*** The Bomberman Hero FAQ *** Author: marshmallow (m_mallow@hotmail.com) Hello! See, I told you I was going to do a Bomberman Hero FAQ. Sure, I may be a little late, but it's here. So now you can stop bugging me. :) ================== Version 1.0 Revision History: March 9th - Well, I spellchecked the entire thing with my new Spellchecker. New things? Changed font. Anything else? No :) God knows when: Original release ================== Contents --------- 1) Story 2) What's New? 3) Items 4) Moves 5) Levels 6) Bosses 7) Enemies 8) Cheats, Secrets, Etc. 9) Credits 10) Legal Stuff 11) Farewell/Final Notes -------- 1) Story -------- One day Bomberman was just playing around with his bombs, when he saw a large craft crash into the nearby Peace Mountains. He went to investigate, only to find a small borg named Pibot. It seems that the Princess Millain (sp?) has been kidnapped by Nitros, some guy from this other system who wants the disk she was carrying. Your mission? Get her back. I bet you couldn't have guessed that one! -------------- 2) What's New? -------------- So, how is Bomberman Hero different from any other Bomberman games? 1. NO BATTLE MODE! *GASP!!* Yes, Hudson opted to go without a battle mode. No, I'm not joking. It's all 1 player. Though rumors persist that the next N64 Bman game will be 100% battle mode...sounds good to me! 2. Bomberman can now jump! Hardcore fans might think this would ruin it, but in fact, it doesn't. They designed it very well. 3. They removed everything that made Bomberman 64 fun: Pumping up bombs, making stairs, making ladders, hard to get to items, difficulty levels, something of a plot, good level design (sometimes), power bombs, etc... 4. Bomberman now can go underwater, fly, ski, and hover (via special vehicles). 5. Most levels are linear, i.e. you go pretty much in a straight line, blowing up baddies 6. Tons of enemies (and they actually fight back!) 7. Lots of cinemas 8. You have a life meter! Who thinks this is a great idea? 'Cuz I sure do...Four hits and you're dead. That's all I can think of at the moment -------- 3) Items -------- Bomb Item: Pick this up and you can lay down one more bomb. Max: 4 Flame Item: This makes your bombs explosion larger and therefor more powerful. Max: 4 Ice Bomb: Freeze enemies and watch them crack! Salt Bomb: This is used to destroy slugs on a certain planet. Pretty neat. Glove: Now the little guy can toss a bomb about 200 yards (no joking!) Bomber Marine: This allows you to swim underwater! Shoot torpedoes at your foes. Bomber Slide: Now you can slide down icy slopes at high speeds! You can't attack, so be careful. Bomber Copter: You can fly around in a 3D environment! Drop bombs on your opponents. Bomber Jet: Sorta like Star Fox - A shooter on rails. You can speed up or slow down, and shoot bombs too. Heart Item: This replenishes your life meter. Gold Heart Refills your meter to the brim 1-up: Free life. Warp: Warps ya somewhere. Blue Crystal: Get 200 of these common items to receive an extra life! Red Crystal: These are worth five blue crystals. Rainbow Crystal: Only a few per level, they are worth tons of points. Gold Crystal: See above Switches: Hit this and see what happens! Suit of Armor: Protects you from your own bombs (good thing, too!) Special Bomb: One of these are in each level. Wonder what happens if you collect them all... Pass Card: Some levels require you to collect this before exiting Crystal Key: Four of these will open a crystal door. Hidden well, usually. Remote Controlled Bombs: Just like all the past ones - Set one down, get away, and hit the Z button! -------- 4) Moves -------- Jump: Just press A! Easy enough. The longer you hold it, the higher you go. Use in conjunction with the control stick to go farther. Throwing Bombs: Just press and hold B and a bomb will appear in your hands. Press it again to throw it! The distance it goes depends on how far you push the control stick. Watch out, the explosions _can_ hurt you! Kicking Bombs: Either press R or C down twice, or just set a bomb down and then hit it. Use this to hit hard to get items. Laying Down a Bomb: Press R or C down Camera Angles: Press the C buttons. Very limited, in fact, it's almost useless! Lots 'O Bombs: Here's a new move...Hold B for a few seconds and Bomberman will start swinging his arms. After a few seconds, let go! You can throw up to four bombs AT ONCE with this, even if you only have one bomb item. --------- 5) Levels --------- Note: I will not tell you where Gold Crystals, Rainbow Crystals, Crystal Keys, etc. are, UNLESS (unless...) they are in a particularly difficult area or I myself had trouble with it. So there...Besides, a little exploration and you'll be just fine. Heck, if I REALLY did cover everything in the game, this FAQ would be gigantic. - - - Planet # 1: Planet Bomber - - - Level 1: Battle Room This level is basically a straight stretch of land with a few enemies. The level introduces you to all kinda of stuff...like jumping pads, enemies, bombing, rocket platforms, switches, moving platforms, stationary platforms, jumping, boosters, etc...It really shouldn't be that difficult, even on your first visit! After the jumping pad, look around the posts, you'll find some armor. Level 2: Hyper Room Again, simple. This stage has several conveyor belts. Get on the one that moves in the opposite