__ _ _ _ ____ _ _ | | / (_) | | / __| || | | |/ / _ ___| |___ __ | _ |__ | | | | | __\ \ \ / / \____/ |_| | |\ \| | | | |) \ \/ / |__| \_|_|_| |____/\ / / / /_/ T H E C R Y S T A L S H A R D S ----------------------------------------------------- By Brandon Begg Version: 2.50 brandonbegg@me.com _________________ |TABLE OF CONTENTS| //===========================================================================\\ || Name || Code || \\===========================================================================// || Introduction || ABFD || || Version History || FNXS || || Game Info || GUHJ || || Controls || TYRV || || Characters || CGFX || || Story || SDTY || || Before You Start || BFYU || ||===================================||====================================|| || Walkthrough || OCQU || || Pop Star || SDGC || || Rock Star || RYTZ || || Aqua Star || JAHD || || Neo Star || NDSU || || Shiver Star || SFSX || || Ripple Star || RBSM || || Dark Star || DKRS || ||===================================||====================================|| || Mini Games || MGBV || || 100 Yard Hop || HBVR || || Bumper Crop Bump || BCVD || || Checker Board Chase || CBGC || || Bosses || BYOP || ||===================================||====================================|| || Contact || CNTV || || FAQ || FAQP || || Credits || CFDS || \\=========================================================================// .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( ABFD Introduction ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Hello and welcome to my Kirby 64 FAQ/Walkthrough. It has everything you can think of from lists, to mini games, and more. Please note that this guide is fairly large, so I have put in a 4 letter code for every section. If your on windows, then Press CTRL + F and type the code of the section. If you're on a Mac, then press Command + F. Keep in mind that you can do whatever you want with this FAQ, print it, put it on other web sites, as long as you give me credit and don't claim it as your own work. This could get you in legal trouble and I will not tolerate it. No, I don't have lawyers, or money, or--- well, you get the picture. Anyway, I hope this guide helps you, and I look forward to getting feedback or questions about it. Never hesitate on sending me an email. Thank you! .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( FNXS Version History ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' 1.00 - Completed the guide. 1.25 - Added more info and changed the look of the guide a little. 1.50 - Fixed a bunch of typos. 2.00 - Fixed more typos. I also added more info and made it a little easier to read. 2.50 - The last of the typos are gone! It no longer looks like it was written by a 10-year old. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( GUHJ Game Info ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Name: Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Year Published: 2000 Developer: HAL Laboratory Publisher: Nintendo Platforms: Nintendo 64, Virtual Console (Wii) Genre: Platformer .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( TYRV Controls ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' D-Pad: Move ----------- - UP: Swims up - DOWN: Swallows if mouth is full - LEFT: Moves Kirby Left - RIGHT: Moves Kirby Right START: Pauses Game A: Jump, Fly ------------ - A: Jump - A X2: Flies if pressed in the air B: Inhale, Use Ability ---------------------- - Inhale if there is no ability equipped - Use ability (if you have one) C Buttons: ---------- - CUp: Places enemy or ability on top of Kirby - CDown: Same as CUp - CLeft: Throws enemy or ability toward the left - CRight: Throws enemy or ability toward the right Analog stick: N/A L N/A R: N/A Z: N/A .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( CGFX Characters ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Kirby ----- The star of the game! He is able to suck up enemies and eat them and use their power. It is unknown of what he is and where he came from. He has been in several games before this one and this is one of his first games in 3-D. Ribbon ------ A little Fairy from Ripple Star. Her World is in dire need of help after Dark Matter invaded it. She carries around the crystal on their journey while Kirby collects it's shards. Waddle Dee ---------- A friend of Kirby's. He finds a shard shortly after the first level but then gets possessed by Dark Matter. Kirby must fight him to return him to normal and get the shard. Adeleine -------- A painter girl who's paintings can come to life. Like Waddle Dee, she also gets possessed by Dark Matter, whom Kirby has to fight to save her. She sometimes can be found in levels painting 1UPs or maxim tomatoes for Kirby, or she could be making a puzzle for Kirby to solve for a shard. King DeDeDe ----------- If you played other Kirby games, or ever watched Kirby Right Back at Ya! You will think that DeDeDe is here to stop you. Actually quite the contrary in this case. He helps you through out the game after you save him from Dark Matter. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( SDTY Story ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' In the Galaxy, there is a distant heart shaped planet called Ripple Star. It is the home to serene and peaceful fairies, and a Crystal with great power. That power has attracted the attention of Dark Matter. The black blob came to steal the crystal for it's own evil purposes. As the fairies see that the dark cloud is enveloping their home, they begin to panic. The Queen, sends a Fairy named Ribbon to take the crystal and get away. As she rides off she gets into space and Dark Matter notices. It sends three pieces of itself to get the crystal. As the chase begins it starts to attack the crystal. It blows it up into 75 pieces that flew everywhere and got scattered on the nearby worlds. As for Ribbon, she starts to fall after the impact and lands on a Planet called Pop Star. Meanwhile, Kirby is looking at stars on a clear night when a piece of the crystal lands on his head. Then Ribbon falls and she notices the Crystal has shattered. Kirby gives her the shard that landed on his head and the two morph together. Then they run off into the Horizon at the morning's first light. The adventure begins! .