Harvest Moon 64 for the Nintendo 64 Entertainment System Secrets FAQ Version 1.019 - July 28th, 2001 Written by Nintense Nintense@juno.com for specific things and stuff to be added. Note: If you e-mail me, please mention where you read this faq, thanks Note: I'm no longer interested in this game in the least, I just changed the stuff above. There are plenty of great faqs for this game located on www.gamefaqs.com. Go use those, thanks ;) Harvest Moon 64 Secrets FAQ +-===========================================-+ .·´¯`·.¸¸.-> Table of Contents <-.¸¸.·´¯`·. +-===========================================-+ 1.) Introduction 2.) Version History 3.) Shop List 4.) Photo Album 5.) Power Nuts 6.) Recipes 7.) General Secrets/Tips 8.) Make Da Girls Happy 9.) Credits/Thanks 10.) Rules of use/Legal +-======================================-+ .·´¯`·.¸¸.-> Introduction <-.¸¸.·´¯`·. +-======================================-+ This faq will mainly deal with the various items that are kept track of in your diary or on the charts in the kitchen. It will also contain whatever else we decide is worthy to include. Got anything you'd like to see included, then e-mail away ;) Got any ideas for a new section, or would like to help us complete the current sections, then let us know. You will of course be credited. BTW, this happens to be Nintense's second faq, 5 happy points to anyone who knows what his other faq is ;p +-=========================================-+ .·´¯`·.¸¸.-> Version History <-.¸¸.·´¯`·. +-=========================================-+ Version 1.00000 -- This is the first edition baby, can't get much 01/07/2000 better than this. Version 1.00800 -- Guess it can get better ;p Added a few recipes, 01/08/2000 some power nuts, some birth dates, it's all good baby. Version 1.00900 -- Recipes are pretty much done, since I have the 01/09/2000 feeling that #36-48 don't in fact exist. Seems to just be empty space in the recipe book. Version 1.01800 -- Added some stuff, changed some stuff, I'm thinking 01/09/2000 of adding some more sections, anyone have any requests? +-===================================-+ .·´¯`·.¸¸.-> Shop List <-.¸¸.·´¯`·. +-===================================-+ +=-------------------------------------------------------------------=+ | Shop Info | Item..................Price Special Info | +=--------------------+----------------------------------------------=+ | Flower Lillia | --> SPRING <-- | | Open 9am to 5pm | Turnip Seeds...........200G Crops sell for | | Closed Mondays | 60G each | | | Potato Seeds...........200G Crops sell for | | --> NOTES <-- | 80G each | | All Spring crops | Cabbage Seeds..........200G Crops sell for | |die off come Summer | 90G each | |time, unless grown in| Moon-drop Seeds........300G Die off come Fall| |a greenhouse. | Grass Seeds............500G Can be harvested | | | up until Winter | | | --> SUMMER <-- | | | Tomato Seeds...........300G Crops sell for | | | 90G each | | | Corn Seeds.............300G Crops sell for | | | 120G each | | | Grass Seeds............500G Can be harvested | | | up until Winter | +=--------------------+----------------------------------------------=+ | Flower Bud Bakery | +-=====================================-+ .·´¯`·.¸¸.-> Photo Album <-.¸¸.·´¯`·. +-=====================================-+ Here is a basic list of the various pictures you can get in your photo album, and how to get them. As you can see, I've yet to find them all, so any help would be greatly apprectiated. 1.) A picture taken together with grandpa. -=- Comes with the album 2.) King at the planting festival -=- You get this picture if you're homecoming king at the time of the planting festival. You become king by finding a coin in the piece of cake Elli gives you at the Harvest Festival during Fall. 3.) A photo commemorating victory at the local horse race -=- Simply win one of the many horce races you will be able to participate in 4.) Picture with your cow and some girls -=- You get this picture a few days after the Cow Festival. If your cow one, simply let it graze out in the field for a few days afterward. A group of girls might come by and have their picture taken with you and the prize winning cow. 5.) Winner at the swim meet -=- Win the swim meet that takes place at the Sea Festival 6.) Celebrating completion of the hot springs -=- Given to you after you're done helping the carpenters build the hot springs on Moon Mountain. I'm not sure if you have to help them every day in order to recieve this picture. 