"This document copyright John Doe 1998" ********************************************************************* | | | Castlevania FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.0.1 | | By : Joca64 (Joaquim Mendes) Email : Joca64@yahoo.com | | | ********************************************************************* Last Updated : 29/06/2000 - Table of Contents - 1. What's new? 2. Introduction 3. Walkthrough 4. Rewards 5. Bugs 6. Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. What's new? Version 1.0.1 – The corrected the clock sound bug, now it's fixed. Corrected some spell errors. Version 1.0 - Everything -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Introduction - I was bored again, so I made another FAQ. Well, here it is... I made this FAQ so late because I live in Europe and the game got here a lot of time after it was released in the U.S. If you want to use any part of this FAQ on your own FAQ, site or something of that kind email me and ask me permission. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Walkthrough 3.1. Reinhardt Schneider 3.1.1. Forest of Silence - Go forward, look out for the falling trees and hit the two torches in order to get a red jewel and a knife. Jump to the top of the small pillar and then to the taller one, hit the torch and grab the roast beef. Continue until you find the dead body, kill the skeletons and proceed in the direction of the big door. Hit the metal plaque 3 times and the door will open. A big skeleton will appear, he's not very hard to defeat. Avoid him when he tries to hit you with his stick (or bone I don't care), get as close as you can, so you can hit him not the small ones. After some hits he'll run away, hit the torch and pick up 500 gold, jump to the platforms that rose and on to the other side of the canyon. From this place beyond the skeletons will start appearing everywhere, you can kill them or just ignore them. Now you have two paths, go left and save your game, you'll see a gate that you cannot open. Go to the other path and continue until you find two small buildings. Inside each of these there is a torch, one has a Sun Card and the other has a Moon Card, pick them up and look for a broken stair near one of the buildings. Climb it, jump and grab on to the top of the building that had the Moon Card. There you can get a Large Red Jewel and a Roast Chicken. Cross the river near the big tree, kill the bats that appear, blast the torch and pick up 500 Gold, push the lever and kill the enemies that appear. Now the gate that was closed near the place where you saved is open, go back to that place. Save the game if you like. Near the gate there is a torch that contains a power up, there is also another torch on top of a small column that has a Cross. Pay attention from this place beyond, because the skeletons that appear from the ground can now be explosive ones, kill them at distance. There is a roast chicken hidden in the plaque under the torch that had the cross. Inside the small building are coffins, you can find items inside them if you hit them. Proceed to the only path you have and you'll find another white jewel, save your game. Here there is another gate that you cannot open, proceed until you get to the riverside. Jump to the other side of the river and push the lever. This will make the platforms drop, use the small platforms to reach them, cross the river and then climb back up. Go back to the place where you saved. There are 2 torches behind the gate, one with a red jewel and one with an axe. Go forward and you'll find another gate, turn left and kill the skeleton that is on top of the platform in the middle of the river. Jump to the platform, you can see a torch standing on top of a flying platform at your left but the gap between them seems to big doesn't it? It's not. An invisible bridge connects the two platforms so all you need to do is walk to the other side. The torch will give you a green jewel that will allow you to play the game in HARD mode, if you finish it and erase the data in your slot. Kill the bats that appear and continue going forward. When you advance a little a werewolf appears and starts charging against you. He's easy to defeat, but thanks to the skeletons that continuously appear you'll have more trouble than usually. There is a roast chicken hidden in the plaque under the small statue and a white jewel behind the small building. Save your game and proceed by the path near the small statue. You'll find a torch that contains a red jewel and one that has a bottle of holy water. When you reach the riverside again use the small platforms to climb down to a small island and push the lever. Doing this will open the gate near the place where you got the Special1 jewel. Go back to that place and push the lever so you can open the gate that is located near the small statue. Go there, save your game and enter the next area. As you run towards the castle the big skeleton that appeared right at the start of the level will emerge from the canyon. The first thing you have to do is kill the small skeletons with bikes, then fight the big one the same way you did at the beginning of the level. After some time he'll lose an arm, then another his legs and finally will die. Approach the castle to end the level. 