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( BFYU Before You Start ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Before you start, I suggest you read this section to learn the basics and know what everything is. ----- Stars ----- Stars are used for getting extra lives. They come in yellow, blue, red and green. They all give different amounts. Once the bar of stars is full you will get an extra life. If you ask me they look like the stars from Super Mario 64. Note: Blue stars only appear in spots were a collected crystal shard was. ---- Food ---- Food is health, obviously. It comes it several forms such as cake, meat, and more. Food can be found throughout the various stages, but it is much less common than stars. They all give one piece of health each, except for the maxim tomato, which restores all of your health. Oh yeah speaking of healthÉ ------ Health ------ You have a total of six pieces of health. Doesn't seem like very much at first, but when you get good at the game you will see that you have plenty. It can be found at the bottom of the screen above the star meter. --------------------- File Selection Screen --------------------- In Kirby 64, you can create a total of three files. Each file has a big number and a percent sign (%) on it, indicating how far you are in the game. However even if you beat the last level, chances are it still won't be 100% because you probably didn't collect all of the crystal shards. Get 100% and beat the last boss again to receive something specialÉ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( OCQU Walkthrough ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Finally we have made it to the heart of the guide, the Walkthrough. The Walkthrough focuses on beating the game (of course). It goes in order from World to World, containing all of the Stages in between. If you found some errors or missing information, send me an email via contact me section. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | SDGC Pop Star ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Welcome to Pop Star! Here you will go through a forest, a castle, and fight a tree with quite the temper. This world is a good starting point because it shows you all of the basics, and you also rally up your crew here. Let's begin! ========================================================================== WORLD 1: POP STAR - STAGE 1 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: You can't miss it! #2: Blow up the black rock at the end of the level via bomb power. #3: Defeat Waddle Doo. Okay, once you can move, keep running until you see a black enemy. You can eat it, or suck it up and spit it out as ammo. Here you can get an ability. I suggest you suck up the fire enemy and swallow him. Next you will see two wooden platforms in the air. There are two fire enemies here so I suggest you suck one up and spit it out at the other one and eat the double fire ability. Just for the record it's one of my favorites. Shortly after you should see your first crystal shard in mid air on the path. Just jump into it to grab it. After going through the ditch of water you Should be in front of a cabin with a maxim tomato. Grab it if you need health and run in the cabin to face your first mini boss! This guy is basically a giant black enemy. All mini bosses in Kirby 64 are always bigger versions of enemies. Suck up his little friends and use them as ammo on him, or use your fire ability on him if you took it. After the battle, if you have any abilities right now, get rid of them via C-Up. Kill the throwing enemy, then eat the bomb throwing enemy and swallow him. Now you should find yourself by two cannons. Destroy the blocks there standing on, and jump across when the time is right. Okay you should be in a ditch of water now. There is a black rock in the middle of the ditch that can be blown up with bomb power. Grab the shard that's under it, and prepare for another battleÉ ----------- Waddle Dee? ----------- One of Kirby's good friends, Waddle dee, is just minding his own business, when he finds a shard. He picks it up, but Dark Matter comes and possesses him. Kirby must fight him to save himÉ -------------- Vs. Waddle Doo -------------- Ok this fight is easy. If you have an ability you can just use that on him until the fight is done. If you don't, then when he bumps the ground, or smashes the wall, use the stars as ammo. Easy. ---------- Waddle On! ---------- After the fight, Waddle Dee wakes up and agrees to help Kirby and Ribbon with there little Quest. So he joins them. After that you will play the picnic game. This is at the end of every level excluding bosses. It's at a mat with prizes on it such as food and stars. Kirby has to jump to the prizes. If his arms are extended, he'll jump slow. If his arms are down, then he'll jump far. You can get various things such as stars, 1UPs, and enemy cards. ========================================================================== WORLD 1: POP STAR - STAGE 2 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: In the gap when you go across the gap with Waddle Dee. #2: Beat the Mini Boss. #3: Defeat Adeleine. Go right and kill the mole enemy. Jump over the Bomb enemy, or swallow it, and proceed. Here you should see some moving spike balls that are trapped under some blocks. Destroy the blocks, let them fly away and go. You should be inside a giant tree now. Jump into the suspended tree platforms to go through them. Watch out for the enemies on the way up and go through the door. Waddle Dee will be on top of a big log platform attached to a rope. When you jump on he will start to move it. On the way when you see three stars going downward, jump down to get a shard, and fly back up. After the ride, go into the next room and jump down the hole to face a mini boss. Eat the little spring enemies and shoot them at the larger one. Collect the shard afterwards. ---------- Art Attack ---------- So you see a little painter girl named Adeleine. She's just painting a picture when a crystal shard lands nearby her. She turns away from her painting to pick it up. Dark Matter appears in her painting and as soon as she notices, she gets tackled! Kirby must fight her for the shardÉ ------------ Vs. Adeleine ------------ This fight is a tad harder than Waddle Doo, but it's not hard. Destroy all of the paintings she sends out. She will eventually send out a large frog-like thing. Her last painting will be an eye. Destroy it quickly before it swoops down on you. Adeleine will get so angry she'll jump down and try to kill you herself. One hit and you win. Grab the shard. --------------- Adding Adeleine --------------- Adeleine regains her body and she wakes up. Like Waddle Dee, she aggress to assist Kirby and Ribbon. We need to get one more person to help us on Pop Star, and if you are a Kirby fan, you will be shocked on who it is. ========================================================================== WORLD 1: POP STAR - STAGE 3 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: Below the Green box that can be destroyed via Big Boomerang. #2: After the room with Adeleine, Jump above the door were you came from to find it. #3: Defeat King DeDeDe. First, run along the path killing all enemies in your