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In the game, you take control of Jonathan, a guest and potential victim of Count Dracula. Your goal is to survive, find a way to escape Dracula's castle, and collect evidence to prove Dracula's identity along the way. It's more akin to a Maniac Mansion style game than an action-intensive game. Although this quaint little title is perfectly capable of being completed on your own, many people might get stuck wondering what to do next, or what they need to make sure they do to get the good ending. +=============================================================================+ & 2.0 FAQ & +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________ Q: Can I save my game? A: No. Unfortunately, if you Game Over, you have to restart from the beginning. It's not as bad as it sounds though. First, the game is very short. Secondly, it shouldn't take you too long to get back to where you were if you remember everything that you did. Also, there aren't THAT many ways to lose. _________________________________________________________________________ Q: If I missed writing something in my notebook, can I still get the good ending? A: If it's a one-time event, then no, you have to restart, or you'll get the bad ending. A couple things, like the map on the wall, you can take care of any time before you escape the castle. When a significant event happens, you must make note of it in your notebook IMMEDIATELY. _________________________________________ Q: Is there a good emulator for the Lynx? A: Absolutely. It's called Handy, which was the original name of the Lynx while it was in development. It's a solid emulator, given the unpopularity of the handheld. The only thing I don't like about it is lack of Save States. Search for Handy Lynx on Google to find the emulator's homepage, or you can grab it from Zophar's Domain. __________________ Q: How about ROMs? Don't ask me about finding ROMs. I'll ignore emails like these. +=============================================================================+ & 3.0 Controls & +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - Pause Pauses the game. - Button A Confirm action. During cutscenes, it advances the text. - Button B Switch between walking mode and action selection mode. During cutscenes, it goes back to the beginning. - Option 1 Skip cutscenes. - Option 2 Toggle sound on/off. - Option 1 + Pause Soft reset. - Option 2 + Pause Flip the screen. - Directional pad Move Jonathan when in walking mode. When in the action selection mode, chooses the action to perform. The basic interface is as follows. Jonathan walks around the screen in walking mode. When he gets near an object he can interact with, the name of that object appears on the screen. He can press Button A to act on that object with the currently selected action. Or, you can press B to select a different action. Use the up and down buttons to cycle through the menu of actions when in action selection mode. Then, press the right button to switch from choosing an action to choosing the object to act upon. Use up and down to cycle through once again. Objects to act upon can be right in front of you, or in your inventory. +=============================================================================+ & 4.0 Commands & +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ These are the only commands that you will be using throughout the game. - Examine Investigate objects in front of you or in your inventory. - Look Look around the room you are in, or out a window. - Open Open an object, either in front of you or in your inventory. Doors, etc. - Close Opposite effect as Open. - Get Pick up the object in front of you and add it to your inventory. - Use Use something in your inventory or in front of you. Sometimes just using an object is understood. Other times, you need to use the object on something else, and specify what you are using it on. - Climb Use to climb out windows, climb up ladders, and climb down ropes. - Turn Turn down your lamp. Also can be used on a switch, but Use works there, too. - Talk To Only needs to be used once in the game, to talk to Dracula. +=============================================================================+ & 5.0 Walkthrough & +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The game will open up with an introduction by Bram Stoker, speaking from beyond the grave or something like that. He will talk about Jonathan Hawker, that's you, who is staying as a guest with Dracula. You need to uncover the mystery of Dracula and escape unharmed. Just remember one simple rule: Anytime something important happens, record it in your notebook RIGHT AWAY! If you don't collect all of the clues, you won't get the good ending. If Jonathan just scribbles a note in shorthand, that means he didn't record the event. When you first get control of Jonathan, walk to the drawers. Open the drawers. Now, Get the notebook. Now, walk to the bottom right part of the room until you find the door. Open it, and walk into the bedroom. In the bedroom, examine the table next to the bed. You should notice a tinder box. Get the tinder box. Now, examine your bed. There's that crucifix that Bram