<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-+-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> <>-<> Copyright to Dedrick Suddenly© 2011 (Kirbyarm) All rights reserved. <>-<> <>-<>-<> Contact information: dedrick@live.ca <>-<>-<> <>-<>-<>-<> Current Version: 1.01 <>-<>-<>-<> <>-<>-<>-<>-<> Photo Locations & Album Mechanics <>-<>-<>-<>-<> <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-+-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> _ _ ___ ___ ____ _____ _______ |X| |X| /XXX\ /XXX\ _ _ |XXXX| /XXXXX| |XXXXXXX| |X| |X| |X|¯|X| |X|¯|X| \X\() ()/X/ |X|¯¯ |X|¯¯¯ ¯¯|X|¯¯ |X|_|X| |X|_|X| |X| |X| \X\() ()/X/ |X|__ |X|___ |X| |XXXXX| |XXXXX| |XXXXX| \X\ V /X/ |XXXX| \XXXXX\ |X| |X|¯|X| |X|¯|X| |X|¯\X\ \X\_/X/ |X|¯¯ ¯¯¯|X| |X| |X| |X| |X| |X| |X| \X\ \XXX/ |X|__ ___|X| |X| |X| |X| |X| |X| |X| \X\ \X/ |XXXX| |XXXXX/ |X| ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ ___ ___ ___ _ |XXX\ () /XXX| .;:;. ( ) .;:;. |XXX\ () |X| |X|\X\ /X/|X| ,:;;:;:; ,:;;:;:; |X|\X\ |X| |X| \X\/X/ |X| ;;:;;:;:; ;;:;;:;:; |X| \X\ |X| |X| \XX/ |X| ;;:| |;:; ;;:| |;:; |X| \X\ |X| |X| \/ |X| ;;:;;:;:; ;;:;;:;:; |X| \X |X| |X| () () |X| ':;;:;:; ':;;:;:; |X| \XXX| |X| () |X| ':::' ( ) ':::' |X| \XX| ¯ ¯ ___ ___ ¯ ¯¯ /XXX| /XXX| ASCII art by |X|¯¯ /X/|X| |X| /X/ |X| Kirbyarm |X|___ /X/__|X| |X|_XX|/XXXXXXX| |X| |X|¯¯¯¯¯¯|X| |X\_|X| |X| \XXX/ |X| ¯¯¯ ¯ @>--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--vv~~@~~vv--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--<@ & Introduction & @>--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--vv~~@~~vv--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--<@ [Intro] This in-depth guide will cover the exact requirements, locations, and other variables necessary to obtain the 16 photos in Harvest Moon 64. Every photo has been tested extensively and figured out for your playing pleasure in those difficult Full Album challenge runs. And yes, even the exact requirements for the mysterious Party Picture have finally, after over ten long years since the game's release, been fully discovered and realized! Many people have turned from this game after playing a file for months and coming to the game's end only to realize their Full Album challenge run was a failure and were not sure as to why they played so perfectly, yet did not obtain that photo. Those concerns are now a thing of the past! @>--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--vv~~@~~vv--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--<@ & Version History & @>--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--vv~~@~~vv--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--<@ [Versi] Version 1.00 - May 30th, 2011 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ I only expect to release this document once, in terms of content as I'm very certain I've uncovered everything right down to the programming aspect of it all. Updates will likely be grammatical and / or spelling fixes, or otherwise information I either discover myself, or I'm informed of and tests prove such information to be positive and accurate. I completed all of this work beforehand, as I'm simply not the type of guy that likes to submit half or partially completed work, thus the only date I really have to provide at this time is the release date to GameFAQs. This initial release took somewhere around 96 hours of work to compose and analyze the game while recording and organizing the information into a decently readable format. Version 1.01 - June 22nd, 2011 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ As per forum boards feedback for bringing up the fact that the Blue Mist Seed can be purchased on not just the 25th of Spring, but managed to purchase it on the 24th, leading to me testing exactly what span of dates you can actually purchase the seed.. the dates have been updated appropriately. Turns out to be Spring 24th - Summer 30th. @>--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--vv~~@~~vv--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--<@ & Table Of Contents & @>--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--vv~~@~~vv--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--<@ [Table] 1) Introduction...................................................[Intro] 2) Version History................................................[Versi] 3) Photo Locations & Requirement Mechanics........................[Photo] a) Grandpa's Photo...............................................[Grand] b) Riding The Balloon Photo......................................[Ballo] c) Horse Race Victory Photo......................................[Horse] d) Cow Festival Victory Photo....................................[CowPh] e) Swimming Contest Victory Photo / Sea Festival Victory Photo...