===================================DISCLAIMER================================== I have decided not to allow websites other than Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com), IGN (faqs.ign.com) & Gamespot (www.gamespot.com) to host my FAQs from now on. Please don't ask, because I will not grant permission. It's just that too many sites don't keep their version of my FAQ up to date which makes for a lot of hassle in my mailbox. So if anyone sees this FAQ on any site other than those mentioned above, please let me know and I will take care of the situation, thanks. Just to make things crystal clear for some people, this FAQ is not to appear anywhere at the following URLs: http://www.cheatcc.com http://www.cheatindex.com This document Copyright 2004,2017,2021,2022 Daniel Engel =============================================================================== Gauntlet Legends FAQ January 15, 2022 Daniel (DEngel) Engel dan.engel.2017 [AT] gmail [DOT] com twitch.tv/dengelchill ############################################################################### (A) TABLE OF CONTENTS ############################################################################### Table of Contents (A) This Table of Contents (B) Controls (C) Items (D) Characters (E) Enemies (F) Tips (G) Walkthrough (H) Thanks (I) Experimental ############################################################################### (B) CONTROLS ############################################################################### The default controls for this game are as follows: Square - Turbo. Circle - Use a potion. Triangle - Use selected item. X - Attack. L1 - List up. R1 - List down. L2 - Item Right. R2 - Item Left. Start - Pause/menu. ############################################################################### (C) ITEMS ############################################################################### Here I have listed the items that you will find in the game as well as the price that you can buy them for in the shop where applicable. [Treasure] You can find this hidden in just about any place but basically you use it to buy all other items. [Health - 50] You can find this item in just about as many places as treasure, it restores more of your health when picked up. [Key - 50] These are used to unlock doors or treasure chests in stages. [Potion - 50] These are used to harm all enemies on screen when used, they also get rid of Death. [Time Stop - 400] These are used to stop all enemies from moving. [Invisibility - 150] These make you invisible for a brief period. [Phoenix - 400] Gives you a phoenix familiar while activated. [Fire Shield - 400] Creates a barrier of fire around you that damages enemies if they get close. [Electric Shield - 400] Creates a barrier of electricity around you that damages enemies if they get close. [Levitate - 50] Lets you avoid traps and small enemies while you have it activated. [3 Way - 200] These let you fire 3 shots at a time that spread, helpful for bosses. [Rapid Fire - 150] Lets you shoot much faster when activated. [Acid Breath - 300] Use strong acid attacks on enemies. [Electric Breath - 300] Use strong electric attacks on enemies. [Fire Breath - 300] Use strong fire attacks on enemies. [Thor's Hammer - 600] Kills everything on the screen when used, also smashes barrels. [Light Amulet - 75] Adds light to your attacks. [Fire Amulet - 75] Adds fire to your attacks. [Acid Amulet - 75] Adds acid to your attacks. [Electric Amulet - 75] Adds electricity to your attacks. [Speed - 75] This item makes you move a lot faster while you have it activated. ############################################################################### (D) CHARACTERS ############################################################################### There are four starting characters in the game and they all start with different stats, they are: ======= WARRIOR ======= Strength-based character, can hold his own in close combat or distance attacks. Armor - 300 Speed - 510 Magic - 40 Fight Power - 110 Shot Power - 100 ======== VALKYRIE ======== Has the best defense of all the characters, but is basically well-rounded in all areas. She would do fairly well in close combat or distance attacks. Armor - 340 Speed - 590 Magic - 55 Fight Power - 80 Shot Power - 75 ====== WIZARD ====== Magic-based character, best if used to attack from a distance. His potions do maximum damage. Armor - 25 Speed - 440 Magic - 108 Fight Power - 30 Shot Power - 110 ====== ARCHER ====== Speed-based character, best if used to attack from a distance. Armor - 45 Speed - 620 Magic - 70 Fight Power - 35 Shot Power - 60 As you gain levels your characters will receive a few upgrades. At level 10 they get a stronger weapon. At level 25 they get a familiar to fight with them. At level 50 they get a stronger weapon. At level 75 they get a stronger familiar. At level 99 they get a stronger weapon and 1000 Thor's Hammers. You can also earn four extra characters by finding the five hidden stages and beating them. An entrance to each hidden stage is found in a certain normal stage and looks like a wooden door on the ground, stand on the door to reach the secret stage. The secret stages involve collecting a number of coins before a time limit runs out and are straightforward for the most part, only one of them is really hard. The four characters that you can unlock this way are the Minotaur, Falconress, Tigress and Jackal. ############################################################################### (E) ENEMIES ############################################################################### [Basic] These enemies attack you in close combat and don't have any unique attacks. [Generators] These don't really attack you but they produce basic enemies until you destroy them. [Suicide Bombers] These enemies run at you with explosives and try to kill you both with them, usually you'll hear them screaming as a clue that they're getting close to you. [Archer] These enemies stand in one spot and fire arrows at you, they're annoying so get rid of them quickly. [Giants] These enemies look different in each world, (golems, ogres, etc.) but they're all huge and use close-range attacks that can knock you down. Use your strongest turbo attack on them and run away as your next one charges, otherwise they move slow so they're not much of a threat. ############################################################################### (F) TIPS ############################################################################### You get experience for every enemy that you kill. If you find it easy to kill a group of enemies that are coming from a single generator, try leaving the generator alive while you kill a lot of enemies. Once you feel you've got enough experience you can destroy the generator and continue on. Destroy all barrels for powerups, items and food. Generators reappear after a while so don't forget about them once they're destroyed. You can save your game between stages by pausing and going to the game menu. If you can find a halo item then you can drain health from Death by attacking him and getting close to him. Keys and food cost the same in shops, they're both cheap but if buying a lot it can add up. Since you can only hold 9 keys at any one time, I would buy them if you need them. As for food you should save your money and just play an easy stage where you won't take much damage and can easily find food in the stage for free. ############################################################################### (G) WALKTHROUGH ############################################################################### Bricklayer J. Gastronomy Once you choose which of the four starting characters you want to use and choose a name the game begins. "Sumner: Skorne has sealed my gateways with his evil magic and trapped my powers inside of magical obelisks hidden in each world. Free my power from these obelisks so that I can open the other worlds to you. With my last spell I opened the Mountain Kingdom, Skorne's forces have hollowed out the ancient volcano Yserbius and hidden one of the four shards there. Find a way into the volcano's core and recover the first of the four shards you'll need. Your quest begins..." ------------------------------------ Mountain Kingdom - Stage 01 - Valley ------------------------------------ - 01 Obelisk Destroy the barrels below you and grab a key to your left, then open the nearby chest. Kill the enemies that come out of the generator above for experience, then grab the key beside the locked door above. Don't open the door, kill the enemies for EXP until you grow bored. Destroy the generator and cross the bridge on your right, then destroy another generator and collect some items on your right. Don't climb up the stairs yet, instead step on the switch to the left of the fire trap. This causes an obelisk to rise on your left, touch the obelisk next and head up the stairs. Take a key at the top of the stairs, then head left as you take some food and destroy a barrel. Destroy the generator beyond and avoid the trap as you take the nearby fruit and scroll. The scroll tells you that their are three obelisks hidden in the Mountain Kingdom, and you need to find them to restore Sumner's power. Climb the stairs above and shoot the barrels, then