Some sweet artwork from my friend Adam Cooley : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / ____| | | | | (_) / /| || | | | __ _ ___| |_| | _____ ____ _ _ __ _ __ _ / /_| || |_ | | / _` / __| __| |/ _ \ \ / / _` | '_ \| |/ _` | | '_ \__ _| | |___| (_| \__ \ |_| | __/\ V / (_| | | | | | (_| | | (_) | | | \_____\__,_|___/\__|_|\___| \_/ \__,_|_| |_|_|\__,_| \___/ |_| Author: marshmallow E-mail address: Version 1.0 Hello, all. I know this FAQ is a bit un-needed since the game has been out for about a month, but it's new to me, and hey, it might be new for someone else too, right? I apologize for bringing it out so late...Everytime I went to my local Blockbuster it was rented out (Why they only had three copies of a huge brand-name series like this we may never know). Well, enough with the excuses, it's time to get FAQing! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - Version 1.0 - Revision History: July 15th - I mainly changed the walkthrough itself, but it was nothing very exciting. April 8th - Added something to the credits section...exciting, isn't it? March 26th - First version, everything is obviously new. Since this area is always so darn short I'd like to say that this game is pretty great. From the awesome music, the graphics, the atmosphere...really. It's almost like watching/playing a B horror flick (except with twice the plot!). = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Table of Contents - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1) Story 2) Controller Configurations 3) Weapons 4) Items 5) Character Level Menu 6) Walkthrough * 7) Secrets 8) Demonic Foes 9) Credits 10) Legal Junk 11) Contact Information/Final Notes A "*" will appear next to the sections that have been updated as of July 15th, 1999. ------------------------ 1) Story ------------------------ In the dark reaches of Transalvania, in the 19th century, lies a cold, dead one. He has risen many times before to suck the blood of the living, damned to this evil life by the gods. You may know him as...Count Dracula. The Lord of Darkness, King of Evil, it's all the same force. Enforced to a century of sleep by your ancestors, he has come to arise from his crypt to once again cause misery in the lives of the living. Those who join him will face eternal damnation...those who oppose him will suffer horrific deaths... Two warriors will step forward, called by fate to destroy the evil one, the same deed their ancestors have done before them. Victory or failure –- it all depends on YOUR skill... -------------------------------------- 2) Controller Configurations -------------------------------------- Type A: Analog Stick - Move A Button - Jump B Button - Attack 1 C left - Attack 2 C right - Collect Items, open doors, talk, inspect C up - Camera Change C down - Item Attack L Button - No use R Button - Lock on Z Button - Crouch/Slide ________ Type B: Analog Stick - Move A Button - Jump B Button - Attack 1 C left - Attack 2 C right - Collect Items, open doors, talk, inspect C up - Crouch/Slide C down - Item attack L Button - No use R Button - Lock on Z Button - Camera Change ________ Type C: Analog Stick - Move A Button - Jump B Button - Attack 2 C left - Item attack C right - Collect items, open doors, talk, inspect C up - Camera Change C down - Lock on L Button - No use R Button - Crouch/Slide Z Button - Attack 1 I suggest using Type A, which is the default version. ------------------------------ 3) Weapons ------------------------------ Reinhardt Schneider: Main Weapon - Whip The Whip is strong and fast, and can put down very strong opponents. However, when you use it, you stand still, so anything near you could hurt you during this time. Secondary Weapon - Machete Good for those times when something gets in your face, the Machete causes minimal damage. A few good thracks should scare away your average demon, though. _________ Carrie Fernandez: Main Weapon - Energy Orbs This is what makes playing as Carrie SOOOOO much easier. An orb will track down the nearest enemy and hit it. You can shoot weak ones over and over by tapping the button, or hold it down and charge up a super- powerful one. A charged shot will not only attack a single enemy –- it will also track down other creatures! Secondary Weapon - Rings I have no idea how swinging a set of green rings in mid-air is going to cause any damage...Pretty much the same deal as Scheinder's Machete. _________ Throwing Knife (Costs one Red Jewel) The Knife can be thrown fast, but it is very weak and doesn't do much damage at all. _________ Battle Axe (Costs two Red Jewels) The Battle Axe does a good amount of damage, and the great thing is that you can throw it from just about anywhere and still get a hit! _________ Holy Water (Costs three Red Jewels) Throw a vial of water on the ground and watch as blue flames erupt from the earth! Holy Water is _very_ powerful, but getting a monster to walk into the flames can sometimes be frustrating. Save it for when a lot of ground enemies crowd around you. _________ Holy Cross (Costs five Red Jewels) The most powerful weapon in the game, you will toss the Holy Cross (Good rhyme) like a boomerang. It will slice through all the enemies on the screen, usually killing them in one hit (Unless it's a boss or something). ------------------- 4) Items ------------------- Sun Card: Causes it to be 6:00 AM. During this time, Vampires and other nasties are a lot weaker, and some enemies disappear during the day, or hide in certain areas. Moon Card: Same as above, except it goes to 6:00 PM. You really should only use this when you need to get past a Moon Door... Roast Chicken: Mmmm...diseased...Increases health by 50%. You can find a lot of these if you look in the right places. Roast Beef: More rare than Chicken, it increases your health by 80%. Mmm...infested...just like at school! Medical Kit: There are about three in the entire game (Besides the shop, of course). Restores health to the brim! I have no idea how the Red Cross put these in Dracula's Castle, though... Purify Crystal: When you are bitten by a Vampire, your status changes to "Vampire" (Ooh! Creative!). During this time you can not use your main attack or eat any food...that's bad if you're wondering. Use one of these to return to normal. Cure Ampule: Cures poison and other bad effects. You'll be using them often! Red Jewel: These can be found all over the place. This is like a fuel for your weapon. For example, if you have three Jewels, you can use Holy Water (Requires three), but not the Holy Cross (Requires five). Pretty technical, I know. White Jewel: Allows you to save. These are very numerous (Which is like complete bliss after playing Turok II!). Usually appear right after doing something difficult. Gold: Found all over the place, it comes in 100, 300, and 500 sacks. Used to buy things at Renon's Shop (see below). Contract: Find one of these and you can call Renon, a demon with an eye on your cash. Item Price __________________________ Roast Chicken.......1,500 Roast Beef..........2,000 Medical Kit.........3,000 Purifying Crystal...500 Cure Ampule.........200 Sun Card............500 Moon Card...........500 By looking at these prices, I guess the old saying of "Money is the root of all evil" is true! :) Power-up: Will increase the power of your Main Attack (Whip or Orbs). Note that you can only hold two at the same time, and if you die and/or turn the system off you will lose them, even if you saved. Secret Jewel: Shhh...These are secret...What do they do? Depends...Check out the Secret Section for more details. I'm sorry, but I don't feel the need to list every key in the entire game. I know a few other FAQs that did, though, so if you just HAVE to know, go check 'em out (arf, arf). --------------------------------- 5) Character Level Menu --------------------------------- Some levels can only be played by certain characters. For your conveyance, I present the following table. Scheinder Carrie ________________________________________________________ 1. Forest Of Silence ................... Yes .. Yes 2. Castle Wall ......................... Yes .. Yes 3. Villa ............................... Yes .. Yes 4. Garden .............................. Yes .. Yes 5. Tunnel ............................... Yes .. No 6. Underground Waterway ................ No .. Yes 7. Center Castle ...................... Yes .. Yes 8. Duel Tower .......................... Yes .. No 9. Tower Of Science .................... No .. Yes 10. Tower Of Execution .................. Yes .. No 11. Tower Of Sorcery .................... No .. Yes 12. Room Of Clocks ...................... Yes .. Yes 13. Clock Tower ......................... Yes .. Yes 14. Castle Keep ......................... Yes .. Yes I'm sure it will help you...Or not, I really don't care! -------------------------- 6) Walkthrough -------------------------- Note: For the most part, I'm using Carrie in my game (Except for the levels that only Reinhardt can play, of course). So when I say "use orbs" and you're Reinhardt, then use your Whip, unless I say otherwise. Rings = Machete. Also, I will not point out the locations of Red Jewels or Money, just Roast Chicken/Beef and Sun/Moon Cards (If necessary), or if the Money is really secret and there's a lot of it. Get the idea? Good, now let's get on to the - good - stuff... ******************** FOREST OF SILENCE ******************** F O R E S T O F S I L E N C E Enemies: Skeleton Explosive Skeleton Blood Bone Werewolf Vampire Bat Motorcycle Bone Mini-Bosses: Titan Bone Were-Tiger Bosses: Titan Bone Rematch Walkthrough: Run forward, trudging through the rain. You will pass some trees, and as you do, lightning will strike them. Be careful! If they fall on you they will hurt. Jump over them and go straight. Hop on the lowest pillar, then jump to the adjacent one. Chop up the candle for a Roast Beef. Now, continue on, and you will pass a skeleton on the ground (inspect it if you want to). As you pass, a cool cinema will begin, showing a bunch of skeletons coming up from the ground. Kill them and continue! You will approach a very large grate with a blue plate on it. Fire orbs at the plate until it breaks off. The gate will slowly creak open to