Copyright 2000 Megacosm. All rights reserved. Author: A.C. Email: Title: Gauntlet: Legends (Dreamcast) Secrets FAQ Version: 0.60 Last Revision: June 24, 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents A. Revision History B. Author's Notes C. Secret Characters 1. The Alter Egos 2. Other Hidden Characters D. Hidden Levels 1. Mausoleum E. Secret Levels (Treasure Rooms) 1. Warrior's Mountain 2. Valkyrie's Castle 3. The Desert Land 4. The Forest Realm 5. The Battlefield F. Legendary Weapons 1. Ice Axe of Untar (aka Legendary Ice Axe) 2. Scimitar of Rasha (aka Scimitar of Decapitation) 3. Poisonous Bellows (aka Poison/Toxic Bellows) 4. Magic Lamp (aka Lamp of Dark Obscurement) 5. Soul Savior (aka Soul Stealer) G. A Bag of Tricks 1. Health a. Gaining Health b. Conserving Health 2. Experience Points a. Deaths in the Volcanic Cavern (Level 5) b. The Homemade Method - Infinite Enemy Generator 3. Magic a. Throw Magic Like an All-American b. Shield From the Storm? 4. Character Quirks a. Dwarf - The Smallest Bodyguard in the World b. Jester - Explosive Persona c. Archer - Munitions Expert H. Stuff You Should Know 1. Familiars (Those Lovable Flying Companions) 2. Pojo Da Chicken 3. Tag: You Are Now IT 4. Wings of Levitation (aka Limited Levitation) 5. Faster Way to Fire I. Rumors and Lies 1. Lies a. Missing: Sorceress b. No Alter Egos? c. No Secrets? d. Better Stats = Nothing? 2. Rumors a. Dream World b. Ice World c. Playable Sumner d. The Appearance of Garm e. Buy Some Grub J. Credits K. Legal ------------------------------------------------------------ A. Revision History ------------------------------------------------------------ Updates have been disjointed as of late due to my current schedule. I am in the process of moving, so updates may not appear as regularly as before. Please bear with me. I will, however, update 3-4 times a week. - June 24, 2000: "Stuff You Should Know" updated. Also, the locations of Desert Land's Treasure Room and Poisonous Bellows (Toxic/Poison Bellows) added. (v.60) - June 21, 2000: First update of the week. "A Bag of Tricks" updated. "Stuff You Should Know" section added. (v.55) - June 15, 2000: Treasure Room of Valkyrie's Castle added. "A Bag of Tricks" updated. Remember, this FAQ will NOT be updated between June 16-19. Lastly, I am pleased to announce that this FAQ is at its halfway point. Thank you to all the readers for your continuing support. (v.50) - June 14, 2000: Location of "Scimitar of Rasha" (Decapitation) added. "A Bag of Tricks" updated. MUCH MORE tomorrow. (v.45) (Remember, no updates between June 16-19) - June 13, 2000: Added "A Bag of Tricks section. Also, Ice Axe of Untar location has been augmented. "Rumor and Lies" updated. (v.40) - June 12, 2000: I added a "Hidden Levels" section to quell the confusion between unlockable levels and treasure rooms. In the instruction manual, the treasure rooms are called "Secret Levels," which is rather confusing to some arcade veterans. Also, look for a Rune Stone section by the end of the week. I know all of the Rune Stone, Obelisk, Legendary Weapon locations -- but it will take awhile to write. (v.35) - June 11, 2000: HUGE CORRECTION on obtaining the ALTER EGOS (see "Secret Characters") Legendary Weapons still in progress. I apologize for the initial error. This FAQ is under R&D, and is subject to change. (v.30) - June 10, 2000: The Birth of this FAQ. Legendary Weapons section to be added in the next update. (v.25) ------------------------------------------------------------ B. Author's Notes ------------------------------------------------------------ This FAQ is not an in-depth walkthrough. Rather, it is a conglomeration of character statistics and secrets, hidden levels, and strange easter eggs and tricks. Megacosm Magazine is the owner and holder of this FAQ's copyright. Do not distribute, copy, or modify without a written consent from the author, Alfred Charles N or Megacosm. Currently, only two sites house the "Gauntlet Legends (Dreamcast) Secrets" FAQ with the author's approval: GameFAQs Megacosm ------------------------------------------------------------ C. Secret Characters ------------------------------------------------------------ In the Dreamcast incarnation of Midway's "Gauntlet Legends" there are eight main characters to select, including: 1. Warrior 2. Dwarf 3. Valkyrie 4. Knight 5. Wizard 6. Sorceress 7. Archer 8. Jester In addition to these characters, there are four alter-egos (see "The Alter Egos"), which seem to be the four hidden characters Midway referenced on its game package. There is a slim possibility other characters exist (see the incomplete "Other Hidden Characters"). 1. THE ALTER EGOS Embodying mythical creatures and animals, the four alter egos (the alter egos of the extension characters have yet to be uncovered -- read more below) are better equipped than their "regular" counterparts; the reason being that their starting/maximum stats (attributes) are significantly higher. For example, the Warrior has a starting speed of 350, while his alter ego, the Minotaur, has a starting speed of 400. In addition, the Minotaur's maximum speed of 850 is more than the Warrior's maximum speed of 750. In order to select the respective alter egos (of the Warrior, Valkyrie, Wizard, or Archer) your main character must be at level 25. After reaching the milestone, save it under the "Character Management" option (press "start" in the Tower). Return to the "Character Management" option after saving the game; this time select "New". A small popup should appear, warning you about losing your current character. Confirm your selection with a "yes." An initial input box should then appear (the 3-character initial box). Enter your