Date sent: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 15:55:59 -0800 From: Michael Schwartzman To: Subject: FAQ THE UNOFFICIAL DUKE NUKEM 3D .CON HACK LIST VERSION 1.0 FOR SHAREWARE VERSION 1.1 Send all comments to IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is not endorsed or supported in any way by either Apogee or 3DRealms, or any of their affiliates. So don't bother them with questions they can't answer. E-Mail me instead. Contents -------- [1] What is Duke Nukem 3D? [2] What can I do with the .CON files? [3] .CON files patch list [3-1] Gore-related changes [3-1-1] Player bleeds at low health [3-1-2] Player jibs at low health [3-1-3] Player jibs when shot [3-1-4] Aliens jib when shot [3-1-5] Making more jibs fly [3-1-6] Troopers jib before dying [3-1-7] Player jibs when walking [3-1-8] All gore is shrapnel [3-1-9] All gore is money [3-2] Weapon changes [3-2-1] Changing weapon strengths [3-2-2] Raising maximum ammo amount [3-2-3] Altering blast radiuses [3-3] Hit point changes [3-3-1] Changing the players hit points [3-3-2] Changing aliens' hit points [3-3-3] Changing how much health drinking water adds [3-4] Miscellaneous [3-4-1] Player leaves behind explosions when walking [1] What is Duke Nukem 3D? -------------------------- Duke Nukem 3D is the third game in the popular series of Duke Nukem games, by Todd Replogle. All of them were released by Apogee. Duke Nukem 3D was created by 3DRealms, the division of Apogee specifically for 3D games like Doom. 3DRealms wisely made it easy for everyone to edit Duke Nukem 3D by supplying their own level maker with the registered version, and made it more or less simple to edit the game further by providing the .CON group of files. The .CON files are used by the game's .EXE to determine such things as when to play certain frames/sounds, what messages to display, etc. Entirely new things can be added to play by inserting new lines in the right .CON file(s). This FAQ is intended to aid you in editing those files. [2] Just how much can I edit Duke Nukem 3D? ------------------------------------------- Well, take a peek at the variety in the hacks in this file, and that'll give you a pretty good idea. :) [3] Editing the .CON files -------------------------- [3-1] Gore-related changes -------------------------- [3-1-1] Player bleeds at low health ----------------------------------- The following lines should be inserted after line 1035 in GAME.CON: ifrnd 1 ifphealthl 75 { ifdead { } else { spawn BLOODPOOL spawn BLOOD addphealth -1 soundonce DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN } } To change the frequency of bleeding, change "ifrnd 1" to some higher number. This addition was created by Trevor Hancher, with modifications by the author of this FAQ. [3-1-2] Player jibs at low health --------------------------------- The following lines should be inserted after line 1035 in GAME.CON: ifrnd 1 ifphealthl 25 { ifdead { } else { spawn BLOODPOOL state standard_jibs state random_wall_jibs soundonce DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN } } This change will make the player shoot out gore if his health level drops below 25 percent. Changing it is similar to changing the bleeding patch in chapter [3-1-1]. [3-1-3] Player jibs when shot ----------------------------- Insert the following lines after line 1162 in GAME.CON: ifdead { } else { state new_jibs state random_wall_jibs } Insert these lines after line 946 in GAME.CON: state new_jibs guts JIBS3 5 guts JIBS6 5 ends These two modifications will cause Duke Nukem to spew gore each time he gets hurt. [3-1-4] Aliens jib when shot ---------------------------- Insert the following lines between lines 1580 and 1581 in GAME.CON: state standard_jibs state random_wall_jibs Insert them again between lines 1796 and 1797, 1885 and 1886, 2014 and 2015, 2210 and 2211, 2357 and 2356. [3-1-5] Making more jibs fly ---------------------------- Locate the following lines in GAME.CON, they should be around line 855: state standard_jibs guts JIBS2 1 guts JIBS3 2 guts JIBS4 3 guts JIBS5 2 guts JIBS6 3 ifrnd 1 { guts JIBS1 1 spawn BLOODPOOL } // spine You can change the numbers to higher ones to have more gore fly through the air when you blow an alien up. [3-1-6] Troopers jib before dying --------------------------------- Insert this line between lines 1575 and 1576 in GAME.CON: ifrnd 25 { state standard_jibs state random_wall_jibs } Now, just before the lizard troopers die, they shower you in gore. [3-1-7] Player jibs when walking -------------------------------- Insert this line between line 1364 and 1365: ifrnd 25 state standard_jibs This will make the player spew gore each time he takes a step. To increase the amount of gore that flies out, increase the number after "ifrnd". Be careful, though- if it is too high it will cause the game to crash. [3-1-8] All gore is shrapnel ---------------------------- Locate the following lines in GAME.CON, they should be around line 855: state standard_jibs guts JIBS2 1 guts JIBS3 2 guts JIBS4 3 guts JIBS5 2 guts JIBS6 3 ifrnd 1 { guts JIBS1 1 spawn BLOODPOOL } // spine Now, change it to look like this: state standard_jibs debris SCRAP2 1 debris SCRAP3 2 debris SCRAP4 3 debris SCRAP5 2 debris SCRAP6 3 [3-1-9] All gore is money ------------------------- Find the following lines in GAME.CON, they should be around line 855: state standard_jibs guts JIBS2 1 guts JIBS3 2 guts JIBS4 3 guts JIBS5 2 guts JIBS6 3 ifrnd 1 { guts JIBS1 1 spawn BLOODPOOL } // spine Now, change it to look like this: state standard_jibs money 30 [3-2] Weapon related changes ---------------------------- [3-2-1] Changing weapon strengths --------------------------------- Beginning at line 115 in USER.CON are the stengths of the various weapons. Note that the strength listed for the rocket launcher is actually doubled for direct hits, otherwise damage values depend on distance from the blast- the further, the less damage is done. [3-2-2] Changing maximum ammo amounts ------------------------------------- Starting at line 78 in USER.CON is a list of the maximum ammo amounts for the different weapons. Increase or decrease these numbers as you wish. Beginning at line 161 in the same file are the amounts of ammo that you get from picking up dropped clips, boxes of shells, etc. [3-2-3] Altering Blast Radiuses ------------------------------- Starting at line 98 in USER.CON are the blast radiuses for the various explosion weapons- the RPG, pipebombs, etc. Increase or decrease these at your will. [3-3] Hit Point Changes ----------------------- [3-3-1] Changing the Player's Hit Points -------------------------------------- Line 69 in USER.CON, define MAXPLAYERHEALTH, is the line where the player's initial maximum hit point level is. Raise or lower it as you wish. Below that, is the line "MAXATOMICHEALTH", which is the amount of health you get from the atomic healings. This also functions as the maximum health level AFTER you get one of them. [3-3-2] Changing alien's hit points ----------------------------------- The hit point level for the aliens begin at line 143 in USER.CON. [3-3-3] Changing how much health drinking water adds ---------------------------------------------------- Find the following line in GAME.CON, it should be at line 161: addphealthl 1 Just change 1 to a higher number to get more health from drinking water, or to a negative number to make it hurt you! [3-4] Miscellaneous ------------------- [3-4-1] Player leaves behind explosions when walking ---------------------------------------------------- Insert the following lines between lines 1364 and 1365 in GAME.CON: ifrnd 25 { hitradius 1024 WEAKEST WEAK MEDIUMSTRENGTH TOUGH spawn EXPLOSION2 debris SCRAP2 2 sound PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE } This will sometimes crash the game.