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Power Gear [#2182e] VI. General Information [#8127f] VII. Items [#1822g] VIII. Mission Walkthrough [#9228h] IX. Options Screen [#2001i] X. Secrets [#4019j] XI. Conclusion/Legal [#9017k] Note - Using text search: If you are looking to find a certain section of this guide, please use the keywords above. Press CTRL+F (I believe this is Command+F on a Mac) to bring up your browser's search function. If you are looking for the Power Gear section, then enter in [#2182e] and press "Find." The Browser will automatically scroll down to that section for you! *** Files Updates *** v1.1 - Uploaded walkthrough videos for 5 levels (Planet Bomber, Area 1, Levels 1-5). v1.2 - Uploaded walkthrough videos for x levels (Planet Bomber, Area 2, Levels 6-12; Area 3, Levels 13-16; Bonus Round #1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[==================]] [[ Introduction ]] [[==================]] [#7218a] Bomberman Hero was released many years ago for the Nintendo 64. It was the second Bomberman game for the N64, coming a few years after the release of Bomberman 64. Bomberman Hero doesn't really continue the story from Bomberman 64 (however there are a few references back to that game). Bomberman Hero is one of those games that you either like or you hate. It didn't receive the same amount of shine that Bomberman 64 did, however that does not mean that this game isn't a gem of its own. In this game you will go through 72 short, but interesting, levels. You will visit various planets, all with their own climates and mysteries. This game is quite in depth, in fact, even more in depth than Bomberman 64 (although I guess it isn't really fair to compare a game that was released in 1996 to one released in 1998 in the category of depth). This document will contain all the information that you'll need to know in order to become a master at this game. By no means is Bomberman Hero a game that you cannot get through by yourself, in fact, it's very hard not beating this game. Of course, beating a game can have two different meanings: defeating the final boss, or defeating the final boss AND getting 100% completion. This guide has been written for all of those people who wish to beat the game while being perfect as far as completion while doing so. Getting 100% on this game is very difficult unless you have some helpful information to read. I had to go through everything by myself, however, you have the opportunity to read my best hints and tips for getting through this long game while being perfect at doing so. Like many other guides, it is always best to read one in the order in that they are written, unless you have already started the game. You wouldn't start a novel on page 93, afterall. It would make more sense to start on page 1 so you don't miss any information that will leave you confused later. I will start off this guide by giving you some background information on the game story; what has happened to Bomberman? Why is he going on a quest? I will then discuss the main characters before talking about the game's moves. The General Information section is one of the most important, as you will learn special information regarding all sorts of things in the game. It is highly recommended that you read this General Section before starting the main adventure in the game. I will then discuss items before finally giving the walkthrough for the main game. The Options Screen chapter, the one directly after the Walkthrough chapter, contains walkthroughs for some of the special options that you can get by playing through the main game and beating certain tasks (such as the "Golden Bomber" quest, which gives a new meaning to a few special levels). This is a section you should surely check out after you have beaten the game fully. I hope that you find everything in this document useful and helpful. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact me. My contact information can be found at the top of this guide, as well as in the Conclusion chapter (the final one). Please be sure to read my rules for sending me email! Enjoy the read, and enjoy the game! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[================]] [[ Game Story ]] [[================]] [#1928b] Note: Most of this writeup can be seen in the first cut scene when you start a new file. The Bomber Nebula consists of four rocky plants. The Nebula has been under peace for quite a while since Altar invaded Planet Bomber several years ago. Unfortunately, on one average day, a new planet appeared on the outskirts of the Nebula. Unfortunately, as we all know, plants cannot simply appear out of no where. This planet turned out to be a ship, and the people inside were not here for peace. The unknown ship fired four fireball-like things towards the four planets. Each of these things contained creatures. It seems like whoever is inside of this ship wants to invade the Nebula! Each of the fireball things collided with a planet. As soon as one collided with Primus Star, a planet right beside Planet Bomber, a small ship quickly came up through its greenish atmosphere and headed straight towards Planet Bomber. Inside the ship were a princess and a robot. The Princess tells the Robot "We need to tell Bomberman and his friends right away!" Something bad must have obviously happened on Primus Star! As the Robot says, the princess' name is Princess Millian. She is the Princess of Primus Star. The Robot notices that something is approaching their small spaceship. A giant ship appeared on top of the smaller spaceship containing the princess and robot. A yellow light came from the bottom of the ship, trying to pull the princess' ship up into it's cargo hold. The princess gave her robot a disk and told him to go hide inside of the engine room. The robot, who must be Princess Millian's body guard, is concerned over what will happen to the princess and asks her what she will do. The princess hopes that things will be okay, and she simply tells her robot to hurry off to the engine room before it's too late. The robot heads back to the engine room, and as he does, the princess' space ship is transported up into the larger one. From here, the game starts... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[==============]] [[ The Cast ]] [[==============]] [#1821c] It's always important to get to know the cast when you first start a game. Bomberman Hero only has a few characters who are a part of the main cast, however I'll try to expand the actual list as far as I can so you can get to know everyone right off the bat. Here are some of the characters that you'll personally meet and have conversation with sometime during the game. Note that casual enemies that you see around most levels are not recorded here. ~Bomberman~ The game is named after him, so obviously he is the overall main character and protagonist of the game. You will be the one who controls Bomberman as he goes on a long journy through the entire Bomber Nebula, trying to save the Nebula from the evil Garaden forces. This little guy is a member of a large race from Planet Bomber. Bomberman is a part of the Bombermen. These folk are able to produce bombs out of seemingly nothing. They have great skills with them, and they are able to create an unlimited amount of bombs. Bomberman is the main protector of Bomber Star and the Bomber Nebula. He hails from the Bomber Training Centre, where he trains other Bombermen to become a part of the Bomber Army. Bomberman has never lost a fight against someone who has invaded his planet or nebula, and he knows that he won't, and can't, fail this time. ~Princess Millian~ This special lady comes from Primus Star, a large green, rocky planet near Planet Bomber. Millian stole a secret data disk from the Garaden Army after they attacked Primus Star (as well as attacking the entire Bomber Nebula). The disk that the Princess stole contains data that the Garaden Empire needs in order to completely take over the Nebula while strengthening their upper echelons of power. All of this will make sense as the game progresses (I will not spoil the game story here). When the Princess stole the disk and tried to escape, she and her personal servant, Pibot, were captured while on their way to Planet Bomber for safety. The Princess is now in the hands of the Garaden Empire (more specifically, Nitros [see below]). Although she doesn't have the disk, the Garaden Empire may do anything to Millian in order to find out what she did with it. ~Pibot~ This small robot is the personal servant, helper, and best friend of Princess Millian. Pibot could also be considered Millian's body guard, however, as we see many times throughout the game, he is no match for the Garaden Forces. Millian gives Pibot the disk, who in turn gives it to Bomberman on Planet Bomber when they first meet. After meeting up with Bomberman on Planet Bomber, Pibot will come with Bomberman for the rest of his journy across the Bomber Nebula, giving Bomberman helpful hints via radio and during other methods. He will never help you out in comboat, however. As soon as Bomberman finds the Princess again, Pibot will stay with her and, this time, make sure that she stays safe. ~Nitros~ This little guy, who looks a lot like Bomberman (however with a different Uniform), is a solder of the Garaden Empire. In fact, he is one of their best. Nitros was assigned to be the one who looks after Princess Millian. He is small and quick, meaning he is the perfect match for Bomberman. Aside from looking after the Princess, he is also assigned to stop Bomberman and take the disk from him. Although Nitros is one of the Garaden's best warriors (you will fight him 5 times throughout the game), he still doesn't match the power and experience that Bomberman has. ~Bagular~ This evil man is the head of the Garaden Empire, however he has no true physical form until late in the game. Bagular, at the start of the game, is comprised of only a brain (which you'll see near the end of the game, meaning that he has been in this brain form ever since the start). He is the one who has ordered Garaden to attack the Bomber Nebula, and he is the one who calls the shots, even if he is only a brain. The Garaden Empire are looking for a special way to recreate his body, and you won't find out what that is until late in the game (no, I will not say what it is here for spoiler reasons). He will be the final character that Bomberman must face. Basically, if Bagular is completely defeated, the Garaden Empire will fall once and for all! There are some theories as to who Bagular actually is, however I've left that for his fight section later on in the guide. Skip ahead to Garaden Star in the main walkthrough and scroll down to the fight against Bagular to view these theories if you wish. ~Endol, Barudia, Bolban, Cronus, and Natia~ These five characters are all of Garaden's best fighters. They have all been sent to take charge of operations for a planet. Endol has been sent to Planet Bomber with his army, Barudia to Primus Star, Bolban to Kanatia Star, and both Cronus and Natia have been sent to take charge in the main Garaden base of operations on Mazone Star. The only way that the Garaden forces fill fully be defeated on each planet is if Bomberman takes the main boss out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[======================]] [[ Controller/Moves ]] [[======================]] [#4912d] Knowing how to control the main character when first starting a new adventure game is very important. Although I'll go into some depth on controlling Bomberman when we play through the very first level in the game (located in the main walkthrough section), I'll go over a few basics here, such as what each button on the controller does and how each move can be used. Be sure to read through this section carefully, as you don't want to be stuck at the wrong time not knowing what to do! Incase this is the first Nintendo 64 game that you're playing, I'll try to describe how you should hold the controller. Your left hand should wrap around the stick on the middle of the controller, just below the only control stick. Your right hand should be placed and wrapped around the small stick on the right side of the controller. Your left thumb will be able to move the control stick, and your left middle finger will be able to hit the Z button on the bottom of the controller. The thumb of your right hand will be able to hit the A, B, Start, C, and R buttons. The control pad and left button (both on the left side of the controller) are not used in Bomberman Hero, so you don't have to worry about them. I hope you can get a mental image of what I'm trying to describe. ~A Button~ This is the blue one on the right. The A button has two purposes. During gameplay, it is used to have Bomberman jump. The longer you press down the button, the longer and higher Bomberman will jump up into the air. Of course, even if you press it with force, gravity will pull him back down in a second or two, however the extra few moments you get in the air by pressing and holding the A button can mean a lot. If you jump while you're running, you'll be able to jump A LOT further! If a gap looks too long to normally jump, then use a running jump. While jumping, you can press the B button to throw a bomb. This is called a (in my personal dictionary) a jumping bomb. If you throw a bomb while in any part of a jump, then Bomberman will throw it further into the distance. If you throw a bomb right at the top of your jump, then he'll throw it a very far distance. While on the menu screens, the A button is used to select certain options. If you have, for example, selected a certain level, then you would press the A button to select and play the level. ~B Button~ Like the A Button, the B Button has more than one purpose. It is used both in gameplay and while on the menu. Press B during gameplay to throw a bomb. The harder you press the button, the further the throw. You are able to throw a "rolling bomb" with the B Button too. Instead of just pressing the button, press and HOLD the B Button down to have Bomberman take out a bomb and hold it by his side. After a few seconds he will start to shake the bomb around in his hand. His arm will start to move in a circle, faster and faster. After holding for a few seconds, release the B Button and Bomberman will throw four bombs all at once. This can be useful for clearing our multiple enemies in front of you at once. You will throw the bomb in whatever direction you're facing. While holding a bomb (a rolling bomb), you can walk, run, and even jump. While on the menu screen, the B Button will deselect an option. For example, let's say you have the selection icon on a level. If you press the A Button, you'll select the level. If you press the B Button, then you'll go back a menu screen to the Area select screen. Easy enough to understand! Like in most N64 games, the B Button will do the opposite of the A Button (while on the menu screens). ~Start Button~ This is the small red button in the very center of the controller, just above the control stick (it also says START on it). Like in nearly every other N64 game, this is used to bring up the Pause Menu. The Pause Menu can be pulled up during any point in the game. For example, if you are playing the game and need to use the washroom, then press this button to bring up the pause menu; this menu will make the game freeze in the background so Bomberman can't get hurt while you're off doing whatever you need to do. The pause menu contains some other options, all of which are talked about in the General Information chapter. ~Control Stick~ This is located at the very centre of the controller (there is only one on the N64 controller; it is the only feature on the controller that isn't a button, so you can't miss it). The control stick can be pushed in any direction: up, down, left, right, up-right, down-left, and so on. The harder you press it in one direction, then the more responsive it will be. The Control Stick, while in gameplay, is used to control Bomberman. If you want Bomberman to walk forward, then press UP on the Control Stick. If you want him to move to the right, then press over to the right. If you want Bomberman to walk slowly, then put very little pressure on the stick so it hasn't moved much from the default position in the centre. If you want Bomberman to run, then press the Control Stick all the way in one direction until it can go no further. Be sure not to press the stick to hard, as they can break if you aren't careful (it's hard to break them, but anything is possible). While on the menu screen, the control stick is used to move the selection. If you are on one level and you wish to select the level above in the list, then you would press UP on the Control Stick to move the selector up there. Simple enough! ~Z Button~ This is located at the base of the controller. You can't see it while you're playing (unless the controller is above your head for some reason). This is also known as the trigger button, as in most games, such as First Person Shooters, it is used to fire a gun. In Bomberman Hero this button is rarely used; the only time in which you'll find a use for it is when you have the remote bomb item. When you throw a remote bomb, it won't explode unless it hits an enemy, or until you press the Z Button to detonate it. ~R Button/C Down Button~ The R Button is located at the top of the controller on the right. You would use your index finger to get it on the right. You can press the R button once to drop a bomb beside Bomberman's feet. You can press it again while near the bomb to have Bomberman kick it. You will kick the bomb in whatever direction Bomberman is facing. Both the R Buttons and C Down Buttons will do this, so use whatever you find easier (I personally suggest using the R Button, however). ~C Up, Right, and Left Buttons~ Pressing these will temporarily change the camera direction while Bomberman is standing still. Pressing C UP will make the camera shift downwards a little bit (so you can see in the foreground), pressing to the right will shift view over to the right, and pressing left will shift it over to the left. You must hold down the button to keep the camera shifted there. Remember that Bomberman must be standing still, or else the camera will reset back to the normal view (which varies level upon level). Although you won't use this often (I normally don't), it can still be helpful to look around your position before Bomberman moves to where you are looking. ~L Button, Control Pad~ Neither of these buttons are used in Bomberman Hero and serves no true purpose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[================]] [[ Power Gear ]] [[================]] [#2182e] This is something new to the world of Bomberman, as no previous game has allowed Bomberman to use these cool little features. Power Gear is given to Bomberman through a special device called the Bomber Pitch. Bomberman receives this after he completes his training in the first five levels of the game (which takes place at Bomber Base). Each form of Power Gear will do something different. Certain levels can only be completed with the aid of Power Gear, so you'll have to get used to using them. The Power Gear will allow Bomberman to fly, swim, and slide through certain levels. Here's some information on each of the four gears, plus the moves that go along with them. ~Bomber Copter~ This part of the Power Gear will attach to the top of Bomberman's head. A few blades will spin around fast, acting like helicopter blades. This will allow Bomberman to hover and coast wherever and whenever. Only a few levels in the game will use this. Here are the controls: Control Stick: Move A Button: Ascend (gain altitude, press and hold) B Button: Hover (press and hold) R, Z, or C Down Button: Throw a bomb (hold to throw a rolling bomb). Bomberman will drop bombs while he is using the copter. He will simply create one and drop it down from where he is, so you'll hit whatever is directly below Bomberman. A rolling bomb will cause the bombs to fall in a cone-like fasion. Pressing A will cause Bomberman to gain altitude, whereas releasing will have Bomberman slowly hover downwards. You can press and hold the B Button to hover in one spot in the air for as long as you wish, however. Using the Bomber Copter takes some getting used too. ~Bomber Jet~ The Bomber Jet, like the Copter, will allow you to travel through the air. Of course, a jet is very different to a copter in the way in which they function. Firstly, unlike the Copter, the Jet will always move forward; you cannot stop and hover (except for about a second while using the break). The Jet can travel pretty quickly, however, especially when you accelerate. Here are the controls: Control Stick: Move (controls are inverted, so Up will make him go down) A Button: Accelerate Forward B Button: Short Break R, Z, or C Down Button: Shoot bombs forward You cannot change the inverted controls of the Bomber Jet, so you'll have to live with it. Inverted controls means, if you push Up on the control stick, then Bomberman will actually move downwards. It's just like a real airplane. You can press A to accelerate quickly forward. If you don't press A, then Bomberman will constantly move forward, however at a slow velocity. Pressing the B Button will have Bomberman brake for a second or so, but it's pretty useless (in most of the levels that use the Bomber Jet, breaking will almost always cause you to get damage). Finally, you will fire missiles forward. So, wherever Bomberman is, he will fire a bomb directly in front of him. A rolling bomb will cause the four bombs to spread outwards in a straight line. ~Bomber Slider~ This is used in only two levels, and it is by far the hardest of all the Power Gears to get used too. This slider acts a lot like a skateboard, however it has VERY poor traction. While on the Slider Bomberman cannot throw or drop bomb. Instead, you'll be using a special spin attack to kill any enemy in your path. Sure, it isn't as fun as blasting everything, but being able to slide around is pretty damn fun too (plus the Slider levels look pretty sweet). Here are the controls: Control Stick: Move A Button: Jump B Button: Spin Attack It is impossible to full break while on the Slider, however, if you push BACK on the control stick and hold it there, then Bomberman will nearly stop (he will still move, but very slowly). Otherwise, Bomberman will keep picking up speed (the top speed is pretty damn fast). I highly recommend you don't go pretty fast, or else turning gets very difficult. You can press the A Button to jump. The faster you are moving and the longer you hold down the A button, then the higher and longer the jump will be. Finally, you can press the B Button to have Bomberman spin around quickly a few times. This is the only way you can attack enemies while on the slider, by spinning into them. This is tough to do, however you can do spin after spin if you wish. There is no way to move backwards while on the Slider, so if you miss anything, it's gone for good (unless you replay the level). ~Bomber Marine~ This is the device that Bomberman will be using the most. The Bomber Marine will allow Bomberman to travel through underwater levels, such as submerged caves and under frozen lakes. You will be using this item LOTS of times (even through a boss fight), so you'll have to get used to it. The Marine acts, in many ways, a lot like how the Bomber Jet works, however there are obviously a few major differences. Here are the controls: Control Stick: Move A Button: Go forward B Button: Go backward R, Z, or C Down Button: Shoot torpedo Simply use the control stick to move around. The A button will allow Bomberman to move forward, whereas the B Button will allow Bomberman to move backwards. This is the only piece of Power Gear (except the Copter) that allows you to move backwards. You must press and hold the A or B Buttons for them to take their action. The best thing about the Bomber Marine, however, is that you don't have to fully take aim at enemies. You are equipped with an unlimited amount of heat-seeking torpedos, meaning you have to aim in the general direction of a target, and the torpedo will automatically make its way over to hit it. You can create a rolling bomb by holding either R, Z, or C Down, and this will allow you to fire four torpedos at once (that can be great fun, especially when there's a large spread of enemies ahead of you). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[=========================]] [[ General Information ]] [[=========================]] [#8127f] This section is all about understanding some general aspects of the game, such as the file menu, creating a new game, general options found in the game, and the overall screen layout (what certain icons on the screen mean/do). You'll also learn about some general items that you'll find around the game and what their purpose is. A more indepth walkthrough of items is found in the next chapter, titled "Items". Be sure to put the Bomberman Hero gamepack into the Nintendo 64 and move the Power Switch to ON. A short cut scene will start, just giving a little introduction to the game. You don't have to watch it (press the Start Button to skip through it). Once the cut scene is over, press Start when prompted to access the Main Menu. ~The Main Menu/Selecting a File~ You will see this menu each time you start the game. When you first play Bomberman Hero, you'll see four squares on the left, and several smaller ones over to the right. The four large squares are all different files, meaning you can have up to four games at once. Each file will give you the same game, so it doesn't matter which you select when you want to start up a new game. If you wish to start a new game, select one of the four large squares on the left (use the Control Stick to select which you want; the square with the yellow border is your current selection). Press A to select that file. When you have turned off the system after previously playing a game, then select the file that has the save information. You'll start where you last left off. Alternatively, you'll notice there are 6 other boxes on the right. They are titled: Select, Score, Copy, Clear, Options, and Stereo. If you wish to select one of the game files on the left, select the box titled "Select". Here is a small list of what the other boxes here will do: Score: This is the orange box. When you select this, the background will turn orange, and you'll be able to select one of the game files. When you select a game file (note that you must have a game saved in a file; any file that says "NO FILE" will not let you view a Score, since there is none), you'll go to another menu screen, showing all 5 planets (6 if you have unlocked Gossick). From here, use the control stick to select a planet. When you select one (by pressing A), you'll view all of the scores you got on each level in the planet. You'll also be able to see what medal you have gained for the certain planet. This option serves no real purpose other than to quickly see what your scores for each level in each planet are. Copy: This option, when select, will turn the background green. You will be able to select one file here, and copy it over to another file. If you are copying over to a file that already has a saved file there, then you'll be asked if it is okay to delete the old saved file. If you are copying into a "NO FILE", then the copy will be done right away. There isn't much reason to do, but you may find something. Clear: This will turn the background red when selected. Clear is another word for "delete." Selecting this will allow you to delete any game file, resetting the file back to "NO FILE." If you ever want to start a new game, however all four game files are full, then you'll have to use this Clear option in order to delete whatever file you wish. Simply select which file you want to delete and press A. The game will ask if you are sure to delete the game file. If you made a mistake, then select "No." If you are 100% sure that you want to delete this game file, then select "Yes." WARNING: Once you delete a game file, you cannot get it back, ever! Options: You'll be coming here often, especially once you've completely finished one game file. When you select the Options, simply select a game file. Once you've done that, you'll load a new menu screen. Here you'll see a small menu with the following visuals: Medals at the top of the screen, a picture of Bomberman on the right with a yo-yo, and a another menu screen at the bottom of the screen. If this is a brand new file (note that you cannot view options for a "NO FILE" since nothing has been done there yet) and you havn't done much, then nothing will be visible in here. You'll see a bunch of "????????????????????" marks at the bottom in the options menu. You won't know what these are until you've unlocked them. Options are unlocked when you get medals. If you wish to unlock all of the options, then you must gain 6 Gold Medals at the top of the screen, which are done by getting a perfect score on all levels in the game (more on this in the walkthrough). The options are these: Sound Test, Slider Race, Golden Bomber, Millian's Treasure Hunt, and simply Return to File Select. If you wish to leave this menu, select the last option (use the Control Stick, up and down, to select what you want). The other options do have a few cool features (Golden Bomber, for example, is a small quest in itself), and all of these will be reviewed and explained in the Options Chapter, the first chapter after the walkthrough (view Table of Contents for a link code). Monaural/Stereo: This will set the sound option for the game. Note that what you select here will work for all files (you don't have to set the four files seperately). If you select Mono, then the same sound will come through all of your speakers. Stereo will allow certain sounds to come out of the right or left speakers, depending on certain actions in the game. For example, if there is an explosion over to the left of Bomberman, then you'll have it from the left speaker. If you have a surround sound system set up (this game was released back when surround sound was not in many households), simply select Stereo and turn your surround sound system to sterio too (personally, if you are using 5 speakers (I use 7 speakers), the game sounds pretty bad when you use full 5.1 or 7.1 surround, so make sure you set your system to stereo). Use Mono only if you have one speaker on your television. ~After Selecting a File~ If you have started a new file from one that says "NO FILE," then you'll go through a short cut scene letting you in on some background information. Once it is over you'll be on the Select Planet screen. Of course only one planet, Planet Bomber, is currently available to go to. If you look in the distance, however, you'll see two more planets (a green and brown one). Once you have unlocked access to more planets, you'll use this screen to select which planet you want Bomberman to be on. Simply use the Control Stick to select which planet you want to be on (the one in the immediate foreground is the one you'll select by pressing A). Pressing UP will scroll up, and pressing DOWN will scroll down. Press A when you wish to visit the certain planet. Each planet is comprised of three Areas. Each Area tends to get more difficult as the game progresses. For example, the levels in Area 3 of a planet will be harder than the ones in Area 1. When you start a new game, you'll only have access to Area 1 (Bomber Base) of Planet Bomber. While on the Select Area screen (you'll be here after you select a planet), use the control stick to select which Area you wish to go to. Press A to select. Note that, in order to gain access to the next Area in a game, you must completely finish all the levels at least once in the previous Area (there are a few exceptions to this). Once you've selected an Area, you'll see anywhere from 4-7 levels. When you start an Area for the first time, you'll have to select the first level. In order to gain access to the next level, you must beat the previous one (regardless of the score you get on it). Note that you can always press the B Button to go back in the menu process. If you want to go back to the main menu, then head back to the planet select screen and press B again to be asked if you wish to return to the main menu. ~Basic Gameplay & Level Ratings~ Going through levels is all done in GENERALLY the same way. You'll have to defeat enemies in your way with your bombs (of spin), but you'll also have to pick up certain items located throughout the level. Some of these include the populus Blue and Red Crystals, extra bomb items, firepower items, Gold Gems, and the rare Rainbow Gems. Picking up items and killing enemies will net you points. For example, killing most enemies will net you 100 points. Picking up Blue Crystals, extra bomb items, and firepower items net you 50, whereas Red Crystals give you 250, Gold Gems 500, and Rainbow Gems 1000! You'll have to pick up a certain amount of points in order to get a completion score for the level. On each level you can gain a final rating of either 1-5. You'll want to get a score of 5 for each level if you want to completely beat the game. As you make your way through the level, you'll eventually reach the exit. Head through the exit (it's marked by several large orange arrows) to finish the level. Once you finish the level, you'll get your final rating. I'll try to show you how the rating system works (there's more information about this in the walkthrough). Let's say the level has a target of 3000. This means, in order to gain a rating of 5 for the level, you'll have to get a score of 3000 or HIGHER. Anything less will net you a 4, 3, 2, or 1 rating. On some levels, always boss fights, your score will start at 9999 and will tick down quickly. You'll have to defeat the boss before the timer hits, for example, 7000, in order to get a rating of 5 for the level. Pretty simple! Let's say you play through a level and get a rating of 3. As I have stated before, you'll want to get a rating of 5 on every level if you wish to open up a secret level and completely beat the game. You can replay a level at any time, and you can play a level as many times as you want. If you play through the level that you got the 3 on and, this time, get a 5, then the game will save your 5. If you play through the level again and finish with a rating of 2, then the game will still save your 5; the game will always keep the best score you've gotten on a level. This way you can quickly run through a level again to pick up anything you missed (such as Adok Bombs, which you'll read about later) without having to worry about losing that 5 rating you got. ~The Boss~ There is one at the end of Area 3 on each planet. The planet boss is always the hardest fight you'll have to put up with on a planet, as they will often make you use skills that you should have perfected on the certain planet that they are on. You must defeat the boss on a planet in order to move onto the next planet. The faster you defeat them, then the higher your point total will be. Bosses all have their own way of fighting and own weakness. Please view the boss sections at the end of each planet in the walkthrough for more information on how to defeat them. ~The Game Screen~ While playing through levels you'll always have the same icons located on the screen. These icons will give you certain information about your overall status for several different things. Here's a list of what you'll see, where you'll see them, and what they mean: Life Meter: This is shown at the top left of the screen. These are little red bars that relate to Bomberman's health. The days of one bomb killing Bomberman are now over. You'll start a game file with 4 pieces of health. Each time Bomberman gets hit, he'll lose one piece of red health and the small health bar will turn black. They can be lit up again by picking up heart items, or through some other special things in the game. When all of the bars go black, then that means Bomberman is out of energy. Obviously this means that he will die, and he'll lose a life. You are able to max out at 8 health bars after picking up MANY Blue Crystals, however if you turn off the game and turn it on again, then you'll be back at 4 bars. It sucks, but what can you do? Crystal Meter: This is located at the bottom left of the screen and will originally look like 00. Each time you pick up a Blue Crystal, this number will go up by 1. Picking up a Red Crystal will make this number go up by 5. Once you reach 200 Crystals, the meter will reset back to 00. Of course, you get something for getting so many crystals: You'll get an extra bar of life! Bombs Available: This is located on the bottom right of the screen, and it's the little icon on the left with a small, blue bomb beneath it. This will start at 1, and can count up to 4 by getting extra bomb items. The number here relates to how many bombs you can have on the level at one time. If the number is 4, then you can drop four bombs at once before they explode. Firepower: This is located on the bottom right of the screen, to the right of the Bombs Available icon. This will start at 1 and can go up to 4 by picking up firepower items. The higher this rating, the larger the blast radius of your bombs. For example, the blast radius of 4 is MUCH larger than 1. You increase the value of this number by picking up firepower items around levels. Score: This is located at the top right of the screen, and it always starts with the value of 00000 (09999 in boss fights). Each time you pick up items or kill enemies, the number here will increase. So, if you killed an enemy worth 100 points, your score will be 00100. This score needs to be equal or be greater than the required score for the level to gain a score of 5. ~Collecting Crystals~ Crystals are the most common item you'll see in the game. There are two variations: Blue and Red. Blue Crystals are seen all over the place, are worth 50 points, and will make your Crystal Meter go up by 1 by picking one up. Red Crystals are rare, but they are worth 250 points and will make your Crystal Meter go up by 5. The main purpose of Crystal collecting is to get the needed score for a level, however, by getting 200 Crystals, you'll also gain another piece of health in your life meter. ~Multiple Exits~ Some levels contain more than one exit! Usually there is a level in Area 1 or Area 2 of a planet that will make you play through it twice in order to gain access to the next two levels after it. Going through one exit will open up one level, and going through the other exit will open up the other. Although you'll have to play through these levels twice, you don't have to get the needed score each and every time. You need to get a score of 5 once and only once. Remember that you can return to any stage whenever you please. ~Medals~ Once you have fully beaten a planet (defeating the final boss), you'll be able to see the stage ranking. Depending on your overall ranking, which is the sums of all the levels added up, the medal you'll get will reflect this. Depending on the total score, you can receive anywhere from Gold, Silver, Bronze, Blue, and Red. Red is the worst medal you can get, whereas Gold is the best. The only way to get a gold is if you get a ranking of 5 on each and every level in the planet. You will want to get all Gold Medals! ~Damage & Lives~ Bomberman will lose health in a few different ways. If he gets hit by an enemy, collides with an enemy, is trapped in water, or gets caught in a bomb explosion, then he will lose a single bar of health. When Bomberman is hurt, a piece from his health bar will turn off, and Bomberman will flash for about 5 seconds. While flashing, Bomberman cannot get hurt (remember this for when enemies flash, as they cannot get hurt while flashing either). When the life meter is completely depeleted - that is, all of the red bars have turned to black - Bomberman will lose a life. Any abilities that he has, such as firepower, will decrease by 1. For example, if you had a firepower of 4 and died, you will respawn with a firepower of 3. There are a few ways in which Bomberman will die right away, regardless of how much health he has left. If he falls off al edge into a large fall or bottomless pit, then he will die right away. While Bomberman is hanging on the edge of a pit, tilt the stick TOWARDS the ledge and Bomberman will pull himself up. Sometimes you'll have to walk on very thin ledges; in this case, it is best to walk very slowly instead of running quickly. The amount of lives you have can be found on the pause menu. When your lives reach 0 (yes, having 0 lives remaning counts as a life), then the game will end. You will appear back at the main menu for the game, and when you start up your file again, all of your stats will have been reset (such as firepower and Crystals collected). There are a few items in the game that will let you have more lives, so always look out for them! (this is covered in the Item chapter, which is next). ~Recovering Health~ This is done easily... well... in a way. There are many heart items on the map (little simbols that have a pink heart image on them in the middle). Picking up a pink heart will repair one piece of depleated health. You may also find a very rare yellow heart, which will completely refill all of your lost health (there are only a few of these in the game, however). These are the only way to recover health (with one exception, as seen on Kanatia Planet in Area 1), so always look out for them! ~Saving~ Bomberman Hero has an auto saving feature. Every time you finish a level, the game will automatically be saved (there is no save screen, but don't worry, the game will safe itself). Your progress will automatically be saved to your file, however things such as extra health, Crystal count, and other assets such as these are not recorded. ~The Pause Menu~ While playing through a level, press the Start button to bring up the pause menu. This menu gives you some information regarding your progress of the level and your progress of the game. The top box on the left will show any required items you need in order to finish this level. For example, if the level you are playing in requires the use of picking up for Key Crystals to go through the exit door, then the total Key Crystals found will be shown here (such as 2/4). The box to the right of this contains Bomberman's total lives. You will start any game with 03 lives. This really means you have 4 lives, however, as 00 will count as a life. Below this is the Adok Bomb chart. You will find these things all over the game (there are 6 on each planet, two in each Area). As you find one, it will be recorded here. There are a total of 24 to find in a planet. By the time you find all of them, all of the circles here should be filled up, and the score beside should read 24/24. Below this you'll be able to select two things: Continue, or Quit. By default you'll be selecting Continue. Press A or the Start Button to get out of the pause menu and return to the game play. If you select Quit (left on the Control Stick), then you'll quit the level and return to the level select screen for the current Area on the current planet that you are in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[===========]] [[ Items ]] [[===========]] [#1822g] Items play an important role in any game, and Bomberman Hero is no different. There are many items in Bomberman Hero, and all of them will work in your benefit. Some items are used purly to increase your score, whereas others will help you in other ways, such as regain lost health, power Bomberman up, and even letting you open the exit door for the leve you are currently in. This section will contain a small list with all of the items in the game, and you will also read a small description about them. ~Extra Bomb~ Appearance: Diamond plate, gold edges, blue bomb in the centre. Value: 50 points Description: Picking one of these up will increase the number of bombs that Bomberman is able to place/throw at once. The game will start at a value of 1, and for each of these that you pick up, this value will increase (to a maximum of 4). Be sure to pick these up after you have hit 4, however, for the points. ~Firepower Upgrade~ Appearance: Diamond plate, gold edges, small flame with eyes in the centre. Value: 50 points Description: Picking one of these up will increase the strength of your bombs (by this, I mean the larger the value, the larger the blast radius). The game wills tart at a value of 1, and for each of these that you pick up, this value will increase (to a maxiumum of 4). Be sure to pick these up after you have hit 4, however, for the points. ~Remote Bombs~ Appearance: Diamond plate, gold edges, heart with a bomb in the middle of it. Value: 50 points Description: These will turn all of the bombs you throw into Remote Bombs. These will not explode unless you detonate them by pressing the Z Button, or if they hit an enemy. They will stay on the ground forever, assuming you don't do one of the two things mentioned just above. Picking up an Extra Bomb item will cancel the Remote Bomb effect. ~Life Heart~ Appearance: Diamond plate, gold edges, pink heart in the centre. Value: 50 points Description: Pick up one to refill ONE piece of lost health in your life meter. If you have a full life meter, than these will do nothing (be sure to pick them up for the points, though). ~Yellow/Full Heart~ Appearance: Diamon plate, gold edges, yellow heart in the centre. Value: 50 points Description: These act like the normal Life Hearts, however instead of filling up just one piece of lost health, these will fill up ALL lost pieces! So, if you are missing 3 pieces of health, picking this item up will refill all of them (so you'll be back to full health no matter what). They are VERY rare. ~1 UP~ Appearance: Diamond plate, gold edges, image of Bomberman in the centre. Value: 50 points Description: This will increase the number of remaining lives by a value of 1 for each one that you pick up. These will not recover health, and they are rather rare. They are also often found in very well-hidden areas, so always look carefull for a 1 UP! It's always a good thing to have as many lives as possible! ~Salt Bomb~ Appearance: Diamond plate, gold edges, white bomb in the centre. Value: 50 points Description: Picking this up will turn all of your bombs into Salt Bombs. Salt Bombs, when detonated (they do not act like Remote Bombs; they detonate on contact with anything right away), will create a large cloud of salt in their blast radius. These are only good for killing Slug enemies, and are useless to anything else. The salt clouds can hurt Bomberman, and these bombs cannot destroy things such as boxes or other enemies. Picking up an Extra Bomb item will turn your Salt Bombs back to normal bombs. ~Freeze Bomb~ Appearance: Diamond plate, gold edges, light blue bomb in the centre. Value: 50 points Description: These bombs will freeze all enemies in their path. When they explode (they do not act like Remote Bombs; they detonate on contact with anything right away), a large ball of ice will be in their blast radius. These are only good for freezing a certain type of enemy, and are useless to anything else. The ice can hurt Bomberman, and these bombs cannot destroy things such as boxes or other enemies. Picking up an Extra Bomb item will turn your Freeze Bombs back to normal bombs. ~Body Armour~ Appearance: Diamond plate, gold edges, yellow shield in the centre. Value: 50 points Description: This useful item will make Bomberman prone from the explosion of his own bombs (NOT of enemy bombs). One of the largest reasons as to why you'll lose health is from getting caught in the blast radius of your own bombs, so this will really help you out. Unfortunately, they get very rare in the late stages of the game, and you'll never be able to use this item against bosses. ~Wall-Through~ Appearance: Diamond plate, gold edges, orange bricks in the centre. Value: 50 points Description: This item will let you walk through a few select walls, usually blocking the entrance to special items or level exits. You can only walk through walls that are covered by black, semi-transparent blocks. You cannot walk through other walls, only these. ~Power Glove~ Appearance: Diamond plate, gold edges, blue glove in the centre. Value: 50 points Description: Only found in one level, the Power Glove will allow Bomberman to throw bombs about three times as far as normal. This will let him hit targets who are in the far distance. Kicking bombs will stay normal, and you can take off this effect if you pick up an Extra Bomb item. ~Bubble Panel~ Apperance: Diamon plate, purple edges, bubble in the centre. Value: None Description: As soon as you pick this up, Bomberman will be surrounded by a large bubble and will float upwards slowly. Bomberman will stay in the bubble for about 15 seconds after picking the item up. Once the bubble bursts, the Bubble Panel will reappear, so picking these up will not net you any points. You will need to use the floating help of the bubble in order to cross some gaps, and in order to pick up some tricky items high in the air. This item is found in only one level. ~Radio~ Appearance: Looks like a tiny radio with a few buttons and a screen. Value: None Description: These are scattered across all levels. Picking them up will allow Pibot to talk to Bomberman. Pibot will give Bomberman general tips or helpful information about how to get past certain objectives in a level, how to defeat certain enemies, and information about a specific item found in the level. They will not net you any points in picking them up, and you can hear the message only once (unless you replay the level). ~Blue Crystal~ Appearance: A blue looking shard that spins. Value: 50 points Description: These are the most common items found in the game. They are scattered about every level, and you'll learn to love them. Collecing 200 of these will net Bomberman another piece of health on his health bar. ~Red Crystal~ Appearance: A red looking shard that spins. Value: 250 points Description: Rarer than their Blue Crystal relatives, the Red Crystal is worth 250 points and worth 5 Blue Crystals on the Crystal Counter (bottom left of the gameplay screen). You'll often find them alone in hard to reach areas, such as over bottomless pits or high in the air. ~Gold Gem~ Appearance: A gold looking gem that looks like a spinning "top" toy. Value: 500 points Description: There are usually one-three of these located in each level. They are often hidden quite well, as they are worth a great 500 points! ~Rainbow Gem~ Appearance: A rainbow looking gem that looks like a spinning "top" toy. Value: 1000 points Description: No item is worth as much as this thing. Rainbow Gems are worth an oustanding 1000 points and are very, very rare. There are usually one or none in each level (with a few exceptions). They are often hidden very well, or placed in a simple area full of traps. Always look out for them, and when you see one, look around for anything that could harm you! ~Key Crystal~ Appearance: A yellow gem in a pyramid like shape Value: 50 points Description: A few levels will contain four of these. Bomberman must collect all four in order to open the exit door. You will not be able to finish these levels unless you find all four Key Crystals! They are usually hidden in fairly obvious locations. ~Card Key~ Appearance: Looks like a credit card, however ripped at the top Value: 50 points Description: Only a few levels will require use of a Card Key. They work in roughly the same fashion as Key Crystals (see just above), however there is only one located in the level. A Card Key will open up the exit door in the level you are currently playing. ~Adok Bomb~ Appearance: A purple sphere with white dots on the outside; spins around Value: 50 points Description: There are 24 of these in the game: 6 on each of the first four planets, 2 in each of the three Area's on those planets. Once you collect one in a level and finish the level, then they won't appear here again. You must collect all 24 to make something special happen at the end of the game. They are often hidden pretty well, or guarded pretty well by enemies/puzzles. ~Data Disk~ Appearance: A gold-looking CD-ROM. Description: There are four of these currently in the Bomber Nebula. Pibot gives Bomberman one near the start of the game, and Bomberman will find the other remaining three much later on. The Garaden Empire is searching very frantically for these, so they must contain something very important! In order to finish a few levels in the game, you'll need to find the disk within the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[=========================]] [[ Mission Walkthrough ]] [[=========================]] [#9228h] This is the main part of the document. Here you will find detailed information on how to get through every single level in the game, finding every single item, gaining perfect scores on each level, defeating the bosses and, ultimately, completely beating the game with 100% perfection. Things will not be easy, however with this Walkthrough, you should be able to find everything that you need! I wish you luck in the game, and if you have any questions or find any errors about anything in this walkthrough, please send me an email. Contact information is located within the final chapter of this guide, titled "Conclusion". We will start the walkthrough as soon as the opening cutscene, showing Pibot and Princess Millian, being captured inside of a giant spaceship while heading to Planet Bomber for safety. ******************************************************************************* [------------------------------] [ Planet Bomber ] [------------------------------] Welcome to Planet Bomber: Once the first cut scene finishes, the game will switch to a front view of the Nebula. Planet Bomber is right in front of us, with Primus Star and another planet off in the distance. We only have access to Planet Bomber right now, so press A to head to Planet Bomber. Pressing B will send you back to the file select screen. Planet Bomber doesn't have much going for it in the difficulty category. Most of the levels here are relatively short and simply. Most items are pretty easy to find, and most of the enemies are relatively simply to take down. This area is perfect for you to perfect your skills with Bomberman before we head to the other planets in the Bomber Nebula. *** AREA 1 - BOMBER BASE Introduction: This is where we will start our adventure. The Bomber Base is where Bomberman trains to become who he is: the best blaster in the Nebula! The Base is operated by a small robot. There are five levels that you must complete in this area in order to move onwards to Area 2 of Planet Bomber. Each of these levels, while very simple and straightforward, will teach you the basics of the game. They are made to teach you the controls of the game. It is best to practice all of Bomberman's moves several times in here, as the following Areas and following Planets will not be so easy. Once you enter Planet Bomber, press A to select Area 1 (you cannot select Area 2 or 3 yet). You must complete the Battle Room, Hyper Room, Secret Room, Heavy Room, and Sky Room before. Battle Room is the first one, and it will be automatically selected one you enter this screen. You cannot select any of the other four levels in this area right now, so simply press A to start the first level! *** Planet Bomber - Area 1 - BATTLE ROOM (Level 1) Perfect Score: 4500 Difficulty: 1/10 Adok Bomb: None Total Adok Bombs: 0/24 Video Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnFeDauarlY --- **Note that this first writeup does not count towards the actual first level. Bomberman will start just outside the first level. I'm covering this because it is a good idea to do so** You'll start this level outside the Bomber Base. Note that this is only an area for pure training! Whatever score you get in here will not count towards the score you'll need to get a 5 in the first level. I'm only placing this information here as, technically, this first little area is part of the first level. You'll start right in front of a giant door with a B on it. You can go through there if you want, however we'll search around this small area first. There are some items around here that I would like to explain now, and it's good to get familiar with the items that you'll find. First, head over to the left side of this area. There's a small radio-looking device in the center of this area. Pick it up to view the following message: "Place a bomb on the switch and the floating board will move!" Press A to get the message off the screen. These radio-like things will often bring up a small hint or note that you can use for your advantage. They will often tell you how to defeat an enemy, how to get through a puzzle, etc. Once you pick up a radio and read it's message, you will not be able to read it again (the item goes away). Be sure to read them carefully! Head over to the switch on the ground (it's the box to the left of the tree with the red light on it). Jump up on top of it (press A to jump) and then press the down C Button. Bomberman will place a bomb on the switch. Quickly get off (your bombs CAN hurt you). Once it explodes, the switch will activate (turning green) and a platform to the left of the tree will start to move up and down. Note that you can place the bomb beside the switch too (it doesn't have to be right on top of it). As long as the radius of the bomb explosion hits some of the switch, it should activate. You can also throw a bomb at the switch (press B to throw) to activate it. Switches can do almost anything, and they will almost always do something that will benefit you. So, if you are ever stuck in a level, look for a switch! Jump up onto the moving platform (you'll know a platform is active if it's flashing red on the sides) and ride it up. At the top is another radio. Once the platform is at the top of it's path, jump up and get the radio. It'll say: "Tap the R Button, or C DOWN, twice to do a Bomb Kick!" Once finished, jump back down to the ground (you can't get hurt for jumping from high places) and try what this message just sent you. Although you'll probably be throwing bombs 90% of the time in this game, knowing how to kick is equally as important. Once you have tried it, head down the path to the left of the building. There are two blue boxes down here beside the right wall. These blue boxes will often contain items. Be sure to ALWAYS break open boxes with bombs. Not only will they contain items that you need to get, but you get 50 points for blowing one up. Remember that, in most cases, you'll need to get EVERY single item in each level in order to achieve a level 5 score (which you'll need to fully beat the game), so each 50 points for a box counts! Blow them both up and you should see the score (in the top right of the screen) have a count of 100. The box on the right contains a Body Armour item. Be sure to recognize it, then run into it to pick it up. A small Body Armour icon will appear at the top right of the screen. When Bomberman has this on (he can't take it off, and once he does get it, it'll stay on him for the rest of the level) he cannot get hurt by his own bombs (however, he can get hurt by bombs from enemies). Getting hurt by your own bombs is annoying, so this item can really help you out! You will get 50 points for picking it up, so you should have a total of 150 now. The box on the left contains nothing. Once you are finished here, head over to the right side of this area. There is a tree here, three small black enemies, and two radio's (one at the top of the tree). Walk up to the tree and jump beside it. Bomberman should be able to grab the edge of the top of the tree and pull himself up. Note that you'll have to press UP on the Control Stick for Bomberman to pull himself up. Once you are up there, a the radio will say: "Press C UP, C RIGHT and C LEFT to move the camera angles." Jump down from the top of the tree and try this out. C UP will move the camera above you, LEFT will move it to your left, and RIGHT will move it to your right. You cannot move it below you (as C down lets Bomberman drop a bomb). Do note that the camera will only stay to the left, right, and top when Bomberman isn't moving. Head towards the radio in the middle of this area now and pick it up. It'll say something rather important: "Hold B to throw a Rolling Bomb! Hold longer to throw up to 4 bombs at once!" Rolling Bombs, while not used often, are very helpful in certain areas. There are three small enemies up ahead from this radio. Try it out on them. Stand a little distance from them, while facing the one in the center, and press and hold B (be sure you're facing them directly). Once in position, press and HOLD the B Button (be sure to hold it). Bomberman will start to swing his right arm (yep, Bomberman isn't a lefty). Keep on holding for about 4 seconds and then release. Bomberman will throw four bombs at once towards the enemies. All four should hit the same line, killing all three at once. If you threw less than four (such as three or two), then you didn't hold long enough. If you threw only one, then you didn't hold down the button at all. Killing each enemy should net you 300 points (100 per enemy). You should now have a total of 450 now. If you did, then you have followed this section to the dot! Yay! This is all there is to do here. Head back to the center of this area (where we started) and head towards the door with the giant B on it. The door will slowly open. Once you can, head inside, go up the ramp, and through the small door to start a cut scene. Bomberman will walk up to the reception desk and talk to the robot who's there. The robot must be the base trainer. He says that he'll train you once again. Bomberman responds saying OK (Bomberman speak? what?). He'll walk into the elevator and head on up. While in the elevator, you'll see one of those giant fireballs that the weird space ship fired out in the beginning cut scene to the game. When it hits the mountains in the distance, the ground all around shakes. Bomberman wonders what is going on. Once this finishes, the actual part of level 1 starts. Now the scores really do matter! --- Once the catchy music starts up, have bomberman run outside the elevator. Run forward and you'll see two Blue Crystals. Blue Crystals are found all over the Bomber Nebula. Picking one up will give you 50 poitns. You'll see there is a counter at the bottom left of your screen (it'll have 00 right now, 02 after you pick them up). Once you pick up 200 Crystals, Bomberman will receive an extra piece of health up there! So we only have four pieces right now, however picking up 200 will give us five! Of course, it's hard to find 200, and once you turn the game off you'll lose the extra health bars you've collected. Pick them both up to get 100 points. Walk over to the right now. You'll be able to see that robot trainer in the window (although he doesn't actually do anything). There are two boxes