* 1080° Snowboarding FAQ * Author: Jdude84 E-Mail: Jdude84@Hotmail.com Version: 3.0 = = = = = = = = Version Updates = = = = = = = = 1.0 First version of this FAQ, more updates to follow. 2.0 July 31st, 1999 - Added Tips And Tricks, Basic Controls. 2.1 August 18, 1999 - Added two new sections. 3.0 September 15th, 1999 - Final Update, One new section. -------- Contents -------- 1. Introduction 2. Gameshark Codes 3. Secrets 4. Tips And Tricks 5. Basic Controls 6. Game Data 7. Stunts 8. Review 9. Credits 10. Legal Stuff 11. The End =============== 1. Introduction =============== Hello and welcome to yet another one of my FAQs, i hope you enjoy this FAQ, and that it helps you by some chance(like you need any help at this date!). I also have included all the secrets to this awesome game so the experts can get a little out of this FAQ, enjoy! ================== 2. Gameshark Codes ================== Here are a few gameshark codes for you to use, if you know of any more please let me know, thanks. Infinite Lives: 8026b1cb0003 Enable All Levels: 8125508800ff Match Levels Completed: 8025508a0005 ========== 3. Secrets ========== -Penguin Board- To access the Penguin Board you need to complete all the tricks from the trick list in training mode. To do this you can either do it the hard and legitimate way, or you can cheat, like i did! To clear the hard tricks, such as a 1080, you can cheat, err, i mean use another method. Here is how it works, first do a simple move just as a Lien Air, then while in the air hit C-Right to bring up the trick menu, highligt the hardest trick for you that you haven't yet completed, then hit A, if you land, and don't fall, it will count as the trick you selected! Once you've done this go and select any mode you want and pick your rider. Now when selecting your board hit C-Right and hold it when you have the Tahoe 155 selected, now press A, you will now be riding the penguin board which crashes less, and has much better control! -Ice Man- Beat match race on expert mode with any rider and any board, and then select Akari Hayami, Press C-Left and hold, then press A, your character will now be the Ice Man! He is pretty fast but he is made of ice so as you may have guessed he gets damaged really easily. This is one racer for the expert players! -Gold Boarder- To get him you must be an expert, why is that you say? because you must beat the match race mode on expert again, THIS time with Ice Man! Extremly difficult, but possible! Once you've won, select Kesuke Kimachi, and press and hold C-Up, you will now be the gold boarder! he is extremly fast and is extremly strong! Pair the Gold Boarder with the Penguin Board and you are nearly unbeatable! -Panda Man- Talk about hard, to access Panda Man you must Beat the Match race on expert mode with the gold boarder, get 1rst,2nd, and 3rd on the contest mode, AND Beat all the records on time attack, and trick attack! Once you've done ALL of this, which takes a while, highlight Rob Haywood, press and hold C-Right, then press A, you will now finally be racing Panda Man! he is not very fast but he is great at stunts and has a few special stunts of his own that only he can do, they are: Back Flip(Down+R) Front Flip(Up+R) Panda Tweak(Same as 540, but with a tweak at the end, just try it!) One-Foot(Down+B) ================== 4. Tips And Tricks ================== 180° Backflip without the Panda Boarder Choose Dragon Cave, then take the normal route with no shortcuts and go right off the cliff in the middle of the fence and the finger sign. Pull back on your joystick. As soon as you are upside down, push it to the right-forward position. It takes time to get this right. NOTE: You can go higher off the cliff and make an easier landing by pressing A immediately before you jump. Submitted by Andy Kaiser (thomasdevoe@hotmail.com) Big Air on Crystal Lake In the beginning of this level turn sharp right and jump on the high platform continue on it and jump off at the end you should get some big air. Then after the second jump turn sharp left and jump on the high platform at the end of the platform jump off and you should get some big air. Then continue the course until you get to the second house and jump on it into the shortcut. Then instead of going through the shortcut jump on the left of the shortcut and at the end of that path you should get some really big air. Submitted by Mr.198 Bonus Courses In Match race, beat the six courses on expert mode. This will unlock the Deadly Fall course. In