+--------------------------------------------------+ | GAME NAME : Duke Nukem 3D and Atomic Edition | | FAQ NAME : Beta Guide | | PLATFORM : PC | | VERSION : 1.00 | | DATE : 2007.07.29 | | AUTHOR : Keith McLeod | | E-MAIL : sturmtiger@gmail.com | | COMPOSED WITH : Notepad 80 pt. | +--------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------+================================================== | [01-00] Table of Contents |================================================== +---------------------------+================================================== [01-00] Table of Contents [02-00] Introduction [03-00] Controls [04-00] Weapons [05-00] Items [06-00] Enemies [07-00] Levels [08-00] Extras [09-00] FAQ Information You can search the guide for any of these sections by opening up the CTRL+F dialogue, copying the Section number and then pasting it in the dialgoue box. For example, you can copy [03-00] and paste it in the CTRL+F dialogue box, this will bring you to section 03-00, Controls . Similarly, if I reference a section number in the guide, you can do the following steps to quickly jump to a section: 1. Hightlight Section Number 2. Press CTRL+C (Copies the section number) 3. Press CTRL+F (Opens the Find dialogue box) 4. Press CTRL+V (Pastes the section number) 5. Add a pair of square braces around the number - [ ] 6. Press Find. You will be taken to the section immediately. +----------------------+======================================================== | [02-00] Introduction |======================================================== +----------------------+======================================================== Welcome to my Duke Nukem 3D Beta Guide. This guide will discuss various aspects of the Duke Nukem 3D beta, including: Controls, Weapons, Items, Enemies, Levels, and some extras, along with information about the guide. LameDuke was generously released by 3DRealms one year after the game came out by the development team after some persistant fans requested it. You can now take a look into the early development stages of Duke Nukem 3D and see how much has changed in the game since then. Duke Nukem 3Ds Beta, better known as LameDuke, is an early glance into the world of Build and Duke Nukem 3D. You will see early versions of levels, enemies, items and weapons, as well as some of the previous things that got cut from the game. Hopefully this guide will enlighten you to the glory that was Duke Nukem 3D even before it came out as LameDuke! LameDuke is a beta, and as such, is not a finished game. If you are going to install it on your system, be prepared for it either not to work at all, not to work right, or possibly destroy your entire comptuer in a minor explosion. That means I don't know how it will work on your computer, so use it at your own risk. If you are interested in the full version of Duke Nukem 3D instead, see the main guide here: [URL] [02-01-01] Where Can I Get LameDuke? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LameDuke can be found at http://www.3drealms.com/duke3d/ Scroll down to the files section and download file # 9. [02-01-02] Running LameDuke -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have run LameDuke fine on Windows XP SP2. Jacek D. informed me that it works fine in Windows 98. If you are having trouble running it, consider getting a program like DosBox (free) and try running it from there. Like I mentioned in the introduction, there is a good chance it won't run for you, so play at your own risk. The way I get the game to run the smoothest is as follows: 1. Run the file "setup.exe" in the LameDuke main directory. Go to "Graphics Mode" and then chose "640*480 VESA Hi-res mode!". This makes the game a lot less choppy, though some of the animations screw up a bit. 2. Right click on the file "D3D.exe" in the main lameduke directory and make a short cut. 3. Right click on the shortcut, and go to the tab that has the line "Command Prompt:" and then the filename for this executable. Add to the line "/l# /v#" the following version / level numbers work, look in the walkthrough to choose a level based on those numbers. [02-01-03] The LameDuke Notice -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the file that came with LameDuke: January 29, 1997 NOTE: This might not even work on all systems, so don't even bother leaving us Email about this. This is provided "as is" for entertainment purposes only. Duke Nukem Fans, Today being the one year aniversary of the shareware release of Duke Nukem 3D, we thought we'd do something a little special for y'all. We're releasing LAMEDUKE.ZIP. This is a VERY early version of Duke Nukem 3D and the EXE is dated 12/30/94. That's about 13 months prior to the release of the shareware version. Oh, man, was this game lame then :) Why are we releasing it? We're not sure... We just thought it'd be cool for you all to see the state a game is in a year before it's release. So, this is a behind the scenes peek at what happens during the creation of a game. You will get to see lameness the likes of which the world has never seen, and what most developer's hide from you and when the press visits. :) Running the game ---------------- * It might not work on all systems, so don't even bother leaving us email about it. It is provided "as is" for entertainment purposes only. * You will probably have to load each level by hand. Not sure if the exit switches are there, and even if they are, we don't know if they work. * Type D3D /v1 /l1 (for mission 1, level 1). This is pretty much the same as the release version of Duke. I think levels 1-10 exist for volumes 1-3, so there is a lot to look at. NOTE: "D3D /v# /l#" - v# is the volume (1-3), l# is the level (1-8) or so. * Run SETUP, and select video, sound (probably SoundBlaster only), and keyboard config. * We noticed on our systems that is runs really weird, like the timer is going nuts, so don't expect smooth gameplay. * If there are cheat codes in this thing, we have