GoldenEye Weapons FAQ Nintendo 64 FAQ 1/8/00 Version 1.8 Written By: Outkast ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GoldenEye ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sections ----------- 1) Intro / Comments 2) Update History 3) Weapons List 4) Weapon Overview 5) Weapon Tricks 6) Credits 7) Legal Info ----------- -------------------------- 1) Intro / Comments -------------------------- Welcome to this GoldenEye weapons FAQ. I know that this is extremely late, but I've owned GoldenEye for over 20 months now (roughly) and I noticed its my only N64 game I haven't written a FAQ for. I didn't feel like making a big walkthrough, so I came up with this Weapons Guide. Now my comments on the game...... This game scores a 10/10 with ease. Not only is it a challenge with three different difficulty levels, but it is great for multiplayer action as well. The graphics and sound all went well, and the storyline which is modified a few times from the movie is still great. -------------------------- 2) Update History -------------------------- 1/8/00 Version 1.8 I received an extremely helpful e-mail from 'Liaw Family' and added it to the weapons tricks section. It's juiced with weapon-related info along with hints and tips. 1/7/00 Version 1.7 No actual update or changes to the FAQ... I just changed my alias and e-mail address and replaced it everywhere in this FAQ. Please note that is no longer my e-mail address! Outkast P.S. - If you want the reason for the name change, mail me and let me know and I'll tell you (this isn't the place to explain). *** A FEW HOURS LATER *** I've got a nice e-mail update: >> I was browsing your faq and i found a few things you should add. Rocket launchers and grenade launchers are both found on the streets. Timed mines are found in caverns. Prox. mines are found in depot. Automatic shotguns are found at the very end of caverns. Grenades are found in every level, if not, at least facility. Remote mines can be found in control. The assualt rifle can also be found in caverns. ZMG's can be found in caverns. D5K's can be found in Depot, control and frigate. Klobbs can be found on both bunkers. DD44 can be found in dam and train. Quite a lot hey? You can update if you want, i don't really care. But it will save you getting other emails. K Jobst << The info is appreciated, but like I've said, I only list a few levels that each weapon is found in; not every single level. 12/14/99 Version 1.6 I added some more new tricks to the tricks section that were sent in to me. Special thanks to geezer and Togepi for those. 11/13/99 Version 1.5 The weapons section has been updated with new guns that I didn't already have; special thanks to these people for letting me know: ================================================== Weapons FAQ E-mails Special thanks to these people for nicely telling me that I missed some weapons in the Weapons FAQ (11/13/99): Desman Bailey ,, There was also another person that mailed me criticizing me for not adding these weapons.... And that person has never written a FAQ in his entire life! I won't put his name or e-mail address, but isn't that pathetic? ================================================== 10/29/99 Version 1.4 Ok everyone, I hear your calls..... I've added the Phantom gun to the weapons list/overview. >> Great Weapon FAQ! One thing though. On Agent mode on the Frigate, you start with an silenced D5K. You also forgot to add the Phantom in the weapon list. It is also findable on the Frigate. ( Kill the guards to get the un-silenced D5K and the Phantom. You will probably find two of each weapon.) << Special thanks to Light Saber for this info. 9/06/99 Version 1.3 A nice person mailed me and informed me that I had forgotten to add the hunting knives to the overview, so I have done so...... Please check out the credits for my thank you's regarding that matter. 8/11/99 Version 1.2 Someone mailed me and notified me of extra places to find the RCP-90. Please see the RCP-90 commentary as well as the credits for that. Also, in the weapon tricks section, I added the loactions of the RCP-90's in the game because all 3 of them are hidden or hard to get. 7/16/99 Version 1.1 Added section #5, the weapons tricks section. 6/12/99 Version 1.0 I have added everything...... You can find anything you want to know on the weapons found in GoldenEye. -------------------------- 3) Weapons List -------------------------- Slappers Throwing Knives Hunting Knives PP7 Silenced PP7 DD44 Dostovei Cougar Magnum Gold PP7 Laser KF7 Soviet Klobb DK5 Deutsche ZMG Assault Rifle Sniper Rifle RCP-90 Automatic Shotgun Timed Mines Proximity Mines Remote Mines Grenades Rocket Launcher Grenade Launcher Phantom Silver PP7 Tank Taser Shotgun -------------------------- 4) Weapon Overview -------------------------- ============================================================================= Please Note: When I list where weapons are found, I only name a few places; not every single level that it's in. I thought that everyone would be able to understand that until I got an e-mail from someone telling me how dumb I am for leaving out places.... ============================================================================= Slappers