++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Aidyn Chronicles 64 - The First Mage A FAQ/Walk-through by LoneSoldier Version 1.27 (last update 08-18-02) E-mail: lonesoldier1@lycos.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Table of Contents: 1. Introduction/Dedication 2. Preliminary FAQ 3. Directions from City to City 4. Quick Walk-throughs A. Shamsuk's Tower B. The Barrow 5. The Shops 6. Items Lists Etc. A. Spells B. Potions C. Weapons D. Armor E. Shields F. Wands G. Scrolls H. Everything Else 7. Enemies 8. Characters (friends) 9. Portals 10. Leveling-up A. Skills, AFTER battle B. Spells, AFTER battle C. Skills, At Merchant/trainer D. Spells, At Merchant/trainer E. Training Gold Costs (Spells & Skills) F. Player Stats. G. Player Level 11. Legal 12. Credits 13. Version History 14. The Last Word. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Introduction/Dedication Hi! Welcome to my first ever (published) FAQ. This FAQ is for the latest RPG for the Nintendo 64: Aidyn Chronicles - The First Mage. This FAQ/walk-through is dedicated to all of the players out there that just need a little more help with this game. One more thing... ...if you want to ask me a question there are two ways to reach me... ...E-mail (please put the word "Aidyn" in the subject line) or create a topic like "Hey LoneSoldier" on GameFAQs (Aidyn Chronicles message board)... ...just remember I do NOT go on-line every day, so you might not get an answer right away. ...if you want to send me some info for this FAQ via e-mail please put "Aidyn Info" in the subject line & make sure to tell me what name to use in the credits section. (I might not respond to you though) One last thing... ...if you act like a jerk I will NOT give you a credit line in this FAQ and if you had a previous credit line I WILL delete it; NO EXCEPTIONS! Now let's get down to business.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2. Preliminary FAQ (or questions I'm tired of answering...) Q. What kind of Walk-through is this anyway???????? A. Like it says in brackets in section 3 it's a "half-ass" walk-through Q. So what the h*** is a "half-ass" walk-through? A. A stripped down bare-bones guide to a game that tells you how to get to where you need to be but doesn't hold your hand & take you through the whole game step by step. Q. I followed your directions to (insert city name) but I got killed by a (insert enemy name) why didn't you warn me? A. The directions given in part 3 of this FAQ simply show you one possible route to take you from one place to another. I am not going to list EVERY enemy encounter that you MIGHT run into. (see next Q.) Q. Why didn't you list the encounter with (enemy name) in your directions to (city name)? A. 1. I'm a jerk who thinks it's funny to surprise people.(kidding ;-) 2. Most enemy encounters are somewhat randomized; the group you fight can change size depending on whether or not you sneak up to them/ they attack you from behind, time of day, etc. ... 3. I can only show you the way, you have to take the time to build up your own party so that they are strong enough to survive. Q. Why doesn't this FAQ include a FULL walk-through for the game. A. Sorry, but that would be far to large of a project to undertake; there are too many pathways to properly document in a text-only document. (That, and you might not like the way that I played through the game) Q. I can't find (item name) listed in your FAQ! How am I supposed to know what it is for? A. 1. If I missed something, let me know and I'll correct it in the next version update (I'll even give you credit for it IF you are nice about it ;-) (*just be sure & tell me how to get it) 2. Go to the INVENTORY screen, highlight the name of the item, and press C-Down on the controller to see the in-game description. Q. The manual says that the Merchant skill lets you know if you are getting a good deal or not, but it isn't working; why? A. When you are buying an item, press C-up while the item is highlighted & then you will see if it is a good deal or not. Q. Where can I get Life Gems? A. You can't get what doesn't exist. (see next Q.) Q. What do you mean Life Gems don't exist; the web-site says you can get them! A. I sent an e-mail to THQ & H2O and they responded by saying that the Life Gems were removed from the game at the last minute due to a "fatal" error (instead of saving a character's life, they would randomly kill a member of your party while walking around in the game) They also apologized for not updating the web-site. (next Q.) Q. How do I resurrect a dead party member (if Life Gems don't exist)? A. You don't. once they die, they're dead! Have a moment of silence, say a few nice words about them & get someone to replace them. *you can "cheat death" during combat if you know the spell though... Q. What does a Sapphire Gem do? A. Nothing, but you could sell it if you're short on gold. (Some gamers [including myself] think that this is all that remains of the Life Gems) Q. Someone told me about a Chaos Staff, but it isn't listed in your Weapons List, where can I get one??? A. Good question, I've never been able to find this item. Prima listed it in there guide, but they haven't answered my E-mails asking where it is. (personally I don't think it exists) Q. OK, so how do I use the Lighthouse Scroll? It says you need a Wizard rank of 11; but 10 is the max I can get. A. 1. It only says that you need Wizard rank 11 because you CAN'T learn this spell. Just press "A" next to the unlit lamp and you will automatically use the scroll. (provided that you have it ;-) (see next section for directions) 2. Actually in MY game it says you need a Wizard skill of 0! (so I don't really know why people ask this Q) Q. Who should I take with me when I'm forming my first party? A. I really don't care who YOU take; But I usually take Abrecan, Rheda & Brenna. (It really depends on your playing style) Q. Help! The enemy is beating the crap out of me! what can I do? A. 1.Try increasing the following: Dexterity; gives more turns, improves chance of dodging/hitting Strength; lets you dish out more damage Endurance/Stamina; lets you take more damage Warrior Skill; improves ability with ALL weapons & enables critical hits. 2.RUN AWAY! Q. I tried to open a trapped chest & it exploded! will it re-generate? What happened to the item that was inside? A. Nope, sorry but once it goes boom! the chest (& whatever was inside) is gone for good. * SAVE your game before opening a trapped chest, at least that way if it does explode, you can re-load & try again. Q. Pandara doesn't like my song & I'm out of XP, so I can't raise my Troubadour Skill any higher! Now what???? A. People really hate the answer to this one... ...the song that Alaron sings is RANDOM! It doesn't matter what level Troubadour skill you have, just keep talking to her until Alaron says the right poem. (my best is on the first try, my worst is 37 tries;-) Q. Why do I STILL have Cradawgh's body in my inventory after I talk to Ardra? A. You have to BURY HIM!!! (go to the mansion in South-West Talewok, you'll see a cutscene with Sheridan, then another cutscene of the funeral will play) **unless, of course you like having dead bodies just lying around** Q. Where can I learn the "Wall of Bones" spell? A. See Section 3 of this FAQ under the directions from Talewok to Terminor for directions to a scroll for this spell. Q. I give up! What's the answer to the riddle of the desert gate? A. If Pandara gave you her amulet you can ask her for help. (if not see next Q.) Q. I don't have Pandara's Amulet! What is the proper answer the riddle? A. 1."Then say your riddle." 2."I need some time to think, Great Jundar spirit..." 3."There is one gift that's yours and yours alone." 4."Something else..." 5."I know my greatest gift." Q. How do I make armor & shields from Hides? A. Select your Mechanic Skill, then pick which armor/shield you want to make. (just make sure you have what you need to make it with) Q. Why didn't you list what the shops charge for what they sell? A. Simple, as you increase your Merchant Skill, they charge you less gold for the product. Q. What is the maximum level I can raise my character's stats to? A. Intelligence = 30 Willpower = 30 Dexterity = 30 Endurance = 40 Strength = 30 Stamina = 90 All Skills = 10 All Spells = 10 *NOTE* some items can raise certain stats above the maximum level (see section 9 for leveling-up costs/requirements) Q. I can't get inside Shamsuk's Tower! My Thief skill is X but the door will not open; why? A. Try all you want, the door can't be opened! (don't worry) To get into the tower, walk around to the scaffolding on its Eastern side & press the 'A-button' to climb to the top of the tower. (this is the only way inside!) (see next Q.) Q. I still can't get into Shamsuk's Tower! HELP!!!!!!!!!!! A. You need to have (or have had) Niesen in your party to gain entrance to Shamsuk's Tower. (next Q.) Q. How do I get out of Shamsuk's tower? A. Out? why would you want to leave early? Once you enter the tower, the ladder to the roof vanishes (maybe it fell down?) you can't leave until you find the portal in the last room of the tower. (but you can camp on the top floor) Q. I E-mailed you some info. for this FAQ; Why haven't you updated the file yet???? (see next Q.) A. I don't like to send in an update that only changes/adds ONE thing. (I'll update this FAQ when I feel like it ;-) Q. I E-mailed you some info. but you didn't respond, Why not??? A. One of two things; either I haven't checked my mail yet, or I didn't think a response was necessary. (or you sent it to the wrong e-mail address by mistake) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3. Directions From City to City (The Half-ass walk-through) (I love to tell people where to go & how to get there! ;-) Oriana's House to Castle Gwernia If you just woke up in her house then it's easy. Follow the glowing balls of light until you get to the path & then just follow the path to the stone bridge. Cross the bridge & you are in the city of Gwernia. The castle is on the North side of town across another bridge. If you didn't just wake up, then there aren't any glowing balls of light to follow. From her house, take the East passage (there are 6 ways out of this clearing: South-West, West, North-West, North, North-East & East) the East passage is dirt floored. Keep heading East until you get to a grassy area with a raised