They can't be here! They are not supposed to be a well organized group!" Garett "They are comimg, watch out!" >> Garett enters battle "What is this?! They can't be intelligent!" >> Turn 5, reinforcements arrive from the west Thorne "Charge!" Mina "Garett, I am here to help you!" Garett "Mina, how did you get here?" >> Mina's guardsmen attack Soldier "They cannot stand fire. Get them!" >> End of turn 10 player's phase, or all monsters defeated. Soldier "The monsters are starting to run away!" Garett "We will be OK, but I wonder why they appeared here...?" Thorne "Garett, are you sure you are OK?" Garett "Thank you, I appreciate your help." Thorne "My name is Thorne. I'll be under your command by order of Duke Carleon." Garett "I welcome you. Mina, why are you here?" Mina "Please let me come with you!" Garett "No, I can't. It's too risky!" (This line, and variants of it, should be banned from all gaming.) Mina "Please, I beg you. I won't get in your way." Garett "Very well then, Mina." Thorne "I have a Cross for you from Duke Carleon." Garett "The power of the Cross is now mine!" [Scenario 5] "Army of the Empire" Prologue: "Joining the reinforcements from Sulras, Garett finally begins his march into Baltia." >> Turn 1 Imperial Soldier "The enemy is approaching!" Lance "All troops in postion at once." Imperial Soldier "Yes, sir." Lance "Ha, ha, ha... The remaining troops of Baltia! I'll get you all!" Garett "If we can get through here, the castle of Baltia should be right in front of us." Soldier "I'm sure the enemy will ambush us there." Garett "We can't retreat now! Everyone stay close and try not to get hurt!" >> Turn 3 Garett "Attack the enemy's commander! The troops will be disorganized without someone to lead them!" >> Turn 4 Lance "Attention! Be on guard at all times!" 3rd Commanders "Yes, sir!" 4th Commander "Understood." >> Lance enters battle "I am the Black Knight, Lance Kalzas! You are an unworthy adversary!" >> Lance defeated, scenario clear Lance "Who are you?" Garett "I am Garett. I am the Prince of the Baltia Kingdom." Lance "This battle is not yet over! We shall meet again." Garett "Wait!" Soldier "Prince Garett." Garett "Forward to the castle of Baltia! I have an unsettled score to finish." Baldarov "Prince! Watch out! Ohhh!" Garett "Baldarov!" Soldier "It was an arrow! They must still be around! Search the area!" Garett "Baldarov, are you all right? Hang on!" Baldarov "Prince, I don't think I can take it any longer." Garett "Don't say that!" Baldarov "Prince, you will become a great king." Garett "Baldarov, wake up, Baldarov, Baldarov!" [Scenario 6] "Battle for the Castle of Baltia" Prologue: "After defeating Lance and his army, Garett arrives back to the castle of Baltia." >> Turn 1 Geryon "You can't take our castle, you fools!" Garett "We finally reached the castle! I wish Baldarov could have seen this." Soldier "Your highness!" Garett "Come! Follow me!" >> Turn 4 Garett "The castle will be ours again! Now, go! Don't be afraid!" >> Geryon enters battle "This is as far as you'll get. You can't defeat me, I am Geryon! Ha, ha, ha... >> Geryon defeated, scenario clear "I underestimated you! You beat me... Aaauugghh! Hail to the mighty Dalsis Empire!" Garett "Go and check inside the castle. Search for hostages." Tiberon "I am ashamed of being captured... Thank you!" Garett "You shouldn't feel that way." Calais "Garett!" Garett "Calais! You are OK!" Calais "Please listen to me! Emperor Pythion has stolen the sacred sword, Warsong!" "Only a few know of the secret that lies within that sword." Garett "Secret?" Calais "An ancient Evil, which gave it unlimited power, was confined in the sword." "That is why it has always been regarded as sacred." Garett "I can't believe it! And Pythion has stolen the sword?" Calais "I am sure the Evil will revive soon." Garett "We must get Warsong back into our hands as quickly as possible and confine the Evil back into it!" Tiberon "Does Pythion know about the sword's history?" Calais "I don't think so. The King and I were the only ones who still remember the old stories." Tiberon "The Evil might have the power to take away the sword, also." Garett "We have to do something before that happens." "Father! Please keep a watchful eye on me. I will defend the world with my life!" Tiberon "Have you seen my shield?" Soldier "I've seen it in the basement. I found a magic Shield." [Scenario 7] "A Brave Man of the Fortress" Prologue: "Baltia's defense fortress, Anzel, was attacked by Pythion's army. Garett advances to save his men." >> Turn 1 Momus "They still aren't giving