way, and get power ups if wanted. Walk inside the castle, then run up the stairs and go through the door. Stand at the edge of the platform, and it will begin to move. CAUTION: There are several Flying enemies here. You should be in a narrow room with spikes moving back and forth. Jump above them one at a time and make your way to the top and jump through the hole. If you have lost some health, then run to the left to get some. You are now on the castle walls. Avoid the enemies and watch out for the falling ones. Jump through the hole at the other side. After the fall, you will see a big green box on the floor. This requires the Boomerang + Boomerang ability to destroy, and it has a shard under it. In the next room, you will find Adeleine, where she will paint a Maxim Tomato if you need health, or a 1UP if you already have full health. After that, jump above the door where you just came from to find another shard! Make your way up the stairs and avoid the Knights. After you get to the top, jump on to the chains to get across them and climb up the one with a light coming from the top. ----------- Dark DeDeDe ----------- King DeDeDe is watching over Pop Star on the top of his castle. A crystal shard lands near him, and he refuses to give it to Kirby and his friends. Dark Matter then comes down and possesses DeDeDe, and Kirby must fight him. --------------- VS. Kind DeDeDe --------------- Suck up the stars he shoots at you and shoot them back. After his health bar runs out, he will resurrect himself and start shooting particles of Darkness. Lather, rinse, repeat until he dies and grab the shard. ---------------- A Reluctant Ally ---------------- Kind DeDeDe will pretend that he is mad and tells them to leave. They go, except for Waddle Dee. The King looks back to see if they"re gone, but sees Waddle Dee and looks away. Waddle Dee leaves and DeDeDe jumps down the castle to join them. ========================================================================== WORLD 1: POP STAR - STAGE 4 - WHISPY WOODS ========================================================================== TIPS: - When Whispy Woods makes apples come out, try to suck up two. This will do twice as much damage to him! - The Jrs. jump so shoot them right after they jump. Before you can hurt Whispy Woods himself, you have to take out the Whispy Woods Jrs. You can do that by shooting the apples that Whispy Woods at them. There's three and they each take two hits. After they all die, you can really start the fight. When all three of the Whispy Woods Jrs. die, Whispy woods gets really angry. He'll make a bunch of apples come out of him that can hurt you if you touch them, so suck them up! He can make four big roots come out of the ground, shoot the apples you suck up at them. Don't worry, you don't have to hit them each a certain amount of times, like the Jrs. Collect the shard when he dies. --------------- On to Rock Star --------------- Now that we have our posse ready and cleared Kirby's world, it is time to leave and start the next one. Rock Star will be more difficult, and no small fights at the end of every level. Let's move on! .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( RYTZ Rock Star ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' This world is a Desert. It has temples, caverns, and a UFO?! This world is pretty hot, so make sure you wear a T-Shirt and shorts! ========================================================================== WORLD 2: ROCK STAR - STAGE 1 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: Where the Eyeball blocks are, float up to find it. #2: Defeat the mini boss. #3: Break striped wall via Rock + Electric ability. Off to the Desert! Kill the Parachute enemy and move on. Ahead destroy the two boxes and collect the star that's in one of them. Kill the Cactus and eat all of the food. Kill another Cactus and destroy the boxes. Keep this up until you go through an opening in a building ahead. A few eyeball anvils, how interesting. Float up above one of them to find the first crystal shard. To get across them safely, I suggest you get close to make them drop, then run across when there floating back up. You will face a Cactus mini boss. Shoot the smaller cacti at it a few times and get the crystal shard afterwards. The next room will begin to fill with sand. Get as high up as possible and avoid being below the blocks because the sand will come up and smash you, killing you. After getting to the top, Waddle Dee will make a hole in the ceiling so you can escape. Jump down the cliff and on the wall you will see a brown and yellow rock. The third crystal shard is in there but it requires the Rock + Lightning power. Make it to the top of the hill and avoid the enemies. At the bottom there are a few giant Cacti that will try and smash you. Run at the right time and exit. ========================================================================== WORLD 2: ROCK STAR - STAGE 2 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: In the center of the rock structure, Stand right above the shard to fall through the floor. #2: In the room with fire throwing enemies, it's down in the pit. #3: In the maze with King DeDeDe. First, kill the cacti enemies. Then kill the Scarfy. There will be towers that fall when you go under them. Careful because it will kill you if crushed. You will find yourself at a rock structure. There is a shard at the bottom. Stand on the floor above it to fall and get it. Next there is a big room with a pit. The second shard is at the bottom so fly to get it then fly back up. There will be gray blocks in the water. If you step on them they smash the ceiling so fly over them. Cannons, yay. Run across the room while avoiding the enemies and cannons. This last room involves Kirby on King DeDeDe. Destroy the brown walls with B. The last shard is also here in the upper left corner of the room. ========================================================================== WORLD 2: ROCK STAR - STAGE 3 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: In the big skeleton's mouth. Get Rock power and use it on the brown spot of the skeleton. #2: Defeat the mini boss. #3: In the water filled room with falling bones, swim above the door to find it. Get to the ground. You will see a big skeleton. In the mouth of it is the first shard. You can get it by breaking the brown bone in the back via rock power. Kill the skulls, but watch out, they fly. Watch out for enemies on the way. Jump into the funnel of sand and land on another pile of sand at the bottom. There will be two funnels of sand. one goes to a mini boss, one skips it, but no crystal shard for you if you take the wrong one. If you take the wrong hole, fly back up and take the right one to the mini boss. Destroy