12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Gordo 106 (Atari Lynx, 1993) Copyright (2011) Darrin (forceXdistance) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Obligatory standard boiler-plate disclaimer: This walkthrough may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gordo 106 is an unsung hero title of sorts and was more or less either ignored and forgotten at best or criticised at worst. The reason for this was most likely due to the high learning curve of the game (i.e. people played it and sucked at it and wrote the game off as bad). Part of this nay-saying was undoubtedly the stressful dungeon areas. Where most platformers simply killed you off, games like Gordo 106 (and Wario World for Gamecube) chose to give you a chance to dig yourself out of your hole. This is bittersweet. On the plus side you get a chance to redeem yourself and save a life. On the negative side the over-all game is slowed down and you have to backpeddle your back just to get where you were before (i.e. it can feel like you are wasting time). Anyway, I believe that when given a chance Gordo 106 is a great Lynx title that can easily stand alongside Toki, Shadow of the Beast, and Rygar as a classic. The game has lots of music tracks, paralax scrolling, creative unorthodox storyline, over 20 fairly long stages, 7 different background graphic sets, and not-too-shabby graphics. With practice, the game can be beaten with a fair amount of ease. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Controls: B (attack) A (jump) Joypad (move) Down/up + B (throw apple down/up) Joypad double tap L or R (run) Option 1 (info screen) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough: This will be a bottom-line FAQ, meaning that I will try not to waste too much time on the obvious and easy sections of levels when what people really want to find are the answers to relevant and important questions. For each stage, I will focus on the parts that are more likely to cause potential problems and letter each in turn. ---------------------------------------------------------- Level 1-1 A. As always, use apples sparingly and take out the lab technicians if they stand in your way. B. Avoid falling into pits as much as possible. The dungeon is not a normal stage in the game and there is really no reason to intentionally enter it. If you fall in, however, that is a different story! See the end of this FAQ for help on exiting the dungeon. To gain more distance in your jumps, simply take a running start. This can make it easier to avoid falling in a hole. C. Open as many cages as possible on this stage. Don't forget the ones in the top/left or the top/right parts of the stage. Remember to use a running jump if you need more distance. Freeing animals earns points which are useful for attaining free lives. Since there are no continues in this game, points are very important. D. The over-hanging lights are easy to swing to and from. Don't worry about falling off if you hang for too long. Also, the game is very forgiving as you swing from light to light as you keep the direction button pressed and jump at the peek of your swing. If you keep the jump button pressed, you will automatically go from light to light. E. Health and ammo does not replenish on each new stage. As such, the bananas and apples can be very helpful. F. Simply touch the exit sign to finish the stage. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1-2 A. The top left of the stage has rabbit cages (dispatch the odd group of lab-coated people that act as a singular entity). B. Near the beginning of the stage you must ride a conveyor belt with some bunnies. Avoid riding it into the grinder (a one-hit death). Below the grinder is the word "WARNING" written in red letters. Jump to the ledge for safety! C. Remember that you can't jump from the very top of the screen (you will hit your head). You can reach the ledge above the 1st no-smoking sign by running from the left and holding right as you fall down on it. D. Spend some time looking around for rabbit cages to open for bonus points. E. There is another conveyor belt. Avoid the grinders as before (look for the WARNING signs). When you see the end of the conveyor belt make sure you avoid the pit below by jumping to the right. F. There is a switch to turn off the conveyor belts, but it is not essential to beating the stage. G. Get accustomed to the running jump. It is used frequently in this game to avoid pits or to reach necessary locations. -------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1-3 (lab facility) A. Jump carefully between file cabinets to avoid any pits between them. B. As soon as you see a giant chemist with a large syringe (yes this game is strange) take care to time it right so that you can shoot an apple downward and hit him. Don't waste too many apples. After he is defeated walk and hold right as you fall from the ledge just above to land to safety. C. Be cautious of the large pit near the end of the stage! D. Remember that not all seemingly "blind jumps" in this game are blind. Take some time to see if you can find safety either below or far to the sides. Remember that you can sometimes see what is on the other side of a "blind jump" if you jump off a ledge just a little, take a peek, and quickly return yourself back to where you jumped from. Sometimes a running jump will land you on a more distant ledge out of harm's way. Also use trial and error to memorize where the pits are located so that you can avoid them. Another useful thing to remember is that you can infer the location of solid ground by taking note of where the scientists are walking below you. D. This stage introduces a trampoline which is user-friendly. Just jump on it and the sky's the limit. E. Remember not to bump your head near the top of the screen and don't forget to open up rabbit cages as long as they are not too dangerous to reach. The goal is to increase the life-count without losing lives in the process! F. Don't forget about the running jump. It can be a life-saver to clear a large distance and avoid a pit and reach higher or more distant ground. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2-1 (hunter's convention) A. Be careful of the hunters. Their bullets will go over your head, but only up to a point, until they arc downward. Apples will take them out. Also watch out for the bloodhounds that make an appearance. Don't stand too close when attacking because your extended arm can take damage in contact with your adversaries. B. Be very weary of the snapping suitcases near the floor. They are 1-hit deaths. I like to traverse the stage as close to the top as much as possible. Remember you can swing on the chandeliers to make things easier and stay above the floor. C. Remember that apples and bananas are your friends! Extra health and ammo can be very helpful in your journey. D. Remember to scope out "blind jumps" to see if they are really blind. You may be able to take a running jump and land to safety. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-2 A. Be cautious of the odd ladies throwing mugs into the air as you jump over them. It may help to dispatch any of the ladies walking side to side. I like to minimize damage by staying above the floor and using the chandeliers to quickly move between flying mugs timing my jumps as best as I can. B. There are no pits in this stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-3 A. Do not touch the spikes that come out of the metal boxes. They are one-hit deaths! Watch their rhythm and time your jumps accordingly. This is especially important as you swing on the changeliers above them. B. Do not touch the buzz saw unless you turn it off first. You will eventually need to run against the grain so as to make headway right on a high conveyor belt. Near the end, fall and run left to the off switch to turn off the saw. C. If you dare want any of the fruits on the conveyor belts make sure you jump back to safety as soon as possible afterwards. There is a treasure-trove of food-stuffs to the left of the stack of metal boxes just to the left of the on/off switch that turns off the buzz-saw. D. The bloodhound and hunter near the beginning can be dispatched from the floor to the left of the 3rd metal box! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-1 (fashion show) A. As soon as the level starts two jumping dudes in yellow shirts will introduce themselves. Throw 2 apples at each of them. If you don't anticipate them ahead of time you may take hits. B. I like to travel along the lights near the top as much as possible, but there are some cages to be found near the floor that are tempting as well. Plan a route that suits your tastes. Make sure you avoid the yellow-shirts, red spiky things, and rolling logs. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-2 A. As before, anticipate and dispatch the yellow-shirt from the right. B. Use caution as you move under the legs with high-heel shoes as they go up and down (no joke!). I like to walk instead of run as I go betwen them. You may need to dispatch some enemies from a distance for safety reasons. Do not touch the legs or the shoes. C. I like to stay near the top of the screen using chandeliers as appropriate as I move right. There are some cages below which can add bonus points, however (just be careful as they are surrounded by pits which lead to the dungeon). D. Don't bump your head by jumping too close to the top of the screen. You may have to jump to some ledges from closer below. E. I like to disregard the yellow-shirts below and touch the exit sign by falling and holding right from above. ---------------------------------------------------------- 3-3 A. As soon as the stage starts, get to the safety of the 2nd ledge above you as large burly hunters will start walking and shooting around you. A large net may fall and damage you some. I have found this hard to avoid. So are the breaks! There is a cage and banana on the right, but I like to avoid it as there is another net there that will fall. Using a running start where appropriate, work your way left. You may take hits from additional falling nets and/or a red spikey thing. Swing from lights as appropriate until you can see a red spikey enemy. Don't touch it. Instead, drop to the safety of the small ledge just below it. Do a running jump to the ledge containing a banana. Do another running jump to the left. Now, before you rinse and repeat a third time, make sure to watch the enemies and bullets below and time your running jump so that you safely land at the level exit without touching any enemies or bullets. B. I generally don't worry too much about the cages on this stage. C. This level can be tough and make or break a sensitive monkey! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-1 (warehouse) A. The moving metal pipes will kill on-site full-stop. They are very dangerous. Generally, I like to jump at about the same time the press makes contact with the floor. When standing between the presses, make sure you are exactly in the middle and not allowing your tail or cap to come into too much contact with them. Remember to watch their patterns and get the timing down. There is no time-limit to the stages, so be patient. Sometimes simply walking will get you past some of the steam presses so don't feel like you have to run constantly. Give the poor monkey a break once in a while! B. The puppy doors are like rabbit cages and earn points. Open the ones that are easy to find and leave the ones that are too dangerous behind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4-2 A. Save all the puppies you can, but take care not to fall into the manholes or you will have to face the dungeon. Remember to try your best to scope out seemingly blind-jumps to see if you can spot safe ground below or in the distance. B. You will see a large dude throwing stuff. I like to get on the crate closest to him and make sure not to touch him or his bullets. Carefully toss apples at him. He takes lots of hits, and hopefully you won't run out of ammo! C. Time your running/jumping/walking so that you do not come into contact with the chefs, their hands, or what they drop from above. D. I like to use the sky-lights as much as possible and stay near the top of the screen. Regarding the big dude with the fishing net, you can dispatch him with apples from a distance. If you are out of ammo it might help to run through him and the first chef on their ledge and minimize damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-3 A. Carefully get past the chefs without taking damage. B. Do not touch the ceiling fans (one-hit deaths) especially the ones close to you unless you turn them off first. Pay attention and don't forget about them as they are scattered around the entire level. C. Carefully get past the moving pillars as before. You can run out of lives quickly if you don't! Remember to stand directly between them as it can be a fairly tight squeeze. Get the timing done also. This is probably one of the hardest levels in the game! D. You can dispatch the dude with the net safely below him. E. I like to stay close to the top of the level as usual. F. When you see two metal presses side-by-side, I like to get on the lower platform (via careful jumping or falling). Next, I like to carefully land under the first press ASAP without touching it and move past the second press as soon as it is safe. It might help to study their movements for a bit before taking the plunge. G. Watch out for man-holes and memorize where they are. But don't forget to poke around seemingly blind-jumps to see if you can spot safe land below or ahead. H. Turn the fans off, but not until carefully dispatching the net-dude from a distance with apples. I. Be careful when jumping over the stacked crates near the end of the stage as they may have man-holes between them. Determine if regular or running jumps suit you or the situation better. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-1: Nautical ship A. Go left and carefully dispatch the large hunter before the pirate tank approaches. Ascend up/right and swing along the handles to the right. B. Stay to the top of the screen as much as possible in this stage. Remember to take a running jump between ledges as needed. C.If you find yourself seemingly unable to continue swinging along the handles, you may have to think a bit and get to the "out of reach" handle by taking a running jump from farther back. Remember that it is not always easy to take a "running fall" hoping to grab a handle that way. D. You will eventually come to a high vertical pillar with a hunter on the right (and the pirate tank on the left).Be careful, because even when you are standing on this pillar the pirate's cap can still hurt you (jump straight up if it comes close to you). Just to the right of the pillar on the ground is a trampoline. When it is safe, use the trampoline to fly more or less straight up and grab the closest handle. Continue to the right and stand on the last ledge you can. When it is safe, avoid enemies and holes and use the last trampoline to jump over the hole on it's right and work your way to the end of the stage. The pirate can be dispatched on this stage, but he takes lots of hits and it is not necessary. --------------------------------------------------------------- 5-2 A.Get the banana on the right if you need it and go left and avoid the man-hole and use the trampoline to get up to the handles. Stay near the top of the screen and use the high handles as much as possible on your journey right. If a handle seems out of reach, running jumps and/or jumping from a lower or farther ledge may be necessary. Grab any fruit if convenient and necessary. B. You will notice a low ledge with an apple on it as you are walking along a high floor. Since you will bump your head from this current height, remember that you can reach the ledge under the apple by running off the high ledge and carefully landing on the apple. Next, jump to the next narrow platform above you (but NOT to the top-most wide floor). From here, you can safely reach the next set of handles! Swing right till you land on safe and solid ground. C. The next part is similar to the previous, in that you will notice a banana down/right while you are standing on the high floor. Instead of bumping your head, take a running fall and land on the banana. From this ledge, jump to the next set of handles! Swing to safe ground as before. D. Carefully walk right and you will see a red apple. Take a running fall and land under the apple and ascend to the top-most floor. Fall on the exit sign when safe and clear of the pirate-tank. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-3 A. This stage can be a guy-killer and make short work of the stash of lives you have accumulated thus far. I like to go left and take the trampoline upwards. Next, I like to use the handles near the top as I work my way left to the high and safe ground. Watch how the monster below runs back and forth under you (he is a calm gorilla wearing an angry helmet). When safe, work your way along the top of the screen using handles as necessary. If you happen to fall, there is a trampoline which can be used to get you back up as you work your way top/left to safer ground. B. From your safe high ledge, you will notice a small platform under you and another small platform to your left. When safe, fall off your current ledge and turn right to land on the lower one. Quickly before the monster returns, take a running jump and work your way left to the on/off machine and turn it off. C. Now go back to the beginning of the stage. Dont worry about the gorilla. The switch you hit turned on his happy hat! Now he will help you to the exit. Just climb on his back and that is that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-1 A. Jump on the columns and work your way top/right. Swing on the chandeliers but be careful of the spider who approaches from the right. Keep working your way top/right as you swing on lights and avoid the rich thugs swinging their arms. Take some time to watch, learn, and prepare for the move. You will come to an impasse where you are standing on a high ledge. It is possible to take a running fall and grab the right-most light below you. Work your way right and grab the apple. B. Continue right/up using lights and/or running jumps as necessary to maintain your position near the top of the screen. Remember that some ledges that seem out of reach may be reached via jumping from a lower or farther ledge and using running jumps. C. Only grab fruit if it is safe to do so. Be weary of the large thugs and the man-holes below. D. Work your way to the pillar with an apple on top (lower down). Carefully dispatch the thug and spider on the right from a safe distance (make sure your arm doesn't touch the enemies as you throw apples). E. Use the trampoline to reach the high ledge safe and sound from the laser-beam that comes. The next bit is tricky. You want to work fast to ensure you don't take more hits than necessary. Work your way right using running jumps as necessary to maintain some height until you are on a ledge above an investigator holding a flashlight. Run right and as SOON as you start to fall, reverse direction and hang towards the exit sign. You might take a hit from the investigator, but hopefully you will beat the level. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-2 A. Work your way left and avoid man-holes, spiders, and large thugs in the process until you can ascend and swing right along the lights. Continue to trek right and watch out for stray spiders. Grab any fruit only if safe (you may have to run/jump from an alternate ledge to reach them). Remember that you can sometimes run/fall if a ledge seems too far away to land on in situations where you are too high to jump without bumping your head. B. In general, and as per usual, try to keep near the top as you continue right and swing along lights. Be careful and patient as you scope out ahead to prepare for the odd spider fight. Remember that you don't always have to make a running jump to reach ledges. A regular one might be just fine.You may run low on ammo as you fight thugs and/or spiders. Collecting the odd apple may be just what the doctor ordered. But be careful. If a light seems out-of-reach remember that (as before) you may be able to run and fall and just barely grab the next one. C. Continue to the high ledge out of harm's way from the laser beam. Try to use as many lights to swing from as you can as you quickly go right. Take running jumps as needed to traverse to the right without falling into any holes. Like stage 6-1, at this point I like to work fast and get to the exit as soon as possible when you see the investigator with the flashlight. ------------------------------------------------------------- 6-3 A. Use the trampoline and work your way left swinging from lights under any spiders that get in your way. Either use running jumps or carefully regular jump from ledge to ledge as you go left. You almost beat the game, so press on soldier!! Rinse and repeat as you go left. If you fall on the floor watch out for any dungeon holes. If this happens, you may have to backtrack a bit to get back up near the top of the screen. B. Traverse left as per usual. Jump between the stone pillars (using running jumps if necessary). You will see the familiar laser-beam make a return visit. Make another jump to the next ledge. You will eventually see the investigator. This time he can be defeated! He is actually the final boss. Make sure you have a reserve of apples by this point and throw them at him. He should go down shortly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending Congratulations, you beat the game!!!! If you are like me, you by now realize that this isn't such a bad little game after all. The ending is kinda cool as it shows fireworks and free animals running amok. Text soon follows letting you know that Gordo will be there wherever there is trouble in the world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dungeon A. So you fell into the dungeon eh? Now you gotta get back out again. It can be frustrating, stressful, and/or freaky to be down here. It is tough and most contact with fire will result in a one-hit death. There are a myriad of parts to the dungeon, and it can be relatively random where you start or end up. You can find an exit out of the dungeon with careful navigating, and you can also find alternate man-holes to fall into to get to another location. Manholes may also take you to a death-room with no escape or a bonus room with lots of rabbits to free from cages. Navigating around the dungeon requires good platform skills. The timing required to move between fire blasts is critical. Watch and learn from a distance. Also watch for small fire blasts that come from the horse statues. Remember that this dungeon is NOT a regular level. I do not see any good reason to intentionally visit the dungeon. It is more of a punishment than a reward.