direction (which is, of course, faster) and go to the very end. Turn left and go down the path. You'll find a Pass Card, a warp (which will lead you to a different exit), a red crystal, and the rare Rainbow Crystal (you'll have to scale the wall to find that one). With the card in hand, simply walk across the bridge and exit the level. Level 3: Secret Room Note: You can only access this level if you went through the warp in level 2. This is the first stage to introduce Crystal Keys...you have to collect all four, which are hidden around the area, to unlock the exit. Easy...for this one. Crystal Key 1: Inside a hut, it's blocked by cement blocks. Crystal Key 2: get on the roller and it will rocket you over the electrical field, and you'll get it Crystal Key 3: On top of the hut with the Gold Crystal Crystal Key 4: Get on the air thingie, it will boost you up to the 4th one. It's hard to see. Once you get these, you can go to the upper level. Up there you'll find a Gold Crystal, Red Crystals, Chickens, among other things...including the exit. :) Level 4: Heavy Room Well, this level isn't so hard, but there is one tricky part. You'll get to a place where you see a Red Crystal on a platform...but it's too high to jump! What to do? Just jump on the generator box that's on the wall, and jump! That one took me a few minutes to figure out, since to me it looked like a little prop. Near the end you'll have to destroy a large machine by throwing bombs in it, when destroyed, it will make the barrier disappear and you can continue! Not much after that. Level 5: Sky Room What's with all of these "rooms"? :) Basically a large piece of land hanging in mid-air...one little slip and you'll fall to your doom! Near the start is a special bomb, it's on a platform near the bomber jet (which flies away to reveal a Blue Crystal). Then you'll tackle some conveyor belts...just hit the switch ahead, it will save a LOT of grief and frustration, okay? Close to the end the path splits - take the upper one to find the key card sitting on a pedestal. Hop on the water pillar that rises and falls, and go through the exit! Level 6: Blue Cave This level is a cinch. The only difficult thing about it is getting the Gold Crystal, which I will soon explain how to collect. Just stand on the nearby hill, and jump...yes, that's all you have to do. After that it's just one long, enemy infested path to the end (ok, it's short). At the end you'll fight a rare crab! Level 7: Hole Lake This is a Bomber Marine level!! You'll go through an underwater canyon, with falling rocks, collapsing pillars, crabs, blocks, and strange sea creatures. Oh, but not to fear! You have torpedoes to use...just point and shoot! Be sure to explore every nook and cranny, especially near the ledges. You'll also want to shoot the pillars, some of them will fall to reveal cool items like armor and Gold Crystals! Guarding the exit is a giant grab, just shoot him in the mouth a couple of times and he'll be a goner. Level 8: Red Cave The first part is full of expanding enemies, shooting creatures, and evil bombs. After that, jump down to receive a Rainbow Crystal! When you meet the rocket platform, you're to the first exit, and halfway through the level. If you want a secret stage, keep on going. Blast some more evil bombs to find a Gold Crystal, then jump up some platforms to find another! At the very end is the real exit. Level 9: Big Cannon Note: You can only access this stage if you went through the second exit in Red Cave This is a Bomber Jet level!! You're rocketing down a grassy field with tons of cannons, birds, and UFOs shooting at you. Be sure to shoot away at anything that moves, and to get the Gold Crystals hiding in the trees. Near the end you'll have to break in order to get past some laser beams mounted on the ground. Guarding the exit is a large tank, just hit the blue part a few times and it'll explode! Level 10: Dark Wood This stage may be quite small, but the puzzles it owns are quite tall (bad Gruntilda impression)! Just remember this: Red tornadoes...BAD! White tornadoes...GOOD! Well, ignore the white tornado for now. Bomb all the tree stump enemies, they hide Crystals (one has a Gold Crystal!). Before the exit, you'll see two stumps that are too high to jump up to, but they have a Gold and Red Crystal! Well, hit the nearby switch, and go back to Mr. White Tornado. Go up the path to find some goodies, plus a platform that will take you to the stumps! Yay! Level 11: Dragon Road If you ever expect to finish this level with a high score, you'll need to fall to the canyon floor and nose around a bit! You'll find all kinda of goodies like Rainbow and Gold Crystals. Be sure to bomb the fence, too, since it has some blue valuables. Guarding the exit is a giant rock creature, but a few bombs, and it shouldn't be a problem anymore. Level 12: Vs. Nitros See "Boss Section" Level 13: Clown Valley This place is hell on Earth! You have to get by Clowns on a steep path, without blowing yourself up. Hmmm..tough! It takes practice, but it IS possible. Be sure to climb the sides of the canyons, they have some goodies (including a Special Bomb!). Level 14: Great Rock Like I always say, explore, explore, explore! Wait, I've never said that in my entire life...Well, you should, anyways. Be sure to bomb all the stump enemies, and explore