[SwimP] f) Helping Build The Hot Springs Photo...........................[HotSp] g) Dog Race Victory Photo........................................[DogPh] h) Get Married Photo.............................................[WifeP] i) Your Baby Is Born Photo.......................................[BabyP] j) Maria's Photo.................................................[Maria] k) Popuri's Photo................................................[Popur] l) Elli's Photo..................................................[ElliP] m) Ann's Photo...................................................[AnnPh] n) Karen's Photo.................................................[Karen] o) Bought & Built All House Extensions Photo.....................[House] p) Party Picture / Evaluation Photo..............................[Party] 4) Credits........................................................[Credi] 5) Copyright......................................................[Copyr] @>--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--vv~~@~~vv--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--<@ & Photo Locations & Requirement Mechanics & @>--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--vv~~@~~vv--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--<@ [Photo] Most photos in Harvest Moon 64 require the player to check your mailbox the day after you meet the requirements to obtain any of the photos. There are two exceptions. Grandpa's Photo and the Party Picture. The format I will be using will first title the name of the photo as you read its description in the photo album, followed by its search index code, then an alternate name for the photo in quotations, finally finishing with the mechanics and various requirements where applicable. The photos will be listed in order as they appear in the Photo Album. &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& % A picture taken together with grandpa % &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& [Grand] "Grandpa's Photo" This picture is obtained by starting the game, and the player has it by default. &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& % At the seed planting festival<3 % &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& [Ballo] "Riding The Balloon Photo" Year 2 or later, if you are the Harvest King for that year, you will ride the balloon if you attend the optional Planting Festival. Doing so, automatically nets you the photo. For example, if you were chosen as the Harvest King in year 2, then at the Planting Festival in year 3, you will ride the balloon (make sure you attend the festival as it is optional) and thus gain the photo the following day. Required to check mailbox the day after. &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& % A photo commemorating victory at the local horse race % &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& [Horse] "Horse Race Victory Photo" You must first enter your horse into one of the two annual Horse Races (Spring 17th, or Fall 28th). You are asked if you'd like to enter the horse into the race on Spring 16th and Fall 27th every year, if your horse meets the requirements to enter a race. That requirement is simply being an adult horse, which takes 20 sleeps after obtaining the horse from the Green Ranch employees. Required to check mailbox the day after. &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&% % With a sightseer & &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&% [CowPh] "Cow Festival Victory Photo" These are the exact requirements that have to be met when you enter your farm screen, in order to trigger the scene with the three girls you see commonly at races and some festivals, from which they will ask to take a photo with you, them, and your cow. If you decline, you will never get this opportunity to get the photo again, so make sure you agree with their request to do so. Requirements: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -You've won a Cow Festival at least once. -It is Fall. -You have a least 1 square of grass at any stage of growth for the grass. -A cow that produces Golden Milk has to be outdoors (not inside the barn). -No other events from the same byte with priority occur beforehand (requires sleeping, and meeting the requirements the next day). Required to check mailbox the day after. &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& % Winner at the swim meet % &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& [SwimP] "Swimming Contest Victory Photo / Sea Festival Victory Photo" On Summer 24th of any year, there will be a swimming festival held at the beach during the day. If you come in first place, you earn the photo your first time coming in first place. Required to check mailbox the day