"The Bosses of Bomberman Hero" v2.1 03/23/08 ------------- by Joseph Mostarda (e-mail: jmostarda@live.com) Table of Contents ----------------- Section 1 (Copyrights) [AAAA] ---------------------- 1.01 - Copyrights [AAAB] 1.02 - Version History [AAAC] Section 2 (The Bosses) [AAAD] ---------------------- 2.01 - Nitros [AAAE] a - @ Bomber Star b - @ Primus Star c - @ Kanatia Star d - @ Mazone Star e - @ Garaden Star 2.02 - Endol [AAAF] a - @ Bomber Star b - @ Garaden Star 2.03 - Baruda [AAAG] a - @ Primus Star b - @ Garaden Star 2.04 - Bolban [AAAH] a - @ Kanatia Star b - @ Garaden Star 2.05 - Natia [AAAI] a - @ Mazone Star b - @ Garaden Star 2.06 - Evil Bomber [AAAJ] a - @ Gossick Star (Tip: Use Ctrl+F to quickly navigate this FAQ.) Section 1 - Copyrights [AAAA] ---------------------- 1.01 - Copyrights [AAAB] --- Feel free to download this FAQ for your own personal use. All I ask is that you don't sell it for profit or any form of commercial means. I also grant unlimited permission for this FAQ to be posted on any other website, so long as proper credit is given to me as the author of this FAQ. 1.02 - Version History [AAAC] --- 03/23/08 - A new version is written. Designed mainly to improve the formatting and make it easier to navigate. I doubt there will be any further updates, unless my contact info or something similar changes. Section 2 - The Bosses [AAAD] ---------------------- 2.01 - Nitros [AAAE] --- a - @ Bomber Star The first battle against Nitros will not challenge you very much. His attack pattern mainly consists of him charging at you, and shooting lasers out of the arena floor. Simply dodge his attacks while pelting him with bombs. b - @ Primus Star The second Nitros battle is a bit more difficult, due to spinning discs that float around the arena. Otherwise, his attacks are identical to the first battle. By eliminating the discs, the battle will prove to be no more challenging than before. c - @ Kanatia Star The third battle against Nitros is no more difficult than before, but will take longer due to Nitros being surrounded by a protective shield. To remove it, you must destroy the three generators slowly floating around the arena. It only takes one direct bomb blast to destroy each. d - @ Mazone Star Your fourth battle against Nitros introduces some new attacks. The first, and most dangerous, are flaming columns that shoot up out of the floor at random intervals. However, during these outbursts, Nitros pauses near one of the columns, setting up a very easy target for Bomberman. Nitros now drops a line of five red bombs at random locations. Red bombs are more powerful than standard bombs, but you can detonate them prematurely by hitting them with your own bombs. Finally, Nitros's speed is also much quicker than before, making your timing even more critical. As always, Nitros is easy to dodge; it's the lasers that you must have caution for. e - @ Garaden Star The final battle against Nitros pulls out all the stops. All the traps and attacks from prior battles will rear their ugly heads here. In addition, Nitros has also learned teleportation, making it very easy for him to dodge your bombs. Because Nitros takes more hits than usual to be finally go down once and for all, you'll want to make extensive use of the Rolling Bomb attack. The larger spray from the bombs is also ideal for destroying the rows of red bombs that Nitros will set up as traps. 2.02 - Endol [AAAF] --- a - @ Bomber Star The first of the "Big Four," Endol is a crazed humanoid with a love of electricity. The battle has two stages. In the first stage, you must jump over circling electrical bolts while pelting Endol with bombs. After about five hits or so, the second stage of the battle will ensue, where Endol walks around the arena and tries to hit you with big bolts of lightning. But because he is so slow, it's very easy to hit him on the tail, where he is vulnerable. It only takes about five hits to bring him down... for now. b - @ Garaden Star While Endol himself is no more challenging than he was at Bomber Star, the arena that you battle him in makes this battle tough. It is covered in water, and Endol's electrical attacks are stronger and have a longer range. If they hit the water, the entire area will be covered in electricity, so be sure to stay in the air! Since Endol moves faster than before, you'll want to use the Rolling Bomb attack to ensure you can hit his tail, which is still his weak point. 