"This document Copyright 1998 John Doe" ******************************************************************** | | | Banjo-Kazooie Walkthrough/FAQ Version 2.7.2 | | By : Joca64 (Joaquim Mendes) Email : Joca64@yahoo.com | | | ******************************************************************** Last updated 12/10/2000 - Table of Contents - 1. What's new? 2. Introduction 3. Items 4. Moves and where to find them 5. Location of the 100 Jiggies 6. Location of the 24 Extra Honeycomb pieces 7. Note guide 8. Mumbo Token Location 9. Extra lives 10. Where are the Puzzles? 11. Brentilda guide 12. Magic Cauldrons 13. Cheatos 14. Note Door information 15. Beehives 16. Grunty's Furnace Fun 17. Beat the witch 18. Bottles' Puzzles 19. Secrets 20. Bugs and Glitches 21. Unsolved mysteries 22. Your reward 23. Thanks -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. What's new? Version 2.7.2 - Added more answers to Grunty's Furnace Fun, some more bugs and a couple of secrets. Version 2.7.1 - Added more correct answers to Grunty's Furnace Fun, a new bug and corrected some errors. Version 2.7 - Added a couple of bugs, a couple of secrets, more correct answers, a Mumbo token in Treasure Trove Cove, an Extra Life in Click Clock Wood and corrected some minor stuff. I think you've already guessed who sent me this information. Version 2.6.3 - Added more answers to Grunty's Furnace Fun, added another bug, added what's under the tiles in the pyramid with the memory game and corrected some errors. Version 2.6.2 - Added some more bugs, some more correct answers to Grunty's Furnace Fun and corrected a whole bunch of errors. And guess who sent all this new info? That's right! Donkey Kong (n64kg@netzero.net). Version 2.6.1 - Added more answers to Grunty's questions and the location of the caterpillars in Click Clock Wood. All thanks to Donkey Kong (n64kg@netzero.net). Version 2.6 - And Donkey Kong (n64kg@netzero.net) did it again. He's sent me even more stuff! Added Bottles' Puzzles section, Grunty's Furnace Fun section now has correct answers to some of the questions made by Gruntilda. I also forgot to include Baby Myuu (lacdragon@netzero.net) in the Thanks section in the last update. Version 2.5 - Added the Beehives section, added more Mumbo Tokens (in Treasure Trove Cove, Clanker's Cavern, Bubblegloop Swamp, Mad Monster Mansion and Rusty Bucket Bay) and more Extra Lives (In Click Clock Wood, Summer and Winter). A big thanks to Donkey Kong (n64kg@netzero.net) for all this information. And look! I've changed the date from day/month/year to month/day/year. Version 2.4.2 - Spell checked the whole darn thing, Luigie has a new email address, check it at the bottom of the FAQ. Version 2.4.1 - Just added the sequences for the Tiptup Choir. Version 2.4 - The Jinjos are now arranged by colors, added another Extra Life in Click Clock Wood and 3 Extra Lives in Bubblegloop Swamp. Version 2.3 - Updated the Bugs and Glitches section, added more Mumbo Tokens in Gruntilda's Lair, added an Extra Life in Clanker's Cavern and Freezeezy Peak. Version 2.2 - Added the location of the Mumbo Tokens in Gruntilda's Lair, updated the Bugs section, minor update of Your Reward section, updated Unsolved Mysteries section, added the location of an Extra Life in Gruntilda's Lair, Bugs section renamed to Bugs and Glitches. Version 2.1 - Added the GameShark code that lets you unlock all the secrets! It's in the Secrets section, so go and have a look. Version 2.0.1 - Forgot to include Greg Daniels name on the answer of the Flying disc mystery. Here it is, sorry about that. Version 2.0 - Updated Unsolved Mysteries section, Spell checked the entire FAQ. Version 1.9 - Updated Unsolved Mysteries section, updated Bugs section. Version 1.8 - Updated Unsolved Mysteries section. Version 1.7 - Finally I've updated this FAQ! It took longer than I expected. Added Extra lives section, added Note guide section, added Your reward section, added Where are the Puzzles? section, added Brentilda guide section, added Magic Cauldrons section, added Note Door information section, included Ernest64's Mumbo Token guide, added Grunty's Furnace Fun section, added Beat the witch section, updated the Secrets section, changed the location of some sections, corrected some errors. Version 1.2 - Added the Moon Jump code. Version - Updated the Unsolved mysteries section. Version 1.1.1 - Corrected some errors. Version 1.1 - Added What's new? section, updated the Bugs section, updated the Secrets section, corrected some spelling errors. Version 1.0 - Added everything! -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Introduction I made this FAQ because I had nothing to do. This is my first attempt of creating a FAQ so take it easy. Now you can fully enjoy this wonderful game by the Rare geniuses. When Banjo-Tooie is released I'll update this FAQ and make the necessary changes to include all the information for finding all the Secrets. If you have anything to say (corrections, ideas, etc) email me at Joca64@yahoo.com. If you want to use any part of this FAQ on your own FAQ, site or something of that kind email me and ask me permission. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Items - Jiggies (Jigsaw Pieces) - These are the main items of the game. There are a total of 100. They're like the stars in Super Mario 64.The only way of opening the entrances to the levels is to collect them and use them at the level puzzle. - Musical Notes - These are like the coins in SM64, you need them to open the Note Doors scattered through Gruntilda's Lair. There are 100 in each level. - Jinjos - Jinjos are some weird beings with different colors (Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange and Pink), there are 5 in each level. Collect them all to get a Jiggy. - Mumbo Tokens - These Tokens have the shape of a skull, they're used to pay Mumbo's spells. - Extra Honeycomb piece - These Extra Honeycomb pieces are very helpful! Gather 6 of them and your energy bar will gain another energy block. There are 2 Extra Honeycomb pieces per level except in Spiral Mountain that has 6. - Eggs - The Eggs are used by Kazooie as ammo, you can carry a maximum amount of 100 Eggs. - Red Feathers - Kazooie uses them in order to fly! Each time you tap A to gain altitude you'll also spend a Red Feather. The maximum you can carry is 50. - Gold Feathers - These Gold Feathers are very precious they can make Banjo invincible. They're also very rare, you can only carry 10 of them! You use one for activating the Wonder Wing technique and you keep spending them each 2 seconds. - Honeycomb - This raises your energy bar by one block. - Extra Life - This one is a little hard to figure out, they're little Banjo statues. - Wading Boots - Kazooie uses them so you can safely cross dangerous areas. You can only use them if you've learned how. - Running Shoes - Same as the Wading Boots but they drastically speed him up. Once again you can only use them if you've learned how. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Moves and where to find them - Climbing - Banjo can climb trees, poles and other stuff. All you have to do is jump in the direction of the object you want to climb and he'll grab it. Then use up and down to move him, press A again and he will let go. You only need to find this move if you've chosen to learn the basic moves at the beginning of the game. It is located in Spiral Mountain, near the bridge to Spiral Mountain. - Swimming - Jump to the water and Banjo will remain at the surface until you dive by pressing B. While at the surface use the Control Stick to move him. When you're under water press and hold A to swim slowly but at a constant speed, if you press B you'll swim fast but not at a constant speed. Once again you only need to find this move if you've chosen to learn the basic moves at the beginning of the game. It is also located in Spiral Mountain, near the place you get the jumps and Spiral Mountain. - Double Jump - With this move you can make Kazooie beat her wings while you are in middle air. This is one of the basic moves, and you're only supposed to find it if you have chosen to do so. You can find it at Spiral Mountain near a place with six big logs. - Forward Roll - Gain some speed and press B to make Banjo roll forward. This is another of the basic moves, you can find it at Spiral Mountain, on the left side of Banjo's house (if you're facing it). - Claw Swipe Attack - This move makes Banjo start punching whatever is in front of him. Just hit B while you're not moving, or moving really slow. This move is at the same place than the Forward Roll. - Rat-a-tat Rap - Jump by pressing A and while you're in the air hit B to make Kazooie hit the enemies above. One more basic move, and like all other basic moves you can find it at Spiral Mountain, on the same place than Forward Roll. - Flapflip Jump - Kazooie helps Banjo do a big jump that is the only way of getting on top of most of the things in the game. Press Z to duck and then press A to jump. This is a basic move. To find it go to a place that has six big logs. - Beak Barge Attack - This is a basic move that uses Kazooie's beak and Banjo shoulder dash. Press Z to duck and then tap B. To find it, talk to Bottles, on the right side of Gruntilda's Lair entrance (if you're facing it). - Beak Buster - After Banjo jumps Kazooie smashes the ground with her beak. To do so, jump by pressing A and while in the air press Z. To find this move you must go to Mumbo's Mountain, and look for it on one of the sides of Mumbo's hut. - Egg Firing - Kazooie can throw eggs by her mouth or by her ass, a very efficient way of hitting enemies without getting close. To throw an egg by Kazooie's mouth press Z to duck and then press C-Up, if you want to throw it backwards and bouncing press Z and then C-Down. This move can be found in Mumbo's Mountain, above Chimpy (the monkey), to the left (if you're facing him). - Talon Trot - Kazooie substitutes Banjo and starts running really fast, compared with the speed that Banjo can achieve. Use it to climb step slopes. Press Z to duck and then press C-Left, keep pressing Z and use the Control Stick to move both characters. You can find this move at Mumbo's Mountain, near the ruins. - Shock-Jump Spring - Its a green plaque with a picture of one of Kazooie's paws. You can use it to jump really high. There are plenty of them all scattered through the game but you can't use them unless you find Bottles at Treasure Trove Cove first. It's very easy to find, at one of the sides of Captain Blubber's ship there are some crates pilled up, climb them and you should see Bottles at you're left. - Flying - Kazooie makes a good use of her wings and starts flying. To start flying find a Flying Disc (it's a blue plaque with a picture of four Red Feathers) and while you're on top of it press A, you will start flying, to gain altitude press A. But doing this will spend a Red Feather. Like the Shock-Jump Springs, the Flying Discs are at many places but if you don't find Bottles you can't use them. It's at Treasure Trove Cove, on top of Captain Blubber's ship. - Beak Bomb - It's used to throw Kazooie like a missile. You can only do this if you're flying, by pressing B. This technique also uses a Red Feather per use. You can find this move at Freezeezy Peak, it's near the pile of presents. - Wonder Wing - Kazooie protects Banjo using her wings as a shield. To make this press Z and then hit C-Right keep pressing Z and use the Control Stick to move the characters. To activate this technique you need to use a Gold Feather, and you'll spend another one each two seconds. This move is found at Clanker's Cavern, to get it climb to Clanker's back and enter the hole that appears when the giant bolt rises. Pass the rotating blades and on to the next room, use the Flying Disc to fly to the tunnel that has a Gold Feather at the other side of the room. Enter it and talk to Bottles to get the move. - Wading boots - Kazooie uses these boots to safely cross dangerous areas like the swamp. When you catch these boots you'll automatically wear them, and they will disappear after a short time. If you want to stop using them, at any time press B. To learn how to use them go to Bubblegloop Swamp and right at the beginning of the level turn left and search for Bottles near the place that has a red frog. - Running Shoes - Kazooie uses these Shoes like the Wading Boots, not to wander safely but to run even faster. To learn how to use them you must go to Gobi's Valley and there search Bottles at the left side of the pyramid that has a target on top (assuming you're facing it). -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Location of the 100 Jiggies 5.1. Mumbo's Mountain 1st Jiggy - Go to the place that has a Gorilla on top of a tree. Stand on the buttons that have a picture of an orange and wait until the gorilla throws an orange and hits the buttons (not you!).When all the three buttons are pressed the Jiggy will appear. 