------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ [TOKI aka JUJU DENSETSU] ----------------------- ---------------------------------[by Ice Queen Zero]--------------------------- ------------------------------------- [ ARCADE ]------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o---------------------o INTRODUCTION o---------------------o When I first played the arcade version of Toki, it blew my mind. You go around as an ape spitting projectiles at various enemies that had a lot of tricks up their sleeve and could kill you if you were not careful. What was even more cruel is that you could only continue up to five times in the final level so if you lost your last life after the 5th continue, its Game Over completely and it didn't matter how many quarters you had in the final level. Those are the breaks I guess. o---------------------o DISCLAIMER o---------------------o Toki and its characters are trademarks of TAD Corporation and all copyrights belong to them. This FAQ/Walkthrough is the sole copyright of Andrea "Azul Fria" Castillo aka Ice Queen Zero and cannot be put on other sites or posted without my given permission nor can it be reproduced w/o proper consent. For of my guides: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/74803.html o---------------------o ENEMIES o---------------------o Herbamo - Aside from walking into you, this creature with a green body and brown legs is harmless for the most part. Ivor - A prehistoric warthog that also tries to crash into you. Timagon - Hatches out of an egg which halves can kill you and then it breathes fire at you. Garnidare - Looks almost like a crab but it along the walls and vines. Webstamite - This spider will move up and down and shoot projectiles in six different directions. Shartoesi - They look like flying green sperm and fly in packs. Each yield a coin everytime they get killed. Killer Harnas - A moth that will fly by hoping that it crash into you. Flying Shardu - These green bats will directly seek you. The smaller ones fly in packs and stay in one spot as the one in the middle yields an item when it is killed. Thorpedo - A reddish bird that appears flys around as a obstacle. Wobalin - They will fly above you and drop spears on you. Deal with them the moment you see them. Kalgatrobe - Zombie ape that directly walks after you. Bellzador - Flying white ape that tries to spear you. Armorel Kemin - Ape with a sword, armor and shield. It will swipe a firey wave at you Galartor - An giant white apelike head that bounces and spew a laser shot. Gabranha - Red underwater fish. Smaller ones swim in packs and act like the miniture Flying Shardu Mortoise - Swims by and will sometimes hide in its shell and emit sparks. Also comes in a smaller size to. Cupper - Underwater lizard that'll swim in a figure-8 pattern but won't bother you except being an obstacle. Blastums - Stays in the wall and when you get close enough, it will dart out at you. Pengafin - Red Penguin that will yield items when killed. Bungataras - A wierd red bird that flaps around. Gives you a red bonus meat when killed for bonus points. Raktura - A blue birdlike creature with flaming trails on its back. It serves as a miniboss in Level 3 - Caverns of Fire. It will fly in a pattern and will fire projectiles downward in 3 directions. Defeat them to move forward in some areas in Level 3. Creepavore - A walking lizard that will stick its tounge out at you to hit you with it. Get a few inches away from it to be safe from it. Also beware of the three arcing projectiles that it shoots from its tail. Katyerows - Just a tree like enemies that throws bouncing seeds at you. Catecormos - These flowerlike enemies will try to hop up on you. Be careful of those. Shoshanu - Sharks in the water that will swim in angles at you. Vipus - Stays stuck to a wall and shoots three seashells at you. Geeshergam - These are the same type of apes that you are but they will try to kill you by bouncing into you. They are your most common enemy and are used as a weapon by Boloragog. Gate of Moornah - miniboss of Stage 1 - Labyrinth of Caves. It is also the first boss in the Sega Genesis version. Here, they still breath steam from the faces on the sides but they also have hanging fists at the bottom and a couple of the Geeshergams operationg it from the top. Boloragog - Looks like an African witch doctor that sends out Geeshergams at you and occassionally comes at you to attack himself before sliding back. He is the boss of Level 1 Neptuna - Miniboss of Level 2 - Lake Neptune. Moves up and down sending Gabranha at you. It will guard itself with a shield and trident. Rambacha - Boss of Level 2. Looks like the Michelin man with a big eyeball. It disappears and reappears in random spots and sends eyeballs at you. Mogulvar - Boss of Level 3 - Cavern of Fire. Looks like a giant version of the Ganidares. It will burp out letters (spells BURP) at you as it hops back and forth. Zorzamoth - A frozen mamoth that hops back and forth swinging its trunk around. It will occassionally shoot its tusks at you that curve around the room so be causios of that. It is the boss of Level 4 - Ice Palace Bashtar - The guy that kidnapped your girlfriend is the boss of Level 5 - Dark Jungle. It will slowly walk towards you with its swinging hands. Attack Bashtar in the heart. It will occassionly use its hand to protect its heart temporarily then move foreward again. You can shoot at its feet to make it back up and in the Genesis version, the feet can be momentarily destroyed thus forcing it to go back and get new feet. Vookimedlo - The final boss of the game. Stark will unveil him and at first he will stand there in a robe and spit nails then when he take enough damage, he will disrobe and start raining bombs at you and trying to bite at you with its long neck where you stand and sometime swipe at you. Attack its heart to defeat him and win the game. o---------------------o WALKTHROUGH o---------------------o *********** * Stage 1 * *********** Labyrinth of Caves Time: 300 The evil hand of BASHTAR has seized the lovely MIHO. Her beloved, the mighty TOKI, has also been dealt a wicked blow. Now, reduced to a lowly ape, TOKI must risk a perilous journey to free MIHO and regain his manhood. Begin by attacking the Herbamo and Geeshergam. Kill the Shartoesi pack for coins as 50 of those will earn you an extra life. Get the megashot and kill another Herbamo, a Thorpedo, and a Kalgatrobe that rises from the ground. Destroy the spikes and avoid the thorns that they spawn. The Thropedo will give out a twin shot weapon. Get the apple for points and stay on the rock as it sinks to get the helmet. This will render you temporarily invincible from enemies but not from spikes. Stomp on the Killer Hanases and get past the Kalgatrobe and turn around to kill it along with the Blastums coming from the left. Let the weight boost you up and watch out for the egg shells of the Timagon the moment you get up there. Climb the vine and get rid of the Garnidare and destroy the bottom of the Gate of Moornah. Destroy the faces on the right side and kill the Geeshergams that are operating it. Jump down to the bottom, you may stomp a Flying Shardu and/or a couple Garnidares before hitting the floor, get ready to kill the Blastums coming from the right side when you land. Turn around and kill the Geeshergam and and the thorn spike. Take out the Wobalin and Webstamite. A Kalgatrobe will rise up. Use it as leverage to get the triple shot. Hop over the throns and get off the ledge before it falls and kill the Geeshergam and Kalgatrobe. Jump on the ledge on the left and use that standpoint to kill the Webstamite at a safe distance. Make your way up and on the far right kill that Webstamite from a safe distance and get rid of the 2 Killer Harnases. Get the high jump shoes and climb the vine. Kill the Wobalins and catapult up to the top. Get rid of the thorn spike and use your shoes to reach the helmet. After taking care of the Shartoesi pack, a Kolgatrobe, and Killer Harnas. You face off against the 1st boss. Don't worry about that spout it won't hurt you. It will function as a platform. The first boss, Boloragog has a simple attack of sending out Geeshergams out in waves at you. Stay at a far distance and fire and everyone including Boloragog. Boloragog will sometimes dash forward and swing his arms at you then slide back. He will fall after 30 hits. *********** * Stage 2 * *********** Lake Neptune Time: 250 Having safely travelled the Labyrinth of Caves and escaped the jaws at the Gate of MOORNAR, TOKI sets out across the shark-infested waters of Lake Neptune. But, beware the eyes of RAMBACHA!! The level starts with a Geeshergam operating a cannon. Take hit out early and desstroy the two Killer Harnases before getting the Megashot then climb up the vine on the right. Get rid of the Mini Flying Shardu pack and get the Flameshot and use it to kill the Flying Shardus and Killer Harnases in the way. Climb to the top. Go right and defeat the Shartoesi pack as well as a Bellzador and a Geeshergam. Dive into the water and get the Triple Shot if you like. Otherwise, use the Flameshot against all the underwater enemies you cross while you still got it. When you get to the bottom, get the Twin Shot to take out the