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Then type in the name of the section you're looking for - like [OFFPB] for the Offensive Playbook. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Introduction [INTRO] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ True, I haven't been quite as active this month in the FAQ-writing scene. A recent surge of work on my latest fangame (Aventura de Luigi), as well as a general feeling of indifference, has hampered by guide-writing efforts as of late. In no way do I plan to announce my retirement yet, but I've now written a guide for almost all of the games I was interested in writing guides for. I'd be surprised if I ever have another month where I churn out six or seven complete walkthroughs, although you never know. It's a nice idea, but football with two action buttons just doesn't work that well, even if the game is affixed with the Madden name. There aren't actual player names (although the numbers are accurate), and the graphics and sounds are so-so. Another annoyance is that long passes are easier to complete than short ones. Still, if you're feeling nostalgic or want something to ease the post-Super Bowl withdrawal symptoms, you might get a kick out of this game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modes of Play [MODES] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---Quick Start--- If you want to start playing immediately and don't care what teams are involved, pick this option. ---Exhibition--- Here you can play an exhibition game using the teams of your choice. You can select the weather and quarter length, too. ---Sudden Death--- Sudden Death is essentially an overtime period that matches up the teams of your choice. ---New Season--- This starts a new season. Imagine that! You can select as many or as few games as you wish to play. After every week, you'll receive a password you can use to retrieve your progress the next time you play. ---New Playoffs--- Here you can start a new playoff series. This also uses a password system to save your progress. ---Game Options--- Change game length and weather conditions, or turn off background music and sound effects. ---Restore--- If you have a season or playoffs in progress, you can resume them with this option (assuming you wrote down the password). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Controls [CONTR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---General--- Control pad any direction - Move player START - Pause game ---Kickoff--- Start the power bar - B Stop the power bar - B (when it's near the top for full power) Aim kick left/right - Control pad left/right Call an audible - A Line up for an onside kick (after calling an audible) - B Control the kick receiver - Control pad any direction ---Before the snap--- (Offense) Snap the ball - B (Defense) Select player to control - B ---Audibles (either offense or defense)--- Call an audible - A Select an audible play (after calling an audible) - B or A ---After the snap--- (Offense) Rushing Break tackle/spin/burst of speed - B Dive/QB slide - A (Defense) Control player closest to the ball - B Dive/Power Tackle - A Jump and raise hands - A ---Passing--- Move the quarterback - Control Pad any direction Bring up passing windows - B Cycle through passing windows - A Throw the ball - A ---Receiving--- Control receiver closest to the ball - B Jump and raise hands - A ---Punting/Kicking--- Start power bar/snap the ball - B Aim the kick - Control pad left/right Kick the ball - B ---Play Calling--- Move play selection highlight - Control pad up/down Select formation/play - B or A Switch between upper and lower menus - SELECT The lower options are Reset (takes you back to the formation select prompt), No Hud (switches to a no-huddle offense), and Flip (mirrors the play diagram). ---Menus--- Move highlight up/down - Control Pad up/down Cycle through choices - Control Pad left/right Select highlighted option - START ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suggested Substitutions [SUBST] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note that I assume a 4-3 defense for all teams except Buffalo, Cincinnati, New York Jets, and Pittsburgh. I base these recommendations on player ratings in the game, not the lineups used during the actual 1999 NFL season. Arizona Cardinals: HB #30 is the best halfback. TE #49 should be the starter. Use G #62 at LG and C #71 at center. Atlanta Falcons: WR #21 is the recommended third receiver. TE #85 should be the backup TE. Use DE #90 at DLE in Goal Line. DT #97 should be the DLT. Baltimore Ravens: HB #32 should be the starter. The best receiver depth chart is 85, 87, 84, 88, 11, 82. DT #97 is the best DLT. Play LCB #28 at RCB. Buffalo Bills: WR depth chart: 81, 80, 82, 83, 89, 87. The TE depth chart should be 88, 84, 85. Use LCB #22 at left corner. Carolina Panthers: WR #82 should be the third receiver. Chicago Bears: I advise starting HB #32 at HB. The WR depth chart should be 81, 86, 82, 80, 19, 83. TE #89 is the second-best TE. C #60 should start at center. DE #94 should be your DRE. DT #65 is the best DLT. Cincinnati Bengals: HB #38 is the best halfback. WR depth chart: 80, 84, 85, 86, 81, 88. TE #47 should be the #1 or #2 TE. T #68 should start at right tackle. DLT #99 should be your NT. Play ILB #57 at ROLB. Cleveland Browns: Best receivers are, in order, 80, 12, 81, 6, 83, 89. TE depth chart: 86, 87, 82. C #58 is the recommended center. ILB #56 should be the LOLB. Dallas Cowboys: The suggested WR depth chart is 88, 81, 18, 80, 87, 82. DE #96 should play DLE. ILB #92 should be the MLB, and OLB #57 should be the ROLB. Denver Broncos: Fine as is. Detroit Lions: FB #36 is probably the better FB. WR depth chart: 80, 84, 82, 83, 23, 87. TE #89 is the second-best TE. C #68 should be the center. Use ILB #57 at MLB. Use LCB #38 at LCB. Green Bay Packers: WR depth chart: 86, 85, 88, 87, 80, 84. TE #81 should be the backup TE. T #67 is the best RT, C #76 should be the center, and G #78 is recommended at RG. Indianapolis Colts: QB #2 may be better than the starter (Peyton Manning) in this game (and to think that Peyton was this fast!). WR depth chart: 88, 6, 86 (WR1), 84, 87, 86 (WR6). Yes, there are two players with the same number - a game-developer's oops. Use G #75 at LG. Use DT #90 at DLT in Goal Line. Jacksonville Jaguars: Best receivers: 86, 82, 84, 87, 83, 81. TEs: 88, 40, 80. 