Bomberman Hero Millian's Treasure Hunt FAQ Version 1.0 _______________ _/Version History\_____________________________________________________________ 1.0: First version. _________________ _/Table of Contents\___________________________________________________________ 1. Legal Stuff 2. Intro/General info 3. The Treasures 3a. Bomber [BMBR] 3b. Primus [PRMS] 3c. Kanatia [KANT] 3d. Mazone [MZON] 4. Outro ______________ _/1. Legal Stuff\______________________________________________________________ Since I'm so nice, you have permission to duplicate and redistribute this FAQ, in whole or in part, under a couple of conditions: 1. You give due credit to me, YakraXIII, and link back to the Bomberman Hero FAQs and Guides page on where this FAQ is shown, 2. The text is not altered in any way, 3. Nobody else earns any credit for my work. Failure to follow these simple rules is a violation of copyright law. _____________________ _/2. Intro/General Info\_______________________________________________________ Bomberman Hero: One of the most underrated games of all time, in my opinion. On the surface, it's nothing special, but once you get into it and try to beat the game 100%, things get really interesting. Not only is the challenge of getting a clear score of 5 on every stage really tough, but there are also three little known secret challenges that can be accessed through the Options menu. One of these is Millian's Treasure Hunt. To unlock this challenge, you must get a Gold Medal on all six planets, including Gossick Star. In this mode, you must take one last romp through the game, searching for some random jewelry Princess Millian lost. Seriously, doesn't the galactic police force have anything better to do? It is, at least, a nice way to cap off the game. Really, this is nothing more than a reshuffling of the 24 Adok Bombs. Contrary to popular belief, the treasures are not in the same places nor in all the same levels as the Adok Bombs. Some of the new hiding places are tougher, most aren't. As the treasures are nothing more than the Adok Bombs in disguise, they follow the same rules governing their placement: - There are 24 treasures: 6 in each of the four main planets, two in each area. - No level has more than one treasure. That information should be enough to find them without too much trouble, if you know the levels well enough. But in case you're stuck, I've listed all the treasures and their hiding spots: ________________ _/3. The Treasures\____________________________________________________________ ----------------- 3a. Bomber [BMBR] ----------------- Area 1 - Bomber Base Secret Room: There's a crown on the top floor of the structure, on the right- hand side. Heavy Room: There's a staff near the end of the level. You can't miss it. Area 2 - Sea of Trees Big Cannon: A crown on the ground, right before the miniboss. Keep your eyes peeled. Dark Wood: On the platform that you reach via springboard, you'll find a brooch. Area 3 - Peace Mountains Great Rock: Climb up to the point where you can get the long string of crystals by falling. Jump down, collecting the crystals, and you'll snag a brooch along the way. Fog Route: When you get to the stone arch, jump onto the platforms on the right to find a staff. ----------------- 3b. Primus [PRMS] ----------------- Area 1: Woods of Esuram Groog Hills: Bomb the Freeze Flower to make it snow, and a crown will appear on the rightmost island. Bubble Hole: Right before the exit, there's a staff tucked in the right corner. It's kinda tough to see it because everything's pink here. Area 2: Primus Castle Rock 'n Road: In the first hole in the first room, you'll see a crown. Millian Road: There's a staff in one of the beams of light, just before the miniboss. It's tough to see, so keep on the lookout. Area 3: Clock Tower Killer Gate: There's a crown sitting on the last bridge before the exit. Don't forget to kill the submarines. (Personally, I think it would have been a lot cooler to hide it in the Baruda boss arena, but oh well.) Spiral Tower: Climb most of the way up the tower. On the floating ring platform, you'll find a brooch. ------------------ 3c. Kanatia [KANT] ------------------ Area 1: Lavana Volcano Hades Crater: A staff sits patiently next to the second control tower. (And speaking of control towers, remember that you have to blow 'em all up to finish the level.) Emerald Tube: Yay, my favorite level gets a treasure. It's a crown on the right-hand side of the stage, right in front of the huge pit at the end. I'd recommend making a hard left after grabbing the crown, jumping to safety right before you fall in the gap. Area 2: Death Pyramid Death Garden: At the very top of the level is a brooch. Don't forget those Key Crystals. Aqua Way: There's a brooch sitting next to one of the torpedo launchers near the end. I recommend getting eaten by the shark, escaping, then backpedaling a bit to find it. Area 3: Kanatia Shrine Hard Coaster: It's a staff at the foot of the Shrine at the end. Remember the Key Crystals! Move Stone: You can see the crown from the starting point. I know there aren't any good hiding places in this stage, but come on, couldn't they have put it in Dark Maze or something? ----------------- 3d. Mazone [MZON] ----------------- Area 1: Louie's Jungle Hopper Land: There's a staff just floating in the air in front of the last big stone wall. Hard to miss. Junfalls: Head all the way to the back of the level to find a brooch. Area 2: Slush Mountains Snow Circuit: Keep to the right and you'll grab the crown. Eye Snake: The last brooch in the game. It's right before the exit, next to one of those fireball robots. Area 3: Mazone Dome Air Room: The final crown is on a platform right in front of the exit. Remember to get the disc. Mirror Room: The last staff (and last treasure) of the game. It's behind the mirror, near the middle of the level. Hard to miss. Remember to get the disc here, as well. ________ _/4. Outro\____________________________________________________________________ First, to repeat Section 1: Since I'm so nice, you have permission to duplicate and redistribute this FAQ, in whole or in part, under a couple of conditions: 1. You give due credit to me, YakraXIII, and link back to the Bomberman Hero FAQs and Guides page on where this FAQ is shown, 2. The text is not altered in any way, 3. Nobody else earns any credit for my work. Failure to follow these simple rules is a violation of copyright law. Secondly, thanks for reading. I hope you found this guide helpful; it's why I write 'em. Thanks also to GameFAQS for hosting everyone's FAQs! You're doing a great thing for the gaming world. Any further questions about the Treasure Hunt or this FAQ should be directed to: dreamingnightopian gmail com This document is copyright 2008 YakraXIII. Bomberman, Bomberman Hero, and all related trademarks belong to Hudson Soft. Have a nice day. - END OF FAQ -