--------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | | __ | | | | / | | | | | __ -- - - - - ----- - ---- ----- | | | | | | |__| | | |\ | | | |__ | | | | | \__/ | | |__| | \| | |___ |___ | | | | | _ | | | | | | | | | | ---- --- ---- - - --- --- | | | | | |__ | __ |__ |\ | | \ |___ | | | | |____ |___ |___| |___ | \| |__/ ___| | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- F O R T H E P L A Y S T A T I O N V e r s i o n 1 . 0 M a d e B y S t a r F i g h t e r s 7 6 Welcome all to my walkthrough on a game that is based of a classic known as a Gauntlet Legends, for the PlayStation. I hope this walkthrough helps out as much as possible. Below is nothing but spoilers on the game, so if you don't want to be spoiled, please take a detour and hit the Back button now. However if you want to be spoiled or need some help, please scroll down as far as you need to. Consider this as your Spoiler Warning! READER'S NOTE: This is gonna be a rather large FAQ which I will try to cover as much as I can. To help you navigate through this FAQ easier, do a quickfind on the particular section you're looking for. Example, if you want to read the section on the Mountain Cave, do CTRL + F then type in Mount#04 as it's the fourth stage of the Mountain Region (though you should press it twice to find the correct section of course). Use the Table Of Contents to help you better navigate. ^_^ ----------------- |TABLE OF CONTENTS| ----------------- SECTION 1: Intro A: Version Guide B: The Story Of Gauntlet Legends C: What Is Gauntlet Legends D: About This Walkthrough E: Control Configuration F: Playable Characters SECTION 2: Walkthrough A: Before The Walkthrough B: AREA 1 - Mountain Region (QUICKFIND: Mount#01 - Mount#07) 1: Mountain Valley 5: Mountain Cavern 2: Mountain Peak 6: Mountain Secret Stage 3: Mountain Cliff 7: Mountain Boss Stage - Dragon 4: Mountain Cave C: AREA 2 - Castle Region (QUICKFIND: Cast#01 - Cast#06) 1: Castle Courtyard 4: Castle Treasury 2: Castle Dungeon 5: Castle Secret Stage 3: Castle Armory 6: Castle Boss Stage - Chimera D: AREA 3 - Town Region (QUICKFIND: Town#01 - Town#06) 1: Town Poison Field 4: Town Toxic Air Ship 2: Town Haunted Cementary 5: Town Secret Stage 3: Town Venomous Spire 6: Town Boss Stage - Plague Fiend E: AREA 4 - Ice Region (QUICKFIND: Ice#01 - Ice#06) 1: Ice Docks 4: Ice Fissure 2: Ice Camp 5: Ice Secret Stage 3: Ice Mine 6: Ice Boss Stage - Yeti F: AREA 5 - Desecrated Temple (QUICKFIND: Temp#01 - Temp#02) 1: Desecrated Temple 2: Altar Of Skorne - Skorne G: AREA 6 - Battle Region (QUICKFIND: Battle#01 - Battle#04) 1: Battle Trenches 3: Battle Fortress 2: Battle Towers 4: Battle Secret Stage H: AREA 7 - Gates Of The Underworld (QUICKFIND: Gates#01 - Gates#02) 1: Underworld Gates 2: World Of Skorne - Skorne I: AREA 8 - Extra Region (QUICKFIND: Extra#01 - Extra#04) 1: Mountain Summit 4: Forest Village 2: Castle Barracks 5: Extra Secret Stage 3: Desert Tombs SECTION 3: Checklist Walkthrough A: Runestone Location (QUICKFIND: Check#01) B: Obelisk Location (QUICKFIND: Check#02) C: Special Item Location (QUICKFIND: Check#03) D: Secret Stage Location (QUICKFIND: Check #04) SECTION 4: Important Stuff A: Items & Usage (QUICKFIND: Stuff#01) B: Enemies (QUICKFIND: Stuff#02) C: Bosses (QUICKFIND: Stuff#03) SECTION 5: In Conclusion A: What's To Come B: PayPal Donations C: Special Thanks D: Final Words ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- SECTION 1: |INTRO| ----- ------------- A: |Version Guide| ------------- Version 1.0: Just finished making the walkthrough for the game, and submitted it to GameFAQS (09/16/08) ----------------------------- B: |The Story Of Gauntlet Legends| ----------------------------- Story taken from Wikipedia.com: "In past ages, a corrupt mage named Garm used a set of Runestones to summon a demon named Skorne. However Skorne crushed Gram and imprisoned his soul in the Underworld. Skorne, fearing the power of the Runestones, scattered them throughout the four realms, so that they could never used against him. The player must defeat the end bosses of each of the four realms to obtain the four keys which allow access to Skorne's temple. While traveling through each realm, the player must also collect the 13 Runestones from where they have been scattered. The complete set of Runestones allows the player to pursue Skorne to the Underworld in order to finally destroy him." ------------------------ C: |What Is Gauntlet Legends| ------------------------ Gauntlet Legends is based off the original Gauntlet game. This is an action/adventure RPG type game, where you must battle your way through several stages in order to defeat the big baddie known as Skorne. You get to choose from one of four characters of your liking, and get to unlock four more characters. Through your many journeys, you will come across such fierce creatures and powerful items, as well as 13 Runestones which will help you defeat Skorne. It is up to you, to go through mountainous terrain, heavily guarded castles, overrun towns, frozen wastelands, and massive battlefields, to save the day in this fun yet challenging game! ---------------------- D: |About This Walkthrough| ---------------------- This is gonna be a pretty good size walkthrough, so be ready for alot of info to be covered. Several times throughout the walkthrough I will probably repeat myself. A few times would possibly be necessary, such as a Boss guide, as well as a few other things. Sometimes I do this without even realizing it, and sometimes I do it to make it easier for people to find what they are looking for on this walkthrough. This guide, like others, is described on how I played/beat the game. You have your methods as do I. This is just my way of doing it. I hope this helps out in anyways possible. --------------------- E: |Control Configuration| --------------------- This is the basic controls for the game: 'X' BUTTON = Allows you to attack TRIANGLE BUTTON = Switches Items on and off 'O' BUTTON = Allows you to use Magic Potions SQAURE BUTTON = Does nothing SQUARE + 'X' BUTTON = Allows you to use your special attack START BUTTON = Pauses game SELECT BUTTON = Does nothing D-PAD BUTTON = Moves in any direction 'L1' BUTTON = Switches from Items to Stats to Special Items 'L2' BUTTON = Switches between Items, Stats or Special Items 'R1' BUTTON = Switches from Items to Stats to Special Items 'R2' BUTTON = Switches between Items, Stats or Special Items LEFT ANALOG STICK = Moves in any direction RIGHT ANALOG STICK = Does nothing ------------------- F: |Playable Characters| ------------------- This is a list of all the starting playable characters and their starting stats: WARRIOR: Best for attacking and defense, but poor magic. Armor: 300 Speed: 510 Magic: 40 Fight Power: 110 Shot Power: 100 LEVEL 1 - Charged Blast: Shoots out a charged axe attack. LEVEL 2 - Fire Arc: Performs a 360 degree flame slash. LEVEL 3 - Plasma Drain: Shoots a fire charged axe beam. VALKYRIE: Great defense and speed, medium attacking. Armor: 340 Speed: 590 Magic: 55 Fight Power: 80 Shot Power: 75 LEVEL 1 - Charged Blast: Shoots out a charged blade attack. LEVEL 2 - Multi-Blade Arc: Perform a 360 degree blade slash. LEVEL 3 - Sky Lance: Shoot out a blue charged beam out. WIZARD: Great magic, medium speed, but poor defense and fight. Armor: 25 Speed: 440 Magic: 108 Fight Power: 30 Shot Power: 110 LEVEL 1 - Charged Blast: Shoots out a charged magic attack. LEVEL 2 - Rock Shower: Causes giant rocks to rain down. LEVEL 3 - Demon Skull: Shoots out a powerful giant skull. ARCHER: Great speed, but poor everything else. Armor: 45 Speed: 620 Magic: 70 Fight Power: 35 Shot Power: 60 LEVEL 1 - Charged Blast: Shoots out a charged arrow attack. LEVEL 2 - Double Bow: Shoots out several arrows at once. LEVEL 3 - B.F.G.: Shoots out a powerful arrow blast. (B.F.G. = Big Fucking Gun, for those wondering) This is a list of all the unlockable characters. Their stats are the same as the character you start the game with: MINOTAUR: Can be unlocked after beating Mountain Secret Stage. LEVEL 1 - Charged Blast: Shoots out a charged axe attack. LEVEL 2 - Fire Arc: Performs a 360 degree flame slash. LEVEL 3 - Plasma Drain: Shoots a fire charged axe beam. JACKAL: Can be unlocked after beating Castle Secret Stage. LEVEL 1 - Charged Blast: Shoots out a charged magic attack. LEVEL 2 - Rock Shower: Causes giant rocks to rain down. LEVEL 3 - Demon Skull: Shoots out a powerful giant skull. TIGERRESS: Can be unlocked after beating Battle Secret Stage. LEVEL 1 - Charged Blast: Shoots out a charged arrow attack. LEVEL 2 - Double Bow: Shoots out several arrows at once. LEVEL 3 - B.F.G.: Shoots out a powerful arrow blast. FALCONRESS: Can be unlocked after beating Town Secret Stage. LEVEL 1 - Charged Blast: Shoots out a charged axe attack. LEVEL 2 - Multi-Blade Arc: Perform a 360 degree blade slash. LEVEL 3 - Sky Lance: Shoot out a blue charged beam out. Oh, and in case anyone wonders how to play as the secret characters. On the Tower Map, press START and go to SELECT CHARACTERS, and you will be taken to a screen showing you the characters you've unlocked and can play as. However when using said characters, your current level stats will still be the same. Now in battle, keep an eye out for your Power Meter. There are different levels on it, to where you can perform special attacks. There are three level of attacks. Level 1 = Green, LV. 3 LV. 2 LV. 1 LV. 2 LV. 1 Level 2 = Yellow, Level 3 = ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Red. This will charge up as |RRRRR|YYYYY|GGGGG|YYYYY|RRRRR| you are either walking or ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- standing still. Once a color is bright, that level is completely filled, which means you can use your special attack of that particular level. Press the 'X' and SQUARE Buttons at the same time to use a Special Attack. Now as you progress in your levels, you will receive special rewards for reaching certain levels: Level 10 = You are now a Level 10 Hero! Level 25 = You are now a Level 25 Guardian! (you will receive the Phoenix Familar, w00t!) Level 50 = You are now a Level 50 Champion! Level 75 = You are now a Level 75 Master! Level 99 = Now you are truly a Legend! (you will receive 1,000 Thunder Hammers, w00t!) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- SECTION 2: |WALKTHROUGH| ----------- ---------------------- A: |Before The Walkthrough| ---------------------- 1. This is a pretty extensive game, with multiple combinations of paths to take to get to the Goal. When you follow this walkthrough, I will describe how to get through each level via getting the Runestones, Obelisks, Secret Stages and Special Items. I won't sidetrack past that, but you are more than welcome to do so. If you do, you're on your own, but you can use my maps to help you get around. 2. Speaking of maps, here is a rough map to the Tower Map. 1 LEGEND: ------- 1. Mountain Region 8 / \ 2 2. Castle Region / \ 3. Town Region | | 4. Desecrated Temple 7 | 9 | 3 5. Ice Region | | 6. Battlefield Region \ / 7. Extra Region 6 \ / 4 8. Items Shop ------- 9. Gates Of The Underworld 5 3. When it comes to handling the boss fights, while it's not required, it would help to get the Special Item that can be used on that particular boss fight. By using said items, will instantly take affect in battle, knocking out a more than 1/4 of the bosses health. The catch is, that item won't be found till later in the game. Here is the Special Items, where they can be found and used on who: ITEM | LOCATION | BOSS USED ON ------------- --------------------- ------------------- Ice Axe | Castle Treasury | Mountain Dragon Scimitar | Mountain Cavern | Castle Chimera Javelin | Ice Fissure | Town Plague Fiend Scroll | Town Venomous Spire | Ice Yeti Soul Savior | Battlefield Towers | Skorne 4. So what level should you be? Of course you can be whatever level you feel comfortable with. However since you can get as high as Level 99 stats, I decided to spread out the levels throughout the game. This is my opinion (which may obviously be different from yours): Mountain Region = Level 01 - 20 Castle Region = Level 21 - 35 Town Region = Level 36 - 50 Ice Region = Level 51 - 65 Desecrated Temple = Level 66 - 70 Battle Region = Level 71 - 85 Underworld Gate = Level 86 - 90 Extra Region = Level 91 - 99 Best to use the Generators to help you boost up your stats. It may take forever, but it's the best way. 5. For certain items found in the barrels and chests, specifically Food and Poison, it is random. What I have listed is what I come across in gameplay, so it might be different for you. Here's a hint, if you come across Poison, use a Magic Potion on it and it will become Food. ------------------------ B: |AREA 1 - Mountain Region| ------------------------ "My brother, Garm, used the power of the 13 Runestones to summon forth the demon lord Skorne. Skorne was too powerful for my brother to control and broke free from his magical bonds. Skorne tossed Garm out of my tower to parts unknown... With his freedom, Skorne summoned an army of evil and used my tower to send his minions to each of the Gauntlet Realms. Finally, he scattered the 13 Runestones of power scross the known Realms; hoping the would never be gathered and used against him! Skorne has transformed the Sacred Cathedral behind this magical window into a citadel for his defense! To enter there you must recover the four magical shards of glass that are guarded by each of Skorne's servants. When the window is repaired, simply enter the Circle Of Light and you will be taken to the cathedral. Skorne has sealed my gateways with his evil magic and trapped my powers inside of magical Obelisks hidden in each world. Free my power from these Obelisks so that I can open the other worlds to you. With my last spell I opened the Mountain Kingdom. Skorne's forces have hollowed out the ancient volcano Yserbius and hidden one of the four shards there. Find a way into the volcano's core and recover the first of the four shards you'll need. Your quest begins..." ----------------------------------- 1. |Level 1: Mountain Valley (Mount#01)| ----------------------------------- ITEMS: 2 Magic Potions, 7 Keys, Obelisk #01, 2 Notes, 300 Gold, 7 Foods, Fire Breath, Speed Shoes ENEMIES: Green Trolls, Archer Troll You are now in the Mountain Valley, the first stage of a very long game. At the starting point, Green Trolls will come out of a Doorway Generator, so start whacking away at that till the generator is gone. Also here you will find some GOLD, a MAGIC POTION and a KEY, and further up the screen is another KEY. After collecting these items, make your way across the nearby bridge, where you will face more Green Trolls. Take them and the generator out and pick up the FOOD and FIRE AMULET nearby. Go over to the staircase now, and step on the red switch and a platform will rise up, which will have OBELISK #01 on it (touch that). After that, climb up the staircase (watch out for the fire) and at the top will be a KEY. Follow that path to pickup some FOOD and FIRE BREATH. After that, more Green Trolls will come out, so hack away until you the generator is gone. Also at this spot will be some FOOD and a NOTE (which talks about the Obelisks). Now that we have those, let's move on up the staircase. Up here, you guessed it, more green uglies and the black door of the green ugly maker. Take that out and around here you can pick up a KEY and FOOD, GOLD from the chest as well as a barrel. After that, head to the locked gate and go through it (using a Key obviously). Climb this next staircase and at the top is another KEY. Now follow the path left and continue onwards to find more trouble and another locked gate. Through the gate and up the stairs (I know, let's play king of the mountain!) and more Green Trolls will come out. Items to get here, would be a MAGIC POTION, FOOD, KEY and a NOTE (talking about the switches). Speaking of which, you just stepped on a red one which lowered the nearby door. Watch out for the fire and go through it and climb even more stairs (getting a workout already?). Up here is an annoying Archer Troll, so take it out quickly, as well as Green Trolls that will be marching towards you. At this spot there will be FOOD, SPEED SHOES and a KEY. Get all of those and climb up the staircase, blasting away at all the Green Trolls as well as the Green Troll Generator (which is halfway up). At the top will be some FOOD and the GOAL GATE. Grab the yummy and step on the gate. You have completed this level! --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, head back to the Mountain Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- 2. |Level 2: Mountain Peak (Mount#02)| --------------------------------- ITEMS: Speed Shoes, Rapid Fire, 9 Keys, 5 Foods, Levitation, 3-Way Shot, 2 Magic Potions, 400 Gold, Note, Obelisk #02, Runestone #01 ENEMIES: Green Trolls, Suicide Troll, Archer Troll, Bomber Troll, Rock Golem You are now in the Mountain Peak, so here we go again! At the starting point, Green Trolls will come out of a generator so take all that out when you're ready. Also here is a 3-WAY SHOT, KEY and a MAGIC POTION. Collect those, then head over to the far right path to find another MAGIC POTION and KEY. You will hear yelling, which means a Suicide Troll is coming, so take it out before it hits you, then follow the path it ran on. FOOD and a Green Troll Generator will be here, so you know what to do. Next to the generator however, well what looks out of place. Yep, you guessed it, the brightly colored boulder. Strike at it three times to cause it to disappear only to find a red switch. Step on it and something will open. Now continue following the path, taking out more Green Trolls until you reach an intersection (don't worry about the locked gate, it'll just take you back to the beginning). Here will be some GOLD and a NOTE (talking about hidden switches in stuff, didn't we just discovered that on our own?!). From the treasure chest, head left up the hill, taking out more Green Trolls and the generator at the top. Here will be a 3-way intersection, and from here, head left of the generator and down the next steep hill. Down here is some FOOD and if you make your way up the next steep hill, you will see a KEY, GOLD, LEVITATION and OBELISK #02. And of course what open area wouldn't be complete without Green Trolls! Avoid the barrel as DEATH is in it! So with that, head over to the far pathway (along the wall) and climb up it. A Bomber Troll will throw bombs at you from above so be careful about that (just as annoying as the Archer Trolls). As you make your way up the hill, ignore the locked gate you pass up (but take out the Green Trolls), and head all the way to the end of this path. More Green Trolls are here, but so is a KEY so get that and follow the hill upwards and find another KEY as well as Green Trolls. After getting the item, head left and take out the Archer Troll. There is also SPEED SHOES here so grab that (ignore the decline hill past that). Now head through the small opening which has two paths. The right one is blocked off (for now), so head up the left path and as you do, big trouble will come your way in the form of a Rock Golem. Use your special attack to wipe this one out quickly. Also Green Trolls will come out, so take them out and the generator when you're ready. Items here will be a KEY and a NOTE (talking about a Runestone nearby). So how do we get it? Well in this area, head to the back corner. Notice anything out of place? If so, hit it three times to reveal a red switch and after stepping on it, head back down the previous hill and go through the newly opened right path. You should see a patch of grass sticking out of the wall, so right here, hit the wall a few times to reveal RUNESTONE #01. Continue up the hill some more to find more Green Trolls, which will easily gang up on you if you're not careful. Up here also is a MAGIC POTION (chest), FOOD, GOLD (pile of crap in the middle) and a KEY. Head over to the locked gate, and go through it and follow the path up then down the hill to the 3-way intersection. From there, head right up the long hill. At the top you will find a KEY and GOLD and the GOAL GATE. Collect the items and step on it to complete this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the Runestone take its place in the center of the tower. Now head back to the Mountain Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- 3. |Level 3: Mountain Cliff (Mount#03)| ---------------------------------- ITEMS: 7 Foods, Speed Shoes, 400 Gold, 13 Keys, 2 Notes, Poison, Obelisk #03, Invincibility, 3 Magic Potions, Invisibility, Fire Amulet, Death, Secret Stage #01 ENEMIES: Green Trolls, Purple Scorpions, Red Scorpions, Suicide Trolls, Archer Troll, Bomber Troll You are now at the Mountain Cliff. Starting off, Green Trolls will come out from a generator, and Purple Scorpions will crawl out as well, so deal with those. Items here are a KEY, GOLD and a NOTE (talking about the third Obelisk). After all that, follow the available pathway where the Purple Scorpions are coming through. You will see another KEY and some FOOD along the path, as well as Green Trolls coming out in a line followed by more FOOD. Continue following the path until you reach an open area. Here you will find a MAGIC POTION, KEY, GOLD, DEATH (in the chest) as well as Green Trolls and Red Scorpions. Now head to the chest and behind it is two paths you can take. You want to climb up the left path, and when you do and reach the top, Suicide Trolls, Red Scorpions and Green Trolls are here. Also here is a couple locked gates (as well as rising flames). The right one is what you need which will have a KEY and OBELISK #03 (make sure you touch it!). The left gate has Green Trolls, a KEY and FOOD. Now with that out of the way, head right back to the chest then from there, stay on the lower ground and continue going right and you will see a hill going downwards. Go down it, and down here you will find Green Trolls coming from a Green Troll Generator, so take that out. Also you will find FOOD and near that is a locked gate, which you will go through. Past that, FOOD in the chest, and further down the path is a red switch, which you will step on. This will cause a nearby closed gate to lower. Now head back to the previous hill, climb up it and continue onwards. An Archer Troll will be waiting for you, so take that out, and a KEY can also be found here. From where you found the key, continue following the pathway, taking out the Green Trolls that will come out to fight you, so take them out and the generator. Continue on is another Doorway Generator, so destroy that too. See the nearby hill going down, well head down it to find Purple Scorpions coming from a Pile Of Bones Generator. Also down here is GOLD (in a chest) and over by the wall, well, it looks a little odd, maybe we should strike at it! Do so and you will find a KEY and a red switch which will open a nearby gate. Now with that, head over to where the chest was, and go through the locked gate and take out the annoying Archer Troll (mostly because they piss me off ^_^), and get another KEY and step on the red switch. Now back up the short hill and continue onwards to find a NOTE (telling you about the switch in the wall, nice of it to state the obvious). After that, keep going through the newly opened gate and up the path to find more Green Trolls coming from a generator. Also here, a MAGIC POTION and KEY. Keep going past that to find another Archer Troll and Purple Scorpions, so dispose of them and cross the tiny bridge. Now it's gonna get crowded. First there's FOOD in the chest, and you'll face Green Trolls, Purple Scorpions and a Bomber Troll. It's best to either use a Magic Potion or your special attack to rid most of them. Anyways, continue the path to find a couple KEYS, FIRE AMULET and FOOD. After that, head down the tiny ramp and head to the back corner to find a red switch (opening a nearby closed gate), Now go left from the ramp and take out what might be an army of Green Trolls and follow that path all the way around (watch out for the rising fire). You will soon come to a bridge, which you will cross, collecting the INVISIBILITY BLOCK. Across the bridge, you will find Purple Scorpions and Green Trolls as well as a couple KEYS, MAGIC POTION (in the chest) and GOLD. In between that is a small hill, with Purple Scorpions climbing up it. Head down it, taking them out, and from there, going left will take you to a wooden door in the ground, which leads to SECRET STAGE #01 (rememeber this as you will be coming back for it later). Other than that, head right to find SPEED SHOES and the GOAL GATE. Collect the items and step on it to complete this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the wizard uses the magic of the Obelisks to lower the barrier leading to the next region. Now head back to the Mountain Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- 4. |Level 4: Mountain Cave (Mount#04)| --------------------------------- ITEMS: 3 Magic Potions, Fire Amulet, Fire Breath, 400 Gold, 2 Notes, 5 Foods, Rapid Fire, 8 Keys, Runestone #02 ENEMIES: Red Gremlins, Purple Scorpions, Bomber Troll, Blue Gremlins, Archer Troll, Red Scorpionsm, Rock Golem You are now inside the Mountain Cave. So from the starting point, you are presented with two paths. Follow the path where the Red Gremlins are coming from (there will be Purple Scorpions as well). Make sure you take out the Small Volcano Generator as well. Also along this path will be GOLD and FOOD (both in a chest) and a NOTE (telling you about how gates can be lowered by switches). After that, you'll be at a 3-way intersection, where Purple Scorpions are coming from the right. From the 3-way intersection though, head left to find a KEY and along the left side of the path will be some brightly colored boulders (well, brighter than the other rock formations), so strike at that three times for it to disappear. In here, there is more Purple Scorpions and a generator. Items here, a KEY, GOLD in a chest, and GOLD on a switch. Get all that, then step on the red switch, which will do something. After that, head back to the 3-way intersection, then follow the south path all the way back to the starting point. Once back there, take the northwest path this time and follow the narrow path (guarded by two rising flames), and continue onwards, taking out the Bomber Troll and avoiding the rising flames. Cross through the recently opened gate and you will find Blue Gremlins coming towards you and some FOOD. You should now be at a 3-way intersection, and from there, take the left path and follow it around to find FOOD and a fake boulder. Destroy it to uncover a red switch which you will step on. Doing so and you will see a nearby platform rise up with the Runestone on it. So with that, continue along the path, taking out the small army of Red Grmelins gathering up and collect the KEY and GOLD (in the chest) and continue onwards with the path. As you do, you will see a closed gate, which you need to remember this spot, as you will be coming back to it very soon. In the meantime, continnue along the path, taking out Blue Gremlins and soon an Archer Troll and collect the FIRE AMULET (in the chest). After getting that, continue following the path to find FIRE BREATH and a red switch. Step on that then head up a bit more to take out the annoying Archer Troll. Now head back to the closed gate which is now opened up and go through it. Purple Scorpions will come out to greet you as you do, followed by Red Scoprions and Blue Gremlins, so make sure you take the lot of them out and their generators. Also here, you should see some fake boulders to your right, so take them out and follow that path, collecting the KEY and taking out the Archer Troll plus another one across the lava pool. You should see a red switch which you need to step on, and after that head back through where the fake boulders are, and continue along the path to the 3-way intersection. From there, head up the path to find a Rock Golem. Take out that and ignore the chest near there (it has Death) but get the FOOD. Take out the fake boulders to the right and go through it, collecting the MAGIC POTION (in the chest) and you will hear the screams of a Suicide Troll so take out. Now from the chest, follow new path you see, and soon you will come to the GOAL GATE. Ignore that for the moment, and collect the RAPID FIRE (in the chest) and continue to follow the path, taking out Purple Scorpions and then it's generator. A KEY can be found here as well as fake boulders but ignore that. Instead continue along the path (watch out for the rising flames) and soon you will find RUNESTONE #02 along the ledge of the lava pool. Now get that, then backtrack your way back to the GOAL GATE and step on it, which will complete this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the Runestone take its place in the center of the tower. Now head back to the Mountain Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 