no idea what they are. * There is no Dukematch in this. Or if there is, we don't remember how to do it. :) * It might not work on all systems, so don't even bother leaving us email about it. It is provided "as is" for entertainment purposes only. Remember, we don't want E-mail on it. Cool stuff to note ------------------ * We had a laser sight on the pistol that was finally dropped * We had stuff like subway cars, breaking glass and video monitors in from nearly the start of the game. * Weapon 5 was the BIG rocket launcher. Cool looking, but you can see why it changed. * Weapon 3 changed to the 3 barrel chaingun * Weapon 1 was a tazer type stick, dropped for Duke's mighty foot * E1L4 shows the early OctaBrain. Oh my God! * You will probably notice lot's of level sections that look familiar. We used lots of E3L2 in the Plutonium PAK for the "DERILICT" level. * That we're not answering any E-Mail on this. So, have fun and poke around LAMEDUKE a little and see what you can find. But most of all have some fun with it and don't take it too seriously. Thanks to all of you who have supported Duke over the last year, making it one of the biggest hits in recent years. We appreciate it, and will try to bring you better games in the future. Also thanks to #duke3d on Undernet IRC for pushing us to release this. We joked about it for awhile around the office and decided "What the hell, why not?" A big thanks to Joe Siegler for having the foresight to keep this file for a year and half so it can be released to you! -- The Duke Nukem Team: (George Broussard, Todd Replogle, Allen Blum, Dirk Jones, Douglas R. Wood, Randy Pitchford, Brian Martel, Keith Schuler, Stephen Hornback, Lee Jackson, Ken Silverman and Bobby Prince.) P.S. Just in case you missed it, don't send us any E-Mail on Lameduke. This is released "as is". We don't even know if it will work. +------------------+============================================================ | [03-00] Controls |============================================================ +------------------+============================================================ Here is a listing of the controls in the Duke Nukem 3D Beta. [03-01] Function Keys -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F1 - Toggles Instruction Screen (which is empty) F2 - Quick Save F3 - Quick Load F4 - Toggle Holoduke F5 - Toggle Jetpack F10 - Change Visibility / Brightness F12 - Screenshot Note on taking screenshots: When taking them, Screenshots are saved in the current directory as CAPTxxxx.PCX, where xxxx is an incrementing number. It starts at 0 every time the game begins, so if you want to save the pictures that you took, put them somewhere else before you start the game again. [03-02] Normal Keys -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The arrow keys allow you to move as normal. Left Control - Attack Space - Use / Open Right Shift - Run A - Jump I - View Inventory Z - Crouch PgUp - Look Up PgDn - Look Down [03-03] Num Pad Controls -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 - Move Forward 6 - Move Backwards 4 - Turn Left 2 - Turn Right 7 - Look Up and Left 9 - Look Up and Right 1 - Look Down and Left 3 - Look Down and Right 0 - Look 90 Degrees Left . - Look 90 Degrees Right Enter - Holster your Weapon [03-04] Number Key Controls -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Toggles Weapon 1 (Tazer) 2 - Weapon 2 (Pistol) 3 - Weapon 3 (Plasmacannon) 4 - Weapon 4 (Pipebombs) 5 - Weapon 5 (RPG) [03-05] Other Controls -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M - Toggles Music on / off P - Pauses the Game T - Type a Message V - Changes the visibility of the level - - Decreases the Screen Size Use this to see how much health and ammo that you would theoretically have left. This goes in the upper left hand corner of the screen if you are running it in full screen mode. U - Unlocks / Locks all doors and hits all switches W - Enable Warp Mode In warp mode, use the Up and Down keys on the key pad to select the level number and the PageUp and PageDown keys to select the Episode number. C - Duke cracks his knuckles (?) K - Flashes a graphic onto the screen that looks like a bullet hole in a flesh colored wall. It also causes the screen to become smaller. I really have no comment on what my brain though that was right away. However, Jacek D. informs me that this acutally the background for the game, like the one that in Duke 3D that happens when one shrinks the game. +-----------------+============================================================= | [04-00] Weapons |============================================================= +-----------------+============================================================= There are some very obvious similarities between the weapons in LameDuke and the ones in the final version of Duke 3D. This section will describe these weapons. [04-01] Tazer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ammo Box: + 20 The ammo pack for the tazer looks like a box with a purple orb inside. This neat weapon looks kind of like a crowbar. This is a multifunctional weapon; when you start you get some "ammo" for it and it can actually hit enemies with electric bursts. However, when that ammo runs out, you start whacking the enemy with it instead. You can, of course, pick up more ammo as you find it. This weapon was removed from the final version of the game, changed into Duke's Mighty Foot. [04-02] Pistol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ammo: + 48 The ammo for the pistol looks like three grey clips. The pistol didn't change much from the beta. It shoots a bit faster, and has a cool laser pointer, but it still has the same reload animation after you shoot 12 shots. The pistol of course remained, but the laser-sight function was removed. [04-03] Plasma Cannon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ammo: + 20 The ammo for the Plasma Cannon looks exactly like the tazer ammo and counts to the same