2nd Jiggy - Climb the gorilla's tree and pick an orange then go to the chimp standing on a log and give him the orange in order to the Jiggy appear. 3rd Jiggy - After getting Jiggy #2 jump to the log that has risen and jump to the highest platform, then throw an egg to the gorilla and jump to avoid the oranges he throws. Keep firing eggs until he gives you the Jiggy. 4th Jiggy - Smash all the huts near Mumbo's hut to get the Jiggy. 5th Jiggy - Jump to the right eye of Mumbo's hut (if you're facing it). 6th Jiggy - This Jiggy is just waiting for you right in the middle of the ruins. 7th Jiggy - Throw an egg to the mouth of all the rotating statues near Mumbo's hut to get another Jiggy. 8th Jiggy - On the top of a platform in the slope near the beginning of the level is a Jiggy. 9th Jiggy - Transform yourself into a termite and go inside the termite hole. Climb to the top to get the Jiggy. 10th Jiggy - Save the 5 Jinjos. Blue Jinjo - Is in a small platform in the middle of the lake, near the beginning of the level. Green Jinjo - Is inside one of the huts you have to destroy in order to get Jiggy #4. Yellow Jinjo - Is on of a platform in the slope next to the ruins. Orange Jinjo - Is on top of the ruins. Pink Jinjo - The first Jinjo is on the top of a platform right in the beginning of the level. Gruntilda Switch This switch is located on a tall column near the place where is a gorilla on top of a tree. 5.2. Treasure Trove Cove 1st Jiggy - Hit the Giant hermit crab 3 times and then enter his shell. In the middle of the shell is the Jiggy. 2nd Jiggy - Find Captain Blubber's treasure. Go inside his boat by an open window under water to get the first half of the treasure. Then go to the deck of the ship and smash a trapdoor to get the other half. Give the treasure to Captain Blubber and he'll give you the Jiggy. 3rd Jiggy - Go to the tall green column that has a red cross on the top and smash it, follow the arrows and when you get to a ? jump down of the column and look for a small island near you. Smash the red cross and smash the treasure chest. 4th Jiggy - Near the treasure island there are several columns with a Shock-Jump spring on top, jump on the ones going in the direction of the mountain in order to get to a cave where the Jiggy is. 5th Jiggy - On top of the lighthouse there is a Jiggy. 6th Jiggy - Near Captain Blubber's ship there are some crates pilled up. Climb them and walk forward, look for a platform below and fall to it. Throw 2 bouncing eggs to Leaky and he'll make the water disappear. Enter the Sand castle and on his floor type BANJOKAZOOIE before time's out, kill the crab and pick up the Jiggy. 7th Jiggy - Go to the top of Captain Blubber's ship and start flying in the opposite direction of the start of the level. Go to the small cave on the left, enter the big chest to get the Jiggy. 8th Jiggy - When you start the level go straight ahead until you see a platform with a ladder on your left side. Jump to that platform and instead of going up the ladder go through your right side, jump on the crates and keep going until you've found the Jiggy. 9th Jiggy - When you start the level go straight ahead until you see a platform with a ladder on your left side. Jump to that platform and climb the ladders, when you get to the top you'll see a pond. The Jiggy is on its bottom. 10th Jiggy - Save the 5 Jinjos. Blue Jinjo - Is under the platform at the beginning of the level. Green Jinjo - Is on top of Captain Blubber's ship. Yellow Jinjo - Is on top of a palm tree near the lighthouse. Orange Jinjo - Is near the pond of Jiggy #9. Pink Jinjo - Is on top of one of the columns of Jiggy #4. Gruntilda Switch This switch is located behind the lighthouse, at the top of the level. 5.3. Clanker's Cavern 1st Jiggy - When you see Clanker for the first time go straight ahead until you reach a green pipe. Go to the surface and kill all the mutant crabs to get the Jiggy. 2nd Jiggy - If you dive near Clanker you'll see a chain attached to him. Follow the chain and when you get to the bottom go through the key's hole 3 times to release Clanker. The Jiggy will appear on his back. Note - If you get low on air you can pick up the bubbles that Gloop (the fish that swims around) releases. 3rd Jiggy - Climb to Clanker's back and then to his tail, jump to the platform with red feathers and then hit the grate in order to get the Jiggy. 4th Jiggy - Climb to Clanker's back and stay on top of the bolt located in his head, wait until the bolt goes up and jump to the platform, the Jiggy is just waiting. 5th Jiggy - Go to Clanker's left side (if you're facing him) and jump to a platform that is floating near his head. Fire 3 eggs into his golden tooth and enter his mouth to grab the Jiggy. 6th Jiggy - Climb to Clanker's back and wait until the bolt goes up, then quickly enter the hole. Pass the rotating blades to get the Jiggy. 7th Jiggy - Climb to Clanker's back and wait until the bolt goes up, then quickly enter the hole. Pass the rotating blades and into the next room. In this room go through all the rings (starting with the green one) before time's out, to make the water rise and the Jiggy appear. 8th Jiggy - On the room where the rings are, go to the flying disc and start flying in the direction of the other side of the room and enter the hole that has a Golden Feather near the entrance. Use the Wonder Wing technique to pass the rotating blades and get the Jiggy. 9th Jiggy - When you are facing Clanker go to the to the pipe at your right, at the end of the tunnel there is a Jiggy. 10th Jiggy - Save the 5 Jinjos. Blue Jinjo - When you're facing Clanker, go to the second pipe under water at your left. Green Jinjo - Is on the opposite side of the key in Jiggy #2. Yellow Jinjo - Right at the begining of the level get down from the pipe and then climb the ladder in the metal structure. Jump to the pipe at your right and continue to follow the pipe, and then jump to a large column at the middle of the lake to get him. Orange Jinjo - Stand on top of Clanker's the right fin (if you're facing him) and wait until he goes up, jump to the platform and kill the monster that comes out of the wall. Jump left with the help of the Shock-jump spring and grab the pipe. Climb the pipe and jump to the platform at your left, smash the grate to save the Jinjo. Pink Jinjo - Inside Clanker's stomach, after the water has raised go to the tunnel that has a beehive and then dive to get the Jinjo. Gruntilda Switch This switch is located inside Clanker's stomach. Go to the top of Clanker's head and wait until the giant bolt goes up and enter the hole. The switch is right behind you. 5.4. Bubblegloop Swamp 1st Jiggy - At the begining of the level go straight ahead and turn right, pass the bridge and jump to the log on the piranha water, jump to the next platform and smash the button, climb the angled wall with the Talon Trot and reach the Jiggy before time's up. 2nd Jiggy - Near the middle of the level there is a large platform with a lot of sawed trees, jump to that platform and kill all the frogs to get the Jiggy. 3rd Jiggy - Go to the giant turtle and smash all his paws in order to get the Jiggy. 4th Jiggy - Enter the giant turtle's mouth and talk to the biggest turtle you find. Repeat the 3 sequences to get the Jiggy. 5th Jiggy - Go to the place of the level where there are a lot of huts on the top of tall pillars. Use the Shock-jump spring in order to get on top of the first hut. Smash all the huts to continue going up, the Jiggy will be on the highest hut. 6th Jiggy - After passing the bridge near the begining of the level, go to your left and wait until the leaf passes by. Jump to it and reach the giant egg, use the Shock-jump spring to get on top of it and smash it. Keep breaking it until the Jiggy appears. 7th Jiggy - Go to the left side of the giant crocodile head (if you're facing him) and grab the Wading boots, on the end of the maze there is a switch, smash it and get the Jiggy before time's up. 8th Jiggy - Transform yourself into a crocodile and enter the nose of the giant crocodile head. Talk to the red crocodile and play his game. If you can win him you'll get the Jiggy. 9th Jiggy - Feed the crocodile with eggs. The first crocodile is located right at the begining of the level. The second crocodile is in the path of Jiggy #1.The third crocodile is located near the huts. The fourth crocodile is behind the giant crocodile head.The fifth crocodile is behind the giant turtle. 10th Jiggy - Save the 5 Jinjos. Blue Jinjo - Go to the platform where the third crocodile appears, run and jump to the plant, climb to the top and jump to the one that leads to an island, then jump to the island and climb the plant to get the Jinjo. Green Jinjo - Is on the path that leads to Jiggy #1. Yellow Jinjo - Is on one of the sides of the bridge near the begining of the level. Orange Jinjo - Is behind the giant turtle. Pink Jinjo - Is on the bottom of the tall pillars of Jiggy #5.In order to get it you'll need to be transformed in a crocodile. Gruntilda Switch This switch is located under one of the huts of Jiggy #5. 5.5. Freezeezy Peak 1st Jiggy - When you start the level go down the slopes and turn left, smash the present to release the Twinklies. Keep smashing the monsters until you've saved 10 of them. Go to the back of the Xmas tree and fire 3 eggs to the On switch, find a Flying disc, start flying and pass 3 times through the star on top of the tree before time's out. Land, jump to the vase of the tree, climb the tree to the top and grab the Jiggy. 2nd Jiggy - Transform into a walrus and go talk to Wozza (a walrus near a cave) in order to get the Jiggy. 3rd Jiggy - Find a Flying disc and start flying, kill all the snowmen to make the Jiggy appear on top of the giant snowman's hat. 4th Jiggy - Climb the scarf of the giant snowman, when you reach the top, go to the opposite side, jump to the sleigh and hit Boggy the bear, to get the Jiggy. 5th Jiggy - When you begin the level go down the slope and turn right climb the slope and race with Boggy. If you win the race you'll get a Jiggy. Note - You need to get Jiggy #4 first and be transformed into a walrus. 6th Jiggy - Climb the giant snow man's scarf and use the Shock-jump spring to get on his teeth, jump inside his pipe to get the Jiggy. 7th Jiggy - Beak bomb the 3 buttons of the giant snowman to make the Jiggy appear under him. 8th Jiggy - Go to the place where you raced with Boggy the first time, but this time go as a bear, you'll race with him again, if you win you'll get another Jiggy. Note - You need to get Jiggy #5 first and have learned how to use the Running shoes. 9th Jiggy - Give 3 presents to the little bears in the igloo. The first present is inside the Xmas tree. The second one is in a round platform near Mumbo's hut. The last one is on top of the giant snow man's nose. 10th Jiggy - Save the 5 Jinjos. Blue Jinjo - Is on top of the giant snowman's broom. Green Jinjo - Is behind a house near Mumbo's hut. Yellow Jinjo - Is inside Mumbo's hut. Orange Jinjo - Is inside Wozza's cave. Pink Jinjo - Is on top of the pile of presents near Wozza's cave. Gruntilda Switch This switch is located under one of the snowmen. 5.6. Gobi's Valley 1st Jiggy - Climb to the top of Jinxy the Sphinx and then jump to the top of the two cactus in front of him. Fire a egg to each nose hole to open his door. Enter and jump to the magic carpet, fire an egg to the statue's mouth to make the carpet go up, jump to the next carpet and repeat the process until you can reach the carpet with the Jiggy. 2nd Jiggy - When you start the level climb the slope and go to the pyramid more to the right. Climb it and smash the button on top of it, enter the pyramid before time's out. Match the pictures in the tiles before time's up to get a Jiggy. 