all the cracks and crevices. Near the middle, you can jump down a gorge, which will make you snatch countless blue gems, a Gold Crystal, and a Special Bomb! After that, it's just a long trail up a rocky mountain. Except at the end, on a platform, is a Rainbow Crystal. Level 15: Fog Route This place is so fogged up, it's hard to see anything 10 feet in front of you! Remember to watch out for cannons, the totem poles (just go froward so they see you, and then step back when they try and land on you). There is really nothing secret about this stage...or hard. Guarding the exit is a large robot. Just throw a bomb into his eye, run back so his energy balls don't hit you, go back, and repeat until dead. Level 16: Vs. Endol See "Boss Section" - - - Planet # 2: Primus - - - Level 17: Groog Hills Nothing too difficult...until the end. When you come out of the "warp tree" go left to find a strange, blue flower. Hold B to charge up your bombs, and throw them all at it! A little cinema will show it freezing over the entire level. So now everything is covered in ice and snow, so you can walk on the water (it's frozen...) and collect all the items you couldn't reach before! Level 18: Bubble Hole I like this level...I don't know why, but I do. Jump in the craters where the bubbles come out and it will transport you to a ledge with Gold Crystals, Rainbow Crystals, and a Special Bomb! Look around the cliffs, there are a lot of hidden goodies to find! Guarding the exit is a psychotic blob creature. A few bombs should do it (what else?). Level 19: Erars Lake This is a Bomber Marine level!! This place is just crawling with enemies and items, so exercise caution while exploring the rocks below. Near the middle you'll do battle with a giant manta ray! A few bombs should do the trick. Then you have your choice of warps to choose. One is shorter, but skips the goodies. The other is longer, but you'll rack up more items. There are two exits: The first is normal. The second makes you go into a crater with bubbles coming out to collect an item. With this item, you can swim through a cement block. Nothing much after that. Level 20: Waterway Note: To gain access to this level, you must use the cement block exit in level 19. This stage is one of my favs, though it may be linear, but it's fun all the same. Kill Mr. Crab to receive a Rainbow Crystal, and then use the warp in the wall to get some diamonds. Next, go up the ramp to a secret room with a lot of diamonds! Lots of diamonds! Yay! Er...okay. Then you'll have to watch out for bubbles and balls with two foot long noses (which they use as spears), then you jump over a chasm on a waterfall. The final test pits you against a giant bomb with a five second fuse (see the numbers?). Collect the four Crystal Keys (one in each corner) and get out of there before it blows! It won't kill you, but it will take some energy off. Level 21: Water Slider This has the same elements as the previous stage, so this is also one of my favorites :) Nothing is here is that complicated...except maybe getting the special bomb on the tunnel. You'll need to go rushing down the waterfall and then jump to get it. There are also some Gold and Rainbow Crystals, although they are in plain site. Nothing much more to say, really. Level 22: Rock'n Road This level is awesome. You run down a hall while boulders rain down upon you and roll and try to squish you (Like in Indiana Jones!). You can see them overhead before they fall, so it's not so bad. You'll have to jump over some cliffs to find some Gold and Rainbow Crystals, plus some other goodies. Guess what is blocking the exit? The exit it is! The door is actually a monster! Just bomb it a few times and it will crumble. Level 23: Water Pool This level is pretty basic stuff...I mean, there's really nothing to talk about. At the end, you'll notice TWO exits. The lower one opens up the level named "Warp Room." Level 24: Millian Road This level uses the Bomber Jet!! You're flying down a castle with literally countless objects shooting at you...plus some strange obstacles like twirling knives and almost obscene pillars with spines coming out of them! Whoo! What a rush. Just be sure to blow up everything (you'll need to break a lot). At the end is a large tank robot, just hit the blue part a few times and you should be fine. Level 25: Warp Room Note: This level can only be accessed if you took the lower path in level 23. Another of my favorites...Go forward to the second room and defeat the mouse like creature. It has a motionless platform, a warp, a block with a special bomb behind it, and that's it...Go into the warp. You'll warp to a room with another warp, and a giant 5 second bomb in the corner! Quickly run to the 2nd warp and get into it! Now bomb the block for a Gold Crystal. Return to the previous room and go through the door. Hit the switch and hop into THAT warp. You're on a path above the beginning, and you got the item so you can go through cement blocks. Go to the 2nd room and get the Special Bomb, then hop on the moving platform. Travel to the end! Level 26: Dark Prison You need to collect four Crystal Keys to exit this level... Crystal Key 1: Follow the path to a prison. Open it up with a bomb...it's inside. Crystal Key 2: Follow the path to find a platform going up and down. Get on it, at the top is a prison, inside