destroy the generator as you grab the key and fruit above. Unlock the chest and unlock the door nearby before climbing the set of stairs beyond, then head left at the top as you destroy a generator. Unlock the door nearby and head up the stairs beyond, then angle your attack northwest near the top and kill a number of enemies for experience and levels. Destroy the pair of generators when you grow bored [I got to level 06 from here], then grab the key above and open the chest to your left. Grab the fruit on your right and collect the scroll that tells you how switches work, then watch as the switch that you're standing on reveals a staircase north of you. Avoid the trap as you climb the stairs, then destroy the generator to your right as you fight enemies and an archer. Grab the nearby key and open the chest, then climb the stairs above you and destroy the generator at the top. Head left up the next set of stairs and grab the fruit before you step on the yellow portal to end the stage. Buy some food at the store to the left of the Mountain Kingdom if you need it, then head to the next stage. ---------------------------------- Mountain Kingdom - Stage 02 - Peak ---------------------------------- - 01 Obelisk - 01 Rune Stone Destroy the generator on your left as you grab the key, then open the chest and grab the potion above. Head southeast for another key, then kill the suicide bomber that comes from the north. Take his path as you avoid a pair of traps, then destroy the generator beyond and shoot the large rock beside it to reveal a switch. Step on the switch and go west, then destroy the generator and open the chest above. Head left to destroy a generator, then work your way through the enemies on your right to destroy another generator. Go right for a key, then head back left past the pair of generators that you just destroyed. Head southwest as you pass a trap, then go north to an open area. Destroy the generator here as you touch the obelisk, then grab the items in the northwest corner. DO NOT shoot the barrel below you as Death is inside, instead use a potion near it to turn Death into food. Use turbo to run northeast past falling bombs, then destroy a generator nearby as you avoid a trap. Continue northeast for a key and destroy a generator, then head northwest and destroy another generator. Grab the key beside it and kill the archer that's left of you, then head southwest to destroy a generator. Go north to the wall above and look for the lighter section to your right, attack it with your weapon to reveal an item. Take the item and return northeast until you reach a locked door, then ignore is as you kill enemies west of you. Use a turbo attack [press turbo and attack together] on the giant to kill it, then destroy a generator above you. Grab the key nearby and open the chest, then shoot the rock in the northwest corner to reveal a switch. Step on the switch and head up the hill east of you, then take the lower path when it forks. Open the locked door and destroy the generator on the other side, then destroy the rock for some treasure. Take the key and use it on the chest, then head southwest and look for a small patch of weeds on the northern wall. Attack this spot to reveal the rune stone for this stage, then go back north to where the path forked. Take the upper path northeast this time and grab the key at the top, then open the chest and exit the stage through the portal. Buy some food at the store to the left of the Mountain Kingdom if you need it, then head to the next stage. ----------------------------------- Mountain Kingdom - Stage 03 - Cliff ----------------------------------- - 01 Obelisk - Secret Stage Grab the key as you break the nearby barrel, then destroy the generator above and another one (that looks like a pile of bones) southeast of you. Open the chest and grab the key nearby, the head back west and unlock the locked door. Go up the hill and destroy the pair of generators, then kill the bomber and grab the key beyond. Open the right locked door to find the obelisk, then destroy the generator. If you want to level up easily you can open the door to your left and kill the strong enemies [worth around 100 EXP each] as they come out of the generator. Continue east down the hill and destroy the generator at the bottom, then AVOID the chest below because Death is inside. Instead open the chest southwest of you as you take some nearby keys. Go down the hill nearby and unlock the door on your left, then destroy the generator inside and take the key and invincibility. Run right and open another door, then open the chest on the other side and step on the switch beyond. Climb up the nearby hill and climb up another hill, then unlock the door and quickly kill the giant while you're still invincible. Collect the keys and watch out for the explosive/acid barrels, then climb back down the first hill before heading east. Cross the bridge and destroy the generator on the other side while you avoid the archer's shots, then destroy another generator east of you before climbing down the hill nearby. Destroy the generator at the bottom and open the chest, then attack the grey section of wall just above the trap to reveal a switch and a key. Grab the key and step on the switch, then enter the door west of you as you kill the archer. Grab the key in here and step on another switch, then climb back up the hill and head east up another hill. Destroy the generator at the top as you open a chest, then kill an archer before crossing the bridge up ahead. Destroy the generator on the other side and open the chest, then climb the hill as you destroy a pair of generators before opening another chest. Head east down a small hill and step on the switch east of you, then ignore the locked door as you kill the bomber nearby. Grab a key and destroy a generator before going east across the lower of the two bridges, then open the chest on the other side as you destroy a pair of generators. Grab the treasure east of you, then head down the hill and destroy a generator. Open the chest nearby and ignore the stage exit east of you, stand on the wooden doorway instead to reach the secret stage for this world. ------------------------------- Mountain Kingdom - Secret Stage ------------------------------- This stage is simply a room filled with 125 coins, and you need to collect them all within the time limit to unlock one of the five secret characters. It's not that hard though if you use your turbo and don't backtrack. I follow the coins right at the start and basically clear out the lower area before heading to the upper area. At one point you need to attack a pair of darker blue walls to reach the final coins so be ready. "Sumner: The Valkyrie's Castle is now a stronghold to the wretched soldiers and undead knights of Skorne. The courtyard is your best entry point. The gates are smashed and catapulted boulders have weakened the walls. You'll have to fight through the dungeons and armory up to the highest parapet where the castle guardian holds the next shard of my window. Take back this hallowed fortress." Buy some food at the store to the left of the Mountain Kingdom if you need it, then head to the next stage there. ---------------------------------- Mountain Kingdom - Stage 04 - Cave ---------------------------------- - 01 Rune Stone Head right at the start and continue right when the path splits again, then destroy a generator as you open a pair of chests an head north. Take the key on the left path, then shoot the blue rocks to head west. Destroy the generator as you grab the key an open the chest, then go north for some treasure and a switch. Go clockwise once you've hit the switch and you should meet a generator and a bomber along the way, then go northeast through the gate that you opened. Head right when the path forks and take out an archer, then go south as you destroy a generator and hit a switch. Backtrack to the spot where the path forked just after the gate, then take the left path as you destroy a generator. Head east and shoot the blue rocks, then destroy the generator on the other side as you hit the switch and raise the rune stone. Grab the key and open the chest, then head northeast through another gate as you destroy a pair of generators. Attack the blue rocks above as you grab a key, then attack the archer up ahead before you hit another switch nearby. Backtrack through the spot where you destroyed the blue rocks and head west, then destroy a generator and some more blue rocks above. Use a turbo attack to take out the giant inside, then avoid the chest in the corner because Death is inside it. Head east instead and shoot more blue rocks, then kill the archer beyond as well as the suicide bomber that runs from the west. Head west to reach the stage exit but don't leave yet, go southwest instead as you destroy a generator. Continue onward and ignore the blue rocks, then grab the rune stone and exit the stage through the portal that you just passed. Buy some food at the store to the left of the Mountain Kingdom if you need it, then head to the next stage there. ------------------------------------ Mountain Kingdom - Stage 05 - Cavern ------------------------------------ - 01 Rune Stone - Rasha's Scimitar (used on castle guardian) Destroy