Match race, beat the five courses on hard mode. This will unlock the Dragon Cave course. Submitted by Keith Suarino Change Title Camera At the title screen press C-Up. You can now move the camera around. Submitted by SnowboarderJF (Sailmaster@msn.com) Choose your Opponent When the race begins, press START immediately and choose RESTART. Keep doing this until your desired opponent appears. Submitted by Stephen Nycek (nycek@mwr.kic.or.jp) Different Grind on Rail In the level Dragon Cave, there is a rail at the end. If you are riding regular, you can 50-50, Frontside Boardslide, and Backside tailslide. When you're riding Goofy, you can 50-50, Backside Boardslide, and Frontside tailslide. Not only does this look great on replay, it's so realistic, it is almost like watching someone on a snowboard video. Submitted by Burton Boy (whitesel@earthlink.net) Easy Landings Here's a trick that will help you nail every landing. In the air, line your board up with the groung, maybe leaning back a little bit and right before you hit the ground, press Z. If you did it right your legs will come up right before you hit the ground and you'll have a MUCH smoother landing. Submitted by Rob Schwerdt (AbsoluteVodka@Angelfire.com) Extra Points on the Halfpipe At the start of the halfpipe, immediately turn to the left or right. Proceed until you are near the wall, then make a turn towards the pipe. If your in the correct position, you will move up a small invisible ramp and it will boost you high into the air. You can land tons of tricks during this trick. When you get to the shorter hill before the finish, use your jump button and try a big combo. Don't worry about landing because when you cross the line you'll land automaticly. This will allow you to get extra points at the end. Submitted by Chris Overcash (aovercash@snet.net) and Logan Niehaus (coco9@hotmail.com) Extra Time on Dragon Cave Trick Attack In dragon cave, go into the tunnel (after the bridge, take a left and another left.) After the first time bar, turn out of the tunnel to the right. go through the powder and through another time bar in the middle of the course. You will have 45 or 50 sec. When you go through a time bar by the big rocks that you can jump off of, you will go through another time bar and have about 70 sec. You will end the course with about 50 sec. left, and that will give you a time bonus equal to a 1080! Submitted by Real-life Snowboarder Fast Recovery From Wreck After you crash, tap UP for a slight speed boost. Submitted by Nic Arranty (NicArranty@aol.com) Flip Tricks without Panda Boarder Endo-Roll: Go off a big jump, then press forward (without pressing B) then once you get upside down, press right or left. HardFlip: When going off a big jump, press diagonal right-up, or diagonal left- up, and you'll do a HardFlip. Submitted by sk8 King (whitesel@earthlink.net) Freefall There is a glitch in the game when you go down Crystal Lake. Select any boarder and any board (make sure your boarder has good jump though.) After passing the first two jumps there should be a fence with a hot air ballon behind it. Hit the drift and jump. You should clear the fence and fall down. You will se a distant ground shifting and turning all wierd. You will freefall for about one minute before it returns you back up to the top. It's pretty cool but it kills you. Submitted by Chris Kirkham Kiosk Mode Turn on your N64 with 1080 in it WITHOUT a controller plugged in. While the demos are going on and the "No Controller" is blinking at the bottom of the page, plug in a controller. NOTHING on the controller will work EXCEPT the view buttons (ex: C-Down, C-Up, D-Pad up, D-Pad Down) You can play with the views, but you can't start the game. Submitted by samiyam12@iol13.com Quick Start Normally when starting a race in 1080°, you will start out slow. During the countdown right before you start (3-2-1), wait until the 1 disappears and press Up on the Control Stick. This will cause you to lunge forward and give you a much faster start. It may take a bit of practice though to get your timing perfect. Submitted by EthanHunnt@aol.com Rappin Replay During the View Replay option for the Half Pipe mode, you can add record scratching. To do this, move the control stick in any direction during the Half Pipe Replay. NOTE: This cheat only works in the Half Pipe mode replay. Submitted by Blake Lucas (dlucas@rica.net) Ring of Fire First get to the dragon cave level. Next follow the coarse normally until you pass the first bridge. There should be a fork in the trail, turn right. After that there should be another fork in the trail, turn left this time {make sure not to fall off the edge!!