directly across from him. Blow them both up for another 100 points. The one on the right doesn't have anything, however the one on the left has a small item that has a picture of a bomb on it. Pick this up and the bomb icon on the bottom right of your screen will increase to 2. This number can increase to 4 (which means you can have 4 active bombs on screen at once, whereas having 1 means you can have only 1 bomb active at once). It's also worth 50 points, so you should have 250 now. Just beside the boxes you'll see a robot enemy. He will constantly move towards you, however he cannot get off the higher up ledge that he's on. Simply throw a bomb towards him, or kick one, to kill him. It takes only one bomb, and doing so will net you 100 points (total of 350 now). Pick up the radio to the left of the hole in the ground. It says: "You'll earn points if you defeat enemies or get items!" Drop into the hole and get the Blue Crystal for another 50 points. Jump back up and to the right again. There are two enemies in this next area. Throw a bomb at the robot to net 100 points. Then, throw a bomb at the bouncing red guy in the hole in the ground to net yet another 100. Drop into the hole and pick up the Blue Crystal for 50 points. You should have 650 points right now. Jump out and look at the wall in front of us. A part of it has two greyish blocks sticking out from it. Jump up onto the blocks, then jump to the platform on the left (you'll have to pull yourself up). Once up here, jump to the next one on the left and pick up the four Blue Crystals inside of the small cove in the wall for 200 points. Keep heading to the left on these upper platforms. Pick up the Heart item (50 points). It will give Bomberman back a single piece of health if he has lost any. Once you have it, jump over to the skinny platform on the wall to the left (above the room that has that robot inside of it). At the very end of this pathway is a item with a picture of Bomberman on it. Pick this up to gain an extra life! You'll also get 50 points for getting it, giving you a total of 950 points right now. Once finished, drop down and head back to the right until you get to that spot that had the greyish blocks on the wall. Once there, throw a bomb to destroy one of the blocks, then throw another to destroy the last grey block. Inside of this small hole in the wall is another Blue Crystal (which should make your point total equal 1000). If you missed any of the items above, be sure not to destroy these blocks until you get them. Over on the right are two greenish things. When Bomberman steps inside of them, he'll get pushed over to the right for a short amount of time. Step into the one near the far wall. Pick up the Blue Crystal, and as Bomberman is pushed over the gap in the ground, he'll pick up two Blue Crystals, a Fire Power upgrade (you'll see a 2 on the fire icon on the bottom right of the screen, which means your bombs are now twice as powerful as they were before), and a Bomb upgrade item (which should give you a total of 3 there now). These will equal to 250 points, so your total should now be 1250. Once on the other side, head back to the left and drop down to the lower area. Defeat the robot down here by throwing or kicking a bomb for another 100 points (1350 total). Jump back up to the green things and take the other one. There's a total of 5 Blue Crystals here, equalling 250 points, so your total should now be 1600. Now, once across the gap again, pull Bomberman up to the next area. There's a small blue enemy (like the ones we used the Rolling Bomb on before) under a greenish rocket thing. Take him out by kicking a bomb there for 100 points. You'll also notice that the explosion will make the greenish platform rocket up. It'll come back down in a few seconds. Once down, drop a bomb on the small bomb picture below the platform, then jump up to the small platform on the left with the radio, and then quickly up onto the top of the green rocket platform. The bomb will explode, the platform will go up, and Bomberman will go with it. Once up there, quickly jump to the platform on the left before the rocket platform goes back down (if you miss the jump, just repeat this process). There is a Golden Gem on this platform up here to the left. Pick it up for 500 points (2200 total). Jump far over to the right from here and pick up the two Blue Crystals in the air (if you miss, you can use the Rocket Platform to get back up in the air, then jump to them on the right). Total should be 2300. Jump back down to the area in front of the rocket platform. A giant chicken will appear (it might have already appeared). Bomb it for 100 points. Once you do, however, several chicks will appear. As soon as you bomb it, quickly throw a bomb to where it was so you can take all the chicks out at once. If you aren't quick enough, then the chicks will start to run around, making it hard to hit them. Each is worth 100 points, so killing all four will give you 400 points, total of 2800. Keep going to the right. Kill the red bouncing enemy in the hole for 100. Keep going to the right until you get to the blue wall at the end. There is a Body Armour item here, so be sure to pick it up for the points and usefulness. Head back to where that red bouncy enemy was and jump onto the brown springy platform to make Bomberman bounce up high. Pick up the Blue Crystal in the air (total 3000 now) and jump up to the high platforms. Follow these platforms around to the right and pick up the Blue Crystals. Kill the red bouncing enemy at the end of this path for 100 points (total 3200). Jump up to the longish platform. Head towards the wall and jump up on the sloping wall. Pick up the two Blue Crystals here for 100 points. WARNING: You should now have a total of 3300 points. If you have less, then you missed something. When you jump down to the area on the right, you cannot get back, meaning you won't get a perfect score. If you have 3300 points, jump down to the final area. The radio on the switch (which is red) says that placing a bomb on the switch will make the floating board move. Before you do that, take a look at the grey block on the wall (like the ones we saw before). Throw a bomb at it and a small chick will come out. Keep on firing bombs and killing the chicks that come out of this hole in the wall. 10 chicks will appear, worth 100 points each. After you kill them all, you should have a total of 4300 points. Bomb the switch to make the platform move. Jump up onto it, bomb the robot enemy above, and jump over to the platform he's on. The door inside of the reddish wall will open, but before you go in there, be sure to pick up the two Blue Crystals opposite the door. This should give you a total of 4400 points, which is what you need to get a perfect 5 on this level. Head through the door to complete the level. You'll see a small cutscene (this will happen after each level) saying 4500/4500 (hopefully) and Clear Points: 5. If you got anything less than 4500, then you'll have anywhere from 4 to 1 clear Point(s). Press A to continue. *** Planet Bomber - Area 1 - HYPER ROOM (Level 2) Perfect Score: 4000 Difficulty: 2/10 Adok Bomb: None Total Adok Bombs: 0/24 Video Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXVbBbW5v4M Press A when at the level select screen. Hyper Room will be unlocked regardless of your Clear Points from the last level (you just need to complete the previous level to unlock the next). Hyper Room is quite different from the Battle Room. It isn't any more difficult (it's actually dead easy), but we'll find more enemies and new items here. From the start, pick up the Bomb item (which should now give you a total of 4, which is the highest you can get, allowing you to have 4 bombs active on the screen at once) for 50. The radio just says "Please a bomb on the switch to stop the conveyor belt!" There are two conveyor belts in front of you. One of them is moving up, the other is moving down. Take the one moving upwards, on the left. Pick up the three Blue Crystals here and then quickly move to the left or right of the belt to avoid the floating yellow enemy ahead. If you don't move, you'll run into him. At the end of the belt, jump up to the green platform, then turn around and bomb the yellow enemy for 100. Now, go down the conveyor belt on the right. There is a Firepower Upgrade here, plus three more Blue Crystals. You should have a total of 500 points now. Head back up the left conveyor belt to the green platform. There are two more conveyor belts here leading further up the room. Destroy the grey blocks blocking the conveyor on the right and bomb the yellow floating enemy. Pick up the three Blue Crystals (if you miss one, simply walk in the opposite direction of the belt; Bomberman runs fast enough for this to work). Once at the top, kill the yellow enemy beside the switch. Now, go down the conveyor on the left. There's another Bomb Up item here, plus a Body Armour item. Head back up the conveyor on the right (which may have stopped moving if you hit the switch beside the yellow enemy we just took down). Head to the right of the conveyor belt here and jump across to the other side. Picking up the radio will give Bomberman the message, "You will need a card key to open the exit door ahead!" Kill the yellow floating enemy and bomb the switch, which will stop the conveyor belt just behind us. Head back there and pick up the five Blue Crystals across the center. You should now have a total of 1300 points. Head to the other side of the conveyor and head up the stairs in the center of the room. The two flashing blue enemies here can't be defeated. Wait until they are under the bar, then quickly run by them. Running into them will hurt Bomberman. Jump up to the higher area in the center and take out the floating yellow enemy. Keep walking forward and defeat the red bouncing enemy in front of the door, giving you a total of 1500 points. Now, this door has a red light on it, meaning that it is locked. There is a picture of a key card on here, so it will stay locked until you get they key card. Jump down to the area on the left. Take down the floating yellow enemy here and go through the small break in the wall on the left. You'll appear in a side area from the hallway we were just in. Follow this path downwards. Kill the robot. Eventually you'll come across a transparent thing on the ground. This is a warp. Step into it to be warped to another area in this level, however don't do it yet. Behind the warp are some bars blocking access onwards. Simply jump over tham and continue on this path. Once on the other side, you'll see the gold key card right in front of you. Pick it up (worth 50 points). IMPORTANT NOTE: This level has two exits. Now that you have the key card, you can retrace your steps and go through the key card exit we were just near. Alternatively, continue on with this guide so you can complete the level with a perfect score (you'll go through the next exit). Either way, you'll have to come through this level twice to go through the two exits (going through both exits will unlock two levels after this one, so you'll have to eventually go through both). I recommend you continue onwards with this, as once you get a perfect score, you can go through the level as fast as you want, and despite what you finish with, you'll keep that perfect score. If you leave now through the key card door, you'll have to pick up all the items mentioned earlier all over again. Make your choice! END IMPORTANT NOTICE Once you get the card, keep on walking down this path. Pick up the heart item and jump over the blue barrier in your way. Keep walking down this path and take out the yellow floating enemy at the end. Walk by where he was and you'll see two new items: the Red Crystal and the Rainbow Gem. The Red Crystal act in roughly the same way as the Blue Crystals, however there are two vital differences: it's worth 250 points instead of 50, and they are worth 5 Blue Crystals in the counter at the bottom left of the screen. The Rainbow Gem is much like the Gold Gem we saw in the Battle Room, however it has one major difference: it's worth a huge 1000 points! Both of these items are very rare and they are usually hidden quite well. Pick them both up and you should now have a total of 3150 points. Now, walk back up this path until you get to the transporter we saw earlier. Bomberman will be transported over to the right side of the hall. This is another long path like the one we were just on, however we'll start at the far end of it (right by where we started this level). You should have 3150 points. If you don't, go through the transporter again (you can do this as many times as you like; it's not a one time thing) and search. Head down this path, picking up the three Blue Crystals on the right. There is also a robot enemy up ahead. He may catch you by surprise (he's heading right towards you), so keep your finger ready on the B button to throw (remember you have Body Armour (you SHOULD have Body Armour), so you can hit him close without having to worry about getting damage from your own bomb). Keep walking upwards. Eventually you'll get to another blue block blocking your path onwards. There are some arrows pointing towards the doorway in the block. This is the second exit in the level, but DON'T GO THROUGH IT YET! Head to the left of the door and jump over the blue barrier. Keep walking forward and jump over the bars when you reach them. Run to the end of the path and you'll see two blue boxes. The one on the right has some danger. When you blow it up, a slow-moving missle will come out. It only moves one way, so simply move out of the way when it appears. Blow up the box on the right and pick up the Gold Gem, giving you a total of 4000 points. If you have this, then you have the perfect score for this level. You can go through either the key card door or the one we just went by. I recommend the one we just went by (in the blue barrier in this area), as we can simply play this level again and quickly pick up the key card and go through the key card door next time. Either way, it doesn't matter. IMPORTANT NOTE: Going through the exit in the right side of the area (though the blue barrier) will give you access to the next level, called the Secret Room. Going through the key card door will give you access to the Heavy Room, which is level 4 in this area. If you went through the key card door first, then you won't be able to select the Secret Room. Alternatively, if you went through the blue barrier door, then you won't be able to select the Heavy Room. Go back into the Hyper Room (you can play it again; simply push up on the control stick to scroll back up to that level selection) and go through whatever door you haven't gone through. If you have been following this guide, then that door will be the key card door. If you got 5 on this level, then simply run through this level towards the exit (taking out enemies if you have to). Once you get a 5, you cannot get a lower score on that level. The game will always count and keep your best score. END IMPORTANT NOTICE *** Planet Bomber - Area 1 - SECRET ROOM (Level 3) Perfect Score: 3500 Difficulty: 2/10 Adok Bomb: None Total Adok Bombs: 0/24 Video Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4Hmpq2NLzU Note: You must have gone through the second exit in the Hyper Room level in order to gain access to the Secret Room. The Secret Room contains a new exit door. You have seen the normal door that opens by itself, the key card door, and now you'll have to put up with the Key Crystal door. There are four Key Crystals located in this level that you'll have to pick up. Once you pick up all four, the Key Crystal door will open. Unless you pick them all up, the door will remain shut. You'll start this level (one of the nicer looking ones) in the bottom left area beside a small hut. The radio here simply says, "To open the Tower Door, you will need 4 Key Crystals!" Inside the hut is a Gold Gem, worth 500. Exit the hut, and then jump on top of it (unlike previous Bomberman games, you can jump into the water here and not get hurt). You should see a small, yellow pyramid-like thing in the air above it. This is a key crystal item, the first of four. Pick it up (worth 50 points). If you bring up the Pause screen (by pressing Start on your controller) you will see a 1/4 Key Crystals count in the top left box. If you ever forgot how many you have picked up, simply view this screen. Press Start again to exit. Now, head to the right of this hut and over the grey pipe. Destroy the red bouncing enemy around here. Destroy the blue box right beside the grey pipe. There is a extra bomb item in here. Destroy the robot that moves around this area if he gets in your way. Now, you should see some electrical wires on the ground over to the right. Jumping down there will electricute Bomberman. Jump up onto the greenish thing in front of the electric wires to be blow across the wires while picking up the three Blue Crystals and second Key Crystal. From where you are blown to, destroy the two grey blocks on the wall. Inside of this little area is the third Key Crystal. Run over to the right of this piller to pick up a lone Blue Crystal (it's easy to miss this one). Now, jump over to the left of this piller and onto the ground again. There are two blue boxes up ahead. The one on the right contains a missile (just run out of it's path). The one on the left contains a heart item. Now, run towards the game camera (center of this area). You'll see an octagon-shaped find funnel on the ground. Have Bomberman step into it and he'll be blow up into the air. On your way up Bomberman will pick up three Blue Crystals and the fourth and final Key Crystal. When you pick this up, you should hear a computer sound in the background. This means that you have picked up four Key Crystals and the exit door is now unlocked. You should have 4/4 on the Pause screen now. Run over to the left again and destroy the red bouncing enemy. The door in the tall piller should have the four Key Crystals in it now, meaning it'll open when you approach it. Before you go in there, head over to the left of the piller and pick up the Blue Crystal. Once you get it, head through the door to be transported to the second part of this level. You should have a total of 1650 points right now. The transported inside of they key door will transport you up to a level above where we just were. Head to the right and pick up the two Blue Crystals. Kill the floating yellow enemy and pick up the Blue Crystal near it. You should have a total of 1900 points. Now, jump on the yellow platform opposite the blue staircase at the end of this path. This yellowish platform will start moving around the area once you get on it. Simply stay on it and pick up the items that you see when they come. Be sure to position yourself in the proper area. If you fall down, simply use the transporter behind the Key Crystal door to get back up here. There is a Gold Gem right off the bat which will come on your left. A pink crystal is coming up next after the platform turns to go to the left. Stand on the farish end of the platform towards the back right and you should be able to pick it up. If you miss it, simply fall down and come back up; the platform will reset itself back at its original spot. Once you get it, step into the grey square in the center of the platform. Another Red Crystal is coming up. Once it's over you, jump up to get it. The platform will now head towards the small complex again. You'll see another chicken enemy up ahead on the right. Once the ride ends, jump over to the chicken and take it out. Kill it's offspring. You should have a total of 3400 points now. Keep running to the right and pick up the Blue Crystal at the end, then head back to the left of this path. The exit to the level is up here (the arrows are pointing towards it). DON'T leave yet. There's a well hidden Blue Crystal behind the door. Head past the arrows and follow the path to the left around the piller here. The Crystal is at the far left of this path. Pick it up, then return to where the arrows are and go through the door. You should have a score of 3500, which will net you a Clear Points score of 5. *** Planet Bomber - Area 1 - HEAVY ROOM (Level 4) Perfect Score: 4550 or 4500 Difficulty: 2/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 1/24 Video Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZaBR_L6ZDc Note: You must have gone through the key card exit in the Hyper Room level in order to gain access to the Heavy Room. Note: If you are playing through this level a second time, after you have gotten the Adok Bomb, you'll probably seem to be missing 50 points each time I write a total point update in this section. The 50 the Adok Bomb gives you isn't counted in the perfect score for this level, so simply drop the point total by 50 if you've already gotten it. The Heavy Room will contain some new enemies and more complex puzzles. This is the hardest level that you'll have gone through yet, however it's still fairly straight forward. From where you start, head to the right. There's a red enemy here with eyes. When you approach it, it will act like a slinky and lunge towards you. Stay back, and after it's third lunge (it can't move it's base) it'll start spinning around. Throw a bomb when it's spinning to destroy it. There are two Blue Crystals just past it. Up next are some green steps up to another area and some electrical wires on the ground. There is a small piece of ground past here with a extra bomb item on it. Jump over there to pick it up, then get up onto the second green stair. Look over to the left and you'll see a small computer terminal on the wall with a radio above it. Jump over to it and climb up. The radio says, "An enemy has placed an Adok bomb somewhere in this room. I'll remove it!" From the top of this computer, jump over to the red piller on the left. The purple thing on top is an Adok bomb. There are 24 of them in the game, 2 in each Area of each World. They give you 50 points. Jump over to the third piller and pick up the Gold Gem. Jump back down and head to the green stairs again. Note: When you re-enter a level, all of the items will appear again. Adok Bombs, however, will not. They will stay around until Bomberman picks them up and completes the level. Jump up to the highest green area. The robot trainer dude is in another window behind us. There is another battery enemy here who will lunge at you. Take it out while it's spinning and pick up the extra bomb item behind it. You should have 950 points. Jump down to the area to the right of the green area. There is a robot enemy down here. Head over to the far wall and continue going left, picking up the two Blue Crystals under the pathway leading upwards. On the other side, destroy the blue box for a body armour item. Now, go through the tunnel under the pathway heading up. Once on the other side, head up that path. Defeat the robot that is about half way up the path. There is a piller over to the right. Take out the two small dark blue enemies here. Jump over to the piller and pick up the Red Crystal. Jump back to the path and continue going upwards, picking up the four Blue Crystals. At the end, use the brown bouncy pad to get up to the higher up path on the right. Run to the end of this next platform and kill the red bouncy enemy. The box to the left of it contains another Gold Gem, giving you a total of 2650 points so far. Now, jump over to the next area on the right. Follow this path around and kill the red bouncy enemy. There are a pair of moving forks up ahead, going across the room. Wait for them to be on opposite ends of each other, then quickly run by this thing. Pick up the Blue Crystal, then bomb the bluish blocks in the floor on the right. Drop on down once you're ready. Note: If you have 2800 or 2750 points right now, then go ahead and drop down. If you have any less, then DO NOT drop down here yet; you've missed something. Once you drop down here, you cannot come back this part of the level! In the next area, head towards the screen (towards you). There's a robot here, so take it out. Head right towards the screen and run to the left. There's two Blue Crystals back here. Now, head back to the right. Up here is a weird reddish thing across the ground, as well as some electric wires on the ground. Go through the reddish tunnel until you get to the other side (there's another red lunging enemy in here). On the other side, pick up the radio, which says, "If you destroy the barrier tower core, the wall will disappear!" Pick up the two Blue Crystals between the two greenish pillers. Next, stand to the left of the barrier tower (the black thing with the moving red circles inside of it; be sure not to jump in there or else you'll get hurt). Throw a few bombs inside of the generator, hitting the green thing in the center. Two bombs will destroy it, which will dispel the wall on the right. Run through the next red tunnel thing. There are three moving enemes in here (that make a beeping sound when they move). Each is worth 100 points, so taking all three out gives you 300 points. You should have a total of 4000 or 3950 right now. At the other side of the tunnel, use the jumping pad to get up to the higher platform on the right. Pick up the two Blue Crystals and jump up to the platform with another jumping pad on it, which gets you right to where the door ending the level is. DO NOT GO THROUGH IT YET! There's still several items to get. Look over to the left and you'll see a window with a red pannel around it. Stand right beside the far wall and jump over to it. It's a very thing platform, but you can stand on it. Run to the end of it and jump to the slanted platform on the wall. Keep running to the left and pick up the four Blue Crystals here. Now, walk back until you see two Blue Crystals in the air. Position yourself directly behind them, then jump over and pick them up while falling. There's also an extra live item here. You should have 4500 or 4450 points right now. Look over to the right for the red tunnel. Jump all the way over to the top of the tunnel from on top of the generator and pick up the heart item on top. You should now have 4550 points (if you have the Adok Bomb in hand) or 4500. Both will give you a perfect 5 on this level. Drop down, and use the bouncy pads to get back up to the high green platform. Go through the door on the right. *** Planet Bomber - Area 1 - SKY ROOM (Level 5) Perfect Score: 4050 or 4000 Difficulty: 3/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 2/24 Video Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOlRxqdjZl8 The Sky Room will be unlocked once you finish either the Secret Room of Heavy Room. It is by far the hardest of the areas in Area 1 of Planet Bomber, mainly because you can fall to your death nearly anywhere. A bad jump will spell doom. From where you start, head to the right and take down the three beeping enemies. The radio says, "You will need a card key to open the exit door ahead!" Head to where the red bouncing enemy is in the distance. Take him out and pick up the Blue Crystal inside of the small area below the black Bomberman in his ship. Jump onto the moving platform on the left. Ride it up to the top, and then jump over to the piller on the left to pick up the second Adok Bomb. From here, safely jump back to the moving platform. Then, jump over to where the Bomber ship is. Once you land on the platform, he will take off, revealing a Blue Crystal beneath where the ship was. Pick it up, then walk off the platform on the left. Head back to where the beeping enemies were. Over to the right is a red bouncing enemy. Jump over to his platform (be sure not to fall down the gap in front, as you'll die). Kill him, then jump over to the conveyor belt. Head over to the far side of it and hit the switch on the other end to stop the belt (you may have to jump and then press B in the air to throw the bomb during your jump). Pick up the two Blue Crystals on the belt, then pick up the two on the small ledge beside the belt. Jump over to the area with the switch. Take out the three beeping enemies here (who are in the air this time; they'll drop to the ground when you approach them). From here, fire a bomb at the switch in the distance behind another conveyor belt. This will stop the belt. Once it has, run to the center and jump to the platform on the right that contains two Blue Crystals. Then, jump back to the belt and head over to the switch that stopped this belt. From there, follow this path around to the right. Kill the two bouncing red enemies on your way. You should have 1450 or 1400 points right now. Next you'll see a moving platform in the air when this path ends. Jump over to it, and then you'll see another one to your right. Wait until they are nearly side by side, then jump over to it. This jump is all about timing. If you mistime your jump, you'll fall, which will make you lose a life. From the second platform, jump over to the next area. Pick up the heart item here as well as the Blue Crystal on this small set of platforms. At the bottom, run over the conveyor belt. At the end is another weird mixing-machine like thing (we saw one in the Heavy Room). Wait until they are on both sides of the machine and run through the center. In the next area, head towards the two bouncing red enemies in the distance. Take them out, then jump over to the platform on the right with all the Blue Crystals. Pick up all 8 of them and use the spring pad to get up to the higher area of this platform. Use a bomb on the box at the top of the small red tower. The key card for this level is inside of it. Pick it up so that we can exit the level later. You should have a total of 2250 or 2200 points right now. Jump to the right of this small red tower and you should see a moving platform off to the right in the air. Jump over to it when it's near. Pick up the Red Crystal in the air for 250 points. Now, use the platform to return to the platform that had the key. Drop down to where the two bouncing enemies were (be careful of this, as it's very easy to fall off the level here). Head down pas the yellow barrier on the side of the level. Look over to the platform on the other side of the gap in the grond. There are four moving brownish enemies here with a spike on their head. Stay on the platform to the left of the gap, and jump while throwing bombs to snipe them out. You can throw a bomb at any point during your jump. Some may be to far to reach. If you can't get any more of them, jump over the gap to the area where they are and take the rest out. Look over in the distance and you should see a blue box up on a platform. Jump up there and bomb the box. There is a Gold Gem inside of it. Pick it up, then drop back down to the platform that had the brown enemies. Over to the right is a yellow piller that is going in and out of the water. Bomberman still doesn't like deep water, so falling in this water will hurt him. Wait until the yellow piller is out of the water, quickly jump onto it, and then quickly jump to the platform behind it. Take out the red bouncing enemy here, and then bomb the large chicken enemy on the final platform. Take out the four chicks that it spawns. You should have a total of 4050 (with Adok Bomb) or 4000 points. Both will net you a score of 5 for the level. Go through the door here (if it doesn't open, then that means you somehow missed the key card). *** Once you complete this level, another short cutscene will start. The training robot will say that Bomberman's training is not finished. He gives you the Bomber Pitch, which is a device that will be used shortly. This pitch will give Bomberman access to the ability of flying, snowboarding, rocketing, and submarine. The robot will also give you your mission. Apparently a UFO landed over on a mountain. He wants Bomberman to check it out. Bomberman takes his orders and goes to do it. You now have access to Area 2 of Planet Bomber! *** AREA 2 - SEA OF TREES Introduction: As you see from the conclusion of the last cut scene, Bomberman sets off running for the mountains in the distance. You can now select Area 2 from the area selection screen (you can always go back and select Area 1 to play any of those levels if you wish). Most Area 2's are all the same in every planet: you'll play 6 levels, followed by a fight against Nitros. Nitros will be intoduced into the game soon. Area 2 usually contains levels that are relatively more difficult than the previous area. In our case, this is true. Area 2 is, on the most part, more difficult that Area 1. We are no longer in the training rooms, so this is the real thing now. We will make our ways across the mountains, clearing out the enemies from the area and resoring peace. I wish you luck! *** Planet Bomber - Area 2 - BLUE CAVE (Level 6) Perfect Score: 3000 Difficulty: 2/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 2/24 Video Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0cby6nduao The first level in Area 2 takes place right inside of a cave entrance leading into the mountain. The Blue Cave has been infested with crabs and round, blue soldiers who will chage you at first site. Fortunately, they aren't that hard to take care of. The only difficult part of this level is that the main path is surrounded by water, and falling in will do a point of damage. You will always head towards the distance (upwards), so this is a very linear level. There is no Adok Bomb here. From where we start, pick up the fire power upgrade on the left. Then, pick up the two Blue Crystals on the right. The path ahead is blocked by four blue soldiers who aren't very happy to see you. When they spot you they will start to fire fireballs from their head (not at you) and move towards you. They are slow, so you should have no problem picking them off. Killing each gives you 100 points. That, plus the items we got before, should net you 550 points. Up ahead, on the left, is a cyclopes-looking enemy with wings (the green thing with one eye). If you get close, it will go up into the air and try to dive at you. It has surprisingly good accuracy, so it's best to stay back and try to hit it from afar while it's still on the ground. Go forward and take out the next blue soldier while picking up the Blue Crystal on the right. Up ahead is yet another blue soldier. Take him out, and then take the path going to the left. Jump up to get the Blue Crystal. Then, jump to the ground just past here. Be careful not to fall in the water! Once there, look carefully at the ground ahead. There is a green thing sticking out. Head towards it and a flying enemy will come out of the ground. These annoying things will move around in the air, trying to push you off. As soon as it comes out of the ground, throw a bomb at it before it can charge you! Run over to where it was in the ground and jump over to the next platform. Get the Blue Crystal in the air, plus the extra bomb item. Now, retrace your steps back to where the path split, and this time, take the path on the right. There are two more blue soldiers here. Take them out, then jump onto the small circular platform over the water. Bomberman's weight will cause the platform to slowly sink, so quickly jump over to the next path ahead. This next piece of ground has another enemy hiding in the ground. Walk towards it and bomb it once it has come out of the ground. You'll notice a Gold Gem directly above you, near to where the enemy was hiding in the ground. You can't jump to it from where it was, so go up the tiny path on the left. From there, turn around and jump over to the right to pick up the Gem. The extra height from this little rock is all you need. You should now have 1950 points. Next, jump onto the moving platform to the left of this rock. This can be a bit of a tricky jump, considering it's easy to misjudge how close this platform is. Once on there, jump over to the small platform on the left and pick up the four Blue Crystals here. From there, jump back onto the platform and use it to get back to the platform that had the second flying enemy. Once there, jump over to the path in the distance that has three more blue soldiers on it. Run around, taking out the three enemies. Pick up the Blue Crystals on both sides of the middle path. Another blue soldier will probably head towards you when you pick up these Blue Crystals. Take him out if he does. Now, over on the left, look for another ledge on the wall that has a heart item on it. Pick it up, then return to the path continuing forward. There is another blue guard here (two if you didn't kill one before). Take them both out. There is a green flying soldier at the end. Again, take him out before he sees you with a bomb throw while humping. The exit for this level is just ahead. It's being blocked by an annoying red crab, however. The crab can only be killed if a bomb hits him directly in the face. He will not approach you, but he will move from left to rick to prevent you from going through. When you first throw a bomb, he'll probably block it with his claws. After he moves his claws out, he often spits out bubbles at you. Simply stand back from him and they won't hit you. Once he finishes with the bubbles, quickly throw a bomb at his eyes. You should be able to get the bomb off before he uses his claws to shield his face again. It takes only one hit to kill him. If you throw a bomb right when he removes his claws, you may be able to kill him before he blows bubbles. Killing him should give you 100 points and a total of 3000. If you have 3000 points, then simply head through the exit he was blocking and you'll get a perfect score of 5 for this short level. *** Planet Bomber - Area 2 - HOLE LAKE (Level 7) Score Needed: 7000 Difficulty: 4/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 2/24 Video Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB5VgTWbDEY We have gone from the cave to the river in front of the mountains now. This is the first level that will require Bomberman to use the Bomber Pitch. In this case, he'll be using the submarine attachment. This entire level takes place under water. Using the submarine is easy. You simply press A to move, B to go backwards, and Z to fire a bomb. You can hold Z to fire a Spread Bomb. What's great about the submarine is that the bombs you throw are homing! In other words, they will automatically seek out enemies. They will explode after about 4 seconds of not hitting anything. What makes this level difficult is that there is no "perfect" score. Well, I guess there technically is, however it's hard to get. Some enemies commit suicide before you can kill them (even though killing them will net you 100 points each). Because of this, you only have to get a certain amount of items in order to get through this level. I WILL NOT include the scores of defeating the suicidal enemies in my count here. I will only include the items that are always there. If you can destroy the suicidal enemies before they do suicide, then great; the bonus points are always welcome. Notice how I said "Score Needed" above in the level stats instead of "Perfect Score". After the short cutscene, you'll start inside of a giant blue underground tunnel. Up ahead you'll see a extra bomb item plus a sting ray. The string rays WILL NOT APPROACH YOU. Use this to your advantage! The only way they can hurt you is if you actually physically touch them. Use bombs on the two in front of you, and pick up the extra bomb powerup. You'll see how the homing bombs will work here. Keep moving forward and take out the other two sting rays on the right and one on left. There's another extra bomb item ahead, so pick it up. You should have 600 points. You're about to enter the main area of this level. Like the last one, you'll always be moving forward into the distance. Go past the vines leading into the larger tunnel. Notice the four purple spheres with eyes and four spikes on them? Those are giant bombs. When they see you, they will move towards you and try to explode in your face. Alternatively, they'll stand still, get huge, blink, and explode. When you see them, fire a few bombs to try and destroy them. Otherwise, move forward, and when they see you, MOVE BACK. Their blast radius is very large, so make sure there's lots of distance. Remember that I am not counting points for killing them. Once they are gone, move forward and pick up the extra bomb item. Pick up the Red Crystal on the right. This should give you 1000 points. Up ahead are some new enemies. They are the giant stone faces that drop and fall from the ceiling. They will not approach you, however it is easy for you to hit them, and they are invulnerable (you cannot destroy them). Simply stay away from them and watch your movements. You'll see a small brownish piller on the right. Fire a bomb at it to break it apart. Pick up the body armour that appaers from the ruins (this will be helpful). Now, back up a bit (press the B button to back up) and go up to the high left. There's a firepower upgrade item up here. Move over to the right now and forward. A red crab will appear from the distance. Unlike before, they will only move back and forth here (they won't fire bubbles, won't approach you, and own't block your bombs). Simply fire a bomb at it to kill it. Throw a bomb at the piller on the right to destroy it. There's another firepower upgrade inside. On the ground is another crab. This one will block your bombs and blow bubbles, so stay back and keep throwing bombs at it until one gets through (while watching out for those annoying faces from the ceiling). Once it's gone, back up a little bit and take out the crab that has appeared on the left. From here, move all the way to the right wall and go forward. On top of a large platform is a Gold Gem. Pick it up for 500 points, then back up again. Now go over to the left and get the Red Crystal on the high up platform (across from where the Gold Gem was). You should have 2400 points. Continue moving forward now until you get to another set of face enemies. Destroy the piller on the left to get a heart item. There's about 6 suicide bombs up ahead. Some of them will come and get you right now. Blow them up if you wish, or get their attention and move backwards. Pick up the three Blue Crystals on the ground and kill the crab. Keep moving forward and pick up the Gold Gem in the middle of the area. There's another suicide bomb in the distance. When you come across another crab on the left, take him down. Now, keep moving forward until two more crabs will appear from the distance. Take them both out. Up ahead are some guins, three blue boxes, and more head enemies. Blow up the blue boxes and pick up the heart and extra bomb items that come out. Kill the crap that appears on the right and then, finally, pick up the Gold Gem in front of the two pillers. Move forward now to the final challenge. You should have 4450 points. Up ahead is a large crab blocking the way out of here. This thing acts like the smaller ones: it will block shots and fire bubbles. It can fire bubbles quite far, so stay back and wait until it puts down its defences. This crab will take two hits. This crab will net you 1000 points when it dies! You should have a total of 5450. Of course, there's yet another challenge. The death of the small crab will make the mother angry! It will come from the hole in the wall, and it means business. This one blows bubbles quite a distance and can take quite a bit of damage (6 bombs to be exact). Once it dies, it will give you a whooping 2000 points! Your total should be 7450, which is the total of all the points you could get (assuming you didn't kill any of the suicide bombs). You need 7000 points to get a 5 on this level, so we are 450 points over (or more if you've gotten the bombs). Congrats on beating the first submarine level! *** Planet Bomber - Area 2 - RED CAVE (Level 8) Perfect Score: 5500 Difficulty: 3/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 2/24 Video Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA25IRBwCG8 The Red Cave is a lot like the Hyper Room back in Area 1 in the way that it also has 2 different exits. One is in about the middle of the level, whereas the other is at the end. Like before, for the walkthrough, we will be going through the level to the second exit so we can get the perfect score (going through the middle exit will not net you a perfect score). The level itself is fairly straight forward, so there isn't much to worry about. We are now near the forest by the mountains. From where we start, move to the right and blow up the box. Pick up the extra bomb item. There is a small red enemy with spikes on the area below us. Getting near this enemy will cause him to inflate to about three times his normal size, so STAND BACK! These enemies are all over this level. A single bomb will pop him, however. Drop down and pick up the two Blue Crystals near the start of the level. Head over to the left now. There's a gap in the ground (which leads down to a bottomless pit) with a red spikey enemy and a death bomb on the other side. Take out the spikey enemy, and then throw a bomb at the death bomb (the giant blue thing with a lit fuse). They will never explode unless you hit them with a bomb. The only way for them to hurt you is by walking into them or by the blast radius when they explode (which is one large radius). Of course, you need to destroy them for the 100 points they will give you. Once it's gone, jump over the gap. On the next area, kill the red enemy on the platform in the air on the right. Jump up onto the platform, then over to the next one and pick up the Blue Crystal. Jump back over to where the death bomb was. Drop down to the area that has the single Blue Crystal on it. Pick it up, then run to the right. Drop down to the small platform below. Jump up to the platform in the air that has the three Blue Crystals in front and on it. Then jump over to the next platform on the right and get the Blue Crystal. Throw a bomb over to the blue solider on the platform next to the distant wall to kill it, then jump over there. Jump up and get the crystal in the air. Now, go back to the last platform we were on. Look over to the wall and look down. You should see a Rainbow Gem on a high piller that can only be gotten to from up here. Jump over there and land on the Crystal to pick it up. You should now have 2050 points. Now, jump down to the ground. Once down here, head to the left. Destroy the red enemy here. There is a small robot up here that will fire fireballs at you. The fireballs can destroy the bomb you are throwing, right in your face actually, so be careful. It takes one bomb to take these enemies out (you'll be seeing them in the future). Jump up to the platform on the far left and pick up the three Blue Crystals. You should have a total of 2400 points now. Return to where the Rainbow Gem was. Over to the right is a death bomb, red enemy, and blue box. Destroy the death bomb (which should also destroy the red enemy; you'll get his 100 points even though your explosion didn't get him). The blue box contains a firepower upgrade item. Watch out for the spikes in the hole in the ground. Head over to the other side of this hole and kill the small blue enemy under the rocket plat. The radio will say that setting a bomb under the plate will cause it to rocket upwards. Place a bomb under there and quickly jump up to the top of the green plate. It will rocket you upwards. While it's up there, quickly jump over to the platform on the left with two death bombs. Stand back and fire a bomb at either death bomb for 200 points. Past the bomb on the left is the first exit of this level, BUT DON'T GO THROUGH IT YET! You won't get a perfect 5. You should go through the exit at the end of this level first (so we can get the perfect 5 score) and then play through this level again to exit through here. You'll have to go through both exits if you wish to open up the next two levels. We only came up here to pick up the 200 points the bombs give you. Drop back down to the right of this platform. You should have 3000 points. Once back down by the rocket platform, look over to the platform beyond the next set of spikes on the right. Bomb the red puff enemy here. Now, go back to the rocket platform and use it to get you back in the air. Look over to the right this time for a moving platform. Assuming it's close, jump over to it. If it's to far, don't try jumping, as you'll probably land in the spikes if you miss this platform. Once you're on it, ride it over to pick up the Gold Gem. Once you pick it up, jump back to where the rocket platform was and then jump over to the platform on the right that has the heart item. Continue jumping up the elevated ground on the right. Pick up the two Blue Crystals. Bomb the fireball shooting enemy up ahead, and then jump up the high platform on the left. Take out the red spiky enemy on the platform in front of us, and then jump up to that platform. Bomb the spikey enemy on the same level ground over the gap on the right, and then jump over to it. Defeat the second red enemy on this platform and destroy the death bomb. Be sure not to jump here until you take out the fireball enemy. From where the death bomb was, head into the little hole in the wall that it was blocking and pick up yet another Gold Gem. You should now have a total of 4850 points. Jump up the platforms on the right. Now you'll be faced with a large pit of spikes with a platform over it. The platform moves in an oval shape, up and down. Jump onto it while it's low in the down position. On the next platform to the right is a heart item with a platform with spikes on the bottom just above it. Jump over to this platform once the platform with the spikes has gone up. Pick up the heart and jump onto the platform with the spikes. Ride it up and kill any blue soldiers on the next platform on the right. Once you have taken care of all the ones you can see, jump over there and take out any remaining ones plus the two death bombs. The death bombs are blocking the last exit in this level on the far wall. You should have a score of 5500, which is the perfect score for this level. If you have it, head on through! IMPORTANT NOTE: Going through the far exit (the one we just went through, or the one you should have if you're following this walkthrough) will open up the Big Cannon level in Area 2. In order to open up Dark Wood, you must replay Red Cave and head through the exit in the middle of the level. I would suggest that you go do that now. Remember, if you've gotten a perfect score, simply wiz through the level if you wish. Even if you pick up no items and get a score of 1, the game will still count your 5, as it only counts your highest score. Beating either Big Cannon of Dark Wood will unlock Dragon Road. *** Planet Bomber - Area 2 - BIG CANNON (Level 9) Score Needed: 7000 Difficulty: 7/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 2/24 Video Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1UF4x0JjIs Big Cannon is the first level that will make you use the Bomber Jet. This device will strap onto the back of Bomberman, and will always propel him forward. These levels are, most of the time, the hardest levels in the game, mainly because you have one shot and one shot only at picking up items. Once Bomberman passes by them, you cannot reverse. You can press the B button to stall for a second or so, but that's about it. Although this level isn't that difficult as far as enemies go (just wait until you see some later ones), it is by far the most difficult level you'll have been through yet. Take a look at the needed score right now so you know what you should be aiming for. Always make sure you bomb all of the enemies that you see, and pick up items you see. If you see a Gold Gem, PICK IT UP! If you see an enemy and a Blue Crystal, pick off the enemy first, as they are always worth 100+ points instead of 50 for the Blue Crystal. Simple choices like that will make the difference between a 5 or a 3 score on this level. It is nearly impossible for me to give a direct walkthrough for this level, so I'll simply give pointers, as things are way to spread out, and you may make difference choices to me. As mentioned before, Bomberman will constantly be moving forward in this level. The width isn't all that huge, but the level will go on for a few minutes. Bomberman can move in all directions (up, down, left, right, etc). You can use the Z button to fire bombs, and you can hold it for a while to shoot out a spread bomb (just like you can with the submarine). You can press A to boost forward. Also note that the controls are inverted From the start, pick up the two extra bomb items, and then destroy the two tanks on the ground (fly right by the ground to hit them; remember that the bombs travel forward in a straight line). Then, press B to stop and move upward and take out the entourage of birds that approach you. When you see it, pick up the Gold Gem in the tree stumps on the left. Then, stay on the left and take out all the birds that you can (watch out for the electric barrier that is over on the right; destroy one of the blue generators in order to destroy the barrier). Pick up the Red Crystal between the stumps over to the right. Be sure to pick up the Body Armour powerup in a tree stump as well, as it will come in handy later. The trick to this level is taking out all of the birds that you can. By this point, you should have around 2500 points. Once you pass the Body Armour, pick off the five birds ahead. Be sure to pick up the heart item and Blue Crystals on the ground. Once you are done, quickly head right up to the top of the screen. There's a UFO above that should be about ready to fire at you. Start firing bombs at it, and keep moving side to side so it's giant energy beam won't hit Bomberman. After several hits it should explode. It's worth 500 points, so be sure to destroy it before it flies off! After you destroy it, pick up the extra life item over on the left (just past the rock bridge we just went by). Keep moving forward, picking up Blue Crystals and bombing the birds. It may be hard for you to get over to the Blue Boxes, so don't worry about them. Up ahead are a few yellow circles on the ground. When you approach them, they will fire giant blue lasers into the air. Obviously, don't touch them, as they will hurt Bomberman. Carefully pick up the Blue Crystals by the first one on the left. Be sure to pick up the Red Crystal on the left too. Once you near the second laser beam on the left, a bird and tank will appear in the distance. Pick up the heart item on the right, and then take out the bird and tank. Once you pass the two rockey banks covering most of the area, you'll be nearing the end of this level. I often have about 6000 points by now. Continuing taking out the birds (watch out for the laser that takes up most of the middle part of the level). Up ahead are a few more birds, two tanks, and a sub boss. One of these robot like things (at the very end of the level in the middle) is blocking the end of each level where you'll be using the Bomber Jet. These sub bosses aren't very difficult to take out, however they can do damage. First, take out all of the birds that come from behind it (especially if you're low on points). Once they are gone, take out the tanks at the base of the tank. Once everything is gone, focus on the tank. The key to fighting this thing is to KEEP MOVING! The tank will fire homing missles at you; if you stop moving, they will always hit you. It will also fire a giant blue cannon ball that will explode in your face from the frontal blaster. Keep moving and it will miss you too. Start firing bombs at the TOP of the tank (you cannot destroy the base). After 5 hits from your bombs, the front blaster will fall off, meaning the tank can no longer fire the giant blue bombs at you. Now, focus on hitting the bluish top of the tank that has the monkey-looking enemy in it. Keep on moving around, or else the homing missles will hit you. After only 4 hits it will explode, giving you 1000 points! You'll need 7000 points to get a score of 5 on this level. It is VERY hard to do, especially on your first try, so you may have to play it a few times until you are able to get this score. As long as you are facing the final enemy with 6000 points of more than you'll be fine. *** Planet Bomber - Area 2 - DARK WOOD (Level 10) Perfect Score: 2550 or 2500 Difficulty: 1/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 3/24 Video Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xwvvtWn7UU This level is simple. Very simple. It's short and straight forward, and it also contains the games third Adok Bomb. In relation to our quest, we have moved down the mountain into the trees (you can view where we are by looking at the picture on the second; the star location shows where the level takes place). There are a few items in here that can be easy to miss, so be sure to read carefully. This area is the only level in the game that contains small tornadoes that move around in small paths. From where you start, pick up the radio on top of the tree stump on the right for the following message, "I've heard that red tornadoes are mean and white tornadoes are kind!" In other words, don't walk into the red tornadoes as they will hurt you, however walking to white tornadoes is just fine. Unfortunately, there is only one white tornado in this level, and several read ones, such as just up ahead! Walk forward and pick up the extra bomb item from the stump in the center of the area. Walk by the first red tornado (careful not to step into it) and pick up the firepower upgrade on the next stump. Now, up ahead you should see a short tree stump with weird looking roots (very long ones). When you walk near it, the stump will come alive. It cannot chase you, but it will hurt you if you walk into it. Hit it three times to destroy it. Pick up the Blue Crystal that is above it once you have killed it. Now, pick up the two Blue Crystals up ahead above the tree stumps in the center of the area. Now, the stump over on the left is another enemy. Again, throw three bombs at it to destroy it. You should have 500 points. Walk over to the right side of the area and destroy the tree at the top of the small pathway here. Don't get to close to this one, as it spits out poison gas at you (this attack has a very short range, so just stay back and you'll be fine). Pick up the Gold Gem where the tree was, and then pick up the three Blue Crystals on the path heading to the higher ground on the left. Once you get them, follow this path on the left. There is a red tornado up ahead on this skinny path. Wait for it to go over to the right and then walk around it on the left. You'll see a tree stump with a sping pad on it. Use the pad to get up to the platform in the air. There's a Blue Crystal and another Gold Gem up here, giving you a total of 1800 points. Jump back down and continue on the path. Near the spingy board is a switch that is currently off. Bomb it to turn it on, and then jump down to the lower area on the right. Head over to the white tornado and step into it. The draft from the tornado will push Bomberman up into the air. Use the control stick to direct Bomberman over to the platform up here on the wall. Pick up the two Blue Crystals on this platform. Head to the far end of this platform and jump over to the next one on the wall. The Adok Bomb will be on this small platform. Pick it up for Bomb #3. The switch that we activated earlier over on the path on the left will cause a platform to be moving over the center of the area just above the red tornado. Once it's right across from the platform that you're on (over to the left), have Bomberman jump over to it. This is a damn tricky jump, and if you miss, you may fall into the red tornado below. May take a few tries. Eventually you will get on there. Have this platform take you over to the two tall tree stumps on the left. Once you see the one with the Blue Crystal on it, jump over to it and land on top of the stump. The only way to get up to this tall stump is via the platform. Now, jump over to the next tall stump on the left to pick up yet another Gold Gem. Drop down and continue heading forward on this path. Up ahead is another red tornado with a Blue Crystal to the right of it. Wait until it's over to the left and then quickly run past it while picking up the Blue Crystal. That will give you either 2550 points or 2500 points (depending if you have the bonus 50 points from the Adok Bomb or not). Head to the end of this path and over to the left, following the arrows on the side of the wall, to finish this level. Easy, huh? *** Planet Bomber - Area 2 - DRAGON ROAD (Level 11) Score Needed: 3500 Difficulty: 4/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 4/24 Video Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aV9EK7RZWm4 Dragon Road is the final exploration level in Area 2. We have cleared the enemies out of the mountains except in the very middle of the mountain, which is where this level takes place. The fourth Adok Bomb is located in here. You'll have to tackle some complex enemies in here (mainly because most of them take more than one bomb to destroy). This level has some enemies that are much like the suicide bombs we saw in Hole Lake. This time, however, they are tiny knives that will fly towards Bomberman trying to cut him. It's worth 100 points if you destroy them before they destroy themselves. As long as you move around it, the knive enemies will not hit you, as they will charge in one direction and one direction only before they hit the ground and destroy themselves. This level is comprised of an upper and lower level. We'll tackle the lower level first. From where we start, walk forward until you drop right off of the platform. You'll fall a short distance to a lower area. Once you get down here, DON'T STOP MOVING! Rocks will start falling from above, trying to hit Bomberman on the head. Each time he is hit he'll lose a heart piece. As long as you keep moving around, the rocks will miss you. We'll be heading all the way to the right. Pick up the firepower item and the Red Crystal in the wall. Keep on going to the right. Pick up the three Blue Crystals ahead. Up next you'll see a large open area down here. There are some of those knives here. Throw a bomb at them if you wish to destroy them, however you don't need to get their points. I won't include getting any points from them in my point total. Walk around this open area and pick up the two Blue Crystals on the left, heart item, Gold Gem inside of the small gap, and the four Blue Crystals off to the right. You should have a total of 1300 points (assuming you haven't killed any of the knife enemies). Keep going to the right and look for the yellow heart item inside of a small cove in the wall. This is the first one we've come across. These are VERY rare (there's only a few of them in the game). They will completely restore your health meter, which may be needed right now if you've been hit by several rocks. They are worth 50 points. Head out of the cove and continue walking to the right. Pick up the Red Crystal and two Blue Crystals past this, and you'll reach the end of this lower area. Now we'll have to cover the upper