_ ___ _ ____ ___ | | / (_) | | / ___| / | | |/ / _ _ __| |__ _ _ / /___ / /| | | \| | '__| '_ \| | | | | ___ \/ /_| | | |\ \ | | | |_) | |_| | | \_/ |\___ | \_| \_/_|_| |_.__/ \__, | \_____/ |_/ __/ | |___/ _____________________________________________________ |Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards | |For the Nintendo 64 | |FAQ/Walkthrough | |By Meowthnum1 (Meowthnum1 [at] metacrawler [dot] com)| |Version 5.0 | |Last Updated: 8/25/02 | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ http://pub84.ezboard.com/bmeowthnum1sgaming for help. Table of Contents: I. Introduction II. Basics 2.01: Abilities 2.02: Characters 2.03: Story 2.04: FAQ 2.05: Controls 2.06: Items III. Walkthrough 3.01: Pop Star 3.02: Rock Star 3.03: Aqua Star 3.04: Neo Star 3.05: Shiver Star 3.06: Ripple Star 3.07: Dark Star IV. Mini-Games 4.01: 100-Yard Hop 4.02: Bumper Crop Bump 4.03: Checkerboard Chase 4.04: BOSS FIGHT V. Final Section 5.01: Endings 5.02: Copyright Information 5.03: Revision History 5.04: Credits 5.05: Conclusion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I. Introduction -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hiya, and welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough for Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. This is the newest installment in the wonderful Kirby series. The object of this game is to collect all the Crystal Shards. If you do not collect them all, well...you'll see. There are 100 Crystal Shards in all, and you start out with two. -=-=-=-=-= II. Basics -=-=-=-=-= *********************************** *****2.01: Abilities*************** *********************************** Unlike other Kirby games, in addition to having one power, you can get two and have a combination. These are really cool. If you bring back out the power star that gave you one ability and throw it at another enemy, the result will be a combined power. Also, you'll notice as the section continues, that the amount of powers listed per category decreases. This is because a power belonging in that section has already been done. Example: You have Stone and Fire. You go to the Stone section to find this power, but cannot. This is because said power is already listed in the Fire section. ______ _ | ____(_) | |__ _ _ __ ___ | __| | | '__/ _ \ | | | | | | __/ |_| |_|_| \___| ------ Fire + ------ Kirby will turn in to a fireball, which will destroy enemies on contact. ----------- Fire + Fire ----------- Kirby turns in to a giant firebird of sorts, which destroys enemies. ------------ Fire + Stone ------------ Kirby turns in to a volcano! ---------- Fire + Ice ---------- Everyone knows that fire and ice don't mix together. This just proves it. Kirby turns in to an ice cube...and...uh...melts. ------------- Fire + Needle ------------- Kirby turns in to a bow that shoots a flame arrow. ----------- Fire + Bomb ----------- Kirby uh...shoots off fireworks. This is actually a cool power. ------------ Fire + Spark ------------ Kirby sets his head on fire and runs around. ------------- Fire + Cutter ------------- This brings out an awesome fire sword. _____ |_ _| | | ___ ___ | | / __/ _ \ _| || (_| __/ |_____\___\___| ----- Ice + ----- Kirby shoots an Ice breath and freezes enemies. --------- Ice + Ice --------- Kirby turns in to a giant snowball and starts rolling, taking out all enemies in his path. ------------ Ice + Needle ------------ Kirby turns in to a giant ice crystal that skewers enemies ----------- Ice + Stone ----------- Kirby turns in to a curling hammer that goes horizontally, taking out enemies. ---------- Ice + Bomb ---------- Frosty the SnowBomb! Kirby turns in to a snowman which will explode when he runs in to an enemy. ----------- Ice + Spark ----------- Kirby turns in to a refrigerator and shoots out food. ------------ Ice + Cutter ------------ Kirby puts on Ice Skates. Press "B" to see an awesome jump! _ _ _ _ | \ | | | | | | \| | ___ ___ __| | | ___ | . ` |/ _ \/ _ \/ _` | |/ _ \ | |\ | __/ __/ (_| | | __/ |_| \_|\___|\___|\__,_|_|\___| -------- Needle + -------- Kirby shoots out spikes. --------------- Needle + Needle --------------- Kirby turns in to an over-accessorized Swiss Army Knife. -------------- Needle + Stone -------------- Kirby turns in to a giant drill, which can be shot off. ------------- Needle + Bomb ------------- Kirby becomes a big ball of explosives. -------------- Needle + Spark -------------- Kirby becomes a lightning rod that zaps nearby enemies. --------------- Needle + Cutter --------------- Kirby becomes a giant mouth of spikes. _____ _ / ____| | | (___ | |_ ___ _ __ ___ \___ \| __/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \ ____) | || (_) | | | | __/ |_____/ \__\___/|_| |_|\___| ------- Stone + ------- Kirby turns in to a walking boulder. Press "B" to make it explode! ------------- Stone + Stone ------------- A giant version of the regular stone power. ------------ Stone + Bomb ------------ This is a very powerful weapon. Kirby throws a stick of dynamite. Press down to put on a helmet so you're not hurt by the blast. ------------- Stone + Spark ------------- Kirby shoots out a giant boulder controlled by a chain of electricity. You can control the boulder to make it hit an enemy. -------------- Stone + Cutter -------------- Kirby sculpts a statue. Depending on what it is, you'll get a new ability. Example: Rick the Hamster will enable you to jump higher. ____ _ | _ \ | | | |_) | ___ _ __ ___ | |__ | _ < / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \ | |_) | (_) | | | | | | |_) | |____/ \___/|_| |_| |_|_.__/ ------ Bomb + ------ Kirby throws a bomb. ----------- Bomb + Bomb ----------- Kirby will pull out up to three homing rockets and shoot them. ------------ Bomb + Spark ------------ Kirby turns in to a light bulb which explodes after awhile. ------------- Bomb + Cutter ------------- Kirby throws explosive stars at his enemies. _____ _ / ____| | | | (___ _ __ __ _ _ __| | __ \___ \| '_ \ / _` | '__| |/ / ____) | |_) | (_| | | | < |_____/| .