is the Remote Control Bomb (just get it, it's useful!). Hop on the next platform, and jump on the roof of the prison you go the Remotes at. There it is. Crystal Key 3: It's in a prison near # 4. Crystal Key 4: You can clearly see it above a platform, but the platform is not moving, and you can't jump _that_ far. So to get it, go behind the prison that held # 3 and jump to a small island platform. Activate the rocket platform to go to a path above. Activate the switch, and the platform will go up and down, allowing you to get the key! Great! Level 27: Vs. Nitros See "Boss Section" Level 28: Killer Gate This level uses the Bomber Copter!! Go around the sides of the level and collect all the goodies. To open the exit, you'll have to destroy the many submarines that inhabit the water. To do this, simply get above them and rain down bombs on them! Just be careful of their homing missiles. Level 29: Spiral Tower I'm not sure if you know this, but you must if you want to achieve a perfect score on this level: Near the start, there is a break in the fence. Follow it to fins some gems and a 1-up! Ok, that's the only secret in this otherwise dull and quite easy level. Just follow the path around the tower. Zzzzzzz... Level 30: Snake Route To exit this level, you'll need to collect the Crystal Keys... Crystal Key 1: Go forward and down the path. Thar she blows! Crystal Key 2: Turn right and follow the path to a platform with spikes. Make the spikes go down with a carefully placed bomb and the key is yours! Crystal Key 3: It's near # 2, but you need to activate the switch which is farther along the path to get it. Crystal Key 4: Right near the exit. Just hop on the platform and collect it! Level 31: Vs. Baruda See "Boss Section" - - - Planet # 3: Kanatia - - - Level 32: Hades Crater In this level you use the Bomber Copter!! Just destroy all of the towers and the exit will open up. The only secret is the Gold Crystal, but it's easy to collect. Level 33: Magma Lake In this stage, the extreme heat will slowly pick away at your energy, and it will go down. To remedy this, stand in one of the blue lighty things and your energy will be re-filled to the brim (you can do this however many times you want). Diamonds of all shapes and colors can be found here...easily. Level 34: Magma Dam This place is exactly like the last, except you go to the right, not forward. Stand in the energizers and just hope to god that your meter doesn't run out before you can get to the next. Gold Crystals are everywhere in this level! To find some, you'll have to knock out pieces of the dam that flash red. At the very end, knock out the dam, and two exits will open up. Take the one that is farthest to the left (it used to be a lavafall) to open up a secret level, "Crystal Hole." Level 35: Crystal Hole Note: To have access to this level, you must have taken the left most exit in level 34 This is your basic level. To get to the hordes of treasure at the beginning, just jump down and hold up. To get out, jump! Level 36: Emerald Tube In this level you use the Bomber Slide!! This is prolly the level with the most Gold/Rainbow Crystals in the game! Point blowout! Woo! Level 37: Death Temple If you want the fake exit, just follow the path. The real one is a bit more complicated (well, a little). Go forward until you can either jump left or right...choose right. Get into the warp and then get the next warp. Hit the switch and a platform will rise, use it to get the item that allows you to go through cement blocks. Fall down, you're at the start. Now just walk through it...This will open up level 39. Level 38: Death Road Pretty straightforward. Blast the black stuff to get past. At the end climb the ramps to get a gold crystal... Level 39: Death Garden Note: To access this level, you must take the real exit in level 37. To complete this level, you'll need to collect four crystal keys... Crystal Key 1: On a pedestal in a garden Crystal Key 2: Right near the exit Crystal Key 3: On a green thingie-ma-bob in the middle...work with me here, okay? =) Crystal Key 4: At the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, along with it's friend, Mr. Special Bomb Level 40: Float Zone Very original here. Collect the bubble items and float up to the top. Uh...that's about it really...you can get a special bomb in the middle. Level 41: Aqua Tank In this level you use the Bomber Marine! There are two ways to complete this level. Doesn't make any difference...You can either be swallowed by the whale and go through his intestinal tract, or just avoid him. Level 42: Vs. Nitros See "Boss Section" Level 43: Hard Coaster Again, you have to find four crystal keys to open the exit. Crystal Key 1: Hop on the platform to the left and ride it to the key Crystal Key 2: From # 1, get into the left platform and follow it. At the end, hop in the warp. There it is! Crystal Key 3: From # 2, jump down to the lower platform (this has the exit on it) and blow away the blocks. Crystal Key 4: From # 3, go down the nearest "fountain warp." Jump down to the floor and make your way to the motionless platform. Get on, and jump on the platform with a warp. There it is! Now just jump down below and exit. Level 42: Dark Maze This level introduces you to...Ta Da...Salt Bombs! Use them to kill the sluggies. This level is short as hell, I could prolly