Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 10:54:33 -0800 X-Men 2: Clone Wars FAQ I4ve written this FAQ to help out anyone in truble with this game. It isn4t that hard, so I wouldn4t know. This is my first time writing a FAQ, so if you find anything wrong, let me know at I didn4t include codes. That4s for you to find out. The Characters: BEAST Pro: Strong as hell. Con: Too big and slow. MOVES: B - Punch Down+B - Low Swipe Up+B - High Kick C+A - Somersault Down+Left/Right+C - Dash (does no damage) C+Up+B - Airborne Slash C+Down+B - Stomp A - Floor Smash CYCLOPS Pro: Eye beams. Con: Crappy jumpkick, slow, very common moves MOVES: B - Punch (keep pressing for a combo) Down+B - Low Punch Up+B - Uppercut C+B - Jump Kick C+Up+B - Airborne Uppercut A - Eye Beams (the more you charge the more powerful) GAMBIT Pro: Cards, Staff has long reach, good jumpkick. Con: Staff is slow, weak jump. MOVES: B - Staff Blow (keep pressing for combo) Down+B - Staff Sweep Up+B - High Staff Blow C+B - Charging Jumpkick C+Up+B - Airborne High Staff Blow C+Down+B - Airborne Low Staff Blow A - Playing Cards NIGHTCRAWLER Pro: Fast, best overall player. Con: Teleport is rarely useful or needed. MOVES: B - Punch Down+B - Low Punch Up+B - Uppercut C+B - Charging Jumpkick C+Up+B - Somersault Kick C+Down+B - Stomp A - Teleport (charge a lot if you want to move, otherwise, NC will stay in the same place. If an enemy gets close to the flash, it dies.) PSYLOCKE Pro: Sword has long reach. Con: Psionic blade: what's good about it? MOVES: B - Sword Slash (keep pressing for combo) Down+B - Low Sword Slash Up+B - High Sword Slash C+B - Spinning Blade A - Psionic Blade (Won't work against robots, only "humans". When done in air, Psylocke charges forward. If she does it up close, she will be hurt) WOLVERINE Pro: Fast and furious. Good attacks. Con: Super Move can hurl him into enemies and off platforms. MOVES: B - Claw Swipe Down+B - Punch Up+B - Uppercut C+B - Aerial Slash C+Up+B - Aerial Uppercut C+Down+B - Downward Punch A - Super Slash MAGNETO (joins after defeated) Pro: High jumps, good regular attack, can levitate. Con: Slow. Super Move is practically useless. MOVES: B - Magnetic Blasts Down+B - Low Magnetic Blasts Up+B - High Magnetic Blasts C+A - Levitation (Magneto stays in air. Press A to make him drop.) A - Magnetic Bomb ENEMIES: NINJAS: These pests jump over you and attack with their sword. TANKS: Slow and shoot missiles. SPIDER ROBOTS: These things fly around, stop near you, and shoot flames. BEE ROBOTS: They fly in the same spot and fire energy blasts. AVALON GUARD: They shoot a few times, stop, and repeat. FLYING GUARDS: They fly and shoot. Nuff said. TURRETS: They shoot, and remain low. BLADE GUARDS: They hurl a small blade. Invulnerable when holding it. MINI-JUGGERNAUTS: The small clones of the big guy either roll at you, or jump over you. Real pests. NATIVES: The Savage Land natives attack with axes and jump high. FLIES: They fly in different patterns and annoy. YELLOW ROBOTS: They levitate and fire energy blasts. SUPER YELLOW ROBOTS: They shoot a stream of energy, disappear, and reappear. MERCENARIES: They drop in from anywhere and open fire. COCKROACHES: They scuttle along the floor and are hard to reach. MOTHER ROACH: Big. Fast. Kills. Attack quickly. WALL CANNONS: They shoot laser beams. STAGES: 1. SIBERIA ENEMIES: Ninjas, Tanks BEST PLAYER: Anyone This is a walkthrough stage to test the X-Men's moves. Just watch out for tanks. Finish it, and the title screen appears. 2. SENTINEL COMPLEX. ENEMIES: Spider Robots, Bee Robots, Ninjas 2.1. 1st Floor BEST PLAYER: Anyone Walk through killing everything. When you find a monitor, destroy it, then find a small machine close to it. This will let loose an electrical surge which will open nearby doors. Find the elevator. 2.2. 2nd Floor BEST PLAYER: Anyone The same thing as before, just find the sentinel with an open mouth. Memorize your path. 2.3. Sentinel Core BEST PLAYER: Nightcrawler, Wolverine BOSS: Core To defeat the core, first destroy two of the panels below it. Then climb to the platform. Wait until it stops firing, then destroy another panel. Repeat. After it blows, there are some energy powerups behind it. Now leave. You have 134 seconds to make it back to the elevator before the place goes. Avoid the flames. The boss can be defeated by anyone, but you need a fast character to make it out. 3. AVALON ENEMIES: Guards (all kinds), Turrets 3.1. Asteroid's Surface BEST PLAYER: Beast The Beast's brute strength helps against the pesky enemies. Avoid land mines. They will explode if you get close. Fabian Cortez will be chasing you on this and the next level in the background. If you see a red target on you, run. There are five mines at the end, watch out. 3.2. Inside Avalon BEST PLAYER: Wolverine The Blade Guards have infested this place. Memorize their attack patterns. When you find an open shot, go for it. Don't rush this level or you die. BOSS: Fabian Cortez The little creep chasing you finally stops. Avoid his big gun. There are two energy bits on the roof. When he machineguns, go to the left corner below the platform and duck. Wolverine's special attack can shred him in 4 or 5 hits. 3.3. The Shaft BEST PLAYER: Anyone small Avoid the lasers. When you hit a platform, ignore the mines or Blade Guards - go straight for the switch. If you're good enough, grab the energy bits at the end. 3.4. The Chamber BEST PLAYER: Wolverine, Nightcrawler BOSS: Exodus When Exodus appears, cling to any wall. When he shoots, jump and hit him. Repeat. When he fires straight to both sides, jump! It will release an electrical shock throughout the entire surface. Avoid the holes he makes in the floor. 