キラッと解決! 64探偵団 Kira to Kaiketsu! 64 Tanteidan Shining and solving! 64 Detective Club Contents 1.Introduction 2. Manual Translation 1.Introduction Released on October 23 1998 by Pandora Box, this is the first board game simulation game on the N64 as it was released two months before Mario Party. Perhaps Pandora Box realized they had to beat Nintendo to the punch as there is not a lot of content in this game. It is also not well remembered, as there is little to no information about it on the English OR Japanese internet. It differs from Mario party in the respects that it does not have mini-games, you can walk in any direction, and the game focuses on looking for hidden items in furniture. The 64 Detectives are a group of children, who usually study vigorously at school, but once an incident occurs, they try to solve it with their powers of reasoning and inspiration. Most of the game takes place in a randomly generated mansion, where you will search for bombs, items or other cards. The game thus has this weird feel to it, with children searching for bombs and being beating by baton wielding security guards. The manual refers to several types of points. Such as, “Solution Points” and “Stars and Points.” It is not clear if “Solution Points” are the same as “points”. I apologize if this causes confusion in the game. Back of the box 64 Detective Club is recruiting! A party board game for up to 4 players! Roll the dice, advance spaces and get items. Aim for the goal! But, it is a little different from a normal board game. You can obstruct and fight your rivals, there are many exciting battles and many exciting traps, so whilst getting in the way of your rivals, noisily have fun! While you play the map changes! Fight your rivals! Chase them! Get items and aim for the goal! 2.Manual Translation Chapter 1 Before the investigation Controls 83 pages are needed to save the game data. This game is also compatible with the rumble pak, but cannot be used in the controller that holds the memory pak. 3D Stick or D Pad – Select commands and move A Button – Confirm (Display the menu on the map screen) B Button – Cancel Left and Right C Buttons – Change the characters direction C Up and Down – Change the camera position L Button – Zoom up R Button – Zoom down Z Button – The same as the A Button Start Button – Open the map screen How to start the game Using the 3D stick select the number of players from 2 to 4, including CPU players. Next select which players will use which controller. Next select the mission. If you choose おまかせ the computer will choose randomly for you. Next you will choose the characters. The abilities of the 5 characters are shown on the graph next to them. Once you have chosen your character you can enter your name. Character introductions ケンタ Kenta – An 11 year old elementary school student He has a balance of all the abilities. An enthusiastic and energetic elementary school student, his cap is his trademark. He is the leader of the Detective Club, he has a balance of all the abilities, so he is easy to play with. He is an elementary school student so he doesn’t think much about difficult things. However, he often thinks straight forwardly and makes mistakes with his duties. Ryokoto is his older sister. トモちゃん – Tomo-chan An 11 year old elementary school student She has superb investigation abilities, and is the smart observant type. Kenta’s classmate. Her glasses and braids are cute, she is a shy timid girl. She is smart, and is good at finding things. However, she is weak and not good at combat. ジェット Jet – A 15 year old Junior High School student He has the speed to run away from traps easily A junior high school student who is a bit crazy. He has a bit of a sarcastic perspective. He is wonderful at avoiding his enemies traps, and his powers of judgement are so good, it would be appropriate to call him a thief. In this game, his balance is not good, so he is hard to use. りょうこ Ryoko - A 14 year old Junior High School student She is strong in combat, an attacking type. Kenta’s older sister, a junior high school student. She is very strong so she is the type to try and solve problems using her strength, which causes problems. In this game her attacking ability is high so she is quite strong in battle. Enter combat a lot! ロボピー Robopi A cleaning robot. He was made 5 years ago, which is to say he is 5 years old? His abilities depend on how you use him. A confused cleaning robot that Kenta’s grandfather made. He made him to clean the house but, for some reason he works for the 64 Detective Club and solves cases. His manner of speaking is to add “cchu” to his sentences. He has a high amount of Stars and Points so he can level up and buy various items, he is easy to strategize with. However if you do gather Stars or Points well, he is useless. About abilities In this game there are 5 abilities, shown by five icons. Hearts – Stamina If this becomes zero, you will miss a turn. Stars – Stars and Points Time is money. Time is assigned like magic points, and is very important. Fist – Attack power When combat occurs, how much damage you can give to your opponent. Magnifying glass – Investigative power During an investigation, how many times you can search one piece of furniture. In this game, it is important to search furniture to find things, so it is very useful if this ability is high. Shoes – Swiftness When you land on a square and get caught in a trap, if this ability is high, the number of chances you have to escape will also be high. You cannot see if a trap will catch you, so if you train this ability it won’t be a waste. Each character has different amounts of skill at each ability at the start, but depending on what you do during the game you will level up, and the numbers will raise. Please level up any character you like. When you start the game your stamina will be at max and you will have no Stars or Points. (If you level up and die at the same time you see a pretty funny animation!) When you clear all of a missions objects you will be awarded with Solution Points (解決ポイント). At the end of the game, the player with the most points is the winner. The game screen On each players turn various information will be displayed as follows The characters status and abilities will be shown at the top of the screen. Large numbers are displayed in green text. At the top left hand side of the screen, a whole map of the mansion will be displayed. Underneath