58 is the best center. Use ILB #56 at LOLB. Kansas City Chiefs: Receivers are, from best to worst, 87, 82, 81, 89, 84, 80. Miami Dolphins: HB #33 is the best HB. WR depth chart: 86, 80, 87, 81, 82, 85. G #68 should be the RG. OLB #53 is best at MLB. Minnesota Vikings: FB #49 is the better FB. WR depth chart: 84, 80, 83, 89, 81, 86. T #71 should start at RT. DE #95 should be the DRE except in the Goal Line formation. New England Patriots: WR depth chart: 88, 81, 84, 82, 12, 80. TE #49 should be the backup tight end. C #60 is the most talented center. New Orleans Saints: QB #7 is your best bet. HB #28 is the recommended halfback, although HB #26 might be good for Shotgun, Run & Shoot, and Goal Line. FB #33 is the better fullback. WR depth chart: 88, 89, 14, 83, 82, 86. T #65 should be the RT. DT #96 ought to start at DLT. New York Giants: WR depth chart: 84, 80, 81, 82, 85, 88. T #78 is the recommended left tackle. DT #74 should be your DLT. FS #26 should play SS. New York Jets: WR depth chart: 87, 82, 89, 80, 26, 17. Play G #74 at LG. LCB #31 should be your LCB. Oakland Raiders: WR depth chart: 88, 80, 81, 82, 85, 84. TE #87 is the best tight end. OLB #55 should start at LOLB, and ILB #53 at MLB. Philadelphia Eagles: Start FB #38 at FB. TE #89 should be your second-string TE. WR depth chart: 85, 80, 83, 12, 82, 81. T #77 should start at RT. FS #47 should be the FS. Pittsburgh Steelers: The receiving hierarchy should be: 84, 86, 89, 88, 80, 81. T #73 should play LT. DE #74 may be the better DRE in a standard 3-4 set. DLT #90 is the best NT. St. Louis Rams: WR depth chart: 82, 80, 83, 88, 81, 87. DE #97 should be the DLE. LCB #37 should be the starting LCB. San Diego Chargers: WR #85 should be promoted to third on the depth chart. San Francisco 49ers: Best receivers are, respectively, 81, 80, 83, 82, 27, 88. TE #90 should be the backup tight end. Start DE #72 at DLE. LCB #47 should be the RCB. Seattle Seahawks: HB #30 shall be the HB. WR depth chart: 81, 84, 31, 16, 85, 87. RCB #29 should be the main LCB. Tampa Bay Buccaneers: WR depth chart: 81, 84, 86, 88, 87, 85. G #79 should be the LG. DT #72 should be the DRT, and DE #92 should be the DLE. OLB #59 should start at ROLB. FS #27 should be the SS. Tennessee Titans: WR depth chart: 87, 82, 81, 84, 86, 85. TE #80 should be your top TE. Use DT #68 at DRT. Washington Redskins: TE #43 should be the second TE. WR depth chart: 82, 89, 84, 83, 87, 86. DT #74 should be the DRT. All Madden: Very close at QB; pick based on your personal style (whether you prefer a pocket or scrambling quarterback). HB #36 is best overall. FB #30 is the better fullback. TE depth chart: TE3, TE2, TE1. G #64 should be the RG. DT #99 should be the DRT. Use ILB #55 at MLB. RCB #28 should be the RCB. SS #46 is the recommended SS. There are two substitutions you should also make. On some teams, you might want to change the Nickel formation's fifth defensive back. Also, make sure that your wide receiver in the Goal Line formation is the receiver who has the best "Hands" rating; speed isn't much of a factor on the goal line. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Offensive Playbook [OFFPB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few notes: I always assume that each play is NOT flipped, but the mirror feature (press SELECT on the play selection screen and then press B while highlighting "Flip") is good to use from time to time, particularly on certain plays or against a human opponent. Since you're playing an old football video game, I'm assuming you have some grasp of football theory, rules, and terminology; you know what a tight end or shotgun formation is. That said, I'm still going to explain certain terms for the less football-savvy. Remember that results may vary depending on offense, defense, down, hashmarks, and other factors. I've tried to test each play against a variety of defenses and with both the regular and mirrored versions of the plays, but there's still a chance I may have misjudged a few plays. Also, no play will work 100% of the time. This game uses the same playbook from the Super NES version of Madden '94, so you won't see things like five-receiver sets, 7-DB "quarter" defenses, zone blitzes, or the "Philly" or "Wildcat" formations. For those of you who are counting, there are 86 plays on offense and 61 plays in the defensive playbook. I don't include plays that are listed twice in the playbook. While many of these plays (or plays that are very similar) appear in the playbooks of today's Madden games, I don't recommend trying to use this guide with any games other than the Game Boy Color version of Madden 2000. Far/Near (18 plays) =============================================================================== This formation is best for running, although it contains several passing plays. The only difference between the "Far" and "Near" formations is whether or not your halfback is on the same side of the formation as the tight end. ---HB Toss Sweep--- This is a sweep right play. You can frequently get a big gain, but if the linebackers stop you in the backfield, you're looking at a loss of five. The flipped version of the play tends to work more like an off tackle, reducing both risk and reward. ---HB Counter--- In a counter play, the running back steps in one direction to fake out the defense, and then he runs the opposite direction. You can often get five yards with this, especially if you have a good right tackle and a back who can break a tackle or two. The play will be most effective if you run straight up the hashmark. ---HB Inside--- This play demonstrates the difficulty of running inside, even if you have a good offensive line. You can't often gain more than a yard or two on this play. Fortunately, you're also very unlikely to lose yardage. If you flip the play, watch out for blitzing left outside linebackers. ---Weak Flood--- All of your targets are on the strong side of the line on this play. The fullback (3) works almost like a screen pass. The halfback (2) will be running in real traffic, so your best target is the split end (1) on the slant. ---FB Option Dive--- This is basically a plain old fullback dive. If the middle linebacker blitzes outside, you can gain some real yardage. Otherwise, you're looking at a safe way to earn two yards. A good Mike Alstott play. ---TE Corner--- On this play, all of your options are on the strong side of the field. The halfback (1) runs a deep curl, while the tight end (3) and flanker (2) cross. If the defense is blitzing the linebackers, this play works very well, especially when throwing to the halfback. ---Roll Out--- This is a good play to use with a scrambling quarterback. If the LOLB sits back in coverage, you might want to take off running. Otherwise, look for the tight end (1) on the post or the halfback (3) near the sideline, or go for the home run with the flanker (2). ---PA Far--- The quarterback takes a while to drop back, so you could use this play as a quarterback draw. The best option is usually the split end (1) on the short in pattern. The other options include a hooking tight end (3) and a flanker (2) on a corner route. ---FB Circle--- The split end (1) runs an out, while the flanker (2) fakes a slant and runs a corner route. The fullback (3), who will be available in the flat, is a great option against the ROLB blitz. ---PA Near--- If your flanker (2) is fast, he might just get open downfield for a touchdown! If he's covered, try the tight end (3) on the in pattern or the split end (1) on the post. ---Strong Flood--- All receiving options are on the strong side of the line, and every one of them is moving toward the sidelines. This play can work against a deep zone, but it's not great for first down. ---HB Lead--- A good, effective running play. The fullback normally runs off tackle, with the halfback as the lead blocker. If the strong-side linebacker isn't blitzing, try running to the sideline as if this were a sweep; you'll