beat it in 40 seconds if I tried. But of course, you'll want to search for items. Nothing terribly difficult. Level 43: Mad Coaster Hop on the platform to get to the other side of the room. dodging the cannon shots while crossing. Hit the switch to activate Mr. Thingie-ma- doodle and then jump to the upper path like a young stallion...Follow it to the "start" and get on Mrs. Platform. Write to the end...wee! Sleep deprivation...how...useful. Level 44: Move Stone This level should present NO problems whatsoever. If they do, you're retarded. Simple as that. I'm sorry if you do have problems...if you are actually retarded, then for the last box, you must stand on the edge to push it. Level 45: Vs. Bolban See "Boss Section" - - - Planet # 4: Mazone - - - Level 46: Hoppy Land Hehe, strange name. You use Louie in this level!! Just run to the end, find the little notch in the wall, and jump up it (jump at a wall, press in the opposite direction and jump...just like in Super Metroid and Mario 64) Level 47: Junfalls Go forward and shoot a bomb at the platform, it should move up. Hit the other one with an explosion. It should move down. Hop on it...keep doing this until you get to the top. Run forward, but don't go into the exit! See those little steps? Follow them to another exit! It'll require that item that makes you go through cement walls though (you'll also pick up a special bomb with it). It should be close by. Level 48: Freeze Lake In this level you use the Bomber Marine!! Note: You can only access this level if you went through the 2nd exit in level 47. _GIGANTIC_ ice rocks will fall from the ceiling, so if you want to survive, move up near the ceiling where you can see them and ovoid them (start to move backwards once they start to move). Nothing much more... Level 49: Cool Cave Use the Ice Bombs to freeze the enemies so you can use them to move upwards...of course, it's best when their necks are extended, because it gives you more room to jump. There are tons of secrets in this place, so look around. Level 50: Snowland Whoohoo! Level 50!!! This is, without a doubt, the strangest level in the game. You go along a snow plain at night with rainbow trees with punk snowman as monkeys push ice cubes at you from a distance...ok...You may be confused, if not down right disturbed, right now, but that's ok, that's the level's purpose. Nothing big here, except the monkies, so it shouldn't be so hard. Level 51: Storm Valley In this level you use Louie!! Jump on the signs so they don't blow you away, and defeat all of the screw shaped enemies to make a snow bridge appear at the end which will lead you to the exit like a crying child. Again, nothing overly difficult. It may get a little repetitive though. Level 52: Snow Circuit In this level you use the Bomber Slide!! Whheeee! This is more fun than 1080! :) Just watch your backs for enemies and make sure to take the jumps niiice and easy. Level 53: Heaven Sky In this level you use the Bomber Jet!! If this isn't 99% Star Fox 64, then I don't know what is. You're in outer space, on rails, shooting bombs at aliens for cripe's sake! And guess what's at the end? Yep, you guessed right, a giant, 20 foot tall alien with two heads. Shoot him in his chest a lot and he'll explode in all of his mighty explodiness...or something similar. Level 54: Eye Snake Like, totally gnarly dude, man! Rainbow floors where you can't see your shadow? Phreaky! Just follow the path and hope that the dragon doesn't come and rip your head off (don't ask...). No hidden items. Level 55: Vs. Nitros See "Boss Section" Level 56: Air Room Go to the very top using the sucky vacuum things (call them what you will). Go to the NW corner, the disk should be there, it looks like a floating CD. Drop down and exit through the CD door. Level 57: Zero G Room Yay! Climb to the top ever so slowly, and hit the button for low G! Now you can jump around 50 feet in one bound, much like Super Man! :) After some poking around, you'll find the Disk. Then go back and exit. Level 58: Mirror Room Folks, this is about as original you can get. In the background is a giant mirror that shows everything you do...when you get to the end, hit the switch and the mirror will get all colorful and wavy. Follow the path up, using your mirror as a guide, and jump in! WHOOSH! You are now "inside" the mirror! Go back to the start, collecting the disk along the way, and exit. Level 59: Vs. Natia See "Boss Section" - - - Planet # 5: Garaden - - - Level 60: Boss Room 1 See "Boss Section" Level 61: Boss Room 2 See "Boss Section" Level 62: Boss Room 3 See "Boss Section" Level 64: Boss Room 4 See "Boss Section" Level 65: Boss Room 5 See "Boss Section" Level 66: Boss Room 6 See "Boss Section" Level 67: Vs. Bagular See "Boss Section" CONGRATULATIONS! You, sir/madam, have just completed the fine game of Bomberman Hero. If you go back and collect all 24 special bombs AND get 100% in EACH level (a 5), then a new, secret planet will open up. I have yet to get there, but if anyone would be so kind enough to write one up for me, then heck, I'll be more than glad to put it up. And yes, you'll get a lot of credit. --------- 6) Bosses --------- Vs. Endol: Description: This really freaky guy who looks like one of those Chinese Dragon Gods... First Stage: He's on this platform with electricity coming out of it and