up! Go! Get them all!" Imperial Soldier "Yes, sir!" Bayard "They are really tough..." Soldier "Our numbers are so few! We are sure to be defeated!" Bayard "I won't allow that kind of talk!" "The prince will soon arrive with reinforcements - we mustn't give up until then!" Garett "Who is defending Anzel?" Soldier "The troops are led by Bayard, your highness." Garett "They are fighting well. Attack the enemy and try to scatter their troops!" >> 5th Commander (Serpent Knight) moves "Lead them into the water!" "Don't try to fight them on land. It's a disadvantage for us." >> Garett enters battle "Bayard, I'm coming! I'll be there soon with reinforcements!" >> Bayard enters battle "Don't give up! Keep fighting!" >> Bayard loses all troops "We're surrounded! We can't go any further!" >> Turn 12 - reinforcements arrive Lance "Garett, you're a fool to do what you have in mind!" Garett "Lance, don't interfere!" Lance "You can't do it! I still owe you one from our last battle! Prepare yourself, it's time to even the score!" >> Bayard defeated, game over "They've garrisoned the castle! Prince, please forgive me!" Soldier "Your highness, Anzel has fallen into the enemy's hands!" Garett "Bayard..." >> Momus defeated, scenario clear Garett "Bayard! Bayard, where are you?" Bayard "Over here, highness!" Garett "Are you all right? Please forgive the delay." Bayard "I'm fine. The men fought hard." Soldier "The scouts have reported that the enemy has begun to withdraw!" Garett "They are retreating because they couldn't breach this castle! Don't let them get away! After them!" [Scenario 8] "The Follow-up Attack" Prologue: "The enemy failing in their attack of Anzel, withdraws. Garett immediately orders the follow-up attack to finish them." >> Turn 1 Chief Commander "They couldn't even breach one fortress! We'll have to pull out this time!" Imperial Soldier "The enemy is chasing us! They are approaching quickly!" Chief Commander "There's no way out if they get us here! Head for the woods!" Garett "We've got them!" Soldier "The enemy is running towards the woods!" Garett "Stop them at all costs! We'll never catch them if they make it there!" Garett "Block them off from the other side! We can close in and get them all!" >> Turn 5 Lance "We must help our allies!" Imperial Soldier "We'll act as a shield! While we've got them blocked, run for the woods!" Chief Commander "We're almost there! Keep running!" Garett "!" (One of the most common lines in the game) Soldier "The enemy's reinforcements!" Garett "It's Lance Kalzas, again! Get through as quickly as you can!" >> Chief Commander escapes, game over (If Lance is still alive) Lance "I think they all got across. We're through here, pull out! Garett, I beat you this time, ha, ha, ha..." Garett "Lance, it's not over yet!" (Note that Garett says this regardless of whether Lance is around or not. Probably a bug.) >> Chief Commander defeated, scenario clear Garett "It's over for now..." Soldier "Your highness, we've just received word from Baltia that they are ready for an attack on Dalsis." Garett "Good! Pythion, your fate is sealed! I'm coming for you!" [Scenario 9] "The Torrents of Worth" Prologue: "Finally, Garett starts his advance on Dalsis. However, Pythion placed a defensive army along the river Worth, to await the arrival of Garett's men." >> Turn 1 4th Commander "Baltia, you'll have to get through me first!" Garett "Can we get across any other way?" Soldier "The current is too fast anywhere else." Garett "We've got no choice, then. Break through!" >> 4th Commander attacks "You're foolish to think you have a chance fighting on the water!" >> Garett attacks "Don't stop! We've got to get to the other side!" >> Turn 6, sea monsters appear on the left and right. Monster "Gyaaaah!" Monster 2 "Gyaaaah!" Garett "What?! Are those monsters part of the enemy?" 4th Commander "What's this?" Imperial Soldier "What caused them to show up?!" 4th Commander "Don't worry. We'll use them to get Garett!" >> Turn 7, Imperial reinforcements arrive Garett "!" Lance "Long time no see, Garett. I didn't expect to run into you. Care to join our monster hunt?" Garett "Not you again!" Lance "It's payback time! Go, get him!" >> Garett reaches other side of river Lance (if he is still alive) "We lost them! Forget about the monsters! Go after Garett!" >> Escape of Garett or death of all enemies, scenario clear Garett "We made it! Looks like Lance is in trouble with those monsters." Soldier "Why did they show up?" Garett "I don't think they were a part of the enemy's troops. But they couldn't possibly be a part of the