probably gain 50 yards. Otherwise, run the play as drawn. ---HB Toss--- This play is almost as great as it is in Madden '96. Once your back takes the pitch, zoom right and turn when you reach the sideline. You get the ball deep in the backfield, so you should have a good view of the field. Unless you get stopped in the backfield, you'll be happy with the outcome. ---FB Screen--- Your primary option for this screen pass is, of course, the fullback (3). A fast fullback can sometimes zip down the sideline and score a touchdown, but it's also possible to lose six or seven yards. You can also try the split end (1), who fakes an in route, or the flanker (2) on the hook. ---Hooks--- The split end (1), tight end (3), and flanker (2) all run short hook patterns. This play may flop if your opponents are using a short zone. ---WR Screen--- An interesting play. Your flanker (2) stands still and receives the pass. Meanwhile, the right tackle and fullback pull to block for the receiver. In this game, though, the blockers are BEHIND the flanker, defeating the whole purpose of the play. Don't forget about the streaking split end (1) and the tight end (3) on the post - either of whom can make a big play if they're not covered. ---HB Sweep Right--- On this play, the halfback takes the pitch and must run all the way to the sideline before turning. There's obviously a risk here, but a fast back can "take it to the house." ---Stop Clock--- In this play, the quarterback spikes the ball to stop the clock. It's best used in two-minute drill situations when stopping the clock is worth losing a down. In this game, though, it's usually quickest just to run a play. This play appears in every formation. "I" Form (9) =============================================================================== The I-Form has the fullback lined up between the quarterback and halfback, forming an "I" shape. ---Quick Slant--- On Quick Slant, your main target is the slanting split end (2). The tight end (3) on the post can also be effective, while the halfback (1) in the flat may face too much pressure, especially if the ROLB is blitzing. ---WR Outs--- Both backs stay in to block, so you have a lot of time to throw to the man of your choice. The receivers (1 and 2) run deep outs, and the tight end (3) streaks. This play is exciting, fun, and quite effective. ---HB Counter--- This counter play could definitely fool the defense into thinking the fullback has the ball. Unless you can squirt through the middle, you won't often gain more than a couple yards with this play. ---FB Dive--- This play is exactly what it says it is - a fullback dive. 1-5 yards is a frequent outcome, but at least you won't lose any yardage. This works well against stacked lines, and it can also be very effective when the nose tackle is guarding the outside rush. ---HB Sprint Draw--- The linemen take a step backward here, which may fool the defense into thinking this is actually a pass. It's a reliable way to earn 5-10 yards, and more against a passive defense. ---Curls--- All three receiving options run short curls. You'll be best off releasing the ball right before the receivers turn. This is a great antidote to deep zones, but it's good any time. The tight end (3) faces too much traffic against standard 4-3 schemes, though. ---HB Sweep--- Student Body Left. The halfback takes the pitch, trailing behind the fullback and left guard. Let the blockers do the grunt work and you should have a big gain. One of the best running plays, and a good choice as run audible. ---TE Out And Up--- The split end (1) runs a nice in route that usually avoids most of the interior congestion. The tight end (3) on the out and up route can get wide open. The flanker (2) on the post will frequently draw double coverage, making him a risky bet. ---Stop Clock--- Use this play to stop the clock in a two-minute drill. Goal Line (9) =============================================================================== This formation is full of plays that are useful only in short-yardage situations, especially near the goal line. There are two backs, two tight ends, and a receiver - ideally the one with the best "hands" rating. Reversing Goal Line plays will have little effect. ---HB Lead Left--- This is a halfback dive. If you need 1-2 yards, HB Lead Left is a good play to use. However, it will occasionally fail spectacularly if the fullback fails to pick up the nose tackle. ---FB Pull--- The goal of this play is to avoid the congestion in the middle by running off right tackle. Instead of trying to charge through the cloggage, the fullback takes the pitch and runs outside. ---HB Lead Right--- Just like HB Lead Left, although slightly safer and more effective. ---Flood Left--- There aren't many passing plays in the Goal Line formation, but this is one of them. Personally, however, I prefer Play Action, the other passing play in the Goal Line formation. The backup tight end (1) on the out is your most effective option, as he's the least likely to be in considerable traffic. You could also roll out to the right and run for the score. ---FB Cut Left--- Another fullback sweep, but since there's less blocking on the weak side, this isn't as good as FB Pull. ---HB Cut Right--- I don't like this halfback off tackle play too much; the right tackle has trouble holding back the defensive end, who frequently stops the play for a loss. ---QB Sneak--- The Quarterback Sneak is a pretty low-risk play, but don't expect to gain much more than a yard or two. But it's very good at getting that one yard! This play succeeds a very high percentage of the time. ---Play Action--- The quarterback fakes a handoff on this play. Try throwing hard to the halfback (1) in the flat. If he's well covered, try the second or third receivers. This is the better of the two Goal Line passing plays. ---Stop Clock--- It's unlikely that you'll use this clock-stopping play from the Goal Line formation. Single Back (9) =============================================================================== I don't like this form of the Single Back formation and rarely use it. The problem is that your only running back lines up very close to the quarterback, so the back can't get much momentum on running plays, and there's no fullback to tie up defenders. And while this formation is OK for passing, I usually prefer more wide outs and/or a shotgun snap on obvious passing situations. ---HB Toss--- This sweep right can easily lose a lot of yardage, but if your back is quick enough, you can turn the corner and make a big play. Watch out for cornerbacks, especially against Dime defenses. ---HB Sweep--- This is basically a flipped version of HB Toss. ---Rollout Pass--- On this play, the quarterback rolls out of the pocket, so don't take control of him until he's out of the pocket. The tight end (1) on the deep post is your primary option, as the other tight end (2) and the flanker (3) often run into too much trouble to be particularly useful. ---HB Counter--- As with other counter plays, the back fakes a step in the opposite direction before running the intended route. It's possible to lose big yardage with this play, and a lot of the time