area. You should have 1700 points or more. RUn ALL the way back to the left until you can go no further (where we first appeared in this lower area). Once there, jump up the three platforms up to where we first started this level at the top. Once up there, jump over the gap on the right to the next area. Pick up the extra bomb item on the ledge. Now, continue following this path over to the right (watch out for the knife enemy here). When you get to the dark brown wall, jump up to it (from the right side, again while avoiding the knife enemy) to get the Blue Crystal up there. Head over to the right and you'll meet a new enemy. This giant rock will stay in place, however it will shake the ground to make rocks fall near it. Stay to the left of it and throw three bombs to destroy it (remember that while an enemy is flashing it cannot be hurt). Once it is gone, the rocks will stop falling, so continue onwards to the right. Eventually you'll get to an area with two more of those rocky enemies who bring down boulders. Take out the first one on the path you're on, then the one on the path over to the right. Once that one is gone, jump over the gap to where the second rock enemy was. Run by the knife and pick up the Blue Crystal. Up ahead is a small wodden complex across the path. Head down the steps in front of it and you'll see three Blue Crystals and the Adok Bomb for the level behind it. Throw a bomb to the center of the grating blocking the bomb to blow it away. Head in there and pick up the Adok Bomb plus the three Blue Crystals. Now, head back up the steps. and jump across the wooden sloped structure (if you don't jump and only run, Bomberman will slip off). You should have 2300, 2350, or more points. Once on the other side of the sloped wooden thing, defeat another rocky enemy up ahead. Head down the steps near the rocky enemy and pick up the Blue Crystal here. Now, run towards the right. There is a giant rocky enemy up here (another sub boss I guess you could say). DO NOT FORGET TO PICK UP THE GOLD GEM TO THE BOTTOM LEFT OF THIS AREA! It is easily missed and will, in most times, cost you a 5. Pick up the heart item to the bottom right of this area, and then focus on the giant rocky enemy. The level will not end until he is gone. Like before, simply keep on moving to avoid the rocks that fall from above (don't run hear him, or else you may get hit by his giant hands). It'll take 5 hits to take him out. Note that if you fall off anywhere on this platform you'll lose a life, so try to stay away from the edges. Beating him will net you 500 points. If you had not killed any of the knife things and got the Adok Bomb, you should finish with 3550 points. If you didn't get the Bomb, or was playing through this again, you'll have 3500 points, which is enough for a perfect 5 for this level. *** Planet Bomber - Area 2 - VS. NITROS (Level 12) Score Needed: 7000+ Difficulty: 6/10 Video Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY6RZDq-thI This level takes place in the sky over the mountains. Watch the cutscene at the start of this level to learn who Nitros is. Alternatively, read on! Who is Nitros? He is someone who you will get to know well. The enemy who invaded the Bomber Nebula is a part of the Garaden Empire. Nitros is, in many ways, the first hand man for this Empire. He is a warrior for Garaden, and he will come to be your greatest foe. You will take him on in nearly every Area 2 of each Planet, and he gets harder each time. Fortunately, he isn't very tough here, however it's your first fight against an actual opponent. The good thing about Nitros is that he is a perfect test of your skill. If you beat Nitros easily in the certain Area 2 of a certain planet, then you should be fine against the final boss for each planet. Nitros fights like many sub bosses did in Bomberman 64, however with a few differences. First of all, Nitros will fight on a small, squarish platform. The platform is broken up into many squares. Each sqaure will allow Nitros to perform an attack. Nitros has a few attcks. The one he'll use the most often is trying to charge into you. This is relatively easy to dodge. Sometimes he will stand on top of one of the squares on the platform and charge himself up (watch him spin around and hear a charge up sound in the background). At this stage, there are two different types of squares on the platform right now: green X's and blue X's. When he is on a green x, Nitros will fire out spikes diagonally across the platform. On the blue x, he will fire out spikes in a straight line in all directions (except diagonal). Beating up Nitros isn't that hard, especially if you have 4 bombs and 4 firepower. If you have 2 or less, then go back and play a level you've already done to pick up more firepower. Simply throw bombs at Nitros to hurt him. He will jump around and do anything to try and dodge your bombs. Hitting Nitros is, in no way, easy, however you'll get used to his jumping patterns eventually. If you have 4 firepower, then throwing a bomb in his general direction will almost always hurt him, as he'll get caught in the blast radius. With a low bomb firepower, you'll have to hit him each time with the bomb directly, which is hard to do. If you have 4 bombs to throw at once, keep throwing in his general direction. Nitros doesn't have a tonne of health at this level. If you hit him with a bomb while he is charging an attack up, it will often make him lose the charge. The scoring for Nitros, as well as all other bosses, is exactly the same. The score will start at 9999 and count down to 0. You must defeat Nitros by a certain time in order to achieve a 5. If you get lower than that time, then you will get less than a 5. It's basically the opposite of normal levels. The timer does tick down pretty fast, so get bombing! There isn't any direct strategy that I can give you while you're fighting this fight. It's really up to your own skill with throwing bombs at Nitros. I've never actually counted how many bombs it takes to kill him here, but it is quite a few. Each bomb, whether you directly hit him or he is caught in the blast radius, will do the same amount of damage. And no, there is no health meter. You'll need to beat him before the counter hits 7000 for a perfect score of 5. Since this is your first one on one fight, it may take a few tries until you can pull off a perfect 5. *** Once the fight finishes, an important cut scene will play. Nitros has taken off and Bomberman takes a small rest. That robot we saw with Princess Millian approach Bomberman. The robot says that his name is Pibot, and he has come to ask for Bomberman's help to rescue Princess Millian. He tells Bomberman that Primus Star was invaded by the Garaden Empire and that the Princess had stolen the enemy's disk (you'll see what this is later) and left. Pibot's shuttle was shot down over Planet Bomber. This makes Bomberman sad. Pibot gives Bomberman the disk. Bomberman says he'll rescue the princess, and with that, the level ends. *** AREA 3 - PEACE MOUNTAINS Introduction: We have finally gotten to the final Area on Planet Bomber, the Peace Mountains! This Area contains only three levels plus a final boss fight. The levels here are the hardest ones yet, but they are still relatively easy in comparison to later Area 3's. We'll be making our way through a mountain area of Planet Bomber, cleaing out the final few enemies who have invaded the planet. At the end of this area we will take down the leader of this invasion, Endol. Once we defeat him, we'll have access to the second planet, Primus Star! *** Planet Bomber - Area 3 - CLOWN VALLEY (Level 13) Perfect Score: 3050 or 3000 Difficulty: 4/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 5/24 Video Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1SPYLVSxQk We will be starting at the base of the Peace Mountains. Clown Valley is a relatively short level (like Dark Wood back in Area 2), however the enemies in here, which are clowns on balls, are annoying to deal with. We'll have to put up with those rocky enemies we saw in Dragon Road, however this time they will roll towards you instead of make rocks fall from above. From where you start, walk over to the right. One of the rocky enemies will come out and start rolling towards you. Even after you hit it with a bomb it will still roll (it won't stun in). Simply dodge it's rolls and fire three bombs at it to destroy it. Once it is gone, head over to the path on the right and go up the ledges against the wall. Pick up the Red Crystal on the small ledge, and then keep heading up this path. Pick up the firepower upgrade up here, plus the Adok Bomb at the top of this path. Once you have it, head back down the path to where the first rocky creature was. Once there, head further up the Valley. There's another rocky creature up ahead in the middle of the area who will roll towards you. Take him down, and then pick up the two Blue Crystals on the left. Up ahead are two red creatures that we saw back in Area 2. Take them out and pick up the heart item. Finally, destroy the box ahead. There is one of those missles inside of it, but you need the 50 points for destroying the box. Now retrace your steps to the start of the level. This time, go up the ledges on the left to the top. Look over to the right and you'll see a wooden platform supporting the bridge. There is a clown on a ball here, the first of several. Fire a bomb at him to destroy the ball, and then dash around a bit. The clown will fire a fast moving knife towards you. Hit him twice to kill him. Now, head to the end of this path on the left. There is a blue box at the end with a Rainbow Gem inside of it! Pick it up for 1000 points, making your total 2100. Head back to where the clown was and jump over to that area. Pick up the extra bomb item on here and then head across the bridge. There are two holes in it up ahead with some of those invulnerable enemies we saw back in the Hyper Room. Jump over the gaps when they are beneath the bridge. Up ahead on the remaining part of the bridge is another clown on a ball. Take him down like you did the one before (you may have to jump to dodge the knife this time). Be sure to pick up the Gold Gem on the right side of the bridge too! That should give you a total of 2850 or 2800 points. Now, head to the end of the bridge and take out the next clown on the path leading upwards. Start heading up this path around the area to the left. There's yet another clown up here near the bend. Take him out, then continue on until you get to the final bridge going over to the left. Head across the bridge and through the exit on the left to finish this level! You'll need a score of 3000 to get a perfect 5 on this level. *** Planet Bomber - Area 3 - GREAT ROCK (Level 14) Perfect Score: 3050 or 3000 Difficulty: 4/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 6/24 Video Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaQrEBoaavI In this level you will be climbing a rather tall mountain up to the Fog Route. The final Adok Bomb for Area 3, as well as Planet Bomber, is located in this level. There isn't anything here that we haven't seen or done before, so you shouldn't have a great amount of difficulty. There are a few difficult jumps and some difficult enemy placements, however. Head over to the right and pick up the extra bomb item. Now head over to the left and pick up another extra bomb item. There's a tree stump up a few platforms here that will come alive when you get near it. Throw three bombs at it to get rid of it, and then pick up the Blue Crystal in the air. Jump up to where the second Blue Crystal is and get it. Follow the path over to the right now and jump up the high piller, over to the other side, and get the two Blue Crystals. Now, return to where that tree stump was. Now head up the path on the left going upwards. Watch out for the fireball enemy up here. Take him out, and then blow up the box on the ledge. There is a Red Crystal inside. Keep jumping up all the platforms on the right and take out the tree stump at the next plateau. The box here contains a heart item. Now head up the ledges on the left. A small cloud enemy will drop from the sky. Do NOT stand under it, as it fires rain at you. Move off to the side of it and throw a bomb over to it (you'll have to throw it at the top of your jump). Head up the ledges and kill the floating yellow enemy. The platform in front of the floating enemy will rise and lower when you hit it with bombs. Make it rise, and then jump onto it, and then up to the higher platforms on the left. Follow these platforms up and around. Kill the three fireball shooting enemies on the way up. Now, once you take out the third fireball enemy, jump over to where he was. You should see a bunch of Blue Crystals and a Gold Crystal down a hole on the right. Use the Blue Crystals as a guide. Jump up and fall down, right by the Blue Crystals. Keep falling straight and you'll also pick up a Gold Gem and Adok Bomb on a small, hidden ledge. From there, jump down the hole on the right again to pick up three more Blue Crystals. You should now have 2300 points. Head to the left and go up the platforms again until you get the place that we used to drop down to get the Adok Bomb. Continue going up platforms until you get to the final plateau. Pick up the heart item here and destroy the alive tree stump. Another cloud enemy will appear over to the right. Now, the exit for the level is up in the whitish area ahead, BUT DON'T GO THERE YET! Head to the very far right of this plateau and pick up the Rainbow Gem first! It's easy to miss this one. 3500 points will net you a perfect score! *** Planet Bomber - Area 3 - FOG ROUTE (Level 15) Perfect Score: 3500 Difficulty: 5/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 6/24 Video Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmLxaJbk8mU Fog Route is the very final exploration level in not only Area 3, but also in the entire Planet. In ways it is the most difficult since it is so damn easy to fall off (this level is a like like the Sky Room, however with more difficult jumps). The entire area is very misty, so it is hard to see in front of you. We will make our way across the tops of the mountains untill we reach Endol's space ship, and from there, take on the final fight for Planet Bomber. We will see a few new enemies here (such as the monkey enemies riding on weird little carts), plus we'll take on a laser firing sub boss at the very end of the level that is guarding Endol's ship. The Princess is inside, so we must get there! From the start, in the distance, you'll see one of those grey cannons (we saw a few back in the Big Cannon level in Area 2) over on the left and one of those monkey enemies I was talking about on a scooter over on the right. The tanks will fire small black shells at you. They don't go a far distance, and the tank doesn't fire very quickly, but they can get annoying, so it's best to take it out first. It's over on a ledge on the left, so throw a bomb over there to destroy it (takes only one bomb). The monkey enemies won't actually chase you. The only way they can damage you is if you walk into their scooter, so simply throw a bomb at it to take it down. On that small ledge on the right is another cloud enemy (we saw a few in the last level). This one, however, will fire snow at you. Jump up and throw a bomb to take it out. Take out the second monkey on the scooter, and then jump over to the platform on the left where the cannon was. Get the extra bomb item, then jump back to the area on the right. Run forward until you get to the large rockey structure. There's a Blue Crystal over on the left. Now, go over to the right and bomb the weird rock sticking out of the ledges. One bomb will make it go into the ground, and another will make it completely go into the ground. Pick up the Gold Gem in the small alcove behind where it was. You should have 1000 points now. Next, jump up the ledges here to the top. One of the ledges has spikes that go in and out of the wall, so watch out for them. Jump up to that platform and over to the next while they are inside of the wall (the spikes come in and out of the wall in a set pattern). Pick up the lone Blue Crystal over on the right of the ledges (be CAREFUL here, as it's easy to fall off here to the bottomless pit on the right). At the top, walk towards the totem pole. You cannot destroy it. Once you are near it, it will tumble over. Quickly move out of the way and let it smash itself into the ground. Take out the cannon on the left, and then pick up the two Blue Crystals over on the thin path on the right (again, be careful not to fall off). Continue walking forward and let the next totem pole destroy itself. Up ahead are two death bombs side by side. Take them both out for 200 points (you should now have a total of 1450). Go up to where the bombs are and a giant rock will appear, blocking your path forward. Pick up the radio here and that black bomberman we saw flying off in the ship in the Sky Room will blow it up for you with a bomb. Keep on going forward! There's another cloud enemy up here, so watch out for it. The box on the left contains a Blue Crystal. Watch out for the totem pole, and then walk around the path on the right. There is another monkey on a scooter up here in the middle of the area plus a cannon on the right. The box over on the left contains a heart item. Jump over to where the cannon was on the platform over on the right and pick up the body armour item. You should now have 2000 points. Up ahead on the path is a small structure going above the path. There are some spikes that appear under it. Over on the left is a platform with two Blue Crystals on it. Jump back over to the center area and stay on the left or right of the path to dodge the spikes in the center. Once across the circular thing, jump over to the platforms on the right and pick up the Blue Crystal. There's also a life up on the highest ledge, however there are also spikes on the ground that appear on and off. Wait until they are off, jump up and get the extra life item, and then quickly jump back to the lower ledges. Jump back over to the path on the left and keep heading forwards. Watch out for the totem pole ahead. Take out the cannon on the high ledge just after it at the end of this path. The path now goes down to the right, so follow it down there. Destroy the next tank you see, and keep on following the path. You should have 2400 points right now. If you don't, DON'T GO FORWARD. You have missed something back in the previous areas. If you go down the path that has the two Blue Crystals, then you won't be able to get back up here. If you have 2400, head down the path and pick up the two Blue Crystals on the way down. Pick up the next two Blue Crystals and follow the path to the left. Kill the monkey enemy here and pick up the Red Crystal. Up ahead is a pretty large Cyclops-looking enemy (aka one-eyed enemy). It's weak spot is the eye, however when you get close to it, it'll fire some laser shots down towards you from the eye. They don't have a lot of range, so simply walk up near it, fire a bomb at the eye, and then jump back to avoid it's shots (it usually fires three shots at once before resting for a few seconds). It cannot move, so you don't have to worry about that. You must take it out to continue onwards to the end of the level. Once you hit it, it will flash for a few seconds. During this time it's invulnerable, so stand back and wait for it to stop flashing. It will take 5 hits to take it down, and it will give you 500 points for destroying it. You should have 3450 points right now. Head forward on the path and take out the final monkey guarding the entrance to the space ship. Once it's gone, enter to gain access to Endol, the boss of Planet Bomber. You'll need 3500 points to get a perfect 5, however you should have 3550 points if you're following this guide. *** Planet Bomber - Area 3 - VS. ENDOL (Level 16) Score Needed: 7500+ Difficulty: 7/10 Video Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZoz88fzqSs Endol is the first boss you'll face from the Garaden Empire. He is the most difficult being you'll have faced so far. If you had little trouble taking down Nitros, then you should be relatively okay here. Endol is holding the princess captive (even though he gives her to Nitros before the battle starts against Bomberman). Remember that the clock counts DOWNWARD! You'll be doing this fight inside of his ship on a circular platform. Endol, like most bosses in this game, has more than one phrase to his fight. The first phrase is surprisingly harder than the second one. Endol himself shouldn't give you much trouble; getting a perfect 5 will. Beating him by the time limit is never quite easy, and you'll have to CONSTANTLY hit him over and over again. Endol's weak spot is his golden chest. After you hit him once, he'll flash for a few seconds. While he's flashing he cannot get hurt. As soon as he stops flashing, hit him again right away. It's the same with any boss: always make sure they are getting hit). It is nearly am absolutely necessary thing to have 4 bombs and 4 firepower when going into this fight. The high fire power means you can miss his chest, yet, as long as you threw it close, the radius of the explosion will still hit him. PHRASE 1: Endol will be on top of a tiny platform in the center of the area. The platform has a small electric bolt coming out of each end (total of 4). The platform he is on will start spinning around (although Endol will always face you, despite it's spinning). Your goal is to hit him 5 times while jumping over the electric bolts that come around the rest of the level where you are. The best strategy here is to STAY IN ONE PLACE. Don't go running all around as you'll waste time getting yourself into place to hit him, and it's also harder to dodge the electric bolts this way. From where you first start this level, stand towards Endol and don't move. After he slaps his tail against the level, that means the fight has begun. Jump up and throw a bomb at his chest. If you hit him, then he'll start flashing. You'll notice the electric bolts moving around the level. When they come near you, simply jump over them. The bolts will start out going counter-clockwise, however they'll change direction several times over this first fight. Keep jumping over the electrical bolts and hitting Endol. Remember to throw a bomb at him AS SOON as he stops flashing. Once he is hit 5 times, the platform Endol is on will go down into the platform you're on and the electrical bolts will go away. It's not time to fight face to face! If you are around 8700-8500 score, then you'll be fine. PHRASE 2: Endol will start walking around. He'll always walk towards you, so keep moving back if you have too. Endol now has two attacks that can hurt you quite easily. The first is when he slaps his tale on the ground and causes a giant electric shock to go around. Simply jump over the platform when this happens (you know when he's about to do this when he spins around and lifts his tail). His other attack is to throw a homing electric ball at you. You'll know he does this when he leans back. The ball can be destroyed with a bomb. He'll be using this attack most of the time. If he gets it off, it will almost always hit you unless you destroy it with a bomb. Another 5 hits is all it takes to finish Endol off. As long as you keep staying near him and firing bombs at his chest when he stops flashing, then you should be just fine in getting a perfect score for this level. You must beat him before you score gets lower than 7500 to get a perfect 5. If you are able to beat Endol and get a perfect 5, then congrats! If you can do this easily, then you are set for the rest of this game. Defeating Endol will give Bomberman access to the next planet, Primus Star. There the things really start heating up, so our adventure has only begun! *** What happens after you beat a planet's final boss? Once you defeat the final boss of any planet, you'll then have access to the next one in the Nebula. As soon as you defeat Endol (and the score screen finishes), you'll see a short cut scene. In this case, Bomberman walks out of the space ship (acting like a cool cat) and meets up with Pibot. The robot says that the princess is on Primus Star and that they must get there right away. Now that Planet Bomber is free of enemies, it's time to clear out the next planet. Bomberman and Pibot get into a Bomber space ship and blast off! After this cut scene finishes, the Results screen will appear. All of your scores from the levels we've played will now show on screen. Depending on your total score, you'll get anywhere from a Bronze - Gold rating for the Planet. There are 16 levels on Planet Bomber, each worth 5 points. 16 x 5 is 80. If you have gotten a 5 on every level, then you'll get 80 Clear Points, which will award you a Gold rating for this planet. These ratings DO mean something; getting a Gold on each planet will open up a surprise later (and it isn't a crappy surprise either). The ONLY way to get a Gold rating on ANY planet is by getting a score of 5 on each and every level. If you have a 5 on every level but, let's say a 4 on one level, then you'll be stuck with Silver. You can always go back and replay a level as many times as you wish to get a 5 if you are missing it (or if you just want to play the level again). The only levels that you might have problems getting a 5 on are the two boss fights (Nitros and Endol). Keep on trying and you'll be able to get it eventually. I highly recommend you keep playing this planet until you've gotten the Gold rating, as a Gold on each planet will open up the final challenge much later. Press A when you are done viewing your scores to start a Bonus Stage. Each time you defeat a planet boss for the first time you'll get access to a Bonus Stage in which you can collect many great items. Note that you can access the bonus stage only once, so make it count. You have one shot getting everything (if you fall off or if the timer reaches o), so be fast and careful! *** Planet Bomber - BONUS STAGE #1 Difficulty: 2/10 Items found: 32 Blue Crystals 1 Extra Life 1 Extra Bomb Item 1 Firepower Item Video Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUnDRLp2E-U This small bonus stage is quite simple. You're on a small rainbow platform in the universe. You will start with 09999 time on the clock and it will count down. You have all the way until 0 to finish getting all of the items in this level. It will be hard to finish it with less than 8000 points, so you should be fine. The main challenge is staying on the level. The platforms here are quite thin, and you also can't see your shadow very well on some jumps. All and all, time things carefully. Read on to see what to do. From where you start, walk forward and pick up the first six Blue Crystals. Walk back a bit and pick up the next 6 crystals on the path going over to the left. Then jump over to the circular platform. Go to the right and pick up the seven Blue Crystals here. Then, pick up the extra bomb and firepower item. Finish the circle by picking up four more Blue Crystals. Now, look over at the moving platform. Jump over to it (make sure you time this properly, as if you miss, you'll fall into the pit and lose your chance for some more items). Once you get onto the platform, jump up to the top of the circular thing on the right. There are five Blue Crystals up here plus an extra life item. From here, jump back down to the lower circle. Now, when you are on the right part, look over to the right again. Below this circle is the bottom of the verticle circle. Carefully position yourself so that when you jump you'll land on the platform down there to pick up the last few items. If you miss this jump you'll fall. Also, if you haven't gotten the rest of the items, go do that now; once you go down here, you can't get back up to the circular platform. Pick up the last 4 Blue Crystals down here to finish the level. Once Bomberman picks up the last one, a "Perfect!" will go across the screen. Note: For fun, see how fast you can beat this level. My record is 8132. [------------------------------] [ Primus Star ] [------------------------------] Welcome to Primus Star: We have finally gotten past the first planet, Planet Bomber. Next up is Primus Star, the planet that Princess Millian once ruled before Garaden invaded. We must now clear this planet of the evil Garaden troops and, hopefully, save the princess. Primus Star is quite difficult in comparison to Planet Bomber. The levels here are, on the most part, longer, and the enemies start to get a bit more tricky in defeating and dodging their attacks. Like Planet Bomber, Primus Star contains three different Areas spread out across the planet. Press A to enter Primus Star. Like when we first entered Planet Bomber, we only have access to Area 1 right now. We can go back to Planet Bomber whenever you want to (simply press B to exit Primus Star, press down on the control stick when you have a full view of the planet to scroll down to Planet Bomber). First we must enter Area 1 and clear out the troops that have invaded the woods. *** AREA 1 - WOODS OF ESURAM Introduction: The first Area of Primus Star contains five levels. You'll notice the difference in difficulty right off the bat in the first level, Groog Hills. These woods are right across the lake from Princess Millian's castle (as you can see in the picture on the left of the screen). We will be making our way through the woods and the pipes under the lake in order to get to the castle. Of course, Garaden has placed many guards in these areas, so we'll have to work hard to get through! Once you start the first level you'll go through a short cut scene. Pibot and Bomberman have landed on Primus. Pibot says that the Princess is close; she's inside Primus Castle. He says we must find an underground tunnel that is connected to the lake in front of the castle. Bomberman agrees and heads off. *** Primus Star - Area 1 - GROOG HILLS (Level 17) Perfect Score: 6000 Difficulty: 4/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 6/24 The first level takes place in the forest of Esuram. We will be making our way through this level and eventually get through to the weird bubble area (which is the next level). Groog Hills is the first level that will require the use of the Rolling Bomb move. In fact, this is really the only level where we will have to do it. We will see Groog Hills in both the summer and winter thanks to a special flower in this level that turns the entire area into winter when we use the Rolling Bomb on it. This level is filled with little enemies named Groogs. These guys, once they spot you, will start charging at you like mini bulls. They will follow Bomberman around (even if he turns; they don't just charge in one direction). The best way to take them out is to throw or kick a bomb over at one before it spots you. Otherwise, when it does spot you and run towards you, have Bomberman run away from it, press the Down C button or R to drop a bomb behind Bomberman. Keep running in the same direction and the Groog will charge right into it, which will kill it. From where you spot, look for the small brown Grogg in the distance. Walk up near it and throw a bomb at it to kill it. They are worth 100 points. Pick up the two Blue Crystals by it, as well as the extra bomb item. The radio says, "Defeat quick groogs by dropping bombs then running away!" You'll notice that Pibot is the one sending messages now (however that doesn't really change anything). Return to where you started the level and head over to the right. There's another Groog just up ahead, so take him out quick. There is another Groog further on to the right. Eventually you'll get to a red mushroom sticking out of the ground. Jump up onto it and pick up the Blue Crystal at the top. Behind it is a large moving flower. When you approach it the flower will reveal its face from behind its pettles. While you can see its face, stand back and throw a bomb at it. Hit it once and it will flash. It will then fire a few pollen balls at you. You can use a bomb on them to destroy them. When the flower comes out from the pettles again, bomb it once more to kill it for 300 points. Then, take out the Groog that is behind the flower. Now, run to the right and pick up the Blue Crystal beside the pond. There is also a Groog just to the right of this Crystal. You'll see another Blue Crystal on the other side of the pond, so run around and pick it up too. Once on the upper part of the pond, keep going to the right and kill the Groog once the pond ends. Remember to be careful and not fall into the water! Once to the right of the pond, take out the two Groogs. Head down and you'll see another mushroom with a Blue Crystal above it. Pick it up, and look over to your right to see another pond. If you walk to the edge of the land here, you'll see a small piece of land in the middle of the pond. Take a running jump to get over there and pick up the fire power item. Jump back over to the main land on the left. This is OFTEN missed; if you do miss it, you'll be short 50 points when you finish the level. Once on the main land, head around the lake and kill the final Groog over here. DON'T DESTROY THE BOX! First, jump onto it and jump up to get the Blue Crystal. Blow open the box and pick up the extra bomb item. Head over to the large tree on the right with a hole in it. Destroy the box to the right of it to pick up a heart item. You should now have 1850 points. If you don't, head to the left and search for items left behind. You may have missed a Groog or something. Once ready, go through the hole in the tree to appear on the other side of the lake. You'll be transported to the other side from another tree. You can warp back to the previous side whenever you want. The radio here says, "Attack 2 Freeze Flowers at the same time, and they'll give you flower sprinkles." We'll worry about this soon. Head over to the right and pick up the Blue Crystal in the corner. Up ahead is another one of those annoying flowers. Kill it like the one you did before for another 300 points. There's yet another large flower behind this one. Again, kill it for 300 points. Jump up onto the mushroom at the end of this area and pick up the Blue Crystal. Now, retrace your steps to the second tree warp (where we appeared when we got to this side of the level). Jump over to the platforms in the water to the left of the tree. Pick up the firepower item here. Then, jump over to the next platform on the left. In the distance is a large flower with two purple spheres to the left and right of it. Those are the freeze flowers. In order to activate the freeze flower, you'll have to hit both of those spheres at once, and of course, the only way to do this is by using a rolling bomb. You should have 2600 points. If you don't, DO NOT HIT THE FLOWERS YET! Go back and search where we have been for anything that you have missed. Once we activate this flower, we cannot get back to this part of the level, so you'll lose the chance to get any items you missed. Stand in the middle of the platform in front of the freeze flower. Press and hold B to have Bomberman roll a bomb. Once he's been rolling it for a while, release it. Assuming you did it right, two bombs should hit both the left and right flowers at the same time, activating the freeze flower. If you can't hit it, adjust your position on the platform a little bit. You'll get it eventually. The freeze flower will completely ice everything over. You'll appear in the same level, however things have changed. You'll see the lake is frozen, Groogs are back, and there are a TONNE of items around. First, take out the two Groogs ahead of you. The small hut with a purple thing in it is the exit for this level, but don't go there yet. We need to pick up some items first. Pick up the two Red Crystals and Gold Gem, as well as the heart item and two Blue Crystals in this area. Head to the far right of the area (that had the two flowers that attacked you) and pick off the Groog here. Head back to the left. Kill the Groog and pick up the three Blue Crystals. Keep going to the left. Kill the next Groog you see and jump up to the area that has the dead mushroom. Keep going to the left and you'll see another frozen over pond (the first one we saw when we first started this level). There's two Groogs here, a Gold Gem, and two Red Crystals. Kill the Groogs and pick up the Crystals. Head to the front of this pond and kill the Groog there. Go to the left and find the next dead mushroom. To the left of this is another Groog. Take him out and keep on going left. There's two more Groogs here, so take them both out. You should now have 6000 points, which is what you need to get a perfect score on this level. Head all the way back to the right until you see that small hut with the purple hole in it. Jump down there to finish the level. *** Primus Star - Area 1 - BUBBLE HOLE (Level 18) Perfect Score: 7050 or 7000 Difficulty: 6/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 7/24 The Bubble Hole is a weird purple area near the lake. I don't really know how else to describe it than... it's just plain weird. All of the enemies in here are bubbles or giant globs of goo. The game's seventh Adok Bomb is here, hidden quite well on a high ledge. We'll be making our way through to the lake that leads to Millian's castle. From where you start, walk forwards and kill the bouncing yellow blob on the right. These things will bounce towards you, and kicking bombs at them can be hard since they jump over them. Throw bombs instead. Pick up the extra bomb item on the left. Head forward and you'll see a pile of green and brown goo in the center of the area. There's an enemy inside of a bubble at the top that will float towards you if it sees you. Throw a bomb at it to destroy the bubble, and then throw another bomb to destroy the enemy itself (total of 200 points for killing this enemy between the bubble and enemy). Jump up onto the pile of purple and brown goop. It acts as a giant spring. Pick up the two Blue Crystals in the air from bouncing here. Walk up ahead and two blobs (a red and blue one) will appear. QUICKLY fire a bomb at them before they can merge into one giant purple one. If they do, throw bombs at it until it explodes. The large ones can fire blobs of goo at you, so stand back. The radio on the left says, "The hole with the big bubble may contain a secret!" Jump onto the ledge on the left and pick up the Blue Crystal in the air. The ledge over to the right has another blob enemy on it. Kill it, jump up there, and pick up the Blue Crystal. There's another enemy surrounded by a bubble here. Use two bombs to take it out. Up ahead are two large blue bubbles. Destroying one will only make another appear from the generator hole in the center of this area, so don't bother blowing them up (simply dodge them as they bounce around). Jump into the hole in the center of this area to be warped to a high ledge on the right a bit further back. There's a Rainbow Gem up here (hidden well, eh), so pick it up and then run forward to the large blue bubbles. Boyond these bubbles are some higher ledges. Kill the large green blob on the left (it will take four bombs to kill it). The two boxes at the end of this area contain a missle (bottom) and a heart item (top). Kill the red blob over on the high area to the right, and then jump up to the higher area on the left. Run around to where the red blob was and pick up the Gold Gem. You should now have 3000 points. Walk forward. Ahead are two more bubbles and a generator in the ground. Walk past the bubbles to the pile of goo at the end of this path. Defeat the large green blob here (watch out for the large bubbles behind you and the bottomless pit in the distance; it's easy to fall off) and use the pile of goo to bounce up to the Gold Gem above. Now, fall into the bubble generator like we did before to get the Rainbow Gem. We will appear on a high ledge on the right of the area with a heart item on it. Pick it up, and then jump over to the platform below us with the blue blob enemy on it (this can be a tought jump, as there's a bottomless pit below us). Kill the blue bubble enemy here and use the ledge here to pick up the Blue Crystal in the air. Turn around and jump backwards to the previous path. There are two Blue Crystals here and another bubble enemy. Kill the bubble and pick up the Blue Crystals. Follow the path downards, retracing some steps. At the end of this path is a red blob, so take it out. At the very end of this path is a Red Crystal. Pick it up and then move forward to where we killed that previous blue blob on the tiny platform over the bottomless pit. You should have 4550 points. Jump over to the platform with the yellow bomb on it and kill it. Next, jump over to the next platform and use the high ledge to get the firepower item (kill the red blob first). Over on the area ahead of us is yet another red blob. Take it out, and then run and jump over there. Pick up the Blue Crystal on the left. Up ahead are a bunch of those piles of goo that Bomberman can use to jump up high. On each pile is one of those bubble enemies. Kill them all (together they'll give you 1200 points), and then use the bouncing goo piles to get the body armour item, two Blue Crystals, and two Red Crystals. At the end of these bouncy goo things are two more large blue bubbles and a generator. Head into the generator to be transported to a high up ledge on the left... We are over that bottomless pit that has the three platforms over it, but we are on the platform with the Adok Bomb! Pick it up and jump down to the platform on the right. Head forward until we get back to that last bubble generator. Jump up to the high ledge past the bubbles and take out the large purple blob with four bombs. This will give you 7050 points (or 7000 if you don't have the Adok Bomb in possession). Head through the exit on the left up here to finish the level. 7000 will give you a perfect 5. *** Primus Star - Area 1 - ERARS LAKE (Level 19) Score Needed: 6500+ Difficulty: 6/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 7/24 Erars Lake is the second level that requires the use of the bomber submarine. Erars Lake is not only long and tedius, but it also has two exits that will unlock Waterway and Water Slider. This level shares it's ways of tricks and new puzzles and new enemies, and it is also hard to cover everything that you could possibly do, but I'll try my best. I highly suggest you try to get the perfect score the first time so you can simply whiz through here the second time. Like before, I will not count the destruction of the suicide bombs in my overall score count, however I do recommend you try to blast them for some extra points. From where we start, head forward and pick up the extra bomb item. Kill the first string ray enemy on the left, and then go down and pick up the second extra bomb item (watch out for the suidice bomb). Back up a bit and head to the top of this passage. Kill the second and third string rays up there. Also kill the one near the second extra bomb item. On the left and right of the level you'll see two brown cone enemies with eyes. Take them both out. Pick up the next extra bomb item on the right and continue going forward (watch for the suicide bomb above). Up next you'll see a few of those rocky face enemies. Two more of the brown cone enemies are up ahead, so take them down. Pick up the heart on the tooth- looking thing on the right. This should give you 1000 points. Keep going forward (while avoiding the faces) until you get to the two boxes. They contain another extra bomb item. Again, watch for the suicide bombs above. The calm shell in the middle of this area (in front of the heart item) will fire homing fish at you. You can use your bomb to destroy them. Fire at the shell when it's mouth is open to destroy it, and then pick up the heart behind it. Back up a bit and take out the three sting rays above. Up next you'll see a bunch of starfish swimming around in a circle. Go right through the circle and pick up the Rainbow Gem in the middle (hitting the fish will hurt Bomberman). Keep going forward and pick up the two Blue Crystals on the left and right of the area. Go through the next set of starfish and pick up the extra life. You should have about 2850 points. Up ahead is a giant string ray and a calm enemy. Take out the calm enemy first. The string ray will constantly use it's giant fins to force you back, so keep pressing A to avoid going into the star fish we saw earlier. Fire bomb after bomb at the giant string ray (it can't directly attack you). After three hits it will die and give you 1000 points! Pick up the two Blue Crystals and the Gold Gem where the string ray was. You should have about 4550 points now. Up ahead are three large bombs that will inflate themselves when you get near. Fire a few bombs at them to destroy them. Now here's a good puzzle. Ahead are five holes in the wall. Two of them will lead to two different areas, each with their own exit (remember how I said this level has two exits), whereas the other three will just warp you back to the middle of this first part of the level (you'll keep your score and everything, so don't worry about that). The ones that will lead you onwards are the top left and bottom right ones, as the diagram below shows. --> O O O O O <-- Whichever you go through doesn't matter, as you'll have to go through each some time or another. I'll give a walkthrough for each way below (as if you were going for a 5 score). *** UPPER LEFT PATH Directly in front of you are two sting rays and a radio which says, "To go through the exit ahead, you will need a wall-through item." This is the first area that will require you to pick up the wall through item. This item will allow you to go through certain transparent walls. Unless you get it, you'll be trapped in here, however it's easy to find. Keep going forward and take out the next three string rays you see. Avoid the bubbles here (there's nothing in the generator) and head forward. There are two clam shells here, so take them out carefully (the homing fish can be annoying as there may be 4 of them coming at you at once). Once they are gone, go back a bit and take out the four string ray in this area (it's important to take out those homing fish first). Up ahead is another bubble generator. Wait for the bubbles to clear away from the top of the generator, and then go into it. The wall-through item is in here! Pick it up and then blow up the box to the right of the generator. There is a missle in here, but you could use the 50 points from the box. You may notice the brick with what looks to be ice on the left of it at the top of your screen. This means you have the wall through item. Destroy the clam on the left and the string ray. Then pick up the two lines of 5 Blue Crystals on the left and right of the area. The exit is just ahead! Kill the clam shell here to get rid of the homing fish, and then take out the boxes on the left and right of the bubble generator. The one on the left contains a missle, whereas the one on the right contains a heart item. You should have about 6650 points right now. You need 6500 to get a 5 on this level. If you don't have that much, then simply go through the exit (the black blocks on the wall, if you can't go through them then you didn't get the wall-through item) and try again. Going through this exit will open up Waterway, however I suggest you go through Erars Lake again and take the bottom right route to open up Water Slider first. *** *** LOWER RIGHT PATH Go forward and fire a bomb at the purple shark enemy ahead. Pick up the extra bomb item and heart item. Keep going forward and kill all of the small shark enemies you see (pick up the two Blue Crystals on the left too). Go through the circle of star fish to pick up the Gold Gem in the center. There are three suicide bombs up ahead. Take them down if you can and pick up the firepower item. There's another circle of star fish up here (nothing in the middle of the circle, however). Kill the shark at the bottom of the area and then destroy the box (there's a heart item inside of it). Watch out for the suicide bomb enemies. At the end of this area is yet another giant string ray. Kill it for 1000 points. Take down the two suicide bombs on the left and right and then go through the exit at the end of this area to finish the level. As long as you have over 6500 points then you'll get a perfect 5 for this level. Going through this exit will net you access to the Water Slide level, the final one of this Area. Assuming you have already gone through the upper left path (see above), then you'll have the next two levels unlocked. We'll go through Waterway first to keep things orderly. If you haven't unlocked Waterway yet, then go through the upper left path (view above section for that). *** *** Primus Star - Area 1 - WATERWAY (Level 20) Perfect Score: 4000 Difficulty: 3/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 7/24 Waterway is unlocked by taking the upper left path in Erars Lake. We have gone through the lake now and we are on the water processing area for the castle (or so it seems that this is what this place is). We'll have to be doing some tricky jumps here, and we'll also see a few new enemies. Aside from that, however, there isn't anything completely new here. Just search carefully for all items. If you're like me, then you'll like this level quite a bit (it's one of my favourites). From where you start, go over to the right and kill the tiny dancing enemy on the high ledge. Pick up the firepower and extra bomb items there. There's a single shark in the small stream here. If you go into the stream (you can, as the water is shallow and Bomberman won't get hurt), you'll be pushed over to the right via the strong current. It's best to stay out and take out the shark from the ground. It can't hurt you from here. Keep going to the right once done. Up ahead is a crab enemy. Wait for it to reveal it's face (and stop blowing bubbles) and then throw a bomb to kill it. There's a Rainbow Gem in the tiny alcove that the crab was guarding. Pick it up. You should have 1400 points. Directly across from this alcove are three Blue Crystals in the stream plus another shark. Take out the shark, go into the stream to get the Blue Crystals, and then quickly hop out again. Keep going to the right and you'll see an enemy with a top hat and a large nose that looks like a needle (I'll call them needle nose enemies). Throw a bomb to kill it. Watch out for it's thrust, however, as it'll go right into you with that nose. Jump into the yellowish circle in the wall and step onto the green tile to be transported up to a water pipe on the left. You'll pick up two Blue Crystals when you fall into the stream. Quickly jump out and go over to the right again. Look for the blue bars blocking access into the small pathway behind the wall. Use a bomb on the switch beside the door (watch out for the large blue bubbles). This will dispel the bars. Head into this little area and go to the right to pick up a Yellow Heart (it's hidden behind the wall). Now, go all the way to the left and pick up the 6 Blue Crystals. Go through the door that had the blue bars and go off to the right again, just past the blue bubbles. Run down the little path that has the blue box on it. Blow it up (stand back, as if the blast radius hits Bomberman, he may fall into the depths of the bottomless pit in the middle of this area). The box contains a Gold Gem. You should now have 2750 points. Go up the path around this bottomless pit now and pick up the four Blue Crystals and watch out for the blue bubbles. In the next area kill the needle nose and pick up the Blue Crystal in front of the stream. Jump into the stream and jump right across the gap over to the next stream. Once there, kill the needle nose enemy. The low ledge on the far right has some spikes in the wall. Wait until they get small, and then jump up there and quickly over to the higher ledge on the left. Kill the four dancing enemies on the pipe in the center of this ledge and then jump up to the higher up ledge on the right. Pick up the two Blue Crystals here, and then jump down the pipe. This area is great. As soon as you arrive in this room, a GIANT bomb with a 5 second fuse will ignite. QUICKLY run around this small room and pick up the four Key Crystals and the two Blue Crystals. Then, quickly run out of the room via the Key Crystal door. The giant bomb won't kill you, but the explosion will take off 1 piece of health (which would be bad if it's your last). Picking these last few items up should give you 4000 points, which is what you need for a perfect 5 on this level. *** Primus Star - Area 1 - WATER SLIDER (Level 21) Score Needed: 4000 Difficulty: 4/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 8/24 Water Slider is opened up by taking the lower right path in Erars Lake. Getting through this area will let us gain access to the next area, Primus Castle. We are going through the water paths underneath the castle right now. We'll be taking some difficult jumps here over bottomless pits, so you'll want to be careful at all times. The paths here are very thing, meaning it's quite easy to fall off at all times. The game's eighth Adok Bomb (and second and last one for this Area) is located here. From the start, walk forward and defeat the red bouncing enemy. Jump into the water stream going to the right. Bomberman will be pushed to the right thanks to the current of the water. Pick up the three Blue Crystals here (you can run to the left to pick up any you miss, as the current isn't strong enough to keep Bomberman from doing this). At the end of this stream, jump up onto the stone platform. There's a red battery enemy here (we saw a few of these in the Heavy Room back in Area 1 of Planet Bomber) and an extra bomb item. Pick them up, and then jump and throw a bomb to destroy the fireball enemy over on the high ledge to the right. Be sure not to jump when a fireball is coming your way. Once the enemy is gone, jump up to this high ledge and pick up the Red Crystal. Now jump back down to the ledge on the left and head down the next water slide. Pick up the 8 Blue Crystals and 1 Red Crystal in the middle of this stream. Once you pick up the last Blue Crystal, jump up to the top of the arc going over the water slide (if you miss the jump, simply run over to the left to and get another running start). Kill the red bouncing enemy up here and, more importantly, pick up the Adok Bomb. You should now have 1550 points. Now, jump down to the water slide below on the right. Pick up the two Blue Crystals at the very end of this slide. As soon as you do, QUICKLY jump over to the slide across from us (where the current is going to the left instead of to the right). Pick up the body armour item here (be careful not to have the water current push you right off into the bottomless pit below) and then start running to the right, against the current (you can jump to the right to do this faster). Up ahead, pick up the Gold Gem and kill the bouncing red enemy. You should now have 2300 points. Jump over to the platform when you get to it for a bit of a breather. There's one of those enemies inside of a bubble here. Take it down, but watch out that you don't get caught in the radius of your bomb (Bomberman's reaction may push him off the edge). Once done, jump down to the lower ledge with the two Blue Crystals on it. Pick them up, and then jump over to the ledge on the left with the four water spouts on it. Pick up the Blue Crystal here. Return to where the bubble enemy was. Jump over to the platform going around a circle on the right. From there, when you are close to it, jump over to the top of the pipe in the distance that has the Rainbow Gem on it. This should give you 3650 (or 3600) points. You may wish to take out the fireball enemy first, as if a fireball hits you while you are on that tiny ledge with the Gem, you'll probably fall off. Jump back onto the rotating platform and then over to the greyish blue platform on the right. From there, kill the bubble enemy over on the platform to the right. Jump over to where it was and then kill the red bouncing enemy over on the next platform on the right. Pick up the two Blue Crystals, and then use a bomb on the switch. This will cause a platform near us to move up and down. Jump up onto it and use it to ride up to the final water slider over on the right. From the platform, kill the red bouncing enemy, and then head through the exit at the end of this water slide! You need only 4000 points to get a level 5, but you should have 4250 or 4200 anyway. *** Finishing Water Slide will give you access to Area 2 of Primus Star: Primus Castle. If you don't have a score of 5 for any level in Area 1, then I suggest you go back and play them until you do. *** AREA 2 - PRIMUS CASTLE Introduction: Primus Castle is where Princess Millian lives. She is currently being held at the very top of the castle with Nitros. Here we'll be making our way from the bottom of the castle to the very top, and clearing out all of the enemies in our way to rid the castle of the Garaden forces. It won't be easy (some of the levels here are pretty tough), but there still isn't anything here that you should find impossibly tough. In fact, the hardest stage you'll probably go through is fighting Nitros once again (either that or Millian Road, which is another Bomber Jet level, one that is much more difficult than Big Cannon. We'll be fighting some new enemies here and making some tough jumps in some areas. We'll also be using some new weapons, such as the Remote Bombs. As you see from the short cut scene when you start the next level, Princess Millian is being taken into her castle (arms tied behind back) by two of those monkey enemies we saw back on Fog Route. Bomberman will drop out of a fountain from the pipes we used to get here. He'll follow the princess into the castle. This will end the cut scene. *** Primus Star - Area 2 - ROCK'N ROAD (Level 22) Perfect Score: 3000 Difficulty: 5/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 8/24 Rock'n Road will have you running away from boulders that fall right on top of your head. Believe it or not, it isn't quite as difficult as it may sound. You'll simply have to watch your back, as they almost always will fall behind you or right on you. You can see the bottoms of the rocks on the ceiling, so simply stay away. They'll fall eventually, but as long as you aren't under them, then you'll be just fine. We're working our way through the second entrance of the castle right now. Rock'n Road is a fairly thin level. Start walking down the area from where we start. Up ahead on the left you should see a black boulder on the ceiling. Run RIGHT by it on the left of the area and drop into the small hole in the ground on the left. Two boulders will drop from the ceiling and roll over you. Once they are gone, jump out and continue on. Run over to the right and drop down the hole over on the right. Two more boulders will roll by. Jump out and then head over to the left again. Drop into the hole here and pick up the extra bomb item. Now, there's a bottomless pit in the middle of the area. Run by it on the path to the left of it (a rock over on the right will fall). Once on the other side, run over to the right (another boulder will fall from the left). Over on the right is another bottomless pit with a ledge above it on the wall to the right. Jump over there and pick up the heart. Jump back over and quickly run to the left (a rock on the right will fall). On the left, a bit further down, is another bottomless pit. There's a ledge with a Gold Gem above the bottomless pit. Jump over to it and pick it up. Walk down and, as soon as you see the Blue Crystals, follow them (a rock on the right will fall). Pick up the four Blue Crystals and then run over to the right (two more rocks will fall in front of you). Over on the right is yet another bottomless pit with a ledge over it. Jump over to the ledge and pick up the Blue Crystal. Jump back to the main area and keep on going forward. Up ahead is a transporter on the left and a Blue Crystal on the right. Run near the Blue Crystal and then quickly run away (it's a trap, as there's a rock right above it). Once the rock falls and goes down the bottomless pit right in front of us, pick up the Blue Crystal. Be sure to jump up and pick up the Gold Gem above the transporter (jump from the normal ground, as the moment you land on the transporter you'll be transported). You should have 1400 points. Go through the transporter. Note that once you go through the transporter, you cannot come back to this area, so make sure you have 1400 points first! You'll be transported into a new area. Walk forward and jump over the gap in the floor (it's not a bottomless pit, so don't worry if you fall in it). Kill the four blue soldiers up ahead. Run forward and you'll see a bouncing dice. Take it down with a bomb. Then, use the second rusted pipe as a ledge to jump up to the heart item above. Once you get it, destroy the next dice enemy ahead. You should have 2050 points. Keep walking forward. Up ahead are two bottomless pits (first on the right and then on the left). There are also some grates on the wall that will spray out purple gas that will hurt Bomberman. A bomb will be destroyed if it hits this spray, and you cannot destroy the grate. Jump to the top of the first grate on the left and jump up to get the Blue Crystal. Throw a bomb over at the death bomb on the right. Then kill one of the monkey enemies on the scooter who was escorting Princess Millian before. Use the path to get around the two bottomless pits. Kill the second monkey on a scooter and wait for the purple spray to stop gushing from the grate on the right. Jump up to get the Blue Crystal and then head towards the door at the end of this area. Pick up the firepower item and look at the door: there's a face on it. This isn't any normal door! It's a door that will attack you once you get into its sites. Luckily, it isn't tough to defeat. DO NOT STAND NEAR THE BOTTOMLESS PIT ON THE LEFT WHEN FIGHTING IT. The door can fire disc-like projectiles at you, and they can push you into the pit. Simply throw bomb after bomb at the door. Jump over the discs if he gets one off, or throw a bomb at it to destroy it. Hit the door 5 times to destroy it. It'll give you 500 points once you kill it. You should have a score of 3000 now, which is the score that will net you a 5 for this level. Head through the area that the door was guarding to finish the level. *** Primus Star - Area 2 - WATER POOL (Level 23) Perfect Score: 4550 or 4500 Difficulty: 6/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 9/24 The Water Pool level takes place on the left portion of the castle on the first floor. This is the main source of water for the castle (despite all of the weird poison gushing grates in here). This is one of the more difficult levels in the game thanks to the mice enemies, plus the fact that it is so easy to fall into the water in this area (and since it's all deep, falling into it will hurt Bomberman). Just take special care when jumping