5. |Level 5: Mountain Cavern (Mount#05)| ----------------------------------- ITEMS: Electric Shield, 9 Key, 9 Foods, 3 Magic Potions, 3-Way Shot, Runestone #03, 500 Gold, 3 Notes, Rapid Fire, Electric Amulet, Special Item #01: Scimitar ENEMIES: Purple Scorpions, Red Scorpions, Red Gremlins, Blue Gremlins, Rock Golem, Archer Troll, Bomber Troll You are now inside the Mountain Cavern. At the starting point, Purple Scorpions will come out so take them out and their generator, then follow the only path ahead of you. As you do, a MAGIC POTION will be in the barrel, so get that and continue onwards. Bomber Troll, Red Scorpions, and Red and Blue Gremlins will be in this large area, as well as 2 FOODS, KEY and a NOTE (talking about searching the walls for secrets). After getting those, continue along the path until you get to another large area. While it appears that there is many paths to take, there isn't, so take the only pathway available which is north. Blue Gremlins will come down the pathway, so take them out as you go. Soon you will come to a 3-way intersection and from it, continue going up the screen and you will come to a dead end. At this dead end, 2 KEYS and a 3-WAY SHOT, plus Blue Gremlins will come out and an Archer Troll is here. Also while you're here, take notice of the fake boulder near the rising fire. Strike at it three times to reveal a red switch, which you will step on, which will cause a pathway to rise up. After that, head back to the 3-way intersection and this time go right to find Red Gremlins coming from a Small Volcano Generator. Take it out, and collect the KEY and FOOD here, then go up the screen (where the Blue Gremlins are coming from). Follow the new path and take out the Bomber Troll as well as the Gremlins and their generators. Here in this area, 3 FOODS, 2 GOLD, a KEY and DEATH is scattered about, so collect all (except for the obvious one of course). As you do, you will uncover a red switch hidden under a barrel. Step on it and another new pathway will open. So with that, simply head right following the path. In this smaller area, a MAGIC POTION awaits for you in the corner. Get that, and continue following the path, taking out Red Gremlins and Purple Scorpions, as well as the Archer Troll. Nothing is here, so just continue along the path as you were and soon you will be in another big area, which has a KEY, MAGIC POTION and a NOTE (which talks about the Scimitar weapon). After that, Blue Gremlins will come out and so will Red Scorpions. In this next area, it's a 3-way intersection, and from it, head right (where the Blue Gremlins are coming from) and keep going to the next area. In here, an ELECTRIC AMULET is in the barrel, and a red switch is under that, so step on it, which will actually cause a nearby platform to rise up. This is actually an elevator which will take you to a lower area (REMEMBER THIS!!!). Ignore this for now, and instead continue following this pathway and in this next area is Red Gremlins and Red Scorpions. Also here is an ELECTRIC SHIELD, GOLD, FOOD and a NOTE (which tells you that breakable walls are burnt). Speaking of which, look at the wall, see how a small part looks different. Well I guess that means you must strike at it three times. Doing so, and you will reveal GOLD and a red switch, which you will step on. Also in this area, in the back corner is a fake rock pile. Take it out to reveal another red switch. Step on that, then head to the nearby corner to see a new pathway opening up. Head down this new pathway to find a small area, which has a KEY, FOOD (in the chest) and RUNESTONE #03 in the middle. Now head back up the new pathway, and back to the red switch elevator, then from there, back to the 3-way intersection. Once there, head left (where the Red Gremlins are coming from) and in the next area, in a corner is a fake pile of rocks. Destroy it to uncover a red switch, which you will step on. After that, head back to the red switch elevator, and board it, taking you down to the secret area. Down here, there is a KEY (in the barrel), and after that, simply walk a few more steps to claim SPECIAL ITEM #01: SCIMITAR. This will come in real handy in the next region ^_^. Now back on the elevator you go, then head back to the 3-way intersection and continue going left, and keep following the pathway to another 3-way intersection (well it will be one). Take out the Red Gremlins found here as well as their generator. From this one, head left and follow the path to another big area. In here, more Red Gremlins as well as a Red Scoprions and Archer Troll. Items here area a KEY, FOOD, RAPID FIRE and GOLD hidden in the wall, plus there is a red switch you need to step on. Now after that, head back to the previous 3-way intersection and then take the newly created pathway down the hill and you wil find a Giant Golem, so take that out quickly. Also here, GOLD so get that and step on the GOAL GATE which will complete this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the Runestone take its place in the center of the tower. Now head back to Mountain Cliff (Stage 3) and make your way to the Secret Stage entrance. Stand on it, and get ready for a fun secret stage! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- 6. |Mountain Secret Stage (Mount#06)| -------------------------------- ITEMS: 125 Purple Coins ENEMIES: None For this secret stage, you will have 75 seconds to find 125 Purple Coins. Make sure you have a Rapid Fire in your Inventory, because it will help. On this south half, there is 65 Purple Coins, so it's best to work your way from right to left. With that, start heading right down the narrow path collecting the Purple Coins and work your way around the corner and then collect the coins on the right half of this area. Once you are done there, collect the remaining coins, including the ones directly left of the starting point. Once you have 65 Purple Coins accounted for (keep an eye on your counter in your Status Screen), head to the far left side and go directly upwards. On this north half, there should be 60 Purple Coins. This might be slightly tricky, but if you've made it here between 35 and 40 seconds, you're doing good. Now after getting first several coins in this half of the room, head right (make sure you get the ones tucked away in dead ends) to the 3-way intersection. Now when you go south, you will see two pairs of 5 Purple Coins locked away. If you have Rapid Fire, use it to take out the walls quickly and collect the coins. Now head back to the 3-way intersection and continue going right, collecting the remaining Purple Coins (including some in dead ends). After the last Purple Coin is collected, you will have unlocked a brand new character known as the Minatour! --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, with the Minatour secret character unlocked, let's head over to the Items Shop. You should have about 2,000 Gold. I'd say buy a couple Thunder Hammers and Rapid Fire. Now with that, head back to the Mountain Region and step on the final Stage Gate as we move onto a boss fight! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 7. |Mountain Region Boss Stage - Dragon (Mount#07)| ---------------------------------------------- ITEMS: 3-Way Shot, Food SPECIAL ITEM NEEDED: Ice Axe (Found in Castle Treasury) Time to slay the dragon! This fight will actually be rather tough, mostly because the Dragon has an attack which when he stomps, he will send out a shockwave that is unavoidable and will do some major damage to you. His other attacks involves breathing out a few streams of fire back and forth, which you can avoid. Another attack which you must completely avoid is if you get too close, he will swipe at you with his claw which will be next to instant death for you. There will also be some rising fires here to provide as an extra obsticle. Items here are FOOD (under the bosses right paw) and a 3-WAY SHOT. What you need to do, is get halfway up the screen, but don't get any closer than that, and start unleashing your Thunder Hammer on him, which will take his life down alot. If you run out of that, stand back and use your 3-Way Shot and Rapid Fire Combo on him which will finish him off. This will take some persistance, but you will win! --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the magical glass mirror piece takes its place in the window frame. Now head over to the Castle Region and step on the first Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- C: |AREA 2 - Castle Region| ---------------------- "The Valkyrie's Castle is now a stronghold to the wretched soliders and undead knights of Skorne. The courtyard is your best entry point. The gates are smashed and catapulted boulders have weakened the walls. You'll have to fight through the dungeons and armory up to the highest parapet where the castle guardian holds the next shard of my window. Take back this hallowed fortress." ----------------------------------- 1. |Level 1: Castle Courtyard (Cast#01)| ----------------------------------- ITEMS: 15 Keys, 3 Foods, Invincibility, Phoenix Familiar, 3 Notes, 3-Way Shot, Runestone #04, 3 Magic Potions, Poison, Fire Amulet, 400 Gold, Obelisk #04, Death ENEMIES: Purple Rats, Armored Guards, Brown Rats, Golem Guards, Archer Guard, Suicide Guard, Bomber Guard You are now at the Castle Courtyard, which luckily for you, this is rather straightforward. So at the starting point, you will be greeted by Purple Rats and Armored Guards, so take them all out right away. Also here, 2 KEYS, MAGIC POTION and a NOTE (giving a hint about the location of the Runestone). With that, head down the screen to find a red switch, which you will step on, causing the nearby gate to open. At this 3-way intersection, head right taking out the Armored Guards, and collect the 3-WAY SHOT. There will be an Archer Guard, but you can't reach that. Now head back the opposite way to collect the KEY. At that point, head through the locked gate you see and take out the Archer Guard at the end of the path. Also at the end, look at the hedge, notice anything unusual about it? If the answer is yes, you know what to do then ^_^. With that, take out the Doorway Generator and any Brown Rats that will come out. Now the wall ahead can be destroyed, but ignore that for now. Instead head down the pathway collecting 2 KEYS. After getting the second Key you should see a staircase. This can easily be missed so listen up. Directly across from the staircase in the burned out blackened area, is a catapult, which you can go through there. When you do, hang a left and start striking at the boulder. This will reveal RUNESTONE #04. Now head back off of the catapult and from the staircase, head left to find DEATH (use a Magic Potion) in the corner and a KEY past that. Now back at the staircase, climb up it and through the locked gate. Go right to find a KEY, FOOD and a NOTE (telling you where the Obelisk is hidden at) and a red switch. There will also be Brown Rats and Archer Guards so take them out. Now back to the staircase and this time go left (watch out for the rising spikes) while being on the upper floor. Collect the INVINCIBILITY METAL and head down to the corner and take out the Suicide Guard and Armored Guards you see. At the corner is a red switch and a dirt pile in the corner. Strike at it to find and collect a MAGIC POTION. From there, continue following the pathway, down the short staircase to find Armored Guards, Purple Rats, Archer Guards as well as GOLD, POISON and a NOTE (saying that secrets lie behind cracked walls). After that, continue on down the path to find more Armored Guards coming from a Doorway Generator (so take it out), as well as a KEY. After that head up the screen through the narrow pathway (watch out for the rising spikes) then up the staircase to the upper level, where you will be greeted by an Archer Guard. Also up here is FOOD and a breakable wall which has something in it, but I'm not sure what (if you know, let me know and you'll be credited ^_^). After that, head down the wooden path way, collecting the KEY and taking out the Archer Guard. After that you will be at the corner, so go through the locked gate and take out that Archer Guard and Doorway Generator and collect the MAGIC POTION and step on the red switch. After that, continue down the wooden path (getting the KEY) to the end and climb down the staircase you see. Down here, Armored Guards will come out, so take them all out and get the KEY and go through the locked gate and take out the Brown Rats as well as the Haystack Generator. Here you will find a KEY in the barrel. You will also see a red teleporter. Now step on this it will transport you to the next one (why not just an open pathway instead?). Here, Purple Rats and another generator, so take that out and step on the next red teleporter. After this, you will see Armored Guards (take them out) and a red switch (step on that). Also here, in the corner near the generator, strike at the wall to reveal a KEY. After that, head down the screen and go through the locked gate, taking out the Armored Guards and the Doorway Generator. Here you will find GOLD in the chest and at that spot, you will notice a tiny pathway in the acid pool. Walk across and step on that red switch and then continue onwards through an opened gate. Take out the Armored Guards and their generator here and step on the red switch and collect the FOOD in the chest. Zigzag your way through this hedge area, avoid rising spikes, killing Armored Guards and collect a KEY and NOTE (which says to destroy everything!). Outside of the hedge area, you will then be faced with an army of Brown Rats and Armored Guards and an Archer Guard so take all of them out quickly (and their generators) before you get too badly hurt. There will be a red switch as well, so step on that and continue onwards to find a KEY (under the fake boulder) and GOLD (in the chest). After that, watch out for the rising spikes and then climb the staircase to the higher level. Up here, you will be greeted by Brown and Purple Rats, so take them out, as well as an Archer Guard who you can't see, but can strike at. After that, you should be in a corner, which you can go through the locked gate, taking out the Golem Guard and collecting the PHOENIX FAMILIAR as well as stepping on the red switch. After that, continue following the pathway, down the staircase and you will find another Archer Guard, so destroy that. After that, keep going up the staircase taking out another Archer Guard. Continue down this wooden path to find GOLD in the barrel, and at the end you can strike at the wall to find a FIRE AMULET. Also here is Brown Rats, so take them out and destroy their generator, and step on the red switch you see. After that, head down the staircase and keep following the pathway and you will hear a Suicide Guard come at you, so hit it before it hits you. After that, continue onwards until you reach another corner. Go through the locked gate and take out the Archer Guard, Doorway Generator and get the GOLD (from the chest) and step on the red switch. After that, keep going down the path, taking out the Archer Guard and avoid the rising spikes as you climb the short staircase. Now at this next corner, another Golem Guard is here, so destroy it and you will have found OBELISK #04, so touch that. Now keep following the pathay, over the rising spikes and up the staircase and keep going down the path. Soon you will see Armored Guards coming down a short staircase, so take them out and make your way up it. Take out their generator and continue following this path to find the GOAL GATE. Step on that and you will have completed this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the Runestone take its place in the center of the tower. Now head back to the Castle Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- 2. |Level 2: Castle Dungeon (Cast#02)| --------------------------------- ITEMS: Obelisk #05, Levitation, Runestone #05, Food, 3 Keys, Death, 300 Gold, Acid Amulet, 2 Magic Potions, Posion, 2 Notes ENEMIES: Armored Guards, Purple Rats, Bomber Guard, Brown Rats, Archer Guard, Suicide Guard, Bomber Guard, Golem Guard You are now in the Castle Dungeon, which is kind of a short level, so it won't be that bad. By the way, as you listen to the music for this level, you will hear men screaming. Yes it's creepy, but no I haven't wet my pants yet. Anyways from the starting point, head down the stairs, taking out the Armored Guards and the generator and continue going down the staircase. As you do, you will pick up a MAGIC POTION. Once you get down the stairs, you will be at a 3-way intersection, which will consist of Armored Guards and Purple Rats. Also here, turn and face the wall and strike at the wooden window to reveal a secret room which has a KEY and RUNESTONE #05 in it. Get the Key (don't worry, you'll be back for the Runestone soon enough), and at the 3-way intersection, head down the left staircase first, watching out for the rising spikes and POISON. At the bottom of the stairs, an army of Armored Guards and Purple Rats will swarm you, as well as a Bomber Guard from a distance. Take out all the enemies and next to the Doorway Generator, strike at the window to reveal another secret room which has red switch in it which you will step on. Now, while still on this lower level, get the FOOD from the chest and step on the red switch under it (watch out for the rising spikes). After that, head back up the staircase and this time head down the right staircase. Down here, a KEY and NOTE (telling you to check under every chest to find something you need). Get those, and then step on the red switch you see then go back up the staircase and down the left staircase and follow the path to a newly raised bridge that you can cross over. Do so, and at the otherside, take out the Purple Rats, Brown Rats and Archer Guard and then just make your way across this area to the rising spikes. Past that, go down the small ramp to find a Golem Guard and Archer Guard, so take them out quickly. Also here is a ACID AMULET (in the chest) and DEATH (in the barrel), as well as two red switches, which you need to step on them both, one lowering the gate in front of you and the other, for something important. Anyways, go through the opened gate and you will hear a Suicide Guard, so take that out and the Armored Guards coming out. Over in this area, simply head over to the wall and up the staircase, then across the small bridge and continue onwards until you reach a 3-way intersection with stairs. From here, head down the staircase first, to collect GOLD and to step on the red switch. Now back up the staircase, then go up the right staircase. Armored Guards and Brown Rats will come out, so destroy all of them and their generators, as well as the Archer Guard. Also up here is a MAGIC POTION and a NOTE (telling you to find the Scimitar before facing the boss of the Castle Region, something you probably knew about beforehand). Also here is a red switch, which you need to step on. Once you do, head across the wooden bridge, taking out Brown Rats and their generator. Next up, a KEY and 2 GOLDS is here, so get those and head across to the rising spikes and onto the gated bridge, where a red switch is that you need to step on. After that, time to do some backtracking. Head back across the previous wooden bridge, then continue following the path to the staircase. Go down them, and then continue going left from the 3-way intersection, and down another staircase. Take out any enemies that may be in your way and follow the path to the otherside where you will see a gated bridge. On here, another red switch will finally be available. Step on that, and from the gated bridge, head left and then up the staircase and into the secret room where you saw the Runestone before. Now you can finally get it, so do so. After that, now head back to where you were beforehand. Don't worry, I'll wait *surfs Youtube*. Okay, back on course, good! Now in this next area, you will see a staircase and a red switch. Head over and step on the red switch and in the nearby corner is OBELISK #05. After that, head along the side ledge and strike at the wall to find LEVITATION. This is unimportant, so don't worry about getting to it. Anyways, head over to the staircase and climb up it, taking out the Armored Guards. Continue climbing up the staircase to find another red switch. Step on it if you want, it'll give you access to the Levitation (which I said is not necessary to get). After that, continue heading up the staircase, taking out more Armored Guards. At the top you will see the GOAL GATE, so step on it and you will have completed this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the Obelisk will do it's magic on the barrier for the next region and the Runestone take its place in the center of the tower. Now head back to the Castle Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- 3. |Level 3: Castle Armory (Cast#03)| -------------------------------- ITEMS: Acid Breath, Death, 13 Keys, Invisibility, 3-Way Shot, 4 Magic Potions, Speed Shoes, 500 Gold, 4 Foods, 3 Notes, Electric Amulet, Runestone #06 ENEMIES: Ghost Knights, Purple Rats, Archer Guard, Golem Guard, Bomber Guard You are now in the Castle Armory, and let me tell you, this one drove me nuts getting through, so bare with me on this as you will be backtracking alot! At the starting point, you will be greeted by Ghost Knights, so take them out and the Suit Of Armor Generator. Items here include a 3-WAY SHOT, KEY and a NOTE (giving you a hint on where the Runestone is). With that, head left and go through the locked gate. In this next area, more Ghost Knights as well as Purple Rats and an Archer Guard, so take them out and collect the 2 KEYS, GOLD (in the barrel) and FOOD (in the chest) and DEATH (in other chest). There's a red switch here too, so step on that, then backtrack to the start and head through the right opened gate area. In this area, is Purple Rats and Ghost Knights, as well as 2 KEYS, FOOD and a red switch, which you will step on. Now head left to where you stepped on the previous red switch to find another one. Step on that one then head right to find another red switch rising up (WTF IS THIS INSANITY?!). Step on that switch and two gates will open up. To find them, head down the nearby staircase and as you do, Ghost Knights will come out, so take them out. Down here, head right and follow the path, stepping on another red switch, and continue following the path until you hit the dead end. Once at the end, turn to the dark wall and strike at it to reveal GOLD. Now do a complete 180 turn and strike at the short wall to reveal that it was fake. After that, go through there to find Ghost Knights and Purple Rats, so take all of them out. Ahead of you is an ELECTRIC AMULET in the chest, as well as a MAGIC POTION, GOLD, and a KEY as you follow this short path. Other than that, head right to find a NOTE (telling you about the Golem Guard ahead of you). Speaking of which, head forward to find the Golem Guard as well as more Ghost Knights. Take out what you can, and collect the KEY and step on the red switch. Before going anywheres else though, head over to the corner and strike at the staircase to reveal INVISIBILITY. After that, back out and head down the screen to find two Suit Of Armor Generators, so take them out quickly. Also here, is a KEY so get that, and continue following the path to find another KEY at a 3-way intersection. From there, head right and follow the path all the way around, taking out Ghost Knights and their generator, and go through the locked gate. Once through that, you will find a red switch which when you step on it, you will see a nearby gate lower. After that, backtrack all the way to the previous 3-way intersection and this time go left from it, past the rising spikes and at the next 3-way intersection, head left, taking out more enemies. After that, go through the newly opened gate and head down the staircase. As you do, you will hear a Suicide Guard and see more Ghost Knights and Purple Rats. Simply fight your way through here carefully and on the lower floor, head down the screen alongside the wall, taking out more enemies as well as a Bomber Guard. Items include a MAGIC POTION and a KEY. As you continue along the wall, you should see a Suit Of Armor Generator. Well, next to it, strike at the differently designed wall to reveal a red switch. Now here's the fun part, you have to go all the way back to the starting point (which I shall guide you to). Step on the red switch, and backtrack to the previous staircase you were at. Climb up it, then head up (or left) the screen a bit collecting the MAGIC POTION (in a chest), GOLD (in a chest), then across the rising spikes and get the ACID BREATH, and KEY. After that, head through the locked gate, and once through it, there is a KEY to the right, but more importantly, head straight up the nearby staircase. At the top, head right and continue going right until you reach the starting point. Once there, head up to find RUNESTONE #06. Now after that, head all the way back to the previous red switch which started this major backtracking. Again I shall wait for you *surfs message boards*. Once you finally made it back there, head across to find a NOTE (telling you to backtrack if you can't go forward). You should also notice some Ghost Knights come from behind you. Follow them and you will find FOOD and SPEED SHOES and a red switch (which you should step on). Now back to the Note was, head around the wall to find a staircase. From there, head to the right of the staircase to find FOOD tucked away in the corner beside the fire pit. Now back to the staircase, and climb up it, taking out more Ghost Knights. At the top, follow the path, taking out more enemies and their generators, and avoiding the rising spikes. Soon you will be at another staircase. Just past that is a MAGIC POTION and KEY. Get those and climb up the stairs (taking out more Ghost Knights) to find GOLD at the top. After that, continue along this pathway up the stairs, taking out more enemies. Once you reach the top, continue following the path and soon you will find the GOAL GATE. Step on that, and you will have completed this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the Runestone take its place in the center of the tower. Now head back to the Castle Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- 4. |Level 4: Castle Treasury (Cast#04)| ---------------------------------- ITEMS: Fire Amulet, 4 Magic Potions, Food, Poison, 8 Keys, 4 Notes, 600 Gold, Invisibility, Death, Electric Amulet, Electric Shield, Special Item #02: Ice Axe, Secret Stage #02 ENEMIES: Purple Rats, Ghost Knights, Brown Rats, Golem Guard, Archer Guard, Suicide Guard, Bomber Guard Here you are, in the Castle Treasury, and this level will be rather confusing to get through. At the starting point, it would appear you have many choices. So let's start off with heading left and down the staircase. You will find Ghost Knights coming out, so take them out and their generator. Items are MAGIC POTION and a KEY, so grab those and head back up the staircase. Now, directly across from the staircase is a weak wall (you can tell by the cracks), so strike at it to get rid of it. Once it's gone, step on the red switch ahead of you which will lower a nearby gate. Now think of this as a 3-way intersection as you will be coming back here. From here head up the screen where the Purple Rats are coming through, so defeat them and the Ghost Knights as well. Continue following the path to find Brown Rats as well, so take them out and continue the path down the staircase to find more Brown and Purple Rats as well as a Haystack Generator. Items here are a MAGIC POTION (hidden in the corner), FOOD (also hidden under rocks), GOLD and a KEY. Get all those and then step on the three nearby red switch as well, which will open up some gates, one nearby you. Now head south through the opened gate and then up the staircase and go up to the 3-way intersection. Once here, head right and follow the pathway to the next 3-way intersection and go right. Pick up the ELECTRIC SHIELD (from the barrel), KEY and NOTE (talking about supports) and go through the locked gate. In here are Ghost Knights and a Golem Guard. Take all those out and in the wall is INVINCIBILTY, so make sure you get that. Also here is a red switch which you need to step on, lowering the nearby wall. Continue along this path through there and in here is FOOD, KEY and a red switch, which you need to step on. What does all these red switches do, well it will open up new areas throughout this level. Now backtrack to the previous 3-way intersection and this time head forward (or up the screen). In this small area is a KEY, Suit Of Armor Generator and a red teleporter, so step on this. Once through that, follow the path all the way around, collecting the MAGIC POTION. Past that is another red teleporter so step on that. Once through