you'll just gain three or four yards, and rarely more than ten. It's not my favorite play in the book. ---Quick Screen--- This play is designed as a quick screen pass to the flanker (3). You can gain a lot of yardage with a quick receiver. The split end's (1) route is too short to be of much use, although you might consider going deep to the tight end (2). ---Circle Pass--- The back (1), who runs a circle pattern, is your primary target. The tight end (2) and flanker (3), who cross, provide more of the deep-ball threat. ---HB Dive--- See what I mean about the lack of momentum? This is a low-risk, low-reward play that can sometimes gain five yards. Flipping it usually reduces its effectiveness. There's not much to say about this meat-and-potatoes play. ---PA Streak--- Where's Reggie Wayne when you need him? This is a very effective Peyton Manning-style play - fake a handoff, then throw deep to one of three streaking receivers. This is a great way to hurl a bomb when your opponent isn't expecting one. ---Stop Clock--- I really shouldn't have to tell you this again, but the Stop Clock play spikes the ball so the clock will stop. Shotgun (9) =============================================================================== The shotgun formation is good for passing because of its "shotgun" snap - the quarterback gets the ball several yards behind the yard of scrimmage instead of from right under center. It isn't great for running, though. The Madden 2000 version of the shotgun formation has three receivers, one tight end, and one running back. This is one receiver more than Single Back and one less than Run & Shoot. A good pass-blocking line helps. ---Hail Mary--- All your receivers head deep. This is best used in desperate situations where a quick touchdown is needed, although you could try it when you really want to shock the opponents. ---Short Posts--- If you're in a two-minute drill, it's hard to beat a hard, quick pass to the split end (1) on the out. Both the third receiver (2) and flanker (3) run short post patterns. ---HB Toss--- Outside running isn't easy in the Shotgun formation, but good blocking will reward you with a big gain. As risky as it can be, it can easily gain 25 yards. Call an audible in the unlikely event your opponent has eight men in the box. ---HB Draw Trap--- This can earn a surprising amount of yardage if the defense is expecting a pass. Try to hit the hole between the pulling right guard and the left tackle, and you should gain about seven yards. Good blocking can take you even further. A bold player can try using this play as a sweep right, but that's risky against a Nickel or Dime. ---QB Waggle--- You've got to love plays with cute names like this. Normally you roll out to the right and throw to one of the receivers (probably the slot receiver in the second window) on post patterns, but you might prefer to take off running if you have an agile quarterback. ---Deep Outs--- Your main targets here are your exterior receivers (1 and 3), who can make some pretty big plays. If they're well-covered, you'll probably be able to dump the ball off to the halfback (2). This play is best if you need quick yardage, especially in a two-minute drill. ---Hooks--- All three receiving options run hooks in this play. Your best option is the tight end (3). It's hard to throw to the flanker (2) with success because the halfback (1) usually catches the pass even though it's not intended for him. Oh well. ---HB Shovel Pass--- This play is designed to be a shovel pass to your running back (1). Expect to gain 5-10 yards against a Nickel defense without much risk, although the completion percentage isn't as good as it should be. Against a 4-3, the shovel pass can sometimes be stopped for a loss. If you feel lucky or your opponent is still in a 4-3 (or you see an open receiver), you can throw deep to the crossing tight end (3) and flanker (2). ---Stop Clock--- Our old friend Stop Clock also makes an appearance in the Shotgun formation, where it's probably most likely to be used. Special Teams (4) =============================================================================== Those boring plays where the scrawny (and nearly always Caucasian) guy kicks the pigskin. No offense intended. ---Fake Punt--- A fake punt pass. As you know, fake punts are risky, but they can definitely "change the whole complexion of the game." Look for your receivers and throw to whoever's open. The man in the second window is safest, while 1 and 3 are best for longer gains. This play can be quite effective against human players, if just for the shock value alone. ---Punt--- When it's fourth down and too far to kick, you will usually want to punt. And this is the play to select when you wish to do so. ---Fake F.G.--- Fake field goals are very risky, so use them carefully. This is a standard passing fake field goal. Your best bet is the 2 option. Ignore the kicking meter. As with fake punts, fake field goals work best against human opponents. ---Field Goal--- This play lets you kick a field goal. What a surprise! This is also the play to select when you want to kick an extra point after a touchdown. Don't try to kick a field goal unless you're inside the opposition 30 or so, though. Pro Form (18) =============================================================================== The Pro Form formation, also known as Split Backs or other names, is very similar to Far/Near. It's good for both running and passing, and it's probably the formation I use most frequently. The Pro Form has the largest play selection of any set in the game (except Far/Near, which is really two formations in one). ---Roll Out--- As with other rollouts, you want the quarterback to leave the pocket before you take control of him. You should have plenty of time for someone to get open, since both backs are blocking. The split end (1) on the post often draws double coverage, but if he's open, throw to him! Your tight end (3) and flanker (2) are safer options, and they can get pretty good results. Don't rule out the possibility of running, either. ---Cross Pass--- The #1 receiver runs a slant pattern. If you throw to him, make sure to deposit the ball quickly. The tight end (3) runs an out pattern that usually crosses with the flanker (2). ---FB Trap--- This is a rare play that really gives your fullback a chance to shine. If you have a fullback who runs effectively and an offensive line that blocks for the run well, you can easily gain 10 yards with this up-the-middle handoff to the fullback. If the middle linebacker blitzes, though, you're looking at a big loss. ---Quick Posts--- All three receiving options run short post patterns in this passing play. The tight end will be wide open if the safeties cover the outside. This is one of my favorites, so I suggest using it as one of your audibles. ---Off Tackle--- The halfback runs between the right tackle and tight end. What more can you say? This is a good general-purpose run that should gain about five yards without much risk. A good choice as your run audible. ---Hook Outs--- You can go deep with the wide outs (1 or 2), or weave through traffic with the tight end (3) on the post. Depending on