_____ _ ____ __ __ ______ / ___| | | / \ \ \ / / | __ \ | |__ | | | /\ | \ \ / | | \ \ | ___| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___ | \/ | | | | |__/ / |__| |_____| \____/ |_| |______/ __ __ __ ____ ____ __ ____ __ __ | \ / | | | | ___| | ___| | | / \ | \ | | | \ / | | | ||___ ||___ | | | /\ | | \ | | | | \/ | | | | |__ | |__ | | | | | | | | |\\| | | | | | | | __| | __| | | | | \/ | | | \ | |__| |__| |__| |____| |____| |__| \____/ |__| \__| ,' ,' ------qlp------ __y__ ,^ _ _ ^, / { } \ / ;'''''; \ (,.; ;.,) By Niveau E-Mail address- Niveau@2-cool.com --Version 3.0------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -------------- Version 1.0 -------------- --11/30/1999-- - First version -------------- Version 2.0 -------------- --12/06/1999-- - Changed my name. - Put in a Floyd ASCII Art picture (It's not the best resemblance, but close enough for my first try at an ASCII art picture) - Added a map for Goldwood. This is sort of how I'd like a map to be if you send one in. In the meantime, I'll try to work on the other maps. - Updated Credits -------------- Version 3.0 -------------- --12/20/1999-- -Changed my e-mail address ------------------- Table of Contents ------------------- 1) Introduction 2) Controls 3) Goldwood 4) S.S. Anubis 5) Ichor 6) Eschebone 7) Mizar's Palace 8) Cyborg Stag 9) Credits 10) Copyright -------------------- Introduction -------------------- This FAQ is designed to help you beat the very difficult Floyd Missions. I consider getting all expert medals harder than beating Mizar. In this FAQ I will attempt to make it easier for getting all the expert medals and gold medals. I will give the times and the items needed. If you know an easier way to beat a mission or want to make a suggestion on my FAQ, then E-mail me at braves@witty.com. Be sure to put something about Floyd Mission in the subject or else I won't read your message. Thanks. -------------------- Controls -------------------- A- move forward B- brake and move backward Control Stick- Turn left, right, up, and down Z- Shoot -------------------- Goldwood -------------------- Difficulty- 9/10 I consider the Goldwood Floyd Mission the hardest Mission. You can't go backwards because if you do you won't make it in time and many of the items are around corners. The targets can be hard to hit and if you hit the platform it sends you flying into the air. AREA FOUND: The Goldwood mission is at the place where Juno gets the red key which is after the outset. There is a big door that has a picture of Floyd on it. It's in there. Goldwood Floyd Mission Map _____________________________________________________________ | ______ _______ | | ________| |_| | | | / ______ _ FINISH | | | | |____ |______| |_______| | | __________ \_____ \ | | / |__ ____) )===10 cases of ore | | | POWER _ \__/ ____/ | | | CELLS | \____/ | | \______ _| | | ___| | | | / ___/ | | | |_____ | | \_____ \ === 6 cases of ore | | / _____/ | | | | | | ENTRANCE | |_____________________________________________________________| GOLD MEDAL: Time- 1:00 or 900 Items collected- 12 Targets Destroyed- 10 Award- Goldwood Target Range --STRATEGY-- Even getting the gold medal in Goldwood is hard. The items are most commonly around sharp turns or under or over poles. You'll go a lot faster if you slow down or brake then if you have to go back. It's not as important on this one as it is in the expert, but you should still be careful. Also, you might want to go through this mission a few times to learn the locations of the items. For the gold medal, I found that the easiest ones to collect were the first six and the ones around the bars at the second half. The ones around the curves at the second part are incredibly hard to get. For the targets try not to get too high or too low. If you're too low you'll run into the poles and if you're too high it will be hard to hit the targets. Also, you'll fly in the direction you're facing, so if you're too high you also run the risk of flying too far down. This is why you should be facing slightly upward. EXPERT MEDAL: Time- 0:55 or 950 Items Collected- 16 Targets Destroyed- 10 --STRATEGY-- The strategy is basically the same as the gold medal except that you need to collect all of them. You can't be picky this time. Just fly right through the first six. No stopping and no braking. If you do then you may as well start over. If you come out of the tunnel perfectly and maintain a perfect angle, then you should be able to shoot all the targets without stopping. This is very difficult, as I have not had to slow down only once. Ideally, you should come out before the timer reaches 1200. For the second part of items, slow down on the turns with the items if you have to but don't slow down at every part. It's hard to beat if you do. -------------------- S.S. Anubis -------------------- Difficulty- 4.5/10 The S.S Anubis Floyd Mission is much easier when compared to the Goldwood one. The items are easy to collect and the only things that might slow you down are the targets. AREA FOUND: The S.S. Anubis mission is found in the place with the glass and the huge conveyor belt. Shoot out the glass and go through a door on the other side. After going over crosswalks and paths filled with crawling bugs, you should come to a small passageway. Crawl through it to reach the Floyd Mission. GOLD MEDAL: Time- 1:00 or 900 Items Collected- 8 Targets Destroyed- 3 panels and reactor hub Award- Ear Plugs --STRATEGY-- There isn't too much to say about this one. Memorize the locations of the items and try not to slow down. The panels are those things that you have to shoot on the regular S.S. Anubis to free Vela, and the reactor hub is the big blue thing with electrical bolts that is right under the first panel. Make sure you take the shortcut that is to the right in the room with the last two panels. One of the items is in there. EXPERT MEDAL: Time- 0:55 or 950 Items Collected- 8 Targets Destroyed- 3 panels and reactor hub --STRATEGY-- Same strategy as the gold medal except that you can't slow down and you need to shoot the targets faster. Learn where they are and start shooting before you even get there. Also, for the panels, be slowly moving in the general direction you're wanting to go as you're shooting them. BUT DO NOT DO THIS WITH THE REACTOR HUB, STOP COMPLETELY. The reactor hub takes some time