the arrow via spitting smaller ones at him. Once defeated, jump down the funnel to get the shard. Make your way across the bridge and you will see another funnel of sand. But wait! Jump on the platforms above it and get across if you don't want to get eaten! Jump into the pond with three stars in it and swim through the tunnel. You will now be completely under water. Go down while avoiding the arrow enemies and go through the hole. You will now be in a similar room except you're going up, and there's giant bones falling. Beware, because these things can kill you in one blow. At the dot at the top, go even higher and go left to get the last shard. ========================================================================== WORLD 2: ROCK STAR - STAGE 4 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: Climb up moving blocks and get the piece in the center. #2: Use Bomb + Electric power in room with Adeleine and press the correct switches #3: Defeat the mini boss. Eat the rocket enemy and swallow him (keep the ability it gives.) Run across the bridge and watch out for the pig enemy. Go towards the UFO and jump on the platform to go inside. The platform will rise up into the UFO. Cannons will shoot at you on the way up so be careful. Once inside, you have to jump on platforms coming out of the wall. Careful not to get smashed and get the shard in the middle of the room. Take out your bomb ability and throw it at one of the diamond enemies to get the light bulb ability. Use it in the next room with Adeleine. You will see three pictures on the wall. In the next room press the switches of the pictures to get a shard. This next room is huge, but I have a huge shortcut. Fly up and you will land on a platform with a tomato. Fly more after that to get to the last platform. Stand on it and it will go up. You will now face the mini boss. Discard your light bulb ability as it won't do anything here. Shoot the smaller enemies at it until it dies and snag the shard. Climb the ladder. There will be two poles, but these weird enemies will chase you up them. Jump off every few seconds so they go away and fly through the hole in the ceiling to finish the level. ========================================================================== WORLD 2: ROCK STAR - STAGE 5 - VS. PIX ========================================================================== TIPS: - Once at the top, don't stand on the larger blocks, because that's where the ammo appears. These guys are basically three floating orbs. You are at the bottom of a statue on a platform that's going up. First, the red one will come and attack, then the green one comes too, and finally the blue one. They will keep attacking until you get to the top, then the fight really begins. Blocks will appear once you get to the top. This is what you shoot at Pix. They will always do different attacks. When they fly together, don't bother trying to hit them. Each one takes about 2-3 hits. Once one dies, it cannot attack anymore. Get the shard when they blow up. --------------- Desert Desserts --------------- The gang is in the middle of the Desert and Kirby is starving. Adeleine paints, yes she paints food and they eat it. Gross? Not really. The portal to Aqua Star opens up, and everyone jumps in except for Kirby, who hasn't noticed. King DeDeDe pulls him in and they fly away. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( JAHD Aqua Star ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' This is quite the opposite of Rock Star. You will go through a beach, a brook, a trench, and face an orca? Put on your swim trunks and head to Aqua Star! ========================================================================== WORLD 3: AQUA STAR - STAGE 1 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: Room with green bubbles. #2: Defeat the mini boss. #3: Destroy black and blue box via bomb + ice power. Destroy the rock enemy. Watch out, when you jump over the holes, fish will pop out of them. Eat the meat on the platform if you need it, and kill the boomerang enemy. Go through the opening, and then jump into the green bubble with a face. You will also find a shard to the left on the way up. On the wall, there will be a couple of holes. Jump over them unless you want to be swallowed by a big green toad. You will now face the mini boss, a giant tick enemy. Eat the smaller ticks below him and spit them at him. After he dies, go below again and grab the shard. Adeleine will give you a tomato, or 1UP depending on your health in the next room. I hope you have the Bomb + Ice power. Go to the bottom of all of the pathways by pressing D-Down. Blow up the black and blue box with your ability to get the third shard. Watch out, the holes have enemies in them, so jump over them. ========================================================================== WORLD 3: AQUA STAR - STAGE 2 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: Defeat mini boss and blow up block via Rock + Fire power. #2: In mid air above waterfall with Waddle Dee. #3: After big drop behind a waterfall. Kill the electric enemy. Note that this level has streams and waterfalls that can have currents that can move you. Watch out for the spike balls and run across when the time is right. Go through the tunnel, there will be a bridge made of rocks. Run fast, it falls apart. Kill the penguin enemy after it. You will face a giant crab mini boss. I hope you have the Rock + Fire power, because if you don't you can't get the shard. Kill the boss and go through the door. Waddle Dee will be in a crate. Hop in and prepare for a rough ride. Note that you will come across more of these rides later in the game. Jump over the rocks when you see them or you'll lose health. The second shard will be above a waterfall so get prepared for that. After a while, they will come across a huge drop. Grab the lollipop at the bottom to become invincible! Don't get carried away, because there is a shard inside a waterfall on the way down. There will be a ton of enemies chasing you. Now you're gonna be going up waterfalls. Careful on the way up there are a bunch of spiky logs. Make your way to the top and exit the level. ========================================================================== WORLD 3: AQUA STAR - STAGE 3 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: Break green and black rock via Boomerang + Bomb power in mountain. #2: Defeat mini boss. #3: Break green and brown wall and climb up to it. A day at the beachÉ Too bad you're not here to play. Keep killing the enemies as you go and watch out for the claw enemy that comes out of the sand funnel. There are enemies that pop out of the sand and they are the same color as the sand so be careful. Exit the area at the big sand castle to the