enemies better. As you go right, swim to the top and kill the Thorpedo for the Helmet. When you get to Neptuna, be sure to swim past him from the top as he is going down or he will spear you with his trident. He tends to guard frontal attacks and send out Mini Grabhanas towards you if you take him head on. Once behind him, finish him off for a cheap victory if you want the points. Now swim right and jump out of the water. Kill the Killer Harnas and hop your way to the ledge on the right and get rid of a Wobalin before fighting Rambacha. Attack Rambacha from a diagonal standpoint until he releases three eyes. You can destroy the eyes from a distance then wait for Rambacha to reappear. Keep following this pattern until he is dead. The eyeballs bounce in random patterns. It takes 40 hits to win this battle. *********** * Stage 3 * *********** Caverns of Fire Time: 300 Made bold by his recent conquests, TOKI enters the blazing heart of the Caverns of Fire in search of MIHO. Here, he will face a deadly test against MOGULVOR, the beastly guardian of this underground inferno. (I corrected those errors). Use the moving platforms to get over the lava and kill the Kalgatrobe. Get the Charge Shot and hop to safety on the right. Proceed throught the fire geysers carefully and kill the 2 Wobalins. Go up the slope and jump onto the platform to make it fall. Grab the helmet and jump into the Raktura to kill it instantly then get the key to make the next platform fall. Go down and proceed through the level as much as you can with helmet intact. You will see another helmet item. Use the Kalgatrobe for leverage to get it then run through the level some more. Be sure to stop when you get to the moving platform over the lava as the helmet won't protect you from that. Just kill the Webstamite from afar and proceed to the right safely and drop down. Kill the Flying Shardu pack and get the Twin Shot. Drop down and kill the next Raktura. Get the key to reveal a staircase of short platforms. Take out the Webstamite as you go down the slope. Carefully ride the platfom over the lava as you avoid or kill the Killer Harnases. You can, however, use them as leverage to reach the 1-up. Get rid of the enemies and thorns here and swing across the lava on the vine. You should get the Bigshot. Kill the pack of Shartoesies and Timagons. Stomp on the Geeshergam for leverage to reach the next swinging vine easier. Get the next Bigshot and swing on the next vine. Once you dispatch of the next set of enemies, the Thorpedo will give you a Charge Shot to cut down the thorn spike and Killer Harnas. Proceed to the right to face the boss, Mogulvar. Mogulvar is a little tougher to beat than the first two bosses as he hops all over the place and burps out letters that ironically spell BURP. You can shoot them to avoid being killed which I suggest since the angle of the letters are tricky. Mogulvar falls in 40 shots as well. *********** * Stage 4 * *********** Ice Palace Time: 300 From fire into ice, TOKI's mission takes him into the forbidden reaches of the Ice Palace. After swimming the underwater passageway, he must emerge to fight the frozen monster, ZARZAMOTH. Stomp the Herbamo and before you start using the ice platforms, let the Thorpedo come to you and kill it for a Flameshot. Ignore the Big Shot as you hop through the falling ice platforms quickly. Kill the Herbamo and Geeshergams and start to work your way up. Get rid of the Mini Flying Shardu pack and head to the top. Get rid of the Herbamos and a Pengfin that will spawn a pair of shoes. Kill any enemy you see including the Blastums coming from the left. The next Pengfin will give you a Helmet. Use it to move through a big piece of the level safely. The Pengfin after that gives you a Big Shot. Get on the falling ice platform and to get the helmet, leap to the right as you are falling. The Herbamo won't give you any leverage to get it. It will give you a key to proceed. You will be in the water with Soushanus and Gabranhas. As you go right. Kill the Vipus to move onto the next section behind it. The next Vipus can be avoided but I saw kill it to get the Big Shot it leaves behind. Ignore the Cupper and swim out the water. Kill the Mini Flying Shardu pack and go right to face Zarzamoth. This ice covered Mammoth is no match for your Bigshot. Normally it takes 50 hits to beat it but with the Big Shot the 2nd Vipus left you, it goes down in no time flat as it will only have time to hop back and forth. *********** * Stage 5 * *********** Dark Jungle Time: 340 The clashing of thunder leads TOKI to the dense canopy of the Dark Jungle. Fighting his way through the tangle