section along the East side, then head South-west. Continue heading South-West through the next open area. After going through the clearing take the next passage heading east (if you find the portal you've gone too far South) Keep going East until you come to the path (it will take you the rest of the way) Gwernia to Erromon Path one: Backtrack to Oriana's House; Leave her clearing via the South-West passage, follow that passage until you see a road (it runs from the South heading North, then curves Westward) take the road north (the South has more powerful enemies on it) and follow it as it winds it's way Westward. When you come to the crossroads take the North branch & follow that into Erromon. Path two: (harder enemies) Go to the beach due south of Gwernia, you will find a narrow passage heading uphill to the South-West. Follow along the raised area to the West until you get into the forest. Then head South; after a short distance you must turn West, do so and continue West through the clearing until you find a road (it's just behind two large mounds of dirt) Follow that road west across the river. When you reach the crossroads you have a choice: North is easier, West is harder. (if you go West, then you have to go North-West at the next crossroads) either way follow the road until you reach ANOTHER intersection & take the north branch to reach Erromon. Erromon to Kitarak's Tent (Shortest path) From the Palace of King Txomin, head north along the river, FOLLOW the river as it turns North-West (keep the water to your left) When you reach what appears to be the end of the river (it's not) there are two paths (the left one has a cave bear on it & on the right one the road disappears under the snow) The two passages meet after a short distance (the road reappears as well) Follow the road North-West until you get to 3 trees (the Ogre won't fight unless you talk to him); then look for a narrow passage going uphill to the West. Follow that passage to the bridge, cross the bridge & immediately turn right (South-East). That path will curve around the mountain to the North-West (stick to the right side) eventually you should end up at the top of another hill beside a tent. Go counter-clockwise around this tent. Stop when you get to the door on it's north side. Kitarak's tent is just up the next hill (north) & you can see it to the North-West (it's got torches around it) *Quick Hint* You have to talk to Kitarak to start the fight, but if you walk behind him, you can open his chest first to get the Acid Wand! Erromon to Talewok From the Inn (Erromon), take the road south out of town & follow it back to the crossroads where you met the paranoid traveler. Take the South branch (follow the sign). Follow the road until you come to the next crossroads. Again, take the South branch. Follow that LONG road until you reach Talewok. *Quick Hint*(If you see the Spirit tell him to get away from you) Talewok to Wizard's School You shouldn't need this but... Go back to the Knight's roll in Talewok, then head west; When you come to the dirt path, Follow it to the school. Wizard's School to Dryad Forest Leave the school & walk behind it (a cutscene will play) then head North-West (You'll know when you've arrived when you come to a Dryad). **Quick tip** The group of wolves/ spirit wolves regenerates! (aidynmaster says it's a good place to level-up) Talewok to Port Saiid Leave Talewok via the Southern entrance (just West of the inn). Follow the road to the crossroads & take the West branch. After quite a while you will cross a bridge; keep going along the road to the next crossroads. This time take the South-East branch which will take you to... ...Port Saiid! Port Saiid to Lighthouse Scroll When you first enter Port Saiid; the first building you come to (along the stone path) is a shop. Look around (north of the shop) to find a narrow passage behind some bushes that leads down to the beach.) There is a cave that opens onto that beach. The scroll is somewhere in the cave. (walk towards the light ) (happy hunting! you can also find Shamsuk's Amulet in there.) Port Saiid to Lighthouse Leave Port Saiid (North) & go along the path to the first crossroads. Take the unmarked path (South-West) & follow it all the way up to the lighthouse (it will change from dirt to stone). (*Note* about half way up the path splits & then joins back up again, it doesn't matter which branch you take) Port Saiid to Chaos Island After lighting the lighthouse (no pun intended) return to Port Saiid & talk to Captain Amann (he's on the dock) to set sail. **Quick Tip** If Amann tells you to come back before the next tide, just walk past him along the dock (towards the ship) to set sail. Chaos Island to Cradawgh's Island To leave Chaos Island you have to enter the temple & then make it back (alive) to where you landed. (sounds simple doesn't it? ;-) (Kill a Marquis, get a scroll of teleportation, play with some portals & get completely turned around... ...lots of fun!) Cradawgh's Island (Namer's Isle) to Port Saiid Once you've found Cradawgh, return to where you first arrived on his island & Amann will take you back to Port Saiid. Port Saiid to Talewok (Just back-track, see "Talewok to Port Saiid" for details) Talewok to Terminor Leave Talewok via the Southern bridge and follow the road to the crossroads. Take the South branch and follow that road until it ends abruptly at the edge of Darkling Bog. (That paranoid idiot is here) [if you want a Wall of Bones Scroll... ..stop at the end of the path, face due North then turn the camera SLOWLY to the left (West) until you see the closest raised section of land. On top of this hill is a chest. (the scroll is inside)] If you follow the idiot's directions this time you WILL get lost. Instead head West until you reach the cliffs, then head SOUTH along the coast until you reach a stone bridge. Cross the bridge & continue South along the coast until you come to another road. Follow that road to Terminor. Terminor to Shamsuk's Tower From Terminor: Leave through front gate, follow the stone path, when it meets the dirt path head north, follow dirt path to the stone bridge, then take a sharp right (south-east) & follow the river until you see a flat grassy hill to the northeast & the river chasm stops. Walk northeast around the flat hill until you come to a Zombie standing in some sand, (talk to it & then kill it to get the Wizard's Wand) after killing the Zombies go through the narrow passageway to the north. Follow it until you see the dark green grass of the Darkling bog. Head southeast, keeping to the flat part of the swampland. Continue southeast for quite a while until you come to a broad flat clearing in the swamp with a few murky streams & several weeping willows. There is a large hill with a flat top in the distance. Approach the hill & circle around it to find the Tower of Shamsuk the Necromancer. (see next section for walk-through) Elisheva's Tomb (side quest) The tomb lies in the Darkling Bog to the North-West of Shamsuk's Tower. (That all the help you get from me though) Shamsuk's Tower to Terminor (again; Just back-track) Head west until you reach the cliffs, then head south along the coast to the bridge... Terminor to The Jundar Gate Leave Terminor through the front gate & follow the coast South-East until you come to a deep river chasm. Cross the bridge to the East (It's guarded by TROLLS ) Kill the trolls and continue going South-East. Eventually (long walk isn't it!) the scenery will change to that of a desert. Keep heading South until you come to a magical blue barrier: The Jundar Gate. Jundar Gate to Ugarit Once you get through the gate (wasn't that fun?) head South-East across the desert. You should cross a long land-bridge, after which you will see an enormous black & purple structure. This is Ugarit. Run towards it and enter through the front gate (the black pulsating doorway) Ugarit to Maxxen (via Fyrsil the hermit) From the main gate of Ugarit, head North-West until you come to the skeleton of a large beast, then head North (slightly North-West) until you come to a gap in the Northern rock wall. The gap opens into a downward passage. Follow this passage down & around to the South-West until you get to the bottom. Head basically South from here but take the first right (west) available. After the first fork head South again but stay to the East side (Fyrsil is sitting on a ledge a short distance away) [When you're finished talking to him he will train you (see sect.4)] After training with Fyrsil, continue South-West until you come to a deep pit with a narrow path going down. Follow that path to the bottom of the pit & there should be a locked door (Min. Thief=8). This is the entrance to Maxxen: Lodin's Tomb. Maxxen to The Barrow Backtrack to the skeleton of the large beast in the desert. From the skeleton head due west until you come to a land bridge heading north. Cross the bridge & head north through the path between two large hills. Once you pass the hills head due West until you come to a stony rock wall. Follow the wall South & continue following it as it curves to the West. When you see the blackened land with the goblet shaped mesa, head North-West & a cutscene will play as you reach the Barrow. *Quick Tip* The game tells you to do the Barrow at night, but I always complete it during the DAY! (the guardians are lunar-aspected, so they are weaker during daytime) Return to Erromon You have almost finished the game. You should be able to find your own path from this point (You can find all the cities now). Good Luck & Good Hunting! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. Quick Walk-Throughs (I wasn't going to do this, But 22 e-mails changed my mind) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Shamsuk's Tower (quick route, misses some treasure) Once you get to the tower, you will probably notice that you can't open the front door. To enter the tower walk around to it's east side & you will find some scaffolding that you can climb. However, once you enter the tower you can't exit until you've beaten it. (you CAN camp on the top floor though) on the top floor you will find a bag that has the Ethereal Ring in it on one side & a bag that has the Black Key inside on the other (you need this key) Near the key's bag is the ramp down to the next floor (press A to descend) at the bottom of the ramp, go left & follow the checkered path to a white door. Go through the door & the path now appears to be floating. (you can't fall off so don't worry) halfway across this room is an invisible path leading to a secret door on the left wall. go through the secret door, turn left & walk up to the picture with water flowing from it. treat the painting like a door (you might want to save first) in the next room go down the ramp. go ALL the way down the ramp to the WHITE door at the bottom. In the next room follow the checkered carpet to the door with white squares, and go through. Along the right wall of this room is a painting with moving clouds, go through it to get to the bedroom. the wardrobe (closet) has a chest with the Bone Key inside it (you NEED this key). exit the bedroom the same way you came in; go to the end of the hallway (Alaron's right as he exits the bedroom) & go through the door. go down the ramp to the next floor. you are now facing three doors, go through the one in the middle (has flaming skulls above it). Small hallway, two portraits (ignore them) & go through the door at the other end. in the next room take the door at the end of the left wall (opposite the crates). The next room looks kind of like a laboratory, if you look closely at the books on the left wall you can see the handle of a hidden door. through the bookcase is a large circular room, go through the portrait directly across from the door that you just came through. Go down the ramp in the next room. You are now in a hexagonal shaped room, exit through the door opposite the way you came in. You should be in a room with a statue of a woman (the chest has the Helm of Charisma in it) exit this room through the door that the statue is facing. Next room has a statue of a man holding a staff. (chest has Breklor's Firestaff in it) This time exit through the door that the statue's left hand & staff point to. You are now in a corridor; about halfway down on the left is a hidden door; go through it (you might want to save first). Follow the ramp down & take the second door on the right (purple with gold handles). cross the next room & go through another purple door. You are now in the "Bone room maze". Find the Minotaur Lord & take the Blood Key from him (you NEED this key). The exit door is located on the western wall of the maze. Now you are in a warped hallway. go through the floral patterned door at the end of the hall. Next room has a blue zigzag pattern on the floor, go left to the end of the hall & through the door. Go down the ramp & take the first door on the left (purple/gold). You are now looking at a psychedelic doorway (go inside). Now you're in a long, circular hallway with psychedelic walls. find the hidden door along the inside of the circle (it's either got a slight shift in color, a gold handle or some kind of rune on the floor in front of it) that door takes you to a short hall. cross the hall & go through the next door. You are now in another (smaller) circular hallway. find the hidden door along the inside wall of the circle (same as before). Another short hall. If you are still with me you should be in a small circular room with a column of energy in the middle. Stand in the beam of light & press "A" on your controller (it unlocks a hidden door) Make your way back to the outer-most circular hallway & this time find the (poorly) hidden door on the OUTER wall of the circle (north-west corner of the map). In the next room (a cut-scene plays) there is a large hand coming out of the floor; go to it's palm & press "A" on your controller (it's a portal) you are now in the last room of the tower. find the portal (that works) & use it to go to Osin Forest just outside of Oriana's house, Shamsuk is waiting for you there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. The Barrow The Barrow is divided into 3 areas, the surface, the cavern, & the crypt. The surface is covered with large rocks & has several "holes" leading into the other areas. The cavern is a large cave which is accessible through one of the holes on the north side of the barrow mound. The crypt is an underground brick-walled room with some statues in it; which is accessible through the holes on the south side of the barrow mound. In each area there are 7 red "runes" on the ground; beside rocks on the surface, beside stone "boxes" in the cavern & in front of the statues in the crypt. These runes are switches that can only be used in ONE order! (go to the crypt & look from left to right to see what order they go in) To activate the rune-switch, stand on it & press "A" on your controller. To finish this "stage" of the game: 1. Find the first rune on the surface & activate it (the rock will move if done correctly). 2. Find the matching rune in the cavern (the "box" will be open) & activate it to fight the guardian. 3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 for all 7 runes. 4. Go to the crypt & activate the runes from left to right (equip all 7 "gifts" FIRST if you want a surprise) 5. Return to the cavern, find the stairs & take them to the lower level. 6. Kill Lugash. 7. Empty the 3 chests to the south of Lugash's chamber. 8. Walk along the east (right on the map) wall of Lugash's chamber until you find a narrow passage. 9. Follow that passage to the Kynon Horn & you're finished! * If you want to get a Cheat Death Scroll, go to Lugash's area, go north (across the bridge), then look for a chest in the north-east corner (top-right) of the map. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5. The Shops Oriana's House (only BEFORE you form your party & AFTER you meet her) Trains Skills: Healer(4); Stealth(2); Wizard(4); Sword(3); Thrown(2) Trains Spells: Strength(4); Air Shield(4) Gwernia: To get to the shops; cross the bridge into town, follow the path towards the castle, but turn right (up the hill) before you get to the archway of the second bridge. at the top of the hill, shop A is to your left, shop B is straight ahead. Shop A: Sells: Healing Potion, Club, Dagger, Hatchet, Hunter's Bow, Javelin Trains Skills: Alchemist(1), Diplomat(1), Healer(1), Loremaster(1), Mechanic(1), Merchant(3), Ranger(1), Stealth(1), Thief(1), Troubadour (1), Warrior (1), Wizard (1), Hafted (1), Missile (1), Pole (1), Sword (1) Shop B: Sells: Healing Potion, Gemstone, Herb, Spice Trains Skills: Alchemist(1), Diplomat(1), Healer(1), Loremaster(1), Mechanic(5), Merchant(2), Ranger(1), Stealth(1), Thief(1), Troubadour (1), Warrior (1), Wizard (1), Hafted (1), Missile (1), Pole (1), Sword (1), Thrown (1), Shield (1) Erromon: To get to the shops: From the South entrance along the East side of the town; the order of buildings is: Inn, Library, Shop A, Shop B, Shop C, Shop D, Txomin's Palace. Shop E is directly across the bridge (to the south). & Shop F is in the caves under the city. Shop A: Male Sells: Antidote Potion, Dexterity Potion, Fire Flask, Inferno Flask Sleep Gas Flask, Stealth Potion, Strength Potion Trains Skills: Loremaster (6), Merchant (3) Female Sells: Gemstones Trains Skills: Merchant (4) Shop B: Human (Becan) Sells: Fire Flask, Healing Potion, Restore Potion, Battle Axe, Broadsword, Club, Dagger, Gladius, Great Axe, Great Bow, Great Sword, Hatchet, Hunter's Bow, Longbow, Longsword, Poleaxe, Sabre, Short Sword, Throwing Iron Trains Skills: Ranger (4), Stealth (3), Warrior (5), Hafted (5), Missile (3), Shield (3) Male Mirari Sells: Leather Cloaks, Phantom Cloaks Trains Skills: Merchant (3), Stealth (5) Female Mirari Sells: Air Shield Scroll, Remove Poison Scroll, Wind Scroll, Herb Trains Skills: Merchant (2), Wizard (5) Trains Spells: Air Shield (5), Remove Poison (5), Wind (5) Shop C: First Female Sells: Air Shield Scroll, Debilitation Scroll, Dispel Naming Scroll Stupidity Scroll, Bardic Gloves Train Skills: Merchant (2), Troubadour (5) Second Female Sells: Mirari Cloak Trains Skills: Diplomat (4), Merchant (1) Third Female Sells: Curing Potions, Healing Potions, Stamina Potions, Gem of Sensing Trains Skills: Healer (6), Merchant (3) Fourth Female Sells: Hunter's Bow, Short Bow, Throwing Iron, Boots of Adamant, Leather Boots, Woodsman's Boots Trains Skills: Merchant (2), Ranger (6) Shop D: Female Sells: Cloth Armor, Iden Scale, Leather Armor, Scale Armor, Talewok Mail, Bronze Shield, Buckler, Heater Shield, Large Shield, Small Shield, Gemstone Train Skills: Merchant (1), Shield (4) Male Sells: Herb Trains Skills: Loremaster (5), Merchant (1) Shop E: Female Sells: Herb, Spice Trains Skills: Merchant (2), Wizard (4) Male Sells: Cloth Armor, Dragon Armor, Leather Armor Trains Skills: Merchant (2), Shield (3) Shop F: Female Sells: Light Wand, Shield Wand, Acid Bolt Scroll, Darkness Scroll Sense Aura Scroll, Spirit Shield Scroll, Stamina Scroll, Stupidity Scroll, Gemstone, Sapphire Gem, Spice Trains Skills: Merchant (5), Wizard (8) Trains Spells: Dispell Elemental (8), Fireball (8), Strength (8), vs. Elemental (8) Male Sells: Leather Cloaks, Mirari Cloaks, Phantom Cloaks, Jundar Gauntlets, Plate Gauntlets, Belt of Life, Mercenary Belt, Chainmail, Leather Armor, Partial Platemail, Talewok Mail, Buckler, Hoplite Shield, Kite Shield Trains Skills: Merchant (7), Stealth (6), Shield (6) Talewok To get to the shops: From the North entrance (Knight's Roll), head South-West until you come to an L-shaped building, Shop A is the door on the south half without a red lantern, Shop B is north of Shop A & also has no lantern. Head north from Shop B & follow the path to the fountain, then head south to the main crossroads. Turn West & you will find another L-shaped building. Shop C is on the South half & Shop D is on the West half (exact same layout as the building for shops A&B) Return to the main crossroads & head East, the Inn is the large building on the right, Shop F is located behind the Inn & Shop E is in the South-Eastern corner of town (you can't miss it; there is a guard in front of the door) Shop A: Male Sells: Healing Potion, Club, Hatchet, Javelin, Mace, Staff, Throwing Iron, Leather Cloak, Mirari Cloak, Phantom Cloak, Chainmail, Cloth Armor, Leather Armor, Scale Armor Trains Skills: Diplomat (3), Merchant (5) Female Sells: Ironwood Staff, Boots of Adamant, Leather Boots, Woodsman's Boots Trains Skills: Merchant (2), Ranger (2), Troubadour (4) Shop B: Sells: Chainmail, Cloth Armor, Leather Armor, Scale Armor, Talewok Mail, Bronze Shield, Buckler, Heater Shield, Large Shield, Small Shield Trains Skills: Merchant (3), Shield (3) Shop C: Sells: Curing Potion, Fire