____________ / | | Shaft & Magus's | | --------- |----- | | | /\ ---- | | | | | /\ |\ | ----- /\ | /--\ |___ | | |----- | | /--\ | \ | | /--\ | / \ ___| | | | | | / \ | \| | / \ | | |____ |----- | ----- \____________ ======================================================================== FOR THE NINTENDO 64 ======================================================================== FAQ/WALKTHROUGH v. 1.25 Newest Version Is Always Available At http://www.disillusional.com/c64.txt IF YOU PRINT THIS FAQ MAKE SURE YOU KEEP THE SAME SIZE AND FONT AS THIS ORIGINAL COPY. IF YOU DON'T, THE LINE SETUP WILL LOOK ODD AND BE HARD TO READ. IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS PRINTING BECAUSE OF MARGIN ERRORS PLEASE REPORT THEM TO SHAFT AT SHAFT85@AMERITECH.NET Table Of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Introduction 2. Characters 3. Sub Weapons 4. Items 5. Enemies 6. Reinhardt Schneider (Carrie common stage) Walkthrough 7. Carrie Fernandez Walkthrough 8. Fun Stuff / Glitches / Secrets 9. Frequently Asked Questions 10. How To E-Mail Shaft 11. Updates Of This FAQ 12. Credits 13. Copyrights and Legal Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== 1. Introduction ======================================================================== When I first heard about a Castevania game coming out for the N64, I was the first person to start writing a faq on it. I was trying to find out anything and everything I could about the game because I wanted to release it to all the readers out there. Finally the game came out and I could not wait to run to the video game store and pick up my long reserved copy of the game. I went into the store and gladly forked over the $54.95 for it. I got home and put the game in my now dusty N64 and turned on the power. When I first started playing the game I was in awe. I thought the game was sweet, at first, then it got boring very fast. The pathetic lack of items and sub-weapons disipointed me and I was disgusted by the boring levels. This game is nothing more than a halloween episode of Mario 64 and Mario has been practicing with a whip. I trudged on through the 10 BORING levels with Reinhardt. Let me guess, right now your saying, "If he hated the game this much, then why in the hell did he waste his time writing a FAQ on it?" Well I can't answer that question. I just wanted to release a good faq. Halfway through the 3rd stage on the writing of Reinhardt's walkthrough I got bored and decided not to waste my time writing a FAQ for such a lame game. Then, luckily for all of you stuck adventurers out there, came your savior, Magus. He offered his help via e-mail and he finished the FAQ. After he decided to help, it inspired me to work on the faq more. I cleaned it up a little bit and then released it. And now this is what you see before you. But don't worry, my FAQ days are not over yet. When the next good game comes out, you may see a faq for it by Shaft. And maybe, if your lucky, it will also be written by Magus. ======================================================================== 2. Characters ======================================================================== There are 2 playable characters in Castlevania, Reinhardt Schneider and Carrie Fernandez. Reinhardt is heir to the Belmont clan of Vampire Hunters and because of his Bloodline is aware of the evil that is Castlevania. Reinhardt carries the holy whip and a finely crafted dagger. He is much stronger than Carrie. Carrie Fernandez, the younger warrior is weaker than Reinhardt but she posses magical powers. She has the ability to charge a ball of energy on her hand and then release it at her enemies. She also carries a circlet that she can slice her enemies with at close range. Both characters have different bosses and different endings. See below. Using Reinhardt - Reinhardt can take several hits. His whip is fairly long range and powerful. Powered up, it rules. He can gets several lashes in a short amount of time. However, his running speed and jumping skills leave something to be desired. Still, he's more of a traditional Belmont, a good choice, but still no Ricther! His close range attack is on level with Carrie's and useful in certain situations. While facing forward, tap back and sideways and A to side or back jump, careful though, cause this can mess u up. Make sure you are facing a ledge then run and jump to it. Otherwise, these half jumps may get u killed. Using Carrie - Carrie can jump way farther and higher than Schneider, making it easier to reach ledges. She runs faster as well. Her magic bolt can be powered up, and is stronger than Reinhardt's whip, but can only be shot one at a time. It, however, homes in on enemies, and when powered up, can take out several in a row. Her close up attack is about the same. With her, you want to keep more distance and avoid taking much damage, cause she is a bit weaker. Only one warning, she may actually jump too far in a lot of places, so don't hold A as long or hold back on the control stick. See Reinhardt’s strategy with side and back jumps. ======================================================================== 3. Sub-Weapons ======================================================================== There are 4 different SUB-WEAPONS that the player can use throughout his adventure. Each uses a certain amount of JEWELS. The more jewels a player has the more times he is able to use that SUB- WEAPON. JEWELS can be collected by killing monsters in and around Castlevania. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEAPON DESCRIPTION JEWELS USED ------------------------------------------------------------------------ KNIFE | The KNIFE is the weakest weapon | 1 | in the game. Once obtained, you | | throw them quickly and | | straight right at your enemies. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AXE | The AXE flies in an arc at your | 2 | enemy, cutting them and doing a | | little more damage than the knife. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CROSS | The CROSS is the best projectile | 5 | weapon in the game, with the most | | damage that it dishes out. It | | spins around and around in a | | vortex towards your opponent. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOLY WATER | The HOLY WATER is the best weapon | 3 | against ground enemies because it | | causes blue flames to surge up | | and burn them. It's terrible | | against flying enemies though. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== 4. Items ======================================================================== The items section is where I am going to post every single item in the game. If you are reading through the walkthrough and you see an item that I mention, come check out this section and you can find out what it does. Special 1 - Found in the Forest of Silence across an invisible bridge, above the large gorge where a skeleton throws bones at you. If you beat the game with this, and save clear data, you can access hard mode. Special 2 - Found in the Tower of Execution. Get the execution key and open its corresponding gate. You will see a casket to the right. Leap to it then jump onto an invisible bridge to escape. This will allow you to get Reinhardt's second costume by holding up on the control stick while selecting him, once you have beaten the game and saved clear data. A cool traditional outfit: armor, headband, boots, kinda like Simon Belmont. Special 3 - Found in Tower of Sorcery near the exit. You will see a lone crystal on a platform. Just walk across the invisible bridge or use holy water to reveal its location. This will allow you to get Carrie's second costume, a pink dress, after you finish the game and save clear data. Roast Beef - The roast beef restores most of your HP, about 80%. Roast Chicken - The roast chicken restores less than the roast beef, about 50%. Purifying Crystal - This item cures you if you are bitten by a vampire. Use it immediately after you are bitten. Poison Cure Ampoule - This item will cure you of poison, make sure to use quickly so as not to lose health. White Jewel - This Jewel will allow you to save your game if you use the action button. Make sure to save often. Contract - This white piece of paper will summon a mysterious salesman named Renon. From this you can buy items. Red Jewel - Increases your Jewel points. The more points you have, the more times you can use sub-weapons. Gold - Use these bags of gold coins to purchase things. Key - The key automatically opens the door that corresponds to what’s written on it. Healing Kit - This fully restores both your HP and your status. Sun Card - Fast forward directly to sunrise (6:00A.M.) Moon Card - Fast forward directly to sunset (6:00P.M.) ======================================================================== 5. Enemies ======================================================================== The Enemies section is the section where I will posting all the enemies that you send to me, or that I have encountered in the game. If you know of an enemy that I have not mentioned, please send it to me. Also, if you know a better way to kill the monster than I have mentioned, please send that too. Please refer to section 9 for e-mail and contacting information. Yellow Skeletons - These are the first enemies that you encounter in the game. They usually take 1, 2, or 3 shots from a whip and one energy ball to kill. They’re simple to destroy but can be a bit harder in groups so beware. Blue Skeletons - These skeletons are really annoying. They generate out of the ground and start to run at you. If they hit you, or you destroy them too close to you, they explode and do some damage to you. Just try and notice them early and send 1 whip shot their way, or one energy ball. If they get close try to jump back or sideways, and they will explode without hurting you. Motorcycle Skeleton - Run in a circle to where they can't hit you, then hit them a few times. Often drop red jewels. Bone Tosser - Comes in three varities. You will see some regular ones that just toss bones at you. Annoying. Then you have the exploding kind, take them out from a distance (hard mode only). Then you have the red kind. VERY annoying. You can knock them down with several shots, but they will come back. Bats - You can’t have a Castlevania game without bats in it, and this game is no exception. But the bats can be a little hard. If one just attacks