limit. This weapon shoots bursts of electricity (apparently) at a rapid rate. They make a small explosion (that doesn't damage other enemies) when they hit the target. Look familiar? It's because this is almost the same model that they used for the Chaingun Cannon / Ripper. However there were a few changes on the model, most notably that the single barrel on the front was changed into three barrels. [04-04] Pipebombs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ammo: +1 Pipebombs are found individually and look like small sealed pipes. This weapon didn't seem to change at all from this version to the final version. You can still drop bombs and explode them (though the trigger looks a bit different) and you can drop multiple bombs by hitting "4" when the trigger is out. In this version you actually can NOT increase the distance that the bomb is thrown, unlike in the final version [Credit: Jacek D. for clarifying this]. [04-05] RPG -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ammo: +5 The old RPG wasn't changed too much before the final version. The RPG shoots faster and the rockets have a cool explosion behind them while they are moving. While the functionality of the RPG didn't change much in the final game, the graphic did. It's bigger in this version. Additionally, when drawing the weapon, have to press the Fire button after you see the back of the RPG on your screen. This is somewhat representative of Duke putting the gun on his shoulder. It's neat, but obvious why it was removed from the game - it would quickly become tedious. +---------------+=============================================================== | [05-00] Items |=============================================================== +---------------+=============================================================== There are various pickups scattered throughout the game, most stayed in one incarnation or another to the final game. [05-01] Coke -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This looks like a spinning can of Coca Cola. It replenishes 10 health when picked up. You can also blow it up! Remember, Coke was the health pickup of choice in Duke Nukems I and II, and probably inspired this pickup. [05-02] Sixpack of Coke -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This pack of six cokes replenishes 30 health! You can blow it up as well. [05-03] Jetpack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You start off with a jetpack. It works closely as it does in the final game, though in this one you get a stream of explosions that follow you as you move. You can see them if you fly backwards with it. [05-04] Holoduke -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creates an image of Duke, just like the holoduke in the final game. However you can put more than one down in this version, I just don't think they do anything yet. [05-05] Steroids -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are little steroid bottles about, though I don't know how to activate them. I would assume that they would do a similar function to the final game. [05-06] Scuba Gear -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are sprites in both the inventory screen and the art files for scuba gear but I haven't found any in game. It's pretty obvious that this would make you able to breathe underwater. [05-07] Bubble -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a bubble / sphere that you can pick up. I don't know what it does, but in the inventory it says that it is "Shield" so it's probably the equivalent of armor. +-----------------+============================================================= | [06-00] Enemies |============================================================= +-----------------+============================================================= The enemies in LameDuke were changed quite a bit by the time the final game came out. There are actually quite a few wandering about in this game, here is a brief list. Note that when you are playing LameDuke, you are constantly invincible, so it doesn't really matter if enemies hit you. [06-01] - Pistol Guy (Trooper) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The pistol guy is a spaceman in a white suit. He also has a little pistol. If he tries to fight you (and sometimes he'll just stand there) he'll shoot his pistol at you. He has a cool dying animation, though - he crashes into a bloody mess of body parts. He's called the Trooper in the GAME.CON file. He does have a Jetpack much akin to the Alien Trooper in the final game, and will use it to chase after Duke. [Credit: Jacek D] [06-02] Sentry Drone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sentry Drone was changed drastically between LameDuke and Duke Nukem 3D. In this incarnation, it looks more like an X-Wing from Star Wars, and shoots laser fire from it's side-mounted guns. It won't try and commit suicide to kill you. It does, however, explode when it dies - I'm not sure if this harms you and / or nearby enemies. [06-03] Tazer Guy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Tazer Guy looks something like a Power Ranger or Jet Jaguar. He has a tazer on his arm and will try to come up and smoke you. However he isn't too tough. When he dies there is a puff of smoke that still comes from his hand. Cool. He can also hurl a ball of plasma at you. The combination of melee and ranged projectile attack suggests something along the line of Assault Commanders or Alien Drones in the final game, though it's likely they don't have a parallel. [06-05] Protozoid Slimer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Protozoid Slimer is the exact same in the beta of the game, except that it looks a bit different (it has a bit more of a 3D quality to it). In this game, they are found either roaming about or in trashcans (there aren't any eggs for them yet) and they will latch onto your face and bite away. Be careful around them though, if they latch on, they are on for good until you change the level. I'm not sure if the functionality for the Slimers to eat corpses and live creatures was implemented at this point. [06-06] Octabrain (Jellyfish) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, they changed the graphic for the Octabrain quite a bit in the final version of the game. In LameDuke, the Octabrain has a much smaller head and it's tentacles are longer and thinner, something like wires. In addition it didn't really have eyes, but if you look closely it has teeth. [06-07] Shark! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have seen the shark in the game, but the art has the exact same images that are in the final version of Duke3D so it's possible. It's strange that they didn't include sharks until the final episode of the (original) Duke3D, but I guess that maybe they didn't have a purpose until then? This is the only monster that didn't undergo any changes since it's ancient inception. [06-08] Female Soldier (Femdroid) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The female grunt is probably one of, if not the, earliest enemy actor in the game. She uses a rifle to shoot you. Since she just uses a rifle, it could be inspirtation for the Pig Cop in the final game. She doesn't appear in any incarnation in the final game. [06-09] Male Soldier (Mandroid) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The art files show a lot of animations for this guy - he's supposed to use a rocket launcher - but there isn't any code for him in the GAME.CON. Therefore he just stands there and does nothing, but you could modify it yourself. [06-10] Bats! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bats are an incredibly weak little pest that come in large groups. They will come and try and charge you, but you can take them all out by just randomly firing. They obviously never made it to the final game, but they were cool while they lasted :) They actually work, too. [06-11] Drone Gun -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These mounted guns look like large pistols. They are normally mounted on a platform that raises to attack you. This thing actually works, and has an obvious parallel and functionality to the final game's mounted gun (though it looks quite different from the final version). +----------------+============================================================== | [07-00] Levels |============================================================== +----------------+============================================================== This section will detail all the levels in the game. Howver, there won't be a walkthrough since the game isn't finsihed. If the level isn't too impressive I will just gloss over it. Otherwise, I will give a description and some commentary on what level it is or might have been destined for. [07-01] Mission 1 - Level 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level is very reminiscent of E2L01, Spaceport, in the final game. Turn around right at the beginning; you can open that door and see two spaceships on a fixed path that look a lot like the "USS Framerate" from that level in Duke3D. In the same room that you start off in the alien spaceship looks frighteningly similar to the one found in Area 51 in the Atomic Edition. In the next room across from the spaceship there are some cool things. For one there is a large rotating atomic symbol on the roof. Note the trashcans here too. The floor can be opened. Back in the main room you can get into the bathroom, there is a female grunt in one of the stalls. Note that the toilets look particularily ratty. If you go in the far right door there are some canisters piled up against the wall; these can be blown up to make holes in the wall! Cool. Look back at the entrance, to the right of the entrance is another door. In there you can get a good glimpse of what the monitors looked like and how they worked. Additonally there are some forcefields here and a switch that is covered by (breakable!) glass. Also, if you break the windows here, steel walls close down to cover the gap! Thats incredibly cool, there isn't anything quite like that in Duke 3D! If you hit the switch on the wall the large door in the main room opens. Eventually you can reach the end of the level by hitting a switch by disabling the forcefield; I don't think I'll go into more detail than that. [07-02] Mission 1 - Level 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main purpose of this short level is to showcase moving carts, like those found in Rabid Transit. They work really well, albeit a bit fast. You can reach the end of the level by taking the carts around until you reach an area with doors that lead down a spiral staircase into a basement, where the exit is. [07-03] Mission 1 - Level 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a lot of breakable glass and elevators in this level. Also, near the end of the level, there is a bloody operating table surrounded by hooks that reminds me of a similar area in Pigsty. [07-04] Mission 1 - Level 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level is a pretty linear space base. It also introduces the Octabrain and the mounted gun. You can see the other buildings from the one that you are in, so it's pretty good. [07-05] Mission 1 - Level 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level is a cool indoor area. There are various features to the level, including escalators and a subway-dealie. There are tons of glass and female guards. In addidtion, after taking one of the subway cars, there is a neat pond with a beam of ... something. Going into this causes the game to crash, but it was neat while it lasted. [07-06] Mission 1 - Level 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For some, if you are running it on the same settings that I have used (High Res VESA) then you may experience a crash in the game when the demo is run at the beginning of the game and when you start the actual