reveal... ************************************************************************ Mini Boss: TITAN BONE Weren't expecting a boss so early, were you? Well, don't worry, it's pretty simple...for now. This large skeleton will slam his club on the ground. Each time he does, he can hurt you, and also bring up some of his bony friends. Just jump up and attack him with whatever you got! After a bit of this he will run away, so follow him. He'll jump down a gorge... ************************************************************************ Two platforms will rise from where the Titan Bone jumped, so cross them. Go straight and you will find a steel gate that can not be opened. Save at the nearby White Jewel, and then head in the other direction, to where the sign tells you to. These buildings here have Moon and Sun cards, so take all you need. You can get on the roof of these houses by jumping from a nearby rock (Very difficulty for Scheinder since he doesn't jump very far). At the top you'll find some Roast Chicken. Near here is another cliff with two platforms, cross to find some bats and a candle, with a 500 Gold Bag inside. Blow them all away and activate the switch. When you do so, the steel gate from a bit ago will swing open. Also... ************************************************************************ Mini Boss: WERETIGER This guy...he reminds me of the Terminator. Just look at the way he walks! Anyways, use the switch you pulled as a defensive post. Just run circles around it and he can't get you (Which would be bad, since he'll grab you and squeeze about 20% of your life away!). With Carrie you can just use two fully charged Orbs to kill him. With Scheinder, you'll need to use a bit more stragedy (Some Holy Water comes in handy here!). ************************************************************************ With the Weretiger killed, the bridge comes back up. Return to the gate, save at the White Jewel, and go into the new area. Just be enemies have appeared! Go forward and blow away the candle you see on the pedestal...inside is a Holy Cross. Also on the post is a small sign, if you examine it you get a Roast Beef. Turn right and you'll find another Steel gate. Save at the White Jewel and go where the nearby sign tells you to. Jump across the platforms and destroy the candle there, inside is a Roast Beef. Pull the switch to open the metal gate, then QUICKLY jump on the bridge. With luck, you should be able to make it to the other side before they collapse. If not, you're going to have to make some nasty jumps. Just keep one thing in mind: When you jump, hold the button to hang on. If you let go, you'll fall, which is unlike many other games and takes a bit of time to get used to. at the White Jewel and go into the new area. Go forward, and into an area with a shut gate and three buildings. Inside the buildings are coffins on different levels, you can open them using your secondary weapon (Machete or Rings). All in all, you can find a Small Red Jewel and Roast Chicken. You will find a Skeleton out on a platform, chucking bones at you. Destroy him, then take a running leap to it and get to the other side. Dodge the Werewolf's attacks and run up to the statue. Read the note on the side and you will get some Roast Chicken. Head to the left (or behind you if you're reading the note) and follow the path. If you have the Holy Cross, ignore the weapons you can get here. Fall down the white platforms and you will reach a small island in the river (Note: Falling down from above will kill you, so you have to use the platforms). Turn the switch to open the grating! Now, climb back up the white platforms, go back to the platform where the skeleton was tossing bones, and go through the new passageway. Inside, get some Roast Beef by chopping up the nearby candle, and pull on the switch. This will open up the grating that was by the statue where you got the go back there! Get inside the house, and you can get a Sun Card in one of the coffins. Save at the White Jewel and go inside... As you walk towards the entrance to the castle where Dracula dwells, a terrible noise is heard and the fanfare tells you that... ************************************************************************ Boss: TITAN BONE'S REVENGE Description: A giant Skeleton with a club Damage: Swipe - 10% Contact - 5% Difficulty: * Tips: Oh, the Titan Bone is back and he's not what you would call cheery. Special Weapons are useless here, stick to your Main Weapon. Carrie's Orbs do wonders and Reinhardt's Whip can do quite well also. The Titan Bone will pound the ground to bring up more of his cronies. At the start of the fight there will be two Motorcycle Skeletons, so be sure to lock on to them and kill them before they can knock you down (allowing the Titan Bone to get a cheap hit). After awhile his left arm will fall off, but he still has that club. When his energy dips under 25% his hips and legs will shatter, leaving him crawling along the ground like at the end of Terminator I. Beware, he is still dangerous! His club is almost 10 feet long and could easily hit you from a far distance. Jump if this happens. A few more thracks and he's outta there! ************************************************************************ Congratulations, your first level of Castelvania is complete. This, however, was just a warm-up, for the horrors that are in the castle dwarf this level by far... ************** CASTLE WALL ************** C A S T L E W A L L Enemies: Skeleton Explosive Skeleton Stick Dragon Medusa Head Lost Souls Skoll Mini-Boss: Bone Dragons Walkthrough: First things first, save at the White Jewel. There are two doors, but one is locked, so go through the only choice. Run up the stairs and avoid the Dragon Sticks, Bats, Medusa Heads, Guillotines, and all of that other fun stuff. Really, this is more skill and patience than anything. At one point, you can jump down to find a candle, inside is a Sun Card. At the very top of this tower is... ************************************************************************ Mini-Boss: THREE-HEADED BONE DRAGON A giant pole with three giant, bone dragon heads? Hmm...Some spew fire, other spew cold air that will drastically lower you health. If you're Carrie, hide in the little aclove near the entrance and shoot out fireballs. They will always hit something. If you're Scheinder, then go out fighting! When one head is dead (Another rhyme) the two others will combine their spells to shoot huge blasts of cold air at you. The first head, when killed, will leave a crapload of items. One is...the Holy Cross! With this, you should have no trouble with the rest. ************************************************************************ When they are taken care of, hop on the entrance and blow up the candle for some Roast Beef. Then turn the crank in the middle of the room to open the big gate near the start of the level. Fall down the new entrance and save at the White Jewel. See that strangely shaped rock? Keep attacking it and it will explode, revealing about five or six goodies. Fall down again and blow away ALL the will contain a Moon Card, you'll need this later. Fall down to the very bottom level and you will find a chute to the very start. Here, go through the new area and blow up the torch. It has the "Left Tower Key." Save at the White Jewel. Use this to open the door you couldn't before, and... No!! Another tower climb! Again, this is more skill than anything. At the point with four platforms with spikes on them, you can jump to the central tower and get a Roast Beef from the candle. At once point you can jump onto the arch above the entrance to this are and get another Moon Card. At the very top is a "Moon Door." A door like this will not open unless it's around 6:00 either wait or use a Moon Card. Inside, you'll meet Dracula, and turn a crank that opens up the exit to this level. After the cinema, jump ontop of the entrance for a White Jewel and a candle with some Roast Chicken. Now, go into the next room, fall down the chute, and exit this Hellish level! ************* THE VILLA ************* T H E V I L L A Enemies: Skeleton Explosive Skeleton Lost Souls Skoll Avenger Glass Knights Mini-Bosses: Hell Hounds Zombie Vampire Zombie Vampire 2 Walkthrough: ************************************************************************ Mini-Boss: HELL HOUNDS Yes, you heard right, Hell HoundS. Plural. You will first face three Hell Hounds, that is, demonic dogs with three heads, and about eight feet long to boot. Any projectile weapon works well here (Axe, Holy Cross, even the Knife). There are two candles, so whip those if you get low on provisions. After the first set is done for, two Fire Hell Hounds will come out. Same deal, except they set whatever they touch on fire. When THEY are killed, the background will become dark...and the ultimate hound will come! Kill him in the same manner. If you go too slow, though, then he will turn invisible, which makes the battle a lot tougher. Your prize is a Roast Beef. ************************************************************************ Go forward, save at the White Jewel, get a Moon Card from the gravestone, and enter the Mansion, my favorite level. When you go up the stairs, you will face a... ************************************************************************ Mini-Boss: ZOMBIE VAMPIRE Pretty sweet intro, huh? I wish I could walk on the walls and ceilings like that. Anyways, just run about wildly and attack it. Like before, projectile weapons work nicely. If he starts sucking your blood, tap the buttons on the controller like a mad man. If he does this for too long your statue will go from 'Normal' to 'Vampire'. In this state you can not use your main attack or eat food, and you will be purple! ************************************************************************ Ok, go up the stairs and turn around. If you're Carrie, shoot orbs at the chandelier that is hanging from the ceiling. If you are Scheinder, you'll need to use a secondary weapon. When the chandelier falls you can get: 500 Gold, Roast Chicken, Large Jewel, Cure Ampoule, and a Purifying Crystal. Head up the stairs and head right, examine the sofa for a Purifying Crystal. Go through the door on the opposite