that is the current time. The time will change once all players have their turn. The time varies from Moring, Noon, Evening and Night. After night ends the results and the points ranking screen will be displayed. Then depending on your ranking you Stamina, Stars and Points will recover a fixed amount. You can also choose to save your game at this point. If Auto Save (オートセーブ) is turned on in the settings it will automatically save at this point. (This is not in the manual but there are some bonus point available if you win these awards) Exploration Success Award Whoever found the most items/evidence Steps taken Award Whoever took the most steps Information Gathering Award Whoever talked to the most residents. You don’t need to select Get Information (情報を貰う) Combat Award Whoever won the most battles. At the bottom left of the screen is the name of the current room you are in. Under the name is the number of furniture that has been searched, for example 2/6. To the right of that is the number of Solution Points that have been earned that day. The Three Missions You can choose from three missions to investigate. Recover the stolen item Find three cards in the mansion! The number of cards in the mansion depends on the number of players. Of the three card types, there are enough cards for every player for two of the types. But for the last card type there is only one card in the mansion. The winner of the game is the player who collects all three cards and returns to the mansion entrance. Disable the bombs There are some bombs hidden in the mansion. If you find a bomb, disable it before it explodes. If you pass the defused bombs to the residents of the mansion you will get a lot of Solution Points. However in order to end the game, you must find the key that is hidden in the mansion. After all the bombs are found, the winner is the person who returns to the mansion’s entrances with the key. (When you find a bomb you have to choose to cut either the red or the blue wire. If you fail you will miss a turn. You can still pass the bomb wreckage to the residents, but it’s worth less) Find the missing item Listen to the residents talk, find the card they tell you about and bring it back to them. You will know which one they are looking for if you listen to them, or imagine the things their personality. After finding all the lost items, the winner is the person who returns to the mansion’s entrances with the key. (If you give the person the exact right item you will get 200 points. If they don’t really want it, you will get 50. If it is total wrong, you will get 20 points. In this mode, the key is guarded by a Robot and he is very difficult to beat) How big is the mansion? The mansion in the game can have from as little to 3 to as many as 10 rooms. You can also choose to decide the amount of rooms randomly. Once you have decided the number of rooms, the fairy will give you a rough estimate of how long the game will take to finish. Depending on who you are playing with, it may not take that long, but please refer to that information. Chapter 2 The investigation begins! Remember the spaces! In this game, you use the dice, and move the number of space that you roll, then accept the effect of the space you stop on. Whatever happens you can get some Solution Points. Also you are free to walk any direction you like. Star and Point Plus Spaces (Blue Stars) Roll the dice, the number of points you gain is determined by your roll. There are some space where you can roll 2 dice. You cannot exceed your maximum point value but, if you roll the same number on both dice you can get Solution Points. Also you will gain one point of experience in your Stars and Points stat. Star and Point Negative Spaces (Red Stars) Roll the dice, the number of points you lose is determined by your roll. There are some space where you can roll 2 dice. Your points cannot go below zero. You cannot exceed your maximum point value but, if you roll the same number on both dice you can get Solution Points. Also you will gain one point of experience in your Stars and Points stat. Stamina Recovery (Pink hearts) Roll the dice, the amount of Stamina you gain is determined by your roll. There are some space where you can roll 2 dice. You cannot exceed your maximum point value but, if you roll the same number on both dice you can get Solution Points. Also you will gain one point of experience in your Stars and Points stat. Investigation (yellow magnifying glass) You will gain one point of experience in your Investigation Ability Stat. You can search the same number of furniture in that room as your Investigation Ability Stat. If there are no furniture left to search, this square will turn into a Safe space and the room on the map will turn red. Safe spaces (Green tea cup) You cannot battle on these spaces. Item Card spaces (Squares with a letter I) You can get an item card or trap, recover stamina or Stars and Points. There are various different types of cards. You can also find them in furniture, or exchange Stars and Points for them. Equipment Card spaces (Squares with a letter E) Equipment can be worn by your character to raise their abilities, Stamina, or the amount of Stars and Points that they can hold. You can have up to 4 pieces of equipment, but you can only wear one. You can change them with on the Equipment command. Dice Spaces (A dice with a red 1) You can roll and move again. You can also gain Solution Points once from their space. You will also gain one point of experience in your Swiftness Ability Stat. Star Action Spaces (2 star wands) A special space with the ability to consume Stars and Points, that is to say it is a magic space. The Starlette will begin spinning, so press the A Button to stop it. When it stops you can choose from among 4 actions. It may not be possible to do that action at that point in time, but you can store the action in your command menu. Entrance Space (A lion door knocker) There is more than one entrance to the mansion, there are both Start and Goal spaces. You must stop on this space after the mission has been completed. You must take special care to stop exactly on the space. Door Spaces (A door knob) These are spaces in front of the door to every room, so each room has at least two of them. They count as one space. What should I do? Next we will explain the round command menu that is displayed in the center of the screen. Use the 3D Stick or the D Pad to