level. The reason that the game crashes on these settings is unknown, but a way to crash the game is to look down, with the page down key. The best way to get around this is toggle the jetpack right when you are falling to the ground at the start of the level. You can explore the map like that, or by going straight to the ground, so close that you are touching the ground and indeed crouching. In this case you can release the jetpack and maybe you'll be fine. Well, I'm lucky that I got around the crashing of this level because it's one of the best in LameDuke. For starters, it's based in the city and not in space. It really seems to be one of two maps that really inspired episodes 1 and 3 in the final game; completely based in a city that's huge and expansive. There are two bars and other indoor areas; elevators that lead up to rooftops, big TV screens, and various other stuff. In the bars there is a drunken guy that wavers back and forth as they take a swig. You can destroy at least one building completely by shooting the canisters around it. There is a movie theatre (!), an outdoor pool surrounded by fire, and a ton of other stuff. Really, go check out this level. This one still crashes for me more than any other, but being the influence for levels like Hollywood Holocaust, Red Light District, Raw Meat, L.A. Rumble (L.A. Rumble seems to have the most influence from this level in the final game) and others is too good to pass up. [Thanks to Jacek D. for telling me about using the Jetpack] A high recommendation to explore this level. [07-07] Mission 1 - Level 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level has you going in a builidng and clearing out level after level by using the elevators. The neat thing about this level is that you can choose the direction of where the elevator is going to go (a small thing pops up near you, asking you to choose the direction). Very cool. [07-08] Mission 1 - Level 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level has you starting on the top of a big skyscraper. You fight off some enemies, and you can fall to the ground below if you want. There is also a helicopter-type-thing flying around the builiding. This was probably going to be a boss level. [07-09] Mission 2 - Level 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level is cool because the theme of the level reminds me most of Duke 3D's current day theme. It's quite large and detailed, and has an exit - very close to a completed level. You start off in a small teleporter room, go through a linear path that is divided by a river. You have the option of visiting a subway, going through sewers, and so forth (this level is a good example of rooms ontop of rooms). Eventually you go into an underground passage after fending off some bats. When I say it reminds me of the theme of Duke 3D I mean that there are things like billboards (a couple ultra early jokes), grafiti, and dumpsters. All in all this is a highly recommended level. [07-10] Mission 2 - Level 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As far as massive underground complexes go this one has it all. There are plenty of neat things in this level - a large river runs through the majority of it, but there are plenty of computer rooms and stuff in it. There's also a neat spinning object (could be a power generator) that isn't a sprite so this is an early incarnation of something like that. [07-11] Mission 2 - Level 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This particular level is another installation / industrial kind of level, with a bunch of hallways and interlocking rooms, switches, and so forth. At one point in the level there are tons of lightning beams coming down from various devices, making this level seem like a power plant or something (look out some of the unbreakable windows, they look a bit like parking lots). When you are near the rooms with the lightning beams, a small red atomic symbol that says "RADIOACTIVE" pops up near the top of your screen. This was a cool feature, but it didn't carry over to the final game. [07-12] Mission 2 - Level 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another urban level, this one seems to be based in L.A. greatly. The level sprawls through a number of buildings, and you fight on the inside and the outside. There is even the Capitol Records building (but you can't go in it). There are street signs that say HOLLYWOOD BLVD and VINE BLVD, breakable parking meters, and a sewer system. Though the level isn't fully furnished with items and weapons, it still comes highly recommended to show what they were thinking when they were going to make some early levels of the game. It almost reminds me of an early Red Light District. [07-13] Mission 2 - Level 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another space-based level, with elevators that allow you to choose directions (but I don't know how). There's also some forcefields in this level. Cool. [07-14] Mission 2 - Level 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level is pretty much a combination of a sprawling sewer systems and large streets. The sewers look pretty neat and prophetic of how the final game's would look like, but other than that this level is fairly unremarkable. It ends in a big building that could be part inspiration for the building in the final game's LA Rumble. [07-15] Mission 2 - Level 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The biggest thing about this level is the fact that it shows early underwater functionality, check it out for some neatness in that regard. Other than that there isn't much to the level. [07-16] Mission 3 - Level 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level was probably the inspiration for Death Row. It's a prison level, though it has way more cells than Death Row does. However, some parts of the level, particularly the outside, look a lot like they do in Death Row. Hell, at the end of the level you go through