to blow up. If you're moving while shooting, you'll find yourself too low to reach the platform. -------------------- Ichor -------------------- Difficulty- 3.5/10 The Ichor Floyd Mission is pretty easy. You don't have to collect all the items (although there are many) and there are no targets. I was able to beat this within the first couple of tries. AREA FOUND: The Ichor Floyd Mission is found in another place with glass walls. Shoot out the glass and go through a door on the other side. In the next room is the Floyd Mission. GOLD MEDAL: Time- 1:00 or 900 Items Collected- 45 Targets Destroyed- N/A Award- Arcade Chip --STRATEGY-- Once again, not too much to say. The best strategy is to learn where all the oil cans are and get them as you're passing. Be sure to look out for glass too, as it will greatly slow you if you don't shoot it before getting there. At the places where there are three holes always take the middle hole. Only slow down if you're missing a long line of cans because you can make up the shorter lines of cans. EXPERT MEDAL: Time- 0:55 or 950 Items Collected- 50 Targets Destroyed- N/A --STRATEGY-- Same as the gold medal except that you can't slow down for the cans. The good thing about this mission is that you don't need to collect them all. The first time I was able to beat the time and get 48 cans. When you learn the location of the cans it becomes a lot easier. You shouldn't have any problems with this one. -------------------- Eschebone -------------------- Difficulty- 6/10 The difficult thing about the Eschebone Floyd Mission is that you have to take many different paths to get all of the DNA strands. It makes it pretty easy to mess up. Because remembering the direction can be tough, I'll go through it. AREA FOUND: The Eschebone mission is at the place where the magenta key is. On one of the walls is a ledge. Jump to it to go to the Floyd Mission. GOLD MEDAL: Time- 1:05 or 850 Items Collected- 21 Targets Destroyed- N/A Award- Rith Essa Target Range --STRATEGY-- This one is easy except fo the fact that you need to take different paths to get them all and some DNA strands are hard to get. All of the DNA strands are in groups of threes except for one long group. All of them are in little chambers with glass covering it. Be sure to shoot it as you you come to it. The first time I played this mission I went right, turned around at the end, took the other passage, went through the big chamber, got back to the beginning and took the other fork, and stayed on it till the end. Unfortunately, this doesn't work very well. Without trying to collect anything I got 1:02. I found the best way to do this is to start off taking the left path. After the third chamber of the 3 groups of DNA strands, there should be another passageway on your right that you have to make a U-turn to make. You can take this and get 21 if you collect all the rest, or you can keep going forward to the next chamber of DNA strands. After you collect those three strands you! need to go back to that opposite U-turn passageway you just passed (Except it's straight on now). Doing this slows you down, but enables you to miss up to three other DNA strands.After the U-turn passageway, there should be a big chamber with a long line of DNA strands. Take your time to line up with them and then follow them into the next passage. At the end of tha passage you should be able to continue forward or make another U-turn. Take the U-turn. There should be two more six more DNA strands left. The first three are the ones that I consider hardest to get. This is where getting those other DNA strands come in handy. If not, then just take your time on the turn. After the six in that passageway, just continue straight and you'll eventually come to the end. EXPERT MEDAL: Time- 1:00 or 900 Items Collected- 24 Targets Destroyed- N/A --STRATEGY-- If you haven't learned by now, it's the same strategy as the gold medal. The only difference is that you don't have a choice about whether to get the other three. They can be difficult to get, but since you're supposed to turn around right after getting them, you'll have two chances at them. With this route, I've even found it possible to go back for one I missed (But it is better just to slow down if you have to). -------------------- Mizar's Palace -------------------- Difficulty- 0.5/10 This one is incredibly easy. You only need to get three triangles within a lengthy amount of time. Easy. I beat this one on my first try through. AREA FOUND: The Mizar's Palace mission is found in the huge courtyard with the spinning rings where all the players end up on after they've completed their seperate Mizar's Palace missions (Lobby, Chasm, and Flume). The Floyd Pad should be in a circle on the ground. GOLD MEDAL: You automatically get an expert medal when you beat this Floyd Mission. EXPERT MEDAL: Time- Items Collected- 3 Targets Destroyed- N/A Award- Lowers Pyramid --STRATEGY-- This one's easy so there's no real strategy. The easiest way to collect the golden triangles is to collect the one in the spinning rings first, then the one in the little hole in the wall. Go through the hole in the bottom of the wall first, then get it by exiting out the top. The last one to get is in a hole in a sort of tower in the wall. After you get that one, just fly to the exit. -------------------- Cyborg Stag -------------------- This is the secret character that you've been playing hours of Floyd Missions for. Unless you hate playing battle mode, he's worth it too. Not only does he look cool, but he can jump twice as high, run twice as fast, has armor twice as powerful, and can walk on lava. With this secret character you can easily beat the competition. No more getting mad because your friend's Lupus keeps beating you with his flying ability. The only problem is that you need all Expert medals to get him. -------------------- Credits -------------------- If you want to be put on here tell me the time needed for the Mizar's Palace or if you find a good strategy that I find works. Also, if you make a good map for a Floyd Mission, I will put it on here and give you credit for it. John Doe- For providing me with a diagram for Goldwood so that I could make a map of it. -------------------- Copyright -------------------- Copyright 1999 Niveau Don't put this FAQ anywhere without my consent.