3.1.2. Castle Wall - Save your game and enter the door next to you. Go left and start climbing the stairs. Jump the small hole, kill the dinosaur head and jump to the moving platform. From here you can jump down to the ledge on top of the door from which you came and blast a torch to get a sun card. Go back up to the moving platform and jump to the other side. Kill the next dinosaur head and jump to the moving platform, but pay attention to the falling blades. Two more moving platforms and you'll get to a place with 3 bats, kill them and enter the door. This will lead you to another boss. On top of the door from which you came is a torch, blast it and pick up the roast beef. Stay there and hit the head closer to you until you kill it. Beware of the big fire blasts they throw because they can take you a big amount of energy. After killing the one closer to you is easy to defeat the other. Pick up the items they left and push the lever. This will open a barrier in this room and in the one you started the level. Save your game and climb down, there are some torches here that contain a moon card and a cross. Near the sacs is a power up and if you search them you'll find 500 gold. Look for the small hole on the floor so you can get back at the level's start. Save your game. In the room that you now have access there are 3 torches, one has an axe, one has a knife and the other one has the left tower key. Use it on the door that you couldn't open. At first this tower may look like the other one, but be careful this one has no floor! Use the small platforms to reach the stairs, climb them and watch carefully because the floor will collapse. Continue climbing and when you get to them place with a rotating platform, fall down to the ledge below and you can get a moon card. When you reach the top you'll find a door with a moon, open it. If you can't open the door use a moon card or wait until 6 pm. A small cut scene will show Schneider pushing the lever and talking to Dracula. After that save your game, pick up the roast chicken and you'll be back to the place where you were after you defeated the two snakes (?). Return to the start of the level and now you can exit through the passage that you opened. 3.1.3. Villa - Right at the start you'll have to kill some enemies. There are also two torches here. The first 3 are easy to defeat if you attack them at a high distance. Use your item attack a few times, try to kill one at the time, rather than hitting all at once. When they're all dead the first gate will open. Two more enemies will appear these are the hardest to kill because they throw fire at you. Again try to kill them separately. After killing them start running towards the roast beef, pick it up and it should be darker. This one is supposed to be the worst but it isn't. Since he's alone all you need to do is keep on hitting him. The other gate will open, save your game and go to the fountain. Wait there until it is 0:00 and a platform will rise. Now you can get all those goodies up there. Surrounding the area are 2 crosses, if you hit them you'll get a roast beef and a power up. Enter the house. Destroy all the candles to get goodies and start climbing the stairs, a vampire will show up! Kill him and go up the stairs, go right. Hit the pot and search the sofa next to it, go to the left side and break the other pot. Open the door, the next one too, pass the rose garden and on to the next room. Hit the candle and go up the stairs. There are some item weapons at your right, enter the first door. Pick up the two items in the room and open the next door. You'll meet Vincent, talk to him and enter the room from which he came. Pick up the cross and leave the room. Wait until 4:00 hours and go back to the rose garden. There you will meet Rose. Wait until 5:00 and go back to the room where Vincent is and talk to him in order to get the Archives key. Go to the main hall and enter the second door at your left. Search the lion's head and break all pots to get the Storeroom key. Look up and you should see a chandelier that is different from the others. Hit it to get more goodies. Go back to the main hall and enter the storeroom. Pick up the meat and save your game. Back to the main hall, enter the door down the corridor. Kill the vampire and enter the next door. Use the archives key on the next door and find the maze garden key on the following room. Go to the room where you got the storeroom key and enter the yellow doors. Go down the stairs, there you'll meet Renom. You can buy some items now, leave the room and open the maze garden gate. Go forward, turn at the first left, go straight ahead and you'll meet Malus. Hit the two dogs and leave the area. Turn left and open the door. The dogs and the chain saw man are invincible, you can hit them but only to gain some time. You must follow Malus, but sometimes he'll lead you to dead ends, turn left, go forward, turn right, right and right again. Go forward, turn left and then right. Malus will leave the garden, go straight ahead and you should find the Copper key at your left. Open the gate and the door. Pick up the meat and save your game. Open the door and you're back at the mansion's entrance. Climb the stairs and do all the way to the garden. This time go straight ahead, turn right, and open the Copper door. Jump to the other side of the bridge, pick up the meat, jump to the bridge and go to your right. Pick up the purifying, save your game and open the door. Go down the stairs, if you hit the torches in this room they'll give you items. Kill the two vampires and proceed to the coffin. A secret passage will open, jump inside the coffin. 