Found: Anywhere Slappers means punching. Basically all it is in Goldeneye is karate chopping your opponent. It takes a long time and a lot of hits, and I only recommend it if you have no ammo, no weapon, or just feel like getting killed. Throwing Knives Found: Bunker (1) To get this, after getting out of the cell in the beginning and killing the guard, go to the left when facing Nataly (while she is in the cell) and use the watch magnet attract. The good things about these weapons are that they kill instantly and after throwing them you can pick them up again. The bad thing is that they're hard to be accurate and take a long time to throw. They're fun to play with, but in the Bunker with all of the guards, it's better to use a gun of some sort. Hunting Knives Found: Cheat (Jungle; Agent; 3:45) These are pretty much the throwing knives on steroids....... If you want to get a picture of them in your head, think: Would you try to kill a deer with a butter knife or a big one? That big one that you chose is what a hunting knive looks like. PP7 Found: Statue, Archives, Cradle In almost every level you start out with a PP7 although it is usually silenced (see next weapon). It's a small gun that allows 7 shots per round, and though it's not powerful and only allows 7 shots/round, it's easy to be accurate with because it makes a loud noise which in a way, helps your accuracy in the game. Silenced PP7 Found: Almost every level You start out with this weapon in almost every level. It is the same as a PP7 (see above) only it is longer because a silencer is added to the end of it. The silencer allows it to make less noise when shooting so guards don't hear it. Other than the silencer, there is no difference between the PP7 and the Silenced PP7. DD44 Dostovei Found: Silo, Frigate, Archives This gun is sort of like the PP7, only it is silver, allows 8 shots per round, and makes a louder noise. It is as powerful as the PP7 and holds a slight advantage over the PP7 because it allows more shots and in some levels you can use two at a time. Cougar Magnum Found: All levels with cheat In order to use this weapon in the game, you'll need to access the cheat. It's very powerful, and is much like a "Cowboy" gun. Two shots are usually enough to put a guard out with this weapon. Gold PP7 Found: All levels with cheat You'll need to beat the Cradle in under 2:15 for this one. It is the same as a PP7, only it is gold and kills everyone in one shot..... Even Trevylan in the Cradle. Moonraker Laser Found: Multiplayer, Aztec Level The lasers are just what you thought would be.... They're big powerful silver guns that release green laser beams. They are awesome because you don't need to reload them (obviously) and they kill opponents quickly. KF7 Soviet Found: Dam, Facility, Runway, to name a few To beat the game you'll have to be good with this weapon because you pick it up in almost every level. It is a long black maching gun that offers 30 shots a round, and each time you hit the Z Button it automatically fires off 3 shots. Many of the russian guards carry them. Klobb Found: Surface, Archives This is a weird looking gray machine gun that isn't all that great..... Don't be surprised by its look. It allows 20 shots per round and it takes a while to kill an opponent with. I recommend only using it when you have to. DK5 Deutsche Found: Train, Facility This is an awesome maching gun that you will get very attached to. You can fire quite a bit with it, and unlike the klobb it is very affective and kills extremely quick. ZMG Found: Train, Cradle Like the DK5 Deutsche (see above) this is yet another fun machine gun. It's pretty much the same thing as the Deutsche only it looks different. Assault Rifle Found: Jungle, Cradle In my opinion, this is the second best machine gun you will find in the game (behind the RC-P90). When you fire it, you'll see an asterik (*) shaped fire come out of the gun as it allows 30 shots per round. It is very powerful and it comes with a great scope which will be useful in the Jungle. Sniper Rifle Found: Dam, Surface This is the most overrated gun you will find in the entire game. The good thing about is that the scope is amazing on it (views the farthest in the game), and you can use it as a weapon if you run out of ammo (you can swing it at guards and kill them in a few swings). However, it is incredibly slow, isn't all that powerful, and only gives you 8 shots per round. RC-P90 Found: Train, Jungle (kill Xenia), Water Caverns (kill guard). This is without a doubt the best machine gun in the entire game. The only bad part is that it has no scope. However, it is amazingly powerful, fast, and allows 80 shots per round. When you get this, you can basically run around holding down the Z Button and you'll be fine. Another disadvantage is that it's hard to find; it's hidden in the train, you have to kill Xenia for it, and you have to kill a guard for it. Automatic Shotgun Found: Statue This is another great gun. The only bad thing is that you only get it in one level, and it only allows 5 shots per round. However, it shoots huge bullets and usually only takes 1 shot to kill a guy (two if they're lucky). Timed