it's moving back and fourth. His weak point is his chest, so just jump over the fields and toss a bomb at him. After five hits the platform will break and he'll attack you on foot. Last Stage: Now he'll come at you with electro balls which home in on you...very painful! To avoid, run behind him, it will disappear in mid air...strange. Continue to batter his chest, five more times and he'll explode! Vs. Baruda Description: This fat bird with pilot goggles on. Very strange indeed... First and Only Stage: Ok, you're in the Bomber Copter, so pull up quick so you're above him. Now it'll be almost impossible for him to hit you! Drop bombs down on him to hurt him. He'll get real fat, and a gigantic pink laser will fire from his belly, so exercise extreme caution when he starts to grow. After 10 hits it'll explode! Whoohoo! Vs. Bolban: Description: Kinda like the Sphinx, except it's 100% lion, not part. It has twin cannons on it's shoulders. This guy has a few attacks. First off he'll turn you to stone with his breathe. This won't hurt you, but if he hits you while you're a stone it will. Then he usually tries to run over you with his overall speed, this works well for him. He'll also fire exploding cannon balls at you! First Stage: Run backwards until he pauses, then throw a bomb into the blue gem in his forehead. After two shots a satellite dish will come out of his back and make a force field around his head, so now you can't hit him there. Second Stage: Well, go behind him and look at his tail. Notice how the end is blue...hit it with bombs! After three shots the shield will disappear. Last Stage: Now blocks will rain from the sky! Very hard to get past...just keep hitting his tail until he explodes, it should be about five more hits. Vs. Natia: Description of Cronus: A black spider with four legs and one eye. Also has four missile ports and a rocket engine underneath. Description of Natie: Like a Greek God...The body of a beautiful woman, yet the head is of a wolf. First Stage: Two against one? Talk about unfair! Two bomb hits for Natie and she'll fly off for the moment, which is a good thing, since her movements are so unpredictable. Concentrate on the spider's eye. It has a few moves up it's sleeve, though. It will launch straight up and shoot four homing missiles at you. The only way to successfully avoid them is to run in circles as they come to you, they will either run out of fuel or crash into something. Next Mr. Spider will fire a long blue laser from it's eye, just run around until it wears out. After 10 hits to the eye the Spider will explode and Natie will return. Last Stage: What a pain in the ass. She'll try to hit you with her whip, fire knives at you, or jump around erratically like some madman (er...woman) trying to hit you. Do the best you can, it should take about six (not sure) hits and she'll lay down and take a nap... Vs. Nitros: You'll fight these maniacal kid many times during your adventures, but they are all more or less the same. Each new tine you fight him he learns a new trick. Here they are... 1. Standing on a square with a strange shape on it will make him shoot out an ice attack. The direction depends on the square, which is the only way you know which direction to run. 2. Standing on a red circle block will make all the other one's burst with fire! Be careful. 3. A forcefield will surround him at the start. To make it collapse, hunt down and destroy the strange looking pieces of metal with electricity flowing from them. 4. He'll fire red bombs at you, which hurt greatly. Jump to avoid. He usually does this after getting hit. 5. Standing on a square with a circle on it will make him throw a disk, which will bounce around the arena until it either hits something or fades away. The best way to defeat him everytime is to just throw bombs at him. He'll jump around a bit, and won't attack or anything. If you can hit him in mid-air, or predict where he'll land next, it's a cinch to hit him with a bomb. The number it takes to defeat him increases each time you meet him. Boss Room 1: Final Stage: This is Edol, reborn. Now we're on a platform, knee deep in water. He'll walk around for awhile, then fire some blobs at you. Easy to avoid. Then he'll shock the water, the only way to avoid is to jump JUST at the right moment. This is _very_ difficult, but you must do it to beat him. It takes 10 hits to the chest to kill him. Boss Room 2: Final Stage: This is Baruda, reborn. You're on a platform, and he'll swoop back and fourth (say "I" if you think this was inspired by the Gruntilda fight in Banjo-Kazooie...I!!!) while firing that giant laser of his, which you must jump to avoid, which is very easy. Just bomb him 10 times to have a chicken dinner. Boss Room 3: Final Stage: This is The Spider, reborn. We're on a donut like arena with lava all around and in the middle, and he stays in the lava most of the time (except during one attack). Dodging the missiles is almost impossible due to the lack of room, but it certainly is possible. When you see bubbles coming out of the lava, go over there and wait for him to come up. Bomb his eye 10 times and he'll go "bye bye!" His other attack is his laser, which will swing around the entire platform. Hard to avoid, but once you know how to it's easy (jump _before_ it starts to move). Boss Room 5 (Boss Room 4 was