evil..." Soldier "Is the evil chasing after Warsong?" Garett "Possibly. We've got to hurry!" [Scenario 10] "Castle on the Water" Prologue: "One after another, Garetty has defeated the relentless attacks by Pythion's armies. Finaly, he surrounds the castle of Valk, the last fortress of the enemy." >> Turn 1 Garett "A perfect defense..." Soldier "Your highness, we must hurry before the enemy's reinforcements arrive!" Garett "We have to make this attack! This is it!" >> First battle Chief Commander "Here they come again... Persistent little things aren't they? Get them!" >> Turn 2 Garett "Are there wizards? Beware of their magic. It can wipe us out in just a single attack!" >> Turn 10 Garett "Who are they?" Soldier "It looks like the enemy's reinforcements." Garett "Go after them!" 1st Commander "Take them out! Go! Go!" Imperial Soldier "Sir! The reinforcements have arrived! They're heading our way!" Chief Commander "Good! I was awaiting their arrival. We can now begin the counterattack!" >> Chief Commander enters battle "What are the reinforcements doing?" >> Defeat of Chief Commander, scenario clear "Pythion, I hve given my life for the glory of your empire! AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Garett "What a fool..." Soldier "The rest of the troops are retreating." Garett "Don't bother going after them." Soldier "Your highness, there is someone here to see you." Carleon "We meet again, Prince." Garett "Duke Carleon!" Carleon "I am here to lend aid, if you will accept?" Garett "Of course! It would be an honor to have you by my side." Carleon "The castle of Dalsis is right in front of us." Garett "Then let us be on our way, as soon as we are ready." Carleon "I found this hidden in the rubble." Garett "It may be useful. Keep it. It's a magical Wand." [Scenario 11] "The Castle of Dalsis" Prologue: "Garett and his army finally arrive at the castle of Dalsis. The final battle of the sacred sword, Warsong, was about to begin." >> Turn 1 Garett "Our target is the Emperor Pythion! Forget the rest! Follow me!" >> Garett enters battle "Stand aside! Get out of the way!" >> Turn 5, reinforcements arrive... guess who. Lance "We're too late! Garett, this is it. Prepare for the final attack!" >> Turn 7, fliers appear above and below the castle. Monster (Wyvern) "Aaarrgghhh!" Monster 2 "Goaaaagh!" Garett "Monsters have surrounded the castle!" Lance "I can't believe they're attacking the castle!" Garett "Lance! Can't you see there's no use! They are here because Warsong was stolen!" Lance "Your stories don't fool me! I'll come back for you when I'm done with these monsters! Be prepared!" Garett "Lance!" >> Arch mage attacks or Turn 10 "Baltia, You deserve this!" >> Lance enters battle "You don't deserve to be my enemy! Die here!" >> Garett reaches center, scenario clear Soldier "Garett, there are two entrances here." Garett "Split into two groups! We'll meet again at the top! Go!" (One of Garett's worst tactical decisions) [Scenario 12] "The Twin Castle" Prologue: "Garett and his army breach the walls of the Twin Castle. Once inside, they split into two groups - each group making their way to the top of the castle." >> Turn 1 Garett "Pythion!" Chief Commander "You'll never get to Pythion. This is as far as you'll go!" Garett "What?!" Calais "Where are we?" Pythion "I admire you for coming this far. What a shame your journey will end here!" Soldier "You!" Pythion "I am Emperor Pythion. You cannot defeat me!" (Another familiar set of lines...) >> Chief Commander defeated "Why me... AAAAAAAAAAAA!" Garett "Pythion! Where are you, Pythion! I'm here to take Warsong back!" Pythion "So, you are the son of Baltia!" Garett "You don't realize what you've done!" Pythion "Of course I do. Power rules all. Only power can conquer the universe!" Garett "That kind of thinking will revitalize the evil in the sword and ruin the world!" >> Pythion defeated, scenario clear "You may have beaten me, but remember this - only power can restore peace in a world of fighting!" "Power is the only way to unite the world!" Garett "The world cannot be united by anyone's power." "This war, for instance, has only served to revitalize an ancient Evil!" Pythion "Heh, heh... With power, you can confine the Evil..." "Did you not defeat me with your own power? How do you propose to confine the evil?" "Power is the only way! We are alike, you and I, no matter what you say!" Garett "No, that's not true!" Pythion "Believe what you will... Farewell, Garett. We shall meet again... AAAARRRRHHHH!" (For all that Garett's the good guy, his argument doesn't seem that