K K IIIIIII RRRRRR BBBBBB Y Y 66666 4 4 K K III R R B B Y Y 6 4 4 K K III R R B B Y Y 6 4 4 KKKK III RRRRRR BBBBBB Y 666666 4444444 K K III R R B B Y 6 6 4 K K III R R B B Y 6 6 4 K K IIIIIII R R BBBBBB Y 666 4 Enemy Guide By CMCB Final Version Last Updated 7-4-2001 cmcb@att.net (See guidelines before e-mailing) I. This is an enemy guide, mainly compiled of all the cards in the "Enemy Info" section. The enemies are grouped by special power and enemies with no special power (grouped by invincible and non-invincible). Hope you find my guide useful. Update Info 1.0 First Version 1.1 Completed Enemy Entries. Changed 's designation from invincible to non- invincible Final Fixed Typos. This ends the updates to this FAQ Table of Contents I) Introduction II) Enemy Info 1) Ice Enemies b) Fire Enemies c) Special Power Enemies a) Bomb Enemies d) Spike Enemies e) Spark Enemies f) Cutter Enemies g) Rock Enemies 2) Non-Power Enemies a) Invincible b) Non-Invincible III) Copyright Info IV) Closing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Enemy Info This Section is devoted information about the enemies you'll encounter while playing Kirby 64. Each enemy will have a profile like the one shown below: Name: N-Z Description: A walking black ball with eyes and horns Special Power: None Method of Attack: Bumping into You Enemy Info #: 10 Level of Danger: 1 Name is the enemy's official name. Description is the enemy's physical appearence. Special Power is which ability you'll get if you inhale and swallow the enemy. Enemy Info # is the number on the card for the enemy on the Enemy Info screen. Level of Danger is how dangerous the enemy is on a scale of one to ten. One is a helpless weakling, ten is extremely hazardous to a pink puffball. Sometimes I'll include notes on the enemy that aren't covered in the six above categories. Also I'll mention if you can do anything with the enemy be inhaling, not swallowing, the enemy and hitting R, L, or C-up, mentioned in the guide as the "RLC-UP trick." Now, bring on the baddies! P.S. All enemies will hurt you if you bump into them, so unless this is their only means of attack, I wont bother mentioning it. II.1) Special Power Enemies This section is devoted to enemies that with bestow upon you a power if you happen to swallow them. They are grouped be the abilities they give. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II.1.a) Ice enemies Name: Propeller Description: A blue balloon with eyes and a mouth, suspended by a, you guessed it, propeller. Special Power: Ice Method of Attack: Flying into you Enemy Info #: 21 Level of Danger: 3 Name: Frigis Description: A bird made of ice with black eyes and an orange beak Special Power: Ice Method of Attack: Dropping ice on you Enemy Info #: 54 Level of Danger: 5 Name: Emp Description: A penguin Special Power: Ice Method of Attack: Running AWAY and sliding, turning you into ice if you happen to make contact Enemy Info #: 67 Level of Danger: 1.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II.1.a) Fire Enemies Name: Bobo Description: A walking flame with black eyes Special Power: Fire Method of Attack: Bumping into you Enemy Info #: 37 Level of Danger: 3 Name: Burnis Description: A bird made of fire Special Power: Fire Method of Attack: Dropping fireballs Enemy Info #: 52 Level of Danger: 4 Name: Galbo Description: A red and white dinosaur with no legs Special Power: Fire Method of Attack: Breathing fire on you Enemy Info #: 63 Level of Danger: 3 Name: Magoo Description: A black flameball with yellow eyes Special Power: Fire Method of Attack: Popping out of the lava into you Enemy Info #: 68 Level of Danger: 3.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II.1.c) Bomb Enemies Name: Skud Description: A walking, red and white rocket with a face Special Power: Bomb Method of Attack: Launching up, then down on you Enemy Info #: 13 Level of Danger: 3 Name: Poppy Bros. Jr. Description: An elf wearing blue clothes and carrying a bomb (with a skull on it) Special Power: Bomb Method of Attack: Throwing his bomb at you Enemy Info #: 24 Level of Danger: 4 Name: Pedo Description: A green and yellow rocket with eyes Special Power: Bomb Method of Attack: Launching himself at you Enemy Info #: 46 Level of Danger: 4 Name: Rockn Description: A blue and yellow rocket with eyes Special Power: Bomb Method of Attack: Flying into you and blowing up Enemy Info #: 61 Level of Danger 3.