side. Follow the hallway. Ok now, check the time. If it's about 3:00 AM, then wait a bit. If not, wait. Rosa will come in and "water" the flowers (Actually, that's blood. Heh!) You HAVE to talk to her in order to complete this stage. Now, continue through the next door. Go through the nearest door in this hallway full of doors. In this room, there is a Purifying Crystal in the corner. Open the door and...ah! It's Vincent, another Vampire Hunter who thinks he can get to and kill Dracula before you. After the discussion, he will walk around the room. If you've talked to Rosa (see above paragraph) then he will give you the "Archive Key" when you talk to him. You know, he said it was useless. If he thought that, how did he get this far into the Castle? In the next room is a Holy Cross and a mirror. Go through the door you came in and return to the hallway. Go through the door at the very end of the hallway. Ok, view the sweet cinema and... ************************************************************************ Mini-Boss: ZOMBIE VAMPIRE RETURNS Same thing as before, except this time it's in an enclosed space. Once defeated, search the drawer for a Purifying Crystal. ************************************************************************ In the next room, unlock the door with the Archive Key. Behind it you will find...the Garden Key! Return to the hallway full of doors. Enter the nearest one. In here, smash the vases to find some Roast Chicken and a "Storeroom Key." With this, you can open the storeroom and get Roast Chicken, Roast Beef, and a White Jewel. Otherwise, go through the door on the right, and down the stairs. Now, view the cinema with Renon (Might want to buy something now), then examine the yellow Iron Maiden in the corner for a Purifying Crystal. Go through the door. Unlock the gate with the Garden Key... ************ THE GARDEN ************ T H E G A R D E N Enemies: Stone Wolf Chainsaw Frankenstein Bosses: Zombie Vampire Vampire's Snack Walkthrough: Go down, turn left, and go across the bridge. It's Malus, the poor boy who lost his parents (Who really cares?). After the cinema...NO!!! the Stone Wolves and Chainsaw Frankenstein! NO!!!! RUN, SAVE YOURSELF!! Basically, the Stone Wolves will freeze you to the spot, and Frankenstein will come with his massive chainsaw and kill you in about three hits...If you do get frozen, swing your Rings all over the place and hope for the best. You can outrun the dogs by jumping over and over, though. This is probably the one of the best parts of the game, because so much adrenaline is pumping through your system. Follow the running, screaming Malus and you will eventually end up in a long corridor (and away from the Dogs and Franky, thank God). Follow it, you will find a candle at the end -- inside is the "Copper Key." Follow the path more, and you will be back inside the Villa. Chop down the candle for some Roast Chicken, then save at the White Jewel. Lift the bar away from the door, then go into the main area. Look familiar? Run alllll the way back to where you saw Renon, go through the door, and into the Garden. Now, run straight and you will see a look-out tower of sorts. To the right is (Besides Frankie and the Dogs, who should be chasing you again by now) is a door. With the Copper Key you can unlock it! Yes! You'll never have to see them again...You can only hear them. Follow the river down, chop up some candles for some power-ups, save at the White Jewel, and enter the door. In here, you can get Roast Chicken and many Red Jewels by cutting down the candles on the walls. Walk up to the coffin... ************************************************************************ Mini-Boss: ZOMBIE VAMPIRE RETURNS...AGAIN I kinda feel sorry for the Vampire. I mean, he was just having a little snack on a girl, and then you have to come in and ruin it for him! Well, anyways...This one is a little different from most Vampires since he can walk on the ceiling and then drop down on top of you, so watch out for his shadow. Besides that, though, everything is the same. As Carrie, sometimes he will completely dodge your shots, so you'll be forced to use a Special Weapon. Just keep on whamming him! ************************************************************************ Yay! He's dead! ************************************************************************ Mini-Boss: VAMPIRE'S SNACK WHO IS VERY MAD What impeccable timing, the meal has arisen as a Vampire just as you kill the first one! Female Vampires are more odd (For a Vampire, that is) in that they crawl along the floor very quickly and disappear, then throw a lot of Vampire Bats at you. This is easier with Scheinder because he can kill the bats faster. Shouldn't be a tough fight... ************************************************************************ Walk up to the coffin and a secret passage will open up. Jump on in! If you are playing as Scheinder you will go to the "Tunnels", as Carrie you will go to the "Underground Waterway." ******** TUNNEL ******** T U N N E L Note: This level can only be accessed by playing as Scheinder Enemies: Skoll Lost Souls Avengers Spiderwoman Dragon Stick Mini-Bosses: Spiderwomen Walkthrough: Go forward, collecting Red Jewels, and wait for the meat cutters to go down so you don't end up as minced meat. You will find a red tile in the floor, touch it and it will turn into an elevator, taking you down to another level. As you go forward you will view a cinema of a beautiful woman bathing in water, then she moves her body out to reveal... ************************************************************************ Mini-Boss: SPIDERWOMEN TO TEASE MALE ADVENTURERS You fight two Spiderwomen, and they are very powerful enemies. They can shoot poison at you and use their spears to hurt you, but beyond that they're not that much of a threat. After they die some platforms appear in the water. ************************************************************************ Hop on the platforms and cross the river to find a White Jewel, so save. As you go forward, Spiderwomen will rain down from the ceiling. Unless you're backed into a corner you can pretty much ignore them, because they don't leave any useful items and they are hard to kill. When you get to a fork in the road, take the right passage, it has a fire place in it. Make some long jumps over the river by using the stones, and you will find two candles, holding a Roast Beef and Holy Water. Return and go into the left passage this time. You then come to another fork in the road, with two arrow signs. Examine the one on the right to find a Cure Ampoule. You'll want to go to the right as well, because at the end is a strange stone, if you bash it with your machete you'll get: Purifying Crystal x2, Cure Ampoule x2, and a Roast Chicken. Now go into the left passageway. You will find a red plate on the ground, step on it and it will head up another level. Here's some art for the next section: _____ c ? n__ ? __? ?__? ? M ? ________ ? ? ? ? ? RP Legend: RP = Red Plate. This is where you are dropped off. M = Moon Door, in there you can get a Knife and Renon's Contract. It's not worth it if you ask me, so don't waste a Moon Card if it's not night-time. N = Neat-stuff! This area is covered in poison water, but there are several steps that allow you to cross. One of the stones has a strange obstruction, if you use your machete on it you can get three Roast Chickens. C = If you want to continue into the level and not worry about power- ups, go straight from the red plate to arrive at another poison area, with a thin path. This new area is a bit more forgiving when it comes to confusion. Go straight, ignoring the left passageway, and you will come to a Sun Door, inside is a Holy Cross and two Roast Beefs, which sounds pretty good to me. The left passageway has some more meat cleavers, so be careful. After that you can save at a White Jewel! Continue forward, killing the bats, and you will find a Red Gondola, which will carry you to the other side of the level. At about the mid- way point it will hover around a white platform with a candle, step on. The candle has a 500 Gold Bag, and the sign says "Transfer point. Take the blue gondola to exit." So sit on this platform, shooting your whip at the ghosts, until the blue gondola shows up. If any yellow machines come, quickly jump, because they will push you off. After the trip with the blue gondola, step off and save at the White Jewel, and go to the red elevator to go down to the next level. Carefully cross the poison lake via the stone platforms, being careful of the bats who can push you off. From here, going left will show you a Moon Door, inside is some Holy Water and a Sun Card. If you go forward instead, you will find two side passages that leads to a big open area, with a stick in the middle, and if you examine it you get some Roast Beef. There will also be several Sun and Moon Doors with lots of Chickens and Beefs, and many Sun Cards. However, if you don't want any of that stuff, just keep going forward to find a Sun Door, this is the exit. You will then see a sappy cinema of Rosa trying to kill herself by touching the sunlight. ********** WATERWAY ********** W A T E R W A Y Note: This level can only be accessed by playing as Carrie Enemies: Explosive Skeleton Lizardman Poison Lizardman Fire Lizardman Mini-Boss: Lizardmen Group Walkthrough: Be VERY careful here, if you die you'll have to go back to the Garden and fight the Vampire Duo again. Go forward and LOOK into the left hallway. Step forward, then quickly back, as the floor will crumble beneath your feet. Now, jump over the chasm and jump to the edge. DO NOT CLIMB UP! If you do, you will instantly fall down into the hole. Instead, inch your way over to the right where you can safely fall down. ************************************************************************ Mini-Boss: LIZARDMAN GROUP I have no idea how this is a Mini-Boss, but the energy bar appears and the music starts, so...Just use your energy balls to put them down easily. ************************************************************************ Step on the nearby switch and the waterfall will stop, allowing you to move on. In the next hallway is a White