the generator on your right when the stage starts, then kill the bomber southwest of you while destroying a trio of generators. Grab the key and open the chest, then follow the nearby path southeast to the next section. Go north from here and destroy a generator, then continue north for some keys and a chest. Avoid the bombs as you destroy the generator, then shoot the dirt and press the switch inside. Go south to the previous section and take the path that goes east, then destroy the generator and grab a key below. Head north next and rush the bomber, then destroy the trio of generators while killing another bomber. DO NOT open the lower of the two chests as Death is inside, open the other one instead and destroy the barrels for a switch. Head east for a generator to destroy and an archer to kill, then head north to destroy a pair of generators. Ignore the chest, it just has a scroll that tells you Rasha's Scimitar is in this stage. Attack the mound next to it for a key though, then go west and attack the explosive barrels. You can go east or west from here, I recommend going west first to destroy a generator and an archer. Shoot the mound by the archer and step on the switch, then head back east as you destroy another generator. Shoot the barrel and step on the switch to raise a platform, then ride the platform down to Rasha's Scimitar. Hit the switch and ride the platform back up, then go east as you destroy a pair of generators and open a chest. Shoot the red section of wall and step on the switch inside, then shoot the mound in the corner east of you for another switch. Once both switches are pressed cross the nearby bridge to reach a rune stone, then go west until you reach the switch that was under a mound. Head north from here and destroy a group of generators, then press the switch above and head east across a new bridge. Use a turbo attack on the giant, then use the nearby portal to exit the stage. Buy some food at the store to the left of the Mountain Kingdom if you need it, then leave the boss for now and start the first stage of the Valkyrie's Castle instead. ---------------------------------------- Valkyrie's Castle - Stage 01 - Courtyard ---------------------------------------- - 01 Obelisk - 01 Rune Stone Destroy a pair of generators as you grab a couple of keys, then hit the switch below as you head south. Go right first for a generator and switch, then go left for a key and locked door. Kill the archer beyond the door and attack the brown section of hedge, then destroy the generator and go south for a key and another generator. Walk south below the stairs through the wooden posts to get close to the catapult stone, then attack the right side of it to find a rune stone. Go left past the stairs for a generator, then keep your distance from Death as you go up a ramp southwest of you and open a locked door. Destroy a pair of generators and head northeast up some stairs, then kill the suicide bomber before destroying a generator. Hit the switch and destroy the generator on your right, then grab the invincibility beside it and run west back down the stairs. Kill an archer up ahead and destroy a generator, then head north through the open gate and up some stairs. Kill the nearby archer and open the chest, then attack the right wall for an item. Head south and kill an archer, then unlock the door beyond and destroy a generator. Hit the switch before going southwest, then climb down the stairs when you reach them. Destroy the generator nearby and unlock the door, then destroy the next generator and step on the red square to teleport. Destroy the generator here and teleport once again, then destroy another generator and hit a switch. Attack the wall for a key, then unlock the door below and destroy the generator. Open the chest and hit the switch over the green pool, then head northeast through the gate and hit another switch before destroying a generator. Work your way east through this section of hedges, then kill an archer and destroy a trio of generators on the other side. Shoot the rock for a key, then open the chest and hit the nearby switch. Climb up the stairs next and destroy the generator west of you, then open the door nearby and use a turbo attack on the giant. Grab the item and step on the switch, then head southwest for a pair of archers to kill. Go up the nearby stairs and kill another archer, then destroy a generator beyond and hit a switch. Shoot the wall for an item and continue north, then shoot the suicide bomber and unlock the door beyond. Kill the archer inside and destroy the generator, then open the chest and hit the switch. Head west for an archer and giant to kill, then touch the obelisk above before killing the archer southwest of you. Destroy the pair of generators up ahead, then continue to the portal to end the stage. -------------------------------------- Valkyrie's Castle - Stage 02 - Dungeon -------------------------------------- - 01 Obelisk - 01 Rune Stone Shoot the generator on your right, then continue down the stairs and head right when given a choice. Take out the bomber below and hit the switch, then shoot the generator above before going back left. Take the left stairs down now and shoot the pair of generators, then shoot the door above and hit the switch behind it. Open the chest below for another switch, then cross the narrow bridge south of you and rush the archer. Shoot the pair of generators next and kill the giant on your right, then hit the pair of switches and go through the gate above. Shoot the pair of generators here and kill the suicide bomber, then climb the stairs and head east until you have a choice. Take the stairs that go down for a generator and a switch, then climb up the stairs and continue east. Shoot the trio of generators and hit the switch in the green patch, then head east for a pair of generators. Cross the bridge up ahead and shoot the generator on the lower level, then touch the switch and obelisk beside it. Climb up the nearby stairs as you hit a switch and shoot a pair of generators. DON'T exit the stage yet, instead backtrack and hit the switch beside the bridge at the bottom of the stairs. Continue working your way back to the start and hit a second switch near a similar bridge. Follow the direction that it points and shoot the window at the top of the first short staircase to find the rune stone. Now head all the way back to the portal and use it to end the stage like usual. "Sumner: High above the once peaceful town of Twinion floats a magical airship suspended by hot air balloons! The townsfolk were mutated into vicious zombies by a toxic green gas pumped out from this flying fortress! Plague grunts in protective masks guard this airship and the ancient ruined tower it's docked at. Fight your way through the poisoned fields and haunted cemetery; then climb the ruined guard tower into the sky where the airship is moored. From there, you can find the source of this monstrous green gas and free the town." Buy some food at the store if you need it, then head to the next stage of the Valkyrie's Castle. ------------------------------------- Valkyrie's Castle - Stage 03 - Armory ------------------------------------- - 01 Rune Stone Destroy the generator above you and grab the nearby key, then unlock the door on your left and shoot a pair of generators. Step on the switch and avoid the chest above (Death is inside), then go back east and shoot the generator beyond the new gate. Step on the switch and head west to the room with the cauldron, then step on the switch there and go east once more. Step on the switch that rises here, then go down either of the staircases south of you. Destroy a pair of generators and shoot the wall above the rightmost one for some treasure, then hit the nearby switch and climb up the stairs. Head west past the cauldron and climb down the stairs, then destroy a pair of generators as you follow the path east. Head left when the path forks for a generator and some treasure, then go south and follow the path to another pair of generators. Use a turbo attack on the giant to your right, then hit the switch beyond him and head back west a little. Go southwest through a new gate once you pass a trap, then take out a nearby generator and unlock the door above. Destroy a generator inside and hit a switch, then watch as the gate northwest of you opens. Work your way around to that gate and go west down the stairs, then destroy a pair of generators and a suicide bomber. Head southeast and destroy a few more generators, then attack the large cracked section of wall beside one of the generators to find a switch. After you hit the switch go ALL THE WAY back to the start of the stage and pick up the rune stone there, then work your way back to this switch. Go north and west for a pair of generators and another switch, then head northeast and climb a set of stairs. Destroy four generators and climb the stairs nearby, then destroy two more generators. Continue up the stairs, then enter the portal at the top to end the stage. Buy some food at the store if you need it, then head to the next stage of the Valkyrie's Castle. --------------------------------------- Valkyrie's Castle - Stage 04 - Treasury --------------------------------------- - Untar's