when you release the ball, this can be a short, safe pass or a long bomb. ---FB Counter--- If your fullback runs well, this is a pretty good play. A skilled player can often gain 10 yards. Unless the defense has eight men in the box, you're unlikely to lose yardage. ---All Streak--- Here's a good passing play. You'll have a choice of three streaking receivers to choose from - and one should be open. Usually it's easiest to go deep. ---HB Sweep--- The success of this play rests on the blocking abilities of your right guard, right tackle, tight end, fullback, and flanker. Dash to near the sideline, and if your men make their blocks, you'll be gone! If they don't block well (or if the LOLB blitzes), you can easily lose five yards. You can also use this play as an off-tackle if you want to reduce risk (and also minimize reward). ---Inside Run--- Basically a fullback dive, this play will succeed with good blocking and an effective rushing-oriented fullback. It takes a little while to develop, so I'd use something else on 4th and inches. ---Play Action--- This is another good play to use when you want to go deep on first down. The split end (1) and tight end (3) are on deep posts, and the flanker (2) fakes a slant and runs downfield. This play isn't likely to succeed against a deep zone. ---Circle Pass--- This play resembles other plays with "circle" in their names, although on this one, you must get rid of the ball quickly. If he's open and you're quick, the streaking #1 receiver will produce a big gain. The flanker (2) on the out is also a good option, while the halfback (3) is in too much traffic to be useful. ---HB Toss--- The key on this play is to avoid the outside linebacker and cornerback. After that, you'll hit pay dirt and gain at least 15 yards! This is a nice play, but there are other running plays that produce as much or more gain with less risk. The mirrored diagram of the play is generally less effective than the non- flipped form, although it depends on the hashmarks. ---FB Dive--- Another fullback dive, but this one is unique. The fullback takes a pitch as he's moving forward, so there's practically no chance of a loss. Unfortunately, you're unlikely to gain more than a couple of yards. Good for short yardage situations. ---End Around--- In an end around, the quarterback hands off to a wide receiver who's coming around the bend. Not surprisingly, this play is very risky but can net a big gain. When you take the snap, watch how the blocking sets up and decide whether you should run off left tackle or right tackle. If your opponents' defensive line is better than your O-line, the answer is probably right tackle. End arounds are also beneficial for keeping human players on their toes. ---All In--- This play's name is pretty self-explanatory; every receiving option runs toward the middle of the field. Your receivers (1 and 2) are your best options, although the halfback (3) may be open against a deep zone. ---FB Center Trap--- This is another fullback run, which can be effective if your fullback runs well. Be patient and let the blockers block. However, it's extremely vulnerable against certain blitzes. Interestingly, while Madden '94 and '95 have nearly identical offensive playbooks, FB Center Trap is replaced by Hook 'n' Ladder in Madden '95. ---Stop Clock--- As with the Stop Clock play found in other formations, the quarterback spikes the ball to stop the clock. It's best used in two-minute drill situations when stopping the clock is worth the cost of losing a down. Run-Shoot (9) =============================================================================== The Run-Shoot formation is named after the Run 'n' Shoot offensive system, as this was the formation that system usually employed. It's similar to Single Back, except that it has four wide receivers and one running back instead of two receivers, two tight ends, and a back. Effective use of the Run & Shoot formation demands a deep crop of effective wide receivers, as well as an offensive line that pass blocks well. Flipping these plays won't usually affect much. Because the field is "spread out," you may find it easier for the quarterback to scramble, especially up the middle. Don't forget to use the slot receivers, who often remain uncovered or covered by a linebacker or safety (especially against a standard 4-3). ---In And Out--- The streaking left-hand slot receiver (1) is your best bet if he's open. Otherwise, look for the #2 receiver on the in route or the flanker (3) on the out. Alternatively, try sneaking up the middle with your quarterback and sliding - a fun way to grab 5-10 yards. ---PA Pass--- A play action pass seems a little weird in this formation, but this play is reasonably good nonetheless. If the 1 or 2 receivers aren't open deep, try dumping the ball off to the receiver in the third window. ---HB Counter--- Counter Left is a good general running play for Run & Shoot fans that can usually gain at least three yards. The line will develop a massive hole, but that has a drawback. Stay left at the start of the play, or you might get clobbered by a defensive tackle. ---Post Corner--- The 1 and 2 receivers cross on posts, and the halfback (3) serves as a safety net in the left flat. ---HB Toss--- A good running play, although riskier than some. Normally you'll run off- tackle, although I prefer to use this play as a sweep if the blocking holds up. Be warned, however: If the defense rushes aggressively, you may lose yardage in the way that makes 320-pound men make ridiculous dances. ---Hooks--- The 2 and 3 receivers will hook after about ten yards, providing safe, sane options. If you want to go for the bomb, the split end will run straight downfield. ---Deep Post--- A pretty ordinary passing play. The Y receiver on the out and up is an interception risk if you don't throw the ball quickly enough, whereas the crossing 2 and 3 receivers are a bit safer. ---WR Screen--- In a wide receiver screen pass, the line pulls to the right to block for the 3 receiver, the intended recipient of the pass. If you just want to be different, you can throw to the halfback (1) in the flat or the 2 receiver on the post. I liked this play in the console Madden games, but here the linemen don't really block for the receiver. ---Stop Clock--- This rarely-used play stops the clock in a high-pressure situation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Defensive Playbook [DEFPB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm not going to be as verbose on the defensive plays. Instead, I'm just going to give a few details about each play; you can tell a lot just from the names and diagrams. 