around. This level also contains the game's ninth Adok Bomb (first for this Area). This level also has two exits, and they're both at the very end, so you'll have to play through this twice (although you'll only have to go for the perfect score once). First, head over to the right. You'll see an enemy here that looks like a mouse with a long tail and a ball on the end of it. This ball is actually a rather powerful bomb. Bomb the mouse twice and it will release the bomb in a suicide run. The bomb will follow Bomberman around until it explodes about 4 seconds after it is released. Simply run past it to avoid it's explosion (it's easy to do). Once the bomb has gone off, the mouse will die, and you'll be awarded 100 points. The mouse doesn't have any long range attacks, but if you get near it the mouse will swing it's tail at you. Once it's gone, head to the right and pick up the heart item. Jump over to the platform in the water (remember to avoid falling in here) and pick up the extra bomb item. Now, head back to the platform on the left and go up the stairs. Go to the left and take out the three tiny dancing enemies here. Pick up the firepower item on the ledge, and then head over to the right. Watch out for the grate spewing out gas here; walk by it when it's not spewing it out. Up ahead is a small greyish bridge over the water. Use a bomb to destroy it (don't worry, we can still get across to the other side). Jump down to the small platform below (this can be a tough jump to land) and pick up the Gold Gem and Red Crystal. Then, use the ledge on the right to get up to the next area. Kill the red blob enemy and the Groog up ahead. Head down the staircase here and kill the Groog on the low platform. Once it's down, pick up the two Blue Crystals and extra bomb item. Go back up the stairs and follow the path leading to the right. Up ahead is a drop down to a new part of the level. Once you go down here you cannot get back up. You should have 1750 points right now. If you don't, head back and see what you've missed. There are four Blue Crystals leading down this jump. Make sure to align yourself up with them (look for the second row of rocks from the far wall on the ground to align yourself properly). Jump up and fall down, hitting the Crystals as you go by. If you miss them, then you won't get a 5 on this level. It isn't that tough to miss them. Once you're at the bottom of the jump, pick up the Blue Crystal down here. Head through the wall. On the other side, use the yellow platform with the spikes on the bottom to get up to a pipe high on the wall (be sure not to go under this platform). Kill the dancing enemy up here and then jump over to the pipe. Pick up the three Blue Crystals here, and then jump back down (watch for the water below; jump down over on the far left of the platform). Over to the right is a floating yellow enemy over a spikey platform. Kill the enemy and use a bomb to activate the switch on the platform, which will make the spikes appear on the underside. Jump onto it and jump over to the next platform with the grate in the center. As long as you aren't on top of the grate, then you can't be hurt by the stuff coming out, so stay on the edges. Bomb the platform ahead to make the spikes go to the underside. Wait for the grate to stop spewing out gas on the next platform, jump to it, and then, finally, over to the area on the right. There's is a yellow and red blob enemy here. Defeat the two dancing enemies on the high ledge in the distance. Jump up there and pick up the two Blue Crystals. Now, head over to the right. There's another mouse enemy here. Take him out like you did the one before. Us ethe two red pipes on the ground to jump up to the high one on the far wall. There's a body armour item here plus a Gold Gem. This should give you 3500 points. Jump back down once you get them. There's a small hole in the wall just below the high up pipe. There's a switch in here. Kick a bomb into the hole to activate the switch, which makes a platform move up and down over the water on the right. Wait for it to be at it's down position, and then jump over to it. Take out the blue and red blob enemies from the platform, and then jump over to the ledges on the right. Kill the yellow enemy over on the high ledge (DO NOT JUMP DOWN TO GET THE ADOK BOMB YET). Go up to the high ledge and get the Blue Crystal above the second grate. Walk forward and go down the slippery ledge with the Gold Gem on it. PUSH UP ON THE CONTROL STICK AS YOU FALL! Bomberman should grab the edge of this upper platform instead of falling to the lower one. The two exits are here, but throw a bomb down to the two boxes on the platform to the left (with the Adok Bomb on it). One box contains a heart. Jump down, get the heart, and be sure to pick up the Adok Bomb. Now, jump over to the high ledge on the right (where we were before we jumped down here). One of the exits is on here, and the other is on the lower ledge just below us. Take your pick and go through. I recommend going through the one on the higher ledge first. If you have 4550 or 4500 points, then you'll get the 5 for this level. Going through the upper exit will give you access to Millian Road. The lower exit will give you access to Warp Room. You'll have to play through this level again regardless, so simply play through again and go through the other exit to open up the next two levels. *** Primus Star - Area 2 - MILLIAN ROAD (Level 24) Score Needed: 5000 Difficulty: 7/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 9/24 You aren't going to like this level, and I feel pretty safe in saying that. This level is opened up by going through the upper exit in Water Pool. This is another Bomber Jet level (remember back to Big Cannon in Area 2 of Planet Bomber). The main difference between Big Cannon and Millian Road is the shere amount of enemies: there are LOTS of them here. Getting a perfect 5 isn't tough as there are so many enemies that you can get points from. Like in Big Cannon, it is nearly impossible for me to exactly say which items you should pick up, as you will most often miss a few that I mention and get a few that I don't. I'll mention the strategy that I always use, but sometimes it is just best that you try your own route and hope for the best. At the end we'll face another monkey in the large tank-like machine, which, like before, will net us a nice amount of points. Millian Road takes place in the back hallway of the castle. Head forward and pick up the two extra bomb items. Once you pick up the second, two blue laser generators will appear on the left and right of the screen, coming right towards you (they aren't firing lasers; the only way they can hurt you is if you run into them). Quickly destroy them and pick up the heart item. Up ahead are two more laser generator enemies at about middle height. After those, two more will come from about three-quarters high. A final pair will appear at the top of the area, right by the ceiling. Destroy the two cannons up ahead on the ground (your bombs may hit their shells, so be sure to time your shots). Up ahead is a monkey inside of a large machine that will move in your direction (but facing you). This machine can fire homing missles at you, plus leave giant green energy circles in it's path. Simply move around to dodge the missles, and stay back to avoid the green energy circles (they are destroyed soon after they appear). The machine takes two hits to take down. Up ahead are two giant things that will go across and top to bottom of the level that are filled with spikes. Simply go by them. Once you pass the vertical one, you'll see another large monkey-runned machine on the left. Take it down like you did the last one. The machines are worth more than the tanks, so take them out before you try to take the tanks (if you fly by them, then that's fine). Up ahead are two laser generators that have connected and are making a laser go up and down. Take out one of the generators to stop this. Destroy the next one in the distance too. Up ahead are several knifes (we saw these in Dragon Road). Take them down if you can, but you'll probably have to avoid a few (simply fly around and they will miss you). Pick up the heart item below them if you wish. Another giant vertical column of spikes will appear on the left, so be careful. There's a firepower item over on the right. The white transparent stuff on the right is actually just light shining through a window, so you can fly through it. Take out the cannon ahead, as well as the two laser generator enemies. You'll then have to take your pick of getting either a firepower item or an extra bomb item on the sides of the pole ahead (take what you need). Up ahead are two more of the monkey machines, plus 5 of the laser generator items. This can get a bit overwhelming. It's best to take a pick of what you want to take out first (I recommend one of the monkey machines and all five of the laser generators). Keep going forward and pick up the two Blue Crystals and Red Crystal in the middle of the area. There are more of the spikey things ahead, so be aware of them. There are another four laser generator items up ahead (two on the left and two on the right). Up ahead is the end of the level. Take out the three laser generators that appear, plus the cannon at the base of the sub boss in front of us blocking the exit. Like you did in Big Cannon, fire a few shots at the front cannon to take it down. Then fire a few shots at the monkey inside of the blue glass area at the top of the cannon. There's nothing new here. You'll need 5000 points to get a score of 5 for this level. It may take a few tries, but as long as you keep taking out those monkey-run machines then you should be fine (as they are worth 200 points). Be sure to take out all of the blue laser generator enemies when you see them, too, as they are easy points. It's also important to pick up the Red Crystals when you see them since they are worth 250 points. *** Primus Star - Area 2 - WARP ROOM (Level 25) Score Needed: 2500 Difficulty: 2/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 10/24 This level, as the name implies, is all about warping between transporters. Fortunately, it's hard to get confused about where to go, as the level is fairly linear. We are currently clearing out enemies at the very center of Princess Millian's castle. This is the second level that requires the use of the Wall-through item, which we will pick up in order to finish the level. The game's 10th, and final Adok Bomb for Area 2 of Primus Star, will be located in this level. From where you start, head over to the right. Watch out to not fall in the hole in the ground here, as there are some electric coils down there. You'll see two large yellow enemies here. These enemies are bombs that will self destruct when they sense fear. Simply fire a few bombs at them to kill them (but stand back, as they have a large blast radius). It is easy enough to take these guys out, so I'll be counting them in my overall score. Both of them should net you 200 points. If one suicides before you can destroy it, then don't worry about it (you don't need to kill any of these to get a 5 on this level, but it is damn easy to do it). Pick up the extra bomb item and head through the wall. The next area contains a mouse enemy. Take it out (stay on the left side of the electric coils, as the bomb the mouse tail will not be able to cross the gap, so you'll be safe. The box at the end of this small path on the left of the coils contains a missle. Jump over to the other side of the coils. There is an Adok Bomb behind a transparent black wall here. We cannot get it until we get the Wall-through item, so we'll be back. Jump up to get the Blue Crystal above the transporter. Step into it once you get it. You'll be transported into a room with a transporter to your left, and a giant pink bomb in front of you! It will start ticking down from 5 seconds, so quickly run into the doorway in the wall on the left to avoid the explosion (the pink bomb will also make the death bomb go off; fortunately you'll get the 100 points from the death bomb). Once the explosions are gone, get the Blue Crystal above the purple transporter that the death bomb was on. Go through the purple transporter. You'll be in a room behind bars, so the only way to leave is through the transporter (but don't do it yet). Kill the two red blob enemies here and then pick up the six Blue Crystals. The box contains a Gold Gem. You should have 1650 (or 1450) points right now. Head through the purple transporter again. You're back in the room that had the death bomb. Go through the doorway on the left to get into another area. In here, you'll see a barrel with eyes. Once you approach it, it will start rolling towards you! Drop a bomb in its path and run away. The barrel should go right into the bomb. Bomb the switch here to activate a platform we'll use soon. Take out the fireball enemy, and then jump up to its ledge. Go through the transporter up here. You're back in the first room, where you first started this level, however on some high platforms (if you fall off, you'll have to come all the way back up here again). Pick up the important Wall-through item beside the generator and then destroy the fireball enemy. Jump up to its platform and pick up the three Blue Crystals. Jump down to the main area now and head through the door on the right. You can pick up the Adok Bomb behind the black transparent wall now. Get it, and then you should notice that the platform that was stalled (near the transporter) before is now moving (assuming you hit the switch in the room with the moving barrel. If it's not moving, then go through the transporters until you get to that room, hit the switch, and get back here). Use the platform to get up to a high ledge with a green transporter on it. Use it. In the room that you are transported to (the final room of the level), walk up near to the barrel and have it start rolling towards you (if it doesn't roll, then it's invulnerable). Pick up the two Blue Crystals, and then use the box here as a stop to jump up to the platform on the left with the Red Crystal. Once you get it, jump back down and destroy the box. Pick up the heart item. Go through the transparent black wall to finish the level (you'll need the Wall-through item to do this). The perfect score on this level is 2750 (or 2700 without the Adok Bomb). If you didn't kill the two large yellow siren enemies at the beginning of the level, then you should have a score of either 2550 or 2500, which is all you need to get a score of 5 for this level. *** Primus Star - Area 2 - DARK PRISON (Level 26) Score Needed: 2500 Difficulty: 5/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 10/24 The Dark Prison is the final exploration level in Area 2 of Primus Star. The only reason as to why this level gets a difficult of 5 is because it is VERY easy to fall off into the bottomless pit below us. The level itself isn't very hard. There isn't anything new here except a new version of the barrel enemy and, finally, Remote Bombs! We'll need to collect 4 Key Crystals in order to open up the door leading to Nitros (we'll start right beside this door, and it is at the center of the level, so you shouldn't have a hard time finding it). There are several prison cells around that contain everything from great items to bad enemies. From where you start (notice the locked exit door in front of us), pick up the radio. Pibot says that you'll need to pick up 4 Key Crystals to open the door (thanks a bunch). Head down the upper right path towards the jail cell in the distance first. There's a monkey on a scooter patrolling this path. Take it down, and then head towards the jail cell. Fire a bomb at the green switch on the right to trip the switch and open up the jail cell. Pick up the Red Crystal and extra bomb item in there. Return to the exit door. From here, go up the path behind the door. Again, throw a bomb on the switch to open the cell. Destroy the barrel enemy inside and pick up the first Key Crystal. Return to the exit door. Now, take the path to the lower right. Destroy the barrel enemy in front of the cell (instead of rolling, this one will get up and start walking around). Open up the cell to pick up the firepower item. Jump to the platform in front that has the green rocket platform on it. Once there, place a bomb under the rocket plate and fire yourself upwards to a higher path. Destroy the box here to pick up an extra life. Head to the left and you'll eventually get to another jail cell. Open it up and destroy the bouncing brown enemy that we saw in the Sky Room. Hit the switch inside of the cell. Head to the left of the cell and pick up the Rainbow Gem behind. Now, retrace your steps all the way back to that rocket platform. Return to the exit door. Head to the area on the left. Once there, take out the two monkey enemies on the scooters. Head forward and use the platform going upwards to get up to a high platform with another cell on it. Open up the cell, destroy the barrel, and pick up the Remote Bomb item. All of your bombs are now remote! You can throw them and they'll never explode unless they either hit an enemy, you press the Z button to destroy them, or two Remote Bombs hit each other while on the ground. Jump up to the platform on the right, and then up to the top of the cell in front of us. Drop a bomb beside the death bomb, jump back onto the platform on the right, and then press Z to detonate the bomb and the death bomb. Head back up to the top of the cell and pick up the second Key Crystal. Now head all the way back to the exit door. Again take the path on the left, but head down the opposite path this time. There's a floating yellow enemy high up in the air. Since we have Remote Bombs, throw one and detonate it right when it's at it's highest point to destroy the yellow enemy. At the end of this path, open up the cell and kill the bouncing brown enemy in here. Pick up the third Key Crystal inside. Then, head to the left of the jail cell and jump over to the moving platform. Once at the top of its path, jump up to get the final key Crystal (you should hear the unlocking sound of the door now). Once you get it, jump over to the top of the cell on the right once the platform is at the top of its path. It's a long jump, but makeable. Break open the box here and get the Red Crystal. This will give you a total of 3000 points, which is the perfect score for this level. Head back to the exit door and, assuming you've gotten all four Key Crystals, head on through to receive a score of 5. Nitros is up next! Note: You cannot keep Remote Bombs past this level. When you fight Nitros next, for example, you'll have to use regular bombs once again. *** Primus Star - Area 2 - VS. NITROS (Level 27) Score Needed: 6500+ Difficulty: 5/10 A cut scene will start right when you start this level. Princess Millian is being held behind bars in a large cell. Bomberman and Pibot have made it to her once again. She is happy that they made it to her, and she mentions that Nitros is looking for the disk that she stole. Unfortunately, Millian's joy is short lived, as Nitros has returned. Once again he challenges you to a fight inside of Adok (for those of you wondering, Adok is (I believe) a portion of another dimension). This second fight against Nitros isn't very much different to the last, however Nitros has added a few things to make this a bit more of a challenge. He has the same amount of health as last time. Again, I highly recommend that you have a count of 4 for both extra bombs and firepower. There are two major differences. First of all, there is a new type of sqaure on the platform. The blue and green stars are still here (that causes all of the spikes to appear in a row when Nitros uses that attack). There are now squares that have an orange circle on them that looks like a disc. When Nitros executes this attack, a small disc will start circling around the area, searching for Bomberman. Nitros can have several of these go around at once, so always make sure to hit him before he can execute this attack. You can destroy these discs with a bomb, but it's always best to focus your attacks on Nitros himself. Secondly, you'll notice that the four squares at the center of this platform are filled with red circles. These squares will electricute Bomberman if he stops on them, so you'll have to stay away from the center of this area. There's still a lot of space, so you shouldn't have any problem here. Fight Nitros in the same way that you did before. Nitros may leave behind a few cherry bombs in his path (red bombs), but he will not throw them. Although they have a small blast radius, be sure to stay away from them. When Nitros runs towards you, throw some bombs so that he runs right into them. Run back a few steps and he'll run towards you again. Once he stops flashing, throw more bombs. Keep doing this and you should have no problem beating him. You have a lot of time to take him down. As long as you beat Nitros before the clock ticks past 6500 then you'll get a score of 5. This is probably the easiest Nitros fight (for getting a 5) there is. *** Once the fight ends, Bomberman will return to the cell where Millian was being held. Pibot has been knocked over and cannot get up. He is okay, however. He says that the Princess had been taken to the Clock Tower, which is Area 3 of Primus Star. We see the princess standing on a hand dial of a giant clock up in the air. She is being guarded by a giant flying bird. Looks like she can't get away from here unless Bomberman comes along to help. Of course, that's where we are going right now! *** AREA 3 - CLOCK TOWER Introduction: The Clock Tower is to the south south east of Princess Millian's Castle. The evil Baruda has taken over the clock tower. Nitros has taken the princess here and placed her at the top of the Clock Tower so that Baruda can look over her. We'll be starting at the base of the tower and working our way up. The tower has some strong guards. We'll be facing a few new enemies here, and we'll also be using the Bomber Copter for the first time. Like in Area 3 of Planet Bomber, there are three levels here plus a fight against the planet Boss. Once we take out Baruda, we'll have access to the next planet! *** Primus Star - Area 3 - KILLER GATE (Level 28) Perfect Score: 4050 or 4000 Difficulty: 7/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 11/24 Killer Gate is the first level that takes use of the Bomber Copter, and it is one of the few levels in which you'll use it. The name for this level makes sense: it is not very easy. There are several submarines inside of the water at the base of the Clock Tower, and until we destroy all of them, the gate at the end of this area (leading to the next level) will stay locked. Taking out the submarines isn't easy either, as they will fire homing missle after homing missle at you. The game's 11th Adok Bomb will be found here. Using the Bomber Copter isn't hard, however it isn't very responsive and it cannot maneuver very well, so dodging some of the homing missles can be tough. The best thing to do is fire a bomb at them. Unlike when using the Bomber Jet or Bomber Marine, bombs here do not fire straight forward. Instead, since Bomberman is acting like a helicopter, you'll be dropping them direclty below you. You press and hold A to hover upwards, and you can press the B button to hover in one spot. Use the control stick to move around and, finally, press the Z button to drop bombs. You can hold it to drop several bombs at once. As soon as you start you'll see one of the blue submarine's I was talking about just up ahead on the right. First, pick up the radio to your right. Pibot says that in order to open up the exit to this level (the Killer Gate), you must destroy the 10 submarines. Move forward now (press A to gain height). Head towards the first submarine and hover just above it (don't hover over the front part of the submarine, as that is where the rockets come from). Look for Bomberman's shadow on it and then drop a bomb. It'll take two hits to destroy the submarine (it will flash after the first for a few seconds). Each sub is worth 200 points. Once it's gone, pick up the extra bomb items on the left and right walls. Next, move forward and drop a bomb on the cannon in the center of the area. Blow up the submarine over on the left. Keep going forward and destroy the two fireball shooting enemies on the bridge over the water (so that you don't have to worry about dodging their fireballs, as you're already dodging enough as it is). Destroy the sub directly in front of the small bridge like you have the ones before. Pick up the Red Crystal directly under the bridge and head on into the next area. There is a sub right in front of us. Take it out, and then take out the sub to the left of the platform with the box on it. Blow up the box and pick up the heart item that comes out. Head forward and take out the cannon on the right ledge when you see it. Destroy the next submarine on the right, and then pick up the Blue Crystal hidden on the ledge near the sub (it's hard to see). Head into the next area (be sure to pick up the firepower item under the bridge ahead). First, destroy the cannon on the left. Then, take out the two subs here. There will be a lot of missles flying around here, but as long as you keep moving they should destroy themselves before they can hit you. If you stop moving then they will surely get you. Under the ledge on the left is the Adok Bomb, so be sure to pick it up before we head on. Pick up the three Blue Crystals under the next bridge as we head into the final area. In the next area take out the two cannons located on top of the pillers in the center of the area first. Take out the sub in front of them, and pick up the three Blue Crystals on the left and three on the right ledge. Head forward to the final area and take out the three cannons on the left, right, and center of the area (the one in the far center is blocking the exit door). Destroy the final submarine near the center cannon. You should now have 4050 or 4000 points, which is what you need to get a perfect 5 on the level. Since we've destroyed all of the submarines, the door at the end of this area should now be open. Head on through to finish the level! *** Primus Star - Area 3 - SPIRAL TOWER (Level 29) Perfect Score: 3050 or 3000 Difficulty: 6/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 12/24 We are now making our way up the base of the tower up to the clock. There isn't anything here that's very difficult except a few good enemy placements that are a pain to deal with, and some other triky areas to get through. As we climb the tower it's easy to fall off (if you fall off the path going around the tower you won't die as you land at the base of the area, however it can be a long climb back up). You'll find the 12 Adok Bomb here (the final one for Area 3 and all of Primus Star, too) hidden near the top of the tower. It's located past the exit (as are some other items), so don't leave right when you see the exit! From where we start you should see two small spinning cones in the ground to your right and left. We saw these enemies back in Blue Cave in Area 2 of Planet Bomber. Walk towards one and it will come out of the ground, float in the air, and start spinning around. Throw a bomb at it just as it comes out of the ground to take it out easily. Once you have taken both out, take out the box on the left (there's a firepower item in here). Continue going to the left around the base of the tower in the center of this area. There's a third spinning enemy here. Take it out, and then pick up the Red Crystal in the base of the tower. Head back to where the third spinning enemy was. You should see a break in the fence here leading to a small path. Go down that path, heading to the left. Walk slowly here, as falling off this thin ledge will make you go right into the water (which will hurt Bomberman). If you do land in the water, be sure you direct Bomberman back to the ledge when he jumps out. Follow the path and pick up the first two Blue Crystals you see. Jump across the gap when you get to it. On the other side, pick up the two Blue Crystals and extra life. Eventually you'll get to the end of this path. Get back to the main area. Destroy the box on your right (there's an extra bomb item here) and the fourth floating enemy on the left. You should now have 1100 points. If you do, head up the path going around the tower. This will be a long climb! Be sure to walk slowly while you go around here. The first plateau has some spikes coming out of the wall. Wait for them to retract, and then quickly run by. Continue going up the next slope. The next plateau has spikes coming from the ground. Again, wait until they retract, and then run by. Take out the spinning enemy on the next slope. Up ahead is a break in the path. There are more spikes coming from the wall here. If you hit them while jumping over the gap, then you'll probably fall down to the base of the tower. Wait for them to go in and quickly jump by. There's another spinning enemy up ahead. Eventually you'll see a heart inside of a small alcove in the tower. There are some spikes going in and out of the wall below. Wait for them to be in and jump up to get the heart. Take out the flying enemy over on the next slop and keep going up. Keep going up, avoiding the spikes at each plateau, and be careful at the next jump. After you get by the next break in the path, kill the two flying enemies when you get to them (watch for the spikes). Keep going upwards until you reach the exit of the level (guarded by a death bomb). Take out the death bomb, but DON'T LEAVE YET! Across from the exit is a platform floating in the air. There are spkies in the middle of this platform, so stay on the edges. When the spikes are down, jump up and get the heart, and then head to the bottom right of this platform. You'll see another, higher up platform in front of us. Jump over to it. Bomb the switch here to activate a platform to the right of the exit. We need to continue going up the tower for a little while longer to pick up some more items, and to get the Adok Bomb. Jump back over the platforms and up onto the now moving platform. Once you're on the platform, use it to get up to the higher pathway around the tower. Jump off, but be careful for the spikes! Kill the flying enemy up ahead, plus the two others you'll encounter. When you get to the second plateau, jump over to the small platform in front of us that has the Blue Crystals on it. There's a hole in the middle of this platform, so be careful not to fall down there. Pick up the 6 Blue Crystals here, and then jump back to the pathway. Continue going upwards (while watching out for spikes). At the end of the path take out the final flying enemy here. Pick up the Adok Bomb and the Gold Gem (which is at the very end of the dark pink bricks). You should now have a score of either 3050 (with Adok Bomb) or 3000 (without). That's the perfect score for this level, so head back down the pathway until you get to the exit. Jump up the stairs to finish the level. *** Primus Star - Area 3 - SNAKE ROUTE (Level 30) Perfect Score: 2500 Difficulty: 4/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 12/24 The Snake Route is right inside of the clock at the top of the tower. We are heading out to the entrance where Baruda and Millian are. This level doesn't actually cointain any "snakes", however the pathway is rather twisty. This level is fairly easy, so let's get right into it. Be careful to never fall off the paths here, as Bomberman will lose a life if he does. We'll have to collect 4 Key Crystals to open the door at the end of the level. We'll start inside a little hut. There's a path going up to the right and one going down in front of us. Take the one going down first. Pick up the extra bomb item. At the end of this first stretch of the path is a new enemy. This guy doesn't do much except stand in his place and dance around. Hit him with two bombs to take him down. Continue going on this path to the right. Pick up the firepower item and kill the flying green Cyclops monster. Pick up the two Blue Crystals. There's a spikey thing going up and down just ahead. Wait for it to be up and have Bomberman run right through. Pick up the first Key Crystal on the other side. Now, return to where we started the level. You should have 450 points. Head up the path going up to the right this time. Pick up the three Blue Crystals and kill the brown bouncing enemy when you get to it. There's another Cyclops enemy up ahead. Take it out while it's still grounded. Continue following this path upwards. Kill the dancing monster, and continue going forward. We'll come back to the platform on the right. Up ahead is a spikey platform. Hit it with a bomb to flip the spikes onto the other side. Jump over to it and pick up the second Key Crystal on top. Continue going up to the right now. Be sure to stay right beside the edges of the path here, as several giant screws will start coming down the path. If you are in the center of the path they'll roll right over you. Stay on the edges and you'll be fine. Hit the switch when you see it, and then retrace your steps to where that stalled platform was just before. Wait for it's at the low position and then jump over to the platform (pick up the Red Crystal too). Be sure to make this jump, or else you'll fall to your doom. Ride the platform up. When it's at the top of it's path, jump up to get the third Key Crystal. Now, return to the path and head up to where the swtich was. Kill the Cyclops enemy around here too (it'll move around). Pick up the heart item on the side of the path past the switch. Continue going up the path heading up to the left (be sure to stay near the railings, as more screws will be coming down soon). Kill the brown bouncing enemy at the second bend. At the end of the path you should see a Rainbow Gem being guarded by a fireball enemy. Take him out and pick up the Gem. Defeat the dancing enemy near the exit door and pick up the Blue Crystal. Over to the left of the Blue Crystal is a platform moving to the left and right. Wait until it's at the far right and then jump over to it. Ride if over to the fourth and final Key Crystal. This will unlock the door at the end of the path. Ride the platform back over to the path and jump off the platform. As long as you have more than 2500 points then you'll get a 5. You don't have to kill the Cyclops enemies on this level, as they may commit suicide if you don't kill them (meaning it would be impossible to get their points). If you kill all three of them then then you'll get a total score of 2800, which is the perfect score for this level. It is now time to face Baruda and clear the Garaden invasion from Primus Star once and for all. *** Primus Star - Area 3 - VS. BARUDA (Level 31) Score Needed: 6000+ Difficulty: 7/10 Baruda is the second boss that we will be fighting from the Garaden Empire. Upon beating him, we will have access to the next planet. Baruda has been looking after Princess Millian since Nitros took her here, and Baruda is much more determined to take Bomberman out that Endol. Baruda is apparently the big brother of Endol, and Baruda is Endol's first pupil. The two will fight over a bunch of large fans in the sky that will hurt Bomberman if he touches them. The good thing, however, is that we will never be in the situation in which we have to touch them. Baruda has only one phrase. Bomberman will be wearing the Bomber Copter during this fight. Baruda has two different attacks: his chest laser and some laser balls from the back of his suit. If Baruda ever inflates himself and aims his laser toward you, then quickly dodge off to the side of him, or go high in the sky to avoid the laser. This thing is tough to avoid, and he'll be using it often. The laser balls will float upwards, downwards, or towards you once they are released, however they will often be destroyed before they get near Bomberman. The whole trick to beating Baruda (mainly for time) is to stay at the very top of the level. As soon as the fight begins, press and hold A for the whole fight. Bomberman will keep going up into the sky until he can go no further. Baruda cannot get this high, so he will always be below you. Have Bomberman hover on top of Baruda and fire bomb after bomb down at him. Baruda, upon being hit, will flash for a few moments, but always follow him so that as soon as he stops flashing you can drop more bombs. Baruda will move around a lot below you (he'll evade bombs all the time), so you'll need to have fast reflexes and some good skill with the Bomber Copter in order to be successful in this fight. There are firepower items and extra bomb items on top of the giant fans at the bottom of our fighting area. Don't bother going for them, as this gives Baruda a direct chance at hitting you with his third attack: he'll slam right into you. I HIGHLY recommend you go into this fight with 4 (and no less) bombs and 2 or more firepower. If you don't have those requirements, go and play some previous level. You cannot go and get the powerups in this level and get the perfect score at the same time. Defeating Baruda without getting hurt isn't very difficult, however beating him by the target time is VERY difficult, even for me (who has played this game way to many times). The main key is to stay above him and just to keep dropping bombs. If you keep hitting him as soon as he stops flashing, then you should be just fine in beating him by the target. Baruda has quite a high health level, so you'll have to hit him quite a few times (I believe it's around 10 to 15 hits, never really counted, but it's somewhere up there). Sometimes Baruda will drop in altitude so your bombs can't hit him from a high point. If he ever drops down, simply drop down with him. As long as you STAY ABOVE BARUDA, you'll always have a chance to hit him. *** After you defeat Baruda, the Princess will be taken away to the next planet, known as Kanatia Star, the oldest planet in the Bomber Nebula. Bomberman will drop all the way down the clock tower to the bottom, where Pibot and Bomberman's ship will pick him up. The two head off to Kanatia Star in a hurry. Primus has been saved, but there is still a long way to go until the Princess will be free. Like at the end of Planet Bomber, a short scene will play showing your overall score. If you've gotten a 5 on every level (which, if you're reading this, you should have), then you'll receive a gold rating. Hopefully this is your second gold. Upon moving onto Kanatia Star, I do recommend that you try to get a gold on this planet first. Up to you, however. An overall score of 75 will give you the gold. *** Primus Star - BONUS STAGE #2 *Coming Soon* [------------------------------] [ Kanatia Star ] [------------------------------] Welcome to Kanatia Star: Kanatia Star is considered to be the oldest planet in the Bomber Nebula. There are many volcanos here plus some weird ancient buildings. It is thought that an ancient civilization once thrived here, and who knows, they might still just be here... The levels here start to get more complex, both in puzzles and enemies. Area 1, for example, takes place in a valley of volcanoes. This place is hot, very hot, and Bomberman doesn't like the heat. The whereabouts of the Princess are currently unknown, however it is believed that she has been taken to this planet. Press A to have Bomberman and Pibot decend into Kanatia. Select Area 1 (like in previous planets, it's the only Area open right now) and head into the first level, Hades Crater. *** AREA 1 - LAVANA VOLCANO Introduction: This place is hot, very hot! We'll be searching our way through the ancient volcano passages here, clearing out the Garaden forces as we go. We currently have no idea where the Princess is, but Bomberman and Pibot believe it is somewhere around here. This is where the game starts to get tough, and you'll see why. Enemies become more plentiful, stronger, and smarter. More and more enemies now will chase you or have some sort of projectile that will damage you from a distance. It is so hot in some of these levels that Bomberman will start to lose health just from standing in the open area. Fortunately, there are a few special cooling stations arond these levels, allowing Bomberman to cool down and fully replenish his health (whether it was taken off by the heat or by enemies). Pretty sweet deal, huh? Just don't be caught with 1 life bar left in a place with no close cooling station. This area contains five levels. We'll also be using the Bomber Slider for the first time in the final level, Emerald Tube. *** Kanatia Star - Area 1 - HADES CRATER (Level 32) Perfect Score: 3000 Difficulty: 3/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 12/24 Our first level starts at the top of a large volcano and we'll be working our way down. Since there are no platforms here, we'll have to use the Bomber Copter to work our way down. We won't have to worry about the harsh heat in this level, as Bomberman isn't close enough to the lava yet. We will have to destroy several small targets in order to open the door at the bottom of the volcano. These targets look quite a bit like those fireball spewing robots that we have seen already several times. Note to watch out for these things, as there are many in this level, and their fireballs can do great damage if you don't pay attention to them. One of the best things about this level is the amount of Blue and Red Crystals. Right from the start you'll see a giant circle of Blue (and a Red Crystal in there) going down the center of the mountain. First things first, however, go over to the robot enemy to the far right. Kill it and pick up the radio. Pibot tells you to destroy the Garaden control towers to open the exit door at the end of the level. Head back to the Blue Crystals and start following them down. Make sure not to miss one, as we'll need to get every item on this level to get a 5 score. Head all the way down the path of Blue Crystals and pick them all up. Once you get to the bottom you'll see (the Crystals don't go ALL the way to the bottom of the volcano) two pink flying creatures hover up to us. Drop a bomb on both of them to get 200 points. Now you should see two pieces of rock jutting out of the volcano walls. On them are two grey things with a red light above them. These are the Garaden control towers. Destroy both of them (a single bomb will do it). Head over to the left side of the screen and bomb the fireball spewing robot enemy. Pick up the two Blue Crystals inside of the large hole over on the right. Then pick up the heart item in the middle of this area, and the firepower item over on the far left (though the other hole that one of the Garaden control towers was on). You should now have 2150 points. Continue your decent down; the bottom of the volcano is near! Destroy the third Garaden control tower over on the far left ledge when you see it. Keep going down until you are near the lava (be sure NOT to touch it). There is another pink flying enemy down here. Bomb it. We're nearly done. Destroy the final Garaden control tower in the center of this area right beside the lava. Pick up the extra live item too! The exit door is directly in front of us. When you destroy this last tower, you should see a green light flash on the control pad on it instead of red. There's a large flame that jumps out of the lava down here, so watch out for that, especially when you're trying to pick up that Gold Gem near the exit door. Pick it up and you should have a score of 3000, which is the perfect score for this level. Once you have it, head on through the exit (approach the large rocky door and it will go down). Note: If you are short any points, head to the top of the level. You could have missed a Blue Crystal, or, most of the time, missed one of the pink flying enemies. They somewhat blend into the background rock so it's easy to miss them. Note: If the door doesn't open then you haven't destroyed all of the Garaden control towers. Head back up and see what you missed. If you have 3000 points (which means you have destroyed the control towers, or else you couldn't have this) and the door still won't open, then replay the level (I've had this small glitch before). Simply go into the Pause screen and press right on the control stick to select "Quit." Press A to Quit the level and start again. Note: This is a great level for picking up Blue Crystals if you want to max out your life bar. Simply replay it over and over again to pick up the Crystals. Do note that you'll have to finish the level (meaning exiting each time) in order to keep the Crystals that you have collected. You'll have to destroy the control towers each time, too, but it's the fastest way to collect Blue Crystals. *** Kanatia Star - Area 1 - MAGMA LAKE (Level 33) Perfect Score: 4500 Difficulty: 5/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 12/24 We've made it to the base of the volcano and it's now time to explore the area inside. It is damn hot here, and Bomberman's health meter will go down every 10 seconds or so. Luckily there are many cooling chambers located all around this area. Unluckily, this area is also guarded quite well with the giant red enemies that inflate themselves (we saw them in Red Cave back on Planet Bomber). As long as you don't get hurt from the enemies, and as long as you don't fall into the lava (which is a big nono), then you should be okay. Falling into the lava will not kill you right away (unless you have one health bar left), but it will act the same was falling in deep water. When you first start, defeat the two red enemies on the path in front of us. Head by the path (watch out for the large red flame that will go over the path every few seconds). In the next area, pick up the extra bomb item and take the thin path going to the left here. Jump up to the ledge and you'll notice the transparent white crystal here. Walk into it and Bomberman will refill his health. Stand in here until it's fully refilled (this is a cooling station, one of many). If you stand in here for a little while, Bomberman's eyes will go all happy. It's funny to see. Jump down to the thin platform on the left and pick up the firepower item. Use the cooling station again and now head forward. Pick up the two Blue Crystals on the platform in the center of the lava. Now, jump back to the main path on the right. At the fork in the road, go to the left. The small volcano here is spewing out fireballs. Simply keep on running and they won't hit you (if you stop running then they will). Run on this path until you get to the cooling station (defeat the red enemy first). Pick up the Red Crystal near the station and continue on this path. Head back on the path to the right this time (kill the red enemy). Pick up the five Blue Crystals on the thing path. Now, go forward again and use the cooling station on this path. Once ready, continue forward. Up ahead is a tiny platform that will sink into the lava when you get onto it. Jump onto it, and then quickly off to the pathway ahead to avoid getting dunked. Blow open the box on the right here to pick up a heart item. Use the cooling station ahead too. Retrace your steps a bit and jump over to the area in front of the black turtle-like creature on the left. Wait until it has walked back a bit, and then jump over. While it raises it's back, throw a bomb at its face. When it closes it's back and moves forward, quickly jump up into the cooling station on the right. The turtle will breath fire where we were standing, so don't stay there. Once it's stopped breathing fire and moved back, jump down and throw a bomb at the back again. Pick up the Gold Gem once the turtle has been taken down. Walk forward and use the cooling station on the right. Up on the left is a platform that sinks into the lava. There's a Gold Gem on it, however, so quickly jump over to it, get the Gem, and jump off. You should now have 2750 points. Continue forward on the path. There is a flame going across the pathway. Wait for it to go away, then quickly run by that spot. Pick up the heart, and then wait for the next flame to go away. Kill the red enemy up ahead and use the cooling station over to the right. Jump to the small platform behind and pick up the Red Crystal. Walk forward and pick up the Gold Gem. Now, head back to the cooling station (use it if you need) and then head to the left of the volcano. Jump over to the platform to the far left in the lava and pick up yet another Gold Gem. Defeat the red enemy to the left of the volcano and jump over there. Destroy the death bomb at the far end of this path. Once it's gone, pick up the Wall- through item to the right of the cooling station (you can't exit unless you pick this up). Use the cooling station, and then head over to the right via the path around the volcano. Defeat the final red enemy around here, and you should have a total of 4500 points now. 4500 is the perfect score for this level, so head through the exit to get a score of 5. *** Kanatia Star - Area 1 - MAGMA DAM (Level 34) Perfect Score: 5050 or 5000 Difficulty: 6/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 13/24 Magma Dam is yet another level that contains two exits. One of them is located near the center of the level, and the other is right by the physical end. Like the previous level, we are currently right beside a giant lava pool, so Bomberman's health will constantly go down. There are many cooling stations here, however, so use them whenever you need to. We'll have to break some of the dams in order to relieve some of the pressure that the lava is causing. Unless we do that then we won't be able to exit this level. There aren't any new tricks here that we haven't seen before, so aside from using the cooling stations, you should be just fine. I should also note that the game's thirteenth (and first for Kanatia Star) is located inside of this level. From where we start, head over to the left and kill the large red enemy. Pick up the extra bomb item here, and kill the red enemy near it on the right. There is a cooling station near here to the left of the lava pit. Use it if you wish. The radio says that destroying the dam will cause the box housing the item to the right of the radio to disappear. Before we do this, jump up onto the ledges on the left to pick up a firepower item. Now head over to where the second red enemy was. There's another turtle enemy up ahead. Defeat it the same way you did the one in the previous level (remember to step back when it starts to breath fire or else Bomberman will get burnt). Pick up the heart to the right of us. The radio says that lava will spout if you destroy the damn that is directly in front of us. Pick up the Blue Crystal near to where the radio was, and then (if you want) head back to the cooling station over on the left and use it. Once you've cooled down, throw a bomb over at the reddish part of the dam. This is a weak spot. The moment a bomb hits it, the damn will break, causing lava to spurt out. You may need to use the sinking platform in front of the damn to hit this (just remember to not stay on it very long). Once the dam has broken, the lava will push the sinking platform back a bit. Pick up the Gold Gem from this platform once you can, and then run back to the cooling station over on the left. The box that was containing the body armour is now gone. Use the station and pick up the body armour. Now return to where the turtle was. Use the sinking platform to get across the lake. Defeat the red enemy here (you'll probably have to do this from the sinking platform, so be careful of timing and the blast radius of the bomb so it doesn't knock you into the lava). Once on the other side, pick up the Gold Gem and two Blue Crystals. Use the cooling station here too. Kill the red enemy on the next platform to the right. Jump over to the ledge with the heart item on it and pick it up. From this platform, jump the long distance over to the next platform with the two Blue Crystals on it to the right. Drop down and follow this path around. Up next, defeat the two red enemes on the left and right paths. Head over to the area on the left and jump up to get the Red Crystal. Use the cooling station here before you move on. Jump up onto the ledge and jump over the lava. You'll notice some arrows pointing into the wall here. This is the first exit, however it's being blocked right now with a stream of lava. Before we can us ethis exit we'll have to break another dam. Once to the right of this exit, jump up the ledges. Destroy the box at the top to get a Red Crystal. Drop down to the main path now and go over to the right. Use the cooling station in the distance. The second exit is directly behind this cooling station, however it's being blocked off too by the dam on our right. Head over to the path on the right and destroy the red enemy. Pick up the heart item too. Jump over to the next area on the right when you can. Use the cooling station near the turtle enemy. Defeat this turtle like you have all the ones in the past. Head past where the turtle was to the dam. You'll see a large red rock here. Jump up to the top of the rock and use this as a step to get the Blue Crystal above. Once you've gotten it, throw a bomb over to the red part of the dam. This will cause the giant block to break apart. The Adok Bomb was hidden beneath. Pick it up, and go back to where the turtle was. Use the cooling tower here to replenish some health. Continue heading over to the right to get some final things. Defeat the two red enemies on the ledge. Break open the box next to the red generator thing to get a Red Crystal. This Crystal should give you a total of 4000 points. Jump up onto the red generator, and from here, over to the top of the damn on the left. Be sure to pick up the red heart on the generator first. On top of the damn, pick up the two Blue Crystals. Keep going over to the left and break apart the two blue boxes. The first contains a missle, but the second contains another Red Crystal. Jump down to the left of the damn, beside the exit, but don't go through yet. Use the cooling station here and then walk by it. Pick up the Gold Gem that is now free from the box over to the right. CORRECTION: *I forgot to add this in earlier* Head to the far right of this area. Once there, look for the floating platform with the pink heart on it. Jump over to it and pick it up. This should give you 5000 or 5050 points. You now have an option of which exit you wish to go through. Both of them require you to blow apart this second damn, so it really doesn't matter which one you go through. Take your pick and then go on through. Taking the exit at the far right will gain you access to the Emerald Tube level, the final one of Area 1. Taking the one in the near middle of the level unlocks Crysta Hole. You'll have to play through Magma Dam twice to open up both. Go through it again (simply race through). You'll need to destroy the second damn in order to open up both exits (remember this). Take whatever exit you didn't take the first time. *** Kanatia Star - Area 1 - CRYSTA HOLE (Level 35) Perfect Score: 5050 or 5000 Difficulty: 4/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 14/24 Crysta Hole is unlocked by going through the middle exit in Magma Dam, the previous level. This level is quite the opposite from the previous ones: it is not hot here at all. In fact, it's quite the opposite. All of the fierce flame and extreme heat has cause a bunch of crystal to form at the base of the volcanoes. This area is full of beautiful green crystals. Unfortunately, Bomberman cannot pick them up (surely they would be worth more than 200 Crystals for a new health piece). The game's fourteenth Adok Bomb is in here (and the final one for Area 1 of Kanatia). From where we start, pick up the Blue Crystal and extra bomb item. Kill the green bird enemy before it takes to the air. Up ahead is a bunch of transparent crystal over a small hole in the ground. There are a bunch of items down here: six Blue Crystals, a Gold Gem, a firepower item, and an extra bomb item. Kill the green bird enemy, and then look for a piece of flat rock on the area below. Step over to that area on the transparent rock we are on now and Bomberman will fall through to the ground below. Correction: There's a Red Crystal down here too. Once you've gotten everything, head back to one of the flat rocks and jump back up. Continue going to the right. You should have a total of 1450 points. There's a blue blob enemy here and another green flying thing. Kill the blue blob, and then walk up to the green thing and let it fly down at you (you cannot get it before it flies down as it's too high up). Once it's gone, jump up the ledges here and take out the red blob at the top. Jump over to the area on the right. There's another transparent platform above a hole in the ground with a bunch of items again. Kill the green enemy and drop down below. Take out the blue blob enemy and pick up the items. There are four Blue Crystals, a Red Crystal, a heart item, and a body armour item. Once you've gotten everything, jump back up and head to the right. You should have 2500 points. There's another green flying enemy here. Take it out first, and then focus on the brownish large blob on top of the platform. Hit it four times to destroy it. Keep going over to the right. There is a yellow blob down here, plus two of those bouncing brown enemies. Take all three enemies down and head up the pathway. There's a yellow blob up here, or so it seems. When you approach it, it will turn into a large brown enemy. Like you have done to them before, hit it four times to destroy it. Kill the red blob behind and continue going up the paths here. You should have 3400 points now. Don't rush and get the heart item right away. There are spikes that will come out of the wall as a trap (if they hit you down you'll fall into a bottomless pit below.. it's quite a good trap). Pick it up when the spikes are in the wall, and then jump onto the yellow platform when it's at its lowest point. Again, it's important to make this jump, as you could go right into the bottomless pit below if you miss it. Once this platform reaches its furthest height, jump over to the next yellow platform that will appear on the right. Kill the blue blob over on the platform to the right, and then jump over to the hole in the wall that has the two Blue Crystals. Once you pick them up, slowly drop down to the path below. Make your way back up the yellow platforms, up to where you killed that last blue blob. Over at the end of this platform is a Red Crystal, with two Blue Crystals below. Jump off this platform and get the Crystals as you fall to the path below. You'll land on a platform sticking out of the wall. The Adok Bomb is here, so pick it up. Jump down to the path ahead of us and make your way up the yellow platforms once again. Get back up to the platform that had the blue blob. This time jump over to the platform in the near distance. Jump up onto the yellow platform on this final platform before the exit. Be sure NOT to go through the exit yet. Use the final yellow platform to get up to a Rainbow Gem. This should give you 5050 or 5000 points. Once you get it, head through the exit directly in front of us! *** Kanatia Star - Area 1 - EMERALD TUBE (Level 36) Score Needed: 7500+ Difficulty: 8/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 14/24 Emerald Tube is unlocked by going through the last exit in Magma Dam. This is also the first level that will require use of the Bomber Slider, a snowboard- like vehicle. While on the Bomber Slide, Bomberman cannot use any bombs. Instead, he attacks enemies by using a swirl attack (which is done by pressing the B button). The A button is used to jump, and the control stick is used to move. You will constantly move forward in this level (like in the Bomber Jet levels), so you only have one chance to get items/defeat enemies. Like in Bomber Jet levels, it is very difficult to give an absolute strategy for the levels that require use of the Bomber Slider. I'll provide some highlights of what you should do and what you should look out for. Remember that the only way to defeat enemies is by spinning into them with the B button! From where we start, pick up the three Blue Crystals on the right. Then, quickly go over to the left and pick up the two Blue Crystals and the Gold Gem (spin into the monkey enemies here if they get in your way, but focus on getting the Gem). Jump over the gap ahead. If the slider ever starts moving to fast for your liking, press back on the control stick to slow Bomberman down a little bit. On the other side of the gap, quickly go over to the right (watch out for the laser guard, spin through it if you have to). Go up the little ramp and pick up the Rainbow Gem and heart (this Rainbow Gem is important, so be sure to pick it up). Once you land in front of the yellow wall, spin into the monkey to take it down. Continue onwards, however stay on the left. There's another drop here. Jump to pick up the Red and Blue Crystals plus the Rainbow Gem (hold A to make Bomberman jump longer). If you have missed this Rainbow Crystal and the last one, then you might as well restart this level if you want a score of 5. Now, quickly go over to the right (avoid the yellow wall). Kill all of the monkey enemies that get in your way by spinning into them. Head over the path on the right (don't try to jump over the gap on the left, as Bomberman will fall into the bottomless pit if so) and jump over the gap. As you jump, press left on the control stick hard so you can make it over to the left side of the area after the gap. Pick up the Rainbow Gem here (this is a rather tough jump to make; if you miss the Gem (but have gotten the previous two) then don't worry), and some Blue Crystals if you can. Up ahead are four monkey enemies on scooters (past the laser thing). Try to take out three. Now, stay in the middle of the area so you can get past the spike rollers up ahead (dodge the pink pole things). Up ahead, stay on the right and take out all of the monkey enemies that get in your way. There's another drop in the level up ahead. Jump over to the platform to pick up the Red Crystal and Gold Gem. Now, quickly go over to the left. Up ahead is another laser thing: here you must make a choice. To the left are two Gold Gem's, and to the right is a Gold Gem AND a Rainbow Gem. It can be VERY tough to get both the Gold and Rainbow Gems, but if you missed some of the Rainbow Gems earlier (of the Gold Gem that was just on the platform before), then you should try to get the Gems on the right. Otherwise, be safe and get the safe 1000 points from the two Gold Gems on the left. Watch out for the stone heads. Up ahead is yet another drop. Take the jump over to the right (if you take it over to the left then you might have problems in the next area). The end of the level is just ahead, however it's tough to get to. There are two bottomless pits up ahead (one on the left and one on the right in succession). Pick up the Gold Gem on the right, and then jump over the gap while pressing to the upper left on the control stick. Up ahead is a