convincing. Judging from what Garett says later in the game, I believe his argument should be that the difference between Pythion and him is that he uses his power for justice.) Soldier "There's an axe here beside Warsong..." Garett "I've got the Evil Axe. Warsong has been recovered!" [Scenario 13] "The City of Stone Statues" Prologue: "Returning from Dalsis to Baltia, Garett and his army discover a ruined city. They found no signs of life and only scattered stone statues." >> Turn 1 Garett "This city is... What happened here...?" Soldier "Prince! The enemy behind us! It's a Basilisk!" Garett "Then these stone statues are actually humans turned to stone!" Soldier "If we stay here too long, we'll be turned to stone ourselves!" Garett "There must be something that can prevent it..." >> Death of all enemies, scenario clear Garett "We finally got them all. Well, Lance... Seems like you've got some explaining to do." Lance "After I managed to escape from Dalsis, those creatures ran after me and cornered me here." "I guess you were telling the truth." Garett "I had no reason to lie to you. The evil has already revived!" Lance "Under the circumstances, I'll fight beside you." "However, once we defeat them, I have a score to settle with you." Garett "I want both of us to live to see that day." Lance "I'll hold you to that." Garett "I expect you to." Soldier "Your highness, I found something else in the city." Garett "That's the Amulet of Power..." [Scenario 14] "Wolf Pack" Prologue: "Garett had defeated Emperor Pythion and reclaimed Warsong. But an extraordinary event was already set in motion." >> Turn 1 "Werewolves are invading the city!" Garett "Can you tell how many there are?" Soldier "I can only see one. That's strange." Garett "We must destroy it before it attacks the citizens!" >> Death of first werewolf "Wooooooo..." Garett "What was that?" Soldier "Werewolves have come out of the woods! They are surrounding the city!" Garett "Gather all the citizens in the center of the city! Don't allow the werewolves to invade!" (Of course, the puny AI can't handle orders like that. The citizens stand around waiting to become werewolf food.) >> Turn 2 Soldier "Attention! All citizens are to evacuate to the center of the city!" >> Garett enters battle with any enemy unit other than the first one "How many of them can there be? They are in countless numbers!" >> Turn 10 Soldier "Prince! The moon is coming out! Moonlight makes them stronger!" Garett "We must hurry! Go after the leader! Without the leader, they will retreat! Go, get them!" >> Defeat of all enemies, scenario clear Garett "I can't believe they got this far..." Soldier "Can't we do more than just wait for them to advance?" Garett "Wait... we should come up with something soon!" Soldier "Are we able to hold out until then?" Garett "Hopefully, but it seems as though the evil has already revived..." [Scenario 15] "Roar of the Dragon" Prologue: "The Evil came up with a surprise. It created a fierce Dragon, with one purpose - to get Warsong!" >> Turn 1 Soldier "Your highness, we are in danger! A fierce dragon has been sighted!" Garett "We must stop it outside the city, Evacuate the citizens as quickly as possible!" Soldier "Yes, sir!" Garett "I wonder if we can defeat the Dragon alone...?" Priest "Prince Garett?" Garett "Yes, priest?" Priest "It has been said that the Soul of Fire is sleeping in the North Mountain." "We may have a chance to defeat the Dragon, if we are able to awaken him..." Soldier "But what if we should awaken it and anger it? It may join the enemy!" Garett "That's the chance we'll have to take. We need all the help we can get!" >> Turn 2 Garett "Evacuate the citizens at once!" Soldier "Right away, sir!" (This order the AI actually follows... to an extent. Two of the units will waste precious turns pointlessly rearranging citizens while monsters advance on them, but one will actually head to the city. Of course, once he reaches it, he rebounds back and charges straight at the dragon, citizens in tow. Go figure.) >> Dragon reaches about 10 spaces away from the right border of map Soldier "It's broken through the coastline!" Garett "Pull back! We can't let it get any closer to the city!" (Great translation job, Treco) >> Dragon passes second row of walls. Soldier "It broke through the rear defense!" Garett "Is there nothing that can stop it?" "Try to hold them there! We need to buy some time!" >> Dragon reaches city walls, game over. Garett "Fire, the city is on fire! We can't get rid of it with our might alone!" >> Shaman at North Mountain defeated