you you’re fine, but it’s when they attack in foursomes, that’s what makes them hard. Don’t even think about using Holy Water on these guys, cause the flames aren’t high enough to reach them. Just wait until they are very close to you, and then slice with your dagger a couple of times. Even if they are behind you they should go down, or Just send one fully charged power ball and that should eliminate them all. Half Werewolf - You fight this guy at the beginning of the Duel Tower. He's not too tough, just keep hitting him at a distance and sidestep his attacks. May drop roast chicken and powerups. Werewolf - This guy is pretty tough but you only face him a few times in the game. He’s a grey wolf in blue pants. He has a ferocious double claw swipe and a spin kick. Avoid those and you should do fine. Just send a few whip attacks and some AXE's. If you are Carrie, a few energy balls and a couple of AXE's. After you beat him, he disappears into a blue cloud of smoke. Just jump over his sweeps and counter with an energy ball or whip strikes. May drop roast chicken and powerups. Bone Dragon Statue - These statues in Dracula's castle shoot flaming balls at you when you are far away from them, and it they will make a huge ball of fire around their selves when you get close. Just run up to them and fire a couple of shots at it, and then retreat down the stairs. Then after they fire a couple of times, dodge the fire balls and whack them a couple of more times. After about 4 or 5 shots they'll burn up and die. Also, you can get up close and run around him while using the close range weapon, if you keep moving he can't hit you. Drops $500 and red jewels mostly. Spider Women - Attack with spears in close and acid breath from afar. Not too hard, just keep hitting them and keep distance while dodging breath. Tiger Man - Get up close and he usually can't hit you. He can't take many hits. May drop powerups. Minotaur - Can't take many hits, but packs a punch. You can fight him in the Duel Tower, but it is optional. May drop a powerup. Just stay at a distance. 3 Headed Dog (Cerberus) - These 3 headed dogs are pretty ferocious unless you know how to deal with them. They can throw fireballs at you, and they can viciously bite you. First off, never try and run away from them. They will hurl fire balls at you. The best thing that you can do is stand head on with them and keep giving them whip shots, and any sub weapon you have. Also, if you can back them into a corner, keep slicing them with your dagger over and over and they should die. Close range attacks while running around them are also effective. Hell Hounds - Only in garden maze. Indestructible. Stun them with an attack and run like heck. Jump to avoid them catching your heel. If they do catch it, use your close range attack (dagger or rings) to break free. Frankenstein - Packs a hell of a chainsaw. Try to avoid him. Appears with the hounds in the garden maze. Use holy water to stun him and run past. Possible to knock him down, but he can't be defeated. Jump over his chainsaw and run! Medusa Heads - More annoying than bats, they pop up in places where they can knock you off ledges. Whip them before they do and try to leap between their appearances. Timing is everything. Bubbles - A few of these in the Tower of Sorcery. They will change the levels of the yellow crystals. They will knock you off the green crystals if you don't destroy them, but they can't hurt you otherwise. Blue Skulls - These flying skulls are rather simple to destroy. They are blue skulls that fly toward you and have blue flames protecting them. You don’t want them to touch you, so just give them two shots and they should die easily. Spooks - Spooks are white flying ghosts that wander around. They aren’t much of a threat so when they come near you just knock them down with a couple of quick shots. If you kill their red leader, they will all disappear and drop items. May drop powerups. Vampires - These guys pack a punch, so be careful. If you have holy-water, it can be your best friend against these guys. Target them and then break some of them at their feet. A couple of those should kill it. If you don’t have holy water give him a couple of shots and make sure you avoid him getting close enough to you to bite you. If he bites you your status will go to VAMP and if you do not cure your self soon enough you will turn into a vampire. Wiggle the control stick quickly and usually you can escape without vamp status or the vampire gaining too much energy. They'll take more shots if they bite you. Cure yourself with a purifying crystal. After you have killed him, he will turn into a bat and start to fly away. Try whipping him as many times as you can, because every time you do, he will drop something that you can pick up. ----4 types---- Basic Guy Vampire - Jumps around a lot. Flails arms and tries to bite. Doesn't gain much energy from the bite. Just stay at a distance and flog him. Basic Female Vampire - Crawls around on the floor, throws bats at you. Just try to beat her at a distance and don't let her sneak up on you with crawling. She doesn't gain much energy from a bite. Butler Vampire - The butler did it! This guy will use magic bolts and lots of acrobatics and flailing styles up close. Rarely will he bite you, but gains a lot of strength when he does. Already strong, so just keep distance and nail him. Maid Vampire - Perhaps the toughest. She will use bolts at a distance, but charge to get in close. If she bites, she takes and gains a butt load of energy, so be sure to keep clear and kill her with several strikes. If she closes in, jump around and on tables to avoid getting bit. ALL VAMPIRES ARE MUCH WEAKER DURING THE DAY HOURS. Machine Guns - Found in the Tower of Science, in the middle and higher reaches. Just keep your distance and let them have magic bolts. Crystal Men - Found in the Tower of Sorcery. Use you ring attack up close and avoid their acid breath. Blood Man - Only one in the game by the Venus statue in Castle Center. Keep distance, avoid acid breath, and hit him a few times. Lizard Men - Keep your distance, avoid their acid or fire breath, and hit them between blocks. Avoid them if carrying Nitro. Hell Knights - These guys are like a tank. If you keep your distance and hit them from there, you should be able to avoid their powerful short range attacks. They take several hits. Try to avoid them if carrying Nitro. Stain Glass Men - These men lay on the floors in the castle, and when you come up to them, they stand up and start coming after you. They are VERY easy to deal with. Just give them two accurate shots, and they will go down. A good enemy to earn red jewels from. ======================================================================== 6. Walkthrough ======================================================================== NOTE: WITH EITHER PERSON TIME IS RELEVANT TO THE ENDING. IF YOU TAKE TOO LONG OR USE TOO MANY CARDS, THEN YOU WILL GET THE BAD ENDING. I GOOFED OFF AND HAD ABOUT 4 DAYS LENIENCY, SO IT'S FAIR AS LONG AS YOU JUST PLAY THROUGH. ENEMIES ARE EASIER DURING DAY, BUT U DON'T WANT TO FORWARD THE CYCLE TOO OFTEN. YOUR FIRST TIME THROUGH, U MAY GET THE BAD ENDING, EACH CHARACTER HAS BOTH A GOOD AND BAD. THE BAD ARE RATHER INTERESTING TO WATCH TOO, SO JUST WASTE BUTT LOADS OF TIME IF YOU WANT TO SEE IT, OTHERWISE, JUST BE IN REASON AND U'LL GET THE GOOD ENDING. If you are on schedule u should arrive near the fountain in stage 3 at or a little before midnight and in the rose garden at 3 a.m. without having to use cards. You can also still get the special items to work and save a clear game even with the bad ending. Conserve chicken and beef: you should have about 5 chicken, 10 beef, and 4 medkits if u want to fight the real final bosses. They will drain a lot. At that point also u can waste time, so fight them during the day, when they take more damage and do less. (use a sun card!) The first three stages are the same, no matter who you pick, just substitute Carrie's strategy where we talk about Reinhardt. This section covers the Reinhardt Schneider character game. It also covers the same ground for Carrie, and talks about her boss strategies. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR CARRIE FERNANDEZ'S WALKTHROUGH, IT IS COVERED HERE IN REINHARDT'S FOR THE STAGES THEY SHARE, AND THE STAGES THAT ARE SPECIFIC TO CARRIE (4, 6, and 7) ARE BELOW IN SECTION 7. When I wrote this, I was playing through on the normal difficulty and I suggest you do too, because you can not totally complete the game unless you play normal difficulty. Remember, this walkthrough does not say what sub-weapon you should be using through your adventure, unless it makes a boss a lot easier or something like that, so choose which one you like and use that one. Also it does not say when to pick up Jewels and money when enemies drop them. I will however tell you how to get to a place where you can get a Chicken or some Beef. Well with that said, let’s begin the walkthrough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stage 1 - Forest Of Silence ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The game starts you off in the Forest of Silence. Reinhardt or Carrie give themselves a few reinforcing words and your adventure begins. Start by traveling straight forward. When you walk forward enough, lightning will strike down two trees in front of you. Avoid them and keep trekking forward. You should see two torches on the ground and one on top of a tower. Slice the two on the ground with your dagger. Collect the items that they drop. Now, to get to the torch on the tower you will have to do a jump. Jump onto the lower of the two towers then do a running jump on to the higher tower with the torch on it for the reward of Roast Beef. Go straight back towards the trees and take a left at them. Continue forward until you see a skeleton on the ground. Examine it with your action button. Keep heading forward until the game goes into a cinematic of the rising of the dead skeletons. You’ll find yourself surrounded by three skeletons when the game gives you control back. Deal with them with your whip. Examine the dead villager after you have taken care of the skeletons. Head forward again until you get to a big wooden door. You should see a big blue plate holding the door shut. Hit it with your whip about 3 times and it should break off, and the door should slowly