Jewel, so save your game (what else?). In the next tunnel, wait a few seconds. A bunch of Fire Lizardmen will come running, step on the bricks, and fall to their doom! Kinda funny, if I say so myself. Follow the path and you will eventually find a small slit in the wall. If you want a Moon Card and some Roast Beef, run at the slit and use Z (by default) to slide under. If not, continue on. You will come to another side-hallway, inside is a White Jewel (along with a pack of Fire Lizardmen! Ah!) I highly recommend saving, the next part involves a lot of jumping over poisonous water (i.e. one wrong move and you have instant death). When you come to an intersection, turn left. Hop on the platforms in the water. Jump from the first small one to the first large one, then jump to the second large one from there. Drop down to ground level, enter the hall. Use the shelves as platforms and stand on the switch on the other side of the pit. It will open a previously locked door. Return to the previously mentioned intersection and this time go straight (or left from where you come from). Kill the Fire Lizardman and hop across to find two giant, falling, spiked platforms. When they fall in place, quickly jump over. Behind them is a switch (which used to be behind a locked door). Standing on this will get rid of the waterfall that was blocking your path. Just be careful on your way out, though, two Explosive Skeletons have come...behind the waterfall is a Sun Door. If it's day you can open it. View the cinema and exit this nasty level! *************** CASTLE CENTER *************** C A S T L E C E N T E R Enemies: Motorcycle Bone Vampire Iron Maiden Lizardman Fire Lizardman Poison Lizardman Blood Born Glass Knight Medusa Head Avenger Mini-Bosses: Rosa (Scheinder) Fernandez Cousin (Carrie) Boss: Bull of Fury Walkthrough: If you thought the last level was tough, then you're in for a rude awakening. This is the longest level in the entire game! Although the level is the same for both characters, the very end will differ for each. First, save at the White Jewel. Straight ahead is the Torture Room, but it's locked...for now. Turn right and head into the green door on the right wall. Kill all of the Vampires to open the exit (Projectile weapons are your best bet here). Next room, walk up to the statue to see a neat cinema involving the Virgin Mary crying blood (and lots of it). The blood will pool and form a Blood Born, the only one in the game! Kill it if you want to, it's not necessary. This room also has an elevator, but the "magic isn't working." So exit this room through Now, there are two doors. Take the NORTH one. Inside, search the Iron Maiden for some Roast Chicken, and blow away the nearby candle for a Sun Card, and another candle near the exit for a Moon Card. To open the exit, however, you will have to kill AT LEAST three of the Lizardmen in this room. In this room, check the green Iron Maiden for some Roast Beef, then hop over the collapsed stairs. Save at the White Jewel and continue on. You have to fight two Vampires in order to open the exit, but they are more powerful than most. Easier for Carrie, a b*tch for Scheinder. Check the candle in the back for a Purifying Crystal (yay!!). This area has five main features. Two candles, one with a Cure Ampule and the other with Roasted Chicken. A very large cracked wall, a door, and many sets of fire-breathing lion heads. When the fire stops (Four blasts) simply run past them. Go inside the door and you will find a lonely Lizardman. Talk to him and he will tell you of his curse, and then fork over the "Torture Room Key." In the next room (How many times have I said that?) you will find Malus, who is acting rather odd. Save at the White Jewel and borrow some Magical Nitro from the cupboard. BE FOREWARNED! IF YOU GET HIT JUST ONCE OR JUMP YOU WILL DIE INSTANTLY FROM THE EXPLOSION! Go to the cracked wall and set it down. Now, we need the Mandragora Root to set it off, and that can be found in the Torture Room. And what luck, you have the key! Remember, the Torture Room is at the very start of the level. So..... In the room, kill the two Vampires and search the shelves for various items. Take a free Mandragora Root from the shelf and go to the green door in the hall, but instead of going in, take the nearby double door. Wow, a huge, dead, and odd looking ROTTING BULL! And, naturally, a Seal on a giant cracked wall. Lay the Mandragora Root here, then go back to the Torture Room to get more, and set it down next to the Nitro you set earlier. After the explosion, which looked rather strange, whip the candle for a Roast Beef and head into the door. In here is a Contract, so buy any supplies you may need from Renon. The next area is the Library! On the shelf with the Sun Card, jump to the above area. When you stand on this switch, part of the ceiling will open up. So, hop up there! At the very top is a very odd machine and a White Jewel. When you inspect the machine you are asked to give three numbers. The code is: 2, 4, 8 You can get this from inspecting the three Virgin Mary statues around the castle, they give very obvious clues. When you put the numbers in, the seal on the cracked wall in the room with the dead Bull will vanish, allowing you to blow it up (Whew, what a run-on sentence). have to get the Magical Nitro there. Backtrack to the area with a Golden Iron Maiden and two doors, it has red carpet and is before the room with all of the Lizardmen. Here, take the other door we haven't been in. Cross the seemingly harmless room. You can find some Roast Chicken by blowing up a hidden Candle near the exit. Beware of the Iron Maiden here, it is alive. Inspect the one near it for 500 Gold. In the next room, destroy the two female Vampires to open the exit. Also, smash the candles on the tables for a Purifying Crystal and a Cure Ampule. In here are two stationary Iron Maidens (Who look different from the rest. They are taller and red instead of Gold). Inspect the machines for 500 Gold and some Roast Beef. Also, two candles hold a Moon and Sun Card, and Renon's Contract is in the corner. Next room, carefully avoid the flames and you can get a Roast Chicken, or just go through the next door. Be weary of the falling spike platforms and enter the next door. You are now on the other side of the shelves that contain the Magical Nitro, where Malus was earlier. Take one from the shelf and save at the White Jewel. Now prepare for one of the most difficult and frustrating parts in the entire game! You have to take the Magical Nitro ALLLLL the way back to the bull arena and put it next to the Mandragora Root. Sounds easy, right? Wrong. Remember that room that seemed innocent? Know it's a hellhole! If you fall you die. If you get hit, you die. If you jump, guess what? You die! If a fireball from the Fire Lizardmen hits you, you die. But that's OK, the chances of that happening are rather low. When you get to the gears, just go with the flow. The main problem here is the area with second gear. The SECOND a tooth from the second gear enters a hole from the first, enter BEHIND them. Well, in front from your perspective. If you do everything EXACTLY right, you will just barely make it through without getting scratched. If not, your face will be in New York and your legs will be in Maine, what else can I say? Like they say, practice makes, I mean, perfect. From there on it's rather simple, except for the Motorcycle Bones. Use the pillars as a defensive shield if you can. In the Bull Arena, blow away the candles for 100 Gold and a lot of Red Jewels. Also, there is a strange block in one of the acloves. Bash it with something and it will be destroyed, revealing five bags, each holding 500 Gold!! Now, set the Magical Nitro next to the Mandragora Root and watch the fireworks. Inside is a gigantic diamond, a White Jewel, and Renon's Contract. Do what you have to do, then step up to the diamond. Say "yes" when the game asks you if you want to turn it on. Step out and...HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! Now, that's what *I* call a boss. ************************************************************************ Boss: BULL OF FURY Description: You know the kind. About 20 feet tall, 30 feet long, weighs a few tons. Red eyes...yeah, that jogs your memory, doesn't it? Damage: Yellow Beam - 20% Blue Beam - 30% Charge - 40% Difficulty: * * * Tips: First things first, memorize the actions it does before it does something! Then when he does these you can predict what he will do and be able to counteract it. First thing, the Yellow Beam. He will rear up on his hind legs and fire a yellow laser which will cause a giant explosion on the ground. If you're close you can get under him, and if you're far away you can just jump like crazy. Second, the Blue Beam. Almost the same as the yellow beam except it comes at a much different angle and is trickier to dodge, but it is possible. Last but not least, the charge. He'll just run at you and spear you with his horns! The bad thing about this is he can do a combo. While you're on the ground he can fire off a laser to cause EVEN more damage...ouch. To dodge it, do a slide as Reinhardt (Run and press Z by default) and jump towards yourself as Carrie. This fight gets more interesting by the second as his skin and muscle melt, revealing the skeleton and organs (they even put in a beating heart!). Keep whamming away and it's legs will fall off, making it COMPLETELY DEFENSELESS! Wham away more and the head will go, then the body will soon follow. Whew...that was exciting. ************************************************************************ After the death, pretend like you were going to get more Nitro. This is where it gets different... If you're Scheinder, you will fight... ************************************************************************ Boss: ROSA She has three main attacks: Her sword, three homing fireballs, and a green machete type attack. Just run around like a mad man and swipe at her with your Whip when you get the chance. A few projectile weapons (Can anyone say "Holy Cross"?) will also do quite nicely. ************************************************************************ And if you're