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II.1.d) Spike Enemies Name: Punc Description: A green hedgehog like thing with yellow spikes Special Power: Spike Method of Attack: Rolling up into a ball and rolling at you Enemy Info #: 39 Level of Danger: 2.5 Name: Tick Description: A white raindrop with a red pointy hat, eyes and a mouth. Special Power: Spike Method of Attack: Extending his hat to poke you Enemy Info #: 48 Level of Danger: 5 Name: Ghost Knight Description: A blue ghost with one eye, a red mouth, a shield and a lance. Special Power: Spike Method of Attack: Poking you with his lance Enemy Info #: 58 Level of Danger: 5 Notes: This guy can block projectile attacks with his shield. Name: Kacti Description: A cactus with eyes and a mouth. Special Power: Spike Method of Attack: Rolling into you Enemy Info #: 60 Level of Danger: 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II.1.e) Spark Enemies Name: Spark-i Description: A blue eyeball encased in blue triangles Special Power: Spark Method of Attack: Shoots small, multicolored projectiles at you Enemy Info #: 16 Level of Danger: 3.5 Name: Turbis Description: A purple ball with black eyes surrounded by four pieces of metal Special Power: Spark Enemy Info #: 56 Method of Attack: Shooting small lightning bolts at you Level of Danger: 3.5 Name: Plugg Description: A blue plug with eyes Special Power: Spark Enemy Info #: 57 Method of Attack: Plugging him self into the ground and sending electrical charges out in either direction Level of Danger: 2.5 Name: Zoos Description: A yellow guy that floats in a dark cloud Special Power: Spark Enemy Info #: 59 Method of Attack: Dropping lightning bolts on you Level of Danger: 3.5 Notes: OK, I have to give the guys at Nintendo credit for this one. Zeus (pronounced ZOOS) is the Greek god of the sky. His weapon: a thunderbolt Name: Sparky Description: A green raindrop with yellow antennae and rectangular eyes Special Power: Spark Method of Attack: Creates a small electric force field around itself. Enemy Info #: 73 Level of Danger: 2 Notes: Nintendo came up with some original names for the spark enemies, didn't they? Oh, well ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II.1.f) Cutter Enemies Name: Sirkibble Description: A walking metal ball with a visor and metal plume Special Power: Cutter Method of Attack: He throws his plume at you Enemy Info #: 29 Level of danger: 3 Name: Kapar Description: A green duck with a green, pointy crown. Special Power: Cutter Method of Attack: Ducky here throws his crown at you. He can jump and hit you in mid-air. Enemy Info #: 43 Level of Danger: 3 Name: Fishbone Description: A fish made of three successively smaller triangles, with the biggest one the head, and two eyes. Special Power: Cutter Method of Attack: It launches its head at you. Enemy Info #: 53 Level of Danger: 4 Notes: If you use the RLC-UP trick, you can use Fishbone as a weapon Name: Sawyer Description: A gray and red saw blade Special Power: Cutter Method of Attack: Rolling into you Enemy Info #: 55 Level of Danger: 3.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II.1.f) Rock Enemies Name: Rocky Description: A rock with feet and eyes. Special Power: Rock Method of Attack: Falling on you from a greater height Enemy Info #: 11 Level of Danger: 3 Name: Cairn Description: Three rocks stacked on top of each other with eyes Special Power: Rock Method of Attack: Jumping on top of you Enemy Info #: 49 Level of Danger: 3 Name: Pompey Description: A volcano with eyes Special Power: Rock Method of Attack: Erupting Enemy Info #: 50 Level of Danger: 4 Name: Hack Description: A walking stone hammer Special Power: Rock Method of Attack: Hammering you Enemy Info #: 51 Level of Danger: 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II.2) Non-Power Enemies These are enemies that have no power. Some cannot be destroyed some can. It is with this criterion that I have divided them up. Here we go! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II.2.a) Invincible Non-power Enemies Name: Gordo Description: A black spike ball Special Power: None Method of Attack: Bumping into you Enemy Info #: 14 Level of Danger: 4 Name: Shotzo Description: A cannon Special Power: None Method of Attack: Shooting various projectiles at you Enemy Info #: 15 Level of Danger: 5 Name: Glom Description: A frog that lives in a hole in the wall. Special Power: None Method of Attack: Eating you and spitting you out Enemy Info #: 22 Level of Danger: 6 Name: Splinter Description: A spiky log Special Power: None Method of Attack: Rolling into you Enemy Info #: 25 Level of Danger: 7 Name: Gobblin Description: A cactus with a mouth Special Power: None Method of Attack: Biting you Enemy Info #: 25 Level of Danger: 5 Name: Bivolt Description: A spark with a face Special Power: None Method of Attack: Bumping into you Enemy Info #: 28 Level of Danger: 6 Name: I3 Description: A green cube with an eye on it Special Power: None Method of Attack: Squishing you Enemy Info #: 32 Level of Danger: 4 Name: Snipper Description: Something like a brown spider with enormously large jaws Special Power: None Method of Attack: Jumping out of the sand and (duh!) snipping you Enemy Info #: 33 Level of Danger: 5 Name: Flutter Description: A white butterfly Special Power: None Method of Attack: None Enemy Info #: 70 Level of Danger: 0 Notes: These are those butterflies you see in the game. They can't hurt you and serve no useful purpose. Name: Wall Shotzo Description: A cannon mounted on a wall Special Power: None Method of Attack: Shooting bullets Enemy Info #: 71 Level of Danger: 4 Name: Ignus Description: A rock. Plain and simple Special Power: None Method of Attack: Falling on you Enemy Info #: 74 Level of Danger: 3 Name: Zebon Description: A green ball with a face Special Power: None Method of Attack: Spitting you out Enemy Info #: 81 Level of Damage: -5 Notes: I don't know why this guy is an enemy. You jump into him and he propels you in another direction, but it doesn't hurt you. Hmmmmm. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II.2.b) Non-Invincible Non-Power Enemies Name: N-Z Description: A walking black ball with eyes and horns Special Power: None Method of Attack: Bumping into You Enemy Info #: 10 Level of Danger: 1 Name: Bronto Burt Description: A pink ball with eyes and wings Special Power: None Method of Attack: Flying into you Enemy Info #: 12 Level of Danger: 2 Notes: If you use the RLC-UP trick, you can fly for a short period of time Name: Bouncy Description: A pink dome with eyes on a spring Special Power: None Method of Attack: Bouncing on you Enemy Info #: 17 Level of Danger: 2 Name: Glunk Description: A yellow-green anemone with red tentacles and eyes Special Power: None Enemy Info #: 18 Method of Attack shooting yellow balls at you Level of Danger: 3 Notes: Glunk can be used as a weapon with the RLC-UP trick Name: Slushy Description: A blue and white jellyfish Special Power: None Enemy Info #: 19 Method of Attack: Swimming into you Level of Danger: 2 Name: Mahall Description: A peach blob with eyes and a green hat Special Power: None Method of Attack: Popping out of the ground and shooting stuff at you Enemy Info #: 23 Level of Danger: 2 Name: Kany Description: A red crab. Special Power: None Method of Attack: Pincers Enemy Info #: 27 Level of Danger: 3 Name: Gabon Description: A blue guy with a skull helmet Special Power: None Method of Attack: This guy'll throw his helmet at you, and then run around Enemy Info #: 30 Level of Danger: 3 Name: Mariel Description: A black spider with white eyes Special Power: None Method of Attack: Bumping into you Enemy Info #: 31 Level of Danger: 4 Name: Bonehead Description: A skull with wings Special Power: None Method of Attack: Flying a little ways then dropping on top of you Enemy Info #: 35 Level of Danger: 2.5 Name: Sqibby Description: A white seahorse-like thing with a pink face and black eyes Special Power: None Method of Attack: Three tentacles that come out of its head Enemy Info #: 36 Level of Danger: 3 Notes: If you use the RLC-UP trick, you can use Squibby as a weapon. Name: Bo Description: A black ball with eyes Special Power: None Method of Attack: Bumping into you Enemy Info #: 38 Level of Danger: 2 Name: Mite