open. Say hello to the first boss of the game, a skeleton with a serious problem. He’s really not that tough. The trick is to run up to him, jump and hit him in the face. Or as close to the face as you can get. Then back away. He will hit the ground with the bone he’s carrying, causing some of his skeleton buddies to pop out of the ground and start coming after you. Just keep dealing with the little skeletons and when you get a clean shot, hit him in the face. If you see a powerup on the ground be sure and grab it because it will help you out alot. The boss will keep running, but just keep chasing after him. Hit him in the face and back away. Over and over. After enough times of him running and you hitting him in the face he should jump off a cliff. But is he dead??? If you look off the bridge at this point you can see him looking back at you (neat huh?). After the skeleton boss takes his long fall, two platforms should come from where he fell. Jump across the platforms to the other side. Go forward and kill the skeletons that keep popping out of the ground. Go forward and follow the arrow on the sign. It should point right to a white crystal on the floor. In case you didn’t already know, that white crystal is a save point. Save your game and head back to the sign. Go left at the sign and continue forward. You should walk under a brick overpass and enter an open area with 2 brick building with a torch in them and a torch on top of them. First lets get the torch's on top of them. Go to the closest building to where you entered this area. Stand on the higher dirt on the side of the building a few feet away from the wall. Do a running jump and you should be able to grab the top of the building and pull yourself up. Break the torch up there and collect what’s in it. To get to the other top of the other building, do a running jump towards it and you’ll be able to pull yourself up. Break that torch and collect the Roast Chicken. Now, go in each of the buildings and break the torches. You should get a sun card and a moon card. Go down the path near the building that had the Roast Chicken on its roof and jump across the platforms to a mechanism. Activate the mechanism with the action button and it will open up the blue gate next to that last save point. I guess when you activated that switch you made someone mad, cause now you get to fight the second boss, the tiger man. This boss is VERY easy. Don’t even think of him as a boss, I only do because when he shows up, so does the boss health meter. Just avoid his punches and whip him a few times. If you have enough powerups, then you should kill him in 3 or 4 shots. When he burns up, jump back across the platforms. Now head straight, pass the closest building and then go left down the path that you used to come into this area, back to the sign. Follow the arrow on the sign again and save your game. Go through the now open gate and head straight toward the torch on the tiny pillar. You may see, during all of this, some blue skeletons, these guys can be a little annoying so refer to section 5 to learn how to take them out before they can get to you. Break the torch if you want to collect the cross. Turn directly back to where you entered and you’ll see a torch to the left of the opening. Go there and destroy that torch. To the left, right next to that torch is a cement building. Its a crypt. Run around it until you see the opening and go in. Destroy both coffins in there and collect whatever is in them. Exit the crypt and go straight towards another sign with an arrow on it. Look to where the arrow is pointing. There is a save point directly where it points. Go to the save point and SAVE YOUR GAME!!! Go back to the sign and head down the path opposite of where the arrow points. There should be a torch sort of near the sign. Break it and keep heading down the path. Make sure you collect the roast chicken from the base of where the torch containing the cross was. You’ll come to a cliff with a torch next to it. Break the torch and collect what’s inside. Now jump across the platforms carefully to the other side with the mechanism on it. Break the torch there and pick up the Roast Beef. Activate the mechanism that opens the gate near the last save point. This switch also lowered that platform that you needed to use to get back to the other side. Go to the edge of the cliff and you should see a piece of cement sticking out on the left side of the cliff that you are on. Walk out onto it and keep jumping from platform to platform down. Don’t try and be impatient and skip one because you are likely to miss. Just take it slow. If you do happen to miss before you reach the bottom don’t worry. We saved before we came here. You can just load your saved game and try again. Then you get to the bottom. Jump across the platform to the other pieces sticking out of the cliff wall on the other side. This time, it’s the exact same thing, but you’re going up. Just take it slow and make sure you line up your jumps before you take them. When you get to the top, pat yourself on the back for making it here and then retrace your steps back to the sign with the arrow on it. Follow the arrow to the save point and save, then head through the now opened fence. You’ll come to an area with a bunch of those crypts with the coffins in them like before. Enter all of the crypts and destroy the coffins. There’s not really good stuff in those. The only thing worth getting is the Roast Chicken. After you’ve gone in all of the crypts and gotten the chicken, go to the cliff that is in the area. You’ll see a skeleton standing by himself on a platform. He looks harmless enough, but when you try jumping to that ledge he throws a bone at you and it makes you fall down the cliff. So make sure you have a projectile sub-weapon. If you don’t, there’s an AXE in a torch by the gate that we just opened. Throw some of them at him to kill him. Then make the jump onto the platform. Once on the platform, look left and you’ll see a lone torch on another platform that looks like it’s out of jumping distance. Make a running jump towards it and you’ll grab onto the side. Break the torch to get Special1. Jump back to the platform with the skeleton who throws the bones and then jump to the side of the cliff that we haven’t been to yet. Head through the over pass on the other side and some bats will fly down at you. Take care of them and keep on heading straight through the overpass. Take a right as soon as you pass through the stone overpass and follow the arrow. It will point to a save point where you should save. Then go back to the sign and you will see a statue of a woman, head toward it. A werewolf will attack you. This guy is pretty tough. He’s actually harder than the last boss you fought. Take care of him with some whip attacks and some AXE's if you have them. Avoid his sweep kick and his double claw, and you should take care of him easily. Head toward the statue of the woman near there and read the plaque on the base of it. You should get a roast chicken. Now head down the path that is on the side of the statue with the plaque on it. Keep running down it, breaking all of the torches you see and collecting their items. You should reach a cliff at the end of this path with ledges sticking out of the face of it. Start jumping down one by one until you reach the bottom. Do it just as you did before. One jump at a time. When you reach the bottom throw the lever that is down there. Then start jumping back up the ledges. Take your time and line up the jumps before you take them. When you reach the top, take a sigh of relief because that’s the last time you’ll have to do that in this stage. Now head back down the path. Back past the statue of the woman to the save point. Save your game again. Now turn around and run towards the sign with the arrow on it. Go the direction opposite of where the arrow points and head down this path. You’ll come to the platform that you came across earlier. Jump across to the other side. Go straight through the three crypts and you’ll see a fence that is now open on your left. Go through it and break the torch in there. Get the roast beef that it drops and activate the mechanism in there. Go out the fence and go right. Jump across the platform again to the other side. Go straight and when you reach the sign with the arrow on it, follow the arrow to the save point. Save your game. And then go through the now opened blue fence. Keep running straight forward and the game will cut to a cinematic. LOOK WHO’S BACK!!! Remember this guy? Well anyway, he’s a little tougher this time. First things first, take care of his little motorcycle buddies--the best way to do this is when they come near you give them a good direct whip shot, or you can plant some holy water right in front of them, and that will knock them off their bikes. After the motorcycle guys are gone, Boss Skeleton starts generating guys with that big club of his. Kill them and then start whippin on him. If you see a power up be sure and grab it so your whip is more powerful. After a couple of hits he'll start losing limbs. Eventually you’ll knock off his legs, but don’t start celebrating yet, because he'll start crawling after you and takin swings at you. Now’s the time to start throwing holy water or whatever subweapon you have at him. After a couple of shots like that he'll die, this time for real, and the castle gate will come down. Reinhardt enters the castle and when he tries to open the gate in the wall, the drawbridge raises and Reinhardt is now trapped in the castle wall. Congratulations on beating Stage 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stage 2 - Castle Wall ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You start stage 2 trapped between two gigantic iron fences. There’s only one way you can go right now, and that is through the door closest to the save crystal. The other door is locked so don’t try and open it. Before you go through the door, save your game. Then head through the door. You’ll enter a big donut shaped room with stairs going up round the circumference of the room. Start heading up the first flight of stairs. You’ll come to a break in the cement. Jump over it and keep heading up. At the top of the second flight of stairs, you’ll see a flame skull statue. It will shoot flaming balls at you when you are far away from it, and it will make a huge ball of fire