initials (according to Albert Chung, it does not have to be the same initial as your original character). Then, holding the TURBO button, select the character you gained level 25 with. There should be a portrait of an alter ego in the character select box. Press A or start. Voila! Please note that you must reach level 25 with the specific character in order to select his alter ego. Therefore, if you want to select the Minotaur, reach level 25 with the Warrior, etc. If you are uncertain which alter ego belongs to what character, use the chart provided below: Warrior -----> Minotaur Valkyrie ----> Falconess Wizard ------> Jackal Archer ------> Tigress IMPORTANT NOTE: This alter ego trick DOES NOT WORK with the Dwarf, Knight, Sorceress, or Jester. After testing a variation of things, including passing the game twice, we could not obtain their respective alter egos. Our investigation continues. For reference, the remaining "unlocked" alter egos are: Dwarf -------> Ogre Knight ------> Unicorn Sorceress ---> Medusa Jester ------> Hyena 2. OTHER HIDDEN CHARACTERS So far, the hidden characters within the game are just speculations and rumors, talk that have spun throughout DC forums. Sumner, the good wizard, is one of the characters frequently mentioned (he is playable in the PSX and N64 versions -- confirmed by Darrell W.). Another possible hidden character is Pojo the Chicken, which was easily accessible in the Arcade version. In the Dreamcast version, however, the EGG code does not work (neither does the Armored Warrior code RAT). The other possible characters are the remaining alter egos (Ogre, Unicorn, Medusa, and Hyena). Since the Level 25 method (above) only works for the original four characters (we tested all eight of them), the other alter egos could possibly be obtained by special codes or items. The guys at the office really doubt this to be true, however. We tried a barrage of different things, but nothing seems to work thus far. ------------------------------------------------------------ D. Hidden Levels ------------------------------------------------------------ Not to be confused with Secret Levels, which are treasure rooms, Hidden Levels are extra levels found within the different worlds. Thus far, only one hidden level has been uncovered. 1. MAUSOLEUM (Mirror) - The words "Mirror" appear in parentheses because the hidden Mausoleum stage in the Dreamcast is the inversion of Gauntlet: Dark Legacy's Mausoleum (arcade) -- the Dreamcast Mausoleum starts where the arcade Mausoleum ends. The hidden Mausoleum (Mirror) level is in the Castle Treasury level (fourth level) of the Valkyrie's Castle (BLUE World). To find the Mausoleum (Mirror), locate the Castle Treasury exit portal (it should be situated on the higher grounds after a flight of stairs). Do not exit. Instead, walk down the flight of stairs (to avoid confusion, the full flight of stairs is two adjoining stairways). You will immediately reach a southeastern corner wall (with a burning torch). Walk to the NORTHWEST until you see a red tapestry hanging against a wall (between two wall torches). Walk towards the left wall torch (next to a switch). There should be a dead end to the left of the left wall torch. Shoot the wall (adjacent to the left wall torch). The wall should flash. Hit the wall several more times until it breaks. Behind the wall is the exit portal to the Mausoleum (Mirror). NOTE: The Mausoleum (Mirror) stage is a hidden level, which is accessible through another stage (not the Tower). Therefore, you will not return to the Tower when you exit from the Castle Treasury to the Mausoleum (Mirror). You will go straight to the Mausoleum (Mirror) level. After completing the Mausoleum (Mirror) level, however, you will safely return to the Tower. Also note the Mausoleum contains neither a Rune Stone nor an obelisk. There is not any object to collect, etc. (at least to the best of my exploration). The level, nevertheless, is a blast to play, partly due to its killer soundtrack and massive amount of enemies (try the stage with the highest difficulty). ------------------------------------------------------------ E. Secret Levels (Treasure Rooms) ------------------------------------------------------------ Secret Levels are, in actuality, treasure rooms filled with bronze, silver, and gold coins, as well as power-ups. The object of these levels (rooms) is to collect as many items as possible within the set time limit (hour glass indicator). 1. Warrior's Mountain (Red World) The Treasure Room of the Mountain World can be found in the fifth level, The Volcanic Cavern. In order to access the Treasure Room, first locate the exit. From the exit portal, walk to the left until you see a fire geyser near a dead-end corner. Shoot the walls in front of the fire geyser; the walls should blink/flash. Keep shooting the wall until it disappears (it should take only 3 or 4 shots). Hit the switch that appears behind the obliterated wall. From there, walk to your RIGHT (not south) and follow the path between the exit portal and ANOTHER fire geyser. There should be a red switch in front of an archer and a few scorpions. Hit the switch. Near that switch there should be a fire geyser (north). And, NORTHWEST from that geyser there should be a light purple platform (with dark cracks) . Stand on the light purple platform. When the platform fully descends, walk all the way to the right and touch a wooden trap door. The trap door will lead you to a fairly easy Secret Level (Treasure Room). 