mentioned in the intro. Get it. Now, Use the crucifix to wear it around your neck. If you don't wear the crucifix, Dracula will... well, kill you. You did cut yourself while shaving after all. How can any vampire resist that? If you go to the bottom center of the screen, you should bump into an unseen window. Jonathan will note that strangely, it's locked from the outside, if you try to open it. Go back to the antechamber where you started. Open the door in the back of the room, and go out to the south wing landing. In the landing, there's nothing to do here. You can observe that there is a "jammed" door. Jonathan says he could pry it open, but we have no tools that are good for prying. Remember it for later. Go downstairs. Downstairs is the south hallway. There are doors on the left and right sides of the hall. There's also a clock in the back, and if you exit the bottom of the screen, you'll end up in the dining room. The door on the left is locked, and so is the clock door. You can go in the right door, which leads to the library, but there's nothing to do in there yet. It's too dark to read any books. Instead, go to the dining room. Here in the dining room, you should notice the figure of Dracula in the corner. First, examine the table. There should be some oil there. Get the oil. Now, if you have the crucifix on your neck feel free to talk to Dracula. When you talk to him, you can press up or down to choose what you'll say to the count. Let's talk to him about as many topics as we can, though. First, say "Good morning, Count." Then, choose "Impressive home, count." Then, "When shall we get down to our business?" Then, "I'll eat my meal now." After Dracula leaves and Bram pops up again, USE THE NOTEBOOK. Now, go back to the antechamber. Back in the antechamber, there is an unseen window in the bottom right part of the screen. Approach it, and open it. Now Look out the window. You will see Dracula, crawling down the wall from another window. Hey, if Dracula can climb the walls, you can, too. First, USE THE NOTEBOOK. Now, climb out the window. Now, you have to navigate the wall of the castle. Not all of the spots on the wall have solid footing, so you must navigate the wall almost like a maze. You won't die if you misstep. Here are the directions to get from the first window to the second: >>Right, right, right, right, right, right, up, right, up, right, right, right, down, right, down, right, right, right, right, right. Now, you're under the second window from the left. Press up to enter the window. You will break the lock on the window to the bedroom, so you can use that window anytime you want. Now, open the window and go back on the wall. Here are the rest of the directions to reach the far right window. >>Right, right, right, right, up, up, up, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, down, down, right, down, right, right, right, right. Now, you should be under the third window. You can't enter here. Continue. >>Right, right, right, up, up, up, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, down, down, down, right, right, right, right. Now, you should be under the fourth window. Keep going. >>Right, right, right, right, up, right, right, right, right, right, down, down, right, right, right, right, right, right. Now, you're under the big window. Go up and enter. This is Dracula's Study. Let's start by examining the table in the foreground. There's a lantern, as well as notes that detail some of Dracula's business dealings. Before you grab the lantern, USE THE NOTEBOOK. Okay, now you can get the lantern. The lamp isn't on though. Use the oil with the lantern. Then, use the tinder box with the lamp. You have a working lantern. The brightness of the lamp will give you away to Dracula though, so Turn the lantern (as in, turn it down). Once your lamp is turned down, walk to the desk. Now, examine it. There is a drawer and a map. USE THE NOTEBOOK. Jonathan will sketch the map. The drawer is locked, so let's open the door on the right side of the room. Walk on though. This is Dracula's money room. Examine the big pile of money. Now, get the money. Not only is the money another clue, but there's a box under the money. Get the box. Open the box. There's a large iron key. The iron key is automatically placed in your inventory. Now, walk to the door in the back of the room and use the iron key in the door. Now, open the door and enter. This is the catacombs. Go right one screen, then down one screen. Get the twine. Now, go right one more screen, then down two screens. You should see a coffin and a crowbar. Get the crowbar. Then, examine the coffin. Guess who's inside? I hope you said Dracula. Before you do anything else, USE THE NOTEBOOK. Jonathan will make another map. Now, go up three screens, and left two screens to get back to the entrance. Now, you have to go back to jammed door upstairs. This means climbing the wall again. Here are the directions to go from Dracula's Study to the bedroom window, reverse of how you got there. You'll have to leave the lantern for now. >>Left, left, left, left, left, left, up, up, left, left, left, left, left, down, left, left, left, left. Now, you're under the fourth from the left