around itself when you get close. Just run up to it and fire a couple of whip shots at it and then retreat down the stairs. Then, after he fires a couple of times, dodge the fire balls and whack him a couple of more times. After about 4 or 5 shots he'll burn up and die. After the skull statue is taken care of you’ll see a big hole in the cement. There is a green moving piece going back and forth between both sides of the gap. When it gets close to you jump onto it and ride to the other side. When you get to the other side, fall back down into the hole you just went across, and you’ll fall onto a ledge with a torch on it. Break the torch for a quick sun card. Jump back down to the floor and head on back up the stairs. When you get back to the moving platform ride across and then, this time, continue heading up the stairs. You’ll come to another skull statue, deal with it, and then walk slowly to where it used to be. A blade will fall down nearly hitting you. After the blade starts rising back up, run under it and stop at the ledge. This gap is even longer than the last one. First off, look at the moving piece going back and forth. You will notice that it doesn’t come all the way to the ledge that you are on. You should also notice a little medusa head slowly forming and then slowly coming towards you. This enemy regenerates so don’t keep on destroying it over and over. The only reason it is there is to make this difficult jump even harder. Line up your jump and kill the little medusa head that is coming toward you. Then when the moving piece gets as close to you as possible, do a running jump and continue holding down the jump button and you should be able to grab onto the piece. Pull yourself up and then jump onto the other side of the gap. Continue heading up the stairs. You’ll come to yet another gap. This time the moving piece comes close to you but it doesn’t carry you all the way to the other side. Line up your jump, and when it gets as close to the other side as possible, do a running jump. Continue holding the jump button when you reach the other side, and you will grab onto the side. Wait for the blade to fall, and when it starts to go up pull yourself up from the ledge and run under it. Continue again up the stairs but beware the blade that’s at the top of them. Run under the blade and you’ll come up to the last of the gaps. Do a running jump onto the moving platform and then another run onto the opposite side, avoid the blade there and run up the stairs. When you reach the top of the stairs, 4 bats will come down on you. Kill them with whatever you see fit. Then enter the door that’s there. The door leads into a big open room with another boss. This boss is pretty tough. First off, jump on top of the little building sticking out with the door on it that you just came out of. Break the torch that’s up there and get the Roast Chicken. Now jump back down and back as far away from the snakes as possible. Avoid the blue flames that they shoot at you and when you see an opening run in and whip one of them a few times. Do that over and over. Make sure your keep hitting the same one. After about 7 or 8 hits, the snake will burn its first layer and now get a new much more powerful attack. He will breath blue fire at you, and when it hits you takes off some major HP. To avoid being burnt, back as far as you can to the wall. If you are in the proper place he can't get you. Make sure that you are avoiding the fire balls that the other head of the snake is firing at you. When the more powerful of the two snakes finishes breathing fire, run up to it and launch a couple of whip attacks at him. Then back into the corner again. When he stops, run up to him and give him a couple of more whips. After the first of the two snakes dies, start going after the other one. Do it just as you killed the first one. After they both are dead, pull the lever that is there and collect any goodies that might be laying around. When you pull the lever, the whole right wall comes down revealing a new area. Walk to the ledge and jump down towards the save crystal. Save your game. There will be some skeletons and some flame skull statues down here so be careful. Jump down to the lower ledge with the flame skull guy on it. Take him out and then turn around and break the torch that is on this platform. Collect what’s inside and then jump down ever farther, to the floor. Down here break the torch and collect what’s inside. Then go to the back corner of this room, and you’ll see a wooden shelf with sand bags on it. Jump up there and collect the powerup and $500 from a sandbag. In one of the other corners of this room you should see a hole in the ground. Jump down it. Save your game and head through the now open fence. Break the torch that’s in the center of this room and collect the left tower key. After you have the key, exit this room and again save your game. Then head to the room opposite of the save crystal. You will use your key and enter a new room. Be careful when entering this room because there is a huge hole in the center of it. Stay against the left wall and go on forward. Jump the small gap and then do a running jump onto the suspended platform. Jump forward again and then head on up the first flight of stairs. The next section of floor looks solid, but walk slowly up to it and it will break apart and a big hole will form. Do a running jump over this gap and head up another flight of stairs. At the top beware the falling blade and when it rises, run under it. Now you’ll be at another gap. Jump it and make sure you land on the gray part of the cement. You will see a green piece in front of you flipping over and revealing its deadly spikes. Time it, and when you can, run across the green platform. Beware the falling blade at the foot of the staircase and then run up the stairs. At the top of the stairs there will be a flame skull statue so deal with it. You’ll come to 4 more of those rotating spike pieces. Wait till you see an opening then run and jump across. Directly across from these four platforms is a Roast Beef. Grab it then jump back on these platforms, tricky but well worth it. There is a falling blade at the end of the green pieces so watch out. Head up the next staircase, making sure that you do a running jump over the hole in the stairs. You’ll grab onto the other side, so pull yourself up, and then take care of the skull statue. Watch out for the blade behind the statue and then run under it. Another 2 green spike pieces waits for you on the other side of the blade, so just time them and then do a jump onto the first, and then onto the other and hopefully you’ll clear it. Then STOP before you go up the next staircase. This staircase starts to fall apart when you start to run up it, so make sure you do not stop running when you are going up. Run up the stairs and, then, when you get to the top look way over to the end of the platform that you are on. You’ll see a skull statue blowing fire balls at you. Make sure you kill him with a knife, or axe, or whatever you have, and then start jumping, one ledge at a time, the little ledges in front of you. Make sure you take your time because if you fall, you’ll have to start all the way back at the beginning. Once over both of the ledges and you are safely to the other side, run up the final staircase and enter the door with the moon on it (use a moon card if not night). There is no boss this time, so the game automatically goes into a cinematic. You’ll see Reinhardt go and automatically pull the lever to open the fence at the bottom of the last long staircase. Then he'll here a noise and Dracula will come up and tell you not to come any further. When you get contol of the game run back to where you came in, but don’t go in the door. Instead, jump on top of the door and save your game and break the torch that’s up there. Then jump back down and go out onto the ledge that’s near there. Hurry through this area, as you will want to reach the fountain in the next stage at midnight. Jump down and break any torches that are down there. Then fall down to another ledge and you’ll end up back in the room with the small hole in the corner--go and fall down that hole and save your game. Then walk into the room where you got that key before, and then walk through the now open fence. You’ll see a cinematic of Reinhardt entering a courtyard. Congratulations on beating Stage 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stage 3 - Villa ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I guess this stage doesn’t mess around, because as soon as you get control of the game, it throws 3 monsters at you. These 3 headed dogs can do some serious damage if you aren’t careful. First off, never try to run away from them. They will hurl fireballs at you. The best thing that you can do is stand head on with them and keep giving them whip shots and any sub weapon you have. Also, if you can back them into a corner, keep slicing them with your dagger over and over, and they should be killed. There is also a hidden platform to the right of the entrance that u can use to attack them from above while avoiding damage. It works better with Reinhardt though. After you defeat the first three, the blue gates in front of you should slowly creak open. But then, just when you think you are safe, another three come at you. Deal with them just as you did the other three, and then another big one will show up. This time he will be red and all he does is throw fireballs at you, and he can turn invisible. Avoid his fireballs and whip him until he’s dead. After all of those dogs are dead, the final gate that is blocking your path will creak open. Before going through it, grab the Roast Beef that is there and head back to the start of this stage. Check both sides of this little area and you should find two torches. One on one side and one on the other. Break them. Then look above one of the two torches. You’ll see a high ledge with a torch on it. This torch looks too high and out of reach, so here’s how to get to it. Stand on the side closest to the gate that you entered this stage through. Stand right next to the wall facing the platform with the torch on it. Get about 5 steps back away from the platform and do a standing jump. You should grab onto an invisible ledge. From there you can do a jump onto the ledge with the torch on it. After breaking the torch and collecting