____ __ __ ______ ______ | |/ _||__| |_ _|_ _| | < | | | | | | | | \ | | _| |_ _| |_ |____|__ \|__| |______|______| \/ HARDCORE'S KILLER INSTINCT 2 FAQ (Arcade) ======================================================================== FAQ Version: 6.60 Written By: HardCore Date: 12/01/96. Special Thanks: Kombo ======================================================================== Welcome to one the most widely known FAQ on the Internet! HardCore's Killer Instinct 2 FAQ! This text version of the FAQ is best viewed under Microsoft Write, Notepad or DOS edit. Use those utilities to better view the FAQ. This FAQ can be found at: The Killer Instinct Web: http://www.gil.net/~hardcore/ ======================================================================== Contents ======================================================================== I. Introduction To Killer Instinct 2 II. About this Version Of the FAQ III. Killer Instinct 2 Review IV. Guide to understanding the FAQ V. Definitions VI. Combo Theory VII. Game Codes VIII. Glitches and Weird Stuff IX. Stage Codes and Descriptions X. Individual Character Moves XI. Endings XII. Where to find copies of the latest version of this FAQ XIII. Special Thanks XIV. About the KI Web XV. Killer Instinct 2 Web Pages XVI. Copyright and Legal Limbo ======================================================================== I. Introduction to Killer Instinct 2 ======================================================================== Killer Instinct 2 was released on mid-December in the Miami area, since then the game has been gathering an amazing fan interest, from the internet to the arcade filled fans. The game went through a series of changes from December until February 23 which was the date when the arcade machine was released NationWide. There were lots of bug fixes, including the good old "free token" trick. Some moves were added to the arsenal of the characters and so were the No Mercies and Ultimates which were absent from the game at test time. Killer Instinct 2 is a 2-player simultaneous fighting game made by Nintendo of America and Rare. This game is marketed through Midway. The mechanics of KI2 follow pretty much the same as KI featuring the same combo system of Auto-Doubles, combos, ultras, shadow moves, combo brakers, etc etc... but Killer Instinct 2 introduces super moves (new to the Ki scene but pretty old in arcades now) and adds a new dimension of game play. Super Moves now let you combo brake, add hits to ultras (and regular combos) as well as inflict damage on the opponents. One thing that will be missed from Killer Instinct will be the humiliations. =( 7 Characters return from KI to KI2 for a second beat up they are: Combo - new eyepatch, army pants, no gloves, MORE PAIN! Combo kept some of his old moves and lost some (like the knee). Combo is still fairly easy to use and master. Fulgore - more complex than before. Fulgore is now truly a war machine! His moves ranging from his "laser storm" to his predator like disappearing move. Fulgore is considered a favorite among the elite Killer Instinct players. Glacius - this is one mean looking bastard. Glacius has to be one of the coolest looking character in the game. Keeping the majority of his moves Glacius comes back to beat the living hell out of everyone. Not to mention he is pretty pissed off about his ship. =) Jago - what was once considered a second rate character is now among the top 2 characters in the game. While Jago kept most of his moves the slide kick is now the move that pushed him to the top. Jago looks pretty much the same as he did in KI, and might be the only one you will recognize instantly when you pop in the quarter. Orchid - the combo bitch is back and more grousome than ever. She will be kicking the crap out of more people in Killer Instinct 2. Now wilding baton sticks and leading an army against Ultra Tech, Orchid is again among the top contenders. Saberwulf - saberwulf has similar moves in KI2 as he did in KI. But his looks are very different from KI. Wielding Bionic Arms and metal claws SaberWulf looks mean enough. Too bad he is not a truly good fighter. Players consider him "cheap". Spinal - the skeleton warrior is back! Spinal is more difficult to use, but if you get used to his style of play he will be one of the best on KI2. Spinal looks pretty much the same way as he did in KI but he has a bigger blade (is that possible?!?) =) 4 New characters are added to the beat-em up action: Gargos - the big enchilada! The boss of the game is a mean looking Gargoyle but is very weak on the fighting side. Gargos covers almost the whole screen (about three fourths), and has damaging moves but thats about it. Playable via a code (look at the codes section for the code). Kim-Wu - one of the two new female characters to make it into the game. Kim-Wu resambles Chun-Li (from SF2 not Alpha) in some ways. One being the dress and her way of fighting (fast and furious). A favorite among pros also. Maya - an amazon with some cool knifes. I think of Maya as the Cammy of Killer Instinct. Tusk - your typical barbarian. Tusk carries with him a sword and some cool boots. If you can recall the Conan movies then you will know what Tusk looks like. 4 Characters didnt made the cut: Cinder Eyedol Riptor Thunder ======================================================================== II. About this version of the FAQ ======================================================================== * PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ THE SPECIAL THANKS SECTION OF THIS FAQ TO FIND OUT WHO DID WHAT FOR THIS FAQ* Version 6.60: ------------- Added more high damage combos for all characters. Version 6.50: ------------- Added strategies for 50% of all the characters in KI2. This was a huge job, because I had to include strategies for characters I'm not so good with. All the strategies are my own strategies so they might not work too well for you. Strategies vary from person to person. Also some of these strategies are very basic, if you are looking for more detailed strategies for each character you can simply download any of the character FAQs available at The KI Web (http://www.gil.net/~hardcore). If you wish to add your own strategies for any of the characters, by all means e-mail me: hardcore@gil.net and send it in. Version 6.10: ------------- Added all the Counters in the game! *In a Chart Form* -+ Special Thanks to "The Overfiend" by providing them from the DieHard GameFan magazine and going out and making the charts for me... thanks again Overfiend. +- Version 6.00: ------------- Added stuff for Gargos. Added High Damage Combos. Added and Removed some combos. Version 5.90: ------------- Added transition moves to the definitions. Added/Fixed/Removed a) Combo 1) Added CCA b) Fulgore 1) Added CCA c) Tusk 1) Added CCA d) Glacius 1) Added and fixed alot of stuff!!! e) Jago 1) Added and fixed alot of stuff!!! f) Kim Wu 1) Added and fixed alot of stuff!!! g) Maya 1) Added and fixed alot of stuff!!! h) Orchid 1) Added and fixed alot of stuff!!! i) Saberwulf 1) Added and fixed alot of stuff!!! j) Spinal 1) Added and fixed alot of stuff!!! Version 5.85: ------------- Added all endings! Added/Fixed/Removed a) Combo 1) Fixed No Mercy (I made a mistake on 5.80) Version 5.80: ------------- Broke the "100K Barrier". Air Ultra Glitch added. Practice Mode Glitch * Thanks to Kombo... again =) * Introduction to Killer Instinct 2 enlarged. Manual Auto-Double added to Definitions. Pressure Moves added to the definitions. Air Combo Braking added to the definitions. Throw reversals and Throw reversals reversal added to the definitions Explained counter moves in the definitions sections. Explained speed up combos. Explained slo-mo combos. Explained Air-Combos. Added eveyone's colors. Added/Fixed/Removed: a) Combo 1) Added and fixed alot of stuff!!! b) Tusk 1) Added and fixed alot of stuff!!! c) Fulgore 1) Added and fixed alot of stuff!!! Version 5.70: ------------- Killer Instinct 2 Review Added Fixed alot of Gargos stuff. [Make sure you read the note] Version 5.65: Gargos Code added. Gargos moves added. Fixed the intro, Gargos now playable. Version 5.60: High hitting combos for all characters ;-) Combo Starters/Linkers/Enders added for all characters Added some things to the Combo Theory Removed *Editorial Comments* Added Kombo's KI2 Combo Page to the links I would like to thank: Kombo, McCarron and Rain for the combos. Simplified some of the moves... (nothing big ;-) ) Version 5.50: Re wrote MOST of the FAQ. Added Copyright and Legal Limbo information. No longer a NOTEPAD FAQ (must use other utility to view). Broke the 50K size barrier. =) Changed the format of the FAQ a bit. Deleted and added some links. KI2 Logo ASCII (needs some work) ;-) Added the famous "Combo Theory", thanks to Scooby. Removed Combos for Glacius, Combo, and Jago Added some combos for other people thanks to Scooby. Ghost Move now known as "Spirit Moves". Pseudo Ultras now known as "Assaults". Knock-Down Move now known as "Recovery Move". Decided to finally describe the stages. Added all No Mercy/Ultimate descriptions. Added Bibliography for all characters!!! Added/Removed/Fixed Moves: a) Combo 1) Shadow move simplified. 2) Power Frenzy Fixed. b) Fulgore 1) Eye-Laser Super added. 2) Air Eye-Laser Super fixed. 3) Easier Cyberdash added. 4) Triple Laser Storm Super Added. c) Glacius 1) Arctic Slam fixed. 2) Ultra Combo simplified. 3) Ultimate Ice Spear fixed. 4) No Mercy Ice Crusher fixed. d) Jago 1) Assault simplified. 2) Laser Sword Stab Ultimate simplified. e) Kim-Wu 1) Shadow Move fixed. 2) Combo Braker simplified. 3) Glow Swipes Super added, NOT CONFIRMED. 4) Multihit-Kick Super added. f) Maya 1) Combo Braker simplified. 2) Shadow Move simplified. 3) Ultra Combo fixed. g) Orchid 1) Slide simplified. 2) Fake Fireball added. h) Saberwulf 1) Whirly Wulf simplified. i) Spinal 1) Sword Smash simplified. 2) Super Slide simplified. 3) Super Dizzy Super added. 4) Swords Play Ultimate added. j) Tusk 1) Web'o Death fixed. 2) High/Low sword simplified. 3) Shadow move fixed. 4) Rolling Claymour fixed 5) Rushing Kick fixed. Version 5.00: New/Fixed Moves and Combos: a) Combo's T.J. Air Tremor added. b) Combo's Double Spinfist added. c) Combo's Fake Dizzy fixed. d) Combo's Knock-Down Move fixed. e) Combo's Super "Air Shocker" fixed. f) Combo's Super "Super Beating" added. g) Combo's Super "Quad Roll" added. h) Combo's Ultimate "Screen Punch" fixed. i) Combo's No Mercy "Gun-em Down" fixed. j) Combo's 3-Hit Air Combo added and confirmed. k) Combo's 4-Hit Air Combo added and confirmed. l) Combo's 17-Hit Combo added and confirmed. m) Combo's 21-Hit Combo added and confirmed. n) Combo's 64-Hit Combo added and confirmed. o) Combo's 66-Hit Combo added and confirmed. p) Fulgore's Fake Laser Storm added. q) Fulgore's Air Laser added. r) Glacius No Mercy "Ice Spear" fixed. s) Glacius 3-Hit Air Combo added and confirmed. t) Glacius 4-Hit Air Combo added and confirmed. u) Glacius 17-Hit Combo added and confirmed. v) Glacius 21-Hit Combo added and confirmed. w) Glacius 64-Hit Combo added and confirmed. y) Glacius 66-Hit Combo added and confirmed. z) Jago's 3-Hit Air Combo added and confirmed. 1) Jago's 4-Hit Air Combo added and confirmed. 2) Jago's 17-Hit Combo added and confirmed. 3) Jago's 21-Hit Combo added and confirmed. 4) Jago's 64-Hit Combo added and confirmed. 5) Jago's 66-Hit Combo added and confirmed. 6) Kim-Wu's Slipt Kick fixed. 7) Kim-Wu's Super "Snap Dragon" simplified. 8) Kim-Wu's Super "Super Air Fireball" added. 9) Kim-Wu's Super "Spin Slashes" fixed. 10) Kim-Wu's No Mercy "Chest stomp" fixed. 11) Maya's Knock-Down Move added. 12) Orchid's Fake Fireball added. 13) Orchid's Pseudo Ultra fixed. 14) Orchid's Ultimate "Shocker" fixed. 15) Spinal's Flame Sword added. 16) Spinal's Knock-Down Move added. 17) Spinal's Super "Super Skull Throw" added. 18) Spinal's Super "Blue Skull Throw" added. 19) Spinal's Super "Super Slide" added. 20) Spinal's Super "Sword Rush" added. 21) Spinal's Ultra simplified. 22) Saberwulf's Knock-Down Move added. 23) Saberwulf's Saber-Claw added. 24) Saberwulf's Double Saber-Claw added. 25) Tusk's Shadow Move added. Version 4.50: Added No Mercy Descriptions. Weight Height and Age added for characters. Added Strenght/Weakness and Overall ratings for some characters. New Moves: a) Tusk's Knock Down Move Confirmed. b) Tusk's Super "Flame Sword" Confirmed. c) Tusk's Super "Vicious" added. d) Tusk's Super "Rushing Kick" Confirmed. e) Tusk's Super "Rollying Claymore" added. f) Tusk's Pseudo Ultra Confirmed. g) Kim-Wu's Diagnal Air Fireball added. h) Kim-Wu's Super Spin Slashes added. i) Kim-Wu's Ultimate "Star" fixed and confirmed. j) Maya's Ultra Combo fixed. k) Maya's Pseudo Ultra added. l) Spinal's Super "Skull Assault" confirmed. m) Spinal's Super "Super Dizzy" added. n) Orchid's Knock-Down Move added. o) Orchid's Super "Super Tonfa Rush" added. p) Orchid's No Mercy added. ~Not Confirmed~. q) Glacius' Super "Reverse Uppercut" added. r) Glacius' Super "Super Uppercut Rush" added. s) Jago's Knock-Down Move added. t) Jago's Super "Multihit Windkick" Confirmed. u) T.J. Combo Knock-Down Move added. v) Saberwulf's Pseudo Combo added. w) Saberwulf's Super "Rock'n'Roll added. y) Saberwulf's Super "Whirly Wulf" added. z) Saberwulf's Ultimate "Electrocution" added. 1) Fulgore's Knock-Down Move Confirmed. 