~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Donald Duck: Quack Attack (PlayStation) (English) Creation Date: 16 September 2003 Version: Complete ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ####### # # ####### # # # ##### ##### ##### # ##### # ## # # ##### # ## ## # # # # ## ##### # ## # # # # # ## # #### ## ## # ## # ## # # # ## # # ### ## # ## # # ## ###### ##### # ## ####### # ##### ###### ##### ##### # ## X#####+ :# =## +R # X# #W ## #. # W###I #### # #t # M# V##BI##I ####; ,###W Y# #. # # #I # R # #: ## # # #V #V X# # V # +# I# # #I =### # # i#+t # # # #I I###### ## #, W#=t # i# +#.#, W###M#MW ##YVV# ## ==## ##RB## # ## # Y# #i ## #R ;t#Y ##VM# I# #M -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Table of Contents =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1- Introduction [A100] 2- FAQ [A200] 3- Walkthrough [A300] 3.1- Duckie Mountain 1 [A301] 3.2- Duckie Mountain 2 [A302] 3.3- Duckie Mountain 3 [A303] 3.4- Duckie Mountain 4 [A304] 3.5- Duckie Mountain 5 - Boss Fight [A305] 3.6- Duckie Mountain 6 - Bonus Level [A306] 3.7- Duckburg 1 [A307] 3.8- Duckburg 2 [A308] 3.9- Duckburg 3 [A309] 3.10- Duckburg 4 [A310] 3.11- Duckburg 5 - Boss Fight [A311] 3.12- Duckburg 6 - Bonus Level [A312] 3.13- Magica De Spell's Manor 1 [A313] 3.14- Magica De Spell's Manor 2 [A314] 3.15- Magica De Spell's Manor 3 [A315] 3.16- Magica De Spell's Manor 4 [A316] 3.17- Magica De Spell's Manor 5 - Boss Fight [A317] 3.18- Magica De Spell's Manor 6 - Bonus Level [A318] 3.19- Merlock's Temple 1 [A319] 3.20- Merlock's Temple 2 [A320] 3.21- Merlock's Temple 3 [A321] 3.22- Merlock's Temple 4 [A322] 3.23- Merlock's Temple 5 - Boss Fight [A323] 3.24- Merlock's Temple 6 - Bonus Level [A324] 3.25- Mystery Level [A325] 4- Miscellaneous [A400] 4.1- Controls [A401] 4.2- Jumping [A402] 4.3- How to Play [A403] 4.4- Characters [A404] 4.5- Items [A405] 4.6- Story [A406] 5- Enemies [A500] 4.7- Bosses [A501] 4.8- Enemies [A502] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1- Introduction [A100] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Welcome to another one of my FAQ's. As usual, I don't say a word about the game in the Introduction. I won't update the FAQ section not anymore after I release the complete version. But everybody can send me tips and questions. If they are big enough, I might consider updating it despite that. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2- FAQ [A200] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [1] [Q]. What are those numbers like [A300] next to the title of every section? [A] It is the search engine of this FAQ. Press Ctrl and F. Type in the search code for the section you want to go to. You should be there in two steps. [2] [Q]. Why are some of the names and text in the game script wrong? [A] This FAQ was made using the Dutch version of the games. I don't know all the English names so I'll often translate the text directly. [3] [Q]. Where can I find more information about Donald Duck? [A] This is a great site about Donald Duck and his friends. http://stp.ling.uu.se/~starback/dcml/index.html [4] [Q]. How do I put on other clothes? [A] Go inside the machine and press X to put on the costume above you. Rotate the costumes by using the control stick or control pad. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3- Walkthrough [A300] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Because I have the Dutch version of this game, I can't give the right names to the levels. That is why I gave them numbers. Level 5 is always the one in the middle where you have to fight the boss, level 6 is the one behind the Boss fighting one where Huey, Dewey or Louie are standing. Level 1 and 2 are the two on the left and level 3 and 4 the ones on the right. ######### ######### ### ### ### 6 ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ### ### ### ### ### 2 ### ### 3 ### ### ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ### ### ### 5 ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ### ### ### ### ### 1 ### ### 4 ### ### ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ######### =============================================================================== 3.1- Duckie Mountain 1 [A301] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 117 Enemies: Skunk, Moose Time Challenge: 2 Minutes 0 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This first level is only a warm up level in which all the basics are explained using the little televisions on the sides. Press X to activate them. Listen to their explanations if this is your first time doing stage 1. Jump over the fallen trees and collect the yellow stars followed by a blue one. Do a high jump when you're at the 'high' cliff. Don't forget the red star and keep running. Jump on the red box you see, a couple of stars will appear. Jump over the water using a long jump but don't worry, you won't die if you fall in the water. At the next pit you have to jump on the crate with the wings. Jump over the next pit too and collect the stars. You should have 36 stars by now. After collecting that red star, you'll see a checkpoint. Go through it and when you die in this level, you'll reappear at the last checkpoint you activated. Now your first enemy will appear, a skunk that is jumping around. It isn't difficult to defeat. Jumping on its head or kicking it will do the job. You'll get stars for killing it too. After that, you'll meet a second opponent, a moose. Jump on it but watch out for its horns. Run further and don't forget the ice cream. After that ice cream, you'll see a second skunk. Proceed and you'll find an extra life. At the checkpoint you should have 77 stars already. After that checkpoint you'll come across the first magic book. Jump on it and you have 5 seconds to collect the teddy bear. It doesn't seem much but the bear isn't far away and there are no enemies. A skunk on a bridge is your next enemy and you'll reach the next checkpoint. That sure was quick; you only had to collect 12 stars between checkpoints. There you'll find another book. You'll get five or six seconds to jump from platform to platform to reach the next teddy bear. After that you'll meet the second moose of the level and you should have collected about 100 stars by now. Grab the red star you see on the little roof by jumping on the crates. Jump off the roof and activate the book. Run back and up the crates within five seconds to collect the third and last teddy bear. Collect the energy ball and finish the level. There were 117 stars in this level. Do the time challenge after that because you still remember the structure of the level. I had 20 seconds to spare when finishing. =============================================================================== 3.2- Duckie Mountain 2 [A302] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 216 Enemies: Skunk, Bush Duck, Moose Time Challenge: 2 Minutes 15 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get ready because things got a little harder. Right from the start of the level you'll have to jump on a box and kill a skunk. Proceed and carefully jump from platform to platform. Don't fall because you are dead if you drop. Defeat another skunk and grab the blue star. Do a high jump over the logs of wood and watch out for the iron device that is used to capture animals in the nature. Jump over it and kill the duck in a bush. Grab the extra life on top of the tree logs and jump over it. Advance a bit and you'll reach the first checkpoint. The checkpoint is followed by a skunk. At the giant ravine, wait for the floating bridge and use it to get to the other side. Ignore the book for now and collect the stars and the extra life. You should have 91 stars and 8 lives by now. You'll see the teddy bear. Activate the book and quickly come back to grab the bear. You have more than enough time, you get eleven seconds. Jump over the logs onto the floating bridge. Watch out for the moose when you're jumping of the bridge. The next star you'll see is a difficult one to catch. You'll have to walk into the pit and quickly jump up so that you're not killed. You'll have use a floating bridge again and kill a moose before you reach the next checkpoint. Run through the tree and collect every star. Jump on the red box and watch out for the claw on the ground. It looks like one of the stars is laying in there but it actually lies behind it so jump over the claw and collect the stars. Do a long jump over the hole in the ground so that you catch the blue star and kill the Bush Duck. Another skunk will appear and you'll quickly see the next book. Ignore it for now and go in the little wooden cabin and grab the energy ball. Activate the magic book and you'll have 16 seconds to collect the bear. Jump over the ravine, hit the red box. Kill the Duck in the bush and collect the stars. After doing all of that you still have about 5 seconds to spare when you grab the bear. The next checkpoint is located after a red box. Cross the gaps using the bridges and don't forget the stars. Kill the skunk and the moose. By now you should have 10 lives but a bit further you'll find number eleven. By the end of the level you'll also have 33 stars in total. The last book is located right before the ending. First collect all the stars and defeat the skunk. Now go back and activate the book. You'll get 13 seconds to collect the toy. After that you only have to walk to beat this level. =============================================================================== 3.3- Duckie Mountain 3 [A303] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 185 Enemies: Skunk, Bush Duck, Moose Time Challenge: 2 Minutes 20 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level is viewed from the side so it looks like a level from a 2D platform game. Jump over the gaps and use the platform helicopter to advance to the next bit of the level. Run over the log but don't worry, you can't fall of the log. Avoid the trap on the ground and proceed. You'll see a skunk moving from the background to where you are. You'll have to wait before you can kill it. When you're on the floating bridge, you can collect an extra life. After that, you should kill the skunk you see. Don't forget the red star when you're jumping from platform to platform and a skunk is your next enemy followed by one of those Bush Ducks. Proceed a bit further and use a long jump to cross the big gap. Now simply activate the checkpoint and you're safe for when you die. After the next Bush Duck, you'll see a couple of poisonous plants which can easily cause you to lose a life. After the next skunk, you should have collected 13 lives. The first magic book of the level will give you ten seconds to collect the toys. Run forward until you see life for Donald underneath you. Jump to the life and run down the ally where it laid to find the toy. Jump cautiously from platform to platform and quickly defeat both the skunk and the moose. You'll find another poisonous plant and a trap on your way again. Make your way to the next platform and go the upper of the two levels you can jump to. Activate the book and run until you drop down a level, now run to the other way. This has to be done in five seconds. You'll see the next checkpoint after that. At this checkpoint you should have 46 stars and 14 lives. Wait for the helicopter platform and jump on it. Pick up the red star on your way down and grab the magic book. It will give you five seconds to find the magic book but you shouldn't by fooled the lay-out of the level. When you're at the next helicopter platform, let it go to the bottom of the two levels where you can find the bear and the energy ball. Jump on the platform again and let it rise to the top level and proceed on your way. Jump over the large gap with a long jump. After that you'll have to jump over one of those iron traps and continue your way. Except a couple of enemies you won't see anything life threatening before the next checkpoint. At this point you should have 89 stars and 14 lives. Jump on the tree trunk and kill the skunk. A moose and a Bush Duck