what’s inside, jump down and go back up through the two gates that you opened by killing those dogs. You’ll come into a large open courtyard with a fountain in the middle of it. Jump into the water of the fountain. In the water there should be an odd colored piece of cement on the floor. Go stand on it and use a moon card that you have in inventory. Wait until midnight (24:00), and a platform should raise you up to a whole bunch of goodies at the top of the fountain. Collect all of them and then jump back down to the grass. There is a save point on the side of the fountain, so go to it and save your game. Head up, past the fountain, toward a new building that you see, but don’t go in it yet. Instead go to the left corner of the area you are in and break the gravemarker. You should get a roast beef. Now go into the new building. You’ll come to a glamorous foyeour that has 6 torches in it. Break all of the torches in this room, then head up the staircase. When you touch the stairs this triggers the attack of a Vampire. This guy scurries across the wall then does a backflip down to the floor to do battle with you. These guys pack a punch so be careful. If you have holy water, it can be your best friend against these guys. Target him and then break some of them at his feet. A couple of those should kill it. If you don’t have holy water, give him a couple of shots and make sure you avoid him getting close enough to you to bite you. If he bites you your status will go to VAMP (unless u wiggle the control stick fast enough to break out), and if you do not cure your self soon enough, you will turn into a vampire. Cure yourself with a purifying crystal. After you have killed him, he will turn into a bat and start to fly away. Try whipping him as many times as you can, because every time you do, he will drop something that you can pick up. After he is gone, head up the stairs. Go left at the landing and then head around the hall until you get to a door. Go through the door. Go down the short corridor, but do not go through the double doors at the end. Instead, wait for the clock to say 3:00. When it is 3A.M. (and she must be lonely, ha) go through the door. You will enter a room with alot of red roses all over and another door. The game will cut to a cinematic and you will meet Rosa. She tells you that she is tending the "WHITE" roses. She also tells you that you need to enter the archives, and to get the archives key you’ll have to talk to a previous adventurer. After she disappears, head through the door. Break the torch at the foot of the stairs and collect what’s inside. Head up the stairs. At the top you will come to a long hallway. Go in to the first door on your left. You will enter a bedroom. Check around for a purifying and a large red jewel. Go through the door by the bed. When you open the door the game will cut to a cinematic. You will meet Vincent, the overly nervous adventurer. He will suspect you to be a villager lost in the woods and advises you to leave this place. After you are done talking, and you get control back of the game, talk again with Vincent. You will ask him of the archives key, and, according to his intuition, he finds the key to be worthless, and he gives it to you. (His intuition also tells him to wonder aimlessly around the same room for days on end) Go into the bedroom where Vincent was and search the desk for $500. After you have the key, exit the room back in to the main hallway. Enter the door two doors down from the door you just exited. You’ll come into a ballroom with three chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. You’ll notice that the middle of the three is red and the other two or gold. Jump up and slice the red one with your dagger and it should break (only with Reinhardt). You should also notice that along the wall with the doors there are chairs, and in between those chairs are blue pots. Break them all and you should find a storage room key. Check the paintings and lions head for a roast chicken and a purifying. Exit this room through the door you came in. Now go to the door one left of this room. It is locked but your storage room key will open it. Once inside, collect all the items laying around and save your game. Exit this room and head down the hallway. Kill the stain glass men with 2 straight whip shots and head all the way down the hall to the last door. Enter this door and the game will cut to a cinematic. Reinhardt looks around and then looks into the mirror. He hears the door opening behind him, so he turns around. It looks to be a local villager. He is very scared and keeps asking for help. He warns that you have entered the castle of hell and that if you value your life you should leave. Reinhardt glances over into the mirror and notices that the villager has no reflection. When Reinhardt realizes that something is wrong, the villager, who is actually a vampire, attacks you. Take care of this vampire just as you did the other one, then enter the door opposite the one that you came in through. Go down this short hall and then unlock the door there with the archives key. You will now enter the archives. Go forward and grab the holy water that’s on the floor there. Then go into the back corner of this room and grab the garden key. Exit this room and then go back down the short hallway. Go through the door and back into the room with the vampire. Then exit this room. When you are back in the main hallway, head down it and enter the first door on your right. You will end up back in the ballroom. Go through the double doors in this room. Now, head down the staircase and at the bottom, the game will cut into a cinematic. Reinhardt will notice a scroll laying at the bottom of the stairs. When he goes to it a man named Renon will come down the stairs and explain how to summon him if you need to purchase anything. After you get control back, examine the scroll with the action button and you will be able to purchase items from Renon. When you scroll over the different items that he has for sale it will say something like "3 of those" or "none of those" That is telling you how many of that specific item you have, not how many he has for sale. With that in mind, buy every item until you have 3 of each in inventory. (Buy 5 cure ampoules, a healing kit, and a roast chicken or two, don't waste money on roast beef or cards.) DO NOT buy three healing kits. Just buy one of them because they are too expensive to buy more than one. After you have made all of your purchases, exit this room at the top of the stairs and go back up to the save point that is in the main hallway. SAVE YOUR GAME and then go back to the contract. Grab a purifying from the gold armor statue. Go through the doors at the bottom of the stairs. You will come into a garden with two gargoyle statues, on either side of a fence. Use your key on the fence and enter the garden maze. Once in, walk forward a bit and take the first left. Go all the way to the end of this walk. You'll meet a young kid named Malus and hear a tear jerking story about what happened to him. The hell hounds will show up, and he will scream and run off. Follow that kid. Stun the two dogs, then run like heck through the stone archway, and take the first left. Open this door (how did Malus unlock it?) and sprint ahead. Take the next right. Go through the stone archway. When you get to the corner, stun the hounds, then take out frank with holy water while running. If the hounds catch your heel, hit them with your close range weapon twice. Avoid frank's chainsaw and try to conserve chicken. Continue and hit the next right. Jump to avoid being caught by the hounds, and it's faster than running. Take three more rights, you should pass some vines b4 the last right. Continue and take the next right, and you should see a torch way up. Avoid trying to get it. Take a left now, you might see Malus when you are heading that way. Take another left then the next right. You will meet Malus at a door and help him escape. You will hear the hounds growling, but you are safe for now. Head down a LONG passage, and take a left to find the copper key. Exit the gate, and enter the villa. Grab the roast chicken and save. Re-enter the villa and make your way into the garden again. Run like heck and take the second right near the torch in the tower. Stun the hounds and frank and run to the door, using the copper key. Safe again. Follow this stream to it's end to find a roast beef on the right. Then head back to the bridge, grab the purifying, and save. Go down the stairs to the crypt, grab $500, some red jewels, and a roast chicken from the candles, then approach the coffin. A vampire will talk to you. Generally, it will be night, so this battle won't be easy. Keep your distance (not too much, cause he throws bolts), and hit the Vampire when you can. If he leaps up, just avoid his shadow on his way back down. If you are Carrie, you can let a magic ball go just as he leaps, and it will hurt him in the air and cancel that attack. After you defeat him, prepare for his female victim. She's easier cause you can get her more with holy water. Avoid her getting in close, swat the bats. When she gets weak, she'll turn into mist. Just swat the bats and wait it out. She'll turn back in a little time. Keep getting her and she'll die. Approach the coffin, and find a secret passage. Reinhardt will head to the tunnels now. Carrie will head to the Waterway. Leap in the coffin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stage 4a - Underground Tunnel ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reinhardt only. Throughout the stage you will have to fend off some spider women. Just keep them at a distance with the whip until they die. Go straight and avoid the rock crushing mechanisms by jumping over them. You will arrive at an elevator. Go ahead and ride it down. Follow the path around and take a right. Fight the spider women and leap across the stones to some roast beef and holy water. Come back around, go straight, and take a left for another elevator. In the next room, go straight. Then you can go left to a moon door for a contract (Renon shop) or right. Go on to the right, and make another right to cross some poisoned water on a narrow bridge. Continue straight to get to a sun door for two roast beefs and a boomerang. Turn around and go right to reach the first gondola (avoid more rock crushers on the