next screen. You will see cannons in the background. Don't worry, there not for show. Avoid them while avoid the enemies at the same time. Coming across bridges? Some parts are loose and water will shoot from below. Step on one of the last pieces to get to the top of a big mountain. Jump through the hole. Break the green and black rock with the Boomerang + Bomb power. Get the shard and stand on the big pile you landed on to get back. There will be spike balls above the next bridge. The bridge pieces below them will fly up from water so run fast. You will find King DeDeDe. Stand on the rock or whatever it is next to him and he'll make you go flying. Big logs? Yes. If you stand on one, it starts to fall. Move quick and avoid the water because it moves left. Fly to the top of the mountain and drop through the hole. Defeat the mini boss. Make sure you're not right next to him, he stands where the hole appears and if you fall, you'll miss the shard. After, you will fall down a big drop. At the bottom of the wall to the left, there is a green and brown wall. Destroy it via Rock + Boomerang ability. Keep changing forms with the power until you turn into a little hamster. Hold down left and keep pressing A against the wall until you get the shard. Watch out for the spike logs on the way up. They can do a lot of damage. Drop down at the top and exit the level. ========================================================================== WORLD 3: AQUA STAR - STAGE 4 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: Room with currents and spike balls, it's on the ceiling. #2: Bottom of pole in current tunnel. #3: In a ditch on floor in last room. Start swimming down into the ocean. Swim downward will avoiding the enemies and bombs and make it to the bottom. Go right, and eat the small school of fish and proceed. Giant rocks will start falling. They may be bigger, but you can still suck them up! The next room has a lot of currents and spike balls. Try to stay as much to the left as you can on the way up, as it will increase your chances to get the shard. Go right when you get to the ceiling. This is a tunnel with a very strong current. There are enemies everywhere and the tunnel is narrow height-wise. When you get to a pole, climb down to the bottom of it and grab the second shard. Proceed through the narrow tunnel. Ah, a giant blowfish mini boss with currents. How fun. Inhale the enemies on the big rock in the center and shoot them at him. This last room has fast rocks and a strong current. Stay on the floor to avoid them and hide in ditches. The third shard is also in a ditch on the floor. At the end of the room swim up through the door. ========================================================================== WORLD 3: AQUA STAR - STAGE 5 - VS. ACRO ========================================================================== TIPS: - He sometimes shoot spike balls that you can't inhale, so don't stay extremely close to him. This orca, whale, whatever you want to call it, shoots stuff from his mouth. It also shoots spike balls, so avoid those. Inhale what it shoots at you and shoot it back. After a few hits, it falls and plays dead. The floor then starts to fall apart. Swim up into the big gap in the ceiling. Acro comes back. This time he shoots bombs from his mouth. The screen keeps moving up, so don't fall below it or you'll have to start over. After he dies for good, grab the Crystal Shard and call it a fight! ------------- All Washed Up ------------- Kirby and the gang are skipping rocks on the beach. Kirby closes his eyes and winds up his arm for a long one. Everyone else runs due to a giant wave that Kirby does not notice. Kirby gets hit by the wave, then they teleport to Neo Star. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( NDSU Neo Star ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Welcome to Neo Star! This place goes from a Jungle to a Volcano! Shall we get going? ========================================================================== WORLD 4: NEO STAR - STAGE 1 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: In area with large stumps, it's under a trap between some stumps. #2: Drop down off cliff in second room. #3: Above first collapsing platform. First kill the stone enemy. There are a bunch a traps here so be careful. The traps usually have yellow spots on the ground where they are. One trap has a shard under it. In the second room with the cliffs, fall below the first cliff your on to get another shard. Climb the vines and fly while avoiding the flying dinosaur enemies. Hop from rope to rope and don't look down. The ropes farther ahead will move back and forth. Just jump into them to hang on to them. This mini boss is a giant fire enemy. Shoot the spear enemies at it until it dies, and only shoot them when it's sleeping. This is a high danger area. One drop and you die. You will come across thin logs attached to vines. These logs collapse with weight on them. The first one has the third shard above it. After that, go through the door and finish the level. ========================================================================== WORLD 4: NEO STAR - STAGE 2 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: When you first start the level, go left while your falling to find it. #2: Jump on to the higher track on the ride with Waddle Dee. #3: Break Brown and Black wall via rock + bomb power. While falling, fly to the left and fall to get the first shard. You will then fall through a big pit. Hop into the mine car with Waddle Dee. Jump over the rocks when an exclamation mark goes over their heads. When you have a chance to go on a lower or upper track, go on the upper track to get another shard. At the end of the track, the cart crashes, causing Kirby to fall in a pit. Jump over the holes in the walls so the frogs don't swallow you. Go almost directly under the eyeball anvils so they fall but don't crush you, then run under them. Try to get the 1UP near the blocks. This next area isn't fun, nor is it easy. The ground is wet so you can fall easier, these drop enemies hang on the ceiling, and there's cannons above the pits. Keep killing the cloud enemies, while collecting the food in the holes. At the bottom you should find a brown and black wall. Use the Rock + Bomb ability to blow it up and get the third shard. This mini boss is a bunch of enemies, rather than just one big enemy. After you kill them all proceed to a dangerous room. You can die here real easy, so watch out. Try not to get smashed, because it will KO you. Don't risk the 1UP, it's a trap. Go through the door and finish the level. ========================================================================== WORLD 4: NEO STAR - STAGE 3 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: Break floor with Needle + Rock power. #2: Make blocks equal to Adeleine's picture. #3: Drop down after you climb structure with food filled holes. Eat the spiky enemy. Then eat a rock enemy to get the Needle + Rock power. You are going to need it up ahead. Proceed killing all of the enemies, then when you see an orange and brown block in the floor, break it with your power to get a shard. You are going to do ALOT of jumping and flying in this level, just saying. Eventually, you will find Adeleine. This is probably the hardest shard in the whole game. you have to look at her picture, then make the blocks in the next room shaped like the picture. She can have the following: -Top Hat -Umbrella -Pizza The top hat is the easiest. Not just my opinion, it really is the easiest. Just pray that you get the top hat. Pizza is probably the hardest, and vice versa. If you get it right, the shard will appear in the little space in the center There are floating platforms that will fall when you step on them. They look like three thin stones stacked on each other. Get to a structure where there are holes in the wall filled with food. When you get to the top, drop down the ditch to get a shard. You will start going on rocks that say "KIRBY" and the level will be complete after you go across them. ========================================================================== WORLD 4: NEO STAR - STAGE 4 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: Break the top piece of rock with king DeDeDe. #2: Break the large rock in ground with Ice + Ice power. #3: Float up to the left in the room with rising lava. Avoid the falling rocks while outside. They are big, but you can still eat them. Go inside the Volcano, and look out for the flying fire birds. You will go across a few platforms that move across the lava. You should run into King DeDeDe, you will use him here to break rock structures to proceed. You can only break the bottom half, but in one of them, you can break the upper half too, and that half holds a shard. You will come across several bridges with a lot of enemies. Then, one part will have lava coming out of the walls. I recommend you fly over all three of them rather than jumping over them one by one. The next room has two enemies in the background and a big rock in the middle? Use the Ice + Ice ability to break it to get another shard. Walk to the right and a bunch of lava will start to move towards you. Keep running away and exit the room. In this last room, keep going up while staying to the left and grab the third shard. Go through the hole in the ceiling and exit. ========================================================================== WORLD 4: NEO STAR - STAGE 5 - VS. MAGMAN ========================================================================== TIPS: - When Magman makes rocks fall, suck up as many as you can cause the more you have in your mouth the more damage it does! - When he's doing his big fire breath move, get close in to him so it won't get you! For the first half of this fight, you're gonna have to shoot these little fire ball enemies at the piles of magma he shoots at you. Keep doing that until he gets brave enough to come out of the background and actually fight you! His face is his weak point. Shoot the birds and rocks that he makes at his face until he dies. He will move from the left side to the right, the right to the left, etc. in a lava puddle, so jump before it touches you. He will also summon fire birds and make rocks fall from the ceiling, but use these against him. Sooner or later you'll finish him off. ------------------ Hot Waddle Dwaddle ------------------ Kirby and friends are outside when the Volcano begins to erupt. The portal to Shiver star opens up and everyone makes it in running. Except Waddle Dee isn't fast enough to get in, so Kirby inhales him and they go to Shiver Star. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( SFSX Shiver Star ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Brr! This place is cold! Hope you like shopping, there's a big Mall here. As well as an evil Factory below it! ========================================================================== WORLD 5: SHIVER STAR - STAGE 1 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: On top of the hill on the bobsled ride. #2: Defeat mini boss and break chamber on ceiling with fire. #3: In the rightmost frozen lake. Kill the Ice bird enemy and proceed. Eat the fire enemy. Recommended you get the stronger fire ability. Keep killing enemies. In the next section, climb up a bunch of ladders and avoid the flying dinosaurs. Get on the Bobsled with Waddle Dee. Jump on top of the big snow hills to find a crystal shard on one of them. You will fight a mini boss. After destroying it, use your fire ability on the chunk of snow on the ceiling to get the shard. A bunch of frozen lakes? Some have holes that go into them but some don't. At the second to last one go in it and go through the tunnel to the last one, where you will find a shard. The last area has enemies that push boulders down at you. Jump over them when they roll down and finish the level. ========================================================================== WORLD 5: SHIVER STAR - STAGE 2 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: Below a cloud in second room. #2: Third room. Shoot north-west with green bubble. #3: Get the Needle + Electric ability and use it to get the mini boss shard. Run to the top of the hill and jump into the green bubble. This level has a bunch of places where you can fall and die so be careful. Kill the enemies while jumping from cloud to cloud. In the second room, a shard is below a cloud. The next shard is in the third room. Aim the green bubble North-West and press A to shoot yourself toward it. This mini boss is a pain, primarily because it requires a power to get the shard. The Needle + Electric power is required to get the shard. The last room is also pain. Enemies coming from the ceiling and floor, gaps with pinchers in them, sheesh. Exit this boring and long level. ========================================================================== WORLD 5: SHIVER STAR - STAGE 3 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: On a ledge to the left in the second room. #2: Defeat mini boss. #3: Color Adeleine's fruit with switches. What the? A Mall? How fun. Enter the door in the Mall. Go up the escalators and avoid the enemies, and keep checking the ledges above them to get a shard. Basically you will be going up elevators, while getting through obstacles, then going to the next floor. The mini boss is easy, just shoot him when he's hanging down. Yet another puzzle from Adeleine that's one of the hardest shards in the game. You must press down