1: Mumbo 2: Egg 3: Jinjo 4: Jinjo 5: Feather 6: Note 7: Banjo 8: Honeycomb 9: Kazooie 10: Feather 11: Mumbo 12: Kazooie 13: Note 14: Banjo 15: Honeycomb 16: Egg 3rd Jiggy - Near the pyramid of Jiggy #2 there is a magic carpet going in circles, wait until it goes near you and then jump to it. Jump to the platform where is a camel, break the rock to free the camel and he'll give a Jiggy. 4th Jiggy - Near the cactus that ends in circle is a slope, climb it to get the Running shoes, run to the pyramid next to the cactus and press the button to open the top of the pyramid, climb it before time's up and enter the pyramid. Dive and get the Jiggy. 5th Jiggy - After you've filled the pit with water, swim to the small column that has a statue near it, climb to the column and the statue will start moving, fire 3 eggs to his mouth. Repeat the process with the other 2 statues to reveal a pyramid. Enter it and at the end of the maze jump to the sarcophagus to get the Jiggy. 6th Jiggy - Get the Running shoes of Jiggy #4 and start running in the direction of a small island with the Wading boots on top, pass the island and keep going forward, go down the slope and on to the plain platform. A hand grabbing a Jiggy should appear, run in the direction of the hand and jump to grab the Jiggy. 7th Jiggy - After you've saved Gobi the camel return to the start area and you'll see him next to Trunker the tree, smash the camel to get another Jiggy. 8th Jiggy - Go to the Flying disc on top of Jinxy the Sphinx and start flying, Beak bomb the target that is on top of one of the pyramids and its door will open. Enter the pyramid and start throwing bouncing eggs to the little basket that is moving around. After a while a snake shall rise, climb the snake and jump to get the Jiggy. 9th Jiggy - Go to the Flying disc on top of Jinxy the Sphinx and start flying, you'll have to pass through all the rings of the ancient ones. The first one is on the right side of Jinxy the Sphinx (if you're facing him) and they all appear near him. 10th Jiggy - Save the 5 Jinjos. Blue Jinjo - Is at the bottom of the pit surrounding the pyramid of Jiggy #5. Green Jinjo - Is on a small hole in the back part of the pyramid in Jiggy #2. Yellow Jinjo - Is right at the start of the level, all you have to do is turn backwards and jump to the small rock. Orange Jinjo - Is on top of a magic carpet, inside Jinxy the Sphinx. Make the first carpet raise and jump backwards. Pink Jinjo - Is inside a vase on the room where you get Jiggy #5. Gruntilda Switch This switch is located in the maze, inside the pyramid that has Jiggy #5. 5.7. Mad Monster Mansion 1st Jiggy - At the start of the level go to one of the mansion's corners and jump to the metal pipe. Climb it and look for a Shock-jump spring in the roof, use it and jump to the top of the mansion. Enter the big chimney, jump to the chairs and then to the table, go through the ghost to get the Jiggy. Note - If you miss a chair and fall on the ground the ghost will wake up and will have to start over. 2nd Jiggy - Go to the back part of the mansion and you'll see a trapdoor, smash it and enter the cellar. The Jiggy is inside one of the barrels, just break them all open. 3rd Jiggy - At the start of the level go through the right side of the Mansion and then go to your left. Break the gate and put one bouncing egg in all of the pots near the graves. You'll be rewarded with a Jiggy. 4th Jiggy - Break the door of the house that has light coming from inside and enter it. Jump to the top of the transparent thing and spell the word BANJOKAZOOIE before time is up. 5th Jiggy - Jump to the grave stone at the right side (if you are facing it) of the church's door, use the Talon Trot to climb to the clock tower and there use the Shock-jump spring to grab the pole at top of the tower. Climb it and at the very top there is a Jiggy. 6th Jiggy - Near the house of Jiggy #4 is a path that leads to a well. Go inside the well and you'll see a Jiggy inside the bucket. 7th Jiggy - Transform yourself into a pumpkin and climb to the roof of the Mansion. There look for a hole. Enter it to get the Jiggy. 8th Jiggy - Break the window of the first floor that has light and is near the hole of Jiggy #7.Transform yourself into a pumpkin and enter that same window. Enter the toilet and at the end of the tunnel you'll find a Jiggy. 9th Jiggy - Near Blue Jinjo there is a button , smash it and get the Running shoes, run to the church entrance before time's up. Climb to organ and then climb to the music book, a ghost hand will talk to you. Repeat the two sequences to get a Jiggy. 10th Jiggy - Save the 5 Jinjos. Blue Jinjo - Is on top of a column in the middle of a green liquid pond. This is located on the right side of the Mansion (if you're facing it). Green Jinjo - Is on top of the Mansion's roof. Yellow Jinjo - It is inside one of the windows, at the top level of the Mansion. Orange Jinjo - Is inside the garden maze. Pink Jinjo - Is inside one of the barrels in the cellar. Gruntilda Switch This switch is located inside the church. You need to climb the organ, go to its left side (if you're facing it) and jump to the Flying pad. Start flying and go up to some wooden boards at the top of the ceiling. The switch is on top of one of them. 5.8. Rusty Bucket Bay 1st Jiggy - The first one is located at the top of the ship's front funnel. 2nd Jiggy - Dive in the water near the front part of the ship, you should see a dolphin. Enter the ship by the anchor's chain hole. At the end of the corridor full of enemies there is a button, push it and the dolphin will be released giving you a Jiggy. 3rd Jiggy - At the front of the ship there are three numbered buttons. Smash them in this order: 312111 and you'll get a Jiggy. 4th Jiggy - At the front of the ship there is a crate holding a Jiggy. Climb its rope and then climb down using the ladder and push the red up arrow (a button). The crate will raise, you just have to get back to the ship before the time is up. 5th Jiggy - At the rear of the ship is another crate. Climb the rope attached to it and on the other side use the ladder to get down. Push the red down arrow (another button) and the crate will drop and blow up the doors. Enter it and kill the big box to get the Jiggy. 6th Jiggy - At the start of the level go to Banjo's left side, throw 2 eggs into the hole in the wall and a bridge will show up. Cross it and climb the roof, on the other side of it there is a window, smash it and enter the house. Walk into the camera's direction to get the Jiggy. 7th Jiggy - At the front part of the ship, on its right side there is a porthole that you can break. Enter it and break the wooden door inside the room, kill the enemy that appears from the wall and jump to get the Jiggy. 8th Jiggy - At the rear of the ship there are two metal pipes , one is an enemy but you can enter the other one. Inside of it there is a switch, smash it to slow down the rotating blades. On the base of the back funnel you'll find a little metal door, break it and enter. Use the ladder to get down and go to the engine room. The Jiggy is at the other side of the room. 9th Jiggy - After you've slowed down the rotating blades in the engine room go there and push the two buttons (near Jiggy #8).You'll stop two rotating blades, return to the rear of the ship and dive into the water. All you have to do is grab the Jiggy before the time is up. 10th Jiggy - Save the 5 Jinjos. Blue Jinjo - On the left side (if you're facing it) of the button you press to get Jiggy #5 you'll see another hole in the wall, throw some eggs into it and another bridge will appear. Cross it and you will see three big blue boxes and some brown little ones. Climb the brown ones and get into the hole of the big middle box. Inside it you will find the Jinjo. Green Jinjo - On top of a barrel in a toxic waste dump, left of the button (if you're facing it) you press to get Jiggy #4. Yellow Jinjo - At the start of the level go to Banjo's left and make the bridge appear. Climb the roof and at the other side you'll see the Jinjo on top of a buoy. Orange Jinjo - At the right side (if you're facing it) of the button you press to get Jiggy #5 you see a hole in the wall. Throw 8 eggs into it and a bridge will show up, cross it and get the Jinjo on the other side. Pink Jinjo - At the start of the level go to Banjo's right and climb the roof. Will see a grate in the floor. Jump to the water and go through the grate opening to get the Jinjo. Gruntilda Switch On the back part of the ship there is a crate hanging by a rope. Climb that rope and at the top look down to the back part of the ship. You'll see the switch, do a running jump to get to it. 5.9. Click Clock Wood - Location of the door switches - Spring switch - Is near the fall entrance. Summer switch - Is in spring. It's located in front of the squirrel's house. Fall switch - Is in summer. It's located on the dry lake. Winter switch - Is in fall. It's located near the eagle's nest. 1st Jiggy - In spring, climb the tree to the top and you'll see a door, break it and enter. In this room you'll find the Jiggy. 2nd Jiggy - In spring, find a bird's nest with a big egg inside. Jump to the top of the egg and break it. Go to summer, collect 5 caterpillars and give them to the baby eagle. Go to fall, collect 10 caterpillars and give them to the baby eagle. Go to winter and proceed to the eagle's nest. Talk to him and he'll give you a Jiggy. Location of the caterpillars: -Summer- 1. Under the big leaves near the entrance. 2. In the dry lake. 3. In front of Mumbo's Hut. 4. On a platform across from the Bigbutt (blue bull). 5. On the root between the Bigbutt and Mumbo's Hut. 6. On the left tree branch above Mumbo's Hut. 7. In front of the treehouse. 8. Down the path to the left of Nabnut's house (if you're facing it). -Fall- 9. On the tree in front of Mumbo's Hut. It's in front of a Big Clucker (bird thing). 10. In Mumbo's Hut. 11. Up the pile of leaves to the left of the giant flower. It's next to a Big Clucker. 12. Up the pile of leaves to the right of the giant flower. 13. On the branches above Mumbo's Hut. 14. On top of the Zubbas' (big bees') hive. 15. Inside the Zubbas' hive. 16. At the tree house. 17. In Nabnut's house. 18. Behind Eyrie's (the eagle) nest. 19. On the things leading to Eyrie's nest. 20. Near the Snarebear (bear-eating plant) with Fall's Mumbo Token 5. 3rd Jiggy - In summer go to the dried lake and break the rock that's blocking Gnawty's house. Go to fall and enter his house and get the Jiggy. 4th Jiggy - In spring, right at the start, go to the right and start swimming, until you get to a place where is a bull and a fence surrounding a hole. Start throwing bouncing eggs to the hole until a flower appears. Go to summer and return to the place where the flower is, stomp on Gobi the camel. Go to fall and stomp on Gobi the camel again and the Jiggy will appear. Climb the tree and go to the top of the beehive. Jump down to the flower and get the Jiggy. 5th Jiggy - In summer, go to the top of the beehive and smash the little square on its top. Enter and kill all the bees to get the Jiggy. 6th Jiggy - In summer, right at the start of the level, go straight ahead and climb the leafs. Turn left and climb the little slope, kill the bird and turn right. Keep jumping on top of the leaves until you get to a platform that has a Jiggy. 7th Jiggy - In winter, Go to the Flying Disc located near the squirrel's house. Start flying and go as high as you can, you should see a platform with a Jiggy. 8th Jiggy - In fall, you must find six walnuts for the squirrel. The first one is inside his house, the second one is inside a window at the right side of his house (if you're facing it). The third one is in front of his house, the fourth one is also in front of his house. The fifth one is under the walnut that is flying above a hole, and the last one is on an almost vertical slope. 9th Jiggy - In summer, go to the tree house and jump the big gaps in the floor to get the Jiggy. 10th Jiggy - Save the 5 Jinjos. Blue Jinjo - In winter, on top of Mumbo's hut. Green Jinjo - In spring, climb to the top of the tree and you'll see the Jinjo on a flower. Use the Wonder Wing technique to save him. Yellow Jinjo - In summer, right at the start, go to Banjo's left side and search in the grass. Orange Jinjo - In fall, behind the big flower there are two big piles of leafs, on top of one of them there is a Jinjo. Pink Jinjo - In spring, transform yourself into a bee and enter the beehive to save the Jinjo. Gruntilda Switch This switch is in winter. It is on the same place than Jiggy #6. 