__/ \__,_|_| |_|\_\ | | |_| ------- Spark + ------- Kirby zaps all nearby enemies. ------------- Spark + Spark ------------- Kirby has giant rings of electricity surrounding him that begin to shrink when he walks. -------------- Spark + Cutter -------------- My favorite weapon. Kirby pulls out a double-bladed light sword that will destroy enemies. Push down to get rid of it. _____ _ _ / ____| | | | | | | _ _| |_| |_ ___ _ __ | | | | | | __| __/ _ \ '__| | |___| |_| | |_| || __/ | \_____\__,_|\__|\__\___|_| -------- Cutter + -------- Kirby throws half of himself at an enemy. o_0 --------------- Cutter + Cutter --------------- A giant version of the cutter attack. ****************************** *****2.02: Characters********* ****************************** You have five characters in this game. ===== =KIRBY= ===== Kirby is the star of the game. He swallows enemies for their powers. He can fly. He hails from Pop Star. WHERE FOUND: Um...start the game ====== =RIBBON= ====== Ribbon is the damsel in distress of this story. She attempted to save the crystal, and is trying to regain all of its shards with the help of her brave new friend, Kirby. WHERE FOUND: She falls to Pop Star during the intro, so you have her from the beginning. ========== =WADDLE DEE= ========== Waddle Dee is Kirby's "Best Friend" (odd. In all of the other games, WD was an enemy =P). He will help you with any transportation issues you might have. Example: boat. WHERE FOUND: He is the boss of the first level. Dark Matter is controlling him. Beat him to get him. =========== =KING DEDEDE= =========== King DeDeDe was the "main enemy" of most Kirby games. In this game, though, he HELPS you. Sometimes you'll get to ride on his back and control him, while other times, he'll come and destroy some blocks. WHERE FOUND: He is the boss of the last level of Pop Star. Beat him, and he'll join you. Dark Matter is controlling him. ======== =ADELEINE= ======== Adeleine is a painter. He can paint something and it'll come to life. Example: 1up. WHERE FOUND: He is the boss of the second level of Pop Star. Dark Matter is controlling him. Beat him. =========== =DARK MATTER= =========== The enemy of the game. He hails from an unknown galaxy and wants to take the Crystal. STOP HIM AT ALL COSTS! ****************************** ******2.03: Story************* ****************************** One day, Dark Matter invaded the peaceful Ripple Star. He wanted the power of the Crystal that was housed there. Fearing for the Crystal, a fairy named Ribbon took the Crystal and fled Ripple Star. Dark Matter pursued her. He shot balls of himself at Ribbon. One of them destroyed the Crystal and knocked Ribbon to the planet below. Meanwhile, on Pop Star, Kirby was gazing at the stars. Suddenly, he found a piece of a crystal. Ribbon fell to the planet (she had kept a Shard). When Kirby found her, she explained everything. Kirby agreed to help her find the shards of the shattered Crystal. First, they decided, they should look around Pop Star for them. ****************************** *****2.04: FAQ**************** ****************************** =============================================================== Q: How do I save? A: The game saves automatically. =============================================================== =============================================================== Q: Do I get anything if I beat the mini-games on intense level? A: No ================================================================ ================================================================ Q: Can I combine more than two powers? A: Nope ================================================================ ================================================================ Q: How do I combine two powers? A: First you inhale an enemy. If you swallowed it, press C, R, or L to bring the star over your head. Throw it at an enemy. That enemy's power will be combined with the power star you Threw. ================================================================ ================================================================ Q: How do I get different colored Kirbys? A: You can't. ================================================================ Any more? Send them in! ******************************* *****2.05: Controls************ ******************************* Start- Pause B- Inhale, Spit Out, use ability C/L/R- Hold energy star or item over your head. This is how you gain a double ability Up- Climb A- Jump (in the air, press again to fly), swim Down- Squat, Swallow, fall through some ledges, Slide (have to be holding the "A" button down as well). Left/Right- Move in said direction Z- N/A ************************** ****2.06: Items*********** ************************** Enemy Info Card: This is found at the end of the level picnic. This gives you the information for one enemy. The information can be found in the options menu. Food: They restore life Lollipop: It makes Kirby invincible Maximum Tomato: This fully heals your life Star- If you gain 30 of these, you get an extra life. There are four kinds: Yellow (1 star), Aqua (3 stars), Red (five stars), Big blue (10 stars). The blue stars are found by going back to the location of a previously collected Crystal Shard 1up- You gain an extra life -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= III. Walkthrough -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we go! At the end of each level, there is a bonus game where you try to get an item. Make Kirby face the way you want him to. The farther back his hands are, the farther he'll go. ********************************** *****3.01: Pop Star*************** ********************************** >>>>Level 1<<<< ------- The first level! At the start, go left to pick up a star, and then go right. On this path, get a fire and needle combo, or a fire and cutter. Continue along, making sure to break open blocks to get stars. Soon, you'll see a glittering thing in the air. Touch it. This is a crystal shard! Ribbon will come out and grab it. Now, continue along. Make sure that you pick up the Maximum Tomato. In the cabin, you'll fight a giant N-Z. If you lost your power, suck in the little n-zs and shoot them back out. Once you've beaten him, leave the cabin. Soon you'll come to some shotzos. Go under them, picking up the items. When you see them, swallow a Poppy Bro Jr. to get the bomb power. Continuing along, you'll see three stars above a black rock. Use the bomb power on the black block to get the second shard. Continue going right until you reach a fence. Here, you'll see a cutscene: Waddle Dee will find a shard, and Dark Matter will find him. Dark Matter will possess waddle Dee, and you'll have to fight him. NOTE TO KIRBY VETS: This guy looks like Waddle Doo, eh? Anyways, dodge his attacks, and use the stars to attack him. After a few hits, Dark Matter will leave him. You'll get the shard, and Waddle Dee will join you! >>>>Level 2<<<< ------- At the beginning, go right, killing enemies, and collecting some powers. I personally recommend getting two stones. Once you reach the tree, begin to go upwards, taking out the Pupas. At the top are some stars. Exit this tree to the right to run in to Waddle Dee. He has some sort of a platform waiting for you. Once you jump on, the platform will begin to move. Gather as many stars as you can. When you see a line of three stars, jump off the platform, and follow the line downwards to collect a shard. Now, fly up to the platform. Once this is done you are in another tree. Take out the Glunks, and go downwards. Before you reach the hole, get the 1up and Maximum Tomato. Once you are in the hole you are facing a giant Bouncey. Take him out by sucking up the little Bounceys and shooting them. Once Big Bouncey is gone, you'll get Crystal Shard #2 of this stage. Now continue to the right. Now you'll see a scene where the painter Adeleine finds a Shard. As expected, Dark Matter possesses her, and you have to fight her. First she'll paint some