[][][][][][] AA TTTTT AA RRR IIIII || [][][][][][] A A T A A R R I || [][][][][][] AAAA T AAAA RRR I / \ [][][][][][] A A T A A R R I //||\\ [][][][][][] A A T A A R R IIIII // || \\ || _ _ __ ____ ____ ___ || ( )/ ) /__\ ( _ \(_ _)/ __) || | ( /(__)\ ) / )( \__ \ || (_)\_)(__)(__)(_)\_) (__) (___/ ___________||_____________ ______________________ ______________________ ()_________________________) ()_____________________) ()_____________________) || I. Atari Karts | || | || | || II. The Racers | || FAQ / Driving Guide | || Atari Jaguar | || III. The Tracks | || Version 1.00 | || Midway Games | || IV. Game Credits | || by Seth0708 | || Released 1995 | || V. Copyrights | || | || | ||_________________________| ||_____________________| ||_____________________| || || || || || || || || || || || || || || _||__________||____________||_||____________________||_||____________________|| ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ |______| |_______| |_______| |_______| |_______| |_______| _______________________________________________________________________________ ()_____________ || | || Atari Karts | ||_____________| || || Atari Karts was a racing game released in the dying days of the Atari || Jaguar. Clearly intended to be Atari's answer to Nintendo's Mario Kart, || Atari Karts has a "battle" theme to it instead of a purely "racing" theme. || || The Atari Jaguar was the first system to sport 64-bit processors and || graphics, however it is now largely unknown. It was released during the || heated video game wars between Sega and Nintendo and never really picked || up steam. In the end Atari was dissolved and the name sold. If you're || interested in reading about the system, check out the Hardware guides here || on GameFAQs. || || Update: After a few years I have gone back and updated this guide. Sadly, || the reason I never finished this guide in the first place is that I had a || lot of trouble running it on my emulator, and that is still very problematic || even now. However, I can at least move through the third cup, and as such || have updated this guide, but the fourth cup will not load correctly. If you || reading this can help me with descriptions of the fourth cup, find anything || amiss, or think some noteworthy strategies should be added, please do not || hesitate to drop me a line. I will update the guide and, as always, credit || you with anything I put in. || || Second Update: Trying to complete my unfinished guides on GameFAQs, I || decided to tough it out and play the last races even though the backgrounds || are blacked out the track flickers in and out on my emulator. This may lead || to some problems with how the maps are drawn, but in the interest of || completeness' sake I think it is better to offer some information than none. || If anyone actually reads this guide and has any corrections to make, do not || hesitate to drop me a line. ()_____________ || | || The Drivers | ||_____________| || || Like Mario Kart, Atari Karts has an interesting assortment of racers to || chose from. You begin with seven racers, but you can unlock four more by || winning the different Challenges. Below is an analysis of each racer in || Atari Karts and instructions for unlocking the secret racers. || || Bentley Bear || He's a bear. Aside from that he's about average in all categories. || || Fire Bug || One of the fastest racers in the game. Fire Bug is unlocked after you || complete the Miracle Challenge. || || Haratari || The manual says he's an alien. Looks more like a demon to me, but I'll || take their word for it. He's your first secret racer, unlocked after || you beat the Beginner Challenge. || || Miracle Man || The last secret racer and, understandably, the best racer in the game. || Unlocked after you complete the Jaguar Ace Challenge. || || Miz Tress || This human woman has excellent acceleration. The problem is her top || speed is very low. Thankfully her steering is still fairly solid. || || Ptarmigan || This snowman just looks vicious. It's got just above average speed, || average acceleration, and low steering. All in all, not a good choice. || || Pulpito || The octopus has fairlu good speed and steering, but his acceleration || leaves something to be desired. You gotta get him going, but once you || do he's a stable racer. || || Pum King || I'm not even joking, that is this racer's name. You unlock him after || finishing the Warrior Challenge. Resembles a pumpkin. || || Regius || This cool-looking chicken is alright. His speed is about average, while || his acceleration is low. He really excells at steering, presumably || because of his solid weight. || || Skully || The skeleton racer is bad to the bone in every