Mines Found: Multiplayer They are little bombs that you stick on a wall, or door, etc., and then get away from and watch them blow. Proximity Mines Found: Multiplayer Same as times mines (see above) only they explode when someone gets close to them after they are attached. Remote Mines Found: Facility, Multiplayer Little bombs (like the other two makes of bombs) only you decide when they go off. You throw them on something, then when you want them to explode, you pull out your watch and hit the Z Button. Grenades Found: Control You should, by now, know what a grenade is. It's the type of explosive where you pull the pin, throw it, and watch it blow. In Goldeneye, you just throw it and get away from it. You don't have to pull a pin or anything for it to go off (though many people find it necessary to with the Z Button). Rocket Launcher Found: Multiplayer This is exactly what the name says it is... It fires rockets. It is extremely powerful and explosive. After shooting it, you should get away. You can usually take out a multitude of guys with it. Grenade Launcher Found: Multiplayer Instead of throwing grenades, this thing launches them for you. It's the same thing as the rocket launcher (see above) only it launches grenades and is less powerful. Phantom Found: Frigate A very powerful shotgun that can be found only in the Frigate level. Some of the guards hold them; they hold 50 bullets per round and can be held double when you pick up two. Silver PP7 Found: Anywhere (With Cheat) Almost the same thing as the gold PP7 only less powerful. A shot in the head guarantees a kill with this gun. Tank Found: Runway, Streets Allows you to hop into a tank and drive it and run people over, also offers a grenade launcher to shoot with. Taser Found: Anywhere (With Cheat) It's the final weapon on the all guns cheat and is like a shock gun. Shotgun (Not Automatic) Found: Anywhere (With Cheat) The same thing as the Automatic Shotgun, only it is not automatic (obviously). -------------------------- 5) Weapon Tricks -------------------------- Bonus Weapons: Complete each of the following levels to obtain the corresponding weapon: Weapon Level ------------------------------------------- Magnum Antenna Cradle, Janus Base Laser Aztec Complex (as 00 Agent) Golden Gun Egyptian Temple Cougar Magnum gun: Beat the game on the "Agent" difficulty setting. Bonus Egyptian level: Beat the game on the "00 Agent" difficulty level. Bonus Aztec level: Beat the Antenna Cradle level on the "00 Agent" difficulty setting. Double mixed weapons Obtain two sets of paired weapons that appear next to each other in your weapon list and some ammunition for each gun. (For example, in the Military Archives level, obtain two Dostoveis and two Klobbs). Then, cycle through the weapons until two of the second set of weapons are ready. Now, quickly press the following set of buttons: Hold A button, then before the weapons cycle forward, press Z(2). Release A, then press A once Press Z to fire two or three times while the weapons are cycling. If done correctly, firing the weapon will lock one of the weapons during the cycle, allowing a mixed set. Paintbrush weapon Begin a game in multi-player mode on a level that contains sniper rifles. Then, collect a sniper rifle before getting any ammunition or touching another character. Now press A(2) after getting the sniper rifle to use a paintbrush. Floating weapons Locate the control room in the Bunker 2 level with the big screen. Place a remote mine on each of the eight televisions that are attached to the ceiling and destroy them. Throw mines, grenades, knives or fire the rocket launcher in the room and the weapons will float. If this trick is done during a single player game, the enemies will die with their weapons in their hands. Invisible mines Begin game play in multi-player mode. Place a mine on ammunition, then take the ammunition. Although the mine will still be at that location, it will not appear on your opponent's screen. Falling mines Complete all the objectives on the Runway level except "Escape in plane". Place a few timed mines on your plane, then enter and take off. You will see the mines fall out and explode when you are in the air. RCP-90 Locations #1 Set the game to its easiest level and blow up the last box in the first cart of the Train level. If you have it on the two harder levels, it will be a DD4 Dostovei instead. #2 Kill Xenia in the Jungle. She has a whole load of goodies, including the powerful machine gun. #3 Some of the guards carry them in the Water Caverns. This next trick was sent in by Geezer: >> You can pick up a pair of AR33's on the caverns level by shooting the box near the window in the radio room, when you shoot it two smaller boxes come out, shoot them and you get two diddy little boxes, shoot them and you get two TV's, finally shoot these and each contains an AR33. one for each hand. << This one came in from Togepi: >> Hay, In case ya don' know, in multiplayer, if u have proximity mines, put them on a vaulable item[Body Armor,US Assult Ru\ifle,etc.] Once they touch it. *BOOM* Put as many as possible. i put 50[no joke!] and other player, i just say i will not attend u'r funeral. Just try this