3.1.4. Tunnel - This level is a bit confusing, at least to me it was. Hit the torch, pick up the red jewel, kill the bats that approach and pick up the other red jewel. Look out for the rock crusher, if you run straight forward it will not hit you, but the second will. Use the elevator and watch the cut scene. Kill the two spider women and cross the poison river using the small platforms. Once on the other side save your game and continue forward. When you reach the crossroad go right, use the small platforms to reach the place with 2 torches. One gives you a roast beef and the other has a bottle of holy water. Return to the crossroad and this time go through the other path. You'll get to another crossroad with two signs, go right and hit the rock a few times to reveal a few goodies. Return to the crossroad and go left this time. Use the elevator, go forward until you see two fires and a sign, turn right and cross the poison pond. Turn left, pick up the power up and pass the 2 rock crushers. Save the game. Kill the bats, jump to the red gondola. When it starts moving really slow get out of the gondola, pick up the 500 gold and wait for the blue gondola to arrive. When you reach your destination save your game and use the elevator. Kill the bats, cross the poison pond and go straight forward until you find a door with the picture of the sun. Open the door and after the cut scene you can exit the level. 3.1.5. Castle Center - Save your game. All the candles you see in this corridor can be destroyed so blast them all up to get items. The small wood door in the end of the corridor leads to the torture chamber, but you'll need the torture chamber key. Go right and you'll hear an engine noise, it's another of those skeletons riding a bike that you saw when you fought against the first boss, kill him. Now there are 2 doors that you can go to, don't bother to open the big one, you'll come back here later. Open the small one. Kill the 3 vampires and proceed to the next room. The torch right in front of you gives you 100 gold, the one at your right gives you a red jewel. If you watch closely you can see that there is another torch on top of the big machine, jump to the small ledge near the last torch and then jump and grab the ledge of the big machine. This torch has a power up. There are 2 more torches here, one near the elevator switch that has a bottle of holy water and another one near the stairs that has a red jewel. If you approach the statue you'll watch a cut scene, kill him if you like, proceeding to the next room. Search the left white statue to find 300 gold, one of the yellow statues has also an item, a red jewel. Open the door in front of the stairs and kill all the lizard men. You'll also find 3 torches in the room containing a moon card, a sun card and an axe. On top of one of the doors from which the lizard men came out there is a black box, hit it a few times and it will reveal a few items. In the next room get the red jewel from the torch and the roast chicken from the statue and save your game. You can destroy the candle that is on top of the white jewel. Kill the 2 enemies and pick up the 2 red jewels. The next room has 2 vampires, kill them and pick up the red jewel and the purifying from the torches, exit the room. At your left you'll find a cure ampoule, on the other side of the room is a roast chicken waiting for you in the torch, Since you cannot do anything more in this room, proceed to the next one. Talk to the lizard man and he'll give you the torture chamber key, don't head back there yet and enter the door near the dangerous waste disposal. Watch the cut scene and save your game. Pick up the magical nitro, if you jump or get hit by anything it will detonate the magical nitro and you'll die instantly so take extra careful. Go back to the room where faces on the wall fired against you. Look for a big crack on one of the walls and press the action button on it. Go back to the beginning of the level and enter the torture chamber. Kill the vampires, pick up the Mandragora and jump to the top of the fireplace. From there jump and grab the board on the ceiling, pull up and grab the roast beef. Exit the room and this time open the big door on the corridor with the biker skeletons. Ignore the giant bull, put the Mandragora on the cracked wall and look for a wood crate. Break it to get 2500 gold. The torches in this room are also destructible. Leave the room and go to the torture chamber and pick up another Mandragora. Go to the place where you placed the magical nitro and place the Mandragora on the cracked wall. After the cut scene pick up the roast beef and open the door. If you want to buy items, this is your chance. Pick up the sun card that is on top of a bookcase, climb to the top floor and stand on top of the small column in order to open an entrance on the ceiling. Do the same and climb to the next floor. You're now in the observatory. There is a white jewel in this room so save your game. Press the action button on the statues and place them in the order 2, 4, 8. This will break the seal in the cracked wall near the