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It was incomplete, poorly formatted, and downright awful. I know there are allready tons of walkthroughs for this game, but i wanted to finish what i've started. Keep in mind this will take a while to complete, but i'm in no hurry. Version History: ---------------- 2.0 - Completely re-did the guide, started all over. Keep in mind this is all 3 days work here, and i'm completely tired. It may be a while before i update, but when i do, it will be as big as this one. 2.1 - Added a few more things to the guide, mainly the walkthrough. Should be sent in to gamefaqs either the 5th or the 6th. 2.2 - Another small update, 5 more levels added bewtween the 4 sets of walkthroughs. Next update, I'll work on finishing the Misc. and Multiplayer sections. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Basics ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some of the basics in goldeneye, such as strafing and the controls.. Controls: --------- Control Stick - Move C-Left\Right - Strafe C-Up\Down - Aim gun Down\Up. R - Crosshairs\Zoom In A - Change Weapon\Gadget\etc B - Reload\Open Doors\Action Button Z - Fire\Use Gadget\etc R+C-Down - Duck R+C-Left\Right - Lean left\right Start - Pause, the most important function! The Goldeneye Laws: ------------------- #1 - Railings and other obstructions ------------------------------------ Guards CANNOT shoot at you if you are behind a railing, low to the ground, or obstructed by something else. Also, guards cannot shoot diagonally from platforms and such. This can be exploited in one of these 3 ways in every level. #2 - What they don't know won't hurt you ---------------------------------------- Basically, if they don't know you are "in the level", they won't come running. There are obviously only 2 ways they can know you are there; sight and sound. That being said, it is a VERY good idea to use a silenced weapon when you can. Only use automatics if you are either surrounded by enemies (which wouldn't happen if you used a Silenced weapon), or, out of ammo for your silenced gun. Also, you'll want to sneak up on your enemies, so you can pop a cap in their skull. #3 - Hit em' where it hurts --------------------------- Goldeneye, as you probably know, has a body-hit detecting system. Head shots are most powerful, then body, limb, and other (gun). If you are using a PP7 or something similar, you NEED to get head hits to be effective. If you are facing a large group of enemies, it's best to whip out an automatic, and stun each or some of them, then take one or two down while the others recover. Or, if you are just plain ol' using a KF7, chest hits are usually sufficient. #4 - Know your enemies ---------------------- Some guards are stronger than others. For example, a common infantry soldier is weaker than a dog, and usually dies to a PP7 shot to the head or chest. Special Forces (AKA those bad asses in black) can survive 2 or 3 head shots with a KF7! It is usually a good idea to take on the weaker enemies first, then when everyone is gone, blast the hell out of them with an automatic. #5 - Know what difficulty you are playing ----------------------------------------- This is one of the simplist. Basically, if you are on agent, you can go around blasting the hell out of people and draining your ammo. Why? Because ammo is plentiful and body armor is EVERYWHERE. However, if you are on 00 agent, it's a good idea to take your time and be careful. #6 - Always Strafe ------------------ Your probably wondering: "why?". I use it 100% of the time, i NEVER go without strafing. 1 reason is that with practice it becomes EASIER than normal control, and the other obvious reason is you become about 50% harder to hit. Practice strafing on streets, facility, and caverns if you want to get good, that covers 3 "different" kinds of strafing. #7 - Hug your enemies --------------------- Really, it works! Run up to an enemy and give him a big hug, then pop a cap in his skull and watch him bleed. Actually, I like to hand slap them. This works REALLY well in the archives, a few places in the silo, and anywhere else you can find a lone guard. Use this if you are low on ammo, or don't have a silenced weapon. #8 - Not a good time to sit down -------------------------------- Most guards (Facility in particular) will kneel before they shoot. Don't ask me why, maybe they just can't stand too well. This gives you extra time to either A) Reload, B) Run away, or C) Kill them before they get a shot off. You'll have to decide which to do, but it's usually C. #9 - Camera-Shy --------------- He may look good in the movies, but in this game, you CERTAINLY do not want any cameras to see you, as they set off alarms and cause TONS of men in black to come. If you duck, they cannot see you, and if you shoot it's lens, it explodes, rather than the standard 5. Also, in agent, you have about 10 seconds before it sees you, in Secret this is cut down to about 5, and in 00 you have only 2 or 3 seconds before your toast. That being said, it's a very good idea to hit the lens. One other note, if you hide behind glass doors, in a level such as the bunkers, they will not see you. Use that to your advantage. #10 - Drone Guns 101 -------------------- We all hate drone guns, and they hate us. The problem is, getting rid of them. Here is some basic info about them. 1) If you use a loud gun, such as the KF7 in Bunker 2 to shoot a drone gun, guards will NOT hear you. 2) If you get far away, they will stop shooting. This is useful in Control. 3) You CAN out-run them. Not that you'd want to, but if you don't know where they are, run out, and run back, so you know where to aim. 4) They don't have eyes in the back of their head. This is useful on aztec, and any other level where you face either the back of a drone gun or a tiny sliver of one. #11 - Cowards live longer than rambo ------------------------------------ Sad as it may be, it's true. If you are facing a TON of guards, try and shoot one, run away, and pick them off one at a time. They usually ALL come, but you can run around corners, suprise them, and just keep going backward, until they are all gone. #12 - Ammo-Giving Guards ------------------------ In a way, you can get the guards to give you tons of ammo, without firing a SINGLE shot. This is mainly used in the Dam level, but can be used in other areas. Hide behind a group of boxes, pop up, then duck down, and move back a bit so you aren't hurt in the explosion. Most of the time guns will come a flying, and you'll get that extra KF7 or RCP-90 Ammo you need. It is a good idea however, to be ready with a gun, as when the boxes are gone, you have no more cover. Overall, it works really well. #13 - Don't hurt the scientists ------------------------------- No matter how tempting it may be to pummel a scientist in the groin with a RCP-90, just to watch him die, don't do it. For one reason, you'll likely fail the mission if you do it more than once. And for another reason, scientists WILL give you keycards, data, and other items you can use WITHOUT shooting them. If you shoot them, they will drop anything they had, but you can get the same result by "hugging" them (see #7). The only thing you can get out of killing them is a good laugh, and the occasional DD44 and grenade. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Weapons FAQ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************** ************************ WEAPONS LIST\LOCATIONS *********************** *********************************************************************** Weapon List: ------------ Slappers PP7 PP7 (Silenced) Silver PP7 Gold PP7 DD44 Klobb KF7 Soviet D5K Deutsche D5K Deutsche (silenced) ZMG Phantom AR-33 Assult Rifle Sniper Rifle RCP-90 Automatic Shotgun Shotgun Military Laser Golden Gun Cougar Magnum Grenade Launcher Rocket Launcher Hunting Knives Throwing Knives Timed Mines Remote Mines Proximity Mines Grenades Tank Shells Taser Boy Weapons Description\Locations ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Slappers Found: Every Level Description: While most people think of this as the most useless weapon in the game, i beg to differ. This is when your unarmed and go around karate-chopping everyone. Useful in quiet situations, such as the archives. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: PP7 Found: Frigate, Streets, Statue, Train, Control, Jungle, Caverns, Cradle, Aztec, Eygyptian Description: Your standard issue weapon. This will be used in nearly every later level in the game. It's not that useful IMO, as it's not silenced, and you'll be finding some pretty sweet automatics. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: PP7 (Silenced) Found: Dam, Facility, Runway, Surface, Bunker, Silo, Surface 2, Bunker 2. Description: While having the same power as a normal PP7, i find this gun to be better as it is silenced, and allows you to be stealthy when you need to. You'll have to be good with this gun to get past the first 10 levels. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Silver PP7 Found: All Levels (with cheat) Description: With this gun you'll have a more "realistic" game. Shots to the head will kill a man, but if you shoot him in the foot, odds are he'll survive. Fun to play around with, but not anything amazing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Gold PP7 Found: All Levels (with cheat) Description: Exactly like the golden gun, only, it's a cheat, and it has 6 more shots per round. Really fun to use after you've beaten the game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DD44 Dostovei Found: Dam, Facility, Runway, Bunker, Bunker 2, Archives, Eygptian. Description: Found in a wide variety of levels, usually where you have a Silenced PP7. Worthless as it's more powerful than the pp7, but is louder than hell. If you have a choice between a normal PP7 and a DD44 however, go for the DD44...or you could use that nice automatic you have. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Klobb Found: Runway, Bunker, Surface, Bunker 2, Surface 2, Archives. Description: Louder than a PP7, weaker than a PP7. You obviously do NOT want to use this gun. The only time i ever used it was against a group of enemies where i stunned them all. It takes almost half your clip to kill a single russian guard! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: KF7 Soviet Found: Dam, Facility, Runway, Surface, Bunker, Bunker 2, Surface 2, Silo, Archives. Description: Probably the most crucial gun in the game for you to master. Most guards carry this as their weapon, and you in turn will need to use it. It's a good idea to use this weapon where the levels are pretty straight, with few hiding areas for enemies. EG: The Silo. If you are going to use this gun, be prepared to run for your life and make a few stands. EG: Bunker 2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: D5K Deutsche Found: Depot, Train, Frigate. Description: Almost exact like the ZMG, this has a nice firing rate, pretty big clip, and is very powerful. This, along with the ZMG, will replace the KF7 later on, although the KF7 is more powerful and has a scope. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: D5K Deutsche (silenced) Found: Frigate. Description: Only used in one level, and thank god you get it! It's a silenced automatic, perfect for those tricky hostage situations. IMO you should use this the whole level, ripping through the hallways spraying bullets everywhere. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: ZMG Found: Depot, Train, Caverns, Control, Cradle, Eygyptian. Description: Almost identical to the D5K, this gun usually comes in PAIRS, making it extremly useful! It's a must on the caverns and cradle, so practice with it if you have to. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Phantom Found: Frigate. Description: Although this is a sweet gun with 50 bullet clips, and a power greater than the D5K...i found that i didn't use it at all, since it's loud, and not exactly a friend to the hostages in the level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: AR-33 Assault Rifle Found: Caverns, Jungle, Aztec. Description: Take a KF7, add a better scope, more power, and a firing rate bested only by the RCP-90, and you have the AR-33! It also fires in a star shaped * pattern, conveinient for killing multiple foes at once. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Sniper Rifle Found: Dam, Surface. Description: An awesome gun if you know how to use it. Zooms in 200 feet and can be used as a slapping weapon as well. Only found in 2 early, easy levels though. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: RCP-90 Found: Train, Jungle, Caverns. Description: THE automatic in the game. Only found in 3 levels, it boasts a 80 round clip, the fasting firing rate, ability to shoot through people, and a VERY high power rating. If you manage to find this gun, USE it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Automatic Shotgun Found: Statue. Description: Cool gun, good power, louder than a bastard. Unfortunantly you get it in ONE level, when you are 3/4 of the way done. Doesn't that just suck? Oh well, just get all guns... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Shotgun Found: All Levels (With Cheat) Description: Just like a shotgun, only it takes much longer to reload and, imo, looks better. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Military Laser Found: Aztec. Description: You'll NEED these babys for Aztec. They shoot through walls, can be used 2 at a time, and are VERY powerful. The fact that they have unlimited ammo helps too. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Golden Gun Found: Eygptian. Description: One shot, one kill. Sounds good right? Problem is it has HORRIBLE reload time, one round clips, and very little ammo. Don't worry though, it's all worth it against the baron. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Cougar Magnum Found: All Levels (With Cheat) Description: Wild Wild West...this gun is sweet. 6 bullets per round, ability to shoot through...anything. Almost ALWAYS a one shot kill. Too bad you need a cheat to use it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Grenade Launcher Found: Surface, Streets. Description: Just like a grenade, only you can now shoot them 4X as far. Very useful in both levels, just watch out for those nasty bounces... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Rocket Launcher Found: Streets. Description: Explodes on contact, causing a fireball that is impossible to survive. These aren't that useful though, as you'll be too busy running for your life. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Hunting Knives Found: All Levels (with cheat) Description: Imagine a butcher knife 10 inches long used to cut thick ribs of meat. Now imagine using that to rip apart a scrawny, human, russian guard. Obviously, these are VERY powerful. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Throwing Knives Found: Bunker 2. Description: Your basic hunting knife, only you are now throwing it at about 3 times the velocity. As if ripping out their guts wasn't enough, now you get to throw a knife THROUGH them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Grenades Found: Every Level. Description: You can get these in the runway, from scientists, or guards occasionally. Obviously you can throw them and they will explode in 5 seconds. Or you can hold them for a while then throw...just don't wait too long or... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Timed Mines Found: Runway, Caverns. Description: Set these anywhere in in 7 seconds or so they will explode. Not that useful for killing moving targets obviously. Good for when you need to destroy a certain area and being able to move somewhere else instead of waiting to get shot down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Remote Mines Found: Facility, Control. Description: Place these mines, then go to your watch, hit it, and they explode. They can also be detonated in mid air by throwing them and hitting A and B at the same time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Proximity Mines Found: Depot. Description: Place these and if any gun, item, or human comes within it's range, it will explode instantly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Tank Shells Found: Runway, Streets. Description: You'll obviously need a tank (or a cheat) to use these. Very powerful, one hit kill for guards, guns, cars, or anything else. The 30 rounds you get help as well. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Taser Boy Found: All Levels (With Cheat) Description: It's a gameboy with bullets loaded in it. Use this to stun, and kill enemies. Really fun to play with, because it's so sadistic! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************** ************************ WEAPONS STATISTICS *************************** *********************************************************************** Key: ---- Name: PP7 <--- Weapon Name Power: <--- 1: Won't kill with a head shot, 2: Might with a head shot, 3: 99% it Will Kill with a head shot, 4: Will kill with a head shot, 5: Will kill with any shot. (ON 00 agent) Rarity: Common <----- Rarity: Rare, Un-Common, Common. Loudness: Low <------ Low, Medium, High, Very Loud. Clip: 7 <---- shots per clip Max Capacity: 800 <--- Max ammount of ammo able to be carried. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Slappers Power: 1 Rarity: Common Loudness: Low Clip: N\A Max Capacity: N\A ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: PP7 Power: 3 Rarity: Common Loudness: High Clip: 7 Max Capacity: 800 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: PP7 (Silenced) Power: 3 Rarity: Common Loudness: Low Clip: 7 Max Capacity: 800 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Silver PP7 Power: 4 Rarity: Rare Loudness: High Clip: 7 Max Capacity: 800 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Gold PP7 Power: 5 Rarity: Rare Loudness: High Clip: 7 Max Capacity: 800 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DD44 Power: 3 Rarity: Un-Common Loudness: Very High Clip: 8 Max Capacity: 812 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Klobb Power: 1 Rarity: Un-Common Loudness: Medium Clip: 20 Max Capacity: 812 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: KF7 Soviet Power: 4 Rarity: Common Loudness: Very Loud Clip: 30 Max Capacity: 400 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: D5K Deutsche Power: 4 Rarity: Un-Common Loudness: Very Loud Clip: 32 Max Capacity: 800 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- D5K Deutsche (silenced) Power: 4 Rarity: Rare Loudness: Low Clip: 32 Max Capacity: 800 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: ZMG Power: 4 Rarity: Un-Common Loudness: Very Loud Clip: 32 Max Capacity: 800 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Phantom Power: 4 Rarity: Rare Loudness: Very Loud Clip: 50 Max Capacity: 800 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: AR-33 Assult Rifle Power: 4 Rarity: Un-Common Loudness: Very Loud Clip: 30 Max Capacity: 400 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper Rifle Power: 4 Rarity: Rare Loudness: Low Clip: 8 Max Capacity: 400 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: RCP-90 Power: 5 Rarity: Rare Loudness: Very Loud Clip: 80 Max Capacity: 800 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Automatic Shotgun Power: 5 Rarity: Rare Loudness: Very Loud Clip: 5 Max Capacity: 200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Shotgun Power: 5 Rarity: Rare Loudness: Very Loud Clip: 5 Max Capacity: 200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Military Laser Power: 4 Rarity: Rare Loudness: Medium Clip: N\A Max Capacity: N\A ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Golden Gun Power: 5 Rarity: Rare Loudness: Loud Clip: 1 Max Capacity: 100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Cougar Magnum Power: 4 Rarity: Rare Loudness: Very Loud Clip: 6 Max Capacity: 200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Grenade Launcher Power: 5 Rarity: Un-Common Loudness: Medium Clip: 6 Max Capacity: 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Rocket Launcher Power: 5 Rarity: Un-Common Loudness: Medium Clip: 1 Max Capacity: 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Hunting Knives Power: 3 Rarity: Rare Loudness: Low Clip: N\A Max Capacity: N\A ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Throwing Knives Power: 3 Rarity: Rare Loudness: Low Clip: 12 Max Capacity: 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Timed Mines Power: 5 Rarity: Rare Loudness: Medium Clip: 10 Max Capacity: 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Remote Mines Power: 5 Rarity: Un-Common Loudness: Medium Clip: 10 Max Capacity: 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Proximity Mines Power: 5 Rarity: Rare Loudness: Medium Clip: 10 Max Capacity: 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Grenades Power: 5 Rarity: Common Loudness: Medium Clip: 12 Max Capacity: 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Tank Shells Power: 5 Rarity: Rare Loudness: Very Loud Clip: 1 Max Capacity: 30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Taser Boy Power: 3 Rarity: Rare Loudness: Medium Clip: N\A Max Capacity: N\A ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************** ************************ WEAPON SECRETS\TRICKS ************************ *********************************************************************** Secrets ------- * * * RCP-90 Locations * * * There are only 3 levels in which you can get them. Here are their super secret locations: 1 - Caverns: Near the end, some super secret guards have them. Better kill them before your toast. 2 - Train: On agent, blow up the last set of boxes in the first car. What do we have here? 3 - Jungle: Kill'll get a rocket launcher..and the best gun in the game. * * * Level Secrets * * * Here is a list of some of the harder to get guns, as well as some extra tips. Dam: ---- There is a sniper rifle in the tower, and you can blow up the boxes to get KF7 ammo. Facility: --------- You can blow up the boxes to get ammo. Runway: ------- There are grenades and timed mines at the start, and a tank on the very right of the level. Surface: -------- There is a grenade launcher in the hut at the start, near 2 guards. Bunker: ------- You can blow up the computers in the main room with remote mines individually, and then all explosives and knives will be in mid-air. Silo: ----- Kill oromov to get a DD44. Frigate: -------- N\A. Surface 2: ---------- N\A Bunker 2: --------- Use your magnet at the start to pick up some throwing knives. Statue: ------- N\A Archives: --------- N\A Streets: -------- There is a grenade launcher near where you contact valentine. Depot: ------ There are Proximity Mines, and a Rocket Launcher in a room near the end. Train: ------ Get a RCP-90 in the first train car. Blow up the last set of boxes. Jungle: ------- N\A Caverns: -------- There are 2x AR-33 in the room where you contact Jack Wade. Blow up the box in the corner, over and over...there are also RCP-90's too... Control: -------- N\A Cradle: ------- N\A Aztec: ------ N\A Eygptian: --------- N\A Tricks ------ * * * Paintbrush Weapon - Multiplayer * * * In multiplayer, without touching ANYTHING - get a sniper rifle, and hit A twice quickly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Agent Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission I: Arkangelsk Part i: Dam Objectives: A) Bungee Jump From Platform Total Soldiers: N\A Availible Weapons: PP7 (Silenced) KF7 Soviet DD44 Dostovei Sniper Rifle Grenades Availible Gadgets: Covert Modem Availible Items: None Walkthrough: Lean around the corner at the start and peg the guard. Collect his KF7 and wait for the guard in the tower to walk around where you can see him. Fire a single bullet, either killing him, or drawing him to your location. If you don't kill him, just wait for him behind the corner and peg him in the skull. Head to the tower and up it, avoiding the stationary guard. Collect the sniper rifle and pop a cap in the mentioned guards skull. Switch to the sniper rifle, and pick a guard to assassinate. Kill him, and wait for the other guard to come running. Promptly kill him with your PP7. Head through the long tunnel, and you'll be facing a rather large area. To your right is a tower, in front is a bunker with boxes to the left, and offscreen to the left are some metal crates. Switch to your sniper and wait for a guard to walk around the tower, then take out the 2 guards in the bunker from 200 yards away. Switch back to your PP7, and run-strafe left, killing a guard by the steel crates. Now run-strafe left toards the truck, using it as cover from the remaining guard in the boxes by the bunker. Dispose of him, then open up the doors by the truck using the 2 keypads. Stay along the truck to the left, as cover from a lone guard on the right near a tower. Kill the man in green running toards the alarm, still using the truck for safety. Then, quickly run past the truck and do what you want with the guard. Now shoot the alarm if you want to, it's not neccesary. Take out your KF7, and go through the chain fence. Rip loose with bullets on the door, and a general will open it, running right into his own death. Reload, because a green guard is coming from the right side of the building, inside. Shoot him, then head toards the locked gate. Shoot the lock off with your PP7, and run through this part of the damn. There are 3 towers with 1 guard on each of them. Take out your sniper, and peeg the first guard. Move forward a bit, and peg the second. Now run to the second tower, turn left onto the stairs, and watch the cinema of Bond jumping off the dam (Objective A: Complete). Mission I: Arkangelsk Part ii: Facility Objectives: A) Gain Access To Labratory Area B) Rendevous with 006 C) Destroy bottling tanks D) Minimize scientist casualties Total Soliders: 49 Availible Weapons: PP7 (Silenced) KF7 Soviet D5K Deutsche DD44 Dostovei Remote Mines Grenades Availible Gadgets: Door Decoder Detonater Availible Items: Keycard A Keycard B Walkthrough: You start off in the vents, just like the movie. Weave through, and when you come to the bathrooms, peg the guard in the stall with a single shot to the head. Fall down, open the door, and quickly lean right, shooting the guard. There are now 2 guards in front of you in seperate (thank god) stalls. Kill them both with shots to the head, and collect all the ammo. Exit the bathrooms and take a left. There may or may not be a guard walking, depending on your speed and if you watched the intros. Either way, there will be a guard through the door down the stairs. A single PP7 shot will do. Enter the door he was near, turn left, and shoot the guard. He drops "Keycard B", which you'll need soon. Now just wait right where you are, facing the door. Anywhere from 10 seconds to a minute a guard will come, only to get a PP7 shot in the cranium. Now head back to the doors near the bathroom, and wait for a guard below to come. Kill him, and you'll attract a single guard to you as well. Now run down the hallway, and kill the guard near the boxes on the left. Go to the door across from the one that requires a keycard and open it. Kill\Wound the guard straight in front of you, then turn left, and put 2 bullets into a very un-alert guard. Get all the ammo up to this point, and get the body armor on the boxes, then head to the keycard door. Open the door, and quickly run up the stairs. Take out your KF7 and fire like a madman. The 3 guards inside the keycard door should come, only to find your KF7 bullets being sprayed everywhere. After that, i like to use my KF7 to destroy all the boxes, which will not only put your KF7 ammo near the top, you'll have around 150 shots for your PP7! This comes in handy..very soon. Now, you can either activate the door using the computer in the keycard room, and go through. Or, wait for a scientist to come and give you "Keycard A", which will let you open ANY door in the level. I prefer to wait, but it's up to you. No matter what you pick, you'll end up in the locker room. Quickly kill both guards with PP7 shots, then wait for 4 guards to come seemingly out of thin air from the first area. After that, take out your KF7, open the door, and fire from right to left, and left to right, strafing. This should kill\stun all 3 guards, easily. Now take out your PP7 once again, and run to the right of this room. Kill the two guards, then turn around, because 3 more are right behind you. Now go to the left, kill the lone guard, then kill any remaining guards...if there are any. Enter the door in the middle of the room, and grab the body armor. Activate the computer if you don't have Keycard A, then go through the left door. (Objective A: Complete). There will be a guard to your right, and two behind the crates. Take care of the first with your PP7, and the other two with the KF7. Now rip loose with bullets everywhere, reload, and get ready for 2-3 guards. This makes the next area a bit less hard, as there will now only be a couple guards. Go up the stairs, and walk into the lab area, killing any guards you may see. Ahead of you is a pillar, with 2 guards behind it. To the left, far away are the last 2 guards as well, so use your KF7 to make it easier, killing all 4 rather easy. Head through the door and take out your mines. Put them on alternating tanks, as shown in the diagram: O = Tank * = Tank with mine on it O * O * O * O * O * Now wait until the alarm goes off, and guards start pouring in. Head toards the double doors, take out your detonator, and activate the mines. Trevylan with blow up, but he's been alive long enough (Objective B: Complete). The tanks are now gone (Objective C: Complete), and you can now exit the level. If you didnt kill more than 2 scientists..(Objective D: Complete)'re all done! Mission I: Arkangelsk Part iii: Runway Objectives: A) Find ignition key B) Escape in plane Total Soldiers: N\A Availible Weapons: PP7 (Silenced) Klobb KF7 Soviet Grenades Timed Mines Tank Availible Gadgets: None Availible Items: None Walkthrough: Get the grenades to your left, then head right and kill the guard. Go outside, kill the guard on duty, and grab the grenades by the door. Go in, and bounce a few grenades off the wall. Two guards will go up in smoke, and you can now collect the ignition key (Objective A: Complete). Run outside to the left, and use your PP7 to kill 2 guards you'll soon find. You're now looking at a HUGE gun turret. Use the timed mines you found at the start, and blow it up. You can now run to the plane without much resistance, as the guards have mostly klobbs. (Objective B: Complete). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Secret Agent Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission I: Arkangelsk Part i: Dam Objectives: A) Bungee Jump From Platform B) Neutralize All Alarms Total Soldiers: N\A Availible Weapons: PP7 (Silenced) KF7 Soviet DD44 Dostovei Sniper Rifle Grenades Availible Gadgets: Covert Modem Availible Items: None Walkthrough: Lean around the corner at the start and peg the guard. Collect his KF7 and wait for the guard in the tower to walk around where you can see him. Fire a single bullet, either killing him, or drawing him to your location. If you don't kill him, just wait for him behind the corner and peg him in the skull. Head to the tower and up it, avoiding the stationary guard. Collect the sniper rifle and pop a cap in the mentioned guards skull. Switch to the sniper rifle, and pick a guard to assassinate. Kill him, and wait for the other guard to come running. Promptly kill him with your PP7. Head through the long tunnel, and you'll be facing a rather large area. To your right is a tower, in front is a bunker with boxes to the left, and offscreen to the left are some metal crates. Switch to your sniper and wait for a guard to walk around the tower, then take out the 2 guards in the bunker from 200 yards away. Switch back to your PP7, and run-strafe left, killing a guard by the steel crates. Now run-strafe left toards the truck, using it as cover from the remaining guard in the boxes by the bunker. Dispose of him, then open up the doors by the truck using the 2 keypads. Stay along the truck to the left, as cover from a lone guard on the right near a tower. Kill the man in green running toards the alarm, still using the truck for safety. Then, quickly run past the truck and do what you want with the guard. Destroy the alarm, and take out your KF7. Open the door after the chain fence, and blast the general to bits. Take a quick right, and anihilate the green soviet guard. Now head to the fence with the lock, and shoot it off. Run to the first guard tower, and shoot the guard with a PP7. Take out your sniper and dispose of the other 2 guards on the towers from there, then destroy the alarm. Destory the next two alarms in the same matter, and that's all of them (Objective B: Complete). Then head to the second tower, and jump off the damn at the short staircase (Objective A: Complete). Mission I: Arkangelsk Part ii: Facility Objectives: A) Gain Access To Labratory Area B) Rendevous with 006 C) Destroy bottling tanks D) Contact Double Agent E) Minimize scientist casualties Total Soliders: 49 Availible Weapons: PP7 (Silenced) KF7 Soviet D5K Deutsche DD44 Dostovei Remote Mines Grenades Availible Gadgets: Door Decoder Detonater Availible Items: Keycard A Keycard B Walkthrough: You start off in the vents, just like the movie. Weave through, and when you come to the bathrooms, peg the guard in the stall with a single shot to the head. Fall down, open the door, and quickly lean right, shooting the guard. There are now 2 guards in front of you in seperate (thank god) stalls. Kill them both with shots to the head, and collect all the ammo. Exit the bathrooms and take a left. There may or may not be a guard walking, depending on your speed and if you watched the intros. Either way, there will be a guard through the door down the stairs. A single PP7 shot will do. Enter the door he was near, turn left, and shoot the guard. He drops "Keycard B", which you'll need soon. Now just wait right where you are, facing the door. Anywhere from 10 seconds to a minute a guard will come, only to get a PP7 shot in the cranium. Now head back to the doors near the bathroom, and wait for a guard below to come. Kill him, and you'll attract a single guard to you as well. Now run down the hallway, and kill the guard near the boxes on the left. Go to the door across from the one that requires a keycard and open it. Kill\Wound the guard straight in front of you, then turn left, and put 2 bullets into a very un-alert guard. Get all the ammo up to this point, and get the body armor on the boxes, then head to the keycard door. Open the door, and quickly run up the stairs. Take out your KF7 and fire like a madman. The 3 guards inside the keycard door should come, only to find your KF7 bullets being sprayed everywhere. After that, i like to use my KF7 to destroy all the boxes, which will not only put your KF7 ammo near the top, you'll have around 150 shots for your PP7! This comes in handy..very soon. Now, you can either activate the door using the computer in the keycard room, and go through. Or, wait for a scientist to come and give you "Keycard A", which will let you open ANY door in the level. I prefer to wait, but it's up to you. No matter what you pick, you'll end up in the locker room. Quickly kill both guards with PP7 shots, then wait for 4 guards to come seemingly out of thin air from the first area. After that, take out your KF7, open the door, and fire from right to left, and left to right, strafing. This should kill\stun all 3 guards, easily. Check for Dr. Doak in here, as he is in here 33% of the time. The next room i do a bit differently on SA, as the guards seem to come a bit quicker. Open the door, and put a remote mine on the door in front. Use your KF7, and rip loose. Kill a couple guards, stalling while the rest find you. When the guards start to hit you, close the door, and activate the mine. BOOM!! Guards exploding into millions of little pieces. This will kill probably all of the guards, leaving maybe 1 if you are unlucky. This will also destroy the door opener, no problem if you have Keycard A. If you don't, just use your KF7 and shoot the door, a guard will open it, and collect his "prize" from you. (Objective A: Complete) Kill the two guards near the crates, and up the stairs. Use your PP7 to dispose of the two guards stationary, and wait for 1-2 guards to come running. Then, kill the 2 guards near the pillar, and look for doak in this area. He should be in here if you haven't found him yet. Kill the last two guards, and use the decoder on the door. (Objective D: Complete). Locate trevlyan, lead him away from the tanks (Objective B: Complete), and then blow them up with your remaining 4 mines. Just detonate them in mid-air. (Objective C: Complete). Exit, and if you didn't kill more than two scientists..(Objective E: Complete). Mission I: Arkangelsk Part iii: Runway Objectives: A) Find ignition key B) Escape in plane C) Destroy Missle Battery Total Soldiers: N\A Availible Weapons: PP7 (Silenced) Klobb KF7 Soviet Grenades Timed Mines Tank Availible Gadgets: None Availible Items: None Walkthrough: Get the grenades to your left, then head right and kill the guard. Go outside, kill the guard on duty, and grab the grenades by the door. Go in, and bounce a few grenades off the wall. Two guards will go up in smoke, and you can now collect the ignition key (Objective A: Complete). Run outside to the left, and use your PP7 to kill 2 guards you'll soon find. You're now looking at a HUGE gun turret. Use the timed mines you found at the start, and blow it up. Make sure you have 2-3 left though. Turn around, and use the KF7 scope to pick off any soldiers that may be coming after you. After that, run to the plane, and throw 2-3 timed mines on the nearby missle battery. Guard the plane with your life until the battery blows up. (Objective C: Complete). Then enter the plane. (Objective B: Complete) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) 00 Agent Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission I: Arkangelsk Part i: Dam Objectives: A) Bungee Jump From Platform B) Neutralize All Alarms C) Install Covert Modem D) Download Data Files Total Soldiers: N\A Availible Weapons: PP7 (Silenced) KF7 Soviet DD44 Dostovei Sniper Rifle Grenades Availible Gadgets: Covert Modem Availible Items: None Walkthrough: Mission I: Arkangelsk Part ii: Facility Objectives: A) Gain Access To Labratory Area B) Rendevous with 006 C) Destroy bottling tanks D) Contact Double Agent E) Minimize scientist casualties Total Soliders: 49 Availible Weapons: PP7 (Silenced) KF7 Soviet D5K Deutsche DD44 Dostovei Remote Mines Grenades Availible Gadgets: Door Decoder Detonater Availible Items: Keycard A Keycard B Walkthrough: Mission I: Arkangelsk Part iii: Runway Objectives: A) Find ignition key B) Escape in plane C) Destroy Missle Battery D) Destroy Gun Emplacements Total Soldiers: N\A Availible Weapons: PP7 (Silenced) Klobb KF7 Soviet Grenades Timed Mines Tank Availible Gadgets: None Availible Items: None Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) Enemy Rockets Cheat Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************************************************************************* AGENT WALKTHROUGH ************************** *********************************************************************** Note: These aren't going to be totally in-depth unless the level is by some chance hard. It's agent, so it'll be just a quick overview. Mission I: Arkangelsk Part i: Dam Objectives: A) Bungee Jump From Platform Total Soldiers: N\A Availible Weapons: PP7 (Silenced) KF7 Soviet DD44 Dostovei Sniper Rifle Grenades Availible Gadgets: Covert Modem Availible Items: None Walkthrough: Kill the first 5 guards as usual, then take out your rocket launcher, and fire one at the bunker, then one at the crates. Now rush to the tower, kill the guard, go left, and kill the other guard. Open the gates, kill both guards outside, then run to the end. Don't bother with the remaining guards. They won't catch you if you strafe. Mission I: Arkangelsk Part ii: Facility Objectives: A) Gain Access To Labratory Area B) Rendevous with 006 C) Destroy bottling tanks D) Minimize scientist casualties Total Soliders: 49 Availible Weapons: PP7 (Silenced) KF7 Soviet D5K Deutsche DD44 Dostovei Remote Mines Grenades Availible Gadgets: Door Decoder Detonater Availible Items: Keycard A Keycard B Walkthrough: The bathroom should be of little problems to you, so let's skip to the main area. First, take out your PP7, and kill the 2 stationary guards near the back. Also kill the guard that will eventually walk by. Get the keycard, and go back to the area with the railings. Throw a remote mine on the boxes to the left, and one to the right near the room with 2 guards. Now, take out your pp7, and blow up the nearby boxes. Why? There is a KF7 in there which you should fire away with. Guards obviously will run around like mad. Now detonate the mines, and there should be 1-2 guards left in this area. One may be near the boxes in the back area, and another may be walking around somewhere. After that, use your rockets to collect some PP7 and KF7 ammo via the crates. Once that's done, wait for a scientist to get "Keycard A". Kill the 2 guards in the locker room, and the 4 with KF7's coming behind you. QUICKLY open the door, fire a rocket, and run to the left. This will kill all 3 guards, and..maybe a scientist. Don't worry, you can kill one more. Enter the next room, which will be the toughest, although not tough at all ;). Confused? No? Good. Go right, kill both guards with your PP7, then RUN to the right, and fire a rocket at the door. Fire another toards the left area, and run back to the right area of the room. Take out your KF7 (why you got it in the first big room), and kill the remaining 3-4 or so guards that come. Now take out your PP7, and kill the 2 guards in the crates. If you have 45 shots or so left in your KF7, continue, if not, blow up the crates for some ammo. Use your PP7 and kill the 2 stationary guards, then use your KF7 to kill the 2 guards near the pillar, the 2 walking guards, and the 2 at the end. Yet another reason why you needed that KF7, with a PP7, you'd probably be too slow, and with a rocket..well..those aren't a scientist's friend. Now open the last door, and use your 3 mines\rockets to blow up the tanks...and your done! Mission I: Arkangelsk Part iii: Runway Objectives: A) Find ignition key B) Escape in plane Total Soldiers: N\A Availible Weapons: PP7 (Silenced) Klobb KF7 Soviet Grenades Timed Mines Tank Availible Gadgets: None Availible Items: None Walkthrough: Kill the guard at the start, get his rocket launcher, and the grenades. Kill the outside guard, then the 2 in the room. Get all the rocket launchers, and take aim at the guard near the oil barrels, then the one across from him on the right side of the level. Fire a rocket at the first huge gun, then run like hell to the plane. Simple! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) F.A.Q. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Can i get to the dam island without a gameshark? A. No, stop asking. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Is there any use for Oromouv's Briefcase and Key? A. Let me think...No. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) Multiplayer ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************** ***************************** CHARACTERS ****************************** *********************************************************************** Bond Natalya Trevelyan Xenia Ourumov Boris Valentin Mishkin Mayday Jaws Oddjob Baron Samedi Russian Soldier Russian Infantry Scientist 1 Scientist 2 Russian Commandant Janus Marine Naval Officer Helicopter Pilot St. Petersburn Guard Civilian 1 Civilian 2 Civilian 3 Civilian 4 Siberian Guard Arctic Commando Siberian Guard Siberian Special Forces Jungle Commando Janus Special Forces Moonraker Elite 1 Moonraker Elite 2 Rosika Karl Martin Mark Dave Duncan B Steve E Grant Graeme Ken Alan Pete Shaun Dwayne Des Chris Lee Neil Jim Robin Steve H Terrorist Biker Joel Scott Joe Sally Marion Mandy Vivien *********************************************************************** ****************************** LEVELS ********************************* *********************************************************************** Facility: (4 Players Max) ------------------------- Caverns: (3 Players Max) ------------------------ Complex: (3 Players Max) ------------------------ Archives: (3 Players Max) ------------------------- Bunker 2: (3 Players Max) ------------------------- Temple: (4 Players Max) ----------------------- Caves: (4 Players Max) ---------------------- Library: (4 Players Max) ------------------------ Basement: (4 Players Max) ------------------------- Stack: (4 Players Max) ---------------------- Eygyptian: (2 Players Max) -------------------------- *********************************************************************** ****************************** MODES ********************************** *********************************************************************** Normal: ------- It's uh..normal. Your basic playing. Just like one-player, same's..multiplayer ;) Gets boring fast. You Only Live Twice: -------------------- Again, under 'normal' rules. Except this time, you only live twice. Betcha didn't guess that now did ya? The Man With The Golden Gun: ---------------------------- Play by the same rules as Normal . Only this time, there is ONE golden gun in the level. Fun to play with "teams" 3 on gets interesting. The Living Daylights: --------------------- Probably the most popular. This is "flag tag" if you have the flag, and you want it, you run around trying to keep it. Problem is, you can't use weapons. Person who has it longest wins. Addicting, to say the least. License To Kill: ---------------- This is a bit different, and REALLY fun. Any hit is a kill, body armor helps very little. Let me just say that you don't want to play this with RCP-90''s not fun at all ;) IMO Best played in facility or archives. 