7.) 8.) Wedding ceremony. In front of the church. -=- Just get married 9.) After the baby was born -=- Get married, and eventually your wife should get pregnant, then you just have to wait a few seasons. 10.) 11.) Blue-mist flower -=- The flower shop offers this special seed in the Summer, only from the second year on I believe. Buy it, and Popuri will help you plant it, you can't miss one day of watering it or else the flower will die and you'll have to start over again. Go there once it has bloomed, and you and Popuri will have your pictures taken. 12.) 13.) 14.) 15.) Commemorating completion of home extension. -=- Buy all the home extensions that the carpenters offer, found on the poster in the back of the carpenter's shack. 16.) +-====================================-+ .·´¯`·.¸¸.-> Power Nuts <-.¸¸.·´¯`·. +-====================================-+ Here is a list of the various power nuts I have discovered and once again, how to get them. Looks like some are missing though eh? 1.) Coming out from the farm -=- Found somewhere on the field located on your farm. It seems to appear after a certain amount of digging with the hoe on your field. Just go about your normal business and you should find it sometime. 2.) Received from water sprite at mountain pond -=- You get this for throwing a large, blue fish into the small pond next to the fisherman's tent. Make sure you see a plop when you throw it in, if the fish just crumbles, you threw from a bad spot, try again. Note: Only try from 9am to 5pm. 3.) It came out of the rock by the pond. -=- Use a level 3 hammer shot to break open the suspicious looking rock in the back of the pond, right next to the fisherman's tent. You can only get to said rock during the winter though, when the pond has turned to ice. 4.) It came out from the mine -=- Find by digging in the mine, which is only opened from the 8th on during the Winter. I believe you have to make it down 3 levels before you can find it. 5.) Received from the goddess of the spring. -=- You get this one from the harvest goddess in the small spring found to the West of the carpenter's house. You have to bring some sort of offering (a vegetable you grew) to her and throw it in while you have full stamina. Which means you haven't done any sort of work yet that day. She only appears from 9 to 5. So go there right away in the morning and wait until 9am to throw in your vegetable. Then wish for Strength. 6.) Purchased at the Flower festival -=- Simply but it for 1000G from the con man dressed in a black suit. He's located in the upper right hand corner of the Town Square, during the festival. 7.) Item won at Egg Festival -=- You get this power nut for winning the first Egg Festival. 8.) The Blue Power Nut -=- This is a special power nut, I believe it makes you able to work just as long in the rain, as on any other day. I belive you get this from throwing a red, medium sized fish into the pond behind the fisherman's tent. You'll know you've done it right, if there is a small plop. The frogman is only there from around 9 to 5 though. A very small fish might work as well, but I haven't tested that. +-=================================-+ .·´¯`·.¸¸.-> Recipes <-.¸¸.·´¯`·. +-=================================-+ This is one of the best parts of the game in my opinion, quite a thrill to find a recipe, purely by accident. The list is almost complete, but is still missing a few, any help with those would be greatly appreciated. I'm not sure if there are actually 48 recipes, but there is room for that many in the recipe book. By the way, the recipes are listed in the same order they are listed in the recipe book. Also note that the name the person gives you, and the name the recipe goes down as in the book are often different, and that it may take several tries before someone will give up a recipe, they usually have to like you first. 