enemies. Inhale them and exhale them to defeat them. Now comes a painted Galbo. Inhale/Exhale the ice chunks to beat it. Now comes the Mumbies. Take it out by inhaling/exhaling the little mumbies. Now Adeleine attacks. Just run in to her to beat her. Now you get the third Crystal Shard, and Adeleine joins you! >>>>Level 3<<<< ------- Here you are outside of a castle. If you haven't figured it out, this is King DeDeDe's castle. Go left to get a star, then go right, destroying all blocks to get stars. Make sure that you get a double cutter power along the way. IN ORDER TO GET SHARD #1, YOU MUST HAVE THIS POWER. Now, enter the castle. In the entry hall, you'll find some Ghost Knights that are easily disposed of by your double cutter. In the next room, you'll think that you've reached a dead end--there is nowhere to go. Stand on the edge of the platform, and it'll start moving. Once you are done with this ride, there'll be Sir Kibble waiting to greet you. Take care of it, and then go to the next room. Fly to the top, but watch out for Gordos! If you've taken any damage, go left to get a Maximum Tomato. Now, proceed right. Jump down the hole in the castle wall. Here, you will see a shard protected by a dark green brick. So, use your double cutter power to get rid of the brick, and get Shard #1. Now, go through the door. In the next room, you'll see Adeleine. If you are at full life, she'll give you a 1up. Otherwise, she'll give you food. Now you are at a large stairway. Go up the stairs, collecting the stars. At the first curve of the stairs, you'll notice a shard above the doorway that you came in. So, run back down the stairs, and fly up above that doorway to collect another Shard. Now, continue climbing the stairs until you reach a chain at the top. On the second floor, go around until you find the chain that has light coming from above. Climb this chain. Now you'll see King DeDeDe. He'll find a shard, and Dark Matter will possess him. If you have your double cutter power, this is easy. Even if you don't, he still is easy. He'll run around, swinging at you with his hammer. When he misses, a star will come out. If you don't have the power, use this. After he's done with the hammer, he'll fly around, shooting balls of Dark Matter at you. Inhale these (or use your double cutter) to finish him off. Once he's gone, you can get the Shard. At first, he doesn't want to join you, but he'll come along after you leave! >>>>Pop Star Boss: WHISPY WOODS<<<< --------------------------- This is the first REAL boss. If you STILL have the double cutter power, use that to take out all of the Whispy Wood Jrs. Otherwise, use the apples that Whispy Woods shoots out. Once all three of them are gone, Whispy will get REALLY mad. He'll start using VERY sharp roots. Use your double cutter power. Otherwise, wait for him to create a lot of apples. The apples fall close to each other. So, inhale two at a time and fire them at the roots. Also, watch out for the puffs of clouds that he shoots. Once you've taken him out, you'll get the last shard from Pop Star! Now, a vortex will open. You are pulled through it and arrive at your next destination: Neo Star! ****************************** ****3.02: Rock Star*********** ****************************** >>>>Level 1<<<< ------- The first thing to do is get rid of your double cutter power if you haven't already. The power that I'd recommend you get is the Fire and Needle power. Go right until you reach a building. Enter this building. Walk through the building, destroying blocks and enemies. When you reach the l3 block, fly OVER the blue block. Above the second set of blue blocks is a shard. Grab it, and continue on. Make sure that you get a stone power before you leave this part of the building. Once you get the stone power, fly up to the blue blocks, and out of the room. Now you are in a room with a giant Kacti. Jump as you climb the hill, watch out for the two smaller Kactis, and take out the giant one. Once he is gone, you will receive another shard. As soon as you enter the next room, RUN to the right. Sand is filling the room, and you could be crushed. Work your way up to the top of the room. It looks like you are trapped. Game over...if not for your friend, Waddle Dee. He'll punch a hole in the roof so you can fly out. Go down the path, up the hill, and back down the hill. At the bottom, throw the stone power at the Sparky to get the combination power of Spark and Stone. Now, go all the way back to those blocks that were yellow and brown. Use your power here to break open the tomb and get the third Shard. Continue going all the way right until you clear level 1. >>>>Level 2<<<< ------- Go left to get a star, and then go right. Soon you will run in to four pillars. When you run in front of them, they will fall, so be careful. When you come to the stone arches, watch out! Rocky is ready to fall on you from above. Jump as you go along to collect stars, and remember to watch out for Rocky. When you reach a temple-like structure, fly through the openings, using your power to take out the ghost knights. Fly to the top to collect a 1up. Fly to the place directly under where you got the 1up. The floor will collapse. Walk to the right and fall. Drop off the pillar, through the floor, and in the hole to get a shard. Go back out the way you came. Continue going right, grab the cake if you want, enter the cave, and get rid of your power. Fly straight up to get a 1up. Go up three steps, drop, get the Shard, and fly out. Continue to go up the stairs and out of the room. Right before you leave the room, fly up to get a Maximum Tomato. In the next room, you'll encounter a giant pool. Jump low and land on the crates. If you jump too high, a Bronto Burt'll hit you. Once you cross the pool, watch out! If you step on the gray blocks, you'll be smashed! Once you reach the fifth elevator, ride it up to the broken staircase near the ceiling. Now, on the battlements, get the stars, but watch out for Shotzos! Once you reach the door, King DeDeDe will come in, and have you jump on his back. Now you get to control him! Hammer through the first block, climb the chain, climb to the right, break through the second wall to your right, and take the ladder down to reach a Maximum Tomato. Climb back up, and return to the first chain. Swing to your left, climb up the closest chain, and jump to your left. Break through the next wall and climb the ladder. On the ladder, make sure to avoid the Galbo's fire. At the top, jump right, and then jump again over the hole. Break through this wall to get a Shard. Return to the original chain, climb it, jump left, climb this chain all the way to the top, jump right, and enter the door. The stage is now complete! Before proceeding, go back to level one of Rock Star, and get a double rock power. You will need it to get one of the shards. >>>>Level 3<<<< ------- At the beginning, go left to pick up a cake, and then go right. Watch out for quicksand! Now you'll see a crystal Shard inside of