2 VS. 1: -------- Just like the normal setting, except, obviously, it's 2 on 1. Fun to play around with if the "1" gets +10. 2 VS. 2: -------- 2 on 2 warfare! Best played in facility, or a level where you can try and defend your "base", and attack the others. 3 VS. 1: -------- Fun to play with as well, with +10 for the 1, and him being jaws. Especially if you are using golden gun. Heh..heh... *********************************************************************** ***************************** WEAPONS ********************************* *********************************************************************** Slappers Only: (Weapons: Slappers) ---------------------------------- only get slappers for this one. Fun to do on -4 or -10 sometimes, but i never really got it. Throwing Knives: (Weapons: Throwing Knives) ------------------------------------------- Fun on "realism mode" (-4), and for some reason, i like to play this in caverns or bunker only. Don't ask me why.. Automatics: (Weapons: PP7 (silenced), DD444, Klobb, D5K) -------------------------------------------------------- Probably the most boring selection, more of a default than anything. Really can be played on any level, and ammo is the key in this one. Playable on any health setting too, although i prefer -4. Golden Gun: (Weapons: Golden Gun, PP7 (silenced), DD444, Klobb, KF7) -------------------------------------------------------------------- A pretty fun setting actually. Either play on normal or -4. On normal the advantage obviously goes to the golden gun, but on -4, KF7 users get a little revenge ;). I like to play this on an area where you can use the small scope, like Complex, Facility. Timed Mines: (Weapons: Timed Mines, PP7, ZMG, AR-33) ---------------------------------------------------- I really don't like timed mines, but the other weapons aren't bad. Since it's timed mines, it's best played in a level like caverns, where you won't see one. Play it on any's all the same with mines. Remote Mines: (Weapons: Remote Mines, PP7, ZMG, AR-33) ------------------------------------------------------ This is fun. I like to play in bunker or facility. Or you could play in the ever small archives and really cause some quick deaths. I like to set the health to +4..throw mines everywhere, and take cover ;) Proximity Mines: (Weapons: Proximity Mines, PP7, ZMG, AR-33) ------------------------------------------------------------ Really fun to play with in areas that have doors, or doorways. Can really be played on any level though. Just remember where you put them..or box yourself in like a chicken and snipe people with the AR-33 ;) Grenades: (Weapons: Grenades, KF7, DD44, Klobb) ----------------------------------------------- I like to play in the stack, as those grenades bounce everywhere ;) Get a KF7, some grenades, and you're all set for mayhem. Fun to play with JUST grenades, and health set to -10. Grenade Launchers: (Weapons: Grenade Launchers, KF7, DD44, Klobb) ----------------------------------------------------------------- It doesn't get any better than this...grenades coming out of guns. Fun to play on the complex, facility, or a SMALL level like archives. Just don't bounce one off the wall! Lasers: (Weapons: Military Laser, DD44, Klobb, KF7) --------------------------------------------------- All hail the mighty laser. I like to use the KF7 though, and switch to it while i go for more ammo. Don't forget it's ability to shoot THROUGH walls. Fun to play on complex...or license to kill ;) Pistols: (Weapons: PP7 (silenced), DD44, Cougar Magnum) ------------------------------------------------------- For some reason i LOVE to play this setting on archives. Or you can go with license to kill, and use the PP7 to wreck havoc. Another cool thing is to wait for people behind doors with a magnum..ouch. Rockets: (Weapons: Rocket Launcher, KF7, Klobb, DD44) ----------------------------------------------------- Most fun to play in a big level like bunker. I prefer KF7 though, if you can get a good spot. Fun to play on +10 setting, as explosions are violent and often. Power Weapons: (Weapons: DD44, Cougar Magnum, Shotgun, RCP-90) -------------------------------------------------------------- The DD44 is a POWER weapon? haha...go for the almighty on +10....and outlaw body armor..because well...that would take forever! Fun to play on Complex. Or play "forts" on facility... Sniper Rifles: (Weapons: Klobb, DD44, Sniper Rifle, Cougar Magnum) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Really fun to play with...only problem is, the only level worth playing on is Complex. MAYBE the eygptian level, but it's just not the same. 1 on 1 sniping is fun, especially with no radar, and -10. Realism mode(-4) is cool too! *********************************************************************** ***************************** HEALTH ********************************** *********************************************************************** +10 (Rookie) ...and this to people who've never played a game in their life! +4 (Novice) I give this to people new to the 64... +3 (Novice) I give this to my friends just starting out. +2 (Novice) I give this to my freinds new to the game, but pretty good at other games. +1 (Novice) Barely noticable at all, won't help much. Give this to someone to give them a fake sense of safety. 0 (Normal) Your basic health setting. Use this if you are just starting out. -1 (Vetran) Pretty useless. It isn't noticable at all, and can be given to those that feel are better than you. -2 (Vetran) You'll notice the difference on this one if you get into a brawl with 3 other normal players. This is only for the sneaky... -3 (Vetran) Basically the same as -2, except die quicker ;) -4 (Vetran) On this, basically everyone is using a silver pp7. If you get hit in the head, your screwed. But you can survive a leg or arm shot. 2 max though, if your lucky. -10 (Hero) Even the best player won't survive long on this setting. You better have the golden gun if you're on -10. *********************************************************************** ************************* ADVANCED TACTICS **************************** *********************************************************************** General: (2-4 Players Max) -------------------------- Facility: (4 Players Max) ------------------------- Caverns: (3 Players Max) ------------------------ Complex: (3 Players Max) ------------------------ Archives: (3 Players Max) ------------------------- Bunker 2: (3 Players Max) ------------------------- Temple: (4 Players Max) ----------------------- Caves: (4 Players Max) ---------------------- Library: (4 Players Max) ------------------------ Basement: (4 Players Max) ------------------------- Stack: (4 Players Max) ---------------------- Eygyptian: (2 Players Max) -------------------------- *********************************************************************** ******************************* AWARDS ******************************** *********************************************************************** Most Honorable: --------------- You basically get into 1 on 1 face fights. Not exactly a good award to get, unless you are playing against someone worse than you. Most Dis-Honorable: ------------------- I get this one alot. You'll get this if you sneak behind someone and shoot them in the back alot. People that win usually get this one. Most Deadly: ------------ Obviously, you get this when you kill the most people. Most Professional: ------------------ I get this one probably the most. You were accurate and made many head, and neck shots. Usually goes with Most Dishonorable, and marksmanship award. Longest Innings: ---------------- I'll get this alot too. You survived the longest on average. Usually is given along with most frantic award. Shortest Innings: ----------------- The person who lasts the shortest on average per life. Obviously not a good one to get. Marksmanship Award: ------------------- Most accurate player throughout the match. Sometimes you get this along with Most Dishonorable. Another good one to get, that i get alot. Where's The Ammo?: ------------------ Obviously, if you get this, you lost bigtime. You collected the least ammo. Where's The Armor?: ------------------- Do i need to explain this one? You collected the least armor. AC-10 Award: ------------ You got shot the least and collected the most body armor. A VERY Rare award, in my opinion. Most Frantic: ------------- Another one i get alot. This means you ran around alot, either hunting people down, or running for your life. People that get this usually also get longest innings. Double Kill: ------------ You get lucky and killed two people at once with mines, rockets, or grenades. Triple Kill: ------------ You get _very_ lucky and kill three people at once with mines, rockets, or grenades. Lemming Award: -------------- Probably the funniest award. This goes to the goon that killed THEMSELF the most during play. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) The 23 cheats ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************** ***************************** TIME CHEATS ***************************** *********************************************************************** Key: ---- Level: Cheat Difficulty: 1-20 Time: ### Difficulty Level: Agent, Secret, 00 Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dam: Paintball Mode Difficulty: 6 Time: 2:40 Difficulty Level: Secret Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Facility: Invincibility Difficulty: 20 Time: 2:05 Difficulty Level: 00 Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Runway: DK Mode Difficulty: 1 Time: 5:00 Difficulty Level: Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Surface: 2X Grenade Launchers Difficulty: 7 Time: 4:30 Difficulty Level: Secret Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bunker: 2X Rocket Launchers Difficulty: 14 Time: 4:00 Difficulty Level: 00 Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Silo: Turbo Mode Difficulty: 9 Time: 3:00 Difficulty Level: Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Frigate: No Radar (Multi) Difficulty: 8 Time: 4:30 Difficulty Level: Secret Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Surface 2: Tiny Bond Difficulty: 10 Time: 4:15 Difficulty Level: 00 Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bunker 2: 2X Throwing Knives Difficulty: 2 Time: 1:30 Difficulty Level: Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Statue: Fast Animation Difficulty: 5 Time: 3:15 Difficulty Level: Secret Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Archives: Invisibility Difficulty: 19 Time: 1:20 Difficulty Level: 00 Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Streets: Enemy Rockets Difficulty: 4 Time: 1:45 Difficulty Level: Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot: Slow Animation Difficulty: 13 Time: 1:40 Difficulty Level: Secret Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Train: Silver PP7 Difficulty: 18 Time: 5:30 Difficulty Level: 00 Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jungle: 2X Hunting Knives Difficulty: 11 Time: 3:45 Difficulty Level: Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Control: Infinite Ammo Difficulty: 15 Time: 10:00 Difficulty Level: Secret Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Caverns: 2X RCP-90 Difficulty: 19 Time: 9:00 Difficulty Level: 00 Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cradle: Gold PP7 Difficulty: 12 Time: 2:45 Difficulty Level: Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Aztec: 2X Military Laser Difficulty: 16 Time: 9:30 Difficulty Level: Secret Agent Walkthrough: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Egyptian: All Guns Difficulty: 3 Time: 6:00 Difficulty Level: 00 Agent Walkthrough: *********************************************************************** ************************** COMPLETION CHEATS ************************** *********************************************************************** Cougar Magnum - Cradle ---------------------- Complete the cradle in ANY time, on ANY difficulty setting. Military Laser - Aztec ---------------------- Complete the Aztec level in ANY time, on the SECRET AGENT difficulty setting. Golden Gun - Eygptian --------------------- Complete the Eygptian level in ANY time, on the 00 AGENT difficulty setting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11) Secrets, Easter Eggs, and other odd things ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************** *************************** CODES AND HINTS *************************** *********************************************************************** Activate Bond Invisible Cheat ----------------------------- This cheat must be entered on the cheat menu. If it is enterd correctly,you will here a beep. Than exit the cheat menu than return to the cheat meanu and you will have the Bond Invisible cheat. L Button+R Button+C-Left L Button+R Button+C-Down L Button+C-Left R Button+C-Left R Button+Right L Button+R Button+Left L Button+Right Left L Button+R Button+C-Left L Button+Down Armor in the Streets -------------------- In the 00 Agent version of "Streets" you can find Armor and a Grenade launcher. Make your way to the building where you meet Valentine. Now take a couple of steps outside, turn left, and head for a broken window. Go inside and you'll find some much needed supplies. Bonus Characters in Multiplayer Mode ------------------------------------ To get even more people in multiplayer mode like the game designers, bike rider, and the terrorist follow the directions below. This code is complicated, but the effect is worth it. You can do this code anywhere, but it's best to do it on the Multi-Player Character Select screen while looking at the last available character (Mishkin or Moonraker Elite.) Hold L + R and press C-Left. Hold L and press C-Up. Hold L + R and press LEFT on the Control Pad (not the analog stick.) Hold L and press RIGHT on the Control Pad. Hold R and press DOWN on the Control Pad. Hold L + R and press C-Left. Hold L and press C-Up. Hold L + R and press RIGHT on the Control Pad. Hold L + R and press C-Down. Hold L and press RIGHT on the Control Pad. If that doesn't work, hold L and press DOWN on the Control Pad. Note: This code has been confirmed by our staff. If you have trouble then you are either entering it wrong or you have a different version of the game. It may have been removed when GoldenEye 007 was re-released. Bonus Weapons ------------- For bonus weapons, complete any of the levels below. Weapon Level Magnum Antenna Cradle Laser Aztec Complex Golden Gun Egyptian Temple Cheat Options ------------- GoldenEye 007 has a built-in Cheat Options menu with nearly two dozen codes that are automatically activated when you meet certain objectives. These codes can only be accessed by completing certain levels in the times shown below.