vines, TOKI face a deadly contest against an old enemy, the pounching BASHTER, If he wins, MIHO won't be far. Move right and kill the Bungataras for bonus points. Kill the Creepavore next as it real tricky to kill as it lashes its tounge out and shoots 3 projectiles that are from its tail. Take out the thorn spikes next. You can use the Killer Harnas as leverage to reach the Twin Shot but get rid of the Wobalin first. When you cross the bridge, watch out for the Catecormos that spawn. They are tricky to avoid and kill for that matter. Next kill the Ivor and then wait for the seed to hit the floor on the other side of the spikes and kill the tree enemy called Katyerows. Avoid the seeds it tosses and kill it before jumping over the spikes. It's a little risky but you can use the Webstamite for leverage to reach the helmet but don't get yourself killed over it. The Creepavore will surely pose a bigger threat trying to get it. Hop more spikes and kill the Creepavore and the Bungataras as well as the thorn spikes. Move slowly as a Catercormos will pop out of nowhere and kill you if you are not careful. Swing across the vine but wait for Shartoesi pack to pass by once before you jump off. Kill as many of them on their next pass then use the Kalgatrobe to reach the Flameshot. Be wary of the Wobalin nearby. Rid yourself of all enemies in your path and get the shoes. Let the weight spring you up and you may be thinking of using the Killer Harnas for leverage to reach the 1-up but the shoes will do the job for you. Get rid of the Garnidare and climb the vine but beware of the tricky Catecormos that'll ambush you as you climb up. If it does kill you then you will start at that checkpoint where it came from and you can climb up the vine as normal. Work your way to the top. There is an enemy not in the enemy list at the end of the game that looks like a rolling worm that scales the surface. Go past it when safe. At the top, go right and carefully make your way past three rising and falling platforms. Get the Bigshot and head right to face Miho's kidnapper, Bashtar. Get up close and let off as many shots as you can as Bashtar approaches. He will go down normally in 60 shots but faster with the Bigshot. Shoot at his feet to make him back up. As you shoot him, sometimes, he will use his hand to block all your shots at its heart momentarily. If you don't beat him fast enough, one of his hands will move towards you and its hard to avoid so it is important to beat Bashtar as fast as possible. *********** * Stage 6 * *********** Golden Palace Time: 300 TOKI's final quest takes him to the place of MIHO's imprisonment, the Golden Palace. Skating across the bridges of the guarded domain, TOKI must battle his greatest foe, VOOKIMEDLO. Everything hangs in the balance. Shoot the Armorel Kemin and avoid the flame arcs it throws at you. Carefully get past the spike columns that rise and fall as they try to crush you from above. Flying Shardu and Herbamos will appear as you go. Kill the Geeshergam and wait at the dead end for the Bellzadors to fly above you so you can kill all of them from that stand point. Jump to the ledge when the flame burst recedes. Get past the spike column and walk off the ledge and duck. Shoot the Amorel Kemin easily from this position. Walk up the slope avoiding the flame bursts and kill the Galartor. Walk forward and duck. Kill the Amorel Kemins as they fall of the ledge. Ride the "rollercoasters" and grab the Twin Shot. Be sure to get the Helmet too because the moment the ride is over, you will sail into the Amorel Kemins and you are dead meat when you do without the helmet. Get ready for another rollercoaster ride. Get this helmet too and the Flameshot as this will end in death without the helmet as well. Go right to fight the final boss. Use the Flameshot to destroy the robe as you avoid the rainbow teeth that the boss Vookimeldo will spit. When the robe is gone, the fight gets serious. Stay to the ride to avoid the bombs and be ready to avoid its long neck. Shoot at the heart until it dies. It is best to fight this battle from afar. YOUR QUEST IS OVER. The evil forces have been conquered. TOKI, the warrior, embraces his lover, MIHO, in joy. Your quest has ended for now. But, can you repeat your glory? Find out by inserting one coin to begin again. o---------------------o CREDITS o---------------------o TAD Corporation for making this game. GameFAQs and other sites for hosting this FAQ. You for reading. o---------------------o CONTACT ME o---------------------o azulfria[at]hotmail[dot]com [at] = @ and [dot] = . Don't want any email bots. Thank you for reading -Ice Queen Zero