way). Ride it all the way around, fighting enemies, get off at the station, fend off the ghosts, jump the iron beam, and board lift 2. Ride it all the way around, fighting more enemies (you might want to use the cross on the blue skulls). Take the elevator up. You'll have to make some tricky jumps in the next room, but you should have that down by now. Just listen for the sound of the bat's wings, so you can smack him. Then take the next right and next left to get to the sun door with the exit. Optionally, you can go right across some more poisoned water and nab some items behind the sun and moon doors, but it's not necessary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stage 5 - Castle Center ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you are Reinhardt, you will meet Rosa again and speak to her. If you are Carrie, you will speak with the evil Actrise. This stage is long and difficult, with a lot of precarious mission objectives. Make sure to check all the statues that don't come to life, and the tables and objects in the lab room (the one with the blimp) for items ranging from $500 to roast beef. First, go straight down the hall and take a right. Take the next door on your right. Fight the vampires in this room. Try to avoid taking much damage, cause this stage could drain all your supplies. Their are different vampires in here depending on day time, but just follow the strategies above for whichever types. Leave the room through the iron sliding gate and go up. Look at the Venus statue and fight the blood man that comes out. Continue upstairs to the next room. This room will have red carpet. Take the door straight ahead. Keep going through rooms. Go up the stairs and save. Check the statue for roast beef. Battle the lizard men in the bio lab. Continue into the next room and battle the butler vampires. Then the next room, check around for a candle with roast chicken, avoid the flames spewed by the lion heads. Go to the next room and talk to the lizard man to get the key to the torture chamber. In the next room, pick up the magical nitro (don't jump or get hit!!!!!!), and take it back to the room with the lion heads, and place it near the cracked wall. Make your way to the beginning from here, fighting the lizard men, butler vampires, and assorted vampires again. Remember where you turned right at the beginning? Go straight this time and unlock the torture chamber room. Grab the Mandragora root, and roast beef on the rafters if you can slip past the ghosts (stand on the fireplace). There is a butler and maid vampire in here, so be careful. Exit the room and take the first left. Go all the way to the end of this hall and enter the double doors into the arena. You will spot a dead bull. Red jewels and money are in the candles, and a box on the right hand side hides 5 bags of $500! Place the Mandragora at the cracked wall. Then exit and go back to the torture chamber, fending off the vampires again for some more Mandragora root. (Lather, rinse, repeat). Remember the cracked wall way up there, where you had set the magical nitro? Make your way back to it and blow the wall up. Grab a roast beef in the candle in the newly opened area. Open the brown door and you will be in the library. Climb on the shelves, on the second floor, and on top of a pedestal. The ceiling will open. Step on another tile in this 3rd floor to make the ceiling pop open again. You will be in the observatory. Hit right C at the machine and line up the goddesses in the order of 2, 4, 8 (this undoes the seal on the one wall so you can blast it). Save with the nearby crystal. Return down to the room with red carpet and take the door on you left (about the halfway point, u'll have to yet again fight the lizard men and more vampires). Make your way through the air duct room and up. Fight the gold statue if u wish and check the other ones. Enter the lab room. Grab $500 from the safe, and a roast beef on top of the blimp if you want. Then enter another room with spikes coming down. Avoid them. Avoid the lions heads that spit flame and pick up another roast chicken in the next room. Then grab another bottle of nitro. Make a hell of a journey avoiding obstacles all the way down to the arena. At one point in the air duct room, you will have to cross narrow platforms and then walk your way slowly between two gears to make it. Avoid the skeleton biker in the front hall. When you finally make it, blow up the wall and activate the crystal behind it. Save and buy from Renon as needed. Prepare for a tough encounter. The bull comes back to life. Try to jump to where you stay behind and beside him. You should be able to avoid his ramming this way. Avoid his standing firestorm by jumping several times quickly out of the way. Avoid his blue breath by staying close to him or jumping. When you get the chance, hit him with holy water or the cross and your main weapon. Parts of him will begin melting off. If you persist, he will become completely a skeleton. An added danger then is if you whip his heart poison will come out. If you concentrate on his tail section, he will collapse and crawl and you will have to finish the other parts. If you concentrate on the front or head section, he will explode with about 1/4 energy and leave roast chickens and a roast beef. Save after this battle. Start back like you were going to get more nitro. In the first room you will fight one of two difficult opponents, depending on who you have. For Reinhardt, try to keep a distance and flog away and use boomerangs. Use chicken, try to conserve roast beef. When this boss throws arrows in the air, try to avoid it with a few slides. If the boss gets close, sidestep to avoid a sword. If the boss uses an energy wave, hope you are out of it's range. Just concentrate on hitting and defeating the boss, and use some roast chicken. If you have Carrie, this boss will use blue homing bolts similar to Carrie's. It will also fire straight red bolts and use an ice spell to freeze you, then nail you with it's staff. Try to keep a distance to avoid the ice, cause though you can break out of it by wiggling the control stick, rarely do you before you are smacked out of it by the bosses' staff. Just charge your bolts, dodge the bosses', and nail her. Use chicken and conserve beef. After defeating the boss, go to the next floor, activate the elevator and ride it up to the save point. Reinhardt will head to the Duel Tower, and Carrie for the Tower of Science. Cross whichever bridge is up and prepare for some tough stages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stage 6a - Duel Tower ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reinhardt only. This stage is a real pain. Make your way into the first shelter and fight the half werewolf (see strategy above). Mind you, the ceiling collapses as you fight minibosses in this stage, so don't tarry too long. After you defeat him, climb the platforms that will appear from the wall and climb to the top of the shelter. Make some difficult leaps across and avoid the rotating spikes. Look for platforms sticking out of the sides of the towers to make your jumps easier. You will find your way to a werewolf. Use basically the jump, turn, and smack strategy along with a little holy water to get rid of him before the ceiling collapses. Again, climb more platforms that pop out of the wall to the top of the shelter you were just in. Make your way across a couple of more towers until you see an impossible jump. Near here, you will see some torches up and to the left. According to a reader, there should be a platform leading up to the from the tower on the other side. Basically, follow the instructions ahead and then on top of the Minotaur's (I think, one of the towers, u'll figure it out) tower, leap for an invisible platform to lead to it. Head down some platforms on the side of one tower, grab the chicken in the candle, and jump across several sinking islands in the middle of the acid (getting fun isn't it?). Climb up a really tall tower. Then you can choose to go forward, fight a minotaur, and grab roast beef at the top of his shelter, or more preferably get out of here by turning around. Make your way across more of the same towers to another shelter. Fight the tiger man against the walls of the cage up close so he can't hit you. Again, climb up platforms that pop out of the wall and onto the top of the shelter. Make some nasty jumps, carefully watching the timing so you don't get nailed by spikes into the acid. If you can make it past this, then things get easier. Finally you should see a door. Enter it already! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stage 7a - Tower of Execution ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reinhardt only. This stage is marginally easier, and at least has save points. Make your way across the gaps to the center platform. Then make your way around the right side of the tower, jumping more gaps, swatting a few fire breathing bats and medusa heads, and across some retracting brick platforms. You will avoid swinging pendulums and have to destroy bone dragon heads from in between them a lot. Continue to about the 2nd floor's end. Go behind the save jewel and jump over rows of spikes for the roast chicken in a coffin. You will save again, then climb and see a gate locked with the Tower of Execution key. Make your way on up the tower, it's pretty easy to understand, and avoid the large guillotines when on the central column. Continue to go around the tower and back to the central column on every floor to make your way up. After making some hectic leaps on the fourth floor, you will arrive where a red bone tosser is guarding a bridge, keep going on past him straight, not on the bridge, to get to a coffin with the key. Drop back down to the third floor and make your way backwards to open the gate the key fits to. Get some roast beef from one of the coffins, and make a leap to the lone coffin above the lava. Get the Special2 from it. Then make a leap of faith in front of u to land on an invisible bridge and take it back to land. It is also possible to make this jump to the invisible bridge from the other side, saving you the task of getting the Tower of Execution key and some time, but you have to know where the bridge is, you'll have to look for the lone coffin and make a large jump towards it from (I think) a place on the second floor. Good luck if you