window. >>Left, left, left, left, up, up, up, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, down, down, down, left, left, left. Now, you're under the middle window. >>left, left, left, left, up, left, up, up, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, down, down, down, left, left, left, left. Now, you're under the bedroom window. Go up and in. Go through the antechamber to the south wing landing. Use the crowbar on the jammed door and enter. Now, prepare for a cutscene involving Dracula and his strange brides as you enter the sewing room. After the strange event, Jonathan will wake up in the bedroom on the next day. USE THE NOTEBOOK. Now, we have to get out of here. Dracula has locked Jonathan in his room, but fortunately, if you followed my instructions, you broke the lock on the window. Climb out the window and head to the right back to Dracula's Study. In the study, get the lantern again. Use the tinderbox on the lantern again. Go back to the money room, and then into the catacombs. Go right twice, then down three times. Examine the coffin again. Get the brass key. Now, go up three times, then left twice, and go back to the money room. In the money room, use or turn the lever on the bottom of the screen. The lever used to be obstructed by the money, but the money isn't there anymore. The lever opens a hidden door in the bottom left corner of the money room. Go through it now to end up in the library. In the library, go to the books on the right and examine them. Jonathan will spot a particular book about fishing. Now, examine that book. Unfortunately, we need to get to the clock next. It's just in the next room, but the door is locked. That means we have to use the outside wall to go ALL the way around. So, go to money room, then to the study, then to the wall. I haven't yet described how to get from the second window on the left to the left-most window, going in that direction, so here are those directions. >>Left, left, left, left, left, up, left, up, left, left, left, down, left, down, left, left, left, left, left, left. Once you're in the south hallway, use the brass key with the clock. Now, open the clock. Get the small key. Now, enter the dining room (exit at the bottom of the screen). Another Bram Stoker cutscene should start. In the dining room, examine the table. Then, get the sugar. If you have the small key and the sugar, you're done here. Now, go back to the study via the wall. This is the last time you'll have to traverse that stupid wall, I swear. In the study, use the small key in the drawer. Now, open the drawer. Get the fishing hook. Use the hook with the twine to create a fishing line. Hooray. Now, grab and relight the lantern again, go to the money room, then into the catacombs. This time, we're not going to the coffin. We're getting the Hell out of here. Go right one screen, then up one screen. You should see a ladder. Climb the ladder. At the top of the ladder, you're so close to daylight, but there's a friggin' horse in the way. If you grabbed the sugar, he won't be a problem though. Otherwise, you have to go all the way back to the dining room. Use the sugar. Now, you're in the barn. The barn is two screens, and you're currently in the left screen. You'll notice a well. Examine it. It's boarded up. Damn it. Well, no big deal. Go right one screen. If you notice, lying against the post in the middle of the screen is a spade. Grab the spade. Now, walk back to the well, and use the spade on the well to get rid of those pesky boards. One last thing. If you remember the book in the library, it mentioned fishing in wells. Use the fishing line with the well. After a couple unsuccessful attempts, Jonathan will fasten the line to the well, creating a way down. Finally, climb down the well, and you've made it to freedom! Congratulations, you've escaped the castle and finished the game! If you wrote down everything in your notebook, you should get the good ending, too. (Although, the ending isn't actually all that good. I hope you feel like you accomplished something anyway.) +=============================================================================+ & 6.0 Miscellany & +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _______________ 6.1 Legal Stuff This FAQ is Copyright 2006 by me. Any publishing of this guide without my explicit permission isn't allowed. Plagiarizers will be hunted down. Dracula: The Undead is the Copyright property of Atari. I am in no way affiliated with the company or its employees. _______________ 6.2 Emailing Me My email is tasteless@gmail.com I would love to hear any feedback. If you have a question, please make sure it isn't already answered in the guide. If you report something missing from the guide and I decide to add it, I'll give full credit. ___________________ 6.3 Version History 4/3/06 - v1.0 The first and complete version of the FAQ is submitted to GameFAQs. __________________ 6.4 Special Thanks Special thanks to Atari for both making and distributing this game. Thanks to GameFAQs for hosting the guide and being an overall great resource on the internet. ______________________________________________________ Dracula: The Undead FAQ (c) 2006 John "TIDQ" Robertson