Ice Axe (used on Mountain guardian) - Secret Stage Go down the stairs and destroy a generator, then climb the stairs and shoot the wall above. Hit the switch and head right to a locked door, then kill the giant beyond it. Hit the switch and shoot the generator, then attack the wall above the switch for some invincibility. Hit the switch in the room to your left next while fighting some enemies and a generator. Return southeast and head west along the hall until you reach some enemies, then shoot a group of generators as you follow the path above. Hit the trio of switches along the way and climb the stairs up ahead, then head northeast for a pair of generators. Go through the pair of teleporters and hit the switch on the throne, then shoot the generators northwest of you and attack the bomber. Head west down the stairs and destroy a number of enemies and some generators, avoid the barrel by the west wall as Death is inside. Head north up the stairs instead and hit every switch in this room to lower a few walls and glass barriers, then hit more switches beyond those walls and barriers. One switch lowers a pillar, so step on that switch again and ride the pillar up to more switches. Once you've hit them all make sure you hit another switch slightly northeast of the ice axe, then go southwest and hit another switch near a chest. Go down the stairs east of you and avoid falling bombs as you go west to a teleporter. Destroy the generators and the bomber up ahead, then touch the switch beside the teleporter before entering it. Quickly shoot the suicide bomber on the other side and destroy a group of generators, then shoot the archer and head back to the ice axe. Pick it up now and head back to the area mentioned above, then hit a switch west of you and head through the gate that opens. Destroy the generator and climb the stairs, then you can continue west for the stage exit if you want. However you can also go east and stand on the door to reach the secret stage for this world. Buy some food at the store if you need it, then get ready for the boss of the Valkyrie's Castle. -------------------------------- Valkyrie's Castle - Secret Stage -------------------------------- This stage is simply a room filled with 125 coins and some teleporters. Once you collect them all within the time limit you will unlock another secret character. It's really not hard, just remember to use your turbo and you should be fine. Grab the coins here and take the lower teleporter for a pair of coins, then take the teleporter on your right and follow the large trail of coins counterclockwise. Take the lower teleporter for a pair of coins, then return and take the right teleporter for more coins. Take the lower teleporter for more coins, then teleport right for the final coins. ---------------------------------- Valkyrie's Castle - Boss - Chimera ---------------------------------- Make sure you have the Scimitar before fighting this boss, if you've been following this FAQ then you will have it. It takes away 30% of the boss's health before the fight even begins and therefore helps a lot. Basically the boss fires shots from each of his three heads at the same time and that's really his only attack. Luckily the shots move fairly slowly and you can dodge left or right as needed. There's some food on the left side of the area if you need it, otherwise find a spot where the boss isn't firing shots and attack him until he notices you. At this point you should find a new spot and repeat until the boss dies. After the boss is dead you will get the first of four window shards that you need. Buy some food at the store if you need it, then buy some 3 way shots if you don't have some already as you prepare for the boss of the Mountain Kingdom. -------------------------------- Mountain Kingdom - Boss - Dragon -------------------------------- This boss is harder than the one you just fought simply because he has attacks that are impossible to avoid, but since you have the Ice Axe about 30% of the boss's health is drained at the start of the battle. You can grab the food northeast of you whenever you need it, same goes for the 3 way shot in front of you. While you can try to avoid his attacks and slowly whittle away at his health I find it much easier to turn on your 3 way shots and get in close to the boss. Not too close or he'll step on you and kill you, then just stand there and fire shots up at him, he should die before you do. If he doesn't then you can try buying some other items to help you survive longer, but you shouldn't need them if you've made it this far. After the boss dies you receive another window shard. Instead of buying food to get you back up to full health, play a stage that you've beaten before. It's a cheaper way to restore your health, and you'll earn money, experience and items in the process. After you have full health go to the Town and enter the first stage there. --------------------------------- Town - Stage 01 - Poisoned Fields --------------------------------- - 01 Obelisk - Secret Stage Shoot the generator east of you and shoot the little object above it to reveal a switch, hit the switch and go through the gate that opens to the other side of the water. Head north and take out a giant as you avoid enemies and a suicide bomber, then enter the fenced area to your left and hit the switch. Go east until you reach the obelisk, then touch it and return over the water the same way that you came. Back at the start of the stage head northwest past enemies, generators, a bomber and an archer. Open the door when you come to it and shoot the suicide bomber on the other side, then head north as you avoid some bombs. Continue until you reach a building, then shoot the door by the bomber and hit the switch inside. Go south where the switch is pointing and take the path across the water, then hit the switch here and cross back. Follow the coast north and unlock a door, then go west unto a bridge and shoot the right side of it near the middle to reveal a switch. Step on the switch and step on the platform that rises, then ride it down and step on both switches. Open the chest and ride the platform back up, then head north to the back wall before going west over a hill. Go south after the hill ends to reach a grey path that curves, hit the switch at the top of the path and Head hug the north wall as you go west to reach the secret stage for this world. ------------------- Town - Secret Stage ------------------- This is one of the harder secret stages, on the plus side though there's less coins to collect than the previous two. Just pick a route and stick with it, try your best not to backtrack and hopefully you'll make it. There aren't any teleporters to deal with this time, just bright colours. ---------------------------------- Town - Stage 02 - Haunted Cemetery ---------------------------------- - 01 Obelisk - 01 Rune Stone Go northwest and hit a switch to open the gate nearby, then go north through the gate and continue north until you hit a fence. Hit the switch that points at the gate beyond, then go east and clockwise around the fence. Pass north up the stairs and through the gate, then follow the path as you kill an archer and some bombers. Kill the suicide bomber at the end and grab the invincibility, then hit the switch beside the archer above. Shoot the stump below for another switch, then head west through the open gate. Follow the path as you shoot generators and an archer, then smash the barrel on your left for a switch and Death. Head right for more generators and a bomber, then hit the nearby switch and go west. Go north and shoot the first door on your right for a switch, go south after hitting it and head east to the tower which is now lowered. Get the time stop item from the tower and turn it off to save it for later, then head back to the door that you just shot. Enter the door on your left for a rune stone, then head north towards a fountain as you destroy some generators. Head west past the fountain as you destroy some generators on a path, then head west in the open area beyond until you reach a building. Touch the obelisk above the building and head east, then grab a key from the stump while you continue east. Destroy the giant and head south to a nearby bridge, then hit the switch in the corner and go back to where you met the giant. Head northeast from here as you take out bombers, archers and generators, then take the portal up ahead to end the stage. "Sumner: A blood stained tundra must be crossed to get the fourth shard for my window. Buried deep in the icy mountain is a magical green meteor coveted for its explosive powers. The Dwarven engineers who mined this meteor are now mutants under Skorne's power! Start at the loading docks where ice grunts bring the explosive barrels for transport. Use the network of steam pipes and mine cart tracks to get up and into the mountain's interior where the meteor lies. Its heat waves are melting the snow causing geysers of steam everywhere so avoid steam vents!" -------------------------------- Town - Stage 03 - Venomous Spire -------------------------------- - 01 Rune Stone - Tarkana's Scroll (used on Ice guardian) Destroy a few generators here and head southwest, then shoot a suicide bomber and a