2. Valkyrie's Castle (Blue World) The Secret Level (Treasure Room) of the Valkyrie's Castle is in the Tower Armory (Third Level). First, locate the exit. It should be up several flights high. From there, walk down a single stairway (it should be to your left). Walk down the next stairway. You will see a corner if you are on the right track. Continue down the stairway until you see a green floor switch. Next to the switch, there should be a safety rail running along the platform's side. Follow the rail towards the EASTERN direction. You may see poultry. Once you have reached the end of the rail (you will see a corner) hit the wall in front of you (the wall is part of the stairway). It should flash. Break the wall and grab the Thunder Hammer behind it. Next to the Thunder Hammer, you should see a wooden trap door. Touch it; it will lead you to a space-age Treasure Room, accompanied by a Blur-inspired soundtrack. 3. The Desert Land (Yellow World) The Desert Land's Secret Level (Treasure Room) is located in the Mystic Pyramid (3rd Level). Locate the exit. The trap door to the treasure room should be slightly below (southeastern from) the exit portal, next to a switch. Touch the trap door. The trap door should lead you to a laboratory-like Treasure Room. 4. The Forest Realm (Green World) 5. The Battlefield ------------------------------------------------------------ F. Legendary Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------ There are five Legendary Weapons in Gauntlet Legends. They help you defeat the world bosses when activated (automatic). The descriptions below reveal the locations of the Legendary Weapons, NOT the Rune Stone, Obelisk, etc. that may be found on the same level. Also, there are some treasure chests we purposely skipped to make the directions shorter. Seek them out yourself; I do not want to spoil all the fun for you. MORE LOCATIONS COMING SOON NOTE: I know the locations of all of the Legendary Weapons, I just have not had the time to finish writing them out. They should be finished by June 21, 2000. 1. Ice Axe of Untar (aka Legendary Ice Axe) The Ice Axe of Untar is found in the fifth level of the Valkyrie's Castle, the Dungeon of Torment. Make your way down several flights of stairs and follow through the level, hitting appropriate switches, etc. When you reach the poison sewage area (the area where the ground is made up of gray stones), you will be greeted by a ground trap (two circular saws). Move pass them. You should immediately see a sewage drain (it looks like a fire pit) on the ground, center of the area. Move north in that direction. You will see a wooden plank to the left, acting as a bridge to the adjacent island. Before crossing it, note the out-of-reach red switch to the northeast (next to an anchored iron chain). Cross the plank and destroy the grunts. On this island, you will see two juxtaposed red barrels. Shoot the wall between the LEFT barrel and an enemy generator. It should flash. Shoot the walls until it is destroyed. There should be a red switch behind that demolished wall. Hit the switch. From that corner, move further left along the wall until you see a stairway. Climb up the first stairway, which should split in two directions: south and north. Take the stairs leading south. Beware of a ground trap in front of the last step down (two circular saws). Destroy the horde of grunts. Walk to the right until you see a red ground switch. Hit the switch. The switch will elevate an island full of rats. Kill them and walk in a NORTHEASTERN direction. You will see the sewage drain again (storm drain). Continue in the northeastern direction until you see the once inaccessible red switch (the one next to the anchored iron chain). Hit that switch. The platform the switch is situated on will rise. Hit the wall in front of you when the platform comes to a halt (to the left of the red wall insignia of Skorne). It should flash. Continue shooting the wall until it disappears. You will find two switches (one red, the other green) and a three-way shot. Activate the red switch. Wait there until you see a rotating blue axe descend in the northeast corner of your screen. Before getting the Ice Axe of Untar, you should note that once you obtain the legendary weapon, the green acid level will begin to rise, flooding the bottom-most platforms and walkways with poison. This poison can and will drain your health points. So, when you get the Ice Axe of Untar, go back on the platform and push the red switch. This should lower the platform. Move towards the left and climb the stairway that splits. This time, take the northern stairway. 2. Scimitar of Rasha (aka Scimitar of Decapitation) The Scimitar of Rasha is in the fourth level of the Warrior's Mountain (RED World). Start moving to the left when you first enter the level. You will soon notice that the path splits: one continues left and the other north, which is a dead-end guarded by an archer. Kill the enemies up the north, including the red fire demons to the left of the archer. Continue to the left. You will then see a small border between two fire geysers, forking the road. When you pass the border, turn left. Continue forward. You will be greeted by a group of blue monsters, and an archer. You will also see part of a large rocky border in flames. Kill the monsters and follow the path towards the flames. Immediately, you should see a pesky archer and a red barrel to your right. Note the fire geyser in the corner. Shoot the walls at that corner and take the treasure behind them. From the corner fire geyser, follow the path to the right. Towards the end of the path you will be welcomed by a nest of red fire monsters and scorpions. You should also see a mound of gold adjacent to a fire geyser. Destroy the light purple boulders in front of the fire geyser, which is blocking your entrance to a small room. Enter the room and destroy the bomber. Grab the