Soldier "What is this pot! This must be what the priest was talking about!" Efreet "You have opened the pot. I will grant you one wish." Garett "We are fighting against the Dragon. We need your help to defeat it." Efreet "Very well." >> Efreet enters battle Soldier "Oh! A Fire Giant has appeared out of nowhere!" Garett "This is the Soul of Fire. He is here to help us defeat the Dragon!" Efreet "Dragon, prepare to meet your doom!" >> Dragon defeated, scenario clear Soldier "The Dragon is retreating!" Garett "We made it... But we don't know if it will attack again..." Soldier "He's been seriously injured. We survived!" Garett "We must finish it before it can heal itself! After it!" [Scenario 16] "In the Darkness" Prologue: "The wounded Dragon ran into the valley of Allenst. Garett and his army followed it for one more fatal attack." >> Turn 1 Garett "It escaped! It ran through there..." Soldier "This is a really weird valley." Garett "It may be heading for its lair! Hurry, before it gets away!" >> Bring any character to chest in front of corpse. Garett "Unfortunate soul. he must have fought the Dragon and lost." Soldier "Your highness, the sword! The Sword is glittering!" Garett "This sword is the Dragon Slayer." "This man has lost his life, and now I must use this sword to defeat the Dragon!" >> Wielder of the Dragon Slayer enters battle Garett "Come and fight against the sword of the brave warrior who wielded it!" "Sword, give me the power to defeat the Dragon!" >> Defeat of Great Dragon, scenario clear Garett "We finally made it..." (If you picked up Dragon Slayer earlier) Soldier "The sword... the sword is vanishing..." "What does this mean?" Garett "It may be that the sword was a realization of the brave man's death wish and now that the Dragon has been defeated, it no longer has reason to exist..." Soldier "How sad." Garett "We may end up the same way..." (End of sword insert... deep stuff, too bad he doesn't pursue it further. There is almost always a sense at the end of RPGs that certain things are not needed anymore, and while this is usually presented in a happy light, it isn't always true. But I digress.) Soldier "Your highness, I found this strange slate a while ago..." Garett "These ancient runes were once used by the Royal Scribes of Baltia!" Stone Monument "The Magic Knight, Ganelon, freed the power and covered the entire world in darkness... The King of light, Galafron in Elthlead, fought against it and with the sword, Warsong, he confined darkness into Senefaria." (This is the general story for Elthlead/Elthread/Ethlied, an old game that came before Warsong that was never released in the US.) Soldier "!" Garett "This is a record of the ancient legend, but if this is true, our real enemy is darkness and it is in Senefaria!" Soldier "Senefaria... that's the forbidden land..." Garett "The Dragon was also protecting this slate." Soldier "Prince!" Garett "We shall head to Senefaria with all our troops!" [Scenario 17] "The Fierce Attack" Prologue: "Senefaria... it had been the center of the dark battle which almost destroyed the world. Now, it had become the home of Evil in the forbidden land." >> Turn 1 Garett "It must be somewhere around here..." Soldier "Your highness, we can see the castle of Senefaria." Garett "We are close." Soldier "Something is flying over the castle!" Garett "What is it?" Soldier "They are heading towards us! Oh that's..." Monster (Wyvern) "OOOORRNN!" Soldier "It's a flock of Wyverns!" Garett "We must defeat them one by one! Don't let them gather in one place! Scatter them!" >> Garett enters battle "Keep our damage to a minimum! We can't lose any more men!" >> Defeat of all enemies, scenario clear Garett "We got them all?" Soldier "It looks like it!" Garett "Someone doesn't want us in Senefaria..." Soldier "Prince..." Garett "We will confine them so that they can never revive!" [Scenario 18] "Senefaria" Prologue: "Garett and his army arrived in Senefaria. They found nothing but enormous ruins, which were a result of the fierce battle that had taken place there." >> Turn 1 Garett "So, this is Senefaria. It's nothing but mere ruins..." Naxos "Haaa, hah!" Garett "!" Soldier "Who are you?!" Naxos "I am Naxos, the first emissary to the Elusive Knight, Mortimus." Garett "If you don't want to lose your life here, get out of our way!" Naxos "I can't do that. I, Naxos, challenge you." Garett "What!" Naxos "Darkness, give me all your power and I shall devote my life!" Soldier "The pillar, the pillar is turning into a giant!" Garett "Watch out! It's a Golem." >> Garett enters battle with a