after. &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& % Celebrating completion of the hot springs % &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& [HotSp] "Helping Build The Hot Springs Photo" On Winter 16th, year 1, head over to the fisherman's tent screen and you will be stopped by the Head Carpenter with a request to help the carpenters work until 3:00 pm. You can decline, but doing so will make you forfeit the possibility of ever obtaining this photo again. Make sure to accept, and that is the only requirement to earn the photo after viewing the few scenes which take place. Required to check mailbox the day after. &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&% % Winner at the dog race & &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&% [DogPh] "Dog Race Victory Photo" On Winter 18th, first thing in the morning, Doug will be waiting on your farm. This is your only chance to enter your dog into the dog races for Winter 19th (the next day) and if your dog wins first place in the race, you will get this photo. It is available every year. Required to check mailbox the day after. &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& % Wedding ceremony. In front of the church. % &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& [WifeP] "Get Married Photo" Once you have one of the five marryable girls up to 220 affection or higher, and you have purchases the Kitchen house extension, as well as the Kitchen being completely finished construction, you will be able to buy a Blue Feather from the Tool Shop for 980G. Once you have the Blue Feather, you can use it as a tool on one of the marryable girls, but the Blue Feather will only disappear after you've used it, if the girl of your choosing has accepted your proposal to get married. She will only legitimately accept if her affection is 220 or higher. The next time you sleep on a Saturday, you will wake up Sunday morning to a wedding ceremony that starts and finishes the entire day. This is how you earn the photo. Required to check mailbox the day after. &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& % After the baby was born % &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& [BabyP] "Your Baby Is Born Photo" After you have married one of the five possible girls (see previous photo), a counter will begin ticking every time you go to sleep (this is the Insemination Counter). It increases by 1 every sleep. Once it reaches 30, and your wife's affection is 250 or higher, a new counter will begin ticking from 0, called the Pregnancy Counter. Once this value reaches 60, even if your wife has 0 affection, so long as she has not "left you for being at 119 affection or lower" without coming back, (which prevents that event from ever happening again) your wife will have a baby the following day. Whether you miss it or not, you trigger the permanent baby being born event byte, and ultimately that is how you obtain this photo. Required to check mailbox the day after. &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& % Firefly night % &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& [Maria] "Maria's Photo" Once you have Maria at 200 or higher affection.. during any day of Summer of any year, and it is between 6:00 pm and 12:59 pm, Maria will either walk onto your farm screen or be waiting on the farm screen for you to talk to her. If you choose not to, you will never be able to get this photo again. If you talk to her and say you are busy, you will also never be able to get this photo again. Make sure you agree to her request, and the night will conclude after the scenes, from which earns you this photo. Required to check mailbox the day after. &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&% % Blue-mist flower & &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&% [Popur] "Popuri's Photo" During year 2 or later.. anywhere from Spring 24th - Summer 30th, the Flower Shop sells a very rare seed (but never sells it again if you obtain this photo) from which after purchasing for 500G, Popuri will stop you immediately as you leave the Flower Shop and insist you plant it on the goddess pond screen. She warns you to water the plant every day.. so make sure you do. After you have watered it once per day for 18 days straight, without missing a single day, you will begin encountering new scenes as you enter that screen. You do not require any affection or special statistics, just talk to Popuri and the old crazy looking nature man you've never seen anywhere else until he takes a photo (the second time you see him, which is when you see Popuri admiring the blue butterfly over the flower you've been watering). Once he takes that photo, you have earned this photo. Required to check mailbox