For example, to enable Paintball Mode you must beat Level 1 in 2 minutes and 40 seconds or less at the Secret Agent difficulty. Level 1: Dam Paintball Mode Secret Agent 2:40 Level 2: Facility Invincibility 00 Agent 2:05 Level 3: Runway DK (Big Head) Agent 5:00 Level 4: Surface 1 2x Grenade Launcher Secret Agent 3:30 Level 5: Bunker 1 Rocket Launcher 00 Agent 4:00 Level 6: Silo Turbo Mode Agent 3:00 Level 7: Frigate No Radar (Multi) Secret Agent 4:30 Level 8: Surface 2 Tiny Bond 00 Agent 4:15 Level 9: Bunker 2 2x Throwing Knives Agent 1:30 Level 10: Statue Fast Animation Secret Agent 3:15 Level 11: Archives Invisibility 00 Agent 1:20 Level 12: Streets Enemy Rockets Agent 1:45 Level 13: Depot Slow Animation Secret Agent 1:30 Level 14: Train Silver PP7 00 Agent 5:25 Level 15: Jungle 2x Hunting Knives Agent 3:45 Level 16: Control Infinite Ammo Secret Agent 10:00 Level 17: Caverns 2x RC-P90s 00 Agent 9:30 Level 18: Cradle Gold PP7 Agent 2:15 Level 19: Aztec 2x Lasers Secret Agent 9:00 Level 20: Egyptian All Guns 00 Agent 6:00 Double Assault Rifles --------------------- In the caverns stage, there is a box in the right corner of the room where you contact Jack Wade. If you shoot this box then a smaller one inside of it appears. Keep shooting the smaller boxes until you see two monitors. If you shoot the monitors they each give you an Assault Rifle. Now you have two AR33's, making your shooting ablity twice as powerful! Double Assault Rifles --------------------- In the caverns stage, there is a box in the right corner of the room where you contact Jack Wade. If you shoot this box then a smaller one inside of it appears. Keep shooting the smaller boxes until you see two monitors. If you shoot the monitors they each give you an Assault Rifle. Now you have two AR33's, making your shooting ablity twice as powerful! Submitted by Scott Petrie and Michael Graham Double Gun Zoom --------------- To zoom with guns without sniper sights, mix a gun with a weapon that has a sniper sight. Double Trouble -------------- This trick lets players 2, 3, and 4 play as the same character. Here's what to do: Select MULTIPLAYER and choose a 4-player game. Choose the character you wish to multiply as player 4. Don't start the game! Select a 3-player game and set player #3 to the same person you used for #4. Now select a 2-player game and set player #2 to the same person you used for #4. To finish, choose a 3 or 4-player game and start playing. If you did it right, players 2, 3 and 4 will be the same person. Extra Tank Shells ----------------- When you're in a tank, throw a mine, then quickly switch weapons to the tank shells. If you were fast enough you'll gain a shell. Extra Time in the Train ----------------------- In the train, when you reach the last car, stand on the right side so that Ourumov is directly in front of Xenia. Shoot Ourumov and then keep shooting after he falls and try to hit Xenia. If you do hit her, she will say, "Wait for me Alec, I'm hit." Alec won't tell you that you've got a minute to escape until you're about half way through with the floor panel, giving you lots of time to finish it. This will also give Natalya more time to find Boris if you're in Secret Agent or 00 Agent Mode. Fire Two Different Guns ----------------------- Get a double weapon and hold the aim button and fire the LEFT gun only. Reload. While it is reloading change your weapon forward and press fire quickly. The two different weapons should fire together and you have a set of different guns. Flaming Bond ------------ This code requires that you have the invincibility cheat. Go to the Silo level with invincible Bond on. Select the plastique explosives from your watch and throw it on the wall. Now, shoot the explosives with your gun. Wherever you run, the explosions will follow you and kill everything in your path. Floating Players ---------------- In Multiplayer Mode, choose Facility and start the game. See if anyone has started in the ventilation shaft. If they haven't, kill someone until they do. Have another player go to the stall with the ventilation shaft above it, walk in, and look up. Now the player in the ventilation shaft should go to the hole over the stall and move slowly towards it until his view zooms down. The player in the stall should be able to see the other player directly above him, floating in midair! Floating Weapons ---------------- Start a multiplayer game in the library using any sort of mine. Place your mines on one of the windows or glass walls and shoot the glass. The window will shatter, but the mine will remain in the air, making it harder to see. Want something fancier? Go to multiplayer and choose remote mines and the bunker stage. When you start, go to the main control room (the room with the huge computer screen) and collect some mines (there are some up the stairs to your right.) Once that's done, stand under the monitors that are hanging from the ceiling and try to place one mine on each. You don't have to have one on each; just enough to destroy them all. Back off and detonate the mines, go back up to where you found the remote mines before and recollect them. Next, go to the pole-like stucture next to the stairs and try to attach a mine to it. Nothing will happen, but when you back up the mine will be hanging in midair, as will all subsequent mines until you end the game. Have a blast! Flying Bond ----------- Enable the TINY BOND code, then go to the bunker. When you are about to exit, crawl (or kneel), then walk back down the stairs. You won't go down the stairs -- instead you'll be floating in midair! To do this in the Facility, go to the large room where the small gas tanks are. At the entrance there should two doors. Go throuh them and you should be in the room that was described above. Go to the side of the room to your left where to flights of stairs are facing each other. Go up one of them and turn around so that you are facing the other flight of stairs. Then kneel down and slowly walk foward. Get Back in the Vent -------------------- To get back in the vent in the Facility, stand on the toilet that is under the vent. Then hold Left C until your player ducks, then press and hold R, and left on the control stick. When your player returns to the vent, release C and R and press forward on the control stick. This can be used in Mission Mode and in multiplayer. If you are using proximity mines in multiplayer, plant some in the vent. If someone starts up there, they won't be able to escape without being killed! Gold PP7 Cheat -------------- Go to the cheat menu and enter this code. You will hear a sound. When you exit, then re-enter the menu, the code will be there. L Button + R Button + Right L Button + R Button + Down L Button + Up L Button + R Button + Down C-Up R Button + Up L Button + R Button + Right L Button + Left Down L Button + C-Down Golden Gun Room --------------- When you enter the Golden Gun room on the Egyptian level, do this. Step on the first lit block, then go Left 2, Up 2, Right 3, Up 2, Left 1, Up 1, Left 1, Up 2, and Right 1. After you get to the case in the middle of the room the bullet proof glass lowers and you can pick up the Golden Gun and some ammo. If you look down it makes the whole process easier. Hidden Weapons on the Train --------------------------- Kill everybody in the first car. Walk towards the brake levers and you'll find two crates. Shoot them to reveal an RC-P90 or DD4 which will make your job MUCH easier. Invisibility in Multiplayer -------------------------- During gameplay hit: L Button + C-Up L Button + R Button + C-Left R Button + Up L Button + C-Right R Button + C-Left L Button + Right L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + C-Right L Button + Up L Button + R Button + C-Down Invisible Mines --------------- In multiplayer mode select remote mines. Throw some on an ammo box then pick up the box. The mines appear to be gone but press your watch and ... BOOM! For a sneakier kill, choose Proximity mines. Find any ammo box and look down at it when you pick it up. Then lay a mine right where the box used to be. In a short time the box will come back covering the mine until someone picks up the box then BOOM! Line Mode --------- During gameplay hit: R Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Down L Button + Right R Button + C-Up L Button + R Button + C-Right R Button + Up L Button + Down L Button + Right R Button + C-Left R Button + C-Up Mad Scientists -------------- To get a scientist angry in Secret Agent or 007 Mode, shoot him twice but try not to kill him. If you can do this he will pull out a DD4 and some of them even have hand grenades! Maximum Ammunition (not infinite) --------------------------------- During gameplay hit: L Button + R Button + C-Right R Button + Up R Button + Down R Button + Down L Button + R Button + C-Right L Button + R Button + Left R Button + Down R Button + Up L Button + R Button + C-Right R Button + Left More Ammo in Multiplayer Mode ----------------------------- Start any level in Multiplayer mode. When you get a weapon go find an ammo box and shoot it until it splits in two. This will not work on all the boxes and with explosives. Movie Cover ----------- To see the movie cover of goldeneye, go to the bunker 2. When you get the CCVV tape, hit START and go down your list of stuff until you come to the tape. Push START twice. This time on your watch should be a picture of GoldenEye the movie! No Radar Cheat in Multi-player ------------------------------ Go to the cheat menu and enter this code. You will hear a sound. When you exit, then re-enter the menu, the code will be there. R Button + Up C-Down C-Left C-Up L Button + Down R Button + Up C-Left Right R Button + Left R Button + Right Paintball Cheat --------------- Go to the cheat menu and enter this code. You will hear a sound. When you exit, then re-enter the menu, the code will be there. R Button + Right L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + Up R Button + C-Down L Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Up L Button + C-Down Rapid Fire ---------- Did you know that if you have a slow-firing weapon, like a PP7 or a Magnum, you can get the shots to go faster. All you need to do is fully load your gun, you don't have to, but it gives you more rapid shots, hold Z then after the first fire, hold A (while still holding Z) and your fireing faster! Run Faster ---------- Want to run faster in GoldenEye? No problem: when you run diagonally (e.g hold 2-C-buttons at once and look 40 degrees to the right/left) you run faster. It's just the thing to shave off those extra seconds for those time-activated cheats. Shoot Tank Shells From Your Head -------------------------------- This glitch will only work in the tank levels (Streets or Runway). You also need to switch the infinite ammo code on. Go to the tank and climb on top. Switch your weapon to the one immediately before the tank shells. Then, while switching to the tank shells, jump off the tank. If you did it right, Bond's weapon will still be switched to tank shells. Silver PP7 Cheat ---------------- Go to the cheat menu and enter this code. You will hear a sound. When you exit, then re-enter the menu, the code will be there. L Button + Left L Button + R Button + Up L Button + Right L Button + R Button + Up L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + Left L Button + R Button + Down C-Down L Button + R Button + Right L Button + R Button + Left Slow Animation Cheat -------------------- Go to the cheat menu and enter this code. You will hear a sound. When you exit, then re-enter the menu, the code will be there. L Button + R Button + Left L Button + R Button + Left L Button + R Button + Down L Button + R Button + Left C-Right L Button + R Button +Down L Button + R Button + Down L Button + Down C-Left C-Up Tank Cruise Control ------------------- On the tank levels (Runway and Streets), you can put your tank on cruise control. Simply push the stick forward a bit to move the tank forward ever so slowly. Any tank speed will work, but if it's moving slow you can aim easier. With the stick forward,hold down the aiming button and Voila! You can now let go of the gas. the tank will continue to movve forward and you can now swing the turret around and blast away!!! Throwing Knives --------------- The throwing knives mentioned in the manual are hidden in Bunker 2. When you start the level, use the magnetic watch to get the cell key. After you've escaped your cell and killed the guard, look for a framed hole to the right of your jail cell. Use the magnetic watch on the hole to retrieve the knives. Tiny Bond Cheat --------------- Go to the cheat menu and enter this code. You will hear a sound. When you exit, then re-enter the menu, the code will be there. L Button + R Button + Down R Button + Down L Button + C-Down Left R Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + C-Down Right Down R Button + C-Down R Button + Right Turbo Mode Cheat ---------------- Go to the cheat menu and enter this code. You will hear a sound. When you exit, then re-enter the menu, the code will be there. L Button + Down L Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Up R Button + C-Down Left R Button + Down L Button + C-Down Up R Button + Down L Button + Right Unlock all levels ----------------- These codes are done in the mission select screen: Unlock Facility L Button + R Button + C-Up R Button + C-Left L Button + Left R Button + C-Up L Button + Left R Button + C-Down L Button + C-Right R Button + Right L Button + R Button + C-Up L Button + Right Unlock Runway L Button + R Button + Left R Button + Left L Button + C-Up L Button + Left R Button + C-Up R Button + C-Down R Button +C-Right R Button + Right L Button + Down R Button + C-Left Unlock Surface I R Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + C-Up L Button + Left R Button + Up R Button + Left L Button + Up R Button + C-Down L Button + Right L Button +C-Right L Button + R Button + Down Unlock Bunker I L Button + C-Down R Button + Right L Button + C-Right R Button + C-Left L Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Left L Button + C-Right L Button + R Button + Up R Button + C-Right L Button + Up Unlock Silo L Button + Up R Button + C-Down L Button + Left R Button + Down L Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + C-Right L Button + C-Up R Button + Right R Button + Right R Button +C-Right Unlock Frigate R Button + C-Up L Button + Down R Button + C-Right L Button + Left L Button + R Button + Up L Button + R Button + C-Down R Button + C-Right R Button + Up L Button + R Button + C-Down R Button + Up Unlock Surface 2 L Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + C-Right R Button + C-Right R Button + C-Up R Button + C-Left L Button + Right L Button + R Button + C-Up L Button + C-Up L Button + R Button + Down L Button + C-Right Unlock Bunker 2 L Button + Down R Button + Down L Button + R Button + C-Up L Button + Left L Button + R Button + Right L Button + C-Left R Button + Right L Button + C-Up L Button + Left L Button + C-Down Unlock Statue L Button + R Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + C-Down L Button + Right L Button + R Button + Left R Button + Left R Button + C-Right L Button + R Button + Left R Button + C-Up R Button + C-Down R Button + Right Unlock Archives R Button + Left L Button + R Button + Up L Button + R Button + C-Down R Button + Left L Button + R Button + C-Right L Button + Left L Button + R Button + Right L Button + R Button + C-Down L Button + Up R Button + C-Down Unlock Streets L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + C-Right L Button + Up L Button + R Button + C-Down R Button + C-Right R Button + C-Down R Button + Left R Button + C-Down R Button + C-Up L Button + Down Unlock Depot L Button + Down L Button + Down R Button + C-Down L Button + C-Right L Button + R Button + Right R Button + C-Left L Button + Down L Button + C-Left L Button + C-Right L Button + Up Unlock Train R Button + Left R Button + C-Down R Button + C-Right L Button + R Button + Left L Button + Right R Button + C-Down L Button + Left L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + Up L Button + C-Up Unlock Jungle R Button + C-Down R Button + Left L Button + R Button + Up R Button + Right R Button + Down R Button + Down R Button + Up R Button + C-Left R Button + C-Up L Button + R Button + Left Unlock Control Center L Button + C-Down R Button + Down L Button + Right R Button + C-Right R Button + C-Down R Button + Left R Button + Left R Button + C-Up R Button + Left L Button + R Button + C-Up Unlock Caverns L Button + Down R Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Up L Button + Right R Button + C-Up R Button + C-Left R Button + Up L Button + C-Left L Button + Up R Button + C-Left Unlock Cradle L Button + R Button + C-Up L Button + Left R Button + Down L Button + Down L Button + C-Up L Button + Down R Button + Right R Button + C-Up L Button + C-Left R Button + Right Use a Weapon in Flag Tag ------------------------ Start a game of Flag Tag with Sniper Rifles as the weapon. Just before you pick up the flag, switch to the butt of the sniper rifle, then hold the ATTACK button as you run over the flag. As long as you don't release it you'll be able to attack people while carrying the flag. *********************************************************************** ******************************* SECRETS ******************************* *********************************************************************** Complex ------- - This level has a lot of secrets! The secrets don't have anything inside them, they're just some hiding points. You don't need to push B to open these secrets, just walk right through the wall. There is one in the room with a lot of white pillars, it is in front of an entrance. Another secret is located in the first floor, on the room with 5 exits, and a big hole on the floor, it's on a corner. There is another secret located in a room that is connected to the room described above, with kind of a balcony that has a body armour underneath it. The secret is on one of the balcony's corners. Near the place with the blue light there is a platform with a hole that makes a triangle, just pass through the vents in the opposite side. The last secret is on the room with 2 ramps, you can go through the wall near the ventilation pipe. Archives -------- - I've found two secrets in this level, they are all in the first floor. On the place with three cabins (those wood things with a lot of glass) go to the door that can't be opened, while facing the door make a 45 degrees turn to your left and push B to open the hidden door. There you'll find the best weapon from those you chose, the opposite wall to the hidden door is also a door. The second secret is located near the place with two cabins. Just push the wall outside the cabins that has no posters on it. In the secret there is a body armour waiting for you. As the other secret this also has a back door. These secrets are very useful because this way you won't get trapped in a dead end and you can surprise your enemy by sneaking on his back. These secrets are also in the 1 player mode. Facility -------- - Did you know that there is a scientist that has a clearance A security card in this level? With this card you can open all doors, except the one that needs a decoder. It's not easy to find him, I only found him twice. The first time I found him at the place with a lot of scientists, and the second time I was in the bathroom playing with the guards and their hats, when for my surprise he entered the bathroom by himself! I received an email telling me that if you stay in the bathroom for about 10 minutes, the scientist will appear. Yet another email about the scientist, this with more precise information: The scientist "can be found easily within 2 minutes. Just destroy the computer console opening the first locked door. After that he comes from the end of the level through the door you cannot open then. Later he can be found behind the first door in the bathroom. "How to get back in the vent: Go in the stall below the vent, turn so you are facing the door. Now back up all the way, and strafe left all the way. Now hold R to aim, press and hold C-left (the short strafe meant for peeking around corners), and then hold the control stick left all the way. You will end up turning around about half way and then suddenly popping up into the vent, then you should move back into it a bit immediately because you might fall out. Stack & Library --------------- - I don't really know if someone can miss this but the walls that are slightly lighter are doors. Water Caverns ------------- - In 1 player mode you can race 006 through the whole level. To do so, at the beginning open the elevator doors and start running. Don't give up if you can't get passed the first doors before him, keep on running, you can catch him later at the big ramp. It's fun to see 006 run the hole level. Egyptian Temple --------------- - Did you know that this level has another name? It is also called Crypt. You can check it in your watch, in the objectives screen. *********************************************************************** **************************** GAME CODES ******************************* *********************************************************************** See above section in codes and hints for the codes. Enter them in-game for a temporary fix or on the cheat menu for a lasting effect. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) Gameshark Codes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Be warned, there are a TON of them. Archives, Cavern, Cradle & Eqyptian Level Codes ----------------------------------------------- Infinite Health 810CCC3C 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-Hit Death 810CCC3C 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Armor D0064F30 0020 810CCC40 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- No Armor D0064F30 0020 810CCC40 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Right Gun) 800CD3FF 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Right Gun) 800CD3F0 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800CD3E9 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Right Gun) 800CD3D3 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800CD3F1 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuous Fire (Right Gun) 800CD3DC 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Hand/Gun (Right Hand/Gun) 800CD3B9 00F7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cant Fire Weapon (Right Gun) 800CD3F5 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Left Gun) 800CD7A7 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Left Gun) 800CD798 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800CD791 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Left Gun) 800CD77B 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800CD799 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Earthquake Modifier 800CD333 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Distortion Mode Vision 800CD350 0003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoot Through Most Stuff 800CD784 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Have All Weapons 800CDD4C 0007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Epileptic Bond (No Hand & Quick Gun Change) 800CD3F1 000B ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Only Gun in Left Hand Shows up 800CD3F0 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Odd Colored Arm/Hand 800CD3C4 0002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper Rifle Zoom x2 800CDBE4 003F Aztec Level Codes ----------------- Infinite Health 810B003C 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-Hit Death 810B003C 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Armor D0064F30 0020 810B0040 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- No Armor D0064F30 0020 810B0040 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Right Gun) 800B07FF 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Right Gun) 800B07F0 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800B07E9 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Right Gun) 800B07D3 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800B07F1 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuous Fire (Right Gun) 800B07DC 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Hand/Gun (Right Hand/Gun) 800B07B9 00F7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cant Fire Weapon (Right Gun) 800B07F5 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Left Gun) 800B0BA7 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Left Gun) 800B0B98 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800B0B91 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Left Gun) 800B0B7B 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800B0B99 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Earthquake Modifier 800B0733 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Distortion Mode Vision 800B0750 0003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoot Through Most Stuff 800B0B84 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Have All Weapons 800B114C 0007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Epileptic Bond (No Hand & Quick Gun Change) 800B07F1 000B ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Only Gun in Left Hand Shows up 800B07F0 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Odd Colored Arm/Hand 800B07C4 0002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper Rifle Zoom x2 800B0FE4 003F Bunker A, Bunker B & Silo Level Codes ------------------------------------- Infinite Health 810B3C3C 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-Hit Death 810B3C3C 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Armor D0064F30 0020 810B3C40 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- No Armor D0064F30 0020 810B3C40 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Right Gun) 800B43FF 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Right Gun) 800B43F0 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800B43E9 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Right Gun) 800B43D3 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800B43F1 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuous Fire (Right Gun) 800B43DC 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Hand/Gun (Right Hand/Gun) 800B43B9 00F7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cant Fire Weapon (Right Gun) 800B43F5 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Left Gun) 800B47A7 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Left Gun) 800B4798 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800B4791 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Left Gun) 800B477B 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800B4799 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Earthquake Modifier 800B4333 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Distortion Mode Vision 800B4350 0003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoot Through Most Stuff 800B4784 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Have All Weapons 800B4D4C 0007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Epileptic Bond (No Hand & Quick Gun Change) 800B43F1 000B ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Only Gun in Left Hand Shows up 800B43F0 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Odd Colored Arm/Hand 800B43C4 0002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper Rifle Zoom x2 800B4BE4 003F Dam Level Codes --------------- Infinite Health 810D303C 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-Hit Death 810D303C 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Armor D0064F30 0020 810D3040 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- No Armor D0064F30 0020 810D3040 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Right Gun) 800D37FF 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Right Gun) 800D37F0 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800D37E9 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Right Gun) 800D37D3 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800D37F1 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuous Fire (Right Gun) 800D37DC 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Hand/Gun (Right Hand/Gun) 800D37B9 00F7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cant Fire Weapon (Right Gun) 800D37F5 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Left Gun) 800D3BA7 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Left Gun) 800D3B98 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800D3B91 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Left Gun) 800D3B7B 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800D3B99 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Earthquake Modifier 800D3733 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Distortion Mode Vision 800D3750 0003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoot Through Most Stuff 800D3B84 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Have All Weapons 800D414C 0007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Epileptic Bond (No Hand & Quick Gun Change) 800D37F1 000B ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Only Gun in Left Hand Shows up 800D37F0 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Odd Colored Arm/Hand 800D37C4 0002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper Rifle Zoom x2 800D3FE4 003F Facility Level Codes -------------------- Infinite Health 810B643C 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-Hit Death 810B643C 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Armor D0064F30 0020 810B6440 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- No Armor D0064F30 0020 810B6440 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Right Gun) 800B6BFF 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Right Gun) 800B6BF0 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800B6BE9 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Right Gun) 800B6BD3 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800B6BF1 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuous Fire (Right Gun) 800B6BDC 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Hand/Gun (Right Hand/Gun) 800B6BB9 00F7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cant Fire Weapon (Right Gun) 800B6BF5 