bottomless pit on the right, so if you don't press and land over to the left of the area, you'll fall right in it. There's yet another Rainbow Gem on the left of the pit on the right. This one is easy to get, so pick it up. Go around the bottomless pit on the right and kill the final monkey enemy. Go through the exit ahead. You need to get at least a 7500 score or higher on this level in order to get a score of 5 (it's much harder than it sounds). You'll probably have to end up getting all of the Rainbow Gems and most of the Gold Gems, while picking up Blue/Red Crystals and killing enemy after enemy. It will probably take a few tries, but you should get the hang of it after a short while (the Bomber Slider is hard to get used to). Once you finish this level, you'll be done Area 1! *** AREA 2 - DEATH PYRAMID Introduction: As you can see from the preview image, Kanatia has two large pyramids located on its surface with a prime view of Primus Star over to the left. These Pyramids contain the spirits of the civilization that used to be here. As the name of the first three levels says, this is one deathly area. We'll be making our way through the Pyramids in search of Nitros, who we will fight for the third time at the end of this Area (and this time he isn't so easy). We will be seeing a few new things in this Area (mainly as far as enemies go). Each level will have its own seperate twist, and we will also be going through the level with the highest required score for a score of 5 on it (yes, it's a level that requires use of the Bomber Marine, what fun). We have moved past the heat of the mountains now, so you won't have to worry about constantly losing health over heat (however there are other tasks in these levels that might take off contsant health). Let us begin! As you start the first level, you'll see Bomberman standing in front of the entrance to the temple. A spider-like enemy will appear behind Bomberman. It will fire a blue laser at Bomberman, causing him to faint. A cat-like girl will appear behind Bomberman, saying that Bolban (the final boss for this planet) will be the boss who finally takes care of him. *** Kanatia Star - Area 2 - DEATH TEMPLE (Level 37) Perfect Score: 3000 Difficulty: 6/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 14/24 Bomberman will wake up inside of a cage. Fortunately it is VERY easy to get out of here. We are currently at the very base of the large pyramid, and Bomberman will be working his way around and up the pyramid. This level does have two exits, so you'll have to play it twice (but, like before, we'll be going through the far exit first so we can get the perfect score first). Once you have control of Bomberman, look over to the right of the cage. You'll see that there is a hole at the very bottom of the bars. Head over there and kick a bomb through the hole on an angle over to the right. If you aimed it properly, the bomb will hit the switch outside of the cage, which will open the door over to the left. Head through that door to escape the prison. Once outside, head to the right of the cage, past the switched we used to escape. Up ahead, pick up the extra bomb item. You'll see a hand in the distance. Stand back and throw a bomb at it. The hand will turn into a circle-like object and it will start to roll towards you (it moves fast). Walk backwards until it stops flashing and then throw another bomb at it to destroy it. Continue heading over to the right. Note that you will need a wall-through item to go through the door here. Up ahead is ledge. There's a hand at the top. Again, throw two bombs at it while you're on the lower ground (the hand cannot get down from the upper platform, so you should snipe it out from below). Once it's down, destroy the grey blocks on the right. Pick up the heart item inside of the small area, and then jump up to where the hand was. Keep going to the right. At the end of this path, pick up the Blue Crystal on the small lower ledge. Up ahead are four platforms with three stone heads bouncing around on them. They are bouncing in a counter-clockwise pattern. Wait for the empty space to come by and then jump on it. There is a Blue Crystal at the top of three of the four platforms. Jump around the platforms, in succession with the rocky heads (if you touch one you'll probably fall off to the bottomless pit below). Once you get all three of the Blue Crystals, jump over to the next path on the right. There is another hand up here. Take it down and keep on going to the right. Defeat the next hand when you see it. Continue up the path until you see the yellow platform (with the spikes below it). Jump up onto it and pick up the heart item above. Now, jump over to the rocky pyramid-like structure. Pick up the Blue Crystal at the left, and then head over to the right. The face of the pharaoh will jump out of the wall when it sees you. Wait until it's not in your path, and then drop down and pick up the firepower item. Be sure to pick up the Gold Gem too. Now, head to the front of this structure and go along the tiny path over the bottomless pit. Pick up the four Blue Crystals at the end of this path, and then return to the rocky structure. Jump to the very top of it and use the transporter. You'll be transported to another pyramid-like structure surrounded by the bottomless pit. Pick up the two Blue Crystals on the left and right. Then pick up the yellow heart item (which will completely refill your health meter). Use the transporter at the top of this pyramid to move onwards (it's the only way to leave this structure without killing yourself). On this next platform, pick up the four Blue Crystals and activate the switch. The floating platform over on the left will start to move upwards now. Jump over to it and ride it all the way up. Once it's gone as far as it can go, jump up to get the Wall-through item. From here, jump back to the platform on the right that has the switch on it that made this platform move. Note that if you fall off this platform at any time before you can get the Wall-through item, you'll need to use the transporters to get back up here. If you fall off the platform on the right before you can get to it a second time, you'll have to come back up here again. Head to the far end of this platform and look for a ledge over on the far wall with two Blue Crystals on it. Jump all the way over there and pick them up. You'll need these for a perfect score! Jump down to where the exit door is but DON'T LEAVE YET! There's still more stuff to pick up to get a perfect score, and we'll be going through another exit anyway. Head all the way to the right until you get to that yellow platform that had the spikes underneath it. You should currently have a score of 2150. Once there, continue to head up the path going to the left. Eventually you'll get to a platform that has a hole in the center. Look on the wall with all of the pharaohs on it. The one in the middle of this platform will move outwards. It will try to push you into the hole or, if you take the other way around the hole, off the ledge into the pit below. Wait until the path is clear and then quickly run by. There's a platform here with spikes above it. Don't throw a bomb at it to turn the platform around. There's a Red Crystal on the platfom below it; if you turn the spikes around, you won't be able to get the Crystal. Jump down and land on the platform. Pick up the Red Crystal and then use the platform on the right to get up to the next path. Once you are on the next platform, quickly throw a bomb over to the fireball shooting enemy in front of the door (so the fireballs that he shoots won't knock you off this path). Jump up onto the yellow platform and pick up the Gold Gem. You should now have 3000 points, which is the perfect score for this level. Go through the exit here to get the score of 5. You'll have to play through this level again. Do what we did before in order to get the Wall-through item. Exit the transparent door near the start of the level in order to unlock another level. Going through the upper exit will unlock Death Road, whereas going through the transparent exit will unlock Death Garden. *** Kanatia Star - Area 2 - DEATH ROAD (Level 38) Score Needed: 4500+ Difficulty: 4/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 14/24 Death Road is, as it says, a long road full of all sorts of enemies and traps. We are making our way through a long chamber in the pyramid, and things here will not be easy. This level will be full of the flying knives. You could shoot at them if you wish for a few extra points, however I will not include them in my overall point count (you don't need to kill any to get the perfect score). This level is unlocked by going through the high exit in the Death Temple level (the exit that doesn't require the Wall-through item). From where you start, take out any of the three knives ahead of you if you wish (remember to run around if they start a dive towards you). Destroy the two boxes over on the right (one of them contains an extra bomb item). Pick up the Red Crystal here. The third box over on the right contains a missle item, so dodge it once it comes out of the box when you open it. Pick up the three Blue Crystals ahead (one on the left and two on the right). Up ahead is a deep ledge. There's a face enemy in here that will dance around when you drop down there. Before you do, throw a bomb over to one of the grey things on the opposite wall. Jump into the pit and pick up the heart item. Now, stay away from the face, and jump up to the next area (you'll need to have destroyed one of the grey tiles to get up here). In the next area, destroy the two fireball shooting enemies (in the middle and on the right). Pick up the three Blue Crystals on the right and two on the left. Up ahead is a death bomb inside of the transporter (you cannot get past the yellow wall, yet). Destroy it, and make sure you have at least 1250 points. If you do, head through the transporter. Otherwise, look for what you have missed behind. Once you go through this transporter you cannot come back. You'll be transported to an odd hallway with flashing eyes on both sides. There are several large clock enemies ahead. One of them will be moving as soon as it sees you. Stay on the upper ledge where we are (these clock enemies will fire missles at you when they move backwards). They move in a straight line, so simply kick bombs over to them (they'll run into them). It takes three bombs to destroy them. You may notice the hour hand on them is ticking towards 12. When it does, they will explode (which will make you lose 200 points). Be sure to destroy them before that, or else you will have to kill some of those knife enemies in order to get the needed score. Once the first one is gone, destroy the second one in the distance on the left. Once it is gone, head forward. There is another one on the left. After it's gone, head forward and take out the next one on the right. Keep going forward and take out the one in the middle of the pathway. When you get to the cross in the pathway, carefully go on the left and right paths and pick up the two Blue and two Red Crystals. Walk back a bit and destroy the death bomb (make sure you aren't in its blast radius, or else you will probably fall into the pit below). Once it's gone, head forward and pick up the two Blue Crystals. There are five knife enemies up ahead. Take them out (ESPECIALLY if you missed one or two of the clock enemies before). Take out the death bomb inside of the transporter. You should, ideally, have at least 3150 points right now at minimum. Head through the transporter when ready. You'll now be on the other side of that yellow wall we saw before. There are seven knife enemies up ahead. Kill them if you wish, and then move onwards. There is a ledge over on the right that leads upwards. Jump up to it (don't go forward yet). Up ahead are two boxes and a pharoah face (which will move when it sees you, so be careful of it). The box on the right contains an extra bomb item, and the one on the left contains a firepower upgrade. Now, head to the end of this high up path on the left. There are two Blue Crystals here and a Gold Gem. Jump down to the heart item now. Up ahead is one of those face doors (we saw one on the Rock'n Road level back in Area 2 of Primus Star). It will fire out discs at you if you let it. As long as you keep hitting it with bombs it won't have a chance to do it. After five hits the door will explode, revealing the exit of this level. Head on through. As long as you have a score of 4500, you'll get a score of 5 on this level. *** Kanatia Star - Area 2 - DEATH GARDEN (Level 39) Perfect Score: 3550 or 3500 Difficulty: 5/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 15/24 Death Guarden is unlocked by going through the exit that requirs the Wall- through item back in the Death Temple level. Death Garden takes place in the upper part of the first Pyramid (as we can see in that picture on the level select screen). This level will require you to pick up four Key Crystals to open the final door. The game's fifteenth Adok Bomb is also located here, hidden up in a high place. This level also contains a new type of enemy (one that we will only see here), however it isn't anything to be afraid of (although it can jump out at you). I'll tell you when to watch out, but if you want to play through this level by yourself (why you'd be reading this guide if that was the case I don't know) then I'll give you this warning: Watch out whenever you walk into one of the gardens around the level, as some things may pop out of no where. This level also contains the Remote Bomb item. Once you start you should notice one of those weird dancing enemies over on the right. Throw two bombs over at him to take him out. There are two flower pots in this area, each with a Blue Crystal on the top. Jump to the top of the pots and pick up the Crystal on each. Now, walk to the very front of the level until you get into the garden. Walk over to the right and head up the ramp. Pick up the Blue Crystal here, and then head to the two ramps in the short distance. One of them has a Red Crystal at the top, and the other has a barrel. Walk up to the barrel and it will start to roll down the ramp, hoping to hit you. Walk back and throw a bombs at it to destroy it. You should have 600 points. Now walk over to the right past the ramps. There's a large garden here. Pick up the two Blue Crystals at the far right of the garden and then head over to the right. There's a garden on a ledge here. Jump up into it and head just past the first blue box on the pedestal. A large flower will come out from the ground here over on the left. It will chase towards you (it won't fire any bombs, but it does move fast). Quickly throw a bomb over to destroy it. Now, destroy the box on the first pedestal. Stay in the garden, as a missle will come out of this box. Continue to head to the right. Destroy the next box you see on a pedestal (there's nothing in here). Finally, destroy the last box on the pedestal that you see for the first Key Crystal. Over on the right of this garden is another large plant. Bomb it once it appears. Pick up the Key Crystal and head over to the garden directly across from this one. The Remote Bomb item as on the higher up garden, however there's a flower enemy up there too. Take it down, and then pick up the Remote Bomb item. Head over to the right now and pick up the Firepower item on top of the pedestal. There's another flower enemy (this one fires pollen spores at you, however they don't travel very far) which should be easy to deal with. You should now have 1400 points. Head over to the left again, back to where we got the Remote Bombs. Pick up the Blue Crystal on this lower garden, and then jump to the top of the stone structure that has the exit door on it (one of the Key Crystals should be lit up here now). In order to get up here, jump from the lower garden to the right of the door. Pick up the Blue Crystal up here and then jump over to the high garden on the left. There's a Key Crystal and flower enemy that is here (this one is able to fire spores at you). Now, head all the way back to the right to the area where we got the firepower item. Once you're near that pedestal, head to the front of this area, where there is another garden. There's a flower enemy in the middle of this area plus two Blue Crystals over on the right. Pick them up, and then take out the dancing enemy that should be near here. Head over where the firepower item was and head to the right. There's a small garden here with a flower enemy in it, so take it out. Continue going to the right until you get to another garden. There is a slope going up over on the left of the garden. At the top is a Blue Crystal. Head into the garden now (going right) and kill the flower enemy that will appear. Pick up the three Blue Crystals, and then go up the platform over on the far right beside the wall. There's a heart item up here. Now, go over to the other slope on the distance with a barrel at the top. Like you did before, take it down and pick up the Blue Crystal at the top. Now, use the yellow platform with the spikes on the bottom of it to get up to the high garden on the left. First, while still on the platform, pick up the Red Crystal at the top. To the left, on the garden, you'll see three small flower enemies dance around. Two of them have purple heads and one of them has a red head. The ones with the purple heads are invulnerable, however killing the one with the red head will take them all out. So, while still on the floating platform, fire a bomb over at the red flower when it passes by you to take all three of them out. Once they are gone, jump over to this garden. The pedestal in the center has the second Key Crystal on it. Pick it up, and then walk to the left of this garden. Jump over to the floating platform over on the left (another yellow one with spikes on the bottom) so we can get up to the high ledges above this garden. This is a rather tough jump, mainly because you're almost guaranteed to get hurt. There's one of those pharaoh faces on the wall here, and it will jump out at you once it sees Bomberman. When you jump over to this platform from the yellow platform, try to nearly underjump and grab onto the right ledge of the platform. This will keep Bomberman from getting hurt. Once the head is out of your way, quickly pull yourself up, run across this platform, and jump over to the next one on the left. Continue jumping up the platforms until you get to the long path going to the left. Follow this one (it's easy to fall off; if you do, simply use the second yellow platform we came across (which is, really, the first one you'll see if you keep going to the right) to get back up here) to the left and pick up the three Blue Crystals when you see them. Up ahead are two more Pharaoh faces. Quickly dodge the first one, and then up ahead you'll see a firepower item in front of the second head. Wait for the head to be at it's far out position, and then quickly jump over, pick up the firepower item in the air, and continue going to the left. Jump over the gap and up to the next platform. Keep jumping up the platforms here until you get to the one before the floating switch on the left. Stand in the middle of this platform and wait until the platform is near us. Jump over to it and ride it over to the left some more. There are more platforms on the left that this moving platform will get us to. The first platform on the left has another dancing enemy on it, so take it out while you are still on the moving platform (it may hit you off if you don't take it out beforehand). Once it is gone, jump over to this platform. From here, continue going to the left until you get to another small garden with a pedestal and a Key Crystal on it. Again you'll see three small flower enemies circle around this pedestal; two are purple, one is red. Like before, bomb and kill the red one to take all three out. Once they are gone, pick up the Key Crystal off thep edestal in the center of this garden. Head to the left of this garden, over to where there's a break on the railing. There's another floating platform here going to the left and right plus a floating yellow enemy. The only way to take this guy out is by having Remote Bombs. Jump and throw a bomb over to him. Since he's so high up, the bomb will always miss, however detonate your bomb as soon as it's under him. The blast radius should still hit him in the air, taking him out. This should give you a total of 3500 points. Once he's gone, jump over to the platform on the left when you can. Ride it over to the left and pick up the Adok Bomb at the end. Now, jump off this platform, all the way to the ground level. You should have 3550 points now (or 3500 if you have already gotten the Adok Bomb in a previous run through). Once you jump down you'll appear back at the start of this level. Run to the right now until you get to the exit door (which should be open now). Head on through. 3500 points will give you a score of 5. *** Kanatia Star - Area 2 - FLOAT ZONE (Level 40) Score Needed: 3000+ Difficulty: 5/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 16/24 The Float Zone takes place at the very top of the pyramid. From here we'll be making our way to the very top tip, which will completely clear this pyramid of the Garaden forces. There are a few of those annoying bomb enemies here (we saw them back in the Warp Room back on Primus Star). Since they are easy to take out, I'll be counting them in my score, however you don't have to destroy them in order to get the needed score for this level. We will be using a new item here, known as the Bubble item, which will temporarly surround Bomberman with a bubble, which will let him float upwards for a short while. We will keep on floating until we get to the top of this pyramid. The level is broken up into several different floors, each with some items and enemies on them. We get from floor to floor with use of the bubble item. We will also find the game's sixteenth Adok Bomb here (which is also the final one for Area 2 of Kanatia Star). Let's get to it! From where you start the level, jump down to the right and take out the first bomb enemy you see in the short distance (remember it takes two bombs to kill them, and as long as you stand back from them, they won't self destruct before you can take them out). Remember that they have a large blast radius, so stay back! There are two more bombs around here. Take them out if you can. Over on the upper left of this area is an extra bomb item. Pick it up, and then head over to the bottom right. There's a radio here. Pibot simply says, "If you get a Bubble Panel, you'll be able to float!" Head over to the bubble panel and step into it. A bubble will surround Bomberman and he'll start to float upwards. Head over to the bottom right of upper left corners of this room and head through the holes here in the floor up to the next floor. If you miss getting up to the next floor and drop back down, simply pick up the bubble item again (it will keep coming back, so you won't get any points for picking it up). Once there, float over top of some of the floor and wait until the bubble item wears off. Over on the top right of this area is a heart item. Pick it up, and then head over to the bottom left. There's another bubble item here. Pick it and and float upwards yet again. This time float over to the middle of the next floor, as the hole is there. On the next floor you'll see two floating yellow guys (they will move away from you, so you'll have to throw a bomb over to them from afar). Once they are both gone, head around the corners to pick up the items in this room: a Blue Crystal, a Red Crystal, and, most importantly, a Rainbow Gem. Pick up the bubble item once ready. Float over to the center middle of the next floor to get through the hole. Once on the next floor, pick up the Red Crystal on the lower left platform. Now, use the bubble item here, however don't go up to the next floor yet. You should clearly see the tunnel over in the distance with some spikes on the base of it. Use the bubble to get across the first set of spikes, over to where the next bubble item is. Once you drop down here, kill the yellow enemy floating around the four Blue Crystals. Once he's gone, pick them up. Now use the bubble item to get over to the ledge over the second set of spikes in the ground (don't worry about the Adok Bomb, we'll get it soon). Quickly get over to this second ledge and, as you float up, pick up the extra life item in the air. If you are already too high to get it, don't worry. Press up against the middle of the wall here and keep pressing up. Once the bubble bursts, Bomberman will fall, however as long as you're pressing up, he'll grab onto the edge of the ledge with the bubble item in it. Pick it up, and if you don't have the extra life item yet, get it as you float upwards. Keep doing this until you get it. Once you do have it, float over to the area that had the four Blue Crystals on it. Once there, pick up the bubble item here, and as you go up, pick up the Adok Bomb. If you miss it, return to this center area and keep trying until you are able to pick it up. Once you get it, head back into the main area. Kill the two floating yellow enemies here (they may still be in the first part of the cave). Now, throw a bomb over at the switch on the top left of this room. Use the bubble item here and, right away, move over to the center of this room. Pick up the heart item on your way up. Head to the very center of this area to go through the hole up to the final floor of this level. Once here, kill the bomb enemy if he hasn't killed himself yet. Pick up the Blue Crystal (top right corner) and Gold Gem (bottom left corner). Now, hit the switch over on the bottom right corner to make the exit open up. Head over to the platform and throw a bomb on it to make the spikes flip over to the bottom side. Use this platform to get through the exit door. A score of 3000 will get you a score of 5. *** Kanatia Star - Area 2 - AQUA TANK (Level 41) Perfect Score: 3000+ Difficulty: 5/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 16/24 We have fully clared out the first pyramid now, so we now must clear out the second pyramid of the Garaden forces. The second pyramid contains only two areas, however both of them are quite difficult. This pyramid contains a lot of water, and in the Aqua Tank level, we'll be breaking apart a large water tank that will let us gain access to the Aqua Way. There isn't anything that difficult here, except a bunch of spikes on the floor. From where we start, jump over to the radio on the platform to the left. This radio says that in order to pass the flaming gate (the exit for this level), we must flood this room with water (which is what we will do). As you can see there are a bunch of spikes on the floor here. Falling down there, although while not killing you right away (assuming you have more than one health bar left), can leech away at your health if you aren't careful. Jump back to the path on the right and follow it. When you can, head down the path to the right and destroy the box here. There is a Gold Gem here. Now head over to the left. Throw a bomb over to the box on the left and avoid the missle that comes out of it. Jump over to the platform that had the box with the missle on it and jump up onto the red platform. From here, throw a bomb over to the floating yellow enemy on top of the yellow platform. Once he is gone, kill the bouncing brown enemy here on top of the purple platform. Head to the right of this platform and, slowly, walk off the edge. Bomberman should catch the side of this platform and hang on. Bomberman will pick up the Blue Crystal here. Once you have it, climb back up (if you fall down, simply make your way around until you get back up here again). Jump over to the higher purple platform on the right. Destroy the death bomb on here and continue along this path. Kill the bouncing brown enemy when you see it. When you get to the end of this path you'll see a floating platform moving up and down in the center of this area. When it is low, jump over to it and ride it up to the green platforms. Jump over to the lowest part of the green platforms ahead and pick up the heart item. Then, wait for a fireball to pass you from the right, and then throw a bomb over to the fireball enemy on the high platform to the right. Jump up to where the fireball enemy was and follow this pathway on the right. Ahead of us we'll see the giant flaming gate. At the end of this path is a switch. Activate it to make a platform move over on the left of this path. Jump over to it and pick up the two Red Crystals. Now, jump back to the green path (where the switch is) and follow this path around, now going to the left, until you get to the other side. Once there, you'll see a platform on the right that is moving up and down. Wait until it is far down and then quickly jump over to it (it's easy to miss this jump and fall all the way to the bottom of the level; working your way back up here isn't very fun). Once on it, bomb the platform on the left to flip the spikes downwards. Once they are down, jump over to this platform. Over in front of us is a death bomb and a switch beside it. Hit the death bomb (and the switch should also activate; if not, throw a bomb at it). Jump over to the platform with the switch and pick up the Rainbow Gem that the death bomb was hiding. Now, jump back over to the platform that we just bombed to flip the spikes around. From here, look over to the right. The switch has made another platform move over to the right. From this platform that we are on, make a jump over to the high platform on the right (this is one long jump, but you can make it as long as you get a bit of a running start). From here, jump up and throw a bomb at the dancing enemy (do NOT throw it at the yellow jumping enemy). Once you hit the dancing enemy, the radius of this explosion should also hit the yellow floating guy in front of the blue tank. One he's gone, throw a second bomb at the dancing enemy to take him down. Now, jump up to this top platform. If you have 3000 points, then throw a bomb over to the center of the large blue tank to flood this room and finish the level. The reason why you don't want to hit the yellow enemy first is because, if you do, you'll open the tank before you can throw the second bomb at the dancing enemy (and before you can get his the points for killing him, which would leave us short of a 5 score for this level). A score of 3000 will net us the score of 5, as it's the perfect score for this level. I do warn you that as soon as you hit the blue tank the level will end, so there won't be time to go back and find stuff that you missed! A cutscene will play after the final score screen comes up. The water fills this room and dispels the fire gate, giving Bomberman access to the inner parts of this pyramid. As you can probably figure out, since this phyramid is now flooded, the next level is a Bomber Marine level. And, just to make things better, it isn't easy at all... *** Kanatia Star - Area 2 - AQUA WAY (Level 42) Score Needed: 9000+ Difficulty: 9/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 16/24 ...In fact, this is probably one of the hardest levels in the game. There are a bunch of enemies here, and you need a VERY high score in order to get a perfect score (as you can see above). This level is long, annoying, and contains a giant dead shark that will gobble you up. This may sound like a bad thing, however with the aid of this shark eating you, you'll easily get that high target. You can enter the shark time after time again, which, essentially, will give you an unlimited amount of points. You'll probably need to enter the shark twice in order to get the final amount (yes, we will be killing the shark for a major point bonus at one time). Take a breath and start this level when ready. As soon as we start this level, you'll see the giant shark ahead in several pieces. Move forward (don't worry about the missle cannon below; as long as you're moving, the homing missles it fires cannot hit you) and you'll see the shark assemble together. DON'T FIRE BOMBS AT IT. As you get near, it will open up it's mouth. Head on in! Once inside, fire a bomb to destroy the white mucus ball. Head forward and fire five bombs at the weird red thing at the top of this shark. It will net you 500 points once it is destroyed. Pick up the three Blue Crystals and extra bomb item. Up ahead are three more mucus balls. Destroy all of them and pick up the three Blue Crystals above. Keep moving on forward. Eventually you'll come across two more Blue Crystals and a firepower item. Destroy the two mucus balls that come towards you. Now, pick up the Blue Crystals and destroy the next two mucus balls in the short distance. Now, pick up the firepower item and continue to move forward. Kill the next mucus ball that appears. Once it's gone, continue to move forward. Up ahead is a Gold Gem, Rainbow Gem, and four mucus balls. Take out the first three mucus balls and then pick up the Gold and Rainbow Gems. Move forward and pick off the final mucus ball. There are three more ahead, so take them all out before they see you. If you have gotten everything in here, you should have a score of 4100 points. Keep on going through this dead shark until you get pooped out at the end. Once ouside, hit B and keep moving on back in this tunnel until the shark appears once again (don't bother hitting any of the missle launchers around here, as they will respawn later). We need to go through the shark again, as if we don't, we'll be short a few points later on, even if you kill the shark now and pick up all the items/destroy all enemies in here. Once you see the shark head for you again, let it eat you a second time. Head through it in the same way that you did before to pick up another 4100 points. By the second time you leave this thing, you should have 8200 points! Once you are outside for the second time, start moving backwards again. You will see the shark appear again eventually. This time, keep moving backwards and fire bombs at it. Fire bomb after bomb and, after four hits the giant shark will be destroyed, and he will give you an amazing 2000 points for killing him. Ideally you should have 10200 points now! This is enough to get the score of 5 on this level, so head all the way back to the end of this level now (keep moving forward). Don't bother duking it out with all of the missle shooters in here, as they can get very overwhelming. As you're going along, pick up the Red Crystals as you see them (just for getting the extra health bars). Simply go through the hole at the end of this level to finish up. As long as you have more than 9000 points you'll get the score of 5. NOTE: As you can see, I stated that this was one of the hardest levels in the game. In many ways it is, however, as long as you go through the shark, you won't have much problems here. This level can be VERY difficult if you kill the shark too early. Fighting the missle launchers can be VERY difficult, as at some points you'll have to put up fighting 4 or so at once (which will equal 8 missles coming towards you in times). Keep going through the shark until you have at least 7000 or more points. *** Kanatia Star - Area 2 - VS. NITROS (Level 43) Score Needed: 6500+ Difficulty: 8/10 Yep, we have to face him yet again, and this time he will be a much better match than what we saw back on Primus Star. Princess Millian is being held inside of the second pyramid, hands tied to chains. Nitros is still guarding her. Again Nitros states that in order to rescue Princess Millian, Bomberman must defeat him. Of course, this isn't the last time you'll have to fight this guy. The fighting platform has no new changes this time, with a few exceptions. Firstly, the electric plates are out near the corners of the platform, so you will want to stay near the center of the area this time. Secondly, there are no disc squares, so you won't have to be dodging any discs. The yellow and green squares are still here (which cause the large spikes to appear for a short time). Nitros has one major new weapon this time: he is invulnerable until the three shield generators that surround him have been destroyed. This can be both easy or hard, depending on how fast you react when this fight starts, and on how much firepower you have. As soon as the first starts (Nitros always stands still for about the first four or so seconds), throw a bomb at the center shield generator. If you have a firepower of 4, the blast radius from the bomb should destroy the other shield generators on the left and right. Easy, huh? After a few seconds, however, (if you haven't destroyed them yet) the generators will start to move around with Nitros (who is much more agile in this fight when compared to the last). It will be nearly impossible to finish the fight before the time ticks past the perfect score limit, as hitting the generators once they start moving is very tough (as they move in random patterns around the level). Also, while they are up, Nitros will always try to run into you with his shield, which will cause damage after damage unless you take those generators out (the shield is pretty large, so you'll have to stay far away from him until the shield is down). Aside from this, fight Nitros like you have all other times. Once his shield is down, this fight is the same as all the others. Keep firing bombs at him until one hits. Move back a bit, and fire some more bombs. Nitros will drop cherry bombs as he runs, but as long as you don't go near them, they will cause no trouble (he can't kick or throw the bombs). Bomberman takes the same amount of hits as he normally does (about 7 or 8) until he is defeated. You have until 6500 to get a score of 5, but you'll have to be fast, as 2000 points could easily be wasted on trying to take out the shild generators. *** Bomberman will return to the room that Princess Millian is being held in. The Princess is all happy, but before Bomberman can undo her chains, she is transported away to somewhere else. This makes Bomberman sad, as his adventure is not finished yet. Fortunately, however, we are now done Area 2! It is now time to move onto Area 3, and onto the game's largest level. *** AREA 3 - KANATIA SHRINE Introduction: Kanatia Shrine contains some difficult levels, and I mean that. Hard Coaster, the first level of Area 3, is by FAR the largest level in the game. Mad Coaster is, in many ways, one of the trickiest levels in the game. Things here will get on your back, as even getting a perfect score can be rather difficult, as some items here are hidden quite well. In fact, the only level in this Area that is realtively simple is the final one, Move Stone. Bolban is this world's boss, and unlike the previous two, this one will give you some major headaches. There are some new enemies and items that we will see here. The most important ones that I should point out at the Slugs and Salt Bombs. Dark Maze and Mad Coaster contain slugs all around, and they are invulnerable to normal bombs. Instead, you'll have to pick up the Salt Bomb item. When you have this, your bombs will turn white, and instead of exploding in an explosion, they will explode in a pile of salt. This is the only way to kill these Slugs. Of course, other enemies and boxes cannot be opened with this, so you'll have to pick up this item once all other enemies have been defeated. There will be more on this when we arrive to those levels. First, however, it is time to complete Hard Coaster (which can take a while). *** Kanatia Star - Area 3 - HARD COASTER (Level 44) Perfect Score: 6550 or 6500 Difficulty: 9/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 17/24 Hard Coaster is, in all ways, the largest level in the game. We are on the outskirts of the giant Kanatia Shrine, crossing a major field of shifting sand. There's a bottomless pit in the middle, and all of the sand moves towards this pit as if it was a black hole. So, because of this, we'll have to use the various warps and elevator systems located above the giant fields of sand. Items here are spread out all over the place, and what makes this place even harder is that we need to get every item in order to get a perfect score. This level also requires you to pick up four Key Crystals in order to open up the door to the Shrine. Falling into the sand doesn't mean certain doom (as long as you don't fall directly into the bottomless pit). There are a few platforms near the shifting sands that you can jump up onto, however I still highly recommend you don't go down there, considering there are no items or anything down there. After going through many warps and using many elevators, we will gain access to the Kanatia Shrine - the last place held by the Garaden Empire on Kanatia Shrine. You will start at the farthest point from the temple, which is just up ahead. Jump over to the yellowish-blue platform to the left of the platform we started on. We will ride this platform around for a short period of time to pick up the first few items of this level. As you reach the first bend (where the platform turns to go to the right), you'll see two more platforms ahead of us. Just take note of these, as we will be using them soon. Also take a note of the pink warp just below us. If you ever fall into the sand in this area, make your way to this warp and use it to be warped back to the start of the level. Anyway, back to our quest. As this elevator goes to the right, jump up and pick up the extra bomb item when we see it (stand in the middle of the elevator to get it). Now, stand on the far end of the elevator to pick up the three Blue Crystals when we pass by them. Once you get them, quickly jump over to the elevator directly in front of us (with the extra bomb item in the distance). You should have 200 points. We will now use this elevator to get around to the next area. This one moves forwards. Pick up the extra bomb item as we pass it (stand in the grey circle in the middle of the elevator to get this). Up next are three Blue Crystals when the elevator dips down a little bit. Stand at the very front right of the elevator to pick them up as Bomberman goes by them. Up ahead is a floating yellow enemy (we'll be seeing a lot of them in this level). He will try to push you off the elevator (and the bottomless pit is nearly below us), so take him out fast. Throw bombs at him once you come out of the dip (make sure you don't get caught in the blast radius). Run over to the left side of the elevator and pick up the Red and Blue Crystals when they come by. Once this elevator reaches the end of its track, quickly jump over to the pattern with the Chess design pattern on it, however, DON'T PICK UP THE ITEM WITH THE HAND! Once there, take out the brown dancing enemy. We are right on top of the pit, so DO NOT FALL OFF THIS PLATFORM. The radio here (bottom left of the platform) says that you'll need 4 Key Crystals to open the door. Pick up the first Key Crystal at the middle top of this platform. But whatever you do DON'T get that hand item. It will let you throw bombs far, very far, but it is VERY difficult to control them. You don't want to have difficulty throwing bombs while you're on these platforms, so we'll come back to get this item (for its points) later. You should now have 950 points. Now, jump onto the platform over on the far right (the one we used to get here, it should still be there). Ride it back a small ways until you can see the pink transporter on the platforms directly below us. This time I ask you to jump down there. Even if you land in the sand that's alright, as you can still jump up to the platform with the pink transporter on it. Use the transporter and we'll be warped back to the starting point of this level. From here, jump over to the platform on the left (the one we started the level on). From here, jump over to the first elevator we had used (on the left). Ride this elevator forward until you see the elevator in front of us (the one on the left this time, with the Red Crystal near it). Jump over to this elevator and pick up the Red Crystal as soon as you land on it (if you wait too long the elevator will move away from the Red Crystal before you can get it). Ride this elevator forward and pick up the firepower item when you see it on the left. Up ahead is a floating yellow enemy on the left. As soon as you pick up the firepower item, throw a bomb in front of us and it should hit the enemy. If not, throw another bomb as you approach (eventually you'll hit it). Keep riding this platform around the bend. When it starts to go back the way it was going before, run over to the left so you can pick up the three Blue Crystals. Continue riding until it has reached the end of its line. Stay on it and it will start to follow its path once again. Stay on it (pick up any Blue Crystals that you missed the first time) until it gets to that bend again. Once there, jump over to the platform on the left with the floating yellow enemy ahead. You should have 1500 points. We'll now be riding this platform around for a short while. Kill the yellow enemy when you get close to it by throwing a bomb in its face. We are directly under the pit now, so be careful to not fall off. Stay on this platform, around the bend, and onwards. Once it crosses the bend, stand over on the far RIGHT of the platform. There are three Blue Crystals and a Gold Gem that will cross by the elevator soon. You'll be picking up the Blue Crystals while the elevator is moving on an angle, and it can be confusing as to where to stand to pick them up. As long as you are in the middle right of the platform, you'll pick all four items up. You should have 2200 points. Now, stay on this platform after it stops and it will go back on its path. When it gets to the bend, jump over to the checkered platform (that had the first Key Crystal) over in the distance. Be SURE to get a running start here or else you might not make it (it's a bit of a long jump). If you don't feel comfy, drop down after the elevator has moved away from the checkered platform and jump down to the pink transporter below. Then get back to the checkered platform the way we did originally (read above paragraphs if you've forgotten). Regardless of how you do it, head back to that platform that had the first Key Crystal. Once on this platform, jump on the elevator on the right. There are four floating yellow enemies ahead. From this platform you should be able to take out three (two on the left and one on the right- we'll take the one on the far left out later). Focus on taking out the one on the right first, and then take out the other two. If you miss any then that's fine, as we'll be coming back here soon. Up ahead is a bit of a challenge. You'll see a floating yellow enemy ahead on the left, and three Blue Crystals in the air on the right. You will have to jump up to get the Crystals (remember to push forward to keep up with the platform, as Bomberman won't move with it in the air). From afar, jump up and throw a bomb over at the enemy on the left. Then, when you come by them, jump up to get the three Blue Crystals (this can be trick). Keep on this platform, right past the bend (don't worry about the heart item yet, as we will come back). The elevator will start to move back now to near its original location. Stay on it and stand over to the left of the elevator. Up ahead are three Blue Crystals and a Red Crystal. Next move over to the center of the platform and pick up the heart item when it comes by us. We are now back at that platform that had the first Key Crystal. Once you can, jump over to it (this can be a bit of a hard jump, since it's on a large angle, and also because the pit is DIRECTLY below us; falling off will kill you (no pressure). Once there, jump onto the platform to our right (it would have been the platform on the left beforehand). As we ride it, take out the final floating yellow enemy in the distance (and any over to the right that you failed to get before). Once he is gone, move over to the center-right to pick up the Red Crystal as it comes by. Now, move over to the left, as you should see a Gold Gem up ahead (as well as Kanatia Shrine up in the distance). Pick up the Gold Gem as you cross by it. You should now have 4050 points. Stay on this platform and stand over to the left and turn around (so that Bomberman is facing you). Throw a few bombs towards you, as there is a floating yellow enemy up ahead (he'll take you by surprise if you don't get him before you see him). If he isn't out by the time you see him, then quickly take him down. Up ahead are three Blue Crystals and an extra bomb item in the air. Pick up the first two Crystals, and as soon as you get the second, jump in the air to get the extra bomb item. As you fall back down, land on the third Blue Crystal. Continue using this elevator until it gets back to the checkered platform. Once it does, DON'T get off. Stay on it until we get to the bend ahead. Once there, jump over to the platform with the yellow transporter on it (pick up the Red Crystal in the air when you jump). Jump to the transporter and land on the Blue Crystal. You'll be transported over to a platform just in front of us. You should have 4700 points. Kanatia Shrine is directly ahead now, however there's still a good deal for us to do. On this platform, pick up the second Key Crystal on the right. Now, jump over to the elevator on our lower left (in order to get this jump correctly, jump from the left of the green transporter). Once on this platform (it will take us on top of the Kanatia Shrine entrance), take out the floating yellow enemy. Don't worry about the enemies below us, as we'll get them later. Focus on staying on this platform and picking up the Gold Gem at the bend (stand in the middle of the elevator to get it as you go by). Head over to the leftish part of this elevator to get the two Blue Crystals. As soon as this platform stops, jump towards you to land on the platform that had the second Key Crystal (this can, again, be a bit of a tough jump). Once on here, use the green transporter. You should have 5450 points. We'll be back on the platform that had the first Key Crystal on it now. THIS time, pick up the item with the hand on it (known as the Power Glove). As you can see, Bomberman can now throw bombs a long distance. Head over to the left of this platform and jump on the platform to the far left (it may be over on the right if it took its path again). Anyway, once on it, stay on it until you cross by the platform near the ground with the turquoise warp. Pick up the heart item as you jump over to it, and land on the Blue Crystal when you use the transporter. This transporter takes us to a platform directly above. Pick up the Power Glove item here and also the third Key Crystal in the middle. Ahead of us are two floating yellow enemies. With the Power Glove, you should be able to snipe both of them down from this platform (especially the one over on the left). To get the one on the right, stand on the turquoise warp (you won't be warped) that we appeared on when we first got up here and move to the close end of the platform. Face the floating enemy ahead of us and throw a bomb. It should hit him. If not, adjust yourself a little bit. You should now have 5900 points. Now, use the transporter on the left (the green one) to get back to the platform that had the first Key Crystal. From here, use the elevator on the left (the one we used to get to the yellow transporter) so we can get back to that yellow transporter. Use it to be transported to the platform that had the second Key Crystal. Once there, jump over to the platform directly in front of us (it may be on the left if it continued on its path from last time we used it). Regardless, use it until it's directly overtop of the shrine entrance below us (just make sure you are overtop the white stones and NOT the shifting sand). Once you are overtop, jump down to the entrance area. Oh, and yes, we are nearly finished this level. There are two of those dancing enemies down here. Since we have the Power Glove on, you'll probably have to kick bombs to defeat them (as bombs that you throw will probably go right over the heads unless you are standing directly in front of them while throwing, which is a bad idea as Bomberman will probably get hurt from the bomb blast). Once they are gone, head to the close end of this platform. There are two boxes here. The one on the left has nothing, whereas the one on the right contains the fourth and final Key Crystal! Head over to the far left of this area (to the left of the stairs leading upwards) and open up the box here (again you'll probably have to kick the bomb). There is a head item inside of here. Now, head over to the right side of the staircase. You'll see a small structure here with an orange warp inside of it. Jump up into this warp and you'll be transported to a high ledge over on the left. The Adok Bomb is here, so be sure to pick it up! Jump over to the platform on the right of us and stay on it. Up ahead is an extra life item that we need. Stand in the center of the platform and, once it is over you, jump up to get it. Once you get it, drop down to the shrine entrance below us. Walk up the stairs and kill the final floating yellow enemy. You should now have a score of 6550 (with Adok Bomb) or 6500 (without Adok Bomb). Breath a sigh of satisfaction and head on through the door to finish the level with a perfect five. Took long enough, eh? There are no other levels this large in the game (thankfully). *** Kanatia Star - Area 3 - DARK MAZE (Level 45) Perfect Score: 3550 or 3500 Difficulty: 9/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 18/24 Dark Maze isn't as large as Hard Coaster, however it isn't much less difficult. Dark Maze is the first level that contains the annoying Slug enemies, plus the first level that contains the Salt Bombs (which completely changes the strategy of playing through a level). This entire area consists of a large maze of skinny platforms overtop of a bottomless pit. We are currently at the bottom of the Shrine, working our way to the center. Be EXTRA careful to not get caught in any of the blasts of your own bombs on this level, especially when on the small paths, as you're almost 100% likely to fall off into the bottomless pit below. This level also contains the game's eighteenth Adok Bomb, and the final Adok Bomb that can be found on Kanatia Star. From where you start, slowly move forward on this path and over to the left. Pick up the Blue Crystal when you see it, and then keep on going to the left. At the end of this path is an extra bomb item. Pick it up, then head back to the right and go up the platform to the next Blue Crystal. Pick it up, and then jump over to the larger platform on the left. You can see the white Salt Bomb item in the distance (we'll get it soon). There is a barrel enemy on this platform. Walk near it to make it start walking towards you (until it starts walking, you cannot destroy it). Once it is gone, keep walking to the left and up the slope. At the top is another barrel enemy, who will start rolling towards you when it sees you. Drop a bomb and run away in a straight direction. The barrel will probably roll right into it (if not, throw a bomb over to it). Head up the slop and keep going to the left. Once you can't go left any further (you reach the gap), follow the thin pathway forward. Pick up the Blue Crystal and keep going to the left, but WATCH OUT! There's a slug just up ahead, and it will probably push you off if you touch it. Easily jump over it so we can continue onwards to the left. Destroy the box at the end of this path and jump over the missle enemy that comes out. Keep on following this path. Up ahead is a Blue Crystal in the air (and there is a reason for this). There are spikes on the platform below the Crystal. Once they have gone down, quickly jump up, get the Blue Crystal, land, and continue on this path over to the left. Landing on the spikes will probably make you fall off. Up ahead is another Blue Crystal and a slug enemy on this thing platform. Jump over it and pick up the Red Crystal at the very end of this pathway. Now, retrace your steps, past the spikes, and over to the slopey area on the right that contained the second barrel that we saw. This time, jump over to the platform on the left that contains the bouncing dice. Once there, destroy the dice enemy first. Pick up the two Blue Crystals, and you should now have a total of 1000 points. Yes, there is a salt bomb item up ahead, but don't get it quite yet. Remember that Salt Bombs cannot kill enemies (aside from slugs) or open boxes. Look over to the left and wait for the spikes to come up. Once they do, run jump over to here and quickly run over to the path on the left (we've already been here). If you don't feel comfy doing this, simply head over to the path on the right and take the long way around. Keep going left on this path until you go up the small slope and you can see the slug on the ledge in front of us. Jump over to this ledge (you will have to pull Bomberman up) and watch out for the slug! Head over to the area on the left, up the slope, and take out the box here. There is a heart item inside of it. Pick up the Gold Gem, and then walk over to the right. Take the lower path first and pick up the firepower item. Now, go up the slope and pick up the two Blue Crystals when you see them. Keep going to the right and pick up the extra bomb item. Jump over to the next platform on the right and bomb the box (there is a Gold Gem inside). Jump over to the thin platform on the right to pick up the Adok Bomb (you'll need to run before this jump if you wish to get there). There are some spikes that come out of the wall here. Wait for them to go in, and then quickly run by the area and pick up the Blue Crystal. Below us you should see a platform moving around in a circle. Once it is below us, jump down to it (don't jump directly to the right; instead, jump to the right and a bit forward or else you'll miss the platform, it's quite hard to see properly). Use this platform to get over to the path on the left. You SHOULD have 2400 points (2350 if you don't have the Adok Bomb). If you have less then that, DO NOT PICK UP THE SALT BOMB! You have missed something. Reread what was written before and see what you have missed. If you do have either score, pick up the Salt Bomb item here. At the upper middle of the screen you'll see the salt bomb icon, meaning Bomberman is using Salt Bombs. Like normal bombs, you cannot stand in their blast radius, as Bomberman doesn't like salt. Head up the ledge on the left. Fire a bomb at both of the slugs up here. When hit, they will shrivel up and die. Continue going to the left and kill the next slug that you see. Keep going to the left until you're on the platform that had the dice. Pick up the salt bomb item here, and then jump over to the thin path over on the right. Follow this path around, going to the left, and kill the first slug enemy that you see. Continue following around (watch out for the pesky area with the spikes coming out of the ground) until you get to the second slug near the end of this path. Take it down, and then head forward again. On the platform ahead, just before we go down the slope, you'll see another slug. Fire a bomb over to it and then jump over to this high ledge. There is another slug up on the slope on the left. Take it out, and then head over to the right. Go up the slope here and keep going to the right until you see another slug enemy. Take it down and keep going to the right. Get a running jump over to the platform that had the Adok Bomb. Quickly run by the part of wall that has the spikes when it is safe and jump down to the moving platform below. Over to the right is the platform with the final exit. There are two slugs here, so from our moving platform fire a bomb over to them to take them both out. You should now have 3550 or 3500 points. Head on through the exit for a score of 5. *** Kanatia Star - Area 3 - MAD COASTER (Level 46) Perfect Score: 4000 Difficulty: 8/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 18/24 Mad Coaster isn't as long as Hard Coaster, and it isn't quite as difficult as Dark Maze, however it contains a very witty puzzle revoling Salt Bombs and normal bombs. I ask you to read this section carefully to see what I do at a certain point so you won't get screwed over later. Again we will be using the help of elevators to get across this level, however, since we are inside of the Shrine now, we don't have to worry about any shifting sands. Instead, we have one giant bottomless pit beneath us... what joy!? I hope you are good at aiming bombs threw throwing, because we'll be doing lots of this. Getting through Mad Coaster will end this string of difficult levels (of course, until we get to Bolban). From where we start, jump onto the elevator directly in front of us. We will be using this elevator for a while to get over to the next side of this area. There are some of those grey cannons over on the left and right of this passage, determined to have their shells hit us off (which they will easily do if you are not careful). First, destroy the cannon over on the right as we go by it (avoid their shells is quite easy). Destroy it before the cannon up on the right can start firing. Take it out too when you are close. Oh, and yes, you do need to destroy these cannons if you want a perfect score. If you miss any don't worry about it, as we can come back. Up ahead is yet another cannon over on the right. Take it down and, what do you know, another cannon on the left! Up ahead is a VERY difficult spot. A cannon will be firing at you while you have to pick up two Blue Crystals in the air. Pick the Crystals up FIRST, and then fire a bomb at the cannon. Pick up the red heart once you get near it, and then at the end of this ride, jump over to the platform that has the switch on it. You should have a total of 650 points right now. If you don't then you have missed something beforehand. Simply stay on this platform to head backwards and get what you missed. Once you are on the platform with the switch, bomb it to make the floating platform over to the left go up and down. When it is at its low point, jump over to it from the break in the railing around this platform. Use the platform to head to a higher area. There is a fireball shooting enemy up here. Take it out before it can fire a fireball over at you, which may knock you off. Once it is out and the platform is at its highest point, jump over to the area where the fireball shooting enemy was. From here, jump up to the platform on the right (that has the two Blue Crystals on it). From here, jump up to the higher area on the right, which will be a path that heads back down the room. Start heading down this platform. There is a slug here, so quickly jump over it when you see it (it can knock you off). Keep heading forward (you'll see another slug after the second pole on the right, so jump over it) and pick up the three Blue Crystals when you see them. From here, jump onto the blue thing sticking out of the wall. From