choose to try it this way. Make your way up the tower yet again and avoid the electric gate on the top floor by crossing through the middle column again. Finally, make your way up some stairs to exit this stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stage 8 - Room of Clocks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a short boss battle stage. Grab the roast beef before or after the battle as needed. It will be in a candle in the clock room. Buy what you need from Renon, make sure you have around 4 healing kits, 10 roast beefs, and 5 roast chickens before you leave this stage, so you will be well stocked for the impending final battle. You will find a long tunnel out to the right. Follow it and take the platform up. If you are Reinhardt you will fight Death, if you are Carrie, you will fight Actrise. With Reinhardt, leap after Death and smack him with your whip. He's not terribly accurate with his scythes, but some marginal dodging won't hurt. Now and the Death will back off and charge you. Perfect time to smack him with a boomerang. After this, he will do one of three things - swing his scythe in the air, swing it around glowing and summon a wicked fish, or throw his scythe at you like a boomerang. The last one there is hard to avoid, but I suppose you can dodge the scythe but he doesn't use it much anyways. When he summons the fish, try to dodge it as much as possible and get a few hits on Death. Death doesn't take too many hits before he gives up the ghost. With Carrie, rotate around Actrise avoiding her crystal cage cause it will ensure a hit on you. Dodge the crystals that explode from the ground. Break some of the crystals, preferably a short one, around Actrise with your magic, then nail her with a fully powered shot or a boomerang through the gap. Boomerangs also help clear out some crystals away from Actrise when things get desperate. She will start firing a couple of crystals from her staff when she gets weaker, try to dodge these though it's tough. Advice for both--try to use roast chicken and conserve red jewels. Save roast beef and medkits for upcoming. Once you finish them, you will look at the clock tower after speaking with them. Take the red platform back down, save again, and go through the newly opened gate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stage 9 - Clock Tower ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The final challenge in terms of a long stage. Make your way up through the right hand side and cross over a bar between gears to the left side. Make your way up and nab the key from one of the torches. If you are on hard mode, take out the bone tossing skeletons carefully as you make your way up. Cross back over to the right hand side and climb a while. Look for the door, enter it, and save. In the next room, you will be surrounded by bone dragons in alcoves, guarding various treasures, and a few on the gears suspended above a deadly drop. If you have Reinhardt, make your way to the Alcove on the far right with the key, make a tough jump grabbing the last gear, and open the door, making sure you killed the bone dragonson the gears on the way there. If you are Carrie, collect the treasure from the alcoves, fry all the bone dragons with your homing magic, and make your way to the door with the key. The next section is pretty hard, but you are almost to the end of the game. Climb down the first sets of gears and leap to the rotating platforms, dropping to the floor so you ensure that you don't get hurt from falling. Next, take out all the bone dragons on the floor. Climb on one of the rotating platforms on the right side of the room, and leap to the long bar connecting gears. Leap to the left side of the room on gears, and head towards the torch for the final key. Cross back to the right, and make a LONG ascent climbing from rotating platform to platform, and on top of the vertical gears. After climbing two sets of these, look behind you....a door and a save point, in front, a contract. Go to the save point first, then come back to the contract if u need any last minute supplies. Exit the door after saving. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stage 10 - Castle Keep ------------------------------------------------------------------------ At last! The final stage. Climb straight up. If you spent more than 30,000 gold on purchases with Renon you will have to fight him. I never have, so if anyone has strategies on him, please email it to shaft85@ameritech.net. It's rumored that you use a battle strategy similar to the one when fighting death, he may have the same attacks, but this is unconfirmed. Climb to the next tower. Depending how much game time in days it took you to get here, you may have to fight a boss, if you do, u will get the bad ending, if not you will get the good ending. If you fight this boss, keep a distance and just mercilessly let him have it with all you got (not in terms of red jewels though). You shouldn't take a hit. Next, climb to the final tower, but don't enter it yet. Go around the side of it carefully to get a red jewel, and across and invisible bridge for a free medkit. According to rumor, you can also check the large orange torches near the door to the final bosses' room for another two free medkits. Go back around the tower. Enter, save. Prepare for the Count himself. The count will turn into mist and warp randomly around the room. Kick it into battle view. The count will raise his hand to shoot fire straight out. The count will draw his cape to unleash fireballs (sometimes these drop a roast chicken or even a combo roast beef/powerup!!!! if destroyed). If he crosses his arms across his chest, he will let out a low power ring, then a mid one, jump and duck respectively. Finally, he may open his cape and pull you towards him to bite you. If he does this, jump away and set urself up to hit him. The count will cancel an attack if hit priorly. With either Carrie or Reinhardt, make sure you jump when you attack, so it will hit his head. Charge up with Carrie. Always try to keep him in view. If you are good, you should only use one or two roast chicken, maybe not even that. Think of this guy as practice though. The main trouble spot is when he does the power rings, cause he can block if you don't time your shot right. Finish him and listen to his speech. You may go on and get the bad ending now. Or if you qualified, you get the grand prize, two more boss fights (UGH). If you qualified for the good ending, run down the collapsing stairs and towers. A brief cinema scene will come in on the way down. Make your way onto an elevator. Surprised at who the bad guy is at the top of this tower? This boss is tough, but not too bad. He will randomly warp around and shoot fireballs at a distance (which can also be destroyed for roast chicken and combo roast beef/powerup!!!!). With Reinhardt, get in close to whip him, but be warned, at random times this boss with throw a high power ring and a DELAYED low one, throwing your timing off. When you wear this boss down about half way, he may throw his hand up. A ring of fire will appear around him, then an outer one where you are, followed by one that will appear at your feet. If you run around in between the outer and inner rings, you may avoid damage. Make sure you hit him in his head, you will have to leap with Reinhardt but not always with Carrie. Just charge up with Carrie. Use a sun card to make this guy easier. Then when he's finally finished, batten down the hatches, cause all hell is going to break loose. The final boss really kicks butt. I use on average 8 roast beefs or so to keep energy full. This guy has a myriad of powerful attacks. The first thing you will notice is probably when he sends a shockwave at you with his claws, knocking you across the screen! Try to keep in close with Reinhardt, and flail away. Return to him when you get knocked away. Charge up your energy when it slips below half to ensure that you live. This boss will also send glowing fireballs after you. If you hit these, they will drop and explode like an atomic bomb. If you manage to hit the boss with it, it will damage him. But if he hits you with it, it may knock about 50% energy or more off. The boss in close will breathe fire and occasionally summon a ring of energy and send a circular shockwave through the sand. Jump that to the best of your ability, and stay close to avoid the fire breath. After you wear him down some, fire dragons will begin flying around, trying to hit you. Dodge them and stay close, hitting away. If you have Carrie, stay just out of range of the circular shockwave attack and keep those energy bolts coming. Make sure it is daytime so this guy won't slaughter you! If you persist, you will finally win, and be a true Castlevania master. Thanks to Konami for creating a challenging (maybe too much) and awesome game. ======================================================================== 7. Carrie Fernandez Walkthrough ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stage 4b - Waterway ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carrie only. This stage starts out bad and gets worse. Avoid the crumbling floors at the first part, then climb hand over hand sideways on a ledge to reach the main waterway. Do NOT climb on top of this ledge or u'll fall to your death. Carrie will inspect the waterway and *Gee to our surprise it's poisoned*. Go to the left, and cut a right across a narrow bridge. Fight the mini boss lizards, and find the switch and step on it. Turn around and notice the waterfall is gone now. Make your way across where it was, and around. Take some stairs up and a long hike back around to a corridor with a save point, or don't. Continue on a bit further and notice a part in the bottom of the wall you could get into. Slide into it and crawl the rest. Make a few difficult leaps for some roast beef, then come back out. Continue on a little further and cut a left with a save point next to a powerup. Save b4 collecting it, as it will come back if u die that way. Head back out into the main board, taking the left route. Go across a narrow bridge, then another one, and make some hectic leaps across four brick columns. Hit a switch across a gap, then come back over the stones (argh). Go back across the narrow bridge you came from and go down a long corridor to the left. Defeat the fire breathing lizard man and continue