golem unit "Don't try to fight against Golem. Get Naxos!" >> Naxos enters battle "AAAUUUGGHH! Where is Golem? Do away with them all!" >> Defeat of Naxos, scenario clear Garett "You fool!" Soldier "Prince, a large enemy force is approaching us!" Garett "What! They're desperate now, break through!" Soldier "Your highness, Naxos had this strange thing!" Garett "It's the Mystic Orb. Take it with us! Go!" (If Lance is still alive) Lance "Garett, I'll hold things here." Garett "Lance!" Lance "Go ahead! Don't forget our promise! Troops prepare to break in!" Garett "Don't waste time with those fools! The Evil is right in front of us!" Lance "Good bye, Garett." Garett "Good bye, Lance. Watch your back!" (A lot of people bash Lance because he 'deserts' you here. I think this is being a bit unfair. Sure, Lance may be incredibly arrogant, but he sacrifices his life for your cause... that's not desertion. Actually, I think it runs a bit deeper than that. A guy like Lance would never fit into the nice, pristine world that heroes always find themselves after vanquishing evil. Masaya wants to get rid of him, but since Garett and the others are heroes, they can't just have them kill him. So they neatly splice Lance out of the story with this plot mechanism, and make him appear like a Spartan hero at Thermopylae as consolation. Square did a similar thing with Shadow in Final Fantasy VI/III US. Kinda reminds me of what Garett said about the Dragon Slayer earlier... Another way of looking at it is that Lance realizes the above, and it's a conscious decision on his part to die fighting than be forced to live in a world where he's a semi-outsider. But didn't he want to settle the score with Garett? Oh well.) [Scenario 19] "The Elusive Knight" Prologue: "Garett and his army uncover an underground passage, which led to a huge shrine. It looked almost like a labyrinth..." >> Turn 1 Mortimus "You! You killed Naxos!" Garett "Where are you? Where is that voice coming from? You must be Mortimus!" Mortimus "You are right." Garett "You fiend, you don't realize how many young men were mislead because of you!" Mortimus "They were easily deceived." Garett "The world is in disorder because of you! I won't allow you to destroy it!" >> Mortimus attacks "You are all just puppets on a string!" >> Garett enters battle "Find Mortimus and get him!" >> Mortimus enters battle (Note that this is usually after he attacks, since he'll be able to hit you with paralyze long before you can even reach him) "Won't you join me? The world of darkness is lots of fun!" >> Mortimus defeated, scenario clear Garett "You haven't suffered enough for all you've done!" Mortimus "My desires will not end here... I don't want to die..." Garett "You fiend..." Soldier "Prince, I found the stairs going down!" Garett "Let's finish this once and for all!" Soldier "Yes, sir!" [Scenario 20] "The Confinement of Darkness" Prologue: "At the deepest point in the underground shrine, Garett and his army reached the Evil. Now Darkness and Light must fight for the fate of the entire world." (It's kind of annoying how they list defeating Chaos as the victory condition... it ruins the surprise of him showing up.) >> Turn 1 Garett "Are they all that remain of Mortimus' followers?" Soldier "Yes, these are the survivors..." Garett "I see." Ganelon "Ha, ha, ha..." Soldier "Who is it?!" Ganelon "I admire your strength to come this far." Garett "Who are you?" Ganelon "I am Ganelon, the master of Senefaria." Garett "That can't be true!" Ganelon "I was revived by the power of darkness. I am invincible!" (Not anywhere close. He gets defeated countless times through the course of the Langrisser series =P) >> Ganelon enters battle "The power of darkness is in my hands and I will rule all!" >> Ganelon defeated Garett "Go back to darkness, Ganelon!" Ganelon "It's too late, soon all the power of darkness will be released!" Soldier "What is this vibration?" Ganelon "No, no... It can't be happening to me..." Chaos "I am Darkness. I am Chaos." (Actually, the two are very different... some authors have exploited this nicely. Weis and Hickman's Dragons of Summer Flame comes to mind.) Garett "Darkness? Chaos?" Chaos "The world must have chaos at all time." Garett "What?!" Chaos "To keep the balance between Chaos and Order, I must destroy that which tips the scales." "That is the only way to maintain balance in the world." (Now things are getting interesting... I love moral ambiguity ;) ) Garett "I won't let you!" Chaos "I cannot allow you to destroy the balance of the world. I will destroy whatever threatens