treasure and head out. From the fire geyser, continue to the right (the right of the screen). You should see a bridge across a bed of molten lava. Cross the bridge. Continue right until you hit a corner. From the corner, move south. You will soon hit a dead end (with a piece of the border in flames). To the left of the dead end you will notice light purple boulders, guarding a bomber and a red switch. Destroy the light purple boulders and the bomber. Hit the switch and watch a bridge descend and another ascend. Move left from that switch. Grab the "Reflective Shot" if you desire. Continue down a southern path. Towards the end of the path (only a few steps away from the "Reflective Shot") you will see a fire geyser. Be careful. The path should split two ways at the fire geyser's location: left and right. Take the LEFT path. The left path is a dead end. But note the borders that cover the dead end. One side has a horde of hungry blue monsters, the opposite side is the source of incoming arrows. Examine the border opposite to the blue monsters. You will notice, again, light purple boulders concealing itself as part of the border. Destroy the boulders. But before entering the path you uncovered, heed the fire geyser in front of the opening. Moving up the path, you should be able to see the Scimitar of Rasha (Decapitation) to your right. Keep moving up the path until you reach a corner. You should see a red ground switch to the right of the corner. Hit the switch. It should open a gate. Pass through the gate. You will then see a bridge (the one you resurrected). Before crossing it, you should note that a Golem is guarding the other side of the bridge. Defeating him should be easy -- a Level 3 Turbo Attack should suffice (or melee attack him or use a magic shield if your character is extremely weak). After defeating the Golem, you should see the Scimitar of Rasha towards the left of the screen. Grab it. Return from whence you came -- the fire geyser point of the splitted path. Take the right path this time. Locate the exit. 3. Poisonous Bellows (aka Poison/Toxic Bellows) The Poisonous Bellows is located in the fourth level of the Desert Land, Tombs of the Undead. Locate the exit. From there, go down a ramp towards a steam geyser (southeast of the screen). Next to the end of the ramp, you will see a wall torch. From the torch, move towards the southwestern point of your screen until you see another wall torch. Left from that wall torch is an entrance to another room. Enter the room. When you enter the room, move south until you see a large floor medallion (with a shining centerpiece). Stand on the centerpiece until the camera fully repositions itself. If a large violet staircase is to your south (slightly southwest), the camera is correctly positioned. From the shining centerpiece, move to the left through a small opening between the medallion's wall and the stairway's hand rail. From the opening, move north. You should then see a red switch slightly below a purple-tinged border. Hit the switch. An opening (towards the left of the switch) should appear. Walk through the opening. From the opening, walk in a northeastern direction (pass three torches). Keep walking until you see a large opening. Beyond the large opening, you will immediately see a floor trap (spikes) in the northeastern region of your screen. Move close to it until the camera, once again, repositions itself. After the camera rotation, the floor trap should be in the northern position (again) of your screen. Move in the opposite direction of the spikes (yes, that means south) towards a wall torch and phony ramp. Keep moving south until you see a purple ramp (yes, it is purple, not blue) and another set of floor traps (spikes). Safely advance through the spikes (preferably, walk around them). You will immediately see two adjacent wall torches. Between the wall torches shoot the wall until it disappears (behind the curtain of cobwebs). Behind the obliterated wall is the Poisonous Bellows. 4. Magic Lamp (aka Lamp of Dark Obscurement) 5. Soul Savior (aka Soul Stealer) ------------------------------------------------------------ G. A Bag of Tricks ------------------------------------------------------------ Tricks are not secrets. Rather, they are strategies for benefits and gains. 1. HEALTH The most efficient way to gain health is to repeat/cycle through the Warrior's Mountain levels (RED), especially the Valley of Fire (Level 1) and The Volcanic Cavern (Level 5). The work vs. health gain ratio is better in Warrior's Mountain than in any other world. The Valley of Fire (Level 1) has 450 health points worth of food (when playing solo). It is a very short and easy level. In addition, recollecting the Rune Stone in this stage adds 500 gold to your bank (solo game value). Also, there are eight keys in the Valley of Fire, one shy from a full key ring. Unfortunately, there is only one magic potion on this level. The Volcanic Cavern (Level 5) has approximately 450 health points in food as well (solo), but it is much longer and much more difficult. However, the bonus here is the ability to gain massive experience points, using the anti-Death aura power-up (the halo). There are two Deaths with a maximum of three (the third being RANDOM) on this stage (see "Experience" under the "Bag of Tricks" section... yes, directly below). 