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Left Gun) 800B6FA7 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Left Gun) 800B6F98 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800B6F91 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Left Gun) 800B6F7B 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800B6F99 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Earthquake Modifier 800B6B33 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Distortion Mode Vision 800B6B50 0003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoot Through Most Stuff 800B6F84 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Have All Weapons 800B754C 0007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Epileptic Bond (No Hand & Quick Gun Change) 800B6BF1 000B ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Only Gun in Left Hand Shows up 800B6BF0 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Odd Colored Arm/Hand 800B6BC4 0002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper Rifle Zoom x2 800B73E4 003F Frigate Level Codes ------------------- Infinite Health 810C683C 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-Hit Death 810C683C 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Armor D0064F30 0020 810C6840 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- No Armor D0064F30 0020 810C6840 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Right Gun) 800C6FFF 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Right Gun) 800C6FF0 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800C6FE9 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Right Gun) 800C6FD3 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800C6FF1 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuous Fire (Right Gun) 800C6FDC 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Hand/Gun (Right Hand/Gun) 800C6FB9 00F7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cant Fire Weapon (Right Gun) 800C6FF5 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Left Gun) 800C73A7 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Left Gun) 800C7398 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800C7391 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Left Gun) 800C737B 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800C7399 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Earthquake Modifier 800C6F33 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Distortion Mode Vision 800C6F50 0003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoot Through Most Stuff 800C7384 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Have All Weapons 800C794C 0007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Epileptic Bond (No Hand & Quick Gun Change) 800C6FF1 000B ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Only Gun in Left Hand Shows up 800C6FF0 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Odd Colored Arm/Hand 800C6FC4 0002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper Rifle Zoom x2 800C77E4 003F Runway, Surface A & Depot Level Codes ------------------------------------- Infinite Health 810D943C 3F80 810D944E 0000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-Hit Death 810D943C 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Armor D0064F30 0020 810D9440 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- No Armor D0064F30 0020 810D9440 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Right Gun) 800D9BFF 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Right Gun) 800D9BF0 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800D9BE9 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Right Gun) 800D9BD3 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800D9BF1 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuous Fire (Right Gun) 800D9BDC 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Hand/Gun (Right Hand/Gun) 800D9BB9 00F7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cant Fire Weapon (Right Gun) 800D9BF5 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Left Gun) 800D9FA7 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Left Gun) 800D9F98 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800D9F91 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Left Gun) 800D9F7B 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800D9F99 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Earthquake Modifier 800D9B33 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Distortion Mode Vision 800D9B50 0003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoot Through Most Stuff 800D9F84 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Have All Weapons 800DA54C 0007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Epileptic Bond (No Hand & Quick Gun Change) 800D9BF1 000B ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Only Gun in Left Hand Shows up 800D9BF0 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Odd Colored Arm/Hand 800D9BC4 0002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper Rifle Zoom x2 800DA3E4 003F Statue Level Codes ------------------ Infinite Health 810C543C 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-Hit Death 810C543C 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Armor D0064F30 0020 810C5440 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- No Armor D0064F30 0020 810C5440 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Right Gun) 800C5BFF 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Right Gun) 800C5BF0 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800C5BE9 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Right Gun) 800C5BD3 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800C5BF1 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuous Fire (Right Gun) 800C5BDC 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Hand/Gun (Right Hand/Gun) 800C5BB9 00F7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cant Fire Weapon (Right Gun) 800C5BF5 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Left Gun) 800C5FA7 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Left Gun) 800C5F98 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800C5F91 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Left Gun) 800C5F7B 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800C5F99 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Earthquake Modifier 800C5B33 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Distortion Mode Vision 800C5B50 0003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoot Through Most Stuff 800C5F84 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Have All Weapons 800C654C 0007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Epileptic Bond (No Hand & Quick Gun Change) 800C5BF1 000B ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Only Gun in Left Hand Shows up 800C5BF0 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Odd Colored Arm/Hand 800C5BC4 0002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper Rifle Zoom x2 800C63E4 003F Streets Level Codes ------------------- Infinite Health 810D6C3C 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-Hit Death 810D6C3C 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Armor D0064F30 0020 810D6C40 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- No Armor D0064F30 0020 810D6C40 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Right Gun) 800D73FF 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Right Gun) 800D73F0 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800D73E9 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Right Gun) 800D73D3 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800D73F1 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuous Fire (Right Gun) 800D73DC 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Hand/Gun (Right Hand/Gun) 800D73B9 00F7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cant Fire Weapon (Right Gun) 800D73F5 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Left Gun) 800D77A7 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Left Gun) 800D7798 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800D7791 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Left Gun) 800D777B 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800D7799 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Earthquake Modifier 800D7333 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Distortion Mode Vision 800D7350 0003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoot Through Most Stuff 800D7784 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Have All Weapons 800D7D4C 0007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Epileptic Bond (No Hand & Quick Gun Change) 800D73F1 000B ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Only Gun in Left Hand Shows up 800D73F0 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Odd Colored Arm/Hand 800D73C4 0002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper Rifle Zoom x2 800D7BE4 003F Surface B Level Codes --------------------- Infinite Health 810E5C3C 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-Hit Death 810E5C3C 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Armor D0064F30 0020 810E5C40 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- No Armor D0064F30 0020 810E5C40 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Right Gun) 800E63FF 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Right Gun) 800E63F0 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800E63E9 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Right Gun) 800E63D3 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800E63F1 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuous Fire (Right Gun) 800E63DC 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Hand/Gun (Right Hand/Gun) 800E63B9 00F7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cant Fire Weapon (Right Gun) 800E63F5 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Left Gun) 800E67A7 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Left Gun) 800E6798 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800E6791 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Left Gun) 800E677B 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800E6799 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Earthquake Modifier 800E6333 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Distortion Mode Vision 800E6350 0003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoot Through Most Stuff 800E6784 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Have All Weapons 800E6D4C 0007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Epileptic Bond (No Hand & Quick Gun Change) 800E63F1 000B ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Only Gun in Left Hand Shows up 800E63F0 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Odd Colored Arm/Hand 800E63C4 0002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper Rifle Zoom x2 800E6BE4 003F Train, Jungle & Control Center Level Codes ------------------------------------------ Infinite Health 810C043C 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-Hit Death 810C043C 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Armor 0064F30 0020 810C0440 3F80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- No Armor D0064F30 0020 810C0440 3C80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Right Gun) 800C0BFF 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Right Gun) 800C0BF0 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800C0BE9 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Right Gun) 800C0BD3 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Right Gun) 800C0BF1 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuous Fire (Right Gun) 800C0BDC 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Hand/Gun (Right Hand/Gun) 800C0BB9 00F7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cant Fire Weapon (Right Gun) 800C0BF5 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Ammo (Left Gun) 800C0FA7 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change (Left Gun) 800C0F98 0011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800C0F91 0020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Equipped Modifier (Left Gun) 800C0F7B 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Left Gun) 800C0F99 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Earthquake Modifier 800C0B33 00?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Distortion Mode Vision 800C0B50 0003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoot Through Most Stuff 800C0F84 0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Have All Weapons 800C154C 0007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Epileptic Bond (No Hand & Quick Gun Change) 800C0BF1 000B ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Only Gun in Left Hand Shows up 800C0BF0 00FF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Odd Colored Arm/Hand 800C0BC4 0002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper Rifle Zoom x2 800C13E4 003F Costume Modifier Multiplayer Codes: ----------------------------------- Bond's Costume Modifier A002B19D 00?? Natalya's Costume Modifier A002B1A9 00?? Trevelyan's Costume Modifier A002B1B5 00?? Xenia's Costume Modifier A002B1C1 00?? Ourumov's Costume Modifier A002B1CD 00?? Boris's Costume Modifier A002B1D9 00?? Valentin's Costume Modifier A002B1E5 00?? Mishkin's Costume Modifier A002B1F1 00?? Mayday's Costume Modifier A002B1FD 00?? Jaws's Costume Modifier A002B209 00?? Oddjob's Costume Modifier A002B215 00?? Baron Samedi's Costume Modifier A002B221 00?? Russian Soldier's Costume Modifier A002B22D 00?? Russian Infantry's Costume Modifier A002B239 00?? Scientist 1's Costume Modifier A002B245 00?? Scientist 2's Costume Modifier A002B251 00?? Russian Commandant's Costume Modifier A002B25D 00?? Janus Marine's Costume Modifier A002B269 00?? Naval Officer's Costume Modifier A002B275 00?? Helicopter Pilot's Costume Modifier A002B281 00?? St. Petersburg Guard's Costume Modifier A002B28D 00?? Civilian 1's Costume Modifier A002B299 00?? Civilian 2's Costume Modifier A002B2A5 00?? Civilian 3's Costume Modifier A002B2B1 00?? Civilian 4's Costume Modifier A002B2BD 00?? Siberian Guard 1's Costume Modifier A002B2C9 00?? Arctic Commando's Costume Modifier A002B2D5 00?? Siberian Guard 2's Costume Modifier A002B2E1 00?? Siberian Special Forces' Costume Modifier A002B2ED 00?? Jungle Commando's Costume Modifier A002B2F9 00?? Janus Special Forces' Costume Modifier A002B305 00?? Moonraker Elite 1's Costume Modifier A002B311 00?? Moonraker Elite 2's Costume Modifier A002B31D 00?? Rosika's Costume Modifier A002B329 00?? Karl's Costume Modifier A002B335 00?? Martin's Costume Modifier A002B341 00?? Mark's Costume Modifier A002B34D 00?? Dave's Costume Modifier A002B359 00?? Duncan's Costume Modifier A002B365 00?? 