Flask, Healing Potion, Gemstone, Herb Trains Skills: Alchemist (3), Merchant (2) Shop D: Sells: Battle Axe, Broadsword, Great Bow, Hunter's Bow, Long Bow, Longsword, Maul, Morningstar, Pike, Poleaxe, Scythe, Spear, War Hammer Trains Skills: Merchant (4), Warrior (1), Hafted (1), Sword (3), Shield (2) Shop E: Sells: Earth Smite Scroll, Exhaustion Scroll, Mirror Scroll, Remove Poison Scroll, Map7 Trains Skills: Loremaster (5), Merchant (4) Shop F: Sells: Beast Hide, Chitin Plates, Darkenbat hide Trains Skills: Mechanic (5), Merchant (3) Wizard's School (after you talk to Ardra/Pandara) Prof. #1 is on the main floor (usually near the stairs up to floor 2) Prof. #2 is in the small room to the right of the main entrance Prof. #3 is on the second floor in the other small room (not Ardra's) Professor #1: Trains Skills: Alchemist (8), Merchant (5), Wizard (8) Trains Spells: vs. Elemental (8), vs. Naming (8), vs. Necromancy (8), vs. Star (8), Mirror (8) Professor #2: Trains Skills: Healer (8), Merchant (5), Wizard (8) Trains Spells: Brilliance (8), Stupidity (8), Teleportation (8), Endurance (8), Weakness (8) Professor #3: Trains Skills: Loremaster (8), Merchant (5), Wizard (8) Trains Spells: Immolation (10), Dragon Flames (10), Earth Smite (10), Lightning (10), Wind (10) Dryad Forest (if Pandara didn't like your performance) Dryad (some may vary slightly) Trains Skills: Loremaster (10), Stealth (10), Troubadour (10), Wizard (10), Shield (10) Trains Spells: Debilitation (10), Wind (10), Lightning (10) Port Saiid To get to the shops: Follow the main path from the gate into town. The first building on the right that you see is Shop A, then 2 houses, then the Inn, 1 house, Shop B, 2 more houses, the path now dips down into the lower section of town. At the bottom of the hill Shop F is the first building on your right (South-West) & Shop C is the first building on the left (North-East), Shop D is North of Shop C & has 2 houses beside it. Shop E is across from (South of) those houses. Shop A Female (upstairs) Sells: Acid Flask, Sleep Gas Flask, Dagger, Hatchet, Poison Dart, Stealthblade, Throwing Knife Trains Skills: Merchant (3), Thief (5), Missile (3), Thrown (4) Bandit (downstairs) Sells: Dexterity Potion, Stealth Potion, Strength Potion, Bow of Shielding, Dragon Fang, Great Bow, Throwing Iron, Phantom Cloak, Enchanted Hide, Leather Armor Trains Skills: Mechanic (5), Merchant (8), Stealth (8), Thief (8), Warrior (5), Missile (5), Thrown (5) Shop B Sells: Brilliance Scroll, Endurance Scroll, Stupidity Scroll, Gemstone, Herb, Spice Trains Skills: Loremaster (5), Merchant (1), Wizard (3) Trains Spells: Brilliance (3), Stupidity (3), Endurance (3), Weakness (3) Shop C: Sells: Plate Gauntlets Trains Skills: Mechanic (6), Merchant (5) Shop D: Sells: Battle Axe, Broadsword, Great Bow, Great Sword, Heartseeker Bow, Ironwood Staff, Javelin, Longsword, Maul, Pike, Poleaxe, Scythe, Spear, Staff Trains Skills: Merchant (4), Warrior (3), Hafted (3), Pole (3) Sword (5) Shop E: Sells: Chainmail, Enchanted Hide, Partial Platemail, Scale Armor, Talewok Mail, Kite Shield, Large Shield, Small Shield, Tower Shield Trains Skills: Merchant (3), Shield (5) Shop F: Female Sells: Stealth Potion Trains Skills: Merchant (3), Troubadour (7) Terminor To get to the Shops: From the main gate walk West to the crossroads, at the south end is the Inn & at the North end is Shop A and the stairs to the second level of town. On the second level if we follow the West wall we will find: empty house, empty armory, empty house, Shop B, Shop C, Stairs to level 3 of town, empty Tavern, Shop D, empty house, Shop F (open at night only), empty house. The third level of town has two shops on it; Shop E along the west wall & Mago's House (follow the path north, then turn west up the hill) Staggering Ogre Inn: Tamberlain Sells: Charisma Potion, Strength Potion, Defense Potion, Fire Flask, Pike, Poleaxe, Spear, Spike, Ring of Healing, Boots of Adamant, Boots of Speed, Jundar Shield, Spirit Shield, Gemstone Shop A: Sells: Fire Flask, Strength Potion, Great Sword, Heartseeker Bow, Scythe, Amulet of Pork, Phantom Cloak, Plate Gauntlets, Gemstone Trains Skills: Mechanic (7), Merchant (7) Shop B: Sells: Antidote Potion, Curing Potion, Healing Potion, Restore Potion, Stamina Potion, Gemstone, Herb, Sapphire Gem, Spice Trains Skills: Alchemist (10), Healer (10), Merchant (10) Shop C: Sells: Bow of Accuracy, Dragon Fang, Great Bow, Heartseeker Bow, Long Bow, Tinker's Gloves Trains Skills: Mechanic (9), Merchant (8), Ranger (5) Shop D: Sells: Charisma Potion, Harp of Igone Trains Skills: Diplomat (7), Loremaster (5), Merchant (4) Troubadour (10) Shop E: Sells: Acid Flask, Sleep Gas Flask, Sense Aura Scroll Trains Skills: Loremaster (10), Merchant (3) *There are some books in this shop that you may want to read* Shop F: (ONLY OPEN AT NIGHT) Sells: Battle Axe, Chaos Sword, Dart of Distance, Enchanted Blade, Great Axe, Javelin, Longsword, Maul, Morningstar, Pike, Scythe, Helm of Defense Trains Skills: Merchant (6), Warrior (8), Missile (6), Sword (10) Mago's House (middle floor) Sells: Aura of Death Scroll, Darkness Scroll, Stamina Scroll, vs. Necromancy Scroll, Spice Trains Skills: Merchant (5), Wizard (9) Trains Spells: Immolation (9), Control Elemental (9), vs. Star (9) Ugarit To get to the Shops: From the Main Gate (upper level of town) head North along the path, the last building is Shop A. Follow the path South (the last building is the Inn) & just before the Inn there is are stairs going North-East, at the bottom of the stairs, Shop B is the door to the East, Shop C is North-West, & Shop G is North-East. Cross the bridge in the middle of this level & following the right wall it goes: Stairs to lower level, Shop F, Library, Shop D, Shop H. Go down to the lower level & to the North you will see a building with 4 doors (pick a door, any door; they all go to the same room) go inside & then go into the rearmost room to find Shop E. *NOTE Shops A,B,C,D & E are open during the DAY, Shops F,G & H are open at NIGHT* Shop A: Sells: Fire Flask, Stealth Potion, Poison Dart, Tantos, Cloth Armor, Leather Armor Trains Skills: Merchant (9), Stealth (5), Thief (10) Shop B: Sells: Bow of Accuracy, Dragon Fang, Great Bow, Heartseeker Bow, Hunter's Bow, Long Bow, Short Bow Trains Skills: Merchant (6), Warrior (10), Missile (10) Shop C: Sells: Battle Axes, Broadswords, Enchanted Blade, Great Axe, Great Sword, Ice Stiletto, Mace, Maul, Poleaxe, Sabre, Scythe, Staff, Sword of Might Trains Skills: Merchant (8), Hafted (10), Pole (10), Sword (10), Shield (7) Shop D: Sells: Leather Cloak, Jundar Gauntlets, Plate Gauntlets, Boots of Adamant, Leather Boots, Woodsman's Boots, Mercenary Belt, Cloth Armor, Jundar Leather, Leather Armor, Beast Hide, Hellhound Hide Trains Skills: Diplomat (10), Merchant (8), Ranger (8) Shop E: Sells: Web of Starlight Wand, Dispel Elemental Scroll, Frozen Doom Scroll, Stellar Gravity Scroll, vs. Elemental Scroll, Web of Starlight Scroll Trains Skills: Merchant (7), Wizard (10) Trains Spells: vs. Elemental (10), Dispel Elemental (10), Web of Starlight (10), Stellar Gravity (10), Frozen Doom (10) Shop F: Sells: Darkness Scroll, Haste Scroll, Wind Scroll, Leather Cloak, Belt of Teleport, Chaos Robes, Sapphire Gem Trains Skills: Mechanic (8), Merchant (10) Shop G: Sells: Acid Flask, Defense Potion, Dexterity Potion, Fire Flask, Inferno Flask, Sleep Gas Flask, Strength Potion Trains Skills: Alchemist (10), Merchant (7) Shop H: Sells: Charming Scroll, Dexterity Scroll, Teleportation Scroll, Bardic Gloves Trains Skills: Loremaster (8), Merchant (6), Troubadour (10) Library (Other end of Purple Portal) Sells: Acid Bolt Scroll, Brilliance Scroll, Ctrl. Zombie Scroll, Solar Wrath Scroll, Helm of Wisdom Trains Skills: Loremaster (10), Merchant (8), Wizard (3) Fyrsil (on route to Maxxen) Trains Skills: Merchant (7), Shield (10) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6. Items Lists Etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Spells Abbreviations used in chart: Sch (School): name = naming necro = necromancy N = neutral ele. = elemental Comp. (component): gemst = gemstone ST (Stamina cost) As. (Aspect): L = Lunar N = Neutral S = Solar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Name Sch Min. Comp. ST As. Description Rank Acid Bolt necro 4 spice 8 L fires a spurt of acid that burns for 1d6 per round until spell expires Air Shield ele. 1 spice 6 S all friends within range add 1/rank to Armor value Aura of Death necro 4 spice 5 L causes some solar- aspected enemies to flee Banishing name 4 gemst 15 N banishes any 1 elemental within range Brilliance name 2 gemst 6 L target gains 2 IN per rank of spell Charming name 3 gemst 6 S turns target to fight on your side (must have a true name) Cheat Death necro 6 gemst 10 S cast on the living, if they die; they come back. works once, target must have a true name. Clumsiness star 2 spice 6 L target loses 2 DX per rank of spell Control Elem ele. 4 spice 10 S one elemental within range can be controlled. Control Marquis name 3 gemst 10 L one Marquis within range can be controlled Control Zombies necro 3 herb 10 L one zombie within range can be controlled Crushing Death necro 7 spice 15 N inflicts 7 damage. target must human-size or smaller Darkness necro 2 gemst 6 L changes the aspect of the combat arena to night time Debilitation ele. 2 herb 6 S target loses 2 PS value for each rank of the spell Dexterity star 2 herb 7 N target gains 2 DX per rank of the spell Dispell Elemental Magic N 1 herb 7 N chance of dispelling any active elemental spell in area of effect Dispell Naming N 2 spice 6 N chance of dispelling any active Naming spell in area of effect Dispell Necromancy N 2 gemst 6 N chance of dispelling any active Necromancy spell in area of effect Dispell Star N 2 herb 6 N chance of dispelling any active Star spell in area of effect Dragon Flames ele. 2 spice 10 S inflicts 2 damage. target(s) are attacked by flames Earth Smite ele. 6 gemst 10 S inflicts 4 damage. target must be human-size or smaller Endurance name 2 spice 6 S target gains 2 EN per rank of spell Exhaustion necro 2 gemst 6 S target loses 2 ST per rank of spell Fireball ele. 5 gemst 15 S inflicts 1 damage, caster throws a fireball Frozen Doom star 6 herb 10 L inflicts 3 damage, target is frozen solid for spells duration (must be human- size or smaller) Haste necro 4 spice 5 N all targets within range gain +2 