2. EXPERIENCE a. Death in the Volcanic Cavern The Volcanic Cavern (Level 5) will ultimately become the most frequented level next to the Valley of Fire (Level 1) because it is an attractive level for fast experience seekers. Three words: Anti-Death Aura Power-Up (hyphen makes words singular, do not argue). When Death touches you, he drains not your health, but your experience points. Anti-Death aura power-up (halo) reverses this effect. That means if you have the halo and you contact Death, you will earn experience points. For each Death that you touch (with an Anti-Death Aura power-up), you gain a single level! This is vital to players with characters at level 70+, levels that seem to take forever to gain another. Note About Death: He can not drain your experience points once you reach level 99. Tip: Before grabbing the anti-Death aura power-up (halo) destroy the enemies blocking the paths. This will save you time, which you can invest in your hunt for the Deaths. Also, avoid using magic near the second treasure chest of the level (it contains Death), that is, before opening that chest. Magic will change a trapped Death into a fruit (50 health points) -- not exactly a fair tradeoff, especially with the anti-Death aura available. Opening the chest before using magic will prevent you from losing Death. Just keep away from the opened Death until you decide to pick up the anti-Death aura. The other Death and the random Death are in barrels, unaffected by the effects of magic. When you obtain the anti-Death aura, simply walk up to Death. You will see green contact rays emanating from him to you -- that means you are gaining experience. Death will and can run away, so try your best to trap him in a corner. Also, if you are playing a multiplayer game, have the remainder of your party stand back -- Death can still drain their experience points (maximum of one whole level). b. The Homemade Method - The Infinite Enemy Generator This method is a bit pathetic; and depletes the joy of earning experience points. I do not recommend using this method, for friends, neighbors, and family members will mock you. The Homemade Method is actually only good for beginning characters because it requires only missile attacks, which give you less experience points than melee attacks. Aside from that, it will take you hours just to gain levels through this method after you have reached level 30. This trick requires you to position yourself far away from from a large enemy generator (meaning small monster generators will not work, especially small grunts and scorpions). The generator should be barely visible on screen, but needs to be slightly visible. Then, position yourself so that your missile shots will miss the generator but hit incoming enemies. Hold down the fire button (the A button) -- do not press the fire button repeatedly. Button smashing actually has a faster fire rate than holding it down. Just hold down the button. For every monster you kill a new one should emerge from the generator. If you destroy the generator, that means you are not positioned properly. If you prefer, you can tape down your A button and make yourself a nice sandwich. By the time you come back, you should have reached level 5. They call this the "Homemade Method" for several reasons. It is shabby and does not work in the arcades. WARNING: Taping the A button and leaving it overnight may cause the game to freeze. This is a fair warning. 3. MAGIC a. Throw Magic Like an All-American Note: Throwing Magic = Magic + Attack Throwing magic is an art. It can even be the determining factor of life or death, especially for weak magic users. Since starting Warriors and Dwarves are ultra weak in magic, they should preserve their magic for protection, the magic sheild. If they must use it for offensive purposes, they should toss magic (instead of casting it) since their magic radius is minute. Tossing magic will give you a better aim at your enemies. Unfortunately, not many players know how to toss magic (the instruction booklet does not explain it adequately). They just toss it, missing nearly half the time. To improve your magic tossing ability, you need to understand that it has ranges: short, medium, and long. Most players will toss it towards bosses without knowing anything about the ranges. What affects ranges? The attack button. The longer you hold it down with the magic button button, the farther the potion will go. It is quite simple. Short is directly in front of you, which is very similar to casting magic. Avoid tossing it short. Short is only effective when you want to launch a potion from the higher grounds to the lower grounds. (Tap Magic+Attack) Medium is half-way across the screen. The most common and effective way to toss magic. (Press Magic+Attack, do not hold) Long is beyond the screen, away from view. This is very useful against the Dragon boss and the genie boss, Djinn, which require players to stand very far from during combat. (Hold Magic+Attack until it launches) b. Shield From the Storm? Ah, yes, the magic shield. It is the ultimate protection against melee attackers, especially colossal Golems, pesky grunts, and the Black Widow boss. Unfortunately, not many players use the shield to their advantage. And, when they do, it is always to the minimum of the shield's potential. To maximize your magic shield, there is one thing you must know: its limit. By pressing Turbo + Magic (X + B), a wall of pure power engulfs your character, protecting you from physical attacks. When you activate this shield, your character freezes for a brief moment, but you can (and should) move shortly after its activation. Many players believe they are frozen under this shield, but that is far from the truth. You can move. And, in order to burn distant enemies with this shield, you must move up to them. Try moving through a horde of enemies with the magic shield -- the shield cuts through it like a warm knife against a stick of soft butter. Unfortunately, you are not invulnerable under this shield of magic. Traps, fireballs, and explosives can still very much affect you; and, they will if you are none too careful. When you move through a pack of monsters with the magic shield, be wary of any green or red barrel. Your shield will set them off. Be equally watchful for Suicide Bombers, you must shoot them from a distance or outrun them to escape their wraith. Note: A higher level Wizard or Sorceress (level 50+) can escape damage from barrels or suicide bombers with the magic shield due to their larger shield radii. Their shields will destroy the barrels far enough to escape damage, but be cautious of the lingering aura or cloud after the barrels explode. 