Carrier... ************************************************************************ Boss: FERNANDEZ COUSIN She has three attacks: Three blue homing balls, three red homing balls, and a freezing attack which will freeze you in a diamond. She will then come and thrack you. It is possible to break free like you would from a Vampire's hold (i.e. smashing the buttons like crazy) but the chances of doing that before she comes to lay the smack down is slim. Since she only uses her ice attack at close range, stay far away! To avoid her balls, jump constantly while charging/firing energy bolts. She'll go down in no time! ************************************************************************ From here, go to the next room, which has the elevator. For some reason, the magic works now, so turn it on and get in. At the top is a White Jewel, so save. There are two bridges, but one is broken down (the one depends on the character you use). Go through the exit! If you are playing as Scheinder you will go to the "Duel Tower", and Carrie will go to the "Tower of Science". ************ DUEL TOWER ************ D U E L T O W E R Note: This level can only be accessed by Scheinder. Enemies: Medusa Head Lost Souls Avenger Mini-Bosses: Were-Cheetah Were Wolf Minotaur Were-Tiger Walkthrough: This level is damn hard, let me tell you that. From the insane jumping and four Mini-boss fights and the fact that there is not a single White Jewel in the entire level, this area will make you pull your hair out. ************************************************************************ Mini-Boss: WERE-CHEETAH Oh, a one-on-one duel with a Were-Cheetah! and it all takes place inside a cage, just like in Professional Wrestling (don't get me started on that, though, I HATE wrestling...). Just keep whacking at it and it should go down fairly easy. It is rather fast (Duh, it's a Cheetah) but it still shouldn't hurt you that much. ************************************************************************ Once dead, part of the cage will fall over and two ledges will come out. Climb on and jump on the roof of the battle arena. On top, jump to platform from platform, doing your best to avoid the spinning spikes (You may need to duck and/or slide a little bit). After a bit of this... ************************************************************************ Mini-Boss: WERE WOLF It's the exact same as any other Werewolf, except it's more powerful. You should be able to kill him without getting hit ONCE. When it dashes, simply sidestep and it's wide-open for a few Whip lashes. ************************************************************************ Once dead, two parts of the cage will fall over and many ledges will come out. Get one the ledges on the RIGHT side. Look forward and you should see a candle on an island. You know, the kind with a purple flame. Well, take a leap and you'll be on an invisible bridge. Walk there and collect the goodies, then look down. You have two choices: 1) Continue on the regular path, avoiding more swinging blades. You will have to jump on a small ledge, then to the next battle arena. Be warned, however, that it's a LONG jump and you have little room to run. I make the jump about five out of ten tries...If you do make it, though... ************************************************************************ Mini-Boss: AQUA MINOTAUR This guy is very strong and can take out about 20% of your health with one hit, but his weakness is how he performs them. He will sit still and charge them up, and he won't do anything, so you can just lay the smack down. When a red glow surrounds him, get back, because he's about to charge. Nothing too hard! ************************************************************************ And then continue to fight the Were-Tiger and exit. 2) Or, from where I left off before number 1 choice...look down and you will see many ledges going down and into the green soup (which will kill you if you happen to fall in). Fall down, using the ledges as your targets, and you will be in a little area with a candle. There is a long line of platforms in the soup that make a road across the entire level. When you stand on them they sink, but the jumps are easy so it doesn't matter. If you take this route you will skip the Minotaur (see above) and be right before the... ************************************************************************ Mini-Boss: WERE-TIGER Aha! The second boss of the entire game is back for a second serving of death. Just hit him with your Whip while running around and he should die very easily, especially if you have some of those Power-ups. ************************************************************************ After that you'll have to dodge some more spikes. The exit is right there! Yes! ****************** TOWER OF SCIENCE ****************** T O W E R O F S C I E N C E Note: This level can only be accessed by Carrie. Enemies: Machine Gun Walkthrough: The first part can be somewhat difficult, but if you know how to do it and WHEN, then it's very simple. You have to dodge boxes, electricity, spiked boxes, and other objects while on many conveyor belts. As you go up things get more congested. Just remember that you can blow up the spiked boxes with a well aimed bolt. At the very top of the tower you will find an elevator, take it up. Save at the White Jewel and head into the next area! This room is full of Machine Guns that have their sights on YOU. Follow the path and you'll find a door, inside is a candle with the "Tower of Science Key 1." Exit and follow the path more. The door there only has some Gold inside. Up the stairs we go, la, la, la, oh! A machine gun, why don't you blow it away? Make some precarious jumps to get to the other side. Just remember: Don't hold the stick all the way or you WILL die! At the next area, go up the stairs and fall into the lower area Unlock the door with your key, then go down the hallway. You will find three doors. Enter the center one (the other two just lead to dead-end rooms with Machine Guns). Blow away the candle and the "Tower of Science Key 2" is yours! Now exit back to the Machine Gun room. Take out ALL OF THE GUNS with powered up blasts. Now, carefully (and I do mean that) jump across the platforms. One inch off and you'll be plunged into oblivion! At the other side, go unlock the door you couldn't before. Now, save at the White Jewel (which is in the nearby tunnel) and head into the next area. Stand on the stripe and look out in the air, you will see an island with a torch on it at a slightly higher elevation. Well, from the stripe, take a running jump and leap! You will find an invisible bridge. At the island you will get a ton of Meat (Three Roast Chicken and Beef) and some Bags of Gold and a few Red Jewels. Return and climb up the platforms. In the next area you will come to a locked door. So go the other way, which is filled with spiked conveyor belts and spiked blocks, all guarded by Machine Guns. Sure, it looks very menacing (especially with that little bit of blood on the spikes), but you can just run and jump your way through with very LITTLE (if any) damage. At the end is a White Jewel. Through the next door is a small hall with two more halls. One leads to a door, another leads to a candle with the "Tower of Science Key 3." You have two choices: 1) Take the door and exit or 2) Get the Key and go to the beginning of the area, un-lock the door and get 1000 in Gold and a Holy Cross. Then exit. ********************* TOWER OF EXECUTION ********************* T O W E R O F E X E C U T I O N Note: This level can only be accessed by Scheinder. Enemies: Stick Dragon Blood Bone Vampire Bats Medusa Head Lost Soul Avenger Walkthrough: This level is very atmospheric. From the creepy music, the blades, the knives, and of course, the blood scattered all over the place. Add a sea of lava that will kill and hey, you got a very difficult level! First things first, save at the White Jewel, this is like an oasis after Duel Tower! Now, head forward and avoid the giant, swinging blades, and go on the right side of the tower. When you get near the slits on the ground with blood, exercise extreme caution because soon a giant knife will come down from above. Follow the path and you will find the "Candy Bar Platforms", as I like to call then. They slide in and out of the wall and it's your only way across. Pretty easy, but the Medusa Heads and Vampire Bats can make it frustrating. Don't ignore them! At the end there seems to be a lift, but it doesn't work. While standing on it, jump to the above area. Follow the path and you're at the second level of the tower with sliding blades. On the other side is a path with two swinging knives and a Stick Dragon. After some more Candy Bar Platforms, you will be at a White Jewel, so save. Ignore the spikes that come out of the ground, it just leads to a dead end. Above the White Jewel are many non-working elevators, so get on and jump up. You'll be on the third level of the tower with sliding knives now. Ignore the Blood Bone (If you think the bone might hit you, duck) and turn right at the fork (Left = dead-end). There are three Candy Bar Platforms, a swinging blade, an upside down Stick Dragon, and plenty of Medusa Heads right here. Take out the Medusa Heads with a swack of your whip, and avoiding the knife is easy. Take out the Stick Dragon from the second platform with a projectile weapon. Then jump to the third Candy Bar Platform. An overhanging platform will deny you access of a clear jump, so wait until the third Candy Bar Platform is FULLY EXTENEDED. At the very tip you can make the jump. Climb the platforms and you will be on the fourth and highest level of the tower with knives. You can now get the "Execution Key" and unlock the door a few levels down for a secret prize (See "Secrets" section). But just follow the path, up the stairs, and exit... ****************** TOWER OF SORCERY ****************** T O W E R O F S O R C E R Y Note: This level can only be accessed by Carrie Enemies: Hydro Born Puss Born Walkthrough: Like many of the past Castelvania game, this level will put your dexterity and eye-hand coordination to the TEST! The entire level is insane platform jumping...But, it is so beautiful. From