will follow. Continue on your trail and cross the large gaps by using the platforms. Don't forget the extra life. The end of the level is nearby. You'll have 18 stars and 16 lives at the ending. The time limit is a bit short but you'll make it if you don't lose too much time. =============================================================================== 3.4- Duckie Mountain 4 [A304] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 83 Enemies: Skunk, Bush Duck Time Challenge: 2 Minutes 0 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 4 is another side scrolling level. Jump on the red box, jump over the gap and collect the yellow stars. The next thing you have to do is killing the skunk. Continue and jump over some trees. Jump up the platform which will bring you to the next level. Kill the Bush Duck by kicking it from behind. Continue and avoid the brown, poisonous plant. After a while you'll come across an ice cream. Grab it and go to the left to find a life and a magic book. It will give you five seconds to collect a teddy bear. It is laying a bit further down the road, hidden from the eye by a waterfall. After the next waterfall is a poisonous plant so carefully jump over it. You reached the first checkpoint. Activate the red box. You'll easily grab the bottom stars but you'll have to use the next red box to grab the highest star. You'll find a lot of poisonous plants and red carrier boxes here. When you see the next ice cream, you'll have to go the left again to find the second magic book. It gives you three seconds to find the bear. Just run to the right to find it. Jump over the plants and go underneath the stones after the second poisonous plant to find two blue stars and the energy ball. When you kill the Bush Duck, you'll reach the second checkpoint. You'll have 17 lives and 68 stars at that checkpoint. Jump from the first floating platform to the second and jump on solid ground. Kill the skunk that is in your pad. When you have to jump over floating platforms again, you'll see a red box floating between the platforms. Jump on it and land on the second floating platform. Collect the stars and advance. Continue a bit, there are no real hard opponents or tricky buts. When you see a tree log between two cliffs, walk on it. Don't be afraid that it is just in the background and that you'll fall off. Use your double jump to advance and find the next checkpoint. Keep walking forward and you'll see a teddy bear. Go to the teddy bear and you'll see an extra life and an ice cream in the neighborhood. Kick the book and grab the toy within three seconds. Go back to the giant tree log where you could go up a level or continue to the magic book. After you kill the Bush Duck, it is time for some old school platforming until you reach the end of the level where you only collected 83 stars. You'll already have 19 lives if you haven't lost one in the process. In the time challenge you should be able to reach the end easily with about half a minute left. =============================================================================== 3.5- Duckie Mountain 5 - Boss Fight [A305] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: - Enemies: Bernadette the Bird Time Challenge: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level is fairly easy. When you come in this level, you'll quickly notice the big bird which is sitting on her nest. (Biology 101: It is a female bird because it lays eggs; male birds don't or aren't supposed too.) After she flies up in the air, she won't stop attacking you until you kill her. You can see a little health bar in the left top of the screen. You can see she has 3 bars. Every time you hit her on the head, she will lose one bar of health. So you'll have to attack her three times. Off course, it wouldn't be easy as just hitting her three times. First, she'll fly and drop eggs. Avoid getting hit by the eggs and kill the two chickens that come out of them. After that, Bernadette will fly up in the air. She'll try to hit you a couple of times. After three or four times, she can't get up for 10 seconds. (You'll see an arrow above her head.) Jump on the head. After that, she'll fly up and drop eggs again but beware, to kill these chickens; you'll have to hit them by jumping on them. Repeat jumping on her head. If you do this successfully, she'll fly up again and drop eggs again. This time, 4 chickens appear. Kill them and jump on Bernadette after avoiding her attacks. (If she is floating above you, change the direction you're running in.) Congrats, you have completed the first boss fight. Donald will now put up the satellite. =============================================================================== 3.6- Duckie Mountain 6 - Bonus Level [A306] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 129 Enemies: Bear Time Challenge: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll have to watch out in this level. Once you start running, a furious bear will start to chase you. You'll have to keep moving at all times to reach the end. The problem is that you have to run towards yourself unlike in normal levels. Before you reach the first checkpoint, you'll have to jump over some rocks and logs while simply collecting stars. After the first checkpoint, you'll come across an extra life. Don't lose it. You'll have to run over a couple of logs. Try to stay in the middle or you'll fall off. Avoid the traps. After a while you'll see a plate with an arrow on it. Hit it to confuse the bear. Jump over the waterfalls before the second checkpoint because they slow you down. At that checkpoint, you should have about 59 stars. Afterwards you'll see another direction plate. Hit it to gain a couple of seconds on the bear. Jump on the floating box to make it across over the broken bridge. After the bridge, you'll run through the third checkpoint. You'll see another life on a rock besides your path so grab it. When you reach a wooden bridge that looks like it is going to fall, hurry and jump to the next platforms because it will fall. Luckily, the bear is too heavy too and will collapse. Soon after that you will reach the ending. This type of levels is a bit easier in the Game Boy Advance version because it has a keep running button. You'll have about 22 lives at the end of this and you'll have completed 28% of the game already if you did everything in this world. =============================================================================== 3.7- Duckburg 1 [A307] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 192 Enemies: Dog, Man with drill Time Challenge: 2 Minutes 38 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You're in the big city now so you won't see much anymore of the countryside type enemies. They make room for an all new cast. Jump on the red box and kill the dog, it kind of looks like a bulldog. Collect the red star and the extra life. Jump on the head of the drunken guy. Then use his body as a trampoline to hit the magic book. You'll have about 15 seconds to reach the skates. Run forward and when you reach the first house with a window you can see through, right after the corner, you'll have to kick dynamite against the window. This will open the door allowing you to reach the skates. Watch out for the fire hydrant, it sprays water what could hurt you if you get hit. You'll have to kick the red box after the water is gone. Fetch the stars after that and continue. The first checkpoint is right there. Jump on the drunken guy and then use the trampolines to reach the next floor of the level. Advance to the next magic book, it is only five meters away from you. It gives you ten seconds to grab the toy. Jump onto the rolling band that will transport you to the right direction and jump to the next one. When you see dynamite, kick it to the window on the other side of the street to blow up another door. Inside the house lays the second pair of skates. Kill the man using the drill and the vibrating of your controller will stop. Right after him you will find the checkpoint. By now, you already have an extra life if you collected all stars. Continue using the trampolines and grab the life. Another man with a drill stands in your way, you'll sense them coming from far away because of the vibration. The level gets kind of boring until the next checkpoint because all you will have to do is jump. You also have to kill an enemy before the checkpoint. After the checkpoint you'll have to do some more jumping until you defeat a man with a drill. After that you'll have to walk down a couple of platforms but you'll have to watch out for the smoke coming out of the pipes. When the first pipe stops releasing smoke, you have to run down quickly and kill the man at the bottom. The lay out of the level changes back to a three dimensional level after this. Watch out for the dog and use the drunken man as a trampoline. The next checkpoint is located right there. You have to kill another dog. Then you'll have to kick a piece of dynamite against a house to open the door. Grab the magic book you saw a bit earlier and go grab the toy. Use the drunken guy as a trampoline and run towards the end. Kill the dog and don't forget to pick up the energy boll right before the end. The time challenge is really easy, I had a minute to spare at the ending. =============================================================================== 3.8- Duckburg 2 [A308] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 111 Enemies: Man with drill, man with saw, Dog Time Challenge: 1 Minute 57 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start walking forwards and collect the stars. After jumping twice over a wooden bar, you'll have to kill a man with a drill. A small bit further you'll have to kick a piece of dynamite and if you do that you'll get a blue star. Be careful because there are wooden barrels rolling over the street. You'll reach the magic book after jumping over the rolling barrels. The book will give you fourteen seconds of time. Kill the man that is walking around with the saw and jump to the extra life. Watch out for the barrels and collect the ice cream. Kill the man with a drill and jump over the water hydrant. Right before the checkpoint lays the toy. Go to the right after the checkpoint and kick the dynamite. You'll have to do that twice. In return you'll receive two blue stars. Jump on the transporter to cross the gap in the ground. You'll come across the second magic book a bit after the gap. It gives you fifteen seconds. You'll have to kill a man with a saw and a dog. Collect the ice cream if you need it and run further. Jump over the air vent on the ground because it could hurt you and then jump to the left end of the iron bar you see in front of you. The toy is located on the bar. Walk to the right end of the bar and jump forward to the next iron bar. Collect the life and jump to the checkpoint. After that it gets easy for a bit. You'll have to defeat a man with a drill, a dog and another man with a drill. Don't forget to jump over the fire hydrant. Collect the extra life and kick the dynamite. It will blow up the door which guards the energy sphere. Before the next checkpoint, the only thing that will be able to kill you, are the air vents in the ground. Right after the checkpoint you'll find the last of the magic books in this world. This one gives you the cursed number of thirteen seconds to collect the pair of red skates. Two enemies and an ice cream is all that stands in your way to finish the level. You'll have plenty of time to make it to the finish in the time challenge. I had thirty seconds to spare so that is one fourth of the total time. =============================================================================== 3.9- Duckburg 3 [A309] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 181 Enemies: Man with drill, Man with saw Time Challenge: 2 Minutes 10 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level is a side-scrolling level. You'll have to use a long jump to cross the gap. Jump over the machine that is shaking and producing some type of electricity. It