movement per rank of spell Immolation ele. 4 spice 8 S inflicts 1 damage. target catches fire & takes 1d6 damage per round for life of spell Light star 2 spice 5 S changes the combat arena's aspect to daytime Lightning ele. 3 gemst 3 L inflicts 1 damage. target hit by lightning Mirror N 6 gemst 10 N effectively reflects the next few spells cast on the target Neutralize Poison ele. 2 herb 4 S neutralizes the effects of poison. Photosynthesis star 3 herb 8 S targets regenerate some ST each round for the duration of the spell (must by daytime) Sense Aura name 3 herb 7 L target reveals it's stats. information increases with rank of spell Shield of starlight star 3 gemst 8 S all friends within range add 1/rank to their Armor value Solar Wrath star 4 gemst 5 S causes some lunar- aspected enemies to flee Spirit Shield necro 3 herb 6 L all friends within range add 1/rank to their Armor value Stamina necro 2 gemst 6 L target gains 2 ST per rank of spell Stellar Gravity star 2 spice 6 L target loses 2 movement per rank of spell. (if movement is reduced to 0 target can't move) Strength ele. 1 herb 7 S target gains 2 PS value per rank of spell Stupidity name 2 herb 6 L target loses 2 IN per rank of spell Tap Stamina necro 3 spice 5 L drains 2 ST /rank and adds it to the caster's total for the duration of combat Teleportation name 8 gemst 10 N castor teleports to a chosen point on battlefield within range of the spell vs. Elemental N 1 gemst 5 N increases resistance to any Elemental spell by 6% per rank vs. Naming N 1 spice 5 N increases resistance to any Naming spell by 6% per rank vs. Necromancy N 1 herb 3 N increases resistance to any Necromancy spell by 6% per rank vs. Star N 1 gemst 5 N increases resistance to any Star spell by 6% per rank Wall of Bones necro 5 herb 15 L prevents target from acting for the duration of the spell (target must have a true name) Weakness name 2 herb 6 L target loses 2 EN per rank of spell Web of Starlight star 3 gemst 10 L inflicts 2 damage + additional damage until target breaks free (target must be human-sized or smaller) Whitefire star 6 spice 15 S inflicts 4 damage. target must be human-sized or smaller Wind ele. 4 herb 7 S inflicts 2 damage to one target & dispells any fog in the combat arena Wraith Touch necro 8 gemst 2 L drains 2D6 points from one random characteristic of target ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Potions Name Effect Min. Herbs Spices Gemstones Rank Needed Needed Needed Acid Flask continuous damage to 5 - 2 3 target in combat Antidote Potion Prevents HP loss due 3 2 3 - to poison Charisma Potion Temporary bonus to 2 1 2 1 Diplomat skill Clarity Potion Temporary bonus to 3 - 3 - Loremaster skill Curing Potion Recovers many HP 3 3 2 - Defense Potion Temporary bonus to 2 - - 2 Armor Dexterity Potion Temporary bonus to DX 2 2 2 - Fire Flask Damages targets in 1 - 1 2 combat Healing Potion Recovers a few HP 1 2 - - Inferno Flask More powerful Fire 1 - 1 2 Flask Restore Potion Restores any stats 3 - 2 2 affected by enemy magic spells Sleep Gas Potion Drains target's ST in 5 3 3 - combat Stamina Potion Recovers all ST 5 2 - - Stealth Potion Temporary bonus to 2 3 2 - Stealth skill Strength Potion Temporary bonus to PS 2 2 - 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C. Weapons Name Skill Min. Base Damage Other Abilities PS Hit /Effects Battle Axe hafted 14 65 3 Blood Axe hafted 20 50 5 Chaos Maul hafted 25 30 7 Club hafted 10 55 2 Elisheva's Scythe hafted 18 40 4 Lunar-Aspect Aura of Death, -5 DX Giant Axe hafted 28 30 6 Great Axe hafted 19 65 4 Jester's Mace hafted 10 65 3 Lunar-Aspect, Stupidity, Resist Necromancy 50%, +5 DX Lizard King's Axe hafted 22 75 5 EN +5 Mace hafted 16 55 3 Mace of Glory hafted 20 75 5 Solar-Aspect, Light, Lightning Maul hafted 19 45 5 Morningstar hafted 18 55 4 Poleaxe hafted 18 45 6 Scythe hafted 18 45 4 Spellbreaker Axe hafted 20 75 5 Mirror, Resist Magic 50%, +5 WL War Hammer hafted 15 60 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bow of Accuracy missile 15 100 3 DX+5 Bow of Shielding missile 10 45 3 Air Shield Bow of Thunder missile 20 55 4 Lightning Great Bow missile 18 30 5 Heartseeker Bow missile 10 50 5 Hunter's Bow missile 16 35 3 Long Bow missile 16 30 4 Short Bow missile 14 35 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Archmage's Staff pole 8 70 5 Spell Battery +10 Breklor's Firestaff pole 8 55 3 Dragon Flames, Resist Fire 50%, Spell Battery +20 Ironwood Staff pole 10 50 3 Pike pole 18 50 3 Spear pole 15 50 3 Staff pole 8 45 2 Staff of Lugash pole 5 100 2 Web of Starlight, Stellar Gravity, Spell Battery +30 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Broadsword sword 15 40 3 Chaos Sword sword 25 20 5 poison Dagger sword 7 35 1 Enchanted Blade sword 10 55 4 Firedrake Fang sword 20 65 6 Dragon Flames, Resist Fire 50% Gladius sword 8 40 1 Great Sword sword 22 40 4 Ice Stiletto sword 10 45 2 Frozen Doom, Resist Fire -50% Lodin's Sword sword 15 75 5 Solar-Aspect, Whitefire, Resist Necromancy 100%, Warrior +3, PS +5 Longsword sword 17 45 3 Sabre sword 10 45 2 Sheridan's Sword sword 20 80 5 Poison Short Sword sword 10 40 2 Stealthblade sword 5 55 2 +2 DX, +3 Stealth, Darkness, Resist Lunar 50% Sword of Might sword 18 50 4 PS +5 Tantos sword 7 70 1 Trahern's Sword sword 15 55 3 Warfang sword 20 55 4 Darkness, Tap Stamina, Spell Battery +15 +2 Warrior - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cyclops Hurlstar thrown 20 45 5 Dart of Distance thrown 5 75 2 Dragon Fang thrown 8 60 4 Hatchet thrown 12 30 3 Javelin thrown 14 35 4 Poison Darts thrown 8 20 1 Poison Spikes thrown 30 3 Throwing Iron thrown 7 30 4 Throwing Knife thrown 7 35 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- D. Armor Name Protection DX Stealth Special Modifier Modifier Beast Hide 2 -2 Chainmail 5 -2 -5 Chaos Robes 10 -1 EN-2; resist magic 25% Cloth Armor 1 5 Darkenbat Hide 3 20 Dragon Leather 6 10 Enchanted Hide 4 -1 5 Enchanted Plate 9 -2 -15 Full Platemail 7 -3 -20 Hellhound Hide 4 -2 Resist Fire 50% Iden Scale 5 -2 -10 Improved Plate Mail 8 -3 -20 Irondrake Plate Mail 10 EN+5 Jundar Leather 7 15 Leather Armor 2 -1 Partial Platemail 6 -3 -15 Royal Platemail 10 -2 -15 Scale Armor 4 -3 -5 Scorpion Scale 7 -1 Talewok Mail 6 -1 -5 Terminor Mail 7 -1 -5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- E. Shields Name Prot. Def. DX Stealth Other Mod. Mod. Bronze Shield 4 4 -3 Buckler 1 2 Chaos Shield 8 8 Dryad Shield 10 Spell Battery +30 Heater Shield 1 2 Hoplite Shield 5 5 -7 Jundar Shield 4 6 -5 Kite Shield 4 5 -4 Large Shield 3 4 -3 Moon Shield 3 6 -3 10 Must be Lunar- aspected to use Scorpion Shield 5 5 -2 Small Shield 2 3 -2 Spirit Shield 5 7 -4 Stardrake Aegis 6 8 Resist Star 100% Sun Shield 4 6 -3 -10 Solar-aspect, Resist Solar 50% Tower Shield 5 6 -6 Turtleshell Shield 3 5 -4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- F. Wands All wands have a maximum of 10 charges. They will normally re-charge if equipped while camping. Name Casts Min. Int. Other Effects Acid Acid Bolt 15 Banishing Banishing 20 Crushing Death Crushing Death 25 Fireball Fireball 20 Frozen Doom Frozen Doom 20 Immolation Immolation 10 Light Light 10 Lightning Lightning 10 Persuasion Charming 25 Revival Cheat Death 15 Shielding Starlight Shield 10 Starfire Whitefire 25 Tap Stamina Tap Stamina 15 vs. Naming vs. Naming 10 Resist Naming 25% vs. Star vs. Star 10 Resist Star 25% Wall of Bones Wall of Bones 20 Web of Starlight Web of Starlight 20 *Note* wands are subject to a known glitch which can affect how many charges they have (I've seen 0, 5 & 10 charges left in a wand that has never been used before) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- G. Scrolls Name Learn/Cast Min. Wizard Acid Bolt Acid Bolt 4 Air Shield Air Shield 1 Aura of Death Aura of Death 4 Banishing Banishing 4 Brilliance Brilliance 2 Charming Charming 3 Cheat Death Cheat Death 6 Control Elem Control Elem 4 Ctrl. Zombie Control Zombie 3 Darkness Darkness 2 Debilitation Debilitation 2 Dexterity Dexterity 2 Dispel Elem Dispel Elemental (magic) 2 Dispel Naming Dispel Naming (magic) 2 Earth Smite Earth Smite 4 Endurance Endurance 2 Exhaustion Exhaustion 2 Fireball Fireball 5 Frozen Doom Frozen Doom 6 Haste Haste 4 Lighthouse Scroll * 0 Mirror Mirror 6 Oriana's Scroll Strength 2 Remove Poison Remove Poison 2 Sense Aura Sense Aura 3 Solar Wrath Solar Wrath 4 Spirit Shield Spirit Shield 3 Stamina Stamina 2 Stellar Grav Stellar Gravity 2 Stupidity Stupidity 2 Teleportation Teleportation 8 vs. Elemental vs. Elemental (magic) 1 vs. Necromancy vs. Necromancy 1 Wall of Bones Wall of Bones 5 Weakness Weakness 2 Web of Starlight Web of Starlight 3 Whitefire Whitefire 6 Wind Wind 2 * used to re-light the lamp in Port Saiid's lighthouse. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Everything Else *Note: in this chart I have substituted "Protection" with "Armor" (If something says "+1 Armor" it means "Protection +1") Name Effects/ Spells Requirements Amaranth Root Fulfills Dryad Forest Quest, used by Ardra to heal Alaron Amulet of Pork Resist Physical -100%, -5 EN, -2 Warrior Banner of Gwernia ???Doesn't appear in inventory??? Must have Becan in Party Bardic Gloves +2 Troubadour Beast Hide Used to make armor Belt of Life Cheat Death, Resist Necromancy 100%, +1 Armor Solar-aspected Belt of Teleport Teleportation, +1 Armor Black Key Opens Doors in Shamsuk's Tower Blood Key Opens Doors in Shamsuk's Tower Bone Key Opens Doors in Shamsuk's Tower Boots of Adamant +2 Armor Boots of Speed Haste, +1 Armor, +3 DX Bowden's Key Unlocks storage room with Trahern's Sword Chitin Plates Used to make armor & shields Cradawgh's Body Fulfills quest to find Cradawgh Darkenbat Hide Used to make armor Enchanted Hide Used to make armor Ethereal Ring +5 Armor Solar-aspected Gem of Sensing Sense Aura Min. 15 IN Harp of Igone +3 Troubadour Min. 20 IN Heart of Elisheva Crushing Death, Resist Solar, -5 EN Lunar-aspected Hellhound Hide Used to make armor Helm of Charisma Charming, +2 Diplomat Helm of Defense +5 Armor, Resist Physical 100% Helm of Tempests Lightning, Resist Air 50%, +1 Damage, +1 Armor, +2 Warrior Helm of Wisdom +1 Armor, +5 WL Herb Used to make potions/ cast spells Horn of Kynon +6 Troubadour Min. 18 IN Gemstones Used to make potions/ cast spells Jundar Gauntlets +1 Damage Kendall's Hat +1 Armor, -1 Stealth Leather Boots +1 Armor Leather Cloak +1 Armor Letter to Kitarak Gives information about Rabisat's plot