Description: An orange ball with four legs and a face Special Power: None Method of Attack: Popping out of the sand and running headlong into you Enemy Info #: 40 Level of Danger: 2 Name: Sandman Description: A beige blob with black eyes and a huge mouth Special Power: None Method of Attack: Appearing out of the sand and under you Enemy Info #: 41 Level of Danger: 3.5 Name: Flopper Description: A red and white fish Special Power: None Method of Attack: In water: Swimming into you on land: Can't hurt you Enemy Info #: 42 Level of Danger: 2 Notes: If you use the RLC-UP trick he will propel you underwater Name: Maw Description: A blue mouth with one eye Special Power: None Method of Attack: Popping out of hiding, eating you, then spitting you out Enemy Info #: 44 Level of Danger: 6 Name: Drop Description: A blue jelly-like substance with a red spot in the middle Special Power: None Method of Attack: Dripping on you Enemy Info #: 45 Level of Danger: 4 Name: Noo Description: A white ghost with black eyes and a red mouth Special Power: None Method of Attack: Flying into you Enemy Info #: 47 Level of Danger: 2.5 Name: Chacha Description: A hulaskirt-wearing, maraca-swinging beige ball Special Power: None Method of Attack: Hitting you with her maracas Enemy Info #: 62 Level of Danger: 4 Notes: You can use the RLC-UP trick and use her as a weapon Name: Bumber Description: A walking orange ball with eyes and an umbrella for a hat Special Power: None Method of Attack: Floating down on top of you Enemy Info #: 64 Level of Danger: 2 Notes: If you use the RLC-UP trick, you can jump and float for a short period of time. Name: Scarfy Description: An orange ball with a face and horns Special Power: None Method of Attack: Floating into you Enemy Info #: 65 Level of Danger: 5 Notes: When you turn your back on Scarfy, or try to inhale him, he turns evil and is more dangerous Name: Nruff Description: A brown, hairy pig. Special Power: None Method of Attack: Running into you Enemy Info #: 66 Level of Danger: 4 Name: Yariko Description: A native with a red hat Special Power: None Method of Attack: Yariko jumps and throws spears at you Enemy Info #: 69 Level of Danger: 3.5 Name: Flora Description: A pink flower with a face Special Power: None Method of Attack: Popping out of its stem then spiraling back to earth Enemy Info #: 75 Level of Danger: 2.5 Name: Putt Description: A green worm with a yellow horn Special Power: None Method of Attack: Putt is always stationed behind a large rock, which he pushes at you Enemy Info #: 76 Level of Danger: 4 Name: Pteran (TEAR-an) Description: A purple bird that looks like a '<' with wings Special Power: None Method of Attack: Flying into you Enemy Info #: 77 Level of Danger: 2 Name: Mumby Description: A gray and white ball with a mouth Special Power: None Method of Attack: Flying into you Enemy Info #: 78 Level of Danger: 2 Name: Pupa Description: A red, yellow and black Hershey Kiss with eyes Special Power: None Method of Attack: Dropping down on its string Enemy Info #: 79 Level of Danger: 2.5 Name: Mopoo Description: A white snowball with eyes and a mouth Special Power: None Method of Attack: Arcing out of the clouds into you Enemy Info #: 80 Level of Danger: 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> III) The Grand and Glorious (Drum roll) COPYRIGHT INFORMATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! __________________________________________ |This Document Copyright 2001 Chris McBryde| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you would like to copy and use any part of this FAQ for another use, you MUST send me an e-mail with the subject line "Copy Request" and in the body of the e-mail include your e-mail address and what the FAQ is being used for. You may only use if I have given you permission. If you would like to print this FAQ, you may do so at ONE (1) copy per computer. Constructive criticism (e.g. typos, suggestions, additional RLC-UP enemies) can be sent to cmcb@att.net. Please put "FAQ Comments" in the subject line so I wont delete it with my junk mail. IV) Closing Thanks for reading my guide. I hope you find it useful in all of your enemy- eliminating needs. Look forward to updates later on. SEE YA!!!