HARVEST MOON 64 ANIMAL GUIDE by Jason (On the Harvest Moon Board @ Gamefaqs.com , I'm JayMan64) My site: http://www.Jasonland.cjb.net (my site doesn't have anything on Harvest Moon, I just thought you'd might want to check it out) VERSION UPDATES v1.21 Barely an update, I just clarified in the FAQ section of how your dog reproduces and how to get fodder from your grass. ------------------------- CONTENTS ------------------------- 1. Intro ------------ Animal Guide ------------ 2. Dog 3. Horse 4. Chickens 5. Cows 6. Sheep ------------- OTHER ------------- 7. Items and Sickness Faq 8. FAQ _____________ INTRO _____________ This is basically a guide for newbies on how to take care and maintain animals and earn money from them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE ANIMALS! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DOGS Where to get them: You automatically get a dog when you start a new game. How to feed them: Your dog will never die, but if you put anything edible in his red doggie dish he'll eat it and it'll make him happy, and do better at the Dog Races. How to make money from dogs: You can't. Sorry. Can it get sick: No Can it die: No Can it reproduce: No Events and tips: - If you really don't like your dog, and want to get rid of it, there IS a way. It can't die, but if you put a bathroom in your house, and if you put your dog near the entrance it'll eventually run into a black hole past the entrance and it'll disappear. For more info on this code go to www.n64cc.com (there's the full code for it there.) . -A great way to exercise your dog is to build a fence with your lumber, put the dog inside the fence, and then call your dog with the c-right button. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HORSES Where to get them: You automatically get a horse the first time to go to Green Ranch. How to feed them: You can't feed your horse. How to make money from horses: You can't make money from horses either. Can it get sick: No Can it die: No Can it reproduce: No Events and tips: -Once you got a horse, go to Rick's Tool Shop and there will be an animal brush on sale, buy it, because horses, sheep, and cows LOOOOVE to be brushed, and they'll like you a lot more. It'll also help you do better in Horse Races. -You can also exercise your horse the same way you exercise your dog, by making a fence, putting the horse in, calling the horse with the c-left button and watch him run! -You can't race in the horse races until your horse is fully grown. Don't worry, it'll grow on it's own. You'll know when it's fully grown when it has a blue saddle on its back that you can ride on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHICKENS Where to get them: You can buy one at Green Ranch, for 1,500 G . Buy one there by talking to the owner of the shop from between his desk. However, after you buy one, you can get more chickens just by putting a chicken's egg in an incubator (it's in the upper right hand corner of the hen house). It'll hatch into a chick about 4 days later and you don't have to feed it until it's as fully grown as the first chicken you got. How to feed them: You have to buy Chicken Feed in the Green Ranch shop (the same place you bought the chicken) by pressing 'A' next to the item with the chicken head on it. You each chicken meal costs 10 G. To feed them, face the chicken's feed stalls on the left side of the hen house and press 'B' when you put the chicken feed as the selected tool. How to make money from chickens: You can make money from chickens by putting their eggs they laid in the shipping bin (the white bin in the lower right corner of the hen house). They sell for 50 G each. Can it get sick: Yes Can it die: Yes Can it reproduce: Yes Events and tips: -Chickens, I think, are the best animal to start with in the beginning, because you only have to pay 1,500 G once, and then you can keep incubating the eggs until you have 6 chickens! Suddenly, the 6 chickens' eggs are getting you 300 G a day! Not bad! Use that to save up for a cow. -Unlike Sheep and Cows, when Chickens get sick, you don't need to give them medicine. Just be sure to feed them and they'll be better the next day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COWS (my fav!) Where to get them: Buy one at Green Ranch for 6,000 G, but after that cow is fully grown you can make it have babies buy buying "Miracle Potion for Cows" for only 3000 G. You'll know if your cow is fully grown once you see Miracle Potions on sale on Green Ranch Shop. How to feed them: The best way to feed cows and sheep are buying grass seeds in the spring or summer. They grow by themselves (you don't need to water them) and when a cow or sheep eats it, it grows back! Like, unlimited food supply! (that is, until winter). But when a cow or sheep eats the grass it takes about 10 days for it to grow back, so my suggestion is to buy about 2 packs of grass per sheep or cow. If it's a rainy day, or if its winter, feed cows and sheep by buying fodder (it's 30 G per meal) and put the food in their stalls (the feed slot next to where the cow or sheep is in the shack). Buy the fodder at the Green Ranch shop. How to make money from cows: By far, the most money you can make comes from cows. Once your cow is fully grown, buy a Cow Milker at Rick's Shop for 1800 G, and you can milk you cows and sell for lots of money. At first you'll get a small can of milk from the cow with an 'S' on it (means small) which sells for 100 G each. Over time, the bottle of milk the cows produce will get slightly bigger and it'll say 'M' for medium on it. That milk sells for 150 G each. Finally, when you milk your cow you may get huge bottles of milk from them that say L for large. These sell for a great 