a giant mouth. Climb up on the mouth, and stand on the brown spot. Use your double stone power to break it, and get the shard. Now continue right until you reach a whirlpool. Jump down in it. Now you have two whirlpools to pick from. Take the left whirlpool, battle the fishbones (and the giant one), fall through the trap door, and get the Shard to your left. Now continue right to fall down yet ANOTHER whirlpool. Continue right, watching out for the snappers that will jump out at you from the pools, until you reach a deep pool. Swim down the hole at the bottom. Here, go down, collecting stars, and dodging fishbones. When you see the opening, swim right. Otherwise you'll be killed. Now you are going up. Collect the stars and watch out for fishbones. When you get near the top, fossil chunks will start falling toward you. Dodge them. When you get very close to the top, swim left to see/get another Shard. Now swim right and out of the level. Before entering the next level, go find a bomb + spark combo. >>>>Level 4<<<< ------- Go right and avoid the skud. Get on the large, glowing, purple platform to enter a spaceship. As you ascend, Shotzos will be shooting at you. Make sure that you dodge the cannonballs. In this room, you have moving platforms. Make sure that you time your jumps correctly. Once you get to the top, climb down the middle to get a shard. Now go to the ceiling, and exit this room. In here, you find Adeleine. You see three black boxes. Use your bomb + spark to light up the room and look at them. REMEMBER THEM IN THEIR ORDER. In the next room, you'll find raised platforms. Activate the platforms that have the same picture as the pictures you saw in Adeleine's room. Go right without activating any more blocks to get another Shard. Climb up the ladder. In this room, you have moving platforms. Time your jumps to get to the end. The last block will take you to a room with a large Spark-I and two small spark-Is. Take them out and collect the Shard. In this room, fly from platform to platform until you reach the hole in the roof, which is the exit. >>>>Rock Star Boss: PIX<<<< ------------------- As this starts, you are on an elevator. Soon, a red crystal comes up. To avoid it, simply duck. Now a green crystal comes up. This is a little harder, as the crystals' sword spins around. Dodge them. Now a blue crystal joins them. Now they go up and down. Real easy to avoid. This, the red, green, and blue crystals, makes up Pix. Now you will find different colored atoms. Shoot them at their corresponding crystal. Pix has several attacks. He can spin around, or do the up and down movement. Anyways, about five- seven hits on each crystal, and you get the final shard of Rock Star! Now Kirby & friends are having a nice little picnic. Afterwards, it's on to Aqua Star! ********************************************** *****3.03: Aqua Star************************** ********************************************** >>>>Level 1<<<< ------- At the beginning of the level, go right, destroying enemies, and collecting stars. When you get to the holes, watch out for Flappers! When you get to the bridge, swim under it to get stars, a Maximum Tomato, and cake, and then enter the cave. Now you'll see a green bubble type thing called Zebon. He'll bounce you up to another Zebon. Enter this Zebon, and go to the next one. Continue this until you are done with the fourth Zebon. Fly down to get a Shard. Jump up along the platforms to reach the exit of the cave. In this next chamber, make sure to swallow the Emp. You'll need its ice power. Watch out for the collapsing bridges, and the Gloms that are hiding in the caves. At the end of this room, you'll find a Poppy Bros. Jr. Throw your Ice power at him to get the Ice/Bomb power. Continue right. Here, climb to the top of the waterfalls BEFORE YOU ENTER THEM to get the food and stars. Watch out for the Squibby, who you can barely see within the waterfall. Continue right and out of this room. In this room, you have a large Tick and two small ones. Use your power to take them all out, and get the shard. Carry on. Outside, you'll find Adeleine, who will paint you something. Grab it and continue on. Now you are on a bridge with a lot of Ticks. Take them out with your power and move toward the bottom level. Here, use your power to take out the blue and black block. Jump on to the Zebon to be bounced in to the next shard. Now you are back on top. Continue right and exit the level! >>>>Level 2<<<< ------- Get rid of your combo, go right, and destroy enemies. On the bridge, swallow the Cairn to get the Stone power. Continue right in to the tunnel. Go right, and across the stone bridge in a series of _HOPS_. Otherwise, the bridge will collapse. As you continue, you will see a bobo. Throw your stone power at him to get the stone/fire combo. Continue right to come in to a room with a large Kany and two small ones. Take them out with your combo power. Now, you're probably wondering why you didn't get a shard. You did. Get on the top platform, and use your power on the Red and Brown block to get your Shard. Continue down to the bottom right, and leave this room. Now you see Waddle Dee, who has a "boat" waiting for you. Climb in to this "boat." As you go along, jump to collect stars, but, when Waddle Dee has a "!" that appears over his head, make sure to jump. As for the enemies...RUN THEM OVER! When you get to the first waterfall, wait until you are about to fall, then jump to collect the shard. Continue down the river. Soon, you'll be thrown from your boat. Don't worry about it. Grab the lollipop, and RUN! You are invincible. Watch out, as it runs out of power quickly. Watch when you are jumping down waterfalls--a Shard is hidden in the last one. Grab it, and go right. Now you are swimming upstream. Watch out for the splinters, bronto burts, and galbos. MAKE SURE that you avoid the splinters (the big logs of wood). When you see three splinters at once, you are almost there. Fly past them to complete the level! >>>>Level 3<<<< ------- Before you start, go back to the beginning of the previous stage to get a bomb/cutter power. Now go right, destroying enemies, and flying WAY over the sand pits. Enter the sand castle. Now you'll come across a series of Shotzos. Time your jumps as to get the stars, but not get hit by the cannonballs. Walk through the deep water, and continue right. Be careful as you walk across the bridge, as some have geysers underneath that shoot you up in to some Bronto Burts. Fly to the top of this rock formation, and enter the hole. At the left, you see a green and black rock formation. Use your power on it, drop the power, collect the tomato, inhale the block, and ride the geyser up to the top of the rock formation. Press start, and try again. Make sure that you get the Stone + Cutter combo this time around. Work your way back to the rock formation. Go right, across the bridge. A plank with the Gordo's shadow on it will shoot you up in to said Gordo. Continue right. King DeDeDe