FAQ #3 (UPDATED) Behold............ ------ ' ' ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- / ' ' / \ ' \ ' \ ' ' \ ( ---- ( ) '-----/ '-----/ '----- '-----/ \ ' ' \ / ' ' ' ' \ ------ ' ' ------ ' ' ----- ' \ /\ ------- ------- /\ ------ ' / / \ ' ' / \ / '/ /----\ ' ' /----\ ( '\ / \ ' ' / \ \ ' \ / \ ' ' / \ ------ ' \ The official walkthrough! Author: Cedric Cooks/Oda (Cedoda) E-mail address: cedoda@cs.com Well, not that we REALLY need one, but not too many people have played this fun game, and every FAQ needs one, no matter how good or bad it is. The only other reason is because I'm bored, that and the fact that my guide collection needs to be larger, along with several reviews. By the way, have anyone here noticed that I'm the only person to write a review and a FAQ for this game? Table of contents 1. Weapons 2. Items 3. Walkthrough 4. Credits 5. Disclaimer 10/1/2000 Expect a big update, folks! Everything is included. Nothing else. Well, except for the fact that I got certain parts wrong (Especially in the weapons area, but who cares? Plus, I'm taking out the Helicopter section. 2. Weapons Air to Air Homing Missiles: They take out airborne targets, obviously. Price: $1000 Air and Ground Homing Missile: They go after both land and air targets. Price: $1800 Ground to Ground Homing Missile: Fires a missile towards the ground for tracking land targets. Price: $1000 Dummies: Distracts Enemy homing missiles from targets. Price: $500 Cluster Bombs: Fires a cluster bomb, engulfing anything in hits in flames (Where's the mushroom cloud?). Price: $2500 Homing Clusters: Ditto, but locks on (Again, where's the mushroom cloud?) Price: $7500 Line rockets: Fires ten rockets, one at a time. Pretty useful for later stages. Price $150 Secret weapon: It's a homing plasma blaster called the "Alien Disruptor". It fires a green plasma blast which obviously locks on to alien ships. This is only accessed AFTER you beat level 7 on expert difficulty. Price: $10,000 3. Items (All five boxes are by blowing up buildings.) Blue Box: This holds bonus money. Each time you collect this, it doubles, the bonus money, then triples it, and so forth, until you pick up a different box. Red Box: Increases firepower from your cannon. The maximum firepower you can shoot is four shots at once. Green Box: Regains some fuel. Sadly, it only appears when you are low on fuel, and sometimes, it never appears when you need it. White Box: Regains some health. It suffers the same fate as the fuel, and you'll have a hard time trying to stay alive when grabbing it. Black Box: It fires three shots at you, then explodes, stay away quickly! Prisoner of war (POW): Save these guys for more points. 5. Walkthrough Mission 1: Destroy all radar installations. Weapons of choice: None. It's really a piece of cake. If you see a satellite dish, shoot it. Also, be on the lookout for trucks with radar dishes also. However, you can take your time to blow up almost everything first if you wish. Radar is being indicated in red dots. Mission 2: Rescue all POW's. Weapons of choice: None. This one's a little trickier, first destroy those blockades on the heilpad, then destroy the green truck driving near the helipad (Or at least in an area near it). Fly away after you do this, because if any enemies are here, the POW may be killed, which is why you should eliminate any threats before/after that. Also, since it'll take a while to save them all, you can blow stuff up 'til the stage is over. Rescue all 9 POW's to complete the mission. Helipads are indicated as white dots. Mission 3: Save the President's plane before it's too late. Weapons of choice: Air to air homing missiles Looks like El presidente flew into enemy territory, and now they are wailing on his plane! Look at the path before you start the mission, then follow it, blowing up the planes attacking the ship with your homing missiles. Some will fire dummies to throw off your missiles, but just keep firing them, they'll eventually stop. The problem? Some will lose interest in the plane (For the moment) and concentrate on you. A few vulcan shots will make them think twice, but then you'll lose track of where the President's plane is and it'll take forever to catch up. However, by following the red dots, you'll learn where they are. A tricky stage? Yes. But, you'll get it right after a few tries. As long as you follow the path, it shouldn't be hard. *Sarcasm* By the way, is that Air Force One? */sarcasm* Mission 4: Fight the battle of Agulara (I think I misspelled it) Weapons of choice: Line rockets, dummies. Okay, blast