Kirby 64 Boss Guide ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beating Kirby's bosses was never easier. An informative guide by FLOWERPOT. Version FINAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S-------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0001 Revision History 0002 Pop Star Boss 0003 Rock Star Boss 0004 Aqua Star Boss 0005 Neo Star Boss 0006 Shiver Star Boss 0007 Ripple Star Boss 0008 Dark Star Boss 0009 Legal Disclaimer 0010 End ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0001 R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y--------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Version FINAL: Saturday, June 2, 2001 ------------------------------------- Finalized the guide and added the new legal disclaimer. Version 2.0: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 ------------------------------------- I finally collected all the crystal shards and guess what? Their's another boss. Uh-oh! But have no fear, i added a section just for him. Whew! Version 1.5: Thursday, July 13, 2000 ------------------------------------ * Added the best abilities that can be used against each boss. Also corrected a mistake I made on the Neo Star boss. Version 1.0: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 ----------------------------------- * First version of my Kirby 64 boss mini-guide. I should be publishing one more kirby mini-guide in the near future, so check it out on gameFAQs. 99.9% chance that this will be the only update, seeing that I've added all that needs to be added... unless someone finds corrections or wants to add their own strategies for beating bosses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0002 P O P S T A R B O S S--------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After completing the three levels of Pop Star, you will come across one mean apple tree. Difficulty: 0.5/5.0 How to win: When you start off against the boss, their will be three mini-trees moving around the circumference of the tree. Every few seconds a bad apple will be spit out by the tree. Inhale it into Kirby's belly. Spit the apple at a mini-tree. Each mini-tree must be hit with two apples to be destroyed. Once the three mini-trees are destroyed the tree will starts lifting up four of his roots. Avoiding the roots when they arise can be done by watching the spots on the floor where pebbles begin to move: this is where a root will come up. Inhale some of the apples falling from the tree and hit the roots. Keep hitting the roots each time they come up, while avoiding the white flares the tree will spit. When the tree's life meter reaches Zero a blue crystal shard will magically appear. Tip: When attacking the tree's roots, try to inhale more than one apples at a time. By doing this, you will have a spitball that passes through the first root and goes and hits the second, which brings me to the old saying: kill two birds with one stone... or something like that. Ability: N/A ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0003 R O C K S T A R B O S S------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After completing the four levels of Rock Star, you will come across a red, green, and blue diamond. Difficulty: 1.5/5.0 How to win: In the very beginning of the battle, the platform Kirby is on will have to make its way to the top. During this time, you cannot attack the boss. First the red diamond will appear. By hold the Ddown button, Kirby will crouch. Stay in this position is be invincible against the turning red diamond. Now the green diamond will appear. Run inbetween the red and green diamond and follow their movements. This should allow you to be unharmed. If you do have to avoid the diamonds, flying is not the choise, rather run through or crouch. Now the blue diamond will appear. By running in suit with all three diamonds Kirby should be unharmed. After a few seconds, the elevator will reach the top. Now you get different colored "atoms." By inhaling an atom and shooting it at on of the diamonds when they come over the platform, you will be able to take aways the boss' life. If you find you are missing, you may have to jump and shoot in the air to reach some of the diamonds. Get as many shots in while avoiding the spinning diamonds. After one diamond is defeacted, it will be just a frame in the shape of diamond (no longer a threat). Once all three diamonds are destroyed, you get another crystal shard. Tip: Shooting a green "atom" at the green diamond will take away more life from the boss than shooting a red or blue "atom" at a green diamond. Catch my drift? Ability: Needle+Cutter ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0004 A Q U A S T A R B O S S------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After completing the four levels of Aqua Star, you will come across a big killer whale. Difficulty: 3.0/5.0 How to win: You start off face to face with the ugly whale. He will first shoot objects out of his mouth. When he does, inhale them and quickly shoot them back at him, making sure that the items you are shooting back do not collide with more of the items he is shooting from his mouth. **DO NOT INHALE THE SPIKEY MONSTERs HE SPITS OUT** After a while, he will swim quickly towards you, than to the side (someplace you cannot follow because this is a 2.5d adventure), then come from above you. Avoid his first run towards you by swimming up or down out of his way. When he his coming towards you from the side, swim to the bottom (someplace he never goes) and then watch for his shadow on the ground to avoid his advance from above. If he misses you from his run from above, rocks will be left on