giant bull. Leave the room and go back to the room with a lot of lizard men. Kill them all and exit the room. Open the other door and you'll find yourself in a big room. There are lots of torches here, destroy them all. There are 2 red lizard men here, you cannot kill them, proceed to the next room. Kill the yellow statue and continue to the next room. Kill the 2 vampires and destroy the candles to get items, on to the next room. In this room you'll find a scroll to buy items and if you search the machines you'll find many items. There is a roast beef on top of the zeppelin that is on the middle of the room. You'll also find a sun card and a moon card on the 2 torches. Get passed the spikes and you'll find a roast chicken on the next room. Open the brown door and you'll be back at the place where you saw Malus. Pick up the magical nitro and save your game. Take the magical nitro to the cracked wall near the giant bull and it will blow up. Save your game and release the crystal's magic. Now you'll have to kill the giant bull. He's not very hard, keep on moving and hit him whenever you can. Exit the room and proceed to the room where you killed 3 enemies. Now you'll have to fight against Rose, again the best way of defeating her is to keep moving and attack from distance. After you defeat her move on to the next room and push the button to activate the elevator, get inside it to move on to the next floor. Save your game and exit through the entrance in front of you. 3.1.6. Duel Tower - Approach the small hole in the floor and an enemy will show up. Kill him before the ceiling crushes you. After doing this a group of platforms will appear allowing you to climb to the top of the arena where you just fought. Go forward, avoid the moving bars and you find yourself in another arena. This time you'll have to fight a werewolf, which is not a hard task. After killing him climb the group of platforms near the next big platform and you'll notice a torch that seems inaccessible. Again there's an invisible path that leads to it, jump with no fear and you can walk to it and grab the roast beef and the power up. If you look down you'll see that there is a path between the 2 big platforms, climb down all the way and pick up the roast chicken. To get through the series of platforms that allow you to cross the poison lake you must be fast. As soon as you touch the platforms they will start sinking. As soon as you get to the other side you can pick up a knife, start climbing to the top of the big platform. Now climb the 2 long platforms and then the next 4 to get the roast beef. Proceed, avoid the moving bars and soon you'll arrive at another arena, this time you'll fight against a big one. He's strong, but not very fast so all you have to do is keep on moving. After you beat him climb to the top of the arena and continue your path while avoiding the moving bars and jump to the last platform. You can now exit this level. 3.1.7. Tower of Execution - Save your game, you don't want to start the last level again don't you? Let's get started, avoid the moving blades and go right, jump the small gaps in the bridge until you reach the other side. One more jump, kill the dinosaur head, another jump and you're now at the moving platforms. Synchronize your jumps and you'll reach the other side in no time, watch out for the flying heads and the bat because they can make you fall into the lava. Climb to the next floor and kill the 2 bats that await you. Jump the 2 gaps on the floor and you can now see a platform right in front of you. All you have to do is walk and you'll reach it, hit the statue to get Special2. Kill the next dinosaur head, avoid the blades and kill another dinosaur head. You'll have to get pasted more moving platforms. When you reach the other side save your game. Go left, don't climb to the next floor right now, avoid the spike barriers that show up from time to time and hit the statues on the other side to get 500 gold and a roast chicken. Now you can climb to the next floor. In front of you should be a large door that cannot be opened right now, you need the tower of execution key. Go right and avoid the blades, kill the dinosaur head and when you reach a skeleton ignore him, you cannot kill him. You'll have to get pasted more moving platforms to reach safety, beware of the fireballs that the dinosaur head throws and the mobbing blade. When you reach the next floor hit the statue in order to get the tower of execution key, if you go back to the door that you couldn't open you'll get extra goodies. Avoid the blades and kill the last dinosaur head, you can now exit the level by taking the stairs. 3.1.8. Room of Clocks - Blast all the candles and save your game. Go to the corridor with the red elevator and go up. You will fight Death. Keep on running to avoid her blades, hit her every time you have the chance and beware the big fish. Every time you see a green pentagram appear run away, a big, big fish is going to appear. After you've defeated her go back to the elevator, save your game and enter the door that has opened. 