2) Fulgore's Super "Super ClawSpin" Confirmed. Version 4.25: New Moves: a) Maya's 3rd Super Move "The Lawnmower". b) Tusk's Ghost Move added. ~Not Confirmed~ c) Fulgore's "Machine Gun" Ultimate Added. d) Jago's Shindoken-TO-Windkick Transition Move added. e) Jago's Air Combo. f) Orchid's 2nd Ultimate/No Mercy. g) Spinal's 3rd Super "Super Fireball" added. ~Not Confirmed~ h) Fulgore's 3rd Super added. ~Not Confirmed~ i) Tusk's "Meteor Shower" fixed and Confirmed! j) Saberwulf's Ultra Fixed!!! k) Saberwulf's Fake Howl Fixed. l) Tusk's Pseudo Ultra added. ~Not Confirmed~ Version 4.10: Pseudo Ultras do exist according to Druboy and McCarron =) I would like to apologize to "Bungholio" because he repeately told me over and over that he had seen Pseudo Ultras and I told him they did NOT exist. He even contributed one or two and I will be giving him credit for his effort. Im really really sorry for this. =( -=HardCore=- Pseudo Ultras added to the "Key to Moves" section. ULtra Brakers added to the "Key to Moves" section. New Moves: a) Kim-Wu's Pseudo Ultra added. b) Spinal's Pseudo Ultra added. c) Spinal's No Mercy "Skull Drop" added. d) Orchid's Pseudo Ultra added. e) Glacius' Pseudo Ultra added. f) TJ's Pseudo Ultra added. g) TJ's Screen Punch Fixed. h) Fulgore's 2nd Super "Chest Spark" added. i) Fulgore's Pseudo Ultra added. j) Jago's 5th Super "Slide Kick" added. k) Jago's Pseudo Ultra added. l) Maya's Shadow Move added. ~Not Confirmed~ m) Kim-Wu's 2nd Shadow Move added. ~Not Confirmed~ n) Saberwulf's Bat attack simplified. Version 4.05: Character story lines added. New Moves: a) Tusk's High/Low Sword Confirmed b) Tusk's 2nd Super "Flaming Sword" added. ~Not Confirmed~ c) Tusk's 3rd Super "Triple Kick" added. ~Not Confirmed~ d) Tusk's No Mercy "Meteor Shower" added. ~Not Confirmed~ e) Maya's Ultra Fixed Version 4.00: Counter Moves added to the "Key To Moves Section". Knock Down Moves Added to the "Key To Moves Section". Roll Moves added to the "Key To Moves Section". No Mercy added to the "Key To Moves Section". Fixed stage fatalities and select. Transition Moves added to the "Key To Moves Section". New Moves: a) High/Low Sword for Tusk added. b) Tusk's Knock-Down Move ~Not Confirmed~ c) Fireball for Kim-Wu d) Kim-Wu's Knock-Down Move e) Kim-Wu's 2nd Super Move f) Kim-Wu's Ultimate Chest Stomp Confirmed g) Kim-Wu's 2nd Ultimate "Star" added. ~Not Confirmed~ h) Maya's Air Dive added. i) Maya's 2nd Super Move added. j) Maya's No Mercy "Shrinker" added. k) Spinal's 2nd Super Move added "Sword Smash" l) Glacius' Liquidize in air added. m) Glacius' Knock-Down Move added. n) Glacius' No Mercy "Ice Spear" added. o) Jago's "Fireball Spray" Super Confirmed. p) Jago's "Meteor Fireball" Super added. q) Jago's No Mercy "Fireball Scorcher" added. r) Combo's Shadow Move added. s) Combo's "Air Shocker" Super Move added. t) Combo's No Mercy "Gun'em Down" Down added. u) Saberwulf's No Mercy "Bat Attack" added. v) Fulgore's Knock-Down Move added. ~Not Confirmed~ w) Fulgore's No Mercy "Lazer" added. Version 3.75: Even More Super Moves added More Ultimates Some Shadow Moves The Pseudo Ultras are not real; they are just combos that end with a Super Move Even more spelling corrections Fixed Some of the things in "Special Thanks" Some New Special Moves Version 3.70: Jago's Ghost Move added Some Ultimates added Some Ultras Added Some Power Moves added Some fixes: a) How to C-C-Combo Brake was changed b) The real names of the moves were added c) Some spelling changes =) Auto Doubles added to the Key to Moves section Ultra Humiliations were removed, they were the same as Humiliations How to do a ghost was also added Stage Codes and Fatalities (Taken From Galaphine's page.) Version 3.50 The first time the FAQ was done through a .WRI utility Ultras for: Orchid, Saberwulf, Jago, Kim-Wu, and Maya were added Ultimates for: Glacius and Maya Some of the moves were fixed. Version 3.00 Text Version of the above .WRI file Version 2.25 & Below Super Moves for all characters Moves for all characters (TEXT VERSION ONLY) ======================================================================== III. Killer Instinct 2 Review ======================================================================== Graphics: Moving a step above Killer Instinct, Killer Instinct 2 introduces more interactive levels, better animation, and amazing looking backgrounds. Starting with the levels, KI2 levels are the best backgrounds seen in a video game. For example. On Spinal's level (inside the ship) there are other skeleton warriors rowing and the dark background with the wild movement of the clouds, and lighting. The lamps hanging from the posts move everytime the ship crashes on a wave. Its exciting just looking at the level. Kim-Wu's and Combo's level feature a unique rotating technique, but it does not compare to Killer Instinct 's. The FMV sequences are out of this world, especially Glacius glowing hand. Really adds to the game's storyline! Music/Sounds: Killer Instinct 2 has the most original music that anygame has to offer. A nice mix of techno, rock, and rap in all stages! No 2 stages have a simular music. The select screen music rocks, I never get tired of hearing it! While this game is missing the announcements of all the combos, it does announce all the fighters and every character has plenty of grunts and death sounds. =) Play Control: Involving so many moves this game will never tire you! Killer Instinct had plenty of moves, including release moves, shadow moves, ultras etc.. thanks to the super moves the game its highly enhanced!!! With the supers you can add hits to your ultras, combo brake and just psych out everyone, with a great amount of damage! All the moves are done flawlessly with the use of the typical HCF movement. Overhead, air combos, combo brakers, and transition moves are just a couple of things that just truly add to the game. Overall: Killer Instinct 2 is truly the sequel I was waiting for. Nintendo and Rare did an outstanding job bringing the arcade token hog of KI into a new dimensions! This is the best KI to date. Bring on 64! Graphics: [10] Music/Sound: [10] Play Control: [10] Overall: [10] ======================================================================== IV. Guide to Understanding the FAQ ======================================================================== I make use of the abbreviations in order to write this FAQ faster. Please take a minute or two to study the basics of this FAQ so you don't waste time coming back to refer to this portion often. B = Back DF = Down Foward F = Foward DB = Down Back D = Down UF = Up Foward U = Up UB = Up Back QP = Quick Punch QK = Quick Kick MP = Medium Punch MK = Medium Kick FP = Fierce Punch FK = Fierce Kick 1 = Quick Punch 4 = Quick Kick 2 = Medium Punch 5 = Medium Kick 3 = Fierce Punch 6 = Fierce Kick [P] = Press any Punch [K] = Press any Kick DP = Dragon Punch Motion [F,DF,F] QCB = Quater Circle Back [D,DB,B] QCF = Quater Circle Foward [D,DF,F] HCB = Half Circle Back [F,DF,D,DB,B] HCF = Half Circle Foward [B,DB,D,DF,DF] FCB = Full Circle Back [U,UF,F,DF,D,DB,B,UB,U] (360 Degrees) FCB = Full Circle Foward [U,UB,B,DB,D,DF,F,UF,U] (360 Degrees) [] = Press () = Hold "+" = Add press the button (this only comes out on Combos) "-" = Continuos motion (For Example: QCB-F+[5]) "/" = or ======================================================================== V. Definitions ======================================================================== Use the following information to help you execute important moves that are of most important value to becoming the KI2 Master. Some of this termonology goes back to the original KI but some things have changed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Simple Definitions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Life Bar - the colored bar on the top of the screen. This bar decreases if you recieve damage or inflict damage on your opponent. The bar starts out green and once the bar its gone the character falls. He stands up and he gets a full Yellow-Red life bar. Timer - the timer starts at 99 seconds and slowly decreases. Once the timer reaches 00 the player with the most life wins. *NOTE* if you are fighting the Boss "Gargos" if the timer runs down to 00 he wins. No matter how much life you have. Power Bar - right under the lifebar sits another bar which changes color and lights up. Once this bar its fill (or partly filled) depending on how much you have you can execute Super Moves. Character Select Screen - this one should be very familiar to you. On this screen its where you choose your character. Special Moves - every character has 5-10 special moves. This moves can be done throughout the whole game. Special Moves require you to do special joystick motions or charges. Red Flashing Power - just about when your opponent's life bar its about to end, his lifebar will start flashing. This is "red flashing power". Throws - turtles of the KI realm beware. You will get thrown like there is no tomorrow. Characters have different ways to throw. But for those of you who may confuse this game with SF2 and start throwing, careful there is a... Counter Throw - press B+6 to counter cheap punks who throw you a bit too much. Block - the most important key to win in KI2 is to know how to block. to block all you got to do is press and hold (B) to block jump or high attacks. Use (DB) to block sweeps and many fireball attacks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More Complex Definitions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to get the most out of KI2 you must know how to do the following: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Super Moves ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Super Moves are very essential if you want to master KI2. In order for your super move to work you must have your Super Power Meter in full. Everytime you hit your opponent you gain power. If you block your opponent's moves your meter grows! When the meter its flashing RED and YELLOW simultaneous it means that its charged. Remember that the more meter you have, the more moves are available to you. Supers have many uses here are a few: Damage Linkers Combo Braker Ultra Braker Combo Enders Recovery Moves The super move bar have a maximum limit 12 blocks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMBO ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Combos were unpurposely created in the old time favorite game SF2. Now this technique has become a standard for fighting games. KI2 follows suite and just as KI it becomes the King of the Combos with added features. Combos are 3+ consecutive hits that your opponent can not block!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to Co-Co-Co-Combo Brake! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Combo Brakers are now done easier. If your opponent is doing a combo with punch all you got to do is the specific motion on the controller and then press kick and vice-versa. Punch - brakes - Kick Kick - brakes - Punch Another possible way to brake combos is by executing a Super Move. This is harder to pull off than a Combo Braker, but it inflicts more damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Air Combo Braker ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When your opponent is juggling you in the air you can perform a combo braker just as you would while you are on the ground! Again Punch brakes kick and vice versa. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ultra Braker!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To Combo brake the Ultra execute a Super Move. This is simple to do and your opponent will recieve alot of DAMAGE! Remember that in order to do a Super Move you must have the "Power Bar Filled Out" The super move must start before the 5th hit of the Ultra in order for it to work properly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ultra Combos! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ultras are done when your opponent has red-flashing power. You must begin to do at least a 3-Hit Combo before you can go into an Ultra. *WARNING* ultra combos can be broken in KI2. Ultra combos consist of a joystick movement which sends your opponent into submission. Your character will kick, punch and even bite the crap out of your opponent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Assaults ------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are miniature ultra combos as Ultras they are done with a certain control movement and press of a button. These Mini-Ultras are done when your opponents first life bar its almost gone. You must begin a combo of 3+ hits before this move can be done. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ultimate Combo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ An ultimate combo its done basically the same way as the Ultras are done. Ultimates can be done ONLY during a combo. Just as Ultras in order to execute them you need to do a special joystick movement. Your character will finish your opponent with a deadly move. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ No Mercy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To do a No Mercy your opponent must have "Red Flashing" power. Do the movement on the controller (again it varies from character to character) and boom they are set. No Mercies can be done withing or outside a combo. No Mercies CAN be blocked, but fortunately you can do a NO MERCY as many times as you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spirit Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This information I got from McCarron's Page =). Spirit moves will take away 1/8 of your life bar and will save it until retaliation. Green dust will began circling you that way you know if you have done the move currectly. Once you die you will come back to life as a ghost. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shadow Moves ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shadow moves are done after you fill out your power bar, then just as a "Super Move" you will do a motion on the controller and boila. Shadow Moves can be identified by shadows following the character after the move. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recovery Moves ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just as in part one of KI Recover Moves are moves which will counter any of the moves done by an opponent if knocked down. Motions differ from character to character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Roll Moves ------------------------------------------------------------------------ New to the KI scene are roll moves! Roll Moves will make your character roll either foward or back depending on how you do the move. To roll foward you have press F two times. To roll back you have to press B two times. Roll Foward: F,F Roll Back: B,B ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auto-Doubles ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auto Doubles are hits that require only 1 button press after a certain move or hit. In KI 2 Auto Doubles are done easier than in KI. If you press FK Auto Double = MK or MP If you press FP Auto Double = MK or MP If you press MK Auto Double = QK or QP If you press MP Auto Double = QK or QP If you press QK Auto Double = FK or FP If you press QP Auto Double = FK or FP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Manual Auto-Doubles ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Manual Auto-Doubles are used to add more hits to your combos. The beauty of manual Auto-Doubles is that they are done manually, adding a sense of Street Fighter action in KI2. All Manual Auto-Doubles are started with a Fierce move and ended with a Medium move here is a basic list of Manual Auto Doubles: If you press FP then press MK or MP If you press FK then press MK or MP Manual Auto doubles are done while close to an opponent and can be done after a starter, Automatic Auto Double, Linkers, and much more. Experiment around with these babies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pressure Moves ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pressure moves will allow your character to hit the opponent twice. Even if blocked a special move can follow after for a combo opener. Pressure moves can be used for air juggling and can even substitute Auto-Doubles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Throw Reversal ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If your opponent attempts to throw you, you can counter his throw by pressing back and by pressing your character's throw button before your opponents initial frames of animation. But beware your opponent can reverse your reversal by doing the same (pressing back and his throw button in the initial frames of animation). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Air-Juggles ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pressure moves and some of the character's particular moves will allow you to perform juggle moves. Juggles will keep the opponent up in the air and you will be able to add extra hits in the combo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Counters AKA Parries ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To perform a counter you will have to press back and QP. If you hold the QP button your character's animation will speed up! Counters will let you perform all the 70+ hitters I mention below. Its very important that you master this technique. After the counter you can perform your opener which will hit 3 times instead of one or even perform what its known as a PARRY dizzy. After the parry dizzy you may perform any combo you want, or just taunt your opponent. A MUST FOR THE MASTERS OF KI! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Speed Up Combos ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The only thing you can speed up in your combos are the linkers and the endspecials. In order to speed them up you must perform the moves just as the auto double animation begins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slo-Mo Combos ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rare has implimented Slo-Mo Combos into KI2, but this time its no longer a glitch. These Slo-Mos can only be done as enders and thats it. To perform a slo-mo ender just do the ender motion twice instead of once. For example: Do Jago's windkick motion twice instead of once and Jago will perform a slo-mo ender motion. Slo-Mos are unbreakable and can also be used in your Ultra Combo! For those characters that have enders in which you have to charge, just hold back, push foward then back and press the button! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Release Moves ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To perform a release special move just hold down the button which you must press at the end of a combo and just perform the motion and release the button at the end. This will speed up the animation of that special move. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Air Combos (Air Auto-Doubles) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Air Auto Doubles can be done when your opponent jumps in the air and you jump kick/punch him with a FK or FP then you press MK or MP. This is basically Manual Auto-Doubles in the air. You can also substitute the second manual hit with an ender move that juggles. For example you can jump kick with Jago with FK then perform his Medium Windick. This was also possible in KI. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transition Moves ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transition moves are moves that are executed while your character its still in his first move animation. For example you can do Jago's Windkick but before he lands you can execute the uppercut (tiger fury). This moves are used alot to trick your "turtling opponent". ======================================================================== VI. Combo Theory ======================================================================== -+- I'LL LIKE TO THANK SCOOBY FOR THE COMBO THEORY INFORMATION HE SO KINDLY DONATED TO MY FAQ. HIS INFORMATION IS INTACT, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF SOME MINOR EDITING BY MYSELF ;-). THANKS FOR THE INFO SCOOBY.-+- Starters: This is used to begin a combo. A starter can be a number of moves, as seen below: · Almost every Special Moves · Ducking attacks (Ducking 6 or Ducking 3. · Mid-Air attacks (Jumpkick while opponent is in the air) · Overhead attacks (B + 3..when opponent is ducking) · Dropkicks · Throws...Yes, you can combo off of throws. · Counter attacks (B + 1 while opponent attempts to hit you with a punch or kick). AD: Auto-Double...Single Button Press in a combo that adds 2 hits. Sometimes you can grab 3 or even four with an AD. Linkers: Special move done in a combo to keep the chain goin'. You have to do a linker to go to your next AD. It goes: AD -- Linker -- AD and so on. You can't go AD -- AD -- AD. Shadows can also be linkers, REALLY maxing your combo out. Shadows can be Linkers: You have to have the super power to be able to do a shadow, so watch out for that. Replace any or all of your linkers in a combo with a shadow and you get 5 hits for every shadow!! That's how you can pull off 50 hitters. You can also add hits a number of other ways, so read on. Supers can be Linkers: Its possible to use some of your characters Supers into a combo to add an extra 5 hits. Warning in order for you to perform this you must have 3 full blocks in your Super Meter bar. CCA: Stands for Correct Counter Attack. If after performing a counter attack (B+1), you do the right CCA, you will get 3 hits instead of one. Only one CCA per character. A CCA is just a special move... but, doing the right one will get you 3 hits instead of one. Overhead: An overhead is one way you can attack your opponent while they are ducking. Do this by B+3. After hitting them you can do an AD or a Special move then combo off of that. Throws: Yeah you can throw and then preform an air juggle combo. To throw F+3 then do a characters special move and followed by other special moves. I'm not sure how many characters can do this. I would imagine all of 'em. Dropkicks: Jump towards with, in most cases, 6 and then there is a coordinated AD for each character you must do this AD after to continue with the combo. It's 2 for most characters. The order is Dropkick with 6 -- AD -- Special Move. Mid-Air attacks: This is where you jump towards an opponent while they are jumping towards you and juggle them with moves for a manual combo. If they jump towards you, jump right back at them in the air with 6, a do a series of special move to juggle your opponent and get a combo while your at it. Ducking attacks: You can do a low attack and then it opens the opportunity to use a special move starter to begin a combo. To do a Ducking attack, just do: D + 3 for a punch then do a special starter move OR D + 6 to do a low kicking attack and you can do an AD only on the D + 6 attack. And then bring out the rest of your combo. CEF: CEF stands for Combo Ender Factor. This is the extra hit system. If you end each combo with a different ender in every combo. You do one combo ender, the next ender wil be 2 hits instead of one (as long as the ender is different) then the next will be 3 and the next will be 4. Every character's highest CEF is 4. It also adds hits to your ultra. I have guessed the combo addition goes like this: 1.( C E F = 1 --- U l t r a = 1 4 ) 2.( C E F = 2 --- U l t r a = 1 8 ) 3.( C E F = 3 --- U l t r a = 2 2 ) 4.( C E F = 4 --- U l t r a = 2 6 ) 5.( C E F = 5 --- U l t r a = 3 0 ) Say you do a 10 hit combo and you CEF is 3 and you slip the Ultra movement in there. 10 + 22 = 32. Your total is 32....Duh? There is a 5th Combo ender!!! But, you must preform ALL of the combo enders in order to be able to do the 5th Combo Ender. This gives you boocoo hits. Shadows, CCAs and supers also give you those extra hits. So You can rack up the hits easy using this system. Enders: Special moves you do to finish a combo. They are usually done with a fierce rather than a medium or quick. Do get the most hits out of a combo, you would put an ender at the end of a combo. Remember, the CEF will give you extra hits to add to your combo. Supers as Enders: You can end your combo with a super if you wish. By doin' a super in a combo you get 3 to 5 extra hits. But, (this is a BIG but, so listen). Why do a Super and drain your meter, and also loose a chance to accomplish a higher CEF? However, If you did the super at the last hits of an Ultra, and you raised your CEF by not doing the super earlier, you get lotsa hits!! Super meter is precious, so keep it. And don't forget, shadows are 5 hits in a combo. This is the AD Table: It's simple how it works. Whatever your current button is, you just degrade one power. A Medium (5 & 2) is one less power than Fierce(3 & 6), therefor, After hitting any Fierce(3 & 6) your next button would be any Medium (5 & 2). It's easy!! If you hit a Quick (1 & 4) you just start over andgo to any Fierce (3 & 6). I'm sure you'll cath on. With this material it's easy to build combos. But, to build even bigger combos, read on. AD TABLE +-----------------------------------------------------+ | Current Button is: | Next Button will be: | ------------------------------------------------------ | Button 1 or 4 | Button 3 or 6 | ------------------------------------------------------ | Button 2 or 5 | Button 1 or 4 | ------------------------------------------------------ | Button 3 or 6 | Button 2 or 5 | +-----------------------------------------------------+ Combo Evaluation: We'll pick apart a combo to show you how many hits, and what the ADs, Starters, Linkers and enders are.So, Let's take a look: Maya 9 Hit Blaster [cB, F + 2] -- [cB + 1] -- [F + 2] -- [cB + 1] -- [F + 5] Translates to: · cB - F+2 (Starter)2 hits (Since this starter, hits twice) · cB+1 (AD) 2 hits (ADs are 2 hits) · F+2 (Linker) 2 hits (This linker is the same move as the starter) · cB+1 (AD) 2 hits (ADs are 2 hits) · F+5 (Ender) 1 hit (If your CEF was 2 it would be 2 hits) This is the basic combo system format. And that's how you accomplish the hit total. Remeber with the CEF you can add extra hits. This combo's CEF is 1. Meaning the last hit will hit only once. You can add extra hits by using a shadow as a linker, Put a Ducking 3 at the begining, using a jumpkick attack, or by using a combination of manuals and autos in the MIDDLE of the combo. Which I'm about to explain now: Maya 15 Hit Killer: [cDB + 3] -- [F + 2] -- [1] -- [cB + 6] -- [F + 2] -- [1] -- [cB + 6] -- [F + 5] (CEF at 3). Translates to: · cDB (Setup) 1 hit (Duck while charging back so you can do a starter) · 3 (Ducking 3) 1 hit (this will do a punch and give you a chance to do a starter) · F+2 (Starter) 2 hits (Although you did a ducking 3, this is the true starter) · 1 (AD) 2 hits · cB+6 (Manual) 1 hit · F+2(Linker) 2 hits (remember this move w/ her is 2 hits) · 1 (AD) 2 hits · cB+6 (Manual) 1 hit · F+5. (Ender) 3 hits (Since the CEF is 3). ~Note: I'm not sure if the combo above works...I might have the Manuals (6's) in the wrong place. After looking over that, you'll notice some extra things placed in there. Manuals being one of them. By simply hitting 6 once in the combo you get an extra hit, do it twice get two. Another thing added is the Ducking 3. Again adding one extra hit. And finally the CEF = 3. That's two more hits than B4. Now, I could put a Shadow in there adding another three. (Shadows are 5 hits in a combo but, when it replaces a two hit move that's 3 more hits.) And there's always Supers, and CCAs. But, I think shadows is where you get your hits, the more links you have the more shadows you can put in. If you have 3 shadows, that's 15 hits!!! You can also do a combination: Put, the shadows in, add the ultra movement at the end and while they come down (must do at the last hits of the combo) add a Super to get 4 or 5 more hits. So, you can create a nice combo just by simply applying some thought to it and doin' a little math. ======================================================================== VII. Game Codes ======================================================================== Killer Instinct was packed with codes, including a Boss Code that let you choose the mighty EYEDOL. Killer Instinct 2 follows the tradition by adding plenty of codes. Please Note that this are not even 50% of the game codes and that the game might have many more codes as people unvail them. GARGOS CODE!!! Hold up then tap FP,MP,MK,FK,MP,QP,QK,MK at the character selection screen. Random Select: Hold Up on the controller and press the start button. Random Select will let the computer choose a character for you. Speed Codes: These codes speed up the game. Turbo: Down + MP or MK (Faster than normal) Ultra: Down + FP or FK (Much faster than Turbo) Cancel Code: Down + QP or QK (Cancels Speed Codes) ======================================================================== VIII. Glitches and Weird Stuff ======================================================================== Air Ultra: When the opponent's life bar is flashing red, just do a combo that makes the character fall (you must know what hit knocks the opponent down so you are begin the motion early) then do a release ultra (hold the button then do the motion) and its done. Practice Mode: With 4 credits (2 credits per character) you can do this glitch rather easily! Grab a friend and take him along to the arcade so he can do some blocking or some attacking. One must pick Glacius and the other must choose Jago. He who is controlling Jago MUST do the spirit move and let himself get beat up, but careful at the end you can not do any of the finishers (ultra, no mercy, or ultimate). Jago will comeback with his Spirit move and the clock will freeze. Thanks to this now you can fight eternally, if you are a little careful =). Practice combos, supers, moves, counters and basically whatever the hell you want!!! Make