the switches that match the fruit's color. Just for the record the third one is always pink. You will arrive in a big circular room with cannons. There are blocks to help protect you in some parts. Finish this Mall and prepare for the worst level in the whole game... ========================================================================== WORLD 5: SHIVER STAR - STAGE 4 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: Get Rock + Spike ability and break the boxes on the way down the hole. #2: Break giant cage in mini boss room with Boomerang + Electric power. #3: At a dead end in last room. This level sucks. That's all I have got to say. There are a lot of parts where you can die in one hit, and it's hard! Start by jumping down the hole to your right. Watch out for the spike balls on the way down. Go below a few floors and watch out for bombs. King DeDeDe will come and Kirby will go on his back. King DeDeDe can destroy the doors blocking your path. But if the hammers smash you, it's all over. Get around the annoyance of the conveyer belts and the eyeball anvils. The mini boss here is a giant fire bird, and its shard is in a cage. Go figure. This is the dangerous part. Machines will go up and down and you have to run and get some place safe where they can't touch you. The rest after this level is easy. Keep going back and forth and up while avoiding the yellow machines. The third shard is also here in a dead end. Finish this level to get to the boss of this dreadful level. ========================================================================== WORLD 5: SHIVER STAR - STAGE 5 - VS. HR ========================================================================== TIPS: - Stay in the middle of the stage to reduce the chance of its laser hitting you. A Robot? Nintendo sure is good at bosses. Inhale the missiles it shoots at you, and fire them at it's arms when it swings them. After a few hits it will get on the platform you're on. Shoot the black part of it and watch out for its clipper attack. You have to be careful since it will also shoot a big missile in between using its clippers. It will also try to land on you sometimes. Keep shooting the ammo at it until it dies. ------------- Ripple Rescue ------------- The portal to Ripple Star opens up. Ribbon gets a sad look only to see that Dark Matter has completely taken over her Home. Kirby falls and everyone uses him as a trampoline to the portal, except Ribbon. She picks up poor unconscious Kirby and takes him into the portal to Ripple Star. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( RBSM Ripple Star ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' A peaceful Planet. It has been engulfed by Dark Matter, so you've seen. It's time to end Dark Matter's reign on the once peaceful planet! ========================================================================== WORLD 6: RIPPLE STAR - STAGE 1 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: You can't miss it! #2: Defeat the mini boss. #3: Blow up the black and orange rock at the end of the level via bomb + spike power. This place is an exact replica of Stage 1 on Pop Star. Just slightly different enemies, the mini boss is a different enemy, and the rock at the end of the level requires a different power to break. Kill all going enemies, get the shard on the way (you can't miss it) then enter the House and kill the mini boss to get another shard. Destroy more enemies, then blow up the rock via bomb + needle power to get the third shard. That was easy. Your probably wondering, why is this level so happy? I thought Dark Matter took over the Planet. It did, just not all of itÉyet. It is only at the Castle right now. Well what are you waiting for? Go there now! ========================================================================== WORLD 6: RIPPLE STAR - STAGE 2 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: In the second room, break the yellow block via electric power. #2: In the very left side of water maze. #3: Blow up the green pillar via boomerang power in the last room. Now you are outside the Castle. It is covered with Darkness which makes it impossible to get inside. But, you can get inside from underground. On the grass there is a big hole that leads to the basement. Jump in and use the electric power on the yellow box at the bottom to get a shard. Jump down a few holes and kill the enemies and jump into the water. A boulder will block your path, but then King DeDeDe comes in and breaks it. You will be in another pit of water. Swim to the very left to get a shard. Adeleine will make a invincibility lollipop. Eat and run through the blocks. Don't get carried away because you get the third shard here via boomerang on the green pillar. Take the elevator up to the Castle. ========================================================================== WORLD 6: RIPPLE STAR - STAGE 3 ========================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARDS: #1: Defeat mini boss. #2: Break red and orange carpet via Fire + Spike ability. #3: Defeat another mini boss. All this level consists of is ascending the tower. There are multiple staircases and boss battles. Most of the crystal shards here will be found automatically upon beating certain bosses, but one of them is pretty hidden. Get to the top and prepare for the final battle, Ripple Star's future is in your hands! ========================================================================== WORLD 6: RIPPLE STAR - STAGE 4 - VS. MIRACLE MATTER ========================================================================== This guy has seven different forms which all resemble the powers you have obtained on your quest. Each form takes three hits, making a total of 21 hits. Miracle Matter may seem hard at first, but is easy after you get used to his attacks. I have a strategy for every one of his attacks on how not to get hit: -Fire: Don't face him in any of the four compass directions. -Needle: Stay in a corner. -Boomerang: Corner. -Ice: Say hi to the corner! -Bomb: Try to pop a bubble with your breath (or power if you have one). -Stone: Corner (after he starts rolling). -Electric: Stay in a corner and jump when he shoots. Use these and your almost certain not to get hit! Notice that every time you hit him one of his eyes disappears. After you hit him three times in one form he can't use it again. After 21 hits he's eyeless and he blows up. Collect the big and final Crystal shard when he does and watch the ending! Or endingsÉ IMPORTANT NOTE: If you got 74 Crystal shards or less you will get this ending: ------------- FareÉ Well? ------------- The crystal repels Dark Matter and it flys away. The sun is out again and Kirby and friends start to dance. The Queen thanks them and Ribbon shakes Kirby's hand and they fly back to Pop Star. Then the Queen looks at Ribbon with an evil smile, signaling that the game isn't quite finished. However, if you got all 75 shards, you will get this ending: -------------- Darkness Calls -------------- The Crystal repels Dark Matter into space and it blows up. When everything looks good for two seconds, the crystal shoots a beam at the Queen, causing the Dark Matter possessing her to come out. The Dark Matter flies away and forms a Planet in the center of the ring of Planets. Kirby pulls out a cell phone with a star antenna. Adeleine and Waddle Dee exchange glances. A big star flies down and they ride it to Dark Star where the real final battle will be held! .