is dangerous. Advance and kill the two men with a drill on your way. Behind the second one you'll see a pipe out of which smoke comes out at regular intervals. Avoid the smoke. You'll see a second pipe a meter further. Jump over the walking band because it slows you down. Use the trampoline and collect the stars. Run a bit further but go down the slope first before you activate the checkpoint. Kick the man with a saw first. The magic book is located behind it. Advance using the trampolines and avoid the shaking machine by using a long jump. Collect the stars and pick up the skates. Kill the man with a drill. Make a long jump to the next iron bar but you have to jump over the shaking machine too. This is one of the more difficult jumps in the game. Jump over the second machine too and use the trampoline to reach the next stage. Do not stop walking or you'll fall off. Quickly jump over the pipe before the smoke hits you. The next checkpoint is only a bit further. Defeat the man with a saw and pick up the extra life. Go further to the right and activate the magic book. You'll have to go back to where you got the extra life. There you'll find the second toy and the energy sphere. Jump over the various threats that you already have seen earlier in the level. After you defeat a man with a drill, you'll have to jump to a building from an iron bar. At the moment you have to be careful that you don't hit one of the two smoke pipes. Most people will see the first one at the start of the platform but miss the second one that is located a meter behind it. After that difficult part you'll find the last magic book of this level. It gives you six seconds to grab the skates. Jump up the boxes and run through the checkpoint. Defeat the man with a saw and walk forward. Don't jump on the mattress but land on the toy right next to it. Jump on the mattress and collect the stars. Kill the man with a drill and advance. Grab the life and defeat the man with a saw a bit further. Jump from platform to platform using the long jump. After defeating another man with a saw, you'll reach a short iron bar with nothing on it except a shaking, electricity producing machine. You'll have to do a very long jump over the machine, land on the next iron bar and immediately get rid of the man with a drill. I found this part of the game the most difficult in the entire game. But after that, the ending is very nearby and you won't run into anymore troubles. Don't be too hasty when you're doing the time challenge, you can finish it with 45 seconds to spare without dying. =============================================================================== 3.10- Duckburg 4 [A310] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 201 Enemies: Man with saw, bird Time Challenge: 2 Minutes 30 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Despite being able to handle 3D scenery, this game uses a lot of 2D level. This one is another perfect example of this policy. Watch out for the holes in the pipe with all the stars in front of it because gas escapes from the holes. The magic book gives you five seconds to collect the toy. Run forward and defeat the man with a saw and grab the ice cream. Kick the dynamite into the window to collect a blue star. Later on, you might consider replaying this level once. You can use the man with a saw at the start as a jumping board to an extra life. You cannot reach the life with your regular jumps. Advance by jumping on the trampoline. Don't worry if you don't make it the first time, you can try as many times as you want. Two men with a saw block your way to the checkpoint. You can use the second one as a trampoline to reach a blue star. Get rid of the two men. After the checkpoint you'll see some chimney stacks out of which smoke comes. Jump over them and grab the ice cream after the third one. Jump over the hole onto the next rooftop. You'll get six seconds to reach the next toy after having kicked the magic book. Avoid the bird and go to the trampoline which brings you to the toy. Jump back to the place where you found the second magic book and use the bird as a trampoline to reach an extra life. Go back to the place where the toy laid and advance. Watch out for the smoke coming from the holes in the pipe next to you. Continue over the building and then you'll have to walk over a pipe with a hole at the beginning and one at the end so watch out. The third magic book is on the next building. You'll have to be fast to get the final pair of skates in this area. Don't you think it is odd though that each have three pairs of skates? You'll have to jump from platform to platform using a long jump instead of waiting until they reach each other to grab it in five seconds. At the top of the next building is the next checkpoint. Continue and kick the pieces of dynamite on the next building to get two blue stars. Try to do that in real life and you'll be lucky if you only have two blue eyes after kicking it. Jump over the pipes that emit smoke and grab the life right before the moving staircase. Watch out for the smoke while standing on the moving staircase. On the next building, you will only have to jump over the chimneystacks and kill the birds. Jump down to the lower of the two platforms to collect the energy boll that you need to finish the level. Use the mattress as a trampoline and go to the upper of the two platforms to collect a couple of stars. The next checkpoint is close. After that checkpoint, you can either jump from platform to platform using long jumps or collect the stars too but jumping from the platform onto the bird and then grabbing the star. A man with a saw will follow. After having kicked the dynamite, you will have to stay on a moving staircase, again. The ending is close now, you will only have to repeat a couple of moves you did in earlier parts of the level. Isn't it sad that they seem to lose their inspiration at the end of the level? I had a minute to spare on this one. =============================================================================== 3.11- Duckburg 5 - Boss Fight [A311] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: - Enemies: The Beagle Boy Time Challenge: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of the Beagle Boys, the guys who want to steal Scrooge's money, is after you. He'll enter a crane with a wrecking ball attached to it and he'll use it to attack you. Avoid the wrecking ball by looking at its shadow and running away from it. After a while, he'll stop doing this and he'll climb out of his crane and show his butt to you. This is the moment on which you have to attack him. Just kick his butt. He'll lose one third of his health. After that he'll start throwing dynamite at you. Jump over it and make sure you don't get it. If you manage to do this, you won't be in much trouble after you attack him the second time. After throwing about three to five dynamite bombs, he'll use his wrecking ball again. Avoid it as usual but watch out, three pieces of the floor will fall to the lower levels of the building. It is always the same three pieces that disappear but he won't have to hit those pieces of the floor. After those fall, he'll be shaking his butt again. To reduce his health to one third, you'll have to kick his butt at that moment. After that he'll become angry and throw the dynamite very quickly. This is the dangerous part of the fight. Once that is over, he'll go back to using the wrecking ball again. You're in the clear from now; nothing should go wrong from here. Just hit him for the last time when he shows his butt. =============================================================================== 3.12- Duckburg 6 - Bonus Level [A312] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 134 Enemies: Squirrel, Man with saw, Car, Garbage can Time Challenge: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is finally a 3D level again. The level starts with you chasing a squirrel, probably one of those squirrels that steal your honey but when he disappears, you are getting chased by a car for no apparent reason. Just run forward in the beginning while collecting the stars and various other things you come across. You'll only have to run in a straight line and you don't have to worry about keeping up too much, he'll slow down when you get to far after him. Don't forget to kick the dynamite to get extra stars. Watch out for the air vent in the ground behind the extra life. When the chipmunk runs away, you'll have to go to the right. Jump over the air vent and then jump to the ice cream if you need it. The checkpoint is really close from there. Kill the man with a saw, jump over the air vent and you'll see the car that will follow you through the level after this part. He'll start chasing you when the light turns green. Grab the blue star. That will launch a barrel which will slow him down for a moment. Do it again the next time you see a blue star too. Jump on the moving staircase to grab some stars. A man with a saw is the next thing you will encounter. Grab the life you find on your way and jump over the garbage cans, you can't kill them. Watch out for the air vent. The next checkpoint is right around the corner. You'll find a man with saw on your way and a couple of moving staircases. Run forward and press the red pole that serves as a switch to activate something that will slow down the car. Kick the dynamite and avoid the garbage can. Before reaching the next checkpoint, you can also pick up an ice cream to heal yourself. A man with a saw and a garbage can will follow really fast after checkpoint. Activate the red pole to slow down the truck and run on the iron bars. Be careful so that you don't drop off. Jump over the air vent and kick the dynamite. Before you'll reach the end, you'll only have to grab an ice cream. =============================================================================== 3.13- Magica De Spell's Manor 1 [A313] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 202 Enemies: Franken Duck, Ray Duck, Pumpkin Time Challenge: 2 Minutes 20 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This manor looks like a haunted house, but that is only because it is one. Kick the red box to get some stars and jump over the big gap. Kick the enemy you see, I'll call it a Franken Duck from now on, you know like Frankenstein. He'll be paralyzed for a few seconds. You'll have to jump on his head to defeat him. You can't kill the red pumpkin that follows him. Go through the door behind the pumpkin and collect the stars you find on your way. Kill two Franken Ducks but watch out for the big scary gap between them. Go through the next door. Jump on the moving platform. Don't jump when you're standing on the platform. Jump to the next moving platform and kick the red box or you'll fall off. The checkpoint is located behind the Franken Duck. Watch out for the gaps in the floor. Kill the funny walking guy that looks like Rayman because he doesn't have arms and legs either. I'll call him Ray Duck. Try to grab the life but be careful, it is located in a gap in the floor. Advance and watch out for the swinging balls with spikes. The first one is easy to avoid. To avoid the second one you'll have to quickly run into the wider part of the room next to the swinging ball like on the map I drew. You'll have to that twice before reaching the magic book. ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## XX ## ## XX ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## The magic book will give you ten seconds to collect the ray gun. First you'll have to pass two swinging balls like the ones I drew a map of but this time, they wide part of the room is on the left side. Quickly run forward and simply follow the path without jumping to reach the ray gun. You can make it if you run through the second swinging ball after you grabbed the ice cream. You don't have to worry about getting hit because you're briefly invincible. Kill the Franken Duck, jump over the large gap and activate the checkpoint. Jump on the platform and quickly grab the extra life. Ride the platform to the next part of the level. Kill the Ray Duck and jump on the next platform. Advance further and you'll have to jump on another moving platform. From on that platform, you'll have to jump on a pipe. Jump over the pumpkins on the pipe and go through the checkpoint. The second magic book is right there. Jump over the pumpkins and activate the red box. Hit the Ray Duck and collect the toy. You'll have 10 seconds do this all but that is enough. Your next enemy is a Franken Duck. After the Franken Duck, it gets a little tricky, there are spikes on one side of the room and there are three moving platforms. Jump on the platforms when they start to move away from the spikes. This way, you'll never hit the spikes if you're fast enough. You also get an extra life after the first platform. A Ray Duck will be followed by another extra life. Run underneath the Thwomp (from Super Mario World) like dropping balls and activate the magic book. Jump over the pumpkin and do a long jump to the next platform. You can either take the upper route or the lower route depending on where you have to go. You have to take the upper route to grab the toy and the energy ball. After that you'll have to go back to the lower route and finish the level. =============================================================================== 3.14- Magica De Spell's Manor 2 [A314] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 228 Enemies: Prisoner, Ray Duck, Granny Time Challenge: 3 Minutes 30 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The level stars with three stars followed by a large gap. Kill the Ray Duck and watch out for the holes in the floor. Grab the stars, defeat the Ray Duck and jump on the spider web. That will bounce you in the air towards the third Ray Duck. Jump over the little gap and over the air vent that is a meter behind it. Go further and you'll see a green enemy swinging a prison ball. I'll call him a prisoner because he is dressed like one. Jump on his head when he is not attacking. Jump on the closet to grab the stars and the life. The checkpoint is a bit further. Jump from spider web to spider web and collect the extra life. Kill the old lady from behind but watch out for her attack. The first magic book is just around the corner. You'll have 7 seconds to grab the gun. Follow the path of the stars downstairs and grab the toy but don't run against the spikes on the wall. Go back up using the little platform and kill the prisoner. Watch out for the holes in the floor and the falling chandelier. Advance and jump on the platform and then on the chandelier. Quickly jump to safe ground because the chandelier will fall. Defeat the Ray Duck and activate the checkpoint. Now you'll have to jump from piano to piano. Kill the Ray Duck and the prisoner. Avoid the air vent. Jump on the spider web and get rid of the Ray Duck. The second magic book lays there together with an extra life. You have 13 seconds. Jump on the first chandelier, then on the platform and back on another chandelier. Kill the Ray Duck and you'll see the toy. Defeat that granny that is swinging her newspaper at you. Use the spider web to jump on the closet and go through the checkpoint. When you pass the checkpoint you'll see that the energy ball is hidden to the right of the checkpoint. Kill the Ray Ducks and jump over the air vent when gas is coming out of it. Let the chandeliers from the ceiling fall before you try to pass them. After this a difficult part will follow. Jump on the chandelier, and jump to the platform when it is not in the spikes that are against the walls. Jump to the next chandelier and quickly advance. Watch out for the air cent. The next magic book is found here too. It gives you seven seconds. Grab the ice cream on your way and pick up the toy. It is lying behind the air vent. Kill the prisoner. Advance to the end of the level. You'll get an extra life underway and only come across two enemies. I died two times in the time challenge and I still had more then a minute to spare so you don't have to worry about this one. =============================================================================== 3.15- Magica De Spell's Manor 3 [A315] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 180 Enemies: Franken Duck, Pumpkin Time Challenge: 2 Minutes 20 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is another side scrolling level. Do a long jump over the pumpkin and jump from the spider web to the red box. Kill the Franken Ducks and jump on the floating broom when you see it. Jump from the broom onto the red box and collect the stars. You'll have to use another floating broom again but this time you can grab a red star while standing on it. Kill the granny from behind and jump on the broom. Jump over the pumpkin while standing on the broom. Activate the checkpoint. Kill the granny again. Watch out when you're going to jump to the next platform: you can stand on it when it has a green plate but when it has a red plate, it will have spikes on it. You'll have to jump quickly. You have to jump over three platforms before reaching a spider web. Use the spider web to reach the Franken Duck. Don't worry about the life down their. Go further and activate the magic book. Go back to where the extra life was you'll see the Ray gun there. Before you reach the checkpoint, you'll have to jump over the pumpkin and defeat the Franken Duck. You'll see spikes in the ceiling. You'll have to jump from broom to broom without hitting the spikes. For the first jump I recommend you to 'fall' down the gap and quickly jump on the broom when it is safe. Run underneath the swinging spiked balls and jump onto a broom from the platform which you're standing on. Jump on the red box. You'll be walking on real ground for quite a bit again now. Watch out for the gas from the air vents and run further. Jump down to the red box and you'll reach a magic book. Jump from spider web to spider web while avoiding the air vents. Go to the left when you reach the top. Continue going left, even after you found the toy, to grab the energy ball. It is relatively safe from here to the checkpoint. You'll only see a Franken Duck. Quickly kill the grannies when they have their back turned to you. You'll get an extra life before you reach the last magic book. It gives you ten seconds. Jump over the falling ball when it is at its lowest point. Do this at the second one too but don't use the second spider web as a trampoline yet. The toy is down there. Jump down the hole onto the red boxes and let yourself fall until you see the end of the level. =============================================================================== 3.16- Magica De Spell's Manor 4 [A316] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 149 Enemies: Franken Duck, Bat, Granny, Pumpkin Time Challenge: 3 Minutes 15 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run forward until you see a closet, jump on it and then go to that chandelier. Quickly jump to the next part of the level where the Franken Duck is. Kill the bat and the granny. Watch out for the swinging spiked ball. Jump over it and avoid the pumpkin. Jump over the big gap and kill the Franken Ducks. Go down and activate the magic book. It gives you five seconds of time. Jump over the pumpkin onto the spider web. Jump over the bat and run forward to reach the toy. Go back and use the bat as a trampoline to reach an extra life. Go back to where you found the toy. Jump on top of the little wooden chamber and go to the checkpoint. Jump on a broom and over the swinging ball onto another broom. Kill Franken Duck and jump on the platform when it has a green tag. Jump on the broom and try to avoid the pumpkins. The checkpoint is behind the next platform. The second magic book is there too. Continue further into the level and kick the red box. Now follow the stars to the toy using the brooms. Go back down and kill the granny. Jump over the swinging ball. You'll have to avoid two more balls a bit further in the level. Jump onto the broom. It may look that there is a floor down there, but there isn't one. Kill the Franken Duck and jump onto another broom. Jump down on a chandelier and let it fall. Collect the energy ball on your left and kill the granny on your right. Continue to the right. Use spider webs to get back up and to collect an ice cream. Jump over a swinging ball and go through the checkpoint. Jump over another spiked ball and kill the granny on your right side. Advance and use brooms to get further. Watch out for the spikes at the second set of brooms. After using a spider web you'll end up on the roof top. Jump on the spider web and collect a big number of stars while you're falling down the cracked chimney. Jump onto the broom and kill the bats. Jump on the broom, quickly activate the magic book and jump on the broom when it comes out of the platform on the other side. Jump on the chandelier and run forward. Watch for the granny and grab the toy that is lying in the gap underneath the granny's path. Jump over the swinging ball and finish the level. =============================================================================== 3.17- Magica De Spell's Manor 5 - Boss Fight [A317] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: - Enemies: Magica De Spell Time Challenge: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magica is another duck that wants Donald dead. You are in a room with a hole in the middle where Magica is floating on her broomstick. Don' worry about it though, you won't be able to fall in the pit because of the fences. You are only able to run circles. She'll start by summoning two little critters which are attacking by using a stick. The best way to kill them is by approaching them from behind and jumping on them. While you are killing those two creatures, Magica will be firing magic blasts at you. Keep running to avoid them. After you killed all the critters, she'll launch a big fire blast. You'll have to watch out because a wall of fire will come in your direction. You'll have to do a simple jump over it. After her second big fire blast, you're able to attack her for the first time. After you attacked her, she'll summon three of those little monsters and the speed of her blasts will rise. You'll have to jump to avoid them. Once the three little creatures are dead, she'll use her big Fire Blasts again. This time you'll only able to attack her after the third one. After fighting so long, you were probably hurt already. Don't worry; she'll drop a potion when you attack her this time. Four of those little dragons are in your way now. Defeat them by jumping on them while avoiding Magica's blasts. Luckily, her speed is still the same as in the previous part of the fight. After launching four big fire blasts, you can defeat her finally. =============================================================================== 3.18- Magica De Spell's Manor 6 - Bonus Level [A318] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 195 Enemies: Giant Hand, Pumpkin, Time Challenge: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this level a giant hand is your enemy. It is a 3D level again and you'll have to run towards yourself so you won't see what is coming from far. Jump over the large gap and kick the red box. Jump over the pumpkin. At the next gap you'll have to hit a red box and a bit further you'll have to cross a gap that is followed immediately by a air vent so you'll have to do a long jump. You'll only see one more pumpkin and one more air vent before you reach the checkpoint. Advance and avoid the air vents. Cross the first gap you see by using the spider webs but watch out for the air vent after the first spider web. Avoid some more air vents; this is going to be the only real problem in this level and cross the next gap using the chandeliers. They weren't needed here actually because you have to be fast anyway. That white boll that you'll run through is a hammer in disguise. It will smack the hand and stun it for a couple of seconds. Grab the ice cream on the next chandelier and don't forget the