the see floor, which you can inhale and spit at him. If you have not defeated him quickly, you may witness his "flip then pounce" attack. Avoiding the flip is very hard. Either be very quick by pushing the B button a lot of swim to the top and hope that he misses. After his life bar is depleted, the ocean floor crumbles. Aha! Another crystal shar... WAIT A MINUTE! He's still alive. While swimming to the surface, inhale the fish and sea-monkies in your path and spit them at him. He also shoots other green objects (missles? motors?) which you can inhale and spit at him. After his second lifebar is depleted, consider another crystal shard yours for the keeping. Tip: While swimming to the surface, stay all the way to the side, next to the rocks, because he rarely (if ever) moves in that direction. Ability: Cutter+Bomb ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0005 N E O S T A R B O S S--------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After completing the four levels of Neo Star, you will come across a big blob of multon lava. Difficulty: 4.0/5.0 How to win: You have four platforms to work with, so use them well. After every attack with his lava tenticles, little fire black matter balls will pop up out of the magma. Inhale these and shoot them at his tenticles. The tenticles have three attacks: (1) Engulfs a platform with magma temporarily, (2) lifts the platform into the magma-covered cieling or (3) Raises up high and falls on top of a platform. Each one can be hit with a black matter lava ball that kirby can inhale. Dodging the tenticles while attacking should take care of the first part of this boss. Now he will chase you to the right onto a place safe from magma (make sure you are not on the left most platform when you beat him in part one of the fight). As soon as his second lifebar shows up, jump and fly to the right side of the screen, avoiding the boss in the form of a lava puddle. Inhale the fire fairies (the more the better) and shoot them into his FACE. You can even swallow the fairies and use a fire attack against his FACE. When rocks starts falling from the cieling, inhale them and send the back at the bosses FACE. Watch out for when he blows fire. I have no idea how to avoid this... it may be an unavoidable attack. If the boss lives long enough, he may melt again, causing you to fly to the other side. Once this boss' lifebar has no more life, a crystal shard is yours. Correction: You can avoid the flame he spits from his mouth. Apparently, just standing under his mouth next to him will save you from harm (thanks starchild). Tip: Inhaling more than one rock at once takes away more damage when you shoot it at the boss' face. Ability: Cutter+Spark ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0006 S H I V E R S T A R B O S S--------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After completing the four levels of Shiver Star, you will come across a big metal monster. Difficulty: 4.0/5.0 How to win: As soon as you start the level, run all the way to left. Keep yourself here for the first part of this boss. When he shoots missles, inhale them. Or, when he uses both hands to slam the center of the platform inhale the crystals left behind. To damage this boss, you must shoot a missle or crytal at his long arms. When the arm to his right is swooping across shoot something at it. EASY HIT! It may take practice to master the timing, but in time you will be laughing at how easy it his. Keep watching the yellow pointy thing on the top of the monster's head. If it glows blue, get ready to jump. A laser will sweep across the platform. When the robot's left arm swoops across the platform, don't try fancy tricks to hit it, just jump to avoid it. When both arms hit the center, jump SLIGHTLY and shoot in the air to hit the arms while avoiding the crystal that just popped out. After the first lifebar is depleted, the moster will turn into a platform destroying ship. **MAKE SURE YOU STAY IN FRONT OF THE SHIP AT ALL TIMES** Inhaling missles he shoots from his back than jumping to hit the black part of his hull will damage the ship. When a large yellow and white missles shoots from the bottom, start inhaling. Once you've eaten up the yellow piece of the bomb, jump to avoid the white piece. Shoot this at the ship. When the ship goes into the air and crashes down, just take the hit. Take it. Otherwise you'll be behind the ship and death will surely come to you. Once the second lifebar is depleted, a crystal shard will arise from the ruins. Tip: Inhaling more than one missle will make a stronger attack. Ability: Fire+Bomb ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0007 R I P P L E S T A R B O S S--------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After completing the three levels of Ripple Star, you will come across the transformation ball. Difficulty: 4.3/5.0 How to win: This boss has seven different forms. All rely on the same lifebar. The boss transform every few seconds. Each transformation needs 3-4 hits to be destroyed. Here is how to beat each one. **RANDOM CHANGES** (1) Fire: While staying below the main ball and to the left of it, you will be able to avoid the wave of fire it lets out. When the stream of fire goes away, a heated ball remains. Inhale one of these and shoot it at the center of the fireball. (2) Stone: The stone transformation always drops in the same two places. As soon as you see this transformation, run all the way to the left. Watch the stone drop twice, leaving behind four rocks. Inhale a rock and spit at the large boulder. Tip: When all four stones are on the ground, and the main boulder is moving around, inhale