sure that when Glacius's life bar is almost gone that he does the energy regain, this way you can keep repeating the process! If you are worried about losing powerbars and then you are going to have to attack Jago, then go right ahead, but use the "Super Linker" (get close and press FK,FK,FK until he refills his energy back!), of course Jago MUST block all these moves, but the beauty of it is that this move takes absolutely NO energy! ======================================================================== IX. Stage Selection and Descriptions ======================================================================== You can start a stage fatality by doing a move that knocks off your opponent (or sends them into the air), yes you can also initialize a stage fatality by starting a combo. Remember this combo has to throw the person up in the air. Also, the move must be done on an specific portion of the stage. Spinal's Ship: Stage/Music Select: D+6 Description: The BEST stage in Killer Instinct 2. This is the second pirate ship stages. There are a lots of skeletons rowing the ship and they are humming "Oh eee oohhhh". The sky is as that of a storm that its approaching and the music goes over anything on the game. The rocking music its a must heard. I wish they had a CD like Killer Cutz but of the actual game music. Oh yeah and the crates to the left portion of the ship can be broken. Stage Finish: Do a knock off combo or move on the left side of the ship. Don't forget to crush the crates. Description: Your opponent will fall off the edge and right through the water. The excellent camera work will show the character fall to the bottom of the sea. Pirate Ship: Stage/Music Select: D+5 Description: Not as good as Spinal's Ship, but you got to love those skeletons beating on the drums, hehehe. Stage Finish: None Known Yet. Description: N/A Kim Wu's Dojo: Stage/Music Select: D+4 Description: The carpet makes the stage look like a circus rather than a dojo! But otherwise it might be one of the most revolutionary stage. This stage does NOT rotate 360º it comes very close. The background its quite bland with some mountains. Not a looker. Stage Finish: Perform a knock off move or combo at the left or right side of the stage. Description: The character falls down a cliff, when the trees are about to brake their fall... they hit an edge of the cliff and they bounce into some trees. T.J. Combo's Hood: Stage/Music Select: D+3 Description: Your usual street hood! Just watch any of the gang movies and you know what this looks like. Stage Finish: None Known Yet. Description: N/A Jago's Bridge: Stage/Music Select: D+1 Description: Dont mess with this guy's property!!! (hehe...) A wooden bridge, much like Thunder's in KI stands (or should I say hangs?) over a big waterfall. Jago's shrine is on the background. I like this stage alot. Stage Finish: Perform a knock off move or combo anywhere on the bridge. Description: Your opponent falls into the water, and falls down to the bottom of the lake. Helipad: Stage/Music Select: U+6 Description: At first I thought this was a garden. I'm not kidding look at the stage for a first time and you will think its a garden. But upon further inspection you find what seems to be one of the most beautifully done stages of KI2. In the background you can see the big daddy... Orchid's Helicopter. The barrels at the far left will explode revealing some more stage to fight on. Stage Finish: Perform a knock off move or combo at the left side of the level, the part that was revealed by the explotion. Description: The character falls off the building unto another building. A big fall indeed. ;-) Fulgore's Museum: Stage/Music Select: U+5 Description: The museum where Ultra Tech exhibited Fulgore. This level looks RAW!!! There is a very high tech environment, you can feel it. Lets not forget the red light that swings around the area. It adds to the feel. The left side of this stage can be broken and a valve will fall leaving lots of smoke. Cool effects. Stage Finish: None Known Yet. Description: N/A Tusk's Stonehenge: Stage/Music Select: U+4 Description: You known that "weird" stone thinggie in England? Its here, and its even better than before. In the center of the stage there is a firepit who shots (or spits) rocks and molten lava. Move to the sides of screen and shatter the rocks. Stage Finish: Perform a knock off move or combo by the firepit. Description: This reminds me, when Eyedol falls down to the lava pit on Killer Instinct. This looks better, but basically the same idea. Glacius's Spaceship: Stage/Music Select: U+3 Description: Sparks all around, snow covering ground! This is Glacius wrecked ship, with broken wings and pilot cockpit! One of the better stages. Stage Finish: None Known Yet. Description: N/A Maya's Jungle: Stage/Music Select: U+2 Description: One of my favorites ;-) This stage its graphically superb. There are smoke signals in the background near the pyramid as well as some light emitting from it. Sometimes when it rains it looks awesome with some realistic looking raindrops. Stage Finish: None Known Yet. Description: N/A Sabrewulf's Castle: Stage/Music Select: U+1 Description: You are a guest to Saberwulf's castle. The fight takes place in a hallway of the castle. Just like some of the stages of KI2 if you go to the far right you can barch through the wall into the streets. There is a well where you can knock your opponent into. Try to hit the chandeliars to make them go faster. Stage Finish: Perform a knock off move or combo near the well at the far right of the stage. Description: Your opponent falls down and hit rock bottom. Hidden Skyboard: Stage/Music Select: D+5 (On Both Controllers) Description: Just like KI if you are at the corner of this stage you can get knocked off by a combo or a special move. KI logos as well as Rare logos make up the ground. Stage Finish: Perform a knock off move or combo near the edges of the stage (at anytime). Description: The character falls down through lots of clouds until they see what lurks behind... (you can figure that out by yourself). Gargos' Doungeon: Stage/Music Select: D+2 Description: This stage its cool to say the least. There are two gargoyle statues on both sides of the stage. You are on a bridge by the way. Stage Finish: Perform a knock off move or combo anywhere on the bridge. Description: I'm getting bored of saying the same thing over and over ;-) (hehe) the character falls off the ledge and BOOM. ======================================================================== X. Individual Character Moves ======================================================================== *NOTE* I'm not confirming any Gargos stuff any longer! I wasted too much money and I'm not going to spend more money on this character. I got tired of losing with him. If you want to confirm things for him go right ahead and drop me a line. -HardCore- *************** GARGOS *************** Height: ?? Weight: ?? Age: ?? Story: ?? =Special Moves= Flame: D,DF,F [QP] Fly: U [FP] Air Fireball: D,DF,F [FP] -=In Air=- Shoulder Dash: D,DB,B [MK/FK] Jumping Overhead Slam: D,DF,F [K] -=Done in Air=- Laugh: D,DB,B [FP] -=Reflects fireball attacks=- Uppercut: F,D,DF [FP] Combo Breaker: D,DF,F [P/K] Recovery Move: D,DF,F [FP] Air Combo: D,DF,F [P] Counter: B [QP] Throw: F [FP] Counter Throw: F [FP] Pressure Move: F [FK] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /\COMBOS/\ ------ =Combo Starters= Jumping Overhead Slam: D,DF,F [FP] Double Claw Dash: B,F [K] Shoulder Dash: D,DB,B [K] =Combo Enders= 1: F,D,F [FP] 2: F,D,F [FP] 3: F,D,F [FP] 4: F,D,F [FP] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *************** COMBO *************** Height: 6'1" Weight: 220 lbs. Age: 26 years Story: After a decisive victory over Riptor in the tournament, Combo attempted to destroy Ultratech HQ. Caught as Ultratech is ripped into the past, Combo must escape home before it is too late. =Colors= Purple, Pinkish-Brown, Green, Aqua, Black =Special Moves= Air Tremor: B,DB,D,DF,F [MK] T.J. Tremor: B,F [MK] Spinfist: (B),F [QP] Double Spinfist: F,B [QP] Double Roller Coaster: (B),F [MP] Powerline: (B),F [FP] Skull Crusher: (B),F [FK] Cyclone Punch: Hold [FP] for 3 seconds and Release Fake Dizzy: D,DB,B [QK] -=Press any button to come out of fake=- Run Past: B,F [QK] Roll Backwards: B,B Combo Breaker: B,F,[P/K] Ultra Braker: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FP] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Recovery Move: B,F [MK/FK] Air-Combo: F,B [K] Throw: F [MP] Reversal: B [MP] Counter Move: B [QP] Pressure Move: F [FK] =Super Moves= Power Frenzy: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FP] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Super Tremor: F,DF,D,DB,B [MK] (AIR) -+ 4 Bar Blocks +- Shadow Move: D,DB,B,F [MP] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- Super Rollercoaster: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [MP] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- Super Spinfist: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [QP] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- =Finishers= Assault: B,F [FK] Ultra Combo: F,B, [FP] Ultimate Screen Punch: Hold [QK], release [QK] No Mercy Gun'em Down: (F),DF,D,DB,B,F [FK] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Screen Punch* - TJ punches opponent, he flies the friendly skies. *Gun'em Down* - TJ takes out a gun, and shots the crap out of the opponent. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /\COMBOS/\ ------ =Combo Starters= 1: TJ Tremor: B,F [MK] 2: Roller Coaster: B,F [MP] 3: Spin Fist: B,F [QP] 4: Skull Crusher: B,F [FK] CCA: Roller Coaster: B,F [MP] =Linkers= 1: Spinfist: B,F [QP] 2: Roller Coaster: B,F [MP] 3: Super Spin Fist: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [QP] 4: Super Rollercoaster: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [MP] 5: Shadow Move: D,DB,B,F [MP] =Combo Enders= 1: SpinFist:(B),F [QP] 2: PowerLine:(B),F [FP] 3: Run Past: (B),F [QK] 4: TJ Tremor: (B),F [MK] Hidden: (B),F [FK] Power Frenzy: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FP] -=In Ultra=- Counter Dizzy: B+1, PowerLine +3 Highest Hitting Combo: 74 Hit Ultra Combo Counter (B+1), HCT+2, 1, 3, 2, HCB,F+2, 1, 3, 2, HCB,F+2, 1, 3, 2, HCB,F+2, F+6,HCB,F,F+6, B+3, wait HCB,F+3 Highest Hitting Combo (Ultra/Jago Spirit On): 80-Hit Ultra Combo Must have: (1) 5 Enders (2) Full Power Bar (3) Jago Spirit Move COUNTER (B+1),B,F+2,1,3,2,HCB,F+2,1,3,2,HCB,F+2,F+6,HCB,F+2,F+6,HCB,F+2, 1,3,2,ultra(F,B+3),wait and when he finish his ultra,HCB,F+3,F+6,HCB,F+3,F+6 Highest Damage Combo: 73% Damage b+1,b,t+2,1,3,2,hcb,t+2,1,3,2,hcb,t+2,1,ultra ******************************* ********** COUNTERS *********** ************************************************************************ --------------------------------------------------------- | |Spinfist |Rollercoaster | TJ Tremor | --------------------------------------------------------- |COMBO |TJ Tremor |Spinfist |Rollercoaster | |Kim-Wu |Tornado Kick |Firecracker |Split Kick | |Maya |Flip Kick |Savage Blades |Mantis | |B. Orchid |Flik Flak |San |Tiger Slide | |Jago |Windkick |Laser Blade |Ninja Slide | |Glacius |Cold Shoulder |Liquidize |Icy Grip | |Tusk |Boot Kick |Web of Death |Skull Splitter| |Sabrewulf |Sabrewheel |Sabrespin |Sabrepounce | |Spinal |Skeleskewer |Flame Blade |Skull Skrape | |Fulgore |Cyber Dash |Eye Laser |Plasma Shield | --------------------------------------------------------- ******************************* ********* Strategies ********** ************************************************************************ Combo is meant to be played offensively most of the times. Combo lacks a fireball which means he is not one who you would want to turtle with, because you will never win a fireball war with him. First of all lets rid of the worthless moves you should not use with Combo at all. The "fake dizzy" is the most worthless move in the whole entire game. At first it seemed like a pretty powerful move, because since everyone was a beginner this would trick those who are weak minded. As the days rolled by there was no way that you could catch anybody with this lame move. Do not attempt to fake out any player with this move, in fact keep away from it as much as you can. Unfortunately the fake dizzy can only be performed while you are standing on the fighting arena. Combo's spin fist is a bit quicker than in KI so use it often to catch the opponent off guard. Many people tend to attack you when you are walking towards them so remember that the Spin Fist can be done by holding Towards and then pressing back and QP. This is very useful and can get a starter going. The skull crusher move is perfect for all the turtle players who like to crouch and wait for you to attack in order for them to counter your moves or "parry". Mix up with over the head moves and sweeps as well as the "Run Past" move in order to keep your opponent guessing. Remember to vary your attacks as much as possible and keep your combos short and sweet. Also Combo's improved cyclone punch can now be used to juggle your opponent so make good use of it, and then follow with the "power line". One great thing about the powerline is the ability to use "transition moves" or moves that can stringed together to confuse your opponent. For example use Combo's Powerline motion but hold towards to charge while you are running... then press back and FP and Combo will stop the move, while the opponent who might have been ready to uppercut you would be open for a foolish mistake. Now to concentrate a little about Combo's "run past" move... The run past move is probably one of Combo's greatest arsenal. You can use this move in a great variety of ways. For pressure combos, for surprise attacks, to get away from the corner tricks and many others that are too many to mention here. As far as his supers go, they are basically the same as his moves with an extra couple of hits, the Super Tremor though its very effective and quick so use it often to catch your opponent off guard. I recommend Combo for beginners and for those players that are aggresive and most attack at all times, but overall Combo is one of the better characters because of his great run past move and his different ways to begin a combo. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *************** FULGORE *************** Height: 6'5" Weight: 560lbs Age: Unknown Story: The advanced and deadlier successor to the original Fulgore cyborg destroyed by Jago. Activated after the time jump, its final Ultratech commands are executed... find Jago and kill him. =Colors= Redish-Rusted, Aqua, Dark Grey, Grey, Light Grey, Blueish =Special Moves= Cyber Dash: B,DB,D,DF,F [MK/FK] Plasma Shield: D,DB,B [QK] UpperCut: F,D,DF [P] Laser Storm: D,DF,F [P] Fake Laser Storm: D,DB,B [QP] Eye Laser: DF,D,DB [MP/FP] Teleport: B,D,DB [P/K] Combo Braker: F,D,DF [P/K] Ultra Braker: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F [FP] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Recovery Move: F,D,DF [P] Air-Combo: F,D,DF [P] Counter Move: B [QP] Pressure Move: B [FP] =Super Moves= Lock-On: D,DF,F [QK] -+ 1 Bar Block +- Triple Laser Storm: D,DB,D,DF,F [QP] (Once Locked On) -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- Electro Reflect: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [QK] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- Air Eye Laser: DF,D,DB [FP] -+ 1 Barb Block +- Cloak: D,DB,B [FK] (repeat to uncloak) Drains Super Bar Block... Plasmaport: B,D,DB [P/K] -+ 1 Bar Block +- Super Cyber Dash: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [FK] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- =Finishers= Assault: F,D,DF [QP] Ultra Combo: F,D,DF [QK] Ultimate Heavy Artillery: F,B,DB,D,DF,F [MK] No Mercy Lazer: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [MP] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Heavy Artillery* - Fulgore turns into a battletech and shoots heavy artillery at opponent. *Laser* - laser falls from the sky, your opponents veins and a whole bloody mess is left behind. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /\COMBOS/\ ------ =Combo Starters= 1: Cyber Dash: B,DB,D,DF,F [MK/FK] 2: Eye Laser: DF,D,DB [MP] Combo Linkers: 1: Eye Laser: DF,D,DB [MP] 2: Cyber Dash: B,DB,D,DF,F [MK] 3: Electro Reflect: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [QK] 4: Super Cyber Dash: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [FK] =Combo Enders= 1: Cyber Dash: B,DB,D,DF,F [FK] 2: Eye Laser: DF,D,DB [FP] 3: Laser Storm: D,DF,F [MP] 4: Uppercut: F,D,DF [FP] Hidden: D,DF,F [QP] Super: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F [FP] -=In Ultra=- Counter Dizzy: B+1, Uppercut + 1 Honorable Mention Combo (Ultra): 80-Hit Ultra Counter (B+1),HCF+5,1,6,5,HCF,B+6,5,6,5,HCF,B+6,B+3,HCF,B+6,2,3,2, ultra(DP+4),super...(QCB,HCF+3, wait and when he finish his ultra and does his teleport and press ,F,DF,F+4 Highest Hitting Combo (Ultra): Infinite Hit Ultra COUNTER (B+1),HCF+5,4,DF,D,DB+2,4,HCB,F+4,B+3,HCB,F+4,6,F,D,DF+4,QCB, HCF+3, F, D, DF+4, REPEAT. Highest Damage Combo: 73% Damage b+1,qct5,1,6,2,hct,b+6,5,6,5,hct,b+6,5,ultra ******************************* ********** COUNTERS *********** ************************************************************************ --------------------------------------------------------- | |Plasma Shield |Eye Laser |CyberDash | --------------------------------------------------------- |Fulgore |Cyber Dash |Eye Laser | |Kim-Wu |Tornado Kick /Firecracker |Split Kick | |Maya |Flip Kick |Savage Blades |Mantis | |B. Orchid |Flik Flak |San |Tiger Slide | |Jago |Windkick |Laser Blade |Ninja Slide | |Glacius |Cold Shoulder |Liquidize |Icy Grip | |COMBO* |TJ Tremor |Spinfist /Rollercoaster | |Sabrewulf |Sabrewheel |Sabrespin |Sabrepounce | |Spinal |Skeleskewer |Flame Blade |Skull Skrape | |Tusk |Boot Kick |Web of Death |Skull Splitter| --------------------------------------------------------- * -> Fulgore can counter the Spinfist and Rollercoaster with the Cyberdash NOT the Eyelaser. ******************************* ********* Strategies ********** ************************************************************************ I'm not a Fulgore player, never have been; but I recognize that Fulgore is a very violent war machine. I hate playing against a good Fulgore player because they usually beat me. So Im going to be writting some of the strategies that have been done on me and that work rather well =8]. I must say that Fulgore is an annoying character to play against. He is one of the most "cheesy" characters in the game. A basic laser storm, plasma slice trick will do away with some if not most of the characters. This is one of the major reasons why I mastered Spinal =8]... anyhow... For Fulgore you can basically keep any opponent at bay by simply releasing a triple laser storm continously (note the lock on move requires 1 bar block) since the recovery time was improved from Killer Instinct. Make good use of Fulgore's fake laser storm to make an opponent stupidily fall into a trap (either a plasma slice or an air combo). Fulgore lacks openers and this is basically his greatest weakness. A lot of people expect you to start your combos with the Cyber Dash, so its really a matter of time for you to do a cyber dash and be countered and comboed. The electro reflect works very well for those opponents who are willing to play your fireball war game, just perform the move and send them right back at them. Use the cloacking move a lot but don't stay in a particular place for too long because your "heat" will show on the screen. Keep moving and jumping back. The plasmaport is a very useful move, use it by teleporting once to the front and then to the back, most of the players expect it the other way around ... The eyelaser is just a very cheap way to keep your opponent away from you, if you are feeling good go for it. Fulgore has been improved from Killer Instinct and is once again among the top contenders. But those of you who are novices will probably have some trouble adapting to his style of play. Fulgore is for the pros only. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ***************** Glacius ***************** Height: Variable Weight: Variable Age: Unknown Story: 2 millenia from now a captured relative earns freedom by slaying a fire being and escaping home. But now in the past, a distress call has been answered. Glacius must free his stranded kin. =Colors= Green, White, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Red =Special Moves= Cold Shoulder: D,DF,F,[MP] Liquidize: D,DF,F [K] -=Can be done in the air if done with [MK]=- Icy Grip: D,DF,F,[QP] Arctic Blast: D,DB,B,[P] Ice Lance: D,DB,F,[FP] Energy Gain: D,DF,F hold [QK] -=You gain more the longer you hold=- Combo Braker: D,DF,F,[P/K] Ultra Braker: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [QP] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Recovery Move: D,DF,F [MK/FK] Air-Combo: D,DF,F [K] Counter Move: B [QP] Throw: F [FP] Reversal: B [FP] Pressure Move: F [FK] =Super Moves= Arctic Slam: B,DB,D,DF,F,B, [MP] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- Arctic Breath: F,DF,D,DB,B,F, [FP] -+ 4 Bar Blocks +- Quad Throw: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [QP] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Reverse Uppercut: D,DB,B [FK] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- Super Uppercut Rush: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [FK] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- =Finishers= Assult: D,DB,B [QK] Ultra Combo: D,DF,F [QK] Ultimate Ice Spear: D,DB,B,F [MK] No Mercy Ice Crusher: B,F,DF,D,DB,B [QK] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Ice Spear* - Glacius stabs the opponent with an ice pick. *Ice Crusher* - Glacius grabs his opponent, freezes him and blam! Ice cubes anyone? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /\COMBOS/\ ------ =Combo Starters= 1: Icy Grip: D,DF,F [QP] 2: Liquidize: D,DF,F [MK] 3: Cold Shoulder: D,DF,F [MP] CCA: Liquidize: D,DF,F [MK] =Linkers= 1: Liquidize: D,DF,F [MK] 2: Cold Shoulder: D,DF,F [MP] 3: Super Uppercut Rush: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [FK] 4: Arctic Slam: B,DB,D,DF,F,B, [MP] =Combo Enders= 1: Icy Grip: D,DF,F,[QP] 2: Liquidize: D,DF,F [FK] 3: Ice Lance: D,DB,F,[FP] 4: Arctic Blast: D,DB,B,[FP] Hidden: D,DF,F [QK] Super: B,DB,D,DF,F,B, [MP] -=In Ultra=- Honorable Mention Combo (Ultra): 74-Hit Ultra Combo Counter (B+1), QCT+5, 1, 3, 2, HCT,B+6, 2, 3, 2, HCT,B+6, 2, 3, 2, HCT,B+6, F+6,HCT,B+6, F+6, QCT+4, wait then, HCT,B+1 Highest Hitting Combo (Ultra): 75-Hit Ultra Combo COUNTER (B+1),F+6,HCF+5,4,6,5,HCF,B+6,5,6,5,HCF,B+6,F+6,HCF,B+6, F+6,HCF,B+6,5,3,2,ultra(QCT+4),super(HCB,F+1) Highest Hitting Combo (Ultra/Jago Spirit On): 80-Hit Ultra Combo Must have: (1) 5 Enders (2) Full Power Bar (3) Jago Spirit Move COUNTER(B+1),HCF+5,4,HCF,B+6,5,HCF,B+6,F+6,HCF,B+6,F+6,HCF,B+6,5, ultra(QCT+4),wait andas soon as his ultra is finish tap 4 repeatly. Highest Damage Combo: 72% Damage b+1,qct5,1,6,2,hct,b+6,5,6,5,hct,b+6,5,ultra Highest Damage Combo: 100% Damage jump+6,D+3, then press 4 continuosly. ******************************* ********** COUNTERS *********** ************************************************************************ --------------------------------------------------------- | |Liquidize |Icy Grip |Cold Shoulder | --------------------------------------------------------- |Glacius |Cold Shoulder |Liquidize |Icy Grip | |Kim-Wu |Tornado Kick |Firecracker |Split Kick | |Maya |Flip Kick |Savage Blades |Mantis | |B. Orchid |Flik Flak |San |Tiger Slide | |Jago |Windkick |Laser Blade |Ninja Slide | |Tusk |Boot Kick |Web of Death |Skull Splitter| |COMBO |TJ Tremor |Spinfist |Rollercoaster | |Sabrewulf |Sabrewheel |Sabrespin |Sabrepounce | |Spinal |Skeleskewer |Flame Blade |Skull Skrape | |Fulgore |Cyber Dash |Plasma Shield |Eye Laser | --------------------------------------------------------- ******************************* ********* Strategies ********** ************************************************************************ Looking meaner than ever, Glacius returns to become one of KI2's better character. Glacius speed has bastly improved and since now all the moves are motions rather than charging he is easier to play with. The liquidize move has many different uses now so use them wisely. Among its uses is the liquidize in mid air which allows you to perform various tricks to confuse your opponent. The behind the back liquidize move is awesome so use it whenever you have a chance. For example throw a fireball (Artic Blast) and follow it with a behind the back uppercut. People will be fooled by the fireball and leave themselves open for the uppercut. Simple! The artic blast now travels in a straight foward pattern unlike the cool bouncy effect the original move had. The speed pattern though is basically the same as from KI. The slow fireball travels awfully slow and the fast fireball... well travels fast. Mix the speed up to fool jumping opponents into mistakely jumping into your projectiles. Cold Shoulder? Well to our advantage the cold shoulder has been giving a bit of speed. Now it is more effective than in part 1 and what is even better is the fact that it has now been given a standard quater circle motion. Use the cold shoulder to start your combos, whenever you are able to counter your opponent. Last but not least is the Ice Lance. Not only has this move changed visually, but it has also gained a much faster animation which accounts for a better usefulness when countering opponents. You should use this move to counter all jumping enemies and as cheesy as you can be. Oh and use the quick kick liquidize move to duck under fireballs. This is a great way to evade the fire go lucky players. Overall Glacius is a great character that can be used by both pros and beginners alike. Glacius takes the front seat in Killer Instinct 2 and now gets the respect he deserves from all the players. With Glacius you can't go wrong... unless you like the heat... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ******************* JAGO ******************* Height: 5'9" Weight: 190lbs. Age: 22 years Story: After destroying Fulgore a furious Jago is betrayed by his one-time master the Tiger Spirit. The disguised Demon Lord used him to escape from the void and now Jago swears vengeance. =Colors= Violet, Green, White, Black, Yellow, Red =Special Moves= Windkick: DF,D,DB,[K] Laser Sword: DF,D,DB,[FP] Shindouken: F,D,DF [P] Endouken: D,DF,F,[P] Red Endouken: Hold [FP] D, DF, F, Release [FP] Fake Endouken: D,DF,F [QK] Ninja Slide: DB,D,DF,[K] Spirit Move:F, DF,D,DB,B,F [QK] Combo Breaker: F,D,DF, [P/K] Ultra Breaker: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F [FP] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Recovery Move: F,D,DF [P] Air-Combo: DF,D,DB [K] Counter Move: B [QP] Throw: F [FP] Reversal: B [FP] Pressure Move: F [FK] =Super Moves= Tiger Trash: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F,[FP] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Shadow Move: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [MK] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- Multihit WindKick: D,DF,F,B [MK] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- Multihit Fireball: DF,D,DB, [QP] -+ 4 Bar Blocks +- Slide Kick: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [FK] -=Done in a Combo=- -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- =Finishers= Assault: DB,D,DF [QK] Ultra Combo: DF,D,DB [QK] Ultimate Laser Sword Stab: F,D,DF [FK] No Mercy Fireball Scorcher: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [MP] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Laser Sword Stab* - uhm hah yiha! Nice swords play by Jago. *Fireball Scorcher* - the tiger spirit within Jago causes a dragon to appear. He burns the crap out of the character. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /\COMBOS/\ ------ =Combo Starters= 1: Wind Kick: DF,D,DB,[K] 2: Slide Kick: DB,D,DF [K] 3: Laser Sword: DF,D,DB [MP/FP] CCA: Wind Kick: DF,D,DB,[MK] =Linkers= 1: Laser Sword: DF,D,DB [MP] 2: Slide Kick: DB,D,DF [QK/MK] 3: Wind Kick: DF,D DB [QK/MK] Multihit Windkick: D,DF,F,B [MK] Slide Kick: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [FK] Shadow Move: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [MK] =Combo Enders= 1: Wind Kick: DF,D,DB,[FK] 2: Laser Sword: DF,D,DB [FP] 3: Tiger Fury: F,D,DF [FP] 4: Endouken: D,DF,F,[FP] Hidden: F,D,DF [MP] Super: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F,[FP] -=In Ultra=- Honorable Mention Combo (Ultra): 72-Hit Ultra Combo COUNTER(B+1) DF,D,DB+3,1,DF,D,DB+5,1,3,2,HCB,F+5,F+6,HCB,F+5,F+1,HCB, F+5, F+6, HCB, F+5, F+6,ULTRA,QCB,HCF+3 Highest Hitting Combo (Ultra): 78-Hit Ultra Combo Must have: (1) 5 Enders (2) Full Power Bar COUNTER(B+1),QCDB+5,1,3,2,2,shadow(HCB,F+5),1,3,2,2,shadow,1,3,2,2, shadow,3,2,2,shadow,3,2,2ultra(QCDB+4),wait,super(QCB,HCT+3) Highest Damage Combo: 58% Damage QCDB+3, 2, HCB,F+5, F+6, HCB,F+5, QCB,HCT+3 ******************************* ********** COUNTERS *********** ************************************************************************ --------------------------------------------------------- | |Laser Blade |Ninja Slide |Windkick | --------------------------------------------------------- |Jago |Windkick |Laser Blade |Ninja Slide | |Kim-Wu |Tornado Kick |Firecracker |Split Kick | |Maya |Flip Kick |Savage Blades |Mantis | |B. Orchid |Flik Flak |San |Tiger Slide | |Tusk |Boot Kick |Web of Death |Skull Splitter| |Glacius |Cold Shoulder |Liquidize |Icy Grip | |COMBO |TJ Tremor |Spinfist |Rollercoaster | |Sabrewulf |Sabrewheel |Sabrespin |Sabrepounce | |Spinal |Skeleskewer |Flame Blade |Skull Skrape | |Fulgore |Cyber Dash |Plasma Shield /Eye Laser | --------------------------------------------------------- ******************************* ********* Strategies ********** ************************************************************************ Behoned any character... Jago is probably the easiest and best character overall in Killer Instinct 2 period. If you ever played KI or SF2 then you will right at home with Jago... all you will have to do is adapt to the KI environment and complex combo system. Jago has 3 new moves in his arsenal. The fake endokuken, the spirit move and his ninja slide. There are also 5 new supers but thats another story. Anyhow the windkick now sadly fails to counter fireballs like it did in Killer Instinct. But in order to supplement for that loss is his ninja slide which is perhaps a better move than the windkick when it comes to countering fireballs because it allows Jago to slide on the floor. The ninja slide is very effective because it surprises by its speed and leaves the opponent open for an easy opener. Another great new addition is the fake fireball which simulates Jago's fireball animation but has a better recovery time (almost instant) and leaves jumping beans open for a tiger trash or even an air combo. Vary this form of attack with regular fireballs and a doze of red fireballs. The spirit move aka ghost move will allow Jago to come back from the dead if he is defeated in 2 rounds. Jago will recover about 1/6th of his life bar and will be 4 times as powerful. This move is awesome and should be used first thing in a battle or during round bouts. Use lots of pressure combos and air combos to deplete your opponents energy quickly and effectively! Vary your attacks as much as possible, and you will leave home a winner. Jago is by far the best character in Killer Instinct 2 hands down. *Note* Carefull with Spinal players like myself =8]. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ******************** Kim-Wu ******************** Height: 5'4" Weight: 130lbs. Age: 17 years Story: Descendant of the heroes who banished Eyedol and Gargos, Kim is appointed her people's guardian. With the return of Gargos, Kim must fulfill her duty to her homeland and destroy him forever. =Colors= Black, White, Red, Yellow, and Magenta Strenghts: Well Kim-Wu its what I call, weird. Kim-Wu its a character that can be annoying and impossible to beat, and then it turns into a weak predictable annoying character =). Well lets take it this way her Tornado Kick its great for a combo starter and should be used after countering or to start a combo. The Air Fireball are great assets to this already lacking character. Im not a Kim-Wu player so if anyone can help me on this one your more than welcomed to. Weakness: Kim-Wu its predictable and her moves arent too powerful. I cant seem to understand her to much. NEED HELP Overall: [6] =Special Moves= Tornado Kick: DF,D,DB,[K] Firecracker: DF,D,DB,[MP/FP] Split Kick: DB,D,DF,[FK] Fireflower: D,DF,F,[QP] Air Fireflower: D,DF,F [P] Diagonal Air Fireflower: D,DB,B [P] Combo Breaker: F,DF,F,[P/K] Ultra Breaker: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F [FP] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Recovery Move: D,F,DF [P] Air-Combo: D,DF,F [P] Counter Move: B [QP] Throw: F [FP] Reversal: B [FP] Roll: F,F Pressure Move: F [FK] =Super Moves= Shadow Move: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FK] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- Snap Dragon: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F [FP] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Spin Slashes: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FP] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- Super Air Fireflower: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [MP] -+ 4 Bar Blocks +- Multihit Kick: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FK] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- =Finishers= Assault: D,DB,B [QK] Ultra Combo: D,DF,F [QK] Ultimate Star: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [QK] No Mercy Chest stomp: (B),F,B,DB,D,DF,F [MK] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Star* - a star explodes in your face!!! *Chest Stomp* - Kim-Wu goes wild and steps on your chest! Yippie! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /\COMBOS/\ ------ =Combo Starters= 1: Firecracker: DF,D,DB [FP] 2: Split Kick: DF,D,DB [FK] 3: Tornado Kick: DF,D DB [K] CCA: Tornado Kick: DF,D DB [MK] =Linkers= 1: Firecracker: DF,D,DB [MP/FP] 2: Split Kick: DF,D,DB [FK] 3: Tornado Kick: DF,D,DB [QK/MK] Spin Slashes: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FP] Multihit Kick: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FK] Shadow Move: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FK] =Combo Enders= 1: Firecracker: DF,D,DB [FP] 2: Tornado Kick: DF,D,DB [FK] 3: Fireflower: D,DF,F,[QP] 4: Split Kick: DF,D,DB [FK] Hidden: DB,D,DF [MK] Super: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F [FP] Honorable Mention Combo (Ultra): 72-Hit Ultra Combo COUNTER(B+1),HCB+5,1,HCB+2,1,6,2,HCB,F+3,F+6,HCB,F+3,F+2,HCB,F+6, F+6,HCB,F+6 F+6,ULTRA,QCB,HCF+3 Highest Hitting Combo (Ultra): 76-Hit Ultra Combo Must have: (1) 5 Enders (2) Full Power Bar COUNTER(B+1),QCDB+5,hold QCDB and tap 5 repeatly,4,6,5,HCB,F+6, 1,6,5,HCB,F+6,F+6,HCB,F+6,F+6,HCB,F+6,1,6,5,ultra(QCT+4),super (QCB,HCT+3) Highest Hitting Combo (Ultra/Jago Spirit On): 80-Hit Ultra Combo Must have: (1) 5 Enders (2) Full Power Bar (3) Jago Spirit On (4) Double Counter COUNTER(B+1),QCDB+5,hold QCDB and tap 5 repeatly,4,6,5,HCB,F+6,1,6,5, HCB,F+6,F+6,HCB,F+6,F+6,HCB,F+6,1,3,2,ultra(QCT+4),super(QCB,HCT+3) ..wait HCF+6,HCF+6,HCF+6,HCF+6,HCF+6 Highest Damage Combo: 61% Damage QCDB+3, 2, HCB,F+6, F+6, HCB,F+6, QCB,HCT+3 ******************************* ********** COUNTERS *********** ************************************************************************ --------------------------------------------------------- | |Fire Cracker |Split Kick |Tornado Kick | --------------------------------------------------------- |Kim-Wu |Tornado Kick |Firecracker |Split Kick | |Tusk |Boot Kick |Web of Death |Skull Splitter| |Maya |Flip Kick |Savage Blades |Mantis | |B. Orchid |Flik Flak |San |Tiger Slide | |Jago |Windkick |Laser Blade |Ninja Slide | |Glacius |Cold Shoulder |Liquidize |Icy Grip | |COMBO |TJ Tremor |Spinfist |Rollercoaster | |Sabrewulf |Sabrewheel |Sabrespin |Sabrepounce | |Spinal |Skeleskewer |Flame Blade |Skull Skrape | |Fulgore |Cyber Dash |Plasma Shield /Eye Laser | --------------------------------------------------------- ******************************* ********* Strategies ********** ************************************************************************ Kim Wu is the most widely used of the three new characters. What makes her such a powerful character is the fact that the she is quick and her moves are very effective and hard to counter. Kim-Wu's combos are also very fast so you got to be quick! The split kick is Kim-Wu's most effective move. As an opener the split kick allows you to hit crouching opponents for an easy opener. The move is fast and will give the opponent almost no chance to react to it. Make your opponent block low by using variations of sweeps etc... and then jump into a split kick. This move is annoying to the players. The tornado kick move is a very good opener so use it whenever possible. Use Kim Wu's roll to your advantage against those who like to crouch. By quickly doing the roll you will appear in the back of your cought off guard opponent and perform a starter. EASY combo! :) The fireflowers is excellent! Many people who are experts at Kim-Wu use these moves frequently, by mixing your highs and lows and diagonal. The firecraker is not really a move to brag about, most people just use it as a linker and thats all. Make use of Kim Wu's fast combos to make them a tid longer than others. Remember that slo-mo combos are unbreakable so make good use of them. Kim Wu is a great character, perhaps not the best overall but a very good choice for beginners and pros alike, her overall annoying factor is her greatest strength... make use of it! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ******************** Maya ******************** Height: 5'10" Weight: 140lbs. Age: 23 years Story: Made Queen of Amazonia after her part in banishing the Dark Lord Gargos. Cast out by her tribe as Gargos returns, Maya must vanquish him to regain her throne. =Colors= Red, Blue, Yellow, Black, Magenta, and White Strenghts: The Combo Bitch is back... wait a minute this is not Orchid! Maya is a mirror image of the Orchid of KI. Maya its quick and effective. Use her Flip Kick and the Mantis alot! The Jungle leap is very annoying so wear it out. Weakness: Very weak. She is easy to counter once you block her moves. Overall: [7] Pick Maya and have a good time beating up on your opponents. =Special Moves= Flip Kick: (B),F [MK] Savage Blades: (B),F [MP] Mantis: (B),F [FP] -=Can be done after jungle leap=- Air Mantis: F,B [FP] Jungle Leap: (B),F [QK/FK] Air Jungle Leap: F,B [QK] Cobra Bite: (B),F [QP] Combo Breaker: B,F [P/K] Ultra Breaker: F,DF,D,DB,B,B,F [FK] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Recovery Move: B,F [QP] Air-Combo: F,B [K] Counter Move: B [QP] Throw: F [FP] Reversal: B [FP] Pressure Move: F [FK] =Super Moves= Tree Cutter: F,DF,D,DB,B,F,[FK] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Shadow Move: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FP] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- Super Flip Kicks: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [MK] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- Lawnmower: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [MP] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- =Finishers= Assault: (F),B [FP] Ultra Combo: (F),B [FK] Ultimate Elephant: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [QK] No Mercy Shrinker: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [QP] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Elephant* - an elephant magically fall on your opponent. *Shrinker* - a red ray its emitted from Maya's forehead. The opponent shrinks down in size. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /\COMBOS/\ ------ =Combo Starters= 1: Savage Blade: B,F [MP] 2: Mantis: B,F [FP] 3: Air Mantis: F,B [FP] 4: Flip Kicks: B,F [MK] CCA: Savage Blade: B,F [MP] =Linkers= 1: Savage Blade: B,F [MP] 2: Mantis: B,F [FP] 4: Flip Kicks: B,F [MK] Super Flip Kicks: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [MK] Lawnmower: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [MP] Shadow Move: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FP] =Combo Enders= 1: Cobra Bite: (B),F [QP] 2: Mantis: B,F [FP] 3: Jungle Leap: (B),F [FK] 4: Jungle Leap: (B),F [QK] Hidden: F,B [QP] Super: F,DF,DB,B,F,[FK] Honorable Mention Combo (Ultra): 73-Hit Ultra Combo COUNTER(B+1),HCF+2,1,HCF+2,1,3,2,HCB,F+2,F+6,HCB,F+2,F+1,HCB,F+5,F+6, HCB,F+5, F+6,ULTRA,HCB,F+6 Highest Hitting Combo (Ultra): 77-Hit Ultra Combo Must have: (1) 5 Enders (2) Full Power Bar COUNTER(B+1),5,HCF+2,hold Forward and press 2 repeatly ,1,3,2, HCB,F+2,1,3,2,HCB,F+2,F+6,HCB,F+2,F+6,HCB,F+2,1,3,2,ultra,(F,B+6), super(HCB,F+6) Highest Hitting Combo (Ultra/Jago Spirit On): 80-Hit Ultra Combo Must have: (1) 5 Enders (2) Full Power Bar (3) Jago Spirit On COUNTER(B+1),5,HCF+2,(F)and tap 2 repeatly,1,3,2,HCB,F+2,1,3,2, HCB,F+2F+6,HCB,F+2,F+6,HCB,F+2,1,3,2,ultra(F,B+6),wait,super HCB,F+6) Highest Damage Combo: 79% Damage b+1,b,f+2,hold f and tap 2 repeatly,1,3,2,hcb,t+5,1,3,2,hcb,t+5 1,ultra ******************************* ********** COUNTERS *********** ************************************************************************ --------------------------------------------------------- | |Savage Blades |Mantis |Flip Kick | --------------------------------------------------------- |Maya |Flip Kick |Savage Blades |Mantis | |Kim-Wu |Tornado Kick |Firecracker |Split Kick | |Tusk |Boot Kick |Web of Death |Skull Splitter| |B. Orchid |Flik Flak |San |Tiger Slide | |Jago |Windkick |Laser Blade |Ninja Slide | |Glacius |Cold Shoulder |Liquidize |Icy Grip | |COMBO |TJ Tremor |Spinfist |Rollercoaster | |Sabrewulf |Sabrewheel |Sabrespin |Sabrepounce | |Spinal |Skeleskewer |Flame Blade |Skull Skrape | |Fulgore |Cyber Dash |Plasma Shield /Eye Laser | --------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ******************* Orchid ******************* Height: 5'7" Weight: 125lbs. Age: 24 years Story: Eyedol's death by Orchid's hand freed massive energies, ripping Ultratech back in time. Now 2000 years in the past, Orchid must face a new challenge, and an even greater foe. =Colors= White, Black, Red, Wine, Golden-Brown, Violet =Special Moves= Flik Flak: DF,D,DB,[K] San: DF,D,DB,[MP] Fierce San: DF,D,DB [FP] Airbuster: F,D,DF,[K] Tonfa Fire: D,DF,F,[P] Fake Tonfa Fire: D,DF,F [QK] Slide: DB,D,DF [K] Fake Fireball: D,DF,F [QK] Combo Breaker: F,D,DF,[P/K] Ultra Breaker: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F [FK] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Recovery Move: F,DF,F [K] Air-Combo: DF,D,DB [K] Counter Move: B [QP] Throw: F [FP] Reversal: B [FP] Pressure Move: F [FK] =Super Moves= Gyro Kyaku: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F [FK] -+6 Bar Blocks +- Tiger: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [MK] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- Super San Rush: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [FP] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- =Finishers= Assault: D,DF,F [FP] Ultra Combo: D,DB,B, [QK] No Mercy Scorcher: B,F,DF,D,DB,B [MK] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Scorcher* - Anybody want any seconds? Orchid throws a fireball that fry your opponent. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /\COMBOS/\ ------ =Combo Starters= 1: Flik Flak: DF,D,DB [K] 2: Slide: D,DF,F, [K] 3: San: D,DB,B [MP] CCA: San: D,DB,B [MP] =Linkers= 1: Flik Flak: DF,D,DB [QK/MK] 2: Slide: D,DF,F [MK] 3: San: D,DB,B [MP] Super San Rush: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [FP] Tiger: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [MK] =Combo Enders= 1: Airbuster: F,D,DF [FK] 2: Flik Flak: DF,D,DB [FK] 3: San: D,DB,B [FP] 4: Slide: D,DF,F, [QK] Hidden: D,DF,F [QP] Super: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F,[FK] Highest Hitting Combo (Ultra): 77-Hit Ultra Combo Must have: (1) 5 Enders (2) Full Power Bar counter,QCDB+2,hold QCDB and press 2 repeatly,1,3,2,HCF,B+3,2,3, 2,HCF,B+3,F+6,HCF,B+3,F+6 ,HCF,B+3,2,3,2ultra(QCDB+4),super (QCB,HCT+6) Highest Hitting Combo (Ultra/Jago Spirit On): 78-Hit Ultra Combo Must have: (1) 5 Enders (2) Full Power Bar (3) Jago Spirit On COUNTER(B+1),F+6,QCDB+2,hold QCDB and press 2 repeatly,1,3,2,HCF, B+3,2,3,2,HCF,B+3,F+6,HCF,B+3 ,F+6,HCF,B+3,2,3,2ultra(QCDB+4),super (QCB,HCT+6)...wait and when she's on the ground,QCDF+6 Highest Damage Combo: 78% Damage b+1,qcdb2,hold qcdb and tap 2 repeatly,1,3,2,hct,b+3,2,3,2,hct, b+3,2,ultra ******************************* ********** COUNTERS *********** ************************************************************************ --------------------------------------------------------- | |San |Tiger Slide |Flip Flak | --------------------------------------------------------- |B. Orchid |Flik Flak |San |Tiger Slide | |Kim-Wu |Tornado Kick |Firecracker |Split Kick | |Maya |Flip Kick |Savage Blades |Mantis | |Tusk |Boot Kick |Web of Death |Skull Splitter| |Jago |Windkick |Laser Blade |Ninja Slide | |Glacius |Cold Shoulder |Liquidize |Icy Grip | |COMBO |TJ Tremor |Spinfist |Rollercoaster | |Sabrewulf |Sabrewheel |Sabrespin |Sabrepounce | |Spinal |Skeleskewer |Flame Blade |Skull Skrape | |Fulgore |Cyber Dash |Plasma Shield /Eye Laser | --------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ********************* Saberwulf ********************* Height: 5'11" Weight: 400lbs. Age: 46 years Story: Unwilling to succumb to the beast within him, Sabrewulf was badly beaten in the KI tournament. Captured by Ultratech, he is driven berserk by their "repairs" and now has only revenge to live for. =Colors= White, Red, Brown, Green =Special Moves= Sabre-Wheel: (B),F [MP] Double-Spin: F,F,B [MP] Sabre-Pounce: (B),F [FP] Sabre-Spin: (B),F [MK] Sabre-Hop: F,F or B,B Double Sabre-Claw: (F),B [MK] Sabre-Flip: (B),F [FK] Sabre-Howl: (B),F [QP] -=Hold [QP] to replenish your power meter=- Fake Howl: (B),F [QK] -=last's only about a second=- Combo Breaker: B,F [P/K] Ultra Breaker: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FK] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Recovery Move: B,F [FK] Air-Combo: F,B [P] Counter Move: B [QP] Pressure Move: F [FK] =Super Moves= Lupus Loopy: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FK] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Triple Fire Claw: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FP] -+ 4 Bar Blocks +- Air Ground Spark: F,DF,D,DB,B [FP] -+ 4 Bar Blocks +- *AUTO DIZZY* Rock'n'Roll: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [MP] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- Whirly Wulf: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [MK] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- =Finishers= Assault: F,B [QK] Ultra Combo: B,F [QK] Ultimate Electrocution: Hold [FK] Release [FK] No Mercy Bat Attack: Hold [QP] Release [QP] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Electrocution* - ~Have NOT seen it yet~ *Bat Attack* - a flock of bats carry the character off screen. Then you hear a loud scream and blood drips. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /\COMBOS/\ ------ =Combo Starters= 1: Sabre-Wheel: (B),F [MP] 2: Sabre-Spin: (B),F [MK] 3: Sabre-Pounce: (B),F [FP] CCA: Sabre-Spin: (B),F [MK] =Linkers= 1: Sabre-Wheel: (B),F [MP] 2: Double Sabre-Claw: (F),B [MK] Rock'n'Roll: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [MP] Whirly Wulf: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [MK] =Combo Enders= 1: Sabre-Spin: (B),F [MK] 2: Sabre-Flip: (B),F [FK] 3: Sabre-Pounce: (B),F [FP] 4: Sabre-Howl: (B),F [QP] Hidden: B,F [QK] Super: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FK] Honorable Mention Combo (Ultra): 73-Hit Ultra Combo COUNTER(B+1),HCF+5,1,HCF+2,1,3,2,HCB,F+2,F+6,HCB,F+2,F+1,HCB,F+5, F+6,HCB,F+5,F+6,ULTRA,HCB,F+6 Highest Hitting Combo (Ultra): 77-Hit Ultra Combo Must have: (1) 5 Enders (2) Full Power Bar COUNTER(B+1),6,B,F+5,hold forward and tap 5 repeatly,1,6,5,HCB,F+2, 1,3,2,HCB,F+2,F+6,HCB,F+2,F+6,HCB,F+2,4,3,2,ultra(B,F+4), super(HCB,F+6) Highest Hitting Combo (Ultra/Jago Spirit On): 80-Hit Ultra Combo Must have: (1) 5 Enders (2) Full Power Bar (3) Jago Spirit On COUNTER(B+1),HCF+5,hold forward and tap 5 repeatly,1,6,5,HCB, F+2,1,3,2,HCB,F+2,F+6,HCB,F+2,F+6,HCB,F+2,4,3,2,ultra(B,F+4), super(HCB,F+6),CB,F+3,CB,F+3,CB,F+3,CB,F+3,CB,F+3 Highest Damage Combo: 79% Damage b+1,b,f+5,hold f and tap 5,repeatly,4,6,2,hcb,t+5,1,3,2,hcb,t+5,4,ultra ******************************* ********** COUNTERS *********** ************************************************************************ --------------------------------------------------------- | |Sabrespin |Sabrepounce |Sabrewheel | --------------------------------------------------------- |Sabrewulf |Sabrewheel |Sabrespin |Sabrepounce | |Kim-Wu |Tornado Kick |Firecracker |Split Kick | |Maya |Flip Kick |Savage Blades |Mantis | |B. Orchid |Flik Flak |San |Tiger Slide | |Jago |Windkick |Laser Blade |Ninja Slide | |Glacius |Cold Shoulder |Liquidize |Icy Grip | |COMBO |TJ Tremor |Spinfist |Rollercoaster | |Tusk |Boot Kick |Web of Death |Skull Splitter| |Spinal |Skeleskewer |Flame Blade |Skull Skrape | |Fulgore* |Cyber Dash |Eye Laser |Plasma Shield*| --------------------------------------------------------- * -> The Cyber Dash and the Plasma Shield are BOTH broken by the Sabrespin!! The Sabrewheel does NOT brake the Plasma Shield! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ******************** Spinal ******************** Height: 5'5" Weight: 110lbs. Age: 651 years Story: Although destroyed by Thunder in the present, a younger Spinal still exists in the past. Resurrected by Gargos and forced to serve him, he goes up against the tyrant to win his freedom. =Colors= Red, White, Yellow, Purple, Blue, Green =Special Moves= Skeleport: D,DB,B,[K] -+ 1 Bar Blocks +- Skele Skewer: D,DF,F [MP] Flame Blade: D,DF,F,[FP] Skull Scrape: DB,D,DF,[FK] Power Devour: B,[QP] Soul Drain: D,DF,F,[QP] Soul Fire: D,DF,F [K] -+ 1 Bar Blocks +- DartKick: D [FK] -=In the air=- Skull Replenisher: D,DB,B [MP] -+ 1 Bar Blocks +- Skull Dash: F,F Combo Breaker: D,DB,B [P/K] Ultra Breaker: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F [FK] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Recovery Move: D,D [K] Air-Combo: D [FK] Counter Move: B [QP] Throw: F [FP] Reversal: B [FP] Pressure Move: F [FP] =Super Moves= Super Skull Replenisher: D,DB,B [FP] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Grim Reaper: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F,[FP] -+ 4 Bar Blocks +- Super Soul Fire: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F [MK/FK] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Super Skull Scrape: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [FK] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- Super Flame Blade: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FP] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- =Finishers= Assault: B,DB,D,DF,F [FP] Ultra Combo: F,DF,D,DB,B [FP] Ultimate Sword Play : D,D [QK] No Mercy Skull Drop: D,DF,F,D,DF,F [QP] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Sword Play* - the best of them all! Spinals starts cutting the opponent then he fries him with lighting! AWESOME! *Skull Drop* - a BIG ass skull falls on the opponent. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /\COMBOS/\ ------ =Combo Starters= 1: Skele Skewer: D,DF,F [MP] 2: Flame Blade: D,DF,F,[FP] 3: Skull Scrape: DB,D,DF,[FK] CCA: Skull Scrape: DB,D,DF,[FK] =Linkers= 1: Flame Blade: D,DF,F,[FP] 2: Skull Scrape: DB,D,DF,[FK] Super Skull Scrape: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [FK] Super Flame Blade: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FP] =Combo Enders= 1: Skele Skewer: D,DF,F [MP] 2: Skeleport: D,DB,B [FK] 3: Skeleport: D,DB,B [MK] 4: Skeleport: D,DB,B [QK] Hidden: D,DF,F [QK] Super: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F [FK] Honorable Mention Combo (Ultra): 66-Hit Ultra Combo HCF+2,1,6,5,HCF,B+2,F+3,HCF,B+2,F+3,HCF,B+2,F+3,HCF,B+2,F+3,ULTRA, HCF+6 Highest Hitting Combo (Ultra): 71-Hit Ultra Combo HCF+2,1,3,2,HCF,B+2,1,3,2,HCF,B+2,F+3,HCF,B+2,F+3,HCF,B+2,4,3,2, ultra(QCB+3)super(,HCB+6) Highest Damage Combo: 62% Damage 6, 5, HCT,B+2, F+3, HCT,B+2, HCT+6 ******************************* ********** COUNTERS *********** ************************************************************************ --------------------------------------------------------- | |Flame Blade |Skull Skrape |Skeleskewer | --------------------------------------------------------- |Spinal |Skeleskewer |Flame Blade |Skull Skrape | |Kim-Wu |Tornado Kick |Firecracker |Split Kick | |Maya |Flip Kick |Savage Blades |Mantis | |B. Orchid |Flik Flak |San |Tiger Slide | |Jago |Windkick |Laser Blade |Ninja Slide | |Glacius |Cold Shoulder |Liquidize |Icy Grip | |COMBO |TJ Tremor |Spinfist |Rollercoaster | |Sabrewulf |Sabrewheel |Sabrespin |Sabrepounce | |Tusk |Boot Kick |Web of Death |Skull Splitter| |Fulgore |Cyber Dash |Eye Laser /Plasma Shield | --------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *********************** Tusk *********************** Height: 6'11" Weight: 380lbs. Age: 31 years Story: With the return of the Demon Lord to the land, Tusk leaves the arena to issue his challenge. Only by defeating all adversaries can a hero gain the right to face the evil Gargos. =Colors= His skin turns into different complexities: White, Tanned, Very Tanned, and Tanned with an oily look. =Special Moves= Boot Kick: DF,D,DB,[K] Web'o'Death: DF,D,DB [FP] -=Press F+[FP] for 2 extra hits=- Skull Splitter: DB,D,DF [FK] Fake Skull Splitter: D,DF,F [QK] The Conqueror: F,D,DF [P] Back Stab: F,DF,F,DB,B [QP] High Sword/Low Sword: F [FP] Combo Braker: F,D,DF,[P/K] Ultra Braker: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F [FP] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Recovery Move: F,D,DF [P] Air-Combo: DF,D,DB [K] Throw: F [FK] Reversal: B [FK] Counter Move: B [QP] Pressure Move: F [FP] =Super Moves= The Destroyer: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F,[FP] -+ 6 Bar Blocks +- Flame Sword: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [K] -+ 4 Bar Blocks +- Rushing Kick: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FK] -=In Combo=- -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- Rollying Claymore: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FP] -=In Combo=- -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- Shadow Move: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [FK] -+ 3 Bar Blocks +- =Finishers= Assault: B,DB,D,DF,F [MP] Ultra Combo: F,DF,D,DB,B [MP] Ultimate Dinosaur Attack: F,D,DF [MK] No Mercy Meteor Shower: B,DB,D,DF,F,B,DB,D,DF,F [MP] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Dinosaur Attack* - a dinosaur appears in the middle of nowhere and has a snack ;-) *Meteor Shower* - lots of meteors come down at the opponent. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /\COMBOS/\ ------ =Combo Starters= 1: Boot Kick: DF,D,DB [K] 2: Back Stab: F,DF,F,DB,B [QP] 3: Web of Death: DF,D,DB [FP] 4: Skull Splitter: DB,D,DF [FK] CCA: Web of Death: DF,D,DB [FP] =Linkers= 1: Web of Death: DF,D,DB [FP] 2: Boot Kick: DF,D,DB [QK/MK] 3: Rushing Kick: F,DF,D,DB,B,F [FK] Shadow Move: B,DB,D,DF,F,B [FK] =Combo Enders= 1: Conqueror: F,D,DF [FP] 2: Boot Kick: DF,D,DB [FK] 3: Skull Splitter: DB,D,DF [FK] 4: Back Stab: F,DF,D,DB,B [QP] 5: Hidden: F,D,DF [QP] Destroyer: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F [FP] -=In Ultra=- Counter Dizzy: B+1, Conqueror +1 Honorable Mention Combo (Ultra): 75-Hit Ultra Combo Counter(B+1),6,QCDB+3,5,3,2,HCF,B+3,2,3,2,HCF,B+3,2,3,2,HCF,B+3,3, 2,HCF,B+3,3,2,ultra(HCB+2),super(QCB,HCF+3)... Highest Hitting Combo (Ultra): 78-Hit Ultra Combo Do a missed QCDB+3,then F+3,2,3,2,HCB,F+6,3,2,HCB,F+6,3,2,HCB, F+6,3,2,HCB,F+6,2,D+3, ultra (HCB+2),then do the super motion during the ultra (QCB,HCF+3)(it will charging up tha super bar)then super 2 times (one after the other)wait,HCF+6,HCF+6,HCF+6,HCF+6 ,HCF+6... Most Damaging Combo: 94% Jump+6,D+3, F,DF,F+1, F,DF,F+1, F,DF,F+1, F,DF,F+1, QCB,HCT+3 ******************************* ********** COUNTERS *********** ************************************************************************ --------------------------------------------------------- | |Web of Death |Skull Splitter|Boot Kick | --------------------------------------------------------- |Tusk |Boot Kick |Web of Death |Skull Splitter| |Kim-Wu |Tornado Kick |Firecracker |Split Kick | |Maya |Flip Kick |Savage Blades |Mantis | |B. Orchid |Flik Flak |San |Tiger Slide | |Jago |Windkick |Laser Blade |Ninja Slide | |Glacius |Cold Shoulder |Liquidize |Icy Grip | |COMBO |TJ Tremor |Spinfist |Rollercoaster | |Sabrewulf |Sabrewheel |Sabrespin |Sabrepounce | |Spinal |Skeleskewer |Flame Blade |Skull Skrape | |Fulgore |Cyber Dash |Eye Laser /Plasma Shield | --------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================== XI. Character Endings ======================================================================== -+ TJ COMBO +- Kill Tusk: Having won the tournament and vanquish Gargos, Combo knows he can achieve anything. With no challenge remaining in the past Combo returns to the future through a time portal. Strengthened by his experience he vows soon to regain his lost fame and fortune once again. Don't Kill Tusk: Having won the tournament and vanquish Gargos, Combo knows he can achieve anything. Rejected by modern society for