a large door and go to a dock to end it. They just put a submarine there in the final game :) In any case a nice look at an old version of Death Row. [07-17] Mission 3 - Level 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My guess is that this level is primarily for testing the cranes that appear in Toxic Dump and Derelict. In fact the crane system and some of the rooms that the cranes take you too look a lot like the Crane Room in Derelict. It's a neat level, the cranes haven't changed a bit - they even look the same. [07-18] Mission 3 - Level 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, I'll say this up front: If you are only going to visit one level in LameDuke make it this one. This level has the ship that Derelict was based on, and it is awesome. You start in a room with a big elevator in the middle, to lower it there is a switch on the right side of the room to lower this. From there you can go do a non related part of the level that looks like an oil rig; there are a lot of flames, and plenty of elevators. But that's not the real point of the level (though it's well done. They probably could have incorporated that bit into Derelict if they wanted to. To see the ship (and get underwater) the easiest way I've found is to turn on the jetpack and walk right into the switch at the beginning of the level; you'll get into the water. You know how I said "enemy-less"? well there are a couple of sharks in here that look a lot like the do in the final game (in fact I think they are the same sprites). Now you can swim along the bottom here - it actually looks really good - and when you are done go to the surface to see the ship in all it's glory. Its not enterable, but you can get on the deck and blow up some barrels. An awesome level; definitely check it out. [07-19] Mission 3 - Level 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level is a one that bears a bit of resemblance to a couple of Lunar Apocalypse levels but doesn't resemble any single one in particular. The level culminates in a underwater area with a massive pole in the middle. [07-20] Mission 3 - Level 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level has a lot of elevators and long drops (which is bad because it causes the game to crash when you look down - when you land Duke looks down a bit). However the level does seem to have evidence of an alien infestation, a first in LameDuke. Just look at the veiny pink walls and I think you'll get it. Also, the switch / monitor things in the upper part of the level are reminiscent of the various things you have to do in Duke that involve security camera strategy. [07-21] Mission 3 - Level 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an underwater complex level, you can get in and out of the water by swimming through the windows. There's not much else to do in this level. [07-22] Mission 3 - Level 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A very large but nondescript level with lots of corridors and stairs. However, later on in the level there are quite a few crushers and a long conveyor belt, so that's a good thing. [07-23] Mission 3 - Level 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level looks a bit like the Overlord level in Lunar Apocalypse, but other than that there isn't much to it. [07-24] Mission 4 - Level 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This neat level involves a few different buildings, and most have destructible walls and such. This level also details the functionality of the jetpack. I think that this would have really made a great multiplayer level with all the destructible terrain, because that opens up all new methods of strategy. [07-25] Mission 4 - Level 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This unfinished level only has something like an office building at the beginning, with rooms that are sealed in the with glass. When you move close to one of the rooms at the beginning of the level, part of the building explodes, and you can jump out the far window to the outside... but after that there is nothing. [07-26] Mission 4 - Level 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is another space station level, and it seems much more cleaner and modern than the other ones. Other than that this level is fairly unremarkable. [07-27] Mission 4 - Level 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level is almost exactly the same as Mission 4 - Level 2, but the anarchy graffiti is missing and the wall on the outside of the building is a lot taller than the one in M4L2. +----------------+============================================================== | [08-00] Extras |============================================================== +----------------+============================================================== This section will detail some extra information that I thought would be interesting to include in the guide. [08-01] Mission Names -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mission outline suggests that there would be four episodes in Duke 3D as opposed to three. They could have put the atomic edition levels in the final version of Duke 3D without releasing the Atomic Edition if they want to (there are some levels in this game that showcase parts of levels in the Atomic Edition anyways). Anyways there are 4 levels of difficulty, easy, medium, hard and harder. The missions have strange names to be sure, here they are: MRR CALIBER MISSION COCKROACH SUCK HOLE HARD LANDING Obviously the names for the missions changed, and the level choices for the missions don't really mean anything. [08-02] Environmental Objects -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section will detail some things that you could interact with in the game that weren't enemies. Like everything in this beta, some things changed and some things didn't. Orange Canister: You know that orange canister in the final version of Duke 3D? They're all over the place, if shot