here, jump over to the next blue thing that has the Gold Gem on top of it. You should now have 1500 points. Continue going along this path. Up ahead is yet another slug, so avoid it. Eventually you will see an extra bomb item, BUT DO NOT PICK IT UP! AGAIN, DO NOT PICK IT UP! You will need this later to change your bomb status from salt back to normal. Pick up the four Blue Crystals over the small bridge here, and then return to the path on the right. Keep going along it until you reach the end. You'll now see another bridge going over to the left. There is a fireball shooting enemy at the top of this area. Take it out from below and then jump up onto this ledge. Keep going over to the left until you get to the path heading up the left side of the room. Avoid the slug at the end of this path and head up. Pick up the heart item when you see it. Keep going forward, past the bridge that contained the four Blue Crystals. Eventually you'll come to a blue box on the side of this platform. DO NOT DESTROY IT YET, or else you'll lose the chance to get the Gold Gem (which we need). Use the box as a stepping block to get up to the bluish block sticking out of the wall. Jump over to the one with the Gold Gem and pick it up. Now, jump down to the path and destroy the box. There is nothing inside of it. Keep heading forward on this path, jumping over slugs, until you get to the end. Pick up the one and only salt bomb item on this level so we can destroy the slugs. Head all the way back on this left path and kill the three slugs on it. Once at the end of this path, make your way over to the right path and head forward on it (again, AVOID THE EXTRA BOMB ITEM). Kill the three slugs on this side of the path. Now, once they are all gone, head forward again and, assuming you have 3050 points, pick up the extra bomb item to make your bombs return to normal once again. Head to the very end of this path now, to the bridge that had the fireball enemy on it. You should now have 3100 points. If you do, jump onto the elevator and start the final cross of this area. As this platform moves forward, kill the first floating yellow enemy on the left, and then, later on, the one on the right. Ahead is one that moves from the left to right, and right to left. Time your bomb placement correctly and then throw one over, hopefully hitting him. The platform will now sink down a little bit. Pick up the three Blue Crystals over on the left, and then take out the floating yellow enemy on the right. Up ahead is another floating yellow enemy that goes across the level. Again, time correctly and take him down. There is an ANNOYING fireball shooting enemy up ahead. As soon as you are in range, throw a bomb over to him to stop his onslaught of fireballs. Pick up the three Blue Crystals on the right, and then jump over to the exit. 4000 points, which is what you should have, is what you need for a perfect 5. If you miss any floating enemies, simply ride back on the platform until you get all of them. *** Kanatia Star - Area 3 - MOVE STONE (Level 47) Perfect Score: 3550 or 3500 Difficulty: 4/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 18/24 Move Stone is, essentially, the only easy level in Area 3 of Kanatia Star. There is nothing here that should give you many problems, and this is also quite a short level too. Unfortunately, finishing this level will lead us right to Bolban, who is in many ways the hardest boss that you will have to fight yet. We are currently near the top of the Shrine, looking for a way to get up to Bolban's room. From where you start, head over to the right and pick up the radio. In order exit this level, we must push four stones into some holes in the wall to activate the beam that goes up to Bolban's room. Head over to the left side of this area. There are two fireball shooting robots here. Take them both out and then pick up the firepower item on the left. Go over a bit to the right and pick up the extra bomb item in the hole in the wall. Over on the left you will see a small stone with a blue symbol on it. Over in the short distance you should see a Blue Crystal up in the air. Bomberman can't jump over to it, so we'll have to use this stone to jump up there. Push the stone over to it (simply have Bomberman walk into the stone to push it in any of the four directions) and use the stone to jump up there. Now, keep pushing this stone forward and put it into the hole in the wall over in the distance. There are two holes around here: One on the close right and one on the far left. If you try to put this stone in the close right one it will just come out again. Put it into the left until it goes no further and until you see a blue light shine from one side of the stone. Now head over to the right side of this area. You should have 450 points. There is another fireball shooting enemy here over on the far right wall. Take it out, and then pick up the Rainbow Gem and Blue Crystal over beside where the robot was. Head a bit to the left, in this same area, and look for the stone in the near middle of this area. There is a heart in the air in the center of the area. Like we did with the Blue Crystal that was high up in the air on the left of this level, push the stone block until it is underneath the heart in the air. From here, simply jump up onto the stone and from there jump up into the air to get the heart. Now, push the stone over to the left and put it into the hole in the wall. There is only one hole in the wall here so there shouldn't be any confusion. Now, while still on the right side of this level, head into the area ahead of us. There is another fireball shooting enemy here on the far right. Take him out, and then simply move the stone over on the right to the hole over in the wall on the far left. There aren't any items here that we have to pick up in the air, so you simply have to move it in there. You should now have 1650 points. Go up the stairs on the far right of this area, up to the ledge ahead. There are two Blue Crystals here and a box. Pick up the two Blue Crystals and then break open the box (which contains a Red Crystal). Up ahead is another box on a higher up area on the left. Bomb it and then dodge the missle that comes out. Jump up to this high ledge and have Bomberman run towards the screen to the very center of this area. Pick up the heart item when you see it and destroy the death bomb on the steps in the center of this area (leading up to this ledge we are on). Head over to the left now - there is only one more stone to push into the wall in order to activate the exit. Kill the final fireball enemy over on the far wall, and then pick up the two Blue Crystals that are to its left. Be sure to get the Rainbow Gem that is on the far left side of this area. You should now have 3450 points. The stone is just in front of the Rainbow Gem. Push it to the right until it can go no further. Now, push it towards you until you are able to push it through the small path on the right. Eventually you'll see the small hole in the wall right in front of the exit. Push this stone in and the green exit will appear right in front of us on the small shrine. Head over to the left or right of this small shrine and jump up behind the green beam (DON'T go in it yet). Pick up the Blue Crystal behind the beam and you should now have 3500 points, which is the perfect score for this level (giving you a 5). This is one small level, so if you are missing any items, simply look around for what you missed. Note that if you missed one of the items that are high in the air and required the stone as a step, you'll have to replay this level again for the 5 score (as you cannot get these any other way). Step into the green warp when ready and Bomberman will start to move upwards toward's Bolban's room. All of the exploration levels are now finished, and to completely clear the Garaden Empire from Kanatia Star, we'll have to defeat this tough boss. *** Kanatia Star - Area 3 - VS. BOLBAN (Level 48) Score Needed: 7000 Difficulty: 9/10 Bolban will be the toughest challenge that you'd have to face so far, at least, as far as the bosses go. Bolban is tough because he has only a few weak spots (hitting him anywhere else but these spots will do nothing), they are relatively difficult to hit (all require throwing bombs), and he also has some fairly powerful and frequent attacks that are all quite accurate. Endol and Baruda are nothing compared to this being. Bolban is a giant tiger made out of stone. As you start the level, you'll see Bolban in his room at the top of Kanatia Shrine. Princess Millian, who is happy (?), sees Bomberman come up into the room. Bolban cannot believe that Bomberman has made it this far, but sure enough, he has. Bolban has turned Pibot into a piece of stone, and until Bolban is defeated, Pibot will stay in this state. Both Bomberman and Bolban use the green warp to get up to the platform at the very top of the Shrine to fight. One of the best pieces of advice that I can give you is to always stay near the center of the area, and don't get trapped on the edges (Bolban will always try to push you off, especially when he has his shield up). The first phrase is fairly straight forward. Bolban has two weak points: the blue spot on his forehead, and the blue end of his tail. By throwing a bomb and hitting these areas is the only way to hurt Bolban. When the fight starts, quickly throw a bomb over to the blue spot on his head. Hit him three times (sometimes it will be two times) and he will make a small antenna appear from his back. This will provide a large blue shield to appear in front of him, protecting his head. This means you can no longer use the bombs on his head (which is easier than throwing to his tail). Be sure to stay away from Bolban's head (he will try to ram you with the shield, which will start to eat away at your health as he will do it a lot). Watch out for Bolban's cannons (he will fire cannon balls at you, which won't hit you (they go into the air), but they will make a large amount of sparks appear near Bomberman when they explode. Keep running around Bolban until you see his tail. Once you do, throw a bomb over to it and, assuming the bomb hits the end of his tail, he'll start flashing from being hurt. As soon as you hit him, Bolban will quickly turn around and fire his cannon at you. Keep running around him until you are at his tail again. Throw another bomb and hit his tail. After the second hit, Bolban will pull down his shield and reveal his forehad once again. He will now start to stomp the floor, which will cause several large bricks to fall from the ceiling. As long as you keep moving, these bricks will not hit you. If you get to close to him he may get back on his hind legs and start to breath out a tornado from his mouth. Whatever you do, DO NOT GET TRAPPED IN THIS! This will turn you into rock for about 5 seconds, and that is a huge waste of time. While he is standing still and using the tornado, simply fire away at his head (as he'll be standing still, giving you an easy throw over to his head). After about 6 more hits Bolban will explode, ending the fight. If you have beaten him before the timer goes past 7000 (which is tough to do, trust me), then you'll get a score of 5 for this fight. You will also gain access to the next planet, Mazone Star. *** Once the fight finishes, Bomberman will walk towards Pibot back in the room that he was in before the fight started. Since Bolban has now been defeated, the spells that he cast (Princess Millian told us that turning objects to stone was a spell) will now fade away. Pibot becomes Pibot once again. He thanks you, which makes Bomberman all happy. Pibot says that Nitros has taken Princess Millian to Mazone Star, and that they should leave for there right away. How Pibot was able to understand what Nitros was doing when he was a large piece of stone is beyond me. Kanatia Star is now complete! The next cut scene will give us our overall score for Kanatia Star. If you've gotten 5 on all courses, you'll get a Gold. You need a total of 85 points to get the Gold. It is now time to move onto Mazone Star! *** Kanatia Star - BONUS STAGE #3 Difficulty: 5/10 The only reason as to why this level gets a difficulty of 5 is because it is VERY easy to fall off. There are some Blue Crystals and other things to get here. First, from where you start, head over to the right and use the device here to get yourself across to the other side of the area. Pick up the firepower item here. Now, jump over to the next device ahead of us. Use it to get back over to the left side of the level again. From here, jump forward again and over to the next device, which you must use to get over to the right side once again. Now, finally, jump over to the next device and use it to get over to the left side. You'll pick up an extra life item on this path. Once on the left again, pick up the six Blue Crystals in the air. Now, jump over to the device in front of us and, from here, head over to the far left. Once over on the left, use the device here to get over to the far left platforms. Once there, jump over to the device ahead of us and use it to get back over to the right (you'll pick up another extra life when you do this). Pick up the six Blue Crystals on this platform and then jump over to the device in front of us. Use it, and this time, once over on the far left platforms, jump over to the device in front of us. Use it to get back over to the right platforms. From there, jump over to the next device in front of us and blow yourself over to the final platform. Pick up the extra bomb item here and that should complete the stage! If not, head back and look for anything that you have missed. [------------------------------] [ Mazone Star ] [------------------------------] Welcome to Mazone Star: Well, we have done it: We have now made it to the final planet before we are able to land on Garaden, which, as you can see from the nebula view, is just ahead of us now. Mazone Star is quite different from the other's that we have been on. First of all, this star has a weird climate. Some parts of it are pure rain forest, whereas others are very, very cold. The Garaden forces are very strong here, as they had originally set up base here. In fact, you'll be going through their base in Area 3. Area 1 takes place in a lush forest, and Area 2 takes place at the top of some snowy mountains. We will be seeing many new things here. We will be facing some very tough enemies, face some complex puzzles, and we will also meet a new friend that will be used in some parts of Area 1 and Area 2. The final boss is Garaden's best soldier. In fact, this planet has two final bosses, that we will have to fight at roughly the same time. Oh, and yes, we will be fighting Nitros for a fourth time at the end of Area 3. Also, by the time this planet is finished, we will have picked up all 24 of the Adok Bombs! *** AREA 1 - LOUIE'S JUNGLE Introduction: Welcome to the first area of Mazone Star, the fourth planet that we have come across. We will be meeting a brand new friend of ours named Louie. This large bunny-like animal will help Bomberman in a few levels (in both Area 1 and Area 2 of Mazone Star). Bomberman will be using him on the first level, for example, as Bomberman won't be able to get through this level by himself. You'll start off this level riding Louie and you won't be able to get off. In other words, you won't be able to use bombs while on Louie, however he has his own attacks. Louie kills enemies by jumping on them (and he has a good jump). You'll be seeing new enemies and more difficulty in these levels from most of the previous ones we've been across (minus a few on Kanatia Star). There are some well hidden items here, so you'll have to be looking closely for everything if you wish to go these levels alone. We will be working our way across the Jungle to the mountains in the distance. There are only four levels in this Area, however they are all a fair size. Upon starting the first level, you'll see that Bomberman and Pibot have landed in a lush field. Pibot tells Bomberman that Mazone has many high places, and that Bomberman won't be able to reach all of them alone. In order to get to them, Pibot calls Louie to help Bomberman. Louie comes into the scene and makes a funny sound. The first level will start after this short cut scene. *** Mazone Star - Area 1 - HOPPER LAND (Level 49) Perfect Score: 5000 Difficulty: 7/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 18/24 As you see, Bomberman will be on top of Louie in the lush field that the last cut scene took place in. You control Louie like you normally do Bomberman (the control stick to move around). Press A to jump (as you can see Louie jumps MUCH higher than Bomberman). You can also use Louie to do wall jumps (fans of Super Mario 64 and many other games will know how to do this). Walk up to a wall and jump to it. While Louie is jumping up the wall, press back on the control stick and A at the same time. If done corrently, Louie will jump off the wall for an extra bunch of height. Practice this where you start the level, as we'll have to be doing it later. Remember that you have to press back on the control stick and A at the EXACT same time. Once you are done, head over to the radio on the right. This basically tells you that Louie has the ability to jump off of walls. Run over to the two Blue Crystals near the radio on the right. When you get there, a giant frog will come out of the wall and stick out it's tongue across the area. Head to the left of it and, once it comes out from the grass, jump on it to kill it. You must jump on its head, or else Bomberman will get hurt. Once he's gone, pick up the two Blue Crystals and head on to the right. There are three Blue Crystals here. The center one is being guarded by another frog enemy that is hiding in the bushes. Like last time, go to the left of it and wait until it peaks its head out. Once it does, jump on it to kill it. Once you kill it, you'll notice there's another one beside it on the right. Again, take it out by jumping on its head. Pick up the three Blue Crystals and head over to the right. You should have 550 points. There are some evil turtles over here that will try to run into Louie (they will also hide in their shell and charge you). Take both of them out by jumping on the back of their shell. If they start a charge, simply jump over them. They aren't much trouble, but can cause you trouble if you get cornered by them at any time. Once they are gone, head to the far wall that has three patches of grass by it. You'll see a heart item up in the air, but Louie can't jump up to it. Simply run up to the wall and use a wall jump to pick it up. See how useful it can be? Once you get it, head to the right. Eventually you'll get to a small stream and pond. There is a single turtle in the small pond. The water here is low, so you can jump in there (despite the two pinkish platforms being over the water; they serve no purpose). Once it is gone, jump to the small patch of land to the right of the waterfall. There is a frog inside of a small hole in the wall. Head to the left and it will come out, but it is hiding its head by staying in the small alcove. Once it sticks out its tongue, jump on that to kill it. Pick up the heart item and head back into the pond and go to the right. You should have 1050 points. Eventually you'll see some land in front of us. Jump up there and kill off the two turtle enemies. You'll eventually see some red spotted platforms going up into the air towards the high ledges in the distance. Jump up the ledges and over to the platform on the left with three Blue Crystals on it. Jump over to the ledge beside the waterfall. Then, from this platform, jump over to the high ledge to the left of the waterfall that has the Gold Gem on it. If you fall into the waterfall then you'll have to make your way back up here again. You should now have 1900 points. Head back over to the right now, to the high ledge that had 3 Blue Crystals. Jump across the gap and over to the ledge with a Blue Crystal on it. Pick it up, and then jump up to the high ledge on the right that has another Blue Crystal (yep, Louie can make it up there no problem). Now, jump down to the right and pick up another Blue Crystal on the lower platform beside the high grass. Head to the right now on the land beside the high grass. Between the second and third grass patches you see here is another of those frog enemies. Jump on his head to take him out, and then keep going to the right until you see the log with Blue Crystals on it going above the river. Jump up there and pick up the three Blue Crystals. Once you have, go to the right. There's another turtle at the end of the river here. Jump down into the river and take it out. Now, head up to the next area on the right and kill the turtle right by the edge. Head into the small pond on the right and take out yet another turtle enemy. Once he is gone, head towards the first red spotted platform you see. Jump up to the ledge beside it. Get up to the highest ledge here and have Louie jump up and pick up the Gold Gem in the air. Jump back down to the second pond and go across it. There are four more turtles in here. Keep going to the right until you get all of them. Once you have, head back to where this second pond starts over to the left. You should have 3400 points. Head to the red spotted platform furthest to the left, right beside the ledges in the distance. Jump up onto it, and then onto the ledge ahead of us. From there, jump over to the ledge on the right. Pick up the Blue Crystal here. Now, jump down and head over to the until you see the log sticking out of the ground in the middle of the pond. Jump onto the red platform just to the left of it, and from there, up to the top of the log. Once up there, pick up the Gold Gem in the air. You should now have 3950 points. Next, head over to the far right of this area until you can go no further. Jump up to the ledge that has the Blue Crystal on it. Pick it up, and then face the right wall. Jump up there, and then wall jump over to the left wall. Once you touch the left wall, wall jump again to the right wall. As soon as you tough that wall on the left you'll have to press right on the control stick and the A button as soon as you get there, or else Louie will fall down. If you do this right, you'll pick up a Gold Gem on the right beside the wall. Once you get it, fall back down. This may take a few tries if you are unfamiliar with wall jumping. Once you get it and are back down on the ground, head over to the left. You'll see a gap in the wall that looks prime for wall jumping (it's just to the far right of the wooden stump that had the Gold Gem on it). Once there, face the left side of the wall and do a wall jump. Do it again when you are up in the air facing the right side of the wall. A double wall jump will get you up to the high ledge on the left. NOTE: At times there will be a turtle enemy on the high left platform that we are double wall jumping to. Because of this, you won't be able to get onto the high platform on the left, as the turtle will hit you off. If this happens, use this method: run over to the left side of the area for a little while. Although you can't see him, the turtle up above will follow. Quickly run back over to the wall jumping area and now try. The turtle should not be gone, giving you a chance to get up here. Once you are up there, take out the pesky thing and pick up the two Blue Crystals and the Red Crystal. Head to the right of this area and jump over the gap to the lower ledge on the right. Once here, have Louie face the wall in front of us. Jump off of this wall (you'll have to pull back on the control stick for this to work). You'll get the final item, a heart item, up here. Once you get it, you should have 5000 points, which is the perfect score for this level. Jump up to the higher up ledge on the right and go through the green exit here in the wall. A 5000 will give you a 5 score for this level. *** Mazone Star - Area 1 - JUNFALLS (Level 50) Perfect Score: 4050 or 4000 Difficulty: 8/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 19/24 Junfalls takes place in the very middle of the jungle. There are some difficult enemy placements as well as some well placed items. We won't be using Louie in here, so you'll be free to use your bombs as often as you wish. This level contains the game's nineteenth Adok Bomb (the first one found on Mizone planet) as well as two different exits. One of the harder things about this level revolves around the fast running stream in the middle. Bomberman can fall into here, however the fast current will push him back towards the large waterfall at the end of the stream. Going over this will make Bomberman fall to his death, so be sure to stay away from that waterfall. From where we start, jump over to the area on the right. Walk towards your screen and pick up the lone Blue Crystal. Now, walk up and pick up the single Blue Crystal in the distance. Jump back over to the platform on the left that we started this level on. Head to the left of this platform and look into the stream. There are three Blue Crystals in here. Jump into the stream and quickly pick them up (you'll have to jump forward in order to get past the strong current). Once you have them, jump over to the path on the left. There is an extra bomb item here. Once you get it, head up this path. Eventually you'll see a green enemy appear. It will run towards you. It has an ability to throw it's tail at you, so stay back from it. Throw or kick some bombs over to it to take it down. It takes two hits to take them out. Jump over to the path on the right and search in the high grass right near the edge of this level and you'll find a well hidden Blue Crystal. Head forward until you see the platform in the stream that has the Blue Crystal on it. Jump over to it and pick it up. Now jump over to the left path and pick up the firepower item. Behind the waterfall here are two Red Crystals in a small cove. Jump behind the waterfall into the cove and pick them up. Jump over to the path on the right. There are two platforms here. They will move when you hit them with a bomb. Throw a bomb to the platform on the right to make it move downwards. Jump onto that and throw a bomb over to the platform on the left. As soon as this platform starts to move up, jump onto it (or else it will get to high up). Stay on this platform until it stops. There is a small shark enemy over on the stream ahead of us, right in front of the waterfall. Throw a bomb over there from this platform to kill it. Now, jump over to the path on the right. There is one of those large flower enemies that we saw back in Grogg Hills on Primus Star. This one attacks in the same way as the ones in Grogg Hills did. As soon as it opens up, throw a bomb to hit it. It will close again. Wait a few seconds and throw a second bomb when it opens up to destroy it. You should now have 1450 points. Take a running jump over to the path on the left. There is a single Red Crystal at the end of this path beside the waterfall (remember if you fall down here it's fine). Pick up the Crystal and head up this path until you see the heart item on the platform in the stream. Once you jump here a cloud enemy will drop down. Jump and throw a bomb to take it down. Pick up the heart item and jump over to the path on the right. Head up this path and take out the green enemy here like you did the one before. Once he is gone, take down the shark enemy in the river. This one can be a little hard to take out; sometimes it's best to jump into the river and throw bombs from there. Head back to the platform that had the heart item on it and jump over to the path on the left. Run up this path and pick up the Red Crystal when you see it. A cloud enemy will drop down again, so run back a bit and take him down (just be careful not to fall into the river). Run to the end of this path in the distance and pick up the Blue Crystal. Yet another cloud enemy will appear, so take him down. Jump up the platforms here to the next area. Watch out for the spikes coming out of the ground on one of the platforms. Once up there, run over to the right. Defeat the death bomb on the lower ledge and then the one over to the right of it. Stay on the right side of this area and head forward. There are two green enemies up ahead. Taking them both out should be little to no problem by now. Once they are gone, stay on the right and take out the flower enemy here. Once it's gone, take out the one on the left. Just be sure not to fight both at once, or else they might overwhelm you. Once they are gone, take out the next green enemy behind them. Go over the left and retrace your steps backwards until you see a large stump. Jump up to the top and pick up the wall-through item up here by jumping. Walk forward and use the wall-through item to get the Adok Bomb inside of the cliff. Once you get it jump onto the small ledge on the right. There is a flower enemy up here. While on this ledge, jump up and throw a bomb when it opens up. Do it again when you are able to. Once it's down, you should have 4050 or 4000 points (depending on the collection of the Adok Bomb). Jump up to where this flower was and head through the exit here on the right. You'll get a score of 5 with 4000 points. Going through this exit will give you access to Freeze Lake, which is the next level I'll cover. In order to get to Cool Cave, you'll have to replay Junfalls and go through the exit located near the death bombs that we took out. Replay the level now and head on through that exit so you can unlock both levels. Remember that when you replay the level you should pick up all of the Red Crystals around (not just for the points, but also so you can get some more health bars). *** Mazone Star - Area 1 - FREEZE LAKE (Level 51) Perfect Score: 7500 Score Needed: 6500 Difficulty: 10/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 19/24 Freeze Lake is, in many ways, the most difficult exploration level in the game. When I first played through Bomberman Hero, I died on this level more than any other level. You will be using the Bomber Marine to get through the cold lake on our way to the mountains (as you can see in the preview picture). The main thing that makes this level difficult is that it is long, tedious, and there are many giant pieces of ice at the top of the level that just love to fall right onto you (they are also homing, so they will chase you until they hit the ground and break apart, which they will do eventually). These are the things that kept killing me, considering it is hard to see them coming and, since they are so big, it's hard to avoid them. The best thing is to take this level slow and steady. If you die, don't worry. Simply come back and keep going until you beat this level. Surprisingly, it isn't difficult to get a score of 5. Just focus on those giant pieces of ice that fall, and be sure to read my strategy. From the start, head forward and be sure to stay at the TOP of the level. There are five pieces of ice floating in the water (they don't chase you). Go by them and you'll see a giant piece of ice sticking out of the ceiling. When you get near it will break from the ceiling and move towards you. QUICKLY press B to move backwards. It will sink to the bottom quite quickly, so as long as you are at the top of this level, it should miss you easily. Now, go back and take out the five pieces of ice floating in the water. Each is worth 100 points. Once they are gone, return to the top of the level. Move forward and you'll see two more large pieces of ice. If you don't take these out first, then they will fall right on you when you pick up the three extra bomb items. Do what you did before: get close, and quickly go backwards when they start moving towards you. Once they are gone, go backwards and pick up the three extra bomb items at the bottom of the level. Once you have them, head back to the top. Be sure to avoid the water jets on the right and left walls, as they will push Bomberman all over the place. Up ahead is another piece of ice in the center of the ceiling. Take it out before you get the Gold Gem to the right of the area, or else it will fall right on you. Once it's gone, head back to the ceiling and take out the next large piece of ice up there on the right so it doesn't fall on us when you get the Gold Gem. Once it's gone head downwards and pick up the Gold Gem. You can also destroy the seven floating pieces of ice here as well. Once you have destroyed all seven of them and have the Gold Gem, move forward (again go to the ceiling). You should now have 1850 points. Eventually you'll see another large piece of ice on the left. Take it down, and then go backwards until you see the firepower and extra bomb item. Pick them up, and then head towards the water jet on the right. Get into the jet right at the source so that it blows you into the Red and Blue Crystals at the end (this is the only way to get them). It may take a few tries to get the placement right. Hold the control stick to the right in order to propel yourself into the stream, which should allow you to stay in there long enough to pick up the two Crystals. Once you get them, pick up the Red Crystal to the left of this water jet on the ground. Up ahead is another jet, however on the left side. Pick up the Blue and Red Crystals in the same manner as you did the ones before (they are a bit closer to the jet souce however, so you'll probably find it easier to get these). Once you get them, head to the ceiling and dodge the large piece of ice up here to clear the path. Return to the second jet and take out the floating ice block to its right. Now head forward until you are on top of the third jet, which is on the right. Take out the five pieces of ice here, and then drop down to the bottom of this area (watch for the jet) and destroy the missle launcher down here (just be careful of the missles). Now head up to the ceiling and dodge the next two ice blocks that come down on us from the left and right. Head to the left of the large piece of ice in the center of the room and pick up the Blue and Red Crystals. Destroy the floating piece of ice here and the missle launcher on the bottom of the area too. Head to the ceiling until you see another large ice block on the right. Dodge it, and then move backwards. Take out the 6 floating ice blocks here. Once they are gone, head forward (be sure to dodge the jets on the left and right of this area) and destroy another floating piece of ice ahead. There is yet another large piece of ice over on the right (you know what to do now). Once it is gone, destroy the missle launcher over on the right below a jet stream and then take out the floating piece of ice on the left. Go to the right side of this area and go to the ceiling. Ahead are three more large ice blocks on the ceiling. Take them all out, and then retrace your steps a bit. Pick up the Blue and Red Crystals on top of the jet stream on the right side of the level. You'll need to back into them from the right in order to get these (if you approach them from the front then the jet will push you out of the way before you can get them). These are pretty damn tricky to get. Once you have them, head forward and take out the missle launcher first. Once it is gone, take out the piece of ice on the right, and then move backwards (go right near the ground). Over to the left, below a stream on the left wall, is a box. Blow it open and pick up the piece of heart item. Be sure to be right by the ground or else you'll get pushed to the right thanks to the jet stream. Go backwards and then up to the ceiling. Destroy the next large ice block up here before trying to get the Gold Gem on the right. Pick it up when you can, and then go back up to the ceiling and head over to the left. The exit is just ahead, but it is being guarded by three large blocks of ice above. Take them all down, and then go back until you get past the blue piece of ice going from the bottom to the top of the level. Head to the bottom of this area and move forward (while on the leftish part of this level). Destroy the floating ice here, just after the jet, and move forward. Pick up the two Gold Gems in the middle of the area, and then destroy the missle launcher near the exit of this level. Finally, head forward and wait just in front of the final jet stream on the left side of the level, right beside the exit. Fire a bomb through the jet (for some reason bombs aren't affected by the fast moving water) to take out the three pieces of ice guarding the exit. If you have a bomb power of 4, one explosion will take all of these out. Now head to the right of the jet stream and go through the exit! A score of 6500 is needed in order to get a score of 5 on this level, however, if you have followed this walkthrough, then you should have a score of 7500. Always nice to achieve a perfect score on a level when you can. :) *** Mazone Star - Area 1 - COOL CAVE (Level 52) Perfect Score: 4550 or 4500 Difficulty: 10/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 20/24 We have made it through the frozen lake and we are now inside of the mountain. Getting through here leads Bomberman straight to Area 2. Cool Cave isn't much easier than Freeze Lake, so it also gets a difficulty of 10. You will be using a new item here: The Freeze Bomb. These bombs act in the same way as the Salt Bombs did, however they will freeze enemies in place. Like Salt Bombs, these will not destroy enemies, nor destroy really anything you will need to destroy. We will have to work our way around a puzzle in which we pick up Freeze Bombs when we need to, and then return to regular bombs when we need to. In a way, it's harder than you may think, as picking up one item too soon will automatically make you have to restart the level. This level also contains the Area's second Adok Bomb, and the 20th in the game. Only four more to find after this! Oh, and one more thing: The water here is very cold, so falling into it will cause Bomberman to lose health. From where you start, look over to the left in the distance. You'll see a walking brown enemy that makes it head rise and lower. You cannot destroy this thing, however we will use a Freeze Bomb on them to freeze them in place (they act as stepping stones). First, head to the platform on our right. This path contains a freeze bomb item on it. Whatever you do, DO NOT PICK IT UP YET!!! Run to the right, right by the brown enemy, and jump over to the next area on the right when this path ends. Over to the right on this area is one of those platforms that moves up/down when you bomb it. Bomb it to move it up, and then jump on it. Once you, freeze the first brown enemy you see. At the top, pick up the heart item and Red Crystal. Now, jump back over to the path we were just on and pick up the freeze bomb item here. Try it out on the brown enemy here. The higher his neck is when you freeze him, the taller the block of ice is (this is important to konw). The block of ice can act as a stepping block for you. The enemies will stay frozen for about 15 seconds before they come out. Return to the area that had the bombable platform. Here, pick up the freeze bomb item for the points. Bomb the first enemy here so his eyes can't hit you. Pick up the heart item in the base of the small snow structure here and head a bit to the right. There is another brown enemy here. Wait until he is near to the snow structure, and he has his head extended upwards. Once this is the situation, bomb him and freeze him. Jump up to the top of this block of ice, and from there, jump over to the top of the snow structure. You can also use this to get the Red Crystal in the air here. Pick up the Gold Gem at the top of the snow structure, and then drop down to the path on the left. Follow this path now, jumping over the first gap. There are some spikes that will come out of the wall where the first Blue Crystal is. When they are gone, quickly nab it. There are more spikes ahead, so be careful. Keep jumping on platforms going left until you get to the small one before the one that has a brown enemy on it. Wait until he extends his neck, and then freeze him. Use the block of ice as a stepping stone over to the higher ledge on the left. Once there, pick up the Blue Crystal and avoid the spikes on the wall. There is another small snow fort here. Freeze the brown enemy when his head is high so you can get to the top of the snow fort, which contains the Adok Bomb. Jump down and pick up the Blue Crystal and Rainbow Gem. You should now have 2400 points (or 2350). Retrace your path, going to the right, until you get to the first snow fort. Once there, head down the far path on the right. Freeze the two brown enemies here and pick up the freeze bomb item. Jump over to the platforms on the right (you'll need a running jump to get to the second platform you see with a brown enemy). Once you are to that said platform, freeze the brown enemy and pick up the firepower item. Head down the little path here and look to the left. There is a brown enemy in the water here. Wait until he has his head up and then freeze him. Use him to get to the platform on the left, across the water. This platform contains two Blue Crystals and a Gold Gem. Again, be careful not to fall off. Jump back over to the area on the right. Head up the thin path here and look over to the right. There are two platforms in the water here, and the second one to the right has a Gold Gem above it. Jump down to the first one (which will start to sink when you get on it) and quickly jump over to the second. Pick up the Gold Gem here, and then quickly jump back to the first one, and from there, back to the solid platform on the left. Run back down the small ledge here and, this time, jump over to the platforms on the right. You should have 3600 points. Freeze the brown enemy on the high ledge when you see it (so he doesn't hit you off). Make sure he isn't near the area that you have to jump to (the edge of his platform) or else you won't be able to get there. Once frozen, jump there and run by him. Pick up the Blue Crystal here and then run up the path. There is another brown enemy here. Wait until he is near the left edge of this area, and then bomb him (you can get the ledge on the upper left whether his head is up or down). Jump over to the next platform and pick up the heart item. Keep jumping up the platforms until you see the one with a brown enemy. Freeze him before jumping there, and then run by him over to more ledges on the left. Pick up the Blue Crystal and Gold Gem here. Go back to the right now to where the latest brown enemy is. Wait until he is on the far right ledge of this platform and has his head in the high position. Freeze him when he's like that and jump up to the higher ledge on the right. Over on the next platform is another brown enemy. Wait until it is near the left edge and bomb him when his head is high. Jump up on him and over to the higher ledge on the left. Another brown enemy here. Wait until his head is high and he is in the middle or on the right side of this platform and freeze him then. Jump over to the platform on the right now, and then over to the next (pick up the Red Crystal here). Once you get it, head to the left and freeze the latest brown enemy when its head is up, however it's on the left of the platform this time. Once there, wait until the next brown enemy on the upper left platform is near the right side of the platform and its head is up. Freeze it then, and use it to jump up to the higher platform on the right (get the extra life item on the high left of this platform if you wish; you'll need to get it if you didn't get or don't have the Adok Bomb in your current point total). This next platform has yet another snow fort on it. The exit is in here, so head on through. 4500 points will net you a score of 5. *** AREA 2 - SLUSH MOUNTAINS Introduction: Funny to think that we are nearly through the game. Area 2 of Mazone Star is quite different to the others that we have seen: there are only five levels (isntead of the usual seven), and there is no fight with Nitros (don't worry, we'll be fighting him in Area 3). Most of the levels here are long and difficult, and they all have new enemies and complex puzzles that we must get through (especially Heaven Sky, the most difficult Bomber Jet level in the game by far). Fortunately, not everything here is that bad. The Slush Mountains contains some of the nicest looking levels in the game (visual wise as well as ambient wise; view the Slush Mountains image in the game to see what I mean). We will be working our way across the mountains until we get to the large rainbow- coloured road in the far distance, which will lead us to Area 3 of Mazone. The next planet contains no Area 2, so this will be the final Area 2 that we will have to go through (sniff). I will warn you ahead of time that it is almost critical to have an extra bomb count of 4 and a firepower count of 4. We will be seeing a lot of enemies, and most of them are quite agile (so having a large radius of firepower is very necessary). I wish you luck! *** Mazone Star - Area 2 - SNOWLAND (Level 53) Perfect Score: 4550 or 4500 Difficulty: 8/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 21/24 Snowland starts at the very base of the large mountain we see on the Area 2 landscape image on the level selection screen. When you start this level, you will see a small cut scene. Bomberman is running through a small, snowy valley towards Area 2. Little does he know that the weird cat girl and her spider-like robot are looking from above. You'll find out who they are soon enough. This level contains the game's 21st Adok Bomb. After the cut scene finishes the level will start. This is a level that moves straight forward, however there are some rather annoying enemies to try and block our path. Up first, as soon as you start, you'll see a bouncing snowman- like enemy with sunglasses over in the distance on the right. He will throw snowballs at you (he can't throw very far), but after about 6 throws he'll throw his head at you! His head is actually a giant bomb with a large blast radius, so take him out before this happens. You'll also miss out on 100 points. It takes two bomb hits to take him out. Once he's gone, destroy the blue box over on your left. There's a firepower item in here. Move up and pick up the extra bomb item over on the left near the cliff wall. To the left of this is a tree with crystal leafs. Jump up to the top of it and pick up the Blue Crystal on the top. Walk forward a bit and kill the snowman enemy on the left like you did the one before. Walk forward now, on the right side of the area, and a third snowman enemy will appear. Take him down, and then pick up the two Blue Crystals near the bottomless pit here (walk slow, as Bomberman can slip on the snowy ground right into the pit). To the left of where the third snowman appeared is another crystal tree with a Blue Crystal at the top. Pick it up, and then walk forward on the path on the left. There is a monkey frozen in ice here. When you go near him, he will break out and throw an ice block directly in front of his position. Stay to the left or right of his path (I suggest the left, as the bottomless pit is over on the right). Once the block is gone, he'll start running around. Bomb him twice to kill him. Now, walk forward. There is another monkey up ahead on the right. Again, avoid the block he throws, and then throw two bombs at him to take him out. Once he's gone, pick up the extra bomb and firepower items near the bottomless pit. Head through the path in the wall now. You should have 950 points. Up ahead are four of the snowmen on skies going across the level. They will not self-destruct, or even go out of their path to hit you. Bomb the first one you see and then head to the right. The small tunnel he was going into contains a single Blue Crystal. Now, bomb the second snowman and pick up the two Blue Crystals on the left. Over where the third snowman is, take him out and pick up the single Blue Crystal in the tunnel to his left. Finally, kill the last snowman and pick up the two Blue Crystals to his right. This will cause two platforms to come out of the wall on both the left and right sides of this small half-pipe (between the second and third tunnels). Head over to the left, jump up onto this new platform, and up to the cliff above. Once up here, pick up the three Blue Crystals ahead. The ledge here is very skinny, so watch your stepping. Head all the way back on this ledge and pick up the Adok Bomb. Jump up to the higher cliff here and get the two Blue Crystals up here. Now, once safe, jump down back to the half-pipe and over to the right side. Go up the new platform here to the higher cliffs on the right. Pick up the two Blue Crystals and heart item directly ahead of us. Now, walk back and pick up the body armour item at the end of this path. Be careful NOT to fall off here, as there is a bottomless pit below us. Now, walk forward again on this ledge until you can't go any further. In the distance you'll see a small, brown ledge on the cliff side. Take a running jump over there (there's no bottomless pit below us, so if you fall just come back up here) and pick up the yellow heart item at the end of this path. Jump back over to the half-pipe now from these upper ledges. Once there, head over to the right. You'll see another snow monkey enemy in a block up ahead. Defeat him like you have the ones before (watch out for the bottomless pit on the right) and head to the next area. This next area contains slipper platforms over a bottomless pit. Be very careful here, as it is very simple to fall off. Pick up the Blue Crystal over on the left, and then look for the small icy platform sticking out of the snow on the leftish part of this area, near the Blue Crystal. Up ahead is another icy platform (impossible to miss) with a snow monkey. Jump over there, and then jump over the ice block that he throws towards you (it can push you off if you don't jump, so be careful here). The monkey won't move off his small platform, so stand back and destroy him. Once he's gone, head to his small area and jump over to the platform on the left. Pick up the Red Crystal here, and then jump back to where the monkey was. Head over the small, icy path going to the right. There are two blue boxes up ahead on another snowy platform. The one on the left contains a missle enemy (just jump over it, or else it may hit you into the pit below). The second, on the right, contains a Gold Gem. Have Bomberman go near the edge of this platform (the edge that faces you) and you'll see one with a Red Crystal on it. This is a very small platform, and a tough jump. Jump over there, pick it up, and then jump back. Head forward on the icy path ahead. There is another snow monkey up ahead with an ice block on his head. When he throws it, jump over to the area on the right (you'll have to go over the bottomless pit here) to avoid the block. This is quite tricky, but you should be okay with jumps like this now. Take him out and then head over to the left of this area. Over on an icy platform to the left over the pit is a switch. Hit it with a bomb to make the platform to the right of the switch move. This is a very tricky jump, as if you miss jumping to this platform, you'll go into the pit below. When the platform is near, jump over to it and ride it to the heart item. Pick it up and ride the platform back to the area in the distance. Jump back over there when it's safe to do so. There are some small snowballs around here (and a bottomless pit in the center). They will roll towards you (and get bigger) when you get near them. It's easy to dodge them, so they should give you no problems. There are two Blue Crystals on the left and right side of this area. Pick them up, and then jump over the bottomless pit in the center to get the Gold Gem. Take a running jump to pick it up (be SURE to jump from left to right or right to left, NOT the other way, as Bomberman cannot make it). The exit is just to the left of the bottomless pit. The ice block he throws will hit against the top of the area where he is, so you don't have to worry about dodging it. Take him down, but don't exit yet. Pick up the Blue Crystal at the top of the tree to the left of the exit. This will give you a total of 4550 or 4500 points. You need 4500 points for a score of 5 for this level. *** Mazone Star - Area 2 - STORM VALLEY (Level 54) Perfect Score: 3500 Difficulty: 8/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 21/24 You'll be using Louie here once again, as we will be trying to get up one of the Slush Mountains. There are some very high jumps here that will require several walls jumps in a row. Unfortuantely, you'll see a new sort of 'enemy' here that can really ruin your day. There are no Adok Bombs here. You must do something new here: in order to exit the level, you must defeat all of the screw-shaped enemies around. From where you start, move forward and pick up the two Blue Crystals. There is a large pit all around us here, so be very careful (Louie cannot slip on the snow thanks to the traction on his feet, however he isn't quite as responsive as Bomberman is, so keep things slow). Head to the path on the left. Up ahead is a small pile of snow with a brown sign-looking thing on the cliff wall. This is a giant snow blower. If you get in its path, it will blow you and Louie right into the bottomless pit. To take it down, run to the right of it, quickly jump up, and land on the top of it. If you miss or hit him with anything but Louie's feet, then quickly tap left or right on the control stick to have Louie scramble away from the wind this thing produces. Once it's gone, head to the left. There's a radio item here. It says, "Defeat all of the screw-shaped enemies to make the snowball bridge appear!" We must do this in order to exit the level, as the snowbridge gives us access to the level exit. Keep going to the left and you will soon see another of those snow-blowing enemies. Take it out like you did the one before and then pick up the three Blue Crystals to the left of where the snow blower was. Again, go more to the left. There is yet another snow blower enemy here. Take it down (while jumping on its head, you should be able to pick up the Blue Crystal in the air; if you don't, we'll get it later). Keep going to the left. There is a screw enemy up here. When you approach it, the thing will start to screw around and try its best to hit you. Taking it out is easy: jump on it's head three times in a row to drive it into the snow. On the third jump it will be destroyed. Once it is gone, head into the small area where the latest snowblower was. This is where Louie can wall jump to get to a higher part of this mountain. You'll have to make several wall jumps (start on the right side) to get up to the top of this place. Up here is another screw enemy. Take it down like the one you did before and, this time, head to the right. You'll see another wind blower up ahead, inside of another area that Louie can wall jump. Take him down and then pick up the Gold Gem in the air near to where he is. Don't wall jump up here yet. Head over to the right and kill two more screw enemies. Once they are gone, keep going to the right and you'll eventually see another screw enemy. Once he's gone, head to the right even more. There is another wind blower up here and another screw enemy. The screw enemy will come towards you before the wind blower sees you, so take it out first. Once it's gone, take out the wind blower. Pick up the heart item in the air once it's gone, and then head to the left until you get to the area where Louie can wall jump (there are two places here where Louie can do it; head to the one on the far left). Wall jump up (starting on the right) until you get to the top (it should take three wall jumps). Up here, take out the two screw enemies that start to go around this area right when you land up here. Once they are gone, pick up the two Blue Crystals near the edge of this platform. Head to the left of this platform now and jump over the area that we used to wall jump up here. There is another platform over here with another screw enemy on it. When you defeat this one you should hear a beep sound, meaning that you have killed all of them. Destroy the snow blower enemy here and pick up the three Blue Crystals to the left of it. Head back over the gap on the right now and go to the right of this platform, picking up the single Blue Crystal. The snow bridge is up ahead now (or at least it should be). The bridge looks like a bunch of snowballs going to the right. When you land on one, Louie will bounce off of it. To get to the next snowball, press right on the control stick to get there. If you fall, then don't worry. The snowballs will reappear after about 5 seconds of being hit down. When you get to the four ball, press UP on the control stick to make Louie get to the snowball in the distance. Once he's there, press LEFT on the control stick to get over to the platform that has three Blue Crystals on it plus a Gold Gem in the air over on the far left. Once you get it, head back to the right of this platform and jump on the snowball. Make your way over to the right again until you see the end. Don't jump there yet! Instead, jump over to the snowball in front of us (by pressing DOWN on the control stick) so you can get to a platform that has four Blue Crystals on it. You should now have 3500 points, which is what you need to get the score of 5 for this level. Use the two snowballs to get over to the platform with the exit for this level. Head on through! Unfortunately you must say goodbye to Louie now, as no more levels in the future will require us to use him. *** Mazone Star - Area 2 - SNOW CIRCUIT (Level 55) Score Needed: 4000+ Difficulty: 10/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 21/24 Snow Circuit is one of the hardest levels on Mazone. It's the second level that requires use of the Bomber Slider. This one is VERY difficult, as it is almost impossible to stay on and get a score of 5 at the same time. This level is filled to the brim with enemies and very small ledges. Plus, since it is very hard to keep control with the Bomber Slider, you may need several tries in order to get through this level. The best thing to do is keep your cool if you can't seem to get it; you'll get it eventually! Like in other levels like this (where you have one chance to get items), I'll try my best to give you a route to go through and what to look out for while you are progressing through this area. Of course, overall success is up to you. From where you start, head forward and pick up three Blue Crystals. Stay going forward and pick up the Gold Gem (don't bother with the snowmen on the skies, as the Gold Gem is worth more than they are). Keep going forward and, this time, head over to the left (remember you can press DOWN on the control stick to slow down) and pick up the three Blue Crystals (kill any snowmen by spinning into them (pressing B) if they get into your way, but don't make way of trying to get them, as they are hard to hit and will often hit you first). Head forward and pick up three Blue Crystals over on the right. Use a spin attack on the entourage of the monkey enemies on skies up ahead. Quickly go to the left now and pick up the Red Crystals. Keep going forward and spin into the snowman over on the right up ahead. WARNING: THE PATH HERE IS VERY SMALL! FALLING OFF IS VERY, VERY EASY, SO TRY YOUR BEST TO STAY IN THE VERY MIDDLE OF THE PATH! Up ahead is a gap in the path. Jump over it and try your best to get the heart item (you'll have to be moving somewhat slow in order to get it). Up ahead are three Blue Crystals on the right. Go slow and pick them up, then follow the path over to the left. Spin into the laser enemy up here (if you run into him you may fall off). Up ahead is a Gold Gem. Pick it up and spin into the snowman to take him off (before he explodes and knocks you off). Quickly jump over to the path on the right and pick up the three Blue Crystals. Up ahead is another snowman enemy. Spin into him, and then jump up and get the Gold Gem in the air (again, you'll have to move slow to get it, or else Bomberman might go right over it). Pick up the three Blue Crystals ahead on the left. Keep folling this path and, when you see them, pick up three Blue Crystals on the right. Stay on this path (spin into the monkey enemy up ahead). Up ahead, at the very end, is a Rainbow Gem (something you'll really want). Pick it up, and then quickly jump over to the path that continues to your left. This can be a rather tricky jump, but you should be okay. Once on this path, stay on the side where you jump and pick up the three Blue Crystals up ahead. Once you get them, speed up and jump onto the high path in the center of this area. Spin into a monkey if he's still up there, and spin into the laser guard (if you hit him you may fall off). This path is VERY skinny, so, once you take the laser guy out, go slow. When this skinny path ends, you'll be right by the end of the level. Spin into one or two of the blue enemies up here (we saw these guys back in Blue Cave on Planet Bomber). The end is right by them. You'll need a score of 4000 or better in order to get a score of 5 for this level (that single Rainbow Gem is a must get, or else I can more or less tell you now that you'll never get a 4000 here unless you kill LOTS of enemies, which can be tough since the paths are so damn skinny). This is the final Bomber Slider level in the game, so if you hate these levels (I'm sure many do), then you should be happy. If you love them, well, then, too bad. :) *** Mazone Star - Area 2 - HEAVEN SKY (Level 56) Score Needed: 7500+ Difficulty: 10/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 22/24 If you thought Snow Circuit was hard, then just wait until you see this one. Heaven Sky is the final Bomber Jet level, and it is by far the hardest one. This level is fairly long, contains tonnes of enemies (including a rather tough sub-boss at the end), and also contains an easy-to-miss Adok Bomb (the final one for Area 2). Some could say that this level (and Snow Circuit) are the hardest ones in the game because you cannot go back and get what you missed. This will happen to you quite often here. Like all the other levels like this, it is nearly impossible for me to give you a direct strategy (as it is up to you to avoid most of the enemies and get most of the items), however I'll give you my best tips for going through in hopes that they will help. First, pick up the two extra bomb items. Up ahead are four blue things that will come towards you. Take out at least three of them (taking out all four would be perfect) and continue onwards. Up ahead are five more of the blue things. The two on the left and right will move into and out of the center of the area (with the one in the center always going in the same direction). Try your best to take out the top two and middle one, and go for the lower two if you have time. Up ahead you'll see four birds spread out across the middle of the area. Try your best to take all four out (starting on the left, fire a bomb