will catapult you over to the next island. Jump from post to post, being careful not to let them sink too far down. On this island, jump down in to the hole. In here, take out the giant Kapar to get another shard. Drop in to the hole. As you fall down, you will notice a shard to your left. This is why I had you go back and get a stone + cutter combo. Destroy the wall on your left. Now, fly up to the ledge with the 1up on it. Use the power until you get Rick the Hamster. Now you must double jump up the wall. Face the outer wall and press A. The trick is to jump just as Rick/Kirby begins to fall. It is a slow process, but you'll get it. Now fall back down to the bottom. Go right. Swim to the ledge on the left. Climb the platforms and watch out for Splinters. AT the top, destroy the Kany, and jump down the chasm he was guarding. Try to collect as many stars as possible, and swim out the exit to the right. >>>>Level 4<<<< ------- You begin this stage in a chasm. Swim to the bottom, but watch out for sqibbys! At the bottom, dodge the Glunks, and go right. Take out the Kany and the three Floppers here, and then swim over the rock bridge. Watch out for falling rocks! Go to the right, dealing with all the enemies, and exit the area. Swim up and to the left. Swim through the rock formations, dodging enemies, and trying to stay to the left. Get the stars if you can. At the top, swim to the ceiling. From there, go in to the depression where the shard is. Grab it, and exit to the right, dodging Blowfish. In this room, dodge/inhale/exhale to defend yourself, and try to grab as many stars as possible. Now climb down the coral pole, and walk right. Stand in front of the second rock from the right, and jump. You should be able to get the shard. Continue to swim up. In this next channel, dodge the Fishbones, Gordos, and Blowfish. In the next chamber, you face a giant blowfish and four Glunks. Use the Glunks to take out the Blowfish, and exit right. There is no shard. The last room of this level is a channel with a swift current. Dodge the enemies, and, about halfway through, fall in to the depression, and pick up the shard. Continue along, and exit to the upper right. >>>>Aqua Star Boss: ACRO<<<< -------------------- This is probably the hardest boss fight in the game (no pressure, of course =P.) Inhale and exhale the boneheads and fishbones he fires at you, but watch out for the Gordos. Once hje gets to the wall, he could... Hit you with his tail Jump and land on the floor, taking you with him Repeat this process until he's destroyed. Done? Not yet! Now you fight him in a vertical chasm. Inhale and exhale what you can, but stay very close to the wall. This way, you can dodge his attack (he swims down, then up really fast). After you get him a couple more times, you can collect the final shard of Aqua Star! After a funny scene (which has made me stop skipping rocks =P), you go to the next star, Neo Star! ***************************************** ****3.04: Neo Star*********************** ***************************************** This is a forested planet. >>>>Level 1<<<< ------- Go right, through the jungle, taking care of all the enemies. When you reach the wooden platforms, fly over the discoloration on the ground, because otherwise you'll fall. When you reach the second wood _column_, jump down on the discoloration. You will fall right on to a shard. Exit this area through the tunnel on the right. In this area, jump down, and to the right. Get the shard and head upwards. On your way up, watch out for the Pterans, Galbos, and Yarikos. Jump to the branch below the ledge; take out the Pteran, and the enemy on the ledge. Continue on to the top, and exit. Play Tarzan, and swing along the vines, picking up the stars as you go. Avoid the Pupas, and exit. Now you are faced with a giant Galbo and two Yarikos. Take them out and exit the room. Now you have vines AND platforms. Make short hops. As you swing toward the first wooden platform, fly up over the platform to grab the final shard of the stage. Continue on until you can exit this area. In this area, grab the lollipop, and run as fast as you can. Remember to make short hops between the small platforms. Once you reach the tunnel, you have completed level one of Neo Star! >>>>Level 2<<<< ------- Make sure that, before coming here, you go back to the second stage of Aqua Star to get the Bomb + Stone power. At the beginning, you are in a pit. Make sure that you fall to the left, and make short flights to slow your landing. Soon you will see a shard. Fly up to it, and grab it. Now you can fall all the way down. At the bottom, you will find Waddle Dee, who has a mine cart waiting for you. As always, run over the enemies, and jump when Waddle Dee has a "!" over his head. On your third jump, time the jump so that you grab the shard. Continue on this ride. Soon, you'll be at the end...of the ride, that is. Watch out for the L3 blocks and the Gloms. At the top of a stack of blocks is a 1up. Make sure to get it. Avoid the rest of the enemies, and exit the room. Here there are shotzos on the ceiling, as well as Drops falling down. Also there is a waterfall. Once the pedestals get small, you are near the end. In this room, make your way through the shallow pools, collecting stars, and destroying enemies. After the final drop-off, use the bomb + stone power to destroy the wall, and get the shard. GET RID OF THE COMBO, and exit to the right. Make your way through this moving platform room, and exit the room. >>>>Level 3<<<< ------- At the beginning of this level, go right, and swallow the Punc to get the Needle power. Combine the needle power with the Cairn to get the Needle + Stone power. Now, continue right, collecting stars and food, and taking care of all enemies you come across. Soon you'll see a shard trapped beneath a rock ledge. Use your power to get rid of the orange + brown slab to get this shard. Come back up, and continue to the right. Take your time when you see Pterans. Let them fly by, and then defeat them. Soon you'll come across some VERY narrow columns. Take your time, and then you'll come across Adeleine. She'll either paint a top hat, an umbrella, or a pizza. Refer to the graphs below to find out exactly what your block puzzle should look like. The star represents a block. AT THE BEGINNING: ******* ******* ******* *** *** ******* ******* ******* Umbrella: * *** ***** *** *** * * * Pizza: *** ***** ******* *** *** **** *** ** Top Hat: ***** ***** ***** ** ** ***** ***** ******* The shard will appear in the center, where the hole is. Inhale and exhale the blocks to reach the shard, and then go right. Now you are faced with stone platforms. Make short jumps, and watch out for enemies. Now you are at VERTICAL platforms. Climb them, collecting food/stars, and watching out for enemies. Once you are at the top, fall down the ledge in between the green and red rocks. Grab the star (and the shard right below it), and fly back up. Continue to the right, making short jumps. Watch