the ice paths to the light coming in from the windows, it all looks great. Mmmm...eye- candy... ;) Follow the icy, thin path, jumping over the Hydro Borns if you can, and keep on going. Very linear here. Now you will have to jump from platform to icy platform. Not so difficult, except one has a Hydro Born on it. Remember: Hold the jump button to assure you hang on the platform. After a bit you will be jumping on platforms going up the tower. Some people like to change the Camera Style to 'Action', but I always leave it as it is. At the very top, jump to the next ice island. Here's something neat: These purple platforms will stay in place, but after a few seconds will turn blood red and then disappear, only to return seconds later. If you are on a purple platform that is red, GET OFF TO SAFE LAND AT ALL COSTS! In this next area, there are many, many red platforms to choose. Watch them carefully, and then plan your move. They lead to a platform with a White Jewel (Yay! Now if you die you won't have to start at the very end of the Tower of Science...). OK, jump to the nearby platform. It has a strange, yellow floating orb that you can target. Also, there are three yellow ice platforms nearby. When you smash the switch with your rings, the middle pillar of yellow ice will rise, so quickly get over there. Uh-oh...a duo of Puss Borns wants to make your cheerful adventure even more cheerful! Just ignore them the best you can. Jump on the series of nearby purple platforms to get to a small island with a blue orb. Look behind you, and time it so that when the blue orb is destroyed you can make it to the yellow ice platform without waiting for the purple platforms to appear. With the blue orb destroyed, the third yellow ice pillar will begin to rise, so quickly get on it. From here you can continue upwards. You will find a small blue platform that looks far away and another platform that looks close. Don't let your eyes deceive you! The "far away" platform can be jumped to. After a long series of precision jumps (Be careful, not all of them require hanging, so you may find yourself falling into the darkness below...). Only two purple platforms separate you from the exit to this downright hellish level. The jumps are long, so push the stick as far as you possibly can and be sure to get a good running leap. **************** ROOM OF CLOCKS **************** R O O M O F C L O C K S Bosses: Death (Scheinder) Artiser (Carrie) Walkthrough: Go into the next room. It has a White Jewel, Renon's Contract, Roast Beef, an Axe, and some Holy Water. There are also two doors, but one is gated, so you'll have to take the other, it leads to an elevator to the roof where you will fight a Boss. The Boss depends on what character you are playing as (And they are radically different, unlike in the Castle Center). Check the Boss Section for details. If you are Carrie you get to fight Actrise, the witch who has been pestering you since the Water Way level. ************************************************************************ Boss: ACTRISE Description: The witch with a stylish hat and good know...Actrise! Damage: Crystal - 5% Crystal Tornado - 15% Crystal Blow-out - 20% Difficulty: * * * Tips: The main thing that keeps you from scoring hits on this witch is her Crystal Shield. A lot of Crystals will raise from the ground and protect her. You can break through them, but it takes time, you'll lose a lot of energy, and you won't get much damage done. Here's what to do...Notice how some of the crystals around her are shorter. These are also weaker! Power up a charge and send it there, it will explode, leaving Actrise WIDE OPEN for a charged up bolt. You know you've scored a hit when the entire shield collapses and she sends out a Crystal Tornado (step to the side to avoid). Another attack which is almost impossible to avoid is the Crystal Blow-Out, in which you will freeze and about 4 crystals will explode under you. Keep it going and you should be the victor. ************************************************************************ If you are Scheinder, however, you will view the stupidest cinema I have ever seen in my entire life, and then fight.... ************************************************************************ Boss: DEATH Description: Wow, I never knew that Death had wings... Damage: Boomerangs - 5% Scythe - 20% Whale Summon - 25% Difficulty: * * * Tips: Avoiding the Boomerangs is simply a matter of running around a lot. You only have a few opportunities to smack him with the Whip so you'll need to take them. Sometimes Death will come kinda close to you, but he seems far away. Believe it or not, you can hit him then. Another time is when he does his charge attack. When you hit him, however, he will throw his Scythe at you. To avoid it MOST of the time, do a slide. When Death's energy is down to about half he will do one of the coolest looking attacks in the game. A giant portal will open and a HUGE alien whale thingie will come out and try to hurt you. He'll do this a few times in a row before moving on to the next area, so keep on you toes. ************************************************************************ Now, go back down and the gated entrance is standing wide open! ************** CLOCK TOWER ************** C L O C K T O W E R Enemies: Stick Dragon Lost Souls Skoll Walkthrough: The final puzzle-oriented level will cause you to bang your head against the wall, but when you know what to do it's not so bad. Or is it?...Jeez, I love the music in this level. It sounds like something out of Star Wars, yet it's soft...oops! Sorry, I started to ramble on again. Turn to your left as you enter and jump to the platform. Walk forward and jump on the giant, rotating gear. Be careful! If you make a slip where two gears intertwine then you'll spend the rest of your days as lubricant. Go across the rotating shaft to the other side of the room, then jump over these gears and you'll find two torches. One has a "Clock Tower Key 1." Climb up and unlock the door with it. In this short, metallic hallway is a White Jewel, so save. The next room is a bit different since you jump on the "sides" of gears (they're turned around). You'll also notice about eight Stick Dragons in here, all shooting fireballs at you machine gun style. Here is a decision that could determine the outcome of this game: Use special weapons to dispatch (i.e. Axe) or save and it do it the hard way? It's your decision, but if I were you, I would conserve my Red Jewels. Anyways, clear them out anyway you want and go to the exit of this room. To the right is an aclove with a Stick Dragon, so kill it. It will drop the "Clock Tower Key 2." Another short hall way and... Blow up the block here for 1000 in Gold. Fall down to the right to land on a trio of gears. Quickly hop on the shaft that is turning (the one without spikes) and go down it until you meet the wall, then look down and jump down to the gears there. Move in the direction you entered to find a ledge with a candle, it has the "Clock Tower Key 3" inside. Take it and drop down to the ground, and take care of the three or four Stick Dragons. In each corner is a candle, and they hold the four special weapons (Knife, Axe, Holy Water, and Holy Cross. I suggest you get this one!). Now get on the vertical shaft and hop on the screw, then to the half-wing nuts that come down. At the top, hop on the next screw (the round, pale thing that looks like a donut wrapped around the shaft). here, hop to the next half-wing nuts and go up. More screws, then jump down to the gear there. Across the gears, go towards the entrance. You will find Renon's Contract and a strange block. Smash it with your weapons and it will explode, revealing a TON of Red Jewels and even more bags of money (500 in each!). Buy what you need, this is the last Contract in the game. Go in the opposite direction and you will find the exit, along with a White Jewel. Whew...if anyone has better terminology, then e-mail me. I know the "half-wing nut" thing couldn't possibly be right, but that's all I could think of. ************* CASTLE KEEP ************* C A S T L E K E E P Bosses: Renon (If you spent over 30,000 in Gold) Vincent (If you took too long) Dracula X The Real Dracula (If you didn't take too long) THE DRACULA TO END ALL DRACULAS Walkthrough: This is it, the final ascent to Count Dracula's coffin. Climb the stairs and you will be in a room. If you spent over 30,000 in Gold, Renon will change into his Demon form and fight you. You'd think he would be grateful, don't you? ************************************************************************ Boss: RENON THE DEMON Description: He is big and really fat, has leathery wings, horns, and a big trident. Yep, he's a demon! Damage: Trident - 10% Fireball - 5% Fireball Volley - 20% Death Rip-off - 25% Tips: In all honesty, this guy is exactly like Death, so you can use the same stragedy. Trident = Scythe. Fireball = Boomerang. The Fireballs are blue, and the Fireball Volley is when he shoots about 10 at a time, and that attack hurts a lot. Heck, Renon even has the Whale Summon attack, which is a blatant rip-off of Death! I think Death should sue. ************************************************************************ The next staircase and tower is another variable. If you used a lot of Moon and Sun Cards (And I mean A LOT) then you will fight Vincent, because he got to Dracula first, but he was bitten, so you must fight. ************************************************************************ Boss: CHARLIE VINCENT THE IDIOT Description: Remember that idiot in the Villa? Now picture him as a Vampire. Damage: Swipe - 5% Bloodsuck - Depends UnHoly Water - 20% Tips: You can treat him as any old Vampire, except for the UnHoly Water, which can do some damage. You'll need to run circles around him while shooting off secondary weapons. ************************************************************************ Before entering the final room of the game, jump onto the torches on the side. If you make the jump, inspect the torch for a Medical Kit. Then there will be a VERY TINY ledge. Follow it, you will find some goodies back there. Walk on the invisible path to the island in mid-air and chop