one stone and spit it at another stone. This will create a stronger projectile that you can wurl at the main boulder for a stronger hit. (3) Ice: The ice transformation starts out with fire iceballs revolving around an ice blocks. Stay to the left until the iceballs get closer to the ice block. Then jump to inhale. Shoot the newly inhaled item at the block. Tip: Inhaling two ice balls then swallowing them will give you a powerful attack that you can use against the ice block. It is also much faster at killing this transformation. Make sure you get rid of it before the next transformation, though. (4) Spike: This transformation starts off as an orange ball. Then 6 spikes emerge from it and leave behind small spike (staying the to left will keep you from harm). Inhale the spike directly in front of you then jump and spit it at the center mass. If you have enough time, inhale a second spike it send it at the main orange ball. Tip: If you happened to have swallowed a stone during one of the stone transformations, you will be invincible to all spike attacks! (5) Electrical: Jump/Fly/Crouch to avoid the speeding electrical currents. When the become small enough, swallow one and spit it into the main ball. (6) Cutter: Stay to the left for this guy. When he flys by, inhale. Shoot the piece of his body you just inhaled into the largest piece of his body to score a hit. (7) Purple Mass: This one is the hardest, because the movement of the purple balls is unpredictable. Avoid by crouching and dodging (Ddown + A) until they become a solid purple ball. Inhale this and shoot it at the main ball. When the life is depleted, none other than a crystal shard is now yours! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0008 D A R K S T A R B O S S------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After collecting every single crystal shard, you will face the final boss. Difficulty: 5.0/5.0 How to win: While avoiding the electrical attacks that this boss sends at you, use your crystal shard attack on the red eye to damage him. Also watch out for any explosions from the boss' attacks. Once you complete part one of this boss, the view will change so that you are above the boss' head. Shoot the halo thingy on top of its head until it completely disappears then swing over to the side where you see his green spikey tail. Destroy this and watch out for the fart gas it emits. Once this body part is gone, you will swing around to the original view. Shoot the eye. Then you come back to the halo, shoot it! Then back to the tail... again, shoot it. Yada yada yada. My work is done. After this ugly boss is overwith you have gotten the 100 percentile for Kirby 64. You go girl! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0008 L E G A L D I S C L A I M E R--------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This Version of the Legal Disclaimer was last updated on 5/30/2001. The latest version of this disclaimer can always be found at This document is protected under United States and International Copyright Laws. Unauthorized electronic or printed duplication for anything other then private use is not permitted without written consent of the author of this guide, Jason Gomer (AKA flowerpot). Copyright © 2000-2001 Jason Gomer All Rights Reserved. If you wish to seek permission to use this guide or any other publications by flowerpot, consider the following rules of duplication before asking for permission. • Complete and full credit is given to flowerpot. • The entire document remains unedited in any way, shape, or form. The guide can not be duplicated in HTML format. • The newest version of the guide must be posted at all times. I will not e-mail/send you the newest version every time I make an update, it is your responsibility to keep it updated by checking for new versions at the sites listed below this list. • The document cannot be used to make any profit whatsoever. This means no pop-ups on the .txt file and even ads on the page linking to the documents (Except GameFAQs, FBGames, or advertisements that are mandatory by free domain providers such as GeoCities Pop-ups). • I must be notified via e-mail if you ever decide to remove the guide. The sites with that will always have the most recent version of this guide and all FAQ publications written by flowerpot: • GameFAQs • Fresh Baked Games • flowerpot's personal homepage / FAQ Archive If you are reading this and it is still incomplete, make sure to check the above sites to make sure you are reading the most recent version of the guide. If you find an outdated version of this guide on another website, please e-mail me with the URL and name of the site. Copyright © 2000-2001 Jason Gomer All Rights Reserved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0009 E N D----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREDITS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • CJayC The creator of the biggest FAQ Archive on the web. Without him, I would've never began to write. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ END NOTE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Send any Questions, comments, constructive criticism, deconstructive criticism, pornographic pictures of kirby, figernail clippings, South Carolina State Quarters, chinese calendars, urine samples, glowsticks, your sisters lunch, and green nailpolish to Look out for another Kirby mini-guide and possibly something that has to do with diablo (must finish dk64 guide! ahh!). That is all, my dear minions. Until I am needed to save the gaming society once again, this is Jason Gomer, signing off. This has been a helpful guide by FLOWERPOT. © 2000 faq64