the day after. &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& % Essence of moondrop % &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& [ElliP] "Elli's Photo" Once you have Elli at 200 or higher affection.. on Fall 9th of any year between 6:00 pm and 11:59 pm, Elli will either walk onto your farm screen or be waiting on the farm screen for you to talk to her. If you choose not to, you will never be able to get this photo again. If you talk to her and say you are busy, you will also never be able to get this photo again. Make sure you agree to her request, and the night will conclude after the scenes, from which earns you this photo. Required to check mailbox the day after. &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&% % A rabbit in Winter & &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&% [AnnPh] "Ann's Photo" Once you have Ann at 200 or higher affection.. during any day of Winter of any year, and it is anytime before 6:00 pm, Ann will either walk onto your farm screen or be waiting on the farm screen for you to talk to her. If you choose not to, you will never be able to get this photo again. If you talk to her and say you are busy, you will also never be able to get this photo again. Make sure you agree to her request, and the day will conclude after the scenes, from which earns you this photo. Required to check mailbox the day after. &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& % Dance of the Kifu Fairy % &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& [Karen] "Karen's Photo" The first requirement is to trigger the restored vineyard byte (or in normal people's language, you must first restore the vineyard). To accomplish this, bring Duke up to 38 or higher affection (the bar owner) and talk to him to receive the special old bottle of wine. If he refuses to give it to you on a night you're sure he is at the correct level of affection, try again the next night and he will 100% chance give it to you. Once you have this old bottle of wine, bring the Harvest Sprite's affection up to 50 or higher. Once you accomplish this, and talk to them again, they will comment on the old bottle of wine Duke gave you. Once they have commented on the wine, talk to the Sprites yet again, and they will suggest you "ask the Goddess about it". This is the trigger which allows you to proceed to the next step. Take an egg or any crop you grew on your farm and throw it into the pond on the goddess pond screen to summon the Harvest Goddess. You will only have two choices this time, instead of the usual four. Don't be an idiot and choose the option that cancels. Choose the option to restore the vineyard. A scene will happen and the day will forcefully come to an end. Now.. come Fall 6th, when you go to sleep that night. The Harvest Goddess will appear above you while you sleep and inform you that the faries. Once this has happened, you have officially triggered the restored vineyard byte. The rest of the requirements are to have Karen at 200 or higher affection. On Fall 7th, between 6:00 pm and 11:59 pm, Karen will either walk onto your farm screen or be waiting on the farm screen for you to talk to her. If you choose not to, you will never be able to get this photo again. If you talk to her and say you are busy, you will also never be able to get this photo again. Make sure you agree to her request, and the day will conclude after the scenes, from which earns you this photo. Required to check mailbox the day after. &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& % Commemorating completion of home extension. % &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& [House] "Bought & Built All House Extensions Photo" There is a carpenters house across the bridge on the left side of the fisherman's tent screen. In here there is a picture-like object hanging on the back wall from which you can interact with by 'talking to' it. This will open a menu showing six possible house extensions you can purchase for certain amounts of lumber and G. Each extension takes a few days to complete contsruction before you are able to begin another one. Once you have purchased all six, and they are completely finished being built, you have automatically earned this photo. Required to check mailbox the day after. &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& % Let's have a party together % &%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%& [Party] "Party Picture / Evaluation Photo" The following lists are the exact requirements for obtaining this photo and must be valid before initiating the evaluation on Summer 1st, year 3. Statistics ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -Max Stamina: Must be 190 or higher, which can only be done by collecting