extra life on the left side of your television screen. The checkpoint is close by. Jump on the chair at the next gap and proceed. There are a lot of air vents and two pumpkins between the previous checkpoint and the checkpoint you reached now. Continue and you'll find another white boll with a hammer inside. You'll find an extra life a meter or two further. Use the spider web to jump over the spikes at the gap and the chandeliers at the next gap. There is an extra life too. Jump to the right side of the screen. Jump over two pumpkins and then go to the left side of the screen where you'll find yet another pumpkin. You'll be going through the last checkpoint after that. Advance and use long jumps to cross the gaps here. At a certain moment you'll see an electric fence popping up behind you. It will stop the hand. Right before the end you'll find an extra life. Congrats, you just finished 83% of the game if you have been following this walkthrough. =============================================================================== 3.19- Merlock's Temple 1 [A319] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 225 Enemies: Eye Ball, Wizard, Snake, Crab, Fish Time Challenge: 2 Minutes 40 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump to the yellow stars on the other side of the gap after the eye balls fall into the gap. Jump to the blue stars when the eyes have jumped over your head. You have to stay close to the place where the stars lay so that they don't hit you. Watch out for the beam coming from the left side when you go to the left. Jump on the hand; it will let you jump to the next platform. Jump over the beam and kill the wizard or medicine man with a kick when it isn't spinning. Jump over the lava when the fish is in the lava so that you don't get hit. You'll have to use a long jump though. Watch out for the snake that is hanging from the ceiling. Quickly jump on his head before it bites. You have reached the first checkpoint if you go around the corner. The first magic book of this area is there so you'll have to chance to rescue the first of those red things, whatever they are. You have twenty seconds to do that. Jump to the next platform and kill the crab. Grab the ice cream. Jump on the hand and grab the blue star. Watch out for the beam underneath the blue star though. Jump to the giant stone Duck head and stand on the right side to let it turn to the right. Jump to the next platform when the distance isn't too big and continue. You'll find the airplane - it is much cleared what it is when you find it - after another hill with eye balls like at the start of the level. Just handle it the same way as you did before and you'll get an extra life. The second checkpoint is behind the toy. Jump on the green platform and don't stay there too long, they will drop into the lava. Jump to the other platforms but avoid the fish, they can hurt you but you can't hurt them. You'll see an extra life and the energy ball that you need to activate the first light. Kill the wizard. Jump onto the stone duck head and let it rotate to the right. After a couple of jumps you'll reach the checkpoint with a magic book next to it. You'll have quite a while to reach the toy. You have twenty seconds. Watch out for the white things that are flying in the air, they can hurt you. Collect the life and jump on the stone duck head statue. Let it rotate to the left and continue. After jumping using those stone hands, you'll have to avoid those white arrows again. After that you'll reach the plane and the checkpoint. Watch out for the beam behind it and jump to the stone Duck head. Jump to the next platform. Stand on the hand until you can grab the extra life without touching the beam and quickly proceed. After the jumping bit with another duck head, you'll have to kill two crabs at once. Don't be worried though, the checkpoint is near. Quickly jump over the green platforms and kill the wizard from the side. It is time for the third magic book. You'll only have fifteen seconds this time. Kill the crab. Use the two Duck heads behind each other and grab the life. Kill the snake and grab the red airplane. After a shabby bridge, you'll see a beam followed by a wizard. Quickly kill him when the beam isn't active. That is the end of the level. =============================================================================== 3.20- Merlock's Temple 2 [A320] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 242 Enemies: Fish, Crocodile, Eye ball, Crab Time Challenge: 2 Minutes 30 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The level starts really easy. Jump over the lava, land on the platform and make sure you don't hit the fish and jump over the lava when the fish is gone. Go down the stairs and jump over the little gap. Kill the crocodile you see walking there. After the corner you'll find the first magic book. It gives you ten seconds to grab the plane. Jump on the stone hand and use it is a trampoline. Kill the wizard and grab the extra life. You'll find an ice cream behind the wizard. Jump over the lava and kill the gator. Run forward and just before the checkpoint lays the toy. You'll have to jump over two gaps after the checkpoint. You'll see eye balls coming out of a hole. Don't worry the lava before you will destroy them but the lava can hurt you too. Jump over the lava and avoid the eye balls. Run in the middle to do that. Jump on the platform out of which the eye balls are coming. Jump to the platform with the red star and then use the statue of a Duck's head to proceed. Kill the crab. The magic book gives you the unlucky number of thirteen seconds to find the next toy. Jump over the big gap and over the lava you'll see. Grab the ice cream. Proceed and kill the wizard. You don't have to wait for him to stop dancing if you're still pepped up from that ice cream. Avoid the eye balls and jump to the toy. Watch out for the fish that is jumping over that platform. Quickly use the green platform but be careful because it will fall into the lava. Kill the gator and go through the checkpoint. Kill the crab. Stay in the middle of the eye balls that are coming your way. Go to the left when you see the passage turning to the left. Jump from platform to platform and remember that the green one will fall. When you're back on solid ground, you have to kill a crocodile. Then you have to jump to the blue star using the high jump. Use the simple jump to reach the red star and the extra life from there. The checkpoint is close and there are no enemies between the checkpoint and the extra life. Grab the magic book and run to the toy within 11 seconds. Kill the wizard when he is standing still. Use a long jump to reach the next platform. You'll have to do two more long jumps before you reach the toy. Use the hand to jump to the high platform and grab the energy ball when you've jumped down of it. Avoid the lava and don't forget the ice cream behind it. Use a long jump and kill the crocodile. A bit later you'll have to kill a crab. Jump to the extra life and from there you'll have to jump about ten-twenty times from one platform to another before reaching the end. Carefully watch your shadows before landing when you are at the five last jumps. =============================================================================== 3.21- Merlock's Temple 3 [A321] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 207 Enemies: Crocodile, Duck Time Challenge: 2 Minutes 50 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is another side scrolling level like every third and fourth level of an area. Watch out for the little statues that are sprouting out fire. Grab the extra life on the other platform and then jump down following the stars. Kill the fake duck and run over the bridge. But watch out, it will drop down if you stand on it too long. Kill another fake duck. You'll have to jump and run a bit more. You'll also have to kill a couple of fake ducks. The first magic book gives you four seconds to find the toy. Avoid the fire from the little statues and kill the gator to grab the toy just in time. You'll have to go down a couple of platforms but only one the second one stands an enemy. On the bottom platform stands the checkpoint. You'll have to do two more long jumps before reaching the second magic book. You have five seconds to jump on the moving staircases and follow them to the bottom. Run to the left when you reached the bottom. You'll have to do four long jumps in a row and kill a fake duck every time. Jump to the extra life and go to the left when you have the chance. You'll have to jump up a couple of stairs while avoiding the fire. Go through the checkpoint. It is good that the developers placed the checkpoint here because this is the second most difficult part in the game. You'll have to go the top using floating platforms but you have to avoid multiple fire sprouting statues. Prepare to lose a lot of lives. I lost one tenth of all my lives here. I had about fifty lives. If you time it right, you can get past this without losing a single health point. Just watch the rhythm of the fire blasts. Don't get killed in the next part. You'll have to defeat a gator and avoid another statue. After that there is another two of those fire statues. After that you'll have to quickly run over a couple of platforms. Go down the levels after the fire blast has hit the wall. You'll have enough time here. Kill the fake duck at the bottom. Jump over the gap and go through the checkpoint. Grab the third magic book. It gives you ten seconds. You'll have to jump from platform to platform while avoiding fire blasts. Go to the left when you're at the top. Activate the magic book when the platform is at the bottom to make it in time. Go back to the right. Avoid the lava and watch out for the shabby bridge. Look up and when you're on the third part of the bridge, you'll have to jump to grab the energy ball. You have to land on the fourth and final segment of the bridge. Perform a couple of long jumps and jump from moving staircase to moving staircase. Don't forget the extra life. Run over the platforms. You'll have to use a floating platform again but this time, there are no dangers. Congrats, you played out 100% of the game with four levels to go. 101% if you completed the time challenge too. =============================================================================== 3.22- Merlock's Temple 4 [A322] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 177 Enemies: Crocodile, Fish Time Challenge: 2 Minutes 38 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kill the crocodile and run over the shabby bridge. Watch out for the fish when you're crossing the gap. Run forward but watch out a giant foot is crushing everything a bit further. Run underneath it when it is going up. Use the platforms to go upstairs and defeat the crab. Kick the red box and watch out for the statue that is blasting fire. Jump on the moving green platform but don't worry, this one won't fall down. Jump on the next one. Proceed and stand on the moving staircase. Kill the gator but watch out for the fire blast that is coming from the left. Grab the ice cream and run through the checkpoint. Jump from platform to platform and watch out for the fish. Jump to solid ground and hit the magic book. It gives you seven seconds to find the toy. Run over the moving staircase and avoid the feet that are trying to crush you. Do a long jump when you land from the moving staircase to grab the 46th toy of the game. Kill the gator. Proceed and you won't meet any big troubles before the next checkpoint. Collect the blue stars and defeat the crab. Jump down after the statue launched a fire blast. Go stand right next to the giant feet so that the fire blasts can't hit you. Run underneath the three feet. Start running when the first is going up. You'll have to do a bit of jumping and avoid two fish. Stop when you see a crab because there is also another enemy you can't see yet, a fire blasting statue. Kill the crab while avoiding the blasts. You can also duck to avoid them. You'll see another