1.) Crem of Turnip Stew -- Give a turnip to Maria's mom 2.) Tomato Crem Soup -- Give a tomato to the shipper in the bar 3.) Tomato Rice -- Give a tomato to Karen's mom 4.) Simple Tomato Soup -- Give a tomato to the priest 5.) Corn fritters -- Give some corn to Ann's father in the animal store 6.) Corn pasta -- Give some corn to Popuri's dad 7.) Mashed potato -- Give a potato to Ann 8.) Fried potatos & bacon -- Give the mayor a potato 9.) Twice-cooked tomatoes and greens -- Give a tomato to Popuri's mom 10.) Garlic potato beef -- Give a potato to the mailman 11.) Eggplant with misopaste -- Give an eggplant to the midwife 12.) Rolled Cabbage -- Give a head of cabbage to Maria 13.) Stuffed Omelet -- Give an egg to Ann's brother 14.) Spa-poached egg -- Give an egg to the little boy in yellow 15.) Handmade butter -- Give some milk to Rick, the tool shop owner 16.) Mushroom rice -- Give a brown mushroom to the lead carpenter 17.) Fried char -- Give a large fish to the fisherman 18.) Grilled trout with cheese -- Give a big fish to the carpenter standing by the hot springs on Moon Mountain, you can find him there after dark usually. This is also the location with three tree stumps before the springs are built. 19.) Char stuffed with mushrooms -- Give a mushroom to one of the worker carpenters 20.) Steamed clams with wine -- Give some wild berries to Karen's father 21.) Miso soup with sprouts -- Give some of the herbs found in the cave to the potion shop owner. 22.) Sesame dandelion greens -- Give a medicinal herb to the souvenir shop owner 23.) Mushroom salsa -- Give a mushroom to the gnome in the cave 24.) Strawberry Dog -- Give strawberries to the little boy in blue 25.) Herb rice cake -- Give a green walnut to Elli's grandma. She'll say it's a Walnut Cake, but it goes down as Herb rice cake in the recipe book. Must be a mistake by the programmers. Make sure you get this one after the Herb rice cake recipe from the old lady at the restaurant, #27 below. 26.) Bread pudding -- Give some milk to Elli 27.) Herb rice cake -- Nope, you ain't seeing double, this is the real herb rice cake recipe. Give an edible herb to the old lady in the restaurant at the top of Moon Mountain. I suggest you do this one right away, by climbing the tree next to the cave entrance. I've had trouble getting this one after Elli's grandma is dead, so get it quick ;p 28.) Potato Pancake -- Give a potato to the midwife's daughter, the young girl in red (maybe she's a grandaughter) 29.) Strawberry jam -- Give some strawberries to Popuri 30.) Strawberry champagne -- Give some strawberries to Karen 31.) Veryberry wine -- Give some wild veryberries to the purple bandana wearing vineyard worker 32.) Spice tea -- Give an egg to Cliff, the guy with the bird, during the Winter time. 33.) Hot spicy wine -- Give the wild grapes to the bartender 34.) Cinnamon milk tea -- Give some milk to the bakery worker 35.) Turnip & cabbage preserves -- Give a turnip to the man at the Moon Mountain restaurant 36.) 37.) 38.) 39.) 40.) 41.) 42.) 43.) 44.) 45.) 46.) 47.) 48.) +-==============================================-+ .·´¯`·.¸¸.-> General Secrets/Tips <-.¸¸.·´¯`·. +-==============================================-+ Here are some basic tips and secrets that you might not have known about before, but you probably did ;p 1.) You can climb the tree near the entrance into the cave to get up to the top of the mountain before the bridge has been repaired. 2.) This isn't really a secret, but...try and talk to and brush your cows, sheep, and horses everyday. Makes them look purty and happy. 3.) If your cow wins the Cow Festival, the L size milk will goto G, which stands for Gold, and is worth $500 a pop. It seems like your best bet at winning is to enter the cow that the kid who comes to your farm says to enter. 4.) Once you've gotten a girl to the point where the heart in their text box is red, it means they're in love with ya. A blue feather should be available from Rick's shop soon, use that to propose. 5.) Need to know what an item is in your inventory? Press the Z button while that item is highlighted. 6.) The more you drink (ie. alcoholic drinks) during the year, the longer you'll be able to go without passing out on New Years. Karen particularly likes it if you outdrink her. 7.) I'm not too sure about this, but it seems that if you whistle for your dog, then jump on your horse and let the dog chase you around, it gets a little more stamina each day, maybe this helps for the dog races. 