4. CHARACTER QUIRKS a. Dwarf - The Smallest Bodyguard in the World Beware of the Dwarf, my son. He may be diminutive, but the Dwarf packs a strong punch. Where his Level 3 Turbo Attack, Fire Fissure, lacks in control (once you launch the Fire Fissure, it stays in that direction), it makes up for it in width and range. His strength is nothing to laugh at either; he will hack most enemies down to size (pun noted) with his superior hand-to-hand fighting prowess. The Dwarf is not just a little mean terror, he IS terror. The most interesting thing about the Dwarf, however, is his unique team-up attack (aka Combo Attack and Team Turbo Attack). His team-up attack has him piggy-backing on another character, enabling the Dwarf full control over the carrier. While in this combo, he and the carrier are 100% invincible. Traps, fireballs, and explosives do not phase them. Though other characters may not appreciate this fact, they will thank him when he bails them out of tight spots and heated situations. For instance, through several parts of the game there are traps (fire geysers, etc.) lined up in one narrow path. The dwarf can bring safe passage to himself and the carrier via the team-up attack. This is also good for areas with multiple suicide bombers (the Mausoleum has a bridge lined up with three bombers). And, yes, you can use this combo to escape from the poison sewage when you disturb the Ice Axe of Untar. In addition to protection, the combo attack can be used for selfish reasons. When you open treasure chests in this combo, you use keys from the carrier's key ring, not yours. Therefore, if you do not have a single key remaining and your buddy has a full key ring, go ahead and combo him. The trade off here is that any item you take while under the combo attack goes to the carrier's inventory. So, if you want a specific item, wait until the combo attack wears out and then grab the item. NOTE: This "Greedy Dwarf" trick is only tolerable when done to your friends, etc. I do not condone using this trick against some stranger at the arcades (unless you want to pick a fight). It does not fall under proper gaming etiquette. NOTE 2: Unlike the other combo attacks, the Dwarf's combo depletes only two turbo levels, even when he is at level 3! While some characters can perform their team-up attacks at level 2 and 3, their entire turbo bar depletes after the combo. b. Jester - Explosive Persona I occasionally visit the arcades. Okay, I visit the arcades alot. Alright, so I live there; I have been living in a video arcade since I was five. Is that what you wanted to hear!? My point is, whenever, I see a Gauntlet: Dark Legacy player choose the Jester, I laugh uncontrollably. Admit it, you probably do too. The way the Jester skips reminds me how uncomfortable tights must be, and how the Jester would not make it in the modern world of image. But under this fool's fascade, the Jester is one of the most effective regular attackers in the twelve character roster. Not convinced? Let his bombs do the talking. (possible jokes noted) The Jester, unlike any other character, has the ability to toss explosives, particularly comic bombs, which yield explosive damage. What is explosive damage? Simply, it is when a projectile contacts an enemy and creates an aura or field of energy that can damage other enemies. So, in other words, one of the Jester's projectile can damage two or more enemies at a time (without a familiar). Explosive damage, commonly referred to as "Splash Damage" (water analogy found in many games), is important because it can cut work required for combat, especially when up against a cluster of enemies. In addition, the explosive damage of the Jester, can be used as a shield in multiplayer games, which will come in handy against Suicide Bombers on narrow paths. To set up a shield in a multiplayer game, have the Jester stand behind everyone else; have him toss bombs over the other character(s) incessantly. The other character(s) should advance and attack. Should an enemy come close to any of the frontline characters, they will be stunned by the explosion for a split second. And, should any suicide bomber come their way, the frontline characters can easily run behind the explosion towards the Jester. The suicide bomber will be stunned when he attempts to pass the explosion, and killed when the second bomb drops. Below is a practical formation for the Jester. Legend: J = Jester; P = Party Member; X = Bomb Explosion; E = Enemies. Formation for shield (in a narrow path) ________ | | ------------- E E | J X P E | ------------- E E | |________| It is not as complex as it looks; it will come to you like second nature. Also, it is NOT a requirement for the Jester to take this formation all the time. Only take this formation on occasions, especially when you sense Suicide Bombers (they are not exactly stealth creatures -- they scream like banshees before they attack). NOTE: Try the Jester with a three or five-way shot for the ultimate firewall of protection. (possible jokes noted) c. Archer - Munitions Expert Virtually all Gauntlet Legends