5.10. Gruntilda's Lair 1st Jiggy - The first Jiggy is located near the entrance of Gruntilda's Lair. 2nd Jiggy - The Jiggy is on top of Mumbo's Mountain entrance, you need to press the Gruntilda Switch in Mumbo's Mountain and be transformed into a termite and in order to get it. 3rd Jiggy - This Jiggy is on top of the "boat" near the Treasure Trove Cove entrance, to get this Jiggy you need to press the Gruntilda Switch in Treasure Trove Cove. 4th Jiggy - Is near the puzzle of Treasure Trove Cove. To get it you need to press the Gruntilda Switch in Clanker's Cavern and then stomp the eyes of the Gruntilda. 5th Jiggy - Is inside Gruntilda's statue in the room that leads to Bubblegloop Swamp. To get it you'll need to hit the Gruntilda Switch in Bubblegloop Swamp, go to the room where is a big yellow pot and look for a passage that is obstructed by bricks. Break them and push the switch that makes a Shock-jump spring appear. Use the Shock-jump Spring and jump to inside the pot. 6th Jiggy - You'll need to press the Gruntilda Switch in Freezeezy Peak, then jump to the platform that has a Shock-jump spring on the right side of the entrance to Freezeezy Peak (assuming you're facing it), Jump to a tunnel with the Shock-jump spring and go to the place left. Push the button and pick up the Running Shoes and rush to the room where is the face of Gruntilda before time's out, use the Flying disc to start flying and return to the entrance of Freezeezy Peak. Fly to the highest platform on the wall that has the picture of Banjo & Kazooie to get the 6th Jiggy. 7th Jiggy - Is on the room that has the big yellow pot. You'll need to push the Gruntilda Switch in Gobi's Valley, then go to that room and jump with the help of the Shock-jump spring in order to get it. 8th Jiggy - You need to push the Gruntilda Switch in Mad Monster Mansion, then go to the room where is the face of Gruntilda, proceed to the hall that leads to the Freezeezy Peak entrance and push the button that makes a Flying disc appear. Run to the disc and start flying, Beak bomb the left eye of Gruntilda (if you're facing her) and collect the Jiggy. 9th Jiggy - Push the Gruntilda button in Rusty Bucket Bay and swim to the room that is full of water, has a Shrapnel (a floating mine) and is connected to the room that has the entrance to Rusty Bucket Bay. You'll see a mini-cave. All you have to do is collect the Jiggy. 10th Jiggy - Push the Gruntilda Switch in Click Clock Wood, the Jiggy will appear in the room that has the entrance to the same level. To get it you need to be transformed as a bee. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Location of the 24 Extra Honeycomb pieces. 6.1. Spiral Mountain 1st Honey Comb - Is on top of one of the logs, in the place you get the Flipflap Jump. 2nd Honey Comb - Break all the brown things in the place you get Beak Buster. 3rd Honey Comb - Is on the base of Spiral Mountain, you just have to dive to get it. 4th Honey Comb - Is on top of a tree. 5th Honey Comb - Is on a platform near the big waterfall. 6th Honey Comb - You must kill a Collywobble in the place you got the Claw Swipe, the Forward Roll and the Rat-a-tap Rap in order to make the Honey Comb appear. 6.2. Mumbo's Mountain 1st Honey Comb - Throw eggs at the mouth of the spinning statues near Mumbo's hut, but leave the last one. Go to the top of it and then jump to get the Honey Comb. 2nd Honey Comb - Transform into a termite and go to the little cave in the wall near the lake to get the Honey Comb Piece. 6.3. Treasure Trove Cove 1st Honey Comb - When you're facing the giant hermit crab, go to his left. Enter the water and you should see the Honey Comb at the corner of the wall, under water. 2nd Honey Comb - Near the treasure island there are 3 big chests that keep opening and closing. Look for a crate floating in the ocean near that place, the Honey Comb piece is on top of the crate. 6.4. Clanker's Cavern 1st Honey Comb - Stand in Clanker's right fin (if you're facing him) and wait until he goes up. Then jump to the platform that has a Shock-Jump Spring and kill the monster that appears from the wall. Use the Shock- Jump Spring to jump to your left and grab the pipe, climb it and jump to the platform at your right. Go down the little slope and jump to the next platform with a grate, smash the grate to get the Honey Comb piece. 2nd Honey Comb - Near Clanker's right fin (if you're facing him) there is a pipe touching the water. Dive and enter the pipe to get it. 6.5. Bubblegloop Swamp 1st Honey Comb - Enter the giant turtle, climb to the platform next to the teacher turtle and jump again to get it. 2nd Honey Comb - Is inside Mumbo's hut. 6.6. Freezeezy Peak 1st Honey Comb - Is under one of the snowmen. 2nd Honey Comb - Transform into a walrus and enter Wozza's cave, go through the little tunnel under the icy water to reach a cave where the Honey Comb piece lies. 6.7. Gobi's Valley 1st Honey Comb - Press the button behind the pyramid of Jiggy #2, the Honey Comb will appear. Use the Flying Disc on the back of Jinxy the Sphinx to start flying and catch the Honey Comb. 2nd Honey Comb - After you get Jiggy #7, go to the right side of Jinxy the Sphinx (if you're facing him) and wait for a magic carpet to appear. Use that carpet to reach an opening in the side wall with a door, you'll see Gobi the camel again, just smash him to get the Honey Comb. 6.8. Mad Monster Mansion 1st Honey Comb - Is inside the church, start flying and then go to the wood boards at the ceiling. 2nd Honey Comb - You can break the windows of the mansion that have light, in one of these windows there are a lot of Gold Feathers, some monsters that appear from paintings and some holes in the ground. After you've broken that window, go see Mumbo in order to get transformed into a pumpkin, return to the room described above and enter one of the holes in the ground so you can get the Honey Comb. 6.9. Rusty Bucket Bay 1st Honey Comb - Go to the place where the Yellow Jinjo is, dive in the water and enter the hole in the right wall. Look for a button and press it, the Honey Comb will appear, use the Flying Disc to get it. 2nd Honey Comb - Enter the door of the second funnel, go down the stairs and right above the entrance to the engine room there is a hole. Jump to it to get the Honey Comb. 6.10. Click Clock Wood 1st Honey Comb - In winter, search for a hole in the frozen pond near the place where the flower is. Enter the water and proceed to Gnawty's house. There you'll find the Honey Comb. 2nd Honey Comb - In winter, go to the Flying Disc near the squirrel's house, start flying and Beak Bomb the window above his house. Enter to get the Honey Comb. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Note guide 7.1. Mumbo's Mountain 7 - 7 Notes in the bridge of the lake. 13 - 6 Notes on the lake. 31 - 18 Notes on the slope near the start of the level. 37 - 6 Notes on top of the huts. 42 - 5 Notes inside a hut. 46 - 4 Notes inside Mumbo's hut. 55 - 9 Notes on the path near the gorilla that leads to the termite hole. 59 - 4 Notes on the path to the ruins. 73 - 14 Notes on top of the ruins. 94 - 21 Notes on the slope near the ruins. 100 - 6 Notes inside the termite hole. 7.2. Treasure Trove Cove 4 - 4 Notes on the start point. 10 - 6 Notes inside the giant hermit crab shell. 18 - 8 Notes on top of the trees near Captain Blubber's ship. 26 - 8 Notes inside the ship. 37 - 11 Notes on top of the ship. 42 - 5 Notes on top of the sand castle. 46 - 4 Notes inside the sand castle. 58 - 12 Notes on top of the rock formation near the start. 61 - 3 Notes on top of a Shock-Jump Spring near Captain Blubber's Ship. 66 - 5 Notes inside a chest near the last red X. 70 - 4 Notes in the path to the first red X. 82 - 12 Notes in the ladders on the opposite side of the start. 85 - 3 Notes near Jiggy #9. 91 - 6 Notes on the column where the last red X appears. 92 - 1 Note on the opposite side of Jiggy #7 95 - 4 Notes on the path to the lighthouse. 100 - 5 Notes on top of the lighthouse. 7.3. Clanker's Cavern 8 - 8 Notes on the pipes on the start. 14 - 6 Notes on the pipe that leads to Clanker. 21 - 7 Notes on the big pipe underwater, on Clanker's right side (if you're facing him). 31 - 10 Notes on Clanker's back. 35 - 4 Notes on the platform on top of Clanker's head. 45 - 10 Notes on the pipe behind Clanker. 53 - 8 Notes on the place where the mutant crabs are. 58 - 5 Notes near the place where the 8th Jiggy is. 62 - 4 Notes on the pipe near Clanker's right fin (if you're facing him). 70 - 8 Notes near the green Jinjo. 76 - 6 Notes inside Clanker's head. 84 - 8 Notes inside Clanker's mouth. 89 - 5 Notes on the tunnel that leads to Clanker's left gills (if you're facing him). 92 - 3 Notes on the tunnel that leads to Clanker's right gills (if you're facing him). 98 - 6 Notes on the place you get the Wonder Wing technique. 100 - 2 Notes on the wall at Clanker's right (if you're facing him). 7.4. Bubblegloop Swamp 5 - 5 Notes on the bridge at the start. 20 - 15 Notes on the floating logs. 25 - 5 Notes behind the giant egg. 45 - 20 Notes on the path to the first Jiggy. 49 - 4 Notes on the giant turtle's feet. 55 - 6 Notes inside the giant turtle. 60 - 5 Notes inside one of the huts you smash to get Jiggy #5. 65 - 5 Notes on the base of the column where the fourth crocodile appears. 70 - 5 Notes on top of the giant crocodile head. 73 - 3 Notes on top of a plant near the giant crocodile head. 78 - 5 Notes on the water behind the blue Jinjo. 90 - 12 Notes on the maze. 96 - 6 Notes inside the giant crocodile. 100 - 4 Notes on the base of a column with a smash able hut on top (you must be transformed into a crocodile). 7.5. Freezeezy Peak 9 - 9 Notes on the slope near the start. 14 - 5 Notes behind the Xmas tree. 26 - 12 Notes inside the Xmas tree. 30 - 4 Notes on the pile of presents. 34 - 4 Notes surrounding a present with a snowman on top. 38 - 4 Notes near Wozza's cave entrance. 48 - 10 Notes surrounding the giant snowman's legs. 52 - 4 Notes on the place where the sled race begins. 58 - 6 Notes on top of the houses near Mumbo's hut. 77 - 19 Notes on the giant snowman's scarf. 85 - 8 Notes on top of the giant snowman's hat. 91 - 6 Notes inside Mumbo's hut. 100 - 9 Notes on the water surrounding a snowman near Mumbo's hut. 7.6. Gobi's Valley 5 - 5 Notes on the first slope. 11 - 6 Notes on top of Jinxy the Sphinx feet 15 - 4 Notes on the stairs that lead to the pyramid of Jiggy #5. 21 - 6 Notes on the water pit surrounding the pyramid of Jiggy #5. 28 - 7 Notes inside Jinxy the Sphinx. 36 - 8 Notes on the sand at Jinxy the Sphinx's left side. 43 - 7 Notes inside the pyramid of Jiggy #5. 47 - 4 Notes on the stairs that lead to the pyramid of Jiggy #2. 51 - 4 Notes on top of the pyramid of Jiggy #2. 55 - 4 Notes inside the pyramid of Jiggy #2. 57 - 2 Notes on the left side of the pyramid of Jiggy #2 (if you're facing it). 66 - 9 Notes surrounding the water pit. 70 - 4 Notes on top of the square pyramid. 74 - 4 Notes inside the square pyramid. 76 - 2 Notes on the right side of the square pyramid (if you're facing it). 87 - 11 Notes on the left side of the square pyramid (if you're facing it). 92 - 5 Notes on the place you get the second Extra Honeycomb piece. 100 - 8 Notes inside the pyramid with the target. 7.7. Mad Monster Mansion 4 - 4 Notes right at the start. 12 - 8 Notes on the Mansion's main room. 18 - 6 Notes in the garden maze. 26 - 8 Notes on the Mansion's roof. 30 - 4 Notes on the room where the yellow Jinjo is. 39 - 9 Notes on the other room on the Mansion's top floor. 43 - 4 Notes on the Mansion's cellar. 46 - 3 Notes near the path to the house with light coming out. 50 - 4 Notes on top of the house with light coming out. 54 - 4 Notes inside the house with light coming out. 58 - 4 Notes surrounding the column where the blue Jinjo is. 62 - 4 Notes on the platforms surrounding the well. 69 - 7 Notes inside the well. 79 - 10 Notes on top of the church. 83 - 4 Notes on top of the church's clock tower. 87 - 4 Notes on the church's seats. 89 - 2 Notes on the organ's pedals. 93 - 4 Notes on top of the organ tubes. 95 - 2 Notes inside Mumbo's hut. 100 - 5 Notes on the place you get Jiggy #7 (you must be transformed into a pumpkin). 