out for Bronto Burts! Continue right through the rock formation that spells Kirby (o_0), and exit the stage. One more stage to go! >>>>Level 4<<<< ------- ...Okay...we're in a volcano. Go back to stage one of Aqua Star, and get the Ice + Bomb combo. Now, RUN right, as falling rocks are everywhere. In the next area, you'll find Burnises dropping rocks. Parts of the floor break off to carry you across the lava. When jumping across the pillars, jump with care, as the lava will damage you very badly. In this area, King DeDeDe will come in, and have you jump on his back. Use his hammer to smash large stone columns, but remember: jump over the lava flows! Attack the Galbos before they wake up and attack you. Smash both halves of the column after the second Galbo to get yet another shard. Grab it, continue, and exit to the right. Now DeDeDe will take you off his back. You are on your own (without DeDeDe, of course). Carefully go over this bridge, watching out for enemies, collecting food and stars. Now you run in to four "lavafalls." Fly over them, and watch out for the Galbo at the end. Exit this room. In this room, you see a red and black pedestal. So the logical thing to do would be to use that power. That is not the case. Use your bomb + ice combo (you DO still have it...right?) to break open the pedestal, freeze the lava, and get the shard. Exit this room, and go right, destroying enemies. Not to long after you start, you will hear a sort of explosion from behind you. This is a giant wall of lava. RUN! Keep running right, and, when the path begins to curve, know that you're almost done. In this next room, fly up and top the left, as lava is flowing in. A ways up, you will see a shard. Grab it, and move toward the center (still going up of course.) Keep flying up, past the blocks, past the fishbones, and out the volcano. >>>>Neo Star Boss: MAGMAN<<< --------------------- Magman has several attacks: 1) He'll send his tentacles out and just have them stand there for a moment. 2) He'll send his tentacles out to push your platform up to the lava ceiling. 3) He'll send his tentacles out and they'll bend down. After the attack, Magoos will fly in to the air. Inhale them. When Magman does another attack, fire the Magoo at his tentacle. Repeat until he is done. As it was with Acro, he has yet another attack. Now he'll come up from the side. When he opens his mouth, and sucks energy in, DUCK right in front of him. Now he'll melt in to a pool of magma, and switch sides. During this, he'll release some enemies. Inhale them, and exhale them at Magman when he comes back up. Repeat this process until Magman is defeated. Grab the shard, and you are done with Neo Star! Now off to Shiver Star! **************************************** ****3.05: Shiver Star******************* **************************************** If you catch a cold, Ripple Star has a drug store that sells aspirin for $9.99/pill. Expensive, but...where else are you going to find any painkillers around here? >>>>Level 1<<<< ------- At the beginning of this stage, go right, destroying enemies, and making sure that you get a Fire power. Soon you'll arrive at some ladders going up cliffs. Climb up the ladders, collect the food, watch out for Pterans, and reach the top. Here, we find our old friend, Waddle Dee, waiting to give us a ride. Again, jump when you see "!" over Waddle's head, and remember: enemies are destroyed by merely running over them. Inside the igloo, try to collect all five stars. As the ride continues, grab the shard in your path. On this last set of jumps, make sure to be careful. Now you crash in to a snow mountain...and you're in an igloo. If you still have the Fire power, take out the giant chilly and two Noos, and get the Shard. If you don't have the Fire power, restart the stage. Now you are out on VERY slippery ice. Soon you'll come to four hills. You have to fly over them, but be careful not to be hit by the chillys. After the third hill, go under the ice, through the tunnel, and right. Near the hill, you will find a shard. Past the shard is a small cave with food. Now go back up to the surface, and right. Now you are faced with Putts that roll Ignuses down the hill. Avoid it, and take out the Putt. Avoid the Maws, and exit the stage. >>>>Level 2<<<< ------- Walk up the hill, jump over the hole, go to the other side, collect the star, and return to the hole. Jump in it, to land on a Zebon. It'll shoot you up in to the air, and in to the clouds. Continue on. Jump from cloud to cloud, navigate the platforms that move up and down, and jump down the hole below the Brunto Burt. On this cloud, walk to the left, and pick up the shard. Walk right, fly up, and go right. Continue right until you enter a door. Now we have yet another Zebon. Jump in to it, and now you are in a cloud. Go right, and in to yet another Zebon. This Zebon bounces you to another Zebon. When the Zebon look at the upper left corner of the screen, press A. You're bounced in to a shard, and to another Zebon, that takes you back to the original Zebon. Now bounce in all the directions EXCEPT UP. After you've tried all directions, go up, and in to the next area. Go right, and be careful of the Mopoos. After some more cloud hoppin', swallow the Tick, and go to the next cloud platform. Take out the Scarfy, and continue up. Go right, and watch out for the enemies. Grab the stars, but make sure to dodge the Maws. Continue right, and combine your needle power with the Spark power. Now enter the door. Use your power on the box in the middle of the room to collect the shard, and take out the giant Mopoo. Go right, and finish off the level. >>>>Level 3<<<< ------- In this level, go right in to the building. Ride the conveyor belt up, dodging all enemies. At this top area, grab the shard (on the leftmost area). Go right. Now you are on an elevator that goes up. Take out the enemies, and go right, on to the next elevator. Ride this elevator up, take out the Gloms and Fishbones, and go up this elevator. Take out these enemies, and go to the next elevator. Dodge the Gordos and l3s, and ride THIS elevator up. Dodge the cannonballs and the bombs, and cross this area. Exit using the door. In this chamber, take out the giant Pupa. After you finish it, grab the shard, and go through the next door. Here you find Adeleine. She has drawn three pictures of different fruit. REMEMBER THESE FRUITS. In this room, there are different colored switches. Activate the switch that corresponds to the fruit. So you'll have to hit three switches. Following is a chart that shows which color corresponds to which fruit: _________________ |Fruit | Color | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |Cherries | Red | |Grapes | Purple| |Acorn | Brown | |Melon | Green | |Orange | Orange| |Peach | Pink | |Lemon | Yellow| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Grab the shard, and go through the next room. Dodge the enemies, and go to the next room. Dodge the falling bookcase, and go to