3.5. Magneto's Quarters BEST PLAYER: Anyone BOSS: Magneto Run across the room. Blow down the walls. If you hit Magneto, he won't be hurt, you'll just keep him at bay. In the brick wall, stand in the corner and jump out of the way when Maggie fires; he'll blow it down. Then, hit him until he falls into the pod at the end. Then he'll join your group. 4. APOCALYPSE'S FORTRESS ENEMIES: Mini-Juggernauts 4.1. The Climb BEST PLAYER: Nightcrawler Run quickly and climb upwards avoiding rocks. Ignore the Minis. Do not hit the rock slabs in the walls; they slow the falling boulders down. BOSS: Tusk When this big guy lifts up a rock, jump up, crouch next to him, and hit. Then destroy the Minis he lets loose and repeat. 4.2. Inside The Fortress BEST PLAYER: Anyone fast enough Destroy the hordes of Minis. Here you'll have to outrun the spike rods. When you find a switch near them, hit it to make them change direction. It's hard, but practice makes perfect. 4.3. The Computer Room BEST PLAYER: Magneto BOSS: Apocalypse Before you face the big man, he'll go upwards and shoot down mines and bombs which will spin around the roulette floor. Levitate yourself and destroy the blue bombs when they pass. They'll damage the computer and leave energy bits. Occasionally, Apocalypse will swoop down to attack. Levitate in the top left corner and you'll be undamaged. Do the same thing when the computer is destroyed and Apocalypse begins a fight. 5. THE SAVAGE LAND ENEMIES: Flies, Natives, Yellow Robots (both kinds) 5.1. Jungle 1 BEST PLAYER: Nightcrawler This stage is annoying. It is filled with deadly traps such as exploding plants, camouflaged cannons, and spiked balls. NC's teleport is useful for avoiding these dangers. 5.2. Jungle 2 BEST PLAYER: Nightcrawler Same as before, only longer. Watch out for the bubbles rising from the bottom. 5.3. Tower Floor 1 BEST PLAYER: Wolverine The water is rising. Climb up fast, trying to avoid as many enemies as you can. Maneuver quickly around the green platforms. Break down the blocks in front of the door. 5.4. Tower Floor 2 BEST PLAYER: Wolverine Same as before. Watch out for the many Yellow Robots in this treacherous climb. 5.5. Master Brain's Quarters BEST PLAYER: Gambit, Cyclops, Magneto BOSS: Master Brain This boss comes in all flavors. First he arrives in a small ship. It will shoot missiles if you get directly below it. Then Master Brain jumps out as it is destroyed with a gun. Stay far away. Grab the energy. Then he transforms into a Yellow Robot. Then into a Mercenary. And then, into a weirdo monster which fires missiles. Attack it. Jump over it when it charges. When it walks through the ceiling, stay away, and keep on attacking. 6. PHALANX SHIP ENEMIES: Mercenaries, Wall Cannons, Bee Robots (improved), Spider Robots (improved), Cockroaches, Mother Roaches, Flies, Yellow Robots (both kinds) 6.1. First Level BEST PLAYER: Cyclops Walk through killing everything. Ride the elevators while dodging spikes. Some elevators might need to be activated by a switch; look around. BOSS: Super Mercenary Attack this boss from far away. Dodge his bouncing shots and jump when he slides across the room. Jump over him when he becomes a ball and repeat until he's dust. 6.2. Elevator BEST PLAYER: Cyclops Stand in the middle and blast the bee robots. The brown ones carry energy bits. BOSS: Deathbird Lilandra's sister is here. Run across the room to avoid her projectiles. Attack when she swoops down. Repeat until she falls. 6.3. The Lab BEST PLAYER: Anyone Just walk through destroying enemies. This stage is very monotonous. 6.4. The Maze BEST PLAYER: Magneto Drop through passageways avoiding spikes. Pass through doors. Kill. Find the way out. Very confusing. 6.5. The Clone Factory BEST PLAYER: Magneto BOSS: Alien Creature I must admit: I used a code to beat this incredibly hard boss. I'll try to build up a fair strategy, but don't trust it. Run away from the thing. When you come to a wall, levitate in between his tail and head. When he destroys the wall, fire at his exposed head. Repeat. Then it's over right? NO. His feet will come back, run. When you get to the back end of the room, they will each go a separate way. Now you'll have to face clones of the X-Men. You know their abilities, and they can't use special attacks. It's easy. Good luck. Okay, so the X-Men are trademarks of Marvel Comics, blah, blah, and all that legal stuff...