2.03 - Baruda [AAAG] --- a - @ Primus Star This battle takes place in the air, using the Bomber Copter. Baruda has a piercing laser on his front side and poisonous gas bubbles that shoot from his backside. Stay above Baruda and drop bombs onto his face. You will know when he is about to fire his piercing laser because he will swell his body up. This makes avoiding the attacks pretty easy. b - @ Garaden Star The rematch with Baruda is much more treacherous. For starters, the platform you battle on is full of holes and very small. Secondly, you can't use the Bomber Compter, which means Baruda's piercing laser is much more accurate, and he can also charge at you with a fast peck attack. It is when he attempts to charge at you that he leaves himself open for several easy shots. It only takes about 15 well placed bombs to clip this bird's wings for good. 2.04 - Bolban [AAAH] --- a - @ Kanatia Star Bolban is an evil sphinx that rules over the Kanatia Shrine. He has quite a few attacks at his disposal, including dropping a barrage of bricks, launching a tornado from his mouth and a jumping attack. He has two vulnerable spots, although they are active at different points in the battle. In the first half, you must rid Bolban of the shield guarding the jewel on his head, his weak point. Do this by eliminating the transmitters on either side of his shoulders. Once they are gone, attack the jewel. After enough hits, he will begin to drop massive amounts of bricks, which do serious damage. His weak point also moves to his tail, so you must be able to get behind him and hit the tail. The Rolling Bomb attack will come in handy here. b - @ Garaden Star Arguably, the rematch with Bolban is actually easier, because it's far more straightforward. His only weak spot, the jewel on his head, is unguarded at all times, and you need not worry about falling bricks or tornado breath. However, the linear arena is underwater, and you must battle Bolban with your Bomber Marine. However, the battle is easily won by simply hitting Bolban with everything you've got. Your torpedos pack such a large punch that all his attacks will be easily destroyed. However, your tornadoes pack nasty splash damage which can hurt you, so do take caution. 2.05 - Natia [AAAI] ---- a - @ Mazone Star Natia is the toughest of the "Big Four" bosses. She battles you on a sloping rectangular platform hovering over lava. Ironically, the battle isn't so much against her as it is against her pet, Mecha-Cronus. She will hover around the battlefield and mostly leave you alone. So, ignore her. Attack Cronus's eye whenever it faces you. When you can't attack Cronus, it will be busy launching missiles at you. Run in circles so the missiles hit into each other and explode. Cronus's only other attack consists of a searing laser coming from its eye. Use this to your advantage and hit the eye. After about eight or nine bombs, Cronus will explode. However, you aren't done yet. Natia hopes down onto the platform and battles you directly. She is quick, and will hit you with knives and whips. However, she is vulnerable at all times, so just throw bombs at her until she gives up. This part of the battle is pretty easy, and it only takes about seven bombs. b - @ Garaden Star In the rematch, you will battle two Natia. Yes, she has managed to clone herself. One Natia uses a whip and the other throws knives. All the while, miniature Cronus will fall from the sky, but they do little, if any, damage. I personally find the Natia throwing knives more dangerous, so eliminate her first. Once again, she will be vulnerable at all times, making the most dangerous part of this battle the platform. It's very small and easy to fall off, so watch your step! Once you defeat one of the Natia, the other will either have a whip with longer range or will throw many more knives at once. Just keep at it until she goes down for good. 2.06 - Evil Bomber [AAAJ] ---- a - @ Gossick Star As it turns out, Evil Bomber is the real brains behind all the trouble that's been happening. Luckily, he isn't too difficult. The battle is fairly similar to the second face-off with Baruda. He will fly around, and occasionally swoop in. When he does, hit him with a bomb. And that's pretty much it. All you have to do beyond that is avoid his attacks, which consist of razor-like feathers and sudden changes in direction that may catch you off-guard. The worst part of this battle is the endurance. Evil Bomber takes a good 10-15 bombs before he will go down. ---------- END OF DOCUMENT ----------