Chaos!" >> Defeat of Chaos, scenario and game clear Garett "You're finished! Vanish forever!" Chaos "I will be back. I cannot stay away forever." Garett "What?!" (Entropy's affecting him already. He's turning into a broken record.) Chaos "I am a power made by the world." Garett "That can't be true!" Chaos "The universe consists of Chaos and Order." "I was created to protect the domain of Chaos against intruding Order." Garett "And we are obstacles to the balance... of the world?" Chaos "Perhaps." Garett "Hmmm?" Chaos "However, there is one more thing that was created by the world. That is Light." Garett "Light?" Chaos "Light constantly seeks the evolution of the universe." "Light is that through which all living things are born." Garett "Then we are a result of this... evolution?" Chaos "Yes. But the world made itself worse. Through evolution it is in danger of destroying itself." Garett "We won't let it happen." Chaos "How can you stop it? You humans are killing each other, and in the process destroying the world." "That's why I was revived. To save the world." Garett "!" Chaos "Whenever evolution takes place and the world continues destroying itself, I shall be revived." Garett "..." Chaos "Farewell for now, descendants of Light..." (I actually really liked the ending, it's just that it seems to come from nowhere... in the rest of the game, good and evil are given very traditional, one dimensional views, so for me the effect of this was a bit... jaded.) [Ending scene] [The castle of Senefaria sinks into the ground, with Senefaria's black mountains looming in the distance. Fade out to Garett standing against the sunset] "I wonder whether we saved the world or if we are on the path to ruin... Chaos listen to me, I believe that as long as there is one human being left alive who has a sense of justice, the world will not be destroyed. Chaos, there is no reason for you to ever revive again..." [Go to character endings] [Other lines] Last words (uttered when character is killed in battle - not as an NPC) Garett "Father, I have failed you, please forgive me..." Baldarov "My mission is now complete..." Sabra "Garett, please take care of the rest..." Mina "My dear Garett..." Thorne "Good luck to you all!" Tiberon "AAAUUGGHH! Long reign the Kingdom of Baltia!" Calais "This is the end of me..." Bayard "I am coming, my king... Wait for me..." Carleon "Alfador, I am coming..." Lance "Garett, keep yourself alive! I still have a score to settle..." [Character endings] Each character that manages to survive until the end of the game gets a little quotation and a sentence explaining what happened to him/her after the last battle. They are very brief and a bit of a letdown after such a long game. Still, better than nothing. Bayard " I avenged them, all... " He was appointed commander of the Baltia Knights in return for his efforts in the last battle. Calais " The Castle, the Castle is collapsing... " She remained in the Empire of Baltia as the Court Mage and worked to decipher the Scrolls of the Magic Knight. Thorne " I made it finally " He left the kingdom on a journey, without a particular purpose. Carleon " Alfador, are you watching over me? " He returned to Sulras and is now living with his family peacefully." Tiberon " Prince, we finally did it... " He left the Empire after Alfador's death and went back to sea as a pirate. Sabra " It was a long, long fight..." She left for further training in swordsmanship. Mina " I wonder whether Chaos told us the truth?" She married Garett and became the Queen of Baltia, and is now living happily with him. Lance After the final battle was over, his body could not be found and is still missing. Garett "Father..., Baldarov..." He returned to Baltia and acceded the throne. He confined Warsong and is now trying to unify the land - seeking a warless world. Chaos "Listen to me, stupid human beings, you should always keep this in mind that as long as you fight against each other, I will always be revived... always..." [Ending credits. Garett is shown slowly advancing, back turned, into the same sunset that was shown earlier. He halts at around the same time the credits stop rolling.] The contents of this FAQ are almost entirely copied from the game. Anything not in quotes or marked as a title are inserted by me. As such, it would be pretty pointless to try to claim ownership over the information in here except for the few tidbits I put in myself... do whatever you want with it. Translation Copyright 1991 Treco Corporation. Original game Copyright 1991 Masaya Corporation. Licensed by Sega Enterprises.