way, and I don't mean || "bad" as in cool. He is deficient in speed, acceleration, and steering. || Being dead must be taking its toll on him. || || Vulky || Another alien. This one has high speed, but low acceleration and || steering. If you're confident in your driving skills, use him. If not, || be warned... || ()____________ || | || The Tracks | ||____________| || || The racers are all fine and good, but the tracks are the most important || part of this guide. They're divided up by Challenge and then Cup. In Atari || Karts each Challenge functions like a Cup in Mario Kart, while each Cup || functions like an individual race. Thus a "Cup" is actually just one race || map. The names are all pretty boring, so I've provided a slightly more || descriptive name for each track in paranthesis by their map below. || || A complete listing is provided here: ||____________________________________________________________________________ | Beginner Challenge Warrior Challenge Miracle Challenge Jaguar Ace | | Borregas Cup 1 Borregas Cup 2 Borregas Cup 3 Borregas Cup 4| | Carleton Cup 1 Carleton Cup 2 Carleton Cup 3 Carleton Cup 4| | Tempest Cup 1 Tempest Cup 2 Tempest Cup 3 Tempest Cup 4 | | Miracle Race 1 Miracle Race 2 Miracle Race 3 Miracle Race 4| |_____________________________________________________________________________| Beginner Challenge Borregas Cup 1 (Alien Planet): ****************************** The first race present a fairly basic track ****************************** set on an alien environment. Craters block the ************* ** sides of the track, while aliens watch from ************* ** the sidelines. A few random barrels are set ** ****** ** about to block your path, but they're largely ** ****** ** inconsequential. At this difficulty you can ** **************** ** hit them and still pass the other racers on ** **************** ** the same lap. ** ****************____** ** **************** ** ** **************** ** ** **************** ** ** **************** ** ** ** ** ** ****************************** ****************************** Carleton Cup 1 (Icy Snow Field): ****************************** The second race provides you with a few more ****************************** turns to deal with, but little more in terms ********* ******** of hazards. Along the bottom left are a few ******** ******* ice spikes sticking out of the ground, but *** ******** *** other than that there is little to hamper you. ** *********** ** You race on ice here, so you have a tendency ** *********** ** to slip a little. Also watch out for the ** *** ** snowmen on the sidelines because they can stop *** ** ** you if you crash into them. *************** ** ** *************** **_______** *** ** ** ** *** ** ** ************** ** ** ************** ** ** ** *** *** ****************************** ****************************** Tempest Cup 1 (Beachfront): ****************************** This is the first race where you'll see jumps. ****************************** The areas on the map where the water cuts over *** ********** *** the track are where the jumps are. Simply hit ** ******** ** the yellow line before them to jump across the ** ** ** ** water. If you miss it is not so critical in ********* ********* this race since the water lines are relatively ** ****************** ** small, but in future races in can make or ** ****************** ** break you. Again this beachfront race is a bit ** ****************** ** harder than the last race, but nothing too **____****************** ** tough. ** ****************** ** ** ****************** ** ** ***** * ***** ** ** **** * **** ** ** * ** ** ****** ** *** ******** *** ****************************** ****************************** Miracle Race 1 (Dirt Road): ****************************** The final race of the Beginner Challenge is ****************************** really fairly easy. There are some tight turns *** ********** if you're going fast enough, but truly nothing ** ********* overly challenging. The race takes place on a ** ******** ******** dirt road in a field. Signs and barrels litter ** ********** *** the sides of the track. If you win this race, ** *********** ** you will unlock Haratari for play. **_____**************** ** ** ***************** ** ** ***************** ** ** ******* **** ** ** ****** *** ** ** ****** ** *** ** ** **** ** * ** ** ** ** *** **** *** ****************************** ****************************** Warrior Challenge Borregas Cup 2 (Beachfront) ****************************** This is the first of several repeat tracks you ****************************** will encounter. Here it is Tempest Cup 1. *** ********** *** The areas on the map where the water cuts over ** ******** ** the track are