generator beyond. Shoot the door nearby and step on the switch, then head back to the start of the stage and open the locked door on your left. Shoot some suicide bombers, generators, archers and bombers on the other side, then climb the ramp north of you and shoot the generator at the top. Head left next and shoot a pair of generators, then open the right chest (Death's in the left one) and head right. Follow the bridge north of you and grab the invisibility, then follow the ramp down to the ground below. Take out a pair of generators as you hit a switch beside the ramp north of you, then shoot more generators and the dirt mound to your right for a key. Climb the northern ramp next and head left at the top for a switch, bomber and pair of generators. Head back to the open area below and head southeast through the open gate, then kill a giant and go clockwise along the wall for another generator and a door. Shoot the door and get rid of Death inside, then hit the switch and climb back up the northern ramp. Go east this time and cross a bridge, then shoot a number of generators on the other side while ignoring the leftmost chest (it has Death inside). Hit the switch east of you to raise the rune stone, unfortunately you can't get to it just yet though. Head up the ramp northwest of you instead and kill an archer while hitting a nearby switch, then go back down the ramp and hit the switch on the circular grate. Climb the ramp once again and head northeast through the open gate, then hit the switch nearby and go back to get the rune stone. Return to the switch you just hit and unlock a door on your right, then head that way and kill a suicide bomber as you go. Shoot the generator on the other side and attack the wall on your right, then hit the switch inside and continue along the path. Watch out for a pair of suicide bombers on your way up, then hit the switch west of you at the top. Attack the spikes to find another switch, then work your way back down the path until you reach a switch on a wooden area beside two generators. Hit the switch and destroy the generator on the other side of the wall that comes down, then attack the back wall to create a hole. Attack the pile in the corner on your right and step on the switch, then grab the scroll and return to the top of the path. Head to the middle of this area to reach a portal, then step on it to end the stage. -------------------------------- Town - Stage 04 - Toxic Air Ship -------------------------------- - 01 Rune Stone Head southeast from the start and shoot the generator up ahead, then destroy the pair of lighter boxes to open a path. Destroy the generators on the other side and walk up the box/ramp to hit the switch, then go north west as you shoot a bomber and generator. Shoot the left object and hit the switch beneath it, then shoot the generator up ahead and unlock the door beyond. Kill a suicide bomber on the other side, then attack the generators on your way up. Don't smash the left barrel because Death is inside, unlock the pair of doors instead and shoot a generator. Hit the switch and head east along the rope ladder, then go west along another rope ladder and go north to a platform. Ride the platform to the open area below, then destroy the generators as you pass an archer and reach a pair of staircases. Take the stairs that lead up and climb up the rope ladder, then take out a generator and suicide bomber before hitting a switch. Go east some more and take out a bomber before hitting another switch, then go back to the pair of staircases. Take the stairs that go down this time and destroy the generators on the way, then take a ramp south and destroy more generators. Take the rope ladder northeast and hit the box in your way for a switch, then take out a generator east of you before shooting a box near the east wall. Grab the rune stone behind the wall and head back down the rope ladder. Go up the ramp to your right and destroy the generators at the top, then head east and get a potion from the barrel. Shoot the generator up ahead and take the nearby ramp to a platform, then attack the generator and hit the switch before going down the next ramp. Shoot the generators here and shoot the box beside the stairs, then hit the switch under it before climbing the stairs. Shoot the I dunno and the archer up ahead, then go up the ramp and shoot more generators. Cross the bridge and shoot a generator on the other side, then attack the box on your right to reveal a switch. Hit the switch and shoot the lighter boxes to reach the other side of the pile, then attack the generators beyond. Unlock the door and attack more generators, then smash the barrel for a switch. Hit the switch and head up the ramp, then attack the giant and a generator beyond. Head southeast and shoot a suicide bomber, then go around the large hole up ahead enter the portal beyond to end the stage. Ignore the boss of this world for now and start the first stage of the Ice Mountain instead. ------------------------------- Ice Mountain - Stage 01 - Docks ------------------------------- - 01 Rune Stone All stages in this world take place in multiple parts, so when you find the portal that would normally end the stage, it's really only the exit for that part. -=PART 01=- Head east to an open area and follow a path northeast of you to another open area, then unlock the door northwest of you and attack a generator and suicide bomber up ahead. Follow the path west along a mountain trail, then unlock the door when you come to it and kill the suicide bomber on the other side. Hit the switch at the end and grab the item that appears, then return to the mountain trail and continue west. Shoot the suicide bomber when the path forks, then take the northwest path and unlock the door up ahead. Ignore the pair of wooden bridges and take the land bridge instead, then destroy the generators up ahead as you hit a switch. Return to where the path forks and head through the open gate in the other branch, then shoot a suicide bomber up ahead. Destroy some generators and follow the path, then enter the nearby portal to reach the second part of this stage. -=PART 02=- Attack the bomber near the start and unlock the door above, then go west past some spiked barriers. Continue west and attack the suicide bomber on the dock, then head to the back of the large pile of boxes beyond. Attack the middle box to reveal a switch, then hit the switch and return to the locked door near the start of this part of the stage. Head north and kill the suicide bomber on your right, then go southeast past the tracks as you attack a bomber and some generators. Go past the spiked barriers and take the ice path beyond, then go east through a locked door and attack the rock on the other side for a switch. Go back through the door and head northwest past generators and spiked barriers until you reach a hill. Go east up the hill and use the tracks at the top to cross the water, then go east on the other side and attack a generator as you reach another set of tracks. Use these tracks to cross the water, then attack the generators and the archer on the other side. Ignore the chest because Death's inside, then go up the nearby hill and unlock the door that you come to. Go down the ramp up ahead to get rid of a bomber, then continue northwest and take out a generator. Go down the ramp below and kill the archer as you grab the rune stone, then go back down the hill and use the tracks to cross the water once more. Go southwest from here past the other set of tracks while killing a bomber and archer, then destroy some generators near a set of tracks. Unlock the door west of you and destroy a pair of generators, then unlock the door north of you and kill some bombers. Once you've killed enough to feel safe, step on the portal to end this part of the stage. -=PART 03=- Head east from the start as you shoot a generator, then kill a suicide bomber north of you before heading in that direction. Shoot a number of generators until you reach a door, then unlock it and attack more generators before heading east. Attack the large rock near the tracks for a switch, then hit it and follow the tracks southwest. Attack some archers and generators along the way, then take the straight path when given a choice. Hit the switch when you come to it, then head back to the fork and take the curved set of tracks. Attack an archer and bomber on your way to an open area, then fight more archers, bombers and generators before going southwest to another switch. Go north after hitting it and follow the tracks to the portal, then step on it to finally end this stage. ------------------------------ Ice Mountain - Stage 02 - Camp ------------------------------ - 01 Rune Stone - Secret Stage -=Part 01=- Go northeast from the start and attack the eastmost box for a switch, then hit it and follow the arrow to another switch. Hit that switch and head south to a third switch, then hit it and follow the arrow to an elevator made of ice. Ride the elevator down and shoot the archers, then grab a key on one of the pipes before hitting a nearby switch and riding another elevator up. Go north around the wall and attack some generators, then kill the suicide bomber that runs from below. Go west to a locked door and