7.8. Rusty Bucket Bay 5 - 5 Notes on the bridge that leads to the boat. 9 - 4 Notes on top of the grate where the pink Jinjo is under. 13 - 4 Notes on top of a box inside a house near the start. 17 - 4 Notes inside the anchor's hole. 22 - 5 Notes near the place where the yellow Jinjo is. 25 - 3 Notes on the toxic waste dump. 28 - 3 Notes on the crane near the front of the ship. 40 - 12 Notes inside the blue boxes, near the cranes. 43 - 3 Notes on the crane near the back of the ship. 49 - 6 Notes on the back part of the ship. 53 - 4 Notes surrounding the button that slows down the blades in the engine room. 65 - 12 Notes in the engine room. 69 - 4 Notes in the crew quarters. 81 - 12 Notes on the bridges between the two funnels. 84 - 3 Notes on the captain's quarters. 88 - 4 Notes on the control room. 93 - 5 Notes on the ship's kitchen. 95 - 2 Notes near the numbered buttons. 100 - 5 Notes inside the ventilation hole near the middle of the ship. 7.9. Click Clock Wood 4 - 4 Notes near the entrance to Spring. - Spring - 16 - 12 Notes on the four bridges on the ground floor. 20 - 4 Notes surrounding the giant flower. - Summer - 22 - 2 Notes on the green leafs right at the start. 24 - 2 Notes on the entrance to Gnawty's house. 27 - 3 Notes near the beehive. 31 - 4 Notes near the tree house. 36 - 5 Notes near the squirrel's house. - Fall - 52 - 16 Notes surrounding the tree. 54 - 2 Notes inside Gnawty's house. 59 - 5 Notes behind the giant flower. 63 - 4 Notes inside Mumbo's hut. 67 - 4 Notes inside the beehive. 70 - 3 Notes inside the squirrel's house. 78 - 8 Notes on the eagle's nest. 81 - 3 Notes on top of a bear eating plant near the giant flower. 84 - 3 Notes on top of a bear eating plant on a bridge near the start. - Winter - 88 - 4 Notes on a tree branch above Mumbo's hut. 92 - 4 Notes on top of the tree. 96 - 4 Notes on top of the tree house. 100 - 4 Notes near Nabnut's house, surrounding a snowman. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Mumbo Token Location - Courtesy of Ernest64 (laredos@latino.net.co) 8.1. Mumbo's Mountain 1. Next to the pedestal where the pink Jinjo is. 2. Under the stairs that help you enter Mumbo's hut... 3. Behind the stone circle where the orange Jinjo is. 4. Inside the ant's nest, in the second platform... 5. In the wood columns near Conga... 8.2. Treasure Trove Cove 1. Use the jumping platform near Bottles to help you reach it... 2. Inside the ship is one, enter from above. 3. At the lighthouse entrance. 4. At the ship's mast... 5. Inside a chest near the wood stairs... 6. In the same chest as last one... 7. In the sea, behind the giant hermit crab... 8. In the sea, to the right of the little island where the golden chest is located... (remember the one you have to fly, then stomp on the X's, etc). 9. Below the big arch, in a box. 10. Use the Shock Pad by Nipper (the giant hermit crab) to get on the raised roads. Pass the Lockup (treasure chest) and Talon Trot up the slope behind it. (Or go down from Jiggy 9.) Go into the deep pool and swim close to the Shrapnel (water mine). He will "Grrr!" and start to follow you. Get out of the pool and he will come to the edge. Fart 3 Eggs onto him and swim down the pool to find this token. 11. Above one of the pillars near the last X. 8.3. Clanker's Cavern 1. Above the entrance, use the pipes to reach it. 2. Fix Clanker's left tooth by shooting eggs, the enter the hole... 3. Go up by using Clanker's tail, the drop down to reach a platform having one, kill the Green Monster first. 4. Enter the orange pipe at Clanker's right (submerge yourself) to find one... 5. At Clanker's right use the green jumping disc, then while in the air, turn right to reach a pipe, climb it and continue your way to the right to reach it... 8.4. BubbleGloop Swamp 1. Behind the column where you find the orange Jinjo. Use boots... 2. Climb the stick next to the big pink egg... 3. Go to the "green path" (the one that help's you find a Jiggy after pressing a switch) by using the green ramp to find one. 4. Behind Tiptup (inside the giant turtle) is another. 5. Behind Mumbo (inside is hut) 6. Behind Mumbo's hut (outside) 7. Inside the giant crocodile. 8. There is one below the third tree of the left, if you come from the frogs island. 9. Below the same tree as last one. 10. Go to the huts (the ones that you use green jumping discs to reach the top) and use one disc to help you reach it on the right side... 8.5. Freezeezy Peak. 1. Inside the igloo, behind the desk. 2. Kill the first snowman to your right, after going down the starting ramp, to find one. 3. Behind the Christmas tree. 4. Use the sled on top of the snowman's scarf, to help you reach one. 5. Next to the big snowman's foot 6. Next to the other big snowman's foot. 7. Kill the snowman near the pile of gifts... 8. Use the flying disc on top of a house... 9. Under the scarf's starting point, in the frozen water... 8.6. Gobi's Valley 1. On the sphinx nose. 2. Use the boots behind the sphinx, then go to the right of it. 3. Inside the pyramid where you find the memory game. 4. Inside the pyramid in construction. 5. At the exit of the pyramid in construction. 6. Over the circle that surrounds the pyramid's water, by using the flying disc from the sphinx. 7. Inside the sphinx. 8. At the bottom of the lake... The one you fill. 9. Inside the pyramid, the one with a target on top. 10. After completing the maze, inside a pot. 8.7. Mad Monster Mansion. 1. Inside one of the barrels at the basement. 2. Inside the bathroom 3. In the same room where the yellow Jinjo is, in front of the green phantom picture. 4. In the top of the church, near the clock. 5. At the house chimney, use a yellow feather. 6. At the maze. 7. There is another in the maze. 8. Left from the entrance to the fountain, if you come from the house. 9. Over the chair next to the piano. 10. Behind a tombstone. 11. Inside the well. 12. On the church's roof. 13. Over the shed. 14. Left from the shed's entrance. 15. As a Pumpkin, flush down Loggo (the toilet) and you'll find it. 16. In the pool with the Blue Jinjo, there is a Whipcrack. Kill it with Eggs and a Mumbo Token will appear. 8.8. Rusty Bucket Bay. 1. Inside the machine room, over the first spinning platform. 2. Next to the switch in the machine room that deactivates the ship's propellers. 3. Same as above. 4. In the platform where the switch is. 5. Left from the entrance, throw 2 eggs to the Toll 2 hole, and then throw another 4 to make the platform move. 6. At the acid pool, where the Green Jinjo is located. 7. In the Controls room. 8. At the top of the chimney, the one at the back of the ship. 9. In the left blue box. 10. In the middle blue box. 11. In the storage room. 12. At the very front of the ship. 8.9. Click Clock Wood. Spring 1. Right from the entrance, over the eating plant. 2. There's a big arch next to the bull, there is another at the left of it, over an eating plant. 3. In front of Mumbo's hut. 4. Over Mumbo's hut. (branches) 5. At the beehive entrance. 6. At the house under construction. 7. Above the cabinet at Nabnut (the squirrel) house. 8. In front of the big egg. Summer 1. At the entrance of Gnawty's (the beaver) house. 2. Inside Mumbo's hut, on top. 3. Going to Mumbo's hut, and coming from the bull, at the right corner. 4. Over Mumbo's hut (outside). (branches) 5. There's another token on the path leading to Eyrie, on some tree protuberances, where birds attack you. 6. On one of the leaves that surround the tree. Fall 1. Right from the entrance over an eating plant. 2. Over Mumbo's hut. (branches) 3. On some branches in front of the house under construction. 4. On one of the leaves surrounding the tree. 5. On the eating plant on top of the tree, where there's a door that leads to some roots... Winter 1. On the big plant's stem (the one you helped growing up by stomping on Gobi's (the camel) back. 2. Kill the snowman that is located between Mumbo's hut and the big plant. 3. On the beehive. 4. In front of Nabnut's house. Go down the ramp and go to the right. 8.10. Gruntilda's Lair 1. Behind the 1st Pink Cauldron. 2. On the room with the 1st Orange Cauldron, on top of the pipe you came from. 3. On the room where the Click Clock Wood Puzzle is. 4. On top of the entrance to Freezeezy Peak, use the Shock-Jump Springs to get it. 5. Next to the Mad Monster Mansion Puzzle. 6. In the room where the entrance to Click Clock Wood is, there are two tunnels on the trees. Go through the one that doesn't leads to Grunty's Furnace Fun. 7. On top of the entrance to Clanker's Cavern. 8. Behind the sarcophagus, near the entrance to Gobi's Valley. 9. On the room where the 2nd water switch is, the one near Mumbo, there is a Token behind his chair. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Extra lives 9.1. Spiral Mountain 1. Behind the big waterfall. 2. On the left side of Banjo's house (if you're facing it) there are some trash cans, use them to climb to the house's roof. Stand on the chimney and jump to get it. 9.2. Mumbo's Mountain 1. One of the huts you break to get Jiggy #4 has an Extra life. 2. On top of the termite hole. 9.3. Treasure Trove Cove 1. On top of the crate floating near Sharkfood Island. 2. On the first gap on the path to the column that has the first red X. 3. On a small pond near the place you get Jiggy #9. 9.4. Clanker's Cavern 1. At Clanker's right side (if you're facing him) there is a platform with a beehive. Jump to it and climb the slope at your right, use the Shock-Jump Spring to climb to a hole in the wall. Keep jumping from hole to hole, on the last one there is an Extra life. 2. On the place where the Orange Jinjo is, go down the slope and you'll pick up one. 9.5. Bubblegloop Swamp 1. On top of the giant egg. 2. On the base of the pillar where the fourth crocodile appears. 3,4,5. You can win three Extra lives if you win the red crocodile's game after getting his Jiggy. 9.6. Freezeezy Peak 1. Behind a crystal near the podium. 2. In Wozza's cave, in the room where you get the Extra Honeycomb piece. 3. On top of Mumbo's hut. 9.7. Gobi's Valley 1. On the sand behind Jinxy the Sphinx. 2. On top of the "square" pyramid. 3. Inside the pyramid of Jiggy #5 there is a maze. In the maze there is an Extra life. 9.8. Mad Monster Mansion 1. Inside the secret room is an Extra life. 2. On top of the lamp on the Mansion's main room. 3. Behind the organ's tubes. 9.9. Rusty Bucket Bay 1. Inside the engine room, jump by the rotating cogs and proceed to the area with a window, climb the stairs and grab the Extra life. 2. Inside one of the big blue boxes, kill all the wood boxes and an Extra life will appear. 3. Inside the house where Jiggy #6, use the Shock-Jump Spring to get the Extra life. 9.10. Click Clock Wood - Spring - 1. On the room at the top of the tree, there is one on the ground. 2. Also in the room at the top of the tree, go transformed into a bee (saves a lot of work) and fly to the branch with an Extra life. You can always get it by jumping from branch to branch. 3. On the branches above Mumbo's hut. 4. On top of the bear-eating plant that is on top of the big log on the lake. - Summer - 1. Inside the tree house. 2. On one of the sides of the dried lake, near the big flower. 3. Climb to the very top of the tree and through the door. Avoid or kill the Whipcracks (tree roots) with Eggs and walk up one for this statue. - Fall - 1. Enter Gnawty's house, the Extra life is inside the fireplace. 2. On the branch near the tree house there is a bear eating plant with an Extra life on its top. 3. In the exact same place the second Extra Life is in Spring. - Winter - 1. Enter the hole in the frozen pond, swim to Gnawty's, wait until your air meter is full and dive again. When you leave his house swim to your right until you find the Extra life. 2. Kill the Sir Slush (snowman) closest to Nabnut's house by Beak Bombing the red X on his hat and an Extra Life will appear. 9.11. Gruntilda's Lair 1. Behind the entrance to Click Clock Wood, walk in the grass until you hear a metal sound. You're on top of a Shock-Jump Spring! Use it to jump to the top of Click Clock Wood entrance and collect an Extra life. You can also use the Bee transformation to get it. 2. In the same room where the Mad Monster Mansion Puzzle is, after pushing the second water switch, go to the surface and you should see an Extra life. 3. On the back of Gruntilda's giant statue hat, in the room you get Jiggy #8. 