against Alaron Letter to Txomin Required to get Goblin Quest in Erromon Lodin's Key Unlocks door to room with Lodin's Sword (& his ghost) Magedrake Ring +25 Spell Battery, +3 Wizard Map2 Fills in part of the overworld map Map7 Fills in part of the overworld map Marquis' Amulet Control Marquis Mercenary Belt +1 Armor Mirari Cloak +2 Armor Namers Ring +10 Spell Battery Nightdrake Mantle Darkness, +2 Armor, +2 Stealth, +5 DX Oriana's Letter Directions to Gotzone & Zurene's House (in Erromon) Pandara's Amulet Teleports Pandara to Desert Gate if you can't figure out the riddle Solar-aspected Phantom Cloak +3 Stealth Plate Gauntlets +2 Armor Rabisat's Asp ????? Reflection Belt +1 Armor, Mirror, Resist Magic 25% Ring of Healing Photosynthesis, +5 EN Rope +2 Thief Must have a Thief in party Sapphire Gem Rare & expensive stone Shamsuk Amulet +10 Spell Battery Shield Amulet +10 Armor, -3 EN Spice Used to make potions/ cast spells Spiritdrake Helm Resist Magic 100%, +1 Armor, +5 WL Stormbreaker Dispel Elemental (storms) Min. 20 IN Stormdrake Claws Lightning, +1 Armor Tinker's Gloves +1 DX, +2 Mechanic Witch Ring +2 Wizard Min. 17 IN Wizard Hat +15 Spell Battery, +1 Wizard Wizard's Wand +20 Spell Battery, +1 Wizard Min. 15 IN Woodsman's Boots +2 Ranger ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 7. Enemies Abbreviations used in chart: Apct = Aspect S = Solar L = Lunar Attack: (Attack Type) H = Hand-Hand (Melee) M = Missile / Thrown S = Spells (Magic) *NOTE* if more than one strength of a particular enemy can be encountered in the game, the lowest-highest values are listed. If an attack type appears in brackets, then only the stronger version of that enemy can use that attack method. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Name Level Apct Attack Resistance(%) HP XP Value Air Elemental 20 S H Physical (100), 110 3300 Air (100) Assim 15 L H, S Physical (100) 65 6900 Bandit Boss 8-20 L/S H, M, S 68- 1575- 108 6075 Bandit Woodsman 5-13 S H, M 44-80 450-3075 Bear 10 L H 85 750 Behrooz 15 L H, S Physical (100), 60 4125 Magic (50) Boar 3 S H 54 450 Cave Bear 6 L H 89 1200 Chaos Lieutenant 25 L H, S Physical (25), 165 7500 Magic (25) Chaos Major 30 L H, S Solar (50) 200 6000 Chaos Scout 5 S H, M, S 55 675 Chaos Slayer 20 L H, S Physical (75) 120 3075 Chaos Sorceror 12 S H, S Magic (25) 102 1200 Chaos Spellweaver 12 S H, S Magic (25) 87 1200 Chaos Stormer 12 S H, S 87 1650 Chaos Trooper 12 S H, S 87 1725 Chaos Warrior 10 S H 90 1500 Chaos Mauler 20 L H, S Physical (75) 130 3225 Cyclops 12 S H, M Lunar (25) 87 2250 Darkenbat 8 L H Solar (-50) 68 1350 Dire Wolf 10 L H Lunar (25) 75 1200 Dracovern 17 S H Lunar (-50) 107 2700 Dryad 8 S S Physical (50), 43 - Magic (50) Dust Devil 20 S S Physical (75), 65 1350 Air (100) Earth Elemental 20 S H Physical (100), 140 4050 Earth (100) Fire Elemental 22 S H Physical (100), 112 3300 Fire (100) Firelord 25 S H, S Physical (100), 175 7500 Magic (50) Giant Bat 2 L H Solar (-25) 17 75 Giant Boar 8 S H 81 900 Giant Golem 20 S H Physical (75), 200 5175 Magic (50) Giant Rat 1 L H 31 150 Giant Scorpion 15 S H 100 2250 Giant Skeleton 15 L H Cutting (75), 105 2700 Smashing (-50) Goblin 1-6 S H,(M) 43-64 225-825 Goblin Poisoner 5-9 S H, M 50-71 450-2625 Goblin Scout 3-6 S H, M 33-61 225-1575 Goblin Sergeant 3-10 S H, M 48-85 450-2025 Golnar 15 L H, S Physical (100), 60 4350 Fire (50) Gorgon 10 L H, S Physical (50) 70 2025 Gryphon 15 S H 90 1500 Harpy 10 L H, S 66 1050 Hellhound 18 S H, M, S Physical (25), 78 1200 Fire (100) Hobgoblin 5-15 S H, S Naming (-25) 65-94 1200- 4875 Human Bandit 4-17 S H, M 52-93 450-3975 Kitarak 10 S H, S Naming (-25) 91 1500 Ksathra 15 L H, S Physical (100) 65 6750 Large Scorpion 4 S H 39 750 Lava Hound 12 S H, M, S Fire (100), 97 2175 Water (-100) Lizard Man 14 S H 79 975 Lizard Man Boss 20 S H, S Physical (25) 140 4207 Magic (25) Lizard Man 17 S H, M Water (25) 96 1200 Sergeant Lugash 25 L H, S Physical (100), 165 7500 Magic (100) Manticore 16 S H, M 91 1425 Marquis 30 S H, M, S Magic (75), 210 7500 Physical (75) Mehrdad 15 L H, S Physical (100), 60 4425 Star (50) Minotaur 5 L H 50 525 Minotaur Lord 15 L H Magic (50) 145 5250 Nasim 15 L H, S Physical (100) 60 4350 Ogre 8-10 S H 74-85 900-1200 Ogre Boss 12 S H, M 102 1800 Plague Zombie 20 L H Physical (50), 160 1950 Magic (50) Pochangarat 30 S H, S Physical (75), 210 7500 Magic (75) Prince Sheridan 20 L H Magic (75), 170 7500 Physical (75) Salamander 17 S H, M Fire (100) 77 975 Sand Worm 20 S H, M Fire (50), 160 2250 Earth (50) Shadow 25 L S Physical (100), 0 175 Magic (100) Shamsuk 25 L H, S Physical (50), 115 3750 Magic (50) Shatrevar 15 L H, S Physical (100) 90 5850 Skeleton 8-12 L H Cutting (75), 58-77 975-1200 Smashing (-50) Skeleton Archer 12 L H, M Cutting (75), 77 1350 Smashing (-50) Spirit Wolf 12 L H, S Physical (100), 72 2925 Lunar (50) Stone Golem 15 S H Physical (50), 105 3075 Magic (50) Tomb Rat 4 L H Fire (-50) 44 300 Troll 15 L H Fire (-50) 135 2700 Water Elemental 20 L H, S Physical (100), 125 3750 Water (100) Wight 22 L H, S Physical (100), 132 3900 Magic (50) Wolf 2 L H Lunar (25) 56 675 Wraith 20 L H, S Physical (100), 80 3525 Magic (50) Wyvern 11 S H, S Air (-50), 51 525 Magic (50) Zombie 15 L H Physical (50), 105 1650 Magic (25) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 8. Characters (friends) Characters Name Stats Skills Equipment Spells Level Info HP XP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alaron (Solar-Aspect) This is YOU! (you can change his name if you want) If this character dies, the game is over (so try to keep him alive) He can learn ALL Spells & Skills Int 18 Stealth 1 Short Sword Level 1 Wil 12 Troubadour 1 Leather Armor HP 46/46 Dex 15 Warrior 3 Small Shield XP 500 End 15 Wizard 1 Str 15 Hafted 1 Sta 30 Missile 1 Sword 3 Shield 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brenna (Solar-Aspect, Elemental School) Will join your party in Gwernia (whether you want her or not) She can't learn Hafted, Missile & Shield Will leave your party if you get Godric at the Wizard School (other than that, she won't leave unless she dies) Int 14 Mechanic 1 Dagger Level 1 Wil 10 Stealth 3 Leather Armor HP 31/31 Dex 22 Thief 3 XP 500 End 10 Sword 1 Str 8 Thrown 2 Sta 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Abrecan (Solar-Aspect) Can join your party in Gwernia He can't learn Alchemist, Thief, Wizard & Missile If he leaves your party, He will go to Talewok Int 10 Stealth 1 Broadsword Level 8 Wil 8 Warrior 4 Iden Scale HP 68/68 Dex 25 Sword 4 Kite Shield XP 102000 End 20 Thrown 2 Str 20 Shield 2 Sta 40 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rheda (Solar-Aspect, Naming-School) Can join your party in Gwernia She can't learn Missile & Thrown If she leaves your party she will go to Terminor's Inn Int 22 Loremaster 1 Staff vs. Necromancy 1 Level 3 Wil 16 Merchant 1 Leather Armor Endurance 4 HP 50/50 Dex 20 Wizard 4 Sense Aura 1 XP 7000 End 16 Pole 3 Weakness 4 Str 10 Sword 3 Sta 31 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Godric (Lunar-Aspect, Elemental-School) Can join your party in Gwernia, later at the Wizard's School in Talewok He can't learn Hafted, Missile & Shield If he leaves your party he'll go to the Wizard's School Int 22 Alchemist 3 Dagger Dragon Flames 2 Level 2 Wil 18 Loremaster 2 Cloth Armor HP 37/37 Dex 15 Mechanic 2 XP 2500 End 15 Wizard 2 Str 10 Sword 1 Sta 20 Thrown 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Becan (Lunar-Aspect) Available as a party member in Erromon (his shop closes when he joins) He can't learn Alchemist, Wizard, Sword & Thrown If he leaves your party he disappears from the game Int 15 Ranger 4 Battle Axe Level 4 Wil 15 Stealth 3 Chainmail HP 64/64 Dex 18 Warrior 5 Large Shield XP 15000 End 20 Hafted 5 Str 25 Missile 3 Sta 40 Shield 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Arturo (Solar-Aspect) You can ask him to join you at the bridge to Port Saiid. He can't learn Alchemist, Loremaster, Thief, Troubadour, Wizard, Missile & Thrown If he leaves (or you don't take him) he will go to Terminor's Inn Int 6 Stealth 1 Great Sword Level 12 Wil 11 Warrior 6 Improved Plate HP 102/102 Dex 14 Pole 6 Tower Shield XP 325000 End 30 Sword 6 Str 30 Shield 4 Sta 60 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Keelin (Lunar-Aspect, Elemental-School) Available first in Port Saiid's Inn, then she will move to Terminor's Inn She can't learn Hafted, Thrown & Shield If she leaves she will go to Terminor's Inn Int 15 Healer 1 Short Sword vs. Elemental 2 Level 12 Wil 10 Merchant 4 Dragon Leather Remove Poison 3 HP 72/72 Dex 30 Stealth 5 Wind 3 XP 325000 End 20 Thief 8 Str 15 Wizard 4 Sta 40 Missile 7 Pole 2 Sword 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Niesen (Solar-Aspect, Elemental-School) Joins your party in Terminor's Inn (no real choice) Can't learn Missile & Shield Leaves your party in Shamsuk's Tower (again, no choice) You can't get inside Shamsuk's Tower before he joins your party. Int 30 Healer 4 Archmage's Staff vs. Star 8 Level 20 Wil 25 Loremaster 6 Enchanted Plate vs.Necromancy 10 HP 88/88 Dex 23 Troubadour 7 Fireball 8 XP 1435000 End 30 Warrior 9 Mirror 8 Str 25 Hafted 8 Dispel Necro 10 Sta 60 Pole 8 Sword 5 Thrown 8 Shield 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Donovan (Solar-Aspect, Naming-School) Found in the back room of Terminor's Inn after Shamsuk's Tower He can't learn Missile, Thrown & Shield If he leaves he will either return to the Inn or disappear from the game. Int 30 Diplomat 8 Sabre vs. Star 7 Level 18 Wil 30 Warrior 7 Dragon Leather Banishing 7 HP 108/108 Dex 25 Wizard 7 Sense Aura 7 XP 1054500 End 30 Hafted 5 Teleportation 7 Str 20 Pole 5 Sta 60 Sword 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Baird (Lunar-Aspect) Found in Terminor's Inn after Shamsuk's Tower He can't learn Alchemist, Wizard & Missile If he leaves your party he will return to Terminor's Inn Int 30 Healer 4 Great Axe Level 18 Wil 25 Loremaster 6 Scale Armor HP 108/108 Dex 23 Troubadour 7 Hoplite Shield XP 1054500 End 30 Warrior 9 Str 25 Hafted 8 Sta 60 Pole 8 Sword 5 Thrown 8 Shield 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dougal (Lunar-Aspect, Elemental-School) Found in Terminor's Inn after completing the Barrow He can't learn Missile leaves your party in the dragon's lair (chicken?) Int 25 Alchemist 5 Enchanted Blade Fireball 6 Level 22 Wil 25 Diplomat 10 Enchanted Hide Air Shield 6 HP 122/122 