this way to get to the last switch. Hit it and return to the narrow bridges, this time don't leap across the stones, but head towards where the waterfall was. Continue down this corridor to the sun door exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stage 6b - Tower of Science ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carrie only. This stage isn't as hard as the Duel Tower, but the first part is frustrating. Make your way around a central column, jumping when the electricity has just shut off and avoiding the waste packages rifled from the holes. After three floors of this, you will deal with spiked boxes on conveyor belts. The spiked boxes can be destroyed. Finally, you will arrive at a platform going up. Save, then go into the main lab area. Take out the machine guns, and go in the doors. In one of the torches will be the key1. Head up some stairs ahead. Take out the guns on the central column now, and make some dangerous leaps onto platforms (don't use a full force jump). Fall on the side of the next platform that doesn't have stairs, and make your way forward to reach a door and a hall with a machine gun. Make your way to the three doors in the back, and open the middle one to get the key2. Now go back out, make some dangerous leaps across platforms to the side you entered on, taking out the machine guns first, and then make your way over the other set of small platforms and to the double door. Save in the next room. Climb a long set of platforms, and if you want, leap to the invisible bridge over the rotating wheels to get to the lone torch and box. The box has several roast chickens and a couple of $500 bags. After, climb to the top of this area. Now you will be in a room with spiked conveyor belts with spiked boxes going across. You can just basically follow the main route here and not enter any doors till the end of it. In the room at the end you will find the key3--you now have the option of going all the way back to the start of this area to pick up $1000 and a cross, or just continue, save, and exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stage 7b - Tower of Sorcery ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carrie only. This stage is beautiful in terms of graphics, but also deadly in terms of amount of space you can walk on. Make your way across the crystal bridges, fighting the crystal men if necessary. Soon you will have to leap from small crystal to small crystal. You should be getting used to all this leaping by now though, so have at it. Eventually, you will leap around a tower, and the leaps are tricky, even in action view, so it may take a few tries. You will now get to purple crystals that turn red and disappear. Time your leaps and make it across 3 or so to the save point. Plan your routes before you take them. Continue a bit further across more purple crystals to a green one. Hit the yellow bubble here, and notice the three yellow crystals change positions. Cross over to the yellow crystals and take out the green crystal men. Then hop across two purple crystals to a green one with a blue bubble. Time the destruction of the blue bubble so you can make you way comfortably back across the two purple crystals to the yellow one. Climb the yellow ones to get to the big blue one. You will be able to make it now that the yellow crystal closest to the blue one has risen. Make your way up more dangerous small crystal platforms, and up to the top. Leap across a few more purple crystals, and take out the crystal men. You will now notice the exit across a bridge. Look around though. You should see a lone large blue crystal with an item baring crystal. There is a hidden bridge here (use holy water to reveal it)-walk across to get the Special3. Then come back and exit this stage. ======================================================================== 8. Fun Stuff / Glitches / Secrets ======================================================================== In this section I will be posting all of the cool glitches or really secret secrets that I find. In the villa, in the first courtyard that you enter, go to fountain that’s in the center of the courtyard. Jump in the water and you should see a little piece of cement sticking up out of the floor just a little bit. Stand on it and then wait till midnight. At midnight, the cement will raise you up to the top of the fountain where you can collect lots of goodies. ======================================================================== 9. Frequently Asked Questions ======================================================================== Q: How do I get to the blue gondola tracks on stage 4? A: You have to ride the train until it stops at its first stop, then jump off and wait about 30 seconds. A blue gondola will come by and you can jump on it and ride to a new area. Q: Where do I set the Nitro in Stage 5? A: At the wall right outside of the door with the crack on it. Q: Where do I got the detenator for the Nitro in Stage 5? A: In the torture chamber at the entrace of the stage. Need Key. ======================================================================== 10. How to e-mail Shaft ======================================================================== I, Shaft, am the owner and creator of this Walkthrough/FAQ. If you would like to e-mail me to give strategy's, secrets, ask a question, or report someone using the faq without authorization. (SEE BELOW) Send it to shaft85@ameritech.net. Please report any typos or mistakes in the faq as well. If you send in any advice you will be listed in the credits section of the FAQ. Please, before sending questions, read through the stage walkthrough that you are on. Also check the Frequently Asked Questions that are in section 9. If you still cant find your answer, e-mail it to me and I will try to respond as quickly as possible. Use an appropriate subject for your e-mail like "Stage 5 question" or "Tip on Killing Bats." DO NOT just put "FAQ" or "HELP" because then I will not read it. You can aslo talk to me through ICQ. My # is 11445446 and this is probably the best way to get in touch with me. Thanks. ======================================================================== 11. Updates Of This FAQ ======================================================================== 0.1 - Released January 29, 1999 : 8:22P.M. EST - This is the first release of the walkthrough. I am gonna start doing the actual walkthrough tomorrow, it will probably be on Reinhardt considering that’s who I am playing with right now. 0.2 - January 29, 1999 : 11:39P.M. EST - Okay, stage 1 is completed for Reinhardt and expect to see Stage 2 done by tomorrow. I also changed some minor things in the other sections. Well that’s all. 0.3 - February 1, 1999 : 6:23P.M. EST - Finally, stage 2 is completed, sorry it took so long. I was gonna do it yesterday but I was watching the Super Bowl. Well, look for stage 3 tomorrow. 0.35 - February 10, 1999 : 4:32P.M. EST - OK, sorry, sorry, sorry for not updating for so long. I should be dressed like a school and get my a** spanked. But I PROMISE that I will update this weekend. I’ve been busy with homework. Well I updated the 3rd stage and I put in a FAQ of all the most popular e-mail questions I’ve gotten. So check there before you e-mail me. 1.0 - February 18, 1999 : 2:14A.M. EST - The walkthrough is finished, me and the new co-creator of this faq, Magus, finished it along with all the monsters and items. HUGEEEE THANKS to Magus for contributing so much to this faq. 1.1 - February 20, 1999 : 9:44A.M. EST - Finished grammar and spelling corrections with help of Magus747. 1.2 - February 22, 1999 : 7:55P.M. EST - Finished a few more grammar and spelling connections and added tips on the Duel Tower stage about the "impossible" torches, an alternate route to Special2 on the Tower of Execution, and two free medkits from the orange torches outside Dracula's tower. 1.25 - Febuary 23, 1999 : 9:23P.M. EST - Updated margins through the whole faq, also stated my opinion about C64 in the Introduction. ======================================================================== 12. Credits ======================================================================== This is the section in which I am going to post all of the people's names who sent me tips, tricks, or strategies. If you want your name to be here, be sure and send me your tips. Mark Mitchell (Magus747) - Tons of walkthrough, more monsters, strategies, etc. Biggest contributor to this faq. THANK YOU MAGUS. Kyle Sumner(UNIONFLIP) - Helped with layout and structure. Logan Somervell - Tip on killing bats with dagger Micheal - A reader that submitted the tips mentioned in what we added in version 1.2. Thanks Micheal and keep it coming! ======================================================================== 13. Copyrights and Legal Stuff - Disclaimer ======================================================================== This WALKTHROUGH/FAQ was created and is owned by Justin Day aka SHAFT with help from Mark Mitchell aka Magus747. You may NOT use this FAQ on your page if you do not get the official permission from me. You may not use sections of it on your page. Castlevania is copyright 1999 Konami Computer Entertainment Kobe Inc. Information in this FAQ is proprietary to the creators of this FAQ and all copies of this have to have expressed permission. Lately, video game magazines have been copying these FAQs off the internet. Plagiarism is a serious offense, and in case of profit, which video game magazines would make off of this information, it is a prosecutable offense. We have the right to sue if a company makes money off of this without our permission, regardless of their disclaimers. It is understood that you have read and understood this disclaimer when you brought this FAQ up to view on your browser, whether you read it or not. Upon uploading this FAQ, you have waived all rights and disclaimers of your company and of yourself to copy directly from this FAQ. So violations are prosecutable. THE ONLY PLACES THAT ARE AUTHORIZED TO USE THIS FAQ ARE: -------------------------------------------------------- http://www.disillusional.com http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.console-gamer.com -------------------------------------------------------- IF YOU KNOW OF ANYONE WHO IS USING THIS FAQ WITHOUT PERMISSION, PLEASE REPORT THEM TO SHAFT AT SHAFT85@AMERITECH.NET THANKS.