//============================\\ ||YUU YUU HAKUSHO II || ||Color FAQ || \\============================// for Sega Mega Drive (Sega Genesis) FAQ version 1.0 by Saturn WoD saturnwod@hotmail.com http://www.saturnwod.kit.net/ 1. Introduction 2. Character Colors 3. Team Colors 4. Color Glitch 5. Credits & Contact 6. Misc things about this game ======================================================================= 1. Introduction =============== Like in most fighting games, in Yuu Yuu Hakusho 2 you can select your characters with alternative buttons to get alternative colors. I decided to create this FAQ to list and show all the possible colors in the game for all the characters. First thing, there are three action buttons in the Sega Mega Drive joystick. Button A selects the original color for the character. Button B selects the alternative color 1 and button C is for the alternative color 2. By the way, if you press Start instead of A, B or C you'll get the character's original color (like if you had pressed Button A). There are also other colors used in Team Battles. You can't select these color in the normal game. And you can't use the normal color in a Team Battle. Also, there's a funny color glitch in the 4-player stunt mode, but I'll comment this later. ======================================================================= 2. Character Colors =================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Yuusuke Urameshi BUTTON A BUTTON B BUTTON C Hair Green Dark Blue Blue Shirt Yellow Yellow Yellow Pants Blue Green Yellow Notes: **In the anime, Yuusuke's hair is black, with green details. In this game, however, his hair is all green in the "original color". ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kazuma Kwabara BUTTON A BUTTON B BUTTON C Hair Orange Light Yellow Orange Clothes White Pink Dark Blue Shoes Blue White Brown Notes: **Button C-type color is propably Kwabara with his school uniform. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kurama BUTTON A BUTTON B BUTTON C Hair Red Blue Grey Kimono 1 Yellow Pink Green Kimono 2 Purple White / Grey White Notes: **If you pick Button C-type Kurama, note that he looks ALOT like Youko with these colors!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hiei BUTTON A BUTTON B BUTTON C Hair Detail Light Blue Pink Yellow Shirt Purple White Green Pants Black Black Dark Green ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Genkai BUTTON A BUTTON B BUTTON C Hair Pink Purple Green Kimono 1 Red Green Brown Kimono 2 White Yellow Yellow ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shu BUTTON A BUTTON B BUTTON C Hair Green Blue Pink Clothes 1 Blue Blue Green Clothes 2 White Purple White ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim BUTTON A BUTTON B BUTTON C Hair Red Blue Yellow Clothes White White Orange Belt Blue Blue Dark Blue Shoes Green Green Dark Blue Notes: **Button C-type looks a lot like some sort of fighting uniform. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Toguro Ototo BUTTON A BUTTON B BUTTON C Skin Grey Cyan Orange Hair Dark Blue Red Dark Blue Pants Green Light Green Pink Notes: **Button C-type reminds of Toguro Ototo's human form. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Toguro Anni BUTTON A BUTTON B BUTTON C Hair Grey Light Grey Green Clothes Dark Blue Red Brown Pants Dark Blue Green Brown ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Itsuke BUTTON A BUTTON B BUTTON C Hair Green Blonde Blue Clothes White White Green Shoes Light Green White Yellow ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sensui BUTTON A BUTTON B BUTTON C Hair Green Light Brown Light Blue Shirt Grey Light Red Dark Green Pants Blue White White ======================================================================= 3. Team Colors ============== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters note: Kwabara: His pants assume the same color as his jacket (shirt). But his shoes change to the color assigned to "pants". Hiei: For Hiei, the shirt color and the pants color are swaped. Jim: Jim's clothes will all assume the "shirt" color. T. Ototo: Since Toguro Ototo doesn't wear a shirt, his skin color changes instead. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Teams E, F, G and H are unplayable. Only CPU characters enter them. A-Team: Dark grey (almost black) hair, red shirt, white pants. B-Team: Dark grey (almost black) hair, blue shirt, white pants. C-Team: Yellow hair, green shirt, green pants. D-Team: Green hair, green shirt, yellow pants. E-Team: Pink hair, purple shirt, violet pants. F-Team: Blue hair, light blue shirt, light green pants. G-Team: Light green hair, white shirt, dark green pants. H-Team: Dark purple hair, purple shirt, dark blue pants. ======================================================================= 4. Color Glitch =============== In the main menu, select the second option. In the submenu wich will appear, select the first option and then select 4 players. A glitch happens in this mode. The 4th character always uses the same pallete as the 2nd. This is propably a bug in the game, because each character has only three color palletes, but it's very fun to see how the characters look like with other characters' colors! ======================================================================= 5. Credits & Contact ==================== This FAQ was made by Saturn WoD saturnwod@hotmail.com Yuu Yuu Hakusho is (C) Yoshihiro Togashi. The anime Yuu Yuu Hakusho is (C) Fuji Television. The Sega Mega Drive game Yuu Yuu Hakusho 2 is (C) Treasure. ======================================================================= 6. Misc things about this game ============================== - This game covers the ending of the first tournament and the start of the Mad Angels saga. - A Yuu Yuu Hakusho 2 game made by NAMCO was released for SNES (Super Famicom). It features all the characters from this game (except Itsuke and Sensui) plus some more. However, it was bad drawed and it loses in sound quality. The Mega Drive Yuu Yuu Hakusho 2 by Treasure is my favourite, but the SNES game is very good too. - TecToy (http://www.tectoy.com.br/) released a Portuguese-translated version of this game in Brazil. But it's very hard to find, and it tends to be much expensive...!