that, you will be bombarded with Black and White Ghost Knights as well as an Archer Guard and Bomber Guard, so take out all of these and any generators you see. Head to the throne you see and step on the red switch, which will lower a nearby wall. Also here, will be a NOTE in the far chest (which tells you to find a spot near the Golem Guard to raise the throne). After that, head down the nearby short staircase and take out the White Ghost Knights, Suicide Guard and Archer Guard. A KEY and DEATH will be here, so be ready. After that, head up the screen to another short staircase. Now, this next part might be rather confusing so pay attention because there are a few things you can do here. Enemies here will be Black and White Ghost Knights as well as Purple Rats and Archer Guards. Available items scattered around is a NOTE (telling you about a rat maze if a short wall isn't down). There are also 14 red switches that are scattered around. For starters, head around the room, destroying enemies and generators so that you'll have a little breathing room. Now, use the map you see here to help you get around. Each letter you see is the order ------- that I stepped on them in. So | J | from where you start off at, |H I| step on SWITCH A which is in +---+ front of you. This will raise ----- | G | ----- the floor in front of you. Step | $ | -+-+- | $ | on this and you will see the ---+---+--+-+--+---+--- Axe in front of you. Consider | K F L | this as the central point, in | --------------- | which you will come back to ----+ | M | +---- many times here. Now with that, | $ | | ----- | | C | head right from here to find | | D | |AXE| | B | | SWITCH B, which you will step | E | | ----- | | $ | on causing the wall to lower. ----+ | $ | +---- This will reveal SWITCH C and | --------------- | GOLD. Step on that, then head | A | to the opposite side to see |----+--+-- --------| SWITCH D. Step on that to cause | N | | | a wall to lower. In here is GOLD ----------------------- and SWITCH E which you will step on. With that, head back to the central point, and from there you will notice GOLD on a pillar is now obtainable, so get that. With that, from the central point, head up the screen to find SWITCH F. Step on this, and the pillar ahead of you will lower, which you can get on. This is an elevator, taking you to an upper area. Once up there, the first red switch is just for the elevator. The one past that is SWITCH G, which will lower the wall ahead of you, revealing SWITCH H, SWITCH I and SWITCH J. Step on all three, then back on the elevator. From there, head left first and step on SWITCH K, which will lower the glass wall, so you can get the GOLD. Now right of the elevator, step on SWITCH L to get more GOLD sealed away. After that, step on SWITCH M, which will cause a wall to lower (we'll get to that soon). Now head back to the central point, and then go down the screen to the staircase. Before that though, head just to the left of there and enter this small area to find SWITCH N (which we will deal with that soon too) and FIRE AMULET. Now after all that mess, you can safely go down the staircase. Take out any White Ghost Knights here, and continue down the screen along the left wall, and follow the path you see as well (watch out for the rising spikes). At the end of the path, you will see a red teleporter which you will step on. Once through here, continue going right, taking out more White Ghost Knights and Bomber Guard. As you make your way around here, you will find a KEY and a NOTE (telling you to use the Ice Axe on the dragon). You will also step on a red switch, so after that, head back to where the switch maze was and in the central point, SPECIAL ITEM #02: ICE AXE will be available, so grab that! Now head back to where you stepped on the red switch *checks email*. Now step on the red teleporter, and once through here, take out the Suicide Guard and White Ghost Knights. Also here is 2 KEYS so get them. Now continue onwards and you will find a locked gate and another KEY as well as a red switch. First off, go through the locked gate to get another KEY and turn the POISON into yummies and take out the Suit Of Armor Generator. Now step on the red switch which will cause a nearby wall to lower. Go through that, and get the MAGIC POTION (in the chest). Take out the White Ghost Knights and climb up the staircase (watch out for the rising spikes). Here will be a 3-way intersection, which if you go right you will find SECRET STAGE #02. Keep this in mind for later, but for now, head left and continue following the path, up the stairs, and soon you will be at the GOAL GATE. Also here is an ELECTRIC AMULET so get that and step on the gate, and you will have completed this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- Now head back to Castle Treasury (Stage 4) and make your way to the Secret Stage entrance. Stand on it, and get ready for a fun secret stage! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- 5. |Castle Secret Stage (Cast#05)| ----------------------------- ITEMS: 125 Yellow Coins ENEMIES: None Okay this secret stage is a bit more difficult to get through. Your goal is to collect all 125 Yellow Coins in 70 seconds. If you have some Speed Shoes in your Inventory, then that will help out alot. So what's the easiest way to get through here? Well where you start off at, there is 7 Yellow Coins so get those and step on the red teleporter behind you. Now get the 2 Yellow Coins from behind and go back to the start and step on the other red teleporter. From there, collect only the 6 Yellow Coins you see and head down the screen and step on the red teleporter. Once through that, collect the Yellow Coins here, step on the red teleporter, collect more Yellow Coins, repeat until you get to a larger area. From here, head down the screen, collecting the Yellow Coins, then step on the red teleporter. Collect the two here then go back to the previous area. If you have 30 to 35 seconds left on your timer, that's good. Also use your Speed Shoes if you want, and head up the screen collecting the remaining 60 something Yellow Coins. There's alot of them so it's best to go up and down the screen once you get to the top portion. Make your way right, zigzagging up and down until you make it back to the far right side getting the remaining Yellow Coins. If you have 15 seconds left by this time, then you're in great shape. After the last Yellow Coin is collected, you will have unlocked a brand new character known as the Jackal! --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, with the Jackal secret character unlocked, let's head over to the Items Shop. You should have about 1,800 Gold (plus whatever from before). I'd say buy a few Rapid Fires and a couple 3-Way Shots, and maybe a couple close range items. Now with that, head back to the Castle Region and step on the final Stage Gate as we move onto a boss fight! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- 2. |Castle Region Boss Stage - Chimera (Cast#06)| -------------------------------------------- ITEMS: Food, Speed Shoes SPECIAL ITEM NEEDED: Scimitar (Found in Mountain Cavern) This boss fight won't be as bad as the Dragon fight. Chimera has three heads, a lion, bird and serpent (I think?). They will all breath fire at the same time, which could be a problem, but avoid this by running from one side to another. If you get close, he will shake the ground, but it won't be that bad of an affect. Items include FOOD and SPEED SHOES hidden behind the giant rocks close to the boss. Your strategy, start in one corner and start attacking him. When he uses his triple fire blast, quickly run to the other corner and keep attacking as you're running. Be careful not to run along the back wall as you can get slowed down back there by continously running in the wall, which will leave you opened for an attack. Again, Rapid Fire/3-Way Shot combo will come in handy, as well as the Speed Shoes. After enough planning though, you will be able to defeat this boss. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the magical glass mirror piece takes its place in the window frame. Now head over to the Town Region and step on the first Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- D: |AREA 3 - Town Region| -------------------- "High above the once peaceful town of Twinion floats a magical airship suspended by hot air balloons! The townsfolk were mutated into vicious zombies by a toxic green gas pumped out from this flying fortress! Plague grunts in protective masks guard this airship and the ancient ruined tower it's docked at. Fight your way through the poisoned fields and haunted cemetery; then climb the ruined guard tower into the sky where the airship moored. From there, you can find the source of this monstrous green gas and free the town." ------------------------------------ 1. |Level 1: Town Poison Field (Town#01)| ------------------------------------ ITEMS: 600 Gold, Halo, 19 Keys, 3 Magic Potions, 7 Foods, Invisibilty, 3 Notes, Obelisk #06, Speed Shoes, Death, 3-Way Shot, Secret Stage #03 ENEMIES: Armed Zombies, Archer Zombies, Leeches, Suicide Zombies, Large Skeletons, Bomber Zombie You are now in the Town Poison Field. Before I get into the walkthrough for this stage, I want to let you know that this is a rather large level (layout wise), with many places that are optional to go through and has no bearing on completing this stage. Because of how wide spread it is, I will only describe how to get to the Obelisk, Secret Stage entrance and Goal Gate. Want to explore more, you're on your own ^_^. So with that, at the starting point, two lines of Armed Zombies will come out. You want to follow the line coming from the right and as you do, take out the Tombstone Generator and behind that is a hut which you need to strike at. Doing so will reveal a red switch which you should step on, which will lower the nearby closed gate. Now head through that and walk along the long tree branch path, taking out the Archer Zombie along the way. At the end of the path, go through the locked gate and once through it, you will be in an very large area. This area is closed off all around, so you can explore all you want without getting sidetracked. Items include 2 KEYS, 3 FOODS, GOLD, and enemies are Armed Zombies, Large Skeletons, Suicide Zombies and Leeches. Enemies here will overwhelm you so, so use whatever you have to get around them. So with that, from the gate, head to the Tombstone Generator ahead of you, and from there, go up and right to find a small wooden wall. Make your way to the otherside of the wooden wall (probably go along the south wall), and once you do, head over the rising spikes and continue going up the screen, following along the line of Large Skeletons to the generator. On the right will be OBELISK #06, so make sure you touch that. Now after that, make your way back to the previous red switch. Simply go down the screen all the way to the ledge, then head left along the ledge to the opened gate, follow the path and you will be at the red switch. Once at the red switch, head left of that all the way, taking out the Tombstone Generator and you will come to a wall/fence. At the fence, go right alongside the wall all the way to find FOOD and an Archer Zombie. After that, head the opposide direction, alongside the wall still (taking out the Bomber Zombie), all the way to the end. Once at the end, Leeches and an Archer Zombie is here, as well as a MAGIC POTION (in the chest) and KEY (in the barrel). You should also see a locked gate, which you need to go through. Once through here, a Suicide Troll and Armed Zombies will come out, so take them out and follow the path alongside the wall until you reach the corner. At the corner (watch out for the rising spikes), you should see a nearby barrel which has a KEY in it. Leeches will come out so take that out. Now at the corner, head down the screen alongside the wall, pretty much ignoring all the enemies that come at you. Soon you will come to a barrel with a NOTE in it (talking about the murky waters). Next to that is a locked gate, which you can go through. Now, everything else in this large area is completely up to you, so explore all you want, but I'm bypassing all of that. So with that, head through the locked gate, and head over the bridge, and take out the Archer Zombie. Also you should notice along the left wall that there is something under it. Go over and strike at it, to reveal a red switch. Step on it and an elevator will rise up. Get on that and you will be taken to a lower area, where there is two more red switches. Step on the second one (to lower a closed gate) and get the HALO from the chest and get back on the elevator. On the main area, head down the bridge and through the opened gate. Enemies are Armed Zombies and Leeches, so be careful. From the gate, go directly ahead of you to find FOOD and MAGIC POTION (both in chests). To the left of that is a Bomber Troll, so take that you and continue going up the screen to the wall. Enemies will overwhelm you, so be careful. You should find a KEY along the way so grab that and once you get to the wall, head left past the rising spikes and go up the hill. While going along this path, head through the locked gate, and at the otherside you should be in another large area. Once here, head down the screen and you should be at what looks like a ramp. Get onto and follow the short ramp to find a 3-WAY SHOT in the chest and a red switch, which you need to step on. Now head off the ramp and head directly left to the ledge. From there, head up the screen, alongside the ledge, and you will soon see a KEY, which you need to get. Also inside the locked gate you see is a KEY, GOLD and Leeches, so ignore that. Anyways continue going alongside the ledge and after a long walk, you will eventually find the GOAL GATE. Before entering that though, head up the screen from there alongside the wall. Once you get to the end you will see a pathway going up the hill. If you follow that pathway all the way to the end, taking out Armed Zombies, you will have found SECRET STAGE #03, so keep this in mind. Anyways, head back to the GOAL GATE and step on it and you will have completed this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, head back to the Town Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- 2. |Level 2: Town Haunted Cementary (Town#02)| ----------------------------------------- ITEMS: Time Stop, Phoenix Familiar, 3 Deaths, 2 3-Way Shots, 3 Notes, Food, Runestone #07, Obelisk #07, 300 Gold, 3 Magic Potions, Invincibility, Poison, 4 Keys, Levitation ENEMIES: Armed Zombies, Suicide Zombie, Bomber Zombie, Leeches You are now in the Town Haunted Cementery, which is rather straightforward with very minumial backtracking (gotta love that wolf howling). At the starting point, head over to the left corner to find a KEY and take out the Armed Zombies and their generator. After that, head up to find a red switch, which you will step on and go through the opened gate. Lots of enemies will greet you in this area, including more Armed Zombies, Suicide Zombie, Bomber Zombie and Leeches. Take out whatever you can and in this area, and from the gate, head forward to find FOOD (in the chest). After that, head behidn the grave to the right to find a red switch which will cause a MAGIC POTION to appear out of the grave. From there, hit the large treestump southeast of there to reveal another red switch, which will cause a 3-WAY SHOT to rise up on a coffin. From the red switch, head directly up the screen to find another treestump, which has nothing (HA, MADE YOU LOOK!) Anyways, from there, you should see a KEY behind a grave, so get that, and from there, keep going left to find a red switch. Step on that, to cause a closed door to open, then go left a bit more and take out the next treestump to reveal another red switch. Step on that and GOLD will rise up. After that, left a bit more and you will notice a new generator that can not be destroyed, which is an Unbreakable Generator. From there, head up the screen to the corner and go right until you see DEATH (se a Magic Potion) and behind that is a short staircase. Climb up it and find a MAGIC POTION, and after that, simply follow the pathway all the way to the end, avoiding rising spikes and taking out a pair of Bomber Zombies. At the end of the path, get the INVINCIBILTY from the barrel and take out the Suicide Zombie as it comes to you. Armed Zombies and an Archer Zombie is here, so take them all out. Now head over to a nearby treestump (from the pathway) to reveal a red switch, which you will step on, cause LEVITATION (in a chest) to rise. Go to that, and nearby is another red switch, which you will step on, which will cause a closed door to open. From there, head all the way right to find a mausoleum, and near there is FOOD (in a barrel). At the mausoleum, strike at the door to reveal a switch. Step on that, and then head left to find a MAGIC POTION. Now get that, and head left all the way to the otherside where the newly opened door is. Large Skeletons will come out, so dispose of them and their generator. Also a red switch is here, so step on that too. Then head back a bit to find another red switch. Step on that then a barrel will rise up with GOLD in it. Now head back on the pathway and follow it, taking out Armed Zombies. Soon you should be at a barrel and a wall ahead of you. This is a 3-way intersection, so make note of that. In the left barrel is DEATH and a red switch. Step on that, then head right of the 3-way intersection to find a KEY (in the barrel). Get that and continue up the hill a bit and through the newly opened gate. Up in this small area, Leeches, Armed Zombies and a Bomber Zombie will be here. Also here is a NOTE (giving a hint on where the Runestone is). After that, work your way around to find a red switch under an red barrel. After stepping on that, head back down to the 3-way intersection and head up the screen, taking out more Armed Zombies and Large Skeletons. Go to the first tomb on the right and strike at it, then step on the red switch and use a Magic Potion as DEATH is in here. Now back to the 3-way intersection and up the hill to notice the middle pillar has lowered. On it, you will see a TIME STOP and a red switch. Step on that, then back down the pathway of tombs. Head to the first one of the left and go through it to get RUNESTONE #07. Now head up the screen, taking out more enemies. In this next area, you will see a fountain ahead of you, which you can walk in to collect a PHOENIX FAMILIAR, but you probably won't need it since you have yours already. So with that, make your way to the leftside of the fountain to find a barrel with a NOTE inside (telling you that you are near another Obelisk). After that, follow the pathway behind it, taking out Armed Zombies and Leeches as you do and avoid rising spikes. Once you make it to the end, head left and follow the path all the way to the otherside. No worries as there is no enemies in this area. Once at the otherside you should see a mausoleum, which you need to strike at the door. Watch out for the rising spikes and grab the KEY. Now just behind the mausoleum is OBELISK #07, so make sure you touch that. Now from the Obelisk, head right to the fence and get to the otherside of that. Follow the path past the rising spikes and find a treestump, which you need to strike at to find a KEY. Now from there, continue going right, past all the fences and soon you will be faced with Armed Zombies and Leeches. Around here you should find a NOTE in a barrel (which tells you to corss the exit you must cross a bridge). From that point, head to a nearby wooden bridge (along the south fence) and cross over it. Once you do, go through the locked gate and in here you will find GOLD and a 3-WAY SHOT (both in chests) and a red switch, which you need to step on. Now, cross back over the bridge, and once you do, head right and follow the line of Armed Zombies and past that is a newly opened gate which is behind the Golem Zombie. Take out the big guy, and go through the gate and follow the pathway, avoiding rising spikes and taking out Armed Zombies (and their generators) and the Bomber Zombie and Archer Zombies. Eventually you will make it to the GOAL gate, which when you step on it, will complete this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the wizard uses the magic of the Obelisks to lower the barrier leading to the next region and the Runestone take its place in the center of the tower. Now head back to the Town Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- 3. |Level 3: Town Venomous Spire (Town#03)| -------------------------------------- ITEMS: Time Stop, 3 Magic Potions, Runestone #08, 2 Deaths, 5 Notes, 15 Keys, Fire Amulet, Rapid Fire, Poison, Food, 2 Speed Shoes, 300 Gold, Special Item #03: Scroll ENEMIES: Zombie Villagers, Bomber Zombies, Archer Zombies, Leeches, Golem Zombie, Suicide Zombies You are now in the Town Venomous Spire, which has a little backtracking, and some optional areas. So with that, at the starting point, Leeches and Zombie Villagers (with a KEY behind that) will greet you. Also here, a KEY to the right, a KEY ahead of you (in a barrel) and a NOTE (talking about how to get into the old storage room). Get the goodies and head to the locked gate near the Note and go through it. In here you will be bombarded with Leeches, Archer Zombies, Zombie Villagers, Suicide Zombies, Bomber Zombies, the whole lot of them. Take them all out, and collect the 2 KEYS, GOLD and a MAGIC POTION (in a barrel) tucked away in this area. After that, head over to the back upper corner to find a ramp going up. Follow up this pathway all the way and you will be at a 3-way intersection. There will be Zombie Villagers here so be careful. Now at this point, if you went up the ramp further, you would see a shut gate, but there's only a few items there, so going there would be pointless (however the red switch to open the gate is hidden in a door around the outer wall at the start). Anyways, head onto the wooden pathway and follow that all the way, taking out the Bomber Zombie and Zombie Villagers (and their generator) and continue onwards past that. Keep going, taking out the Leeches that come to you, and you will be at a 3-way intersection. At this point, simply head left (or down the screen) and take out the Bomber Zombie and get the INVISIBILITY. After that, walk your way down the spiral ramp (I love spiral staircases and slides ^_^) and at the bottom, Leeches and Zombie Villagers will start coming out in swarms. At the bottom, head over to the Doorway Generator and destroy it, then keep going past that to find another Doorway Generator and a red switch. Step on that, then head back to the ramp. Items scattered around would be a 2 KEYS (one close and one tucked away), POISON in the chest and a NOTE in a barrel (saying how a nearby gate must be opened elsewheres). Archer Zombies and Bomber Zombies are here too. There is also another closed gate, but again it has no relevence in completing this stage. So with that, at the ramps, head up the straight ramp (the one closest to the red switch) and at the top you will be at another 3-way intersection. From this one, go left to get a MAGIC POTION and TIME STOP and a red switch which you must step on that. After that, head down the previous ramp and once at the bottom, head right and continue going this way through a newly opened gate (watch out for rising spikes). Once through here, get the KEY and GOLD in the back corner then come down the screen to find a Golem Zombie and a MAGIC POTION. Take that out, and continue following this wide pathway around the corner. Collect the 2 KEYS and take out the Doorway Generator and any Zombie Villagers that came out, and continue up the screen, taking out the Archer Zombie. Past that it will appear you are at a dead end, but hope is not lost! Strike at the wooden door ahead of you to find a RAPID FIRE, DEATH and a red switch. Step on the switch then backtrack to the straight ramp. Climb back up it to the 3-way intersection then go right taking out the Leeches Zombie Villagers and their generators. After that, hang a left and follow that pathway, taking out the Archer Zombie and getting the NOTE (telling you that stone is covering a switch). Continue along this path and you will be in another large area. Upon entering here, an Archer Zombie is ahead of you, and DEATH is in the chest behind it. Zombie Villagers are also here so be ready. From the ramp, head right to find Leeches and a Bomber Zombie on the otherside of a wall. Also here, there is GOLD in the chest and a NOTE in the barrel (which tells you that you must step on three switches to get the Runestone). So with that, head back to the frontside of the wall and go right from it and follow the line of Zombie Villagers, to find a red switch (step on this). Now head back to the previous short wall and climb up the ramp near it. At the top, you should see a red switch right away, so step on that as well as getting the KEY (in the barrel). Now back down the ramp you go, and you will see a red switch sitting on the large water drain gate, so step on that. Now climb back up the ramp and head right (watch out for the rising spikes) through a newly opened gate. Once through it, Zombie Villagers and an Archer Zombie will be here. Also here, get the KEY and step on the red switch, then after that, head back down the ramp. Once down it, head down the screen where you found the red switch by the Doorway Generator and you will then see RUNESTONE #08 is available for pick up. Get that, then head back up the ramp (enough with the back and forth stuff already!) and this time, follow the path through the locked gates (why there is two here, I dunno) and continue along the path, taking out Leeches and the Suicide Zombie. Soon you will come to a Doorway Generator, so take it out and strike at the wall to the right of it to reveal a red switch. Step on that, and continue following the long spiraling path upwards, taking out Zombie Villagers and their generators. This is a long path, so just stick it out. Along the way you will hear a Suicide Zombie, then see a chest which has SPEED SHOES in it (Leeches are here on top of Zombie Villagers). After that, continue up the long pathway to the top where more of the same will come out. Once you made it to the top, roam around here to find 2 KEYS, SPEED SHOES and a NOTE (which talks about the Scroll) and 2 red switches (one visible and one under a rock pillar) so step on them. After that, head back down the ramp until you see a wooden platform that rose up. Once there, step on the red switch which will cause the wall across from you to lower. In here is a Rotting Corpse Generator, so take that out and strike at the wall ahead of you. Nothing in there, well let's fix that. In the corner is a red switch under a rock pile. Step on that and SPECIAL ITEM #04: SCROLL will rise up, so get that. Now head back up the long pathway back to the top. Once at the top, make your way around to find the way into the GOAL GATE and step onto it, which will complete this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the Runestone take its place in the center of the tower. Now head back to the Town Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- 4. |Level 4: Town Toxic Air Ship (Town#04)| -------------------------------------- ITEMS: 2 Foods, Phoenix Familiar, 4 Notes, Acid Breath, 2 Deaths, 100 Gold, 3-Way Shot, 11 Keys, Runestone #09 ENEMIES: Zombie Villagers, Bomber Zombie, Suicide Zombie, Leeches, Archer Zombie You are now on the Town Toxic Air Ship, which is very straightforward. At the starting point, follow the path ahead of you, taking out the Zombie Villagers as they come. Here, get the FOOD (in the barrel) and ignore the chest (it's empty), and take a look at the crates. Notice the ones that are colored differently, well strike at those to remove them, and go through there, taking out the Zombie Villagers and Leeches. Go up the nearby ramp and step on the red switch you see, then continue along the pathway, taking out Leeches and Bomber Zombie. In this next area, a KEY is in the barrel, and a red switch is under a netted crate. Step on that and a nearby gate will open up for you. After that, continue on the path through the opened gate (taking out the Zombie Villagers) and in the corner, strike at the crate to find a KEY. After that, go throught he locked gate and take out the Suicide Zombie and Zombie Villagers as well as the generator and collect the KEY. Climb up the path and in this next area is more Zombie Villagers and a generator, so take that out and continue up the pathway. Next area, a KEY and DEATH is here and more Zombie Villagers. After that, go through the two locked gates, and collect the FOOD up ahead (in the chest) and defeat Zombie Villagers and step on the red switch. From there, climb up the cargo net and you will be on a balloon (I think?). Anyways up here is a NOTE (telling