where the jumps are. Simply hit ** ** ** ** the yellow line before them to jump across the ********* ********* water. If you miss it is not so critical in ** ****************** ** this race since the water lines are relatively ** ****************** ** small, but in future races in can make or ** ****************** ** break you. Again this beachfront race is a bit **____****************** ** harder than the last race, but nothing too ** ****************** ** tough. ** ****************** ** ** ***** * ***** ** ** **** * **** ** ** * ** ** ****** ** *** ******** *** ****************************** ****************************** Carleton Cup 2 (Castle Outskirts) ****************************** Although the background is different, this ****************************** track is identical to Miracle Race 1. The big ** ********* u-turn about two-thirds of the way through ** ********* the race is the trickiest part, but you have ** ********** ********* already completed this track once. ** ********** ** ** ********** ** **_____***************** ** ** ***************** ** ** ***************** ** ** ****** *** ** ** ****** *** ** ** ****** ** *** ** ** ****** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ****************************** ****************************** Tempest Cup 2 (Alien Planet) ****************************** This is actually a repeat of Carleton Cup 1, ****************************** but without the icy hazards from before. Now ********* ******** we are on an alien planet, and even though it ******** ******* is later in the game this race is easier than *** ******** *** the one it is based off of. There are a few ** *********** ** golden alien things on the sidelines by the ** *********** ** first and last two turns, but they are far ** *** ** enough off the side that they truly pose no *** ** ** real threat. *************** ** ** *************** **_______** *** ** ** ** *** ** ** ************** ** ** ************** ** ** ** *** *** ****************************** ****************************** Miracle Race 2 (Desert Highway) ****************************** This is the only totally unique track of the *********** ************ Warrior Challenge and one of my personal ********** ********** favorites. As you can see, there are a lot of *** ***** ********* quick, precision turns here. Since you likely ** ********** **** breezed through the first three tracks of the ** **************** *** challenge you might be able to ride your score *** *************** *** to victory, but if you want to take first you ****_____******** **** need someone with good handling. Finishing the **** ******* *********** Warrior Challenge in first (not just this race) **** ******* *********** will unlock Pum King for your use. **** ******** ********** **** ********* ********* ***** ********* *** ******** ************** ** ********* ***** ** ********** *** *** *** ****************** **** ****************************** Miracle Challenge Borregas Cup 3 (Beachfront) ****************************** Although you might think this is yet anoter **** **************** repeat track, that first jump will show you *** *************** otherwise. The key here, as with any of the ** ** **** beachfront tracks, is hitting your jumps. You ** ************** *** will probably notice a small island with a *********************** ** power-up just after the two jumps in a row. ** *************** ** Only go for this if you missed the jump; **_____******** **** deliberately going for it will not make up any ** ******* ************* time if you could have made both jumps and the ** ******* ************* turn. ** ******* * * ** ** ******** * * * ** ******************* * ** *************** ** * ** ***************** * *** * * **** * ** ****************************** Carleton Cup 3 (Green Hills) ****************************** This is a mirrored version of Miracle Race 1, ****************************** which is actually slightly harder. The first *** **** *** u-turn is the toughest part of the track, and ** ** ** this time about there are more things to crash ** **** ** * ** into on the sidelines of the track. I really ** ****** ** *** ** like the music here; while it does not sound ** ****** *** ** like racing music, the melody is very nice. ** ******* **** ** ** ***************** ** ** ***************** ** **_____**************** ** ** *********** ** ** ********** *** ** ******** ******** ** ********* *** ********** ****************************** ****************************** Tempest Cup 3 (Asian Temple) ****************************** This is a slightly modified Tempest Cup 1, with ****************************** no jumps and a u-turn that seems to be a little *** ********** *** longer than