at least 6 or more of the 10 possible power nuts throughout the game. -Happiness Meter: Must be 250 or higher (Max is 255). -Dog's affection: Must be 200 or higher. The dog's affection does NOT count toward the General Affection Total requirement below, and also the dog does not have to be fed or cared for. -Wife's affection: Must be 250 or higher (Max is 255). Your wife's affection DOES count toward the General Affection Total requirement below! Events ¯¯¯¯¯¯ -You must be married to one of the five marryable girls (actual wife modifier byte AND marriage ceremony boulder byte). -You must have had a baby with your wife, and the baby must be born. The baby does not have to be sitting up, or walking, or talking (baby born boulder byte). Affection ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ General Affection Total (GAT): Your wife absolutely has to be at 250 or higher affection which is included in this total affection requirement. Baby affection after all those ridiculous rumors you've heard is NOT necessary to increase to any certain level whatsoever. The baby can be at 0 affection, so long as your wife is at 250 or higher and you meet the GAT requirements. So, INCLUDING your wife's affection, the total must be equal to 2,494 affection or higher (there is no relevance to why this exact number was chosen, it doesn't have an even looking hex value or anything). This is almost 10 NPCs (9.7) at max affection (255), including your wife, should you only wish to abuse maxing out a certain few NPCs to meet the requirements for this photo. Here is the list of NPCs that affect the GAT (basically every single villager with an affection value possible): Popuri Ann Karen (even if she is gone forever) Maria Elli Reminder: The one you married MUST be at 250 or higher affection, but still contributes to this GAT list. Jeff Kai (even if he is gone forever) Gray Cliff (even if he is gone forever) Harris Baby (yours) Gourmet Judge The Shipper The Mayor Sydney Stu Harvest Sprite #1 Harvest sprite #2 Harvest sprite #3 Sasha Saibara Rick Potion Shop Owner Pastor Brown Midwife Mayor's Wife May Lillia Kent Head Carpenter Greg Gotz Ellen Duke Doug Carpenter #1 (Saw) Carpenter #2 (Axe) Basil Barley Misc. ¯¯¯¯¯ -You require having at least 1 adult chicken, it does not have to be outdoors, it does has to be fed though. It cannot be in Starved state the day of or the day after evaluation. -You require having all 6 house extensions present and completely built (the 6 you can buy from the carpenters at the carpenter's house). -384 squares or more of your 480 possible squares on the farm land must be grass in any stage of growth (can be cut, eaten, half grown, fully grown, it does not matter as long as it is grass). This is EXACTLY 80% of your field. The squares in your greenhouse do not contribute toward this photo in any way, shape, or form. Especially since you can't grow grass in the greenhouse anyway. Here is a list of examples that don't count toward the total number of grass squares (only an idiot should need to read this list as I should have clearly got the point across that ONLY GRASS SQUARES ARE COUNTED): -Soil. -Tilled soil. -Watered soil. -Watered and tilled soil. -Bushes. -Small / large rocks. -Stumps. -Fences. -Broken fences. -Any crops in ANY stage (seed, sprout, growing, grown, dead). -Hacked / cheated mountain foragable objects, example; poisonous mushrooms. What is NOT required for the photo, just to show absolutely everything has been tested, verified and double checked: -Requiring ANY cows or sheep: NONE AT ALL! Believe it or not, you can have zero cows or sheep! -Cow's / sheep's affection: Animal's affection levels do not matter, they can all be 0. Irrelevant. -Caring for cows or sheep the day before: Unnecessary. Irrelevant. -Gold milk producing cow: Had 0 producing Golden Milk. Irrelevant. -Whether cows or sheep are outdoors: Irrelevant. -Power Nuts: You can remove the presence of all 10 power nuts, and you will still gain the photo so long as your maximum stamina is at the required amount. -The other 15 photos in album: Seeing as the only event bytes that are necessary to trigger that contribute to this photo as being married and having a baby born, naturally, you will have these two photos either in your mailbox or in your album once you've received them in the mail. Nothing you can do about this. You will also naturally have the house extensions completed photo for the same reasons as per requirements of the party picture. Speaking from a mechanics standpoint, you do not REQUIRE any of the other photos at all to obtain the party picture, you will just have met the requirements for three of the other photos in order to meet the requirements for this photo. Alcohol Tolerance: Can be 