you that there's a Runestone on board), then after that, head down the other cargo net and follow the path all the way downwards to a hanging crate. This is an elevator which will lower you down to a lower area. Get ready because Zombie Villagers and Leeches are here, so dispose of them and their generators. Items here, well there is an ACID BREATH under the crate in the middle, so grab that and head to the otherside and down the pathway. You will now be aboard the ship, woo and hoo. Anyways, follow the path onto the ship, taking out the Zombie Villagers, Leeches and Archer Zombie (because it's so damn annoying) and continue following the pathway until you reach a 3-way intersection with stairs. Go up the stairs and follow the narrow pathway up the cargo net, taking out Zombie Villagers and Suicide Zombies. At the top will be a red switch, which you need to step on. After that, continue along the cargo net, ignoring the PHOENIX FAMILAR (which would be pointless to get anyways) and at the end is a Bomber Zombie, KEY and a red switch. Take care of what needs to be done, then head back to the 3-way intersection. Now head down the staircase, getting the NOTE first (telling you about the cargo nets being used as ropeways). Down here, is more Zombie Villagers, so take them out and their generators, and get the GOLD in the corner. After that, continue along the pathway and go down the ramp all the way to the bottom. This is a 3-way intersection, so keep it in mind. Down here is a NOTE (telling you something about crow's nest *shrugs*) and some more of the same enemies. Now head up the cargo net pathway and follow that path, taking out the crate in your way and stepping on the red switch. Continue on afterwards, taking out the Zombie Villagers and their generators, then at the end of the path, strike at the crate and collect RUNESTONE #09. After getting that, head back down to the 3-way intersection and then go up the right pathway, taking out more Zombie Villagers and Doorway Generators. From there, head right and collect the KEY at the far end, then head over to the rightside of the boat. Over here, more Zombie Villagers, so take them out, then climb up the pathway going up, taking out the Leeches and Zombie Villagers. There is a red switch here, which you need to step on, causing the balloon to rise carrying up a platform that has GOLD, KEY and DEATH (in the chest) on it. After taking care of that, head down the other pathway back onto the ship. Take out the enemies that you will face down here, and then strike at the lone crate, which will reveal a secret spot which houses a 3-WAY SHOT. Now after that, continue onwards until you reach a staircase (where Zombie Villagers will be coming down). Next to it is a crate which you need to strike at, revealing a red switch and a KEY. Now, climb up the staircase and take out the Zombie Villagers and continue onwards past the rising spikes and onto the ramp pathway going up. At the top, more Zombie Villagers, so take them out and get the KEY in the back, and then continue on along the pathway, through an opened gate. In this next area, you will see crates all over. First off, head right and strike at that crate to reveal a red switch, KEY and empty chest. Step on the switch then strike at the crates blocking your path and go through there. Once through that, continue up the pathway, taking out the Zombie Villagers as they come to you, and then go through the locked gate. Past that is a KEY in the barrel and a red switch under it, so deal with that, then climb up the long steep pathway going way up where you will face a Golem Zombie. Take that out then head down the next pathway, taking out Zombie Villagers and their generator. After that, simply continue onwards with the pathway and you will hear a Suicide Zombie, so take that out. This next spot may look like you can't get around it, but don't worry you can, so do so and keep going onwards, avoiding the rising spikes. Past that, Leeches will come out, so take them out and you will see the GOAL GATE. Take out the Bomber Zombie and get the NOTE in the chest (which talks about a Javelin in the Ice Region), and step on the goal, which will complete this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the Runestone take its place in the center of the tower. Now head back to Town Poisoned Fields (Stage 1) and make your way to the Secret Stage entrance. Stand on it, and get ready for a fun secret stage! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- 5. |Town Secret Stage (Town#05)| --------------------------- ITEMS: 93 Silver Coins ENEMIES: None For this secret stage, it's actually a really tough one simply because of the layout. You will probably need the Speed Shoes for this one. So from the starting point, head up the screen to collect the Silver Coins ahead of you only. Now back to the start, head left and start making your way upwards collect these Silver Coins in this area. Head up the screen to the 3-way type intersection, then go right, collecting all of the Silver Coins here (including a few you passed up). Now while along the rightside, head up towards the back wall and starting at the right side collect the Silver Coins while you're heading left along the backside. Once you made it to the back left corner, start coming down the screen. If you made it here with 20 to 25 seconds, you're in good shape. Now collect the next batch of Silver Coins that were left untouched from before. You will notice two paths ahead of you, so go down the screen down the right path, collect those coins, then get around the wall collecting the final coins. After the last Silver Coin is collected, you will have unlocked a brand new character known as the Falconress! --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, with the Falconress secret character unlocked, let's head over to the Items Shop. You should have about 1,300 Gold (plus what you have previously). I'd say buy some close range items like Electric Breath and Fire Breath, as well as Rapid Fire. Now with that, head back to the Town Region and step on the final Stage Gate as we move onto a boss fight! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 6. |Town Region Boss Stage - Plague Fiend (Town#06)| ----------------------------------------------- ITEMS: None SPECIAL ITEM NEEDED: Javelin (Found in Ice Fissure) This one is rather simple to defeat. What you see is a giant slime monster with horns. He will just wobble around in his slime pit. His attacks include shooting poisonous gas blasts at you, as well as a slow moving stream of poisonous gas. Also he will breed out small little slime leeches which is used as a distraction. These buggers won't really hurt you, so no worries there. Infact the bosses gas will take them out too. Your strategy, start in one corner, start attacking him, and when he uses his attack, head over to the otherside and continue attacking. Now if you're feeling brave, you can get up close and start using a variety of items on him (Acid, Fire and Electric Breath is good as well as Thunder Hammer), just avoid the attacks. Whichever strategy you used, just know, this will be an extremely easy fight, so soon you should be able to defeat him. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the magical glass mirror piece takes its place in the window frame. Now head over to the Ice Region and step on the first Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- E: |AREA 4 - Ice Region| ------------------- "A blood stained tundra must be crossed to get the fourth shard for my window. Buried deep in the ice mountain is a magical green meteor coveted for its explosive powers. The dwarven engineers who mined this meteor are now mutants under Skorne's power! Start at the loading docks where the ice grunts bring explosive barrels for transport. Use the network of steam pipes and mine cart tracks to get up and into the mountain's interior where the meteor lies. Its heat waves are melting the snow causing geysers of steam everywhere so avoid the steam vents!" A little warning for readers: From here on out, things will be a little different as there are different parts to each stage. After getting through the Goal Gate of the first part, you will then automatically begin the next part. Also if you decide to quit the stage or replay it again, you have to go through all the parts all over again. Another note, the layout for each stage is EXTREMELY massive in size, but 80% of it has nothing to do with completing the levels. So because of that, I will only how to describe how to get to the Runestones, Secret Stage entrances and Goal Gate. Everything else, you're completely on your own, but use my maps for reference. --------------------------- 1. |Level 1: Ice Docks (Ice#01)| --------------------------- --- Ice Docks Part 1 --- ITEMS: Speed Shoes, 3-Way Shot, Rapid Fire, Electric Amulet, Fire Amulet, 2 Magic Potions, 2 Foods, 10 Keys ENEMIES: Ice Grunts, Archer Grunts, Brown Wolves, Black Wolves, Suicide Grunts You are now in Ice Docks Part 1, the first of three parts to this long stage. So with that, from the starting point, head down the screen and collect the KEY (in the barrel). Also here, take out any Ice Grunts that come at you. In this area, more Ice Grunts are here, and there is a FIRE AMULET around here. From where you are, head left along the edge and keep going past the locked gate (which has an ELECTRIC AMULET at the end of the path). You should come to a path with a KEY on it, which is the path you need to take. Follow this long winding path, taking out the Archer Grunt along the way until you reach another big area. Brown Wolves will be here, so take them out and their Den Generator. From here, head left, getting the KEY and crossing the narrow wooden bridge. More Ice Grunts are waiting for you, so start taking them out and their Cave Generator and continue along the path (nothing is in the ice glacier). Head through the locked gate, and take out the Archer Grunt and continue onwards taking out more Ice Grunts as they come down the path. Soon you will hear a Suicide Grunt, so dispose of that, then more Ice Grunts will come out. Keep going a bit more, and you will be alongside a mountain. From here, continue following the path, taking out the Brown Wolves that are coming from around the corner. Dispose of them and their generator and continue following the path taking out more Archer Grunts and Ice Grunts, and soon you will come to a 3-way intersection, which will have Black and Brown Wolves coming at you. From the 3-way intersection, simply go left but only for a few feet. Notice the boulder sticking out of the wall, well strike at that to reveal a KEY. Get that and continue down the path, taking out an Archer Grunt and Black Wolves. Keep following this path and cross over the narrow wooden bridge to find Ice Grunts. Take them all out and keep going onwards to find another KEY (in the barrel) and eventually come to another 3-way intersection. An Archer Grunt and Suicide Grunt will be here, so take them both out. From the 3-way intersection, simply keep going forward (but remember this spot), taking out another Archer Grunt and getting the KEY. Go through the locked gate up ahead and in this new large area, there is a KEY in the open and FOOD in the barrel behind it. From there, keep going up the screen, past the wooden bridge and down the narrow icy path ahead. Keep going to find Ice Grunts, so take them out, and just make your way to the end of this somewhat long path. Once at the end, FOOD is in the barrel and there is a red switch, which you must step on. With that, backtrack your way to the previous 3-way intersection I told you to remember. Once back there, head down the new path through the newly opened door, and take out the Suicide Grunt, so take that out and make your way up this short winding path, taking out the Ice Grunts and Archer Grunts. At the end of the path is a KEY and the GOAL GATE, so take care of that and you will have completed the first part of this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --- Ice Docks Part 2 --- ITEMS: 300 Gold, 4 Notes, 10 Keys, 3 Magic Potions, 2 Foods, Death, Runestone #10, Phoenix Familiar ENEMIES: Ice Grunts, Archer Grunts, Suicide Grunts, Bomber Grunts, Black Wolves, Brown Wolves, Ice Golem You are now in Ice Docks Part 2, the second of three parts to this long stage. Now here's the deal, getting to the Goal Gate is simple pimple. The thing is, you have to find the Runestone, which will take ALOT of footwork. So with that, from the starting point, head along the path, getting the KEY from the barrel and continue onwards up the screen. A Bomber Grunt is here, so take that out and instead of going through the locked gate behind it, strike at the crate next to the locked gate and it will be gone. This way you can walk around the locked gate without using a Key (I R TEH SMART). Anyways, make your way around the crates and behind the locked gate, and from there, head left and find a NOTE on the side (giving you a hint as to where the Goal Gate and Runestone are). Keep going left past that along the edge and Ice Grunts and an Archer Grunt will be around here (think of this as a reference point). After that, you should see a spiked fencing. Go up along that, taking out Brown Wolves and the Den Generator, and go back down the otherside of it and keep going down the side and then continue along the edge, taking out Ice Grunts. Soon you will come to a dock, with an Archer Grunt and Suicide Grunt. Take them out and walk on the dock all the way till you reach a big pile of crates (picking up the FOOD). Once there, make your way behind the big pile and strike at the middle crate which will reveal a red switch. Step on that, and in a while, you'll see what it does. Now head back, and the path on the side, where the Ice Grunts are coming from, well it's a short path which has a KEY, MAGIC POTION and GOLD on it, so get that if you want, then back on the dock, head up the screen back to the icy land. Once back here, in the nearby left corner is a NOTE in a barrel (telling you that the frozen docks hides secrets). So with that, make your way right along the edge and then up around the fence. See that pile of crates you passed up earlier, well on it is a KEY. Now from there, simply head right and make your way back to the locked gate near the starting point. Here's where things get a little crazy. From here, find the nearby mining track (which is very closeby), and from that point, head right, past the piles of crates and you will eventually reach a spiked fence. Ice Grunts and Brown Wolves are here, so be ready to fight. head up along the spiked fence and follow the path up and down and you will reach a series of ice patches. Follow along here, collecting the KEY and at the otherside you should come to a locked gate. Go through it, and take out the Archer Grunt and you will be at a 3-way intersection. From here, head through the next locked gate and get the NOTE (giving you another hint about the Runestone). After that, keep going down the path to the end. See that big boulder ahead you, well strike at it and a red switch will be revealed! Now head back to the previous 3-way intersection and then continue going up the remaining path, taking out any enemy along the way. You will also come across a KEY so get that. Once at the otherside, head up a nearby hill which will take you onto a mining track. Once on that, head across the long track to the otherside where there is a 3-way intersection. From there, head right through a recently opened gate. Ice Grunts are here, as well as a NOTE (telling you the Runestone is near). With that, take out the enemies and continue up this pathway and you will find a mine track and some FOOD. Get the yummy, and walk along the mine track all the way down to the lower area. Items here, a PHOENIX FAMILAR (in the barrel) and KEY to the left, and GOLD, KEY and DEATH to the right. Enemies, Archer Grunts and Black Wolves, with a Bomber Grunt above. Head right and follow this pathway collecting the items you see and then up a hill through the locked gate. as you make your way up this hill, if you wanna take out the Bomber Grunt, go for it, but after that, continue going up the hill. As you make it to the top, Ice Grunts and an Archer Grunt will be here. Take all them out and head to the deck where you will find RUNESTONE #10. Now we can make our way to the Goal Gate (about flipping time). So with that, make your way back to the mining track and head up and across it. Once at the otherside, head down the path to the 3-way intersection. Continue onwards past that along the narrow snowy path (don't worry, you won't fall), do watch out for the rising steam. As you make your way along this path you will come to what looks like a mining entrance. From there, head left to find a note (telling you you need two keys to get to the Goal Gate). So with that, head left some more until you find a locked gate which you will go through. Brown Wolves are here, so take them out and their generator. There's GOLD in the corner, so grab that. Now just keep following the path and you will come across another locked gate. Go through that, and take out the Suicide Grunt and Ice Grunts coming at you. Ignore or use a Magic Potion to take out the Bomber Grunts if you like and just go forward into the GOAL GATE. And with that, you have completed the second part of this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --- Ice Docks Part 3 --- ITEMS: Food, Key, Speed Shoes, 3-Way Shot, 1,500 Gold, Electric Shield, Invisibility ENEMIES: Ice Grunts, Archer Grunts, Suicide Grunts, Bomber Grunts, Black Wolves, Brown Wolves, Ice Golem You are now in Ice Docks Part 3, the third of three parts to this long stage. Now in this part, there are actually two different Goal Gates, which I guess both end this stage the same way, so why there is two, who knows. Nonetheless, I will take you to the Goal Gate that is the closest. So with that, from the start, you will notice that you're on the otherside of the fence from the previous part. So with that, from the starting point, head up the screen following the path taking out Ice Grunts, followed by a Suicide Grunt. Head around the corner to find more Ice Grunts, so start taking them out and their generator. After that, get the KEY (in the barrel) and continue up the pathway all the until you see a locked gate. Go through the locked gate, but watch out for the rising steam and collect the INVISIBILTY (in the chest) and take out the Brown and Black Wolves as well as the Ice Grunts, that will appear. After that, head right to find GOLD (in the chest), and then a giant ice glacier. You can destroy that if you want, which will reveal a red switch, and stepping on that will cause a mining track to rise up, leading to a KEY and that's it. More importantly though, from where you are, head down the screen following the mining tracks in the opposite direction. Keep going, taking out the Archer Grunt along the way and you will come to where the mining track splits in two. Here will also be some Ice Grunts so dispose of them as well, and continue following the straightline track. Another Archer Grunt will be in your way and then further up will be Ice Grunts and a KEY. A red switch is also here, which you need to step on. Now head back to the split off, and this time go down the curve line track. Follow this track (hope you're not afraid of heights!)through a newly opened door guarded by an Archer Grunt. After that, keep going forward, taking out the Bomber Grunt. Now down the hill to a very large area. You will be greeted by Archer Grunts, Ice Grunts and Brown Wolves, so take them all out. Now it's probably easier to stay on the mining track so with that, follow it forward until you reach a split off. KEEP THIS SPOT IN MIND! With that, follow the curve line track and you will find a red switch (step on that), as well as an Archer Grunt and Bomber Grunt, so take these out (use a Magic Potion). Now head back up to where the split off was and head left up the straightline track, taking out Ice Grunts. If you keep following the mining track forward, you will come across a GOAL GATE. Now, if you want, step on that, and you will have completed the third part of this level. If you do do this, skip ahead to the next stage. However, there is still more here, which will result in going through another GOAL GATE. So read on if you're curious about that, it will be brief though. First off, right before this Goal Gate, on the right side, there is FOOD and a shack which you can strike on step on the red switch in the shack. Now backtrack to the split off with the mining tracks, head down the curveline one until you reach the rows of crates. The one in the back corner can be striked at it, revealing a ramp. Climb up that, and head to the otherside and follow the dock to the end. Here, Ice Grunts and Bomber Grunts will play. Also in the corner is a red switch under a crate, which when you step on it, will lower the middle crate with the ELECTRIC SHIELD on it. Near that, is a pathway so take that and take out any enemies in your way. In this next large area, there are Ice Grunts all over, and a red switch at the far rightside (under a crate) which will lower a crate with SPEED SHOES on it. Next there is a ship nearby there, so step on that red switch to lower and elevator. Climb up on it and if you go left, there will be Ice Grunts. After that, up the stairs is Archer Grunts and 2 GOLDS. After that, head down the right side of the ship, taking out Ice Grunts, a Bomber Grunt and a Suicide Grunt and get the KEY in the barrel. Continue on the path ahead and find GOLD at the end where there's a small graveyard (who is Kevin?!). Continue on this path, taking out enemies, and you will find GOLD and a 3-WAY SHOT. After that, follow the path down the hill to find 2 GREEN GOLDS (which you'll get 500 Gold each), FOOD and a KEY as well as the other GOAL GATE. Step on that, and you'll have completed the third part of this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the Runestone take its place in the center of the tower. Now head back to the Ice Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- 2. |Level 2: Ice Camp (Ice#02)| -------------------------- --- Ice Camp Part 1 --- ITEMS: Electric Amulet, Acid Amulet, Phoenix Familiar, 4 Foods, Magic Potion, 11 Keys, 500 Gold, Rapid Fire, Death, Note ENEMIES: Large Ice Worms, Small Ice Worms, Suicide Grunts, Black Wolves, Brown Wolves, Archer Grunt You are now in Ice Camp Part 1, the first of two parts to this long stage. Incidentally, getting to the Goal Gate of this stage won't take very long to do. So here we go, at the starting point, you will be instantly greeted by Large Ice Worms, so take them out and the nearby Burrow Generator. Behind you in a crate is GOLD, and forward a bit is a KEY (under an ice boulder). With that, follow the path all the way to the end, and a ice glacier will come down blocking your pathway (which sucks). Near there is a crate, which you need to strike at, to reveal a red switch. Step on that then backtrack a bit to the corner, showing that a red switch has been revealed. Head over to that one and step on it, then backtrack to the starting point, to find another red switch. Step on that one, and then head forward to find an ice patch that rose up. Step on it and it will carry you down to a small lower area. Down here, head right, taking out the Archer Grunt, then continue onwards. There will be a KEY on one vent thingys. After getting that, continue onwards taking out another Archer Grunt to find another ice patch, which will take you up to the main level. Once there, head off the rightside, and take out the Large Ice Worms and Brown Wolves that'll come out as well as their generators. In the nearby corner is a KEY so grab that, and then head right and continue following the path (finding another KEY in the barrel). Also you will hear a Suicide Grunt, so take that out as well. Now where the last Key was is a fence. Get around that fence and go through the locked gate and an Ice Golem will rise up and attack you. Take that out, and get the ACID AMULET (in the chest) and strike at the back fence for FOOD. Also there is a red switch here (guarded by rising steams), which you must step on. Now for some fun, go back through the opened gate, and down and right, and just keep zigzagging down the path back and forth until you get through this, taking out all enemies in your way. Along the way through here will be a PHOENIX FAMILIAR and KEY (in the barrel). Also go through the locked gate, which has FOOD and a red switch in it. Finally there will be a NOTE in the barrel (saying two switches must be pressed to continue on). After that, you should be through the zigzagging. Now just follow the path down the screen, and find a KEY in the barrel. Get that, and continue onwards, taking out Small Ice Worms and Brown Wolves. Also here is a red switch which you must step on, so do so and tred a little more forward to find GOLD, a KEY and DEATH in the barrels. Here's the interesting twist to this level. There are two paths to take, the left one behind the barrels and the one further to the right. Take the right path and you will have found the GOAL GATE. Take the left one, and you will embark down a long twisty-turning pathway that will basically lead back to just before where you are now. Items found throughout this path is 3 GOLDS, 5 KEYS, 2 FOODS, MAGIC POTION, RAPID FIRE and an ELETRIC AMULET, as well as many many enemies. Nothing else is of value down this path, so take it if you want, it is rather straightforward. Other than that, simply head down the path to the Goal Gate, step on it and you will have completed the first part of this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --- Ice Camp Part 2 --- ITEMS: 3 Magic Potions, 1,700 Gold, 9 Keys, Food, 3 Notes, Runestone #11, 2 Rapid Fires, Fire Amulet, 3-Way Shot, Electric Shield, Invisibility, Secret Stage #04 ENEMIES: Large Ice Worms, Small Ice Worms, Suicide Grunt, Black Wolves, Brown Wolves, Archer Grunt, Bomber Grunt You are now in Ice Camp Part 2, the first of two parts to this long stage. This one however is much longer than the first part so be ready. Upon starting this level, you will be greeted by Archer Grunts and Ice Worms, so take them out right away. Now head right to find a FIRE AMULET, then keep going up the screen from there following the path. You will notice a small bridge guarded by rising steams, keep this in mind as you will be coming back here much later. Continue up the path some more taking out Small Ice Worms. Once you come to another wooden bridge, cross over it taking out Black Wolves. At the otherside, head up the screen and continue following it and you will reach three rising steams. Past that GOLD (in each chest) so get them and step on the red switch that you see. Now backtrack to the wooden bridge, and once there, head right from it to the otherside and then up through a newly opened gate. You'll hear a Suicide Grunt so take that out and the Archer Grunt and Small Ice Worms as well. Continue up this path and you will find a KEY and a crate. Taking the crate out will reveal a red switch which will make the 3-WAY SHOT (you saw a 10 seconds ago) available. So get that if you want and continue up the pathway. Black Wolves will also come out, so take them out and their Den Generator. From there, climb up the hill then cointinue going down the otherside, taking out more Small Ice Worms. Go past the mining tracks and at the end of the path is GOLD (in the chest) and a red switch which you must step on. There are also Large Ice Worms here, so be careful. Now head back onto the mining track, and take the curve line track (because the other one will be a dead end). Follow the curve line track across the long bridge and through the newly opened gate where you will need to take out Bomber Grunts and Large Ice Worms. After that, continue down another long mining track bridge and at the otherside is GOLD (in the barrels) and Small Ice Worms, so deal with that and a Bomber Grunt, so stand from a distance and shoot upwards to take that out. Continue up the mining track across the bridge, and at the otherside of this one, you will find Small Ice Worms as well as FOOD and a KEY (both in barrels). Now head over to the red switch, step on it to make an ice patch rise up, which you will step on, taking you to the lower area. Small Ice Worms and Brown Wolves will come out. Down here, to the right in the barrels is a KEY and NOTE (telling you where the Secret Stage is) as well as an Archer Grunt. North of that you'll find a Bomber Grunt and KEY (in the barrel). Back at the lift, head left of that to find a MAGIC POTION and a few steps from that is a closed gate. After that, head under the bridge and continue going up the screen, taking out Large Ice Worms and finding an empty chest. Continue going up the screen from there and Brown Wolves will come