3.1.9. Clock Tower - Climb the platform in front of you, go right and climb to the rotating cog. Use the long one to reach the other side of the room, there, climb a few more cogs and platforms, blast a torch to get the clock tower key1 and the other to get a red jewel. Go back to the other side of the room and climb to the top. Again, go to the other side of the room and use the key on the small door. Save your game and proceed to the next room. Kill the 3 dinosaur heads and pick up 500 gold and a red jewel, kill the other 3 dinosaur heads and pick up the clock tower key2, there is also a bottle of holy water in the room. Use it on the door, open the next door. Hit the small column right next to you in order to get 1000 gold and then jump to the platform below and grab the clock tower key3. Get down from the platform you are and kill all the dinosaur heads. In this room there are all the item weapons that exist in the game, you can choose whichever you want. There is a scroll and a white jewel, if you want to buy something you better buy it now because it's your last chance to do it. Save your game and use the clock tower key3 on the door at the top of the room to exit the level. 3.1.10. Castle Keep - Go up the stairs, open the doors until you get to a big door with flames on both sides. Jump to one of the flames and proceed to the back of the building, there you'll find two torches, there is an invisible path that leads to the one that is on top of the flying platform. Go back to the big door and enter. Get near Dracula's coffin and you'll see a movie. This guy is very easy, just hit him in the head as soon as he appears. Be careful not to be sucked by him, or he'll raise his energy bar. Try not to use your item weapon and soon you'll finish him off. After the movie, start running down the stairs as fast as you can, when you reach the door that leads to the Clock Tower, jump to the red lift at your left. On top of the Clock Tower you'll face the real Dracula. Personally, I think this guy is even easier than the False Dracula. The only annoying thing is to reach him before he disappears. He'll keep on disappearing all the time, as the False Dracula you need to hit him in the head. He has only 3 attacks: He throws you three fireballs, he makes two energy blasts and he makes an energy barrier around him. If you get lucky and hit the fireballs he throws you might get some extra goodies. After defeating him you'll watch another movie, now you have to fight Dracula in its true form! If you thought that the last 2 bosses were easy, this one is very hard to beat! Try not to stay too long near him or he'll throw sand at you, use all your red jewels on this guy. Beware of his nuclear bomb, it's very destructive and if you hit it, it will multiply. He throws you fireballs and when he has near half of energy 2 dragons will start flying around. Keep on moving and when you have a chance to hit him don't waste it. With a little luck it will all be over... 3.2. Carrie Fernandez 3.2.1. Forest of Silence - Same as Reinhardt. 3.2.2. Castle Wall - Same as Reinhardt. 3.2.3. Villa - Same as Reinhardt. 3.2.4. Underground Waterway - Be careful where you step, the floor will collapse and will kill you instantly. Jump and grab the small ledge on the wall in front of you and sidestep to a safer location. A small cut scene will tell you that the water is in fact poison. The lanterns at your right can be destroyed and they give you 800 gold. Use the small platforms to reach the other side so you can pick up a cure ampoule. Go back to the other side of the river and when you get to a small bridge near the waterfall some enemies appear. Kill them and press the big button to stop the poison waterfall. Go right and save your game. Kill the enemies that appear and then go left. The floor will once again collapse so don't get distracted with the lizard men that try to get you. Jump the small gap in the bridge and then to the small platforms at your left. Destroy the lantern to get 500 gold, jump back to the bridge and proceed. The floor will collapse again, so be extra careful. Kill the lizard man, crouch and enter the small passage at the left, jump over the holes and you'll find a moon card and a roast beef hiding in the lanterns. Leave the area. Continue your path and turn left again, save your game and pick up the power up. Kill the lizard men and continue. Turn left and jump to the brown platform, keep on jumping in order to get to the other side. There push the button to open a door, if you want to buy items, grab the small ledge and sidestep to the other side. Go back to the other side, jump on the brown platforms, go left and cross the bridge. Avoid the spike barriers and push the button to stop the waterfall. Go back to the place where the waterfall was and you can now cross to the other side. Open the door, watch the cut scene and you can now exit the level. 3.2.5. Castle Center - Same as Reinhardt, the only difference is that instead of fighting Rosa she'll fight another Fernandez. The strategy to kill her is the same, keep on moving and hit her when you have the chance. 