at one bird, then keep going to the right and fire a bomb when the bird is in Bomberman's path). Up ahead are three birds that fly up and down. Try your best to take them out, and then fire at all of the birds that you see (there are quite a few up here). Taking out most of them will be perfect. Two more of the blue things will appear soon (one on the left and one on the right). One at the high center of the area will appear too. Up ahead are two of these blue things creating a laser that goes across the area. Take out one of them (whether it's the one on the left or right doesn't matter) to destroy the laser. Up ahead are two more of these laser connections, except the laser is going from top to bottom of the area. Have Bomberman fly downwards until he is at the same level of the lower blue things. Destroy both of them to clear a pathway forward. Up in the tunnel-like thing ahead are about 6 or so more birds. They fly all over the place, so you'll have to do some good aiming with your bombs. If you are having problems, blow a bomb up (by pressing and holding Z) to shoot four all at once. Surely one will hit a bird or two. About in the center of this tunnel-like area is an invulnerable enemy that has giant cannonballs going around it. You cannot destroy this thing, and it is VERY hard to get by it without getting hit. Time it so that you'll go below it right when one of the balls goes by (they move fast). Once you get by it, kill the four birds that appear near the base of this area. Once they are gone, QUICKLY move up and you'll see two pillers to the left and right of this area. At the top of the one on the left is a Gold Gem. Be sure to snag it. Up ahead is another of those invulnerable cannon ball enemies. Like you did before, wait until you can safely get though (if you get hit then that's fine, as it is very tough to get by these) and then speed on through. Try to pick up the two Blue Crystals right after it if you can, and try to kill all three birds you see after. Now, up ahead, you'll see two lines going across and up and down this path. In the center is a small square-like formation when the lines meet. Go through here and kill the bird up ahead. BE SURE TO DO THIS!!! Once you get near the Gold Gem ahead, Bomberman will be transported to another area of the level. If you don't do this, then you'll probably miss the needed target for a score of 5. Once you're into the next area, kill the two birds up ahead. Once they are gone and you've gone between the two pillers, pick off the bird on the left and right of the cannon ball enemy up ahead. Pick up the two extra bomb items ahead (don't bother with the firepower item unless you have a very low firepower score, as you'll need a score of 3 or higher later) and pick up the Blue Crystal once by the enemy. There's a long line of Blue Crystals here, so pick them all up (forget about the Red ones) and go by the second cannon ball thing. Up ahead contains a lot of birds, two Rainbow Gems, and one Gold Gem. Get the Rainbow Gem on the bottom right of the area (you can only get one of these Gems, and it might as well be this one). Now, quickly go over to the left and pick up the extra life and heart items. Go by the second cannon ball enemy. Up ahead is another cannon ball enemy, birds (one in each corner of the area, top left, top right, etc), and two connected laser enemies. Defeat as much as you can (while safetly getting by the cannon ball thing) and keep going forward. Up ahead you'll be transported back to where we were before. You'll appear right in front of a Gold Gem. Pick it up, and then pick up either the firepower or heart items (if you have low firepower, get that, however if you have one health left and low firepower, go for the health... really whatever you thing you need more). Once you pick either up, quickly go to the center of this area (beside the large stone piller) and to the bottom. You'll see the Adok Bomb down here, right after the piller. You have one chance to get it (if you miss you can always replay the level, but who wants to do that?) so make it count. Pick it up and kill a bird on the left or right if you can. up ahead is the hardets sub-boss in the game. This dragon, like enemy has two large snake-like heads and a giant body. The main problem in defeating this thing is that it takes a while to figure out how to even hurt him. It's quite simple, however. You'll first have to take out his two heads. They are often near each other, so fire a bomb when so. If you have a large blast radius (firepower rating of 3 or 4), then you'll be able to take out the two heads easily. You MUST take them both out at the same time, or else hitting his weak spot is nearly impossible. Once they are gone, he'll probably reveal his chest (sometimes he keeps his claws there, but he'll remove them eventually). Once he reveals the blue spot on his chest, fire a bomb there. Keep doing it and racking up the damage. Eventually his heads will grow back. Simply repeat what I stated before until he blows up, giving you 2000 points. It is easy to finish this level with over 10,000 points if you followed my pointers before. The dragon fight took me a few tries until I was able to do it properly, so that may happen to you too. If it does, keep on trying, as you'll get him eventually! You'll need 7500 points in order to get the score of 5 (getting that Rainbow Gem and various Gold Gems is very important). *** Mazone Star - Area 2 - EYE SNAKE (Level 57) Perfect Score: 4500 Difficulty: 8/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 22/24 Ahh, the final level of Area 2. We've made it across all of the Slush Mountains and are now on our way to Area 3, but we must get across the rainbow road first. This will not be very easy either, as the road is skinny, slippery, and worst of all, we'll have to deal with those snake heads from the monster we destroyed (or thought we had destroyed) at the end of Heaven Sky. Plus, to make things worse, in order to get a score of 5 for this level you'll have to defeat both of them for the points (and this is NOT easy to do). Be happy in knowing that finishing this level will mean we'll have access to Area 3! This level only gets a score of 8 in difficulty since it's so easy to fall off, and fighting the snakes can be tough; the rest is very simple. Right from the start you'll see that this level is quite sore on the eyes. We are high up in the clouds (meaning if you fall off this level you'll die right away) and a pathway that could trick you out if you're on anything. From the start, kick a bomb down to the blue enemy directly ahead of us. Go down the path when it bends to the left and kick another bomb to another blue enemy at the base. Follow this path and destroy the death bomb when you see it. By now you'll probably see the first snake appear. It weaves up and down, and will try it's best to knock Bomberman off. In order to kill it, you'll have to keep the higher ground and throw a bomb AT ITS HEAD (NOT body) to take it out. These things are strong, and it takes several hits to kill it. You'll have to keep it ahead of you in order to take it out (it will sometimes weave behind you, and you obviously can't hit it from there). If it does do this, simply run backwards on this path until you can go no futher. We have cleared some of the path so far, so simply stay in this area (don't go past where the Death Bomb was, or else you'll have to fight enemies while killing this thing). Keep going back and fourth on the path (if you go towards where the Death Bomb was when the snake is behind you, it will follow, so wait until it is near again and retrace your steps so you get the higher ground). It will take three hits to take it out. Each snake is worth 1000 points. Once you kill both of them, return to where the Death Bomb was, and continue on the path to the left. You should have 2300 points. Kill the next blue enemy to the left of where the Death Bomb was. Continue following the path forward and take out the next blue enemy when you see it. Keep going and pick up the four Blue Crystals ahead. Now, at the next bend, there are two of those annoying knife enemies. You don't have to kill them to get the perfect score, and I suggest you simply avoid them (if they hit you, then you may be pushed off). Simply get their attention and run away (up the path going to the left is best) until they kill themselves. Pick up the heart item on their platform and continue dowards. There is a bouncing brown enemy down here. Take it out and pick up the Blue Crystal here. Over on the area to the right is another blue enemy. Take it out and head over to where it is. Up ahead you'll see another bouncing brown enemy. Take it out (throw a bomb or kick one) and follow this path forward. The path dips quite a bit up here, so from the platform where the Body Armour was, throw a bomb over to the Death Bomb ahead. Once it's gone, follow the path (pick up the two Blue Crystals over on the right, it can be easy to miss these believe it or not). Up ahead are two blue enemies and two Blue Crystals. Pick them up and take the enemies out, and go up the path to the left when you get there. There's a blue enemy at the end of this elevation to the left. Take it out and keep following the one path. As soon as you get the heart item, QUICKLY throw or kick a bomb over to the left. There's a fireball shooting enemy here, and if one of his fireballs hits you then you'll, most of the time, fall right off into the sky below. Once he's gone, keep going onwards and take out the two brown enemies ahead. Up ahead are four more knife enemies. Try your best to avoid them or bomb them while they charge you (since you have the body armour, you don't have to worry about your own explosion knocking you off the path). Take out the blue enemy at the end of this path and then go to the right. Pick up the two Blue Crystals ahead and, before the path goes up a little bit, throw a bomb at the fireball enemy up ahead before it can get its fireballs on you. Once it's gone, kick a bomb over to the final fireball enemy at the very end of this path. He's guarding the exit that gives you access to Area 3, so once he's gone and you have 4500 points (for a score of 5 for this level), then head on through! *** AREA 3 - MAZONE DOME Introduction: Well, we've done it. We've made it to the final Area in Mazone, which contains some of the final exploration levels in the game. Mazone Dome is where the Garaden Empire has been setting up their base, so if we come in here and take them out, they'll have no where to go but back to their spaceship, which is where we will be heading next. Mazone Dome contains five levels, however two of them are boss fights. We will be fighting Nitros first (for a fourth time), and we will also face a boss at the end of this area (that weird cat woman that we have been seeing since Kanatia Star; her name is Natia). In all of the other levels we will be trying to find a disc that Bomberman needs. The exact meaning for these discs is still not known (no, I will not spoil what they are for until we get to the cut scene later on). You cannot complete Air, Zero G, and the Mirror Room until you find the discs in each respective level, so you'll have to search well and leave nothing behind. Most of the levels here aren't all that tough (minus the fight against Natia). All three of the exploration levels contain some weird twist (such as you being able to turn gravity from high to low in the Zero G Room, allowing Bomberman to jump way high, and going throw a Mirror in the Mirror Room and taking a look at reflections). All and all, these levels aren't as tough as Snow Circuit and Heaven Sky in Area 2, so you should be fine here. The fight against Nitros isn't easy, but you should be okay, as, technically, there is nothing really new in fighting him. *** Mazone Star - Area 3 - VS. NITROS (Level 58) Score Needed: 6500+ Difficulty: 6/10 Here it is: the fourth fight against Nitros. When you start this level, a small cut scene will start. Bomberman and Nitros are inside of the foyer of Mazone Dome. Nitros and the rest of the Garaden Empire cannot seem to find the last "disk" and he asks Bomberman if he knows where it is. Bomberman tells Nitros that he does have it, and that he will never give it to Nitros. Once again Nitros states that he will defeat Bomberman and get the disk back. And for those who are wondering, I don't know where the princess is right now. She's probably around here somewhere. Taking out Nitros again will keep him off our back for a short while. Nitros does not have his shield this time, however he does have a few new ways of attacking. First I want to mention that the electric tiles are now on the sides of the area (the two middle squares of each side), so be sure to stay somewhat in the center of this area, and no around the edges. There is a new square here that I should also mention; it has a red, hollow circle on it. When Nitros stands here, a giant stream of fire will come out of ALL of these circles. So, whenever Nitros stands on one of these, make sure Bomberman isn't standing on top of a red circle. The blue and green X squares are still here, the ones that cause all of the spikes to appear, but you should know how to deal with them by now. You should fight this fight in the exact same way that you have fought Nitros in the past. There is honestly not that much different here except his placement of cherry bombs. When Nitros runs towards you, he will make about 4 cherry bombs appear right in front of them. Be sure to stay away from these, as their blast radius is quite large. Stay away from Nitros but never stop throwing bombs. Always make sure he is flashing from getting hit. You have to beat him before the timer hits 6500, which shouldn't be a problem, assuming you are able to stay alive (thanks to those cherry bombs). One thing that used to happen to me alot was that I always threw bombs into the cherry bombs that Nitros creates, which, of course, hurt me considering your own bomb can hurt you (and there's obviously no body armour here). This is the final easy fight against Nitros. We'll face him once more on the next planet, and he is more of a fighter there... as you'll see. *** Once the fight ends you'll see a short cut scene. Bomberman hears his name being called and runs towards a few clear tanks on a wall. Princess Millian flashes and appears in the middle tank. She tells Bomberman that there are three more disks like the one that Pibot gave us a long while ago. She says that they are hidden somewhere inside of this dome. The Princess, like us, has no idea what Garaden is going to be doing with these disks; hell, we don't even know what's on them! She feels that something big is going to be happening soon. She says that Bomberman can rescue her later, and that it is more important to get those disks first. With that, she disappears, and Bomberman is left standing there angry. He is now determined to get those disks. Next stop: Air Room. *** Mazone Star - Area 3 - AIR ROOM (Level 59) Perfect Score: 4050 or 4000 Difficulty: 7/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 23/24 The Air Room is the first of three various rooms inside of Mazone Dome. This room is all about blowing Bomberman all over the place, up vents, and down vents. Each vent contains various items, and you'll have to use the vents in order to get to new places. This level isn't all that hard, however the entire level does take place over a bottomless pit, so a single slip and you'll fall right down there. There are also a few enemies here that would love to push you right off, which they will, so we'll have to be careful. We will be finding a disk in here, like we will in the next two levels too. Also, the game's twenty-third Adok Bomb will be found here! Only one more to find after this! You'll start the level inside of the Dome lobby. Directly in front of us is an orange transport tube. Behind this is a flashing blue area with the word "Air" above. Head over here and go inside this little place to be transported to the Air Room. From where you start, head forward a small distance. There's an enemy with a long needle-like nose ahead. Kill him with one bomb. These guys love to charge you with their nose, and they love nothing more to push you right off the area. Over to the left, on one of the grated areas, is a single Blue Crystal. Jump down there and pick it up. Now return to where the long nosed enemy was. You'll see a green pipe over to the top right of this area. Head over there and jump into the middle of the grated area under the pipe. This is an air vent, and it will blow us up to the next area. Once you're blown up and can't go further, make your way to the ledge up here. Run around this area and kill the needle nose enemy. Pick up the Red Crystal in the middle of this area. Now, jump down to the first floor, where we just were before. Go to where the first needle nose enemy was (in the middle of the platform in the first area where we started). Now, over to the top left is another air vent. Head over there and jump into the middle of the vent. You should have 500 points before going through here. Once at the top of this vent, you'll stay up here until you move out of the air stream. Over to the right are three Blue Crystals in the air. Move over there and pick up the Blue Crystals as you fall to the next area. You're now on the second floor of this area, where the Red Crystal was. Once again, jump down to the first floor and go to where the first needle nose enemy was. Head over to the bottom left of this area now. There's another air vent here. You should have 650 points right now. There are items in the middle of this vent, so as you go up, be SURE to stay in the very middle so that you pick them as you go up (yes, it's possible to miss them). If you do miss them, you can always come back down here and go up again. I've never actually quite seen what's in here. I think it's a few Blue Crystals and a heart item, but you should have a total of 900 points when you come out. Once on this next floor, move forward on the path and take out the needle nose enemy. Head right around this path until you get to the air vent on the far left. There's a Red Crystal here, so you'll easily see which one I mean. Like before, stay in the center as you go up here. You should have 1000 points before going up. Once at the top you should have 1350 points. Drop down over to the right to land on another level of floor. There is a fireball shooting enemy here (those balls will hit you off if you aren't careful). Bomb him like you have the ones before. Once he's gone, head over to the bottom left of this area to find another air vent. You should have 1450 points before going up here. Again, stay in the center of this air stream to pick up items on the way up. Once at the top, wait here until the moving platform to our right comes beside where we are. You should have 1700 points right now. Once the platform comes beside us, press right on the control stick to direct Bomberman over there. You'll see the Adok Bomb over in the center of this area to our right. Don't get it yet (you can't jump there as it's too far; we'llget it later), and just use this platform to get to the air stream in the distance. Jump into it when you are close enough. Again, stay in the center. Bomberman will keep going up until he stops high in the air. Once up here, you'll see the disk over to the left, as well as a floating platform beneath. Move Bomberman over there and pick up the disk (it's worth 50 points). From this platform, jump over to the small grey platform in front of us. The exit door is just beneath us, however we still need to get more stuff. From this platform, look over to the rightish in front of us. You should see another platform here. Jump over to this circular platform (don't drop down from the platform we are currently on, as you may exit the level by accident). Now, jump over to the left and pick up the two Blue Crystals in the air. You should now have 1950 points. You should also see a Gold Gem on this small platform that we are on. Pick it up, and head over to the air jet on the right. When you get into it, Bomberman won't go upwards. Head over to the right to fall onto a level below. You should have 2450 points. This level contains another needle nose enemy over on the far right. Bomb him, and then go down the path over to the right (the path that doesn't lead to the air vent with two Blue Crystals visable). Stay in the middle of this vent and go up to the top. There are a few Blue Crystals and a heart item in here. Once you can go no further, you should have a score of 2750. Carefully press over to the left until Bomberman starts to fall. Once he does, don't press over anymore. He'll land where we just were, before we went up that last vent. Now, head over to the middle of this platform. Stand just to the left of where the Adok Bomb is below (DON'T get it now, as you'll be blow all over the place) and drop all the way down. Your goal is to get back to the first floor of this area. Once there, head to the right. You should be able to see an air vent over on the bottom right of this area. You'll have to jump over there. This is a rather tough jump, especially because, as soon as you get in there, you got to get into the center of the jet right away. You'll keep going up and up and up, picking up Blue Crystals. When you get to the top and can't go any further, you should have a total of 3400 points. Move Bomberman over to the left and land on the small grey platform up here. Stand in the middle of the left part of this platform and wait for a moving platform to come from below. Jump over to it and ride it down. Keep riding it down until it goes no further. From where it stops you should see another vent in the very center of this area, to our leftish forward. Once the platform has gone down as far as it will go, quickly jump over to this platform and have yourself blown up high. You'll pick up the Adok Bomb this way in the air. Once you get it and are being blown up no further, edge yourself over to the right until you go no further. Stop once you start falling down, and you should land on the edge of the vent that got us up to the Adok Bomb. From here, drop down to the left and you'll land on another level. From here, jump down again to land on yet another level below (it's a bit over to the left). Now, from here, jump down again and you'll land on yet another level. Jump over to where you see the start of the vent on the lower right and you'll land on the platform below. There is a fireball enemy here in the center. Take him down, and then head towards the start of the last air vent over on the top right of this level. Stand in the center and have yourself blown upwards. Keep in the center until you can go no further. You'll pick up several Blue Crystals this way. Your score, once at the top, should be 4050. Push down on the control stick so that you land on the level here. Follow this platform all the way to the left until you can go no further. There's a vent here. Use it to get blown upwards to the exit door! As long as you have the disk you'll be able to leave. A score of 4000 points will give you a 5. 4050 means you have the Adok Bomb. *** Mazone Star - Area 3 - ZERO G ROOM (Level 60) Score Needed: 4000+ Difficulty: 6/10 Adok Bomb: Yes Total Adok Bombs: 24/24 The Zero G Room is one of the most interesting levels in the game. Bomberman has the ability to turn gravity high and low in here. When gravity is up high, he will act like normal (normal jumping, normal falling rate, etc). When gravity is low, Bomberman will jump much higher and fall at a slower rate. This level contains the game's final Adok Bomb! You should have found all 24 by the time this level finishes, which is a very good thing (you'll see why later). You'll start this level out in the Dome lobby once again. This time, go into the door over on the far right (the pink area). It is flashing now, and on top it says "Zero-G". Head on through to start the Zero G Room. You'll start on a high platform. You should see a single Blue Crystal in the middle of the blue tunnel that we will be dropping down. Jump over so that you land on that Blue Crystal, and so that you pick up all the other Blue Crystals and Red Crystal that are located here. You should have 650 points by the time, when you land. If you fail to get these, then restart the level and try again. The only way to get these is by jumping down from the area that we started the level. Once on the ground, head through the opening in the blue wall. You'll see two paper airplanes around here. They will stay flat on the ground until you get near them. Fortunately, you don't have to kill them to get the needed score, however I suggest you might as well try to take them out while they are still on the ground (or when they start flying around) as they will make good practice of throwing bombs for later bosses. Once the two airplanes are gone around here, go to the right. There's another paper airplane over here. Take it out, and then look at the four holes on the ground. The bottom right one has one of those bubble enemies that requires two hits to take down (one hit to destroy the bubble, another hit to destroy the little enemy inside). Take it out and then pick up the two Blue Crystals in the hole on the top left. Up next, head up the yellow platform with spikes on the bottom to the next area. Once this platform has gone as high as it goes, jump to the little ledges on the greenish wall. Get up to the top and then go to the right. There's another paper airplane up here. Take it down, and head over to the area on the right where there are some more holes in the ground. The top left one contains another double bubble enemy. Take it out like you have on the area below. The bottom right hole contains another double bubble enemy, so you know what to do. Now, pick up the two Blue Crystals inside of the top right hole and then hit the switch in the center of these holes. This will make the platform over to the left briefly move up. It doesn't move up much, but it moves up enough so we can jump over to the platforms above here. Get to the top of this platform and then jump over to the platform you see on the right with the Gold Gem. Pick it up and then jump over to the platform on the far left. Jump over to the platform on the top right to where we are now, and from there, the platform up to the right. The radio here says, "Throw a bomb at this switch to jump higher." This is the Zero-G switch. Although hitting it with a bomb won't actually cause gravity to go away, it will weaken it so that Bomberman can jump much higher. Get out of the radio message screen and destroy the bubble enemy up here (kill him BEFORE you hit the switch). Once it's gone, hit the switch! Note: The exit door is located just to the left of this switch, however, since we don't have the disk yet, it will not open. With the switch hit you'll jump much higher, and you can throw bombs further. Okay, so now jump over to one of the platforms up here that has the red and green circles on it. This can be tough, considering you jump so high, you'll have to pilot your way back down to land on a platform. You'll want to make your way to the platform on the opposite end of the exit door that has a firepower item on it. Once there, pick it up and head over to the platform to the left of this one. Pick up the Gold Gem here. If you ever fall, you'll have to make your way back up here all over again, however it's easy to get back up here quickly as you can jump right up here pretty much from the bottom area. From the platform with the Gold Gem, jump up forward to get to the platform high in the air. There is a paper airplane enemy here. Simply jump when he starts to fly towards Bomberman. The airplane will suicide, but again, you don't need its points to get a score of 5 for this level. Pick up the heart item here and now jump up to the next area on the right. This first platform has a large glass floor. Slowly walk towards the two paper airplane enemies and bomb them while they are still flat on the ground. I suggest kicking bombs to hit them instead of throwing, as it can be somewhat hard to aim bombs when the gravity is down. Pick up the extra life item over to the far right. Up on the platform ahead of us you'll see a fireball enemy. Take him out right away from this glass floor (jump and throw a bomb). Once he's out, jump up to this area with four more holes. Both the bottom right and top left holes contain those two bubble enemies. Once they are gone, pick up the two Blue Crystals in the bottom left hole. Head over to where the fireball shooting enemy was and jump up near the wall edge here. Up here is a ledge with, and I hate saying this, the FINAL ADOK BOMB IN THE GAME! You should now have 24/24 (press Start to bring up the Pause screen; all of the 24 spots should be lit up now), which will be useful quite soon. Jump down and head over to the far left. From there, jump up to the left to get to another area. Once up there (we are on top of that large blue tunnel we were in when we first started this level) pick up the heart item and head to the top right of this platform. There's a well hidden Gold Gem in the air here, so be sure to pick it up! Throw a bomb over at the switch here to make a platform rise up in the area just below us to out right. Jump back down there, and now that the platform has gone up, pick up the disk in the hole that is now visible. We are now safe to finish the level! Retrace your path down to where the exit door was (just to the left of the gravity switch that we saw a short while ago). As long as you have 4000 points, which you'll have as long as you got all of the items in this level (as I said you didn't have to kill the airplane enemies), you'll get the score of 5 for the Zero-G Room. Only one more to go! *** Mazone Star - Area 3 - MIRROR ROOM (Level 61) Perfect Score: 4500 Difficulty: 9/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 24/24 Here we are, the final exploration level in the game. Well, kind of, at least. After we finish the Mirror Room, the rest of the levels that we will go by are all comprised of boss fights (starting with Natia and moving on to the next planet). Mirror Room isn't the most difficult level in the game, however it is by far the most tricky. There are no Adok Bombs to find here, however we will be travelling to and through a giant mirror. Bomberman will be able to go on both dimensions of this world, and one dimension is very different from the next, as not all images are the same on both sides of the mirror. All and all, things here aren't all that tough enemy wise. It's all about puzzles here. I wish you luck! Once again you'll start this level inside of the Dome lobby. The door over on the left now is flashing; the green one that says "Mirror" at the top. Head over there and go through to the transporter to enter the Mirror Room. As soon as you start this level you'll see the giant Mirror over in front of us. The mirror more or less mirrors everything on our side of the room. We will have a chance to get over to the other side of the mirror, however (you'll see a few items over on the other side that aren't visible on the side we are currently on). The exit door is directly below where we started this level (check for that now, just so you know for later). Again, it won't open since we don't have the disk. Drop down and go over to the right. You'll see a part of mirror that is coloured differently (whitish with a border around it). This is a portal that Bomberman uses to get to the other side of the mirror. This one is currently inactive, however, so we'll have to come back to it later. There's a ramp just to the left of it. Head up here and pick up the radio (Pibot just says something about the mirror in this room). Follow this path until you're right beside the mirror. Jump over to the path on the right and follow along here. When you get to be right in front of the mirror again, take the path going to the left. There's a Gold Gem up here. Pick it up and you'll notice that the Gold Gem on the other side of the mirror is still there, so this isn't a perfect reflection. Now, head to the right, follow the path, and you'll eventually see a fireball enemy on the other side of the mirror. His fireballs will get stopped by the mirror, however there is a fireball enemy over on our side of the area too! Quickly take him out before his fireballs hit you and push you into the electric coils below. Jump down to the area to the right now, the giant blue platform beside the coils. There are two blue boxes here near the mirror. The bottom one contains a missle enemy, and the top contains nothing. Jump over the missle. Look in the reflection and you'll see that this room actually has a bunch of blocks here, however they are invisible on our side. The only thing that helps us out is the purple template along this floor. Bomberman can't walk into or through this purple area, so you'll have to find the path around. It's simple to find it. Follow your reflection, going to the right, and take out the fireball enemy on our side of the area first. The radio here gives us a good hint, "To open the Mirror Door, blow hot air on the nearest switch!" Look in the reflection. To the right of the fireball shooting enemy is a path up that has three Blue Crystals. Head over to the mirror and, on our side, head up the same path that has the three Blue Crystals. It's easy to get confused while going around here, but look at your reflection and position in the mirror and you'll probably understand what you're doing sooner or later. Once you can't go further, jump up to an invisible area to the right, just as you can see it in the reflection. Once up there, kick a bomb down to the switch to activate it. The Mirror Door above will now start working. Walk to the opposite end of the mirror and go to the right until you're beside the brown wall. Follow your direction and paths by looking in the mirror until you get to the Mirror Door. Head on through once you can. Okay, so we are now on the other side of the mirror! There is no reflection on the other side (so our reflection before seemed to be nothing more than an illusion). Head down the path here to the right and left. Pick up the three Blue Crystals when you come by them on the ramp down to the blue platform, and then kill the fireball shooting enemy on the platform here. Keep heading to the left, going past all of the blocks, until you get to the two blue boxes beside the electric coils at the end of this blue platform. Like before, the top one contains nothing, and the bottom one contains a missle enemy. Simply run by it and return to where the fireball shooting enemy was over to the right. Jump on onto his platform, and then over to the higher one on the left. From here, jump over to the higher platform on the right beside the whitish-blue wall. Jump up more ledges here while going to the left. An evil Bomberman shadow will now appear, who will constantly throw bombs at you. You cannot defeat him (he's a reflection, so there's nothing you can do to destroy it). He cannot move, so simply run away and it will vanish. At the top of this area is the disk that we have been looking for! Pick it up and run to the end of this path. You'll see a orange bouncy thing just beside the mirror. Jump over to it, and from here, over to the higher platform on the left (be sure to pick up the Blue Crystal in the air above the springy platform). Jump over to the next platform on the left here and pick up the four Blue Crystals. Jump over to the next small platform on the left, and then over to the longer one ahead of us. Follow this long path all the way until you see the Mirror Door (another reflection Bomberman will appear, so simply run by it). Once you've gone through to the other side of the level, follow the pathway here to the left. We are above the exit door now, but we are not here to exit! Jump into the small cove on the wall with the blue floor and pick up the heart item and Rainbow Gem. I'm adding this into the guide here because I forgot to do it before. Sorry that I forgot to mention this earlier on, as we'll lose some time here, but that doesn't matter. Jump down to where we started the level from this upper cove (be SURE not to fall beside the exit). Head all the way over to the right until you get to the area with the blue ground and the purple liens on the ground (that show the reflection of the bricks on the other side of the wall). Once there, jump onto the platform that the fireball shooting enemy was. Now, jump over to the platform to our left. Use your reflection to see the platform that we're jumping to. This isn't easy. Once here, run to the far end of the platform (opposite side of the mirror) and jump over to the higher part of the path on the right. This is a tricky jump, but use your reflection to see where you're going. Once up here, use your reflection to jump up the ledges that are going towards the left. We used this path when we were on the other side of the mirror to get to that springy jump thing. We are doing that again, except on the reality side of this level. Eventually you'll get to the springy thing on this side of the mirror. Use the bouncey thing to get the Blue Crystal in the air. Then, use it to get over to the platform on the left. From here, jump over to the next platform on the left and pick up the four Blue Crystals up here. Now you must retrace your steps going to the right until you get to the blue platform area with the high blocks. Like we did before, run up the ramp (that had the 3 Blue Crystals) and follow this invisible path along (with use of your reflection) until you get to the first Mirror Door that we went through. Once on the other side, make your way up the platforms until you get to the springy jump thing (past the first evil Bomberman that we saw). Use it to get over to the platforms on the left, and from there go to the platform that had the four Blue Crystals. Run to the end of this path, and at the end, drop down to the lower one below. There's a Gold Gem at the far left of this path (just like there was on the other side of the mirror). Pick it up and keep going to the right on this path. There is a fireball enemy up ahead. Pick him off before the fireballs hit you into the electric coils below. once it's gone, head over to the left again until you see another evil bomber. Head down the path here and over to the left. When this path ends, jump over to the next on the left. Hit the switch here to make the Mirror Door here function. There's another evil Bomberman here, so watch out for the bombs that he throws. Head through the mirror door and go to the left. We're back where we started this level, however we now have the disk and 3500 points, which is what we need for the perfect 5. Head on through the exit and take a sigh of relef... there's only bosses in our way now. *** Mazone Star - Area 3 - VS. NATIA (Level 62) Score Needed: 6500+ Difficulty: 10/10 Right after you finish the Mirror Room, you will not return to the level select screen. Instead, Bomberman, now with all 4 Disks, will go one on one with Natia, the cat-like girl who has been following us since Area 2 of Kanatia Star. You'll appear in the Dome lobby one last time, with the orange transport in the center of the area now activated. When ready, jump into this transport to start the final fight for Mazone Star - which is by far the most difficult boss fight so far in the game. Once you go through here, you'll appear at the level select screen. It is 100% NECESSARY TO HAVE A RATING OF 4 FOR BOTH EXTRA BOMBS AND FIREPOWER FOR THIS FIGHT! I cannot stress that enough. Any less and you'll have a tought time defeating her, let along defeating her by the target time. If you don't have 4 and 4, head over to Planet Bomber and go through some easy levels to pick items up (Hyper Room is a good one). It is also good if you have 5 or 6 health bars total, as you'll probably end up dying several times. Once you feel ready, select her level. A small cut scene will begin. Bomberman will be inside of a room with Millian. Millian asks Bomberman to give her the disks... but doesn't she look somewhat different to you? And how did she get out of the capsuls that she was trapped in before? Bomberman gives Millian the disks and she thanks him for retrieving them. She puts the disks into the transporter and says that they will be sent to Garaden Star! Lord Bagular, the head of the Garaden Empire (more on his story later), can now be revived thanks to the information on these disks! This makes Bomberman made, and this Millian fake turns out to be Natia! She challenges Bomberman to a fight, with Millian being the stake. She says her pet, Cronus, (the weird spider thing we saw before) will be in this fight too. Yep, we'll have to face two bosses here! This fight takes place in two phrases. PHRASE 1: VS. CRONUS Cronus is the giant spider enemy that we have seen with Natia before. Natia will be floating around on some hovering platform during your fight with Cronus. She won't actually do anything to you, but you can't get her until Cronus is gone, so be sure to focus on him. As soon as the fight starts, throw a bomb over to Cronus who starts on your left. His only weak spot is his eye at the top of his head. Cronus will try to walk into you. He may fire an eye laser at you, and he will sometimes spin into the air for a few seconds and make a few useless missles appear. The fact to fighting Cronus is that you MUST keep on attacking him. Always keep the higher ground on him (DO NOT GO INTO THE CENTER OF THIS AREA). As you keep high ground, you'll simply have to throw bombs to his eye to him it. Even if you miss, as long as you have a firepower rating of 4, the blast radius will hit his eye even if you hit his body. Can't be much easier. Unfortunately, Cronus has quite a bit of health (it takes about 8 hits to take him out; I've never fully counted, but it's somewhere around there). You MUST take Cronus out before the clock passes 8000, or else you might as well restart this fight if you're looking to get the 5 score for this level. PHRASE 2: VS. NATIA once Cronus explodes and is no longer around (no, you don't get any bonus time for doing this), you'll have to go one-on-one with Natia the cat. She will float upwards for a few seconds after Cronus goes (yes, wasting time, hence why you need to defeat Cronus before 8000 comes by). She'll eventually jump down to the platform and will start running towards Bomberman. She will try to hit you with her only weapon: a long whip. As soon as she lands (she usually lands near Bomberman), throw a bomb over to her. Otherwise, jump up so you dodge the whip. If you hit her right when she comes down, she'll jump back up into the air (you can't see her when she goes up here). She'll then jump back down again, usually to the other side of you (if you hit her on the left, she'll appear over on your right). Again, hit her as soon as she comes down and she'll go right back up again. If you keep doing this, she'll have no time to use her weapons (which is good for health), and she won't waste your time by whipping you and then running around for a few seconds, which is a major waste of time. Keep hitting her when she appears again and you'll defeat her in little to no time. As long as you defeat her before the score reaches 5500, then you'll get a score of 5 for this fight. Trust me, it's harder than you may think at first. Natia is amazing at making this fight lag on. The longer this fight goes on, the lower your chance at defeating her will be (her whip will start to wear you down, trust me). All and all, I wish you the best for this fight, and I know you'll be able to do it after a few tries. If you are able to defeat her for the first time and get a 5 as well, then you will have no problem at all on Garaden Star (except, maybe, the final fight against Bagular). *** A small cut scene will start after the fight against Natia and Cronus finishes. The Princess, the real one, is inside of a large cage with an electric barrier around her. Bomberman and Pibot run into the room and Bomberman presses a button that powers down the barrier around the Princess. It seems like the princess has finally been rescued! She walks up to Bomberman and thanks you for helping her. She asks Bomberman if he is planning to go to Garaden Star to defeat their leader, Bagular. Bomberman nods, and then the princess asks to go with him. Bomberman knows this isn't a good idea, and he tells Pibot to take the princess back to Bomber Star. Bomberman leaves Pibot and Millian behind, and runs out of the area to finally take on Garaden, hopefully for one last time. The ending sequence to the planet will now play, giving you your medal. 70 total points will give you a Gold for the planet. Hopefully you have four Golds so far! If you have four Golds and all 24 Adok Bombs, then you're in great shape! Press A to enter a Bonus Stage. *** Mazone Star - BONUS STAGE #4 Difficulty: 5/10 This place is pretty easy, but there isn't all that much here. Pick up the firepower item directly in front of us. Head over to the rocket platform over on the left, place a bomb down there, and quickly jump up onto the platform. Stand in the center and, when you are rocketed up, pick up the two Blue Crystals in the air. Now, jump down to the floor and do the same for the rocket platform on the right. There are two Blue Crystals up in the air here too. Once you get them, jump down to the floor and head over to the rocket platform in the distance. Set another bomb at the base of this one and get up to the top. This can be a bit of a tricky jump. As the platform goes up, quickly jump up and get the two Blue Crystals in the air. Land on the platform again, and while it's starting to go down again, jump over to the moving platform ahead of us. We will need to set a bomb here on this moving platform so that it explodes right when this platform is under the rocket platform. This is very simple to do: ride the platform all the way over to the right. When it has gone as far as it can go, drop a bomb. Quickly jump up to the top of thos platform, and the bomb should explode right when this moving platform is under the rocket. Blast on up! Once this rocket has gone as high as it will go, quickly jump over to the ledge in front of us. Head over to the left first, picking up a Blue Crystal, Red Crystal (x2) and an extra life. Now, retrace your steps and go around to the other side of this ledge, picking up two more Blue Crystals, Red Crystals, and another life. This is all that's in here, so once you pick up that second extra life, this bonus level should be done. [------------------------------] [ Garaden Star ] [------------------------------] Welcome to Garaden Star: We've done it. We've finally done it. We've made it to the final planet in our quest to stop the Garaden Empire from invading the peaceful Bomber Nebula. We have come very far, however things are far from being done yet. Ahead of us lies several boss fights. The exploration levels are all over. It is time to go one-on-one with Garaden's best forces. Garaden Star contains only one Area, and in this Area you will fight all of the bosses that we have fought before. You will take on Endol, Baruda, Bolban, Nitros, and so on. We will finally defeat Nitros one and for all here and learn his story (the guy isn't quite as bad as you may think). The game's main story will also wrap up here. For example: What are those disks for? Natia said that, by using them, she would be able to revive Lord Bagular. But so comes the question, "Who in the world is Lord Bagular?" I have decided to answer this question now, as I think you're probably quite curious. If you wish to decide for yourself, stop reading here and move to the next section below titled Area 1 - Garaden Star. There are several theories as to who Bagular actually is. I do believe that Bomberman Hero has several continuations from the previous Bomberman game on the Nintendo 64, which is simply known as Bomberman 64. During Bomberman 64 you defeat a boss named Altar. Altar tried his best to destroy Planet Bomber by absorbing all of the planet's energy. He needed the energy to power a special sort of weapon - one that would let him rule the universe. Of course, Bomberman didn't let this happen, and to keep the story short, Altar fell to Bomberman. If you notice carefully at the end of Bomberman 64, the only thing left of Altar is his brain. Well, here in Garaden Star, we will see that same brain. To me it is safe to say that Bagular is actually Altar. The disks contain information that will allow Altar to get a new body while keeping his brain. Altar and Bagular look completely different, so those disks must contain code for a new body. Now, this is only a theory of mine. I'm not sure if I'm right, however I doubt that they would place Bagular in this game without him having any sort of reference to a previous game. The fact that the same brain seems to be present more or less tells me that Bagular is actually Altar. Another funny thing is that, when Bagular and Bomberman meet, Bagular knows exactly who Bomberman is. He goes on the lines of saying something like, "So we meet again, Bomberman!" This gave it away to me that he is really Altar from Bomberman 64, wanting to come and, this time, instead of taking over Planet Bomber, he wanted to take over all of the Bomber Nebula. If you never played Bomberman 64 then you'll probably have no idea what I'm saying (or if you never fully beat the game). All and all, it's sometimes good to see the background story into a certain character of a game. I wrote this out because I thought you would find it interesting. So, that's enough talk for now. It's time to move on and face our final challenges before getting to Bagular and saving the Bomber Nebula once and for all! Well... for now, at least. *** AREA 1 - GARADEN STAR Introduction: As I've mentioned several times before, Garaden Star contains only one Area. There are 7 levels in here, all of them being boss fights. So, in a way, this area isn't actually that difficult in the fact that yuo don't have to worry about finding Gems as well as killing enemies. Of course, it's difficult to defeat these bosses again. We have faced all of these guys before, however there are some differences to fighting them this time. Each boss will have a new sort of trick, and getting a score of 5 for each fight is, on the most part, VERY difficult (especially against Natia). Here's how I can tell you if you'll be fine or not: If you were able to defeat Natia, Mazone's final boss, with little to no problem, then you'll be quite fine here. No, it won't be a walk in the park, but these bosses on the most part aren't much more difficult then that last fight we were in. It is very, VERY important, however, that you meet these requirements before going into any fight. Firstly, it is 100% critical that you have a level or 4 in both extra bombs and firepower. Seriously, if you don't, I can tell you right now that you will NOT defeat these bosses by the target time (if you can, then you really are a genious at this game). I'm not saying that it's impossible to defeat these bosses with low stats, but it sure as hell will be hard. Furthermore, it is VERY important to have some extra health available. Remember that for ever 200 Blue Crystals that you get you'll gain another piece of health (the maximum is 8). If you have 4 pieces (which is the default) then you'll probably have LOTS of trouble staying alive in Boss Room's 3-6, and of course against Bagular. I highly suggest getting at least 6 health boxes. It really will help out. The best thing to do is go back to Kanatia Star and play the first level in Area 1 (Hades Crater). Remember how there are around 40 or 50 Crystals here? Play this level a few times, over and over again, and you'll get a few more health pieces very quickly. It will make your life very much easier. There are no healing stations when fighting these bosses. If you have 8 pieces of health and, after fighting Endol (Boss Room 1) you only have 1 piece left, you'll have to take on Barudia with that 1 piece. Of course, you can go back and play a prevous level that contains a yellow heart item (Waterway in Area 1 of Primus Star is probably your best bet, as it's fast to go through that level and the yellow heart item is in an easy-to-get location). So, when you are ready, take a deep breath and enter Boss Room 1! When you start the first level, a cut scene will begin. This one is important to the game story, so I'll go through it. There is a brain inside of a small tube here. Nitros is at the base of a giant machine with four disk slots in it. He places a disk in each of the four slots and they start to read them. In little to no time, Lord Bagular, the head of the Garaden Empire, will arise inside of the machine. He will make an annoying laugh and state that he. is. alive! He says that it is now time for retribution against Bomberman. In the next scene Bomberman will go running through an engine room (it looks strangly like Altar's ship back in Bomberman 64, doesn't it?) and stop in the center of it when Bagular appears on a hologram. He laughs again, and says that it's been a long time since the two last met. Now with his new body he states that defeating him is completely impossible. Bagular says that he has revived the Four Devils of Garaden (these are the four bosses we have faught over the last four planets we have been too) and that they are waiting for Bomberman. With that he laughs again and the cut scene will end. Note: It is important that you read my entire strategy for each boss before you actually fight them. My strategies below are not done in any sort of order during the fight. Some things you do at the start of the fight might be spoked about in the last paragraph for my strategy paragraphs for each boss, so read everything first! It is also good to know how a boss fights and how to defeat them before you actually go into the fight! *** Garaden Star - Area 1 - Boss Room 1: Endol (Level 63) Score Needed: 7500+ Difficulty: 4/10 So here we go, the first boss fight. Again it's against Endol, and this time, he won't be such a pushover. We fight him in the same way that we fought him before (however he only has one phrase this time, which is roughly the same as his second phrase back when we faught him at the end of Planet Bomber). We are on a platform that is submerged with water (be careful not to fall off the blue platform, as you'll go into deep water and hurt yourself). It's hard to see the difference between the blue platform and the deep water, as it is mostly the same colour. Keep your eyes open, however, and always try to stay near the center of the area. Endol fights in much the same way that he did before, however there are a few exceptions. His weak spot is still his chest, so make sure all bombs are thrown towards there. Endol has only two attacks. His first are three electric balls that fire straight from his mouth and forward (they don't home in on you). When Endol leans back, get ready to move to the side. Alternatively, if you're in front of him when he fires the balls, simply throw a bomb at the electric bolt in the center to destroy it. Just make sure you aren't near the blast radius! Endol's second attack again goes with electricity. When he spins around and raises his tail, he is about to cause a giant bolt of electricity to surround the water that you two are in. When he raises his tail, quickly jump up to avoid the electric current going through the water so Bomberman doesn't get electricuted. This attack only lasts a brief second, however he likes to do it quite often. Fighting Endol is NO different than fighting him before. Simply run away from him when he gets too close and throw a bomb the moment he stops flashing. He has such a big weak target (espeically if you have a firepower of 4, you can hit his general area and he'll be hit). You WILL have to hit him non-stop if you want to get the perfect score, however, as you'll have to defeat him before the timer gets to 7500 for a score of 5. Endol will like to walk towards you, and, eventually, right into you. Always keep a short distance from him so that he cannot charge you. Seriously, this fight is too easy (the only one in this area that is). You should be able to get through this fight the first time (even getting a score of 5 on your first try) while losing, at most, 1 piece of health. If you have problems here, then I highly suggest you go back and fight Natia a few times at the end of Mazone Star, as you'll surely need to improve your aim with throwing bombs. That's one boss down... six more to go! *** Garaden Star - Area 1 - Boss Room 2: Baruda (Level 64) Score Needed: 6500+ Difficulty: 7/10 Time to face Baruda for a second time. Luckily, we are NOT using the Bomber Copter to fight him, so, in some ways, he isn't quite as tought as he was back at the end of Primus Star. Of course, this fight won't be a walk in the park (unlike Endol's), as Baruda has a large amount of health and can drain your health very quickly. This fight takes place on a rather small platform over a bottomless pit. It is VERY easy to get excited and fall right off, so I suggest staying where the red part of the level is and no further out. As soon as the fight starts, the large Baruda will start to fly upwards. Quickly run forward and throw a bomb at him before he is able to charge you. When Baruda stops flaping his wings and leans to one side, then he is about to charge you. He will fly from one side of the platform to another, all the time. When he flies off to a corner, quickly run over there and throw a bomb at him. Baruda will either charge you again or use his large chest laser (this thing is VERY difficult to dodge, since the laser stream is so damn big). If he is about to use the laser, quickly move to the left or right of the corner where he is located. The trick here, just like the fight against Endol, is to keep throwing bombs at him and not let him sit there without flashing from taking damage. As soon as he stops flashing, throw another bomb right away to make him hurt again. The longer this fight goes on, the better the change he has at taking damage from you, and the worse the chance for you to get a score of 5 for the level. Baruda has a great deal of health. This fight goes on for a little while, but if you had little trouble against Natia, then you should have not a bunch of trouble here. I can't give a very good strategy for fighting him as this boss fight is really up to you. Just keep playing it until you defeat him, and until you are able to get a score of 5. You must defeat him before the score reaches 6500 to get a score of 5. That's two bosses down... five more to go! *** Garaden Star - Area 1 - Boss Room 3: Cronus (Level 65) Score Needed: 6000+ Difficulty: 9/10 This boss fight is a PAIN IN THE ASS! We will be fighting Cronus once again (the spider enemy who teamed up with Natia back on Mazone Star). This time, however, he is MUCH more difficult than he was before. Getting a perfect score here is hard enough; in fact, beating him is hard enough too. This fight takes place on a very small platform in the shape of a square with a hole cut out in the center. Cronus has the ability to withstand harsh heat (such as the lava around this area), so he will be hiding in the lava for qutie a bit of time. It's very easy to have Bomberman fall into the lava, so you'll have to watch each and every step. Cronus has several different attacks. The one he likes to do the most is to fly up into the air and fire several missles at Bomberman. These missles serve no problem as long as you keep on moving. They are homing, however they will crash right into the ground or lava (or even a few missles into each other) before they will hit you. Cronus will sometimes come out of the lava and start spinning around. When he does this, quickly move out of his path, as he is about to charge you with a large sweeping attack. This is easy to dodge, but you can't hurt him when he's doing it, so it's annoying since it wastes so much time. Finally, Cronus will also use his eye laser at some points. If he simply sticks his head and eye out of the lava, and if you see a blue shine appear near his head, then throw a bomb at his eye and run around this area while jumping to avoid the laser stream. This will hurt you more often than anything else as it's hard to dodge and he uses it all the time. Fortuatenly, as long as you have a firepower of 4, you shouldn't have much of a hard time taking him out. He only has the one weak spot of his eye, however you can hit him nearly anywhere on the body (or anywhere near him in the lava if he just stuck his eye out to fire a laser at you) and the blast radius will probably hit him. This fight is ALL about good placement of throwing bombs. Your accuracy must be very good if you want to hit him each time he comes out of the lava, which is a must if you want to beat him by the time that you need. If you have played The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, then this boss fight will remind you of the one against the fire dragon Volvagia. Like Volvagia, the actual placement of where Cronus comes out of the lava is completely random. He will sometimes try to trick you by starting to come out of the lava in one place, and then quickly go under again and appearing in another area. You'll have to do lots of fast running, and you must keep your eyes open at all times to see where he has come from. And yes, he can appear from a place behind you (you can go all the way around this platform), so always make sure you can see as much as the level as possible while he has gone under. It will take about 8 hits to destroy him. You must defeat him by the time the timer reaches 6000 or higher in order to get a score of 5. This is very, very difficult, so you may have to play it out several times before you can do it. Here's my best tip: To get three easy hits, when the fight first starts, throw a bomb at him the moment he appears from the center. After he stops blinking and starts spinning, throw another bomb when he is up in the air. Quickly move away and he'll spin right by you into the area behind us. When he starts to sink into the lava, you'll have another chance to hit him before he goes under. This is the perfect time to get 3 hits in during one time of him being out of the lava, so be sure to take advantage of this! Four more bosses to go! *** Garaden Star - Area 1 - Boss Room 4: Nitros (Level 66) Score Needed: 6000+ Difficulty: 9/10 This is our final fight against Nitros, the only enemy who has been with us since the very first planet we were on. We have defeated him four times so far, so his record obviously isn't very good for him. Fortunately for him, he is ready to fight us again. This is the most difficult bout against Nitros, and you will have to be next to perfect with throwing accuracy in order to beat him by the time needed. After we beat Nitros, he will let us in on his past. When this level first starts, a short cut scene will begin. He taunts you (by calling you Bomberboy) and tells Bomberman that the long