out. Take them out and their generator and keep going to the end of the pathway and you will find 2 GOLDS and a red switch, which you need to step on. Now make your way back to the closed gate you passed up earlier and go through it (why there is two here, who knows). Follow this path, taking out Black Wolves and their Den Generator. After that, continue up the path, taking out Small Ice Worms (and the Burrow Generator) and getting the KEY (in the barrel). Continue the path to find another KEY in the corner, then on the otherside of the river is GOLD in the chest. From there head down the screen, taking out Small Ice Worms and Black Wolves and keep going down to the ledge. Follow the ledge up the screen to find a red switch (which by stepping on it, lowers a nearby gate) and RAPID FIRE (in the chest). From there, continue following the small wall to a small ramp, which you need to get on. Small Ice Worms will come through the newly opened gate so dispose of them and in this next large area, head forward past the ramp to get GOLD (in the chest) and a Bomber Grunt. Further on is a closed gate, but you will be coming back here so keep this in mind. Now, up the next ramp to find an Archer Grunt shooting down at you. Try to avoid this, and at this point you are at a 3-way intersection. From here, head left and follow the pathway, collecting the GOLD in the ice pillar. Continue going down this path to find a NOTE (telling you to find four switches to make the Runestone appear). Small Ice Worms are here too, so take them out and step on the red switch ahead of you as well as getting the FOOD. Now head back to the 3-way intersection, and this time head right taking out Large Ice Worms and an Archer Grunt. Up the small ramp and onto the mining track, which makes this another 3-way intersection. For this one, start heading left, collecting the KEY along the way. Onto the bridge and across it to find Large Ice Worms and a red switch. Step on that, then head back to the 3-way intersection (the camera shot might get a bit jerky so don't worry). Once there, down the ramp and step on the now available red switch. From there, head left to the other previous 3-way intersection and go down that ramp. Once down it, head left and you will now be able to go through the closed door from before. Go through it, taking out Small Ice Worms and step on the red switch you see. From there, head down the screen a bit to find the rising steams blocking the wooden bridge from much earlier. Go across that and find a now available red switch to step on, then low and behold, RUNESTONE #11 can be grabbed! Now head back to the recently opened doorway, go through it and continue up to the to the ramp. Climb up it, go right, climb up the short ramp and at the 3-way intersection, head right across the short bridge. At otherside is a KEY (in the barrel), so get that and continue on the pathway. At the end you will find Small and Large Ice Worms. In the back right corner in a chest is a NOTE (telling you to use the Scroll on the Yeti). From there, head up or left or whatever the opposite direction is (lol) and follow the mining tracks up the hill, taking out Black Wolves and Small Ice Worms, until you reach the end. You will see a ramp which you need to go down, and then up the screen from that is a MAGIC POTION (in the barrel) and a red switch which you need to step on. Now head down the screen, taking out Brown Wolves and Small Ice Worms and in the barrel on the leftside is a KEY. Continue following the mining track to a deck, with a RAPID FIRE (in the barrel). Now back up a bit and go right around the enclosed fence and head forward. you should see a red switch guarded by rising steams, but ignore that for now and continue going forward, taking out Brown Wolves, then past another enclosed fence to find Large Ice Worms so take them out. Also here, there is a lone crate with a red switch under it. Step on that to and an ELECTRIC SHIELD will be available in the corner. Get that then head back to the rising steams. This might be tricky because you need to step on it, which will lower the fences, and two Ice Golems will start attacking you. To handle this, have them both chase you into the open area, then use your Special Attack and then continue attacking them. With them gone, go ahead and check out what they were guarding, which is an INVISIBILITY (in an ice glacier) and a red switch. Step on that, then head to the bottom left enclosed fence and step on that red switch. Now head up the ramp nearby and for this next part, you will be in a maze like area. Now while I have a map for this already posted, here is smaller map incase you don't feel like going back and forth between the walkthrough and map ^_^. XX _______ _ _________ Ahead of you is a NOTE X |_____ | |____ |DOOR XXXX| (telling you where the |GOAL | ____| | XXXX|__ exit is). Now head left, X |_____ _| |_______ __| and Small Ice Worms will XX | | ______| | be here as well as a _____ | |XXXXXX |______ | MAGIC POTION. Get that | $ | | |_ K | | and continue going left. |___ |XX| $ |______ | | Soon you will find GOLD $___| | |________ | |O| (in a crate) near a ramp | _ | $ | | | | which you will come back | | | |_____ | | to. From there, continue |__ | __________| | going up the screen to $ | | _| ____ | find more GOLD tucked | |____| |N | | away between crates (in |_____________| | $| a chest). After that, up P |XXX__| the screen, taking out START Large Ice Worms then head all the way to the back wall. Once there, head right and follow the path to find a crate along the wall. Nothing is in that, but directly across from there is an opening. Go into it and head down the screen, getting the KEY tucked away (in the barrel). Continue down the screen to find a ramp which you need to go up (past there is GOLD in a crate). Up the ramp and follow the path, collecting GOLD and taking out the Archer Grunt, then follow the path taking out the Bomber Grunt. Now you should see the GOAL GATE, but ignore that for now. Instead head down the small ramp and keep going. Strike at the crate to reveal a red switch. Step on that, then follow the pathway back off of the crates. Once you do that, head up the screen to the back wall, then left and the down the screen to find the first ramp. Climb up it, then head over to the 3-way intersection. Go up to get GOLD, then go down and follow the path all the way around, taking out the Bomber Grunt. Near that is a crate you can strike at, which has GOLD. After that, continue on the pathway, taking out the Archer Guard and soon you will find SECRET STAGE #04. Now that you know where that is, make your way back to the Goal Gate and step on it and you will have completed the second part of this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the Runestone take its place in the center of the tower. Now head back to the Ice Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- 3. |Level 3: Ice Mine (Ice#03)| -------------------------- --- Ice Mine Part 1 --- ITEMS: 5 Keys, Death, 2 Notes, Speed Shoes, Magic Potion, 2 Foods, 200 Gold, Fire Amulet, 3-Way Shot ENEMIES: Black Wolves, Brown Wolves, Ice Grunts, Bomber Grunts, Suicide Grunts, Archer Grunts You are now in Ice Mine Part 1, the first of three parts to this long stage. Actually, overall these three levels put together isn't that bad. So with that, at the starting point, you will be greeted by Black and Brown Wolves as well as Ice Grunts, so take them out. Also in this area is a MAGIC POTION and KEY (both in barrels). After that, head up the screen following the mining track, taking out Ice Grunts and Cave Generators. If you can notice it, along the rightside is a chest with a NOTE inside (saying it's worth crossing a nearby bridge). So with that, continue up the screen taking out more Ice Grunts and Black Wolves. As you do, you will notice a dark hill on the leftside, but ignore that. Instead continue along the mining track and at the end is a red switch. Ignore that for the moment, and go through the nearby locked gate and cross over the bridge where a Suicide Grunt will come at you. Take that out and continue across the bridge to find a red switch, which you need to step on. After that, head back to the mining track and step on the nearby red switch there which will cause a mine cart to lower. Get on that and it will take you to the upper area, where you will be greeted by Ice Grunts and Brown Wolves. Head forward to the line of Ice Grunts, and you will find a KEY. Don't worry about the red switch encased in ice, you'll come back to it soon. Instead follow the line of Brown Wolves across the small bridge (watch out for the rising steam), and grab the FOOD in the corner, and then go down the nearby wooden ramp ahead of you. In the corner is a FIRE AMULET and KEY, as well as Bomber Grunts and Brown Wolves. DEATH is also roaming around so be ready. Now follow the path down the screen and you will see a steep ramp. Go down it, step on the red switch and get the GOLD (in the chest), then backtrack to the red switch encased in ice. Step on that one, then back to the steep ramp and continue onwards. Take out the Ice Grunts and behind the pillar is a NOTE (telling you to step on five red switches to continue on). You are now at a 3-way intersection, so from here head up the hill you see. Once up here, there will be a closed gate on the left, so keep this in mind. Brown Wolves and Black Wolves will come out, but you need to follow the right path along the line of Black Wolves. As you do, take out their Den Generator and continue along the wooden bridge path. An Archer Grunt will be here, so take it out and keep going past that. Ice Grunts will come out as well, so take them out and then get the 3-WAY SHOT (in the chest). After that, continue onwards, going past the rising steam and taking out the Black Wolves and their generator. Step on the red switch you see and up ahead is a KEY (in the barrel). Now backtrack to the 3-Way Shot to find another red switch appearing. Step on that and continue going back all the way to find the closed gate from before has now opened. Go through there, and take out the Archer Grunt, and continue crossing over the bridge and take out the Bomber Grunt. More Ice Grunts will come out, so take them out and strike at the giant ice glacier in front of you, which will reveal GOLD (in the chest). You will also see SPEED SHOES in the back corner, so get those, and then step on the red switch. This will lower the crates ahead of you, so step on those and it will take you to an upper level. There is Ice Grunts up here, so dispose of them and their generator. Step on the other red switch which will open the mouth formation in the corner, revealing a chest with FOOD in it. Also here is a wooden bridge, which you need to follow. Take out the Archer Grunts here, and you will be at the GOAL GATE. Step on it and you will have completed the first part of this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --- Ice Mine Part 2 --- ITEMS: 7 Keys, 400 Gold, Gold Invincibility, Note, Rapid Fire, Electric Shield, 2 Foods ENEMIES: Black Wolves, Brown Wolves, Ice Grunts, Bomber Grunts, Suicide Grunts, Archer Grunts, Ice Golem You are now in Ice Mine Part 2, the second of three parts to this long stage. This one is gonna require a little more work. At the starting point, follow the path, taking out the Archer Grunts, and you will then be in an open area which has a whirlpool in it. Think of this as a landmark. So with that, head around it to find a KEY (in the barrel) and a red switch. Ignore the red switch and instead head left, taking out more Ice Grunts. Follow the pathway all the way to the end to find GOLD (in the chest). Now go back to the whirlpool and this time, head right and follow the path all the way to the end. Here you will find Brown Wolves and a Bomber Grunt in a corner, guarding a KEY. Take care of that, and head up the small ramp and step on the red switch here (watch out for the rising steam). Now back to the whirlpool and step on the red switch here, causing crates to lower. Get on that, and it will take you to an upper area. Ice Grunts are up here, so take them out and step on the nearby red switch, causing another set of crates to lower. Get on that and you will be taken to a higher area, and up here, more Ice Grunts and an Ice Golem, so take them out. Up here will be a KEY, so grab that and head down a nearby ramp, where there is a red switch, which you need to step on. After that, head back to the previous lift, go down it and walk across to find a newly opened gate. Go through it and across the wooden bridge to find an Archer Grunt and a NOTE in the chest (telling you not to leave this area yet). More Ice Grunts will come out, so take them out and their generator, and head up the screen some to find a wide 3-way intersection, which has a RAPID FIRE at it. From here, head up the right path, taking out Brown Wolves. At the end is a Den Generator, a KEY and a red switch (step on that). Now head back to the 3-way intersection, then go up the left pathway, taking out more Brown Wolves and Ice Grunts. Also up here, FOOD (in the chest) and another red switch, which when you step on will lower the nearby enclosed fence, revealing the ELECTRIC SHIELD. I know this was pointless, but what can you do ^_^. Now back to the 3-way intersection, and head down the screen and follow the path, taking out more Ice Grunts and Archer Grunts, followed by Black Wolves (and their generator) and a Suicide Grunt. Cross over the bridge and at the otherside is a KEY and a red teleporter (something we haven't seen in forever). Ignore that for now, as well as the Ice Grunts (and their generator), and keep going a bit more and in the corner. I know I sound crazy but watch! Strike at the wall to reveal a GOLD INVINCIBILITY, which is handy as it will protect you for 30 seconds, plus you gain 3 Health for every enemy hitting you, so just stand there and take it from the Ice Grunts. After it wears off, take out the Ice Grunts and step on the red teleporter, then step on the next one. After that, just follow the path all the way, taking out Ice Grunts, until you get to a red switch. Ignore that for now, and instead get the FOOD (in the barrel), GOLD (in the chest behind the crates) and follow the path behind that across the bridge. Take out the Archer Grunt, and get the GOLD at the end of the path and step on the red switch. Brown Wolves and Ice Grunts are here too. After that, back to the previous red switch, step on it, then onto the several crates, which will take you to an upper area. Up here is a 3-way intersection, which has GOLD (in the barrel). From here, head up through the opened gate, taking out the Ice Grunts and following the path to the end. Step on the red switch here, and head back to the 3-way intersection. Now go through the right opened gate, taking out the Suicide Grunt and follow the short path and get the KEY (in the barrel). Take out Brown Wolves here as well. Also step on the GOAL GATE and you will have completed the second part of this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --- Ice Mine Part 3 --- ITEMS: 3 Keys, Electric Breath, 100 Gold, Magic Potion, Runestone #12, Note, 2 Foods ENEMIES: Black Wolves, Brown Wolves, Ice Grunts, Ice Golem, Suicide Grunts, Archer Grunts You are now in Ice Mine Part 3, the third of three parts to this long stage, which isn't that large of an area. At the starting point, Ice Grunts will come at you, so take them out. Make your way around this (watch out for rising steam) and down a ramp. Here is a oddly designed 4-way intersection, which has a KEY. From here, go through the locked gate on the rightside and follow the long path all the way to the end, where you will find Ice Grunts and a red switch. Step on that, then head back to the 4-way intersection. Once back there, head through the leftside across the bridge, through the opened gate and down the path, taking out Black Wolves and their generator. In the barrel is a NOTE (telling you that ice guards the Runestone). With that, continue going forward a bit more, and step on the red switch you see. With that, continue some more to find a ice glacier in the middle of the area. Strike at that to reveal another red switch. Step on that, then backtrack to the 4-way intersection, then up the ramp to the starting point. Once here, you will see that an ice patch has risen up to where you can step on the red switch. Do so, then back down to the 4-way intersection, then back down the left pathway all the way past the two red switches and find GOLD (in a chest), then down the nearby ramp to find another red switch available. Step on that, and the nearby ice wall will lower, reveal RUNESTONE #12 (all of this craziness for a damn Runestone!). Anyways, make your way back to the 4-way interesection, and this time go through the south pathway and across the bridge. At the otherside is Ice Grunts, so take them out and then head right, to find another red switch, which you will step on. Now follow the pathway up the screen, getting the KEY (in the barrel) along the wall. Continue onwards, across the small bridge and take out more Ice Grunts. Step on the red switch and continue along the pathway, taking out more Ice Grunts and then Black Wolves. You will also see some crates, which you need to step on. This will take you to a lower area, where, you just need to follow the path to the end, stepping on a red switch (and if you want, take a ice cold shower). Back on the crates and to the main area, head across for a MAGIC POTION, then down a bit alongside that wall to find a ramp. Climb up the hill, taking out Black Wolves and their generator, then up the next hill. Continue along this pathway, collecting the FOOD (in the barrel) along the wall, and step on a red switch as well. Doing so will make a nearby red switch available, so step on that. Doing so will make a nearby red switch available, so step on that. Yes I know, I just repeated myself, so what ^_^! Take out the Brown Wolves here, and go down the nearby pathway. In this next area, there is a KEY (in the barrel) along the wall. Brown Wolves and Ice Grunts are also here, so take them out and their generators. Now at the otherside, is a locked gate, so go through that and cross the bridge. At the otherside, continue onwards to find Black Wolves, Ice Grunts and an Ice Golem. Take all them out, and get the ELECTRIC BREATH in the corner. Now head up the screen and dispose of the Archer Grunt, and cross the bridge behind it. Here you will see FOOD (in the chest) and Black Wolves and a GOAL GATE. Do what you want, and step on the Goal Gate and you will have completed the third part of this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the Runestone take its place in the center of the tower. Now head back to the Ice Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- 4. |Level 4: Ice Fissure (Ice#04)| ----------------------------- --- Ice Fissure Part 1 --- ITEMS: 700 Gold, Death, Halo, 11 Keys, 3 Magic Potions, 3 Foods, 3-Way Shot, 2 Notes, Fire Amulet, Time Stop, Speed Shoes ENEMIES: Ice Grunts, Archer Grunts, Brown Wolves, Black Wolves, Bomber Grunts, Suicide Grunts, Ice Golem You are now in Ice Fissure Part 1, the first of two parts to this long stage. So here we go, at the starting point, turn around and head for the back wall. Strike at it to reveal a FIRE AMULET. Now head down the dirt path, down the hill taking out Ice Grunts and their Cave Generator. Cross over the small bridge, take out the Archer Grunt and Brown and Black Wolves (and their generator). Grab the KEY next to the generator and continue down this path, going through the locked gate and up the small hill. Take out the Black Wolves and the generator, then get the KEY and take out Ice Grunts. After that continue down the small hill, disposing of Brown Wolves and just past that in a barrel is a NOTE (saying that Death is near, so get the Halo). Now watch out for the rising steam and cross over the pipework. At the otherside is an Archer Grunt and more Ice Grunts, so dispose of them and continue along the path and you will see a locked gate. Go through that, and at the end of this short path is a HALO (in a chest) as well as Brown Wolves. Now head back up and you will see DEATH in the corner, so take that out. Now walk along the wooden platform and down the ramp and you will be at a lower area. Grab the KEY underneath and take out the Black Wolves and get the MAGIC POTION (in the barrel). After that, continue onwards taking out a Bomber Grunts, Ice Grunts and a Suicide Grunt then a bit more to find another KEY and FOOD (in a barrel). Cross over the pipework ahead of you and defeat Brown Wolves and Ice Grunts then climb up the hill in front of you. At the top, go through the locked gate and over the pipework to the otherside to find an Archer Grunt and Ice Grunts. Dispose of them and continue along this dirt path, then taking out Brown Wolves and their generator. Up the hill after that and forward taking out more Ice Grunts (this is getting repetitive) and then a Bomber Grunt. After a bit, you will come across a 3-way intersection (which includes the pipework). From the 3-way intersection, grab the MAGIC POTION, then cross over the pipework and in this area is Ice Grunts so take them out. Items here are FOOD (corner barrel), a KEY (under snowpile) and a NOTE (saying to check under every barrel). With that, cross over the nearby wooden bridge and at the otherside is Brown Wolves, GOLD (in the barrel) and a red switch, which you must step on. With that, backtrack your way to the 3-way intersection and then head up the screen once you get there. As you make your way up the screen, Black Wolves and a Suicide Grunt will come out so deal with them. Continue on this path through the newly opened gate. In this next area, Ice Grunts will be here, and an Ice Golem will come out as well. Across from the opened gate is a ramp leading down to a small area, which has GOLD (in the chest). Now after that, head up the screen to find an Archer Grunt and a KEY. With that, make your way in the only direction remaining and you'll be at a wooden platform. Make your way down the ramps to be at a lower area. At the bottom, Ice Grunts and Brown Wolves will start piling up, so use your Magic Potion to take out alot of them. Now as there is nothing else here, head up the screen to the ice ramp. Get the NOTE in the barrel (saying the high road leads to the low road), then head up the ice ramp. Brown Wolves will come out, and if you folow them, down that path is a 3-WAY SHOT (in the barrel) as well as a Ice Grunts and Bomber Grunt, and a red switch and lift taking you to the starting point. Instead of that though, from the ice ramp, head right and down the shorter ice ramp and down another one. A KEY (in the barrel) is nearby, so grab that. Head down the screen a bit more, and you will be at a 4-way intersection. From here, head down the lower left path taking out Black Wolves and getting the KEY (in the barrel) and FOOD. After that, continue onwards down the path then turn the corner and take out Brown Wolves and Ice Grunts. Now as you turned the corner, head up that screen to the corner where you will find a snowpile. Strike at it to reveal a KEY and a red switch. Step on that, and a nearby wall will lower down. Go through there and at the end is a chest with TIME STOP in it. Now from the red switch, continue along the path taking out Brown Wolves and through the locked gate. Cross over the pipework and you will find a red switch and a KEY (in the barrel). Step on that, and head left of that, striking at the pipework. Go through that and strike at the next one, and soon you will see GREEN GOLD and SPEED SHOES. Get those and make your way back to the 4-way intersection, go on, I'll wait for you *twiddle thumbs*. Finally made it back there? Good, now head up the upper left pathway through the newly opened gate. Ice Grunts will come out, so take them out, and keep going. Soon you will hear a Suicide Grunt, so take that out and get the KEY in the corner. Now keep going down this path, across the small ice bridge taking out more Ice Grunts and then Black Wolves and at the end of the path is a MAGIC POTION (in the chest) and a red switch. Step on that, then make your way back to the 4-way intersection and this time go down the right pathway. Brown Wolves will come out, and there is FOOD (in the barrel). After that, step on the GOAL GATE and you will have completed the first part of this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --- Ice Fissure Part 2 --- ITEMS: Thunder Hammer, 3-Way Shot, Magic Potion, 2 Foods, Halo, 2 Notes, Rapid Fire, Invisibility, 10 Keys, Death, Fire Breath, Time Stop, Special Item #04: Javelin, 300 Gold ENEMIES: Ice Grunts, Archer Grunts, Brown Wolves, Black Wolves, Bomber Grunts, Suicide Grunts You are now in Ice Fissure Part 2, the second of two parts to this long stage. And at the starting point, you will be instantly greeted by Ice Grunts, so take them out, and after that, head up the pathway to find more Ice Grunts. There's a NOTE in a nearby barrel (saying that behind rushing water is a Javelin). You will also hear a Suicide Grunt so take it out and if you follow the narrow path it came from, you'll find RAPID FIRE. After that, continue on and step on the red teleporter. Once through that, take out the Brown and Black Wolves, Ice Grunts and Archer Grunt and get the KEY (in the barrel). After that, head across the wooden bridge and at the otherside of that is some more Ice Grunts. Take them out (and their generator) and continue onwards, down the snowy hill, and through the locked gate. Once through here, Ice Grunts and Brown and Black Wolves are roaming. Also nearby is GOLD and a NOTE (saying the path is cleared when two red switches are stepped on). After that, head down the screen and you will be at a 3-way intersection. First off, head down the lower pathway, taking out Ice Grunts and Brown Wolves and continue following the pathway and you will reach another 3-way intersection. From here, head left, getting the KEY and go through the locked gate. Continue following this pathway all the way to the end. Yeah I know, looks like there's nothing here, but strike at the wall to reveal a 3-WAY SHOT and a red switch. Step on that, then backtrack to the previous 3-way intersection. From here, go up the previous pathway from before to the next 3-way intersection, then once there, go up the upper pathway and follow that path. You will come to a closed gate and opened gate. Go through the opened gate and follow that short path, getting the KEY (in the barrel) and keep following the path to a red switch. Step on that, then back track to the closed gate, which will now be opened. Go through that, and down the path you will find SPECIAL ITEM #04: JAVELIN, so get that for sure! Now back track to the previous (mentioned) 3-way interesection, then go down the lower pathway to the next 3-way intersection. From there, head down the lower right pathway and follow that path, taking out Brown Wolves and their generator. Keep going past that and take out Ice Grunts. Keep going past that and then across the pipework (watch out for the rising steam) and take out the Archer Grunt. After that, take out Ice Grunts, Brown Wolves and Suicide Grunt. Also keep going head along the wall, and strike at the darker part to reveal GOLD (in the chest). After that, simply keep going across the next pipework and at the otherside, take out the Black Wolves and Ice Grunts that come to you. Now keep going down the pathway taking out Brown Wolves and their generator, and then across the wooden bridge. Follow this to the otherside and take out the Ice Grunts. You will see a red teleporter, but ignore that for a moment. Instead strike at the right pipework to reveal a red switch. Step on that, and a nearby area will lower down, which has POISON, GOLD and a KEY, so get those and another KEY in the other barrel and step on the red teleporter. At the otherside, simply follow the path, taking out Brown Wolves and Ice Grunts and their generators, and continue following the pathway until you reach a 3-way intersection. Now this is where things get interesting. You see, to get to the end, you can take one of two paths. The short way would involve you taking the path going down the screen, while the long way you would have to go up the screen. For this walkthrough, we shall be going the short way, so with that head down the screen and follow the path to the next red teleporter. Step on it and once through it, get the nearby KEY and take out any enemy you see. Now head down the pathway and you will be at a 3-way intersection. Going across the ice bridge does nothing for you, but items are TIME STOP and MAGIC POTION as well as DEATH and other enemies here. So instead head through the locked gate. Head down this pathway to the next 3-way intersection, which from here, head down the screen and you will find a mighty THUNDER HAMMER in the chest (first time seeing this in a level, save it!). Back to the 3-way intersection, this time head right and keep following the path until you reach another 3-way intersection. Now if you went the long way, you would have the usual enemies to deal with, but for items you would have 2 KEYS, INVISIBILITY, FIRE BREATH and a HALO. Now back at the 3-way intersection, from here, head up the screen across the wooden bridge. Over here, you will see the GOAL GATE. Also scattered around is a KEY and FOOD as well as a Suicide Grunt, Bomber Grunt and Archer Grunt. Do what you must, and when you step on the Goal Gate, you will have completed the second part of this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the Runestone take its place in the center of the tower. Now head back to Ice Camp (Stage 2) and make your way to the Secret Stage entrance. Stand on it, and get ready for a fun secret stage! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- 5. |Ice Secret Stage (Ice#05)| ------------------------- ITEMS: 76 Yellow Coins ENEMIES: None This secret stage is rather easy to get through, if you know what you're doing. Your goal here is to get all 76 Yellow Coins in 75 seconds. Now if you have Speed Shoes, this might help, but even if you don't, it should still be easy. From the starting point, follow the path of coins to a 4-way intersection. Now from here, head right and follow the path to the 3-way intersection, and keep going collecting the trail of Yellow Coins. You will eventually work your way around back to the 3-way intersection, thus collecting 28 Yellow Coins. Once there, head down the screen back to the 4-way intersection, then follow the trail of Yellow Coins, collecting 18 Yellow coins, bringing your total up to (around) 46 Yellow Coins. If you're here with 35 seconds left, you're in great shape. Now you should be at a 3-way intersection, which if you are, head up the narrow up and start collecting more Yellow Coins, and then you will come to an open area. Up to this point you should have 17 Yellow Coins more. Now follow the trail some more, collecting 9 more Yellow Coins and you will be in a small area. Collect the last remaining 4 Yellow Coins and you will have completed this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, well, no new characters really unlocked, oh well. Anyways let's head over to the Items Shop. You should have about 5,700 Gold. I'd say buy some Thunder Hammers and Rapid Fire and 3-Way Shots and maybe the Phoenix Familiar and anything that is long-ranged attacks. Now with that, head back to the Ice Region and step on the final Stage Gate as we move onto a boss fight! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 4. |Ice Region Boss Stage (Ice#06)| ------------------------------ ITEMS: None SPECIAL ITEM NEEDED: Scroll (Found in Town Venomous Spire) Get ready for the giant abominale snowman! This fight is just like the Dragon fight, only you're a bit stronger to take the attacks so he's a bit easier to deal with than the Dragon. There are no items here, so don't worry about finding any. The Yeti's attacks are shooting out streams of ice breah as well as powerful shockwaves which can't be avoided. He will also try to swipe down on you which will cause some massive damage to you. What should you do, well, run back and forth, dodging the ice breath, but make sure you get as far away from the Yeti as possible (preferably run along the lower part of your screen). When you get an opening, use up all your Thunder Hammers, then use your 3-Way Shot/Rapid Fire combo, which will do some massive damage to him. With the right strategy, you will have defeated this boss. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the magical glass mirror piece takes its place in the window frame. First off, head over to the Items Shop and start buying some Rapid Fire, 3-Way Shots and Thunder Hammers, plus anything else that is a long range attack. Now head over to the completed mirror and you will be teleported to the next level, the Desecrated Temple! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- F: |AREA 5 - Desecrated Temple| -------------------------- "Now, quickly, you have a chance to get Skorne's hiding place in my sacred cathedral. Fenter the light and be teleported into the now desecrated hall. His allies are plentiful there and will do their worst to stop you from reaching him! At the end of the cathedral you will find Skorne in the temple. Good luck!" ------------------------------------ 1. |Level 1: Desecrated Temple (Temp#01)| ------------------------------------ ITEMS: 1,200 Gold, Speed Shoes, Fire Breath, Fire Amulet, 3-Way Shot, Death ENEMIES: Red Gremlins, Armed Zombies You are now in the Desecrated Temple, get ready for a pain in the butt level! Your only enemies throughout this stage is Red Gremlins and Armed Zombies, which are easy to deal with. What makes this level a problem is that they will start piling up alot, making things very annoying. Also note that there are 12 chests here and no Keys, so you won't be able to unlock all of them. I will tell you now, all the chests contain GOLD in them. Finally, use my map to help you get around. So with that, at the starting point, you will be instantly greeted by Red Gremlins coming from a Tile Generator. With that head to the chest and follow the pathway behind it to find a red switch. Step on that, then go in the opposite direction across the room to find another red switch, so step on that as well. Now head left from there until you reach the light shining on the floor. From there, head in front of that and follow alongside the seats until you get halfway across the room. Now go up through the openeing and continue going forward to the left wall and you will be in a small opening. Over here, you will see a 3-WAY SHOT and red switch. Step on that and across from there an opening will reveal a FIRE AMULET and a red switch. Step on that and the middle door will open revealing another red switch, so step on that. With that, head all the way across the room (it should be a straight shot across) and you will see a small ramp leading to a statue. Strike at the statue to reveal another red switch. Armed Zombies will also join the fun. Step on that, then go to where DEATH is. If it don't attack you at all, leave it be so you can use it as a landmark. Now go behind it, you will see FIRE BREATH and another red switch. Step on that then the otherside will open up revealing SPEED SHOES and a red switch, so step on that. Now head down the screen and make your way back to the starting point. From there, head left to find another small ramp leading to a statue (behind the chest). Strike at it, to reveal a red switch, so step on that then head back to where Death is. Once there, a doorway will open up, revealing another red switch, which you must step on. Now head down the screen until you reach the shining light on the floor. From there, head up the screen and you will see a giant pillar on the floor. head around that (from the right) and squeeze through the narrow gap and continue going up the screen, and you will soon see a covered table. From there, continue going north until you see a pedistal with a book on it. Strike at that to reveal a red switch, which you must step on. Now head back to the table to step on another red switch and finally head back up the screen and you will see the GOAL GATE in front of you. Step on that and you will be taken to a boss fight with Skorne! ---------------------------------- 2. |Altar Of Skorne - Skorne (Temp#02)| ---------------------------------- ITEMS: None SPECIAL ITEM NEEDED: Soul Savior (from Battle Towers) Here we go, the fight with Skorne, and it's rather tough. Skorne will rise up and instantly begin his assault on you. His attacks include pounding the ground causing it to shake, and breathing either a single fireball or a stream of fireballs at you. Getting too close to him will result in him strike at you, causing some serious damage to you. Now you have a huge disadvantage here which is you don't have much room to fight in. If you have alot of health, like over 7,000 you should be able to handle this fight. If so, simply stand where you are, and start using the 3-Way Shot/Rapid Fire combo. This combo will take his health down very quickly (in about 30 seconds actually). That should do it, but if not, he should have a very tiny bit of health left that you should be able to take him down easily. Witht he right strategy, Skorne will be defeated! And with Skorne defeated for the time being, you have completed this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, shuffle through your Inventory to discover you have new attack items: Super Flame Breath, Super Electric Breath, Acid Hammers, and Fire Hammers. Save these as you should use them in the final battle, because you won't be able to find anymore along the way and you can't buy them either. Now after talking to the wizard, head over to the newly opened Battlefield Region and step on the first Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- G: |AREA 6 - Battlefield Region| --------------------------- "By banishing Skorne to the underworld he's managed to free his slaughtered soliders souls and raise an undead army against my tower! Their trenches surround the foot of my fortress and these lead to the siege towers from which the battle is waged. At the end is the fortress where Skorne has no doubt hidden the 13th Runestone. You must overcome this army and save my tower!" ------------------------------------ 1. |Level 1: Battle Trenches (Battle#01)| ------------------------------------ --- Battle Trenches Part 1 --- ITEMS: Fire Amulet, Invisibility, Death, Time Stop, 3-Way Shot, 700 Gold, Thunder Hammer, 2 Notes, Rapid Fire, 16 Keys, 5 Foods, 2 Magic Potions ENEMIES: Armed Skeletons, Bone Dogs, Suicide Skeleton, Archer Skeleton, Bomber Skeleton, Wooden Golem You are now in Battlefield Trenches Part 1, the first of two parts to this somewhat short stage. Also, keep in mind that there will be alot of red switches. Most of them does nothing, so keep that in mind. So with that, at the starting point head over and get the KEY (in the barrel). Also Armed Skeleton will come out, so take them out and their Tent Generator. Now head down the screen along the short wall and at the end, head up the otherside, getting the NOTE (telling you that the next level has the Soul Savior) and GOLD (in the chest). Continue heading down the screen to get a KEY and GOLD (in the barrel and chest). After that, head up the screen alongside the ledge towards the starting point. Once there, head down the hill and follow the pathway downwards, and you will be faced with more Armed Skeletons and a Suicide Skeleton. Also get the KEY while you're at it and continue along the pathway. Soon you will come to a locked gate, so go through it, and get the GOLD (in the barrel), take out the Armed Skeletons and through the next locked gate. Continue onwards down the path, taking out the Bomber Skeleton followed by more Armed Skeletons as well as an Archer Skeleton on a dock, which guards a MAGIC POTION. Now continue down the hilly pathway and you will eventually reach some FOOD (in the chest) as well as another Archer Skeleton so take that out. At the bottom of the hill, Bone Dogs and Armed Skeletons will come out. Now this is a rather wide area, and your main goal is to get across to the otherside where the ramp is going down. Scattered in this area, there are 2 GOLDS, 3 KEYS, a 3-WAY SHOT and DEATH. Armed Skeletons and Bone Dogs are also scattered around, so take them out as well as Tent Generators and Doghouse Generators. Once at the ramp head down it and here's where things get interesting. The rest of this level is kinda maze like, so be ready. At the bottom of the ramp, take out the Armed Skeletons, and go left through the locked gate to get FOOD. Now head the opposite direction and follow the pathway to a 3-way intersection, taking out Armed Skeletons, Bone Dogs and Suicide Skeleton. From there, head right and follow the pathway to the end, and go through the locked gate to get the RAPID FIRE. Now head back to the 3-way intersection then go up the screen and follow the path around the corner then up the rock pile rampe and you will be on an upper area. Here there will be Armed Skeletons and a KEY (in a barrel) and a red switch, which you need to step on which will lower a boulder in your way. Now head back down the ramp and continue up the screen and just past the rising spikes is a 4-way intersection as well as Bone Dogs and a TIME STOP (in the boulder). Once here, if you go through the upperleft path, you will be taken to a 3-WAY SHOT as well as Armed Skeletons. The lower right path takes you to 2 KEYS, FOOD, and a FIRE AMULET (in a shack), as well as Suicide Skeletons and Armed Skeletons. Your main objective is to go up the upper right pathway and as you make your way through here, you will get FOOD. Continue along the path and around the corner until you reach the 3-way intersection, taking out Bone Dogs, Archer Skeletons and Armed Skeletons. You will also see a NOTE here (which will tell you to climb the tower to see a way through). Now head left through the locked gate, strike at the boulder in the way and climb up the small ramp. Up here, you will be greeted by a Wooden Golem, as well as Armed Skeletons. Also here is a KEY (directly across from the ramp) and a red switch, which you can step on. Also up here is a THUNDER HAMMER and GOLD (both in chests) and a Bomber Skeleton. Near the Bomber Skeleton is a wooden bridge (guarded by rising spikes), which you need to cross and at the otherside. Over here there will be Armed Skeletons and Bone Dogs, so take them out and head left towards a ramp going up. On the otherside of the ramp is GOLD (in the chest). Up the ramp you go, and step on the red switch and board the wooden platform. You will then be taken up on the observation decks (which will make weird bubbling sounds O_o). At the top, head across the wooden bridge to the otherside, taking out Armed Skeletons and stepping on the red switch. Back on the lift, go down to the main area, and if you want just to the right of the deck, follow the path to find a MAGIC POTION and Armed Skeletons. Now down the ramp and across the small wooden bridge. Once across it, head right and to the ramp going down. Now head down the pathway, past the 3-way intersection until you reach another 3-way intersection. From here, head up the screen taking out more Armed Skeletons until you reach another 3-way intersection. From here, going left will net you a 2 KEYS and INVISIBILITY as well as Armed Skeltons, but instead you want to go right. Do so and pick up another KEY at the next 3-way intersection. From here, head up the screen, taking out more Armed Skeletons and continue onwards and you'll hear a Suicide Skeleton. After that, head up the ramp in this area, Bone Dogs and Armed Skeletons as well as a KEY, FOOD and GOLD and a red switch (which does nothing). After getting all of that, head up the screen and up the hill, where another Suicide Skeleton will come out. Take that out and you will see the GOAL GATE, which by stepping on it, you will have completed the first part of this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --- Battle Trenches Part 2 --- ITEMS: 200 Gold, Levitation, 3 Notes, 3 Keys, Magic Potion, 2 Foods, Halo, Death, Secret Stage #05 ENEMIES: Armed Skeletons, Bone Dogs, Suicide Skeleton, Archer Skeleton, Bomber Skeleton, Wooden Golem You are now in Battlefield Trenches Part 2, the second of two parts to this somewhat short stage. Actually this part is shorter than the first. So from the starting point, head up the pathway and take out the Suicide Skeleton that comes down the hill. You will also see a wooden bridge on the right, so think of this spot as a 3-way intersection. Now here's where it's interesting, there are two different ways you can take to get to the goal. The easier way to go would be forward, so with that, head forward taking out Armed Skeletons and Bone Dogs until you get to a ramp. From there, don't go down it, but if you go left of there, you will find LEVITATION (in the barrel). Now you can go down the ramp and just a few feet from there is a 4-way intersection. You'll get a NOTE (saying that a makeshift hut helps you to the goal) past the locked gate, but ignore that and just take the right path. Follow it all the way to the 3-way intersection, taking out Armed Skeletons along the way. From there, going forward you will find a NOTE (saying that a red rock keeps a secret), but instead you want to go right and when you do, continue onwards to the next 3-way intersection taking out Armed Skeletons and their generator. This is where you would have ended up at if you went the other way, which the items there are MAGIC POTION, HALO and a NOTE (saying that in a lower trench is a switch). So with that out of the way, from the next 3-way intersection, head up the screen until you get to a rock ramp, and go up it. Up here in this first area is Bone Dogs and Armed Skeletons as well as a red switch under a crate. After that, go forward some more across the wooden bridge. Over here, you will see a red switch right away. To the left is 2 GOLDS, a KEY and DEATH plus Bone Dogs. From the red switch, head up the screen to find 2 KEYS and Armed Skeletons in the back, as well as another wooden bridge which will lead to FOOD. Head to the Keys and you will notice a boulder which you need to strike at, revealing a red switch. Step on that and you will see the fence ahead of you lower down, but you must get to it. With that, backtrack all the way to the rock ramp and go down it. Now from there, head up the screen (or go right, whichever) and follow the path all the way, taking out Armed Skeletons and their generators. Ignore both 3-way intersections (although down the second one is a locked gate and some FOOD) and keep going until you hear the Suicide Skeleton. Take that out as well as any Bone Dogs and Armed Skeletons that comes out. Also to the left is SECRET STAGE #05, so keep that in mind for later. Now simply go forward up the screen taking out more Armed Skeletons and their generators. At the top of the hill is more enemies and a wooden bridge which will lead to the GOAL GATE. Step on that and you will have completed the second part of this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, head back to the Battlefield Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- 2. |Level 2: Battle Towers (Battle#02)| ---------------------------------- --- Battle Towers Part 1 --- ITEMS: Food, 3 Notes, 3 Magic Potions, Death, 100 Gold, 4 Keys, Levitation, Rapid Fire, Special Item #05: Soul Saviour ENEMIES: Armed Skeletons, Bone Dogs, Suicide Skeleton, Archer Skeleton, Wooden Golem You are now in Battlefield Towers Part 1, the first of two parts to this somewhat short stage. So here we go, at the starting point, head down the wooden pathway, taking out Armed Skeletons and you will see a red switch instantly. Step on that and head forward taking out more Armed Skeletons, then up the far ramp. At the top is an Archer Skeleton and more Armed Skeletons, so take those out and continue on the wooden pathway down another ramp. Bone Dogs and Armed Skeletons are here, so dispose of them. At the bottom is a 3-way intersection, and once there, head left (or right, depending the camera angle) and follow that pathway and you will see a red switch, which you must step on. After that, head back to the 3-way intersection and this time head down the other pathway where Bone Dogs will be come out at. Follow that pathway all the way, then down a wooden ramp, taking out Armed Skeletons, then down another ramp until you are on the ground level. Once down here, first off strike at the closet wooden crate to reveal a MAGIC POTION. Now at the ramp, head right (or behind the ramp) and a platform will rise up holding a Wooden Golem. Take that out and continue heading behind the ramp. In this area are Armed Skeletons, as well as a KEY, MAGIC POTION and LEVITATION. There's also a red switch which you need to step on. With that, head back to the ramp, then up it and you will find a red switch has been revealed. Step on that, then go back down the ramp to find a red switch on a crate has been lowered. Step on that, and behind there will be a RAPID FIRE (in the barrel) and DEATH (in the chest), so deal with that. Now another red switch will be revealed nearby, so step on that then on the next red switch (to get to it, enter through the left side). Now go back up the ramp and follow the wooden pathway all the way until you get to that 3-way intersection from way before. Once there, head back up that ramp and at the top, another red switch will be available, so step on that. After doing that, continue following the pathway back towards the starting point. Instead of going there though, head up the ramp across from the switch and at the end of that path, stand on the lift and you will be taken to the lower area. Suicide Skeletons, Armed Skeletons, Bone Dogs will greet you. Also by stepping off the lift, you will find in the barrels, a KEY and NOTE (saying to access a tower, you must break a wall for a switch). Now from there, head up the screen and into the pit, taking out more enemies. In the pit, there is a pillar, which you need to strike at, revealing a red switch. Step on that, then head northeastardly out of the pit and follow the pathway, taking out more Armed Skeletons. You will see a red switch under the observation deck, so step on it, but it will not raise the small platform you may have noticed tucked into the ground (I dunno what that goes to, so don't ask). After that, follow the path further to find another red switch and a KEY (in the barrel) nearby. Step on that, then step on a nearby red switch which will become available. After that, continue going down the pathway some more, taking out more Armed Skeletons. As you make your way to the end of the pathway, you will find a KEY (in the barrel) and further down is a red switch which you will step on, a NOTE (saying to open all doors to get out). Now with all that out of the way, make your way back to the lift, and yes I will wait for you *goes to the bathroom*. Finally at the pit, good, then let it take you up to the wooden pathways. Once on the wooden pathway, head down the ramp, then head right and follow the pathway to the 3-way intersection. From there, go forward to the rising spikes again, and across from there, you will see that SPECIAL ITEM #05: SOUL SAVIOR will be available for grabbing. With that, head back to the 3-way intersection, then go up the screen (not up the ramp) and follow that pathway all the way, taking out Armed Skeletons and Bone Dogs. You will notice an observation deck which has a KEY in it, but I'd be damn to know how to get it (no big, since it's not needed really). Anyways, continue onwards with the pathway through a newly opened gate and soon you will be at a 3-way intersection. Keep this in mind as you will be coming back to it. Continue forward to the open area, and to the right is a Wooden Golem as well as GOLD (in the barrel). To the left is a Wooden Golem and a red switches which you need to step on. This will lower the gate in front of you, causing the Wooden Golem to attack. Take it out and step on the red switch it was guarding. Also get the NOTE behind it (saying to have the Soul Savior with you as it will protect you from Skorne). Now step on the red switch in the corner and strike at the wall across from the bridge and you will find FOOD. Now back to the 3-way intersection and head up the screen. An Archer Skeleton is here, so take it out. Also along the right wall, strike at it to reveal a MAGIC POTION. Get that and step on the nearby GOAL GATE (take out the Archer Skeleton) and you will have completed the first part of this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --- Battle Towers Part 2 --- ITEMS: Key, Invincibility, 200 Gold, Fire Amulet, 5 Foods ENEMIES: Armed Skeletons, Bone Dogs, Suicide Skeleton, Archer Skeleton, Bomber Skeleton, Wooden Golem You are now in Battlefield Towers Part 2, the second of two parts to this somewhat short stage. From the starting point, head up the screen taking out the Bomber Skeleton and Armed Skeleton. You will see a red switch, which stepping on it will cause a lift to come down with an Archer Skeleton on it, but go to the right of that into the small cave and you will step on a red switch. This will cause another one to rise up as well as a KEY, so deal with that and get on the lift. You will be taken to a wooden pathway area, which you need to go down to the 3-way intersection. Once here, head over and step on the red switch (watch out for the rising spikes) then climb up the other ramp. Armed Skeletons and Bone Dogs will be here, so take them out. Continue on this path to find FOOD (in the chest) and a red switch tucked away. Get that, and then you will see the nearby gate open up. After that, head over to a nearby chest, which has INVINCIBILITY and a red switch, then step on that and go through the newly opened gate and up the ramp, and down the ramp. Now at this small 3-way intersection, go up the other ramp, take out the Bomber Skeleton and step on the red switch. Now go down the ramp all the way to the bottom, taking out Armed Skeletons and you will see a red switch in the corner. Step on that, and an entire platform will lower down, with a Bomber Skeleton on it. Take that out, step on the red switch it was guarding and follow the newly made pathway. Along this pathway, you will be faced with Armed Skeletons, Bomber Skeletons and Bone Dogs, so take them out and their generators. A FIRE AMULET and FOOD will also be along this path. As you make your way around the corner, you'll hear a Suicide Skeleton. After that, simply make your way up the winding pathway and you will find a red switch. Step on that, then strike at the wall behind it to reveal FOOD. Now get that and continue along the pathway taking out Archer Skeletons and Armed Skeletons. Soon you will come to another red switch, which you need to step on. Around that area, if you strike at the rock pillar along the wall, you will find more FOOD. After dealing with that, continue across the wooden pathway, taking out more Armed Skeletons until you get to an open area filled with Bone Dogs and Armed Skeletons. Heading down the screen from here will get you GOLD, but you need to head up the screen and you will soon see a wooden ramp. This is a 3-way intersection, which you need to keep in mind. With that, continue going upwards and find a NOTE (saying to either release the Wooden Golems or quietly walk past them *shrugs*). More Armed Skeletons are here, so begin taking them out, and continue following this pathway and you will eventually trigger an action where you will have to fight out three Wooden Golems. My advice, group them together, use up all your Magic Potions and use your Super Attack, then divide and conquer. After that, continue onwards with the pathway, taking out Bone Dogs. Once you make it to the end of the pathway, you will find GOLD (in the chest), a Doghouse Generator and a red switch. Step on that, then make your way back to the 3-way intersection. Once there, head up the wooden ramp, taking out Armed Skeletons (watch out for the rising spikes). Continue along this pathway taking out some more Armed Skeletons and you will see the GOAL GATE. Step on that and you will have completed the second part of this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, head back to the Battlefield Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 3. |Level 3: Battle Infernal Fortress (Battle#03)| --------------------------------------------- ITEMS: 13 Keys, 3 Foods, 500 Gold, 4 Notes, Light Amulet, Time Stop, 3-Way Shot, Runestone #13, 2 Magic Potions, Thunder Hammer, Levitation, Fire Amulet ENEMIES: Armed Skeletons, Bone Dogs, Suicide Skeleton, Archer Skeleton, Bomber Skeleton, Wooden Golem You are now in Battlefield Infernal Fortress, which is not broken down into parts, but it is a lengthy level with lots of backtracking! So at the starting point, start by heading up the screen, taking out the Suicide Skeleton. As you make your way up, Armed Skeletons will also be here, as well as a KEY (in the barrel) and continue onwards till you see Bone Dogs. From there, go to the right of them behind the fence and strike at the small enclosed wall to get a KEY, then head up the ramp next to the Doghouse Generator. Follow that pathway, taking out Archer Skeletons and Armed Skeletons and step on the red switch you see. Now head back down the ramp then up the screen, taking out more Armed Skeletons. You will see a KEY on the rightside, as well as a light brown crate which you can strike at (though it's not important). You will also see a small opening on the leftside, which you need to go through. Here there will be more Armed Skeletons and Bone Dogs for you to take out. Once over