FAQs, guides, etc. will give you a generic statement about the Archer's attributes. They will convince you that she is "fast, but weak", or words to that effect. But like a Jerry Bruckheimer film, do not believe the hype. The Archer weilds tremendous power, especially through her magnificent turbo attack, BFG. The Archer's Level 2 (Double Bow) and Level 3 (BFG) turbo attacks are powerful because they are wide, consisting of a multitude of arrows in one shot. Though this will come handy for gangs of smaller enemies, the Archer's turbo attacks are also well-suited for single large opponents. To attack larger enemies with the Double Bow or BFG, move up close to them and launch the turbo attack (preferably, the BFG). Launching the turbo attack at close range will ensure that all/most of the arrows inflict damage against the giant beast. If done correctly, the BFG will kill a Golem in one shot, at any difficulty level with any amount of players (with a 30+ Archer)! It will also take nearly a tenth of most bosses' energy (in 2-player mode). And, as if her turbo attack was not powerful enough, the Archer is the only character with the ability to vary the turbo attack's strength via special items/power-ups. In other words, power-ups (such as five-way shots and weapon amulets) affect her turbo attacks (both Level 2 and Level 3), increasing their effectiveness to the 10th degree. Not convinced? Try the "Damn BFG" experiment. Buy or obtain the "reflect shot" and a multi-shot (i.e. three-way shot) with a weapon amulet (light, acid, fire, or lightning -- NOT a breath attack). Try the BFG. The BFG should harbor elemental arrows of the amulet you've obtained. In addition, there should be 3x or 5x the amount of arrows on screen (depending on the multi-shot power-up), bouncing off any wall they touch (via reflect shot). Oh, and also, there should not be anyone left standing. Final Verdict: The Archer is definitely not weak. ------------------------------------------------------------ H. Stuff You Should Know ------------------------------------------------------------ This section was originally titled, "Stuff You Should Know (But Since the Instruction Booklet was Poorly Written You Did Not Have a Chance to Find Out)," but we felt that it was utterly inappropriate and bitter. Regardless of title, this section is here to provide you with commonly requested information we believe Midway should have included in the manual. 1. FAMILIARS Familiars are flying drones that permanently accompany you on your quest. They first emerge when you reach level 30, helping you shoot enemies. When you fire a missile (shoot not melee), it will also fire a projectile. Though their projectiles are half the strength of your missile strength, their power will increase as you level up. When you reach level 70, your familiar will begin to "auto-aim" (as arcade dwellers commonly say), converging with and diverging away from your character's shots, depending on the number of enemies it sees. Each character has a different familiar (though they do the same thing and function the same way): Warrior -----> Dragonfly Valkyrie ----> Falcon Wizard ------> Green Dragon Archer ------> Butterfly Dwarf -------> Owl Knight ------> White Dragon Sorceress ---> Bat Jester ------> Flying Rat --- changes to ---> Flying Pig NOTE: All of the familiars will change from their initial color and size as you reach higher levels. The Jester's original familiar, however, changes into a completely different animal. The alter egos' familiars are similar to their original character's. 2. POJO DA CHICKEN Throughout the game, you will encounter a strange item resembling an egg. Upon touching it, you will transform into Pojo the Chicken (temporarily). As Pojo, you are able to spit powerful fireballs and attack with your sharp beak (melee). In addition, you only have one turbo attack level (Level 1), which is equivelent to a fire breath attack. The effects of Pojo last for approximately 45 seconds. NOTE: As Pojo the Chicken you are unable to cast magic, though shooting magic is possible. Also, poultry is toxic to Pojo -- it will deplete Pojo's health if he consumes it. 3. TAG: You Are Now IT In multiplayer games, your party will occassionally encounter a gold floating sphere in several levels. When someone in your party touches it, a game of tag initiates and he/she becomes IT. When you are IT, enemies focus their attacks on you. That means Death, Golems, and grunts will come after you, IT. Though they can and will attack others in your party, 75% of enemy attacks will be targeted towards your direction. In order to remove the IT status bump into another party member. Your IT status should transfer to the character you touched. Though IT may seem to be a negative condition, it does have a couple of advantages: (1) It presents an opportunity for you to kill more enemies, enabling you to earn more experience points. (2) It gives you a condition for strategic fighting. One form of strategic fighting is having IT encircle the Golem (forcing him to chase after IT), while another player shoots the Golem. Another strategy is to give IT to the person wearing the anti-Death power-up (the Halo). Though Death will still run away from the bearer of the Halo, he will not target a specific player because IT is wearing the Halo. Other strategies include having IT round up a large group of enemies for a nasty turbo attack (by IT or another player). 