} Go straight ahead and there should be a ring of fire and an awsome jump for some great tricks. Submitted by Aaron LaFountaine (joebobian@hotmail.com) Secret Cave in the Dragon Cave If you are a skilled boarder but cannot beat this race, I'd suggest this trick for you. You cannot use the jump off the cliff trick here to do this one. Just follow the course down the mountain and go across the bridge. If you are very careful and you stay on the edge of the cliff, go to the left when you get off of the bridge. Whenever you have a chance to turn left, do it. Sooner or later, if you did it right, you will see a ledge that ends. Across from the ledge there is a hole. Jump into it and cruise. This will make a big gap between your opponent and you even if you are in expert mode. Submitted by David Pierce (jedimaster57@hotmail.com) Shortcuts CRYSTAL LAKE - Right after the big jump, you will see a house with a ramp beside it straight ahead. Go off the course and hit the ramp, and you will find a shorter route than the normal one. CRYSTAL PEAK - Right after coming out of the tunnel, you will turn right. You will then see two different pathes. Hit the right one. Be sure that after coming out of the tunnel you make the right turn pretty sharp, or you may not be able to turn in time to hit the right path. The right path is much shorter and you will bypass some tough obstacles. DEADLY FALLS - At the start go straight you'll notice little mounds to the left and a fork the computer goes right when the mountain pertrudes on go left you'll see a mound ramping up hit it, it will thin out to a peak ride to the point and you'll fly up on to the mountain then theres another little mound on that go left around it and cut back sharply then aim forward you should go on to an ice bridge(a bit tricky to find)then follow it until your back on the main hill when you get back down you should see a mound in front of you with a hole in it but don't take it just turn straight down and go your usual way through the outcrops of trees. DRAGON CAVE - If you're a little behind near the end and are willing to take a risk, drive straight through the little shack and ride the thin cable to a small lead, but be careful; if you land poorly it will most likely cost you the race. GOLDEN FOREST - When you reach the fork with trees and powder in the middle, go in the powder. After a while you will see a large log going in the air. Ride up it to get to a further part of the track. MOUNTAIN VILLAGE - Inside the cave may seem like a maze, but stick to the right side and you will find your way through much easier. Submitted by Ethan Hunnt, Mitchell Duncan and Alex Krochik Substitute Tricks This code will allow you to do one trick and make it count as another trick (like doing an Indy and making it count for a 1080.) This trick only works in training mode. What you have to do is pick an easy trick while you're in the half pipe and do it, then you have to hit the right C button to go into the trick menu before you hit the ground. While you are in the trick menu pick a hard trick you can't do like the 1080 and push the A button. If you did everything right you will hear a ding sound when you land and when you go back into the trick menu the hard trick will be red. You can use this trick to get the penguine board. Submitted by 1080 Master Warp up to the Bridge On Dragon caves, select time trials, then, go down the normal short cut way(aka down the mountain, or big air). Then the first big rock you see, you need to jump on top of it. You will fall into nothingness for about 5 seconds and mysteriously end up on the bridge! Submitted by Chris Gurry Watch Your Ghost To watch your ghost without racing it, make a ghost in trick attack and then return to the start screen. When Kensuke Kimachi is done going down Crystal Lake, your ghost will appear on the track. Submitted by PRooney@Rocketmail.com ================= 5. Basic Controls ================= Note: This does not include the stunts, the stunts have totally different controls and will be in a other section. Start: Pause L: Nothing R: Spin 180 degrees on the ground. D-Pad: Nothing C-Up: Change View C-Right: Nothing C-Down: Reverse View C-Left: Nothing A: Jump B: Nothing Z: Tuck(Speed Up) Control Stick Left\Right: Move in that direction Control Stick Down: Slow