cheating, Combo grabs the chance to again win fame in the arena. Staying in the past he puts his fighting skills to work and soon becomes a great champion. -+ FULGORE +- Kill Jago and Orchid: Defeating Gargos has opened the way towards a new and more Robot controlled Ultratech. Fulgore's program has run its course. The vengeange of Ultratech is complete with the death of Jago. All of Ultratech's enemies have fallen. None now stand in the way of their deadliest weapon. Bent on armageddon Fulgore builds his robotic army. A doomed Earth will soon fall to a merciless enemy. Kill Jago Dont Kill Orchid: Defeating Gargos has opened the way towards a new and more Robot controlled Ultratech. Fulgore's program has run its course. The vengeange of Ultratech is complete with the death of Jago. But other spare enemies lie in wait. Eager to grasp vengeange and finish it once and for all. Although Fulgore rebuilds Ultratech, Orchid takes a warning to the future. A deadly strike by agents soon ends the Ultratech threat forever. Kill Orchid Don't Kill Jago: Defeating Gargos has opened the way towards a new and more Robot controlled Ultratech. Fulgore's task lies incomplete and his deadly nemesis is still alive. The error of sparing his nemesis is soon apparent. Jago tracks down fulgore for a final confrontation. Building a mord of cyborgs Fulgore fights an epic battle against the army raised by his nemesis. A final epic confrontation is inevitable. The fate of the world rests on the outcome... Don't Kill Jago or Orchid: Defeating Gargos has opened the way towards a new and more Robot controlled Ultratech. Fulgore's task lies incomplete and his deadly nemesis is still alive. The combined might of Jago and Orchid assails Fulgore. The price of failure is a high one. Fulgore's failure and destruction at the hands of Jago and Orchid has sealed the fate of Ultratech. -+ GLACIUS +- Kill Saberwulf and Destroy Glacius' Spaceship: With Gargos defeated Glacius starts the long search for his lost comrades. Returning to a well hidden place previously discovered, Glacius is reunited with the captured members of his race. Freeing his captured comrades Glacius leads them back to his ship, and onto their home world. The rescue mission has been a total success. Don't Kill Saberwulf, Destroy Glacius Spaceship: With Gargos defeated Glacius starts the long search for his lost comrades. Returning to a well hidden place previously discovered, Glacius is reunited with the captured members of his race. But he has been careless a spared enemy has tracked him with only revenge in mind. His joy at finding his comrades is short lived. Kill Saberwulf: With Gargos defeated Glacius starts the long search for his lost comrades. Although victorious Glacius still has no idea where his captured friends are. Frustrated he resigns himself to a long trip home alone... The consulation that he himself has survived is not enough. Leaving earth the victory is hollow. His mission is a failure and his people remain lost. -+ JAGO +- Kill Fulgore Don't Kill Orchid: Jago's task is complete he has risen to the heights of which only a grand master can attain. Jago's victory is doubly complete with the total destruction of his nemesis Fulgore. And in the events that follow, Jago finds out he has a lost sister - Orchid. United at last they form a deadly fighting team. Fulgore is dead but the new team of Jago and Orchid must face a familiar enemy. Ultratech is rebuilt. The fight is not yet over... Kill Fulgore and Orchid: Jago's task is complete he has risen to the heights of which only a grand master can attain. Jago's victory is doubly complete with the total destruction of his nemesis Fulgore. But his victory seems hollow searching for his sould and using power of meditation he senses he has lost something unknown. Although Fulgore was destroyed in the conflict. Enough remained of Ultratech and it was rebuilt. Jago must continue his quest... Don't Kill Fulgore or Orchid: Jago's task is complete he has risen to the heights of which only a grand master can attain. After all the battles, Jago senses Fulgore has survived. Wary of the danger the cyborg presents he knows he must watch his back. The attack is quick to arrive, but the mysterious Orchid comes to Jago's aid once again. Unable to withstand both of them Fulgore is destroyed. Fulgore is dead but the new team of Jago and Orchid must face a familiar enemy. Ultratech is rebuilt. The fight is not yet over... Kill Orchid, Don't Kill Fulgore: Jago's task is complete he has risen to the heights of which only a grand master can attain. After all the battles, Jago senses Fulgore has survived. Wary of danger the cyborg presents he knows he must watch his back. But mere vigilance is not enough against the lethal Fulgore. Taking full advantage of Jagos weakness the cyborg finally gets its revenge. With no one left to stop him, Fulgore rebuilds Ultratech in the past. History is rewritten to a world totally ruled by the corporation. -+ KIM WU +- Kill Spinal: Her task as guardian is complete she can now return home. After a long trek back to her homeland, Kim We is once again confident that it is safe from danger in any form. Undefeated in combat, with her enemies crushed beneath her, Kim has proven herself the best guardian yet to bless her people. Don't Kill Spinal: Her task as guardian is complete she can now return home. Although Gargos is destroyed a servant of his who was not destroyed when the opportunity presented itself remains at large. Brooding over previous losses in combat, Kim Wu soon finds out that this lack of concentration can prove to be fatal. -+ MAYA +- Dont Kill Tusk: Maya saves her home land from Gargos life in the rain forest can proceed as normal. The threat has been destroyed and Maya has earned a new admirer. She quite takes a fancy to... the two are soon married and with the protection of Maya's goddess ther reign is a long peaceful one. Kill Tusk: Maya saves her home land from Gargos life in the rain forest can proceed as normal. Triumphant, Maya returns home on her own to the jungle realm of amazonia. The enchantments of the queen keep the tribe well defended and although lonely she rules well. -+ ORCHID +- Kill Saberwulf, Don't Kill Jago: Gargos is defeated. The way stands clear for the forces of good to rid the world of Ultratech. Cursing Orchid as he is dying, Gargos reveals that Jago is her brother and theyd both soon be dead... Separated at birth the orphaned brother and sister are reunited. A new fighting team has been formed. Kill Jago and Saberwulf: Gargos is defeated. The way stands clear for the forces of good to rid the world of Ultratech. With his dying breath Gargos curses Orchid to the same fate that had befallen her brother Jago. She returns home, but her victory is hollow, for the rest of her life she mourns the loss of the brother she never knew. Don't Kill Jago or Saberwulf: Gargos is defeated. The way stands clear for the forces of good to rid the world of Ultratech. Cursing Orchid as he is dying, Gargos reveals that Jago is her brother and theyd both soon be dead... Reaching beyond the grave, Gargos possesses Saberwulf and attacks. But Jago slays the wulf and they siblings return home to a new life. Kill Jago, Don't Kill Saberwulf: Gargos is defeated. The way stands clear for the forces of good to rid the world of Ultratech. With his dying breath Gargos curses Orchid to the same fate that had befallen her brother Jago. His spirit possessing Saberwulf in a last desperate act. Gargos attacks, taken by surprise, Orchid falls and Gargos has his vengeance. -+ SABERWULF +- Kill Glacius: With Gargos defeated Saberwulf pursues his search for a cure. There is nothing left for him in this time, so Saberwulf grasps the opportunity to return home. Hope has finally vanished and life is emptier then ever. Having still found no cure, his only achievement was a petty revenge. Don't Kill Glacius: With Gargos defeated Saberwulf pursues his search for a cure. Saberwulf bitterly regrets leaving alive a member of a race he made his mortal enemy. Bereft of all hope, Saberwulf finally succumbs to the madness of the beast. All that has once human to him is finally gone. -+ SPINAL +- Kill Kim Wu: Freed of the chains of slavery Spinal relishes his freedom. Unable to recover the artifact that summoned him, Spinal contemplates his future. Consultation with his ancestors offers Spinal no guidance. Sadly he resigns himself to an eternity alone and without purpose. Don't Kill Kim Wu: Freed of the chains of slavery Spinal relishes his freedom. Unable to recover the artifact that summoned him, Spinal contemplates his future. Lost, he goes to consult with his ancestors. During the ceremony he learns once important lesson, never leave your enemies alive. -+ TUSK +- Kill Combo, Don't Kill Maya: Tusk has achieved his goal and now awaits a greater challenge. Finding one of his past adversaries particularly grateful to him for destroying Gargos, he scorts Maya back to her homeland. Taks and Maya wed and embled a long rule over Amazonia. Tusk is never truly happy. His thirst for battle remaining unquenshed. Kill Combo and Maya: Tusk has achieved his goal and now awaits a greater challenge. With another challenge successfully completed, Tusk thirst once more for battle. He begins the ardous journey back to the arena. For now at least he lives only for the fight, more than living up to his legendary reputation Tusk goes on to become the greatest undefeated champion ever seen. Kill Maya, Don't Kill Combo: Tusk has achieved his goal and now awaits a greater challenge. With another challenge successfully completed Tusk thirst once more for battle. He begins the ardous journey back to the arena. With younger and more skilled fighters around every corner. Tusk wonders how long he'll remain champion ======================================================================== XII. Where to find copies of the latest version of this FAQ ======================================================================== This FAQ is available at: The Killer Instinct Web: http://www.gil.net/~hardcore/ The Arkade Web Center: http://www.mygale.org/02/kombo If you just have an e-mail address then e-mail me at: hardcore@gil.net If you support my FAQ, please mail me the web site or BBS number so I can add it to this list. ======================================================================== XIII. Special Thanks ======================================================================== I would like to thank the following people for providing me with eXcellent information for making this FAQ possible: Skywalker: thanks for helping me into the world of WRITE. Master'o'Disaster: the first KI2 Moves. KOMBO: All of the high hitting combos!!! And Damage Combos also. Rain: Some of the high hitting combos... Druboy: For giving me a link, which accounts for my fan mail thanks. RepVip: for keeping me updated whenever you heard something new. Shmoove: Informed me of the different endings and how they worked. Curtis and Marcario: Fulgore's Machine Gun JMODRA: for the fixing Tusk's Meteor Shower No Mercy. The Overfiend: thanks for the counters! Trevor: high damage combos. Bruce: for fixing Wulf's Ultra and his fake howl. The Jamester: Jago's Shindoken-TO-Windkick Transition Move and Jago's air combo. ComboMaster: Spinal's "Super Fireball and Fulgore's 3rd Super". McCarron: TOO MUCH STUFF TO MENTION IN SUCH LITTLE SPACE! Galphine: The stage select and the stage fatalities Scooby: The Combo Theory! Nuff said ;-) Saleem: Kim-Wu's Super. Jedi: plenty of supers The Legend: high damage combos. The E: for the No Mercy descriptions; you saved me lots of time thanks. BCH: for Spinal, Kim-Wu, Fulgore, TJ, Glacius, Orchid, and Jago's PU Bungholio: for telling me there was PU in the game, also for the Super Connectors. Labrat: for Maya's Shadow Move Thor: Tusk's Pseudo Ultra Micheal: Kim-Wu's 2nd Shadow Move. Zero: destributing my FAQ. D.Monic and *Seiken*: for the story lines. The Critic: for the AVI on my page. Nintendo of America: for making the best game on this planet! Killer Instinct 2 Fans: for coming to my page and for playing the game. ======================================================================== XIV. About the KI Web ======================================================================== The KI Web is a series of Web Pages published by myself. All the pages are Killer Instinct related. Consisting of: Killer Instinct Page Killer Instinct 2 Page Killer Instinct Gold (Ranked #1 in KI Gold News) The KI Web has gone through some great changes and its now been updated every single day! Check it out: http://www.gil.net/~hardcore ======================================================================== XV. Killer Instinct 2 Web Pages ======================================================================== With these two Killer Instinct 2 Pages you got all the info you need: The Killer Instinct Web: http://www.gil.net/~hardcore/ Kombo's Ki2 Kombos: http://www.club-internet.fr/perso/frantz/index.htm ======================================================================== XVI. Copyright and Legal Limbo ======================================================================== Killer Instinct 2 and all related characters are a trademark of Nintendo of America, RARE and their respected owners. Killer Instinct 2 was distributed by Williams. This FAQ was written without permission from Nintendo. Distribute this FAQ to everybody without any modifications unless otherwise noted by the author. DO NOT SALE this FAQ, or else i'm going to go to your house and kick your dog's face off. This FAQ is free of charge. Please give credit where credit is DUE! ;-) Believe or not it takes time to write this crap. Did you know: That if you were to blow a fart in a public place in Mexico you would get kicked out? Authorities say that the reason for this is because what was really causing the global warming and the heavy smoke clouds of Mexico City was actually the heavy doze of Bean Burritos the Mexican community consumes everyday. Do not copy this FAQ without the author's permission! Remember that if I can kick your dog's face, I can kick your cats face off too. ======================================================================== ,-~~-.___. / | ' \ ( ) 0 HardCore's Killer Instinct 2 FAQ \_/-, ,----' The KI Web: http://www.gil.net/~hardcore/ ==== // / \-'~; /~~~(O) / __/~| / | Written By: Hugo Seijas aka HardCore =( _____| (_________|