they explode quite dangerously. Well, in LameDuke they're still there, and do exactly the same thing and look almost the same, these ones are a bit shorter. Barrel: The red and black explodable barrel looks the same but it's functionality is quite different. If you shoot the barrel it will rocket to the roof before exploding. While this is cool you could see why they took it out of the final version of the game (it probably wouldn't be too practical). Trashcan: The trash cans in LameDuke are bigger and seem to have rust on them. When you shoot them they split in half, as opposed to Duke3D where they shatter completely. Coke: There are a lot of references to Coca Cola in LameDuke. I guess the dev team really liked it! There are powerups, some stuff painted on a window (COCA COLA LOTTO) and a six pack are all at least included in the game. Strangely enough, none of their love of Coke got an egg appearance in the final game. Weird, because Mastercard and Visa did (though check the eggs section on the .CON files for a bit of an egg). Apparently there is a more detailed answer to this. The reason that they are coke cans is that they were the powerups that were used in Duke Nukem II! It's one of the very few references to the previous two Duke Nukem games in Duke Nukem 3D, and it's pretty hard to find :) Thanks, Fernando! Jacek D informed that there are indeed functioning monitors in many different parts of the game though I had apparently missed them. They are similar in function to those in the final game though the image that they show you is... upside down, that is, they show you what you are currently seeing, gun and all, but upside down. Wonderful. Still, it shows that they had been thinking of these things forever! [08-03] Points -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's a rudimentary points system in this game, but overall it wouldn't fit very well in the final game. You can see the points that you have scored by bringing up the HUD with the "+" key. You can see all the things you can get points for in the LameDuke GAME.CON file (every entry with ADDSCORE has this). [08-04] Cool Tiles in LameDuke -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following are a list of cool tiles that can be found using a program like ArtView (can be found at http://www.bur.st/~duke3d/utilities.shtml , be sure to read the readme and run it from the command prompt). If you have any questions about that e-mail me! Tile entries may have the following markings: ! - Something I considered particularly interesting or well done * - something that remained unchanged in the final game 10! : Cool Grafiti - "Punks Not Dead" + anarachy symbol 17! : Cool Grafiti - "Decayince" (hard to read) 20! : Grafiti "SMP" * 25 : bookshelves * 30! : cool water pipe 33! : "All-T Car Wash Detail Shop Next Exit" Sign 38! : chaingun cannon / plasma cannon (looks really good) 40! : wall with pipes 1 41! : wall with bullet hole 42! : wall with vampire picture (very cool - expanded on in final game) 46! : canister (shot)* 47! : canister (exploding)* 53! : cool pipe on stone background 56 : hex grid (possibly for placing messages?) 57! : canister* 58! : stone wall* 59 : "Circle N - 1 Stop Fuel Store" on a background of a atomic symbol. 60 - 67!: Rotating Coke Can (can animate) 74! : yellowish wall with black grafiti in the lower corner 80 : broken "Exhaust Pipe" (see tile 37) 84! : cool jagged Atomic Symbol on a door 89! : Great picture of a city burning (LA?) 91 : caution stripes door jamb* 92 : caution stripes door* 93 : caution stripes square* 94! : great view of clouds and mountains 95 : "Private Property - No Tresspassing" sign * 159-166 : Rotating Coke Can (horizontal) 179 : see through glass* 180! : old surveillance monitor (has "SOMMY" on the bottom!) 195 : "No Parking" sign* 196 : "detour" sign (left arrow) 197 : "detour" sign (right arrow) 198 : "No Loitering" sign* 199 : "No (stuff) Allowed" sign* ("stuff" is unreadable) 217-219!: fan (animated) 223! : tile with upward "^" arrows and grafiti 224! : Hollywood star * 233! : a robot-like thing 247-256!: a bat, flying and upside down. looks cool. 262! : a long picture of a car (sedan) 263 : a bat falling 264 : a bat falling 273! : dead bat (on back, bloody) 282! : yellow wall with massive grafiti (many remains in Duke3D) 283-287!: Duke! (rotated) 308 : barrel "taking off" 309 : barrel exploding 331! : see through window that has "COCA-COLA LOTTO" on it 334-337!: fan (animated) 338-341!: fan's shadow (animated) 343 : public phone* 347! : cool vampire picture with unreadable writing, though similar to 42 356! : "Punks Not Dead" grafiti on a different wall 365 : alien door (green and steel colored) * 366 : alien door (green and steel colored) * different orientation 367! : Wall with pipes and "NUCLEAR" written on the bottom of it 372 : "NO PARKING" sign 375 : "FIRE LANE" sign 378! : "CAPITOL RECORDS" sign 381! : parking meter (front) 382! : parking meter (side) 383 : circuitry panel 4 384! : "HOLLYWOOD BLVD" sign 385! : "VINE BLVD" sign 394 : "LOADING DEMO" text 408-415!: female soldier (standing) 416-447!: female soldier (walking / running) 441-471!: female soldier (drawing and firing rifle) 471-475!: female soldier (dying) 476! : female soldier (dead) 481 : "Duke Nukem 3D" text 482! : Opening Screen for LameDuke (has a lot of monsters, a builidng, and Duke wearing black clothes) 490-497!: male soldier (standing) 491-529!: male soldier (walking / running) 492-553!: male soldier (drawing / firing rocket launcher) 493-561!: male soldier (dying) 562! : male soldier (dead) 563-569!: rocket being fired 570 : gray background with "MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL" on it 579-583!: "sentry drone" (hovering / moving) 584-588!: "sentry drone" (firing) 593! : "KTS" grafiti on a grey wall* 594! : grafiti on the wall with unreadble writing and a guy with a huge afro on a grey wall 595 : two anarchy symbols on a grey wall 596 : unreadable blue and white grafiti on a grey wall 597 : a drawing of a cartoon kid on a grey wall 598 : "PxNxD" on a grey wall* 606! : toilet 608! : person (surrounded by bottles of beer) lying on the ground 610! : "CORE SOFTWARE" logo 611 : "RADIOACTIVE" text with symbol below (placed on surfaces) 612! : "CORE SOFTWARE" logo and "PLACE LOGO HERE" large text 613 : "RESTORE" menu text 614 : cursor arrow 615 : "INSTRUCTIONS" 616 : "Select Episode" menu text 617 : "Select Skill" menu text 627 : barell* 640-642!: man flailing arms (early Duke?) 643-649!: rocket (again) 650-654!: man falling forward, getting "folded up" (looks like Duke!) 681-684!: Duke cracking his knuckles 690-705!: pipe shooting fire (animated) 713! : jetpack 716 : small oxygen tank 717 : steroids bottle (almost the same as in Duke3D) 718 : small image of a man (probably Duke, Holoduke!) 