select an option. Move (Dice) If you press the A button the dice will spin out from the bottom right of the screen. If you press the B Button you can cancel. If you press the A Button one more time you will make your movement roll. Action (Star wand) Use the Star Action that you gained from a Star Action space. If you use the action your turn will end. Evidence (Bag) You can check special cards that you have. System (N64 Controller) You can change the game options here. Mission Information (Book) You can check the information and condition of the current mission here. Equipment (Stick Figure) You can equip or change the equipment you are wearing. If the number is blue, the amount you have is increase, if it is red they are decreasing. Here you can also check your current ability stats and experience level. If you get 5 points of experience you can level up. The abilities max out at level 9. Stamina, Stars and Points max out at 99. Cards (Purple cards) You can check or use any items cards you are carrying. You can carry up to 5 item cards. If you use an item card your turn will end. If you have too many cards and land on an item card space, you will get Stars and Points instead. Let’s investigate! When you stop on an investigation space, you can search the same number of pieces of furniture in the room as your Investigation Ability Stat, to find cards. The investigation screen will be displayed. Using the 3D Stick or D Pad and A Button or Z Trigger, you can choose a piece of furniture to search. You may find a Card or an Item. If you already have 5 items, you must throw one away. If you already have the card you can throw it away, it will not return to the furniture, it will be discarded. When you have finished searching the furniture this mark will be added; 済. Some special cards have hidden connections to furniture. For example, if you want to find food items you should go to the dining room or search the refrigerator. Your chances of finding them there are very high. Also the size of a piece of furniture is also important. Big items can’t be hidden inside small furniture. Fight! If you land on the same space as another player, combat will begin. Also if you pass through the same space as a rival you can start combat with them. However if you do this your turn will end. When combat starts, please choose an item card to use with the 3D Stick (or D Pad) and press the A Button (or Z Trigger) to confirm. If you do not wish to use a card, or do not have any, select the X option. If you decide to use a card, use the 3D Stick to decide who the card is used on. You will not be able to see what cards your enemy is using until the combat starts. Once you have chosen your card, the combat will start. In the middle of the screen the number 1 will be displayed, this is the turn number. Battles have 4 turns, so you both make 4 moves. You cannot make the same move twice, so please think carefully when you choose your move, and try to reduce your opponents stamina. If you cant make a certain move, the icon will not light up. You will not know what item/move your opponent will do until the turn has started. If you do not know what the move icons mean, press the B Button whilst moving the stick to select them, their names will be displayed. The player standing on the left will attack first. If the battle is not decided within 4 turns it will be a draw. The winner of the combat will awarded with an Item, Equipment or Special cards. Combat Commands/Moves Attack (An orange fireball) A normal attack. It does the same amount of damage as your Attack Stat. Combo Attack (A blue fireball) It does the same attack damage as the Attack command. But this attack cannot be evaded. Do nothing (A sad yellow circle) Do nothing at all. Dodge (A purple slime with an arrow) Avoid an attack. It is not effective against the Combo Attack command. Defend (A brown rock) This halves any damage you take from attacks. Counter (An angry green slime throwing a small yellow slime) If your opponent does an attack you will counter with an attack which does the same amount of damage as you AND you opponents Attack stat. Motivating Shout (An angry purple flame) You next command will be 2 times as effective. For example, if you Defended on your next turn you would take no damage. Strong Attack (A red fireball with teeth) An attack that does 2 times your Attack stat. Advice on how to fight Depending on what your opponent does, it is best to counter with certain moves. Attack – You should evade or counter Combo Attack – You should Counter attack Strong Attack – You should evade About the residents of the mansion Whichever mission you choose, some residents of the mansion will appear. Depending on the mission, they may have a small or big effect on the game, but basically they act as follows If you give them a special card they will give you Star Points, or Solution points. If you give them the correct special card they will give you Solution Points. If you give them the incorrect card, they will give you less points. They can give you hints They give you hints such as “The X card is in the X room”, “I saw the X card in X item of furniture”. They do not lie. You will certainly find the card in the place that they told you. They can restore your Stamina, Stars and Points or give you Item cards If you say おねがいする (Please help me) they can restore your Stamina or Stars and Points. However they cannot give you more Item cards if you already have 5. Q&A Another player took the single unique card. What should I do? It is too early to give up. Use a move that lets you take their card, or fight them. If you beat them in combat, you can take a card from them, so take it! We started fighting, but I can’t gain the lead. What should I do? Even if you start a battle without cards lined up, use the 3D Stick and the A Button to select the X options. After this the battle will start. In the “Search for the missing item” mission, another player always makes me go first. What should I do? In this mission you must speak to some of the residences, find the card they are looking for and bring it back to them. The item they are looking for depends on their character. For example, a girl may be looking for a teddy, but a male doctor may be looking for medicine. So if you have a chance to talk to them, listen to the hints they give you and then bring them a card that will please them, to get more Stars and Solution Points.