Down ============ 6. Game Data ============ Platform: N64 Developer: Nintendo Genre: Racing Players: 1-2 Rating: KA Rumble Pack Compatible ========= 7. Stunts ========= Grabs B: Melancholy\Lien Air Right+B: Indy\Tweak Up+B: Nose Grab Down+B: Tail Grab Left+B: Shifty\Method Up-Left+B: Stiffy Up-Right+B: Mute Grab Down-Left+B: Indy Nosebone Down-Right+B: Stalefish Spins R+Left: 180 R(rotate control stick): 360 R+Left - R(rotate control stick): 540 R(rotate control stick) - R+B(rotate control stick): 720 R(rotate control stick) - R+B(rotate control stick) - R+B+Left: 900 R(rotate control stick) - R+B(rotate control stick) - R+B+Z+Left: 1080 ========= 8. Review ========= This game rocks, it was the first of it's kind and there is no other game like it today! 1080 Snowboarding is not like your average racing game where the first one to the line wins. Oh no, there is much more than that. With 5 modes of gameplay this game will keep you playing for years to come! Graphics - 10 For a racing game, the graphics for 1080 were MUCH better than I expected. The courses are clear, sharp, and detailed. Especially the course 'Mountain Village' the snowfall is pretty realistic! The trees in 'Golden Forest' aren't to shabby either. The graphics on this game are extremly good, even though you'll be too busy executing 1080's to notice them! Sound\Sound FX - 6.5 Well, this is the games one minor flaw, the sound FX are virtually non-existant. The Background Music isn't all that bad, but it's not exactly catchy. It's not that big of deal though, just pop in your favorite CD while playing if your concerned about sound. Control - 10 The control in the game scores a 10 with ease, the controls are responsive, easy to learn, and unique. Executing the tricks is generally easy, however the 1080's are pretty hard to pull off, and you may find yourself physically bending the control stick to get that extra 'touch' while executing spins. Gameplay - 10 This is where 1080 really excels, the gameplay is PERFECT. There are 5 mode of play - trick attack, time attack, contest, match race, and of course - 2 player. Contest mode is one-of-a-kind, you must make it to the finish line as fast as you can, while still passing through the gates, AND executing tricks to accumulate your score. 1080 is the only game to feature a mode like this, and there should be more. Match Race is the 'main game' you could say, in which you race against a computer player to open up new levels, and new racers. There are a total of 6 courses, but they are all long-lasting. 2 player mode is like any other game, you race against each other to the end and the first one there wins, simple as that, but very fun and long-lasting! Time Attack is also like any other time attack, forget doing tricks, just speed through the course as fast as you can, and don't crash. Not the most fun aspect of the game, but still fun - for a while. And last but not least is Trick Attack, possibly the most popular mode in the game, you style through all 6 courses passing through time gates and pulling off some sweet grab moves and spins. You will find yourself playing this mode 5 hours at a time. It is extremly fun, replayable, and addicting. Also there is 'training' where you can earn a secret board by executing every trick in the game during a sinlge run, after you get the board, there isn't much point to this. Replay Value\Fun Factor - 10 As you can see from all the modes of play, this game has excellent replay value. I've owned this game for 2 years and still play it every day! Overall - 10 If i could give this game an 11 i would, it's that good! If you don't own it, buy it today!!! ========== 9. Credits ========== InterAct Accessories - I Copied The GameShark Codes From Their Page. Visit Their Site At http://iaweb.starix.net/ Gamesages.com - Copied Tips And Tricks from their site. Me - I Wrote This FAQ! ============== 10. Legal Stuff ============== You may not reproduce this faq in any way, shape, or form. Reproduction of this FAQ without my consent is prohibited, this document is copyright 1999, all rights reserved. Right now the only site you can find this FAQ at is at http://www.gamefaqs.com if you find this FAQ anywhere else please contact me immediatly with the URL of the page you found this FAQ. ========== 11. The End ========== Well that's all for now, i hope you have enjoyed this FAQ. Why don't you go and visit some of the other FAQs i have written? you can find them all at http://www.gamefaqs.com ©1999 Jdude84