4. Inside a window near the last yellow Cauldron, after completing Gruntilda's Furnace Fun. 5. Behind some roots, in the room of the Click Clock Wood Puzzle. 6. Behind the house you can only enter if you're a pumpkin. 7,8,9. There are three Extra lives in Gruntilda's Furnace Fun. 10. On the room where the entrance to Bubblegloop Swamp is, on the place where you can see 3 brown pipes, jump to the top of the middle one. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Where are the Puzzles? 10.1. Mumbo's Mountain Puzzle - This is the first Puzzle and you must be blind if you don't see it. It is located right next to Mumbo's Mountain entrance. You need 1 Jigsaw to complete it. 10.2. Treasure Trove Cove Puzzle - This Puzzle is on the room where you get Jiggy #4.You need 2 Jigsaw pieces to open its door. 10.3. Clanker's Cavern Puzzle - This Puzzle is on the same room than the Treasure Trove Cove Puzzle, but you can only reach it when you know how to use the Shock-Jump Spring. You need 5 Jigsaw pieces to fill it. 10.4. Bubblegloop Swamp Puzzle - On the room where the Clanker's Cavern entrance is. You need to press all the buttons before you can actually reach it. The first button is right at the entrance of the room, the next one is near the entrance to Clanker's Cavern. Climb to the top of the pipe that has just risen and at the end of the horizontal pipe there is another button. Press it and a grate underwater will open. Enter the hole and you'll get to the Puzzle, to complete it you'll need 7 Jigsaw pieces. 10.5. Freezeezy Peak Puzzle - Enter the room where the entrance to Bubblegloop Swamp is. There are two brown pipes, one at your right and another at your left. Enter the one at your right and you'll get a pair of Wading Boots. Use them to get to the room behind the entrance to Bubblegloop Swamp, there you will find the Puzzle. You need 8 Jigsaw pieces to open its door. 10.6. Gobi's Valley Puzzle - On the room with the entrance to Freezeezy Peak there is a giant Gruntilda's statue, enter its mouth. The Puzzle is inside her, 9 pieces are needed to complete it. 10.7. Mad Monster Mansion Puzzle - In the room where the entrance to Rusty Bucket Bay is, look for a hole that leads to a big room filled with water. In this room jump to the platform that is closer to the water line. Keep jumping from platform from platform until you reach the one that has the Puzzle. This one needs 10 Jigsaw pieces to be completed. 10.8. Rusty Bucket Bay Puzzle - Break the grate door near the entrance to Mad Monster Mansion, at the end of the slope you'll find a house with a hole in the door. But the hole is too small for you to fit. Enter Mad Monster Mansion and get transformed into a pumpkin. Leave the level and now you can enter the hole in the door. Enter it, talk to Mumbo, smash the coffin and push the button to make the water rise in the room where the entrance to Rusty Bucket Bay is. There, smash the crate with the Rare symbol. Push the button that is revealed and the water will rise. Now you can enter the hole near Rusty Bucket Bay entrance. There break the grate and you'll get to the Puzzle, which needs 12 Jigsaw pieces to be completed. 10.9. Click Clock Wood Puzzle - Go to the room where the entrance to Click Clock Wood is and use the leafs on a tree to climb its a hole. There look for a button, press it and you'll see the Jigsaw piece where you stand in order to place the Jiggies on the Puzzle, appear. Return to the place where the entrance to Treasure Trove Cove is, dive in the lake, and at the other side you'll reach the Puzzle, which needs 15 Jigsaw pieces to become completed. 10.10. Gruntilda's Puzzle - After beating the Gruntilda's Furnace Fun, you'll reach a Puzzle that must be completed in order to fight with Gruntilda. You need 25 Jigsaw pieces to complete it. 10.11. Red Honeycombs Puzzle - When you reach the room where Dingpot is, you'll see four Note Doors. On the door that has 882 on it you'll see a final Puzzle. Use four Jigsaw pieces and your Honeycombs will turn red. This means that you can now have double damage! -------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Brentilda guide - Brentilda can only be found in Gruntilda's Lair. 1 - The first Brentilda is on the room where Treasure Trove Cove and Clanker's Cavern Puzzles are. 2 - This Brentilda is on the same room where the Click Clock Wood Puzzle is. 3 - In the room where the entrance to Clanker's Cavern is, on top of the big horizontal pipe. 4 - Behind the big Gruntilda statue with the arms open. 5 - In the room where the entrance to Bubblegloop Swamp is, inside one of the brown pipes. 6 - Behind the entrance to Gobi's Valley. 7 - On top of the giant Gruntilda's hat. 8 - Behind one of the gravestones near Mad Monster Mansion's entrance. 9 - Near the entrance to the cave where the 2nd Cheato is. 10 - Hidden it the grass near Click Clock Wood's entrance. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Magic Cauldrons - Pink Cauldrons - 1st - In the room where the Treasure Trove Cove and Clanker's Cavern Puzzles are look for a tunnel with some stairs, go down and the Cauldron is right in the middle of the room. 2nd - In the room with the big Gruntilda's face, throw 3 eggs to clear the web away. - Orange Cauldrons - 1st - Under the entrance that leads to the room where the Clanker's Cavern entrance is. 2nd - In the room where the entrance to Click Clock Wood is, search for a hole, hidden in the grass. - Green Cauldrons - 1st - Is on the same room as the 2nd Pink Cauldron, near the top of the statue's hat. You'll need to fire 3 bouncing eggs to the spider web disappear. 2nd - It is inside a hole, on one of the walls in the room where the Rusty Bucket Bay entrance is. - Yellow Cauldrons - 1st - It is behind the teleporter on Gruntilda's Furnace Fun. 2nd - Is near Gruntilda's Puzzle. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Cheatos 1st Cheato - Go to the place where the Freezeezy Peak Puzzle is, at the right side of the entrance there is a slope, climb it and you should see a rock, smash it. Go to Bubblegloop Swamp and go see Mumbo to get transformed into a crocodile, return to the Freezeezy Peak Puzzle and enter the little hole that the rock was hiding to find the first Cheato. 2nd Cheato - In Mad Monster Mansion get yourself transformed into a pumpkin, leave the level and return to the place where the Gobi's Valley Puzzle is. Go to the platform where Brentilda is and enter the little hole to find Cheato. 3rd Cheato - After you've raised the water and being able to reach the cave where the Jiggy #9 appears, break the grate in the middle of the cave. Climb the pipe and push the button, the water will rise, but only for a limited time! Go to the room where the entrance to Rusty Bucket Bay is and enter the hole on the wall at you're right before the time is up. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. Note Door information - This is the list of all the Note doors in the game and how much Notes you need to open them. 1st - The first Note Door needs 50 Notes in order to open, it leads to the room with Treasure Trove Cove's Puzzle. 2nd - This Note Door needs 180 Notes to open. It gives you access to the room with the Gruntilda statue with its arms open. 3rd - This one needs 260 Notes to open. When opened you can go to the room with the big yellow pot. 4th - The fourth Note Door needs 350 Notes to open, it leads to the room with the Gobi's Valley Puzzle. 5th - The next Note Door you'll find needs 450 Notes in order to open. When opened, gives you access to the room with the floating mine. 6th - Note Door #6 needs 640 Notes to open. It leads to the room with Click Clock Wood's entrance. 7th - To open this Note Door you need 765 Notes. It leads to Gruntilda's Furnace Fun. 8th - This Note Door needs 810 Notes to open and it leads to the room with Gruntilda's Puzzle. 9th - This Note Door leads to a Blue Egg refiller, it needs 828 Notes to open. 10th - A Red Feather refiller is behind this Note door. It needs 846 Notes to open. 11th - This Note Door needs 864 Notes to open and it leads to a Gold Feather refiller. 12th - The last Note Door needs 882 Notes to open, it gives you access to the Red Honeycombs Puzzle. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. Beehives An asterisk next to the number means the beehive has bees guarding it. 15.1 Mumbo's Mountain 1. On the platform that the Bigbutt (blue bull) is circling around. 2. To the right of Mumbo's Hut (if you're facing it.) 15.2 Treasure Trove Cove 1. From the entrance, go straight through the tunnel, kill the Snippet (crab) and turn left to find this beehive. 2. On the right of the pillar where the X turns into a question mark (if you're facing it from the direction of Jiggy #4). 3. At the top of the first of the ladders on the way to Jiggy #9. 4. In a shallow pool down almost all the way down from Jiggy #9's pool. 15.3 Clanker's Cavern 1. In front of the Yellow Jinjo. 2. Near the tilted pipe you climb to reach the first Banjo Statue (Extra Life). It's in front of a Grille Chompa (green monster). 3. Inside Clanker, after going through the green hoops, jump up to the tunnel to find it. Or use this shortcut, enter through Clanker's right gills (if you're facing him). 15.4 Bubblegloop Swamp 1. Near the Start/Exit Pad. 2. Behind Tanktup. 3. At the entrance to the maze. 15.5 Freezeezy Peak 1. At the start of Boggy's race. 2. At the top of the Giant Snowman's scarf. 3. At the start of the Giant Snowman's scarf. It's guarded by a Chinker (ice block). 15.6 Gobi's Valley 1.* To the right of the Start/Exit Pad (where you were facing when you entered). 2.* In a corner near the maze pyramid where you got Jiggy 5. 3.* Behind the pyramid where you got Jiggy 4. 15.7 Mad Monster Mansion 1.* To the right of Jiggy 1's house (if you're facing it). 2.* In the hedgemaze. 3.* To the left of the organ in the church. 4.* To the right of the organ in the church. 15.8 Rusty Bucket Bay 1.* Atop the grating where the Purple Jinjo is. 2.* Near the entrance to the engine room (in the smokestack). 3.* In the blue box on the far left. 15.9 Click Clock Wood -Central Area- 1.* To the left of the entrance to Summer. 2.* To the right of the entrance to Summer. -Spring- 3.* At the entrance to Spring, head left. 4.* Behind the fenced area the Bigbutt (bull) is grazing around. 5. Under the treehouse where you get Jiggy #9. -Summer- 6.* At the entrance to Summer, head left. 7.* In the dried lake. 8.* In front of Nabnut's house. -Fall- 9.* At the entrance to Fall, head left. 10.* On a low tree area between Mumbo's Hut and the entrance to Fall. 11.* In the finished treehouse. -Winter- 12. In Mumbo's Hut. 13. On a low area of the tree. 14. In front of the locked-up treehouse. 15.10 Gruntilda's Lair 1. To the left of the 50 Note Door (if you're facing it). 2. Atop the green ship near Treasure Trove Cove. 3. In front of the entrance to Clanker's Cavern. 4. Behind the hut that is the entrance to Bubblegloop Swamp. 5. On a cliff on the way to the 260 Note Door. 6.* To the left of the Gruntilda with the 350 Note Door. 7.* To the right of the Gruntilda with the 350 Note Door. 8.* Behind the house that is the entrance to Mad Monster Mansion. 9.* On the way to the Rusty Bucket Bay picture puzzle. 10.* On a leaf on the way to the switch that makes the picture puzzle pad appear in front of the Click Clock Wood picture puzzle. 11. Near Gruntilda's picture puzzle. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. Grunty's Furnace Fun 16.1 Explanation of the tiles on Grunty's Furnace Fun board - Blue tile with the picture of Banjo & Kazooie - This tile asks you questions about the game and its levels. - Orange tile with a picture of an eye - This tile shows you an image and you have to guess what level it's from, or, shows you a character and asks his name. - Purple tile with the picture of Gruntilda - This tile asks you questions about Gruntilda (find all Brentildas to know all the answers). The correct answers change every game you play. - Red tile with the picture of a skull - Asks you a random question, if you fail to answer it you get instant death. - Green tile with a picture of a Note - This tile asks you sound related questions. - Pink tile with a picture of a clock - To pass this tile you need to complete a task before the time runs out. - White tile with the picture of Banjo - This is the Joker tile, it asks you a random question and you can only try it once, if you answer it correctly you'll win two Jokers. These enable you to pass one tile without answering its question. 