4-3 (15) =============================================================================== The 4-3 defense is the defensive set used by most teams in most situations. ---Monster Blitz--- The middle linebacker blitzes, crushing the inside running game and putting enormous pressure on the quarterback. A pass up the middle could be dangerous, though. ---Jam Middle--- Both outside linebackers blitz, while the linemen rush toward the middle of the line. This play is good at stopping the inside run but is weaker against sweeps and passes to the flats. ---Cheat Left--- All of your linemen rush toward the left side of the defensive line. The idea is to block the left tackle and allow the blitzing RLB to come around to sack the quarterback or stop left outside rushes. It'll take some time for this to happen, though, especially if you don't have a fast linebacker. I recommend that you control the RLB if you want a sack. The receivers and tight end will be matched up in single coverage. ---Cheat Right--- The same as Cheat Left, only to the right. Consider taking control of the LLB. Even if you don't get the quarterback, you might be able to tip his pass. ---Man/Zone 2--- The linebackers play to stop the run, while both safeties play deep to back up the cornerbacks. A good first-down call. ---Wide Zone 2--- This is a fairly standard zone defense. ---Mad Tiger Blitz--- All three linebackers are blitzing. The offensive line won't be able to hold back the seven-man rush for long. However, the receivers will be in single coverage, since only four men are in coverage. ---Short Zone 2--- Needless to say, this is a short zone defense. It's designed to contain the short pass without being too weak against the rushing game and deep threats. ---Man/Zone 1--- Eight men are guarding the run, so it won't be easy to run against this defense. The long ball could be a problem, though, since only one safety is covering the pass. ---Medium Zone--- This is a medium zone defense, which contains the pass effectively but may have difficulty against the ground game, especially runs off guard. ---Wide Zone 3--- Four men are playing deep to protect against the long ball, but watch out for runs and passes up the middle. ---Triple Zone--- Triple Zone will usually put the opposition flanker in triple coverage, but the split end will have just one man to beat. The linebackers are playing man-to- man to stop the run. ---Jet Blitz--- The LLB is blitzing, and the DLE and DLT are on a stunt. The safeties are playing to stop the run. ---Tuf Bronco--- Basically a mirrored former of Jet Blitz, except the safety is playing more on the flanker's side of the field. ---Short Zone 1--- This short zone is very similar to Short Zone 2, except with more "bump and run" coverage. 3-4 (15) =============================================================================== The 3-4 is similar to the 4-3 in many aspects, but there are differences. The 3-4 has three linemen and four linebackers, whereas the 4-3 uses four linemen and three linebackers. The primary advantage of a 3-4 is it allows teams to put more pressure on the quarterback in unpredictable ways. The disadvantage is it requires specialized personnel, such as a massive nose tackle. A real team may have some difficulty regularly switching between a 3-4 and a 4-3, but you can do it as much as you want in a video game. In real life, only four NFL defenses used the 3-4 in 1999: Buffalo, Cincinnati, New York Jets, and Pittsburgh. ---Jet Blitz--- This is the equivalent of the 4-3 Jet Blitz. In this man-to-man system, the LLB blitzes, and the safeties play close to the line. ---Jam Middle--- This is one of the most run-oriented 3-4 defenses. Three linebackers are rushing, and both safeties guard the run. ---Man/Zone 1--- No one blitzes here. With all the linebackers in coverage, it's going to be tough to find someone open, especially in the short zones. ---Wide Zone 1--- This play is designed to clog up the short zones. Good against two-tight end sets and passes to the flats. ---Safety Blitz--- Yikes! All four linebackers are blitzing, in addition to the safety. Wavers of the Terrible Towel will like this. Of course, only three players are protecting against the pass. ---Short Zone--- This is basically an ordinary short zone, although the safeties play fairly deep. This will be effective against stopping passes to the flats. ---Man/Zone 2--- Another good versatile 3-4 scheme. The defensive linemen rush toward the left side of the offensive line, and the safeties cover the sidelines. ---Medium Zone--- Medium Zone will shut down a pass of 15-20 yards, but a run may cause trouble. ---Wide Zone 2--- This is a lot like Wide Zone 1. You'll cover the pass, but you aren't likely to touch the quarterback. ---Triple Zone--- Not too different from the 4-3 version of Triple Zone; both safeties focus on shutting down passes to the flanker. The DLE and NT are on a stunt. ---Man Left--- A man-to-man defense, with more protection on the left side of the field than the right. ---Man Right--- Basically the reverse of Man Left. Helps contain the tight end and flanker. ---Tight Man--- This is tight man coverage with three linebackers blitzing. ---Wide Zone 3--- Just like Wide Zones 2 and 1. ---Monster Blitz--- Three linebackers are blitzing, and the safeties are playing the run. Not a good play to run against. Nickel (10) =============================================================================== The Nickel defense is best used in passing situations, as there are five defensive backs instead of four. ---Red Dog--- Woof! Both linebackers are blitzing, so this is a good way to put pressure on the quarterback without forsaking the deep zones. It's best to take control of one of the linebackers and move him closer to the line of scrimmage. ---Tight Man--- One linebacker is blitzing, and the defensive backs are in man coverage. The defensive line is rushing towards the center, so the inside run won't be able to do much, but an off left tackle could be dangerous. ---Double FL--- This double-teams the flanker (or more often, the split end). A good way to shut down a particularly dangerous receiver. ---Double SE--- Identical to Double FL, except this puts the split end (or sometimes the flanker) in double coverage. ---Bump & Run--- In Bump & Run, the linebackers play outside to stop outside runs. The defensive backs play man coverage. ---Prevent--- Everyone goes deep, so use this only when your opponents are in a two-minute drill and are trying to gain yards quickly. It's best against a "Hail Mary" or similar play. ---Man Tiger--- Both linebackers blitz. Your center defensive back is also blitzing, but he's too far away from the line of scrimmage to do anything unless you're controlling him. ---Safety Cheat--- The defensive tackles are on a stunt, while the center safety comes charging forward. He won't reach the QB unless you take control of him manually, though. This safety charge could leave a hole in the deep zone in the center of the field. ---Circle Zone--- This is a zone defense that's shaped in a circle. The weak point is the middle of that circle, although even passes there aren't going to cause too much damage. ---Full Zone--- Every zone is covered here, including the flats. However, this play could be very vulnerable to an inside run, particularly a draw play. Dime (9) =============================================================================== The Dime formation is even more pass-oriented, with six defensive backs and just one linebacker. Since it's weak against most running plays, especially the inside run, the Dime should generally be reserved for prevent situations. ---CB Blitz--- One of the cornerbacks blitzes the