neaty tricky! << Here's a mail from 'Liaw Family,' very helpful and informative: >> the details may be different, as I have the PAL version. * Klobb: Also found in the second buncker, held by the chappy with the flat cap who also has the security keycard. Found in pairs. Seems to be VERY noisey. * Moonraker Laser: Dunno about the green lasers; they're blue in the PAL version. * KF7 : Shoots accurate single shots in zoom mode. *DK5 Deutsche: Start off with a silenced one in the frigate mission, can get an unsilenced version in the engine room (IIRC...) *ZMG: Also found in the Egypt mission * Assault rifle: Also found in the Moonraker mission. * Timed mines also found in the pumping facility mission (after control room mission) *Grenades: found almost anywhere . The secret is to shoot the grenade throwing wankers just before they pull the pin, but are still holding it. Can also get them off the scientists. Can also shoot grenades in the hands of the energy to make them explode. Done this twice. Bloody difficult. Oh yeah, can hold Z button to delay - has 5 or seven second delay - can't remember. * The plain vanilla shotgun has a longer reload time, and poorer grouping (ie, larger pellet spread) than the auto-shotgun. * Sniper rifle. 'Bout as powerful as the Soviet. Headshots only. 'Nuff said. *Golden gun, found in Egypt mission sans cheat. *Phantom, minor typo - it's a sub-machine gun, not a shotgun. Other stuff *There's another (easier) method to get mixed pairs. See GameFAQs. *Kill Nattalia in Cutscenes!! In the cutscenes which shows Bond walking through parts of the level you can access, use the all weapons to place proximity mines in your path. Eg:In the second bunker. After securing the mission, throw mines onto the helicopter landing pad fro minside the building. Watch cutscene and laugh as you fail the mission in the dying seconds... * Pointless challenges. In missile silo, place a remote mine on a plastique explosive at your starting position. Go to end. Detonate and see how long it takes for the explosion to reach you. * Explosives have the ability to fry body armour in multiplayer. *Cheesy multiplayer tactics. Play with unlimited ammo, lay about a dozen remote mines. Explode them, then rapidly place and explode more mines. The other players can't explode their's due to the N64 bogging down with your constant stream of explosions! *More cheesy multiplayer tactics: Use unlimited proximity mines. Hold down Z button. Run like a madman. Don't loop back. Laugh. * Also, the N64 doesn't keep the locations of all the mines forever. After a while, some mines will dissapear. Dunno if there's a time limit, or a maximum number of dropped mines on the map. Two questions; what's Togepi on, and [secondly], can I have some too? (Togepi is the chappy from your FAQ) * Shoot mines to explode them. * Use the sidestep feature in zoom mode to sidestep enermy rockets by the proverbial gnat's whisker. * Place proximaty mine under the bungy platform on the wall, and laugh as James punges through a ball of fire. * Use proximaty mines in the Park/Statue to kill 006 before he shows up and considerable shorten the saga of Goldeneye. * The shotguns and the magums push the enermies back a considerable distance. Pointless but true. * In the facility, after the alarm has been raisen, run back to the labs, hide in the one on the left and close the door. Kill anyone inside and run right up to the door to stop the enermy from opening it. Smash the glass and start shooting the gits. Can also use karate chops, tape the Z key down and leave for a hour. Return, photograph the screen and brag to your friends about the number of kills you've got. * More pointless things. See how many guys you can kill with one shot (non-explosive) - use the magum, laser, RP90, or another weapon that can go through people. My record was three. -------------------------- 6) Credits -------------------------- Cheat Code Central For some of the Weapon Tricks. For some of the RCP-90 locations. 'Liaw Family' For some very helpful info/hints/tips. Geezer For a weapon trick that wasn't already listed. Light Saber For informing me I had forgotten to add the Phantom gun to the list/overview. ================================================== Weapons FAQ E-mails Special thanks to these people for nicely telling me that I missed some weapons in the Weapons FAQ (11/13/99): Desman Bailey ,, There was also another person that mailed me criticizing me for not adding these weapons.... And that person has never written a FAQ in his entire life! I won't put his name or e-mail address, but isn't that pathetic? ================================================== For informing me that I had forgot to add the hunting knives in the weapons list and overview. The rest of this weapons guide was compiled by myself. -------------------------- 7) Legal Info -------------------------- This FAQ was written for private use only, and may not be sold or used in anyway to make a profit. It may not be placed on any websites without my written permission. The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at: This FAQ is copyright © 1999-2000 by Outkast and Goldeneye is copyright © 1997 by Rare and Nintendo.