16.2 Correct answers - Counting questions - SPIRAL MOUNTAIN Number of molehills - 8 GRUNTILDA'S LAIR Number of squares in Grunty's Furnace Fun - 94 Number of Notes for the first Note Door - 50 MUMBO'S MOUNTAIN Number of huts to smash - 6 Number of Jiggies to open it up - 1 TREASURE TROVE COVE Number of X's - 6 CLANKER'S CAVERN Number of links in Clanker's chain - 8 Number of hoops to swim through - 8 Number of ways inside Clanker - Less than 4 (3) BUBBLEGLOOP SWAMP Number of turtles - 8 FREEZEEZY PEAK Number of slalom gates you race Boggy through - 38 Number of Jiggies Boggy has - 3 Number of bears - 5 GOBI'S VALLEY Number of magic carpets in Jinxy - 5 Number of pyramids - 4 MAD MONSTER MANSION Number of ways into Gruntilda's house - 9 RUSTY BUCKET BAY Number of kinds of Boss Boom Box (the big box) you fight - 15 CLICK CLOCK WOOD Number of autumn Caterpillars Eyrie eats - 10 MISC. Number of feathers on Mumbo's Hut - 3 Number of Eggs you can normally carry (no Cheato) - 100 - Characters Questions - SPIRAL MOUNTAIN Banjo's little sister - Tooty GRUNTILDA'S LAIR Gruntilda's sister - Brentilda MUMBO'S MOUNTAIN Tall object in the middle of Mumbo's area - Ju-Ju the Totem Pole In the tower - Ticker the Termite TREASURE TROVE COVE Gruntilda's hungry shark - Snacker Baddie that eats eggs - Yum-Yum the Clam Leaking bucket - Leaky CLANKER'S CAVERN Tame fish - Gloop BUBBLEGLOOP SWAMP Frog - Flibbit Crocodile food - Yumblies and Grumblies FREEZEEZY PEAK Walrus - Wozza GOBI'S VALLEY Hiding a Jiggy in his hand - Grabba the Mummy Hand MAD MONSTER MANSION Church hand - Motzand CLICK CLOCK WOOD Eagle - Eyrie - True or False Questions - SPIRAL MOUNTAIN Spuddy the Potato doesn't exist TREASURE TROVE COVE There's no Q on the Sandcastle floor There are no Jinjos inside a Lockup CLANKER'S CAVERN There's no hammer BUBBLEGLOOP SWAMP Bottles doesn't teach you two new moves There's no Banjo Statue (Extra Life) in the egg There's no Green Flibbit the Frog FREEZEEZY PEAK There are five bears There's no Christmas pudding There's no slippery seal GOBI'S VALLEY Gruntilda is not under a tile in the pyramid MAD MONSTER MANSION There's no kitchen in the house There's no Red Feathers in the cellar There are no ghosts in the graveyard RUSTY BUCKET BAY There's no Toll 7 There are four lifeboats You can't slow down the turning cogs CLICK CLOCK WOOD The leaves are largest in Summer MISC There's no Brown Jinjo - Eye - (What the area in the world can be) MUMBO'S MOUNTAIN Under the bridge Behind the stonehenge Above the stonehenge In Ticker's Tower Close-up of an orange pad The entrance to Mumbo's Hut TREASURE TROVE COVE Under a ladder Lighthouse door The hole that leads to a hold in Captain Blubber's ship The boxes that lead to Leaky the Bucket A hole in Nipper's shell CLANKER'S CAVERN Bottom of Clanker's chain Hole on the opposite side of Jiggy 6 BUBBLEGLOOP SWAMP Back of a turtle Close up of Tiptup Mumbo's chimney The huts FREEZEEZY PEAK Wozza's fire From inside the Christmas tree From under the Giant Snowman's broom The Christmas tree's star GOBI'S VALLEY The walls of the maze The face of Jiggy 4's pyramid The Kazooie target (upside-down) MAD MONSTER MANSION The organ pipes The open entrance to Tumblar's (the transparent thing) shed The pipe that leads back up Loggo RUSTY BUCKET BAY A ladder A window The room with the anchor switch The grate with the Purple Jinjo CLICK CLOCK WOOD The treehouse in Fall Under a bridge in the central area Nabnut's cabinet Gnawty's fire - Sounds - Voices (The ones that are definitely not it) Riptup the Turtle Ratlee the Snake Histup the Snake Nakker the Injured Ghost Sipper the Drinking Ghost Cranky Kong* Cranky the Whale Conker the Squirrel* Bumpy the Baboon Funky the Monkey* Stinker the Tree Trunker the Elephant Bloop the Fish Bubbles the Fish Robnut the Squirrel Aqualung the Dolphin Wizzo the Washbasin Mr. Piles the Alligator Mrs. Bile the Crocodile Humba Wumba the Shaman* Jimbo Jambo the Shaman Beakers the Mole Jamjars the Mole* Boggy the Walrus *In another Rare game Item Noises (Definitely not it) Feather Pillow Feather Duster Blue Whale Musical Goats Shaman's Wife Extra Wife Gold Bullion Move Noises (Definitely not it) Turbo Stilt Talon Stride Wonder Turbo Wing Trot Wonder Stilt Wing Stride Tunes (Definitely not it) *Worlds* Bubbleclock Wood Treasure Bucket Bay Rusty Clock Wood Freezeezy Cove Rusty Clock Wood Gobi's Peak Mad Mumbo's Mansion Clanker's Clock *Rooms* Inside Banjo the Squirrel's House Inside the Shaman's Head Inside the Haunted Bear's Church - Clock - (Here's where you can get transported to) The sandcastle (spell EIOOZAKOJNAB, which is BANJOKAZOOIE backwards) Tiptup Choir Mr. Vile's (the red crocodile) hardest game (Mumbo will turn you into a crocodile) Memory game Vs. Boss Boom Box Vs. the Zubbas - Other Questions - SPIRAL MOUNTAIN Jump attack - Rat-a-Tat Rap MUMBO'S MOUNTAIN What Conga (the gorilla) throws - Oranges Color of the Jinjo surrounded by sea - Blue In Mumbo's Hut's eye - Something else (a Jiggy) Move learned - Talon Trot TREASURE TROVE COVE First item - Red Feathers What's wrong with Captain Blubber - He lost his gold CLANKER'S CAVERN What you swam through to free Clanker - A large key Rotating in Clanker - Sawblades At the end of Clanker's chain - A giant anvil Clanker's job - Garbage grinder BUBBLEGLOOP SWAMP At the top - Mud hut What to stomp on to get into Tanktup (the giant turtle) - His feet FREEZEEZY PEAK Colors of the Giant Snowman's scarf - Red and yellow What to find for the polar bear kids - Presents GOBI'S VALLEY On top of Trunker (the thirsty tree) - A hat Gobi the Camel's 3rd location - An extra honeycomb piece Cactus' prize - An extra honeycomb piece What you pay to Rubee (the snake charmer) - Blue Eggs Gliding over the sand - Magic carpet MAD MONSTER MANSION On the front of the barrels - 1881 What grows out of the pots - Flowers How to wake Napper the Sleeping Ghost - Banjo stepping on the wood Time on the church clock face - Nothing, its hands have fallen off What Motzand played - An organ RUSTY BUCKET BAY Under the anchor - Snorkel the Dumb Dolphin In the box the crane holds - TNT Whistle code - 312-111 At the top of the third funnel - There is no third funnel CLICK CLOCK WOOD What Nabnut the Squirrel is doing in Spring - Eating his nuts What's making Gnawty the Beaver sad - He can't get in his house Mumbo's transformation - Bumblebee What Mumbo's doing in Winter - He's not even there How the plant gets water - From Gobi the Camel Season with a drought - Summer -------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. Beat the witch - To beat Gruntilda in the final battle follow the steps. Step 1 - Avoid Gruntilda's swoop and when she has "engine" problems hit her. Step 2 - Avoid her fireballs and throw some eggs at her. Step 3 - Start flying and Beak Bomb her while avoiding the fireballs she throws. Step 4 - Throw eggs into the holes of all the Jinjo statues. Step 5 - Throw eggs into the 4 holes of the Jinjonator statue. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 18. Bottles' Puzzles - The places you put the pieces are going from left to right, up to down. Ex.: 01= Upper left-hand corner 20= Lower right-hand corner 05= Upper right-hand corner 15= Lower left-hand corner There is also r (right), l (left), or e (either). r1= C-Right once l1= C-Left once e2= C-Right or C-Left twice Puzzle 1: BOTTLESBONUSONE (Big head Banjo) 01r0 02r0 03r0 04r0 08r0 05r0 06r0 09r0 07r0 10r0 11r0 15r0 12r0 14r0 16r0 13r0 17r0 18r0 19r0 20r0 Puzzle 2: BOTTLESBONUSTWO (Big arms and feet Banjo) 06r0 12r0 05r0 09r0 02r0 01r0 08r0 14r0 11r0 03r0 16r0 13r0 17r0 19r0 07r0 18r0 10r0 20r0 04r0 15r0 Puzzle 3: BOTTLESBONUSTHREE (Big Kazooie) 06r0 08e2 05r0 03r1 07e2 01r1 12r0 14r1 11r0 09r0 04e2 13r1 17r0 19e2 02l1 18e2 10l1 20e2 16e2 15r0 Puzzle 4: BOTTLESBONUSFOUR (Tall and thin Banjo) 06r0 12r0 05e2 11r0 02e2 01r0 08r1 07l1 20r0 04r0 09r0 13r1 17r0 15r0 14r0 18l1 10r0 16r1 03r0 19r0 Puzzle 5: BOTTLESBONUSFIVE (All above Banjo codes) 13r1 08r1 16e2 09r0 10r0 05r0 01r0 18l1 11r0 02r0 19e2 04r0 20r0 14r1 06r0 12r1 03l1 15r1 17r0 07r0 Puzzle 6: BIGBOTTLESBONUS (All above Banjo and Kazooie codes) 19e2 20e2 10l1 08r1 11r1 14r1 06e2 03r0 13r1 02r1 12l1 17l1 15r1 18l1 01e2 05l1 16e2 09l1 04l1 07e2 Puzzle 7: WISHYWASHYBANJO (Washing Machine Banjo) 19e2 20r1 10e2 08r1 11r1 14r1 06e2 03r0 13r0 02r1 12e2 17l1 15r1 18l1 01e2 05e2 16e2 09r1 04l1 07e2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. Secrets 19.1. Cheatos codes - Enter the next codes in the sand castle floor, these codes only work if you've found the correspondent Cheato: REDFEATHERS GOLDFEATHERS BLUEEGGS 19.2. Cheats - Enter these codes for extra goodies. After you've inserted a code leave the sand castle before attempting another code: CHEATLOTSOFGOESWITHMANYBANJOS - Infinite lives CHEATGIVETHEBEARLOTSOFAIR - Infinite air CHEATAGOLDENGLOWTOPROTECTBANJO - Infinite Gold Feathers CHEATBANJOBEGSFORPLENTYOFEGGS - Infinite Eggs CHEATNOWYOUCANFLYHIGHINTHESKY - Infinite Red Feathers CHEATDONTBEDUMBOGOSEEMUMBO - 99 Mumbo Tokens CHEATANENERGYBARTOGETYOUFAR - Max energy bar 19.3. Bottles Bonus game - After you've collected the Jiggy in the sand castle return to Banjo's house in Spiral Mountain, stand on the green rug and look at the picture of Bottles and a bonus game should begin. If you want the effect of the code to disappear type NOBONUS. Note - the codes below only work if you've already beaten they're respective puzzles: BOTTLESBONUSONE BOTTLESBONUSTWO BOTTLESBONUSTHREE BOTTLESBONUSFOUR BOTTLESBONUSFIVE BIGBOTTLESBONUS WISHYWASHYBANJO 19.4. Secret room - To find a secret room go to the level Mad Monster Mansion. Outside the church look for a window that has the picture of Banjo & Kazooie and jump through it. 19.5. Stay Mumbo transformation (GS) - You must have a GameShark to do this. Enter the L button for Moon Jump code (D0281251 0020 8137C4BC 43E0). First, transform into anything. Now get out of the level. Go to the stop where Mumbo says " Magic getting weak blah blah blah " Hold L and float over the stop where you transform back. BUT DON'T LAND! Go through and door. Now land. You will stay the transformation. This also works in other seasons in Click Clock Wood. Just go through the hut of Mumbo Jumbo, and walk back out. 19.6. Get the Ice Key (GS) - You must have a GameShark and entered the Moon Jump code (D0281251 0020 8137C4BC 43E0). Now go to Wozza's cave and stand BELOW, NOT on, but below the ledge that has the Jinjo on it. Hold L until you float up that it looks like you can float over the wall. Hold forward and even if you're not high enough, still hold L and hold forward. You will pass over the cave wall, then the Ice wall. Now run forward and grab the Key! Now press Start, keep scrolling through until you see a NEW screen called "Stop N' Swop" 19.7. Win Mr. Vile's game the easy way - Finish Bubblegloop Swamp by picking up all Notes and Jiggies except the one that Mr. Vile gives you and continue playing until you've learned how to use the Running Shoes. Return to the inside of the giant crocodile's head and now you use the pair of Shoes that rest in the game area as a crocodile and win the game very easily. This can also be done in Grunty's Furnace Fun, in the mini-game of one of the clock tiles. 19.8. Unlock all the secrets!! (GS) - To unlock all the Secrets, enter the code DO285914 0008 8037D167 0040 on the your GameShark. You need to have all the 100 Jiggies. After inserting the code jump inside Dingpot, it will play the ending where Mumbo shows you the pictures. When it shows you at the VERY top of Shark Food Island, Press Down Up on the D-Pad, and you should run into the Pink Egg. Wait until the Ice Key pictures shows then turn off the system. Turn it back on but without GameShark this time. You will only have the Pink Egg but all the secrets will be activated: Pink Egg - Sharkfood Island Ice Key - Wozza's Cave Blue Egg - Goby's Valley Green Egg - On top of Loggo the Toilet in Mad Monster Mansion Turquoise Egg - Behind the X Barrel in Mad Monster Mansion Red Egg - On the captain's bed in Rusty Bucket Bay Yellow Egg - On Nabnut's desk in winter Thanks for Danny Murray and Dan Mud for this information (I got your messages at the same time). 