quarterback here, while the rest of the secondary is able to fill the hole. ---Center Blitz--- The lone linebacker blitzes, while the secondary plays man coverage. ---Double Blitz--- The second cornerback and linebacker blitz, with the other five defensive backs providing the other assignments. ---Short Zone--- The cornerbacks and linebacker protect against the short pass, while your safeties drop back to provide a last line of defense. ---Prevent 1--- The classic prevent defense. All of your defensive backs head deep to prevent the big play. Because of its passive nature, you definitely don't want to use it except when necessary. ---Prevent 2--- This deep zone stops the outside pass but may be vulnerable against passes up the middle. Good in a two-minute drill. ---Safety Cheat--- One of your safeties will be blitzing, but unless you take manual control of him, you won't come near the quarterback. ---Double FL--- This play usually double-teams the split end. ---Double SE--- This play double-teams the receiver lined up on the right side of the offense, usually the flanker. Goal Line (9) =============================================================================== The Goal Line formation counters the offensive version of the Goal Line. This should only be used near the goal line or possibly in certain obvious short- yardage situations. ---Left--- This is a general-purpose goal line defense that rushes toward the left side of the line. ---Center--- This is more geared toward stopping the inside run. ---Right--- Very similar to Left. ---Man Left 1--- In this man coverage system, the safety provides extra coverage on the left side of the field. ---Safety Blitz--- One of the defensive backs will blitz. ---Man Right 1--- Similar to Man Left 1, except the safety covers the right side of the field, and two pairs of linemen are on stunts. ---Man Left 2--- This is more aimed at stopping the pass and the outside left run. ---Zone/Man--- This is a man-to-man defense that's good against the pass down the middle. ---Man Right 2--- Basically a mirrored Man Left 2. Special Teams (3) =============================================================================== These plays are designed to defend against punts and field goals. ---Punt Rush--- Here your team goes all out trying to block the punt, but you won't be able to get a return. ---Punt Return--- Here your personnel will be blocking for your return man in an attempt to get a good return. ---Field Goal Block--- Use this if you know your opponent will be kicking a field goal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAQs and General Tips [NOTES] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q: What plays are the best audibles? A: Here are the audible selections I most frequently use. Offense [A] A run (Far/Near HB Toss, I-Form HB Sweep) [B] A versatile passing play (Pro Form Quick Posts, Single Back PA Streak, Run & Shoot Hooks) Defense [A] A balanced defense (4-3 Cheat Left, 3-4 Man/Zone 1) [B] A play that covers the pass (Nickel Full Zone, Dime Center Blitz) or a blitz (4-3 Mad Tiger Blitz, 3-4 Safety Blitz) Make sure to change your offensive audibles if you're using a hurry-up offense, or your defensive audibles if your opponents are in a hurry-up. Against a human player, you should change your audibles periodically to keep opponents on their toes. In case you didn't know, you can change audibles from the "Set Audibles" option on the Gameplay Options subscreen of the Pre-Game or pause screen. The most important thing is to select plays that work well for you as audibles. Q: How do I use a hurry-up offense? A: On the play selection screen, press SELECT to move the cursor to the lower part of the screen, then select the "NO HUD" option. After the play, you'll bypass the formation selection screen and run a play from the same package as the previous play, unless you call an audible. A no-huddle offense is useful if you need to get points fast, but it can also be useful for confusing or rushing your opponents, especially a human player. Q: How do I kick an onside kick? A: As in real life, onside kicks are very difficult to execute properly. First press A to call a kickoff audible, and then press B to change your team's alignment. Press B to start the power bar, and hold Right on the control pad to angle the kickoff toward the side where all your players are. You want to stop the power bar when it's on the way down. It takes a lot of practice to do this right. Q: Where's the Kneel Down play? A: There isn't one. If you need to run out the clock without risking a fumble, try something like QB Sneak from the Goal Line formation. Another option is to select a passing play and dive backwards right after you take the snap. Q: Is there fatigue in this game? A: No. No matter how fast a player runs, no player ever gets fatigued. Players could first tire in Madden '97. Q: What's the best way to put pressure on the opposing quarterback? A: Select the middle linebacker. Charge past the center and squash the quarterback! Even better, start running toward the line of scrimmage before the snap to get a running start. Better yet... Q: Where is the line of scrimmage? A: According to this game's nearsighted referee, it's at the feet of the offensive linemen, not the ball. With a little practice, you can line up a safety or other fast player in the "neutral zone" and squash the quarterback, deflect the pass, or stop the runner for a loss. This works especially well from the Punt Rush formation when you know the defense will punt. Q: Why is the computer controlling my quarterback? A: If you don't press any buttons after the snap, the computer takes over. The same goes on defense. You can usually generate better results than the computer, though. Q: How do I call a timeout? A: Pause the game and select "Call Timeout," assuming you have one or more timeouts remaining (and you have the ball). As you probably know, timeouts stop the game clock, so they're useful in a two-minute drill or when you're about to get a delay of game penalty. You can see how many timeouts you have left by checking the left side of the play selection screen. Q: What penalties appear in this game? A: Basically, you can get a delay of game penalty if you take too long to call your play on offense, and on defense you can get called for offsides by moving past the line of scrimmage before the snap. A few other penalties are rare, like illegal procedure (kicking the ball out of bounds on a kickoff). Q: What should I choose when I win the toss? A: It doesn't matter, although it's more fun to receive first. If you're deciding the goal to defend, you might want to have a tailwind on the kickoff. But it doesn't matter at all. Q: Why don't you include a player ratings section? A: I include that section in most of my Madden guides, but in this game a harder-to-quantify bar graph system is used. Also, some of the player ratings make little sense; Jacksonville, a popular Super Bowl pick that went 14-2, is the worst team in the game, tied only with Cleveland and New Orleans. I could've used the team ratings from the Nintendo 64 version of Madden 2000, but the portable and console versions