here, head either up or down the screen and around the middle spiked fencing. You will encounter an Archer Skeleton either way and a wide wooden ramp near it. Walk onto the ramp and onto another ramp going upwards, and through the locked gate at the top. Up here, a KEY and FOOD (in the barrels), as well as Bone Dogs, plus a red switch, which you need to step on. Now head back down the ramps and up the screen and you will notice a large gate opened up for you, so go through that. Take out the Armed Skeletons here, and follow the pathway across the wooden bridge (nothing in the barrel). Once across it, go down the screen a bit to get a KEY (in the barrel), then head down the small wooden ramp on the leftside where the Armed Skeletons are, take them out, then up the screen a few steps to be at a 3-way intersection. From here, first head down the left pathway taking out more Armed Skeletons and a Bomber Skeleton. Also here is a KEY (in the barrel) and a red switch which you must step on. Now back to the 3-way intersection, and this time head down the right pathway and follow it past the large closed gate (but you will be coming back to it) and through the locked gate (watch out for rising spikes). Continue on past this and down the curved hill and down here will be some Bone Dogs, so take them out as well as their Doghouse Generator. Follow the short path to a small wooden bridge and cross it, taking out Armed Skeletons and their Tent Generator. Also here is a red switch, which you should step on, and a NOTE in the barrel (telling you that this switch lets you in the fort, but you can't proceed). With that, head back across the bridge, up the hill and to the large closed gate. Go through there (taking out Armed Skeletons) and the camera will instantly switch on you, so your directions will be reversed if you will. Now once through here, if you want, head right and follow the path, taking out Armed Skeletons to find a MAGIC POTION (in a chest) hidden behind a fake wall. However your main goal is to go left from the large opened gate along the wall and you will barely see a chest. In it is a NOTE (telling you to seek the hidden chests). From there, head around the crates and you will noticed another large opened gate. Before going through that, items remaining in this area is a 3-WAY SHOT (hidden in the back wall) and FOOD, a KEY and GOLD (up on the crates). Get those if you want, then go through the nearby large opened gate. More Armed Skeletons are here, so begin taking them out. For starters, once you are just through the gate, if you want, head down the screen and strike at the crate, you can get on the other crates and get 2 GOLDS. But more importantly, from the gate, head straight ahead along the wall and follow the path forward taking out Armed Skeletons and their generators. Soon you will come to a spiked fencing, so go along that and get to the otherside. Zigzag up and down between the spiked fences, taking out Armed Skeletons. Once through all of this, you will be in a small open area, which has 2 KEYS and a TIME STOP, as well as more Armed Skeletons and a Wooden Golem. After disposing with all of this, head to the left side where you see a red switch. Step on it and a lift will drop down. Board it and you will be taken to an upper area. Up here, first head to the tiny area on the right where there are Armed Skeletons as well as a KEY and a red switch (step on this). Now where you got off the lift, head up the screen along this pathway, taking out more Armed Skeletons and soon their Tent Generator. You will see a red switch as well, so step on that and another lift will rise up. Down there are just Armed Skeletons and Bone Dogs plus LEVITATION, a KEY and a NOTE (telling you about the 13th Runestone). Nothing else is here, so if you collected these, back up the lift and continue down the pathway. Soon you will come to a red teleporter, so step on that and once through it, come down the screen following this pathway. As you do, take out the Bomber Skeleton and go through the locked gate (watch out for the rising spikes). Once through here, continue going down the pathway and step on the red switch, which will trigger a lift. Board that and you will be taken down to the lower pathway, so follow that all the way around. Armed Skeletons, Archer Skeletons and Suicide Skeletons will be in your way, so deal with them. At the end of the path is a red teleporter and a red switch. Step on the switch and once through the teleporter, continue down this pathway and at the bottom of this hillish path is alot of Armed Skeletons. Now from here, head down the screen and you will see a large wooden ramp. Ignore that for now and go right beside it to find a NOTE (telling you some riddle about switches). Now right here, you might not notice it clearly, but there's a red teleporter just to the left of the Note (behind the rising spikes). Step on that, and once through it, you will be attacked by Bone Dogs, so take them out and follow this short path all the way to the end. A red switch is here, so step on that, and head back to where the large wooden ramp is. Once there, cross up and over it to the otherside and at the otherside, head up the screen alongside the right wall, taking out Armed Skeletons and Bone Dogs, as well as their generators. You will be at a dead end, but don't you worry, strike at it to reveal a KEY and RUNESTONE #13 (how lucky for you, this is the final one!!). Now head back to the wooden ramp and, here's an interesting little glitch that'll help you bypass alot of stuff. From the ramp, go directly left and follow the pathway to the end. You will notice it's a dead end, but if you hug the right wall and go into the corner, you will actually there get through. This also works if you're coming from the otherside. Now back to the rest of the level. At the ramp, head over to the red switch, and get on the lift. You will now be taken to an upper area, where there is Armed Skeletons, Suicide Skeletons and Bone Dogs. Continue up the pathway, to find a KEY then keep going to the otherside where you will find FOOD. Keep going a bit more and for this next area, you will be present with several closed gates. This will be kinda confusing so here's a little map for you ^_^. See the red switch, well, step ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- on it, which will open up DOOR |05| |04| |03| |02| |01| #01. In there is another red ------------------------ switch which will open DOOR | | #04. There is a LIGHT AMULET ------ -------------------- and a switch which will open |06| | DOOR #02. Also Bone Dogs are -- ---- over here. Go to DOOR #02 and |07| | step on that red switch to -- | open DOOR #03. In there is GOLD | | and another red switch which -- | will open DOOR #05. In there |08| | is yet another red switch, -------- which you need to step on. After doing that, head up the screen a bit to see a red switch on an observation deck, along with an Archer Skeleton. Step on that and DOOR #06 will open. Inside there is a red switch, which stepping on it will open DOOR #08. In there is a MAGIC POTION and a red switch. Stepping on that will open DOOR #07. And for all these switches, you will get the THUNDER HAMMER in DOOR #07! Okay so maybe that was a waste of time, well what are you gonna do. Anyways, from DOOR #07, simply head left down the path and continue following the pathway around, and step on the red switch. This will cause another lift to come up, so get on that and you will be taken to a lower area. Down here, head around the crates and Bone Dogs will come out. Take them out and you will see a ramp leading onto the crates, which as GOLD on it. Keep going down the screen along the crates and at the end of that, head up the otherside (nothing is further down so no worries). As you make it up the otherside, head around the corner, and you will be at the area where the glitch was. Now, go through the locked gate and climb up the wooden ramp taking out more Bone Dogs then Armed Skeletons. You will see a large closed gate, which you will be coming back to, but in the meantime, continue onwards down the path, taking out more Armed Skeletons as well as a Bomber Skeleton. At the end of the path is a red switch, which you must step on. Now backtrack to the large gate, and it will be opened. Go through there and you will find the GOAL GATE and a FIRE AMULET (in the chest). Get that, and step on the Goal Gate and you will have completed this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, watch as the Runestone take its place in the center of the tower, which will open up the Stage Gate leading to the Gates Of The Underworld! Now head back to the Battle Trenches (Stage 1) and make your way to the Secret Stage entrance. Stand on it, and get ready for a fun secret stage! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- 4. |Battle Secret Stage (Battle#04)| ------------------------------- ITEMS: 85 Green Coins ENEMIES: None This secret stage is quite possibly the easiest one to get through. Your goal here is to collect 85 Green Coins in 85 seconds. If you have Speed Shoes, this will help alot more, but even if you don't, you'll still be able to get through here with ease. So, from the starting point, head north to find the first Green Coins, and simply follow the trail of Green Coins all the way around. Do not go off the trail, because you will lose some seconds if you get sidetracked. Keep following the trail of Green Coins and you will eventually come to a 3-way intersection of Green Coins. It won't matter which way you take, but my advice would be to follow the trail going right. Be careful as getting the last half because you will have to make some diagonal turns, but as long as you keep following the trail, you should do fine. Finally after all of that, continue following the trail and you'll be back at the split off, getting your final Green Coins. After the last Green Coin is collected, you will have unlocked a brand new character known as the Tigress! --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, you can now head to the center of the tower and go into the Gates Of The Underworld. But before you do that, head over to the Items Shop and start buying some Rapid Fire, 3-Way Shots and Thunder Hammers, plus anything else that is a long range attack. Now head over to the newly made Stage Gate in the middle and you will be teleported to the next level, the Gates Of The Underworld! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- H: |AREA 7 - Gates Of The Underworld| -------------------------------- "No time to lose! While the gateway to the underworld is open you must descend into the fiery pits below and vanquish Skorne once and for all! Go forth and may the graces of light go with you!" ------------------------------------------ 1. |Level 1: Gates Of The Underworld (Gate#01)| ------------------------------------------ ITEMS: Fire Breath, Magic Potion, 2 Time Stops, Fire Amulet, Rapid Fire, 3-Way Shot ENEMIES: Demon Knights, Red Gremlins, Zombie Villagers, Lava Golem You are now in Gates Of The Underworld, making your way to the final confrontation! This is a pretty lengthy level with only a few enemies and items. However like the Desecrated Temple, the enemies here will start piling up fast! So, at the starting point, start by heading down the screen to get a MAGIC POTION. Now head up the screen and follow the path to the open area, where Demon Knights and Zombie Villagers will come out so dispose of them and the Tile Generators. This is a 3-way intersection, so keep it in mind, and from here, head left and follow the path to the end. You will see a red switch which you must step on. Now back to the 3-way intersection, head right this time and follow the pathway to its end, taking out Demon Knights and you will find another red switch. Step on that and a nearby platform will rise up, which you need to cross over. Red Gremlins will be over here as well, so take them out and continue up this pathway to find another red switch. Step on that, then make your way back to the 3-way intersection, and head left. Red Gremlins and Demon Knights will come over a new platform, so take that path. As you make it over here, you will find TIME STOP in the back corner as well as a red switch, which you must step on. This will cause a nearby platform to rise up, which you need to cross over. Next up, Demon Knights and Zombie Villagers and in the back corner a FIRE AMULET. Also strike at the boulder in the middle to reveal a red switch, which you must step on this. Another platform will be available so cross that, and once you do, take out the enemies here and step on the red switch. Like before, another platform will come up, but this time, it will act as a 3-way intersection. And with that, head right, and follow the path taking out the Demon Knights and the Tile Generators. Strike at the farthest boulder to reveal a red switch which of course you must step on (this is getting rather repetitive). Back to the 3-way intersection, and this time head up the left pathway and find a RAPID FIRE in a corner, then continue up the screen taking out more enemies. You will soon find yourself on a narrow pathway, which you must follow all the way around, taking out any Demon Knights in your way until you reach an open area. In here, there is a TIME STOP and a red switch, which you must step on, causing a nearby platform to rise up. I really hope you're following me up to this point. Cross over this, and you will notice a platform still in the lava. Keep this in mind as you will be coming back here. From here, continue heading up the screen, taking out more Demon Knights and Red Gremlins, and at the end of this path is a boulder in the corner. Strike at that to reveal a red switch, which you must step on. Now backtrack to the area before, and you will notice the platform has no risen up. Cross over that, and head up the screen a bit and you will be at a 3-way intersection. Now at this point, there will be multiple ways to take to get to the goal, but of course I will only take you the best way to get through, outside of that you're on your own. So with that, from here head right and follow the pathway, taking out Demon Knights and Zombie Villagers until you get to another 3-way intersection. Ignore the red switch you might see (which will lead to a 3-WAY SHOT by backtracking if you step on it), and continue forward and you will see a boulder in the middle. Strike at it to reveal a red switch, which you must step on. Now from this 3-way intersection, head up the screen and continue onwards, taking out Demon Knights, and you will then see another red switch. Step on that, and another platform will rise up. Cross over that, and you will see a closed gate on the left. Keep this mind as you will come back to it. Keep going forward to find FIRE BREATH on the right side, then after that, you will see Red Gremlins and Demon Knights, so take them out as well as their generators. Keep heading up the screen and you will find a boulder in the middle of the area. Strike at the to reveal a red switch, which you must step on. After that, head back to the closed gate which you will see is now opened, so go through it to find a Lava Golem. Take that out, and strike at the small square boulder behind it which will reveal a red switch. Step on that and head up the screen a bit more and take out the Demon Knights, and go to the left corner. A red switch will be available so step on that then head to the right corner to find another one. Step on that red switch and the middle gate will open revealing the GOAL GATE. Step on that and you will be taken to the final boss battle with Skorne! ---------------------------------- 2. |World Of Skorne - Skorne (Gate#02)| ---------------------------------- ITEMS: None SPECIAL ITEM NEEDED: Soul Savior (from Battle Towers) Here we go, the final battle! This fight is setup the same as the last battle with Skorne, only he's alot faster this time. His attacks are shooting fireballs at you, which can be avoided, as well as causing the earth to shake (with his hands) which is unavoidable. Here's what you should do, first off, use any Thunder Hammers you have which will knock some life down. Next run back and forth and use the special items you received after the first battle with Skorne (though use the long-ranged items). This will do some good damage to him. Finally, use the 3-Way Shot/Rapid Fire combo, which will finish him off completely. If all that of that don't help, then he should have 1/8 of life left, so simply keep attacking. With all of that, you will be able to defeat Skorne for the last time! And with Skorne defeated for the time being, you have completed this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- And with Skorne finally defeated, the realms are safe once again. So sit back and watch the credits roll by! Now, you would think that this would end the game, but guess what, you're still not done yet! When you start up the game again under your saved file, you will have unlocked a new region I call the Extra Region. This is comprised of 4 more challenging levels. Complete them and you will have fully completed the game! So with that, head over to the Extra Region and step on the first Stage Gate to begin the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- I: |AREA 8 - Extra Region| --------------------- "As a token of your deed, I grant you these rewards as a symbol that you entered the bowels of the underworld and emerged victorious." ----------------------------------- 1. |Level 1: Mountain Summit (Extra#01)| ----------------------------------- ITEMS: Rapid Fire, 3-Way Shot, Magic Potion, Thunder Hammer, Speed Shoes, 700 Gold, Fire Shield, Fire Amulet, 3 Keys, ENEMIES: Green Trolls, Suicide Trolls, Bomebr Trolls, Archer Trolls, Red Scorpions, Purple Scorpions, Tree Golem You are now in the Mountain Summit, which is gonna be a lengthy mountain hike. At the starting point, you will be instantly greeted by Green Trolls, Purple Scorpions and a Suicide Troll. Also here is a RAPID FIRE (in the chest), so deal with all of this and head up the screen following the pathway. Continue following the pathway taking out more Green Trolls, as well as Red Scorpions, Bomber Trolls and a Suicide Troll. Take all of that out, and head down the other hill to find a Tree Golem. This might take a bit to handle, so be careful. After taking that out, take out the Red Scoprions, Green Trolls and their generators and an Archer Troll, then continue along the pathway down the hill. More Green Trolls and Red Scorpions will be down here, so start taking them out as well. Now at the bottom of the hill, there is SPEED SHOES in near a locked gate. Now at this point, there is two different paths you can take, both leading to the same spot. I will take you down the path that has the most items on it. So with that, from the Speed Shoes, head to the left side of the screen and follow that pathway down the hill. In this next open area, there are Green Trolls and a Tree Golem, so take them all out. Also here is GOLD and GREEN GOLD, as well as a red switch, which you must step on. If you strike at the far left wall (between the generators), you'll find a KEY. After that, head down the screen through the newly opened gate and down the hill and begin disposing of the Red Scoprions and Green Trolls and their generators. Continue down the hill, taking out Archer Trolls and Tree Golem. Once you make it to the bottom of the hill, Bomber Troll and Green Trolls are here, as well as a 3-WAY SHOT (in the chest) and a red switch, which you must step on. After that, continue along the pathway, taking out more Green Trolls and Red Scorpions and go through the newly opened gate and down the hill. At the bottom, you will encounter Red Scorpions, Green Trolls and an Archer Troll in this area. Items here are founded on the leftside, which is GOLD, MAGIC POTION and 2 KEYS (in the left wall near the chests) and a red switch, which you must step on. After that, head down the screen and through the opened gate and you will hear a Suicide Troll so take that out and the other enemies and follow the pathway down the hill and you will be in an open area, which has more of the same enemies as before as well as an Archer Troll. Now if you took the other pathway (which has a 3-WAY SHOT, FIRE SHIELD and FIRE AMULET along it), this is where you would have ended up. So with that, head down the screen taking out a Tree Golem and follow the pathway ahead of you. More Red Scorpions and Green Trolls are here, so take them out. Follow the pathway until you reach the stone bridge. Now you can cross the bridge or go forward (which will take you around the river), it don't matter. Bomber Trolls, Suicide Trolls, Tree Golems and Green Trolls will be here so dispose of them all. At the otherside of the bridge, head down the screen and follow that pathway taking out more Green Trolls, Red Scorpions and Suicide Trolls. Now after that, simply head up the hill take out the same enemies then head to the otherside. Go up this hill, all four kinds of Trolls here as well as a Tree Golem. Come down the screen then go up the next hill which has Red Scorpions and Green Trolls. Head across this path then up the next hill (this is getting stale) which has Suicide Trolls, Green Trolls and Tree Golem. After that, head across this pathway then up another hill, which has Green Trolls, Bomber Trolls and Red Scorpions. Cross this path, up another hill which has Archer Trolls, Green Trolls and a Tree Golem. Now follow this pathway and you will find a THUNDER HAMMER and the GOAL GATE. Get the item and step on the gate and you will have completed this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, head back to the Extra Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 2. |Level 2: Castle Barracks (Extra#02)| ----------------------------------- ITEMS: Food, Fire Breath, 3 Magic Potions, 5 Keys, 400 Gold, Death, Fire Amulet, Secret Stage #06 ENEMIES: Purple Rats, Armored Guards, Brown Rats, Golem Guards, Archer Guard You are now in the Castle Barracks, which is a rather short level. At the starting point, you will be greeted by Armored Guards and Purple Rats, so take them out and the Doorway Generators. Also here is FOOD (in the chest) and a KEY, plus if you strike at the wall behind a generator, you will find SECRET STAGE #06. After that, head down the pathway, taking out DEATH and Brown Rats and follow it to the staircase (and take out the Haystack Generator). From there, head down the left staircase and get the MAGIC POTION and step on the red switch you see. Now head back and go down the right staircase. Down here you will see barrels, which has a KEY and MAGIC POTION. Get those and the other KEY you see, and head up the screen through the newly opened gate. Once through there, get the KEY in the corner and then head down the screen following the line of Armored Guards. Once you make it to the Doorway Generator, follow the narrow pathway where Purple Rats are coming from (watch out for the rising spikes). Soon you will come to a FIRE BREATH so get that and just past that is a red switch, which you must step on. After that, head up the screen a bit to find a newly opened gate. Now just left of this is a FIRE AMULET and GOLD, but inside the opened gate is a red switch, which you must step on. Now leave here, and then head right along the wall to where the bunkbeds are. From there, head down the screen, following the narrow pathway and you will go through another opened gate. Once past that, get the KEY and head up the staircase, taking out Armored Guards and Brown Rats as you do. Follow the pathway until you reach the next staircase and go down it. More Armored Guards and Brown Rats will be here, so be ready From here, if you go left, you will find a MAGIC POTION, but your main objective is to go right, where you will find GOLD. After that, go through the narrow opening and you will see Armored Guards coming out. Follow the line of them and you will also see DEATH. Take that out and step on the red switch it is guarding. Use your Special Attack to take out the Archer Guard and Armored Guards if you want, then head back down the screen to the opened area. Once here, head right and through the newly opened gate, taking out Purple Rats, Brown Rats, Armored Guards and a Tree Golem. After that, head up the screen through here, where you will find more Armroed Guards and a Doorway Generator. Now at this point you will notice there is a pathway on either side. It don't matter which way you take as they both are short and leads to the same spot. No items are down these small paths and the only enemies here are Armored Guards, so take either one you want. As you do, you will notice a small hill, which leads to an Archer Guard and GOLD. After that, continue up the screen, following the pathway to an open area, taking out more Archer Guards. In the open area, there is a Tree Golem, Purple Rats and Armrored Guards. Now in the upper right corner (beside the catapult) is GOLD, and it would look like there is more stuff on the otherside of the river, but there is no way to cross over. So with that, head left along the river and up the hill and you will have found the GOAL GATE. Step on that and you will have completed this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, head back to the Extra Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- 3. |Level 3: Desert Tombs (Extra#03)| -------------------------------- ITEMS: Phoenix Familar, Halo, 2 Poisons, 1,000 Gold, 12 Keys, Death, 3 Rapid Fires, Acid Breath, 5 Foods, 3-Way Shot, 4 Magic Potions, 2 Fire Amulets, Fire Shield, Thunder Hammer, Electric Shield ENEMIES: Purple Rats, Mummy Corpses, Brown Rats, Golem Guards, Archer Mummies, Suicide Mummies, Bomber Mummies, Cobra Snakes You are now in Desert Tombs, and unlike the last level, this one is rather lengthy which includes lots of backtracking. Right at the starting point, you will hear a Suicide Mummy come to you, so take it out. Now walk up the screen a bit, to find Mummy Corpses. Take them out and head left and follow the pathway to find a red switch, which you must step on. Now head around this area to the otherside and follow the pathway through a newly opened wall. Follow this pathway to the end, to find Cobra Snakes, Mummy Corpses and a KEY. Do what you must and then go through the nearby locked gate, where you will hear a Suicide Mummy. This is good size area that is enclosed, so just wander around in here to collect 7 GOLDS and a RAPID FIRE. Also, note the chests in here are designed differently, so be aware of that. Enemies here are Mummy Corpses as well as Tomb Generators, and there is also a red switch in a corner which you must step on. Now head back through the locked gate, go back towards the starting point, and once there, head up the screen through another newly opened wall. Now this next area is rather large and can be confusing to explain, so I'll do my best for you. Head up the screen and you will find Archer Mummies and Bomber Mummies, so take them out. From there, if you go right you will find a locked gate which has a FIRE AMULET in it. Instead though, you want to go left and continue going directly and you will find another Archer Mummy and Mummy Corpses. Take them out and right next to the Tomb Generator is a red switch, which you must step on. Now from there, head up the screen and ignore the locked gate as you can easily go around it. Infact, go around the nearby pillar, to find more Mummy Corpses and a Bomber Mummy as well as a Suicide Mummy. Near there is a KEY and GOLD, so get those, and continue following the path around the pillar, taking out more Mummy Corpse, Cobra Snakes and a Bomber Mummy, and continue heading up the screen. You will then see a locked gate, which has a FIRE AMULET inside of it. Get that, then head right, continuing on the pathway, taking out more Cobra Snakes and their Vase Generator. Also there is a FOOD nearby and just behind that is a ramp, which you must go up. Follow the short pathway to the end to find a red switch, which you must step on. After that, head back down the ramp and at this 4-way intersection, head right and take out the Mummy Corpses and get the KEY and FIRE SHIELD as well as step on the red switch. Now back to the 4-way intersection and head up the screen to the next 4-way intersection. Here you will find a RAPID FIRE and an Archer Mummy. You will now notice the camera angle changing, so your directions will change. With that, head down the screen from here, down the ramp and right next to the ramp is an opened gate and a small room. I'll get to that in a moment, but first, in this large enclosed area, you will have Mummy Corpses and Cobra Snakes for enemies an FOOD, and ACID BREATH for items, so take care of that. Now for the small room, by going in it, you will find INVISIBILITY and a red switch which you must step on. Now here's something rather unusual. As you walk around this room, you will notice