8.) Don't be so quick to hit reset at the end of your evaluation, the game asks if you'd like to continue after the credits have rolled. 9.) You can find a broken music box hidden in the field on your farm. Follow the map below, and dig at the spot shown with your hoe until you find it. Basically, counting from the upper right hand corner of your field, closest to the tree and watering hole, you go left 3 squares, and down 11. X marks the spot on the map below. Hopefully this map helps describe it, hehe. I now believe this is what the map you can find in the tree on your farm is talking about. After you've gotten the music box, you can take it to Rick, and he'll fix it, then you can give it to whatever girl you like I suppose. I took it to my wife Karen, and she seemed to like it, I'm sure it'll raise a girl by a heart, but I can't be sure. BARN SILO CHICKEN TREE COOP WATER HOLE --- R HOUSE - I - G - H DOG FIELD - T HOUSE - - W - A - L - L X CLIFF/BOTTOM EDGE OF YOUR FARM 10.) Kazimadori -=- You can find this item at about 3 levels down in the mine. Do enough mining and you should find it sometime, I didn't find it until my 3rd Winter. It is called a weather vane in your items list. Well, stop by Rick's and he might take it from you, saying that it was his grandmother's. Beyond that, I have yet to get anything from it. +-=============================================-+ .·´¯`·.¸¸.-> Make Da Girls Happy <-.¸¸.·´¯`·. +-=============================================-+ Here is a very brief list of what you can do daily to make the girls happy, happy eventually turns to love =) I've decided to include there birthdays, just in case you wanna pop in on the special day. 1.) Ann-=-The Ranch Girl--Not much you can do here, she's supposed to like it when you bring her animals, but I've never seen that affect her much. Now, wool is a whole nother story, she loves the stuff. If you ever have some extra wool lying around, bring it on down. She enjoys a bit of corn now and then as well. Birthday: 14th of Summer 2.) Elli-=-The Bakery Girl--She seems to like it when you buy cakes and other assorted items from her shop. She likes it when you give them right back to her too. She also talks about her father and fishing a lot, so it couldn't hurt to give her fish once in a while. Birthday: 1st of Fall 3.) Karen-=-The Vineyard Girl--She basically likes any sort of berry, whether they be the purple very berries you find in the Spring, the wild grapes you find in Autumn, or Strawberries. Probably a good idea to stock up on the wild stuff before the end of the season. Birthday: 29th of Winter 4.) Maria-=-The Library Girl--This is one tough cookie, there isn't much that Maria likes. About all you can do is bring her the insects you find flying (or lying) about. I suppose it helps to visit the library whenever you can too, she seems to like that. Birthday: 11th of Winter 5.) Popuri-=-The Flower Girl--Yup, you guessed it, she likes flowers, and lots of 'em, so keep 'em coming. She seems to enjoy strawberries as well. Birthday: 22nd of Spring +-========================================-+ .·´¯`·.¸¸.-> Credits/Thanks <-.¸¸.·´¯`·. +-========================================-+ Well, most of the credit for this document would have to go to Nintense and Zodi, with Nintense doing most of the writing. Special thanks goes out to Spaman, Klone, and iss98z for the info they contributed, and their moral support ;p THANKS TO: HAHECOPYRIGHT99 for the Homecoming King album pic. ZanderT33 for the Cow pic info. +-============================================-+ .·´¯`·.¸¸.-> Rules of use/Legal <-.¸¸.·´¯`·. +-============================================-+ The only site that may have this faq posted is www.gamefaqs.com and it's direct affiliates. I'm sick of the lazy webmasters not taking the time to make sure they have the latest version of a faq posted. So, only Gamefaqs please. This text may not be placed on any sort of compilation cd, or be used to make a profit by any method. If you're gonna use some of the information contained within this document, a bit of credit thrown our way would be much appreciated. But remember, plagiarism is both immoral and illegal. Plagiarism of course meaning copying from this text, word by word. ©Copyright 2000 - Nintense - All rights reserved