of the game use different ratings. Q: Are you really a Jaguars fan? A: Yes. There aren't many of those. Q: What other tips and notes do you have? * This is common sense, but if you have a good running back and a weak passing game (like the Giants), run the ball a lot. Likewise, if you pass well but can't run (like the Falcons), you'll want to keep the ball in the air. * If you call an audible by mistake, just wait a couple of seconds and you can snap the ball as normal without calling an audible (wait for "Audible" to disappear). * The formation and play initially highlighted on the play selection screen is "Madden's Choice." If you're too lazy or indecisive to call your own plays, just keep pressing B and you'll get a reasonable play for your situation. * Run straight if you want to keep going fast; zig-zags slow you down. * Your split end (on the left) is usually the receiver in the first window, while the flanker (on the right) is generally assigned the middle window. The rightmost window is typically a tight end or halfback. However, you should refer to the play explanations for the information specific to each play; this isn't the case on all plays, especially if you reverse the play diagram. * You might enjoy slamming into opposing players after the whistle blows. You won't even get called for unnecessary roughness for doing so. * Computer-controlled teams in this game use a 3-4 defense, even though the 3-4 had fallen out of common use by 1999 (the game uses the same playbook from Madden '94, when the 3-4 was still very popular). * Unlike the 2-D console Madden games, it's very tough for defensive linemen to deflect passes. This makes the passing game much more effective. * The teams on the team selection screen are listed in alphabetical order (by city), except for the Cleveland Browns, which are listed last, and the Tennessee Titans, who still occupy the "H" spot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Comparing with Reality [REALL] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a brief summary of the 1999 NFL season. More in-depth information can be found at NFL.com, Wikipedia.org, and assorted other Internet and print sources. The biggest story of the year, of course, was St. Louis quarterback Kurt Warner, who went from bagging groceries and playing arena football just a few years earlier to leading the Rams to a 23-16 victory over the Tennessee Titans in Super Bowl XXXIV. Tennessee had an interesting run, too, in their first season under the Titans nameplate, thanks to the "Music City Miracle" in their memorable playoff game against Buffalo. Many people felt the Jacksonville Jaguars were the team to beat for the AFC crown. The Jaguars, who had entered the league just four years earlier, had accumulated Pro Bowlers all across the field. The Jags cruised to a 14-2 record in the regular season, but in the AFC Championship Game with Tennessee, they again lost to the same team that gave them their only two losses, blowing a first-half lead with some very costly turnovers. Owners voted to bring back instant replay for the 1999 season, thus making "indisputable visual evidence" part of the national lexicon. The Cleveland Browns returned to football after a four-year hiatus, giving the NFL a cumbersome 31 franchises. Perhaps more so than any other year, 1999 felt like a year of parity (the Super Bowl champions finished last in their division in 1998) and transition, as many of the great quarterbacks of their generation, like John Elway, Dan Marino, Steve Young, Troy Aikman, either retired or had reached the end of the line, as well as other stars like Barry Sanders, Michael Irvin, Thurman Thomas, and Andre Reed. And both starting running backs from the previous year's Super Bowl, Denver's Terrell Davis and Jamal Anderson of the Falcons, got injured and never returned to the same level. Lastly, Walter Payton, one of the best running backs in NFL history, passed away from a rare liver condition, as did former Cowboys linemen Mark Tuinei from drug problems. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version History [VERSN] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The biggest adrenaline rush of them all... the Version History. Date | Version | Size | --------|---------|------|----------------------------------------------------- 2-18-09 | 0.1 | 59KB | Began guide. 2-19-09 | 0.3 | 57KB | Reviewed 30% of the playbook. 2-20-09 | 0.75 | 59KB | Finished playbooks and suggested substitutions. 2-21-09 | 1.0 | 60KB | Completed controls and proofread and finished guide. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright [COPYR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (c) 2009 Vinny Hamilton. All rights reserved. All copyrights mentioned in this guide are property of their respective holders. You can print this guide out for your personal use. You can download this guide to your computer for personal use. You can post this guide on your Web site as long as you give proper credit to me AND you don't change a single letter, number, or symbol (not even a tilde). Remember that the latest version will always be available at GameFAQs.com, but don't count on there being many (if any) updates. You can translate this guide into a foreign language and post the translation on your Web site if you ask for permission first. You can't post this guide on your Web site and say you wrote the guide yourself. You can't post this guide on Web sites that contain (or have links to sites that contain) sexually explicit images of nude humans (that is, pornography), racism, gambling, or flattery of totalitarian regimes. You can't post this guide on your Web site if you're going to change anything in this guide that took me so many hours to write. If you don't comply with these guidelines, your hard drive will be reformatted (permanently erased) inexplicably and you will suffer from constipation for the remainder of your life. Heed this warning. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contact Information [CONTC] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have any questions or comments about this guide, send an e-mail to VHamilton002@gmail.com. Remember that not all e-mails will be read. Please follow these rules: Do include "Madden 2000" in the subject line. Do send polite suggestions about ways to make this walkthrough better. Do ask any questions you have about Madden NFL 2000 gameplay. I will answer them eventually if you follow all of these guidelines. Do tell me about any errors or omissions you find in this guide. Do make a reasonable effort to use decent spelling, grammar, usage, punctuation, and capitalization so I can understand what you're trying to say. Do use patience. I check my messages rather sporadically. Do not send spam, pornography, chain letters, "flaming," or anything that contains profanity or vulgarity. Again, violation of this rule will result in a lifetime of constipation, so be careful! And lastly, a public service message: Fight for and affirm the rights of all humans, regardless of race, age, or creed! And... Don't forget to eat your five fruits and vegetables today. No one's going to read this, anyway. For Evan