300 G each! And finally, if you brush and feed your cow every day, you may win the Cow Festival. If you win the cow festival, you'll get a new type of milk from your cow: the same size bottle as the L milk, except it'll be gold. This milk sells for a whooping 500 G each! Can it get sick: Yes Can it die: Yes Can it reproduce: Yes Events and tips: -Once you've got 6000 G, BUY A COW. It's by far the best way to make money. -Try as much as possible (this goes for both sheep and cows) to let them eat the grass in the great outdoors of your farm as much as possible. They'll be happier that way. But put fences around the grass and cows and sheep so they can't wander off and get lost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHEEP Where to get them: Buy them at Green Ranch for 4000 G each. How to feed them: You feed them the same way you feed cows (see how to feed cows above) How to make money from sheep: Once they're fully grown (they're fully grown once they're wool is pure white instead of yellowish/white and they're bigger) you can buy shear clippers (they look like scissors) at Rick's shop, and you cut their wool with that. The wool sells at 900 G at first (seems like a lot but they only regrow their wool once every 7 days) and if you take care of them well and brush them everyday, then after a while it'll turn into High Quality Wool which sells for 1,800 G. Can it get sick: Yes Can it die: Yes Can it reproduce: No Events and tips: N/A , except BRUSH IT EVERYDAY without exception to get the high quality wool! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS AND SICKNESS FAQ ----------------- How do I cure my animals if it sick? Sheep and Cows: Buy the blue sickness bottle at the Green Ranch shop for 1000 G and press 'B' while facing your animal when it's the selected tool. Chickens: Just feed them when they're sick and they'll be better the next day. What are all the animal items and where can I get them? Cow Items -------- Miracle Potion - 3000 G - Buy at Green Ranch Shop It makes the cow pregnant and have a baby calf that grows into a cow. Milker - 1800 G - Buy at Rick's Tool Shop Milks you cow if your cow is fully grown. You can sell the milk. Brush - 600 G - Buy at Rick's Tool Shop Brush your horses, sheep, and cows everyday to keep them happy! Cow and Sheep Fodder - 30 G each - Buy at Green Ranch shop When they aren't eating your grass, feed them this in their food stalls. Grass - 500 G for a patch of grass - Buy at the Flower Shop Plant this during the spring or summer, and your cows and sheep can eat it outside until the end of fall! They like eating grass MUCH better than fodder. Sheep Items ----------- Shear Clippers - 1000-2000 G Estimated - Buy at Rick's Tool Shop You need these you cut off your sheep's wool and sell if for a lot of money! Brush - 600 G - Buy at Rick's Tool Shop Brush your horses, sheep, and cows everyday to keep them happy! Cow and Sheep Fodder - 30 G each - Buy at Green Ranch shop When they aren't eating your grass, feed them this in their food stalls. Grass - 500 G for a patch of grass - Buy at the Flower Shop Plant this during the spring or summer, and your cows and sheep can eat it outside until the end of fall! They like eating grass MUCH better than fodder. Chicken Items ------------- Chicken Feed - 10 G per meal - Buy at Green Ranch shop Feed your chickens in their stalls with this. Horse Items ----------- Brush - 600 G - Buy at Rick's Tool Shop Brush your horses, sheep, and cows everyday to keep them happy! -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ FAQ Q: Ok, I planted my grass seeds and nothing happened! Why? A: Because you have to use you Hoe (see your tools section on the pause screen) you dig the land so you can plant the seeds. Q: How do I put an item as my selected tool? A: Go into the pause screen, go to where your tools are (your hammer, axe, etc. and press 'A' twice on the tool you want to be the selected tool. Q: Ok, where and how do I make a fence? And how do I get the wood/lumber to make the fence? A: Use you axe to chop up tree stumps you'll see around the town. After you hit the wood with the axe six times, the stump will disappear and it'll automatically add to your wood amount. To make a fence from it, go just to the right of your hen house, you'll see a small shed-like thing that looks like it's part of the hen house. Go up to it, face it, and press A. You'll see a piece of wood in your hands. Put it somewhere in your field (where all the weeds and rocks are when you first start out) and if you press A it'll plop it down. Use multiple pieces of wood you build a fence for your animals so they can be outside, and not get lost in the farm! Q: How do you put your Cows and Sheep outside? A: You let your cows outside by ringing the bell. Once they're near you, just push them in the direction you want them (through the exit) by getting in back of your sheep or cow and just walking with your cows in front of you, making your cow or sheep move with you. Q: I need fodder and I don't have the dough! How can I get it? A: If you cut your grass with the sickle, it turns into fodder you can use to feed your cows and sheep in the shack. Q: What do you mean my dog reproduces? What's the deal on that? A: Sometime during the second year (the times may vary) Kent and Stu (the 2 little boys) will come to your house saying that Taro (their dog) and your dog had puppies! There are two puppies, but Kent and Stu only end up keeping one puppy, Jiro, the other one Kent said went to a relative of his grandfather. You can't raise or keep any of the puppies. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ THANKS FOR READING MY FAQ!! If you have any questions, email me at JayMan2000@windmail.net.