the first time. With the jumps no ** ******** ** longer an issue, the programmers saw fit to put ** ** ** ** a lot of small pillars throughout the track, ** *** *** ** making this third round on the track much more ** ****************** ** troublesome. Thankfully there is a very nice ** ****************** ** melody like the last race to move us through a ** ******************____** new background. ** **** **** ** ** *** *** ** ** *** **** *** ** ** *** ****** *** ** ** ** ****** ** ** ** ****** ** ** ****** ** *** ******** *** ****************************** ****************************** Miracle Race 3 (Stormfront) ****************************** You are not seeing things, this is the same ****************************** track twice in a row, only this time instead *** ********** *** of pillars were have Western-style gravestones ** ******** ** and crosses. Again, the obstacles are the ** ** ** ** worst part and just take a steady driving arm ** *** *** ** (or just avoid the power-ups) to get by. If ** ****************** ** you place first in the Miracle Challenge with ** ****************** ** your completion of this race, you will unlock ** ******************____** Fire bug who is possibly the fastest racer in ** **** **** ** the game. ** *** *** ** ** *** **** *** ** ** *** ****** *** ** ** ** ****** ** ** ** ****** ** ** ****** ** *** ******** *** ****************************** ****************************** Jaguar Ace Borregas Cup 4 (Icy Snow Field) ****************************** This race seems to be identical to the second ****************************** race of the Beginner Challenge. The major ********* ******** obstacle here is to take into account that the ******** ******* ice will make you slip. This is only the second *** ******** *** icy race, so enjoy. ** *********** ** ** *********** ** ** *** ** *** ** ** *************** ** ** *************** **_______** *** ** ** ** *** ** ** ************** ** ** ************** ** ** ** *** *** ****************************** ****************************** Carleton Cup 4 ****************************** Best I can tell, this seems to be anoter repeat ****************************** of this basic design. The quick U-shaped turn is ** ********* the toughest part of the course, but by now ** ********* you've seen this course multiple times and know ** ********** ********* what to expect from it. ** ********** ** ** ********** ** **_____***************** ** ** ***************** ** ** ***************** ** ** ****** *** ** ** ****** *** ** ** ****** ** *** ** ** ****** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ****************************** ****************************** Tempest Cup 4 ****************************** The entirity of Jaguar Ace is repeats, so for ****************************** your third race you get the most repeated track *** ********** *** design in the game. There is very little here ** ******** ** to obstruct you, making this probably the ** ** ** ** easiest race of the challenge to get first in ** *** *** ** and bolster your score. ** ****************** ** ** ****************** ** ** ****************** ** **____****************** ** ** ****************** ** ** ****************** ** ** ***** ***** ** ** **** **** ** ** ** ** ****** ** *** ******** *** ****************************** ****************************** Miracle Race 4 ****************************** Another repeat, but this one is of Miracle Race *********** ************ 2, which is a great one. As with before, there ********** ********** are a lot of precision turns involved here, *** ***** ********* giving you a good race to go out on. If you ** ********** **** finish first in the Jaguar Ace challenge you ** **************** *** will unlock Miracle Man, the best racer in the *** *************** *** game. ****_____******** **** **** ******* *********** **** ******* *********** **** ******** ********** **** ********* ********* ***** ********* *** ******** ************** ** ********* ***** ** ********** *** *** *** ****************** **** ****************************** ()______________ || | || Game Credits | ||______________| || || Developer Programmers || Miracle Designs Filip Hautekeete || Excutive Producer Peter Vermeulen || Bill Rehbock Graphics/Sound/Music || Producer Miracle Designs Team || Loic Duval Loic Duval || Lead Tester Jen Smith || Jennifer Vernon Marketing Product Manager || Lead Tester Jeanne Winding || Lance Lewis Creative Services || Testers Greg LaBrec || Martin Krawetz Diana Bredfeldt || Jason Cordero Design Works || ()____________ || | || Copyrights | ||____________| || || Atari Jaguar is (c) Atari Corp. || || Atari Karts is (c) Midway Games and Miracle Designs || || Mario Kart is (c) Nintendo ||