Dex 30 Loremaster 5 Moon Shield Strength 9 XP 1897500 End 25 Merchant 5 Debilitation 9 Str 25 Ranger 5 Mirror 9 Sta 75 Stealth 5 Thief 5 Troubadour 10 Warrior 10 Wizard 10 Hafted 10 Pole 10 Sword 10 Thrown 10 Shield 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Farris (Lunar-Aspect, Naming-School*) Offers to join your party near the end of Shamsuk's Tower *He is supposed to be on of the great Wizards in the game, but he can't cast spells?? He's supposed to leave after you fight Shamsuk, but a glitch will sometimes let you keep him. Int 30 Alchemist 10 Jester's Mace Level 25 Wil 30 Diplomat 10 Jundar Leather HP 130/130 Dex 30 Loremaster 10 XP 2762500 End 25 Merchant 10 Str 15 Ranger 10 Sta 80 Stealth 10 Thief 10 Troubadour 10 Warrior 10 Hafted 10 Sword 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sholeh (Lunar-Aspect, Star-School) To get her you have to help her in the desert(north of Ugarit after finishing the Barrow), then talk to her in Ugarit's Inn with a 3-member party (she might still refuse to join though...) She can't learn Thrown & Shield If she leaves your party, she disappears from the game * her Intelligence will drop to 3 the first time you save & load a game with her in your party (but only the first time) Int 30* Healer 10 Sabre Web of Starlight 8 Level 20 Wil 25 Ranger 6 Jundar Leather Dispel Star 8 HP 110/110 Dex 30 Stealth 6 Stellar Gravity 8 XP 1435000 End 30 Warrior 10 Dispel Naming 8 Str 20 Wizard 8 Solar Wrath 8 Sta 60 Hafted 5 Missile 7 Sword 10 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 9. Portals (I'll fill this in IF I figure it out ;-) First Portal Matching Portal Basement, Castle Gwernia Caves of Erromon Osin Forest (outside Gwernia) Shamsuk's Tower (ruins) Chaos Island (peninsula) Chaos Island (temple bsmt 1) Chaos Island (temple bsmt 2) Chaos Island (temple next floor) Cradawgh's Island (1) ?????????? Cradawgh's Island (2) Wizard's School Bsmt Shamsuk's Tower basement (1) Oriana's Hut (one-way/one time) Shamsuk's Tower Basement (2) ?????????? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10. Leveling-up ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Skills, AFTER battle. Skill After-Battle Cost (XP) [MUST already have skill] Skill Level 2 3 4 5 Alchemist 6000 13500 24000 37500 Diplomat 2000 4500 8000 12500 Healer 4000 9000 16000 25000 Loremaster 3000 6750 12000 18750 Mechanic 2000 4500 8000 12500 Merchant 3000 6750 12000 18750 Ranger 4000 9000 16000 25000 Stealth 2000 4500 8000 12500 Thief 4000 9000 16000 25000 Troubadour 4000 9000 16000 25000 Warrior 4000 9000 16000 25000 Wizard 6000 13500 24000 37500 Hafted 1600 3600 6400 10000 Missile 2400 5400 9600 15000 Pole 1600 3600 6400 10000 Shield 2000 4500 8000 12500 Sword 2400 5400 9600 15000 Thrown 1600 3600 6400 10000 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Alchemist 54000 73500 96000 121500 150000 Diplomat 18000 24500 32000 40500 50000 Healer 36000 49000 64000 81000 100000 Loremaster 27000 36750 48000 60750 75000 Mechanic 18000 24500 32000 40500 50000 Merchant 27000 36750 48000 60750 75000 Ranger 36000 49000 64000 81000 10000 Stealth 18000 24500 32000 40500 50000 Thief 36000 49000 64000 81000 100000 Troubadour 36000 49000 64000 81000 100000 Warrior 36000 49000 64000 81000 100000 Wizard 54000 73500 96000 121500 150000 Hafted 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Missile 21600 29400 38400 48600 60000 Pole 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Shield 18000 24500 32000 40500 50000 Sword 21600 29400 38400 48600 60000 Thrown 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 6 7 8 9 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Spells, AFTER battle. (if it's blank, I haven't found a way to "learn" the spell yet) Spell Level Cost after battle (XP) Spell Level 2 3 4 5 Acid Bolt 800 1800 3200 5000 Air Shield 1600 3600 6400 10000 Aura of Death 400 900 1600 2500 Banishing 2600 5850 10400 16250 Brilliance 600 1350 2400 3750 Charming 2000 4500 8000 12500 Cheat Death 1200 2700 4800 7500 Clumsiness Control Elem 2600 5850 10400 16250 Control Marquis Control Zombies 2000 4500 8000 12500 Crushing Death Darkness 1600 3600 6400 10000 Debilitation 1600 3600 6400 10000 Dexterity 1600 3600 6400 10000 Dispell Elemental 1600 3600 6400 10000 Dispell Naming Dispell Necromancy 1600 3600 6400 10000 Dispell Star Dragon Flames 2600 5850 10400 16250 Earth Smite 3000 6750 12000 18750 Endurance 1600 3600 6400 10000 Exhaustion 1600 3600 6400 10000 Fireball 2000 4500 8000 12500 Frozen Doom 3000 6750 12000 18750 Haste 2600 5850 10400 16250 Immolation 800 1800 3200 5000 Light Lightning 2000 4500 8000 12500 Mirror 1000 2250 4000 6250 Photosynthesis Remove Poison 400 900 1600 2500 Sense Aura 2000 4500 8000 12500 Shield of Starlight Solar Wrath 400 900 1600 2500 Spirit Shield 2000 4500 8000 12500 Stamina 1600 3600 6400 10000 Stellar Gravity 1600 3600 6400 10000 Strength 800 1800 3200 5000 Stupidity 600 1350 2400 3750 Tap Stamina Teleportation 1600 3600 6400 10000 vs. Elemental 1200 2700 4800 7500 vs. Naming 1200 2700 4800 7500 vs. Necromancy 1200 2700 4800 7500 vs. Star 1200 2700 4800 7500 Wall of Bones 2600 5850 10400 16250 Weakness 1600 3600 6400 10000 Web of Starlight 2000 4500 8000 12500 Whitefire 3000 6750 12000 18750 Wind 2600 5850 10400 16250 Wraith Touch 6 7 8 9 10 Acid Bolt 7200 9800 14800 16200 20000 Air Shield 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Aura of Death 3600 4900 6400 8100 10000 Banishing 23400 31850 41600 52650 65000 Brilliance 5400 7350 9600 12150 15000 Charming 18000 24500 32000 40500 50000 Cheat Death 10800 14700 19200 24300 30000 Clumsiness Control Elem 23400 31850 41600 52650 65000 Control Marquis Control Zombies 18000 24500 32000 40500 50000 Crushing Death Darkness 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Debilitation 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Dexterity 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Dispell Elemental 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Dispell Naming Dispell Necromancy 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Dispell Star Dragon Flames 23400 31850 41600 52650 65000 Earth Smite 27000 36750 48000 60750 75000 Endurance 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Exhaustion 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Fireball 18000 24500 32000 40500 50000 Frozen Doom 27000 36750 48000 60750 75000 Haste 23400 31850 41600 52650 65000 Immolation 7200 9800 14800 16200 20000 Light Lightning 18000 24500 32000 40500 50000 Mirror 9000 12250 16000 20250 25000 Photosynthesis Remove Poison 3600 4900 6400 8100 10000 Sense Aura 18000 24500 32000 40500 50000 Shield of Starlight Solar Wrath 3600 4900 6400 8100 10000 Spirit Shield 18000 24500 32000 40500 50000 Stamina 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Stellar Gravity 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Strength 7200 9800 14800 16200 20000 Stupidity 5400 7350 9600 12150 15000 Tap Stamina Teleportation 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 vs. Elemental 10800 14700 19200 24300 30000 vs. Naming 10800 14700 19200 24300 30000 vs. Necromancy 10800 14700 19200 24300 30000 vs. Star 10800 14700 19200 24300 30000 Wall of Bones 23400 31850 41600 52650 65000 Weakness 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Web of Starlight 18000 24500 32000 40500 50000 Whitefire 27000 36750 48000 60750 75000 Wind 23400 31850 41600 52650 65000 Wraith Touch ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C. Skills, at Merchant/trainer Skill Training Cost at merchants (XP) 1 2 3 4 5 Alchemist 1200 4800 10800 19200 30000 Diplomat 400 1600 3600 6400 10000 Healer 800 3200 7200 12800 20000 Loremaster 600 2400 5400 9600 15000 Mechanic 400 1600 3600 6400 10000 Merchant 600 2400 5400 9600 15000 Ranger 800 3200 7200 12800 20000 Stealth 400 1600 3600 6400 10000 Thief 800 3200 7200 12800 20000 Troubadour 800 3200 7200 12800 20000 Warrior 800 3200 7200 12800 20000 Wizard 1200 4800 10800 19200 30000 Hafted 320 1280 2880 5120 8000 Missile 480 1920 4320 7680 12000 Pole 320 1280 2880 5120 8000 Shield 400 1600 3600 6400 10000 Sword 480 1920 4320 7680 12000 Thrown 320 1280 2880 5120 8000 6 7 8 9 10 Alchemist 43200 58800 76800 97200 120000 Diplomat 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Healer 28800 39200 51200 64800 80000 Loremaster 21600 29400 38400 48600 60000 Mechanic 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Merchant 21600 29400 38400 48600 60000 Ranger 28800 39200 51200 64800 80000 Stealth 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Thief 28800 39200 51200 64800 80000 Troubadour 28800 39200 51200 64800 80000 Warrior 28800 39200 51200 64800 80000 Wizard 43200 58800 76800 97200 120000 Hafted 11520 15680 20480 25920 32000 Missile 17280 23520 30720 38880 48000 Pole 11520 15680 20480 25920 32000 Shield 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Sword 17280 23520 30720 38880 48000 Thrown 11520 15680 20480 25920 32000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- D. Spells, at Merchant/trainer (If it's blank, No-one can train you in that Spell) Spell Training Cost at merchant (XP) Spell Level 1 2 3 4 5 Acid Bolt Air Shield 320 1280 2880 5120 8000 Aura of Death Banishing Brilliance 120 480 1080 1920 3000 Charming Cheat Death Clumsiness Control Elem 520 2080 4680 8320 13000 Control Marquis Control Zombies Crushing Death Darkness Debilitation 320 1280 2880 5120 8000 Dexterity Dispell Elemental 320 1280 2880 5120 8000 Dispell Naming Dispell Necromancy Dispell Star Dragon Flames 520 2080 4680 8320 13000 Earth Smite 600 2400 5400 9600 15000 Endurance 320 1280 2880 5120 8000 Exhaustion Fireball 400 1600 3600 6400 10000 Frozen Doom 600 2400 5400 9600 15000 Haste Immolation 160 640 1440 2560 4000 Light Lightning 400 1600 3600 6400 10000 Mirror 200 800 1800 3200 5000 Photosynthesis Remove Poison 80 320 720 1280 2000 Sense Aura Shield of starlight Solar Wrath Spirit Shield Stamina Stellar Gravity 320 1280 2880 5120 8000 Strength 160 640 1440 2560 4000 Stupidity 120 480 1080 1920 3000 Tap Stamina Teleportation 320 1280 2880 5120 8000 vs. Elemental 240 960 2160 3840 6000 vs. Naming 240 960 2160 3840 6000 vs. Necromancy 240 960 2160 3840 6000 vs. Star 240 960 2160 3840 6000 Wall of Bones Weakness 320 1280 2880 5120 8000 Web of Starlight 400 1600 3600 6400 10000 Whitefire Wind 520 2080 4680 8320 13000 Wraith Touch 6 7 8 9 10 Acid Bolt Air Shield 11520 15680 20480 25920 32000 Aura of Death Banishing Brilliance 