everything and anything that moves, take no prisoners, and blow up buildings for powerups, especailly since this stage is hard! Looking for health and fuel can be difficult, enemies will unload heavy firepower on you! Dodging and having heavy weaponary is a must! But there is a trick. Lure all the aircraft enemies (90% of them at least) and take them out. About 15 or so enemies are left, and your fuel (And, if possible, health) should be low, so explore the other areas. Usually, you'll get 100% destruction in this stage. Mission 5: Destroy all underground weapons in the caves. Weapons of choice: Line rockets, dummies This stage isn't hard........until the end. Here are ways to recognize the underground weapons. 1. Those giant green machines that fire rockets at you. 2. Buildings in the water. 3. At the end, when there is one underground weapon, go to the top right area showing on your radar. A submarine will constantly fire homing missiles at you, and killing it will take while which is why I told you to use those homing clusters. Dodge, shoot, and with some luck, you might come out in one piece......... Plus, those turrets are a nuisance, so blow them away quickly. Mission 6: Destroy the jumbo jets. Weapons of choice: Line Rockets, dummies. Okay, there are four jumbo jets, but there are several other jets guarding them. Take out the guard jets first, because if a jumbo jet is destroyed, they will continually try to crash into you. Once they are all gone, concentrate on the jumbo jets themselves. Ingore all of the other aircraft here, they are trying to distract you. Mission 7: Destroy base to end the war. Weapons of choice: Line rockets, dummies. All the stops have been pulled out here.......eliminate every threat! Very hard, as you must have no surviors left, and no missiles should be still pointing toward the sky. Again, use that trick back on Mission 4 and you'll be fine, only more concern may come to you becuase there are 51 enemies to deal with! Mission 8 (Only after you beat stage 7 on expert: Save the world. Weapons: Line rockets, Alien disruptor, dummies. YIKES!! Aliens! Okay, if you have like a total of over $500,000, you should have 400 rockets, 40 Homing plasma shots, and at least 50 or so dummies. This is a hard stage! Here, using the rockets and your machine guns, shoot those blue spheres under the UFO, then a center one will appear after they're all gone. Take out any remaining aircraft, then, using the alien disruptor, fire at the enemies, but unleash a dummy after each hit, because it'll fire some homing plasma your way. When the enemy counter reaches 3, immediately search for any undestroyed buildings (75%-90% is a good sign), then shoot the another blast. It'll (Somehow) take out the last two enemies in one shot. Youll now fight a chopper which moves very quickly! It fires lasers at you, tries to crash into you, and also locks on with homing plasma blasts. To defeat, attack only when it's sheild is down. Shoot the remaining plasma blasts and pray they hit before it puts its shield back on. Plus, each time it's hit, it'll use the shield less often and attack you more. If you do run of of Alien Disruptor ammo, that's okay, because you can still it with other weapons. And make sure lots of buildings are left, and don't give up! Once it's in flames, (Almost dying), you should put in your last shots in quickly! And now, Chopper Attack is beaten, and the ending.........*YAWN* 5. Credits Nintendo, Midway, Seta: For making the game. Me: I'm the only person crazy enough to type up all of this. CJayC: Creator of www.gamefaqs.com Wow, these were the longest credits ever (/sarcasm)! 6. Disclaimer 1. This FAQ can be printed as long as you have my permission, and only my permission. 2. FAQ's like these can be posted on your site, but again, ask for my permission! 3. No stealing! PERIOD! 4. Don't make any money off of this! I didn't create this to make some money! 5. You update this when I update this. Don't slip anytihng I don't know unless you tell me first! 6. No idiotic E-mail (Chain letters, working for your site, etc.) 7. www.gamefaqs.com is the latest place to find this FAQ. Well, that about does it. However, because that last stage was hard, I don't want to play it anymore. Yes, I beat it, but it took so long that I felt it was too challenging than it shouid be. E-mail me at cedoda@cs.com for all of this crazy stuff you'll send me. Until the next guide, everyone.......... BE A WILD MAN!!!!!!!!!!!! Copyright 2000 by Cedric Cooks/Oda All rights reserved -"And that's the end of that chapter!"-