719 : bubble (mysterious power up) 720 : larger image of a man (probably Duke) 721 : pipebomb 722! : six pack of Coca Cola 723 : three pistol ammo 724! : large steroids bottle* 726 : large bubble 727 : large oxygen tank 728! : large jetpack 756! : monitor with broken skyscrapers 757! : monitor with top view of a group of buildings (?) 758! : monitor with satellite dish 759! : monitor with view of earth 760! : monitor with view of moon 764-767 : monitor with green maps 768! : monitor with geographic map view 769! : monitor with woman 788! : neon "BAR" sign* 789! : neon martini* 838! : potted plant* 869-880 : bloody body parts (arms, legs, heads) 882-886!: Duke shooting plasma cannon 891! : tiled wall and vent with bloody arm on hook 892! : tiled wall and vent with bloody head on hook 893! : tiled wall and vent with bloody leg on hook 894! : tiled wall and vent with blood and hook 895! : tiled wall and vent with hook 896! : bloody humanoid imprint on grey wall 925-929 : spaceship of some sort 930-939 : mounted gun (rotating and firing) 961-968 : protozoid slimer (moving and attacking) 986 : movie poster of some sort 1124 : a scorpion! 1132 : a picture of a satellite rotating about the earth 1135 : a picture of a city 1230-42 : the tazer and attack animations 1250-52 : the massive RPG's weapon drawing animation 1410 : Duke, dead... looks like he's impaled or floating on the top of water 1480-89 : Duke holding his weapon in a cool pose 1536-1604: The space soldier! He uses a jet pack in these pictures... perhaps inspiration for the Alien Trooper? 1680-1729: The soldier that looks like Jet Jaguar, pretty cool. 1820-1857: The old octabrain. Personally I think it looked cooler! +--------------------------+=================================================== | [09-00] FAQ Information |=================================================== +--------------------------+=================================================== This section holds information with relation to this document, not the game. Inside, you will find updates, guide credits, contact information, and a copyright notice. +-----------------+ =| [09-01] Updates |=========================================================== +-----------------+ 1.00 June 29, 2007 ---- Summary: Migrated the guide over from my full guide of the game found here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/197174/28201 Specific Changes: + Made the formatting standard from the main guide applicable here + Removed abbreviations from the old guide + Cleaned up some sections + A quick note, the formatting is not identical to the main guide. The main difference is the lack of 3rd level headers (like 03-01-04 for example). Thus, I replaced the 2nd level header (gaudy) with the 3rd level header style (a series of "-"). Hopefully that will be a good change, but for my other guides with 3rd level headings, this will stay the same. +-----------------+ =| [09-02] Credits |=========================================================== +-----------------+ This is a section acknowledging all the contributions from everyone that helped me throughout the guide. Thanks everyone!~ [09-02-01] Sites ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01. GameFAQs - http://www.gamefaqs.com + Hosting the guide. 02. IGN - http://faqs.ign.com + Hosting the guide. [09-02-02] People ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have given credit to people of stuff that I didn't know. If I didn't credit someone that looks similar in another document, then I found it out by myself. I also credited the people here in their respective sections, usually after their contribution with [Credit Name] afterwards. HOWEVER, I have been known to miss things! If something that you contributed doesn't have your name after it, then please e-mail me and I will correct the problem as soon as possible. 01. Jacek D. + Provided some info and corrections about LameDuke. +----------------------+ =| [09-03] Contact Info |====================================================== +----------------------+ e-mail: sturmtiger@gmail.com If you have any suggestions, comments, improvements, etc., please feel free to contact me at sturmtiger@gmail.com. Make sure you have "FAQ" in the title somewhere so that it doesn't get filtered. If it has something to do with the game then I will gladly respond. Make sure that you look through the guide first, there is very little I haven't been through :) If you are contributing something, include the name that I will credit you by. And sorry if I misspell your name; if you see it spelt wrong e-mail me and I will change it. If you don't ask me to credit you by a certain name, I will credit you with whatever nickname you have, or if you don't have a nickname, I will use the following format: FirstName LastInitial, so I would be Keith M. +-------------------+ =| [09-04] Copyright |========================================================= +-------------------+ This FAQ is (C) and Copyright Keith McLeod 2002-2007. Under no circumstances may this FAQ be reproduced, electronically or otherwise, without the explicit permission of the author.