a Nitro Stage): Final Stage: This is Bolban, reborn, unfortunately. Sure, those last bosses only took you about an hour to beat, but now you meet the mighty Bolban! Muhaha! You're in the Bomber Marine (!) and you're moving, and he's on a platform that is also moving back. He shoots homing missiles at you, blocking your view of his weak point, the gem in his forehead. To avoid the missiles, move down, when he stops, move back up and let out a barrage of bombs in the vain hope that you might actually hit the 1 square inch gem on his head. If you beat him, then you just kick arse (gotta love those Brits) at videogames...or you've been playing it for two hours straight. That's how I usually beat him. Boss Room 6: Final Stage: This is Natia, reborn!! Run, Billy, run! Save yourself! Dear Lord, what vile human being could possibly dream up such a ghastly situation?! And you thought one against two was bad...try one against six! Yes, there are two Natias attacking you at the same time, along with the many miniature spiders that drop from the sky (they don't fire missiles at you though...that would be going a _bit_ too far) and harm you. One Natia cracks her whip, while the other fires many knives at you. Did I mention the platform we're on is small? Yes, all of this adds up to the hardest boss in the game. Heck, screw Bagular, these gals take the cake...no doubt about it. Oh yeah, you have to hit each one 10 times... Vs. Bagular: The final boss...the head honcho...the big cheese...the idiot who looks like a diseased dog? Yep, it's Bagular, the strange fool with a laugh that could only mean he's been taking large douses of crack. First Stage: He'll rush you, teleport, and throw large ice things at you. 97% of the time he'll just rush back and fourth...back and fourth...if you get too far away, he'll start throwing ice at you. After six bomb hits he'll turn into pixie dust and posses a T.V. with a chopper! Oh, the humanity! Second Stage: Um...something is seriously messed up here. Three T.V. Bagulars will come down and try (and fail, unless you are really bad or just plain unlucky) to shock you with their 1 amp electricity, oh the horror, the horror! Just hit them with bombs, they'll fly away, come back, and keep going. After six hits the T.V. Bagular will plant himself in this large mechanical robot (wait...robots _are_ mechanical...) with two phreaky arms and a shield across the front. Third Stage: If you're not scared now, you're not human. That or you're missing the left half of your brain...Anyways, move away so his guns can't hit you. His right one is a large ray that shoots a red...um...ray, and the left one is a clamper, like a giant clothes pin, and will try to grab you. Again, moving about 10 yards away will render these flashy attacks completely useless. When they stop, move up and hit each one with a bomb. After doing this five times (five bombs for each arm) they will fall off, the shield will collapse, and he'll start shooting missiles, plus he'll move around. Last Stage: Whatever you do, keep yourself _AWAY_ from that laser gun (which is positioned in a place that could make perverts like me laugh for five minutes straight)! By now the air is crowded with missiles, so jumping may not be the smartest idea, but you must if you want to defeat him. Jump and throw a bomb at what looks like a brain, or my school cafeteria's food, in a small, glass container. After a few hits, it will explode and a sassy ending will occur that will make everyone scream "I DID ALL OF THAT FOR THIS?!?!? NO!!!!! DIE HUDSONSOFT, DIE!!!" ---------- 7) Enemies ---------- Balloon Creature: These guys look like balloons on pogo sticks...Nothing to worry about, as they are usually motionless. Washing Machine Robot: Doesn't it look like a washing machine with a red lightbulb on his head? They move slowly, but their big, so they could easily hit you. Usually found on narrow paths. Black Mice: They just sit there...they don't do anything...What's the point?! =) Chicken: Hilarious! They bob up and down and cluck at you. Chicks: Blow a Chicken up and you get four of these little buggers. Very annoying because their so small, so their hard to hit. Ball Spikes: These indestructible beings circle around narrow paths (i.e. 3 inches across) and will try to knock you off. Very annoying. Mr. Bob: Please don't tell me I'm the only person who thinks of the name 'Bob' when you see these strange, yellow creatures with large black eyes? They just float there, bobbing up and down. Necky: This strange contraption will launch it's head at you... Vroom Vrooms: These little blobs with large eyes and a dunce hat will honk at you when you get close... Mad Balls: These blue balls will have lava erupting out of them! They usually travel in pairs. One Eyed Frog: He also flies! Mechanical Wizz: These strange bots fly out of the ground and try to surprise you. Crab: This is a rare creature indeed! They blow bubbles at you, while their deadly claws just sit there. Manta Ray: Only found underwater, they try to hit you with their tails. Mines: Oh, yay! A creature that fills up with water and gets huge (easily across the entire screen) and then blows up in a gigantic explosion! Be careful. Stone Heads: They fall from the sky and try to thump ya! Blow Ups: These red creatures fill up with air and get huge! Watch out for their