kill the giant on the other side, then hit the switch by the steam vents. Slowly work your way south along the winding path, then unlock another door when you come to it and hit the switch inside as you shoot some generators. Continue south along the winding path before heading east to a switch, then ignore the barrels above because Death is in one of them. Go north instead along a path as you kill an archer and some generators, then shoot bombers as you cross a bridge of ice. Destroy more generators and archers, then kill a suicide bomber near a pillar before continuing along the path. Attack more generators and hit a switch at the end, then ride the ice elevator down and kill some archers and bombers as you follow the path. Kill a suicide bomber along the way, then climb up a path beyond as you kill some archers and generators. Hit the switch to raise some boxes, then kill a giant and some generators before hitting another switch. Climb the hill and shoot more generators and archers, then attack the box for a switch that raises more boxes. Walk along the boxes and hit the switch at the end, then continue along the path and unlock the door when you come to it. Shoot the generators and bomber as you continue along the path, then shoot the large ice wall to reveal a chest. Shoot the wall again to reveal an item hidden farther back, then continue along the path until you reach a switch. Hit the switch and take the ice elevator down, then follow the path east. Step on the portal northeast of you to end this part of the stage. -=Part 02=- Kill the archer and generators as you go north past a wooden bridge, then take the second wooden bridge east of you and go north on the other side to reach a switch. Go back south to the bridge and head east from there as you kill a suicide bomber, then head north through a gate while killing an archer and some generators. Shoot the box for a switch, then go up the hill north of you and head south at the top. Hit the switch past the tracks, then take the north set of tracks to a bomber and generator. Continue north along the tracks, then hit the switch near the end for an ice elevator. Ride the elevator down and kill the bomber and archer nearby, then pass under the tracks to reach some boxes, some generators and a switch at the end. Pass back under the tracks and go through the gate northwest of you, then take out some generators while hugging the edge that's closest to the water. Hit the switch when you reach it and climb the hill northeast of you, then climb the other hill just beyond the gate and head west for a switch. Return east and climb up a small hill to reach some tracks, then head west along them as you shoot archers and a generator to reach another switch. Head back along the tracks and continue east along them to an open area, then head northeast to reach more tracks. Follow them north and head down a small hill on your right, then hit the nearby switch and head south as you destroy some generators. Go around the fenced area and hit the switch that's surrounded by steam vents, then kill the PAIR of giants that appear. You can lure them away as you fight to charge your turbo attacks, or you can sometimes get them stuck on the hill north of you, whatever works best for you really. Once both are dead hit the switch north of the vent one and hit a second switch east of the vent switch. Head southeast past the fences and hit a box to reveal a switch, then follow the arrow for an item. Now begin heading back to the start of the stage, then once you pass the second set of tracks hit the switch on the small patch of ice southeast of you. Follow the arrow through a gate and hit the switch beside it, then follow the arrow to another switch. Hit that switch to lower the rune stone, then take the rune stone and head through the gate once more as you work your way back to the area where you fought the pair of giants. Go up the hill north of you and work your way around to the north side of the box maze, then go through the gap here to enter the maze. Shoot the generators and go south through another gap, then destroy more generators before going up a nearby ramp. Once you reach the portal up ahead go east down a ramp and shoot the box for a switch, hit the switch and exit the box maze the same way you entered. Go to the southwest corner of the box maze to find a ramp, then climb it and follow the path counterclockwise. Once you end up at the wooden doorway, stand on it to reach the secret stage. --------------------------- Ice Mountain - Secret Stage --------------------------- This stage can be hard because there's a small margin for error and it's pretty easy to make a mistake. Follow the coins until the path forks, then continue following the coins on the right branch. The path forks once more and you can either go up or right, I recommend following the right path until the coins stop. Now head northwest until you see more coins, then follow them until you collect all 76. ------------------------------ Ice Mountain - Stage 03 - Mine ------------------------------ - 01 Rune Stone -=Part 01=- Follow the tracks above as you destroy some generators and an archer, then unlock the door below and kill a suicide bomber beyond. Cross the bridge and hit the switch, then cross back and go west until you see a hill. Go north up the hill and east at the top while you get rid of Death, then go into the pit above for a switch. Get out of the pit and kill the bombers, then go east up a small ramp to a generator. Pass the steam and hit the pair of switches beyond, then go west until you climb up a snowy hill. Turn around and go east up another hill, then attack the archer and generators as you follow the path to a switch. Hit the switch and head west to a chest, then hit the switch beside the chest and go back down the hill. Head west through a gate and kill the archer, bomber and generator as you hit a switch. Ride the elevator up as you shoot a generator, then cross the bridge while shooting archers. Finally step on the nearby portal to end this part of the stage. -=Part 02=- Cross the bridge as you kill an archer, then go up the hill east of you as you kill a generator and bomber. Climb another hill and hit a switch, then return down both hills. Hit the switch northwest of you and ride the elevator up, then destroy the generator and hit the nearby switch. Ride the next elevator up and take out the giant, then shoot the generators as you go down the nearby hill. Hit the switch below and go back down the first elevator, then head west as you cross a bridge before shooting an archer and generator. Go north and hit the switch under the barrel, then go west and hit another switch to lower a fence. Grab the item inside and take the path beside the bridge that you entered the area on, then take out some archers and a generator before you reach the bottom. Kill the suicide bomber nearby and cross the bridge up ahead, then shoot a generator and go through a few teleporters. Shoot a generator as you climb a hill, then cross the bridge while you kill an archer and some generators. Hit the nearby switch and cross back, then hit another switch and ride the elevator up. Destroy the generator and go north through the gate, then shoot a pair of generators as you hit a switch northeast of you. Go back down through the gate and kill a suicide bomber, then head east through another gate and take out a generator. Finally step on the portal to end this part of the stage. -=Part 03=- go around the hole and cross the bridge, then unlock the door and hit the switch up ahead as you shoot a generator. Go back through the door and go down a nearby bridge, then shoot an archer and generator before hitting a switch. Go down a nearby hill and destroy some generators, then shoot the rock for another switch. If you look west you'll see the rune stone, but you can't reach it just yet. Return to the start of the stage and hit the switch there, then return to the rune stone and hit the switch to lower the wall. Grab the rune stone and go back across the bridge northeast of you, then take the next bridge on your right. Go east on the other side for a switch, then cross the next bridge west of you and hit a switch. Go west and take an elevator down to another switch, then ride the elevator back up and climb the nearby hill. Hit the trio of switches and unlock the door west of you, then cross the bridge and destroy some generators. Kill the giant and collect the item on the hill above, then cross the bridge northwest of you. Finally step on the portal above to end the stage. --------------------------------- Ice Mountain - Stage 04 - Fissure --------------------------------- - Javelin (used on Town guardian) -=Part 01=- Head east from the start as you shoot generators and an archer, then unlock the door when you reach it and attack the generators beyond. Head down the hill and cross the pipe, then attack the archer and generator. Unlock the door below and shoot the generator before taking a halo from the chest, then go drain some health from Death before going down the ramp nearby. Go down the ramp up ahead and attack bombers at the bottom, then shoot the suicide bomber nearby before crossing the pipe ahead. Shoot the generators and unlock the door at