____ ____ __ ___ __ __ __ __ ( _ \( _ \ /__\ / __)( )( )( ) /__\ )(_) )) / /(__)\( (__ )(__)( )(__ /(__)\ (____/(_)\_)(__)(__)\___)(______)(____)(__)(__) Dracula: The Undead Game Script v1.0 ----------- by TIDQ (Email at the bottom) +=============================================================================+ & Introduction & +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Dracula: The Undead is a mystery-based video game for the Atari Lynx based on Bram Stoker's story of Dracula. This is a GAME SCRIPT, NOT A WALKTHROUGH. I am also submitting a walkthrough for this game at the same time as this script, so please turn to that guide for any gameplay questions. The purpose of this guide is simply as a quick reference to all lines of the plot script in the game, for whatever reason one might have. Since this is just a game script, and since the game isn't even very long, I'm not putting a table of contents or section numbers in this guide. The bulk of the guide is in the body, while my email address and the legal stuff is at the bottom. +=============================================================================+ & Game Script & +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BRAM STOKER "I am Bram Stoker and by the magic of technology I am able to narrate this story of DRACULA to you. Your adventure will closely follow my original book but in this version you will be able to interact in a way never thought to be possible when I published Dracula in 1897. First, you will guide Jonathan Harker, a young solicitor. He has travelled to Transylvania from London. Yesterday as he left the inn, the landlord's wife insisted that he accept and wear a crucifix. She had become concerned when she had learned he was to visit DRACULA. Last night was WALPURGIS NACHT, when the locals believe the dead rise and stalk the night. Jonathan was taken to castle Dracula in a coach driven by a strange cloaked man. Arriving in the early hours of the morning, he had been shown to his room by the Count himself. Dracula had told him to get plenty of rest and to rise late the next day. Food would be ready in the dining room. Dracula would be away during the day. Dracula also said that Jonathan was free to explore where he wished but that he should never try to enter any locked rooms. This was for Jonathan's own safety, since most of the castle is in ruins and is dangerous. It is late morning. Jonathan has awakened and dressed in the antechamber to his bedroom. After failing to find a mirror anywhere, he had used the small shaving mirror which he had brought with him. While shaving Jonathan has cut his chin and the wound is now marked by congealed blood. Jonathan seems to recall that there was something he must do before going down to the dining room, but cannot quite remember what. Jonathan reminds himself that in the future he should make a note of anything interesting or important. Jonathan feels strange. It is as though he is not in complete control of his own actions." My notebook's in here. There's a tinder box on the table. There's a crucifix on the bed. OK. I feel safe now. It leads to the south wall of the castle. It's closed. That's strange. It's locked from the outside. There's some oil here. It's count Dracula. He's a tall fearsome looking man. JONATHAN "Good morning, Count." DRACULA "Good morning, Jonathan. I trust you slept well? >>Yes, Thank you. (no response) >>No, there were wolves howling all night. You do not enjoy the sounds of the night? You from the city do not understand the joys of my friends calling." JONATHAN "You have a very impressive home, count." DRACULA "Thank you. Please explore the castle. But do not try to enter any locked rooms. The castle is run down and can be very dangerous. But first, please enjoy your meal. I will not be joining you as I ate earlier." JONATHAN "When shall we get down to our business?" DRACULA "I will be away today on business of my own. I will return tonight." JONATHAN "I'll eat my meal now." BRAM STOKER "Dracula then left the room and Jonathan was left wondering what might be his fate." Jonathan makes a note of the conversation for future reference. Jonathan looks out of the window. Jonathan sees Dracula standing on a ledge across the wall. He is astonished to see Dracula crawl face down along the wall. Jonathan makes detailed notes after seeing Dracula crawl down the wall like a bat. I've seen Dracula out there. It must be possible. As Jonathan climbs in through the window he breaks the lock from the outside. The window now opens and closes freely. There's a lantern here. And some papers. BRAM STOKER "As Jonathan looks amongst the papers lying on the desk he finds a shapping note for fifty boxes of earth to be delivered to Whitby in England and a list of addresses which includes the house at Carfax. Jonathan is surprised to find that the Count has also purchased a house on Union Street." Jonathan makes note of the destination of the earth boxes and the name and address of another solicitor with whom Dracula has also been doing business. OK, the lamp's full now. There's a drawer in the desk. And a map hung on the wall over it. Jonathan makes a rough sketch of a map above the desk. He notes that there are four major locations. One of which he takes to be the count's resting place. There are many coins and notes from many different countries. The count must be quite a collector. There's a box hidden under this money. There's a large iron key inside it. It's Dracula. He looks as though he is dead. Jonathan sketches a map of the catacombs, noting the whereabouts of the coffin. Let's just leave the lamp here. I hate this. BRAM STOKER "Jonathan begins to feel sleepy and doesn't know why and doesn't really care, so he lies down to sleep. BRIDE #1 "You take him, sister." BRIDE #2 "No, he is yours." BRIDE #3 "We insist you go first, sister." BRIDE #? "Then we will all enjoy those special kisses." DRACULA "CEASE! I have warned you, he is mine. Now be gone!" BRIDES "We must have our share. We must have his blood." DRACULA "No, he will be yours tomorrow. For now, take this." BRAM STOKER "So, dear adventurers, you must help Jonathan escape before the bridges return to claim their voluptuous kisses. It is the next day and Jonathan awakens in his room, uncertain whether he dreamt the events of the previous night." Jonathan writes down all he recalls of the previous night. Even now he cannot be sure if the events were real or dreamt. There's a small brass key in here. Hmmm a book about fishing. This could be useful. It's called 'fishing well' and it's written by J.R. Smartly. There's a small key hidden inside. BRAM STOKER "The Count has entertained his gypsy helpers with tea before they left with the earth boxes, one of which contained the Count on his journey to England. You must help Jonathan escape the Castle quickly before the three brides of Dracula claim him. There are some plates and cups left over here. Probably left over from the gypsies' meal. There's a bowl of sugar as well. There are some fishing hooks in here. That's better. He's calmed down now. It's boarded up and hasn't been used for a while. That's got rid of the boards. Missed! Missed again! Got it! I'll fasten it to the well, so I won't have to do that again. BRAM STOKER "Jonathan scrambles blindly along the narrow passage leading from the well. Emerging in the woods at the foot of the castle he takes his chance and flees with the cries of the wolves ringing ever louder in his ears. CONGRATULATIONS You have helped Jonathan escape the castle and the notes you have made later enable you to find the evil Count Dracula and drive a stake through his heart, ending his evil ways forever. THE END. +=============================================================================+ & Miscellany & +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ___________ Legal Stuff This FAQ is Copyright 2006 by me. Any publishing of this guide without my explicit permission isn't allowed. Plagiarizers will be hunted down. Dracula: The Undead is the Copyright property of Atari. I am in no way affiliated with the company or its employees. ___________ Emailing Me My email is tasteless@gmail.com I would love to hear any feedback. Do not report typos in the script to me, because those are too trivial for me to change the guide over. Gameplay questions should be answered in my other FAQ for this game. If you still have a comment or question for me, feel free to drop a line. _______________ Version History 4/3/06 - v1.0 The first and complete version of the script is submitted to GameFAQs. ______________ Special Thanks Special thanks to Atari for both making and distributing this game. Thanks to GameFAQs for hosting the guide and being an overall great resource on the internet. ______________________________________________________________ Dracula: The Undead Game Script (c) 2006 John "TIDQ" Robertson