0. Current G: Can be 0. Shipping box: Can be 0 Fodder: Can be 0. Lumber: Can be 0. Chicken feed: Can be 0. Medals: Can be 0. Any seed count (in the bags you have leftover for planting): Can be 0. Bakery / Flower Shop raffle card points: Can be 0. Number of shipped ANYTHING: Everything, every total ship count can be at 0 in sync. Fish caught: Can be 0. Tool EXP: Can be 0, can have all level one tools. Item / Tool slots: Nothing necessary, can delete everything. Key Items: Nothing necessary, can delete everything. Harvest King Title: A rival can be King as well as you, no affect on photo. Baby's Growth Stage: Baby can be in bundle on baby bed, sitting up, walking, or talking, and it won't make a difference. Insemination / Pregnancy: Irrelevant, seeing as you must have a born baby. Horse affection: Can be 0. Any kind of cultivation in greenhouse: Does not contribute, tested all square types possible. Cannot grow grass. Irrelevant. Recipes: 0 recipes required. @>--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--vv~~@~~vv--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--<@ & Credits & @>--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--vv~~@~~vv--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--<@ [Credi] Firstly, I will give credit to the board users of GameFAQs for providing information on rumors and possible variables for the Party Picture requirements as well as ridiculous rumors such as a second photo album and a Grand Hall location when you fill said second album. Proud to prove its existence is completely false! Sam Van Dam, this shout-out is for you, sir. Thank you! Next, I have to thank the makers of the Cheat Engine software, which allowed me to view any and every byte within the game to closely monitor values as they change in real time, right to the millisecond! This program is the magic behind all of my testing and statistical information, everything from pointer scans, to memory region access programming routes. Thank you! Next, Hollow_Point_MK gets credit for bringing up the fact that the Blue Mist Seed can be purchased on not just the 25th of Spring, but managed to purchase it on the 24th, leading to me testing exactly what span of dates you can actually purchase the seed.. the dates have been updated appropriately. Turns out to be Spring 24th - Summer 30th. Next, I must thank the staff of GameFAQs for looking over the document and considering it for approval. Next, I must thank Victor Interactive Software, the developer team that created this wonderful game for us all to play and enjoy however we see fit without having to worry about things like if the next boss will kill us or anything like that! Finally, I credit myself for the hard work put into the data collection. I'm only satisfied when I do all of this number crunching myself, as it seems in the past when verifying someone else's work I ALWAYS seem to find errors.. and of course for writing this document. <-> <--> <-> <---> <----><--> <--><---> <---> <---> <---> |+| /+/ |X| /XXX\ |X|\X\ \X\ /X/ /XXX\ /XXX\ |XXX\ /XXX| |+| /+/ |X| |X| |X\ |X| \X\ \X\ /X/ |X| |X| |X| |X| |X|\X\ /X/|X| |+|/+/ |X| |X| |X| |X| /X/ \X\/X/ |X| |X| |X| |X| |X| \X\/X/ |X| |++++ |X| |X___X| |X|/X/ \XX/ |X___X| |X___X| |X| \XX/ |X| |+|\+\ |X| |X| \X\ |X|\X\ || |X| |X| |X| \X\ |X| \/ |X| |+| \+\ |X| |X| \X\|X| \X\ || |X| |X| |X| \X\ |X| |X| |+| \+\ |X| |X| \X\X| /X/ || |X| |X| |X| \X\ |X| © |X| <-> <--> <-> <-> <--->/X/ <> <-> <-> <-> <--><-> <-> @>--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--vv~~@~~vv--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--<@ & Copyright & @>--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--vv~~@~~vv--'---,---'---,---'---,---'---,--<@ [Copyr] <>-<>-<> Copyright to Dedrick Suddenly© 2011 (Kirbyarm) All rights reserved. <>-<> Permission to host this guide unedited on your website may be requested, and if permission is not given, you do not have the right to host it. Duplication, distribution, or editing is allowed for personal use ONLY for your own benefit. Information in this guide isn't to be taken for your own work of similar nature. Tactics, strategies, lists, and ASCII art that is solely created by Kirbyarm are not to be ripped, stolen, copied to your own work, or otherwise taken credit for in some form of work of your own. <> Contact information for reporting errors or bugs in-game, or otherwise errors in this guide, positive feedback, criticism, suggestions, typos, or to express your gratitude.. use this e-mail: dedrick@live.ca <> Lastly, the Boards on GameFAQs are used frequently. Should you ask questions there, I'll do my best to answer them in a timely fashion. Thank you for reading, and I hope the information in this guide was both helpful and enjoyable to you.