the right. Swim through the aquarium. Dodge the Sawyers and turbites, and go to the next room. Watch out for the Bivolts that occupy that poles, and keep going. In this room, dodge the cannonballs, and exit. One more stage to go! >>>Level 4<<< ------- Before entering this stage, go to Rock Star's second stage, and get the Needle + stone power. In this stage, enter the large factory. You begin to fall down a hole, and Kirby will grab a ladder. Go down so that you avoid the Gordos. At the bottom, avoid the Sawyer, and continue right. At the bottom, take out the brown and yellow boxes to get the shard at the top. Carry on. Now you are on DeDeDe's back. Use his hammer to take out the closed doors, but watch out for enemies. Make your way through this room, making sure to get a cutter + spark combo. Now, use your power to take out the cage at the top. Go to the bottom, take out the Burnis, fly back up, collect the shard, and exit. Now you are in a room with large presses that kill Kirby if he's caught under them. Work your way through here, stopping at the pits, and clearing the presses. In this room, dodge the Pluggs, and fly up. Run to the left, and fly up before the energy wall smashes you. Repeat this. Now go right, and grab the shard, then QUICKLY run left, and fly up. In the next room, run left, and jump on the wall. Wait for the left robot to back up, then fly through the left grate. Go right, and exit. >>>>Shiver Star Boss: HR-H<<<< ---------------------- At the beginning, run to the right. Dodge the laser beam, and stay in the corner. Dodge his arm swing. Wait for him to shoot the rockets. Swallow the rightmost rocket. When he claps his hands, shoot the rocket it at him. Continue until he's beaten. That was easy! Too easy... Now HR-H transforms in to HR-E, and is on your platform! When he fires rockets at you, inhale them, and shoot them back at the black part of his body. Soon this guy is toast. Now for Ripple Star-- Ribbon's home planet. ************************************** ****3.06: Ripple Star***************** ************************************** This is it. This is a short world compared to the others. There are three stages and a boss. However, these stages aren't exactly easy. >>>>Level 1<<<< ------- This looks like level 1 of Pop Star. Go right, collecting stars, and destroying enemies. Have you heard that before? Soon you will come to a shard that has two Ghost Knights near it. Grab the shard, take out the first one, and swallow the second. Continue on. Cross the stream, grab the tomato, and enter the building. Use your needle power to take out the Sawyer and Brono Burts, grab the shard, and carry on. Make sure you get the bomb power as you go along to have the needle + bomb power. Soon you'll arrive at an orange and black pedestal. Destroy it and grab the shard. Continue on out of the stage. That was easy. >>>>Level 2<<<< ------- Before coming here, go back to the first stage of this star, and the third stage of Shiver Star to get the Spark + Cutter power. Go right through the first passageway. You will see Kekes in the background. Don't worry about them. Jump down the hole near Waddle Dee. At the bottom, use your combo power to get a shard. Exit through the door on your right. Now you are in a large rock formation with lots of water. Collect all the stars, watch out for the fishbone, swim up, and out of the rocks. Go left, grab the sandwich, and go right. Continue right until there is a cave-in. DeDeDe, however, comes to save the DeDeDe (haha...am I not the funniest? On second thought, don't answer that). Go right avoiding enemies. When you reach a Kapar, swallow it to get a Cutter power. Drop through the hole. Defeat the Ghost Knight, go left, and destroy the blocks. Continue taking out enemies and dropping. Now you are in another large rock formation. Get the stars, and the shard in the upper-left area, and then exit to your right. Now Adeleline paints you a lollipop. Use it to break through the blocks. Soon you will see a shard behind a green pillar. So go back to that Kapar from whom we got the original cutter power, and get a double cutter power. Come back, take out the blocks, grab the shard, and head out of the area to your right. Take out the Ghost Knight, enter the room, and board the platform. Now you are out of the stage. >>>>Level 3<<<< ------- Welcome to kiddy world! Go right through the door. You will enter a battle room. Enemies will appear. Take them all out. Once you've gotten them all, grab the shard, and then go right. Climb the stairs, avoiding enemies, and collecting shards. Now you have another battle room. Take them all out, then carry on. There is no shard in this room. Climb this set of stairs, doing the normal thing for going around an area (collecting stars, destroying enemies, getting food). Now for another battle room. Make sure that you get the fire + needle power during the fight. After you take them all out, use your newly acquired power to shoot an arrow at the large target. The middle section will fall away, and you can get this shard. Onward. Climb these stairs, but watch out for the Rockys on top of the boxes. Now for yet another battle room. Clear it and continue onward. For this set of stairs, take out the boxes so that the Gordos fly higher, then carry on. Now for the final battle room. Take out the enemies, grab the shard, and exit. In this room, climb the stairs, and take out the N-Zs. Once at the top, you are done. >>>Ripple Star Boss: MIRACLE MATTER<<<< -------------------------------- This is the final boss. Miracle Matter will change in to all of the seven bass powers of the game. This is my personal favorite boss. I will describe each form, and how to avoid it. Note that each power can only hurt itself. IE: An arrow tip from the needle power cannot hurt the ice power. Needle: This is quite simple. When it starts shooting out needles, stay in the corner. Swallow the arrow tip left by a retracted needle, and shoot it back at the main form. Ice: It'll shoot out an ice barrier. Allow the barrier to circle around once, jump, inhale, and exhale. With any luck, you'll get more than one crystal in one gulp. Spark: Miracle Matter will fire an electric beam in your direction. Avoid it. It'll come back on the opposite side of the screen. Keep dodging until it gets really small. Then inhale it, and shoot it back. Cutter: Stay in the corner, and, when it passes you, inhale the tail. Shoot at its head. Bomb: Probably the hardest. First it'll shoot out bubbles. Dodge the bubbles. This is much easier said than done. When the bubbles pop, inhale their contents, and exhale them. Stone: One of the easier ones. It'll hover over you, and drop two rocks. Then, it'll fall, and the two rocks near it will turn in to objects which you can inhale. Get close enough so you can get both, dodge its rolling around, and exhale it. It'll keep changing. Soon you'll beat out every power. The end? If you followed this guide (got all 100 shards), read on. If not, go to the