the dotted energy streams start circuling upwards as if you are standing on a Goal Gate. Believe it or not, this is a Goal Gate, but it will take you to the very first level (Mountain Valley). Why this is, I have absolutely no clue, however you do not have to complete Mountain Valley to complete this level (unless you want to). So with that, head back up the ramp to the 4-way intersection. Once back here, head left and follow that through another opened wall and down the ramp. In this area, by heading down the screen you will find FOOD in a corner as well as Mummy Corpses. Going up the screen however, you will find more Mummy Corpses, but you will also find FOOD, a KEY, MAGIC POTION and POISON. Also you will notice a small pillar in the middle of the room. Strike at that to reveal a red switch, which you will step on. Now after that, head back up the ramp and to the 4-way intersection, and this time head up through the newly opened gate. As you make your way down this ramp, Cobra Snakes and Mummy Corpse will greet you, so take them out. Also you will see a KEY and there is another KEY just to the right of the ramp (tucked away). After that, head up the screen and you will see a PHOENIX FAMILAR and a red switch, but to get to it, you must walk into the pit while coming up the screen (you'll figure it out). Step on the red switch and get the item, then continue up the screen to the back wall. From there, head left and you will see a ramp which you must go up. At the top is Cobra Snakes so take them out and their generator. Also here is an ELECTRIC SHIELD (in the chest), a KEY and GOLD as well as a red switch which you must step on. Now head back down the ramp and cross over this area to the otherside and go through the narrow opening. Once through here, there is a KEY in the corner, so get that and continue onwards down this pathway taking out Cobra Snakes and Mummy Corpses. You will see a locked gate, but ignore that for the moment and just go left, where you will find a KEY (tucked away behind a wall), GOLD and a red switch which you must step on. Now after that, head back to the locked gate and go through it. Now follow the pathway, avoiding the rising flames, and collect the KEY and MAGIC POTION. From there, head up the tiny ramp (between the poles) and DEATH will come out. Now you are at a 3-way intersection, and it won't matter which pathway you take as you will end up at the same place. So with that, let's just take the right pathway, and by doing so, take out the Mummy Corpses you see and follow the pathway. As you do, you will find a KEY and MAGIC POTION (in the chest). Across from that is a locked gate which has a 3-WAY SHOT in it. After that, continue onwards with the pathway, and you will be at another 3-way intersection, which is where you would have ended up at had you taken the other pathway (which has a HALO along it). Now from here, head right and follow the pathway, getting the KEY and taking out more Mummy Corpses and Cobra Snakes as well as their generators. Soon you will come to a locked gate, which you must go through. Once through it, continue onwards, taking out more Mummy Corpses. You will then find a GOAL GATE between two walls, and tucked away on the right side is a THUNDER HAMMER (in the chest). Get that, then step on the gate and you will have completed this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, head back to the Extra Region and step on the next Stage Gate as we move onto the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- 4. |Level 4: Forest Village (Extra#04)| ---------------------------------- ITEMS: Phoenix Familar, 1,000 Gold, 7 Keys, 7 Foods, Acid Breath, 3 Magic Potions, Death, Invisibility, 3-Way Shot ENEMIES: Demon Trees, Suicide Demons, Bomber Demons, Archer Demons, Large Spiders You are now in Forest Village, which is a decent size levels with multiple pathways. So at the starting point, Demon Trees will come out, so take them out and their Treestump Generator. Get the GOLD and head down the screen, following the pathway taking out Large Spiders (and their Burronw Generator) to the 3-way intersection. Once there, a Bomber Demon will be waiting, so take it out. Going down the left pathway will get you FOOD and a PHOENIX FAMILIAR (step on the red switch), but your main goal is to go up the right pathway. Follow it and you will be in a small area, which has GOLD down a small ramp. Large Spiders and Tree Demons will also be here, so begin taking them out then follow the pathway around the pit. Once you do that, you will be at a 3-way intersection. Now this is where things are interesting, there are many ways to get to where you are going, but I will take you through the quick route. From the 3-way intersection, head down the right pathway and follow it, collecting GOLD, and continue onwards to the next 3-way intersection. Here will be a KEY, as well as Demon Trees and a Suicide Demon. Take them out and continue down the right pathway, past the next 3-way intersection, but stopping at the one just past that as this where you would have ended up at, had you taken the other pathways. Now had you done that, items you would have found would be 2 MAGIC POTIONS, 3 FOODS, GOLD, DEATH, ACID BREATH and 2 KEYS, as well as all sorts of enemies. So with that, from the 3-way intersection, head up the screen to the next 3-way intersection. DEATH is here, so take it out, and get the KEY and if you want, through the locked gate is FOOD. Now continue along the pathway taking out more Demon Trees and Large Spiders as well as their generators. Soon you will come to a small 3-way intersection, which in this case it won't matter which way you take. One path has a MAGIC POTION while the other has a KEY, so get those. Once at the otherside, simply follow the pathway taking out Demon Trees and you will come to a somewhat large area. Here will be Demon Trees and Large Spiders, so take them all out. Items here would be a 3-WAY SHOT (in the chest). Head further up the screen in this area and tucked away in the back, which are 2 GOLDS, INVISIBILITY and a KEY as well as an Archer Demon. Now see the big leaf across from this somewhat large area, well you can walk onto it and there is something well underneath it, but no way to it *shrugs*. Anyways, continue following the pathway up the screen, taking out more Demon Trees. In this next area where the rising flame is, you will notice a wall, well go around it to find GOLD and you can continue onwards from there. FOOD (in the chest) will also be along the wall, so get that as well. Just after that, you will come to a 3-way intersection, which has an Archer Demon. Now if you continue up the screen, you will find the GOAL GATE. But if you want, you can also follow the path behind the Archer Demon. Doing so will lead to a KEY, and a lift which will take you to a lower area. Down here will be FOOD and 2 GOLD, so make your way around down there getting those, and taking out Demon Trees and Large Spiders and a Bomber Demon. It looks like there could be more down here, but I don't know. After that, head up to the Goal Gate, get the GOLD, take out Demon Trees and step on it, which you will have completed this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, head back to the Extra Castle Barracks (Stage 2) and make your way to the Secret Stage entrance. Stand on it, and get ready for a fun secret stage! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- 5: |Extra Secret Stage (Extra#05)| ----------------------------- ITEMS: 11 Notes ENEMIES: None Now for a secret stage, this one is extremely simple, short and kinda fun. For starters, you are in the main Midway's Office, you know, the creators of the game. As you make your way around here, you will see their pictures hanging up, and skeletons in their chairs (they won't hurt) The only items in this stage are 11 NOTES scattered throughout this stage. Each one will tell you the names of a different creator, and what part of the game they had a hand in. Now there are many ways to get through here, but when getting all the Notes, from the starting point, head down the left path and in each office has a Note. As you follow the path, you will eventually come to a 3-way intersection, which you need to take the right pathway (as the camera angle switched) and continue onward getting the remaining Notes. You will notice a shiny disco ball, but it don't do anything. After getting the last Note, you will see the GOAL GATE, which stepping on it will complete this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the Tower Map, you should have completed all the levels, if not you have two more remaining. Other than that, there's really nothing left for you to do except run around different levels maxing out your stats to Level 99. When you do that, you will receive 1,000 Thunder Hammers (what a treat!), and you will offically become a legend! But I guess with everything done, you have now beaten the game. What a long and exciting ride it was, huh? Well, nothing else left to say except congradulations on completeing Gauntlet Legends for the PlayStation! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- SECTION 3: |CHECKLIST WALKTHROUGH| --------------------- ----------------------------- A: |Runestone Location (Check#01)| ----------------------------- This is small summary of where all the Runestones are: RUNESTONE #01: Mountain Region: Peak/Near the end of the stage, hidden in a wall. RUNESTONE #02: Mountain Region: Cave/Along the lava pool close to the end, you must work your way to get it. RUNESTONE #03: Mountain Region: Cavern/Where the Electric Shield is, find two red switches for a new path. RUNESTONE #04: Castle Region: Courtyard/Found in a fake boulder on a blackened catapult across from a staircase. RUNESTONE #05: Castle Region: Dungeon/Found in a secret room in the wall, but the switch is near the end. RUNESTONE #06: Castle Region: Armory/Found at the start, but find the switch is in a wall near a generator. RUNESTONE #07: Town Region: Haunted Cementery/In the first left tomb, but find a nearby red switch first. RUNESTONE #08: Town Region: Venomous Spire/Close to the end, find three different switches to step on. RUNESTONE #09: Town Region: Toxic Air Ship/Climb the cargo net from a 3-way and follow the path to the end. RUNESTONE #10: Ice Region: Docks Part 2/Find two switches on opposite sides on the stage, then go on a deck. RUNESTONE #11: Ice Region: Camp Part 2/Find a switch at a dead end, then backtrack to an area near the start. RUNESTONE #12: Ice Region: Mines Part 3/Hidden behind an ice wall, past some switches then one at the start. RUNESTONE #13: Battle Region: Imperial Fortress/Hidden in a wall, but you must find a red switch first. --------------------------- B: |Obelisk Location (Check#02)| --------------------------- This is small summary of where all the Obelisks are: OBELISK #01: Mountain Region: Valley/At the start, cross the bridge and hit the switch. OBELISK #02: Mountain Region: Peak/Halfway up the mountain in the area where the Levitation Wings are. OBELISK #03: Mountain Region: Cliff/Near the start, found in one of two small rooms next to each other. OBELISK #04: Castle Region: Courtyard/Near the end guarded by a Golem Guard, you can't miss it to save your life. OBELISK #05: Castle Region: Dungeon/Near the end, tucked away in a corner near a red switch. OBELISK #06: Town Region: Poisoned Fields/Follow the branch path to an open area and search around there. OBELISK #07: Town Region: Haunted Cementery/Closer to the end behind a mausoleum which hides a Key. -------------------------------- C: |Special Item Location (Check#03)| -------------------------------- This is small summary of where all the Special Items are: SPECIAL ITEM #01: Mountain Region: Cavern/In a secret area underneath the level is the Scimitar. SPECIAL ITEM #02: Castle Region: Treasury/Find a switch close to the end, then backtrack to switch maze. SPECIAL ITEM #03: Town Region: Venomous Spire/Near the end, find a switch then back down the ramp. SPECIAL ITEM #04: Ice Region: Fissure Part 2/Find a red switch, then backtrack to a 3-way and go up at it. SPECIAL ITEM #05: Battle Region: Towers Part 2/After a series of switches, go to a deck near rising spikes. -------------------------------- D: |Secret Stage Location (Check#04)| -------------------------------- This is small summary of where all the Secret Stages are: SECRET STAGE #01: Mountain Region: Cliff/Near the Goal Gate, on the leftside of a small hill. SECRET STAGE #02: Castle Region: Treasury/Near the Goal Gate, just right of the last 3-way intersection. SECRET STAGE #03: Town Region: Poisoned Fields/At the end of a long path, find a switch on a ramp first. SECRET STAGE #04: Ice Region: Camp Part 2/At the end, easily found within the giant crate maze. SECRET STAGE #05: Battle Region: Trenches Part 2/Close to the end, find a switch then go around the fence. SECRET STAGE #06: Extra Region: Castle Barracks/At the start, strike at the wall behind the generator. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- SECTION 4: |IMPORTANT STUFF| --------------- ------------------------ A: |Items & Usage (Stuff#01)| ------------------------ This is a list of all the non-buyable items in the game: 1. GOLD: Usually found either in the open or in chests or barrels. Collect these to earn 100 Gold for each pickup. Gold with green in them (or Green Gold) will earn you 500 Gold for each pickup. 2. POISON: Avoid these as they will drain 50 Health from your life. Use a Magic Potion to turn this into Food. 3. FOOD: There are various types of food. Apples, Bananas, Pineapples, Chicken will revive 50 Health, while Steak and Ham will revive 100 Health. 4. DEATH: These will track you down and drain your life quickly. Use a Magic Potion to get rid of it. 5. INVINCIBILITY: These are white diamond shape items that will grant you 30 seconds of invunerability. 6. HALO: These are circular white halos that will protect you from Death which will last 60 seconds. 7. GOLD INVINCIBILITY: These gold diamond shape items are like regular ones, plus you get 3 Health for hits done to you. 8. SUPER FIRE BREATH: This is just like Fire Breath only it's much stronger and lasts longer. 9. SUPER ELECTRIC BREATH: This is just like Electric Breath only it's much stronger and lasts longer. 10. ACID HAMMER: This is a powerful acid enhanced hammer that can shoot out really fast. 11. FIRE HAMMER: This is a powerful fire enhanced hammer than can shoot out really fast. This is a list of all the buyable items in the game: 1. TIME STOP: This will stop the movement of all enemies, however it will not work on bosses. 2. INVISIBILITY: This will make you invisible so that enemies can not hurt you. 3. PHOENIX FAMILIAR: This will allow you to use the Phoenix Familiar, which will fire blasts at enemies. 4. FIRE SHIELD: This will turn your sheild into fire, buring enemies who touch it. 5. KEY: These will allow you to unlock chests and gates. You can only carry up to 9 at one time. 6. HEALTH/FOOD: Just like the Food in the fields, this will refill your life. However this one will refill 100 Health. 7. LEVITATE: This will allow you to float over certain enemies and hazards for a short period of time. 8. 3-WAY SHOT: This will allow you to shoot your weapon out in a 3-way direction. 9. ELECTRIC SHIELD: This will turn your sheild electric shocking enemies who touch it. 10. MAGIC POTION: These elemental potions will damage enemies that are near you, as well as defeat Death. 11. RAPID FIRE: This allows you to shoot your weapon out much quicker for a short period of time. 12. ACID BREATH: This will allow you to breathe out acid damaging enemies. 13. ELECTRIC BREATH: This will allow you to breathe out lightning damaging enemies. 14. FIRE BREATH: This will allow you to breathe out fire damaging enemies. 15. THUNDER HAMMER: This is a powerful item which sends shockwaves doing massive damage. 16. LIGHT AMULET: This will let your weapon be charged with the light element. 17. FIRE AMULET: This will let your weapon be charged with the fire element. 18. ACID AMULET: This will let your weapon be charged with the acid element. 19. ELECTRIC AMULET: This will let your weapon be charged with the electric element. 20. SPEED SHOES: These will let you run faster for a short period of time. Rather useless honestly. Now below here is the list of how much all the items cost (in the Items Shop), the number of the item you get, max number you can get for the item and their usage: ITEM NAME PRICE # ITEM MAX # USAGE ----------------- ---------- ------- ------ ------- | Time Stop | 400 GOLD | 15 | 30 | TIME | | Invisibility | 150 GOLD | 20 | 60 | TIME | | Phoenix Familar | 400 GOLD | 30 | 120 | TIME | | Fire Shield | 400 GOLD | 200 | 400 | VARY | | Key | 50 GOLD | 1 | 9 | USES | | Health/Food | 50 GOLD | 0 | 0 | VARY | | Levitation | 50 GOLD | 30 | 90 | TIME | | 3-Way Shot | 200 GOLD | 30 | 90 | USES | | Electric Shield | 400 GOLD | 200 | 1000 | VARY | | Magic Potion | 80 GOLD | 1 | 9 | USES | | Rapid Fire | 150 GOLD | 30 | 120 | TIME | | Acid Breath | 300 GOLD | 3 | 30 | USES | | Electric Breath | 300 GOLD | 3 | 30 | USES | | Fire Breath | 300 GOLD | 3 | 30 | USES | | Thunder Hammer | 600 GOLD | 3 | 9 | USES | | Light Amulet | 75 GOLD | 30 | 120 | USES | | Fire Amulet | 75 GOLD | 30 | 120 | USES | | Acid Amulet | 75 GOLD | 30 | 120 | USES | | Electric Amulet | 75 GOLD | 30 | 120 | USES | | Speed Shoes | 75 GOLD | 20 | 60 | TIME | ----------------- ---------- ------- ------ ------- Please note that there are three types of usage: Time, Vary, Uses. 1. Time means that once you use the item, how long you use it will count down like a timer. Example: When using Time Stop, it will last for 15 to 30 seconds depending on how much you have. 2. Vary means that when you use the item, it varies on how much of that item is used. Food however, there are two kinds, which will refill different amounts of health depending the food you get. 3. Uses means that you can use the item for however many of the item you have. Example: 3-Way Shot can be used 30 to 90 times. Keys however can only be used on chests and doors. ------------------ B: |Enemies (Stuff#02)| ------------------ This is a list of all of the enemies in the game: 1. FIGHTERS: These are enemies that will carry either an axe, sword or spear or some kind of weapon to use on you. The enemies you will face from this group are: Green Trolls, Blue Gremlins, Red Gremlins, Armored Guards, Black Ghost Knights, White Ghost Knights, Armed Zombies, Zombie Villagers, Ice Grunts, Large Ice Worms, Small Ice Worms, Armed Skeletons, Demon Knights, Mummy Corpses, Tree Demons 2. SUICIDERS: These are loud enemies which will carry either a red explosive barrel or a green poisonous barrel on their backs and run towards you only to blow up on contact. The enemies you will face from this group are: Suicide Trolls, Suicide Guards, Suicide Zombies, Suicide Grunts, Suicide Skeletons, Suicide Mummies, Suicide Demons 3. ARCHERS: These are annoying enemies that shoots arrows at you from a distance. The enemies you will face from this group are: Archer Trolls, Archer Guards, Archer Zombies, Archer Grunts, Archer Skeletons, Archer Mummies, Archer Demons 4. BOMBERS: These are annoying enemies that will throw bombs at you from a distance. The enemies you will face from this group are: Bomber Trolls, Bomber Guards, Bomber Zombies, Bomber Grunts, Bomber Skeletons, Bomber Mummies, Bomber Demons 5. CRAWLERS: These are creatures that will crawl along on the ground gnawing at you, which you can step on to take out. The enemies you will face from this group are: Purple Scorpions, Red Scorpions, Purple Rats, Brown Rats, Leeches, Brown Wolves, Black Wolves, Bone Dogs, Cobra Snakes, Large Spiders 6. GOLEMS: These are giant mini-boss creatures that will rise up and track you down when you are close by. The enemies you will face from this group are: Rock Golems, Golem Guards, Zombie Golems, Ice Golems, Wooden Golems, Lava Golems, Tree Golems 7. GENERATORS: These are devices that will reproduce enemies, which can be destroyed (except for Unbreakable Generators). They will regenerate after a few minutes. The generators are: Doorway, Pile Of Bones, Haystack, Small Volcanos, Suits Of Armor, Tombstones, Rotting Corpses, Caves, Dens, Burrows, Tiles, Tents, Doghouses, Tombs, Vases, Treestumps ----------------- C: |Bosses (Stuff#03)| ----------------- This is a list of all the bosses in the game. It's best to have the respective Special Item when facing each boss: BOSS #01: DRAGON LOCATION: Mountain Region ITEMS: 3-Way Shot, Food SPECIAL ITEM NEEDED: Ice Axe (Found in Castle Treasury) Time to slay the dragon! This fight will actually be rather tough, mostly because the Dragon has an attack which when he stomps, he will send out a shockwave that is unavoidable and will do some major damage to you. His other attacks involves breathing out a few streams of fire back and forth, which you can avoid. Another attack which you must completely avoid is if you get too close, he will swipe at you with his claw which will be next to instant death for you. There will also be some rising fires here to provide as an extra obsticle. Items here are FOOD (under the bosses right paw) and a 3-WAY SHOT. What you need to do, is get halfway up the screen, but don't get any closer than that, and start unleashing your Thunder Hammer on him, which will take his life down alot. If you run out of that, stand back and use your 3-Way Shot and Rapid Fire Combo on him which will finish him off. This will take some persistance, but you will win! BOSS #02: CHIMERA LOCATION: Castle Region ITEMS: Food, Speed Shoes SPECIAL ITEM NEEDED: Scimitar (Found in Mountain Cavern) This boss fight won't be as bad as the Dragon fight. Chimera has three heads, a lion, bird and serpent (I think?). They will all breath fire at the same time, which could be a problem, but avoid this by running from one side to another. If you get close, he will shake the ground, but it won't be that bad of an affect. Items include FOOD and SPEED SHOES hidden behind the giant rocks close to the boss. Your strategy, start in one corner and start attacking him. When he uses his triple fire blast, quickly run to the other corner and keep attacking as you're running. Be careful not to run along the back wall as you can get slowed down back there by continously running in the wall, which will leave you opened for an attack. Again, Rapid Fire/3-Way Shot combo will come in handy, as well as the Speed Shoes. After enough planning though, you will be able to defeat this boss. BOSS #03: PLAGUE FIELD LOCATION: Town Region ITEMS: None SPECIAL ITEM NEEDED: Javelin (Found in Ice Fissure) This one is rather simple to defeat. What you see is a giant slime monster with horns. He will just wobble around in his slime pit. His attacks include shooting poisonous gas blasts at you, as well as a slow moving stream of poisonous gas. Also he will breed out small little slime leeches which is used as a distraction. These buggers won't really hurt you, so no worries there. Infact the bosses gas will take them out too. Your strategy, start in one corner, start attacking him, and when he uses his attack, head over to the otherside and continue attacking. Now if you're feeling brave, you can get up close and start using a variety of items on him (Acid, Fire and Electric Breath is good as well as Thunder Hammer), just avoid the attacks. Whichever strategy you used, just know, this will be an extremely easy fight, so soon you should be able to defeat him. BOSS #04: YETI LOCATION: Ice Region ITEMS: None SPECIAL ITEM NEEDED: Scroll (Found in Town Venomous Spire) Get ready for the giant abominale snowman! This fight is just like the Dragon fight, only you're a bit stronger to take the attacks so he's a bit easier to deal with than the Dragon. There are no items here, so don't worry about finding any. The Yeti's attacks are shooting out streams of ice breah as well as powerful shockwaves which can't be avoided. He will also try to swipe down on you which will cause some massive damage to you. What should you do, well, run back and forth, dodging the ice breath, but make sure you get as far away from the Yeti as possible (preferably run along the lower part of your screen). When you get an opening, use up all your Thunder Hammers, then use your 3-Way Shot/Rapid Fire combo, which will do some massive damage to him. With the right strategy, you will have defeated this boss. BOSS #05: SKORNE LOCATION: Desecrated Temple ITEMS: None SPECIAL ITEM NEEDED: Soul Savior (Found in Battle Towers) Here we go, the fight with Skorne, and he's rather tough. Skorne will rise up and instantly begin his assault on you. His attacks include pounding the ground causing it to shake, and breathing either a single fireball or a stream of fireballs at you. Getting too close to him will result in him strike at you, causing some serious damage to you. Now you have a huge disadvantage here which is you don't have much room to fight in. If you have alot of health, like over 7,000 you should be able to handle this fight. If so, simply stand where you are, and start using the 3-Way Shot/Rapid Fire combo. This combo will take his health down very quickly (in about 30 seconds actually). That should do it, but if not, he should have a very tiny bit of health left that you should be able to take him down easily. Witht he right strategy, Skorne will be defeated! BOSS #06: REMATCH WITH SKORNE LOCATION: Gates Of The Underworld ITEMS: None SPECIAL ITEM NEEDED: Soul Savior (Found in Battle Towers) Here we go, the final battle! This fight is setup the same as the last battle with Skorne, only he's alot faster this time. His attacks are shooting fireballs at you, which can be avoided, as well as causing the earth to shake (with his hands) which is unavoidable. Here's what you should do, first off, use any Thunder Hammers you have which will knock some life down. Next run back and forth and use the special items you received after the first battle with Skorne (though use the long-ranged items). This will do some good damage to him. Finally, use the 3-Way Shot/Rapid Fire combo, which will finish him off completely. If all that of that don't help, then he should have 1/8 of life left, so simply keep attacking. With all of that, you will be able to defeat Skorne for the last time! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- SECTION 5: |IN CONCLUSION| ------------- -------------- A: |What's To Come| -------------- With a game as big as this, who knows what else is to come. But I will keep this open if anything new develops. ---------------- B: |PayPal Donations| ---------------- Like anyone would read this but something new I've been toying around with is the idea of taking donations. After making as many maps and FAQs as I have, it tends to be a big strain on my computer (I have a cheap-ass computer). So if you like any or all of my FAQs and maps, and wish to give a little something back, you can donate as much as you want to my PayPal account ^_^. Email me your donations at StarFighters76@comcast.net -------------- C: |Special Thanks| -------------- Personal Thanks To: Exo-Squad: For his confidence and belief that I will be very successful at this stuff ^_^. Sir Moth: For allowing me to borrow this game so I can make this walkthrough as well as the maps for this game ^_^. On-line Thanks To: To GameFAQS: For hosting my walkthroughs, as well as many more ^_^. ----------- D: |Final Words| ----------- When playing various games, I came across Gauntlet Legends, which I've played before many years ago and beaten it and Dark Legacy. Gotta say, the game is fun, with plenty of secrets hidden amongst it which is a definite plus for me. Originally I was gonna make four individual walkthroughs while making maps. But I thought, why not go all the way and make a complete walkthrough for it. Surprisingly it only took 1 1/2 months to make it and maps, which is pretty good seeing as I was afraid I was gonna give up on this a week after starting, so this one meant alot to me. I hope this walkthrough helps you out in any way possible. Ok, I'll make this quick and simple. This walkthrough is my work. This FAQ can only be hosted by GameFAQs.com, GameSpot.com, IGN.com and Neoseeker.com. Anyone else, well guess it will have to depend on my mood. You can use whatever info you want, so long as you give me credit and don't alter anything. I perfer you to email me at StarFighters76@hotmail.com if you're gonna do anything with this walkthrough. Failure to comply with this, and I will be mad, among other things. ;-). If you have questions, comments, or see something I may of missed, email me at StarFighters76@hotmail.com and tell me what it is. I will give you full credit for doing so. Not much left to say, except, thanks for using my walkthrough! ^_^ Email me at StarFighters76@hotmail.com Copyright (C) Semptember 16th, 2008 Mike Leatherwood AKA StarFighters76 Gauntlet Legends copyright (C) 2000 Atari Midway