3.2.6. Tower of Science - Head for the stairs while avoiding the cubes that come out from the walls. The next step is to get through the lasers, jump over them when they are at the lowest point. After that you'll have to avoid both lasers and cubes. Now you have to do the same but this time the floor moves. Continue climbing until you get to an elevator, use it to go up and save your game. Open the door next to the white jewel, there is a torch with 300 gold in this room. Onto the next one, use your energy balls to destroy all automatic machine guns, when the area is secured open the door next to the one you came from and get the science key1. Next to the stairs is a door, inside there is a torch with 300 gold. Climb the stairs and use the small platforms to get to the other side of the room. When you reach the other side if you look to your right you'll see door, you can't open it right now you need the science key2. Go left instead, destroy any machine gun that is left and open the door. Destroy the machine gun and enter the middle door, pick up the science key2 and use it on the door you saw before. Save your game and proceed. Look to your right and you can see a torch standing on a platform some distance away from you. Start running and jump towards it, you'll land on an invisible path. The torch has a roast beef, but if you hit the wood box a few times it will reveal lots of goodies. Go back to the place you left and start climbing. After you reach the top open the door and then the next one. The door in front of you needs the science key3 to open, go left and avoid the cubes with spikes. Open the big door and blast the torch to get a red jewel. Back to the other room, go left, destroy the machine guns and cross to the other side. You can destroy the cubes with spikes if you want. Now you can save your game, do it and open the door next to the white jewel. In this room you can find the science key3, go back to the door that required this key to open in order to get more goodies. Exit through the big door. 3.2.7. Tower of Sorcery - Follow the path and kill the enemies that appear. When you reach the top of the big tower hit the crystal in its center to get a red jewel. Continue the path taking extra careful with the pink platforms, when they turn red they are going to disappear. There is a white jewel in the place with lots of pink platforms, there is also a crystal that has a red jewel. Shortly after that there is a yellow crystal (?) floating on top of a green platform. Destroy it in order to raise a yellow platform allowing you to continue. Follow the path of the pink platforms and destroy the blue crystal to raise another yellow platform. Use the small platforms to reach the top of the big green crystal. Get to the white crystal by jumping on the pink platforms and then look right. You can see a platform with a crystal, cross to the other side, there is an invisible path that allows you to get there. The crystal has the special3 jewel. Go back to the other platform and exit the level. 3.2.8. Room of Clocks - Blast all the candles and save your game. Go to the corridor with the red elevator and use it to reach the top floor. Here you'll have to fight against the actress. If she hits you with an energy blast you'll be paralyzed, you need to be always on the move so avoid it at all costs. When a barrier of crystals surrounds her keep hitting only one of them, as soon as you break it use your item weapon to hit her. After you defeat her return to the room of clocks and enter the door that has opened. 3.2.9. Clock Tower - Same as Reinhardt. 3.2.10. Castle Keep - Same as Reinhardt. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Rewards - End the game with Special 1, overwrite the cleared data and the next time you select that file, you'll be able to choose Hard mode. - End the game with Special 2, overwrite the cleared data and the next time you select that file, you can change Reinhardt's costume. To do it, on the character select screen, keep the control stick up and press A. - End the game with Special 3, overwrite the cleared data and the next time you select that file, you can change Carrie's costume. To do it, on the character select screen, keep the control stick up and press A. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Bugs 5.1. Vincent disappears - In Villa, go to Vincent's room when he's asleep. Stand next right to him, press c-up and look at your right. Vincent will disappear. 5.2. Double weapons - When you use your short-range weapon, Schneider's dagger will still remain on his back, and Carrie's rings will still be on her skirt. 5.3 Body doesn't moves - In Villa, enter a room with a mirror. Position yourself with the mirror behind you, push C-Up and look back. You'll be facing the mirror but it reflects you looking the opposite way. 5.4 Clock sound - Use a sun card, leave the pause menu and then use another sun card. After a while the clock sound will stop. 5.5 Watch through the ceiling - In Castle Center, right at the start, inside the room where you fight against 3 vampires. Climb the stairs, jump and grab the ledge of the big green thing next to the exit door. Approach the wall and press C-Up. You can see through the ceiling. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Conclusion - That's it. If you want me to add something to the FAQ or you want to submit secrets, codes, bugs, etc... write to Joca64@yahoo.com Other FAQs by Joca64: - Banjo-Kazooie FAQ/Walkthrough - Donkey Kong 64 FAQ/Walkthrough - GoldenEye 007 Secrets - Super Mario 64 Teleports - The Legend of Zelda : The Ocarina of Time Items List - The Legend of Zelda : The Ocarina of Time Secrets Other FAQs by Joca64 and Luigie (LuigieFRA@yahoo.com.br): - Mission : Impossible FAQ/Walkthrough - Rush 2 : Extreme Racing USA Shortcuts/Bugs - Superman Walkthrough