fight is almost over. Fortunately, I hope this works in your favour. The platform that we fight on is very dangerous. Firstly, the electric plates take up three squares in the near corner of each direction. All of the squares that we have seen before are back, including the blue and green spike squares, the disc square, and the firebeam square. You know what they all do by now, so I won't go into detail about it. What makes this fight even more difficult is that Nitros' shield technology is back once again. The three generators will start to move around as soon as the battle starts, unless you are fast enough to take them out before Nitros begins to move. As SOON as the battle starts, fire a bomb over towards the middle generator (or over at Nitros himself by using a jump bomb). Your blast radius should be large enough to take out all three of the generators at once. If you aren't able to do that, then keep replaying this level until you do. If one of the generators starts moving around, I can more or less guarantee you that you will not finish this fight by the time you want. Plus, since Nitros has a shield, he'll go around the area and use every square that he stands on (espeically the spikey ones). You don't want to lose health that way, so it is 100% critical that you take out the generators right off the bat. The fight against Nitros is much the same as the others, except he has more health and is more agile. He will jump much more often that he has before. If he starts jumping over all of your bombs, simply more in the direction that he is jumping and start throwing. Or, aim to where he will land, and throw a bomb where you think that will be. The bomb will probably hit the ground the moment Nitros lands there, meaning he'll take the damage. If Nitros charges you, then he'll throw four cherry bombs towards you (he isn't very accurage, and as long as you stay directly in front of him, the bombs will miss you to the left and right). After about 10 hits Nitros will, for the last time, faint. Bomberman has finally defeated him! A final score of 6000 or higher will net you the score of 5. The Story of Nitros: When you defeat Nitros, a short cut scene will start. Nitros has been defeated by Bomberman, and is lying down. Bomberman is looking on. Nitros gets up and starts looking around. He doesn't know where he is, and he doesn't know why he is where he is. After a shake of the head, Nitros starts to remember what is going on. It turns out he is a Bomber Base trainee! Apparently Garaden had erased all of his memory and brainwashed poor Nitros, allowing Garaden to control him. Nitros decides to share his power with you. He will refill your health and max out your firepower and extra bomb ratings (to 4). Nitros asks Bomberman to defeat Bagular for him; something Bomberman is going to do! After giving you his power, Nitros jumps up into the air, and Bomberman continues on with his quest. Only two more bosses until Bagular, and only three more fights until the Bomber Nebula is saved! *** Garaden Star - Area 1 - Boss Room 5: Bolban (Level 67) Score Needed: 5500+ Difficulty: 8/10 This fight against Bolban is very different to the first one. Firstly, we will be doing this fight underwater. Secondly, as you can probably guess, you'll have to use the Bomber Marine. As you can guess, this is, in many ways, the most difficult boss fight yet. Defeating Bolban isn't the main problem, as he isn't terribly strong. The main issue is that he fires out attack after attack, and since we are using the Bomber Marine, it is hard to dodge many things. He has the same weak spot as before, although you'll never get to hit his tail. You'll have to aim for his forehead (the blue star on his forehead). This is the only place that Bolban has a weakness. The torpedos we use for bombs will not home in on this spot (in fact, they will home in on attacks that he produces, so hitting his target isn't always easy). Bolban's main attack is to fire four sets of morters at Bomberman from his two cannons. These are homing, and they will almost always hit you unless you move around the area a little bit. ALWAYS move forward (don't just stay in one place) and shoot when you get the chance. When he fires the homing missles, simply press B to go backwards and fire bombs at them to destroy them. They will probably hit you before being destroyed, so it's best to take them out before they have the chance to do that. Another annoying attacks is when Bolban spits out little purple mines. These will explode when Bomberman touches them, gets near them, or when a bomb hits them. Unfortunately, the bombs will not lock onto these, so your best bet is to simply go through an open area and hope that they don't go off. You could always try a spread bomb too, as one of them will probably hit at least one of the mines, giving you a way by. Remember, if you ever want to move backwards, then you should, as Bolban will follow you. This tunnel will end eventually. When Bolban stops moving backwards, then you have reached the end of the tunnel. Press B to start moving backwards. This is the time when you can get in most damage. Just keep throwing bombs back. Some will hit attacks that he throws at you, whereas all the others will hit him right in the face. Keep going back and fourth, back and fourth, and back and fourth until he finally is defeated. The only issue that you'll have to face are those annoying morter shells. Remember, as soon as he fires them, start moving backwards and dropping bombs behind you. It's the only way to get past them, and they will almost ALWAYS hit you if you don't destroy them first. You have until 5500 to defeat him for a score of 5, which shouldn't be a problem, assuming you've stayed alive! There's only one more boss left until Bagular, and, unfortunately, it's the hardest so far! *** Garaden Star - Area 1 - Boss Room 6: Natia (x2) (Level 68) Score Needed: 7000+ Difficulty: 10/10 If you thought fighting one Natia was hard enough, just try taking on two of them! You'll have to do just that here, and it is very, very, very difficult. Both of them have the same attacks, but they are both hard to hit, and they will try their best to double team you at all times and trap you in corners. The platform that this fight takes on isn't very large, so getting trapped in a corner is the worst possible thing that could happen (as they like to push you off). The key to winning this fight is to focus on one Natia at the start and keep picking on her until she's gone. One Natia will use knives, whereas the other will use whips. A constant stream of baby Cronus'will keep falling from the sky. As long as you stay away from the center of this area then you should be fine. If they get in your way, kick a bomb. Always try to stay away from Natia. All of her attacks are close range (the knives are very easy to dodge from far range). They will run towards you when you start to run away, but if you drop bombs in your path, or if you quickly turn around and throw one, they'll be defenseless and get hit every single time you do that. I highly recommend that you take out the one with the knives first, as dodging the whip is much easier than the knives. They look exactly the same, but the one with the knives appears on the left when the fight first starts. There is actually little strategy that I can give here, as it is really up to you to finish this fight. You have to defeat both of them by the time the timer reaches 7000 (this is by far the most difficult target in the game, even when comparing to the next fight against Bargular). As long as you focus on taking out one Natia at a time then you should be fine. If she jumps up into the air, then simply switch to fight the next Natia you see on the platform. Just make sure you are always doing damage to at least one of them, and then always making damage to the final one when there's only one left. I can only wish you the best of luck here! Be happy though, as when this fight is over and won by Bomberman, access to our final challenge will open... *** Garaden Star - Area 1 - Boss Room 7: Bagular (Level 69) Score Needed: 1000+ Difficulty: 10/10 It has all come down to this. Here we have our very final fight in the struggle against the Garaden Empire. All that we have learned will now come in handy, as Bagular will test each of our skills that we have used on previous bosses (especially the skill of having good accuracy while throwing bombs). Defeating Bargular will finally destroy the Garaden Empire (including their ship) and, if you have met some other requirements, open up a little secret. As you can see above, you need to finish this fight by the time the ticker reachers 1000 or above. So, in other words, it is quite obvious that this will be one long fight. It is. There are four difficult phrases against Bagular that we'll have to put up with. Each phrase is much more difficult than the one before, and it is critical that you have a firepower rating of 4 and, in best bets, 8 health bars. Trust me when I say this: You'll need them. When you start the level a small cut scene will begin. We will be fighting on a large, purple platform at the center of the ship. We are over a bottomless pit, so one bad move by Bomberman and we'll be finisehd. Bargular will appear in front of us, sporting a red cape, beard, and some sexy red boots. He will begin taunting you right off the bat. The two will exchange some words, and with that, the fight for the Bomber Nebula will begin. Phrase 1: One-on-One The first phrase is quite typical. Bagular will test out his new body by charging you and firing giant bolts of dark energy at you. Bagular charges in only one direction, so you shouldn't have a problem getting out of his way. As soon as he charges past you, quickly turn, face him, and throw a bomb to hit him. He is vulnerable across his whole body, so it doesn't matter where you hit him. He CANNOT be hit while charging, so don't even bother trying. He will become vulnerable when he fires the dark energy at you. This is easy to dodge (simply move to the left or right). While he is charging the attack, throw a bomb at him. By the time the energy goes away, he should stop flashing, meaning you can throw a second bomb for two damage. The most annoying thing about Bagular is that he will warp around. While he is warping, DO NOT MOVE! If you are moving, he will never stop, meaning the timer will go down very quickly. While he is warping, DO NOT THROW BOMBS! While there are explosions going on, he will not appear. This fight reminds me alot of the one against Altar back in Bomberman 64... Anyway, it takes several hits before his body explodes away, leaving only his brain once again. Try to take this stage out before the timer reaches 7500 (this stage takes the longest). Phrase 2: T.V. Time! Bagular will now place his brain inside of a TV. On the screen you'll see his ugly face, which will taunt you with his laugh over and over again. The TV splits up into three different TV's. One of them is real, whereas the other two are not. You'll have to decide which is real and which ones aren't. When the fight begins, you'll see three tv's appear on one corner of this platform. You're going to hate it when I say this, but I forgot how you know which Bagular is real and which isn't. If you throw a bomb at a TV and it goes right through the TV, then you know that you have hit the wrong set. I believe the real one is the one that moves first after they have come down from the ceiling. You should be so fast in throwing bombs now that you should be able to hit all three within 3 seconds if you have to anyway. After you have hit him about 5 times, this phrase will end, and Bagular will move onto a new platform, complete with a huge fighter machine. Phrase 3: Amputation You'll see, though a short cut scene, the TV that Bagular is in go inside of a large machine. A large force field will shield his tv screen, so you won't be able to hit him right now. Of course, that doesn't mean we can't do any damage. We must take out both arms of this weird looking machine, but it isn't very easy. The arm on the left, the giant black one, will pummel you with lasers. The oen on the right, the yellow claw, will try to screw into Bomberman with rather good accuracy. It is impossible to destroy the shield until both arms are gone, so that is what we must do here. Aside from using it's two arms, Bagular will also send homing missle after homing missle at you. These aren't very accurate, however, so as long as you keep moving you'll be fine. The platform here is very big, so you have lots of room to work with. Never focus on working with one arm at a time. Always try your best to take out both arms around the same time. As soon as the fight starts, throw a bomb over to the arm on the left, and then quickly over to one on the right. The arms will take about 5 hits each to destroy. The best thing to do is stay back (not far, far back, but not right beside the arms) so the electricity they produce will not hit you, and so that you'll have enough reaction time to dodge the arms when they are about to attack. You'll know he is about to use one of the arms when they go up into the air for a short amount of time before coming down on poor Bomberman. Keep on firing over and over again and eventually they should come off. Hopefully you have about 3500 or so left on the lock. If you do, you'll be able to take him out by the target in no time, as phrase 4 is fairly short. Of course, if you don't have much health, you're in trouble... Phrase 4: The Final Push for Garaden Now that the arms are off, Bagular knows that he is near defeat. Now that the arms are off, the shields have both dispelled, meaning his TV screen is open to attack! Bagular does have a few tricks left, however. His machine is agile, and he will try his best to keep his TV screen away from you. He will also start firing off a BUNCH of missles all at once, making a constant stream approach you. Avoiding the missles isn't that bad, but it can be tough. As long as you keep moving you should be able to get by them with little to no problem. There are so many going around in the air that most of them will hit each other, destroying themselves. A giant laser, much like Baruda's, will appear on the front of this machine of his. Keep running around the machine, either clockwise or counter-clockwise, to avoid the laser gun. It fires fast and will deal a lot of damage if you aren't careful. Stay somewhat back from his machine and keep throwing bombs at his tv screen. He will flash for about 4 seconds after he is hit, so time yourself so a bomb goes to his screen right at about 4 seconds of you hitting him from before. The main area of concern here is the shere amount of missles that are coming down. You'll lose health here, alot of it, so I hope you were fairely careful in the previous three phrases. After about 8 hits Bagular's tv screen will crack, and the entire machine will go up in one giant fireball (don't worry, this can't hurt you). As long as you defeated him by the time the timer reaches 1000, then you'll get a score of 5 for this final, difficult fight. Success on Bagular completely depends on your overall skill, something that I cannot help you with. If you keep losing to him then keep trying, or keep fighting Natia (she is perfect training for the final Bagular phrase). After the clear points screen comes up, another short cut scene will begin. Bagular is gone, however his voice still echoes in this large room. Bagular, in one last act before he dies, will make a giant bomb appear. You don't have to do anything, however Bomberman must escape. Luckily he does, and it's a good thing that he did. The bomb destroyes all of Garaden Star, as you can see in the cut scene. Just because the bomb destroyed Garaden doesn't mean that you cannot come back here later and fight bosses all over again (such as if you didn't get a score of 5 on them and wish to do so). As the explosion fades, Bomberman and his spaceship will safely flee the area, and the clear points total will appear. 35 clear points will give you a Gold Rating for Garaden Star. If this is your fifth Gold Rating (you should have gotten a Gold Rating on all of the previous planets if you've been following this guide), and if you have all 24 Adok Bombs, then something very special will happen. Press A to leave the clear points screen. *** *** *** THE FIGHT IS OVER! After the last clear points screen, the ending cut scene will start to play. Everyone is back on Planet Bomber and fireworks are going in the air! Bomberman is getting a reward personally from Princess Millian. She places a medal over his chest and kisses him on the nose. Bomberman's eyes turn into hearts for a brief second, and he goes all happy. Pibot tells Bomberman that he envies him. With that, both Millian and Bomberman wave to the grown of Bombermen that are watching from below. Bomber Neubla has been saved! The ending screen will come up, and the credits will start to play. Congrats on beating Bomberman Hero! If you don't want to watch the credits, simply press the Start button. *** *** *** THE PRESENCE OF GOSSICK This cut scene will appear after the ending credits ONLY if you've achieved a Gold Rating on each of the 5 planets, and if you've gotten all 24 Adok Bombs. With the help of the bombs, a mysterious place will appear just past Garaden Star. This is the mysterious place called Gossick, where three more levels are. The game will restart now. [------------------------------] [ Gossick Star ] [------------------------------] Welcome to Gossick Star: Gossick Star is the only secret area in the game. It is unlocked once you meet the following requirements: 1) You have found all 24 Adok Bombs, and completed the levels they are in. 2) You have obtained a Gold Rating on each of the previous planets by getting a score of 5 on each level. Getting the Adok Bombs isn't the real challenge; the challenge is getting a score of 5 on all of the previous levels. Gossick Star doesn't contain all that much, in fact, there are only three levels here. Of course, they are some of the coolest looking ones in the game, and you'll also get to fight against an old enemy, known only as "????." I'll go into this enemy later on in this section of the walkthrough. Gossick Star appears behind Garaden Star. When you gain access, head to Garaden Star and press UP on the Control Stick to select Gossick. There is only one Area here, which is comprised of the three levels. Again, there isn't anything here that will help you out in your quest (once you have defeated ???? and gotten a 5 on all of these levels, you have, more or less, completely beaten the game). Getting a Gold Rating for Gossick will open up the final option under the Options menu back on the main screen. For more on the options menu, please take a look at the next section. *** AREA 1 - GOSSICK STAR Introduction: As mentioned earlier, Gossick Star contains only one Area, which is comprised of only three levels. Two of them are adventure-based levels (where to get a score of 5 you have to collect items), and one level, the final one, is a boss fight. The levels here are, in many ways, not all that difficult in comparison to what we have faced before. The first level requires use of the Bomber Jet, and it can be compared somewhat to Heaven Sky (back in Area 2 on Mazone Star), however not quite as difficult. Inner Road is kind of in a category by itself, as no other level is really like it. The final fight against ???? is easier than most of the ones we had to do back on Garaden Star (not nearly as hard as Bagular was). Although he isn't as tough as Bagular, it is VERY tough to get a score of 5 against ????, so you may be going back to that fight several times. When ready, start the first level, outer Road, to begin the final few stages in this long adventure! Sad that it's nearly coming to an end... *** Gossick Star - Area 1 - OUTER ROAD (Level 70) Score Needed: 4000 Difficulty: 9/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 24/24 When you first start Outer Road you'll see a short cut scene. A winged creature looks upon the destroyed Garaden Star. The thing says, "Bagular, you fool! You lost again! It's Evil Bomber's turn!" Talk about starting a new area with suspense... You'll find out more about this guy when you fight against him. Outer Road contains some new challenges that we havn't seen in previous Bomber Jet levels. Although getting through this level alive isn't all that tough, it can be rather difficult to pick up enough points in order to get a score of 5. We'll start inside a narrow canyon. After a few moments you'll see a few boucy red things up ahead. They are very small, so hitting them with bombs can be somewhat difficult. By now you should have good aim while using the Bomber Jet, so you shouldn't have a bunch of trouble hitting them. There's one over on the right, bottom, and top of the area. They move towards you pretty fast, so be sure to take the one on the right out first, then the one on the bottom, then the one on the top. Once they are gone, another few will appear near the middle elevation of this area. Take them out while picking up the extra bomb item in the very middle of the canyon. Up ahead is a green tunnel going across the top of the canyon. Head down so you don't hit it. Up ahead is a new enemy, one that drops cherry bombs. As long as you aren't near the bottom of this area, and as long as you don't go under him, then the bombs serve no troubles to you. It takes one hit to kill it, and they are big, so this should be easy. There's another extra bomb item up ahead. Up ahead you'll see another bridge-like thing goinga cross the lower part of this level. Another bomb dropping enemy will come from above it. Take it out, and then pick up either the heart item (above the bridge) or extra bomb item (below the bridge). If you get the heart, take out the next bomb-dropping item you see. If you get the extra bomb item, quickly head up so you can take it out. Now the canyon starts to open up. Head to the top of the area to take out two more of the bomb dropping enemies (they're easy to miss, and when you see their bombs you'll probably not have enough time to get up there before they pass by you). Pick up the Red Crystal ahead (there's a bomb enemy above, but the Red Crystal is worth more than the bomb enemy). Up ahead, in the middle of the area, is a UFO. It will not move or attack you, so it's basically a free 500 points. It takes three hits to destroy it. As soon as you see it start firing bombs, or else you won't be able to destroy it before Bomberman moves onwards. This is where the level gets difficult. Up ahead are several giant lasers that move (up and down in direction) across the entire level. They move VERY fast, and avoiding them is pretty difficult. You can't destroy the giant green things that produce them, so don't even bother. Head through the very center (boost through by pressing A) and get the firepower item. Sometimes you'll get hit, othertimes you won't. Past them you'll see two missle launchers and another UFO enemy up. Quickly head upwards and fire three bombs at the UFO to take it out. It will give you more points than the missile launchers (and they won't hit you). Up ahead are more of the floating orange things. The are two in the center of the area, one on the left, and then one again on the right. There are three giant blue laser things on the ground here that will start up once you get near them, but they are easy to dodge. Once you get past the blue lasers head up to the very top of the area. Another UFO enemy will approach from above. This one WILL attack you, however you can avoid this as long as you take it out before it has the chance. Remember it attacks giant a giant laser in the center of it (it's easy to dodge this; just don't have it face you). Take it out for yet another 500 points. There are more of those lasers up ahead. Pick up the three Blue Crystals in the center of the area as you go by them. Once you get them, head to the ground and pick off the two missile launchers when you see them. Be sure to take them out before they have the chance to fire missils at you. If you fail to do this, head upwards so they don't hit you (if you fire missles at them, the radius from the explosion of your bomb will probably hurt you, which is something you really don't want). Up ahead are two more lasers. Just past them is another missile launcher, plus two more of those bomb enemies to the left and right. These guys don't fire bombs, however; they fire homing missils. Killing them is tough, as the lasers here have a tendancy to destroy your bombs before they reach their target. If you want, it might just be best to take out the single missile launcher. It's hard to pick off all three of the enemies here, but do what you feel comfortable with. There's another UFO just up ahead. This one will not attack unless you get close to it, so take it out the moment you see it. Up ahead is yet another UFO and two Blue Crystals under it. Since the 500 points are better than the 100 you'll get from the Blue Crystals, it is best to take out the UFO. If you take it out fast enough you'll also be able to quickly head down to the two Blue Crystals. The exit to the level is just up ahead. A final UFO and missile-firing enemy is up ahead. Obviously it's a better idea to take out the UFO first, so do just that. If you still can, pick off the missile enemy too. Keep going forward into the tunnel to finish this level. You need a score of 4000 or better in order to get a score of 5 for this level. As long as you pick off some of the UFO's around here, then you'll get this score no problem. I usually get a score of about 6000 here. *** Gossick Star - Area 1 - INNER ROAD (Level 71) Perfect Score: 4000 Difficulty: 10/10 Adok Bomb: No Total Adok Bombs: 24/24 Sadly, this is the very final exploration level in the game. Inner Road isn't anything like Outer Road. Some of the jumps here are quite difficult, and we'll have to get by some pretty tough obstacles in order to achieve our goal. If we are able to get by the Inner Road, we'll gain access to the final fight against ????. We'll start on the large road. We'll be heading over to the right for this entire level as we make our way down the road to ????. Go over to the right and you'll see a flying pink enemy. We saw a few of these guys back in Hades Crated, located in Area 1 on Kanatia Star. Throw a bomb onto it to take it out. There's a giant boulder rolling around the road here (the road looks like a huge half-pipe, so it'll keep rolling around). The boulder will head towards you once it sees you. Getting by it is easy enough (simply run by it after it has gone up the far side of the road, as it says there for a second or two; more than enough time to get by). Be absolutely sure to run on the close side of the road (right on the edge). If you run in the middle of the road, you'll have to put up with rock after rock that rolls down from the far side of the road. You can't fall off the edge of the road on the close side to us, so simply stay up here while you go over to the right. Eventually this part of the road ends. There are two fireball enemies here. Throw a few bombs over to them to take them both out. Past them is a large bottomless pit. If Bomberman falls here he'll fall right into space, which obviously kills him. You'll see a platform moving around near the edge of this road. This can be a bit of a tricky jump, as if you miss you're dead. Wait until you know it's safe to jump over to it and then do it. Once on it, you should also see a yellow platform moving up and down just to our right with spikes on the bottom. Wait until it gets to its lowest position and then jump over onto it. This can be tricky, so make sure it's safe for you to jump before you do it! Once on it ride it up. You'll see one of those machine things that blows Bomberman for a short distance just ahead. Jump over to it (the platform must be at its highest position, so be sure to wait for this, or else you probably won't make this jump). Once you're on the machine, step over to the long part on the right to be blown over the gap below. You'll pick up two Blue Crystals and a Red Crystal in the air. Oh, and don't worry about the items on the platforms below, as we'll come back to get them later. You'll be blown over to another machine thing. Have it blow Bomberman more to the right (you'll get a Gold Gem and two Blue Crystals when you do this). Bomberman will be blown over to some steps over on the right (he'll grab onto them). Pull yourself up by pressing right on the controller. Jump up the few platforms here until you get to the top one. Quickly take out the fireball shooting enemy up here before it can knock you off. Jump over to the next machine and have it shoot Bomberman over to the right some more. You'll pick up a heart item, a Red Crystal, and two Blue Crystals when you do this. You'll now appear on a small platform. The exit to the level is just below us, inside of the large purple thing. Jump over to the platform on the far left (this is a LONG jump, so get a bit of a running start from this small platform first). As soon as you land, quickly take out the fireball shooting enemy (which will, in turn, probably take out the two death bombs beside it). Take out the monkey enemy on the scooter and start going to the left. We need to pick up all the items we missed while we were on the higher platforms. You should have 2150 points right now. There is another fireball shooting enemy down here beside two more death bombs. Take them all out to net 300 points for your total. There's a gap in the road here, so be sure to jump over it (don't cross over the small bridge over the gap, as it's easy to fall off this). On the other side you'll see two monkey enemies on scooters. Take them out right away (before they push you off into the gap, as they will do that (they have done it to me before)) and keep on going to the left. There are FIVE death bombs up ahead. Fire a bomb over at the one on the left and this will start a small chain reaction that will take out two more. Take out the final two to the left and continue onwards. Be sure to stand back, as the explosions here can get pretty large. This is probably the most difficult part of the level. There's a fireball enemy over on a small green platform to the far left, however we can't take him out until we get closer, meaning he has free shots on us. There's a long small platform sticking out of the road here. Head onto it and quickly jump over any fireballs that come near you. If one hits you you'll fall off (99% of the time). Once you're near the fireball enemy, throw a bomb over to take the pesky thing down. Head to the end of this long pole and jump over to the platform that the fireball enemy was on. Jump over to the green platform near here that has the Red Crystal on it. Pick it up and then head back to the green platform we were just on. This can be a VERY hard jump as it's tough to tell where Bomberman is, and this is a very small platform. Over to the left is a robot enemy on a long, grey platform. Bomb it from where you currently are and then jump over to where the robot was (again, this is another hard jump, considering the platform is so skinny). Pick up the two Blue Crystals here (you'll need to jump up to get them). Over to the left is another platform like this one with another robot enemy. Bomb it and then jump over to the platform. There are two more Blue Crystals here (again you'll need to jump up to get them). Finally, jump over to the next grey platform on the left and pick up the final two Blue Crystals! You should now have 4000 points. It's time to head back over to the right and the exit. You have two options: make the VERY difficult jump over to the yellow platform with spikes on the bottom to the left and use the upper platforms to quickly get blown over to the exit on the far right, or, you can retrace your steps on these lower platforms. What you do doesn't really matter. The upper path is easier, however jumping to the yellow platform is pretty difficult. You have to wait until it is at its lowest part, and you'll have to get a running jump from this skinny blue platform first. Whatever you decide to do is fine. Once you arrive back at the end of the level, jump into the purple tube-like thing and land on the orange spot to complete this level! Only one more to go! *tear* 4000 points will get the score of 5 for this level. *** Gossick Star - Area 1 - VS. ???? (Level 72) Score Needed: 1000+ Difficulty: 9/10 Well this is it. The final fight in the game (at least in the regular quest). This fight takes place at the very top of Gossick Star against a foe who you may not know. The game never fully tells us who this foe is, however there are a few guesses as to who it is supposed to be. It's hard to think we've gone through 72 levels! Upon starting this level you'll see a short cut scene. Evil Bomber is flying in the air in the very middle of the battle platform. The first thing he says is, "We meet again, Bomberman!" He says that we stole the Adok bombs that he placed around the area. Bomberman is surprised that it was the Evil Bomber who did this. The fight will begin as soon as he finishes saying this. There are many different theories as to who the Evil Bomber could be. One major theory is that he is Sirus, the final-final boss in Bomberman 64. Other people think that he is Orion, a sub-boss who Bomberman fought in Bomberman 64. Some people think it is someone who Bomberman met, however never in a game. Doesn't really matter who he is, as we will have to defeat him regardless. Fighting Evil Bomber isn't all that hard, however he has the ability to cause more trouble than anything else, especially in trying to get a score of 5 against him. Evil Bomber will be flying for nearly the entire fight, and, because of this, he is VERY fast. He will dodge your bombs like you won't believe, and you'll also have to jump and throw bombs in order to hit him. You MUST have a firepower and bomb count of 4 for this fight, or else it'll be near impossible to take him down by the time limit. The worst thing you can do is approach him while jumping (jumping towards him) and throwing a bomb. He will ALWAYS dodge these bomb throws. Simply wait until the Evil Bomber is stable on one side of the area and slowly walk towards him. Once you're near, stop and jump up (while throwing a bomb at the top of your jump). Hit him anywhere to hurt him, whether it's on the head, body, arms, whatever. The Evil Bomber has two attacks, both of them quite annoying. He will try to charge you all the time (if he is flying in the air and starts to lean back, quickly move away from in front of him to avoid). Although moving away is good, you can counter his charge attack (AS LONG AS HE IS NOT FLASHING FROM A RECENT BOMB HIT). As soon as he starts to charge towards you, throw a bomb and hit him in the face. This will stop the Evil Bomber in his tracks, and he'll often fly up again, giving you more time to hit him. The Evil Bomber may also land on the platform and cover himself with his wings (at which point he cannot be hit). When he does this, quickly run away from him as he's about to create a small tornado of sharp things that will swirl around him in a fairly large radius. Once he stops and reveals his body again, quickly bomb him right away before he starts flying again. This fight is basically doing this over and over again. Finally taking him out may take several tries. You need to take him out by the time the score reaches 6000 in order to get the score of 5. This is, in my opinion at least, the most difficult boss fight to get a 5 on (not even in comparison to Bagular). The total score screen will now come up. Getting a total of 15 points for this area will net you the final Gold Medal in the game. Congrats on completely beating Bomberman Hero! *** Once he has been taken out a final cut scene will take place. Bomberman is flying through space, back to Planet Bomber. Princess Millian and Pibot appear naer him in their yellow spaceship. They offer their thanks to Bomberman, who says thank you in return. A few other Bombermen in their ship, such as Black Bomb, give their congrats to Bomberman. In the background you see Gossick Star explode, as a few other Bomberman fly by Kanatia Star. The invasion of Gossick Star is now complete, and the Bomber Nebula is finally at peace! This ends the main mission of Bomberman Hero. Assuming you have completely beaten the game and gained a Gold Medal on each planet, then read into the next section entitled "Options Menu" to get a walkthrough for a few more bonus levels! I hope your enjoyed your time going through Bomberman Hero, and I hope this guide has helped you whenever you needed it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[====================]] [[ Options Screen ]] [[====================]] [#2001i] The Options Screen can be found through the main menu. Scroll down the area on the right and select "Option". From here, select a game file. The completion of the game file will depend on how many options are available. Some are here for simple interest (such as the sound library, which will let you hear any tunes in the game), whereas others are small little adventures. Here's how the unlocks work. There are four different Options to play: Sound Test, Slider Race, Golden Bomber, and Millian's Treasure Hunt. Each is unlocked as you are awarded more Gold Medals. For each Gold Medal you find, you'll unlock a new option. Sound Test will be unlocked first, and Millian's Treasure Hunt is unlocked last. You need all 6 Gold Medals to unlock Millian's Treasure Hunt. I'll discuss each of the options here (plus give a walkthrough for Slider Race and Golden Bomber). ~Sound Test~ You'll be able to view all of the different music and sound effects located in the game here. There are plenty to listen too. I guess there isn't much point in listening to them, but it can be fun sometimes. Simply select which type of music you want to hear (BGM [background music] or SE [sound effects]). Press down/up on the Control Stick to select either BGM or SE, and then right or left on the Control Stick to select a tune. Press A to start/stop the tune playing in the background. When you wish to leave this screen, select "EXIT" at the bottom of the screen of press the B Button. Here is a table of contents for all of the sounds located here: BGM: 00 BGM Stop 11 Bomber Slider 22 Rescue 01 Action Scene A 12 Louie 23 Bomberman Hero 02 Action Scene B 13 Vs. Nitros 24 Game Over 03 Action Sceen C 14 Vs. The Big Four 25 Cosmo Space 04 Dark Cave 15 Vs. Bagular 26 Good Job! 05 Bomber Jet 16 Forever 27 Bomber Techno 06 Bomber Marine 17 Dark Trap 28 Ending 07 Bomber Copter 18 United Scene-Short 29 Map Clear 08 Mad Garden 19 Silent Pressure 30 Stage Clear 09 Non-Gravity 20 I am Nitros 31 United Scene-Long 10 Pyramid Eye 21 Garaden's Defeat SE: 001 Damage 011 Bomber Marine 021 Taroon 002 Too Hot! 012 Jet 022 Gabadon 003 Electric Shock 013 Sliding Downhill 023 Clock 004 Emergency Brake 014 You Got Me! 024 Mongara 005 Jump 015 Change! 025 The Door 006 Copter 016 Louie Jumping! 026 Rockin' Rock 007 Slider 017 Louie Crying 027 Endol 008 Throw Bomb 018 Groogs 028 Ball of Light 009 Spin & Throw 019 Big Bubble 029 Baruda 010 Bomb Kick 020 Janpaul 030 Bolban 031 Natia 041 Countdown 051 Completed 032 Natia's Whip 042 Normal Explosion 052 Warning Siren 033 Bagular Robot A 043 Medium Explosion 053 Pushing The Stone 034 Bagular Robot B 044 Salt Bomb 054 Waterfalls 035 Laser Gun 045 Ascend! 055 Flowing Water 036 Shield 046 Shoot! 056 Gust of Wind 037 1-Up 047 Bug Laser A 057 Lava Pouring 038 Item A 048 Bug Laser B 058 Warp 039 Item B 049 Falling 059 Holograph 040 Life Up 050 Door Open 060 Bagular 061 Heart 071 Number Count 081 Eye Shield 062 Heart 2 072 Landing 082 Large Hand 063 Heart 3 073 Louie Landing 083 Cock-A-Doodle-Do! 064 Select A 074 Balloon Bomb 084 Chick 065 Decide 075 Walking 085 Double Jump 066 Cancel 076 Running 086 Chicken 067 Shelling 077 Louie Walking 087 Obakani 068 Big Bubble 078 Louie Running 088 Garaden Hovering 069 Poison Gas 079 Pibot's Voice 089 Garaden's Ship 070 Display 080 Pibot Moving 090 Slowing 091 On the Move 101 Big Explosion 111 Stepping on Louie 092 Kata Nervous 102 Huge Explosion 112 Lightning! 093 Base Gate 103 Gong 113 Getting Hit 094 Elevator 104 Dash Gun 114 Wah! 095 Air Trap 105 Water Splash 115 Getting Hit 2 096 Switch On! 106 B Reaction 116 WAAH! 097 Core Spin 107 N Reaction 117 Here we go! 098 Shield Disappears 108 It'll Freeze! 118 Flapping 099 Cooling Tower 109 Washing Clothes B 119 I Did It! 100 Coaster 110 Selecting Planet 120 Sudden Descent 121 Wearing Gear 122 Unite A 123 Unite B 124 Natia Runs! 125 Natia Jumps! 126 Falling in Water 127 Unite C ~Slider Race~ This fun little Option takes place inside of Emerald Tube, a level located on Primus Star, Area 1 (in the main game). There are a few differences here, however. The overall layout of the level is nearly the same, but there are no items here. You are racing a snowman enemy to the finish. First to cross the finish line wins! You cannot kill him by spinning into him, so the best thing you can do is stay as far away from him as possible (as he'll try to hit you if you are near). Defeating this enemy can be a bit of a pain, however as soon as you get past him, you should be okay. You'll have to race him on the Bomber Slider, so hopefully you are good with the thing. You'll see a timer at the top of the level. Your overall goal is to beat the snowman, however, after a few times (you'll find him very simple once you play this over and over again), it's best to simply try and beat this level in the best time possible. At the very start are several yellow walls spread out across the area. Simply dodge by them (always try to go as far as possible by pressing UP on the Control Stick) and continue on. You may be able to pass the snowman here. If you can, then that's great! Try to stay on the right of the area. Jump over the gap when you see it ahead. Stay on the right and you'll see a small ledge going upwards on the right (behind a yellow wall). Go up here and jump as soon as you slide off to gain some air. This will allow you to dodge some of the yellow walls below, meaning there's less chance you'll mess up. Drop down the ledge ahead and continue to stay on the right. There's another gap in the road ahead. Be sure to stay on the right and jump off the long ledge here (if you jump from the left, you'll probably fall into the bottomless below). As you jump, head over to the left in the air to dodge the first wall. Weave through a few more and you'll get to some pink things sticking out of the ground. After you get by the pink things, head over to the right and drop down the next ledge. There are a few more yellow walls up ahead. Stay in the center of the area to get by most of them (avoid being to the left, as there are many walls over there). Once you get by all the yellow walls, head over to the right once again. Drop down the next ledge and stay on the right! There's another bottomless pit up ahead. If you try jumping from the left, you probably won't make it. Use the extra land on the right and jump over the gap. As you jump, head over to the left as there's another gap in the road ahead (it covers most of the right side). Quickly get over to the left and avoid the gap. There are two more yellow walls ahead with a very small piece of land between them and the gap on the right. Carefully go by here and head through the finish line just ahead! It takes the snowman about 43-44 seconds to finish the race. If you win, then that's great! He'll congratulate you and tell you your overall time. He says that you won't win next time; good ol' taunts. After this cut scene, you'll appear back on the main Options menu. ~Golden Bomber~ This is a special Option that allows Bomberman to wear a suit made of gold. He gets it from the robot trainer located at Bomber Base. This special item will allow Bomberman to travel through water without needing the aid of the Bomber Submarine. This small option consists of three levels (two of which are found in the game and normally require the use of a Power Gear, and one that is unique just to the Golden Bomber quest), each with their own interesting parts. Level 1: Sea of Trees (Score Needed: 7500) This level is actually found in the main game (Planet Bomber, Area 2, Hole Lake), however, since we're using the special Gold Suit, you get to avoid using the Bomber Submarine. You'll be able to walk through this level like you do normally. Items and enemies have been changed so that they are all in reach of Bomberman's normal jumping ability. Your goal is to get the highest possible score on this level. Here's a small walkthrough of what to do. First, pick up the extra bomb item and firepower item. Just past the firepower item are two stingray enemies on the right and left sides of this small tunnel. Take them out and continue forward, picking up another extra bomb item and killing another sting ray. At the end of the tunnel is yet another sting ray. Up ahead, in the main area, are two bombs that will explode upon seeing you. You can't really destroy them as they will detonate before they are close enough so that you can hit them with a bomb, so simply stand back and watch the fireworks. Once they're gone, jump into this main area. There are two more over on the left. Again, wait for them to go, and then pick up the Red Crystal on the high ledge on the left. Walk forward and take out the two small enemies that head towards you on the ground (with the one eye). Take out the string ray beside the Red Crystal on the ledge on the right, and then pick up the Red Crystal. Head forward and take out the other three string rays. There are three more of those small ground-based enemies up ahead. Take them all out and then destroy the piller on the right. There is a body armour item in here, which will come in handy later. You can't get hurt with your own bombs while this is on. Keep goin' forward. A crab will appear just up ahead. Take it out, and then pick up the Blue Crystals on both the left and right side of this area (in the same line that the crab was in, horizontal). Up ahead are a few large stone enemies shaped into a giant head. These cannot be destroyed, and they love to fall on your head. Watch for their shadow on the ground and move out of their way if you are standing on a shadow! The piller on the right here can be destroyed, revealing a firepower item. Pick it up and then kill the crab over to the left. Up ahead are two more string ray enemies (one on the left, and one a bit further up in the center of the area). Keep going forward and you'll see two more suicidal bombs. Bomb them if you can, otherwise stand back. Kill the crab enemy on the left (assuming the bombs didn't take him out first, in which case you'll still get the 100 points). Pick up the Red Crystal on the ledge to the left and then head forward on the right. There is another suicide bomb up here. Once it's gone, kill the crab over to the left and pick up the three Blue Crystals in the center of the area. The tall piller on the left can be destroyed. To get up to it, jump over to the lower edge on the left (once most of it has been destroyed). Pick up the heart item up here and then head forward, watching out for the two other suicide bombs. Pick up the Power Glove item here if you want (you'll need it for the final boss fight at the end of this level). Kill the two crabs up ahead on the ground. Keep going forward and kill another crab behind a small pile of rubble. Destroy the two blue boxes on the left side of the level (one contains an extra bomb item, and the other contains nothing). Pick up the extra bomb item and kill the crab that appears in the water. Head over to the right of the tall pillers ahead in the center of the area and kill another crab that appears in the water. Take out the two suicide bombs ahead and then hit the switch to make the platform here operate. Before getting onto the platform, pick up the extra bomb item over on the right and the Red Crystal over on the left. Like in the main mission, you'll have to destroy two large crabs here (the baby and the mother). Jump up onto the platform as it heads up (the only way to reach these crabs is by this platform; they are too high otherwise). Wait for the crab to stop blowing bubbles and hiding its face with it's claws, and then throw a bomb right between the eyes. If you don't have the power glove, you'll have to jump and throw a bomb for it to make it over there. Once bomb will destroy this small crab. The mother will move out after, and this one will take several more hits to destroy. The fight is very simple (just fire when it isn't covering its face with its claws, or while its blowing bubbles), as only a few hits will take it out and net you 2000 points! Once it's gone, wait for the platform to reach the highest point. Jump over to where the crabs were before and head through the exit here! Any score higher than 7000 is great (you need a score of 7500 for a rating of 5). Level 2: Big Cannon (Score Needed: 7500) This level is also played in the main mission (Planet Bomber, Area 2, Big Cannon). Of course, the largest difference is that instead of using the Bomber Jet, you'll be able to walk the entire level. This actually makes things harder, as defeating the final boss while on feet is tough, and getting the needed score is pretty difficult. Head forward and pick up the two extra bomb items in the middle of the area. Four blue shield generators will start moving towards you. They can't hurt you unless you run into them. Bomb all four and head forward. You'll see two birds meet together at the center of the level just ahead. Bomb both of them (best to throw a bomb while they're both together so you know they will both be taken out) and then take out three more birds located to the left of the area just ahead. You MUST be quick, as they'll fly upwards if you aren't fast enough, meaning you'll lose out on some points. There's an enemy just up ahead, to the left of the first dead tree, that we havn't seen in the main mission. This guy can throw a large gust of toxic wind at you from the green plant on its left arm if you get too close (if you see the red diamon on its head flash, quickly run back). Two bombs will take this thing out. Be sure to take out the blue shield generator over on the right too! Pick up the Red Crystal in the tree stumps on the left and then destroy the cannon on the right. There's another shield generator in the center of the area just up ahead, so take it down. Pick up the Red Crystal over on the tree stump to the right. Up ahead you'll see another of those toxic brown enemies over to the right. Take it out like you did the one before. Pick up the firepower item inside of the tree stump to the left, and the Gold Gem inside of the tree stump over on the right. The blue box here contains a missle enemy. Pick up the Power Glove item if you wish, however I don't recommend it since it makes throwing bombs much more difficult. Keep going forward and you'll see five birds quickly swoop down. Try to take out three of them by throwing a bomb to the one in the center. It is VERY hard to take all five of them out before the head back up (you have only one shot at these guys). Pick up the heart item and the two Blue Crystals over to the left and right side of the level. Be sure to destroy the blue shield generators that come towards you on the far left and right sides of the area. Finally, take out the brown toxic enemy for a few more points. The level starts getting very tough up ahead. Use the blue box over on the left to reach the high platform that has a Red Crystal on it. Once you have it, blow open the box (there's a red heart in here). Up ahead are two of those machine enemies that the monkies drive. They fire constant homing missles at you. Take them both out for 200 points each (keep running to avoid these annoying things, which can be difficult). Once they are all gone, retrace your steps and destroy two blue boxes to the right. One contains a firepower item, whereas the other contains nothing. Walk foward. The blue box to the left ahead contains an extra bomb item. Take out as many birds as you can that swoop down (get at least three). Destroy the two cannons on the left and right sides of the level. Finally, take out the two spinning blue shield generators that appear near the center of the area. Up ahead is a small passage through the walls. There is a giant blue laser generator here. Slowly and carefully edge your way past this laser so we can get to the final area of this level. Two more shield generators will appear in the center, so take them out right away. There are three cannons up ahead that you'll have to take out, too. The boss of the level, that annoying big cannon, will notice you now and start firing giant bombs and homing missiles at you. Pick up the Red Crystal on the high ledge to the left (be careful for those large bombs being fired at you). You can use the platform here (default position to the right) to get up to a Red Crystal). Hit the switch over to the right to make the platform move side to side. Jump up onto it and start throwing bombs towards the large cannon directly in front of us. As long as the platform is moving, the large cannon balls cannot hit you. Five hits to the large cannon will make it fall off. Once it's gone, jump and throw bombs over to the main cannon. Five more hits will destroy it, giving you 1000 points. You'll need a score of 7500 to get a score of 5 for this level. It may take you a few tries, as it's very, very difficult to get this score. Level 3: The Rainbow Fountain (Perfect Score: 4000) This level has been specially created for the Golden Bomber option. It is pretty difficult (as one false step and you'll fall into the sky, killing you right away), and this is also the final level you'll have to face. There are many conveyor belts here that can take you right off the area (they move pretty fast, so you'll have to be careful). Let's go! From where we start, blow up the box here. Pick up the extra bomb item that appears, and then step onto the rainbow conveyor belt to your left. Let it take you over to the left, and pick up the Red Crystal when you see it near the edge. Quickly run back to the right (use jumps so you can get by here faster) before the belt takes you right off the level. Use the small platform here to get over to the next conveyor belt. A really annoying fireball enemy, which is located just ahead on the third belt, will start firing at you now. It is VERY important you take it out now, so jump and throw a bomb over to it now so his fireballs will not mess with us while we're on the belt (if one hits you, you're temporarily helpless as you can't move once Bomberman has been hit, meaning the belt may take you right off to the abyss below). This belt moves to the right. Take out the floating yellow enemy on the left, and then get onto the belt. Pick up the firepower item here and make your way over to the left, jumping to avoid the movement of the belt. Pick up the power glove here so you can take out the four floating yellow enemies and two fireball enemies up ahead. You can do it all from this platform that the power glove is on. I HIGHLY recommend you do it now (especially taking out those pesky fireball enemies). Jump over to the next belt and head all the way over to the right. Destroy the box here and pick up the Red Crystal that will appear from inside. Jump over to the next belt and pick up the extra life near the end of the belt to the right. Head all the way over to the left and step on the edge of the belt. Take out another fireball enemy up ahead, as well as a floating yellow enemy up ahead too. Once they are gone, jump over to the small conveyor ahead of us, and then from there over to the second last belt (this can be a rather difficult jump). Pick up the heart item in the middle of the belt. Head over to the right of the belt and then jump over to the final belt. Pick up the Red Crystal on the belt, and pick up the extra bomb item beside the springy pad. Use the springy pad to get up to the top of the rainbow fountain. There is a robot enemy up here that fires lasers at you (we saw one at the end of Fog Route on Planet Bomber, Area 3). Before you fight the robot enemy, be SURE to take out the death bomb on the right side of this area. Once it's gone, head over to the far left of the fountain and pick up the Red Crystal and Rainbow Gem. As soon as you kill this thing the level will end, so if you don't pick up these items now then you'll miss them. Once you've picked them all up, fire a few bombs at the green eye of the robot (while running away to avoid its laser shots). The machine will always try to approach you, so keep running away to the right and left sides of this area to avoid hitting it. After about 5 hits the machine will explode, finishing the level! 4000 points, the perfect score of this level, is what you'll need to finish with a 5. *** A short cut scne will appear after this. Bomberman is back in Big Cannon, standing on a high ledge. Golden Bomber will now take Bomberman back to Bomber Base, as the mission is complete. Once back at the base, Bomberman will rush in and your total score will appear. A good score is anything above 18000. This score doesn't really matter, as you don't really get anything for it. This whole Golden Bomber option is really for kicks, and nothing more. Once this cut scene is over, you'll return to the main Options menu. ~Millian's Treasure Hunt~ This is the final Option to be unlocked, as you'll need 6 Gold Medals from the main game to gain access to this. Millian's Treasure Hunt is exactly the same as the main mission (same levels, same goals, same bosses, same difficulty), however, instead of finding Adok Bombs, you'll be picking up pieces of treasure that belong to Millian. The location of these treasures is the exact same as the location of the Adok Bombs in the main mission. You should remember where all of them are, but if you've forgotten, I'll give a quick list here. Planet Bomber: Heavy Room Sky Room Dark Wood Dragon Road Clown Valley Great Rock Primus Star: Bubble Hole Water Slider Water Pool Warp Room Killer Gate Spiral Tower Kanatia Star: Magma Dam Crysta Hole Death Garden Float Zone Hard Coaster Dark Maze Mazone Star: Junfalls Cool Cave Snowland Heaven Sky Air Room Zero G Room Simply collecting all 24 of Millian's treasures, while getting a score of 5 on each level, will allow you to complete Millian's Treasure Hunt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[=============]] [[ Secrets ]] [[=============]] [#4019j] There are only a few unlockables that you can get in the game, and all of them relate to the Options section. Here's what you must do to unlock the options: Golden Bomber: Complete the three levels on the hidden planet of Gossick. The score you get won't matter; just complete them. For information on doing this, please view the final section of the walkthrough. Millian's Treasure Hunt: Earn a Gold Medal on each planet, including the hidden Gossick Star planet. Total of 6 Gold Medals. Slider Race: Gain three Gold Medals. Which planet you get the Gold Medal on doesn't matter. Gossick Star: Earn five Gold Medals (done by getting a score of 5 on each level in each planet), one for Planet Bomber, Primus, Kanatia, Mazone, and Garaden, while picking up all 24 of the Adok Bombs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[================]] [[ Conclusion ]] [[================]] [#9017k] Contact Notes: If you have a question or comment about this FAQ, then please send me an E-mail at the following address located below. Also, if you find a mistake located in this guide, please send me an E-mail address with the mistake location and what it should be corrected to. All corrections will be recognized in this guide with your name beside the contribution. If you wish to add anything to this FAQ, please send me an E-mail with everything you have to say. If you have a general question about the game (even when not relating to the letters), I would be more than happy to answer it for you. Simply send me an E-mail. I usually takes me 1-3 days to respond to E-mails. EMAIL ADDRESS FOR CONTACTING ME: << agamer@rogers.com >> *Do not include the "<<" and ">>" when sending me an email. Thanks to all! ******************************************************************************* I'm bad at writing copyrights, so many thanks go to Michael Sarich of gamefaqs.com for writing this for contributors: *** This entire document is (C) 2007 Alex Gam. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. No section of this guide can be used without my permission. This includes, but is not limited to posting on your website, making links to my guide, including parts of my guide in your own, or making reference to any material contained within. All the sites mentioned below have permission to do the above. Please email me at agamer@rogers.com to enquire about gaining permission to use this document. gamefaqs.com aol.com gamespot.com - Thanks to Michael Sarich for this Copyright - *Other sites may also have this FAQ posted. I don't update this list each time someone asks to host my FAQ's, as it would be impossible to track everyone down to tell them this change. If it is mentioned on the site that the FAQ was written by me (Gamerman555), then more often than not I gave my permission. *** IMPORTANT: IF YOU SEE THIS GUIDE POSTED ON ANY SITE OTHER THAN THOSE MENTIONED ABOVE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW RIGHT AWAY AT THE FOLLOWING EMAIL ADDRESS: << agamer@rogers.com >> IF YOU WISH TO USE MY GUIDE, SIMPLY CONTACT ME AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS FOR PERMISSION. I CHARGE NOTHING TO USE MY GUIDE, HOWEVER I ALWAYS MUST KEEP TRACK OF WHO IS USING IT. SINCE I CHARGE NOTHING, IT WOULDN'T BE ALL THAT FAIR IF I GET NO FINANCIAL BENEFIT OFF OF IT, WHEREAS SOMEONE ELSE DOES. IT ALSO ISN'T FAIR IF SOMEONE TAKES THIS DOCUMENT AND CALLS IT THEIRS. IF YOU SEE THIS HAPPEN, PLEASE CONTACT ME RIGHT AWAY!!! Thanks very much for all your cooperation. :) ******************************************************************************* Well, we have finally reached the end! *tear* I hope that this guide has been a great use to you, and I hope any questions you had about the game have now been answered. I also hope all information has been clear and easy to understand. If you have any questions about anything in this guide, please send me an email. I wish you great luck with this game, and I hope you take a look at some other guides/images/reviews that I've done for Gamefaqs! If you are interested, please use the following link: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/60687.html Here are a few people I would like to thank: ~Jeff Veasey (CJayC) for creating and maintaining Gamefaqs. If it wasn't for him, then this guide would never have been written! ~The contribution community at Gamefaqs. ~You, the reader. ~C.C., my loving girlfriend, for always being there by my side. Love ya hun! Until next time, good gaming~ -Gamerman555 ~End of Document~