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( DKRS Dark Star ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' There is only one stage here, and it's the smallest one in the whole game. You don't even need a guide for this one, it's that easy. The enemies are simple, and the whole stage is only two screens long. Now go get through it and face the REAL final boss! ______________ /-++++++++++++-\ ___________________________| FINAL BOSS |_____________________________ /==========================_| 02 |_============================\ \_________________________/__________________\___________________________/ \_-|------------|-_/ You will be equipped with a special power. Ribbon is holding you and you have a crystal gun. You must shoot them at 02's eye while avoiding his attack. After a while his eye will shut from the crystals you've been shooting. That's when you shoot his Halo. His halo will change colors as you shoot it. Shoot the band-aide on his head when it disappears. Now you have to shoot the cactus on his butt. Now you actually start hurting him. Repeat this process 2-3 times and 02 will explode. But I warn you, this fight can be VERY frustrating the first time. He shoots his beams every other second, and it takes a lot of shooting just to get him to the point were you actually hurt him. Like I said, it's hard the first time around but after you beat him once, he's easy. Now sit back and watch the credits. -------------- Crystal Clear! -------------- Dark Star is about to explode! Just one second before the explosion, the gang flys away and barely makes it. Back on Ripple Star, Kirby and Company get medals (pieces of the crystal) and Ribbon gives Kirby a kiss. He blushes and falls down the stairs, and the game ends showing a picture of Kirby's friends trying to save him. Congrats on beating the game! .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | MGBV Mini Games ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' There are three mini games in Kirby 64. You can either play with computers, or up to three friends. They include the following: -100 Yard Hop -Bumper Crop Bump -Checker Board Chase All of the mini games are for fun purposes only. You do not unlock anything by playing them 500 times, etc. If you hear anything like that from a friend, tell them to get a life. Seriously. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( HBVR 100 Yard Hop ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Controls: - A = Hop 2 spaces - B = Hop 1 space - D-Pad = Move You have to hop 100 yards before anyone else. There are puddles and frogs which slow you down. This game will test on how fast you can think. Don't just press the same button repeatedly. Eventually this will lead you into a puddle or something like that. Don't go in a pattern either. E.G. A + B, A + B. NO. Just act casual and think fast. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( BCVD Bumper Crop Bump ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Controls: - A = Bump - D-Pad = Move You basically have to catch fruit in your basket. Press A to bump someone. I think after someone collects 25 the fruit falls faster, then the game ends. My personal favorite. It fun to let a fruit fall, then bumping someone to catch it. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | CBGC Checker Board Chase ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Controls: - A = Drop Blocks - D-Pad = Move Press A to high light blocks and make them drop. Anyone that's on the high lighted blocks will fall and lose a life. You have a few lives. I think 5. This was with four people. Personally all I do is press A repeat and move. This works in some cases, but not with real people. Just run around and shoot randomly rather than trying to knock off a certain computer / person. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( BYOP Bosses ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' After completing Story mode, you can unlock a small extra called Bosses. This is nothing more than a feature Nintendo put in so that we would have something to do after beating the game. It concludes beating all seven bosses with only six pieces of health, and no powers are provided. It's actually very hard. I have only beaten it once to this day with three pieces of health at the end. If you have beat it, send it to me with your name and how much health you had after beating all seven. I currently have one: David Lee, beat it without losing a single life, and according to him it took a whopping 45 tries. Good job David! .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( CNTV Contact ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' You can send me an email at: brandonbegg@me.com I will NOT take any of the following: - Spam - Hate Speech Any of those things above are in an email I will mark you as spam. So save those for last if you were planning on sending me some of those. You have been warned. I take questions or info on errors in the FAQ, and I will answer questions about the game as well. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( FAQP FAQ ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Q: Were can I find the ROM to this game? A: There are several ROM sites out there. Search it on google and it is bound to come up. I won't provide any links myself since ROMs technically are illegal. If you do own an actual copy of the game, however, none of that should apply to you. Q: I beat Ripple Star but I never got to Dark Star! A: That means you didn't find all of the shards. On the level selection screen in a World, hover over a level and you should see three blue triangles. If one isn't filled in with blue, that means there's a shard in that level. After finding the rest beat Miracle Matter again. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | CDFS Credits ) `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' -HAL Laboratory for making this great game. -Nintendo for publishing this great game. -Me for writing this guide. -Everyone who has asked a question. That's a rap!