the candle for another Medical Kit. Then, circle back around to the other torch and inspect it, the third Medical Kit is yours. With the goods in hand, enter Dracula's Lair... Save at the White Jewel and go up to the coffin. After a sweet cinema with nice music... ************************************************************************ Boss: DRACULA X Description: He has a cape, black clothes on, gray skin, ugly face, red eyes...yep, classic Dracula! Damage: Firebats - 5% Firebreathe - 10% Shockwave - 15% Vampire's Grip - Depends on suckage time Difficulty: * (For Carrie * * * * (For Scheinder) Tips: If you're playing as Carrie then this guy is so pathetically easy. Just charge up a bolt, wait for him to appear, let go, and KABOOM! For Scheinder, on the other hand, it will be a very long fight, and very draining as well. You have to hit Dracula X in the face, and since he's about five feet taller than you it means you'll have to jump and crack your whip in mid-air. Just memorize what to do for each attack and it shouldn't be that hard. You should only have to use one or two Roast Chickens as Scheinder (if at that). ************************************************************************ Now, if you fought Vincent you will receive the bad ending and that will be that. However, if you did not, then the castle will start to crumble and you will have to run down the stairs. Jump to make it even more faster. At the end you have to take an elevator. It turns out that Malus is really Count Dracula and that the "Dracula X" you killed was his servant. ************************************************************************ Boss: THE REAL DRACULA Description: He looks too much like Fabio. I am not joking, everytime I see him I remember..."I can't believe it's not butter!" Pretty cool, but I don't see any fangs... Damage: Blue Fireballs - 10% Shockwaves - 20% Firewall - 15% Difficulty: * * * * Tips: I thought the part when the camera pans up to see this guy was pretty good. Am I alone on this one? Getting to the point...This guy can actually be easier than the last fight if you concentrate on avoiding attacks and setting yourself up. For the blue fireballs, get on one of the outcroppings and look all over the place. Once you see Dracula, charge up a bolt and send it there, then simply press Z (by default) to duck. You will avoid all the fireballs! As Scheinder you will need to move a bit more, but it's still the same stragedy. When he's almost dead he will cover the entire field in fire, so quickly run to avoid the fire that will come up from beneath you. You'd think this would be the last fight of the game, wouldn't you? Hahaha... ************************************************************************ Then, he will transform into his "true self." This is the most insane Boss battle I have seen in a long time! ************************************************************************ Boss: THE DRACULA TO END ALL DRACULAS Description: Wow, I didn't know the "true" Dracula was a 30 foot tall dragon with no legs and a very long tail, and two long, clawed arms and small spikes over his entire body and a growl that sounds like a lion. Whew, better end the run on sentence there. Did I mention he takes up a good amount of the TV screen when close up? Damage: Wind Blown - 20% Earthquake - 40% Fire Dragon (s) - 20% Fire Breath - 20% Titan Orb - 50% Difficulty: * * * * * Tips: The last words from Malus were "Prepare to cower before the true form of Dracula!" I won't go into detail, but I did a number one when I saw him, and a number two when I saw his attacks. Let's go over his offensive moves first, shall we? Wind Blown is where he will send large clouds of dust to knock you backwards and block your view. Earthquake is much worse, as it sends you clear across the arena and takes off nearly half of your energy. When Dracula's energy dips below half he will summon two Fire Dragons to help him, these make the fight more of a pain than it was before. When they go in and out of the ground they will create large explosions, and knock your character over for a long time. When you get close to Dracula he will spray you with a stream of fire. And finally, the most devastating attack is when he will make his Titan Orbs, large, glowing balls that follow you. If they hit ANYTHING, whether it be you, one of Dracula's attacks, or the ground, it will erupt in a huge mushroom cloud and dust will go EVERYWHERE...oh yeah, and half of your energy bar will be gone. In other words, he can kill you in TWO SHOTS! And as if this wasn't enough, he has the ability to overlap his attacks. For example, he can use Earthquake to send your energy to 60%, then a Titan Orb, and have 10% energy in one swift motion! But come on, you must have SOMETHING going for you, right? Well, maybe. If you have at least eight Roast Beefs (Medical Kits are about the same as a Roast Beef, BTW) then things are looking up. If you have Carrie it will be slightly easier because she can stay out of range from the Earthquake (but not the Titan Orbs) and just send bolts to Dracula's Belly...Poor Scheinder, he has to get right at the monster's tail and whip it to death. If you have a few power-ups then expect his energy to go down quickly, but don't expect to stay there for long (He'll use Earthquake). Just one golden rule to follow: KEEP YOUR ENERGY ABOVE 50% AT ALL TIMES! Use a Roast Beef, a Roast Chicken, a Medical Kit...whatever it takes! If it's below 50% then he can kill you in one hit, so be careful! ************************************************************************ Congratulations, you have beaten Castelvania (64)! Now go back and get all the Secret Jewels and Costumes, then beat it on Hard Mode. If you can do that, then you can throw the game away in a trash can. T H E E N D ------------------- 7) Secrets ------------------- Reinhardt's Extra Costume: In the "Tower of Execution" there is a door that requires the "Execution Key." The Key is found on the fourth level, and the door is on the second level, and getting back is no easy feat. Once inside, open the coffin and you will find the Special Jewel. Beat the game with this and you have access to it. When selecting Reinhardt, press up and A on the control stick. Carrie's Extra Costume: In the "Tower of Sorcery", near the end is a platform in mid-air that has no way to get to it...or does it? Take a running jump and you should find an invisible bridge. The Special Jewel is inside. Accessing the HARD Difficulty Setting: In the first level, "Forest of Silence", in a canyon there is a platform in mid-air with a candle on it. Jump to it and you will walk on an invisible bridge. Crack the candle open to receive the Special Jewel. When you beat the game, it asks you if you want to overwrite the game file. Say "yes" and it will give you the option of choosing hard when you choose that file. Secret Stash in Villa: Before entering the Villa mansion, there is a large fountain. Get in the water and look for some strange platforms. Stand on these. When it's midnight they will rise to a secret stash of meat, cards, ampoules, and every other item you could possibly think of. ------------------------------ 8) Demonic Foes ------------------------------ Castelvania (64) is a very challenging game, and the enemies play a large role in making it that way. Legend: Name - I'm not sure on the "official" names, but I don't care Description - What it looks like Damage - About what percent they will take off your energy bar TR - Stands for "Threatening Rate." They get a rating in stars of how threatening they are. "*" is barely any threat at all while "* * * * *" is a huge threat. Tips - Stuff to help you rip their head off (That is, if they have a head). # 1 - SKELETON Description: A skeleton who holds a bone in their hand. Very, very detailed. Damage: 8% TR: * * Tips: Alone they are pretty easy to kill, but they're almost always in groups of four-eight. If this is the case, then just attack them with whatever you got. Or, if you're scared, you could always jump and run away. __________________ # 2 - EXPLOSIVE SKELETON Description: A blue skeleton with a fuse attached to it's skull. Damage: 20% TR: * * * Tips: Ooh, these guys are nasty! They run very quickly and will explode when their fuse goes down. The explosion is very powerful, so run and jump to get away. You can also take them out with a projectile weapon if you can target them before they catch up. __________________ # 3 - BLOOD SKELETON Description: A skeleton who is dark red Damage: 10% TR: * * Tips: They are stationary, so you don't have to worry about them following you. These Skeletons will toss bones at you, and at a fast rate, so watch out. You can not kill them, but you can disable them for a few seconds by smacking it a few times. __________________ # 4 - VAMPIRE BAT Description: A black and red bat Damage: 5% TR: * Tips: Note very powerful, but can be extremely annoying in groups. Just use your secondary weapon (Machete or Rings) to put them down. Scheinder has an easier time with these because he can put them down much faster. __________________ # 5 - WERE WOLF Description: A Were Wolf in green pants. I love that growl! Damage: Swipe - 10% Sweep Kick - 15% TR: * * * * Tips: These guys are faster, stronger, and more agile than you, but you're smarter (in most cases...)