the top of the hill, then cross the pipe as you shoot some generators and an archer. Shoot a bomber and cross the pipe for some generators and a key in the rock, then cross the nearby bridge for a switch. Cross back to the main path after you hit the switch, then head east as you shoot a suicide bomber. Go through the gate and kill a giant, then go southeast down a series of ramps as you shoot some generators. Head northeast up a ramp and go down a pair of ramps on your right, then go down the hill south of you and attack the blue rock for a switch. Unlock the door west of you and hit the switch beyond, then go back up the hill east of you. Head up the hill on your left and take out the suicide bomber near the bridge, then hit the switch at the end and go back through the gate. Go northeast through another gate and step on the portal to end this part of the stage. -=Part 02=- Shoot the generators as you head northeast, then attack a suicide bomber before using the teleporter. Attack the generators and an archer before crossing the bridge, then head northeast and unlock the door nearby. Attack more generators as you go down the hill southwest of you, then unlock the door past the bridge and attack the wall at the end for a switch. Hit the switch and return up the hill, then go up the other hill west of you and cross the bridge. Go through the open gate and hit a switch, then go back through the gate and enter the next gate north of you. Follow the path and take the javelin, then go back down both hills and follow the path at the bottom to a pipe. Kill the archer as you cross the pipe, then head east and kill a suicide bomber before crossing the pipe up ahead. Shoot the generators as you go down the hill and cross a bridge, then use the teleporter and head east through another teleporter. Unlock the door below and go east to a green area, then cross the small bridge there and step on the portal to end the stage. Make sure you're doing alright health wise, then get ready to fight the boss of the Ice Mountain. -------------------------- Ice Mountain - Boss - Yeti -------------------------- The scroll removes about 30% of the boss's health before the fight begins so make sure you have that first. Otherwise the boss fights similar to the dragon boss in the Mountain Kingdom. It has an unavoidable attack that creates a wave as well as some blue shots that are easily avoided. One of them is a single shot and really easy to avoid, the other is a stream of shots, but it's pretty slow and easy to spot so it shouldn't give you much trouble either. Basically use any powerups that you have and attack the boss in between dodging his shots, same as all the other bosses. Once beaten you receive another shard of the window. Make sure you're doing alright health wise, then head over to the Town and get ready to fight the boss there. -------------------------- Town - Boss - Plague Fiend -------------------------- The javelin will take off about 30% of the boss's health before the battle begins so make sure that you have it for that extra edge. This boss has the same individual and stream shots as most of the bosses, but he also sends out little blob enemies to annoy you. Fortunately they die with one hit and they do very little damage to you. I recommend just waiting far enough to the side that the stream shots miss you, then fire diagonally at the boss while ignoring the small blobs. Once the boss is dead you receive the final shard of the window. With the window fully assembled you can now reach the Desecrated Temple, simply stand in the light that shines through the window whenever you're ready to start this stage. ----------------- Desecrated Temple ----------------- This stage is pretty short, but it's annoying because destroying generators doesn't seem to help slow down the enemies. Go southwest at the start and hit the switch in the corner, then head southeast to a switch in that corner. Work your way north until you can go east to an alcove, then hit the switch on your left followed by the one on your right. Hit the third switch that appears and head to the west side of the building next, then attack the statue that's left of Death. Hit the switch underneath and get rid of Death, then enter the alcove behind him and hit the switch on your left. Hit the switch on your right next and head back to the start of the stage, then go east up a small ramp near the wall and shoot a statue for another switch. Hit the switch and go back to the alcove where you saw Death, then hit the new switch and go to the north end of the stage. Go past the white block and head up the stairs beyond, then shoot the podium to reveal a switch. Hit the switch and go south to the white block, then hit the switch there and head north. Step on the portal once you reach it to end the stage and start a boss battle with Skorne. --------------- Altar Of Skorne --------------- Like most of the bosses Skorne has a shockwave attack that can't be avoided, you don't actually see the wave but when he pounds the ground with his fist you take damage. He also has single and stream attacks of fireballs like most of the bosses. Being so similar to the other bosses his attacks are avoided in the same way, otherwise I recommend getting fairly close to him and using a 3 way shot powerup until the battle ends. Once the battle is over you receive four special powerups, two different gauntlets, a helmet, and a set of horns. Revisit easier stages for health if you need it, or buy it if you have the money, then head for the next set of stages in the Battle Field world. ---------------------------------- Battle Field - Stage 01 - Trenches ---------------------------------- - Secret Stage -=Part 01=- Take out the generators here and head down the hill east of you, then shoot another generator and a suicide bomber before heading west. Unlock a pair of doors and shoot a generator, then climb the guard tower to take out an archer. Go around to the ground below and head east as you destroy a number of generators, then avoid the chest because Death is inside. Go east into the trenches and ignore the locked door, then follow the path as you destroy generators. Shoot a suicide bomber and head north when the path forks, then climb up the ramp made of stone when you reach it and hit the switch as you destroy a generator. Go back down the ramp and head north to the fork in the path, then continue north while you attack a generator and archer. Unlock the door when you come to it and attack the large block, then climb the ramp and attack a giant and generator. Hit the nearby switch and cross the wooden bridge southwest of you, then attack some generators and climb the large ramp. Attack a generator and archer east of you before returning west, then hit the switch and ride the elevator. Shoot the generator at the top and hit the switch, then ride the elevator down and cross the bridge once more. Go back down the ramp nearby and head east until you reach a fork, then head southeast for generators and a key. Head northwest for a generator and another fork, then go northeast for a generator and yet another fork. Head south for some generators as you unlock a door, then hit the switch and continue down the path. Unlock another door and hit the switch, then step over the barrier once it sinks and open the chest nearby for an item. Head northwest past the first fork and head northeast at the second, then go north at the third and attack a suicide bomber up ahead. Go up the ramp and take out the generators, then head west for a switch before heading northeast up a hill. Shoot a suicide bomber and step on the portal beyond to end this part of the stage. -=Part 02=- Kill the suicide bomber north of you before crossing the bridge northeast of you, then shoot a bomber, an archer and a pair of generators. Enter the trenches above and go east at the fork, then attack the wooden door at the end for a halo and a switch. Go back west after hitting the switch and head north, then unlock a door and head west to a generator and fork. Go north and head west at the next fork until you reach a fork, head east as you unlock a door for some generators. Shoot the wooden wall and hit the switch, then go back west to the fork and head south past another fork. Climb up the rocky ramp nearby and shoot the generator, then shoot the box and hit the switch under it. Cross the wooden bridge and take out some generators as you hit another switch, then head northeast and attack the rock for another switch. Go back across the bridge and head back down the rocky ramp, then go north and follow the path past two forks. Climb the small hill and go left for a generator, then step on the secret exit to reach the secret stage. --------------------------- Battle Field - Secret Stage --------------------------- This is a Very easy stage, simply go north from the start and follow the trail of coins until it branches, then pick either branch and follow it until it ends. If you don't miss any of the 85 coins and use your turbo every so often you'll be fine. -------------------------------- Battle Field - Stage 02 - Towers -------------------------------- - Soul Savior (used on Skorne) -=Part 01=- Shoot the generator east of you and hit the nearby switch, then go east