19.9. Piss off Bottles - If you chose to do training at the beginning, or have beaten Grunty's Furnace Fun, you must start over your game. When Bottles asks you if you want training, press B to say No. Talk to him anyway, and he will say funny things like "You've asked for this, I'm erasing your Game Pak! 3...2...1..." 19.10. Funny voices - When someone is talking and Kazooie's head is out of Banjo's backpack, hold A and they will talk faster. This makes Rubee (the snake charmer) sound like Apu Nahasapeemapetilan from The Simpsons. It sounds funniest with Trunker or Mumbo Jumbo. Or, hold Z and they will talk slower. If you're getting pissed off at what someone's saying, or have beaten the game a million times and already know everything everyone says, press B to stop them from talking. If it doesn't work, hold L, B, and R. It won't work at the endings, except when Gruntilda is preparing to go even higher, or Banjo, Kazooie, and Tooty are preparing to leave the Lair. 19.11 More Gruntilda gossip - Before the battle with Grunty, stand next to Dingpot. He'll tell you some bad stuff she did to him. The saddest one is he had a saucepan girlfriend, but Grunty broke her handle. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. Bugs and Glitches 20.1. Gnawty's house - This is the most famous bug of the game. In Click Clock Wood, proceed to spring, and go to the platform on top of Gnawty's house. Throw bouncing eggs in order to hit the rock below. When you break the rock a strange image will appear and a few seconds later the game will return to normal. Now you can enter Gnawty's house even though you were not supposed to! At first you can see through the black wall in front of you, but when you get close it will become white. You'll see a weird water formation. When you break the rock, it will stay broken forever in the current game and if you fall to the big hole you'll return to the beginning of the level but you'll not lose a life. 20.2. Walking under water - Thanks to this bug you'll be able to walk, jump, Talon Trot, duck, fire eggs and everything you can do in dry land, under water. But this can only be done in one place, Click Clock Wood. After breaking the rock blocking Gnawty's house in spring, enter his house. While you are at the surface jump out of the water in the direction of the big black hole, but while in the air Double-Jump and land in the ground below the water line. You should now be able to walk under water! 20.3. Music bug - In Fall, enter Gnawty's house, when you leave his house the music doesn't change, neither the volume. Until you climb out of the water. 20.4. Music bug 2 - In Clanker's Cavern, when you get Jiggy #1 the music doesn't stops, so you'll hear two at the same time. 20.5. Never endless jump - In Click Clock Wood, right at the start, stay right in front of the Spring door. Use the Flapflip Jump and press forward. You'll be stuck in the season symbol and won't get down until you stop pressing A. This works at any season door. 20.6. Transparent buttons - Not really a bug, but when you push the big snowman's buttons in Freezeezy Peak, they don't really go inside him, they just become transparent. You can still stand on top of them. 20.7. Infinite slide - In Mad Monster Mansion, go to the mansion's room where you get an Extra Honey Comb Piece. There enter one of the holes in the ground, start running and press Z to slide and Banjo will start sliding and jumping on the same place for ever, as long you keep pressing Z and the direction you were running. 20.8. Top of maze turns black - In Gobi's Valley, enter the pyramid with the maze, while in the maze look up and then press A. The top of the maze will turn black for a while as your camera turns to the normal position. 20.9. Nipper's shell - In Treasure Trove Cove, fight with Nipper (the giant hermit crab) and make him go inside his shell. Step into the shell but don't enter, go to the far right side and then look at your left side. You should see through the shell and on to the other side. 20.10. Catch the Extra Honey Comb Piece without the Walrus - You can catch the Honey Comb Piece inside Wozza's cave without being transformed into a walrus. To do so you need a lot energy, go to Wozza's cave and swim to the top of the tunnel, do the smallest jump you can and then do a Beak Buster. Press forward and you should enter the small passage and on to the next room. 20.11. Funnels disappear - In Rusty Bucket Bay, destroy the small door that leads to inside the engine. Get very close of it, but don't enter, now press C-Up and the ship's funnels will disappear. 20.12. See through Dingpot - Walk right up to Dingpot, so you're touching him, then press C-Up and you should look right through him. 20.13. Conga misspells his name - In Mumbo's Mountain, go to Conga (the gorilla) as a termite, and he will say, "Hey, this Congo's tree! Me hit termite with oranges!" 20.14. Floating Honeycomb - In Rusty Bucket Bay, pay Toll 2, kill the slug but DO NOT collect the honeycomb, then put 4 more eggs into the hole, the platform will move and the honeycomb will stay in place, hanging in mid-air. 20.15. Nabnut's Head disappears - If you already found Nabnut's acorns, you must restart your game. In Fall, when Nabnut is outside his house, walk right up to his front, and press C-Up and you'll see his head is gone. 20.16. Shrapnel always follows you - Go to the room with the Clanker's Cavern entrance. Swim to the Bubblegloop Swamp picture puzzle, but on the way, swim directly under the Shrapnel. Once at the end, swim back. Get onto land and he will always follow you like a Zelda character! (Not following you like coming toward you, always looking at you.) He will continue to do this until you die, exit the Lair, or get right in front of his face. 20.17. Fake pool - In Treasure Trove Cove, stand on the box nearest the ladders. Use C- Left and C-Right and look around. You'll see a new pool, and Little Lockup's (the golden treasure chest) island will disappear. 20.18. Free Mumbo transformations - Start over your game and go to Mumbo's Mountain. Get 5 Mumbo Tokens (but don't give any away), at least 50 Musical Notes and at least 2 Jiggies. The Notes and Jiggies are for reaching Treasure Trove Cove. In there, get Jiggy 6. Go do Bottles' Puzzles until you can enter WISHYWASHYBANJO. Type it in to turn into a Washing Machine. Go back to Mumbo's Hut in Mumbo's Mountain, he will say, "Ah... Banjo has plenty Tokens, stand on skull and press B to see Mighty Mumbo Magic!" Do so. The sign will disappear and you will have over 100 Mumbo Tokens. This works in any world, but you must have enough Tokens, and you must be a Washing Machine. 20.19. Boss Boom Box bug - When you enter Boss Boom Box's battleground, do NOT walk up to him. Shoot an Egg at him and he'll get up. He builds himself more quickly. Wait for him to get out of the way, and you'll see the Jiggy, use the Flap Flip to reach it. Now just attack him 4 times and he'll die, or, if you don't grab the Jiggy, kill him, and it will lower to you. 20.20. Screw around with time - When you're in Click Clock Wood for the first, don't hatch Eyrie's egg in Spring, or make the plant. Now, in Summer, don't break Gnawty's boulder. Eyrie's nest will be empty. So will the garden, Gobi's not there, you can't make the plant. Don't get the Zubbas' Jiggy. In Fall, Gnawty will say, "It's a little chilly, I wish I was inside..." The garden is the same, in the Zubba's hive, it'll be like you got the Jiggy in Summer. Don't give Nabnut his acorns, Eyrie's nest is the same. In Winter, swim over to Gnawty, and he'll say, "Brrr... the water's freezing and I'm still outside, thanks to you!" If you break Gnawty's boulder in Fall (use the same techniques as in Spring), it'll show the same place, then Gnawty will still be outside his house saying it's chilly, but there's another copy of him inside his house. He wants to give you the Jiggy. If you don't get the Jiggy in Fall, then when you go inside his house in Winter, he'll say, "You must really want this, you swam all the way through the freezing water!" -------------------------------------------------------------------- 21. Unsolved mysteries These are some mysteries that remain unsolved (at least to me they do): - Is it possible to open the chest in one of the mansion's rooms? - Is there anything inside the tree house in winter? - What is the use of Stop N'Swop? - Danny Murray says: "As you know, when you get the Ice Key, there is a new screen in the pause menu called Stop N'Swop. I think this is a clue on the Secret Items. Like in Banjo-Tooie in Wozza's Cave, you get an item that is able to melt the Ice-Wall now stop n'swop it to Banjo-Kazooie. Get some sharkfood and now swop it to Banjo-Kazooie. Learn or get the item that is able to raise the island (or lower the water) and swop it to Banjo-Kazooie. This proves that maybe Rare IS telling the truth and the proof is right there. Maybe you have to swop the secret items to Banjo-Tooie for use!" - Solved Mysteries - - Can you break the barrel with a cross in the mansion's cellar? Danny Murray found the Turquoise Egg inside it (Using the Unlock all Secrets GameShark Code). - Can you go to the top of the mansion as a pumpkin and enter the little chimney where the green Jinjo is? Danny Murray says he reached the top of the mansion as a pumpkin but you can't enter the chimney. - Why is there a Flying Disc under a bear-eating plant in fall? Greg Daniels told me that in winter they all wither away and die, so you could then use it. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 22. Your reward - When you get all 100 Jigsaw pieces you'll see three pictures showing some secrets that you can't get for now. These secrets are: - A Pink Mystery Egg inside Sharkfood Island. - An Ice Key inside Wozza's Cave. - A Blue Mystery Egg on the other side of the door in the mountain of Gobi's Valley. Rare says that you can only get those secrets after Banjo-Tooie comes out. Banjo-Tooie is the sequel to Banjo-Kazooie and because Rare doesn't like release dates, we don't know when the game will be released. There are even more secrets in BK that you can only get by playing BT first (or using the Unlock all Secrets GameShark code). Sure, now we know where they are, but what are they used for? -------------------------------------------------------------------- 23. Thanks - Thanks to Rare for making this wonderful game and its marvelous (but annoying) ending. - Thanks to ME, ME and ME. - Thanks to Danny Murray (dan7768@hotmail.com) for sending the secrets Stay Mumbo transformation, Get the Ice Key, the mystery of Stop N'Swop, solving the chimney mystery and sending the Unlock all Secrets code. - Thanks to Ernest64 (laredos@latino.net.co) for allowing me to include his Mumbo Token guide in this FAQ. - Thanks to Kris (myemailuse@aol.com) for sending the Secret Win Mr. Vile's game, the easy way. - Thanks to Greg Daniels (Gregswldrd@aol.com) for solving the Flying Disc mystery. He also made me understand that spell checkers exist for a purpose. - Thanks to Dan Mud (danjedi@hotmail.com) for sending the Unlock all secrets code. - Thanks to Jimmy Bobberoonie (a246784666@hotmail.com) for sending the sequences of Tiptup Choir. - Thanks to Donkey Kong Song (n64kg@netzero.net) for sending all those Mumbo Tokens, Extra Lives, Beehives locations, Bottles puzzles, Grunty's Furnace Fun answers, the caterpillars locations and all the other info. - Thanks to Baby Myuu (lacdragon@netzero.net) for some Mumbo Token locations and a shortcut in Clanker's Cavern. - Thanks to Lizzy (lizzyshoe@altavista.com) for sending the Floating Honeycomb bug. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Still have questions? Or want to submit some secrets, opinions, corrections, anything... Write me at Joca64@yahoo.com I may take a while to answer your questions so don't panic! Other FAQs by Joca64: - Castlevania FAQ/Walkthrough - Donkey Kong 64 FAQ/Walkthrough - GoldenEye 007 Secrets - GoldenEye 007 Walkthrough - Super Mario 64 Teleport location - The Legend of Zelda : The Ocarina of Time Items Guide - The Legend of Zelda : The Ocarina of Time Secrets Other FAQs by Joca64 and Luigie (LuigieFRA@yahoo.com.br): - Mission : Impossible FAQ/Walkthrough - Rush 2 : Extreme Racing USA - Superman Walkthrough