first ending, and check back over to make sure you didn't miss anything. ******************************************* ****3.07: Dark Star************************ ******************************************* This is made up of one simple level. Go right, dodging the N-Zs, and enter the hole that Waddle Dee makes for you. In this next floor, take whatever Adeleine gives you, and make your way over to DeDeDe. He'll send you up to the final boss... O2 This is the true final boss of the game. You and Ribbon are together. B shoots crystal shots. At the beginning, circle around, shooting. Soon, he'll turn so that his head is facing toward you. Shoot at the halo until it breaks. Now he'll turn upside down, and you'll have to shoot his... umm... third arm (too...many...young...kids), which will damage him. Now he'll turn back around, leaving you to repeat this process. After awhile, you will obliterate O2, and beat the game. Congratulations! You've just beaten Kirby 64! -=-=-=-=-=-=-= IV. Mini-Games -=-=-=-=-=-=-= In Kirby 64, there are several mini-games. This will tell you about them. ************************************* *****4.01: 100 Yard Hop************** ************************************* If you press B, your character will hop one space; if you press A, your character will hop TWO spaces. When you jump, make sure that you avoid obstacles. Say there is a pool of water two spaces in front of you. You jump one space, and then you jump too to clear it. Simple! ******************************************** *****4.02: Bumper Crop Bump***************** ******************************************** The object of this game is to collect more falling crops than your opponent. If you are beside your opponent, press A to switch places with them. Watch out for bombs! ***************************************************** ******4.03: Checkerboard Chase*********************** ***************************************************** This is my favorite game. You are trying to knock your opponents off of this big checkerboard. Press A to shoot a bolt that destroys all blocks in the row/column of the direction you're facing. Every time you knock out a person, the entire edge falls off. If you are on this when it falls, you die. Everyone gets five lives. *********************************************** *****4.04: BOSS BATTLE************************* *********************************************** I put this in caps because I can, and because this isn't exactly a mini-game. You battle all of the bosses with no powers, one life, and no recovery in between battles. Below is the order of the bosses, and beside them is the MAXIMUM amount of times you should get hit by them: Whispy Woods (0) Pix (0) Acro (1) Magman (1) HR series (0) Miracle Matter (1) O2 (2) If you can stick to those guidelines, you will beat it. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= V. Final Section -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Insert funny thing here] ************************************************** ****5.01: Endings********************************* ************************************************** There are two different endings to this game. If you did NOT collect all the shards: You beat Miracle Matter, you have saved Ripple Star, and there is a huge celebration. Kirby and friends board a space shuttle to leave Ripple Star for Pop Star, with Dark Matter vanquished. After they leave, the queen of Ripple turns to us, and gives us an evil glare... If you DID collect all the shards: It is the same thing, but, after a ceremony, Kirby blasts the Queen with energy from the now completed Crystal. As it turns out, Dark Matter had possessed her. Dark Matter leaves and forms the final planet--Dark Star. After conquering Dark Star, O2 will explode. You will see Dark Star squirming around, and then it explodes. Back in Ripple Star, there is a huge celebration. Everyone gets Crystal Shard necklace-turned-medals, and Ribbon gives Kirby a kiss. He...um...overreacts to it, stumbles backwards, and his friends go to help him. Now the credits rolll ************************************************** *****5.02: Copyright Information****************** ************************************************** Kirby 64, and all characters, stages, items, and other related things are copyright HAL 1988-2001. This guide/FAQ/walkthrough is copyrighted (c) 2002 to Trace Jackson, and is the intellectual property of Trace Jackson. This guide/FAQ/walkthrough is protected under International Copyright Laws, and it is prohibited to take any piece of this document and reproduce it in anyway without the written consent of the author. Any website or other medium found to have this document without permission will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. Feel free to print it, or any part of it FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. Please contact the author (Meowthnum1@hotmail.com) if you find this on ANY SITE but GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com), contact the author ASAP. ******************************************** ****5.03: Revision History****************** ******************************************** Version 1.0: The initial release of the guide. Everything is complete except for the walkthrough, which is complete up to the end of Aqua Star. Version 1.5: Added the endings section, and finished the walkthrough up to the end of Neo Star. Version 2.0: Finished the walkthrough up to Shiver Star. Version FINAL: Completed the walkthrough. Everything is done. Version 5.0: Took down final version. Added the ezboard address, and took out my email. ******************************************** ****5.04: Credits*************************** ******************************************** -Devin (DMorgan) (http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3579.html) -Colin (CMoriarty) (http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/4280.html) -Dallas (http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3855.html) -Matt (MHulbert) (http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/4150.html) -Alex (Pop) (http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/7659.html) -Steve (Psycho Penguin), (http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/9471.html) -Dingo (DJellybean) (http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/2226.html) -AstroBlue (http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/4127.html) -Alaska Fox (http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/7818.html) For being such great people, with whom I seem to be able to talk to about a lot. They are all great, and you should check out their work sometime! Thanks guys! -CJayC for being a great guy, and putting so much time in to GameFAQs. -Blastoise Master for giving me some Frequently Asked Questions ******************************************* ****5.05: Conclusion*********************** ******************************************* Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it.