fire statue when you're past the first one. This one is guarding a life. You can either jump further and don't grab the life or risk a life to get it. It might be a wise idea to run through the checkpoint that is located on the next platform. Proceed with jumping over the platforms. Use the ice cream to get healed and run as fast as you can. You don't have to worry about the dangers as long as you're pepped up from the ice cream. Once you killed the gator, you'll see an airplane floating. Do a long jump and grab the last energy ball in the game. Then go down and kill the gator. The magic book is a bit further and is guarded by a fire statue. Hit the book after one of the fire blasts has hit the wall. You have five seconds to go back to the toy. Go back to where the book was and proceed from there. Kill the gator and go through the checkpoint. Jump from bridge to bridge. Grab the life and jump on the green floating platform. Watch out for the fire blasts. You'll have to do that twice. Jump over the spiked wall when you have to switch platforms. Avoid the spiked ceiling when you have to jump to another green platform. Stop for a minute when you see the third and last toy in the game. Run forward when the statue has launched a fire blast. Grab the ice cream and run underneath the giant foot. Jump over the magic book and activate the checkpoint. Grab the magic book and run back to the toy within five seconds. The fire blasts can't hurt you when you're celebrating that you fetched the toy. The way to the next checkpoint is easy; you only have to jump from platform to platform. Run over the shabby bridge and jump to solid ground. Let Donald Duck fall and quickly jump to the platform. Kill the crocodile. Let yourself fall again after the statue launched his attack and quickly jump to the platform. Run until you land on the carpet like platform in the lava but don't stay there. Immediately jump to the bridge. You'll have reached the ending after two more jumps. =============================================================================== 3.23- Merlock's Temple 5 - Boss Fight [A323] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: - Enemies: Merlock the Wizard Time Challenge: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The last boss of the game is, as you could expect, the most difficult boss to defeat. His attacks will always work in three parts. It'll start with a couple of floor pieces disappearing and then arrows will shoot from the sides. You'll always have to jump over them. After that, the pieces will come back and Merlock will unleash a fire attack with increasing difficulty. After that, you can kick his butt. There are nine floor pieces in total. This is a small map of how the place looks but the nine floor pieces lay next to each other. _______________________________________________________________________________ ############ ############ ## ## ## Boss ## ## ## ############ ############ A ######## ######## ######## A R ######## ######## ######## R R ######## ######## ######## R O ######## ######## ######## O W ######## ######## ######## W A ######## ######## ######## A R ######## ######## ######## R R ######## ######## ######## R O ######## ######## ######## O W ######## ######## ######## W A ######## ######## ######## A R ######## ######## ######## R R ######## ######## ######## R O ######## ######## ######## O W ######## ######## ######## W _______________________________________________________________________________ In the first round three pieces of the floor will disappear. The first arrows will always be shot simultaneously from both sides. The best place to stand is in the middle so you can jump over both arrows at the same time. After that you have to position yourself in one of the sides of the field because the fire attack will commence. Two barriers of fire will start in the middle; go to the outsides and return. Jump over the one coming your way so you'll end up in the middle and then jump over either one of the two when it returns to the middle. Once the barriers come together, they'll disappear and you'll be able to kick Merlock. Once the second round starts, four pieces will fall. If you're lucky, the row closest to your screen is still complete. I recommend you to go to that row and leap over the arrow coming from the right first. The arrow from the left will be shot a couple of moments later but you'll have enough time to jump over it using this strategy. After that, he'll start the fire attack again but this time it will be a triangle. Go stand at the front of the screen and avoid the diagonal barriers. If you position yourself in one of the corners you'll only have to avoid two barriers. Kick his butt again when the fire stops. In the third and final round five pieces of the floor will fall so this is the most dangerous part because you lose a life if you land in the lava. The best place to be standing here is, is the absolute middle of the screen. The arrows will arrive almost at the same time so you'll have to jump quickly. You'll have to face a double triangle this time. He'll start with the same triangle as in the second round and then he'll do one that is the reverse of the previous. This time you'll have to avoid the horizontal, bottom line of the triangle. After that, you can kick his butt and the fight is over. In the ending movie you'll see Donald saving Daisy or is it the other way around. =============================================================================== 3.24- Merlock's Temple 6 - Bonus Level [A324] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: 188 Enemies: Barrel, eye ball Time Challenge: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this level you will be chased by a barrel. Just run forward and jump over the beams and spikes that will try to kill you. After the red star there will be another beam followed by eye balls. Avoid the eye balls. Do a long jump after the eye balls to the hand. Jump over the beam and run through the checkpoint. After that, the beams will also come from the ceiling so have to make sure not to run against them. Do a long jump at the next gap and you'll get an extra life when you land on the hand. Avoid the lava on the floor and watch out for vertical and horizontal beams. You'll find the next checkpoint after a couple of more jumps. Watch out for the beam a meter behind the checkpoint. Jump on the green platforms and try not to fall in the lava. Watch out for the eye balls and the set of spikes after the three platforms. Watch out for spikes because you'll encounter one more set of those before the next checkpoint. The level gets kind of boring after the next checkpoint. It is just always avoiding the lava and the beams. There is no need to explain it in detail. Once you went through the little door, you'll be at the ending. =============================================================================== 3.25- Mystery Level [A325] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars in Level: - Enemies: - Time Challenge: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Despite what the game made you think, you don't get anything for playing through the game completely. I finished more than 100% of the game and I didn't get anything except a few costumes for that outfit changer. Well, that was what I thought before I noticed I missed a time challenge. I went to do the time challenge but I still only had four extra costumes and no extra level so I was right from the start. Thanks for reading this from start to finish. Hopefully I helped you to complete the game with 112%. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4- Miscellaneous [A400] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =============================================================================== 4.1- Controls [A401] =============================================================================== _______________________________________________________________________________ | Button | Function __________________|____________________________________________________________ | Directional Pad | Move the cursor | Move Donald __________________|____________________________________________________________ | Start Button | Pause the game | Press it when you start up the game __________________|____________________________________________________________ | [_]-Button | Attack the enemy with a kick __________________|____________________________________________________________ | X-Button | Jump | Double Jump __________________|____________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== 4.2- Jumping [A402] =============================================================================== Here you'll find a schedule how to do the different types of jumps. It is important to keep pressing the Directional Pad while doing this because otherwise you'll just jump in the air. For the first kind of jump, the simple one and also the one you'll be using the most you only have to press the X Button once when you want to jump. The second jump is a bit harder and should be used when you want to jump very high. You execute it by pressing X to do a normal jump and then, when you're at your highest, press the X button again. The last and hardest jump is the long jump. For this one you'll have to press X to start the jump and then, just before you land, press the X button again to jump twice as far as with the simple jump. =============================================================================== 4.3- How to Play [A403] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goal of the Game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to fully complete the game, you'll have to do three things in the regular levels. You'll have to collect energy balls to charge the teleporting machine. You collect these energy balls by finishing the levels. The second goal is to collect the toys of your nephews. To collect them, you have to activate a magic book and then collect them within the time limit. After you finished the level, you'll have to replay it to reach the last goal of every level, to get a better time then Gladstone. You have to touch the red alarm clock. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The menus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you start the game, you'll end up in the main menu. In the main menu you can choose between three options. The first one is for when you want to start a new game. With the second option, you'll load a saved game. If there aren't any saved games, you won't see this option. The third option is the options menu. In the options menu you can adjust the volume of the sound, the volume of the sound effects. You can switch between Stereo and Mono sound, center the screen and activate the vibration. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The in-game screen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Normally the statistics aren't displayed on the screen, but when you collect an item it will appear. At the bottom of the screen you'll see the three toys you have to collect. If they are grayish you still have to collect them. In the upper left corner, you'll see how many stars you collected. If you collect hundred stars, you'll gain a life. In the upper middle of the screen, you'll see a stopwatch if you are doing the time challenge and a book with a timer on it if you activated a book. In the upper right corner you'll see the number of lives you collected. If you press start while playing the game, the name of the level will appear the number of stars and lives you collected. There are also three options there from which you can choose: Continue Options and Stop. With continue you go back to the game, with stop you go back to the hub level and with options you visit the options menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gyro Gearloose's laboratory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gyro's lab is the main hub for the entire game. You can save and load your saved games on the big screen. There is a machine there to put on other clothes. The most important thing there is of course his teleporting machine. You have to use this to transport yourself to the four mini-hub level. You can get clues there; see your score (calculated with the items collected) and the level you reached. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Donald Duck's Health ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is no real health bar in this game so you'll have to watch at Donald Duck to see how he is feeling. The first state he could be in is his normal state. He runs around with a little smile and his health bar is full. If he gets an ice-cream in this state, he'll become hyperactive. In his hyperactive state he can knock away enemies easily. This state lasts for ten seconds. You can recognize it because his mouth is open at that time and he runs faster. If he gets it when he is in his normal state he'll go to a rage attack. It lasts for three seconds and during that time, he is invincible. You can recognize it because it looks like he is fighting within a cloud. After those three seconds, he'll go this is fourth and most dangerous state. If he gets in this state, he'll die. You can see he is in this state because he looks angry. =============================================================================== 4.4- Characters [A404] =============================================================================== Donald Duck --- Main Character Donald Duck is a funny duck. He was created by Carl Banks and is a part of the Walt Disney Company. He is quite aggressive, so he looks like Daffy Duck on that part. He is impatient and has a bad temper but when his friends need help, he is always there to save them. For instance in Kingdom Hearts, he sets out to save Mickey and in this game he wants to save his girlfriend Daisy Duck. Donald likes her very much but there are others out there that think she is beautiful and want to date her. One of them is Donald's nephew Gladstone. Donald doesn't need to worry though. Daisy prefers Donald when isn't moody. He is the only person you will play with in this game. Donald Duck has a fairly big family. The first three that come to mind are his tree little nephews (Huey, Dewey and Louie) and his uncle Scrooge McDuck. There is also Gladstone Gander and Grandma Duck. He also a cousin named Gus Goose who likes to eat much. Next to that he also has many other, less known uncles and cousins. --- Gladstone --- Your rival Gladstone is Donald's nephew but doesn't look like Donald very much. He is an elegant, friendly duck without a bad temper. He also is the duck with the most luck. Luckily for Donald he doesn't have much luck when it comes to love. In that department he always loses to our hero, Donald Duck. His full name is Gladstone Gander. Some people claim he is a goose, but if he is related to Donald, he must be a duck unless Miss Gander cheated on her husband. --- Gyro --- A friend of Donald Gyro is a nutty professor with a lot of inventions. But as with every wacky inventor, a lot goes wrong when you use his creations. Despite that Gyro is the best friend Donald Duck has because he is friendly and motivated. His full name is Gyro Gearloose. --- The Nephews --- Donald's nephews These three are Donald's three little nephews. They are the kids of his sisters and they are named Huey, Dewey and Louie. They stay together for most of the time but in this game you'll see one of them in every hub level because they want you to retrieve their toys. If you do that, they'll open a new level for you. --- Daisy Duck --- Donald's Girlfriend You won't be seeing much of her in this game. At the start of the game she is abducted by the evil wizard Merlock. You have to save her. She is a standard perfectionist so it is surprise she choose Donald as he is everything but perfect. She is hoping to change his character because she hates his bad temper. --- =============================================================================== 4.5- Items [A405] =============================================================================== Yellow Star --- Collect 100 of these stars to get an extra life. They can be found in every level. They will be easy to fetch as they only count as one star. Never risk your life to get one of these. You don't get anything if you fetched them all. (Unless I missed one somewhere) Blue Star --- A Blue Star serves the same function as a yellow star with the only difference being that it counts as 5 yellow stars. You'll have to try a bit to get these. Red Star --- A Red star is just like a yellow and a blue star. This star counts as 10 stars. They'll be difficult to fetch and don't try it if it is too dangerous. You still need ten of these to replace on of your lives. Carrier Box --- It is something Gyro made. He made this to help Donald Duck. Jump on it and it releases a couple of stars. It is also helpful to jump over a large cliff. Life --- This round with Donald's face on, will give you an extra life if you fetch it. Always fetch it, even if you're risking losing a life. (Don't if you're close to the end of the level.) Checkpoint --- If you activate it, you will automatically start again at the last checkpoint you activated if you lose a life. Toy --- Some one stole the toys of your nephews. Now you have to get it back. You can find three of them in every level. If you find them all in one area, one of your nephews will let you enter a bonus level. If you collect them all in one level, the middle light of a level will light up. Magic Book --- Every toy is under a spell of the evil Wizard Merlock. But you can deactivate the spell. Just jump on this thing to temporarily disable the spel. You'll have a couple of seconds to reach the toy. Milkshake --- This Milkshake is good for your health. It can heal Donald if he is hit. It will also put him in an hyperactive state in which he is invincible. --- =============================================================================== 4.6- Story [A406] =============================================================================== Daisy Duck was kidnapped (or girl napped because she isn't so young anymore) when she was investigating the secret hideout of the Wizard Merlock. Although she is abducted by him, Daisy doesn't have to worry. Her clumsy boyfriend, Donald Duck is going to save her from the evil. He gets the help of the nutty professor Gyro to do this. But it won't go that easy, Gyro's machine isn't functioning properly and you'll have to activate the antennas to make it work properly. Despite it being a dangerous mission, our hero isn't the only one who wants to rescue Daisy and conquer her heart, Gladstone who has all the luck of the world, wants to save her too. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5- Opponents [A500] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =============================================================================== 5.1- Bosses [A501] =============================================================================== Here you'll find a way to beat the bosses in this game. It is taken out of the walkthrough so you can find it easier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Fight 1: Bernadette the Bird ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level is fairly easy. When you come in this level, you'll quickly notice the big bird which is sitting on her nest. (Biology 101: It is a female bird because it lays eggs; male birds don't or aren't supposed too.) After she flies up in the air, she won't stop attacking you until you kill her. You can see a little health bar in the left top of the screen. You can see she has 3 bars. Every time you hit her on the head, she will lose one bar of health. So you'll have to attack her three times. Off course, it wouldn't be easy as just hitting her three times. First, she'll fly and drop eggs. Avoid getting hit by the eggs and kill the two chickens that come out of them. After that, Bernadette will fly up in the air. She'll try to hit you a couple of times. After three or four times, she can't get up for 10 seconds. (You'll see an arrow above her head.) Jump on the head. After that, she'll fly up and drop eggs again but beware, to kill these chickens; you'll have to hit them by jumping on them. Repeat jumping on her head. If you do this successfully, she'll fly up again and drop eggs again. This time, 4 chickens appear. Kill them and jump on Bernadette after avoiding her attacks. (If she is floating above you, change the direction you're running in.) Congrats, you have completed the first boss fight. Donald will now put up the satellite. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Fight 2: The Beagle Boys ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of the Beagle Boys, the guys who want to steal Scrooge's money, is after you. He'll enter a crane with a wrecking ball attached to it and he'll use it to attack you. Avoid the wrecking ball by looking at its shadow and running away from it. After a while, he'll stop doing this and he'll climb out of his crane and show his butt to you. This is the moment on which you have to attack him. Just kick his butt. He'll lose one third of his health. After that he'll start throwing dynamite at you. Jump over it and make sure you don't get it. If you manage to do this, you won't be in much trouble after you attack him the second time. After throwing about three to five dynamite bombs, he'll use his wrecking ball again. Avoid it as usual but watch out, three pieces of the floor will fall to the lower levels of the building. It is always the same three pieces that disappear but he won't have to hit those pieces of the floor. After those fall, he'll be shaking his butt again. To reduce his health to one third, you'll have to kick his butt at that moment. After that he'll become angry and throw the dynamite very quickly. This is the dangerous part of the fight. Once that is over, he'll go back to using the wrecking ball again. You're in the clear from now; nothing should go wrong from here. Just hit him for the last time when he shows his butt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Fight 3: Magica De Spell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magica is another duck that wants Donald dead. You are in a room with a hole in the middle where Magica is floating on her broomstick. Don' worry about it though, you won't be able to fall in the pit because of the fences. You are only able to run circles. She'll start by summoning two little critters which are attacking by using a stick. The best way to kill them is by approaching them from behind and jumping on them. While you are killing those two creatures, Magica will be firing magic blasts at you. Keep running to avoid them. After you killed all the critters, she'll launch a big fire blast. You'll have to watch out because a wall of fire will come in your direction. You'll have to do a simple jump over it. After her second big fire blast, you're able to attack her for the first time. After you attacked her, she'll summon three of those little monsters and the speed of her blasts will rise. You'll have to jump to avoid them. Once the three little creatures are dead, she'll use her big Fire Blasts again. This time you'll only able to attack her after the third one. After fighting so long, you were probably hurt already. Don't worry; she'll drop a potion when you attack her this time. Four of those little dragons are in your way now. Defeat them by jumping on them while avoiding Magica's blasts. Luckily, her speed is still the same as in the previous part of the fight. After launching four big fire blasts, you can defeat her finally. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Fight 4: Merlock the Wizard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The last boss of the game is, as you could expect, the most difficult boss to defeat. His attacks will always work in three parts. It'll start with a couple of floor pieces disappearing and then arrows will shoot from the sides. You'll always have to jump over them. After that, the pieces will come back and Merlock will unleash a fire attack with increasing difficulty. After that, you can kick his butt. There are nine floor pieces in total. This is a small map of how the place looks but the nine floor pieces lay next to each other. _______________________________________________________________________________ ############ ############ ## ## ## Boss ## ## ## ############ ############ A ######## ######## ######## A R ######## ######## ######## R R ######## ######## ######## R O ######## ######## ######## O W ######## ######## ######## W A ######## ######## ######## A R ######## ######## ######## R R ######## ######## ######## R O ######## ######## ######## O W ######## ######## ######## W A ######## ######## ######## A R ######## ######## ######## R R ######## ######## ######## R O ######## ######## ######## O W ######## ######## ######## W _______________________________________________________________________________ In the first round three pieces of the floor will disappear. The first arrows will always be shot simultaneously from both sides. The best place to stand is in the middle so you can jump over both arrows at the same time. After that you have to position yourself in one of the sides of the field because the fire attack will commence. Two barriers of fire will start in the middle; go to the outsides and return. Jump over the one coming your way so you'll end up in the middle and then jump over either one of the two when it returns to the middle. Once the barriers come together, they'll disappear and you'll be able to kick Merlock. Once the second round starts, four pieces will fall. If you're lucky, the row closest to your screen is still complete. I recommend you to go to that row and leap over the arrow coming from the right first. The arrow from the left will be shot a couple of moments later but you'll have enough time to jump over it using this strategy. After that, he'll start the fire attack again but this time it will be a triangle. Go stand at the front of the screen and avoid the diagonal barriers. If you position yourself in one of the corners you'll only have to avoid two barriers. Kick his butt again when the fire stops. In the third and final round five pieces of the floor will fall so this is the most dangerous part because you lose a life if you land in the lava. The best place to be standing here is, is the absolute middle of the screen. The arrows will arrive almost at the same time so you'll have to jump quickly. You'll have to face a double triangle this time. He'll start with the same triangle as in the second round and then he'll do one that is the reverse of the previous. This time you'll have to avoid the horizontal, bottom line of the triangle. After that, you can kick his butt and the fight is over. In the ending movie you'll see Donald saving Daisy or is it the other way around. =============================================================================== 5.2- Enemies [A502] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duckie Mountain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Skunk >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The skunk is an animal that is avoided by many people as it produces a horrible stench when it wants to. The skunk in this game is a bit less dangerous than in the real life. It can only to cause you to lose a bit of health if you get hit by them. You can recognize it by its black and white colors. >> Bush Duck >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Bush Duck is an animal that you won't see much in real life because you can't see a real duck when it is in a bush. The Bush Duck in the game walks around using a net to hit you. Just jump over it or hit it on his head. Don't try to defeat it by standing still and using your kick. >> Moose >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The moose is an animal that is most seen in Canada and other Northern states like Alaska. It has little to none natural enemies outside of the human because of its antler. (The horns on his head but I like to use difficult words.) Because of its antler you can't kill if from the front, you'll have to jump on his head or hit him from behind. >> Bear >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A bear is one of the most dangerous animals in the world. Especially in Europe and America is the bear the king of the wild life. The biggest bear can be up to three meters high like the ones in this game. It is an enormous brown bear that you can't kill, no matter how hard you try. It can also kill you in one hit with his claws. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duckburg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Dog >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A dog is men's best friend as anyone might know but judging from the nature of the dogs you encounter in this game, they don't like ducks. You'll have to approach him carefully and then jump on his head. The dog looks like a bulldog or a dog that looks similar. This enemy is similar to the skunk. >> Man with drill >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A man with a drill is very common if you live around a construction site. He is wearing a blue overall and a red sweater so that he doesn't get cold. You can't kill him from the front because he has the drill in his hands. This type of enemy is like the moose. >> Man with saw >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The man with a saw is, just like the man with a drill, a person you'll see regularly at a construction site. He wears a green overall and an orange sweater. They don't have any sense of fashion. You can kill him by jumping on him or just kicking him from the front or from behind. He is a bit like the duck in a bush. >> Bird >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This tiny little white bird resembles a seagull but these seagulls are flying the middle of Duckburg. It is kind of like on my school, there are seagulls there too. Those creatures only fly up and down so they'll only hurt you when you run against them. Simply jump on them to defeat them. Most of the time you'll have to use them as a trampoline. >> Squirrel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Donald Duck is after this tiny little chipmunk and you should stay close to him, otherwise it is game over for you and you'll lose a life because you ran out of time like in the Game Boy Advance version of this game. It is never explained though why you chase him but in the cartoon, the squirrels often steal the honey or nuts Donald Duck collects. >> Car >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just like the bear, the car will chase you as far as it can. Some obstacles can stop him for a couple of seconds but it is only at the end of the level that you don't have to worry about him anymore. That is because he can't move the iron bars between which you're standing. >> Garbage Can >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is weird because a garbage can is chasing a bottle. I never knew they hated each other like a dog and a cat do. They run in circles so you just have to jump over them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magica De Spell's Manor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Franken Duck >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Franken Duck is an enemy that looks like the monster Frankenstein. You might remember him from some movies or stories. He is a monster that is brought to life by a wacky doctor; well Franken Duck is the same except a witch brought life to him. You have to kill him in two times but he isn't a real threat. >> Ray Duck >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This enemy only has his hands, legs and a hat. All his other body parts are missing so he looks like Rayman because Rayman is also missing his arms and legs. That is why I called this a Ray Duck. >> Pumpkin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This Halloween Pumpkin is one of the easier enemies. You can't kill him and if you hit him, you'll lose a bit of health but you can avoid him easily by jumping over him. He has two forms. In the first one he'll be looking normal, the second one looks like a pumpkin with a lighted candle in it. He is actually emitting fire so you shouldn't touch him in this form. >> Prisoner >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This enemy looks like a small, green dinosaur that is wearing a prison outfit. His weapon is a ball that he swings in circles around him. You should only attack him when he isn't swinging. >> Granny >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This creature is a granny in a rocking chair but it isn't a sweet granny. This granny hates ducks and children. She is trying to slap you with a newspaper and can only be killed from above and from behind. This enemy is like the man with a drill or the moose with his antler. >> Bat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A bat is a flying mammal, to be more precise, it is the only flying mammal. People think that it sucks up human blood but there are only a few species of bat that actually do that. Most of the other species drink blood of bigger mammals like a horse or a cow that have more then enough blood. In this game, the bat is like the bird. It doesn't move much and it isn't dangerous. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merlock's Temple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Eye Ball >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> An Eye ball is a giant eye so it isn't human; it is from a giant or something that is the same size. You can't kill it; you'll only have to avoid it. You won't see it much either but when you see, there will be always four eye balls. >> Wizard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This wizard looks like a medicine man that you can see in those cartoons about Indians (The Native American ones). He is doing a little dance during which you can't hit him because he is swinging his staff. Kill it with a kick from behind or from the side after he stopped his dance. >> Snake >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A snake is a treacherous creature. It is sneaky and he is the one that seduced Eve to eat apples from the tree of knowledge. In this game he is also sneaky because he is hiding on the ceiling until you reach that place. Jump on its head to kill it. >> Crab >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A crab is quite tasty when you prepare it right. These crabs don't like to be eaten and attack anything that might eat them with their claws. They are easy to kill by jumping on its head. It is a very confusing enemy though, it is the wrong color to be a scorpion but it has the tail of a scorpion. >> Fish >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just like the garbage can and the eye ball, this enemy is invincible. The only thing you can do is avoid him. The trouble is that he likes jumping in and out of the lava so you'll have to look when and where he jumps before proceeding into a lava-filled room. >> Crocodile >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is a green crocodile. It is one of the few animals that lived in the same time as the dinosaurs. The kind that is in the game can walk so it is not a real gator. It can be killed easily from any side you want. Just like the fake duck, it resembles the skunk in that aspect. >> Duck >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This thing resembles a duck but it is actually a doll made from hay and wood to look like a duck. It is actually a fake duck. You can kill it easily with one kick from any side. It is an enemy like the skunk in the Duckie Mountain Area. >> Barrel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This giant barrel could be described as the last enemy in the game and he is just like the car, the bear, and the hand. He is invincible and can wipe you out with one move. You might want to make sure you're always a couple of meters ahead of him.