spines as they jump around. Mummy Heads: This is a very common enemy...it shoots red blobs at you. The enemy itself is stationary, but does turn if you move. Cannons: They shoot bullets at you. More dangerous than they look! Birdies: They try to swoop down on you. Mechanical Balls: They go back and fourth, trying to disrupt your flight on the Bomber Jet. UFO: They shoot HUGE lasers at you, and will suddenly change directions. Very dangerous, exercise extreme caution. A few hits in the circle will kill them. Lasers: These guns are mounted to the floor and shoot laser beams at you. Flying Knives: Very annoying, they come in groups. They do a kamikaze style attack. Stone People: They just bang on the ground with their huge fists. Usually found on narrow paths. Evil Tree Stumps: Watch out! That ain't no normal stump! They'll turn around and spray you with toxic gas! Three bombs will put an end to their germ warfare. Clowns On Balls: How nice, psychotic clowns balancing themselves on balls. It stops being cute when they start to kill you, though... Rain Cloud: Lakitu anyone? These chaps will throw lightening bolts down on you. Robots on Tricycles: Er...well, it is! They go back and fourth, making you laugh uncontrollably. Totems: Get close and their eyes will light up, a split second later they'll collapse on you! Bulls: These two inch monstrosities are actually very dangerous, especially in grounds. They CAN run faster than you at times. Monster Flowers: Ah! Giant flowers! Run for the hills, run for the hills!! Yellow/Blue/Red Blob: The bounce around...how cuuuute. Fish in a Bubble: Bomb them once, bomb them twice, they'll be the ones paying the price! Giant Blobs: Stronger than their cousins, these guys take four bombs to kill! They appear when two or more blobs come together. Neat, huh? Rock Statue: An underwater enemy, this guy is just there to look at. Clams: How original, they spit pearls at you... Star Fish: Dozens of these hide items in their shapes and patterns. Sharks: They may be small, but their persistent! Needle Nose: Wow, look at that honker! He'll try to impale you wit it. Mouse with Bomb: Hit him with two bombs and he'll let loose his bomb! When it explodes, be ready for some shockwaves! Atomic Friends: Hit them with a bomb, or just get close, and watch the fireworks! Nice alarms... Mr. Barrel: Awwww...how cute! Just don't let them roll over you. Spaceships: They shoot green lasers at you...exciting, eh? Tipsy: These fun loving guys are jus balls with spikes on their head. They'll want to hit ya! H! Submarine: Easy to kill, just watch out for their missiles! Choclare Man: Hit em with bombs... Flying Pink Ball: Much like Pink Floyd?! Magma Turtle: When he opens up his shell, toss in a bomb! Electrical Thingies: They appear when skiing. Hand: Two bombs should do the trick. Just don't let them get the upper hand...bad pun, sorry. Cyclops: Basically just a tentacle with an eye that pops out of the grass...very annoying. Heads: Sick! :) They come off of the walls and um...attack? Yeah, that's it! Giant Clocks: They attack, uh-huh, oh they sure dooo! Underwater Boxes: They shoot missiles at you. Bubbles: They hurt you.........somehow Sluggies: Normal bombs won't even faze them, but salt ones will! Eye Boxes: They roll in pre-determined patterns. Fun for the entire family! Turtles: Did someone say Super Mario? They tuck in their heads and roll at you. Frog: They come out of the grass and try to hit you with their tongues! Green Bunnies: Do the bunny...do do do the bunny...woops, sorry! They hop about. Punk Snowmen: They hop around! Some even ski! Monkeys: Er...yeah. Watch out for their ice cubes! I'm not being silly either, those cubes are dangerous. Blow Signs: They try to blow you off the path...just hop on them! Screws: Again, just hop in them. Smilies: Um...ok. Get around one of the balls so it doesn't hit you. Dragons: Stand still for too long and they'll come and bite your head off! Paper Airplanes: Neato ----------------------- 8) Cheats, Secrets, Etc ----------------------- Secret Planet: By getting 100% AND all the Special Bombs, you can get a secret planet with a dozen new levels! Whoohoo! All Worlds Activated: ---------- 9) Credits ---------- Nintendo/Hudsonsoft: For making the game, ya dummies Wow! Talk about short... --------------- 10) Legal Stuff --------------- This guide can not be copied without permission of the author. It can not be used as a means of profit. Basically, just don't put your name where mine should be (i.e. stealing). Copyright (C) 1998 marshmallow Yes, you can print it out, silly =) Just don't sell it for money. ------------------------ 11) Farewell/Final Notes ------------------------ Yeah! It's done! Finally! I finished this FAQ! This took a lot longer than you might expect...I had to actually play through Bomberman Hero TWICE to finish this one. Yeah, that long. Like always, if you find any mistakes, want to add something, etc., etc., then e-mail me at m_mallow@hotmail.com (also found under the title of this FAQ). See you on the flip side . . . or should I say, the next guide? - marshmallow - ------------------------ 8) Cheats, Secrets, Etc. ------------------------ ---------- 9) Credits ---------- --------------- 10) Legal Stuff --------------- ------------------------ 11) Farewell/Final Notes ------------------------