'Bs Costume Modifier A002B371 00?? Steve E's Costume Modifier A002B37D 00?? Grant's Costume Modifier A002B389 00?? Graeme's Costume Modifier A002B395 00?? Ken's Costume Modifier A002B3A1 00?? Alan's Costume Modifier A002B3AD 00?? Pete's Costume Modifier A002B3B9 00?? Shaun's Costume Modifier A002B3C5 00?? Dwayne's Costume Modifier A002B3D1 00?? Des' Costume Modifier A002B3DD 00?? Chris' Costume Modifier A002B3E9 00?? Lee's Costume Modifier A002B3F5 00?? Neil's Costume Modifier A002B401 00?? Jim's Costume Modifier A002B40D 00?? Robin's Costume Modifier A002B419 00?? Steve H's Costume Modifier A002B425 00?? Terrorist's Costume Modifier A002B431 00?? Biker's Costume Modifier A002B43D 00?? Joel's Costume Modifier A002B449 00?? *Mo* Scott's Costume Modifier A002B455 00?? Joe's Costume Modifier A002B461 00?? Sally's Costume Modifier A002B46D 00?? Marion's Costume Modifier A002B479 00?? Mandy's Costume Modifier A002B485 00?? Vivien's Costume Modifier A002B491 00?? Misc. Multiplayer Codes: ------------------------ Always Play in Statue Level 8002A8F7 0016 Always Play in Cradle Level 8002A8F7 0029 Deathmatch Level Modifier 8002B537 00?? P1 Character 8102B524 0000 8102B526 00?? P2 Character 8102B528 0000 8102B52A 00?? P3 Character 8102B52C 0000 8102B52E 00?? P4 Character 8102B530 0000 8102B532 00?? Have All 64 Players 8002B197 0040 Pic Modifier Multiplayer Codes: ------------------------------- Bond's Pic Modifier A002B19B 00?? Natalya's Pic Modifier A002B1A7 00?? Trevelyan's Pic Modifier A002B1B3 00?? Xenia's Pic Modifier A002B1BF 00?? Ourumov's Pic Modifier A002B1CB 00?? Boris's Pic Modifier A002B1D7 00?? Valentin's Pic Modifier A002B1E3 00?? Mishkin's Pic Modifier A002B1EF 00?? Mayday's Pic Modifier A002B1FB 00?? Jaws's Pic Modifier A002B207 00?? Oddjob's Pic Modifier A002B213 00?? Baron Samedi's Pic Modifier A002B21F 00?? Russian Soldier's Pic Modifier A002B22B 00?? Russian Infantry's Pic Modifier A002B237 00?? Scientist 1's Pic Modifier A002B243 00?? Scientist 2's Pic Modifier A002B24F 00?? Russian Commandant's Pic Modifier A002B25B 00?? Janus Marine's Pic Modifier A002B267 00?? Naval Officer's Pic Modifier A002B273 00?? Helicopter Pilot's Pic Modifier A002B27F 00?? St. Petersburg Guard's Pic Modifier A002B28B 00?? Civilian 1's Pic Modifier A002B297 00?? Civilian 2's Pic Modifier A002B2A3 00?? Civilian 3's Pic Modifier A002B2AF 00?? Civilian 4's Pic Modifier A002B2BB 00?? Siberian Guard 1's Pic Modifier A002B2C7 00?? Arctic Commando's Pic Modifier A002B2D3 00?? Siberian Guard 2's Pic Modifier A002B2DF 00?? Siberian Special Forces' Pic Modifier A002B2EB 00?? Jungle Commando's Pic Modifier A002B2F7 00?? Janus Special Forces' Pic Modifier A002B303 00?? Moonraker Elite 1's Pic Modifier A002B30F 00?? Moonraker Elite 2's Pic Modifier A002B31B 00?? Rosika's Pic Modifier A002B327 00?? Karl's Pic Modifier A002B333 00?? Martin's Pic Modifier A002B33F 00?? Mark's Pic Modifier A002B34B 00?? Dave's Pic Modifier A002B357 00?? Duncan's Pic Modifier A002B363 00?? B's Pic Modifier A002B36F 00?? Steve E's Pic Modifier A002B37B 00?? Grant's Pic Modifier A002B387 00?? Graeme's Pic Modifier A002B393 00?? Ken's Pic Modifier A002B39F 00?? Alan's Pic Modifier A002B3AB 00?? Pete's Pic Modifier A002B3B7 00?? Shaun's Pic Modifier A002B3C3 00?? Dwayne's Pic Modifier A002B3CF 00?? Des' Pic Modifier A002B3DB 00?? Chris' Pic Modifier A002B3E7 00?? Lee's Pic Modifier A002B3F3 00?? Neil's Pic Modifier A002B3FF 00?? Jim's Pic Modifier A002B40B 00?? Robin's Pic Modifier A002B417 00?? Steve H's Pic Modifier A002B423 00?? Terrorist's Pic Modifier A002B42F 00?? Biker's Pic Modifier A002B43B 00?? Joel's Pic Modifier A002B447 00?? *Mo* Scott's Pic Modifier A002B453 00?? Joe's Pic Modifier A002B45F 00?? Sally's Pic Modifier A002B46B 00?? Marion's Pic Modifier A002B477 00?? Mandy's Pic Modifier A002B483 00?? Vivien's Pic Modifier A002B48F 00?? Quantity Didgets: ----------------- Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Codes 00 - Bond 01 - Natalya 02 - Trevelyan 03 - Xenia 04 - Ourumov 05 - Boris 06 - Valentin 07 - Mishkin 08 - Mayday 09 - Jaws 0A - Oddjob 0B - Baron Samedi 0C - Russian Soldier 0D - Russian Infantry 0E - Scientist 1 0F - Scientist 2 10 - Russian Commandant 11 - Janus Marine 12 - Naval Officer 13 - Helicopter Pilot 14 - St. Petersburn Guard 15 - Civilian 1 16 - Civilian 2 17 - Civilian 3 18 - Civilian 4 19 - Siberian Guard 1A - Arctic Commando 1B - Siberian Guard 1C - Siberian Special Forces 1D - Jungle Commando 1E - Janus Special Forces 1F - Moonraker Elite 1 20 - Moonraker Elite 2 21 - Rosika 22 - Karl 23 - Martin 24 - Mark 25 - Dave 26 - Duncan 27 - B 28 - Steve E 29 - Grant 2A - Graeme 2B - Ken 2C - Alan 2D - Pete 2E - Shaun 2F - Dwayne 30 - Des 31 - Chris 32 - Lee 33 - Neil 34 - Jim 35 - Robin 36 - Steve H 37 - Terrorist 38 - Biker 39 - Joel 3A - Scott 3B - Joe 3C - Sally 3D - Marion 3E - Mandy 3F - Vivien Quantity Digits to Accompany Gun Equipped Modifier Codes 00 - Unarmed 01 - Karate Chop 02 - Hunting Knife 03 - Throwing Knife 04 - PP7 05 - PP7 (Silenced) 06 - DD4 Destroyer 07 - Klobb 08 - KF7 Soviet 09 - ZMG 9MM 0A - DK5 Deutche 0B - DK5 Deutche (Silenced) 0C - Phantom 0D - Assault Rifle 0E - RC P90 0F - Shotgun 10 - Auto Shotgun 11 - Sniper Rifle 12 - Cougar Magnum 13 - Golden Gun 14 - Silver PP7 15 - Gold PP7 16 - Laser 17 - Laser Watch 18 - Grenade Launcher 19 - Rocket Launcher 1A - Hand Grenades 1B - Timed Mines 1C - Proximity Mines 1D - Remote Mines 1E - Detonator (Remote Mines) 1F - Taser 20 - Tank Gun 21 - Exploding Briefcase 22 - Plastic 23 - 24 - Fast Exploding Grenades 25 - Unarmed 26 - TV Controller? 27 - Bomb Difuser 28 - Regular Camera 29 - 2B - Unarmed 2C - Picked up Hand Grenades, Throwing Knife & Sniper Rifle 2D - Unarmed 2E - Key Analizer 2F - Convert Modem 30 - Security Camera 37 - Grenade 3C - Watch Magnet 3D - Goldeneye Key 3E - Helicopter Flight Recorder 3F - Circuit Board 40 - Casuality List For Severnaya 41 - Folder 42 - Red Folder 45 - Helicopter Blueprints 46 - Bunker Blueprints? 47 - DAT? 48 - Surveillance Video Tape 49 - Another DAT? 55 - Shoot With The N64 Controller 52 - Key For Airplane 57 - Weird Bullets That Don't Fire Quantity Digits to Accompany Deathmatch Level Modifier Code 00 - Random 01 - Temple 02 - Complex 03 - Caves 04 - Library 05 - Basement 06 - Stack 07 - Facility 08 - Bunker 09 - Archives 0A - Caverns 0B - Egyptian Quantity Digits to Accompany Level Modifier Code 01 - Dam 02 - Facility 03 - Runway 05 - Surface A 06 - Bunker A 08 - Silo 0A - Frigate 0C - Surface B 0D - Bunker B 0F - Statue 10 - Archives 11 - Streets 12 - Depot 13 - Train 14 - Secret Room (Bunker) 15 - Jungle 16 - Control 17 - Caverns 18 - Cradle 1A - Aztec 1C - Eye. Temple Quantity Digits to Accompany Pic Modifier Code 00 - Pierce Brosnan 01 - Roger Moore 02 - Timothy Dalton 04 - Boris 05 - Orumov 06 - Trevelyan 07 - Valentin 08 - Xenia 09 - Natalya 0A - Baron Samedi 0B - Jaws 0C - Mayday 0D - Odd Job 0E - Question Mark Head 0F - Mishkin 10 - Mission Select Pic 11 - Mission Select Pic 12 - Mission Select Pic 13 - Mission Select Pic Quantity Digits to Accompany Costume Modifier Code 00 - Jungle Enemy 01 - Grey Tuxedo 02 - Russian Soldier 03 - Russian Infintry 04 - Janus Special Forces 05 - ?? 06 - Boris 07 - Ouromov 08 - Trevelyan1 09 - Trevelyan2 0A - Valentin 0B - Xenia 0C - Baron Samedi 0D - Jaws 0E - Mayday 0F - Oddjob 10 - Natalya 11 - Janus Marine 12 - Russian Comadant 13 - Mishkin 14 - Naval Officer 15 - Siberian Special Forces 16 - Bunker 17 - Tuexdo 18 - Jungle 19 - Siberian 1A - Civilian Girl1 Dark Blue 1B - Girl2 White 1C - Girl3 Gray White 1D - Girl 4 Green 1E - Man1 Gray 1F - Man2 Gray White 20 - Man3 Red 21 - Man4 Gray White 22 - Man5 Blue 23 - White Tux 24 - Helicopter Pilot 25 - Siberian Guard 26 - Artic Commando 27 - Moonraker Elite 28 - Small Moonraker Elite 29 - Invisible Bond ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13) Misc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************** ****************************** LINES ********************************** *********************************************************************** Here are some of the lines from the game, if not all of them. Uhh, enjoy.. Natalya: -------- "I like this game." (Jungle) "Gotcha!" (Jungle) "Close, but no cigar." (Jungle) "Did you see that?" (Jungle) "Too slow." (Jungle) "This is fun." (Jungle) "Oh, that's a nice plant." (Jungle) "That looked painful." (Jungle) "Who was that guy?" (Jungle) "Just like in the movies." (Jungle) "Naughty boy." (Jungle) "Cover me." (Jungle) "Unlucky." (Jungle) "This gun's quite powerful." "ooh, messy." (Jungle) "Loser." (Jungle) "Be careful James!" (Jungle) "James, you were wonderful!" (Control) Author's Note: You can obviously see some of rare's humor in some of these quotes. Boris: ------ "Please don't shoot. Trevlyan made me do it!" (control) "Aha! I am invincible!" (control) Alec: ----- "Too Slow 007." (Train) "Too slow James...yet again" (Caverns) "Too slow James!" (Control) Can't he come up with something more...witty and interesting? "From the cradle to your grave, James" (Cradle) "You could have joined me James, but you had to side with the pen pushers." (Cradle) "Always loyal to the mission, never to your friends." (Cradle) "James Bond, her Majesty's loyal terrier, you sicken me." (Cradle) "What's the matter James? No glib remark? No pithy comeback?" (Cradle) "Come on! Is this the best you can do?" (Cradle) "You never give up do you? Pathetic really." (Cradle) "What's the matter James? Can't take the pace?" (Cradle) "Finish the job James..if you can." (Cradle) "I was always better, James." (Cradle) "For England, James?" (Cradle) *THUD* Just when he was getting interesting.. *********************************************************************** *************************** RACING ALEC ******************************* *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** ***************************** FAST TIMES ****************************** *********************************************************************** I know these times aren't going to seem "fast", because, well..they really aren't. I'm more of a stealth player than anything, so i'll be working on these rather humiliating times. Also, if i can get off my lazy butt to ask for his permission, i'm going to try and get Karl Jobst's fastest times posted here...try and match or beat them if you dare, i know i can't! The times will be listed with my fastest on the bottom, and the overall fastest i know of on the top..please don't send your times into me, send them into Karl... Dam: ---- Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Facility: --------- Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Runway: ------- Agent - 28 Seconds (Jdude) Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Surface: -------- Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Bunker: ------- Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Silo: ----- Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Frigate: -------- Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Surface 2: ---------- Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Bunker 2: --------- Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Statue: ------- Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Archives: --------- Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Streets: -------- Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Depot: ------ Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Train: ------ Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Jungle: ------- Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Control: -------- Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Caverns: -------- Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Cradle: ------- Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Aztec: ------ Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - Egyptian: --------- Agent - Secret Agent - 00 Agent - *********************************************************************** ******************************* RUMORS ******************************** *********************************************************************** All Bonds Cheat --------------- The most famous rumor surrounding goldeneye, this 'cheat' would allow you to play as the other bond actors in multiplayer. One reason you can tell this cheat is fake is that you had to beat Aztec in an unruly amount of time on 007 mode with the percentages simply way too high for any human being. Oddjob and Mayday ----------------- Another of the popular rumors is that these two are in the game hidden somewhere. While they were planned to be in the game early in development, they obviously got dropped off somewhere. They were still put in multiplayer, which is why most still think they are somewhere. Oromouv's Briefcase ------------------- We all know that you can kill oromouv in the silo. We also know he drops a briefcase and key. Some of us, however, think this is used to either get to a new area in a level, open up a NEW level, or access another of the rumors. While it was planned for something in early stages, it too was dropped off. They just forgot to take out the briefcase and key i suppose... *********************************************************************** ******************************** BUGS ********************************* *********************************************************************** These are actual glitches that have happened to ME personally. If you have any strange things that have happend to you, feel free to send them in, so i can tell if i'm the only one that's 'special'. Door Death #1 ------------- This happened to me in the Dam level, and oddly enough, now that i've TRIED to do it, on any level, including this same spot, it hasen't happened again once. I was completing secret agent objective A, and opened a door in a guard tower. I went in and shot the alarm, then backed up to exit the door. Only problem is, the fricking thing closed halfway on me. I believe half my body was on both sides of the door, and no matter what i did, i couldn't get out. Toilet Death #1 --------------- Sounds funny, and it really is. This was obviously in the facility. I shot the first guy as usual, went down as normal, only the screen went really fast, and i "fell" right face down into the toilet! I'm not kidding on this one, i could change my camera angle and such, but i couldn't move! I was running stationary, andn i couldn't get that to stop either. I wish i could show it to my freinds, as it's hillarious, but again, i've never gotten it to work again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14) Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IanRogers, KarlJobst - Their In Depth guides covering every aspect of the game were totally amazing to read. While i'm not going to even ATTEMPT to match or copy their skills, their work gave me something to start with. Thanks a lot, and congrats on your awesome FAQ(s)! Gamesages, Cheat Code Central, Gameshark Code Creators Club, Gameshark Official Site - I'm not sure if all these sites contributed, but i just wanted to cover them if they contributed with any codes\secrets \gameshark codes\etc. Dallas - For making me a really sweet logo. I owe you one man.. JMendes - For the cool secrets guide. Thanks alot! Jdude84 - I wrote it, and hopefully, someday...i'll finish it! You - For reading this guide. CJayC - For posting this and running the site which i send my guides into. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15) Finale ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd like to thank everyone that inderectly and directly helped me one more time before i go. Hopefully this has either helped you or enhanced your enjoyment of this awesome game in some way. Jdude84