for another generator before attacking more generators and an archer north of you. Go down the nearby ramp and attack some generators, then hit a switch and go southeast where it points through a gate. Take out the generators as you head down the ramps to the ground, then shoot the closest box and take out the generators west of you. Ignore the chest because Death is inside, instead go east past the ramp and shoot some explosive barrels. Shoot the generator north of you and hit the switch then head south and attack the giant if you want the experience, otherwise go back up the ramps and hit the switch in the alcove on your left. Go back down the ramps and hit the switch west of you, then hit the next two switches nearby and head back up the ramps. Go west up another ramp and head through a gate, then hit the nearby switch as you kill an archer. Head west to an elevator and ride it to the ground below, then take out a suicide bomber and some archers before shooting the nearby generators. Enter the large pit and attack the wooden tower for a switch, hit the switch and follow the arrow. Hit a series of four switches as you shoot generators, then go back up the elevator and head east until you can go north through some generators and over a bridge. Attack the giant and go west, then hit a switch and kill another giant. Hit the switch that he was standing on and shoot the rock in the corner above for a switch. Hit the switch and cross back over the bridge, then head south and west to a bomber. Shoot the bomber and climb onto his platform, then grab the red Soul Savior and return to the bridge. Go north past the bridge for some archers, then step on the portal to end this part of the stage. -=Part 02=- Head up the hill as you shoot the bomber and generator, then enter the cave on your right to hit a hidden switch. Hit the next switch that rises nearby and ride the elevator, then take out a generator before hitting a nearby switch. Head up the ramp and take out the generators, then hit a pair of switches near chests. Take invincibility from the second chest, then head up the ramp and work your way to the nearby bomber and the switch beside him. Hit the switch and head down the ramps to reach the ground, then attack a generator and hit a switch. Once the area west of you lowers itself go that way and get rid of a pair of bombers, then continue along the path as you take out generators and a suicide bomber. Hit the switch up ahead and go up the hill as you take out archers and a generator, then hit the nearby switch and cross the bridge as you shoot more generators. Head west past the giants and hit a switch, then run back past them unless you want the experience from killing them. Climb up the ramp and cross the bridge as you destroy some generators, then step on the portal up ahead to end the stage. ------------------------------------------- Battle Field - Stage 03 - Infernal Fortress ------------------------------------------- - 01 Rune Stone Quickly kill the suicide bomber at the start, then head north and take the bridge on your left to get rid of a bomber. Head north and take the ramp on your left for a pair of archers to shoot and a switch, then go back down the ramp and go north into the open area as you shoot generators. Go west past the spiked barrier and cross a bridge, then unlock a door and hit a switch south of you. Cross back over the bridges and go north through the open gate, then take the bridge west of you followed by a small ramp northwest of you. Head west for a generator, a bomber, and a switch, then go east across a bridge and unlock the door nearby. Shoot the generators as you cross a small bridge beyond, then hit the nearby switch and head back through the door. Enter the large gate north of you, then shoot the generators as you go through the large gate on the right side of the room. Head east past the boxes and attack the generators, then go northwest past fences and generators. Kill the giant and hit the nearby switch, then ride the elevator and head northeast to a generator and switch. Go up the hill and shoot the generators, then take the teleporter north of you. Shoot the bomber up ahead and unlock the door beyond, then hit the switch up ahead and ride the elevator down. Take out the archers and a suicide bomber, then shoot the generator up ahead and hit the switch. Enter the teleporter and go west to the ground floor, then takeout a few generators and head north. Ignore the ramp for now and hug the west wall instead, then enter the partially hidden teleporter and hit the switch on the other side. Teleport back and go north over a wooden ramp, then shoot some generators before attacking the wall north of you. Grab the rune stone behind the wall and ride the elevator south of you, then attack an archer and suicide bomber before heading north. Go east across the north bridge and follow the path to a switch, then follow that switch to a series of switches hidden in alcoves. Death is in the first alcove so use a potion on him, otherwise head west once you've hit them all. Hit the switch at the end and ride the elevator down, then go around the boxes while attacking generators. Unlock the door when you come to it, then take out the generators and a bomber before hitting a switch up ahead. Go back across the bridge and enter the nearby gate, then take the item from the chest before using the portal to end the stage. "Sumner: No time to lose! While the gateway to the Underworld is open you must descend into the fiery pits below and vanquish Skorne once and for all! Go forth and may the graces of light go with you!" Make sure your health is alright, then stand in the circle of runes to begin the final stage. ----------------------- Gates Of The Underworld ----------------------- This whole stage is filled with really annoying strong enemies and generators. I find it best to just avoid the enemies instead of fighting them, but if you want the experience or a challenge you can fight them. Go south for a potion at the start, then head north to an open area and go northwest to find a rock. Attack the rock for your first switch, then head northeast to your next pair of switches. Backtrack to the first open area, then head north in the middle to reach another switch. Continue north and attack a rock for a switch, then go north to another switch before heading north to a pair of rocks. Attack the rock on the right for a switch, then follow the arrow west as you work your way to a winding path. Hit the switch on the other side and head northeast to a rock, then attack the rock for another switch. Follow the arrow until you can go northwest, then go east up a winding path at the fork. Hit the switch at the top and go west down the other side of the path, then attack the rock at the bottom for a switch. Follow the arrow to the next switch, then follow that arrow to a rock. Shoot the rock for a switch and head south before going west through a gate, then either kill the giant or avoid him. Shoot the large stone object for a switch, then follow the arrows as you hit two more switches. Finally go north to the portal and stand on it to end the stage. --------------- World Of Skorne --------------- Skorne fights exactly like he did in your last battle with him, but this time your weapons barely do any damage to him. In order to beat him you need to use the four powerups that you earned from him in the last battle. I found you could just get in close (but more to the left/right, so his arms don't hit you) and fire with the horns/helmet until they run out, while doing this Skorne was unable to deal damage at all. After the battle is over watch the ending to the game. "Sumner: As a token of your deed, I grant you these rewards as a symbol that you entered the bowels of the underworld and emerged victorious." At this point there's nothing left to do in the game except build experience until you reach level 99. Four stages also open up at this point but they have nothing to do with the plot, they're just filled with tons of really strong enemies (and a straightforward path to the exit). So if you want some extra challenge you can play those, otherwise you're done. ############################################################################### (H) THANKS ############################################################################### Huge thanks go out to andy. ############################################################################### (I) EXPERIMENTAL ############################################################################### For a little while now I've had a paypal link in all my FAQs at the very bottom here. Mainly as a small experiment since a few other FAQ authors have also had the same idea. I had a few people email me before I put this link in because they wanted to send money, so it's here for those people. I've been getting cases of energy drinks and making some excellent progress on a few FAQs & maps. If you don't want to send money or can't then send me an email, it's nice to hear what people thought about my work and there's always room for improvement. My email address and paypal address for those that want to contribute are both dan.engel.2017 (AT) gmail (DOT) com Many thanks, and I hope you continue to use my work! ~Dan