! If you study their movements, you'll see that they will often charge right after doing a backflip, so you can simply move to the side, then turn around and give them a good thrack. With Carrie it's even easier because you can run away and orb him to death. __________________ # 6 - MOTORCYCLE BONE Description: A born-to-be-wild Skeleton riding on a motorcycle, complete with headlights. Damage: 10% TR: * * * Tips: If they see you, they WILL attempt to run you over. These guys can be very irritating because they attack from awkward angles. A few good thracks should send them careening over! __________________ # 7 - WERE TIGER Description: An upright Tiger, with bulging muscles. About ten foot tall, too... Damage: Squeeze - 20% Toss - 15% TR: * * * * Tips: This guy does a pretty good Terminator impression, walking very slowly and then unleashing a very powerful attack. This is harder with Reinhardt because you have to stop, turn around and then fire your Whip, while Carrie just gets to run around and fire Orbs! __________________ # 8 - WERE CHEETAH Description: An upright Cheetah, a green color, about 6 foot tall. Damage: Slice - 10% Slam - 15% TR: * * * Tips: The Were Cheetah is very fast (like all Cheetahs) and can rush at you very quickly, sweeping your feet off the floor. Just attack relentlessly with your Whip (Oh, did I forget to mention? You can only find it as Scheinder). __________________ # 9 - SPIDER WOMAN Description: The upperhalf is a beautiful woman, while the lower half are some hairy Tarantula legs! Ah! She also carries a Spear. Damage: Poison - 10% Spear - 5% TR: * * Tips: These things are pretty weak, but they almost always appear in groups of two-five. As soon as you kill one, another will drop down. Very, very annoying. __________________ # 10 - STICK DRAGON Description: A dragon's head on a stick. What else could you ask for? Damage: Fireball - 5% Fire Curtain - 10% TR: * * Tips: Since they swivel around they can shoot fire at you no matter where you go. If they're far away then Carrie can get 'em easily, but it's more of a problem for Scheinder. Poor Scheinder...everything is difficult for him! For him, get close and give 'em a few slashes of your whip. Be careful, through, if you get close they will spew a curtain of fire that will probably knock you back quite a ways. __________________ # 11 - SKOLL Description: Skulls that are on fire, and the fire is blue. Looks rather transparent... Damage: 5% TR: * Tips: Um...hit them and they die. WOW!! __________________ # 12 - LOST SOULS Description: Transparent ghosts that look more like bed sheets. Damage 5% TR: * Tips: See Skoll __________________ # 13 - AVENGER Description: A red ghost Damage: 5% TR: * Tips: See Lost Souls. __________________ # 14 - MEDUSA HEAD Description: A small blue head full of snakes that float around Damage: 5% TR: * * Tips: Finally, a floating enemy that actually attacks. Due to their oogly eyes they come off goofy instead of scary. __________________ # 15 - HELL HOUND Description: A giant dog with three heads Damage: 10% TR: * * * * Tips: The Cross works wonders here, making fighting these creatures very easy. Otherwise just relentlessly attack with your Main Weapon. There are a few that spew fire everywhere, so watch out. __________________ # 17 - GLASS KNIGHT Description: A soldier who is made of stained glass Damage: 5% TR: * * Tips: Whack it and you'll get some Red Jewels. They don't cause very much damage but they are extremely silent, so they might sneak up on you if you don't keep your guard up. __________________ # 18 - MACHINE GUN Description: A laser sighted machine gun...I didn't know they had lasers back then! Damage: 5% TR: * * Tips: Well, if you get near them they will fire at you until they die, you die, or you get out of their range. They also attack if you hurt them from a distance (Which is easy since you can only see them as Carrie). Not much a threat, though, except when you're hopping on small platforms. __________________ # 19 - MINOTAUR Description: A green bull that stands on it's hind legs. About your size, too. Damage: Swipe - 10% Charge - 20% TR: * * * Tips: This guy is very strong and can take out about 20% of your health with one hit, but his weakness is how he performs them. He will sit still and charge them up, and he won't do anything, so you can just lay the smack down. When a red glow surrounds him, get back, because he's about to charge. Nothing too hard! __________________ # 20 - VAMPIRE Description: Looks like a regular person, but is purple/gray and walks oddly. You might also notice the fangs and blood on their face, and the glowing eyes. Just maybe. Damage: Suck - Depends Swipe - Depends Bolt - 10% VR: * * * * Tips: Vampires are very dangerous if you are low on Red Jewels/Power-ups because they are very powerful and take lots of shots to kill. There are about four different kinds of Vampires, but they are more or less the same. The females are the most powerful, too! If they start chewing on your neck, smash the buttons on the controller like a drug-laden hippie! If they suck your neck too much your statue will go from 'Normal' to 'Vampire.' As a Vampire you can not eat food or use your main weapon. Use a Purifying Crystal to return to normal! __________________ # 21 - LIZARD MAN Description: A very odd looking lizard man with a shield and sword. Looks like a Lizalfos from Ocarina of Time, but more distorted. Damage: 10% VR: * * * Tips: Hey, that shield and sword isn't there for looks, they actually use them! If you strike their shield they will not take any damage, and they love to swing their swords. Stay far away, jump about and fire anything you can at them. __________________ # 22 - FIRE LIZARD MAN Description: A regular Lizard man, except a deep red Damage: Sword - 10% Fire - 10% VR: * * * * Tips: In the "Castle Center" they are invincible, but in "The Waterway" they are not...strange! They have the ability to throw large fireballs which will follow you, and they like to travel in groups as well. Also beware as they use their sword and shield! __________________ # 23 - POISON LIZARD MAN Description: A regular lizard man, except purple with blue stripes and splotches Damage: Sword - 10% Poison - 5% VR: * * * Tips: Most of the time they battle like a regular lizard man, but occasionally they will spit out a poison blast that will surely poison your character. When poisoned you slowly lose health, so use a Cure Ampule to flush your system of the poison. __________________ # 24 - BLOOD BORN Description: A humanoid shape will arise from a pool of blood... Damage: 5% VR: * Tips: Why there's only one in the game we may never know, since this is a very original idea. It will shoot blood at you. One shot and it's dead! __________________ # 25 - HYRDO BORM Description: A humanoid shape will arise from a pool of water... Damage: 5% VR: * * * Tips: These are numerous, and are dangerous because they can push you over the edge and into the pit in the "Tower of Sorcery." Try to jump over it if you can. __________________ # 26 - PUSS BORN Description: A humanoid shape will arise from a pussy...uh, I mean, puss. Oops, I forgot, someone might be "offended" by the usage of that word. Well, whatcha' gonna do, punk, huh, huh?! :) Damage: 5% VR: * Tips: I have no idea what Konami put these in the game since it's no different from the Hydro Born. Well, it can poison you, but that's it. __________________ # 27 - IRON MAIDEN Description: A steel statue, complete with axe, shield, and helmet. Colors range from red, green, blue, and gold. Damage: 20% VR: * * * Tips: They have a very long reach with their weapons, so watch out. You don't get any rewards for putting them down, and since it requires so much effort, you should just ignore them when possible. __________________ # 28 - STONE WOLF Description: Remember the stone wolves from the first Ghostbusters movie? Well, here they are! Damage: N/A VR: * * * * * Tips: Basically, it bites you and your legs are turned to stone. Then Chainsaw Franky (see below) comes and kills ya. To rip free, swing your Machete or Rings and hop for the best. The dogs run faster than you can, but you can leap ahead by jumping over and over. They can not be defeated, but they can be stunned for a few seconds. __________________ # 29 - CHAINSAW FRANKENSTEIN Description: Frankenstein with a massive chainsaw covered in blood. It's pretty neat when he reeves it up! Damage: 40% VR: * * * * * Tips: Run, Billy, run, save yourself! When a Stone Wolf (see above) freezes you he will come and take his oversized chainsaw and kill you. Even if you outrun it he can still hit you by swinging it (The chainsaw is that long!). He is invincible, but you can stun him by attacking with powerful weapons. A vial of Holy Water does quite nicely... ------------------- 9) Credits ------------------- Companies = = = = = = Nintendo: Their machine and all Konami Computer Entertainment Kobe (KCEK): They developed the game. Give them all a hand here folks! They actually made the last boss of the game DIFFICULT! Take a hint, Nintendo... Konami: And the above is a sub-division of Konami. People = = = = = Adam Cooley : Awesome artwork at the very top of this page. Antookis : He got paranoid that I got the "official" enemy names from his FAQ, that's why I am writing this here. Um...thanks! Or something. ;) Internet Sites = = = = = = = = = Nintendo Power : If you're stuck try this place, it has maps on all of the levels. Gamefaqs : Besides all of my FAQs being there (cough, cough) it had a lot of great Castelvania FAQs. N64 Code Center : Easy to read secrets for this game. ----------------- 10) Legal Junk ----------------- You may freely distribute this FAQ as long as the following terms are met: 1) The version you are taking is from 2) You give me credit 3) It is shown in it's full version 4) This fine print is included 5) It will not be used to gain a profit by ways of selling or bartering 6) You update it as I update it. I can not be bothered to send everyone the newest version, it would simply take WAY too long. And besides, I'm too busy (i.e. lazy). You may put it into HTML if you wish, but the above conditions must be met. It can be "broken into pieces" when in HTML as long as the text remains untampered, unaltered, unpirated, and just plain left alone (except for color stuff, bold, links, or whatever, but that's not changing the meaning). This document is copyrighted (c) 1999 marshmallow All Rights Reserved -------------------------------------------- 11) Contact Information/Final Notes -------------------------------------------- Before asking any questions, make sure this isn't outdated. Remember, the most updated version can always be found at The insane and often wild lived author of this FAQ, marshmallow, can be reached at m_mallow@hotmail. Whatever it is, fan mail, hate mail, sex mail, illegal drug mail, elephant mail, I'll probably take a look. Oh, and police officers, I was just kidding about the drug and sex mail...seriously. I bid thee farewell...until the time arises when my writing skills are needed again... - marshmallow -