4320 5880 7680 9720 12000 Charming Cheat Death Clumsiness Control Elem 18720 25480 33280 42120 52000 Control Marquis Control Zombies Crushing Death Darkness Debilitation 11520 15680 20480 25920 32000 Dexterity Dispell Elemental 11520 15680 20480 25920 32000 Dispell Naming Dispell Necromancy Dispell Star Dragon Flames 18720 25480 33280 42120 52000 Earth Smite 21600 29400 38400 48600 60000 Endurance 11520 15680 20480 25920 32000 Exhaustion Fireball 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Frozen Doom 21600 29400 38400 48600 60000 Haste Immolation 5760 7840 10240 12960 16000 Light Lightning 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Mirror 7200 9800 12800 16200 20000 Photosynthesis Remove Poison 2880 3920 5120 6480 8000 Sense Aura Shield of starlight Solar Wrath Spirit Shield Stamina Stellar Gravity 11520 15680 20480 25920 32000 Strength 5760 7840 10240 12960 16000 Stupidity 4320 5880 7680 9720 12000 Tap Stamina Teleportation 11520 15680 20480 25920 32000 vs. Elemental 8640 11760 15360 19440 24000 vs. Naming 8640 11760 15360 19440 24000 vs. Necromancy 8640 11760 15360 19440 24000 vs. Star 8640 11760 15360 19440 24000 Wall of Bones Weakness 11520 15680 20480 25920 32000 Web of Starlight 14400 19600 25600 32400 40000 Whitefire Wind 18720 25480 33280 42120 52000 Wraith Touch ---------------------------------------------------------------------- E. Training Gold Costs (Spells & Skills) Spell/Skill Training Cost at merchants (Gold) Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Cost 200 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 *All of the Skills & Spells cost the same for each level* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- F. Player Stats. level Stats. level Int. Wil. Dex. End. Str. Sta. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 192 4 5 300 5 6 432 6 7 588 7 8 768 8 9 972 972 972 9 10 1200 1200 1200 10 11 1452 1452 1452 1452 11 12 1728 1728 1728 1728 12 13 2028 2028 2028 2028 13 14 2352 2352 2352 2352 14 15 2700 2700 5400 2700 2700 15 16 3072 3072 6144 3072 3072 16 17 3468 3468 6936 3468 3468 17 18 3888 3888 7776 3888 3888 18 19 4332 4332 8664 4332 4332 19 20 4800 4800 9600 4800 4800 20 21 5292 5292 10584 5292 5292 1764 21 22 5808 5808 11616 5808 5808 1936 22 23 6348 6348 12696 6348 6348 2116 23 24 6912 6912 13824 6912 6912 2304 24 25 7500 7500 15000 7500 7500 2500 25 26 8112 8112 16224 8112 8112 2704 26 27 8748 8748 17496 8748 8748 2916 27 28 9408 9408 18816 9408 9408 3136 28 29 10092 10092 20184 10092 10092 3364 29 30 10800 10800 21600 10800 10800 3600 30 31 11532 3844 31 32 12288 4096 32 33 13068 4356 33 34 13872 4624 34 35 14700 4900 35 36 15552 5184 36 37 16428 5476 37 38 17328 5776 38 39 18252 6084 39 40 19200 6400 40 41 6724 41 42 7056 42 43 7396 43 44 7744 44 45 8100 45 46 8464 46 47 8836 47 48 9216 48 49 9604 49 50 10000 50 51 10404 51 52 10816 52 53 11236 53 54 11664 54 55 12100 55 56 12544 56 57 12996 57 58 13456 58 59 13924 59 60 14400 60 61 14884 61 62 15376 62 63 15876 63 64 16384 64 65 16900 65 66 17424 66 67 17956 67 68 18496 68 69 19044 69 70 19600 70 71 20164 71 72 20736 72 73 21316 73 74 21904 74 75 22500 75 76 23104 76 77 23716 77 78 24336 78 79 24964 79 80 25600 80 81 26244 81 82 26896 82 83 27556 83 84 28224 84 85 28900 85 86 29584 86 87 30276 87 88 30976 88 89 31684 89 90 32400 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- G. Player Level (I'll add to this when I can...) Total XP required for each level Level XP 1 500 2 2500 3 7000 4 15000 5 27500 6 45500 7 70000 8 102000 9 142500 10 192500 11 253000 12 325000 13 399500 14 507500 15 620000 16 748000 17 892500 18 1054500 19 1235000 20 1435000 21 1655500 22 1897500 23 2162000 24 2450000 25 2762500 26 3100500 27 3465000 28 3867000 29 4277500 30 4727500 31 5208000 32 5720000 33 6264500 34 6842500 35 7455000 36 ??????? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 11. Legal This FAQ was created by LoneSoldier, you may not copy, edit, link to, or post this document in whole or in part, without my permission (& even then you MUST give me FULL credit). Currently the only web-sites that are authorized to post this FAQ are: GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) www.cheatcc.com www.cheatplanet.com www.neoseeker.com If you see this guide posted on any other sites, please inform me so that an appropriate action may be taken. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 12. Credits (thanks ;-) CJayC; For allowing this to be posted in the first place. CyricZ; For writing the FAQ for OB64, and giving me some ideas. (I still don't know how you ever finished it though) viciousglacialbear & The Shadow Man; For sending me some Portal info. Darth Mom; For some Item list corrections.(see version 1.11) Evilmage; For helping me fix a small problem. (version 1.12) Alaron; for sending me a couple of Q's. aidynmaster; for posting info. on the Spirit Wolf group behind the Wizard School. mouse boy & Turok 2K; for e-mailing me about shields/weapons. Joel "the hawker"; for sending me info. about some armor. perfectidiot; for posting that you can camp on the top floor of Shamsuk's Tower Curious44; for helping me find a few errors in the weapons list. penneyg74; for pointing out an omission in the Shield list. (& being polite about it ;-) PrimaGames; even though the prima-guide was missing lots of information, it was still worth the $$$. (the maps helped a LOT with directions) My Friends; Even though you didn't want credit; You still made the largest contribution to this FAQ. (you helped me keep from going completely insane.) Anyone that I missed; Sorry about that (but I'm not perfect) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 13. Version History (& future plans) 1.01 Finished the game for the first time, made a list of "all" the items etc. (that I found. Pretty pathetic actually) 1.02 Tried to create a full walk-through (but kept falling asleep) Added more weapons to the list. 1.03 Decided to scrap the full walk-through, opted for brief? directions instead. (the half-ass walk-through) 1.04 Found another item & some more armor that I'd missed 1.05 Started a section on shops & added more directions Added an old joke (see section 14) 1.06 Started a section on portals, corrected a minor error in directions & added the shops of Erromon. 1.07 Finished a section on enemies (I hope I got them all) & added more items to the list. 1.08 Added the shops of Talewok & The Dryad Forest. & yet another Item that I'd missed 1.09 Finished the Directions (section 3), added to the preliminary FAQ, added more shops (Port Saiid & Terminor) & A few MORE items etc. that I'd missed (this will never be complete, will it?) 1.10 Finished the Shops, Corrected an item description, added more Q. & A. to the Preliminary FAQ. 1.11 Found MORE Shops in Ugarit (only open at night), corrected a HUGE error in the weapon list (too bad someone noticed before I did), & added some Portal info. 1.12 Found ANOTHER shop in Ugarit (I think I found them all now), Fixed a small error (I wish I'd seen it before I posted version 1.11), added another Q&A to the preliminary FAQ & explained the enemy list a little more clearly (I hope). 1.13 Added another Q&A, added a list of wands to section 5, fixed a small error in the Item list (I actually found this one myself for a change;-) 1.14 Added some more wands to the list, added a list of scrolls & the min. Wizard skill they require. Made a minor correction in the "Everything Else" list 1.15 Made a few changes to the directions from city to city 1.16 Added a scroll I missed, a shield someone E-mailed me about & a wand that I forgot to add in version 1.14 1.17 Added part of the section on leveling-up (should have more soon) Added a guide for Shamsuk's Tower (I'll do the Barrow later) 1.18 Added more to the leveling-up section (not quite finished yet...) Added the guide for the Barrow. Changed the dedication. 1.19 Found some more wands & scrolls, made a few minor changes... 1.20 Added the info for leveling-up spells & XP required for the first 31 levels & the player's stats. REMOVED suspect items from the lists. 1.21 Finished the section on leveling-up Stats. Found a Cheat Death Scroll (in the Barrow) & the Whitefire scroll outside the Dragon's Lair, Finally found the Reflection Belt & the XP requirement for level 32. (made a few "minor" changes as well) 1.22 Found a few errors in the Weapons/Armor lists (& fixed them;-) Added the XP requirement for Level 33 & a few minor changes. Changed the spell entry for "(Aura of) Solar Wrath" to "Solar Wrath" . 1.23 Somehow I forgot to put the Spirit Shield (from Tamberlain) in the Shield list, but thanks to "penneyg74" it's in there now. Removed yet another "suspect item" from the lists. I kind of rushed this update, it was going to be a lot bigger, but I got tired of people asking how to find an item that most likely doesn't exist. 1.24 (uploaded 01-08-02) I only made ONE small, but VERY important change in this update. My E-Mail address has been slightly changed, the old one (LoneSoldier@ignmail.com) hasn't worked since Dec. 6, 2001. The new one (lonesoldier@lycos.com) went on-line Jan. 7, 2002. (I also decided to include upload dates in this section) 1.25 (uploaded 02-09-02) Added some new Q&A, Added the Characters section 1.26 (uploaded 04-09-02) Made a few changes to the Enemies list, added some character info. Added some more Q&A, Removed ALL of the "suspect" items from the lists (I'll put them back only if I find them) and made a few other "minor" changes in general areas. Added XP requirement to reach level 34 (I'll reach the highest level eventually:-) 1.27 (uploaded 08-18-02) Found another Wand (Frozen Doom) & added it to the list, Added some clarification to the Character's Section & finished the listing for Niesen. Added the requirements for level 35 :-) Also made the usual "minor" changes to stuff I never really liked ?.?? The future.... ...I'm still working on the section on leveling-up (almost finished now?) & I think I'm finished with the Character section (might need some "fine tuning" though)... I'm working on a section for "tips & tricks" & a section on which enemies drop what weapons/armor/etc. when they die. (who knows when they'll be finished though) Who can really say what else the future holds... ...but I'm starting to think that this FAQ will never be finished! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 14. The Last Word (small joke ;-) END.