4. WINGS OF LEVITATION (aka Limited Levitation) Pairs of Wings of Levitation appear throughout the game. When a player touches a pair (it should make a strange noise), his/her character floats above ground. Floating above ground allows your character to escape the effects of ground traps: circular saws, small flames, acid puddles, and spikes. More importantly, small ground creatures (rats, scorpions, spiders, and snakes) can not hinder or harm you. However, geysers, pools (tar, acid, etc.), suspended traps (pendulum saw) and ground explosions still can hurt you. 5. FASTER WAY TO FIRE ------------------------------------------------------------ I. Rumors and Lies ------------------------------------------------------------ A lot of lies are circulating around the gaming community about the Dreamcast version of Gauntlet Legends. The purpose of this section is to eradicate / clarify the cloud of misconception surrounding this cheap thrill of a game. THE LIES Lie 1 - MISSING: SORCERESS Not only is the sorceress in this game, she fires it up! In fact, Midway increased her Turbo (Level 3) attack radius from the arcade version, which suffered heavily from its fixed position and inability to stun bosses. Lie 2 - NO ALTER EGOS The ALTER EGOS ARE IN THE GAME! The guys over at the Megacosm office are playing a level 72 Jackal and a level 99 Minotaur. However, we have yet to obtain the elusive alter egos of the Dwarf, Knight, Sorceress, and Jester. To the dismay of many, I honestly do not believe their alter egos exist. In order to get the other alter egos, however, read "Secret Characters" above. Remember to save the alter ego files in a separate character slot for it will erase your existing characters (similar to when you start a new character). Lie 3 - NO SECRETS Midway not only confirmed four hidden characters (alter egos), but it also printed that fact on the package art. In addition, Midway has included secret levels (Mausoleum in reverse is an example) in their Dreamcast translation. Lie 4 - BETTER STATS = NOTHING? Not true. The fallacy of this belief can be demonstrated through the ability of magic. We tested two characters side by side. One Warrior had a magic rating of 200, the other had 450. When we used the magic shield (press turbo + magic) on the 200-magic Warrior, it yielded a puny result. The shield was narrow with a small radius, filling less than 1/8 of the screen. On the other hand, the 450-magic Warrior's shield was adequate, yielding a circumference of 1/5 the screen. THE RUMORS Rumor 1 - UNLOCKABLE DREAM WORLD. Most likely false, considering the Dream World was one of the last worlds to be completed in the development stage of the arcade game, Gauntlet: Dark Legacy. Since the Dreamcast conversion of Gauntlet: Legends and development of the arcade sequel overlapped, to fit Dream World in the Dreamcast conversion of Legends would have been difficult. Rumor 2 - UNLOCKABLE ICE WORLD More likely than Rumor 1. The Ice World was complete in a three-month old beta version of Gauntlet: Dark Legacy. Rumor 3 - PLAYABLE SUMNER Sumner (the holographic wizard) is playable in the PSX or N64. Therefore, this rumor may hold water. A strike against this rumor, however, is the fact that Midway wanted the Dreamcast version to be more like the arcade than its N64 and PSX counterparts, which included item storage, etc. Rumor 4 - THE APPEARANCE OF GARM Some are speculating that Garm is the true final boss of the Dreamcast translation. Though it may be possible due to the end computer graphics sequence, which is a carbon copy of Dark Legacy's false ending, this is not Dark Legacy. It is Gauntlet Legends. It is possible that the end sequence was added as a teaser for the upcoming home sequel (announced for the PS2 thus far). With or without Garm, the Dreamcast version of Gauntlet Legends manages to propell itself beyond the confines of the other Gauntlet Legends incarnations. Ah, quit yer whinin'. There's more to be done. Rumor 5 - BUY SOME GRUB False. You can not purchase health. This is a typo in the instruction manual. The closest thing to buying health is purchasing the Gold Invulnerability cube. When gold, you are impervious to attacks; and any damage attempted against you adds to your health. In other words, it reverses the effects of enemy attacks. Instead of depleting health, enemy attacks generate health. Due to its steep price, you should only purchase the Gold Invulnerability cube when you are up against a world boss. To gain more health, cycle through the levels of Warrior's Mountain (RED): The Valley of Fire (Level 1) and the Volcanic Cavern (Level 5). (see "A Bag of Tricks") ------------------------------------------------------------ J. Credits ------------------------------------------------------------ Author: Alfred Charles N - "A.C." Any finds, corrections, etc. can be submitted to Special Thanks: * GameFAQs - - No site has a higher information density. * Megacosm - A proud crew of artists and talents. It is always a privelege to work there. * US Marine Corps - For giving me motivation each day. I can not wait to join the ranks after bootcamp next summer! * Pascal Vellet - My business buddy in crime. * Wayne Ma - My good buddy, thanks for the massive Gauntlet information. * Polar Bear - Haa!? * Chan Chin Shan - Hard working and always confident. * Twenty One (Tuan) - My second brother. * Jorge V. - The Sega tester. * My Family - The strangest, lovable megamix you will ever find. * Razorclaw X - Thank you for the Alter Ego feedback. * Tredain Doe and Jason Fabisch - For reminding me about the fifth Legendary Weapon: Soul Savior. * Kevin Lightburn, Darrell Wong, Jon E. Theys, and Chad Grill - For the cool insights and interesting feedback. * Marc Louradour, Albert Chung, and Aaron Mitschelen for their support. * To all those who gave me feedback, helpful or supportive. ------------------------------------------------------------ K. 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